1 minute read
I dissent.
Calibrate optical aperture as per 5/1/89 vs 3, 7 for validity correction responding to A LYDIAN MODE:
“Call no man happy--”
Re Summer Tour: This Pela(s)gian sends his regrets to the brothers of Phi frat-- and since you’re counting, to 6 sig figs : “If you go… then I will never come…” Though I’d give my right hand to be wrong sub specie aeternitatis: ἀποκατάστᾰσις.

I was 16 when I got my yellow pin, then I counted the angels on it, then I pricked my thumbs-- well, you can guess the rest. All because it was easier than doing the math homework.
“If it be not now, yet it will come: the readiness is all.” Every modernotheist prays for an omnipotent God, because then He can be fooled. “Vengeance is Thine,” sayeth the last man, “as long as it is mine.”
38.495,22.8475 Nothing beside remains.
Corrected translation of 12/02/22 use of BG 11.32
5/2019: “Reform without enforcement is Camelot without Merlin.” You made Mark Twain’s point.

1. If Hobbes taught math, why isn’t the (un)Holy Trinity equilateral? It was; but from the Boss’s perspective, might makes right .
LEITMOTIV: “Allegorical rigidity has infected the motiv like a disease.” (The purpose of art is to repress the truth so it can return as art. ¬Freud)
2. Motto of The Artificial Person, Inc.: “Summum malum”-- the sum of all men.
10. Yes, yes, Nd2-but who knows who went last? 11. We know what it means, but do you know what it’s for? 12. What the liars tell the rubes so they can teach them how to want.
3. NB outside the walls wh ile [2.54.3]
4. “And lo!”
It is precisely such seeming eccentricities that actually give the game away.
Why would you wish for the end of this font?
9. We should take him at his word.
8. Three things missing from this Chick’s stoning.
In Medias Res
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Counterclockwise, mofr the corrected job:
13. When you call for pigs on sticks, people will bring their own sticks and find their own pigs.
5. Cheating? Bikini? All of today’s sexual fantasies begin here.
“If ignorance is bliss, why aren’t more people happy?” They are, but it doesn’t count unless someone is counting.
But why a Letter of Marque? The important thing is to say whatever comes to mind.
6. Song of Regret, in the Lydian mode ©