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The school hopes to achieve carbon neutrality and more by 2040
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 45 important, especially on the staff/faculty side to make it as easy as possible, because we have folks who have been here 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 years and doing things differently is going to be a much bigger ask for them than for a student body that turns over every [four to six] years.”
Ledbetter mentioned that, in order to make this transition as smooth as possible for these faculty members, there will be incentive structures implemented to help support this behavior change.
In terms of educating students in the campus community, Ledbetter referenced a variety of initiatives, from teaching students how to recycle properly to taking broader action by integrating concepts like sustainability and climate action into course curriculums.
“In an ideal world, everyone who graduates from the University of Arizona, regardless of their major, understands how those concepts connect to them,” Ledbetter said. “Whether you’re in retail and consumer sciences, you understand how fast fashion and sustainability intersect. If you’re a marketing major, you understand how greenwashing impacts consumers and how companies leverage sustainability to sell a service or a product.”
Student involvement, not just in receiving education about this issue, but also having a strong voice throughout this process, remains a priority for members of the advisory team, especially Soni and Hughes.
“There are going to be a ton of opportunities for students to have say and input. There’s going to be workshops and working groups where students can bring their expertise and perspectives,” Hughes said. “It is interesting and empowering to have a student perspective sitting on an executive team to make sure those people are being held accountable to what the students bring to the table.”
The UA’s Sustainability & Climate Action Plan also places an emphasis on diversity, equity and inclusion.
Divest leaders believe that a part of this inclusion must involve listening to and supporting marginalized communities throughout this process.
“You have to be conscious that maybe some students are emitting more from their transportation, why is that? Not everyone can afford an electric vehicle,” Wetherell said. “So you can put all this electric vehicle infrastructure in place, but there has to be an understanding and supporting of why certain people emit more, and have a conscious effort in that plan to support those students to make a more sustainable transition.”
Ledbetter also highlighted the importance of community involvement and engagement throughout this entire process.
“Even if someone is coming from no background in sustainability, it is really important that we hear from those voices and to understand their perspective and where they’re coming from with regards to these topics,” Ledbetter said. “We’re really good at engaging with the people who are already a part of this world, so to speak. But we’re really trying to engage folks in as many ways as possible to meet them where they’re at.”
Hughes also believes it’s unreasonable for people to think sustainability is out of their reach.
“It is not over your head, it is not something you can’t contribute to. You 100 percent can contribute to this, and you should because it’s going to shape student experiences for a very long time,” Hughes said.
The kick-off was an example of attempts at this engagement. Students, faculty and any members of the community were invited to the kick-off meeting to ask questions, participate in activities and voice their opinions on potential solutions and strategies for this action plan.
Helm spoke about the necessity of hearing student voices at this April 11 event and in the conversations to follow.
“The actual plan itself will be designed for an inclusive and equitable process. It’s meant to engage University of
Arizona students, faculty, staff and community members, and that is one of the reasons why we invited all of you here today, because you will be asked to help us as valued members of our community,” Helm said. “Your input is really needed. And you can help us identify solutions that will help make the university a more sustainable, equitable and resilient place to learn, work and thrive together.”
Students are invited to fill out a campus community input survey sent out in an email by President Dr. Robert C. Robbins. Wetherell noted that this is a great way for students to have their voices heard and give input on what initiatives should be included in the plan.
Those involved in the plan are aware that it is an ambitious goal, but the leadership team is confident that it can happen.
“This plan is really aggressive, which is nice. It is ahead of most countries’ pledges and even the Paris Agreement in terms of when we want carbon neutrality to happen, which is 2040, which is insane because that’s really fast,” Hughes said. “But everyone’s really committed to that, and I think it’s an ambitious goal, but it’s something that we can complete.”
“I cannot stress enough how important that widespread support for this action is. We need to keep this momentum because our carbon emissions are increasing […]. After the pandemic, our university is on track to business as usual. Returning to business as usual is simply not an option,” Helm said at the kick-off. “We need to be bold and determined to make change, and look around the room. I am encouraged. I feel strongly that we can do it.”