The Daily Wildcat 1.12.12

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Thursday, January , 



‘Unfriending’ could have psychological impact By Brittny Mejia DAILY WILDCAT A UA researcher found losing friends on Facebook may present negative psychological effects for some, but for a site that has more than 800 million users and counting, losing one friend may seem insignificant to others. David Sbarra, a UA psychology professor, said the psychological effects on some Facebook users who are unfriended are especially

common in those with a history of social rejection. Neuroscience research demonstrates that even rejection from something as simple as a game of catch can cause activation in regions of the brain that are associated with physical pain, Sbarra said. “We are a social species, we get along best by connecting with other people,” he said. “Being unfriended is a signal that something isn’t going right in the social environment

and we are programmed to detect threats in the social environment.” Sbarra explained that some people are hyper-focused on relationships and their status within those relationships. These people tend to have a more anxious attachment to others and are more likely to get upset when unfriended. “I think it would bother people who aren’t social and don’t have a lot of friends, or people with a low self-esteem,” said Erica Goudy,

a psychology sophomore who has more than 100 Facebook friends. Others with a friend count as high as 700 sometimes don’t even notice when someone deletes them, or if they do, they are unfazed by the action. “It bothers people that are addicted to Facebook and care too much,” said Tim Brousse, a freshman studying pre-business who has more than 700 friends. “It doesn’t bug me at all.”

Sometimes the act of unfriending is as simple as people going through their Facebook friend list and deleting anyone they do not socialize with, Sbarra said. Other times, being unfriended can reflect a rift in a friendship. “I don’t really care,” said Beatriz Verdugo, a pre-business sophomore. “You don’t really need a friend if they’re deleting you. You can tell what kind of person they are if they do.”

Fix your flat free of charge Students can repair their bikes with provided tools at two campus spots By Kyle Mittan


The women’s rugby club is one of the on-campus club sports that attracts students ready to compete, have fun and meet new people — but playing a part comes with a price. Although the UA gives some funding to club sports, travel expenses and equipment are often covered by the athletes themselves.

Clubs fight for funding from UA By Savannah Martin DAILY WILDCAT Few students are aware that the UA is home to more than 30 club sports, including men’s and women’s rugby, lacrosse, ultimate frisbee and even ballroom dancing. Many of these teams compete on a national level, traveling cross-country to participate in tournaments and championships. According to Mary O’Mahoney, assistant director for sports clubs and aquatics at the UA Department of Student Recreation, more than

1,100 students participate in sports clubs at the UA. Despite their popularity, many students are oblivious to the variety and size of the sports club program. “A lot of people don’t even realize that there is a women’s rugby team,” said Carly Gieszl, a sophomore studying family studies and human development and president of the Women’s Rugby Football Club. “A lot of people hear about the men’s team but they’re like, ‘wait, women’s rugby?’”

Each year, students pay a health and recreation fee of $300. A portion of this fee goes to support the Sport Club Program at the Department of Campus Recreation, which allocates $100,000 to provide facilities and trainers for each team, O’Mahoney said. Campus Recreation reimburses teams for other expenses as well, like traveling to competitions. Not every team receives the same amount of funding. Instead, Campus Recreation decides how much money to allocate to each team using a

classification system that is based on the team’s activity during the previous year. Teams receive points in seven categories, including the size of the club, the number of practices and meetings held each week, the cost of maintaining the club and the club’s competitiveness. The total number of points a club receives determines which funding category it belongs in. Additionally, teams must submit a budget request that is determined by


UA students compete in pageants By Eliza Molk DAILY WILDCAT When UA students Jennifer Sedler and Piper Stoeckel were competing against each another in dance competitions years ago, they never thought they would be running for Miss America or Miss Arizona years later. “I wasn’t one of the ‘Toddlers and Tiaras’ little girls,” said Sedler, a physiology sophomore who decided to participate in pageants about a year ago when she learned they could help her gain scholarship money, further her outreach to the community and advance her education. Sedler, who is currently Miss Arizona, will be competing in the Miss America pageant on Jan. 14. The journey toward becoming a contestant for Miss America was a long one, Sedler said, because she first had to win a local title, Miss Phoenix, and then be crowned Miss

“I already know this is going to be one of the most memorable and incredibly life-changing weeks of my life,” she said. The Miss America organization has also helped her as a student, she said, by allowing her to develop business and interview skills that will benefit her future career practicing medicine. Sedler will be returning to the UA to finish her undergraduate degree in fall 2012 unless she wins Miss America, in which case she will return in January of 2013. “I’m the fourth generation in my family to attend the UA, so I’ve got Wildcat in my blood,” she said. COURTESY OF JENNIFER SEDLER AMY WEBB / DAILY WILDCAT Piper Stoeckel, a journalism Jennifer Sedler (left) and Piper Stoeckel (right) senior, Miss Tucson Valley and contestant in Miss Arizona, has been competing against Sedler in dance Arizona. Winning these titles was not filling out “mounds” of paperwork. Sedler, who is already prepar- competitions since Stoeckel was 10 limited to being the best in the actual competition, Sedler said. She also ing for the competition on the Miss years old. Stoeckel said that even needed to have the best essays, fact America pageant grounds, said she PAGEANT, 3 sheets and resumes in addition to is “loving every single moment of it.”

DAILY WILDCAT A brand-new pair of do-it-yourself bicycle repair stations have been installed on campus, maintaining the UA’s reputation as a bike-friendly campus. The lime green stations, manufactured by Dero Bike Racks, have been installed in two locations on campus — in front of the Henry Koffler building and on the west side of the Arizona Health Sciences Center. Users are able to hang their bikes from the seatpost and make minor adjustments using the 17 tools that are tethered to the unit, including a manual air pump. According to Bill Davidson, marketing manager for Parking and Transportation Services, the stations were an obvious step in the right direction in terms of making bicycling on campus easier, especially after the success of the bike station on the UA Mall, which is run by volunteers from a bike association in Pima County. “We wanted to really take that bike station idea to the next level and pilot two repair stations where people can do their own bike-fixing and get air,” Davidson said. Davidson also added that one of the best parts about the new stations is that everything is free, including the air, which can cost money at other locations like convenience stores. Funding for the stations came directly from within the PTS budget — the department generates its own revenue through parking passes and tickets, and receives no funding from the university. Students who bike regularly on campus said they are also finding the stations to be a practical addition considering the UA’s high amount of bicycle traffic.



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