Daily Wildcat — October 5, 2011

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Wendesday, october , 



UA astronomy pioneer dies at 88 Researcher founded Kitt Peak Observatory, Optical Sciences Center By Jazmine Woodberry DAILY WILDCAT

Aden Meinel, who was instrumental in the development of the UA’s Lunar and Planetary Laboratory and the namesake of the Meinel Optical Sciences building, died Monday at age 88.

His research spanned from optical design to solar energy to atmospheric physics and astronomy. After earning his doctorate from the University of California, Berkeley, in the late 1940s, Meinel began scouting locations for a national observatory, noting Tucson’s Kitt Peak as one of the best sites in the nation and eventually becoming the founding director there. He became the director of Steward Observatory in 1961, and later the Optical Sciences Center in 1966. “If you look at the strongest

departments and activities (at the UA) — astronomy and optical sciences — without his coming here, it’s doubtful that astronAden Meinel omy would be Former dept. head anything like what it has become and certainly optical sciences wouldn’t exist and those are two really renowned departments,”

said Roger Angel, UA Regents’ professor. The founder and director of the UA Steward Observatory Mirror Lab, Angel said he would not be where he is in his career today without Meinel. “Aden really did huge things for the university in astronomy and optical sciences,” he said. “My career would have been completely different. A lot of the things that brought me here, he was in large measure responsible for. I probably wouldn’t have been here and if I had come, I’d probably have

ended up doing very different things.” Peter Strittmatter, head of the UA astronomy department, agreed, saying Meinel “helped obtain the money and was the person who conceived of space astronomy here and revolutionized astronomical telescopes” on campus, of which the UA is still doing work on. “When you think about the Tucson area, it’s often called Optics Valley – and that’s owed to Aden Meinel’s legacy,” Strittmatter said. Plans for a memorial have yet to be announced.

At that point I must admit I thought a mistake had been made but that mistake never went away.” —Brian Schmidt

Alum wins Nobel Prize in physics By Luke Money DAILY WILDCAT


Cars parked poorly present problems for students who commute to campus. Parking and Transportation Services regularly cites such offenses.

Parking issues cost drivers, perplex campus community By Savannah Martin



rom its cost to its inconvenience, campus parking is a constant problem for many UA students. Many students said drivers who occupy more than one space, park crookedly or park in the wrong zone only exacerbate the situation. More than 50,000 people work, study and live on the UA campus. According to Joyce Childers, the enforcement supervisor at UA Parking and Transportation Services, there are 18,200 parking spaces campuswide, including

service spaces and motorcycle parking. A permit to park in one of the UA’s seven garages costs $568 per year. Parking violations on campus are referred to PTS. The agency cites drivers for “parking in such a manner as to obstruct areas necessary for vehicular movement,” “parking an oversized vehicle in a compact car space so as to extend beyond the stall lines” and “parking a vehicle in a manner that prevents another vehicle from using an adjacent legal space or occupying two spaces with one vehicle,” according to the UA’s motor vehicle parking

They said it “People should learn to drive.” — Billy Dimitri, civil engineering junior “I’m not a fan of people taking up two spaces, in general.” — Ellen Hill , nutrition and Spanish freshman


Students reach for power of sun





Solar initiatives on campus provide electricity, education

Unless you feel like explaining to your passengers why the menage-a-trois in the blacked-out blur of last weekend ruled, steer clear of this track.”


With a bevy of ongoing and new sustainability projects in the works, UA students are finding many ways to make the most out of Tucson’s 350-plus days of sunshine. The largest of these projects has been Posada San Pedro Residence Hall’s new photovoltaic solar panels. They have been the largest solar initiative project on campus. The project was almost entirely student-run, which was no accident; it was meant to be an educational experience. “Yes, it’s a great sustainability project, and it’s great for the environment,” said Alex Blandeburgo, the assistant director and director of facilities for Residence Life. “But we also wanted it to be very hands on, and very educational.” SolarCats, with some help from Students for Sustainability — the group that established the UA Green Fund — all worked together over the past three years since the project’s inception. The project, which cost $94,000, was funded with appropriations from the Student Services Fee Board, Metropolitan Energy Commission, UA Green Fund, Tucson Luxury Power Rebate and UA Residence Life. Katherine Weingartner, a senior studying public

Brian Schmidt, a 1989 UA physics and astronomy alumnus has been awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics, along with two other researchers. Schmidt, now a professor at the Australian National University, won the award with professor Adam Riess from Johns Hopkins University and professor Saul Perlmutter from the University of California, Berkeley, for their discovery that the universe is expanding at an exponentially increasing rate, driven by a force known as dark energy. The discovery was originally announced in 1998, and has been verified by Brian Schmidt several studies since then. UA alumnus “At that point I must admit I thought a mistake had been made but that mistake never went away,” Schmidt said in an interview posted on the Nobel Prize website. Schmidt said that, though a great deal of uncertainty about the exact nature of dark matter still exists, the current model of the universe is well known and widely accepted. “We have an uncertainty of what the dark energy actually is, that is, why does it exist, but the model of dark energy, dark matter, normal atoms, really explains in exquisite detail the observations we make in the universe,” Schmidt said. Schmidt could not be reached for additional comment as of press time. Peter Strittmatter, the head of the UA astronomy


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Katherine Weingartner discusses the sustainability project of Likens Hall and Posada San Pedro Residence Hall on Monday.

management and policy and former president of SolarCats, is the program director of the project, known as Posada San Pedro Solar Powered. After signing on her freshman year, Weingartner and the rest of the team moved forward with the idea that the project could be excellent from a sustainability standpoint and provide an educational opportunity as well. “I didn’t just want the solar panels to be up there


This day in history

>> 1947: President Harry Truman delivers the first televised presidential address from the White House. >> 1962: The Beatles launch their first UK single “Love Me Do.” It reaches No. 16. >> 2001: The anthrax scare begins after a man in Florida dies after opening a letter containing anthrax bacteria.

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