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UA moves to No. 15 in BCS rankings with win over UCLA. Sets up marquee match-up with Stanford SPORTS, 8


High schools from across western U.S. showcase talent at Arizona Stadium NEWS, 5


monday, november , 

tucson, arizona


Bookstore singles out shoplifters By Lucy Valencia ARIZONA DAILY WILDCAT Shoplifting from the UofA Bookstore may seem like an easy task, but students should think twice before walking out with items they did not pay for. “It’s like any other store, there’s going to be people wanting to get something for free or without paying for it,” said Sgt. Juan Alvarez, the public information officer with the University of Arizona Police Department. To thwart would-be shoplifters,

the bookstore employs a team of specialists who monitor the store at all time. “We have a security team of highly trained people who have their own room with surveillance security cameras,” said Kurtis Durfey, marketing specialist for the bookstore. “These Loss Prevention team security employees are trained to spot potential shoplifters, and watch for body language that can indicate you’re not really there to buy something.” They have been there since the

bookstore’s renovation in 2003, according to Joseph Contreras, program aide for the Loss Prevention team. Once a Loss Prevention team specialist catches a potential shoplifter or notices irregular behavior, the procedure begins. Shoplifters on campus are usually caught inside the bookstore or just outside of it, according to Alvarez. Then UAPD handles it from there. “Generally it’ll be a misdemeanor charge, depending on the item stolen,” Alvarez said. “They will be given a citation and a date

to appear in court, usually with a large fine to pay.” Consequences also depend on the shoplifters’ reaction and behavior, according to Alvarez. “If a shoplifter runs, becomes combative or is uncooperative, and depending on what the officer chooses, they can be taken to jail,” he said. Shoplifting is typically charged as petty or grand theft, depending on the value of the item taken. According to the Associated Students of the University of Arizona legal services website, misdemeanors are

less serious crimes, but students could still face serious consequences if they do not take their citation seriously. Alvarez says most tickets are $1,200, “but it really depends on what you stole and on the judge.” Some judges may choose to waive the ticket, or lessen it to smaller payments made over a period of time, he explained. One of the most common times for catching a shoplifter is during the time the bookstore does used THEFT, page 3

UA alumna wins pageant Church

target of terror plot

By Steven Kwan ARIZONA DAILY WILDCAT UA alumna Kyra Batté was crowned as the 2011 Miss Pima County yesterday and received a $2,500 scholarship. “I was shocked,” Batté said after the pageant. “I was so thrilled though and so happy, and I’m so excited to go to state again to compete for Miss Arizona.” Batté credits her pageant experiences, which began three years ago, for helping her grow as a person. “I probably would not have gotten (my) job if it wasn’t for the hard interview questions they ask us here,” she said. Batté earned her bachelor ’s degree in psychology in 2009 and currently works as a case manager at COPE Community Services in Tucson, both of which formed the foundation for her platform of raising awareness and support for mental health issues in Arizona. Batté said she would use the scholarship money to pay off her student loans. Family and friends were on hand as Batté and eight other contestants competed in the John J. Pedicone Jr. Performing Arts Center at Flowing Wells High School . They included students and alumnae from Arizona State University, Pima Community College and Marana High School . Miss Pima County Scholarship Pageant contestants are judged in multiple competitions, each with specific criteria . They each choose a platform based on causes that range from volunteering to multiple sclerosis awareness. In addition to a pre-pageant PIMA, page 3


Hallie Bolonkin/Arizona Daily Wildcat

UA alumnae Vanessa Sircy wins first runner-up and Krya Batté wins the 2011 Miss Pima County 2011 Scholarship Pageant. The scholarship awarded to Batté totaled $2,500, and Vanessa Sircy was awarded $750 for first runner up.

CHICAGO — About two dozen members of the Congregation Or Chadash were enjoying their usual Friday evening dinner before services at their headquarters when they got the startling news that they were apparently the target of an international terrorist plot. The small congregation for gay, lesbian, transgender and bisexual Jews had gotten used to a life of relative obscurity — too small with about 100 members to afford its own building or build much of a profile. How a terrorist in Yemen who had rigged printer cartridges with explosives would know who and where they are sparked as much puzzlement as fear, congregants said over the weekend. “I thought ‘Wow, I didn’t know we had such visibility,’” congregation member Marvin Levin said. Pausing, he added: “I don’t know that we want such visibility.” Federal officials announced Saturday that a woman in Yemen had been arrested in the alleged terrorist plot that sent several packages to the U.S. loaded with the industrial explosive, PETN. Authorities have not said which two Chicago addresses the packages were mailed to, but PLOT, page 3

Republicans cautiously optimistic MCCLATCHY TRIBUNE WASHINGTON— Top Republicans conceded Sunday that they could fall short of winning control of the Senate in Tuesday’s congressional elections. Tensions rose over a faltering Tea-Party-backed Republican candidate in Alaska. One top Senate Republican declined to say whether he thought his party’s candidate, Joe Miller, could still win, and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Plain lashed out at Republicans, Democrats and the media for Miller’s problems. Overall, Republicans predicted sweeping wins on Tuesday, including a takeover of the House of Representatives, enough wins


to control a majority of the nation’s governorships, and substantial gains in the Senate. They need to win a net of 10 seats to take control of the Senate. “It’s harder in the Senate,” said Gov. Haley Barbour of Mississippi, chairman of the Republican Governors Association and a former chairman of the Republican National Committee, during an appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “We’ll make a lot of headway. I’m not predicting that we will get the majority this cycle. I think it probably is going to take two cycles,” said Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, on ABC’s “This Week” program. “But there is certainly a potential there, depending on just how

“Wynn Bullock: Color Light Abstractions” and “The Edge of Vision” exhibits at the Center for Creative Photography, 1030 N. Olive Road

high and how broad this wave election is.” Democrats insisted that they will retain control of both the House and Senate. “It’s not a lost cause,” said Rep. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, during an appearance on Fox News Sunday. “Democrats are going to hold onto the House.” He said Democrats are turning out in early voting in many states, more than expected and enough to counter any Republican wave. Van Hollen also said that undecided voters remain up for grabs. “What they’re now doing is SENATE, page 3

Paul Tople/The Akron Beacon Journal

Free screening of “Abused: The Postville Raid,” a movie about one of the largest and most expensive Immigration and Customs Enforcement raids in history, 7 p.m. at the UA Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering auditorium, 1130 N. Mountain Ave.

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: @DailyWildcat

Stefan George performs live at 9:30 p.m. at Plush, Fourth Avenue and Sixth Street


• monday, november 1, 2010 • arizona daily wildcat

Colin Darland Editor in Chief 520•621•7579 editor@wildcat.arizona.edu

weather Today’s High: 84 Low: 57

ODDS & ENDS worth noting

Christy Delehanty Page 2 Editor 520•621•3106 arts @wildcat.arizona.edu


What are you wearing for Halloween?

Tomorrow: H: 84 L: 57

on the spot

Something scary.

Halloween is over, the holidays are here

Something funny. Something clever.

New question: Have you ever stolen anything from the UofA Bookstore?

News Tips

Ewa Pietraszek


pre-pharmacy freshman How do you start off your morning? What is your morning routine? I get out of bed, last minute and then I get some yogurt and a granola bar and I’m off to class. PSU? PSU, oh yeah. Do you feel that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? Yes, but I just never have time to eat a whole entire breakfast. Do you rely on coffee and or caffeine to get you through the day? Not really, I used to, but I just don’t. I’m too lazy to walk over to the student union to get coffee every day. I feel you girl. When was the last time you had one of those awkward moments where you laughed out loud by yourself whether it was over a text message or just a funny thought? I think that happens like every day (laughs). What was the most awkward time? I think it was in class and I went on Facebook and I just saw something and I just started laughing, it was kind of embarrassing, I think it was in my trad. Pretty awkward. How was your spooky Halloween weekend or are you still continuing the celebration throughout today? Friday and Saturday I hit up some parties, and (Sunday), I am just studying. What was the worst Halloween outfit you saw, on a boy or girl? Oh my gosh, this one girl, well it’s not really bad … no, it is bad. She wore really, really tiny spankies and a Keystone box over her boobs, that’s it. It was kind of bad. I was a nerd on Friday and a football player yesterday. Do you think it’s too early to start planning unique ideas for next year? No, it’s not. I actually went to Wal-Mart with my roommate and we were thinking to start looking for our costumes now for next year. And what about Christmas, have you started making your lists now that Halloween is over and the Holidays are approaching? Christmas lists, no. I always know what I am getting for Christmas but I did start thinking about outfits for Christmas. For mass? No, for like family parties. What about decorations? Do you make your own ornaments? No, I am very last minute with those things I kind of rely on my parents for that stuff. What is your favorite holiday Starbucks beverage? Cinnamon dulce latte, or pumpkin spice, but I have to be in the mood. When are you going to pull out your Uggs? I’m from Chicago, so Uggs are a little outrageous for me in this climate. — Caroline Nachazel

Gordon Bates/Arizona Daily Wildcat

A discarded shoe lies in a trash can near the Physics and Atmospheric Science building on Saturday, showing evidence of a possible misinterpretation of the neighboring bicycle traffic control sign.

Clowns: Don’t call Washington politics ‘a circus’ You can call Washington a mess. You can call it a farce. But please don’t call it a circus. Clowns, jugglers, carnies and other performers making their living under the big top are frustrated by the state of American politics, but they say it’s unfair to compare their business to what’s going on inside the Beltway. “If you look at the history of the American circus, you’ll find that it’s one of the most efficient and well-run industries in America,” says Keith Nelson, also known as Kinko the Clown of the Bindlestiff Family Circus, a New York City-based group that

has traveled the world. “Before you call anyone in Washington a clown, consider how hard a clown works, and that clowns make people happy. And at the very least, do no harm.” Myron the Magnificent, another Bindlestiff performer, says a little tomfoolery is fine for the stage. “It’s great for the big top. It’s great for Las Vegas,” he says. “In Washington, I think they need to use their brains and diplomacy, to make the world a better place.” But if Washington could learn something from the circus, it would be a very simple lesson.

“Stop all the fighting,” ringmistress Stephanie Monseau says. “Don’t take yourself so seriously.” To be sure, the United States isn’t the only place where politics is likened to a sideshow. Voters in Brazil recently cast more than 1.3 million votes for Francisco Everardo Oliveira Silva, better known as Tiririca the Clown. He received more than twice as many votes as his closest rival in the race to represent the people of Sao Paulo in the Brazilian congress. Tiririca’s simple platform: “It can’t get any worse!” And voters clearly agreed. —AOL News

Woman: “Was this the second guy?” Other woman: “No, this is the third guy. I was done with the second within the first 10 seconds of grinding.” — Park Student Union

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Arizona Daily Wildcat Vol. 104, Issue 50

The Arizona Daily Wildcat is an independent student newspaper published daily during the fall and spring semesters at the University of Arizona. It is distrubted on campus and throughout Tucson with a circulation of 15,000. The function of the Daily Wildcat is to disseminate news to the community and to encourage an exchange of ideas. The Daily Wildcat was founded under a different name in 1899. All copy, photographs, and graphics appearing in the Arizona Daily Wildcat are the sole property of the Wildcat and may not be reproduced without the specific consent of the editor in chief. A single copy of the Daily Wildcat is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of mutiple copies will be considered theft and may be prosecuted. Additional copies of the Daily Wildcat are available from the Student Media office. The Arizona Daily Wildcat is a member of The Associated Press and the Associated Collegiate Press.

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fast facts •“Superhero” has been jointly trademarked by DC Comics and Marvel comics. •The most valuable comic book in the world is Action Comics #1 which includes the origin and first appearance of Superman. •Kryptonite made its first appearance on the Superman radio show, not in the comic book.

The Daily Wildcat is always interested in story ideas and tips from readers. If you see something deserving of coverage, contact news editor Michelle Monroe at news@wildcat.arizona.edu or call the newsroom at 621-3193.

•Superman is 6 feet 2 inches tall. •Wonder Woman’s bulletproof bracelets were made of a metal called feminum. •Marvel comics put a hyphen in SpiderMan’s name so he would not be confused with Superman. •Captain Marvel’s appearance was modeled after actor Fred MacMurray.

Advertising Department 520-621-3425


Requests for corrections or complaints concerning news and editorial content of the Arizona Daily Wildcat should be directed to the editor in chief. For further information on the Daily Wildcat’s approved grievance policy, readers may contact Mark Woodhams, director of Arizona Student Media, in the Sherman R. Miller Newsroom at the Park Student Union. Editor in Chief Colin Darland News Editor Michelle A. Monroe Sports Editor Tim Kosch Opinions Editor Heather Price-Wright Design Chief Jessica Leftault Arts Editor Christy Delehanty


Photo Editor Lisa Beth Earle

Today’s birthday

Get into the swing of work early this year to take advantage of opportunities to change your financial landscape. The early bird really does get the worm. You can depend on updated previous research to provide the right data. Aries (March 21 - April 19) — Today is a 5 — Your attention is on others today. This could be good if you maximize the opportunities that come your way while attending to other people’s concerns. Taurus (April 20 - May 20) — Today is a 7 — Spending time with a partner or associate opens up opportunities everywhere. Early in the day, a creative idea gets you started on a new track. Gemini (May 21 - June 21) — Today is an 8 — Most of your energy is directed at others. Work requires research before you tackle a project. Consider the long-term ramifications in your calculations. Cancer (June 22 - July 22) — Today is an 8 — Stay close to home and work on creative projects today. Do some research. Take care of details from the weekend before moving on to the next task. Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22) — Today is a 6 — Stay close to home today. Opportunities arise for completing tasks and organizing space. A trip to the hardware store is in order. Make a list before you go. Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22) — Today is a 6 — You fall into a discussion about a creative plan and how it fits with your emotional needs. Others play a practical part with suggestions and committed listening.

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) — Today is a 7 — Imagine it to accomplish it now. Multiple opportunities for increasing both bank balance and self-esteem come with no strings attached. Choose. Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21) — Today is a 6 — At last, you and a partner reconnect. Recent stress has kept you apart, but now you get to play together and enjoy the magic. Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21) — Today is a 7 — Focus your attentions on research behind the scenes to discover what will work when you go public. You want it all neat and tidy when you present. Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19) — Today is a 7 — Attention to philosophical motives helps relationships grow. Listen to a woman who’s researched a group goal. Her information opens opportunities for all. Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18) — Today is a 9 — Today can really be fun. Enjoy the details, and practical problem solving. Social contacts up the ante, inviting you to present your skills. You’re up to it. Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20) — Today is a 6 — Your attention is on abstract problems or communication with distant associates. Don’t expect instant results. Work closely with a partner.

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arizona daily wildcat • monday, november 1, 2010 •


continued from page 1

Party officials temper election goals The Arizona Daily Wildcat

taking a very close look at these Republican candidates, recognizing that they’re way off on the right extreme,” Van Hollen said. “Many of them are these candidates that have been recruited and blessed by Sarah Palin. And they’re saying, ‘We don’t want someone way off on the right.’” Complicating Republican hopes to take the Senate: two tea party candidates who seized Republican nominations away from more moderate and established candidates in Alaska and Delaware. In Alaska, Cornyn conceded that he’s concerned about Miller, the party’s nominee. Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski had seemed all but certain to hold the seat. But she was defeated in a


continued from page 1

continued from page 1


nominee of our party, which is Mr. Miller...but are concerned,” Cornyn said. Asked if Miller could win, he said, “Well, I think that polls are very close now between Senator Murkowski and Joe Miller, and what we want to make sure of is that the Democrat doesn’t win.” Palin, appearing on Fox News Sunday where she is a paid contributor, blamed “the GOP machine and the Democrats and the liberal media” for Miler ’s problems. She lashed out at a TV station in Alaska, saying they conspired with Murkowski to find a child molester in a Miller rally. “Those are corrupt bastards,” Palin said. Menendez suggestedthattheraceisdown

to Murkowski vs. McAdams, and that McAdams “actually has a real chance of winning this race.” In Delaware, Republican insiders once thought they had a slam dunk to take the Democratic seat once held by Vice President Joe Biden when it appeared that popular Rep. Mike Castle would win the nomination. But he was upset in August by tea party favorite Christine O’Donnell. She’s now handicapped both by her staunch conservatism in a more liberal state and by controversial statements such as believing that scientists are developing mice with human brains and that she had classified information about a secret Chinese plan to take over America. She trails in polls by double digits.


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on video surveillance attempting to leave the bookstore without paying for the items. The student could not be reached for comment as of press time. A copy of the receipt for the items — which were valued at $10.90 in total — was placed into UAPD property as evidence. A similar incident occurred on Sept. 3, when a student tried to take a UA jersey without paying for it before he was stopped by security immediately outside of the front doors. The individual, who was unable

to be contacted, was cited and released from the scene. Photographs were taken of

STATS Total shoplifting attempts reported: 32 October: 7 September: 13 August: 12

about 140 children between kindergarten and seventh grade. Or Chadash leaders said they learned that their group was an intended recipient of one of the Yemen packages from Emanuel’s Rabbi Michael Zedek. “It was just a surprise,” said Rabbi Larry Edwards of Or Chadash. “When I was first hearing news (about the packages), I assumed there were probably bigger targets. We’re a small congregation. Either we were selected at random or it’s because we’re a mostly gay congregation.”

Or Chadash, which is aligned with the Union of Reform Judaism, began after somebody placed an ad in a local paper in 1976, seeking to meet with likeminded gay and lesbian Jews, Levin said. “At that time, it was probably one of the few places gay and lesbian Jews could openly worship in the area,” he said. “Today, there are many more options, and some people like to be part of a congregation that’s more mainstream, while others like to worship with people like themselves.” Or Chadash members

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Santa Ritas awarded Sircy its $500 Quality of Life Scholarship for her essay about her platform titled “Think SMART — Saving Missing, Abducted, Runaway and Thrownaway Children.” Batté takes over the title from Kathryn Bulkley, who is the current Miss Arizona and a competitor for the 2011 Miss America crown this January. Bulkley was a pre-veterinary science major at the UA before taking

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the last year off in order to carry out her duties as Miss Arizona. As the 2011 Miss Pima County, Batté will travel throughout southern Arizona and to Phoenix for public appearances, charity events and fundraisers. Bulkley said she and Batté became friends during her time as Miss Pima County and was thrilled that she won. She had advice for Batté. “Have fun. Take

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vowed not to let the threat affect their how they operate. Members of the Emanuel Congregation reacted with a mix of weary humor and sadness over the idea that harm might have come to students at the day school. “There is nothing shocking in (the threat),” Zedek said during a service Saturday. “We’re heartbroken. But realistically, as well, one lives in this world.” “The real tragedy of this is if it caused us to hate,” said Shifra Werch, an Emanuel congregant.

advantage of your time as Miss Pima County and all the connections you can make,” Bulkley said. Winning Miss Pima County is a preliminary step to competing in the Miss Arizona competition. Whoever takes the crown then moves on as a contestant for the Miss America title. Batté will compete in the Miss Arizona Scholarship Pageant in June 2011.

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the item he tried to steal and placed into UAPD evidence, along with a copy of the receipt and security camera footage. The most common items stolen from the bookstore are school supplies, specifically staplers and staples, according to Contreras. “I guess students think since the items are of little expense, that there’s less consequence,” he added. “It’s a matter of knowing right from wrong,” Alvarez said. “And shoplifters know what they did was wrong.”

Winner will compete for Miss Arizona

interview, contestants compete in swimsuit, talent and evening gown competitions. For the talent portion, Batté performed a tap dance to “Happy Feet,” a swing song by Paul Whiteman . Vanessa Sircy, who earned her bachelor ’s degree for elementary education in May, took first runner-up and received a $750 scholarship. The Kiwanis Club of the


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Congregation members shocked to be the subject of terrorist scheme

a source told the Tribune both were Jewish congregations on the North Side, home to a thriving Jewish community. Chicago police Saturday said they were making increased checks in areas with a high number of synagogues, including Edgewater, Rogers Park and West Rogers Park. Or Chadash has for seven years shared space on North Sheridan Road with another Jewish congregation, the Emanuel Congregation. The squat brick building yards from Lake Michigan also is home to a day school for

continued from page 1

primary by tea party candidate Miller, with strong backing from Palin, who’s had a long-running feud with the Murkowski family. Now Miller is bogged down by his admission that he lied about his use of government computers for political work, and by his use of private guards to handcuff a reporter who tried to ask Miller a question. He’s in a close three-way race with Murkowski, who’s making an independent write-in bid, with Democrat Scott McAdams trailing. Cornyn disputed reports that the national party was abandoning Miller in favor of Murkowski, but offered a tepid endorsement of Miller and declined to say whether he thought Miller could win. “We are supporting the

Most-coveted items include staples, staplers, basic school supplies

textbook buy-backs, according to UAPD. “A book will be turned in, and they can see if they’re stolen,” Alvarez said. According to UAPD public records, shoplifters target things as inexpensive as pens and as pricey as clothing. A student was arrested on Oct. 19 after she tried to take a ruler and masking tape without paying for them. She was cited for shoplifting and released at the scene, and all stolen items were returned. She was caught



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• monday, november 1, 2010 • arizona daily wildcat


Colin Darland Editor in Chief 520•621•7579 editor@wildcat.arizona.edu

Heather Price-Wright Opinions Editor 520•621•7581 letters@wildcat.arizona.edu

Challenge assumptions, party lines on Election Day Brett Haupt Arizona Daily Wildcat


epublicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Green Party, Tea Party, Independents. What party is best for America, what party is best for you and who can we trust to inform us of what is right? With so many decisions and so many people thinking vastly varied things, many of us, myself included, are most often woefully underprepared to make educated decisions come Election Day. Over the past couple of weeks, the polarity of Tucson, and indeed all of America, has been on full display. To a certain extent, we are witnessing something that happens every election year. How can so many people think so differently and be so divided? Most of the time when we don’t know, we go with what we do know, and for many of us, this is what we’ve been taught, what we’ve been raised as, what our environment dictates; the left or the right, liberal or conservative. Whether the politician is a swindler, a cheat, immoral or just unintelligent we pay little attention and continue to vote along party lines. Biased? Absolutely, but it’s what we know, it’s what we’ve grown accustomed to and it won’t change until we start thinking differently. We’ve heard it many times, yet it is rarely employed as a viable way of discerning candidates: Pick the person, not the party. We rarely do. But we really should. Party lines run deeper in some people than religion. In fact, politics are followed so fanatically in a cultlike manner by a few that would make religious fundamentalists look tame. The questions we should ask ourselves need to be less along these lines and more about who these candidates are. As is always true with informed decisions, the more you know, the better off you are. We must look past what we have grown accustomed to doing — casting our vote for a party that we think we identify with. We can’t be satisfied with the production of any candidate of any party; we must consistently discern our own preconceived notions of party lines and continue to gather information independently of those notions. We can’t be content to watch Fox News or MSNBC and follow every whim of their coverage to conclude what is right. We need a variety of sources and a variety of people to give us knowledge, in essence, a wide base of experience within politics to guide us. Essentially, we need to make ad-hoc decisions on an election-to-election basis, not by making predetermined choices based on parties. Sure, for some instances you may identify with a party platform and vote based upon that. Fine. But don’t confuse a party platform you support with a party ideology you follow blindly. Make no mistake — government is still in charge and they will still do anything to stay in power. That hasn’t changed from ancient times and it never will. Don’t we want smart people with character in power, regardless of party? Maybe, maybe not; it’s something we have to balance against our values, but we must continue to challenge our sedentary thinking. Let’s vote smart, and that means sometimes rethinking what was formerly a forgone conclusion, biased indeed, but not blinded anymore. — Brett Haupt is a journalism junior. He can be reached at letters@wildcat.arizona.edu.

The Daily Wildcat editorial policy

Daily Wildcat staff editorials represent the official opinion of the Daily Wildcat staff, which is determined at staff editorial meetings. Columns, cartoons, online comments and letters to the editors represent the opinions of their author and do not represent the opinion of the Daily Wildcat.

MAILBAG Law students encourage ‘no’ vote on Proposition 107

A yes vote for Proposition 107 is a vote for inequality and regression. The deceptively titled “Arizona Civil Rights Initiative” proposes a step backward for women and minorities across the state. Proponents of the measure — many of whom are out-of-state interest groups — have clouded the debate with words like “civil rights,” “quotas” and “reverse discrimination.” This confusing language provides a false promise of justice. For this reason, we and 98 fellow Arizona law students stand against Proposition 107. If passed, Proposition 107 would have a devastating impact on public education. The proposition would undo decades of progress and eliminate dozens of university programs that encourage capable but underrepresented students to apply to school, stay in school and thrive. The measure’s greatest proponent, Californian Ward Connerly, has lobbied to eliminate equal opportunity programs across the country. Connerly’s California interest group has contributed $75,000 to the measure — more than twice as much as all major Arizona contributors combined. Proposition 107 would damage Arizona legal education by substantially changing the admissions process. Admissions committees at Arizona public law schools must choose between thousands of qualified

applicants. The admissions departments perform comprehensive reviews which take into account a range of factors in each applicant’s background, including race or ethnicity and gender as well as socioeconomic status, personal achievement, public service, area of legal interest and other dimensions of an individual’s identity. This process creates a diverse student body that seeks to reflect the population that we will serve after graduation. Quotas are not used, and are unconstitutional. Exposure to viewpoints different from our own is crucial to our understanding of the law. Disregarding these unique characteristics will turn back the clock — especially for applicants for whom these characteristics have been defining factors in their interest in law. Maintain opportunity for all; vote No on Proposition 107. Meaghan Kramer and Priyanka Sundareshan Third-year students James E. Rogers College of Law

Student regent urges peers to vote

Fellow students, My name is William Holmes, and I serve as one of two student voices on the Arizona Board of Regents. Today, I am writing to stress the importance of voting in the midterm elections, which carry a

great deal of weight. The state of Arizona and our Arizona public university system recently endured historic budget insufficiencies. As a university student and member of the Board of Regents, I witness firsthand the labor and efforts our regents put forth to ensure that an affordable and quality higher education enterprise is accessible. Now, more than ever, Arizonans must also understand the importance of higher education and the fundamental impact it has on recovering our state’s economy and future. This is the opportunity to communicate to our leaders in government that Arizona’s citizens prioritize education, and that they should do the same. As you go to the polls on Tuesday, several political issues may contribute to your decision of who will serve and represent our state. Understanding that, I ask that you keep higher education as a frontrunner among those issues. As products of our university system, it is time to educate our state on the importance of protecting and supporting its future. In 2008, students showed up to vote in record numbers; I have no doubt that 2010 can bring a record turnout for students in a midterm election. Regardless of how you vote this Nov. 2, just vote. In service, William Holmes Student regent, Arizona Board of Regents

This isn’t your high school election season Storm Byrd


Arizona Daily Wildcat

he term “buying votes” has taken on a new definition. Recent news has broken in Ohio that a McDonald’s branch has been distributing campaign materials to its employees along with paychecks. The pamphlets that come with checks sealed in envelopes insinuate who the McDonald’s branch supports politically and further explains that wages and raises will continue if those persons are elected. The pamphlet then states that if others are elected, wages, raises and benefits will not be able to be guaranteed. In other words, the McDonalds management is threatening to lower wages and eliminate raises if the proper candidates are not elected. Additionally, a court decision in Connecticut will allow supporters of Senatorial candidate and former CEO of World Wrestling Entertainment Linda McMahon to distribute WWE merchandise at polling locations to those who vote for her. Usually, campaign materials and/ or advertising are not allowed within an established radius around the polling place. WWE will hand out gear roughly 75 feet from the polling location’s door. Then come the Tea Party activists, who have already made clear they will be attempting to talk to voters at polling places across the

country in an effort to gather support for their candidates. This new way of buying votes turns government elections into regular old high school senate races. What was once mostly about electing the best candidate, has now been turned into, “Which candidate am I going to get the best individual gain from?” It’s one thing to vote for a candidate whose policies benefit you personally, and an entirely different matter when somebody other than the candidate is going to inflict the good or bad outcomes upon you. It’s perfectly sensible to vote against a candidate who doesn’t protect your interests, but it’s a horse of a different color to vote for a candidate so that your boss won’t directly cut your pay based on election results. What is truly disgruntling about this whole matter is that the everyday Americans are the ones who are playing dirty politics. Countless Americans prefer to stay as far away from politics as possible because they feel the whole system is corrupt. Skeptics don’t have faith in the process of elections, and some conspiracy theorists think it’s all a sham anyway. All the scenarios of dirty politics tend to point back to the politicians themselves,

but with these recent developments it’s clear that the American voters are just as “corrupt” as the politicians who support them. Americans are often apathetic and untrusting of government, yet now we’re all to blame for what happens. We tolerate radicals who heckle supporters at polling places, we choose candidates like New Jersey congressional hopeful and former NFL player Jon Runyan, who can run a trap block in football better than he can recite the Constitution, and some of us would blindly vote for who we’re told to by our boss lest we lose a pretty penny. So when you’re at the polls tomorrow, make sure you did your research first. Don’t vote for the candidate with a flashy smile who winks and points at you; don’t vote for the proposition that all your friends told you to vote for; and certainly don’t vote for whichever candidate has a cooler sounding name or gave you a free T-shirt. Stop looking outward for answers and start looking within. Find out who truly represents your interests and pick them, even if you know there’s an outside shot that they might not win. When all the political mudslinging stops and the air clears, you will know that you voted on principle and not popularity. You’ll know that you weren’t hassled or heckled into a decision, but rather that you sought out the answers and found them for yourself. — Storm Byrd is a political science sophomore. He is also a student organizer for UA Votes, which is run by Arizona Students’ Association. He can be reached at letters@wildcat.arizona.edu.

CONTACT US | The Arizona Daily Wildcat accepts original, unpublished letters from all of its readers. •

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• Letters should include name, connection to the university (year, major, etc.) and contact information.

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• Letters should be no longer than 350 words and should refrain from personal attacks.


arizona daily wildcat • monday, november 1, 2010 •


Band Day rocks Arizona Stadium, attracts thousands By Rebecca Rillos Arizona Daily Wildcat The sounds of everything from Beethoven to Lady Gaga rang throughout Arizona Stadium as the bands put forth their best halftime shows for the 57th Annual UA Band Day. Thousands of spectators and supporters gathered at Arizona Stadium on Saturday to enjoy the musical and auxiliary performances of the Pride of Arizona marching band as well as 37 high school marching bands. “It’s always great to see the high school students perform and see the expressions on their faces as they come off the field,” said Scott Matlick, associate director of the Pride of Arizona marching band and coordinator of UA Band Day. Beryl Kitamura sat in the stands in support of her daughter, a band director at Chandler High School. “I attend every year,” Kitamura said. “Love the music, love the bands.” Bands perform for both fans and a panel of judges. “We performed the music of Journey,” said Xochitl Moroyoqui, a drum major and senior at Sunnyside High School. “I think we did amazing. It was definitely our greatest performance all year.” After the morning performances, the Pride of Arizona took the

field with the band Muse’s music. Spectators joined the band members in the chorus, echoing the words “no one’s gonna take me alive.” “It’s really exciting to see the Pride perform because there is so much noise and such complicated drills,” said Anna Couture, a drum major from Cienega High School. Cienega’s Copper Thunder marching band performed music from Riverdance. “It was one of our better performances,” Couture said. At the end of the festival, the Milton B. Nunamaker Award was presented to two bands: Mountain Ridge High School’s Pride of the West from Glendale, Ariz., and Bel Air High School’s Big Red Pride from El Paso, Texas. The bus carrying the Bel Air students broke down on the road. Their performance was pushed back to the last of the day to give them enough time to get to Tucson, Matlick said. “They got here in just enough time to get off the bus, get their uniforms on, and spend about three minutes warming up their instruments,” Matlick said. “Then they were still able to go out onto the field and give one of the best performances of the day.” Go online to dailywildcat. com to see more coverage of .com UA Band Day.


Gordon Bates/Arizona Daily Wildcat

The Pride of Arizona marching band performs music from Muse during its morning exhibition on Saturday.

Gordon Bates/Arizona Daily Wildcat

Chandler High School’s marching band from Chandler, Ariz., received a rating of Superior with an auxiliary rating of Superior for their performance of Beethoven’s music.

Valentina Martinelli/Arizona Daily Wildcat

Members of Bel Air High School’s Big Red Pride marching band from El Paso, Texas, receive the judges’ ranking of their performance.


• monday, november 1, 2010


policebeat By Lucy Valencia Arizona Daily Wildcat

You don’t want to be my ‘friend’?

A UA student reported that an unknown person harassed her on Facebook between Oct. 22 and Tuesday. A University of Arizona Police Department officer went to Maricopa Residence Hall to speak to the student who had reported a possible stalking incident at 1:50 p.m. on Tuesday. She told the officer someone whom she did not know had been sending her messages on Facebook, beginning at around 8 a.m. on Oct. 22. The sender wrote to the student, saying that she was attractive and asked if she was married. She did not reply to any of the messages until Oct. 24, when she said, “Please leave me alone.” The man stopped sending her messages after that day, but then started contacting her mother, best friend and older brother. He tried adding all of them as “friends” and tried getting information on the UA student. All three of them told her about it, and said they didn’t tell him any information about her. On Tuesday at about 7:15 a.m., the student received another message that said, “I saw you.” The student then went to her mother and told her about the message. Her mother encouraged her to file a police report. The student told the UAPD officer she has absolutely no idea where the man could be sending the messages from, who he is or why he is contacting her. She isn’t afraid the man is trying to contact her in person, and said she changed her privacy settings on her Facebook account to help her prevent future incidents. She also reported the incident to Facebook and the man’s account was deactivated. The student did not wish to take any part in future criminal proceedings.

Smoking in the dorms, how original

A UAPD officer went to Arizona-Sonora Residence Hall after someone notified police that three men were smoking marijuana at 12:23 a.m. Tuesday night. The officer arrived on the scene and met with another officer who had already identified the three men. The officer on scene said the three men had all admitted to smoking marijuana. The officer had collected a glass pipe and marijuana in a baggie from the students, and cited and released them for unlawful possession of marijuana and unlawful possession of paraphernalia. The Dean of Students Office was notified of the incident.

CatCard thief loves chicken, coffee

A UAPD officer spoke with a UA student at about 11:44 a.m. Tuesday whose CatCard had been stolen from Arizona Stadium. Several charges had been made with to CatCard. The student provided a copy of the CatCard transactions, which showed two purchases made on Sept. 25 and Sept. 26 that he had not made. He added that the last time he remembers having his CatCard was on Sept. 18, and that he believes it was while he was attending a football game at Arizona Stadium. The student said he realized his CatCard was stolen when he tried buying something using the number of the card on Oct. 18, and his purchase was declined because there was no money in his account. He then checked his transaction records and saw a Chik-fil-A purchase for $18.72 made on Sept. 25 and a Starbucks purchase for $7.28 on Sept. 26. The officer called the UofA Bookstore security team to see if they had footage from security cameras of the Starbucks there. Security said that they no longer had a camera facing the Starbucks that recorded footage, nor did they have footage dating back to the date in question. The student said he wished to pursue charges for the theft and charges.

Can’t clink keys at kickoff

Parking and Transportation Services turned in a key they found to UAPD on Oct. 26 at about 8:51 a.m. An employee at Parking and Transportation Services turned in the key that morning. They informed UAPD at the UA football game that weekend, an unknown person had found the key at the Arizona Stadium on Oct. 23 and given it to the employee. The owner of the key is unknown and it was placed into found property and evidence.

No, you can’t park your skateboard there

A UAPD officer was conducting a check of Park Avenue Parking Garage on Tuesday at midnight, when he observed a student skateboarding on his long board on the second parking level. The officer went up to him and told him that the UA has a policy on bicycles and skateboards, and advised him that there would be consequences if he doesn’t stop skating in parking garages.

Hide yo’ kids Hide yo’ wife And read the Daily Wildcat -Antoine Dodson

Police Beat is compiled from official University of Arizona Police Department reports. A complete list of UAPD activity can be found at www.uapd.arizona.edu.


arizona daily wildcat • monday, november 1, 2010 •


Christy Delehanty Arts Editor 520•621•3106 arts@wildcat.arizona.edu

‘Warriors’ rocks, but ax could use tuning By Jason Krell Arizona Daily Wildcat




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The Guitar Hero series was once pumping out two or three games a year, but not anymore. This year ’s sole release, “Warriors of Rock,”

debuted this fall, but is it any good? It’s a tricky question, but the answer is still yes. What makes the question tricky is the fact that Activision is holding fast to its tried and true formula, as there are few new gameplay mechanics or instruments. Their innovations come in the form of its new campaign, and while it was good, it could have been far better. Called “Quest Mode,” it is the substitute for a Career Mode and a welcome change. Not that making your way as an up-and-coming band to playing the big stage isn’t fun, but we’ve done it so many times already. This quest’s story is entirely different. The story is that there is a monster called “The Beast” who was locked in combat with the demigod of Rock. Things are looking bad for the demigod though, and so it falls on the shoulders of all the playable characters to help. Gameplaywise, you pick a character and play through a set list, which was made based on the character ’s personality and

Photo courtesy of guitarhero.com

musical preference. Once you beat enough songs, a transformation occurs and you’re ready to head off to the battlefield to help the demigod. Each character also has its own unique power-ups to help you in certain ways. The story could have been much more involved and the gameplay could have been changed so that, even though all you’re doing is playing songs, every track feels unique. It was still an enjoyable experience and a good change of pace, but it had so much untapped potential. Besides, it’s just a different path than what was expected. As opposed to trying to teach

you to play a real instrument, Guitar Hero is trying to remind you that it’s still a video game. Frankly, that makes it more accessible than its competitors, and it’ll show. Now all Activision needs to do is spend more time polishing what it has. If Activision really commits to it, it could have something unique and exciting on its hands. For the rest, Party Play makes a welcome return. Playing is infinitely more fun for the casual player when they can play without every failing, and being able to drop in and out of gameplay makes it easier for everyone involved. Quickplay+ is similar to the

same mode in other games, but the powers you obtain in the Quest Mode can be used here. That makes getting all of the various achievements for each song easier, which is nice. The actual music in the game is a bit of a sticking point though. There are certainly a fair amount of good songs by accomplished bands, but this genre has really exhausted its options. With so many of these games out, how can anyone not be running out of quality music to put in? All in all, progress is certainly being shown in the new direction of Guitar Hero’s latest game, but there’s plenty of fine-tuning to be done.


monday, november , 



Tim Kosch Sports Editor 520•626•2956 sports@wildcat.arizona.edu

Defense slams the door

Wildcats give up just 71 rushing yards, beat UCLA 29-21 Linebacker R.J. Young and safety Anthony Wilcox force a fumble on a punt return during Arizona’s 29-21 victory over UCLA at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, Calif., on Saturday. The Wildcats improved to 7-1 on the season.

By Mike Schmitz ARIZONA DAILY WILDCAT PASADENA, Calif. — As the saying goes: offense wins games, defense wins championships. No. 15 Arizona was far from perfect against the Bruins on Saturday at the Rose Bowl, but the defense flexed its muscles when it mattered most to preserve the Wildcats’ 29-21 victory — something it will need to do if it wants to return to this very field on New Year’s Day. “Arizona football is all about defense,” said senior defensive end Ricky Elmore. “Coach always tells us we can’t win a championship without good defense. So if we want to get where we want to be, we got to play each week sound.” Behind a career-high 319 passing yards and 71 yards on the ground from Matt Scott, the Arizona offense set the tone and built a 19-7 halftime lead. But when Scott and the offense began to sputter in the fourth quarter and UCLA cut the score to 26-21, the Arizona defense stepped up. The Wildcats denied UCLA on its final four possessions, allowing only 14 net yards, two first downs and picking up two sacks and a fumble along the way. So while the offense had a big day collecting more yards than it had all season (583), it was the defense that showcased

Mike Christy/ Arizona Daily Wildcat

FOOTBALL, page 9

Soccer drops final two road matches Arizona falls to 5-11-2 after getting shut out by OU, OSU

By Michael Fitzsimmons ARIZONA DAILY WILDCAT The Arizona Wildcats soccer team will come home empty-handed after dropping both of its matches this weekend, losing 4-0 to Oregon on Friday night and falling 3-0 to No. 15 Oregon State on Sunday. Previous to this setback, Arizona had been playing well and seemed to be making strides towards adding more tallies to the win column during the final stretch of the season. But offensive woes plagued the Wildcats in what has become an unfortunate theme this season.

Against Oregon on Friday night, the Ducks (7-8-3, 3-3-1 Pacific 10 Conference ) jumped out to a quick 2-0 lead by scoring goals in the third and 14th minutes of play. Arizona mustered just one on-goal shot attempt all night off the foot of freshman Jazmin Ponce , who also led the Wildcats in total shots with three in the match, and were outshot 16-6 by the Ducks. The Beavers (15-1-1, 7-0) shut out the Wildcats in their final road match on Sunday, as OSU continued to play at a high level of soccer. Arizona held the Beavers scoreless in the first half of play, but OSU made quick

No quarterback controversy in Arizona

Quarterback Nick Foles warms up at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, Calif., during Arizona’s 29-21 win on Saturday. Foles did not play because of an injury but said after the game that he is close to 100 percent.

Mike Christy/ Arizona Daily Wildcat

Stoops, Littrell say Foles will start as soon as he is healthy By Mike Schmitz ARIZONA DAILY WILDCAT PASADENA, Calif. — Junior quarterback Matt Scott stole the spotlight for the second straight week at UCLA, but his lights-out play still wasn’t enough to dethrone Nick Foles as Arizona’s starter.

“We’ll evaluate the situation, but if Nick’s healthy, he’ll be our starter next week at Stanford,” said head coach Mike Stoops after the UCLA game. Foles, who is just over two weeks removed from a dislocated kneecap, was close to 100 percent against the Bruins and could have FOLES, page 9

work on offense by scoring two goals in five minutes to open up the second half en route to their 10th straight win. Freshman Ana Montoya provided the lone bright spot for the Wildcats in their loss to the Beavers. Montoya led the team with four shot attempts, all on goal, as Ponce followed with three shots total with two on goal. Last week, head coach Lisa Oyen offered her opinion on the difference between the Wildcats (5-11-2, 1-6) and elite opponents like Oregon State. “There are some smaller things that SOCCER, page 10

Real season starts now COMMENTARY BY Tim Kosch sports editor

PASADENA, Calif. – At about 4:30 on Saturday afternoon, after a 29-21 win over UCLA, the Arizona Wildcats football season officially started. Some memorable images include Robert Golden intercepting his first pass of the season, Juron Criner scoring another touchdown and Ricky Elmore getting yet another sack. Yet the lasting images occurred after the game — and they all had Rose Bowl undertones. After parting ways with UCLA at midfield, most of the Wildcats hustled to the corner of the stadium and led roughly 5,000 Arizona fans donning red and blue in a celebratory rendition of “Bear Down”. Wildcat players were the last people on the field, taking in the feeling of playing in this fabled stadium to use as motivation for the rest of the season. After addressing his players, head coach Mike Stoops stood in front of the media with a “Rose Bowl” backdrop behind him, further hammering home the ultimate goal of the 2010 Arizona season. The Wildcats are 7-1. Think about that. Arizona football is 7-1 with just four games left to play. The Rose Bowl is closer than it has ever been in the Stoops era, but the four games separating the Wildcats from bowl season are a full season within themselves. At Stanford. Home against USC. At Oregon. Home against ASU. With the exception of the Sun Devils, that schedule is daunting. There is reason for optimism — a great defense, a playmaking offense that can pile up yards regardless of who is under center, and a coaching staff that seems to be on the same page and can KOSCH, page 10

Volleyball downs ASU ’Cats sweep regular season series against Sun Devils By Alex Williams ARIZONA DAILY WILDCAT It was a roller coaster match, but Arizona volleyball outlasted ASU (9-13, 4-6 Pac-10) en route to the Wildcats’ second win over the Sun Devils in as many tries in 2010. In a back-and-forth affair, the teams alternated wins in each set, with Arizona (16-7, 5-5) burying the Sun Devils 15-10 in the deciding fifth set in Tempe. “It was weird,” said Arizona coach Dave Rubio. “If we had played a sixth set, ASU would have won that one. That’s just the way it went.” Weird is an understatement. The first set was the only one that ended in a competitive fashion, with both teams swapping blowout wins in games two through five. Of the twelve lead changes, nine of them came in the first game, and the other three came in the fourth. “That’s just how it goes sometimes,” setter Paige Weber said. “Sometimes you win a set easily, so you think the next one is going to be just as easy, but it never is. Then that just happens to the other team and it switches around.” Even though this was Arizona’s seventh match that has gone to five sets in ten Pac-10 games, fatigue won’t be as much of an issue as it normally would be. “It’s nice because we get more of a break this weekend, especially not playing Saturday or Sunday,” Weber said. “Going five sets (Friday) isn’t going to be that hard on us just because we get some time off.” The third game, the first follow-

Aaron Lvinsky/The State Press

The Arizona Wildcats volleyball team breaks it down during 3-2 win over ASU on Friday in Tempe. The Wildcats swept the season series against the Sun Devils and improved their Pacific 10 Conference record to 5-5.

ing intermission, was a turning point for the Arizona, a common theme this season. The difference between this one and the rest, though, was that the Wildcats were on the good side of the momentum swing. “That was great, especially considering the second set we didn’t play well at all,” Weber said. “It was nice to go in the locker room and come out for the third set and control the game the way that we’re capable of, and the way, honestly, that we should every week.” After being blown out 25-15 in the second game, the Wildcats turned around and offered a beating of their own with a 25-13 victory in set three. A big part of the turnaround was the connection between Weber and outside hitter Tiffany Owens, who

led Arizona with 23 kills. “Tiffany (Owens) and Paige (Weber) were just out of this world,” Rubio said. “Tiffany literally put the team on her back and carried us. We have a great supporting cast — all of those guys are doing an exceptional job. But the ones who carry us and make the team go are Tiffany (Owens) and Paige (Weber).” Weber added 47 assists to go along with a kill of her own. She also found six different Wildcats to pick up points for Arizona. With the season sweep of ASU, the Wildcats picked up a point in the State Farm Territorial Cup Series, but the cup was never a rallying point for Arizona. “Getting the point is a nice addition to the win,” Weber said. “But it’s not something that we focus on or talk about before the match.”

SPORTS FOLES continued from page 8

arizona daily wildcat • monday, november 1, 2010 •

Redshirt junior close to return from injury

played if needed. “It came to a point where if I had to play I’d go in, but Matt’s playing great, so it gave me another chance to just rest the leg and get it better,” Foles said. The 6-foot-5, 245-pound Foles expects to go full speed at practice beginning Monday, but it’s still a mystery as to how his knee will respond. Stoops said he’s “close,” while Foles admitted he’s still limited and nothing is imminent. “We’ll see how it goes next week. I have to see how the leg feels on Monday,” Foles said. “I’d like to (play at Stanford). I can’t really speed it up if it don’t want to speed up, so I’ve got to do what I can to get the leg better.” Foles warmed up on the sidelines late in the fourth quarter when Scott struggled with wrist soreness, and that alone proves he’s almost ready to go. The main reason for resting him at UCLA was to keep him healthy for No. 13 Stanford. But even if he’s fully healthy, Scott’s making it tough to take him off the field. In two

starts — and two wins — he’s completed 72.4 percent of his passes, while averaging 276 passing yards and 68 rushing yards. He’s also thrown for three touchdowns compared to only one interception. “We knew that we can win with Matt (Scott) too,” Stoops said after the UCLA win in which Scott combined for 390 yards through the air and on the ground. Scott said he knows that Foles will be the starter if he’s healthy, but that changes nothing for the dual-threat quarterback. “I’m not really worried about who’s going to play next week,” he said. “I’m going to prepare the same way I always do. Look at film, see what I can do better and then get ready for Stanford.” He could see time in special packages or sporadically. When asked how he would handle surrendering a few snaps a game for Scott, Foles said, “Whatever is best for the team and gives us the best chance to win is what I’m for, but it’s up to coach Stoops to do what he wants to do with the team.”

XC leaves mark at Pac-10 championship By Kevin Nadakal Arizona Daily Wildcat Three points is all that separated the women’s cross-country team from winning the first Pacific 10 Conference Championship in school history. Instead, the Wildcats fell to No. 9 Stanford in the closest championship meet in league history. “It (went) better than I had even expected,” sophomore Jennifer Bergman told Arizona Athletics. “We’re very happy with our race, but we’re hungry for more.” Bergman was the first Wildcat to cross the finish line, placing seventh. She was followed quickly by the trio of Elvin Kibet, Megan Meyer and Hannah Moen who finished 11th, 12th and 13th respectively. “Our ladies really did a good job,” said head coach James Li. “Finished second, beat Oregon, beat Washington. We ran close together as a team. I’m just really proud of the ladies today and how they finished. Second is actually about what we expected to do.” The men did not fare as well as the women, finishing last in the race. “The previous two meets I think they improved,” assistant head coach Erin Dawson said. “Individually, each of them ran faster than they have all season. They ran as a pack, I think they can come out of there saying they gave the best they could.” Stephen Sambu, however, was the bright

spot, who rebounded from a leg injury to place fifth. Sambu started off his collegiate career at Rend Lake Community College and is in his first year at the UA. In his three-year collegiate career this is the first race Sambu has lost. The junior fell behind three Stanford runners who placed in the first three spots. They also placed first, second and third at Pre-Nationals and the coaching staff knew the Stanford runners would be stiff competition. “He is coming off an injury and he hasn’t run in a couple weeks,” Dawson said. “Going in there and getting fourth (sic) place, he did a spectacular job. He is only going to get stronger.” The coaching staff was concerned that the weather would be an issue during the meet. Scattered showers and cold temperatures were rumored in the days leading up to the race, but Li told his team that they would have to just deal with it. Fortunately it held up. “The weather was great, it was cold and rainy, it was the way cross-country should be,” Dawson said. “Actually the kind of weather is good because we can get prepared for nationals.” The Wildcats will have another crack at Stanford when they compete in the NCAA West Regionals in Oregon in two weeks.

football continued from page 8


Fischer’s fake punt run ices victory

its championship prowess to deny the Bruins’ fourth-quarter push. “We came up with the stops (down the stretch). I said it will always come down to making stops in games to win,” head coach Mike Stoops said. “I had a feeling they were going to have an opportunity to win, and they did, and we came up with the stop.” The defense wasn’t exactly flawless all game, however, as it yielded 228 passing yards to quarterback Richard Brehaut and a UCLA offense that entered the game ranked 117th out of 120 in passing yards per game. The Bruins hit Arizona on two big plays through the air — a 68-yard touchdown pass at 13:31 in the third and a 49-yard flea-flicker 36 seconds into the fourth. The Wildcats were caught completely off guard on both plays. “It’s kind of just like, slap yourself in the face, ‘Wow, wake up,’” Elmore said. “But those are the plays that when you’re not paying attention, they’ll get you on those.” Arizona ultimately held off the Bruins to win its fifth road game in a row, but Saturday’s contest was a lot closer than it had to be. The Wildcats were in control for the majority of the game thanks to a monster first half from Scott and the offense. The junior quarterback “made tons of plays throughout the course of the game,” Stoops said, highlighted by a 41-yard touchdown to Juron Criner, who finished with eight catches for 128 yards, on the first drive of the game. “I thought Matt played well the whole game. I thought he ran the ball well. He adds a dimension (by) scrambling,” Stoops said. “They came with a lot of pressure, and he did a good job running.” UCLA answered Arizona’s opening score with an 11-yard touchdown run from Derrick Coleman, but the second quarter was all Wildcats. Running back Keola Antolin, who finished with 111 yards on the ground, scored from two yards out 42 seconds into the second. “Keola ran great again,” Stoops said. Alex Zendejas tacked on two field goals to close out the quarter and put the Wildcats in the driver’s seat at the break. But the second half was underwhelming for both the offense and the defense, and Arizona “just couldn’t put the game away,” according to Stoops. UCLA cut Arizona’s lead to 19-14 with the aforementioned 68-yard pass from Brehaut to Randall Carroll. The play was UCLA’s

longest through the air since 2007. Running back Greg Nwoko answered back for the Wildcats scoring from one yard out with 6:45 left in the third, but Arizona’s offense was stagnant from that point on. The drive after Brehaut hit wide receiver Josh Smith on the flea-flicker, Scott threw a red zone interception on a fade intended for Criner that he was “baited into,” according to Stoops. UCLA had a ton of chances late in the game to take advantage of the Wildcats’ mistakes, but Arizona’s defense wouldn’t give in and the offense’s big first half was enough to hold off the Bruins. “We kind of let them stick around in the game come third quarter, but when it was time for us to make the plays we made the plays,” said cornerback Robert Golden, who collected an interception in the first quarter.

The fake punt

UCLA struck first with trickery as they hit big on the flea-flicker, but Stoops answered back with a fake punt in the fourth. The Bruins were gaining momentum and expected to take over possession as Arizona punted from its own 23-yard line. But Stoops opted for a fake on a direct snap to linebacker Jake Fischer, who took it for 29 yards. The Wildcats ultimately punted and the Bruins received the ball on the 20, but it was a momentum changer nonetheless. “The last couple times we punted, they were trying to get a return, and that’s when you have to call those plays,” Stoops said. “You have to have enough courage and toughness to make them and execute them, and I thought that was big in flipping the field during the fourth with six minutes to go in the game.” Fischer, who played running back in high school, added: “Me and RJ (Young) are always giving coach (Jeff Hammerschmidt) a hard time about it, like ‘When are you going to call it?’ He finally called it and we did a good job.”

Grigsby dinged up

Running back Nic Grigsby didn’t return in the second half after injuring his ankle in the second quarter. Grigsby’s injury isn’t expected to be too serious. “He sprained his ankle,” Stoops said. “I don’t think it’s too significant. He didn’t feel like he could burst like he wanted to.”



• monday, november 1, 2010 • arizona daily wildcat

Stanford, Oregon, USC await 7-1 UA

Kosch continued from page 8

game plan with the best of ’em — but there’s also cause for worry. For starters, the Wildcats have a difficult time scoring in the red zone. Scoring 29 points while putting up over 500 yards isn’t good, and cooffensive coordinator Seth Littrell blamed it on red zone inefficiency. Arizona can’t afford anymore turnovers inside the 20 and it needs to establish a better short game. Whether that means pounding it with running back Greg Nwoko or utilizing tight end A.J. Simmons or just calling different plays with its regular personnel remains to be seen, but it is something that needs to be

figured out. The other thing is how the team has had a troublingly difficult time piecing together a complete game. If the offense plays well, the defense struggles. When the defense plays well, the offense struggles. When the offense moves the ball, it struggles to score. When the defense stops the run and rushes the passer, it can’t defend the deep half. If Arizona wants to make the Rose Bowl, it has to beat Stanford, USC and Oregon in three consecutive weeks — there’s really no other way — and in order to do that it needs to

play complete games. Stanford is a great, wellrounded team, and in order to beat them, Arizona needs to play perfectly. USC has three losses but the Trojans are still good enough to beat anyone, anywhere. And Oregon? Don’t even get me started. The Ducks are, in my opinion, the best team in the country. But entering the gauntlet of the season at 7-1 is a heck of a start, and starting its new season while celebrating on the Rose Bowl might be the harbinger the Wildcats need. We’ll see if the new season ends where it started.

Jack Hunter/Oregon Daily Emerald

Sophomore midfielder Ariel Boulicault battles for position during Arizona’s loss to Oregon on Friday night. The Wildcats were outscored by Oregon and Oregon State by a total of 7-0.

Wildcats to finish season against USC, UCLA

SOCCER continued from page 8

separate us, and there are some larger things that separate us,” Oyen said. Over the weekend, the larger issues manifested themselves on the field as Arizona was outscored 7-0, whereas in recent games, the Wildcats had been playing a higher level of soccer that made the gap between them and the Pac-10’s best seem smaller. Entering the weekend, Arizona was

tied for last in the conference in total goals scored, and its inability to find the back of the net has hurt the Wildcats during Pac-10 play. The two losses will keep the Wildcats at ninth place in the conference entering the final week of play, and Arizona will return home to Tucson to prepare for its final two matches against Southern California and UCLA.

Try Our


Pancake Platter Arizona Daily Wildcat

SICK HAPPENS answers to your ques�ons about sex and rela�onships 53% of UA students who are single or dating have never had vaginal intercourse. (2010 Health & Wellness Survey, N=2,931)

Q If a women is in a long-term committed sexual

relationship, but has never experienced an orgasm, what can she do/what are her options?

A. A woman who is not experiencing orgasms through sex is certainly not alone. According to research from the Kinsey Institute, about 50% of all women under 20 had not experienced an orgasm. By age 35, however, that number went down to about 10%. The difference in these numbers probably has to do with a woman’s comfort level with her body, an increased willingness to speak to her partner about her likes and dislikes, and her partner’s experience in helping her achieve orgasm. Men and women tend to enjoy different aspects of sex. Case in point: men can get down at a moment’s notice, while women typically take time to get aroused, which is why almost all roads to a female orgasm begin with foreplay.

Don’t forget that compared to the clitoris, the pleasure spot located above a woman’s urethra, the vagina has relatively few nerve endings. That means that the penetration that feels good to a man, may not float a woman’s boat. Having her control the position, pressure and pace during sex are good ideas, especially with positions where she is on top or laying side to side. Try using your hands – or your partner’s – to stimulate the clitoris before or during sex. Masturbation, massage, fantasy talk, and oral stimulation may also help. Last but not least, keep in mind that a lack of orgasm is no one’s “fault.” Communicate and have fun during sex. If you remove the pressure to perform and enjoy your partner in the moment, you may be pleasantly surprised by the results.

Q Are lambskin condoms effective? A. Yes, they are effective for pregnancy prevention, but not for sexually transmitted disease protection, since pores in the material (made from sheep intestines) are not fine enough to prevent the passage of infectious agents. Lambskin condoms may offer benefits

over latex and polyurethane varieties as a form of birth control, including heightened sensation during sex. They are also an alternative for individuals who have latex allergies.

Have a question? Send it to sextalk@email.arizona.edu www.health.arizona.edu

SexTalk is written by Lee Ann Hamilton, M.A., CHES and David Salafsky, MPH, health educators at The University of Arizona Campus Health Service.

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To apply, pick up a complete job description and application from the Student Media business office, 101 Park Student Union. Completed applications are due 4 p.m. Nov. 15. The editor in chief is selected by the Student Media Board. Candidates, especially those unfamiliar with the Wildcat operation, are strongly encouraged to discuss their interest with Mark Woodhams, Wildcat adviser, phone 621-3408, woodhams@email.arizona.edu, before applying.

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The Arizona Daily Wildcat brings you The ∙ Game

because we know you’re not paying attention in class anyway


Jets throw out a clunker in loss to Packers

New York shut out by Green Bay, falls behind Patriots in AFC East Greg Jennings of the Green Bay Packers makes a catch as he was defended by New York Jets player Antonio Cromartie. The Packers defeated the Jets, 9-0, at The New Meadowlands Stadium in East Rutherford, N.J., on Sunday

McClatchy-Tribune EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. — OK, after what happened Sunday at New Meadowlands Stadium, can we please dispense with any and all talk of a Jets-Giants Super Bowl? At least until more time has passed and more proof has been presented, can’t we just table the idea until the teams actually make it to the playoffs? Or better yet, if they make the playoffs? Thank you. With the New York teams off to a collective 10-3 start after the Giants’ shootout win over Dallas on Monday night, dreams of a Subway Super Bowl danced in the minds of more than a few fans, and even a handful of exuberant media members. But after the Jets were shut out at home Sunday for the first time in four years, there is no need to even mention the idea. It’s just too soon. Especially when the Jets threw out a clunker like that 9-0 loss to the Packers. It was a head-shaker of a score, one that made you think the game might have been played in sub-zero temperatures on the Frozen Tundra of Lambeau Field, not in the cool, perfect-for-football weather conditions of north Jersey. The Jets had just just 15 first downs, and quarterback Mark Sanchez completed just 16 of 38 passes, had two interceptions and finished with a miserable 43.3 rating. On a day when the Jets’ defense was exceptional against Aaron Rodgers and his high-powered passing game, the offense put forth its most ineffectual effort in the Sanchez era. Even when Sanchez was at his worst last year, even with the five-interception meltdown against the Bills, at least the Jets came away with points. Not this time. “It’s tough to get an offense going when your quarterback’s not playing well,� Sanchez said. “I was making the right decisions with the ball, but I wasn’t putting it in the right spot. When I’m not playing well, it’s hard for (offensive coordinator Brian Schottenhei mer) to make the right calls. I left a lot of completions out there today.� In fairness to Sanchez, his receivers did drop a number of passes. Santonio Holmes dropped a third-quarter pass on a crossing route that would likely have gone for a touchdown. Jerricho Cotchery had three critical drops in the second half. And LaDainian Tomlinson and Shonn Greene had drops on short dump-off passes.

Tom Lynn/ Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Sanchez put it on himself, though. “For every dropped ball, there were twice as many poor throws on my part,� he said. Sanchez had no idea something like this might have happened. If anything, he felt the crisp pace of practices during the week would have hinted at an exceptional effort. I asked him if perhaps some rust from the bye week was at work Sunday, but he said the practices suggested otherwise. “Even on Monday when we came back,� he said, “we looked at the film and we were thinking, ‘Man, we’re doing really well.’ For a Monday after a bye week, guys are usually jet-lagged, tired, their legs are dead, but guys were flying

around. We were fresh all week.� It certainly didn’t show Sunday, especially on offense. Even coach Rex Ryan wasn’t on top of his game. Ryan used both of his replay challenges unsuccessfully in the first half, and was therefore out of challenges to protest a questionable fourthquarter Charles Woodson interception, in which the cornerback ripped the ball out of Dustin Keller’s hands. A close play, but certainly one that might have changed the game had it been overturned. And special teams guru Mike Westhoff bears responsibility for punter Steve Weatherford’s ill-fated fake on fourth-and-18 from the Jets’ 20, though Weatherford said he did it on his own.

Weatherford appeared to run for the first down, but the Packers won the replay challenge. He was a yard short. Green Bay took over and drove for a field goal, its only points until the fourth quarter. The play should never have happened; there was far too much ground to make up for Weatherford to even think about a fake there. Even with the loss, it’s no time for panic. Not at 5-2 and with four winnable games next up on the schedule. But on a day that began with the Jets in first place and ended with them looking up at the 6-1 Patriots, it was a stark reminder that there is little margin for error the rest of the way.


arizona daily wildcat • monday, november 1, 2010 •


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876 E University (at Tyndall) 623-2235

Alvernon Manor 520.325.5119 • 919 N. Alvernon Way www.warrenproperties.com

$100 or $300 off* Studios & 1 bedroom apartments starting $484/month No security deposit! WE ACCEPT

12 or 6 month leases available

*$100 Deposit, $100 off each month with 12 month lease, $300 off first month with 6 month lease.

John’s Spring Break Trip to Mexico



The CHS Travel Clinic can provide your necessary vaccinations. Students, Faculty & Staff welcome!

John got into a minor fender bender south of the border. John didn’t have Mexico auto insurance from AAA. John’s six-day, seven-night stay did not include beaches, bikinis or burritos. Poor John.

Get your Mexico auto insurance online before heading south of the border. www.health.arizona.edu

www.aaaaz.com/mexico/ua Buy online. No agents. No headaches. No hassles. Non-members welcome! Mexican authorities may not recognize your U.S. liability insurance if you’re involved in an auto accident.

Appointments: 621-2292


• monday, november 1, 2010 • arizona daily wildcat

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