Tuesday, december ,
Parking woes persist near campus Policies in the Sam Hughes neighborhood bother residents, students, visitors By Kyle Mittan DAILY WILDCAT
For some residents and students, parking on the street in the Sam Hughes Neighborhood, near campus, is a problem in terms of information, availability and enforcement. Located just east of Campbell Avenue, the neighborhood is a popular place to park, especially for students and sporting event spectators. But the City of Tucson’s strict policy enforcement and lack of information is a problem, according to some people who live in the area. One parking policy within the neigh-
borhood requires that drivers leave at least a 5-foot space between their car and the nearest driveway to allow for easy access. Kathy Renno, a Tucson resident who regularly swims at the Hillenbrand Aquatic Center, has been parking across from Sam Hughes Elementary School for the past five or six years. Last week, Renno was issued a $188 citation for leaving 2 feet, 3 inches between her car and the nearest driveway. Tickets are handed out regularly in that area, she said, and she feels that the cost of the citation was far too much. “$25 would have done it for me to teach me a lesson, $50 I could have handled,” Renno said. “$188 was really, really annoying, so I sent back in the form saying that I would like to have a hearing with the judge.” Renno said her plans to meet in
court were later canceled after a friend advised her that parking tickets of that nature are rarely dismissed. “I feel it’s just a moneymaker for the city of Tucson, (which) is in financial straits, to go after citizens for a minor crime like this,” she said. Sheila Hoban, vice president of the Sam Hughes Neighborhood Association, was also issued a ticket for the same violation while parked in front of her own house. Hoban said information about the law is ambiguous, and the city could do a better job letting people know what is allowed and what isn’t. “Basically what I found out was that the police measure one way and ParkWise (Tucson’s governing body for parking-related issues) was measuring
A note sits on a car that is illegally parked in the residents-only parking area of the Sam Hughes Neighborhood. The note was left by a resident.
Birth control funds remain in jeopardy
Obama weighs new exclusions to mandate on contraceptive coverage By Michelle A. Weiss DAILY WILDCAT
Law student Caroline Hoyt takes a break to pet Gus, a 3-year-old golden retriever, at the Law Library at the James E. Rogers College of Law on Monday. The dogs are part of Delta Society’s pet therapy program, which is intended to help people relieve their stress.
Law school goes to the dogs By Alexandra Bortnik DAILY WILDCAT
The anticipated stress of finals week inspired law student Cindy Hirsch, to organize a pet therapy program for overwhelmed law school students. Students can play with and pet therapy dogs brought to campus. The dogs and their owners can be visited in the Law Library at the James E. Rogers College of Law of Fellows Room 51 and are available for the remainder of the week between noon and 2 p.m. This is the latest in a string of pet therapy programs in law schools that began this past March when a dog named Monty appeared in a law library at Yale University. Hirsch said several schools began implementing pet therapy after Monty’s success. Law student Caroline Hoyt, has already
scheduled a second visit, she heard about the program through Facebook. “It’s nice to step away from studying and instead of looking at something else on the Internet you’re actually having live interaction,” Hoyt said. Anne Conyard, volunteer at the Delta Society, a national non-profit organization specializing in providing pet therapy, and volunteer for the UA’s pet therapy program, works with her 3-year-old golden retriever Gus at a hospice center every Friday. For the past year Conyard and Gus have been visiting patients, families and staff. “I think that it takes peoples’ minds off what they’re dealing with and all the business in their minds,” Conyard said. In addition to Gus, 2-year-old golden retriever poodle mix Gidget volunteered
on Monday. Gidget’s owner, Linda Grim is also a volunteer for the Delta Society. Gidget has been training for three months and completed his first job working at the law school on Monday. Katy Grounds, assistant director of admissions and financial aid, said she heard about the program from a UA student blog where law school students can share information. Grounds said the dogs are a good distraction, especially for first-year students experiencing their first week of finals. Conyard said her experience in hospice has shown her the positive effects of pet therapy and why dogs are the ideal candidates for the job. “They (the dogs) are unconditional and they just love to be petted, and to be loved and to give their love,” Conyard said.
Contraceptive care is already an out-of-pocket expense for many women, and a new provision could make it even harder for them to access this care for free. On March 23, 2010, President Barack Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which would expand medical insurance coverage, including contraceptive care. But a new proposal from Kathleen Sebelius, the U.S. secretary of health and human services, suggests that universities, schools and hospitals be part of the exemption for providing contraceptive care in health plans. Religious schools and institutions already qualified for the exemption. Obama still has yet to announce his decision about the provision. “I think it’s really the Catholic bishops that are putting the most pressure on the president to provide what they’re calling a ‘conscience exemption’ for this,” said Democratic Rep. Katie Hobbs, from District 15 of the Arizona State Legislature. “What’s frustrating to me “I really don’t is you have 227 bishops think you have a that are supposed to be speaking for an entire right to say ‘you church, but 99 percent can take birth of Catholic women have control or can’t, used birth control.” Hobbs added the bishor if you do, you ops aren’t really speaking have to pay for about the people in their it out of your churches and she said it pocket.’” should be up to each individual whether or not — Rep. Katie Hobbs they choose to use conDistrict 15, Arizona traceptives. State Legislature As of now, exemptions are limited, said Republican Sen. Nancy Barto, from District 7, in regard to the new provision. “If they provide an exemption to health plans and insurers that they don’t have to cover it (contraceptives) based on their moral convictions, then that’s an improvement to prior guidelines,” Barto said. Bryan Howard, the president and CEO of Planned Parenthood Arizona, said the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act requires that Americans have access to basic prevention-oriented services. Planned Parenthood is encouraging the administration to stand behind this act, which already expands an exemption to places
Blitz winner helping to understand how pesticides get into farm workers’ homes By Amer Taleb DAILY WILDCAT
A UA student’s research is contributing to the reduction of pesticide impacts on farm workers in Yuma. Depending on their ingredients and how often people are exposed to them, pesticides can have some detrimental effects. Pesticide exposure has been linked to brain cancer and said to lower IQ levels and takes a substantial toll on pregnant women and children that are exposed prenatally, said Anastasia Sugeng, an environmental health sciences graduate student whose work on the topic garnered first place in the 2011 Environmental
Grad Research Blitz. The competition showcased UA graduate students’ environmental research. Sugeng focused on how pesticides get into the homes of farm workers in Yuma, where roughly 45 percent of the residents work in agriculture, she said. “If a parent works with a certain type of pesticide in the field, we can see that in their child’s urine. We know
Anastasia Sugeng Environmental health sciences graduate student
pesticides are getting into their homes,” Sugeng said. “What’s uncertain is how.” Workers bringing pesticides home on their hands and clothes could be one way the pesticides get in, Sugeng said. Others include pesticide spray drifting into homes through the air or via the soil, which can cause contamination during a dust storm. “We need to pay attention to the whole picture,” Sugeng said. “In terms of research for the air pathway, not much has been done. It’s much more significant than people are realizing.”
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