A look back at the fall 2010 season
The sports desk breaks down the highs and lows of this semester in athletics. SPORTS, 6
tuesday, december ,
Q& A
The North Korean shelling of a South Korean island two weeks ago killed two people. It temporarily moved the South to crisis status and left U.S. officials scrambling to find a peaceful resolution to the decades-long conflict between the two countries. The Arizona Daily Wildcat
tucson, arizona
World War III?
Professor reveals consequences of Korean conflict interviewed David Dunford, adjunct instructor at the School of Government and Public Policy and a former U.S. ambassador to the Sultanate of Oman. Dunford is a Middle East expert who recently worked for the Coalition Provisional Authority in Baghdad as a senior ministerial liaison. Based on his many roles interacting with international affairs, here’s Dunford’s take on the North Korean issue and its
importance to U.S. foreign relations. Daily Wildcat: What do the recent developments mean to the U.S.? David Dunford: North Korea undertook an action that I’m sure makes both South Korea and the United States quite tense. We still have, in the five figures, a number of troops deployed in South Korea and, should a conflict break out, we’re obviously concerned about Korea, and North Korea
has nuclear weapons. DW: On recent military drills the U.S. has conducted with South Korea: DD: I can’t tell you (from the inside), but my guess is the U.S. is trying to send a message that we won’t tolerate further North Korean misbehavior by sending our military assets to drill with Q&A, page 5
PTS launches safety survey By Lucy Valencia ARIZONA DAILY WILDCAT UA’s Parking and Transportation Services has released a new “Campus Area Mobility” survey for UA students, staff and the general public to take so they can learn more about walking and bicycling habits around campus. PTS teamed up with Pima Association of Governments and the City of Tucson to improve safety,
ONLINE The survey is available at www.surveymonkey. com/s/CABPNP1 and is open to anyone. After a participant completes the survey, they are given the option to be entered into a drawing for a $100 REI gift card. SURVEY, page 5
Gordon Bates/Arizona Daily Wildcat
Emily Connally, president of the Graduate and Professional Student Council, presents and interprets the results of the 2010 GPSC Fee Impact Survey. The online survey was designed to assess how student fees will and do affect graduate students as well as their opinions and suggestions regarding the matter.
GPSC fights for fewer fees after student survey By Luke Money ARIZONA DAILY WILDCAT
GPSC President Emily Connally says the majority of UA graduate students would be negatively impacted by proposed increases to institutional fees next year. Her position is supported by the results of the Graduate and
Professional Student Council’s Fee Impact Survey, which was conducted from early October until Nov. 8. Connally released the survey results during a meeting of the UA Faculty Senate on Monday. About 20 percent of UA graduates, 1,697 students, responded to this year’s survey. This included at least 10 responses from each
college represented by GPSC. A full 90 percent of survey respondents said they would be impacted by the current proposed fee increase, which would raise fees for full-time students to $933 a year, a $310 increase over this year’s fee. The majority of that amount would come from increases to the Library and Technology Fee,
which funds maintenance for the UA’s library system and related technological components, and the Health and Recreation Fee, which primarily funds services provided by Campus Health Service and the Student Recreation Center. Connally raised issue with SENATE, page 5
Empty suggestion box
Accreditation Board’s public forum results in few student complaints By Michelle A. Monroe ARIZONA DAILY WILDCAT The UA is doing a perfect job except for fees and transfer credits, according to students. Those were the two complaints of the 12 students who attended the public forums about the UA’s re-accreditation process. The Accreditation Board held
open public forums on Monday with four separate rooms in the Student Union Memorial Center for faculty, students, alumni and appointed staff. Every 10 years, the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools must reaccredit the UA, and a part of that process is a site visit from representatives of peer institutions, which began Sunday and
will end Wednesday. Bundled fees were the main concern of the lone graduate student who attended the forum. “A huge concern for graduate students are those fees, they are horrible,” said Graduate and Professional Student Council at-large representative Zachary Brooks, a doctoral student in second language acquisition and
UA Opera Theater presents its fall production of “An Evening of Opera Scenes” with full set, lights, costumes and supertitles at 7:30 p.m. in Crowder Hall, Speedway Boulevard and Park Avenue.
teaching. “Their money is tight and suddenly those fees are lopped on top of it. It could be the determining factor on if they go to graduate school or not.” He asked that the board make a recommendation for more transparency and to unbundle fees. “We have to pay for things ACCREDITATION, page 13
Performances of “My Friend Irma: Irma Wants Money for Christmas” and other vintage radio shows at the Beowulf Alley Theatre, 11 S. Sixth Ave., 7 p.m.
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: @DailyWildcat
Students ready for holidays By Bethany Barnes ARIZONA DAILY WILDCAT
As winter break approaches, many students are looking forward to going home and seeing family. This year, finance senior Daniel Redden’s family is forgoing their usual celebration in Portland, Ore., to come and visit him and his sister in Tucson for his graduation. “It will be good to have everyone come here. It’s a bunch of holidays all squished together because we have his graduation, then my birthday, then Christmas,” said sister Kathy Redden, a senior studying speech and language hearing sciences. Undeclared freshman Jenna Pace and pre-physiology freshman Sarah Moore both said their favorite part of the winter holidays was seeing family. As far was what they are looking forward to most during winter break, they can’t wait to go sledding and skiing. Linguistics sophomore Dacia Brown said after a long semester of studying Chinese, the thing she is most looking forward to is finally getting some shut-eye. BREAK, page 5
Chanukuh Story Hour with treats, 5 p.m., Barnes and Noble, 5130 E. Broadway Blvd.
• tuesday, december 7, 2010 • arizona daily wildcat
Colin Darland Editor in Chief 520•621•7579 editor@wildcat.arizona.edu
weather Today’s High: 74 Low: 44
ODDS & ENDS worth noting
Christy Delehanty Page 2 Editor 520•621•3106 arts @wildcat.arizona.edu
Will you be attending the Alamo Bowl?
Tomorrow: H: 78 L: 43
on the spot
Yes. (8)
The next Disney star
No, but I wanted to. (30) No. (38)
New question: How well do you manage your finances?
News Tips
Jess Fankuchen
Undeclared freshman Would you rather date a famous actor or famous athlete? Actor, because they are way hotter. And I want to be an actress, so we kind of just go together. Who would be your ideal co-star? My ideal costar would be Nick Jonas or … there are so many options I can’t begin to explain them. Didn’t Nick Jonas just recently get married? No, that’s Kevin Jonas. Oh, I’m not very up to par with my Jonases. What is your favorite holiday snack? Gingerbread men. What are those? Well, you can get a gingerbread family that includes Siamese twins or you can get, like, the gingerbread men with the sprinkles, and they are cinnamon-ish and just good. Do you ever partake in the building of the gingerbread house? Oh yeah, but my house usually falls apart so it turns into a shack, but it still rocks. I mean, I would live there. Who is your least favorite Christmas villan such as the Grinch or Abominable Snowman? I would have to say Scrooge because he is just a scrooge. Does anyone in your life resemble Scrooge? My mom, because she thinks the holidays are a hassle. Right now, there’s not even a Christmas tree in my house. I’m not even sure if there is going to be one this year, but it’s cool. I mean, I’ll draw one. Do you think the season would be more magical if it were a white Christmas? Obviously Arizona can’t measure up, you have to drive like nine years to get to the snow. I mean, I love the snow. I want to make a snowman. It is just not Christmas without the snow, it’s hot. Would you rather have, under the tree, a lot of really awesome presents or a bunch of free “A’s” without even having to study? Presents. Are you serious? Honestly, “A’s” are cool but who is perfect? Nobody’s perfect, I gotta work it again and again till I get it right. Sounds like a Miley Cyrus lyric? Technically it’s a Hannah Montana lyric, but Miley is the interpreter of Hannah Montana and overall they are both amazing. So overall, it works. Are you a Disney star fiend? Yeah, and I am planning on being a Disney channel actress within the next two years, so look out for me. I will probably be playing a character between the ages of 13 and 15. — Caroline Nachazel
621-3193 Sam Shumaker/Arizona Daily Wildcat
A giant menorah sits on the UA Mall yesterday as a monument to Chanukah, with five lights lit and a sixth light to be lit Monday at dusk. Set out by the UA’s Chabad Jewish Student Center, the lighting of the menorah is an international Chabad event signifying “a light to the world.”
Berlin protesters strip to fight high rent There’s rent strike — and then there’s rent strip. Protesters outraged about rising real estate costs and gentrification in Berlin are scheduling appointments to view apartments they consider overpriced, then stripping naked and holding impromptu dance parties inside. The demonstrators, who call themselves “Hedonist International,” act like normal would-be tenants when they arrange viewings at apartments in increasingly desirable neighborhoods such as Kreuzberg and Friedrichshain. But once they get into the residences,
they put on masks and take off everything else. With their bodies painted with slogans such as “Too Expensive” and “Rip Off,” the demonstrators dance around in their birthday suits to the beat of techno music, then flee before police arrive, according to The Independent. In defense of a Sept. 26 naked protest, Hedonist International says its members went nude because “Berliners don’t have a lot of purchasing power — some people have to pay so much rent that they can no longer afford clothes.” “Although the apartment passed our party test, we were
pissed about the rent of 11.50 euros per square meter — that’s excluding utilities and heating costs,” the group wrote on its website. “Trying to find someone stupid enough to pay that price borders on illicit profiteering.” Berlin has long been known for its relatively inexpensive real estate prices — especially compared with cities such as Paris, London and New York. But the Hedonists and their “Aktionskomitee Nudistische Offensive” (Nudist Offensive Action Committee) say prices in formerly affordable neighborhoods are beginning to soar. — AOL News
fast facts Man: “I wish the bake sale on the Mall today was for getting baked.” — Student Union Memorial Center
submit at dailywildcat.com or twitter @overheardatua
• It took engineers 22 years to design the zipper. • The first modern dishwashing machine was invented by wealthy American socialite Josephine Cochrane in 1886. She invented it so her servants would stop chipping her china. • The world’s first mono-motorcycle, called the Uno, was invented by a Canadian teenager named Ben Gulak. • The parachute was
invented before the airplane. • During one sevenyear period, Thomas Edison obtained approximately 300 patents. In his whole life, he obtained more than 1,000 patents. • Inventor Thomas Adams started the world’s first chewinggum factory in 1845. • Chapman and Skinner in San Francisco invented the first portable electric vacuum in 1905.
The Daily Wildcat is always interested in story ideas and tips from readers. If you see something deserving of coverage, contact news editor Michelle Monroe at news@wildcat.arizona.edu or call the newsroom at 621-3193.
Arizona Daily Wildcat Vol. 104, Issue 73
The Arizona Daily Wildcat is an independent student newspaper published daily during the fall and spring semesters at the University of Arizona. It is distrubted on campus and throughout Tucson with a circulation of 15,000. The function of the Daily Wildcat is to disseminate news to the community and to encourage an exchange of ideas. The Daily Wildcat was founded under a different name in 1899. All copy, photographs, and graphics appearing in the Arizona Daily Wildcat are the sole property of the Wildcat and may not be reproduced without the specific consent of the editor in chief. A single copy of the Daily Wildcat is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of mutiple copies will be considered theft and may be prosecuted. Additional copies of the Daily Wildcat are available from the Student Media office. The Arizona Daily Wildcat is a member of The Associated Press and the Associated Collegiate Press.
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Requests for corrections or complaints concerning news and editorial content of the Arizona Daily Wildcat should be directed to the editor in chief. For further information on the Daily Wildcat’s approved grievance policy, readers may contact Mark Woodhams, director of Arizona Student Media, in the Sherman R. Miller Newsroom at the Park Student Union. Editor in Chief Colin Darland News Editor Michelle A. Monroe Sports Editor Tim Kosch Opinions Editor Heather Price-Wright Design Chief Jessica Leftault Arts Editor Christy Delehanty Photo Editor Lisa Beth Earle
Copy Chief Kenny Contrata
Today’s birthday Opportunities open up for increased income and additional education to further your career. Practical effort takes you into new arenas, where you express private thoughts with like-minded individuals. Choose wisely to build a solid future and follow your passions. Aries (March 21 - April 19) — Today is a 6 — Focus attention on public or social activities. Get out and meet people to take advantage of multiple opportunities. Anticipate career openings. Taurus (April 20 - May 20) — Today is a 9 — Multiple long-distance contacts provide your partner with everything necessary to complete a change. Take off on your own and allow others to work. Gemini (May 21 - June 21) — Today is a 6 — Associates have gathered the financial information needed to make a decision. Work together and the desired changes fall into place effortlessly. Cancer (June 22 - July 22) — Today is a 7 — Close relationships provide opportunities for practical action. Whether it’s work or play, enthusiasm increases and imagination carries you forward. Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22) — Today is a 7 — A new person enters the workspace, bringing new opportunities and possibly some tension. Everything works out if you don’t push too hard. Use finesse rather than force. Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22) — Today is a 6 — A female’s desire for changes inspires everyone to take a chance on creative elements. The pieces come together on a practical level with great results.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) — Today is an 8 — Healing potential expands now. This could involve yourself or family members. Love and compassion work wonders. Pour your energy into each act. Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21) — Today is a 7 — Dress up your style and message today. Even the most practical concepts can use a bit of marketing. Don’t be afraid to sing your own praises, with compassion. Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21) — Today is a 9 — Pay your own way today. That way, you maintain as many possibilities as possible, while enjoying great company. Stay close to home rather than traveling far. Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19) — Today is a 6 — Ideas come together today in unusual ways. What appear to be very different directions actually arrive at the same place. If one fails, try another. Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18) — Today is a 6 — Private gatherings take advantage of multiple possibilities. Each group member can pursue an idea independently and then bring it to the table for consensus. Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20) — Today is a 7 — Pay close attention to the role independent action plays regarding physical well-being. Listen to professionals. Then check with your own body for confirmation.
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arizona daily wildcat • tuesday, december 7, 2010 •
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• tuesday, december 7, 2010 • arizona daily wildcat
Colin Darland Editor in Chief 520•621•7579 editor@wildcat.arizona.edu
Heather Price-Wright Opinions Editor 520•621•7581 letters@wildcat.arizona.edu
EDITORIAL Don’t let finals cloud season of giving
his is a confusing time of year for college students. On the one hand, a solid month of blissful freedom (and/or bizarre and awkward interactions with family) is just around the corner. But on the other hand, it can seem like the world may actually end before finals do. Most of us are in the midst of a caffeine-and-pure-fearfueled race to the end of the semester. Through the haze of finals stress, when you’re living day-to-day or, more to the point, deadline-to-deadline, it can be hard to have any perspective. But perspective is important, especially during what should be one of the most joyful times of year for everyone. In reality, that is sadly not the case. The national unemployment rate is 9.8 percent ; in Arizona, the rate is just below the national average — 9.5 percent as of October. About 80,000 Arizonans are expected to lose their unemployment benefits by the end of the year if the federal government does not vote to renew them. According to U.S. Census Bureau data, one in five Arizonans lives below the poverty line . These numbers are not meant to pile on doom and gloom; rather, they should remind UA students that, in the grand scheme of things, most of us are incomprehensibly lucky. Yes, tuition is high and getting higher; yes, things are looking relatively grim for higher education in Arizona; and yes, there’s currently plenty to gripe about at the UA. But, by and large, we have a roof over our heads every night, enough to eat (though sometimes that consists of Ramen and energy drinks) and at least moderately hopeful future prospects. Compared to much of the rest of the state and country, many of us are in pretty good shape, and it would do our stressed-out souls good to remember that from time to time. So, during this season of giving, why not remind ourselves just how much we have to give? Sometimes, when trying to stretch a college budget from month to month, it feels like there’s no wiggle room. But if everyone did without a latte one morning or a 30pack one Saturday night, a Chipotle burrito or fro-yo at BTO once a week, most people would find they do have a little extra to give. It doesn’t have to be much. Many people’s holidays could be immensely improved with even the smallest of gestures. For example, several businesses near campus and around Tucson have Salvation Army’s Angel Trees or allow you to be “Santa to a senior.” These kinds of programs, where people choose a person in need, buy the Christmas present they’ve asked for and return it to the business to be delivered, allow givers to contribute vastly to someone’s holiday. Plus, buying a toy for a child or a warm robe for a senior citizen is sure to warm the heart of even the scroogiest college student. If that kind of contribution is simply out of reach, there’s always the gift of time. Soup kitchens, food banks and other charity organizations’ business picks up during the holidays, and many Tucson charities could surely use some help. Working directly with the needy can help put school pressure into perspective, and provide a welcome respite from the campus bubble. Whatever method you choose, do something this holiday season to remind yourself that, stress or no stress, you’re more fortunate than many. That’s an elusive lesson, especially when life at the UA feels like the whole world. But it’s worth taking the time to look at the larger picture and feel, however briefly, blessed, and able to share those blessings. — Editorials are determined by the Daily Wildcat opinions board and written by one of its members. They are Heather Price-Wright, Luke Money, Colin Darland and Steven Kwan. They can be reached at letters@wildcat.arizona.edu.
The Daily Wildcat editorial policy
Daily Wildcat staff editorials represent the official opinion of the Daily Wildcat staff, which is determined at staff editorial meetings. Columns, cartoons, online comments and letters to the editors represent the opinions of their author and do not represent the opinion of the Daily Wildcat.
Rage against the insulin: It’s become a fact of life that celebrities will invariably latch onto certain “pet projects” and browbeat us with them. Al Gore wears his swimsuit everywhere and Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have staked a claim on all impoverished children. But Brad Wilk, the drummer for Rage Against the Machine who has type-1 diabetes, has crafted his own selection of drinks that even those with diabetes can enjoy. Motley Crue drummer Tommy Lee is also developing a new drink, but for the sake of propriety, it can’t be discussed in any more detail. Asking, with a chance of telling: Defense Secretary Robert Gates said on Monday that he was “not particularly optimistic” that the military’s policy barring openly gay men and women from serving would be repealed anytime soon, though he did say changes were inevitable. Of course, change has been inevitable since the policy was first implemented, so … Equality in Wally World: The Supreme Court has said it will consider nixing the largest employment discrimination case in U.S. history, a class-action discrimination suit brought against Wal-Mart that claims the retailer pays women less than men and promotes them less frequently. WalMart is disputing whether the case can be argued as a class action.Wal-Mart: Always low standards. Always.
gu Trendin
GOP, Grand Old Presidents: According to a poll from CNN, every Republican president since Ronald Reagan has approval ratings higher now than they did immediately after leaving office, whereas their Democratic counterparts tend to see their numbers remain static. The lone exception? Richard Nixon. Why, I’ll never know. His efforts fostering relationships with China were break-in. I mean bang-up. Creepy-crawly conspiracies: A German man named Sven Koppler was arrested on Thursday after an investigation revealed he had illegally sent hundreds of tarantulas into the country using the U.S. Postal Service. The man was caught like a fly in a web after a nine-month investigation called — seriously — “Operation Spiderman,” and faces up to 20 years in prison if convicted. We’ll just chalk this up to another reason the post office bites, eh? Big Brother browsing: If you’re like me, your Facebook profile became inundated with updates from friends electing to “upgrade” their profiles. The latest and greatest advancement from the world’s preeminent time waster includes sharing such vital details as what languages you know how to speak. Remember a few months ago when everyone was up in arms over Facebook infringing on their privacy? Neither do I.
Trending down – Arizona Daily Wildcat
Brewer’s economic plan shortsighted Andrew Shepherd
here’s no question that our state is in a world of hurt. Arizona has been battling a huge budget deficit and high unemployment for the past few years. However, all the Legislature seems to care about is the interests of business. Last week, Gov. Jan Brewer unveiled her economic development plan for the next legislative session. This plan includes nothing but tax breaks for businesses and decreasing the roles of state regulators. Brewer said she wants to attract new businesses to Arizona that will create new jobs and spark more investment into the state. However, she plans to fund these tax breaks by continuing to make cuts to education and health-care spending. She forgets that businesses don’t just care about tax rates, but quality of life as well. While well-intentioned, this plan is remarkably shortsighted. With its current corporate tax rate of 6.968 percent, Arizona is about in the middle when compared to other states. Iowa’s corporate tax rate is at 12 percent for businesses making more than $250,000; California’s rate is at 8.84 percent for all businesses; and Texas, South Dakota, Nevada, Wyoming and Washington have
no corporate taxes at all. Most states hover somewhere between 5 and 9 percent and most have progressive scales, where businesses that make more money pay higher taxes. If the goal is to make Arizona more competitive and appealing to out-of-state businesses, won’t it have to drastically reduce or even eliminate its corporate tax rate in order to do so? You would think so; after all, why wouldn’t a company choose to expand to Texas, where it doesn’t have to pay corporate taxes, instead of Arizona? Would a cut of the current rate to about 4 or 5 percent really help that much? Probably not, as there will still be other states with lower or nonexistent rates. So why don’t we just eliminate the corporate tax rate? The thing is, the state can’t afford it. With the current budget mess, the state needs more revenue, not a drastic reduction of the small amount it already receives. The Republicans in the Legislature claim they can offset the loss of revenue by trimming the fat out of the state budget, but that’s exactly what they’ve been doing for the past three years and there isn’t much left to cut. Businesses won’t come to Arizona
simply because our corporate tax rate is lower. The Legislature and Brewer need to look at the bigger picture. Why would a business come to a state that doesn’t take education seriously? Why would a business want to come to a state where the talent pool will be from horribly underfunded and underdeveloped schools? Would a corporate executive want to move to a state where his or her kids will receive a substandard education? No. Businesses are drawn to an area not just because of their tax rates, but also because they like the community as a whole. Brewer and the Legislature seem to think that the answer to all our problems is more tax cuts. They offer no solutions to anything except cutting funding for vital state programs (i.e. K-12 and higher education) and promising to make the state more appealing to businesses by offering tax cuts. It’s obvious the state needs more jobs, but simply cutting taxes and eliminating regulations won’t do it. Arizona needs to invest in its future by working to increase the standards of its schools. With a bettereducated work force, the businesses will come. Cutting the corporate tax rate will only further hurt the state and encourage further cuts to education, health care and public safety. The governor’s desire to bring more jobs to the state is admirable, but this plan misses the mark. — Andrew Shepherd is a political science senior. He can be reached at letters@wildcat.arizona.edu.
CONTACT US | The Arizona Daily Wildcat accepts original, unpublished letters from all of its readers. •
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arizona daily wildcat • tuesday, december 7, 2010 •
SENATE continued from page 1
Faculty hesitant to ungroup fees; Q&A Long-term resolution grads dislike Rec requirement between Koreas unlikely Other Faculty Senate
how some of the fees are bundled together, particularly the Health and Recreation Fee. Half of survey respondents said they have never used the Rec Center, and 48 percent said they would opt out of any fee that goes to the center’s facilities. Also, 90 percent said they had never used services offered through the Rec Center, such as club sports and fitness courses, and 77 percent said they would opt out of this portion of the fee. Connally said it was GPSC’s position that the Rec Center should charge a flat fee for the center, and students who use additional services should be charged a usage fee. Connally also suggested that the fee could be kept at its current level but that students who demonstrate they do not use the Rec Center should be allowed to opt out of paying the fee. “Our position is that the Rec Center is a convenience,” Connally said. “It may play an important role as a recruitment tool for undergraduates, but it does not hold that same value for graduate students.” However, graduate students were far more willing to pay fees associated with library use, according to the survey. Sixty percent of respondents said they preferred to leave the fee at its current level and 13 percent said they would be comfortable paying an increased fee for next year.
BREAK continued from page 1
But 26 percent said they would prefer an option to opt out of fees that go to services they do not use, and 28 percent thought the library and technology portions of the fee should be separated. Some Faculty Senate members rejected the notion of uncoupling the fees. “In this day and age, you cannot have a library without a robust IT and technology structure,” said UA President Robert Shelton. Shelton praised the study as a whole but said he wondered if students should focus less on paying fees and using services and more on fostering a campus community that benefits the student population. Shelton also drew a parallel to parents who might not want to fund the higher education system after their children are through it. “In no way am I trying to demean the study … but it reflects a broader question that is a tough one to answer,” Shelton said. Robert Jacobi, an aerospace engineering graduate student and GPSC representative, responded that he did not think a gym membership should be a requirement to get a college degree, especially since many commuter students live too far away to take advantage of some oncampus services. Connally said that GPSC plans to release a more detailed report on their fee findings in the spring.
The Faculty Senate unanimously voted to approve graduate and undergraduate consent agendas, which included items to change the name of the cell biology and anatomy major to cellular and molecular medicine and offer new degrees in environmental studies and international security. The senate also unanimously passed a motion to support development of a Distinguished University Fellows program designed to “strengthen the university’s commitment to multiple strategic goals by building upon the unique and critically valued talents and experience of recently retired tenured faculty.” The program would enable those interested to continue to contribute to the Arizona university system even after formal retirement from an institution. Thomas Miller, associate provost for faculty affairs, gave a presentation on the UA’s efforts to demystify the promotion and tenure processes within specific departments and colleges. From 2009 to 2010, the UA approved promotion and tenure in 97 percent of cases, according to promotion and tenure review numbers furnished by Miller.
Students share favorite holiday traditions
The Arizona Daily Wildcat asked a few students if they had a favorite winter holiday tradition.
music composition freshman
Marisela Siqueiros
“Probably decorating my house and everything, because my dad is very fanatical about that … you’ll drive through the neighborhood and it will be like couple of lights, couple of lights, couple of lights, boom! Our house.”
Doors open at 8PM Every Tuesday
5470 E. Broadway (at Craycroft)
every tuesday
“I guess opening up my presents and drinking hot chocolate.”
the South Koreans. It’s kind of a normal response. DW: On talks with the Koreas to resolve the conflict: DD: I’m sure the United States is working very hard with the South Koreans not to respond aggressively, because we don’t to further provoke the North Koreans. DW: Is the transition in government, where Kim Jong-Il’s son will take over as a leader, an omen of better relations in the future? DD: Kim Jong-Il has not been a very sensible leader in our view, and North Korea is in danger of becoming a failed state, much as with Pakistan. We don’t want to see both a failed state and a state with nuclear weapons in the same place. I’m not very optimistic that a change in leadership is going to improve the North Korean behavior. Because it’s not the leader itself … but it’s a clique of people who benefit from the situation and they won’t give up power. DW: On certain theories of unifying the Koreas once again: DD: I think there is homogeneity of culture even though that homogeneity has probably been split up a little bit in the 60 years Korea has been separated. I’m pretty sure the United States would like to see moves toward unification, but only if North
Korea has a more sensible government. I’m sure South Korea would like to see some rapprochement with North Korea. DW: Should the U.S. worry about recent attacks? DD: It is worrisome. It has a lot to do with a power struggle going on now in North Korea, Pyongyang (the country’s capital). Quite often when you see a country moving aggressively like this, like Iran, Burma, Myanmar … It has to do with internal politics. DW: On the far-reaching effects of the North Korean issue in Eastern Asia: DD: (It’s part of) why Iran seeks nuclear weapons. They saw Iraq, where they didn’t have nuclear weapons, and were invaded by the United States. They look at North Korea where they do have nuclear weapons and are quite public about it. And North Korea does get to sit around a conference table with China, and Russia and the United States and talk about it. DW: Is there hope for the conflict being solved and unification of the Koreas? DD: Probably not. It would be nice, but we’ll see with the change of government … If that shuffles the deck a little bit, maybe something good will happen.
Questions focus on safe walking, biking on campus
continued from page 1
Chester Magruder
freshman studying English
continued from page 1
Angel Arias psychology freshman
“Sitting around with cousins and watching ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas.’”
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and research is their first step. “The original intent came about because it is a safety concern,” said Bill Davidson, marketing manager of PTS. “The survey takes about five to 10 minutes and it initially just asks basic demographic information … it also asks about other forms of alternative transportation.” The survey was made to help PTS get a better grasp of what people perceive as barriers to walking and biking, how often people walk and bike and how important it is to improve conditions. “We also partnered up to take a closer look at ways we can encourage safe walking and biking around campus,” Davidson said. Bianca Gaspar, a freshman majoring in family studies and
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human development, has not taken the survey yet but gets around by foot or by borrowing her friend’s bicycle. Gaspar said she “doesn’t think it’s a big problem,” in regards to safety for pedestrians and bicyclists. Gaspar said most of her friends walk or bike, and she probably won’t bring her car to the UA until her mom lets her. “I ride my friend’s bike to Spanish class at night. It can be kind of sketchy, but I think that’s just me being paranoid,” Gaspar said. “I haven’t had any problems with cars or traffic, except they get really upset with people on bikes sometimes, and you can just see it. They get upset with people riding their bikes in the street.”
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• tuesday, december 7, 2010
policebeat By Lucy Valencia Arizona Daily Wildcat
Bye bye bike
A bicycle was stolen from the James E. Rogers College of Law on Wednesday, sometime between 10 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. At approximately 1:35 p.m., a University of Arizona Police Department officer called the student who owned the bike. The student described her bicycle as worth approximately $600. She described her cable lock, worth approximately $20. The student was able to provide a serial number for her bicycle.
Student stows smoking bottle in shower
A UA student was arrested for possession of marijuana and possession of paraphernalia on Dec. 1. Two officers were working together when they were dispatched to Coronado Residence Hall because someone reported an odor of marijuana coming from one of the rooms. When they arrived at the scene, the officers could smell marijuana, cologne and perfume coming from the crack of that room’s door. One of the officers knocked on the door. They were greeted by a student and entered the room. Another student was sitting inside of the room. While the officers were in the room, they noticed that the shower was running and asked who was in the bathroom. One of the students said that he likes to have the water run for a little, because when it is first turned on the water runs brown. He opened the door and the officers saw a plastic bottle with tinfoil on top, with what looked to be marijuana on it. He also saw a plastic jar containing a green leafy substance, consistent with marijuana, on a bookshelf just above one of the students’ desk. One of the students said it belonged to him. He said that he used the bottle to smoke some of it. He added that the other man in the room had nothing to do with it, and had only arrived five minutes before the officers showed up. The student went on to explain that he had bought the marijuana from a “man who lives across the street near Fifth Street and Euclid Avenue.” The student said that he gets migraine headaches and marijuana is the only thing that relieves them. He said he paid $40 for two grams of marijuana. The student was arrested for possession of marijuana and possession of paraphernalia. He was cited and released at the scene. The jar containing the marijuana was sent to the Arizona Department of Public Safety for scientific examination. A code of conduct was forwarded to the Dean of Students Office. The officer determined the other student had nothing to do with the situation.
Student’s clunker nicked
A UA employee reported his car was stolen at 1:32 p.m. on Wednesday. He explained that he parked his 1997 Honda Civic on the south side of the warehouse at 7 a.m. He took his keys with him when he left, and showed them to the officer as they spoke. When the man returned to his car at 1:30 p.m., he noticed that it was gone. He said he walked around the warehouse and didn’t see it anywhere. The employee stated that the value of the car was approximately $1,500, and that it had front-end damage. The paint job was faded black and the gas tank was almost empty when he parked it. The employee told the officer that he wanted to press charges against any subjects who were involved in taking the car. The officer searched the area where the car had been parked and did not find any possible evidence. There is no suspect information at this time.
Prank wars don’t defeat the Droid
A UAPD officer went to the Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity house at 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, for a report of theft. When the officer arrived, he spoke to two men who lived at the house. One of them said that while the other man was in the shower that morning, he had taken the man’s new cell phone off the desk and hid it in his car. He explained that he did it as a prank and intended to return the phone to its original spot exactly 24 hours later. He added that all the members were playing pranks on each other at the time. The owner of the phone told the officer that he had missed his phone in the morning and asked if anybody had seen or taken it. He described the phone as a Droid, and said that it can be located by sending a code that will cause the phone to ring even if it is turned off. He then sent this code and heard the ring coming from the man’s car. He went to the trunk of the car and got his phone. After the officer talked to both parties, the two men agreed to talk about the issue and that no further action was to be taken. The officer warned both parties not to play pranks on each other.
Bike stolen from Main Library
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A bicycle was stolen from the Main Library’s northwest bike racks on Nov. 30. A UAPD officer called the student who owned the bicycle to get more information on what happened. The student explained that his bicycle had been taken sometime between the hours of 7 p.m. and 1 a.m. The bike and cable lock were missing when the student returned to where he had left it. The bicycle rack was undamaged. The student does not have the serial number for the bicycle and it was not registered with Parking and Transportation Services. At this time, no suspect information is available. Police Beat is compiled from official University of Arizona Police Department reports. A complete list of UAPD activity can be found at www.uapd.arizona.edu.
arizona daily wildcat • tuesday, december 7, 2010 •
• tuesday, december 7, 2010 • arizona daily wildcat
Students unaware of ‘sloppy payment’ backlash
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Saving money can be a challenge for students. Michael Staten, director of the Take Charge America Institute at the UA, said a major underlying cause of money trouble is because relatively few students have prepared a budget for themselves. Staten said if a student receives a sum of money in the beginning of the month, it might initially seem like a lot of money until he or she begins to budget. It takes practice, he said, and you learn by training yourself. “In addition to that, most students are unaware that sloppy payment habits come back to haunt them, especially on credit reports,” Staten said. Suppose a student puts a balance on a credit card and he or she does not pay attention to the due date. The consequences are greater than students anticipate, Staten said. He said there are plenty of opportunities on campus to help educate students on balancing finances. There are a series of courses, a popular one being family and consumer sciences 302 — Family and Consumer Personal Finance. That’s always over prescribed, Staten said. There are never enough seats to satisfy the demand for that course he said. “Remarkably there seems to be more of a problem with men,” Staten said. “They think they know more than they do, it might be consistent with men not wanting to ask for directions.” Pre-business sophomore Kendell Brandon said that, as a child, she always had a big piggy bank and enjoyed saving change. “I like nicer things, so sometimes it’s nice to have the extra spending money to treat yourself to, plus I like having the security,” she said.
Brandon said she is financially independent for the most part, and she knows that, on a monthly basis, she is responsible for paying for groceries, gas, clothes and extra books. “What I like to do is put all my paychecks in the bank, then when it comes to tip money from work, I put that into a jar and use it for spending money,” Brandon said. A lot of her friends have difficulty managing their money, she said. “I think it is because we are in this transition — there is a big difference living off campus, things are more expensive and a lot of parents are trying to wean their kids off slowly,” Brandon said. She said her friend would spend money frivolously and buy Starbucks several times a week, so that by the end of the month there would not be any left. Some perks, she said, from her savings are her iPod touch and her Mac computer. “It’s a rewarding feeling and it teaches you in the long run how to save money and be cautious of your spending,” Brandon said. Brandon’s advice to students would be to think about the
unnecessary items that you enjoy buying and account for how much of your money goes toward them; people will be surprised, she said. Kyle Kelly, a senior majoring in Spanish, described his money management as “absolutely horrible.” He said any excess money he gets goes to his entertainment fund, which is essentially beer. That takes priority. He said he lives off campus and, while he does not pay for rent, he does pay for his car payments and other expenses. “A few months back I got a smaller paycheck than expected so I sold some personal belongings just to make a car payment,” Kelly said. In high school, he took one class that involved finances. “I’d say it’s more along the line that I understand them (management skills), I just don’t do it,” Kelly said. He said he never struggles to pay his bills but doesn’t have any savings. “All my friends have the same issues for the same reasons.” Kelly said. “I’m just thinking about graduating. If I had more time, I’d be interested in building skills. In time it will fix itself, I hope.”
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tuesday, december ,
Tim Kosch Sports Editor 520•626•2956 sports@wildcat.arizona.edu
Semester in review
5-13-2, 1-8 Pac-10
Season summary
With a new head coach and a dozen freshmen, there was a fair share of uncertainty for how successful the Arizona soccer season would be following a dismal and turbulent 2009. The young Wildcats waded their way through an extremely demanding conference schedule for the first time without junior star Renae Cuellar and endured the bumps and bruises on the way to an improved 5-13-2 (1-8 Pac-10) record.
Team MVP
Ashley Jett. The junior goalkeeper showed up every game as the fiery vocal leader of Arizona’s back four. Jett’s goalkeeping wasn’t too bad either, getting better as the season went on and finishing first in the Pac-10 in saves (104) and saves per game (5.78).
What went right
Although the record will not indicate success, 2010 restored much-needed stability to an Arizona program that has experienced adversity and controversy in recent years. Head coach Lisa Oyen established a new blueprint for the future of Arizona soccer by steering the program clear of off-the-field issues and created a foundation for a winning culture.
What went wrong
After just six games, Cuellar went down to a knee injury that would force her to sit out the remainder of the season. Arizona’s offense was largely ineffective the rest of the year without Cuellar, and the Wildcats’ inability to find the back of the net became an unfortunate theme in 2010.
20-12, 9-9 Pac-10
7-5, 4-5 Pac-10. Will play Oklahoma State in Alamo Bowl on Dec. 29
Season summary
Season summary
What started as a season of promise ended in utter failure. Highlighted by a 34-27 win over Iowa, Arizona raced off to a 7-1 record only to finish the regular season 7-5, including a heart-breaking loss to ASU.
Team MVP
In a season of inconsistency, the team’s best player was far and away wide receiver Juron Criner. The junior caught 73 balls for 1,186 yards and 10 touchdowns despite always drawing the attention of opposing defenses. If he stays for his senior year, Criner will undoubtedly be a first or second round pick in the 2012 NFL draft.
What went right
Arizona’s biggest question coming into the season was how three new linebackers would play, and for the most part, the trio of Paul Vassallo, Derek Earls and Jake Fischer played well all season. Defensive end Ricky Elmore had another stellar season, as did well as defensive back Joe Perkins.
What went wrong
A lot. The running game was nonexistent, the secondary never seemed comfortable and the kicking game, well, you know how that went. To make matters worse, Arizona never seemed to play a complete game, which doomed the team in all five of its losses.
2011 forecast
With the addition of transfer wide receiver Dan Buckner and freshman running back Ka’Deem Carey, the Nick Foles-led offense should be unstoppable — if the new crop of offensive linemen can keep it together. The defense will need to replace defensive ends Elmore and Brooks Reed, but excitement is already building for the safety tandem of Adam Hall and Marquis Flowers. — Tim Kosch
After starting off ranked No. 18 in the country, Arizona dropped out of the rankings for a short time only to finish the regular season at No. 20. Inconsistency and unspectacular play led the Wildcats to a 9-9 Pacific 10 Conference record.
Team MVP
Paige Weber. She was Arizona’s vocal leader throughout the year and the player everything went through on offense.
What went right
Arizona swept rival ASU and found a way to beat Washington for the first time in eight seasons, along with making an NCAA Tournament appearance for the second straight year.
What went wrong
UA had a chance to make a statement in four separate matches against top-5 teams, but only one of those was even competitive. Arizona was bounced in the first round of the NCAA Tournament for the second straight year.
2011 forecast
Success in 2011 is contingent on the development of Arizona’s freshmen in their sophomore seasons. With a year under their belts, they should be readily prepared for the rigors of playing soccer in an elite conference, and as a result, Arizona should see a boost in the win column. If Cuellar returns to form and Jett maintains her status as an anchor in goal, the season outlook should begin sunnier than usual, but playing in the Pac-10 means that there is always a chance for rain.
Even though Arizona graduates four seniors and redshirt-junior Kaylen Bannister, the Wildcats are bringing in a recruiting class that has head coach Dave Rubio excited. Next year’s team will be both exciting and frustrating to watch because of youth and probably will be both in the span of a few minutes. UA brings back four players who saw significant time in 2010, and a tournament run is possible but not likely.
— Michael Fitzsimmons
— Alex Williams
2011 forecast
Women’s cross-country
Men’s cross-country Season summary
Season summary
The women’s cross-country team came out fast this year and was consistently ranked in the top 10. They were hoping to finish in the top four at nationals but had to settle for 11th place, which was a vast improvement compared to their 30th-place finish last year.
Stephen Sambu carried the load for a team that, for the most part, just couldn’t put things together. Head coach James Li even went as far as saying he wanted the rest of the team to shave a minute off of their times.
Team MVP
Jennifer Bergman. Anyone could have been named MVP, but Bergman finished first for the Wildcats on three occasions and won one meet.
Sambu, who was awarded the Pacific 10 Conference cross-country Athlete of the Year and Newcomer of the Year after finishing second at nationals.
What went right
What went right
The team had amazing depth, which showed all year. Their ‘pack running’ was vital in their 11th place run at nationals.
What went wrong
The team had an off day during nationals and struggled. Their performance might have won them several meets, but that wasn’t enough when they were competing against the best competition in the country.
2011 forecast
The team returns every member of this year’s squad except Maggie Callahan, the lone senior. With the experience they gathered this year and the amount of talent the team has, they should be right back at the top next year. The trio of Hannah Moen, Bergman and Elvin Kibet should be enough to have Arizona fans excited. — Kevin Nadakal
Team MVP
Sambu came into the UA with a lot of experience. He had never lost a meet at the junior college level, and he had won back-to-back NJCAA titles in the outdoor 10 kilometers and 5,000 meters.
What went wrong
Lack of depth and lack of experience really killed the team this year. The coaching staff could not find an answer as the team continued to struggle all year.
2011 forecast
Barring any injury, Sambu should be right at the top again next year. Even Sambu was surprised at how well he did at nationals. If the rest of the team does not pick things up and learn through their experiences, it will be another long year for the men’s cross-country team. — Kevin Nadakal
• tuesday, december 7, 2010 • arizona daily wildcat
Foles, Texas natives happy to head home
Yankees GM Cashman optimistic about Lee McClatchy Tribune
Mike Christy/Arizona Daily Wildcat
Sophomore safety Adam Hall, right, drags down an ASU running back in the WIldcats’ 30-29 loss on Thursday at Arizona Stadium. Hall will return to the Alamodome, the site of the Army All-American Bowl where he played in 2008, when Arizona takes on Oklahoma State in the Alamo Bowl on Dec. 29.
By Mike Schmitz Arizona Daily Wildcat Arizona won’t play in the Rose Bowl it coveted at the start the season, but the Valero Alamo Bowl in San Antonio, Texas, is a nice consolation prize — especially for the Texas natives. “It’s special. To go back to a place that I’ve played four times in that dome, growing up,” said quarterback Nick Foles, who hails from Austin. “I have a lot of family that hasn’t been able to see me play that will hopefully be able to come to the game, and it will be exciting for all of us from Texas.” Foles, who owns a 2-1 record in the Alamodome as a starting quarterback for Westlake High School (0-1 as a special teams sophomore), is one of 15 Arizona players who grew up in the Lone Star State. And when the Wildcats were chosen to take on Oklahoma State in the Alamo Bowl on Dec. 29 late Sunday night, those 15 Wildcats couldn’t have been happier. “I can’t tell you how excited I am,” said receiver and Dallas native David Douglas. “Nick (Foles) and I were both in the car when we found out last night. We both got all our family on (the phone). All my family is either in Texas or Louisiana, so everyone’s real fired up, and it’s a great bowl game, so you couldn’t really ask for anymore.” Cornerback Trevin Wade lives about an “hour and fifteen minutes” from the Alamodome and played in the 65,000-seat dome during his Pop
Texas players
Cam Allerheilligen – Keller, TX Dan Buckner – Allen, TX Keenyn Crier – Spring, TX David Douglas – McKinney, TX Nick Foles – Austin, TX Carter Lees – Sugar Land, TX Richard Morrison – Royce City, TX Greg Nwoko – Pflugerville, TX CJ Parish – College Station, TX Derrick Rainey – Houston, TX Mohammed Usman – Arlington, TX Trevin Wade – Round Rock, TX Jowyn Ward – Katy, TX Justin Washington – Cypress, TX RJ Young – DeSoto, TX Warner days. Wade said he has “20 to 30” family members going to the game and, like Foles, Douglas and the other Texas natives, had his sights set on the Alamo Bowl for weeks. “I was hoping we got this game,” Wade said. “Besides my parents, my family members get to see me play probably one time a year, so it’s just real cool that some of the others that couldn’t afford to come get to come out and see me play in person, so it will be real exciting.” Cornerback Robert Golden said some of the non-Texas players are even being asked to give up their tickets so that the local guys can bring more friends and family members.
There’s always been a rivalry between the California recruits and the Texas recruits. The California guys got to play host in San Diego at the Holiday Bowl in 2009, but the Texas guys get a chance to show “what Texas is all about,” Foles said. “Us Texas guys get to show them around like they showed us around in Cali, so it will be fun,” Foles said. But it’s not just the Texas players who are familiar with the Alamodome. A handful of Wildcats played in the Army All-American Bowl to cap off their high school careers. Golden played alongside national stars like Ohio State quarterback Terrelle Pryor and San Diego Chargers running back Ryan Williams in the All-American game, while safety Adam Hall, wideout Dan Buckner and safety Marquis Flowers also have experience in the Alamodome. “I got a chance to watch this game my senior year of high school when we went to the Army game,” Hall said. “Missouri played, and I got a chance to see a lot of good things, and I’ve heard great things about the bowl, and we’re really excited.” Heading to familiar territory goes beyond visiting old stomping grounds, reuniting with family members, the Riverwalk and the Tex-Mex food. So what else is there? Donuts. “Round Rock Donuts,” said a smiling Wade, who was dubbed host of the trip by Foles. “I brought some of them before, so they’re addicted. Everybody knows about them on the team so far.”
LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. — Cliff Lee is somewhere in the woods, hunting for deer, while his agent stalks the suites at the Dolphin and Swan hotel, searching for a knockout deal. “He’s probably having a lot more fun,” agent Darek Braunecker said Monday. Braunecker met with Yankees general manager Brian Cashman and his team of executives on Day One of the winter meetings. “While we’re in the same area I’m going to meet with him as much as I can,” Cashman said. Club president Randy Levine took part in some of Cashman’s meetings with agents Monday, but figures weren’t exchanged for Lee, according to ESPN.com. “I know what and where we’re willing to go,” Cashman said. Based on outfielder Jayson Werth’s new seven-year, $126 million contract with the Nationals, Lee might well command six years and $140 million or more to remain as the Texas Rangers’ ace, or to pair with CC Sabathia as a lethal combo atop the Yanks’ rotation. The Rangers and Yanks have been the most “vocal” suitors, Braunecker said, though he categorized it as more than just a twoteam race. “There’s a significant number of clubs that are interested at
varying levels,” Braunecker said in the bustling hotel lobby. “To me, you’re talking about the best player on the market.” Braunecker said that Lee’s one and only meeting with Cashman, who visited with the lefty and his wife in Arkansas last month, was “very favorable.” Rangers officials have met twice with Lee. Plus, “In person we’ve visited with significantly more clubs than the two that have been reported,” Braunecker said, adding that it was “too early to say” if any deal could be reached this week. Cashman, though, sounded as if he’d like to accelerate the process. “The atmosphere’s right to push through some things,” Cashman said. “So we’ll see if there’s anything to push through.” The Yankees have cast a wide net at these meetings, seeking for relief pitching and outfield depth while exploring options to add a catcher such as Russell Martin, who was non-tendered last week by the Dodgers. Whether it’s via potential trade or free agent signing, the Yanks have discussed “a number or different players, (including) some you wouldn’t think wouldn’t think would be on our radar,” Cashman said. Yet, so much of the Yanks’ winter strategy is tied to Lee.
Swim dominates Invite By Kelly Hultgren Arizona Daily Wildcat
The Arizona swim teams left for Austin, Texas, last Wednesday for the three-day Texas Hall of Fame Invitational, aiming to achieve as many NCAA “A” cut times as possible. They left Texas with 14 qualification times and 18 overall wins. Unlike other teams, who began to tire by the third day, Arizona stayed strong and dominated most of the day’s events. They not only won eight of the 12 events but also made five NCAA times in the process. Junior captain Cory Chitwood kicked off the winning streak by taking his signature race, the 200-yard backstroke, with an “A” cut time of 1:41.07. Even though the win was expected, his teammate, freshman Michael Sheppard, was shortly behind him with another NCAA consideration time of 1:42.87.
Another standout freshman was Margo Geer, who won the 100y freestyle with a 48.51 first-place NCAA consideration time. Her time is currently the fastest in the country. Later that day, Geer was also on the winning relay team with freshman Kait Flederbach, freshman Grace Finnegan and sophomore Monica Drake. The men’s team also took the same event with the foursome of junior Nimrod Shapira Bar-Or, junior Cameron Owen, junior Nick Hadinger and sophomore Kelley Wyman. Out of all the day’s events, the men’s 200y breaststroke filled the winner’s board with sophomore Carl Mickelson, junior Austen Thompson and junior Kevin Munsch respectively taking first, second and third. In the final heat, Mickelson won the race with 1:55.45. The three made NCAA consideration times and joined Geer by racking in some of the fastest times in the country.
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Arizona Daily Wildcat
arizona daily wildcat • tuesday, december 7, 2010 •
More than a game at the Alamo Bowl COMMENTARY BY Nicole Dimtsios sports writer
There is no “Ctrl + Z” in sports. No undo button to swiftly wipe away the failures of the last game. No ways to suddenly make the plays, the calls, the feeling of defeat magically disappear. The announcement that the Valero Alamo Bowl selected the Arizona Wildcats as the representative of the Pacific 10 Conference certainly wasn’t expected, considering the four-game meltdown that closed the regular season. But that’s where the Wildcats landed. And now, they have a way to move forward from the shadow of their conference season slide. The Wildcats have almost a month to work toward the Alamo Bowl — a matchup with No. 14 Oklahoma State that could not only clear the air surrounding the end of this season, but also grab a little momentum toward 2011. “We’ve got to prove something,” quarterback Nick Foles said. “We’re
on a four-game skid and everybody, a lot of people, are probably thinking Arizona is going to tank, this and that, but we’re not.” Regardless of the perception around the nation, Arizona can take comfort in the fact that with this bowl game comes opportunities for next season. What awaits the Wildcats in San Antonio, Texas, is the chance to redeem the clearly frustrated program. Stated simply, Arizona is the underdog — Oklahoma State ranks first in total offense, second in passing offense and third in scoring offense among FBS teams. So where does this opportunity come from? Beside the unlikelihood of a shocker win, Arizona has a chance to present itself to the state of Texas. The Wildcats don’t have to win the game, but they do need to show up. The last time Arizona played in a bowl game was simply an embarrassment. The Wildcats left San Diego with a painful lasting image of Nebraska scoring 33 unanswered points and being outplayed in every sense of the word. That team is reminiscent of what Arizona brought to the table in the past month. But even showing up to the Alamodome as a cohesive team
instead of the disjointed, out-of-sync Wildcats squad that has existed since late November would be considered a victory and a small piece of redemption for last year’s performance. Challenging Oklahoma State is imperative because there’s more at stake than just the potential of another bowl game blowout. There’s recruiting too. A huge pipeline exists between Texas and Arizona when it comes to recruiting — 15 players on the Wildcats’ roster are from Texas. Giving locals a good show would go far for Stoops and Co. to secure more players for the future, especially since a large chunk of the offensive and defensive lines will no longer be Wildcats after this season. Head coach Mike Stoops said that the only thing the team could do after its double-overtime loss to ASU was to move forward. At this point, saving the perception of the program is more important than the scoreboard. While Wildcats can’t escape the losses already on their schedule, they can move forward from the what-ifs and could-have-beens of 2010, starting on Dec. 29. — Nicole Dimtsios is a journalism junior. She can be reached at sports@wildcat.arizona.edu
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W-Hoops continues road trip Wildcats travel to New Mexico for fourth straight away game By Alex Williams ARIZONA DAILY WILDCAT The Arizona women’s basketball team finally wraps up its four-game road trip tonight when the Wildcats (5-2) travel to take on the New Mexico Lobos in Albuquerque, N.M. New Mexico “is very balanced. They have two kids that average in double figures,” said assistant coach Sue Darling . “They all score a little bit, and they all do everything pretty well. It’ll be a good team game. They’re going to try to play New Mexico basketball.” The challenge for Arizona is going to be not letting New Mexico (63) dictate the pace of the game. So far this year, the Wildcats have been pushing tempo and playing pressure defense, leading to Arizona scoring just under 79 points and forcing over 21 turnovers per game in 2010. Dictating the tempo of the game isn’t the only challenge facing UA. The Wildcats also have to go into New Mexico’s “The Pit,” which is famed for its raucous crowds. “It’s a true road game in front of a
FAST FACTS Arizona leads the all-time series 10-9 over New Mexico. UA won the last meeting in Albuquerque 44-36 in the 2007-2008 season. UNM is 1-1 against Pac-10 teams in 2010. great crowd,” Darling said. “We’re really going to see what we’re made of going into that environment.” Playing four straight games on the road is tough regardless what the environment is like, and junior guard Brooke Jackson said that it’s starting to wear on the players. “We’re so not used to it,” Jackson said. “We go from airport to airport, and it wears and tears on us, but we’re almost to the end of it.” The imbalance of home and road games to start the season isn’t something that the Arizona coaching staff tried to set up for its players, but it’s just how things lined up. “We wanted to get out somewhere
for Thanksgiving, but we also wanted to be home around Christmas,” Darling said. “In order to be home for Christmas, you have to be out on the road before Christmas. We have to get through this swing and get through it well, then we have a few home games, which we’re looking forward to.” Darling also said that the early season schedule is doing a good job of preparing Arizona for what lies ahead on the Pac-10 schedule but that this is a game Arizona needs to win in order to get a little bit of a break during finals. Arizona has fared well against teams that are similar to the New Mexico squad that the Wildcats will face in Albuquerque. Earlier this month, Arizona beat Bradley, a team that has drawn many comparisons to New Mexico by Arizona players and coaches, by 23 in the Cancun Thanksgiving Classic. “We’ve played balanced teams so far this season,” Darling said. “We’ve played well against those teams, so this will be one more chance to do it.”
Q Why do people wake up
still drunk sometimes?
A. high levels, chances are you will still have alcohol in your bloodstream after you wake up the next day. The liver If your Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) climbs to
eliminates alcohol from the bloodstream, but it doesn’t work as fast as we might like. Example A: if a 120 pound woman has 7 standard drinks (that’s six 1.5 oz. shots of 80 proof vodka) while partying on Saturday until midnight, her BAC will peak at 0.26. That’s more than 3 times the legal DUI limit of 0.08 BAC and high enough to cause her to blackout. If she goes to bed at 2am and sleeps 8 hours, she will wake up at 10am Sunday morning with a BAC of about .10. She will still be drunk and over the legal DUI limit. Based on the amount of alcohol she drank, her weight, and her gender, it will take about 17 hours for her BAC to return to zero. She won’t be sober until 5pm on Sunday afternoon.
Daniela Saylor
Had she limited her drinking to 3 shots of vodka, it would take seven hours to return to zero BAC and she would wake up at 10am feeling much better, without any alcohol in her bloodstream. Most people who drink moderately (one drink an hour for women, or 2 drinks an hour for men) rarely wake up impaired or hung over.
Hometown: Nogales, Arizona
Major: Marketing &
Creative Writing
Example B: if a 160 pound man has 7 standard drinks (7 cans of Keystone Light beer on Saturday night), his BAC will peak at 0.16 (more than double the legal DUI limit of 0.08 BAC). If he stops drinking at midnight, gets a ride from a designated driver, goes to bed at 2am and sleeps 8 hours, he will wake at 10am Sunday morning with a BAC of about .01. Not quite zero, but almost. When it comes to recovering from drinking, most men have advantages over women: men typically weigh more and metabolize alcohol at a faster rate.
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Arizona Daily Wildcat
Email it to redcup@email.arizona.edu
The Red Cup Q&A is written by Lynn Reyes, LCSW, LSAC, David Salafsky, MPH, Lee Ann Hamilton, MA, CHES, and Spencer Gorin, RN, in the Health Promotion and Preventive Services (HPPS) department of the UA Campus Health Service.
• tuesday, december 7, 2010 • arizona daily wildcat
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2BR/Ba, WaLk to UA/UMC, balcony, mountain views, water included, covered parking, 800sqft., quiet, no smoking or pets, $750/mo, 404-0483 or 907-5297
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apaRtmeNts FoR ReNt! Fort Lowell/Campbell. Located near university, Studios and 1bd available, $300/Mo first come first serve. 3blocks from Mountain Ave bike path, close walking distance to public transportation. Utilities included! 520-780-7888. Bluefoxproperties.com
aLL utiLities iNcLuDeD! large 2bed/ 2bath! all Brand New inside! Just one mile from UofA! Condo has fireplace and private Laundry room in backyard! only $800/ month. 1year lease. $700 security deposit. call maryan: 585-330-6344
avaiLaBLe JaNuaRy 1BeDRoom furnished $525/mo, 3blocks from campus, clean, quiet, University Arms. 1515 E 10th St. 623-0474 ashton-goodman.com
Bike to campus in spring- 1,2,&3 bedroom condos! Within 1mile to UofA. A/C, pool, and all appliances included. www.Goldenwestmanagement.com 520-790-0776
BeautiFuL 1BD, 3BLocks to campus, tile throughout, private backyard, extra large closet. Available mid-Dec. $620/mo + utilities. 1242 E Drachman. 520-207-6281 castLe apaRtmeNts. stuDios starting at $600! Walk to UofA, utilities included, pool, barbecue, laundry facilities, gated. Site management. http://www.thecastleproperties.com 406-5515/ 903-2402 cHaRmiNg toWNHouse 2BD/ 2ba, office, 2mi UofA, new appliances, W/D. 2parking places, no pets. Glenn/Campbell $890/mo 520- 906-2325, 520-271-3795. cute viNtage 1BD 3blocks from UofA. A/C, patio/ yard parking and laundry $400/mo water & gas paid. Cats ok. 319-9339. Just 2BLks to UofA. Very nice, clean 2BR. Stove & refrigerator. Parking. Water paid, $625/mo. 727 & 733 E. 1st St. Call (520)2717649 LaRge 2BD 1.5 BatH, hot & cold water paid, A/C, pool, laundry, very quiet. $575/mo $200 deposit. 327-8811 or 990-0130 LaRge oR smaLL WE HAVE IT ALL 5bed, 2baths townhomes or 1 and 2 bedroom apartment homes. Sewer and trash pick-up included. Polished concrete floors. Located 1 mile from UofA campus. Sponsored by off campus housing. Available for immediate move-in. Don’t delay, Call today 520-3231170 or visit us at 2350 E Water Street NeaR ua, 1BR -$525, 2BR -$625, 3BR -$1125, furnished. 1135 E. 7th. 429-3829 or 444-6213 peRFect 1BR apaRtmeNt, Sam Hughes <1mi from campus. Balcony, mountain views, A/C, laundry, pool, gym. $645/ month includes utilities. 773-803-8607 spRiNg semesteR $450/mtH 1bed-1bath, poolside, BBQ, Fitness ctr, FREE SHUTTLE to campus. Call 480-603-7023 or 480603-7092. stuDios FRom $400 spacious apartment homes with great downtown location. 884-8279. Blue agave apartments 1240 N. 7th ave. speedway/ stone. www.blueagaveapartments.com utiLities iNcLuDeD $505*/mo. Pool & Laundry. Wood floors. *Special Pricing. 770 N Dodge Blvd. Call 798-3331 Peach Props HM, Inc www.peachprops.com WaLk to ua. 1BR, wood floors, ceiling fans, fireplace. Lease. No pets. Deposit. $435. Avail. 1/01/11. Evenings 682-7728.
Lovely 2bedroom, 2bath townhouse, mountain/ Limberlost. New construction. corian counters, tile floors, airy space, new appliances, full-size washerdryer. two-car enclosed garage. private patio, no-maintenance yard. $875/mo. available December 1. call/ text 250-9501 to share 2bed/ 2bath condo with a male graduate student, nice kitchen, spacious rooms, in house washer/dryer, community pool, private patios, parking, close to ua (south of grant/ euclid). $435/ month +utilities, available in 01/2011. call Jennifer at 240-6248/ charles at 240-4198.
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!!!!!!!!!!!! aWesome 2BDRm 2Bath just $955/ month or 3BRDM, 2Bath only $1450/ month. Close to UA campus, across from Mansfield Park. Pets welcome. No security deposit (o.a.c.). Now taking reservations for summer & fall 2011. Check out our website and Call 747-9331 www.Universityrentalinfo.com 1BDRm cLeaN aND quiet. Grassy courtyard with lots of trees, utilities included. $565/mo. Available now! 5209 E Bellevue Call for info: 520-240-2615 1BR tRipLeX. 1coveReD parking space. Pool & Laundry. 1293 E Glenn St. $455*/mo. *Special Pricing. Call 798-3331 Peach Properties HM, Inc. www.peachprops.com 2bd 1ba $895, 2104 e 7th st, water/ electric included, carport, built in 96, a/c, small dog welcome, prestige property management 881-0930 2BD uNique Rustic Duplex 3blocks from UofA. Central A/C, covered deck, beam ceilings, saltillo tiles. $750/mo water paid. Cats ok. 319-9339 2BD/ 1Ba NeW Country Club/ Grant 1000sqft, A/C, fans, tile floors, W/D, plenty of parking. $750/mo +deposit. Water included 400-6971 2BDRm. 4BLks to UofA. $875. Beautiful 1200sqft duplex. W/D, A/C, covered parking, private landscaped yard. Great location. No pets. Available January 1. 520743-2060. www.tarolaproperties.com
2BD/ 2Ba, NeaR Ft. Lowell/ Campbell, 10min. to UofA, close to amenities. Fully remod. kitch. and baths, new carpet in bdrms. W/D in unit, comm. pool/ spa, cov. park. Lovely and quiet. Great alternative to the dorms. $800 per mo, $800 refundable deposit. No Smok. unit. Available now call 520.730.2010 or 520.405.1451.
2BR 4pLeX. 2BLocks from UofA. Fenced yard. 250 N. Santa Rita $650/mo. Call 798-3331 Peach Properties HM, Inc www.peachprops.com
3BD 2Ba coNDo- AVAILABLE NOW. 475$/ room. many amenities included- washer/ dryer, attached garage, granite, wifi. Partially furnished. Individual leases available. Contact Jessica 480330-5378 jaciviello@gmail.com
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3BD, 2Ba, mountain & Roger, park place condos, garage, pool, washer-dryer, ready for move in right now! $1275/mo. 520-419-3152, twgdag@aol.com
1BD guestHouse, FuLL bath, Tucson and Speedway, 1year lease, $600/mo, includes electric and water. Available January 1. Please call Jason 429-4047.
ceNtRaLLy LocateD 2BD duplex. Very clean, ceramic tile, new bath, new paint, W/D, A/C. $550/mo +deposit. No pets. Call Brian 520-838-4694
cLeaN upDateD 2BD/ 1ba Studio/ Guesthouse w/covered parking. 8th/ Euclid $650 Util. Included!! 520-241-1662 LaRge stuDios oNLy 6blocks from campus, 1125 N. 7th Ave. Walled yard, security gate, doors, windows, full bath, kitchen. Free wi/fi. Unfurnished, $370, lease. No pets. 977-4106 sunstoneapts@aol.com !! NoW pReLeasiNg 2-8 bedroom houses for August 2011. Visit www.prestigiousUofArentals.com to view floorplans, virtual tours, and pricing of properties available! Hurry as the best properties lease quickly! Call Jarrett at 331.8050 to schedule a showing! !!! 4BD/ 2Ba 4blocks to UofA. Lee/ Fremont. Beautiful brick, large yard, all new everything. A/C, wood floors, security bars. Must see! $1800/mo. No pets, quiet www.uofahousing.com 6243080/ 299-5020 !!!!!!!!!! Absolutely splendid university area 5 or 6 Bedroom Houses from $2200/ month. Several Distinct locations to choose from all within 2miles of UA. This can be your best home ever! Now taking reservations for Summer/ Fall 2011. No security deposit (o.a.c.). Call 747-9331 after checking out our website www.Universityrentalinfo.com !!!!!!!!!! BRaND NeW 5BRDM, 2Bath house $3300/month. Walking distance to UA. Plenty of offstreet parking. Move in January 2011. No security deposit (o.a.c). Watch your new home be built. Call 747-9331. http://www.universityrentalinfo.com !sam HugHes! LRge 4/5 bdrm 2 bath. Newly remodeled, AC, large back yard and parking in front. 4blocks to UA. 1600/mth. Available 1/1/11. Josie 520-3252937 or 520-250-6404 1BeDRoom House, WateR included, private driveway, covered patio, pets ok $525 ALSO 1Bedroom Vintage Home, 750sqft, concrete floors, fireplace, storage shed, w/d included, entire property is fenced $750 CALL REDI 520623-5710 OR LOG ON WWW.AZREDIRENTALS.COM 2B 2Ba 1200sF +400sf workshop near UofA A/C W/D, DW, Wood floors, FP 237-9514 2BeDRoom House WateR included, newly remodeled, fenced yd, pets ok $595 ALSO 2Bedroom 2bath house 1000sqft, den, fenced yd, w/d hookups $750 CALL REDI 520-623-5710 OR LOG ON WWW.AZREDIRENTALS.COM 3B/ 2Ba House N Los Altos (1mi from UofA) Appliances, Furniture. Fenced yard. $940/mos Available now. Call for application 602-5689806 3BeDRoom 2BatH House, a/c, carport, storage, dishwasher, fenced yd, pets ok $850 ALSO 4Bedroom 2bath house a/c, garage, Arizona Rm, fireplace, w/d hookups, ceilings fans $1100 CALL REDI 520-623-5710 OR LOG ON WWW.AZREDIRENTALS.COM 3BeDRoom Home WitH fireplace and pool. Walk to UofA. Large and open. Walk to UMC. Tucson/Elm. Pets okay $1900/mo 869-3965 3BR 2.5Ba a/c, pool, tennis court, covered parking. Water paid, lease, no pets, near Starpass. Available January 1. $835. 682-7728. Bike to campus in spring- 2,3&4 bedroom homes! Within 1mile to UofA. A/C, Garages, and all appliances included. www.Goldenwestmanagement.com 520-7900776 gReat DeaL! Look! 3 or 4 Bedroom. $1200. LOW MOVE-IN COSTS. Close to UofA. Clean open floor plan. CALL FOR DETAILS! 520.398.5738. Huge! must see! 6bed/ 3bath $400/ person! LOW MOVE-IN COSTS! Beautiful home close to campus, open living room CALL 520.398.5738
spacious Home FoR ReNt cLose to uofa- Blenman areaHampton/tucson Blvd-6bd/3ba with 2,289sqft. parking, a/c, W/D- upgrades. immediate avail. for spring semester$2,400 per month. - Julie @ 520248-7571 or email us at: catalina.pacific@yahoo.com stuDeNt ReNtaL Home W/Huge yaRD, cLose to uofa- Blenman area-Lee/ N treat ave- 3bd/1ba with 1,274sqft. parking, a/c, W/D- upgrades. immediate avail. for spring semester -$1,195 per month. - Julie @520-248-7571 or email us at: catalina.pacific@yahoo.com sWeet! gReat DeaL! 5bed/ 3bath $400 per person! LOW MOVE-IN COSTS! Vaulted ceilings, large closets, private patio/ balcony! CALL 520.398.5738 two Bedroom near campus in the village at tucson & 6th street starting at $1200/mo with one month free 322-2940 or gmadrid@sebra.com
third Roommate needed for 3bedroom 3bath townhouse. centrally located 10 minutes north of uofa. tucson & prince area. $390 + 1/3 of utilities. For more information call: 520-465-1493
2Rooms avaiLaBLe iN a 3BD townhouse. Female roommates preferred. Large master bedroom with bath $400, smaller room $350. Or price can be divided as agreed upon. Remodeled kitchen, D/W, microwave, W/D, A/C. Small patio. Complex has swimming pool, basketball court, & guest parking. Carport for 2. Close to UofA & major shopping. Available now. 520-240-0721
1BD FuRNisHeD 6miLes from campus. Shared bath, kitchen privileges in private home for a mature female. $400 includes Internet, utilities. Available now or spring semester. 520-360-6189 1BD paRtiaLLy FuRNisHeD 1mile from campus on bike path. $500/mo includes Internet &utilities. 240-9652 2BeD/ 1BatH House 1.5miles from campus. Air-conditioning/ heating, bath tub/ shower, refrigerator, microwave, gas stove/ oven, spacious rooms and living areas. Walking distance from cattran stop (pass included). $575 +utilities. Call 928-920-1080
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6th and euclid. private bathroom and parking incl. house w/full kitchen and living room. call Dana 520-401-0379 Full breed english bulldog great family dogs. shots and dewormed akc Reg. champion 11 weeks old ready to go! $600 brown.cason@yahoo.com
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Affordable Prices
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NCA 2010: North Central Association of Colleges and Schools 2010 Fun Fact: t40% of undergraduate students are out-of state students t39 languages are taught on the UA campus tUA offers opportunities to study abroad in more than 50 countries NCA 2010
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Accreditation continued from page 1 in order to pay for other things,â&#x20AC;? Brooks said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Like, for health care, we have to pay for the Rec Center.â&#x20AC;? Undergraduates feel that fees are an area that the university could improve on as well. â&#x20AC;&#x153;(Fees are) definitely a huge issue for us. And I think with the budget shortfall and the issue with tuition, sometimes itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hard to fight, and there is a gap so they need money. But fees are an area we can fight and see a change,â&#x20AC;? said James Allen, the Chief of Staff for ASUA President Emily Fritze. When asked about the differences between Arizona State University and UA, most undergraduate representatives said the biggest difference was the â&#x20AC;&#x153;feel of the UA.â&#x20AC;? They cited that it was a smaller, centralized university compared to ASUâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s expanding one. â&#x20AC;&#x153;ASU has accessibility to jobs. There have been reports that have come out that say that people at ASU are more likely to be
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Credit transfer makes switch from community college hard hired by big corporations, but I think thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s location. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not to say UA doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have access in Tucson,â&#x20AC;? said ASUA Sen. Chad Travis, a pre-business sophomore, who chose UA for its business program. Brooks said that his main reason for enrollment was the high national ranking for his program. Undergraduates had no suggestions for improving retention rates and think the current programs such as the Think Tank are sufficient. Brooks said that a school-wide early detection system for struggling students would be helpful for teachers. On transferring to the UA, one student said getting the credits to transfer was the most difficult part for him. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You have to send it twice. Once to admissions to prove you did college credit, then send it again to a different office,â&#x20AC;? said Jack
Strandberg. He mentioned that attempts to alleviate the process began with the common course numbering system that Arizona universities are working toward. All students attending the forum felt that the UA was completely welcoming to all students and that diversity was not an issue on campus. Some students are angry that the university is not taking seriously their push to end contracts with Caterpillar and Motorola corporations. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I represent a number of the groups here and at ASU and smaller at NAU, and we have consolidated efforts because we as extracurricular groups are not happy with the way that the university has addressed our concerns,â&#x20AC;? said Gabriel Shivone, a student studying English and former Daily Wildcat opinions columnist. The board will visit campus until Wednesday.
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arizona daily wildcat â&#x20AC;˘ tuesday, december 7, 2010 â&#x20AC;˘
• tuesday, december 7, 2010 • arizona daily wildcat
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Opinions In the middle of the paper but not middle of the road. Agree. Disagree. Throw us down and stomp.
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arizona daily wildcat • tuesday, december 7, 2010 •
• tuesday, december 7, 2010 • arizona daily wildcat
Wildcats deep across the board Miller enjoying the variety of trustworthy options so far this season Here’s a breakdown of the strengths of the starters compared to their bench-mates at the same position:
By Kevin Zimmerman ARIZONA DAILY WILDCAT Head coach Sean Miller has never tried to hide his intentions of using a deep rotation, but in that effort it becomes unclear how to judge the individual success of players by any other statistic than wins for his Arizona basketball team. Despite forward Derrick Williams being mentioned among premature NCAA Player of the Year chatter, even the sophomore hasn’t been a go-to guy in the classic sense. Last week’s Pacific 10 Conference Player of the Week efficiently averaged 17 points, seven rebounds and three steals in two victories but didn’t need to dominate the ball to reach those numbers. With Miller spreading the wealth of minutes, he chooses not to look at individual statistics or individual performances but the cumulative production by position. For example, Miller said back-up forward Jesse Perry complements starting senior Jamelle Horne , as one equalizes the other ’s weaknesses with his strengths. “Some of the things that Jamelle Horne does well — and he’s playing well for us now — you know, he doesn’t offensive rebound. He just doesn’t,” Miller said. “We’re able to sub Jesse (Perry) in, and he can do a good job there.” The same can be said for the point guard position, which includes the onetwo punch of sophomore Momo Jones and freshman Jordin Mayes . “Momo really doesn’t shoot a lot of 3s. Jordin (Mayes’) great at it,” Miller said. “They kind of complement each other. “When you look at Jordin Mayes and Momo (Jones), you add them up … and five assists and one turnover,” Miller said after the win against Oklahoma on Sunday. “As you substitute Jordin (Mayes) in, you have a different look at the one. “It’s the combination of both guys that make our position.”
Point guard Starter: Momo Jones
Can penetrate and kick, or finish at the rim
Substitute: Jordin Mayes
Dead-eye shooter and sound ball-handler
Shooting guard Starter: Kyle Fogg
Strong passer, good defender
Substitute: Brendon Lavender Spot-up 3-point specialist
Small forward Starter: Solomon Hill
Fluid ball handler and passer
Substitute: Kevin Parrom
Energetic rebounder, hustler
Power foward Starter: Jamelle Horne
Athletic defender and solid outside shooter
Substitute: Jesse Perry
Offensive rebounder and inside scorer
Center Starter: Derrick Williams Face-up offensive slasher
Mike Christy/Arizona Daily Wildcat
Sophomore point guard Momo Jones fires a 3-pointer in Arizona’s 93-80 win over Oklahoma in McKale Center on Sunday. Jones and fellow point guard Jordin Mayes are just one example of head coach Sean Miller’s 1-2 punches across his roster.
Substitute: Kyryl Natyazhko
Large defensive presence, jump shooter
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