Wednesday, February ,
Giffords joins Civil Discourse board By Kyle Mittan DAILY WILDCAT
Former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords has joined the National Institute for Civil Discourse Board, according to a press release issued on Tuesday by UA President Eugene Sander and the institute’s working board chair, Fred DuVal. The National Institute for Civil Discourse was established in February of 2011, in the wake of the Jan. 8 shooting that killed six and wounded
13, including Giffords. The institute is nonpartisan and advocates civil public discourse on a national level as Former Rep. outlined by the First AmendGabrielle ment. The Giffords organization is housed in the School of Government and Public Policy, and its national board members include former U.S.
Presidents George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton, retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor and ABC News Special Correspondent Katie Couric. Brint Milward, director of the School of Government and Public Policy, directs the institute’s working board. While the board includes a number of former politicians, its nonpartisan nature doesn’t allow for current politicians to be members, Milward said. But after her resignation from Congress, he added, Giffords
became an obvious person to have on the board. “She is really the inspiration for the institute,” Milward said. “So it’s absolutely appropriate and we are thrilled that she is joining the board.” Sander also showed his appreciation for Giffords’ willingness to join the board, and said her participation, even to the slightest degree, would have a great impact on the board’s mission. “It hit me that this might be something that she truly would enjoy,”
Sander said. “It’s not demanding on her, it’s the sort of thing she can do at her own pace, and yet every word she was able to utter, every meeting she was able to go to, I think, would make a huge difference to the people who are actually working very hard on that board.” Students who have been involved with Giffords and with the National Institute for Civil Discourse have also said they are happy to see Giffords
Notre Dame swipes Neal from ’Zona By Nicole Dimtsios DAILY WILDCAT
Davonte’ Neal’s recruiting saga came to a disappointing end for Arizona football head coach Rich Rodriguez. The 5-foot-10, 175-pound standout from Scottsdale’s Chaparral High School signed with Notre Dame and head coach Brian Kelly on Tuesday. The announcement came amid controversy after Neal missed a scheduled press conference that was scheduled for Tuesday morning at Kyrene de la Esperanza Elementary School, where Neal attended school from third to fifth grade. The press conference had to be canceled because of a “family emergency,” said Cheryl Greene, principal of Kyrene de la Esperanza Elementary School. “All we know is there was a family emergency and they are very emotional and very torn,” Greene said. “They wanted to be here. I know it meant a lot to Davonte’. This was his special day.” Some 600 elementary school children were pulled out of class for an assembly, but Neal never showed up for his 9:30 a.m. scheduled press conference. Greene and the staff of Esperanza Elementary stalled for about 20 minutes before ending the assembly. After the press conference, Greene said she had Neal’s National Letter of Intent ready for him to sign. From there, rumors spread questioning the certainty of Neal’s decision, with speculation swirling about whether Neal would chose Notre Dame or Arizona — although he had publicly said North Carolina and Arkansas were also in the running for his commitment. Reports were that his father, Luke Neal, preferred Notre Dame, but Neal held off on signing a letter of intent to pursue Arizona. Neal had a visit scheduled for Feb. 11, but canceled the visit because of a death in his family. About four hours after the originally scheduled time, Neal returned to Kyrene de la Esperanza Elementary to make his commitment to Notre Dame official. The Arizona Republic reported that Neal wanted to go to every classroom to apologize to the children for missing his earlier scheduled appearance.
NEAL, 12
Li Jiang, a mechanical engineering junior, speaks with a recruiter in the Grand Ballroom of the Student Union Memorial Center during the College of Engineering’s I-Expo on Tuesday. The industry career fair featured several organizations that offered internships and entry-level positions for career-seeking students.
Engineering expo offers up internships, potential jobs By Samantha Munsey DAILY WILDCAT
The Engineering Student Council is always trying to devise a better way to pair students with jobs, but, after 20 years, the Industry Expo runs like clockwork. “The thing is that we (the Engineering Student Council) have been doing this for a few decades so this event is a well-oiled machine by now,” said Frank Ventura, a biosystems engineering senior
and a member of the Engineering Student Council. The annual I-Expo, held on Tuesday, offered 42 booths and is the only career fair on campus dedicated to only engineering students, said Lisa Guay, a chemical engineering junior and the assistant coordinator of the event. “If you think about it, it’s kind of like one-stop shopping for students so they can plan for a job or internship before March,” Guay said.
Microsoft, Intel and Raytheon, a company specializing in defense and aerospace systems, were some of the companies that set up shop at the fair. A majority of Raytheon’s employees come from the UA, said Chris Wassenberg, a campus representative for Raytheon. He said he thinks taking time during the career fairs to get to know students is part of that reason. Raytheon employs 10,500 in
UA, ASU battle to save Regents energy in residence halls oppose
campus firearms
By Stewart McClintic DAILY WILDCAT
Since Feb. 6, the UA and ASU have been competing to see who can save more energy in their residence halls. The idea of the competition started last year, said Jill Ramirez, the sustainability education coordinator. It is a national competition between schools, but each state focuses on a competition between its own schools, she said. Originally, the idea was that Northern Arizona University, Arizona State University and the UA would compete with each other, but NAU decided against competing this year. Ramirez said she hopes NAU will compete next year. There is no prize for the winner, Ramirez said, but the motivation spurs from the rivalry between interstate schools. The goal this year, she said, is to “just best ASU,” and that the rivalry the UA has with ASU will be enough motivation for students to want to win. The point, she added, is to raise awareness about conservation and sustainability. The competition is more than halfway over, and at this point the UA is losing, Ramirez said. She said she thinks the UA is losing because temperatures have risen over the past couple of weeks, so the air conditioning has been turned on more often in the residence halls. The problem with this, she said, is that ASU is still winning even though it should be having similar problems. Another reason she said the UA could
be losing is because students are unaware of the competition. Although Residence Life advertised it, it is hard to make students aware of such a large-scale competition. “I know we can do better,” Ramirez said. “I know we can beat ASU.” Participating residence halls include Árbol de La Vida, Likins Hall, Colonia de la Paz, Hopi
The Arizona Board of Regents declared its opposition to firearms on college campuses in a resolution passed on Tuesday. The regents unanimously opposed Senate Bill 1474, which would require that public universities allow anyone age 21 or older with a concealed-carry permit to carry a gun on campus. Dennis DeConcini, the regent who offered the resolution, said it is the job of the Arizona University System to ensure the safety all students, staff, faculty and visitors on the three in-state university campuses. “We are confident that firearms on campus, other than those carried by law enforcement, are detrimental to the safety and security of our campus environments,” he said. Other regents who own guns, including Ernest Calderon, said allowing guns on campus creates nothing but an unnecessary liability.
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