Friday, March ,
ASUA looks to up visibility By Stewart McClintic DAILY WILDCAT
A student panel questioned ASUA Senate candidates about their plans to involve students in the campus community and make the governing body more visible during a forum on Thursday. Senate candidate Emily Smith, a political science sophomore, said she would attend more events as a representative of the Associated Students of the University of Arizona. At these events, she said, she would simply introduce herself as a senator and ask students their thoughts and feelings about the events. For Daniel Marks, a creative writing sophomore, the best way to increase ASUA visibility is to introduce freshmen to the organization at orientation. This would allow students to know what the organization is and what it
does from the get-go, he said. In addition to plans to make ASUA more visible, candidates were also asked about how involved they are in the campus community and how they plan to involve constituents. Justin Evans, a political science sophomore, said he plans on getting Greek Life organizations, diversity centers and clubs more involved in ASUA. To do so, he said he would attend each organization’s meetings. Then he would ask club members if they would like to help ASUA in any way or if there is anything ASUA can do to better serve them. He would tell the organizations, “Hey, we (ASUA) have the resources to help you out.” This will help get more organizations involved with the governing body, he said. If elected as a senator, Joel Torres, a senior studying Spanish, said he plans on promoting Scholarship Universe, a service that allows students to search for specific scholarships at
the university. Additionally, he said he wants to help students become more educated on how to apply for financial aid. Vinson Liu, a pre-physiology freshman, said one of his plans as senator would be to help promote online advising. The adviser-to-student ratio on campus is quite low, he said, and he hopes that by promoting services like degree checks and trackers, students will have a better understanding of what they need to do to graduate and be successful. These services provide a personalized four-year graduation plan for students and will help them academically, he added.
Check out reaction from ASUA presidential candidates inside on page 2
Primary results President Katy Murray, 990 votes Chad Travis, 829 votes Executive vice president Krystina Nguyen, 1,095 votes Kevin Elliott, 872 votes Administrative vice president Paige Sager, 1,259 votes Dani Dobrusin, 609 votes For full primary election results, visit DailyWildcat.com.
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Grant, Ala. Makemo, France Motherwell, U.K.
76 / 48 85 / 80 47 / 34
It quickly blooms into a palm-muted chromatic frenzy, serving the band’s canon right by inspiring the listener to drink 100-proof liquor and make bad decisions.” ARTS & LIFE — 5 WILL FERGUSON / DAILY WILDCAT
NOTING This day in history >> 1917: Puerto Rico becomes a U.S. territory and Puerto Ricans gain U.S. citizenship. >> 1923: The first issue of Time magazine is published. >> 1962: Philadelphia Warriors center Wilt Chamberlain scores an NBA record 100 points in a basketball game.
Faculty, students and other groups met on the UA Mall on Thursday to discuss proposed gun legislation that would allow concealed firearms on campus.
Concealed carry sparks conflict Faculty and students gather for discussion on proposed gun bill By Brittny Mejia DAILY WILDCAT The costs and effects of allowing guns on campus were discussed Thursday during a press conference on the UA Mall. Student leaders, university administrators, the University of Arizona Police Department and the Students for Concealed Carry on Campus club
were just some of the individuals who came out to discuss Senate Bill 1474, the proposed legislation If you go that would allow anyone with a permit to carry Free screening at 1 p.m. in the Gallagher concealed weapons on campus. Theater for “Living for 32” a documentary on A majority of speakers spoke against the bill, citColin Goddard, a survivor of the 2007 Virginia ing safety concerns as well as the cost of installing Tech shooting. gun lockers. There is concern about spending “academic dollars” to install gun lockers in buildings, which released by UA President Eugene Sander. would be necessary if guns were allowed on camIn addition to the cost of allowing guns pus, when the university budget was cut by apGUNS, 2 proximately $180 million, according to a statement
UA gets grant to help poor mothers battle drug abuse By Savannah Martin DAILY WILDCAT
Low-income mothers battling substance abuse now have another ally to assist them in their fight, thanks to a $1.6 million grant awarded to the UA by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. The grant will be used by the UA’s Southwest Institute for Research on Women to establish a drug treatment program called Working Poor Mothers of Minors, or MOMs. The
program will provide resources to mothers struggling with substance abuse so they can redirect their lives without sacrificing their jobs, their homes or the time they spend with their children. About 126 women and 214 children are expected to participate. Some 189 “appropriate family members,” like fathers, will also benefit from the grant. Rosi Andrade, an associate research professor at the institute, began developing the program in March of 2011. Her brown eyes lit up as she spoke of the opportunities the
program will offer its participants, who are often denied drug treatment because their incomes are just high enough to exempt them from qualifying for state-funded health care. “Drug addiction is the ultimate ball and chain,” Andrade said. “What I anticipate and hope the program will do is lift the veil of a drug addiction and open up a different world for the women to engage in.”
Rosi Andrade, an associate research professor at the Southwest Institute for Research SIROW, 2 on Women, examines a quilt made by hand to honor AIDS victims.