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Wednesday, March , 



Delta Chi efforts halted after suspension Dramatic disconnect stonewalls fraternity’s charity fundraising By Savannah Martin DAILY WILDCAT “The best part of Shoebox Recycling, aside from recycling shoes, is that our whole goal is connecting people,” said Lisa Pomerantz, so-called Queen of Soles at Shoebox Recycling company, which began collaborating with the UA chapter of the Delta Chi fraternity

earlier this month. Her statement went from inspirational to ironic in a matter of days. Rather than fostering a connection, this story has exposed miscommunication and misunderstanding between greek organizations and the Dean of Students Office, forcing Delta Chi’s project with the recycling company to a screeching halt. I started reporting on this story after the Daily Wildcat received an email from a proud parent indicating the UA chapter of Delta Chi had begun a partnership with Shoebox

Recycling. The fraternity would be the first organization in Arizona to collaborate with the company, and it would launch its new campuswide initiative on March 26. For every pound of unwanted shoes it collected from the UA community, Delta Chi would receive 50 cents from Shoebox Recycling. Meanwhile, the company would distribute the shoes to customers worldwide for reuse. “What a great way to get back into the community,” said Daniel Cooper, a member of Delta Chi and political science sophomore. “I think it’s a

great way to show that we’re not just a fraternity. We care.” Suddenly, Cooper’s tone changed from one of excitement to one of hesitation. He leaned forward. Delta Chi is “on probation,” he said, so he and another Delta Chi member are spearheading the project, “sort of.” Perplexed, I looked to Cooper for clarification only to see that he was just as puzzled as I was. I later discovered that Delta Chi is not on probation, but “interim suspension.” In other words, Delta Chi is not, for the moment, a recognized UA fraternity.

In fact, the UA chapter has been suspended since March 2, when it received a letter from the Dean of Students Office indicating it is under investigation, according to Johanne Ives, assistant dean of students and director for Fraternity and Sorority Programs. The results of the case will determine whether or not the university revokes the chapter’s status. Until the Dean of Students Office reaches a verdict, the details of the case cannot be disclosed and Delta Chi must cease all


UA grad programs among top in US By Rachel Gottfried DAILY WILDCAT


The University of Arizona Medical Center has implemented “CinemaVision” goggles into its MRI setup, allowing patients to watch movies and TV shows during the exam. The goggles not only provide entertainment for patients, but also keep them still during the procedure, helping doctors take a better scan.

CinemaVision goggles help MRI patients to ease nerves By Yara Askar DAILY WILDCAT

Patients at the University of Arizona Medical Center may start enjoying MRI exams more, as the center has started to let patients use special goggles that play movies. Resonance Technology Inc. provides patients with “CinemaVision” goggles to make an MRI exam a more positive scanning experience. With a 2-inch LCD screen that can play a movie or a television show, patients can now ease their nerves during a long, intimidating MRI screening that requires some to sit still for up to an hour. The goggles include a headset and a microphone command that enables two-way communication between the patient and the tech-

nologist. The headsets are built with a noise cancellation system that blocks out the machine noise, said Scott Squire, a senior MRI research specialist. Before the center started using these goggles, most patients took a sedation drug that helped them fall asleep, which has its own health risks. With goggles, patients feel less isolated and confined, Squire said. The goggles pose no risk or effect to the imaging for the machines, he added. Mokhtar Ziarati, founder and CEO of Resonance Technology Inc., noticed that a lot of patients who are claustrophobic needed to be sedated upon entering the MRI, said Susana Montero, the company’s marketing director. As an electrical engineer, Ziarati worked on fixing the MRI

machines when he came up with the idea for “CinemaVision” goggles, which would help patients control their nerves without being drugged before an MRI exam, Montero said. The idea began with an audio concept that later included a video system, she added. Through the goggles, patients can watch shows, movies or simply listen to the radio to calm their nerves in a claustrophobic situation, said Lisa Morrison, manager of Tucson Medical Center radiology department. MRI exams can take an hour or two and, with the goggles, patients can easily pass the time without continuously thinking about the machine’s loud noises or being isolated in a dark room. “The main thing is that the person has to hold still and that is why

we want to make sure that people were comfortable and not distracted,” Morrison added. “Because of the loud noise, especially if you’re in pain, it makes it harder.” Although an MRI exam can be as short as 20 minutes, it can still be a daunting experience for younger children, said Bobby Kalb, an associate professor of radiology. These goggles can help ease children’s fear about going through the machine, he said. In a parent testimony online, a man’s son was diagnosed with a brain tumor and was required to take various MRI screenings. He had to be sedated at the age of 7. With the use of the goggles, the man said his son was no longer afraid to enter the MRI machine


Ten UA grad programs are ranked among the best in the nation, according to the U.S. News & World Report’s 2013 list of best graduate schools. The Best Graduate Schools rankings annually evaluate programs in business, education, engineering, law and medicine, and periodically rank programs in sciences, social sciences, humanities, health sciences and other disciplines, to produce several Top 10 lists. U.S. News & World Report looked at more than 1,200 graduate programs for this year’s rankings. The data came from surveys of administrators at more than 1,200 programs and more than 13,000 academics and professionals. The UA’s geology graduate program ranked No. 1 in the nation for the third year in a row. Karl Flessa, department head of geosciences, said that although the geosciences graduate program has held a No. 1 status for a long period of time, it is great to now be recognized nationally. “I think that it is because of the quality of graduate students that we produce,” Flessa said. “Our grad students go on to prestigious positions in the industry and at universities, this is a testimony of the quality of education and research guided by our faculty. We can’t be number one without the students.” Six other graduate programs in the UA College of Science also placed in the top 10 of each of their fields, including speech, language and hearing sciences at No. 5; ecology and evolutionary biology at No. 9; Earth and environmental sciences at No. 7; geochemistry at No. 10; atomic, molecular and optical physics also at No. 7 and analytical chemistry at No. 6. Two programs in the Eller College of Management rose up the ranks on the Top 10 lists from 2012 to 2013, including management information systems from No. 7 to No. 5, and the McGuire

Q&A Student strives to be on ABOR By Brittny Mejia DAILY WILDCAT

Kaitlin Thompson is a political science senior and a student regent designee from Northern Arizona University. She will also attend graduate school to get a master’s degree in public administration. If approved by the Legislature, Thompson will begin her two-year term on the Arizona Board of Regents on July 1. Daily Wildcat: What made you want to become a student regent, and what does it mean to you? Thompson: I have always had a strong interest in local government. When I was 15, I joined the Mayor’s Youth Commission of Glendale. From there, I was appointed to Glen-

dale’s library board as a student representative. From that point I pretty much knew that was what I wanted to do as a career and as my major. That’s how I decided to choose political science and to pursue that path. I was further encouraged when I was a policy intern in the governor’s office. I was able to do a lot of public policy research and sit in on important meetings. That solidified it completely. For me, being a student regent means being the voice for students, to give my all and give my absolute dedication to make sure student voices are heard at the state level. A lot of states don’t even have student regents, so I think in Arizona, we’re really fortunate there is a role for students on the state level and they

GRAD, 12


can have a say. It’s a check for accountability and I think more states should have them.

How do you plan to speak on behalf of students? I think it’s really important that I allow for as much student input as possible. My regent’s email will be set up before my term officially begins. I hope constituents reach out to me and contact me so I know what their needs are. I can research on my own what needs to be done and what’s really important for students, and that’s great, but it can’t replace getting those actual emails and communication from students.


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