Tuesday, March ,
UAEUREKA Inhalable caffeine pending The Daily Wildcat is here to answer your questions about the UA, whatever they may be. Check in every Tuesday to find your “Aha!” moment.
Are University of Arizona Police Department officers allowed to enter your dorm room without your consent?
It’s a Friday night. You need to unwind after a long week of scholastic endeavors that would make your parents proud. So you invite some friends over to your dorm room, throw on some music and pop the cheapest booze you can squeeze into your underwhelming, underage budget. Things are going just fine until you hear an ominous knock on the door. Suddenly a night of relaxation becomes one of deliberation — what do you do? Nowhere in the UA Residence Hall Policies does it say whether officers from the University of Arizona Police Department have the right to enter your dorm room without your consent. This is because all student housing, including dorm rooms, are considered the property of the students living there, according to Sgt. Juan Alvarez, the UAPD public information officer. As such, all students are guaranteed Fourth Amendment Have a question? rights against Email askuaeureka@gmail.com unlawful searches or contact the Daily Wildcat on and seizure, Twitter with #uaeureka. except in a few instances. Alvarez said the only way UAPD officers can enter a dorm room are if they have a search warrant, if the residents give their permission or if there are circumstances that merit it. These circumstances, which can be applied in part on the discretion of officers, include if they suspect destruction of evidence is taking place or if someone’s health or well-being necessitates it. Then there’s this portion, “The University reserves the following rights … For authorized personnel to enter and inspect rooms at any time to verify inventory records or occupancy; to perform maintenance; to enforce safety, health and University Student Code of Conduct or Housing Community Standards; or during an emergency.” Those “authorized personnel” are not police officials but resident assistants, community directors and the like. And “at any time” means just that. RAs and community or hall directors also are obligated to notify the authorities should the situation merit it. However, should UAPD ever come a-knockin’, know your rights. You can tell them they have to have a search warrant to enter your room. Then you can shut the door and feel accomplished knowing you beat the system. But you should also know the procedure, and understand that very rarely do UAPD officers roam residence halls looking for wayward troublemakers. But if it’s an RA at the door, then you’ll have to open up. So should you ever find yourself in desperate need of some relaxation, just remember to keep the noise, and your head, down. Or there’s a very good chance it could roll.
approval for potential risks By Yara Askar DAILY WILDCAT
Caffeine lovers beware: AeroShot, a type of inhalable caffeine, has yet to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration and is still being reviewed for potential health risks. Since AeroShot is currently being sold as a dietary supplement, it does not require the FDA’s approval because of a law stating that dietary manufacturers are responsible for ensuring the safety of their supplement before it hits the market. But Charles Schumer, a senator from New
York, has asked the FDA to look into the product. Invented by a Harvard biomedical engineering professor, AeroShot allows students to consume caffeine in one breath. The product may be preferred by some because it does not contain common additives used to enhance the effects of caffeine or energy drinks, according to Tom Hadfield, CEO of Breathable Foods. “We will cooperate fully with the FDA’s review to address the issues raised by Sen. Schumer and are confident that it will conclude that AeroShot is a safe, effective product that complies with FDA
regulations,” Hadfield said. Each canister contains one 100-milligram serving size, or four to six puffs, of caffeine. It delivers the same amount of caffeine into the body at about the same rate as a cup of coffee, Hadfield added. Adam McClendon, a physiology senior, said that his caffeine consumption is less about having extra energy and more about the joy of drinking coffee. AeroShot would just deprive a person from enjoying coffee, he said. Because the FDA has not yet approved
Increased smartphone hacking may lead to increased identity fraud.
Hackers dial in
— Daily Wildcat staff
Increase in identity theft linked to smartphone security breaches
‘Vote naked’ campaign launched By Stephanie Casanova DAILY WILDCAT
ASA is encouraging students to “vote naked” by signing them up for the Permanent Early Voter List. The association launched its Vote Naked campaign Monday with a “Vote Week of Action.” Interns, volunteers and members of the association are walking around campus registering students to vote and encouraging them to join the Permanent Early Voter List, which allows voters to receive an early ballot at their own home before polls open. Individuals on the early voter list are mailed a ballot 26 days before an election. The Recorder’s Office must receive that ballot back by 7 p.m. on election day. “Essentially the idea is if you’re on the PEVL list, then you can go ahead and vote naked at your house in your own privacy,” said Anthony Carli, a political science sophomore and intern with the association. The association is hoping to register 800 students
By Stewart McClintic DAILY WILDCAT
Since the introduction of smartphone technologies, users have realized they are more susceptible to personal information theft. About 12 million Americans were victims of identity theft in 2011, a 13 percent increase from 2010, according to a report released by research firm Javelin Strategy and Research. Individuals whose personal information is taken from a data breach, like certain information on a smartphone, are 9.5 times more likely to become a victim of identity fraud, the report said.
It’s easier for companies and hackers to access users’ “supposedly secure” personal information because smartphones are being used and programmed like computers, according to Kelley Bogart, a senior information security analyst at University Information Technology Services. Due to this, smartphone users are at a higher risk to be hacked since computer hackers can transfer their skills to smartphones. Bogart said surfing and accessing the Internet on phones subjects smartphone owners to different threats than other phone owners. One threat, she said, comes from downloading apps. The reason apps can be linked to smartphone hacking is
It was weird hearing his voice back there at first in walkthroughs, but he did good.”
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because not all apps are checked by a legitimate source, and some do not go through any sort of “vetting” process at all. Vetting, Bogart added, is when someone looks through the embedded codes of an app to make sure it does what it needs to do, and nothing more. Bogart said Android phone users are at a higher risk because not all apps for the phone are necessarily purchased through a store, like Apple’s app-specific store. Although it is safer to buy apps through the Apple store, it is still not 100 percent safe, she said.
NOTING This day in history
>> 1836: The Alamo falls to Mexican forces. >> 1857: The Supreme Court rules that slaves are not citizens in the Dred Scott decision.