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Thursday, March , 






UA students entitled to accountability, openness


here has always been a tension between government and the media, and the relationship between ASUA and the Daily Wildcat is no exception. This tension is inescapable, but more importantly, it’s a vital part of the democratic process. Part of the Daily Wildcat’s mission is as follows, “The student employees of the Daily Wildcat strive to provide the primary source of information, for, by and about the UA community, contributing to campus life by providing a voice for students.” In following this mission, we strive to hold every authority accountable, including the Associated Students of the University of Arizona. But like ASUA, we also need to be held accountable to the people we work for. And when we fail to fulfill our mission, we fail our readers. We demand transparency; it’s only fair that our readers expect the same of us. Each year, the Daily Wildcat interviews and selects ASUA senatorial, vice presidential and presidential candidates for endorsement. These interviews are a valuable part of the endorsement selection process because, as journalists, we recognize that anyone can write a nice three-paragraph blurb about their platforms. Face-to-face interviews force candidates to demonstrate how much research they’ve done and how much passion they have for the job. Each candidate was asked what they believe is the biggest challenge faced by students and how to address that challenge. We also asked what they would change about ASUA and the steps they would take to implement those changes. Typically, these interviews take place with several members of the Daily Wildcat’s editorial board. Because of a breakdown in communication, one we take complete responsibility for, interviews this year took place with just one member and appeared disorganized. Some ASUA candidates called us out on it, as they should have. While we stand by our endorsements, and continue to firmly believe that ASUA can do better than what it has offered, we also recognize that we can too. After the interviews, members of the editorial board reviewed our selections for endorsement. We were disappointed with the abundance of underdeveloped ideas and the lack of planning, bored by the dependence on meaningless buzz words and surprised by candidates who claimed ASUA needs little changing. What we failed to do for our readers was ensure that they understood why this matters. The Daily Wildcat’s overall coverage of ASUA has declined over the last couple of semesters. While the news reporters who cover ASUA are kept entirely separate from the endorsement process, overall coverage in both the news and perspectives sections of the paper builds context for readers. When that coverage fails to meet the standards we’ve set in the past, it’s hardly fair of us to point at ASUA and say, “You aren’t doing enough.” We don’t have any agenda, except to make sure other people are doing their jobs to the best of their abilities. We don’t think they are. But neither are we. If we suspect ASUA is not doing enough, our news reporters have to report on that. If we think ASUA can do better, our opinions columnists have to offer solutions. And all of this coverage has to keep happening, every day. It’s important to note that the Daily Wildcat and ASUA alike are important institutions made up of students who have to fumble their way forward. We strive. We fall short. We learn from our mistakes and we try again. — Editorials are determined by the Daily Wildcat editorial board and written by one of its members. They are Bethany Barnes, Kristina Bui, Steven Kwan, Luke Money and Michelle A. Monroe. They can be reached at letters@wildcat.arizona.edu or on Twitter via @WildcatOpinions.

Green Fund pays for 20 projects aimed to enhance UA sustainability efforts By Savannah Martin DAILY WILDCAT


ach year, $24 of every student’s tuition contributes to the student-run Green Fund, which finances projects aimed at making the UA campus more sustainable. This year, 10 students will decide where each year’s $400,000 will go. In 2011, the first Green Fund committee was able to distribute $700,000 to 20 projects. Here’s a snapshot of three of them: Project: Technologies for Enhancing Food Production, Resource Use Efficiencies and Environmental Friendliness Funds received: $137,900 Department: Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering–Controlled Environment Agriculture Center (CEAC) Just in case you thought greenhouse agriculture couldn’t get any greener, the Green Fund gave money to the Controlled Environment Agriculture Center to build a more


Some of the projects financed by the Green Fund include UA Community Garden, top, and the Controlled Environment Agriculture Center.

If you go El Portal, Saguaro Room Today, 5 - 8 p.m. The Green Fund committee will reveal which of the 34 projects proposed this year it’s decided to fund.

sustainable greenhouse by combining solar power with conventional energy sources. The objective is to create an off-grid greenhouse system that will be affordable and easy to establish for small to medium-sized growers. The system will improve resource efficiency by using solar panels to power the greenhouse’s cooling, irrigation and climate control, said Murat Kacira, the principal investigator for the project and an associate professor in the Department of Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering.

Online at DAILYWILDCAT.COM Can’t make it? The Daily Wildcat will be there. Stay informed and follow our live updates online.

A set-up like this can be used in many ways, from supplying fast, fresh food to places that have been hit by natural disasters, to providing an alternative for growers living in harsh climates, to giving military operations in remote locations a steady food supply at a low cost. “There is a huge interest for fresh food, safe food and local food production, especially in urban settings. So this can be an alternative system for those who are considering such applications,” Kacira said. “That’s, I think, the


UA to permanently increase graduation fees this month By Brittny Mejia DAILY WILDCAT Graduation fees are set to rise this month, giving graduates something more to worry about than making it through the semester. When students apply to graduate they are charged a $35 fee, but this month it will rise to $50. The fee will be implemented starting with December 2012 graduates and on. If a student’s graduation application is late, he or she will be charged an additional $50 fee to graduate. A portion of this fee will go to the President’s Office to help with commencement costs, which have also increased, according to Jody Payne, an assistant registrar in the Office of the Registrar. The rest of the candidacy fee covers the cost of diplomas and related registrar’s office expenditures, she added. In order to increase the fee, the registrar’s office created a proposal and a fees committee


Starting next semester, students must pay $50, up from $35, in order to graduate.

approved it, Payne said. The UA has not increased the candidacy fee in 11 years and research of peer institutions showed that the UA fee was lower, Payne added. The Office of the President will receive $14 of the $50 fee to cover various commencement costs, and the remaining $36 will go to the Office of the Registrar.

When explaining some of the registrar expenditures Payne said, “Well, staff salary is obviously one.” The increased fee proposal went through the committee process, and given the expenses and what they were covering, the fee seemed reasonable, said Vice Provost Gail Burd, who runs the

fee committee. There are three faculty members who sit on the committee, in addition to a representative from the bursar’s office, a graduate student and an undergraduate student. The registrar’s office is slated to receive $248,000 from the fee increase and the president’s office is expected to get $96,000, according to Burd. Despite the fee increase, Burd said the registrar’s office will come up $82,000 short in covering all the costs the increase was supposed to cover. This includes costs to make diplomas and help pay the salaries of UA employees who oversee degree checks. With more students graduating over the years there are more commencement costs, said Keith Humphrey, the dean of students and assistant vice president of Student Affairs. The UA has to print more commencement programs and open more staging areas to support


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If there’s ever an epidemic of anything, you should run into the bathroom, drop your pants and sit on the toilet because it’s the safest place.”


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