Friday, september ,
ABOR approves budget requests By Luke Money DAILY WILDCAT
FLAGSTAFF — The Arizona Board of Regents approved university funding requests for fiscal year 2013 during its meeting on Thursday, but not without debate. The funding request, which totaled $801.7 million between the three universities and the board, represents a $119.3 million increase from the budget for fiscal year 2012. The
majority of this increase comes in items classified as one-time expenditures, totaling $83.2 million. “These budget requests reflect the realities of the current economic conditions of the state and represent just a fraction of the true needs of the universities,” said regents Chairman Fred DuVal. Much of the discussion stemmed from two primary points — a provision slipped into the UA’s proposal
which would allot funding to develop a specialized nursing program related to cancer treatment at the Phoenix Biomedical Campus, and the disproportionate distribution of state funds. Though the cancer nursing program request accounted for only $1 million of the UA’s $14.5 million in requests for the biomedical campus, Arizona State University President Michael Crow
FY 2013 State Budget Request Summary Phoenix Biomedical Center - College of Medicine Phoenix Biomedical Center - College of Pharmacy Community College Pathways Critical Access and Success
$12,000 $2,500 $2,600 $4,500
Capital Request: Maximizing Instructional Capacity
Total State Operating Budget Request
Banned Books returns By Alexandra Bortnik DAILY WILDCAT
Dr. Kathleen Young, a new psychologist at Counseling and Psychological Services, occupies her office in Campus Health Service on Wednesday. Young left her private practice at the end of July to start her new position at CAPS on Aug. 15, where she says she expects that the university environment will be more stimulating.
Q&A: CAPS psychologist brings knowledge of trauma treatment By Eliza Molk DAILY WILDCAT
Dr. Kathleen Young is the new staff psychologist at Counseling and Psychological Services and the coordinator of clinical services at the OASIS Program, a violence and sexual assault prevention program at Campus Health Service. Daily Wildcat: Where are you from, and why did you decide to come to the UA? Young: Although I’m not from Chicago, I was there for quite a long time. I had an internship year here in Tucson at the University of Arizona Health Science(s) Center way back when at the end of my doctoral program. I really loved Tucson, and I knew it was some place I’d like to relocate. There was an advertisement for a position to help victims
externship training programs, I recognized unresolved trauma was a common issue people were coming in with. Way back then, there was not a lot of formal training being done in doctoral programs on recognizing and treating What do you specialize in, and trauma. After graduating, I did a what sort of things can students see lot of this continuing education on my own. you for? I specialize in relationship vioWhat do you hope to bring to the lence and trauma as a broad category including survivors of childhood UA community, and what do you abuse and sexual assault. Being hope the UA community can bring housed under CAPS, I also do gen- to you? I am happy to bring my 20 years of eral counseling. In addition to students coming in for clinical services, experience working with trauma and I help with outreach and education my passion for helping folks recover, with anybody on campus. I enjoy as well as working to prevent violence. I have done quite a bit of work what I do very much. helping college-age individuals. I’m What inspired you to specialize sure I will learn all kinds of things by being here in a rich, diverse environin trauma? When I did my specialized ment. I feel like I already am. of sexual assault and violence, and it seemed like the perfect job and place were coming together. I hope to be here indefinitely, and I’m planning to make a home at both the UA and Tucson.
What do you think are the most common problems for college-age students? There are certainly lots of transition and adjustments issues. Unfortunately, sexual assault is a big issue in this age group, and it’s important to address. Many students haven’t learned what is good in a relationship for them, and this is a time to start practicing how to have a healthy relationship. Substance abuse issues are also a really big deal. If you could give students one piece of advice, what would it be? Take this time to get to know more about yourself outside of just academics. Students should start thinking about their life goals and who they are as people, as well as their relationships.
The UA’s annual Banned Books Week will feature a performance, exhibit and speaker panel to celebrate the freedom to read from Sept. 24 to Oct. 1. The Associated Students of the University of Arizona and the UA chapter of the Progressive Librarians Guild will put on a theatrical performance “ReadOUT, ACTout” based on four frequently challenged children’s books that show alternative families and gender expressions. The performance was inspired by an event that took place at San Francisco State University earlier this year. Stephan Elizander Przybylowicz, codirector of ASUA Pride Alliance, said the goal of Banned Books Week is to bring awareness to the censorship of books, comics, music and other materials. “It’s important for students to attend Banned Books Week events because as educated individuals, we need to start thinking for ourselves and stop letting governments, parents, or anyone else tell us what to read,” Przybylowicz said. Banned Books Week will also include a Banned Books Exhibit in the UA Main Library and a “Books, Comics & Rock and Roll: Censorship in the Modern Age” speaker panel, both hosted by the UA chapter of the Progressive Librarians Guild. The exhibit will display issues like why books were challenged, the most frequently challenged books and what groups led the challenges. Guest speakers at the panel will include Richard DiRusso, manager of the collection development office at the Pima County Public Library, Randy Peterson, general manager and development director at KXCI 91.3 FM radio station and Henry Barajas, promotional manager at Tucson Comic-Con and a writer for El Loco. Banned Books Week began in 1982 and was promoted by the American Library Association. For several years, the UA chapter of the Progressive Librarians Guild and the UA Libraries partnered to showcase the Banned Books Exhibit and a speaker panel. “I believe that the freedom to read content of our choosing is central to a fair and democratic society that values dialogue over fear,” Przybylowicz said.
Meeting addresses substance abuse by women By Alexandra Bortnik DAILY WILDCAT
A town hall held Thursday addressed substance abuse by young women and examined current obstacles, factors and community needs for treatment. Active since 1979, the UA’s College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Southwest Institute for Research on Women (SIROW) hosted Call to Action: A Town Hall Discussion of Adolescent Substance Use and Recovery at the Tucson Marriott University Park. Sally Stevens, executive director of Southwest Institute for Research on Women, said Tucson has a lack of treatment resources in general, but specifically for adolescent girls. “Substance-abusing adolescent girls are a hidden population,” Stevens said. “They tend to run away, live with older men, and are able to hide from the law.” Unlike most boys with a history of
them visible to receive treatment as they go through the criminal justice system. Kaleena Huggins, a graduate student studying public health, said SIROW is focusing on adolescents because the onset of mental health issues and substance abuse occurs during adolescence, and treatment is usually geared toward adults, leaving only about one-sixteenth of adolescents who actually receive the treatment they need. Bridget Ruiz, an associate research professor, said the poor economy is also a big factor as to why treatment for adolescents is so scarce. She said to further a vicious cycle, the poor economy and rising unemployment rates often lead to a higher percentage of substance abuse in families as COLIN PRENGER / DAILY WILDCAT a way of coping — when parents start Community members gathered at the Tucson Marriott University Park on Thursday abusing, children often follow as a to discuss substance abuse and preventative measures. result of the “trickle-down effect.” substance abuse, girls are less likely es. Boys, on the other hand, are less According to Huggins, a major goal to commit major crimes and are not likely to find refuge in a stranger’s of the meeting was to bring people to typically the ones dealing substanc- home, and causing crime makes recognize that a community approach
is the most effective. “Everyone in our community has some stake in issues of substance abuse and treatment,” she said. Stevens encouraged anyone in the UA community to attend the event, and emphasized the importance of the UA’s community support and awareness, in particularly with adolescents. “Families and youths themselves are a big part of the solution,” Stevens said. “Our main goal is to really get the word out about the lack of gender specific treatment for adolescent girls.” Although resources and treatment recovery centers are scarce, Bridget said SIROW is always looking for new opportunities to offer recovery services, and hopes the meeting generated interest in the issue of treating adolescent girls. “We need to come together and analyze what are the needs right now, and what can each of us do to encourage and promote treatment and recovery in the long term,” Huggins said.