8 • The Daily Wildcat
Special Edition ● Thursday, October 8, 2020
Creative and queer: Four Tucson LGB
Anaysa Strak, Frank Heightchew-Howard, Yasmine Grant and Daniel Gonzalez are all queer have used art to explore their own ident
BY TIA STEPH @tia_ste
YASMINE GRANT uses her art as a way to express herself and genderless and colorful portraits, which she wants people to b it.” Grant’s first art show in Tucson was part of an event for LGB the community my age, so like it was a learning experience … Grant said.
TOP LEFT: Frank Heightchew-Howard stares down at their mask. TOP RIGHT: Piranha handcrafted the mask and necklace out of found-objects and modeling clay. BOTTOM: Piranha lies atop a bench in full costume.
FRANK HEIGHTCHEWHOWARD, also known by their stage name Piranha, is a gender performance artist and a senior at City High School. According to Heightchew-Howard, the look above was inspired by a nightmare they had in which their mental health turned into a monster. “This look — it’s kind of like I killed the monster, it’s like … I’m wearing it as a costume because it’s something outside of me now,” they said.
ANAYSA STARK works as a painter, tattoo artist, Arizona Aids Foundation located at the Thornhil and crus