Vol. 15, Issue 2
February 2015
Arizona Dressage Association
ADA Scholarship Recipient, Amanda Southerly ...
Continued on Page 5
As 2014 comes to a close I can’t help but look back in reflection on all that I was able to accomplish and experience. The year started off strong. In March I received notice that I was this year’s recipient of an ADA Scholarship. I was awarded $500 dollars and immediately put it towards the David Wightman clinic. This clinic provided me much insight on how to collect my horse and also keep him active enough under me in order to accomplish the Grand Prix movements. I was having some trouble with keeping an even rhythm in the Piaffe and Passage. David helped me readjust the way I was sitting also advising me to keep more rhythm with my legs, which then allowed my horse to keep a more even rhythm underneath me. His precise explanations and constructive descriptions offered me real clarification to the changes I needed to make. With Mr. Wightman’s direction I was able to feel the correctness of the movements in the Passage, Piaffe, half passes, tempi changes, pirouettes and was provided the tools needed to practice my skills. The opportunity to continue my training on a Grand Prix horse, thanks to Anne Gilmartin, expanded my development and increased my abilities. Mitdway was a dream and the opportunity to be able to train with him was a true experience. On Mitdway, coupled with the knowledge I received from the clinic, I was able to sharpen my talents and develop the skills I needed to accomplish my qualifications in completing my Bronze, Silver and Gold medals. I achieved this early on in the year, followed by a few other milestones such as turning 18 and graduating High School. The year was turning out to be quite eventful and memorable, but the cherry on top was yet to come. I was very excited to have the opportunity to receive my medals, in person, at the USDF Annual Convention held in Boston. There is no way I can completely convey the feelings of emotion and pride felt when receiving this honor.
President:------------------------------ Sue Leutwyler
1st VP: ---------------------------------- Kathy Smith
------------------------------------ 2nd VP: -------------------------------- Lara Bowles ------------------------------------ Secretary: ----------------------------- Cindy Hitchcock ----------------------------------- Treasurer: ----------------------------- Cynthia Ganem ----------------------------------- Trustee of Records:-----------------Cynthia Ganem ------------------------------------ Heather Bilodeau --------------------- Anne Buchanan ------------------------ Michell Combs ------------------------- Betty Drake ----------------------------- Jill Graf ----------------------------------- Carolyn Haskell ------------------------ Sarah Lindsten -------------------------
Awards: ----------------------------- Carolyn Haskell Centerline Editor: ---------------- TBA Communications: ----------------- Sue Leutwyler Education:--------------------------- Sarah Lindsten Finance: ----------------------------- Cynthia Ganem Fundraising: ----------------------- Anne Buchanan Futurity: Janet Solanik ---------- Historian: --------------------------- Sue Leutwyler Juniors/Young Riders: Bobbie Lynn McKee -------------- Membership: ---------------------- Michell Combs Nominating: ----------------------- Michell Combs Scholarship: Ann Damiano ----- a.damiano@azdressage. org Recognized Shows: ------------- Kathy Smith Scores Compilation: ------------- Sue Leutwyler Web Design: ----------------------- Sue Leutwyler
President: Lynn Simpson -------- 928-636-7579 Vice President: Joyce Cecchini -928-636-7566 Treasurer: Linda Roth ------------- 928-759-2683 Secretary: Emily Dolan ----------- 928-642-4342 Sue Crampton --------------------- 928-925-6043 Jack Tismeer ----------------------- 928-830-4192 Michele Renner -------------------- 440-221-8587 Sondra Wilkening ----------------- 928-925-6434 ADA BOARD ATTORNEY:
Wendy Riddell --------------------- 2 | THE CENTERLINE | FEBRUARY 2015
Can you Contribute to the Centerline? Barn Tips
Submit your innovative, imaginative and useful barn tips to Meredith Watters at
Letters to the Editor
If you have comments, suggestions, or wish to express opinions relating to the sport of dressage, submit your letter for consideration to
Clinic Reviews
Review a clinic you attended describing the training and what you learned from the clinician. Send submissions to
Barn News
This column is for the trainer/barn to brag about the accomplishments of its clients, introduce new clients and horses, update readers about any barn improvements, or talk about any other news of interest to the membership. It’s a free plug for the barn, trainer and clients. Send submissions to
Nuggets Do you have a training concept that you would like to share? Something your trainer has said to make your understanding more clear? Please share with other riders by sending submissions to
Product Endorsements/Advertising
In most cases, products and services are paid advertising. Occasionally a specific product will be named as to how it benefits the horse or rider, but this is discouraged. Press Releases are welcome. Likewise, articles that are negative in nature concerning a particular product will not be considered for publication.
Have something for sale? For rent? Want something? Put your ad in the classifieds to see if someone has what you want, or wants what you have. Send to centerline@
It’s Why I Ride or Living The Dream
Submit an article and photo of you and your horse describing why you ride. Send to centerline@azdressage. org. If the photo is a riding photo, please wear a helmet for photo.
~ ADVERTISING ~ The Centerline is not responsible for, nor does it endorse any claims made by advertisers. ALL ADVERTISEMENTS MUST BE PAID AT THE TIME YOU SUBMIT YOUR AD Rates: Display Ads – JPG, TIFF, PDF - 300 dpi Full Page (7.5”x10”) .................................................$90 ½ Page ......................................................................$50 1/3 Page ....................................................................$35 1/4 Page ....................................................................$20 Business Card ...........................................................$15
Classified Ads
$5 for up to 50 words; $5 per photo; $5 non-member fee
Web Site
The ADA Website is You may advertise on the site for $50 per year or $30 for six months. Nonmembers please add $5. Deadline: 10th of the previous month Mail to: ADA PO Box 31602, Phoenix, AZ 850461602 Email to: Please be sure that your check accompanies all your ads.
The Centerline is the official monthly newsletter of the Arizona Dressage Association (ADA), a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Material in the newsletter may not be reproduced, with the exception of forms, without the written consent and credit of the editor and/or author. The Centerline assumes no responsibility for the return of unsolicited material unless accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. The Centerline welcomes your articles, letters, barn news, cartoons, artwork, poetry and especially, your photographs. Submissions, news, views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the position or views of the ADA. Acceptance does not constitute an endorsement. Accuracy of materials submitted is the sole responsibility of the author. The Editor reserves the right to accept, reject and edit submitted material. The deadline for articles and advertising is the 10th of the month. Email to:
REGION 5 DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE Hope everyone is having a great start to the New Year! We’ve had a lot of snow at my new home, some cold days and a few very nice warm ones too. I do love having an indoor though, gives me very few excuses and allows me to enjoy my horses almost every day. Just a few things this month… We are accepting bids for the 2016 Great American/ USDF Region 5 Championships through February 16th. If anyone is interesting is placing a bid for the Regional Championships or has any questions about the process, please contact myself or the USDF office and we’ll be happy to help! The final date for a Regional Championship to be held in 2016 will be October 16th in order to fit into the National Championship time frame, so please keep that in mind when looking at facilities and possible weekends. If you have an educational activity that your barn, group or organization is doing, please let me know so I can add it to the Region 5 educational activity calendar that is sent out with the monthly Regional updates by USDF. We would love to keep everyone as informed as possible. There are many wonderful clinics and symposiums being offered all over our region that folks can audit or ride in. If you intend to qualify for Region 5 teams to the USDF/ Platinum Performance North American Junior/Young Rider Dressage Championships, then your application and fee should be turned in to the USDF office by April 1st in order to avoid stiffer fees. Final application deadline is April 30th, though again, the fees are 6 times as much, and absolutely no applications will be accepted after April 30th. If you plan to compete for NAJYRC, please also be sure to contact Joan Clay, our Region Coordinator for the FEI Juniors and Young Riders and let her know your intent. Her email address is jnclay@ and her phone number is 970.420.0887. Till next month!
Heather Petersen Region 5 Director
USDF Region 5 Website
January 12, 2015 Draft Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 6:50 p.m. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Directors Present: Kathy Smith, Cynthia Ganem, Cindy Hitchcock, Sarah Lindsten, Betty Drake, Michell Combs, Carolyn Haskell. Directors/Alternate Directors Absent: Jill Graf, Heather Bilodeau, Anne Buchanan, Sue Leutwyler, Lara Bowles. Guests: Pam Polydoros, Teri Rich, Marilyn Sheldon. Chairpersons of Standing Committees: None Present.
Officer’s Reports: 5. Secretary’s Report – MOTION: Betty Drake moved to accept the Secretary’s report as printed in the Centerline and posted on the web. VOTE: Unanimous. RESULT: Motion Carried. 6. Treasurer’s and Finance Report – December, 2014: Operating Acct. - $30,605.89; Reserve Accounts to cover catastrophic show/ equipment loss fall $10,182.80 short – 84% Funded; Credit Card Acct. - $7,638.56; Pantano CD - $11,434.11; Cash - $150.00. ADA taxes have been filed. MOTION: Kathy Smith moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented. VOTE: Unanimous. RESULT: Motion Carried. 7. Recognized Shows (1st VP) • Photographer Discussion – Designated show photographer discussion. A Show Committee meeting will be scheduled to further discuss • Fun in February – Kathy Smith is managing the show. Julie Sodowsky and Dolly Hannon have been hired to judge. All other show personnel are in place including caterers. Terri Kemp and her students will present a quadrille during the noon break. Sound equipment is needed for the quadrille. 8. Schooling Shows (2nd VP) – Approximately 25 rides, including some Western Dressage rides. Show was held at Dale Creek Equestrian. Jenny Cohn judged. No schooling show in February due to the ADA one day show in February at Dale Creek. Cindy Hitchcock is working on a date and venue for March.
Standing Committee Reports: 9. Membership Committee – January 7, 2014: 178; 2015 ADA/USDF GMO Members: 15 New Members in 2015; Adults; 12, Junior/Young Riders; 3. 59 Members Renewed in 2015; 144 Adults, 11 Junior/Young Riders. 8 Returning Members; 8 Adults; 0 Junior/Young Riders. 2014 ADA/GMO Members have not renewed for 2015; 172. 154 Adults; 20 Junior/Young Riders. Michell Combs reported that the online membership renewal process has been very user friendly. 10. Equipment Committee - Sound equipment will be retrieved from Sue Leutwyler for the Fun In February show. 11. Education Committee – Discussion on loaning the ADA sound equipment to Sarah Lindsten for the Conrad Schumacher clinic. Sarah spoke about her attendance at the New Dressage Test Symposium. Flex Time: Sarah gave an overview of the program. A brief discussion followed. 12. Juniors/Young Riders Committee Report – Bobbie Lynn McKee is coordinating the JR/YR’s. 13. Communications Committee – November 2014 Report – Total Page views: 189,224; Average Page views/Day 6,307.47; Average # Different Computers/Day: 474.23. Most Popular Pages: Home Page, November eCL, 2015 USEF Dressage Tests Post. Most Popular PDF Downloads: Fall Fiesta Day Sheets, Rider Schedule, Show Manager Letter, Schooling Show Form, Guide for Scribes. 14. Volunteer Committee – Volunteer Policy and Credit Program – Sue Leutwyler submitted a handout to the Board on the DASC volunteer program. The handout was reviewed by the Board and a discussion followed, including the use of surrogates. MOTION: Betty Drake moved that the Board accept the recommendation of the Show Committee for volunteer hours. VOTE: Unanimous. RESULT: Motion Carried. 15. Futurity Committee - Five entries so far.
Continued on Page 27 4 | THE CENTERLINE | FEBRUARY 2015
Scholarship Recipient, Amanda Southerly ... continued from Page 1
The experience was highlighted by the fact that my medals were presented to me by George Williams, newly appointed USEF Dressage Youth Coach. The level of excitement and honor I felt was immeasurable. My delight and enthusiasm was again extended when I was given the chance to spend time with the other Young Riders and had the opportunity to exchange stories and experiences. It was truly an opportunity of a lifetime and I was extremely thankful that my parents were able to make this trip a reality. Of course, I also owe a great deal of gratitude to my coach, Lois Whittington. Without her help dedication and continued mentoring I would not be where I am today. In the past five years, Lois has taught me a great deal of lessons on and off the horse. I can’t imagine how this year could ever be topped. I can not wait to see what the future has in store. I look forward to my continued education and the ability to someday inspire other young riders.
SHOW JITTERS? RELAX THE RIDER ... RELAX THE HORSE Horses can sense nervousness and tension and it will affect their performance. Reflexology is the practice of applying pressure to the feet and hands to reduce tension and induce deep relaxation sending signals that balance the nervous system and release endorphins, reducing pain and stress. Sessions available in home or at the show. Point of Interest Therapy Certified Reflexologist Diana Seaton, C.R. 785-567-3357
Thanks to the ADA for helping me develop my dreams and for their continued support and encouragement. Arizona Dressage Asociation Mission Statement: The Arizona Dressage Association is a not-for-profit organization whose goal is to promote the advancement of classical dressage through educational opportunities and programs, and the rigorous evaluations received at recognized and schooling dressage shows. FEBRUARY 2015 | THE CENTERLINE | 5
2015 Arizona Dressage Show Calendar Show
Show Date
Closing Date
TDC Winter Heat I & II Tucson – Pima County Fairgrounds
Level 3
January 17-18, 2015
December 19, 2014
Christel Carlson, ‘S’; Sarah Geikie, ‘S’
ADA Fun in February Litchfield Park – Dale Creek Equestrian Village
February 8, 2015
January 13, 2015
Julie Sodowsky "R", Dolly Hannon, "S"
TDC March Madness I & II Tucson – Pima County Fairgrounds
March 14-15, 2015
February 18, 2015
Brent Hicks, 'S'; Sara Schmitt, 'S'
ADA Spring Celebration Scottsdale -- WestWorld
March 28-29, 2015
March 3, 2015
Joan Darnell, 'S'; Carter Bass, 'S', TBA
Coconino Dressage Spring Show Flagstaff – Fort Tuthill County Park
May 23-24, 2015
April 27, 2015
Melonie Kessler, 'S'; Shirley Rector, 'S'
Coconino Dressage Summer Show Flagstaff – Fort Tuthill County Park
July 11-12, 2015
June 15, 2015
Tracey Lert, 'S'; Dorie Vlatten Schmitz, 'S'
ADA Mountain Air & Dressage in the Pines Flagstaff – Fort Tuthill County Park
August 15-16, 2015
July 21, 2015
Mike Osinski, 'S'; Cindy Canace, 'S'
GAIG/USDF Region 5 Championships & ADA Octoberfest Show Scottsdale -- WestWorld
October 9-11, 2015
September 10, 2015
Bill Warren, 'S'; Cara Whitham, 'S'; TBA
ADA Fall Fiesta & AZ State Championships Scottsdale -- WestWorld
Oct. 31-Nov. 1, 2015
October 6, 2015
Lorraine MacDonald, 'S'; Doreen Horsey, 'S'
TDC Fall Festival I & II Tucson – Pima County Fairgrounds
November 21-22, 2015
October 28, 2015
Sue Curry Shaffer, ‘S’; Barbara Ebner, ‘S’
ADA would like to thank all of its returning members and welcomes all of its new members, and we look forward to an exciting year for our organization. ADA has experienced steady growth over the last few years and we ask all of you to help us keep the momentum going by sharing this newsletter and our membership perks with your equine friends. Are you taking advantage of all of our benefits? ADA MEMBERSHIP PERKS Discounts at all ADA Sponsored Clinics $1,500+ in prize money at our Spring Show $3,000+ in Scholarships and Grants given each year USDF Group Membership ADA Year End Awards program Centerline newsletter And much more! FEBRUARY 2015 | THE CENTERLINE | 7
Letter Perfect Dressage Arena Boards Dressage Extensions
Memorize your tests. Improve visualization skills. Design your freestyles. Stay organized!
Training Highlights from
ADA Scholarship Recipient Kara Finnegan
For those of you who do not know me I am a forty-something corporate accountant working my way up the dressage levels. I train and board with Lois Whittington at her facility in North Scottsdale. It’s not always easy both from a financial and time management aspect to ride, work full time, and work on my MBA. It’s not uncommon to see me at a horse show with a text book in front of me or typing on a lap top. I was very appreciative to receive the ADA amateur scholarship for 2014. I knew immediately that I wanted to use the scholarship to continue my training with David Wightman. Among his many accomplishments, David is well known for his successes with young horses and coaching young riders. As Talara was six and under saddle for only two years when we first started working together, I particularly appreciate his experience when it comes to young horses. Initially when I received this scholarship I had hoped to travel to David’s facility (Adventure Farms) in Murrieta, California. However, 2014 was a very busy year for David and his wife, Kathleen Raine. Kathleen was in Germany for an extended period, successfully competing their horse (Breanna), leaving David to keep the farm going at home. David also coached his working student, Catherine Chamberlain, to triple gold at the North American Junior and Young Riders’ Dressage Championship in Kentucky. Though I was disappointed that we could not schedule a trip to Murrieta, I was grateful that David still found the time to travel to Arizona for clinics. I find David an extremely encouraging trainer with a good understanding of how to approach Talara. He understands that there is a journey that horse and rider have to make together. One of his most memorable comments has been, “Everything that you don’t like about her (Talara) now, you are going to like about her later.” He was primarily referring to her extreme sensitivity. When I first began working with David two years ago we had some sessions that included Talara kicking or bucking at nearly every transition. I would constantly need to adjust my aids, walking a fine line between her ignoring me if I was a little too subtle or over reacting if she deemed them too much. It was like riding a completely different horse from one part of the session to the next. As we are now showing at third level, Talara is finally starting to settle a bit and I can truly appreciate what David meant. She is sensitive enough that she is quick to light aids and settled enough that there is a lot less drama. During David’s visit in May we worked both on Talara bending through her ribcage and not doing flying lead changes. Yes, you read correctly, NOT doing flying lead changes. Talara has always had an affinity for lead changes. She has naturally done them since she was three months under saddle. The problem is that once we started actually schooling changes for third level she decided that counter canter was completely unnecessary. Obviously she has not read through the fourth level and PSG tests yet. My mission was to turn down centerline and half-pass to the long side, continuing to maintain the counter canter all the way around the ring. On a horse this sensitive, who really, really likes flying lead changes, that was no easy task. Her bending in the half pass was actually quite nice but the short side was our nemesis. If I shifted my seat bones in the slightest she changed. If I straightened her a little too much she changed. Particularly in the left counter canter she is quite adept at kicking up her right hind in a skillful effort to knock me off my right seat bone, and then pop a change to the left true canter. Again and again we repeated the exercise until we reliably navigated both short sides without changing.
The following day we warmed up quite nicely, after which David announced that he wanted to work on my position. I will admit that I have a bit of a chair seat that does need correcting. Then he said those three words that most riders dread. Cross your stirrups. What? Really?? Yes, I have ridden without stirrups before, just not on Talara and with very good reason. In her first year under saddle, I earned the barn nickname of Cowgirl because she would spin and buck (or buck and spin) on a dime. She has frightened ringside photographers with her big side kick that I refer to as her horsey middle finger. She once bucked so high during a show that Lois thought she was going to fling her hind end out of the ring. Through all of this I have stayed on, hence the Cowgirl nickname, but I had my stirrups. Granted she has calmed down a lot since then but she is still a hot horse and it was a rather windy day. Expletives and questions ran through my head as I obediently reached down and crossed my stirrups. Do we really have to do this today? Is my helmet on tight enough? Do I have my health insurance card with me? Did I wear the right underwear for this?
David Wightman, Kara Finnegan and Talara
With my stirrups securely out of my reach we rode on. David put us through the paces of renvers, travers, half-passes, both in trot and canter. We did collected gates and medium gaits as the wind gusted by us. Thankfully, Talara was calm and obedient. David was quite pleased with my position and no ambulances were called, so it was a good day. Unfortunately I also realized that more stirrup-less riding was in my future, in fact Lois has threatened to steal my stirrups on a few occasions since then. I again want to thank the ADA for awarding me this scholarship. My training with both Lois and David is serving Talara and I well as 2014 was a great year. In July I earned my Bronze medal and in November we were third level reserve champions at the Arizona State Championship. I would also like to thank Bobbie Lynn McKee for hosting the David Wightman clinics.
ADA Northern Arizona Chapter 10 | THE CENTERLINE | FEBRUARY 2015
Prevent Injury ... Wear an ASTM-SEI Approved Riding Helmet Every Ride, Every Time Injuries sustained as a result of horse riding are common ... Head injuries outnumber spinal injuries by five to one.
How I Used My 2014 NAC of ADA Scholarship by Joyce Cecchini
October was the time of my long awaited visit to see my niece and nephew in southern Indiana. Part of the visit involved an overnight trip to Dayton, Ohio where I spent the first eighteen years of my life. What does my birthplace have to do with my report for my NAC of ADA scholarship? Dayton was the birthplace of my life with horses. The scholarship helped me continue on with my sixty-five years with horses. In the fall of 1949 ( I was almost five years old) my sister Janice, a junior in high school, won an eighteen month old Arabian colt, a son of Raffles. Walter Farley, author of The Black Stallion, held a promotional contest to name the Black Stallion’s filly for his third book. The prize was an Arabian colt. The name my sister chose was Black Minx. Several chose the same name, so an essay broke the tie. Much to my father’s dismay, our family has a purebred Arabian colt named Sadhu. The colt arrived from Maryland by railcar and was vanned to the stables connected with the Dayton Country Club. This event began my life with horses. Janice broke out Sadhu with the help of the stable management. After two years she was off to college. I started with lesson ponies and horses and on to ride Sadhu when he was five and I was nine or ten. I learned what I call pleasure saddle seat. I rode with a double bridle and learned correct leads and diagonals. There were no other instructions except to stay on top of the horse. During my visit to Dayton, my niece and I found the old stables. It was probably built in the 1920’s – two stories and block walls. The stables closed in the 1960’s and now are used for equipment storage for the gold course. From the stables we drove through the wooded park where the trails allowed me to ride my horse during my pre-teen and teen years. Fast forward sixty-five years. My confidence with my horse, Cowboy, was waning. I needed some help, but I wasn’t sure which direction to go. Thanks to NAC of ADA I had the scholarship money for lessons. Lynn Simpson suggested I join the group lessons by Leigh Webber, a Centered Riding instructor. I had the first book Centered Riding by Sally Swift, so I pulled it off the shelf and began reviewing. The written word is one thing, but Leigh made it come alive in the group sessions. I saddled up for the first riding session. Before the horse and I made it into the arena, Cowboy spooked, fell, and I went off. This was not a good start to renewing my confidence, but I “fell” into the best possible solution. I continued with the group lesson, but I rode Leigh’s lesson horse Jett. He allowed me to concentrate on the Centered Riding techniques and gave me a mentally safe place in the saddle. I also took four private lessons from Leigh on Cowboy. Applying the Centered Riding basic concepts of soft eyes, breathing, building blocks, and centering in addition to grounding and intent, I started building confidence as well as Cowboy. When I was relaxed and positioned correctly, Cowboy responded in a positive and relaxed way. Leigh was very aware of my concern on Cowboy, and she gave me the tools to allow the horse to respect and respond in a positive way. Many of the concepts of Centered Riding I was aware of, but Leigh’s explanations and demonstrations both mounted and on the ground, gave new awareness to my existing knowledge. I loved the drill of two to three strides sitting trot, rising trot, then in a two-point position. Leigh pointed out that my horse moved more freely when I rode in the two point position. So sitting and rising trot I had to feel what my position was in the twopoint and then maintain it in sitting and rising trot The hip release was a major eye and body opener. I understood not to grip, but the feeling the hip release was amazing. Two other exercises I enjoyed were the leg yield demystified and the tear drop pattern to canter. The hip release was important in both of these exercises. My work with Leigh during the summer and early fall gave me the knowledge and confidence to ride Cowboy again. I plan to continue my life with horses as I can get on and stay on the horse. Remembering my early riding years gave me the inspiration to keep riding in my later years. My lessons with Leigh gave me the tools. Thank you NAC of ADA for offering the scholarship
Prize Money Announced for Great American/USDF Regional Dressage Championships Thursday, January 29, 2015 Lexington, KY
The United States Dressage Federation (USDF) and Great American Insurance Group are pleased to announce the prize money for the 2015 Great American/USDF Regional Dressage Championships Series, presented by SmartPak and supported by Merial. Prize money totaling over $160,000 will be awarded at the 2015 Great American/USDF Regional Championships, divided evenly among the nine regions and 35 divisions that are offered, allowing each region to present competitors with over $18,000 in prize money and awards .
Champions in each region and division will receive $306 in prize money and an embroidered jacket and gift certificate provided by SmartPak, official supplement feeding system of USDF. Reserve champions in each region and division will receive $204 in prize money, along with a saddle pad provided by the Great American Insurance Group, title sponsor of the championships. “It is with great pleasure that we continue to provide recognition to these outstanding competitors through our sponsorship of the regional championship program,” stated Kathy Sedlak, Great American Insurance Group Assistant Vice President of the Equine Division. “We’re so pleased that through the generous support of our sponsors, we are able to see this program continue to grow and be so well received by USDF members,” adds Stephan Hienzsch, USDF Executive Director. For more information about the Great American Insurance Group/USDF Regional Dressage Championships, please visit the USDF website or contact the USDF office.
Arizona Dressage Association is Proud to host the GAIG/USDF Region 5 Dressage Championships this Year October 9-11th, 2015, WestWorld of Scottdale Regional Qualifying Criteria > Are you Qualified Yet? > FEBRUARY 2015 | THE CENTERLINE | 13
Does your trainer or clinician or fellow rider have some quotes or pearls of wisdom that he or she states that crystallize a concept for your riding? If so, please email them to and they will be considered for publication.
From Five-time Olympian, Kyra Kyrkland ... A good rider lives on the small number of good steps and he builds on them. He forgets about the bad things. Inexperienced riders think mostly about the bad things.
Deadline Reminders It’s that time again to renew your ADA membership. You can renew online and pay with your favorite credit card or you can fill out a Membership Application form and mail in your check. Both methods are available on the ADA website here: February 1st, 2015 - ADA Scholarship deadline. Application available online. The final payment for the 2015 Futurity is March 1st. See the rules and application form. You can sign up online or by snail mail from this web address:
ADA’s Longtime Centerline Editor ...
Please join us in sending a heartfelt ”Thank You!” out to Kay Lorenzen, who has served as our Newsletter editor and held a myriad of roles on the ADA Board, as she takes a break from her official duties. Kay has given selflessly of her time and expertise to our organization for many years, and the ADA has had the privilege of benefiting from Kay’s work ethic, dedication and commitment. She leaves a remarkable legacy of service to us all. Drop her a word of appreciation the next time you see her at an ADA event or reach out to her via email at: to thank her!
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Barn News Equus Dressage announces their new home and upcoming Henrik Johansen Clinic location Tracey Krajenke and her students are so excited to be in their new location at El Samaritano (intersection of Dynamite and 84th street) in Scottsdale! “ It’s a first class facility with fabulous footing, a wonderful covered arena and is so much better suited to hosting clinics, such as the upcoming Henrik Johansen clinic on March 21-23 says Tracey.” ‘My students and others who have come in for Henrik’s clinics have found him to be one of the few international level trainers willing to work with riders of all levels. For instance, during his November clinic he worked with an experienced reining horse and rider who have just begun their dressage journey. Henrik’s next rider was Tami George, and Henrik helped her develop a better relationship with her new Grand Prix horse, giving us lots of ideas to develop his strength and flexibility. He was thrilled to hear that Lindsey Naas and her mare ‘Roy Els Belle Of The Ball were named Amateur Reserve World Champions at the Morgan National/World Show in Oklahoma City and Tracey was Open World Champion at that show. Henrik worked on helping Lindsey believe in her own talents and skills, knowing that it is not unusual
for an amateur rider to question their own abilities after their horse shows their exceptional talents. Susan McAlpine who traveled from Kingman on crutches (following a riding accident) was one of several individuals who attended the Friday night training theory presentation Henrik gave and then audited all 3 days of his clinic. “I’ve had the opportunity to audit clinics by many of the world’s top international trainers and worked with quite a few of them in developing my own FEI level horses in the past. I can honestly say that Henrik is equally enthusiastic about addressing the strengths of every horse and every rider who comes into the ring. In the 4 years I’ve been traveling to Scottsdale for his clinics, I haven’t seen one horse or rider leave frustrated or upset. Henrik makes sure that both the horse and rider understand what is being asked before moving on. He has helped me tremendously with a sensitive and reluctant mare, giving me lots of “tools” to use when we are back home in Kingman. I’m looking forward to being back in the saddle, fit and ready to absorb more of Henrik’s Positive approach to training. !” Tracey has indicated that Equus Dressage is looking forward to hosting Henrik and other clinicians in the future. For anyone interested in riding with Henrik, contact Tami George at 602-509-7294 or
Barn Tip: Do you suffer from T.B.A.? Trailer Backing Anxiety does not have to keep you from moving your trailer into a perfect but tight parking spot. Here is something to try to help you become a trailer backing pro. Look at your steering wheel. The top of the steering wheel is the front of your trailer and the bottom of the steering wheel is the back of the trailer. Take you hand and place it on the bottom of the steering wheel. Now, if you want the trailer to go right, turn the bottom of the steering wheel right, want to go left turn the bottom of the steering wheel left. The longer the trailer the longer it takes for your action to work so PATIENCE is a must.
Good luck trailering pro!
CALENDAR OF EVENTS FEBRUARY 2015 1: ADA Scholarship Applications Due 2: Annual ADA Board Meeting Location: Contact enews@ 8: ADA Fun in February, Location Dale Creek Equestrian Center, Judges TBD, Manager Kathy Smith, Secretary Cynthia Ganem 9: ADA Regular Meeting 6:30PM, Location TBD 12-22: Scottsdale Arabian Show 13-16: Conrad Schumacher Clinic, Location 29292 N. 78th Street, Scottsdale, AZ, contact 15: CFF Schooling Days, Location Carefree Farms, Judge TBD, Contact Laura Borghesani 21-22: ADA Freestyle Clinic, Featuring Cynthia Collins. Contact Sarah Lindsten
21-23: Henrik Johansen Clinic, hosted by Equus Dressage, Location: Pinnacle Equestrian Center, Dynamite & 84th Street. Riders $175/lesson, Auditors: $25/day or $50/3 days. Contact Tami George: 602-509-7294 or 28-29: ADA Spring Celebration, Location WestWorld, Judges JoanDarnell “S” and Carter Bass “S”, Manager Jay Chabucos, Secretary Sue Plasman
MARCH 2015 1: Final Futurity Payment Due Contact Janet Solanik at 8: CFF Schooling Days, Location Carefree Farms, Judge TBD, Contact Laura Borghesani 9: ADA Regular Meeting 6:30PM, Location TBD 14-15: TDC March Madness I & II,Location Pima County Fairgrounds, Judges Brent Hicks “S” and Sara Schmitt “S”, Manager Jay Chabucos 623 221 0707, Secretary Dian Seabury
JUNE 2015 8: ADA Regular Meeting 6:30PM, Location TBD
APRIL 2015 13: ADA Regular Meeting 6:30PM, Location TBD 15-19: FEI World Cup Finals, Las Vegas MAY 2015 11: ADA Regular Meeting 6:30PM, Location TBD 23-24: Coconino Spring Show, Location Fort Tuthill, Flagstaff, Judges Melonie Kessler “S” and Shirley Rector “S”, Manager Alice Sarno Secretary Sue Plasman
JULY 2015 13: ADA Regular Meeting 6:30PM, Location TBD 11-12: Coconino Summer Show,Location Fort Tuthill, Flagstaff, Judges Tracey Lert “S” and Dorie Vlatten-Schmitz “S”, Manager Alice Sarno Secretary Sue Plasman AUGUST 2015 10: ADA Regular Meeting 6:30PM, Location TBD 15-16: ADA Mountain Air Dressage and ADA Dressage in the Pines,Location Fort Tuthilll, Flagstaff, Judges
CALENDAR OF EVENTS (cont.) Mike Osinski “S” and Cindy Canase “S”, Manager Jay Chabucos, Secretary Sue Plasman SEPTEMBER 2015 14: ADA Regular Meeting 6:30PM, Location TBD OCTOBER 2015 9-11: ABIG/USDF Region 5 Championships/ADA Octoberfest, Location WestWorld, Judges Bill Solyntjes “S”, Bill Warren “S” and Cara Whitham “S”, Manager Jay Chabucos, Secretary Sue Plasman 12: ADA Regular Meeting 6:30PM, Location TBD 31-Nov 1: ADA Fall Fiesta and AZ State Championships, Location Westworld, Judges TBD, Manager Jay Chabucos, Secretary Sue Plasman
NOVEMBER 2015 9: ADA Regular Meeting 6:30PM, Location TBD 21-22: TDC Fall Festival I & II and State Championships, Location Pima County Fairgrounds, Judges Sue Curry Shaffer “S” and Barbara Ebner “S”, Manager Jay Chabucos 623 221 0707, Secretary Dian Seabury DECEMBER 2015 14: ADA Regular Meeting 6:30PM, Location TBD
ADA Preliminary Year End Award Standings Online NOW! Please check for accuracy and let us know if you have any questions.
Show Results TDC Winter Heat I & II WINTER HEAT I
(C) Carlson, Diane Devincentis Leesa Lane Marilyn Isaacks Jamie Deconcini
1 2 3 4 5 1 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 2 3
Roy El’s Belle of the Ball 62.222%
64.219% 57.813%
1 2
Sophina LS Aegyptian Gold Dauphine De Jazz Cc Dash Of Pepper Duke’s Mr T. J.
75.441% 63.824% 62.500% 62.353% 59.853%
1 2 3 4 5
(C) Geikie, Catalina Sherwood Razmitaz Sondra Powers Aegyptian Gold 22 | THE CENTERLINE | FEBRUARY 2015
Lachlan Mor
(C) Carlson, Leesa Lane Oziwon 66.364% Michele Bourquin Shambala 64.773% Diane Devincentis Legend LHF 64.773% Susan Arbuckle Dash Of Pepper 63.418% Susan Browning TKS Spot Of Champagne 62.273% Jena Zambrello Nick of Time 58.409% Jamie Deconcini Miss Maisy Mae 59.773% Laura DeCesari-Normandeau Faire Well 75.682% Laura DeCesari-Normandeau Mulato XV 68.864% Allyson DeHaven One Diva 68.636%
(C) Geikie, Lia Maland Sondra Powers Tracey Anderson Susan Arbuckle Karen Lubinski
1 2 3 1
(C) Carlson, Tracey Anderson Dauphine De Jazz Cc Karen Lubinski Duke’s Mr T. J.
68.487% 67.609% 65.435% 65.000%
(C) Carlson, Michele Bourquin Shambala 66.538% Marilyn Isaacks Bandit 65.962% Jena Zambrello Nick of Time 63.654% Susan Browning TKS Spot Of Champagne 63.269% Jan Markham Lachlan Mor 62.692% Laura DeCesari-Normandeau Faire Well 72.308% Allyson DeHaven One Diva 66.538%
(C) Carlson, Lindsay Naas
Legend LHF Oziwon Bandit Miss Maisy Mae
(C) Carlson, Jan Markham
1 2
Paladin SF Nakai
64.634% 59.634% 58.963%
1 2 3
67.317% 65.122%
1 2
66.795% 59.872%
1 2
66.923% 65.769% 67.821% 66.795%
1 2 1 2
64.211% 62.039% 71.513%
1 2 1
(C) Geikie, Anne Buchanan Sky Hit Laine Sklar Paladin SF Bobbie Lynn McKee Weltesse Kailee Surplus El Da Vinci THIRD LEVEL, TEST OF CHOICE
(C) Geikie, Kailee Surplus
1 2 3 4 5
(C) Geikie, Michele Lepire
63.718% 63.462% 63.205% 60.128% 55.513%
(C) Geikie, (B) Carlson Lynn Boice Dario Mary Zimmerman Mr. Wrinkles Elizabeth Eggers Windstarr Second Level, Test 3; Open (C) Geikie, Laura DeCesari-Normandeau Lexington Bobbie Lynn McKee Weltesse
(C) Geikie, Laine Sklar Michele Lepire
El Da Vinci
(C) Geikie, (B) Carlson Kay Lorenzen Wendo Susan Parrish Maronda Cyndi Jackson Risky Business FEI INTERMEDIATE I
(C) Geikie, (B) Carlson Cyndi Jackson Don Angelo 65.789% 1 Laura DeCesari-Normandeau Rope’s Ricochet 63.158% 2 Mary Jane Parmentier Bennigan 60.921% 3 FEI INTERMEDIATE II
(C) Geikie, (B) Carlson Lucy Ziurys Sylvano
62.424% 60.758%
(C) Geikie, Catalina Sherwood Razmitaz Lynn Boice Dario Lia Maland Sophina LS Elizabeth Eggers Windstarr Mary Zimmerman Mr. Wrinkles
(C) Geikie, (B) Carlson Molly O’Brien Prodigy
Show Results TDC Winter Heat I & II
(C) Geikie, (B) Carlson Melinda Olsen Wilderwind 67.833% Lindsay Naas Roy El’s Belle of the Ball 64.833%
1 2
(C) Geikie, (B) Carlson Erin McHenry Bailando
(C) Geikie, Jamie Deconcini
(C) Geikie, Leesa Lane Diane Devincentis Marilyn Isaacks Susan Browning Michele Bourquin Jan Markham Allyson DeHaven
Miss Maisy Mae
Oziwon 71.154% Legend LHF 66.731% Bandit 65.962% TKS Spot Of Champagne 60.769% Shambala 59.615% Lachlan Mor 58.654% One Diva 66.554%
(C) Geikie, Leesa Lane Oziwon 68.864% Susan Arbuckle Dash Of Pepper 67.955% Diane Devincentis Legend LHF 66.136% Marilyn Isaacks Bandit 65.909% Susan Browning TKS Spot Of Champagne 59.773% Michele Bourquin Shambala 56.364% Jamie Deconcini Miss Maisy Mae 65.000% Laura DeCesari-Normandeau Faire Well 69.318% Laura DeCesari-Normandeau Mulato XV 68.864% Allyson DeHaven One Diva 65.682%
1 2 3 4 5 6 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 2 3
1 2
1 2 3 4 5 1
1 2
1 2
67.439% 62.073% 60.366% 68.415% 67.195%
1 2 3 1 2
68.974% 65.513% 65.385%
1 1 2
63.947% 54.211% 67.237% 63.816%
1 2 1 2
(C) Carlson, Laine Sklar Paladin SF Kailee Surplus El Da Vinci Bobbie Lynn McKee Weltesse FOURTH LEVEL, TEST 1
(C) Carlson, Kailee Surplus
3 1
(C) Carlson, Lynn Boice Dario Mary Zimmerman Mr. Wrinkles Elizabeth Eggers Windstarr Bobbie Lynn McKee Weltesse Laura DeCesari-Normandeau Lexington THIRD LEVEL, TEST 2 (C) Carlson, Michele Lepire Nakai
(C) Geikie, Jan Markham Lachlan Mor 54.545% FIRST LEVEL, TEST 1 (C) Geikie, Jana Crimmins Sapphire Cream of the Crop 60.000% FIRST LEVEL, TEST 2 (C) Geikie, Lindsay Naas Roy El’s Belle of the Ball 61.563% Tracey Anderson Dauphine De Jazz Cc 57.031%
Karen Lubinski Duke’s Mr T. J. 54.063% Ellen Cook Woman of World 53.438% FIRST LEVEL, TEST 3 (C) Carlson, Lia Maland Sophina LS 73.824% Sondra Powers Aegyptian Gold 68.088% Tracey Anderson Dauphine De Jazz Cc 66.324% Karen Lubinski Duke’s Mr T. J. 61.618% Susan Arbuckle Dash Of Pepper 56.912% Jana Crimmins Sapphire Cream of the Crop 62.059% SECOND LEVEL, TEST 1 (C) Carlson, Sondra Powers Aegyptian Gold 61.212% Catalina Sherwood Razmitaz 57.576% SECOND LEVEL, TEST 2 (C) Carlson, Catalina Sherwood Razmitaz 66.026% Mary Zimmerman Mr. Wrinkles 53.462%
El Da Vinci
(C) Geikie, Kay Lorenzen Susan Parrish Cyndi Jackson Kailee Surplus
Wendo Maronda Don Angelo Santiago SF
Show Results TDC Winter Heat I & II
(C) Carlson, Cyndi Jackson Risky Business Mary Jane Parmentier Bennigan
71.579% 59.079%
1 2
(C) Geikie, Lucy Ziurys Sylvano 57.237% 2015 NAJYRC QUALIFYING FEI JUNIOR INDIVIDUAL (C) Carlson, (B) Geikie Molly O’Brien Prodigy 63.224% USDF FREESTYLE, TEST OF CHOICE (C) Carlson, Lindsay Naas Roy El’s Belle of the Ball 69.333% Molly O’Brien Prodigy 72.167% USEF QUALIFYING DEVELOPING HORSE PSG (C) Carlson, (B) Geikie Erin McHenry Bailando 65.809%
1 1
TDC WINTER HEAT I/II HIGH POINT AWARDS Training-Second Level AA Lia Maland Sophina 74.632% Open Laura DeCesari-Normandeau Faire Well 73.995% Jr/YR Jamie Deconcini Miss Maisie Mae 65.000% Third-Fourth Level AA Laine Sklar Paladin SF 67.958% Open Bobbie Lynn McKee Weltesse 66.681% FEI AA Kay Lorenzen Wendo 63.947% Open Cyndi Jackson Risky Business 71.579%
Transitioning Your Horse to a New Feed Posted on August 21, 2013 by Gina T.
You may be thinking your horse is in need of a senior diet, or perhaps there is a new feed available that you believe is even better for your horse. Maybe you are no longer happy with your current feed. Or, your retailer no longer carries the product you were using. Whatever the reason, switching your horse to a new feed is a change that requires care and know-how. It’s important to transition your horse gradually over a 7 day period, gradually increasing the new feed and decreasing the old. Throughout the process, you’ll want to watch your horse’s body condition and adjust feeding rates as needed. Mixing with Current Feed – The Ideal Process If still have some of your current feed, transition as follows: Current Feed New Feed Day 1-2 75% 25% Day 3-4 50% 50% Day 5-6 25% 75% Day 7 100% No Current Feed Available Whether you just simply ran out, or your favorite feed has been discontinued or no longer carried by your retailer, sometimes you may not be able to mix their old and new feed slowly. While not ideal, if no current feed is available, you can still safely transition to the new feed. Because you don’t have any of the old feed to mix, you’ll want to reduce the total amount you feed your horse and gradually increase it again over 7 days, using the new feed. It is a good idea to offer some extra hay or pasture-time during this transition, as well. Feed your horse the new grain as follows: % of recommend feeding rate of the new feed Day 1-2 25% Day 3-4 50% Day 5-6 75% Day 7 100%
I enjoyed Kay Lorenzen’s article, “The Coat,” in the January edition of The Centerline. Kay isn’t the only one who has an old shadbelly. Some hold up surprisingly well. What really grabbed my attention was the description of Wendo as a three-year-old that could be ridden bareback with nothing but a halter. Now that’s a dressage horse. Dr. Gerd Heuschmann, veterinarian, bereiter, and author, the man who joined Charles de Kunffy for the Tucson Dressage Club's Symposium last May, would agree with me. He shook his head in despair as he referred to unnamed internationallevel riders who couldn’t control their horses outside the arena. Wendo’s a star, and Kay knows it. Sincerely, Susan Parrish FEBRUARY 2015 | THE CENTERLINE | 25
CORRECTIONS TO TESTS PRINTED IN 2015 USDF MEMBER GUIDE Unless you opted out of the hard-copy version of the 2015 USDF Member Guide, you should have received your Member Guide in the mail. Members riding the following tests should be aware of corrections to the tests printed in the 2015 Member Guide: • USEF First Level Test 1; movement #11 should read F-X-H Change rein. X Working trot • FEI Prix St. Georges; movement #2 should read C Track to the right, M-X-K Medium trot, K-A-F Collected trot • FEI Intermediate I Test; movement #15 should read H-X-F Extended Canter These corrections have been incorporated into the Online Member Guide. Thank you for your support of USDF, and best of luck in 2015! Copyright © United States Dressage Federation. Photos courtesy of USDF. All rights reserved. 4051 Iron Works Parkway, Lexington, KY 40511 Phone: (859) 971-2277 Fax: (859) 971-7722 Email:
IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING THE U.S. DRESSAGE FESTIVAL OF CHAMPIONS PRESENTED BY THE DUTTA CORP. In 2015, the U.S. Dressage Festival of Champions presented by The Dutta Corp. will be split between two competitions; the Pony Rider, Junior, Young Rider, and Young Adult 'Brentina Cup' Championships will run in conjunction with the Markel/USEF Young and Developing Horse Dressage National Championships at the Lamplight Equestrian Center (Wayne, IL) on August 19-23. While the Grand Prix and Intermediaire I Championships will be held at the Adequan Global Dressage Festival grounds on December 9-13. Due to this change, the qualifying period for the USEF Pony Rider Dressage National Championship; AGCO/USEF Junior and Young Rider Dressage National Championships and the USEF Young Adult 'Brentina Cup' Dressage National Championship presented by Dressage Today has been extended to JULY 27, 2015. Additionally, the Application of Intent deadline is extended to May 15, 2015. For an updated qualifying calendar and selection procedures for the 2015 USEF Dressage National Championships being held at Lamplight Equestrian Center, please visit the USEF website HERE. Questions or concerns? Please contact Hallye Griffin, Director, National Dressage (
Continued from Page 4 16. Nomination – Michell Combs stated that the ballots have been mailed and that preparations for the Annual Meeting are under way. 17. Awards Committee – Ribbon discussion for Fun In February. Spring show awards discussed, including sponsorship of the President’s Cup by Cindy Hitchcock, in memory of her horse, Karat.
New Business: 18. USDF BOG (December 3-6, Cambridge, MA). Sue Leutwyler is preparing a report for next meeting. 19. Dressage Finals location discussion by the Board.
CALL TO MEMBERS GUEST: Pam Polydoros - Pam reported that Barb Haynes will be giving a power point presentation for the schooling show judges. After a short discussion by the Board, it was decided that High Point Gaited Horse and Western Dressage, will be added to the schooling show year end awards. GUEST: Marilyn Sheldon – A letter written by Marilyn, outlining her service goals as the ADA show photographer, was presented and reviewed by the Board. A Show Committee meeting will be scheduled to further discuss. Announcement of Next Meeting – Annual Meeting of February 2, 2015, at the home of Sue Leutwyler. Discussion of possible presentation given by Dr. Ross Rich or Barb Haynes. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. MOTION: Michell Combs moved to adjourn the meeting. VOTE: Unanimous. RESULT: Motion Carried.
ADA Spring Celebration Show March 28-29, 2015
WestWorld of Scottsdale AZ Opening Date: February 4th Closing Date: March 3rd
ARIZONA DRESSAGE ASSOCIATION PO Box 31602 Phoenix, AZ 85046-1602