ADA February 2015 Centerline

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Vol. 15, Issue 2

February 2015

Arizona Dressage Association

ADA Scholarship Recipient, Amanda Southerly ...

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As 2014 comes to a close I can’t help but look back in reflection on all that I was able to accomplish and experience. The year started off strong. In March I received notice that I was this year’s recipient of an ADA Scholarship. I was awarded $500 dollars and immediately put it towards the David Wightman clinic. This clinic provided me much insight on how to collect my horse and also keep him active enough under me in order to accomplish the Grand Prix movements. I was having some trouble with keeping an even rhythm in the Piaffe and Passage. David helped me readjust the way I was sitting also advising me to keep more rhythm with my legs, which then allowed my horse to keep a more even rhythm underneath me. His precise explanations and constructive descriptions offered me real clarification to the changes I needed to make. With Mr. Wightman’s direction I was able to feel the correctness of the movements in the Passage, Piaffe, half passes, tempi changes, pirouettes and was provided the tools needed to practice my skills. The opportunity to continue my training on a Grand Prix horse, thanks to Anne Gilmartin, expanded my development and increased my abilities. Mitdway was a dream and the opportunity to be able to train with him was a true experience. On Mitdway, coupled with the knowledge I received from the clinic, I was able to sharpen my talents and develop the skills I needed to accomplish my qualifications in completing my Bronze, Silver and Gold medals. I achieved this early on in the year, followed by a few other milestones such as turning 18 and graduating High School. The year was turning out to be quite eventful and memorable, but the cherry on top was yet to come. I was very excited to have the opportunity to receive my medals, in person, at the USDF Annual Convention held in Boston. There is no way I can completely convey the feelings of emotion and pride felt when receiving this honor.

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