Arizona Dressage Association
Vol. 15, Issue 6
June 2015
Put Me In Coach By Susan Downs Parrish, Ph.D.
When Gerd Heuschmann, DMV, stood, ready to begin his lecture on Saturday, May 16, at the Tucson Fair Grounds, he faced at least one skeptic, one tough sell—me. I signed up for this symposium/clinic titled, “A Balancing Act: ‘riding with your horse’s health in mind,’” early to save a few bucks, but nearly missed the event because I didn’t bother to mark my calendar. I ride six days a week and don’t give up an extra day in the saddle for no good reason. Dr. Heuschmann teamed with Charles de Kunffy last year and presented a symposium on art and science in dressage. Last year’s symposium was excellent, but Charles was the dominant force. As I observed this man, standing on an elevated platform with a mic in his hand, I wondered who the heck he was really, and reminded myself I could leave early, and no one would notice. The first words out of his mouth were, “The seat, the seat, the seat.” He didn’t start with a joke, or something about Tucson, or meaningless chatter, he jumped to what was important—the seat. I wouldn’t be sneaking out early. This man had a message and understood time is a limited resource. The following is the first of a two-part essay. In the second part, I’ll summarize my notes. Now, I’m going to pass along what I felt when I implemented some suggestions made during the lecture and rides. I think you’ll be interested, and like Heuschmann, I won’t delay. The event ended on Sunday, and by Monday, I was riding in a two-point seat at the gallop. Wow! Maronda loved the change. She told me by rounding her back for a couple of undulating strides to tell me how good this felt. She also cleared her sinuses a few times. He compared snorting with flowers the horse offers. During the ride, Maronda offered enough flowers to fill every pot with a letter in it—at least twelve bunches. Two observations stand out in my mind: my stirrups were too long to ride in a two-point seat, and Maronda was much more forward than usual at canter. In the lecture, he mentioned that some riders set their stirrups too long. In the clinic he shortened the leathers of several riders. Jennifer Cook’s stirrups went up by three holes. Watching her ride in the new length, I couldn’t recapture the image of her long legs in longer leathers. The change looked great. For my second ride after the symposium/clinic, my stirrups went up one notch. Here’s what grabbed me: 1) my heel lowered, 2) the two-point seat at canter had more energy than the day
Continued on Page 6
President:------------------------------ Sue Leutwyler
1st VP: ---------------------------------- Kathy Smith
2nd VP: -------------------------------- Lara Bowles
------------------------------------ Secretary: ----------------------------- Cindy Hitchcock ----------------------------------- Treasurer: ----------------------------- Cynthia Ganem ----------------------------------- Trustee of Records:-----------------Cynthia Ganem ------------------------------------ Heather Bilodeau --------------------- Michell Combs ------------------------- Betty Drake ----------------------------- Sarah Lindsten ------------------------- Kim Pribble------------------------------ Pam Polydoros -------------------------
Awards: ----------------------------- Kim Pribble Centerline Editor: ---------------- Sue Leutwyler Communications: ----------------- Sue Leutwyler Education:--------------------------- Sarah Lindsten Finance: ----------------------------- Cynthia Ganem Fundraising: ----------------------- Pam Polydoros Futurity: Janet Solanik ---------- Historian: --------------------------- Sue Leutwyler Juniors/Young Riders:---------- Bobbie Lynn McKee --------------------------------- Membership: ---------------------- Michell Combs Nominating: ----------------------- TBA Scholarship: Ann Damiano ----- Recognized Shows: ------------- Kathy Smith Scores Compilation: ------------- Sue Leutwyler
President: -------------------------- Jerri Wilhite-Harms Vice President: ------------------- Kirsten Kuzmanic Treasurer: -------------------------- Sue Crampton Secretary: -------------------------- Jacki McKinney-Rodriguez Directors: Jack Tismeer, Sondra Wilkening, Maren Cochran, Debbie Lindley, Emily Dolan, Debbie Carson, Joyce Cecchini, Carol Lands ADA BOARD ATTORNEY:
Wendy Riddell ---------------------
Can you Contribute to the Centerline? Barn Tips
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Letters to the Editor
If you have comments, suggestions, or wish to express opinions relating to the sport of dressage, submit your letter for consideration to
Clinic Reviews
Review a clinic you attended describing the training and what you learned from the clinician. Send submissions to
Barn News
This column is for the trainer/barn to brag about the accomplishments of its clients, introduce new clients and horses, update readers about any barn improvements, or talk about any other news of interest to the membership. It’s a free plug for the barn, trainer and clients. Send submissions to
Nuggets Do you have a training concept that you would like to share? Something your trainer has said to make your understanding more clear? Please share with other riders by sending submissions to
Product Endorsements/Advertising
In most cases, products and services are paid advertising. Occasionally a specific product will be named as to how it benefits the horse or rider, but this is discouraged. Press Releases are welcome. Likewise, articles that are negative in nature concerning a particular product will not be considered for publication.
Classifieds Have something for sale? For rent? Want
something? Put your ad in the classifieds to see if someone has what you want, or wants what you have. Send to centerline@
Member Submitted Articles
Submit an article and photo of you and your horse on a topic of interest, a clinic or show experience. We’d love to hear from you! Send to If the photo is a riding photo, please wear a helmet for photo.
~ ADVERTISING ~ The Centerline is not responsible for, nor does it endorse any claims made by advertisers. ALL ADVERTISEMENTS MUST BE PAID AT THE TIME YOU SUBMIT YOUR AD
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Classified Ads
$5 for up to 50 words; $5 per photo; $5 non-member fee
Web Site
The ADA Website is You may advertise on the site for $50 per year or $30 for six months. Nonmembers please add $5. Newsletter Deadline: 20th of the previous month Mail to: ADA Editor, 6160 E Cielo Run N, Cave Creek, AZ 85331 Email to: Please be sure that your check accompanies your ad.
The Centerline is the official monthly newsletter of the Arizona Dressage Association (ADA), a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Material in the newsletter may not be reproduced, with the exception of forms, without the written consent and credit of the editor and/or author. The Centerline assumes no responsibility for the return of unsolicited material unless accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. The Centerline welcomes your articles, letters, barn news, cartoons, artwork, poetry and especially, your photographs. Submissions, news, views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the position or views of the ADA. Acceptance does not constitute an endorsement. Accuracy of materials submitted is the sole responsibility of the author. The Editor reserves the right to accept, reject and edit submitted material. The deadline for articles and advertising is the 10th of the month. Email to:
REGION 5 DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE I hope everyone had a great spring. It has been raining here in Colorado for several weeks and I feel like I’ve moved to Seattle. The pastures will be great if they ever get dry enough that we can turn our horses out in them. Hand walking is very common place in my household now and I’m very happy I bought an indoor arena this past fall as the horses and ponies are at least staying in full work (when I’m home!). The USDF Executive Board Spring Meeting took place in the middle of April at the FEI World Cup in Las Vegas and we had a productive few days. We met each morning before the various dressage sessions and then shuttled over and watched some amazing riders and horses. I didn’t visit a lot of places in Las Vegas but I did try a few good restaurants at some of the casinos and had the opportunity to leave the strip for a nice dinner with friends and their families. We had a very ambitious schedule but we actually made it through it completely for the second year in a row. George Williams and Stephan Hienzsch opened the meeting with a status update on the organization since we had last gathered in person at the USDF convention in December, 2014. We looked at the membership numbers for 2014 versus the last few years once again and it appears that due to the National Championships there is in increase in Participating Memberships but unfortunately that is not the same case for Group Memberships. Membership overall is staying steady but we would like to see more folks joining their local dressage organizations and we’re hoping to help those GMOs retain and attract members. We came in under budget again for our fiscal year ending March 31. Congratulations to our staff and treasurer, Steve Schubert, for helping us accomplish this once again. Several wonderful educational programs were given approval for the USDF Convention in December. Be sure to mark your calendars and plan to join us December 3-5, 2015 in Las Vegas at the Rio! It will
USDF Region 5 Website
be a nice mix of business meetings and educational sessions. We will have veterinary presentations, competition management sessions, technical delegate, instructor and L program session and oh so much. More details will come as soon as they are finalized. The Executive Board awarded the 2016 USDF/ Great American Region 5 Championships to the Rocky Mountain Dressage Society and they will be held September 15-18, 2016 at the Stanley Park Fairgrounds in Estes Park, Colorado. We have 11 declared Junior/Young Rider combinations for the 2015 FEI North American Junior and Young Rider Championships. If you would like to contribute or help with their fundraising efforts, please contact Joan Clay, our Region 5 Jr/YR FEI coordinator at or 970-420-0877. Till next month!
Heather Petersen Region 5 Director
SHOW JITTERS? RELAX THE RIDER ... RELAX THE HORSE Horses can sense nervousness and tension and it will affect their performance. Reflexology is the practice of applying pressure to the feet and hands to reduce tension and induce deep relaxation sending signals that balance the nervous system and release endorphins, reducing pain and stress. Sessions available in home or at the show. Point of Interest Therapy Certified Reflexologist Diana Seaton, C.R. 785-567-3357 4 | THE CENTERLINE | JUNE 2015
May, 2015 Draft Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 6:45 p.m.
1. Directors Present: Kathy Smith, Cynthia Ganem, Heather Bilodeau, Sue Leutwyler, Cindy Hitchcock, Sarah Lindsten, Lara Bowles, Kim Pribble. 2. Directors/Alternate Directors Absent: Pam Polydoros, Betty Drake, Michell Combs, Stephanie Atlof. 3. Guests: None 4. Alternate Directors Present: None Present. 5. Chairpersons of Standing Committees: None Present.
Officer’s Reports:
6. Secretary’s Report – MOTION: Cynthia Ganem moved to accept the Secretary’s report as printed in the Centerline and posted on the web. VOTE: Unanimous. RESULT: Motion Carried. 7. Treasurer’s and Finance Report – April, 2015: Operating Acct. - $27,016.24; Reserve Accounts to cover catastrophic show/ equipment loss fall $12,164.69 short; Credit Card Acct. - $4,419.25; Pantano CD - $11,435.73; Cash - $150.00. MOTION: Lara Bowles moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented. VOTE: Unanimous. RESULT: Motion Carried. 8. Recognized Shows (1st VP) – Discussion on Regional show duties including Judge hospitality/welcome baskets, competitor packets, awards photo location. Committee meeting will be scheduled. 9. Schooling Shows (2nd VP) – A Committee meeting is being scheduled to review show dates and venues. Members’ Only show dates discussed.
Standing Committee Reports:
10. Membership Committee – a. April 30, 2015: 274; 2015 ADA/USDF GMO Members: 31 New Members in 2015; Adults; 26, Junior/Young Riders; 5. 230 Members Renewed in 2015; 214 Adults, 16 Junior/Young Riders. 13 Returning Members; 12 Adults; 1 Junior/Young Riders. 2014 ADA/GMO Members have not renewed for 2015; 99. 84 Adults; 15 Junior/Young Riders. 11. Education Committee – Freestyle clinic and demonstrations were well managed and attended. Various clinic options discussed. 12. Communications Committee – April 2015 Report – Total Page views: 71,572; Average Page views/Day 2,385; Average # Different Computers/Day: 458. Most Popular Pages: Home Page, 2015 Omnibus, Centerline. Most Popular PDF Downloads: Coconino Prize List, 2015 Omnibus, Spring Rider Schedules and Day Sheets, Spring Show PL, Manager’s Letter. 13. Awards Committee – MOTION: Sue Leutwyler moved to appoint Kim Pribble as Awards Chairman. VOTE: Unanimous. RESULT: Motion Carried. Year End Award placing discussion. 14. Vendor Committee – The Spring show had a total of 12 vendors. Several vendor inquiries have been received for the 2015 October show. 15. Fundraising – Pam Polydoros will Chair the Fundraising Committee starting in fall for the ADA Fall show.
CALL TO MEMBERS – Members may be recognized by the Presiding Officer and may then address the Board regarding issues of concern to the Association. The Presiding Officer has the right to limit the amount of time that each Member has to address the Board. Announcement of Next Meeting – Regular Meeting of June 8, 2015, at the home of Sarah Lindsten. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 8:29 p.m. MOTION: Cynthia Ganem moved to adjourn the meeting. VOTE: Unanimous. RESULT: Motion Carried. Arizona Dressage Asociation Mission Statement: The Arizona Dressage Association is a not-for-profit organization whose goal is to promote the advancement of classical dressage through educational opportunities and programs, and the rigorous evaluations received at recognized and schooling dressage shows. JUNE 2015 | THE CENTERLINE | 5
before with longer leathers, 3) my toes stayed parallel to Maronda’s sides with no effort, and 4) my thighs relaxed. I confess to watching Charles de Kunffy and Arthur Kottas videos online, and they nag about the lowered heel and parallel feet, and both remark on the fallacy of a long stirrup leather creating a dressage seat. By Wednesday, I skipped—just kidding, my skipping days are long gone—down to the barn. Before I left the house, I told Ron I was riding with Alois Podhajsky and Gustav Steinbrecht.
Susan Downs Parrish on Maronda - Two-Point Canter
“Will they be staying for lunch?” Engineer’s have such a sense of humor.
“No. They’re long dead.” Psychologists are known for their dry wit. If you are bothering to read this, you know Podhajsky and Steinbrecht, but you may have forgotten when they were active. Steinbrecht died in 1885, at 77. Das Gymnasium des Pherdes was published in 1886. Podhajsky was born in 1898, and retired from the Spanish Riding School in 1965. Steinbrecht seemed Heuschmann’s favorite old master. I ordered Das Gymnasium des Pherdes. I read it on a Kindle as I pedal one of the ellipticals at LA Fitness, where I run into Ellie Stine Masek and Randi Nelson Shipley. I like to think Mr. Steinbrecht would approve. The first topic in this book is “the seat,” and he says a rider can forget about having good hands if he has a poor seat. This book offers much more than the “straight and forward,” quoted so often the words have become meaningless. Heuschmann mentioned Podhajsky liked to warm up a horse in a slow gait with the head low. This comment stuck with me because Maronda is a slow starter. I include this back-friendly movement at the beginning of every ride. It suits Maronda and me. Maybe having Steinbrecht seated on one shoulder and Podhajsky on the other inspired me. All I can say is on Wednesday I had one of my best rides ever. We did our usual five minutes of walk on a long rein. Next, we moved on to Mr. Podhajsky’s slow trot, as Maronda reached for the bit and offered a swinging back. We were ready to pick up a canter, then ease into a gallop where I would lift my seat off the saddle and balance on my knees. This warm up left Maronda lively and in front of the leg. We worked on plias in trot and canter.
“(Never heard of a plia? You should’ve attended the event! Don’t worry, I’ll explain in part two of this essay.) ” The plia work improved the collected canter. Of course, why wouldn’t it. This movement is all about engaging the inside hind leg and making the horse soft in the ribs. As I enjoyed the feel of collection, another point came to me: the legs should become active when more energy is needed. Apply the seat when the horse is behind the leg, and the horse is likely to respond by stiffening the back. If Maronda’s canter lost the jump, I asked for more engagement with my seat. If the jump failed to appear, I lightened my seat, reminiscent of the two-point seat, and used more leg. She responded by flicking her ears back and forth and offered medium canter. She “heard” me! Dr. Heuschmann is a rider and a scholar. He doesn’t pretend to offer a modern approach to riding. Quite the opposite. He offers wisdom passed down from masters, backed up by science. Put me in coach. I want to experience Maronda responding to the leg of my trousers. 6 | THE CENTERLINE | JUNE 2015
2015 Arizona Dressage Show Calendar SHOW
TDC Winter Heat I & II Tucson – Pima County Fairgrounds
January 17-18, 2015
December 19, 2014
Christel Carlson, ‘S’; Sarah Geikie, ‘S’
ADA Fun in February Litchfield Park – Dale Creek Equestrian Village
February 8, 2015
January 13, 2015
Julie Sodowsky "R", Dolly Hannon, "S"
TDC March Madness I & II Tucson – Pima County Fairgrounds
March 14-15, 2015
February 18, 2015
Brent Hicks, 'S'; Sara Schmitt, 'S'
ADA Spring Celebration Scottsdale -- WestWorld
March 28-29, 2015
March 3, 2015
Joan Darnell, 'S'; Carter Bass, 'S', TBA
Coconino Dressage Spring Show Flagstaff – Fort Tuthill County Park
May 23-24, 2015
April 27, 2015
Melonie Kessler, 'S'; Shirley Rector, 'S'
Coconino Dressage Summer Show Flagstaff – Fort Tuthill County Park
July 11-12, 2015
June 15, 2015
Tracey Lert, 'S'; Dorie Vlatten Schmitz, 'S'
ADA Mountain Air & Dressage in the Pines Flagstaff – Fort Tuthill County Park
August 15-16, 2015
July 21, 2015
Mike Osinski, 'S'; Cindy Canace, 'S'
GAIG/USDF Region 5 Championships & ADA Octoberfest Show Scottsdale -- WestWorld
October 16-18, 2015
September 15, 2015
ADA Fall Fiesta Scottsdale -- WestWorld
*** CANCELLED for 2015 ONLY ***
TDC Will Host 2015 State Championships
at their November Fall Festive I & II Show
TDC Fall Festival I & II & & AZ State Championships Tucson – Pima County Fairgrounds
November 21-22, 2015
October 28, 2015
Sue Curry Shaffer, ‘S’; Barbara Ebner, ‘S’
Award and Championship Program Requirements At least one of the horse registration requirements listed below must be met. At least one membership listed below is required for both the owner and/or rider. USDF Business Membership (BM) applies to ownership requirements only. Business members can own horses but cannot compete as riders with a BM. Please contact USEF at (859) 258-2472 to make sure all membership/horse registration requirements have been met.
Compete at a USEF-licensed/USDF-recognized competition
USDF Horse Identification Number
USDF Lifetime Horse Registration
Education Membership
Group Membership
Participating Membership
Business Membership
Eligible to qualify for GAIG/USDF Regional Dressage Championships
Eligible to compete at GAIG/USDF Regional Dressage Championships
GAIG/USDF Breeders' Championship Series Qualifier
GAIG/USDF Breeders' Championship Series Finals
Adequan/USDF Year-End Awards
USDF Horse Performance Certificates
USDF Rider Awards
AZ State Championships (also requires an AZ Horse Nomination)
Page 1 of 1
ADA Year End Awards
4051 Iron Works Parkway, Lexington, KY 40511 Phone: (859) 971-2277 • Fax: (859) 971-7722 • Web:
Member Services /rev. 12/19/11
Coconino Dressage Summer Show (Level 2) 322386 July 11-12, 2015 Grandstands/Rodeo Arena, Fort Tuthill County Park, Flagstaff Arizona
Opening Date: Summer Show May 11, 2015 Closing Date: Summer Show June 15, 2015 Recognition: USEF/USDF; Arizona Dressage Association, Tucson Dressage Club Manager: Alice Sarno: (602) 501-4697 and email: Secretary: Sue Plasman: Cell: 602 463-2505, 2582 Jennifer Drive; Live Oak, CA 95953; email: Sponsorship Coordinator: Alice Sarno (602) 501-4697 and email: Judges: Spring Show :Melonie Kessler “S”, Moorpark, CA, Shirley Rector “S”, Paradise Valley, AZ Summer Show: Tracey Lert “S”, Soquel, CA, Dorie Vlatten Schmitz “S” San Tan Valley, AZ Technical Delegate: Rusty Cook “R”, Albuquerque, NM Veterinarian: Martin Crabo, DVM on grounds and on call. Farrier: Edard Powers on grounds. Entry Procedures: For each horse/rider combination entered, please send your completed entry form and all fees to show Secretary. Make checks payable to Coconino Horse Trials. Entries must be postmarked by the closing date. Incorrect or Incomplete Entry: $25 fee for any entry without all required copies of current membership cards and signatures included with entry. USEF changes fees often. Double check before sending your entry. Class Fees: FEI $70. Junior rider (18 and under) $50. All Others $60. Great American/USDF qualifier classes add $10. Class Schedule: See website or : Stabling: $130 for Thursday through Monday, 1 bag bedding included. Additional nights $25. Inform the show secretary of stabling requirements when submitting entries.Shavings may be pre-ordered at $10/bag. Day Stall: (6am-6pm) $45. One bag bedding provided. Trailer-in/day: $25 (do not pay if you’ve paid for stabling or a day stall) Office Fee: $30 – non-refundable. Scratches: Exhibitors have the responsibility of informing the show office of their intention to scratch. Scratches before the closing date may be made for any reason and all fees will be refunded except the office fee. Refunds: No refunds for any reason after the closing date, including cancellation of classes due to severe weather or any other emergency. Late/Post Entries: Accepted as space allows. Add $30 per entry. Ride Times: Preliminary ride times and a show schedule will be available on our website at Final ride times will be posted at the show by noon, Friday. It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to verify final ride times at the show. Please notify the show secretary of any scheduling conflicts asap. Ride times will be mailed only if you include a stamped, self addressed business size (#10) envelope. Changes: Changes are $10 per change, if allowed. Bring your $10 to the show office when you request the change. Non-Entered Horses: Must pay a $30.00 schooling fee, office fee, plus stabling or trailer in fee. All horses on the show grounds must have on a number while out of their stalls. Arenas: Footing is a sand/dirt mixture. All tests will be ridden in 20 x 60m arenas. The competition arenas are open for schooling on Thursday afternoon, Friday until 3pm, and at the end of competition days. Stabling: Permanent 10 x 10 stalls with doors, first bedding is provided. Shavings only. Shavings may be pre-ordered at $10/ bag; your order must be received by Monday Preceeding the show – 5pm in order for them to be delivered to your stalls prior to your arrival. Awards: First Place-Prize and Ribbon. Ribbons awarded through 6th place. Ties will not be broken. Test of Choice class placing will be determined by division within each class regardless of which test is ridden. The following High Points are offered: Open, Adult Amateur, YR, Junior and Freestyle, and Show High Score. 8 | THE CENTERLINE | JUNE 2015
Dover Medal Class: To be eligible, a rider must meet the following criteria: 1. Rider must be a current USDF group, or participating, member as of the show date. 2. Rider must be showing at Second Level. 3. Rider must be an amateur in accordance with USEF rules GR1306 and GR 1307 and be registered with USEF as an adult amateur as of the show date. The eligible rider with the highest score of 60% or better in the designated Second Level Class will receive the Dover medal and neck ribbon. Winners will receive a $20 Dover Saddlery Gift Certificate for each of the first three USDF/Dover Adult Medals they win during the 2014 competition season. Riders who win three USDF/ Dover Adult Amateur medals in the same competition year will receive the USDF/Dover National Merit Award. All riders who qualify for a USDF/Dover National Merit award will be eligible to compete for the USDF/Dover Adult Medal National Championship. For more information about the Dover Program, visit Concessions: Available on grounds. Directions: From I-17 south of Flagstaff, take Exit 337 (Airport/Fairgrounds) and go west into the Fairgrounds. Lodging: Comfort Inn, 2355 S Beulah Blvd, 928 774 2225, LaQuinta Inn and Suites, 2015 S Beulah Blvd, 928-5568666; Sleep Inn, 2765 Woodlands Village Blvd, 1-800-62-SLEEP; AmeriSuites, 2455 S Beulah Blvd, 1-800-833-1516; Econo Lodge, 2355 S Beulah Blvd, 1-800-553-2666; Fairfield Inn, 2005 S Milton Rd, 1-800-228-2800; Woody Mountain RV Park 2727 W Route 66, 1-800-732-7986. Other: Management reserves the right to limit the number of times per day a rider may show, and/or the number of times per day a horse/rider combination may show, and may give entry preference to competitors at 3rd level and above. Limited RV hookups and camping are available at Fort Tuthill County Park Campground. Call 928-774-3464 for Campground information or reservations. RV parking in stable area is first-come, first-served. Camping fee is $20/night payable in advance on show entry. Use of electricity is limited to the horse washing station. Patrons may not plug into the outlets at the barn. Exhibitors Party on Saturday night at 6:30pm, buffet, ticket included with entry. Additional dinner tickets $15. All updates and information can be found on the website: Pets: USEF GR301.6: Dogs are not permitted to be loose on competition grounds and must be on a leash or otherwise contained. Individuals must not lead dogs on a leash while mounted. Dog owners failing to comply with this rule may be subject to penalty under Chapters 6 and 7, as well as issuance of warning cards. Effective 1/16/06. Operation of Motorized Vehicles: USEF GR301.5: Minors who do not have a valid driver’s license which allows them to operate a motorized vehicle in the state in which they reside will not be permitted to operate a motorized vehicle of any kind including, but not limited to, golf carts, motorcycles, scooters, or farm utility vehicles on the competition grounds of licensed competitions. Minors who have a valid temporary license may operate the above described motorized vehicles as long as they are accompanied by an adult with a valid driver’s license. Violations of this rule will be cause for sanctions against the parent(s), guardian(s) and/or trainer(s) who are responsible for the child committing the offense. Penalties may include exclusion of the child, parent(s), guardian(s), and/or trainer(s) from the competition grounds for the remainder of the competition and charges being filed against any of the above individuals in accordance with Rule 7. Wheelchairs and other mobility assistance devices for individuals with disabilities are exempt from this rule.
** IMPORTANT NEW DATES ** Mark Your Calendars with these Important Date/Venue Changes! GAIG/USDF Regional Championships and the ADA Octoberfest Dressage Show will be held October 16-18, 2015 WestWorld of Scottsdale Two Qualifying “Q” scores needed BEFORE Regionals!
2015 AZ State Championships Dressage Show will be hosted by TDC during their Fall Festival I & II Dressage Show held November 21-22, 2015 Pima County Fairgrounds, Tucson, AZ
Prevent Injury ... Wear an ASTM-SEI Approved Riding Helmet Every Ride, Every Time Injuries sustained as a result of horse riding are common ... Head injuries outnumber spinal injuries by five to one. JUNE 2015 | THE CENTERLINE | 11
Western Dressage Judging Clinic This is an invitation to L graduates and candidates to better understand how to judge Western Dressage. We are holding this workshop September 26th and 27th, 2015 in Albuquerque, NM. Our aim for this weekend is to facilitate L graduates to feel more comfortable with judging Western Dressage. We will kick the weekend off with tests ridden on 26th of September and a chance for the L graduates to “Judge-withthe-Judge”: Debbie Riehl-Rodriguez from Colorado. We will start at 1:00 (check in starts at 11) at 4 Winds Equestrian Center in Estancia Valley, NM just about an hour from our host hotel or an hour and a half from the Albuquerque airport (ABQ). After every test there will be a break in case of questions or discussion pertaining to that ride. Auditors are not invited Saturday….this is the day for L graduates/candidates to concentrate. Sunday morning registration opens at 8 at our host hotel the Marriott Uptown on Louisiana NE with class commencing at 9 for ANYONE (trainers bring your riders!!) that wants to understand better what the judges are looking for in Western Dressage. The day will include not only judging and learning from videos, rule book discussions, but also plenty of conversation. We will break for a buffet lunch (included) at the hotel and continue through the afternoon. This is a chance to get your questions answered by Debbie Riehl-Rodriguez. She judged the first Western Dressage Association of America World Show in 2013. Debbie is a USEF “S” judge, USEF Western Dressage judge, Sport Horse Breeding judge, and a member of the USDF “L” faculty for judges training. She has trained several horses through Grand Prix and has earned her USDF Bronze, Silver, and Gold medals. As a participant you are encouraged to look at the Western Dressage Association of America’s website and their education pages: I would like to continue communications using the internet if possible. If that is good with you could you please send an e-mail to ? If you know anyone else that would like to participate in our Sunday workshop please feel free to pass on the e-mail address……..the more the merrier!! There will be a PayPal set up if you want to use a credit card. Checks will be accepted. Information below. There will be no registrations taken on our workshop weekend. When you register if you have any specific aims, concerns, or questions please include them so we can get to what is important to you. Looking forward to a fun and successful weekend!!
It’s about the journey……….
Cheers, Nance
PERTINENT INFORMATION AND DATES FOR THE “L” WORKSHOP 26TH AND 27TH OF SEPT. 2015 Host Hotel: Marriott Uptown 2101 Louisiana Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110 (505) 881-6800 Attendees should call the hotel directly for the room rate of $89.00/ night. When you sign up we will get you more information to make your reservation. There is no shuttle service from the Albuquerque Sunport (ABQ) to the hotel. 4 Winds Equestrian Center is our Saturday test rides location. It is in the Estancia Valley and about an hour from the hotel. Weather permitting we will be outside however we do have an indoor arena available. Complete Workshop $120 Saturday only $25 Sunday only $95
(including buffet lunch) (including buffet lunch)
DATES: August 1st, 2015 Sept. 4th, 2015 Sept. 11th, 2015
$25 $95 $145
Non-participant lunch Sunday
non-refundable deposit balance due for 2 day participation late registration and close of registrations
Cash due on Sunday morning registration at hotel
Paypal will be up by July 1st on . OR make checks out to: Nance McManus 498 Juan Tomas Road Tijeras, NM 87059-7900
TDF’s Young Rider International Dream Program
Guess what? TDF’s Young Rider International Dream Program is going to the European Championships at Aachen this year! Are you eligible? The Dressage Foundation’s International Dream Program for Young Riders is ready to go for the thirteenth year! The concept of the program evolved as a result of former Olympian Michael Poulin’s wish to offer an opportunity for gifted Young Riders to enhance their understanding of dressage theory through a European tour. The program is both funded and administered by The Dressage Foundation. The program is open to USDF Young Riders, riding at Fourth Level or above, who are 16-21 years of age. Also, 22-year-old graduates of the 2014 Advanced Young Rider Program may apply. The tentative dates for the trip have been set for August 10-17, 2015. Participants selected for this year’s trip will attend the European Championships at Aachen. While there, the participants will record their observations in daily journals and chronicle events with photos and video to share with their home dressage organizations. A Selection Committee comprised of leading American dressage persons selects four candidates based on their applications including an essay, video, and written recommendations. Committee members want to see riding proficiency, commitment to training in the sport of dressage, and a history of volunteering in the dressage community. The application and further information on this extraordinary program is available on the TDF website: www. The 2015 applications must be received in the TDF office by Monday, June 1, 2015. Candidates are encouraged to apply early and follow directions carefully. This program is made possible by donors to The Dressage Foundation (TDF), a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization whose mission is “To cultivate and provide financial support for the advancement of dressage.” For questions, please contact: Beth Baumert, Administrator Jenny Johnson, Executive Director Cloverlea Dressage LLC The Dressage Foundation 860-228-9242 402-434-8585
Eliza Sydnor Romm, Administrator Eliza Sydnor Dressage LLC 336-214-5279
Nuggets Does your trainer or clinician or fellow rider have some quotes or pearls of wisdom that he or she states that crystallize a concept for your riding? If so, please email them to and they will be considered for publication.
Christine Traurig ... “Influencing your horse is the marriage of all the aids - the seat, the leg and the hand. Don’t fix the symptom with just the hand!”
Important Deadline Reminders ADA membership. Renewable or join online and pay with your favorite credit card or you can fill out a Membership Application form and mail in your check. Both methods are available on the ADA website here:
GAIG/USDF Regional Championships Qualifying Period runs through October 18, 2015. What do you need? A USDF Participating Membership and two qualifying scores (Remember to add the “Q” fee to your recognized Show Entry Form or scores won’t count!). Click here (electronic CL) to check the following:
Are you qualifed yet? > Regionals Criteria > (Hyperlinks only work on electronic CL Hard copy readers visit for details.) You can still qualify with several recognized Open Dressage Shows upcoming throughout the summer!
USDF Arts Contest This annual contest was designed to highlight the creativity and beauty of dressage and to allow USDF members to express their interest in the sport outside of the competition arena. Winners will have their work published in the yearbook issue of USDF Connection with the grand prize winner used as the cover of the USDF Member Guide. All submissions must be the work of a current USDF member.
USDF ARTS CONTEST RULES AND ENTRY FORM United States Dressage Federation • 4051 Iron Works Parkway, Lexington, KY 40511 Marketing Department • • 859-971-2277
• • •
Grand Prize: art or photo division winner will become the USDF Member Guide cover. The Grand Prize and 1st place winners in each age category and entry division will receive a gift certificate from Jane Heart Jewelry. Grand Prize, first prize and second prize in all categories/divisions will appear in the USDF Yearbook and on the USDF website.
ENTRY DEADLINE IS JULY 1. THREE AGE CATEGORIES: 15 and under; 16 to 21; Adult TWO ART DIVISIONS: Art and Photography
The Fine Print: • •
Art division is for all art mediums including sculpture and computer digital art if made from personal or royalty-free image(s). (Sculpture will be judged through digital photos of piece. Please send front, back and side views.) Photos include color and black/white photos. Photos that have been changed (excluding color or contrast correction) in a photo editing program should be submitted as art.
Contest Rules •
• • • • • •
Contest is open to USDF members (including GMO and Youth), both professional and amateur photographers and artists. Must be an original work and no artwork may be resubmitted from previous USDF art contests. Mounted riders in photos or artwork must be wearing headgear; a helmet, derby, or top hat. All entries must be received in the office on or before July 1. USDF is not responsible for lost or misdirected mail or e-mails. All entries will receive an e-mail confirmation. If you do not get this e-mail, contact USDF. Each entrant agrees to allow USDF unlimited usage rights on the artwork submitted. The decision of the judges is final. Enter as many times as you like.
• All entries must be accompanied with an entry form. • Art & photo division entries: Only (picture) JPG file entries will be accepted. Digital files must be 300 dpi (high resolution). • E-mail with your completed entry form and entry files attached. (Do not embed the files in the email!)
Dressage Federation
United States
Arts Contest Entry Form
• Complete this form and email it along with your entry files to: • Make sure you attach your files to the email (Do not embed the files) • Entries must be submitted by July 1 • All entries will receive a confirmation email, if you do not receive a confirmation within 72 hours, contact USDF at Name:
USDF Member #
Address: City: Category: Entry 1
State: 15 & under Division:
16 to 21
File Name: Division:
Title: Entry 3
File Name: Division:
Title: Entry 4
File Name: Division:
Title: Entry 5
Title: Entry 2
File Name: Division:
File Name:
If I am a winner, print the folloing credit with my entry in the USDF Connection Yearbook: (ex. “Artwork Title” by Jane Doe, Lexington, KY,
Born and raised south of Munich, Germany, Verena grew up riding Dressage. She trained with both local and international trainers in Germany throughout her younger years, training the Lusitano that she owned with her mother to the Grand Prix. At 18, she moved to Spain for two years to ride for and train with a rider and clinician from the Royal Andalusian School of Equestrian Art in Jerez de la Frontera, Spain. After her education in the classical school, she returned home to Germany where she managed a large training facility and worked with horses of all breeds and riders of all skill levels from Training Level to the FEI levels.
Verena's goal as a rider, trainer and instructor is to help both the horse and the rider rise to their highest potential with an emphasis on correct basics and application of the classical principals of dressage training. She has a limited number of spaces remaining on her training roster and is accepting horses and riders from Training Level to Grand Prix at Scottsdale's Premier Dressage Training Centers, Bar A Ranch and El Samaritano Equestrian Center. With training programs that can be customized to fit individual requirements, you can start achieving your goals now! Call 208-680-2173 to learn more.
Barn Tip: Dressage Arena Keychain Here’s a great idea that would be a perfect present, or a little treat for yourself, just follow the link on Facebook. Anna Rohr of Rohr Designs (that is her Facebook contact name) came up with this idea, a mini Dressage Arena key ring made of aluminum (with the letters handengraved by her). Now you can run through your dressage tests in your head just about anywhere. A great help with test preparation and confidence in the weeks before a competition. Some of you that are quite clever may figure out how to make something similar. Picture on your cell phone?
Get to know the rules DR110 The Figures and The Exercises 1. The figures asked in dressage tests are the voltes, the serpentines and the figures of eight. a. Volte. The volte is a circle of 6, 8 or 10 meters in diameter. If larger than 10 meters, it is a circle. b. Serpentine. The serpentine with several loops touching the long side of the arena consists of half circles connected by a straight line. When crossing the centerline, the horse should be parallel to the short side (a). Depending on the size of the half circles, the straight connection varies in length.
CALENDAR OF EVENTS JUNE 2015 8: ADA Regular Meeting 6:30PM, Location TBD JULY 2015 13: ADA Regular Meeting 6:30PM, Location TBD 11-12: Coconino Summer Show, Location Fort Tuthill, Flagstaff, Judges Tracey Lert “S” and Dorie Vlatten-Schmitz “S”, Manager Alice Sarno Secretary Sue Plasman AUGUST 2015 2: NAC Pronghorn Series Schooling Show American Ranch, Prescott, AZ. Contact: Emily Dolan, 928-642-4342, tpecdolan@ , 10: ADA Regular Meeting 6:30PM, Location TBD 15-16: ADA Mountain Air Dressage and ADA Dressage in the Pines,Location Fort Tuthilll, Flagstaff, Judges Mike Osinski “S” and Cindy Canase “S”, Manager Jay Chabucos, Secretary Sue Plasman SEPTEMBER 2015 14: ADA Regular Meeting 6:30PM, Location TBD 26-27: Western Dressage Judges Clinic, Albuquerque, NM; 27: NAC Pronghorn Series Schooling Show Championships American Ranch, Prescott, AZ. Contact: Emily Dolan, 928-6424342, , OCTOBER 2015 4: CFF Schooling Days, Location Carefree Farms, Judge TBD, Contact Laura Borghesani 12: ADA Regular Meeting 6:30PM, Location TBD 16-18: GAIG/USDF Region 5 Championships/ADA Octoberfest, Location WestWorld, Judges TBD, Manager Jay Chabucos, Secretary Sue Plasman NOVEMBER 2015 5-8: USDF Dressage Finals, Admission FREE, Location Kentucky Horse Park, Lexington, KY, For more info: http:// 8: CFF Schooling Days, Location Carefree Farms, Judge TBD, Contact Laura Borghesani 9: ADA Regular Meeting 6:30PM, Location TBD 20 | THE CENTERLINE | JUNE 2015
21-22: TDC Fall Festival I & II & 2015 AZ State Championships, Location Pima County Fairgrounds, Judges Sue Curry Shaffer “S” and Barbara Ebner “S”, Manager Jay Chabucos, 623 221 0707, Secretary Dian Seabury, DECEMBER 2015 1: ADA 2016 Membership Year Begins 6: CFF Schooling Days, Location Carefree Farms, Judge TBD, Contact Laura Borghesani 14: ADA Regular Meeting 6:30PM, Location TBD JANUARY 2016 10: CFF Schooling Days, Location Carefree Farms, Judge TBD, Contact Laura Borghesani FEBRUARY 2016 14: ADA Fun in February, Location Dale Creek Equestrian Village, Litchfield Park, AZ , Judges TBD, Manager Kathy Smith, Secretary Cynthia Ganem. 14: CFF Schooling Days, Location Carefree Farms, Judge TBD, Contact Laura Borghesani MARCH 2016 6: CFF Schooling Days, Location Carefree Farms, Judge TBD, Contact Laura Borghesani APRIL 2016 2-3: ADA Spring Celebration, Location WestWorld, Judges TBD, Manager Jay Chabucos -, Secretary Sue Plasman - 10: CFF Schooling Days, Location Carefree Farms, Judge TBD, Contact Laura Borghesani MAY 2016 15: CFF Schooling Days, Location Carefree Farms, Judge TBD, Contact Laura Borghesani
Classified Ad FOR SALE: 1986 ONE-HORSE TRAILER $1,000: Bumper pull, one axle, electric brakes, lighted tack area, running lights, manger access door, air vent, rubber mats. Permanent tags, clear title. New tires in 2012, tires have been kept covered, has not been used for the last year. Tires are trailer tires, will need a new spare tire and rim. Regularly serviced. No leaks, good floor, good overall condition. Added on a folding wheeled jack. Shown by appt. only. Exterior dimensions are 12’ long, 6’ wide and 7’4” tall. Weighs about 600 pounds.
Contact Heather @ 602.499.7417
Show Results Coconino Spring Dressage Show TRAINING LEVEL, TEST 1 (C) Kessler, 327 Kendall Utter Angel 59.130% 1 292 Michele Mooney Don Viamo 57.609% 2 91 Jessica Mount Rockefeller 57.174% 3 168 Toah Hatch Dacapriella 76.087% 1 185 Kate Goshorn Stryker 61.522% 2 TRAINING LEVEL TEST 2 (C) Rector, 226 Krystal Cottrell Tragumna 59.615% 1
THIRD LEVEL TEST 1 (C) Kessler, 302 Grace Catts-Tucker
THIRD LEVEL TEST 2 (C) Rector, 302 Grace Catts-Tucker
TRAINING LEVEL TEST 3 (C) Rector, 327 Kendall Utter Angel 72.045% 1 169 Alyssa Barngrover Dacapriella 69.091% 2 226 Krystal Cottrell Tragumna 68.409% 3 292 Michele Mooney Don Viamo 65.227% 4 91 Jessica Mount Rockefeller 58.864% 5 185 Kate Goshorn Stryker 64.091% 1
THIRD LEVEL TEST OF CHOICE (C) Rector, 229 Ulrike Rehberg-Sparks Flash K
TRAINING LEVEL TEST OF CHOICE (C) Kessler, 327 Kendall Utter Angel 62.955% 1 TRAINING LEVEL TEST 1 OPPORTUNITY (C) Rector, 340 Heather Myers Mozarta Vivace
TRAINING LEVEL TEST 2 OPPORTUNITY (C) Kessler, 340 Heather Myers Mozarta Vivace 357 Beverly Kauffman Sky Captain
64.423% 60.962%
1 2
FIRST LEVEL TEST 1 (C) Rector, 281 Kathleen Downie Freiheit 247 Lindsay Naas Roy-Els Belle of the Ball 337 Linda Potter Band of Silver 269 Tracey Krajenke Teodoro III
65.185% 62.963% 58.519% 66.111%
1 2 3 1
FIRST LEVEL TEST 3 (C) Kessler, 300 Deborah Lindley Michaelangelo 67.059% 1 294 Amy Roth Revanche 62.794% 2 206 Leesa Lane Oziwon 59.412% 3 281 Kathleen Downie Freiheit 58.382% 4 269 Tracey Krajenke Teodoro III 62.500% 1 295 Cecelia Overby Guinness Stout 60.735% 2 FIRST LEVEL TEST OF CHOICE (C) Rector, 294 Amy Roth Revanche 64.118% 1 206 Leesa Lane Oziwon 62.500% 2 SECOND LEVEL TEST 1 (C) Rector, 300 Deborah Lindley Michaelangelo 62.121% 1 135 Jessica Keesey Alessandro 61.667% 1 295 Cecelia Overby Guinness Stout 61.212% 1 SECOND LEVEL TEST 2 (C) Rector, 229 Ulrike Rehberg-Sparks
Flash K
SECOND LEVEL TEST 3 (C) Rector, 298 Kendall Brookhart Donna Stella 64.268% 1 135 Jessica Keesey Alessandro 60.244% 1
THIRD LEVEL TEST 3 (C) Kessler, 299 Valerie Denno Digimon 63.077% 1 92 Megan Manning SR Ssavant 59.744% 1
FOURTH LEVEL TEST 1 (C) Kessler, 299 Valerie Denno Digimon 59.054% 1 361 Christie E. Jones Pacific Patina 57.297% 2 92 Megan Manning SR Ssavant 57.568% 1 USDF MUSICAL FREESTYLE TOC (C) Kessler, 247 Lindsay Naas Roy-Els Belle of the Ball 298 Kendall Brookhart Donna Stella
59.833% 58.167%
1 2
TRAINING LEVEL TEST 1 (C) Kessler, 292 Michele Mooney Don Viamo 66.739% 1 91 Jessica Mount Rockefeller 60.435% 2 TRAINING LEVEL TEST 2 (C) Rector, 226 Krystal Cottrell Tragumna 66.538% 1 286 Hailey Dahlstrom Strider 60.962% 1 168 Toah Hatch Dacapriella 73.462% 1 TRAINING LEVEL TEST 3 (C) Kessler, 169 Alyssa Barngrover Dacapriella 74.318% 1 226 Krystal Cottrell Tragumna 63.864% 2 292 Michele Mooney Don Viamo 62.955% 3 91 Jessica Mount Rockefeller 59.545% 4 286 Hailey Dahlstrom Strider 60.682% 1 TRAINING LEVEL TEST 1 OPPORTUNITY (C) Rector, 215 Raelene Paris Fhe Pirata 340 Heather Myers Mozarta Vivace
55.652% 66.304%
1 1
TRAINING LEVEL TEST 2 OPPORTUNITY (C) Kessler, 340 Heather Myers Mozarta Vivace 357 Beverly Kauffman Sky Captain
64.038% 58.846%
1 2
FIRST LEVEL TEST 1 (C) Kessler, 281 Kathleen Downie
FIRST LEVEL TEST 2 (C) Kessler, 337 Linda Potter
Band of Silver
FIRST LEVEL TEST 3 (C) Rector, 294 Amy Roth Revanche 67.353% 1 247 Lindsay Naas Roy-Els Belle of the Ball 63.529% 2
Show Results Coconino Spring Dressage Show 281 Kathleen Downie Freiheit 62.059% 3 206 Leesa Lane Oziwon 61.324% 4 269 Tracey Krajenke Teodoro III 62.941% 1 295 Cecelia Overby Guinness Stout 60.735% 2 FIRST LEVEL TEST OF CHOICE (C) Kessler, 206 Leesa Lane Oziwon 58.382% 1 SECOND LEVEL TEST 1 (C) Kessler, 300 Deborah Lindley Michaelangelo 62.727% 1 294 Amy Roth Revanche 62.727% 2 135 Jessica Keesey Alessandro 57.879% 1 295 Cecelia Overby Guinness Stout 59.242% 1 SECOND LEVEL TEST 3 (C) Kessler, 298 Kendall Brookhart Donna Stella 58.537% 1 135 Jessica Keesey Alessandro 60.488% 1 THIRD LEVEL TEST 1 (C) Rector, 302 Grace Catts-Tucker
THIRD LEVEL TEST 3 (C) Rector, 92 Megan Manning
SR Ssavant
THIRD LEVEL TEST OF CHOICE (C) Kessler, 299 Valerie Denno Digimon 62.564% 1 229 Ulrike Rehberg-Sparks Flash K 67.821% 1 FOURTH LEVEL TEST 1 (C) Kessler, 299 Valerie Denno Digimon 63.378% 1 361 Christie E. Jones Pacific Patina 59.865% 2 92 Megan Manning SR Ssavant 56.757% 1 FOURTH LEVEL TEST 3 (C) Rector, 158 Lynn McKinney
Plato En Rouge
USDF MUSICAL FREESTYLE (C) Rector, 247 Lindsay Naas Roy-Els Belle of the Ball 298 Kendall Brookhart Donna Stella 158 Lynn McKinney Plato En Rouge
66.833% 65.667% 65.000%
1 2 3
Next ADA Shows Mountain Air & Dressage in the Pines August 15-16, 2015
Ft Tuthill County Park, Flagstaff Opening Date: June 24th Closing Date: July 21st
HIGH POINTS COCONINO SPRING 2015 Adult Amateur: Alyssa Barngrover on Dacapriella 74.318 Open: Toah Hatch on Dacapriealla 76.087 Jr/YR: Megan Manning on SR Ssavant 63.846 Freestyle: Lindsay Naas on Roy Els Belle of the Ball 66.833
Change in Requirements for 2015 GAIG/USDF Regional Championships Effective for the 2015 Regional Championship Program year, the Intermediate B test will no longer be used as a qualifying test for the Great American/USDF Regional Championships, presented by SmartPak and supported by Merial. The Intermediate II test will be the only test used to qualify for the Intermediate II level of the Great American/USDF Regional Championships.The test to be ridden at the 2015 Great Americna/USDF Regional Championships, and US Dressage Finals presented by Adequan, will be the Intermediate II test.
New Rule Regarding Great American/USDF Regional Championship Program Effective for the 2015 Regional Championship Program year a horse/rider combination is allowed to win up to three times at a level before being disallowed to compete at that level or a lower level (Grand Prix excepted) at the Regional Championship competition. Questions? Email:
e-TRAK WHAT IS E-TRAK? Available to all current USDF members, e-TRAK is USDF’s online learning center for dressage and equine education. Through one convenient location, access hundreds of educational resources, engage in structured learning activities, and earn USDF University Program credit! WHAT IS THE COST OF E-TRAK? This great educational resource is included with any current USDF membership, including Group Membership! HOW DO I ACCESS E-TRAK? First, if you have not already done so, you will need to establish a login on the USDF website. If you have already established a login, click the login button in the upper right corner. Enter your login and password information. Once you are logged in, click the e-TRAK banner on the home page. To start learning, type a word or phrase in the search box. For example, you might type “training pyramid” or “lateral work”. If you are unclear as to what you might be looking for, simply click on the “Browse” button and explore the different categories that interest you. WHERE DOES THE CONTENT FOR E-TRAK COME FROM? Along with USDF educational material that has been produced over the years, educational material is gathered from different providers such as AAEP,, Nutrena, Succeed, Adequan, American’s Horse Daily, SmartPak and many other equine education sources. FIND OUT MORE! For more information about e-TRAK, or to see samples of what you can access, visit the USDF website,, or contact the USDF office at 3
Group Member Benefits: e-TRAK Subscription to the award-winning USDF Connection magazine Access to the online version of USDF Connection Eligibility to compete as rider and/or owner at USEFlicensed/USDF-recognized shows Eligibility to compete for USDF Rider Awards Access to “members only” section of the USDF website E-newsletters sent by USDF, which helps Group Members stay in touch with what is happening at USDF and in the sport of dressage A USDF Group Member card which can be used at USDF competitions and an online membership card available for printing, at any time, free of charge Discounted rates at USDF educational events Discount in the USDF store Discount on memberships and subscriptions with USDF’s educational partners Eligibility to earn USDF University Program credit. Eligibility to receive a Ruth Arvanette Memorial Fund grant, which funds convention attendance Eligibility for the “L” Education Program Opportunities funded by The Dressage Foundation
Step onto the National Stage and have the experience of a lifetime.
Presented by Adequan
USDF Dressage in the Bluegrass Nov. 5-8, 2015 • Kentucky Horse Park Compete in a national championship that showcases competitors in adult amateur and open divisions, at Training Level through Grand Prix.
For more information visit
ARIZONA DRESSAGE ASSOCIATION PO Box 31602 Phoenix, AZ 85046-1602