ADA February 2017 Centerline

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Vol. 17, Issue 2


wrestling with the

Arizona Dressage Association

“Q” You’re probably thinking to yourself right now ... “Which Q are we talking about ... and why are we wrestling with it?” Exactly! ... And, No! We’re not talking about the “Q” from Star Trek! When most of us see a “Q”, we think about the “Q” for questions (and hopefully the answers that go with them). But the Q on most dressage enthusiasts’ minds is the Q for Qualifying! The thing is, organizations like ours ... nonprofit membership orgs ... have lots of Qualifying rules and procedures floating around ... some of them are our local GMO’s rules and procedures and some of them are our governing organization’s rules and procedures. We’ve got State Qualifying, Regionals Qualifying, USDF Dressage Finals Qualifying, Year End Awards Qualifying ... EEEEK!!! And all of them depend on what type of membership we have. Let’s try to sort them out! NOTE: The program rules and qualifying criteria published herein are subject to additions or revisions. While every effort has been taken to avoid mistakes in this publication, the Arizona Dressage Association assumes no liability to anyone for errors or omissions. ADA/TDC/Cochise and USEF/ USDF rules supersede all other rules when qualifying for their championship programs. These rules are subject to change at any time. Changes and corrections subsequent to this publication are published in the ADA/TDC newsletters and websites and the USDF Connection and on the USDF website. Refer to the United States Equestrian Federation’s website for official rule changes and the most up-to-date version of their rule book.

State Championship Qualifying Hosted this year by TDC on November 18-19, 2017 at the Pima County Fairgrounds, Tucson, AZ Qualifying Period: October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2017

Are you and your talented horse trying to Qualify for Arizona State Championships? These championships are a local GMO program which operates under local rules and procedures set

Continued on Page 6

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