Continued on page 3
of resources are available from USDF in the on-line USDF Competitions Handbook. Some guidelines are also included in this directory. Others are available as free printouts accessible at Resources include Qualifying Criteria and Selection Procedures for Young Riders’ and Junior Riders Championships, USDF Musical Freestyle Rules and Tests, Technical Delegates Checklist, USDF Dressage Sport Horse Breeding Rules and Adult Team Competitors Guidelines to name just a few.
ressage is a sport of rules and etiquette just like many other sports. These protocols ensure that all competitions are organized, fair, and fun for all involved. In dressage it is the work of the USDF Technical Delegate Council, to dictate these protocols. Dressage competitions are also governed by the rules and regulations of USEF. Becoming familiar with these guidelines before the competition year begins, even for experienced competitors, will make for a more enjoyable show season for all involved.
Preparing To Show
If USDF’s national dressage awards are of interest to you, become familiar with the USDF award programs and make sure you are a member. The USDF Directory is available free with a participating or business membership and explains all USDF award programs and their requirements for the current competition year. These programs are also outlined at To be eligible for USDF adult amateur (AA) awards, the rider must be a USDF participating member and hold a USEF AA
The rules for dressage competitions recognized by USEF are published in their rule book. You can find this rule book online at Before entering a dressage competition, study the rules carefully. The online rule book is always up to date on rule changes, with the latest changes noted in red for easy reference. Be sure to check for updates online because rules are continually being changed, revised and refined.
Scholarship: Ann Damiano
Awards: Maeike Zoet-Javins
Finance: Cynthia Ganem
Centerline Editor: Beth Martinec
In most cases, products and services are considered paid advertising. Articles that are negative in nature concerning a particular product will not be considered for publication.
Juniors/Young Riders: Heather Lynch
Scores Compilation: Sue Leutwyler Vendors: Michelle Scarzone
President: Tania Radda 480.235.7654
Earn Volunteer/Service Hours Contribute to The Centerline Today!
Fundraising: Kay Lorenzen
Membership: Michell Combs
Webmaster: Sue Leutwyler
Recognized Shows: Kathy Smith
The Centerline is the official monthly newsletter of the Arizona Dressage Association (ADA), a 501(c) (3) not-for-profit organization. Material in the newsletter may not be reproduced, with the exception of forms, without the written consent and credit of the editor and/or author. The Centerline welcomes your articles, barn news, artwork, and especially, your photographs. Submissions, news, and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the views of the ADA. Acceptance does not constitute an endorsement. Accuracy of materials submitted is the sole responsibility of the author. The Editor reserves the right to accept, reject and edit submitted material. The deadline for submission is the 20th of the month. Email:
1st VP: Kathy Smith
Treasurer & Trustee of Records: Cynthia Ganem
**Product Endorsements/Advertising**
2nd VP: Amy Burnett
ADA Board Attorney: Wendy Riddell
Centerline: Submit an article and photo of you and your horse on a topic of interest, a clinic or show experience. Submit your favorite barn and horse care tips, or review clinic. We’d love to hear from you! Send to Ifcenterline@azdressage.orgthephotoisaridingphoto, a helmet is required.
Education: Pam Polydoros
Futurity: Susan Skripac
Secretary: Nicole Zoet-Oostermyer
ADA Board
Maeike Zoet Michell Combs Susan JarredKadriyaHeatherAlannaSkripacAlmgrenLynchMusina-SallusSallus
Letters to the Editor: Submit your comments, suggestions, or opinions relating to the sport of dressage, to TrainersBarncenterline@azdressage.orgNews:wouldyouliketolet
us know about the recent accomplishments of your clients or introduce new clients and horses? Would you like to update readers about barn improvements, or talk about any other news of interest to the membership. Send submissions to Membercenterline@azdressage.orgSubmissionstoThe
Continued from page 1
Continued on page 4
When you arrive at the show grounds, check in with the barn manager to find your stall. Keep the stall(s) you are assigned—or work out alternatives with the barn manager. Never change assigned stalls without first checking with management. The stabling chart is developed in advance considering all the various horses stabled.
IN THE BARN • Stabling varies greatly at each facility. The prize list tells you about the size and type of stalls, whether there are doors or not, and what bedding will be available or is included with your entry fees. You may need to order bedding separately prior to the start of the show.
• When entering a competition, pay careful attention to both USEF and USDF membership and horse identification number requirements. The requirements for entering a USEF/USDF- recognized competition are generally less stringent than the requirements for entering special competitions (such as USEF/USDF Regional Championship qualifying and championship classes) or qualifying for USDF awards programs. If you do not have all the correct memberships in place before the day of the show, you may not meet the requirements for other awards and year end competitions. Because it is the competitor’s responsibility to be aware of the requirements, take time to review them prior to the competition. You can access USDF award program requirements online at Youwww.usdf.orgcanjoinUSDF and register your horse online at You can also print out copies of your membership and horse’s HID or lifetime registration numbers online. You can use the printouts as proof of membership at competitions until your card arrives. Give some thought to your competitive aspirations; if you feel that you want to progress and enter the Regional Championship path, or participate in many of the USDF award programs, you might want to consider a lifetime registration for your horse rather than the HID, and a participating membership for yourself.
Your competitor packet should include your bridle numbers, a program, and tickets for any special events you requested. The competition assigned bridle number must be worn whenever your horse is out of the stall on the grounds. This includes hand walking, riding, or any other exercise. You should receive two copies of your number, one for the bridle and one for the halter.
TRAVELING OUT OF STATE • Each state may have its own specific regulations on the transportation of horses. There may be specific requirements for immunizations, health certificates, travel, or quarantine. Health certificates must usually be dated within ten days of interstate travel although some states allow health certificates to be dated within 30 days of travel. Brand inspections are also required for travel in some areas. Many states now have vehicle weight regulations and special license requirements for horse vans. Several states require a negative Coggins test within six months to one year of travel into the state. If you are traveling through several states, be aware of their requirements as well. For a reference of each state’s requirements, obtain a copy of the annual American Horse Council Directory
AT THE SHOW • When you get your ride times, read them carefully and inform the show secretary immediately of any scheduling problems. Double check when you arrive at the show to make sure your ride times have not changed. If it is necessary to withdraw a horse, notify the management as soon as possible. “No Shows” are not regarded favorably by management (who might have been able to fill the time with another rider) or by the judge. After the competition begins, any change in the schedule needs to be worked out with the show office in a timely manner. Scratches and rider substitutions need to be officially processed and must be arranged before the class begins—the sooner, the better!!
Upper-level riders should be careful not to frighten green horses and riders in the warm-up arena. On the other hand, if you are an inexperienced rider or riding a green horse, be aware that upper-level horses need plenty of room in the arena and may complete movements that frighten your horse.
RIDING YOUR TEST • It is important to know your test, even if you have a reader. Instruct your reader to read each movement only once and not to speak to you under any other circumstance; it could result in your elimination. However, your reader may read a movement twice if there is a reason to doubt that the rider heard the original call. If you go off course, get direction from the judge, not from your reader. In times of distress, the rider must ask and receive permission of the judge to dismount or to leave the arena.
TRAILERING IN • If you trailer in for the day, many of the steps you need to take are the same as if you have a stall for your horse. You must still check in with the show office to see where to park and get your competitor’s packet. Most shows charge a grounds fee to competitors who haul in, so be prepared to pay this fee as part of your entry. Tie your horse safely and securely but in a manner that another person could figure out how you tied the horse and loosen the tie in an emergency. You should still place a card on your trailer stating your name and contact information in case anyone needs to contact you about your tied horse. You also need to have your competitor number on your horse’s
WARM-UP AND ARENA COURTESY • All USEF Rules, including tack rules, apply from the time the entries arrive on the show grounds. If you arrive the day before the competition, ask permission before entering the competition areas. Rules vary for schooling in or around the competition ring, so do not assume that you may enter the competition arenas to school. The prize list should describe the schooling policy. Other schooling areas for lunging, exercising, and coaching will also be designated.
ONLY • Horses not entered in the competition do not belong in the warm-up area during competition hours. If you are schooling only, pick a time to school when there are few horses in the arena. • Don’t forget your bridle number! • A licensed Competition must provide a sufficient area for schooling horses. In addition to the official schooling area, competitions should designate an exercise area. If there is a designated schooling or exercise area which is separate from the warm-up arena, ride there when it is not too busy.
When entering the warm-up arena be mindful of other riders and be sure to follow the basic rules of courtesy. Pass left shoulder to left shoulder and look where you are going. When overtaking traffic in the same direction, pass to the inside with care and plenty of clearance. Better yet, make a circle or cut across the arena to avoid passing. Keep at least one horse’s length from any other horse and don’t cut anyone off. When turning, check your “rear view” first. Be careful how you use your whip since other horses may react more enthusiastically than your own.
Do not engage in social conversation with the judge at any time. While circling the arena prior to your test, you may say hello and give the scribe the chance to identify your bridle number. It is also inappropriate to discuss the test with the judge at the arena, either before the bell or after the final salute.
Continued on page 5
Dressage competitions are scheduled to the minute and most competitions run on time. It is your responsibility to present yourself at the in-gate on time. Arriving late for your scheduled ride will result in elimination. On occasion, a dressage competition may get behind schedule—by a few minutes or a few hours. While it can get behind, it can also get back on schedule surprisingly quickly. Be particularly observant when a competition gets off schedule. Know when you ride in the class, keep track of scratches and plan your warm-up accordingly.
WHAT TO EXPECT AFTER YOUR TEST • Ring stewards are required to spot check tack of one-third of the horses in each class. This happens after your exit from the competition arena. This includes looking at your bit(s), noseband, spurs, whip and both sides of your horse. If your horse is anxious about this inspection, let the checker know and allow you to dismount and help the inspector.
The information presented is excerpted from Appendix A Dressage Protocol Introduction - USDF
technical delegate (TD) wears three hats: 1. The TD is the official representative of USEF on the competition grounds and is there to ensure that all USEF rules are followed. 2. The TD is an advisor to competition management. As an advisor, the TD informs management and competitors of rule infractions and interprets the rules when applying them to situations that may arise. The TD is not a judge or jury, but an observer and impartial advisor. 3. The TD is an advisor to competitors. If you have a question about a rule or conduct, don’t be afraid to ask.
After the final salute, it is not necessary to ride to C before leaving the arena. You may simply ride one horse’s length forward, turn right or left and leave the arena in the manner specified by the test.
Tack permitted on the show grounds while training or warming up, and tack allowed in the competition arena is specifically stated in the USEF Rule Book. If you do not have a rule book, refer to the article and text in USEF DR 121 of USEF’s online Rule Book. An outline of the most popular rule book topics and a link to the USEF Rule Book is available at•TheUSEFdressage
In the event of a scratch, you do not have to ride ahead of your time. If you do opt to ride ahead of your scheduled time, show management will inform the judge and scribe. When you present yourself at the arena area ahead of your time, you are saying you are ready to be judged. Do not expect additional warm-up time around the perimeter of the performance arena. If you are scheduled to ride immediately following a break, it is inappropriate to enter the arena perimeter early. Wait until the judge is present and expect the judge’s signal in short order.
$25.00 Office Fee
Rides will be limited to 4 tests per horse per day
$20.00 Late/Post Entry Fee (applies to entries RECEIVED after March 27, 2020
$25.00 Rider/Horse Change Fee: For either rider or horse after entries have been submitted. Change of both is a new entry.
$20.00 Trailer-in per day (do not pay if you’ve paid for stabling or a day stall)
Accepted on first come, first serve basis by on-line entries or mail. One entry per horse/rider combination. Post entries will be accepted on a space available basis with late fee. ALL COMPETITORS MUST SUBMIT WITH THEIR ENTRY. A CURRENT COGGINS DATE WITHIN 12 MONTHS OF SHOW DATE.AND SAFE SPORT CERTIFICATE EXPIRATION DATE FROM USEF MEMBERS.
15. WDAA/USEF Western Dressage Level 2 TOC32. WDAA /USEF Western Dressage Level 5 Test 3 16. WDAA /USEF Western Dressage Level 2 Test 1 33. WDAA /USEF Western Dressage Level 5 Test 4 17. WDAA /USEF Western Dressage Level 2 Test 2 34. WDAA /USEF Western Dressage Level 5 TOC
1. WDAA /USEF Western Dressage Intro Test 118. WDAA /USEF Western Dressage Level 2 Test 3 2. WDAA /USEF Western Dressage Intro Test 2 19. WDAA /USEF Western Dressage Level 2 Test 4 3. WDAA /USEF Western Dressage Intro Test 3 20. WDAA/USEF Western Dressage Level 2 TOC 4. WDAA /USEF Western Dressage Intro Level Test 4 21. WDAA /USEF Western Dressage Level 3 Test 1 5. WDAA/USEF Western Dressage Intro TOC22. WDAA /USEF Western Dressage Level 3 Test 2 6. WDAA /USEF Western Dressage Basic Test 1 23. WDAA /USEF Western Dressage Level 3 Test 3 7. WDAA /USEF Western Dressage Basic Test 2 24. WDAA /USEF Western Dressage Level 3 Test 4 8. WDAA /USEF Western Dressage Basic Test 3 25. WDAA/USEF Western Dressage Level 3 TOC 9. WDAA /USEF Western Dressage Basic Test 4 26. WDAA /USEF Western Dressage Level 4 Test 1 10. WDAA/USEF Western Dressage Basic TOC27. WDAA /USEF Western Dressage Level 4 Test 2 11. WDAA /USEF Western Dressage Level 1 Test 1 28. WDAA /USEF Western Dressage Level 4 Test 3 12. WDAA /USEF Western Dressage Level 1 Test 229. WDAA /USEF Western Dressage Level 4 Test 4 13. WDAA /USEF Western Dressage Level 1 Test 3 30. WDAA /USEF Western Dressage Level 5 Test 1 14. WDAA /USEF Western Dressage Level 1 Test 4 31. WDAA /USEF Western Dressage Level 5 Test 2
$60.00 Day Stall (2 bags of required minimum bedding is included) Smoking is prohibited in stall areas or near barns
Western Dressage Fall Fest
$40.00 Non-Competing Horse (Schooling only)
$15.00 Incomplete Entry Fee
· Use sharps containers provided in barn area. Competition management may fine any individuals including trainers, owners, exhibitors or their agents up to $100 for improper disposal of needles or other sharp disposable instruments.
$50.00 Returned Check Fee
NOTE: Beginning in 2022, horses must have competed in at least one WDAA Recognized Show during the year to qualify for showing at the WDAA World Championship Show
$45.00 Intro through Level 4 Tests
Third Level Adult Amateur Carson, Deborah Bravo Fourth Level Adult Amateur Carson, Deborah Gallagher Fourth Level Adult Amateur Cassidy, Meghan Allegheny
All of the riders listed are current members of an Arizona GMO as of 2022. All of the horses listed have been nominated for 2022 Arizona State Championship classes. The horse/rider pairs have earned two AZ State qualifying scores under two different judges after the horses' nominating fees were received.
Prix St Georges Open Decesari, Laura Ultimate Grace First Level Open DeConcini, Jamie
Rider Horse Level Division
First Level JR/YR Black, Debra Ignite The Flame Training Level Adult Amateur Black, Debra Ignite The Flame
Almgren, Alanna Ilegro HB
Second Level Open Burnett, Amy Pfrankincense HP Freestyle (1st Level) Open Cahill, Courtney Khaleesi
First Level Adult Amateur Ganem, Cynthia Miguel Al Vida Prix St Georges Adult Amateur Garcia, Genoa Pirazzi Training Level Adult Amateur
As of September 1, 2022
Fourth Level Adult Amateur Dietzgen, Tasha Tango - S Third Level Open Erickson, Sophia Trinidad Second Level JR/YR Farthing, Pamela
Sir Esplendido
Second Level Adult Amateur Apicella, Kimberly Sir Harvard
Third Level Adult Amateur Frankel, Tracy Kalypso WGF
Miss Maisy Mae
First Level Adult Amateur Aragon-Morales, Isabelle Zafari Training Level JR/YR Arnold, Devon
Aul Amira
Second Level Adult Amateur Burnett, Amy Pfrankincense HP
Third Level Adult Amateur Carson, Deborah Bravo
Third Level Adult Amateur Baughman, Lily Bravado Training Level JR/YR Baughman, Lily Bravado First Level JR/YR Baughman, Lily Hieronimo
A Boy Named Sue Training Level Adult Amateur Barngrover, Alyssa Dacapriella
Second Level Adult Amateur Cochran, Maren HRH Desire A Star Training Level Adult Amateur Decesari, Laura Santucci
First Level Adult Amateur Blacker, Marcy
2022 Arizona State Championship Classes Eligible Rider-Horse Pairs
Third Level Adult Amateur Boice, Lynn Futuro De Canizares
Sir Renity GHA
Second Level Adult Amateur Lindsten, Taylor Chestnut Oak's Drummer Boy Second Level Open Lindsten, Taylor Chestnut Oak's Drummer Boy Third Level Open Lindsten, Taylor Dalia Second Level Open Lindsten, Taylor Dalia Third Level Open Lindsten, Taylor Danity Second Level Open Lindsten, Taylor Danity Third Level Open Lindsten, Taylor Maybach Training Level Open
Fourth Level Adult Amateur Keyser, Anastasia Bellatrix First Level Adult Amateur Kolstad, Kimberley Quill GHA First Level Adult Amateur Kolstad, Kimberley Quill GHA Second Level Adult Amateur LaCroix, Cindi Marbella Intermediare I Adult Amateur LaCroix, Ray Casterly Rock Prix St Georges Open Lanners, Indra Skip Raggedy Ann Training Level JR/YR Lanners, Indra Skip Raggedy Ann First Level JR/YR LeBlanc, Carolyn Mucho Dinero Training Level Adult Amateur LeBlanc, Carolyn Mucho Dinero Training Level Adult Amateur LeBlanc, Carolyn Mucho Dinero First Level Adult Amateur LeBlanc, Carolyn Mucho Dinero First Level Adult Amateur LeBlanc, Carolyn Victor Hugo Training Level Adult Amateur LeBlanc, Carolyn Victor Hugo Training Level Adult Amateur LeBlanc, Carolyn Victor Hugo First Level Adult Amateur LeBlanc, Carolyn Victor Hugo First Level Adult Amateur Lent, Stacey Galante Da Prata
Second Level Adult Amateur Lent, Stacey Galante Da Prata Freestyle (1st Level) Adult Amateur Lent, Stacey Galante Da Prata Freestyle (2nd Level) Adult Amateur Lepire, Michele
Jackson, Amy Da Vinci SH Second Level Adult Amateur Jackson, Cyndi Ehrenfurst Fourth Level Open Jackson, Cyndi Ehrengold Intermediare II Open Jackson, Cyndi Fuersten Klass Training Level Open Jackson, Cyndi Jetsetter EDI Second Level Open Jones-Popour, Christie Claudio
First Level JR/YR Garfield, Jillian Otto from Gemini Second Level JR/YR George, Tamara Lukas Prix St Georges Adult Amateur Geraci, Gwen Weltesse First Level Adult Amateur Hitchcock, Cindy Rubiana MSF Third Level Adult Amateur Hope-Reese, Theresa Orive Yet Grand Prix Adult Amateur
Garfield, Jillian Otto from Gemini
Stonewall Good Deal Lady Third Level Adult Amateur Lepire, Michele Stonewall Good Deal Lady Freestyle (3rd Level) Adult Amateur Leslie, Amy Shiners Buckaroo Prix St Georges Adult Amateur Leslie, Amy Shiners Buckaroo Intermediare I Adult Amateur Lindley, Deborah
Rider Horse Level Division
Rider Horse Level Division
Adult Amateur
McHenry, Erin Bailando Intermediare II Adult Amateur McLaughlin, Erica Foreman Training Level Adult Amateur McLaughlin, Erica Foreman First Level Adult Amateur McLaughlin, Wendy Jordan WRF Freestyle (3rd Level) Adult Amateur Money, Michelle Raven Training Level Adult Amateur Musina-Sallus, Kadriya Facetime First Level Adult Amateur Musina-Sallus, Kadriya Facetime Freestyle (1st Level) Adult Amateur Musina-Sallus, Kadriya Promises Golden Jewel First Level Adult Amateur Novakowski, Patricia Mi Amor Training Level Adult Amateur Obrzut, Marlena Muskat Prix St Georges Open O'Hara, Bobbie Lynn Hs Varado Prix St Georges Open Paglia, Paula Rose Rhapsodie
First Level Open Paris, Raelene Ludarol Hacal First Level Adult Amateur Parker, Jennifer Be Happy Third Level Open Parker, Jennifer Cantante Freestyle (Int) Open Parker, Jennifer Serrano XLVII Prix St Georges Open Parker, Jennifer Serrano XLVII Intermediare I Open Pribble, Kimberly Featuring Abigail
Fourth Level Adult Amateur Pribble, Kimberly Featuring Abigail Prix St Georges Adult Amateur Pribble, Kimberly Icarus
Third Level Adult Amateur Putty, Dee D'Eleganz Third Level Adult Amateur Radda, Tania Imperio Do Castanheiro Fourth Level Adult Amateur Reiter, Colleen Wt Daisha
First Level Adult Amateur Riddell, Kali #Hashtag Third Level JR/YR Riddell, Wendy Bonito Third Level Open Riddell, Wendy Galaxy Quest Prix St Georges Open Taylor, Karrin Last Chapter
First Level Open Lindsten, Taylor San Laurino H Second Level Open Lindsten, Taylor San Laurino H Third Level Open Lindsten, Taylor Wallace G Fourth Level Open Lindsten, Taylor Wallace G Freestyle (4th Level) Open Lloyd, Tristan Jade Summer Solstice Third Level Adult Amateur Lupeika, Olivia Bel Ami First Level JR/YR Majeski, Cassandra URROBI Training Level Open Maland, Lia Falco Sophina LS Prix St Georges Adult Amateur Martin, Molly R U 4 Me Training Level Open Martin, Molly R U 4 Me First Level Open Martin, Molly R U 4 Me Freestyle (1st Level) Open Martinec, Beth Kalires Chief Lyanough Third Level
Lindsten, Taylor San Laurino H
Training Level Adult Amateur Taylor, Karrin Last Chapter First Level Adult Amateur Taylor, Karrin Last Chapter Second Level Adult Amateur
First Level Adult Amateur Tobie, Jennifer SRC Adriana Prix St Georges Adult Amateur Tobie, Jennifer SRC Adriana Intermediare I Adult Amateur Undabarrena, Miguel Gunipre Hacal Prix St Georges Open Undabarrena, Miguel Kalires Chief Lyanough
Third Level Open Tejera, Martha First Level Adult Amateur
Tejera, Martha Be Happy
The following horses qualified for the 2022 AZ State Champion classes at least twice and had been ridden by more than one person.
First Level JR/YR Valentine, Nicola Baryshnikov
Fourth Level Adult Amateur
Be Happy Parker, Jennifer
Third Level Open Undabarrena, Miguel Kalires Chief Lyanough
Arizona State Championship Rule #5
Second Level JR/YR Watches, Nicole Klarchen
"At no time during the Championship or the concurrent Open Show may any horse entered in the Championship competition be ridden by anyone other than the rider entered in the Championship competition on that horse (Exception: grooms riding on loose rein). Further, any horse entered in the Championship competition, even if entered at two levels, must be ridden by the same rider throughout all days of the competition, including the Open Show held in conjunction with the Championship show."
If multiple riders qualify on the same horse, one rider only may complete in the AZ State Championship classes and the concurrent Open Show which hosts the Championship
A Horse-Rider combination may enter the AZ State Championship classes only at the level(s) at which the pair qualified.
Reminder to 2022AZ State Championship Class Riders
Fourth Level Open Valentine, Nicola Baryshnikov
First Level Adult Amateur Wolf, Autumn Lyon Training Level JR/YR Ziurys, Lucy Oficial De Susaeta
Kalires Chief Martinec, Beth Third Level Adult Amateur Undabarrena, Miguel Fourth Level Open Undabarrena, Miguel Third Level Open
Maloney, Rachel Gathans Girl Maloney, Rachel NLF Rosa Candida
Third Level
Third Level
First Level
Talkington, Arica Decked With Chrome
Janisko, Kristine Amour De Chrome Keesey, Jessica Ludarol Hacal
Pothast, Jamie One Diva
2022 Arizona State Championship Class Qualifiers Riders Not Eligible as of September 1, 2022
2021 Brown, Catherine Icarus Shelly, Brianna Bibilus
Training Level
Third Level
However.. the riders listed below are not current members of an Arizona GMO. In order to be eligible to compete in the Arizona State Championship Classes, they must be members of one of the Arizona GMO's before September 1, 2022.
Nayak, Katherine Gaspacho
Clemens, Lysa American Style Naumann, Alysia Politically Correct
Second Level
Janisko, Kristine Amour De Chrome Janisko, Kristine Kendrick
2020 Nayak, Katherine Gaspacho
First Level
Linn, Christine Classie Com
Adult Amateur
Open Training Level
All of the horses listed have been nominated for the Arizona State Championship classes. The horse/rider pairs have earned two AZ State qualifying scores under two different judges after the horses' nominating fees were received.
Fourth Level
THE CENTERLINE | 15 ADA Futurity Call out for yearto,5or6-oldattheSpringCelebration2023atWestWorldinScottsdale.Thefirst/earlydeadlineisOct1stCallSusanat315.558.2938withanyquestions
VOLUME 22, ISSUE 9 SEPTEMBER | THE CENTERLINE16 NAC of ADA 2022 Board Members PRESIDENT: Kirsten Kuzmanic 951-440-4615 V.Kirstenk38@gmail.comPRESIDENT:KayLaake 217-549-1186 TREASURER:Klaake08@gmail.comVirginia Parker 303-921-6654 SECRETARY:vp@sleepingmule.orgSherryNash albeepat97@gmail.comSHOWNEWSLETTER:FACEBOOK,timberline@netins.netWESTERNSusancrampton1@gmail.comCLINICS/EDUCATION:SHOWCOMMITTEES:Sherrynash2017@gmail.com513-505-8419MANGER:KirstenKuzmanicSueCrampton928-925-6043DRESSAGELAISON:SharonPetrone319-325-7094WEB:KayLaakeSherryNashASSISTANT:PatAlbee928-778-0516 2022 Show & Clinic Dates May 7th - Spring Schooling Show, Judge - Cynthia Ganem September 17th - Fall Schooling Show, Judge - Michell Combs June 25th - “Ride a Test” with Lois Wittington at Randi Wagner’s Ranch, Prescott October 22-23rd - Amelia Newcomb at American Ranch
17: NAC Dressage Schooling Show: American Ranch, Prescott, AZ , Judge: Michell Combs
15-16: Clinic with Bill Warren: WestWorld, 22-23:ScottsdaleAmelia
2023 Dates
4-5 ADA Fall Fiesta: WestWorld
Newcomb Clinic: American Ranch, Prescott, Contact Susan Crampton 928-925-6043 for more info
17: ADA Members Only Schooling Show: WestWorld, Scottsdale
5-6: AZ 2022 State Championships: WestWorld, Scottsdale, Judges:
September 29 - October 1 USDF Regionals: NovemberWestWorld
June 17-18 ADA Summer Heat: WestWorld
26-27 Debbie McDonald Dressage Clinic: Carefree Farms. Accepting auditor registration. Contact for 29-30:information.Western Dressage Show: WestWorld, Scottsdale
26-28: TDC Road Runner Dressage Show I: Pima County Fairgrounds, Tucson, AZ
19-20: Fall Festival I & II: Pima County Fairgrounds, Tucson, AZ. Judges: 26-27: New Tests Clinic: Sage Mountain Equestrian Center, Scottsdale AZ. Visit for more information
April 15-16 ADA Spring Celebration: WestWorld
The Centerline is always in need of great photos to go along with our articles or just to fill the world with more cute pony pics. So if you have some you'd like to share, please send them to us centerline@azdressage.orgat:
Web Site:
The ADA Website is You can advertise on the site for $50 per year, or $30 for six months. Non-members please add $5. Newsletter Deadline: 20th of the previous month Email to: Please be sure that your payment accompanies your ad. To make a payment go to advertisement-submission/
Hey Readers -
1/2 Page .................................$50
HaveClassifieds:somethingfor sale? For rent? Want something? Put your ad in the classifieds to see if someone has what you want, or wants what you have. Send to $5 for up to 50 words; $5 per photo; $5 nonmember fee
Full Page (7.5”x10”) ………….$90
1/3 Page .................................$35
The Centerline is not responsible for, nor does it endorse any claims made by advertisers. All advertisements must be paid at the time of Adsubmission.Formats – JPG, TIFF, PDF - 300 dpi
1/4 Page .................................$20 Business Card ……………..…$15
DRESSAGE ASSOCIATION PO Box Phoenix,31602AZ85046-1602