Volume 14, Issue 12
December, 2014
How I Used my ADA Scholarship By Jenny Cohn First of all, let me express my gratitude to the ADA for the opportunity to ride in this clinic. Without the support of the ADA, I would not have been able to ride with David Wightman, which is something I would love to be able to do again. The ADA scholarship gave me the opportunity to try some new things with my 12 year old KWPN gelding Valentino, who can be an emotional chicken when faced with new situations. He had not been off my property for a few years, but I signed up to ride with David Wightman at Nicki Soich’s last April. Even though I lunged him in the round pen beforehand, he was still tense when we went into the ring, so I was very quiet as I started to work him at the walk. He was still excited, so David lunged him in the ring before I got back on. David wanted us to go straight to the trot work on a 20 meter circle, patiently waiting for Valentino to relax. When he began to roll over his back, David pointed out to me to let him out in the neck a bit and drive forward, which helped him relax, and we were able to work the entire arena in the canter. I appreciated the way David read the situation well and appropriately worked me and the horse, getting back to basics as needed, with no preconceived agenda except to work on what the horse presented to us on that given day. On the second day, Valentino came out more relaxed, and David lunged him again in the arena, and then got on to ride him. He commented on how big a stride he has in the canter! When I got on, I went right away to trot work, doing leg yields, and a lot of forward and back to keep the horse’s attention. When we worked at the canter, I rode it very forward, doing 12 strides down the long side. In order to work on developing some collection, we worked on counter canter. I had hoped to return to get another ride with David, but the scheduling did not work out, So my last ride was with Tracey Lert, who addresses our challenges more through my position and how it influences the horse. Valentino is a very different animal at home, so relaxation was not an issue for this ride. For warm up, we worked on serpentines and a few transitions, but the emphasis was on me and my position: getting my legs in a correct position in order to be more effective, and not getting my body behind the vertical, especially in the canter. With such a big canter, I tend to get too far behind the motion sometimes. We did a lot of work on my hand position, maintaining sufficient contact without stiffening. As we worked on these details in my riding, I could feel the horse becoming more supple, more responsive, and able to make the most of his gaits. Two very good clinicians, two different approaches to working with a horse, but both heading to the same result.
Arizona Dressage Association Mission Statement The Arizona Dressage Association is a not-for-profit organization whose goal is to promote the advancement of classical dressage through educational opportunities and programs, and the rigorous evaluations received at recognized and schooling dressage shows.
The Centerline is the official monthly newsletter of the Arizona Dressage Association (ADA), a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Material in the newsletter may not be reproduced, with the exception of forms, without the written consent and credit of the editor and/or author. The Centerline assumes no responsibility for the return of unsolicited material unless accompanied by a stamped, selfaddressed envelope. The Centerline welcomes your articles, letters, barn news, cartoons, artwork, poetry and especially, your photographs. Submissions, news, views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the position or views of the ADA. Acceptance does not constitute an endorsement. Accuracy of materials submitted is the sole responsibility of the author. The Editor reserves the right to accept, reject and edit submitted material. The deadline for articles and advertising is the 10th of the month. Email to: centerline@azdressage.org
~ ADVERTISING ~ The Centerline is not responsible for, nor does it endorse any claims made by advertisers. ALL ADVERTISEMENTS MUST BE PAID AT THE TIME YOU SUBMIT YOUR AD Rates: Display Ads – JPG, TIFF, PDF - 300dpi Full Page (7.5”x10”) .............................................................. $90 ½ Page .............................................................................. $50 1/3 Page .............................................................................. $35 1/4 Page ............................................................................. $20 Business Card....................................................................... $15 Display Ads-Text Only Supplied Classified Ads (NEW RATES) $5 for up to 50 words; $5 per photo; $5 non-member fee Web Site The ADA Website is www.azdressage.org. You may advertise on the site for $50 per year or $30 for six months. Non-members please add $5. Deadline: 10th of the previous month Mail to: ADA PO Box 31602, Phoenix, AZ 85046-1602 Email to: centerline@azdressage.org
How Can you Contribute to the Centerline? There are many ways you can contribute to making The Centerline a more useful and informative newsletter for the membership. Barn Tips Submit your innovative, imaginative and useful barn tips to Meredith Watters at watters4@cox.net Letters to the Editor If you have comments, suggestions, or wish to express opinions relating to the sport of dressage, submit your letter for consideration to centerline@azdressage.org Clinic Reviews Write up a review of a clinic you attended describing the training and what you learned from the clinician. Send submissions to centerline@azdressage.org Barn News This column is for the trainer/barn to brag about the accomplishments of its clients, introduce new clients and horses, update readers about any barn improvements, or talk about any other news of interest to the membership. It’s a free plug for the barn, trainer and clients. Send submissions to centerline@azdressage.org Nuggets Do you have a training concept that you would like to share? Something your trainer has said to make your understanding more clear? Please share with other riders by sending submissions to centerline@azdressage.org Product Endorsements/Advertising In most cases, products and services are paid advertising. Occasionally a specific product will be named as to how it benefits the horse or rider, but this is discouraged. Press Releases are welcome. Likewise, articles that are negative in nature concerning a particular product will not be considered for publication. Classifieds Have something for sale? For rent? Want something? Put your ad in the classifieds to see if someone has what you want, or wants what you have. Send to centerline@azdressage.org It’s Why I Ride or Living The Dream Submit an article and photo of you and your horse describing why you ride. Send to centerline@azdressage.org. If the photo is a riding photo, please wear a helmet for photo.
Northern Arizona Chapter Website
Please be sure that your check accompanies all your ads.
USDF Region 5 Website http://usdfregion5.org/
Classified Ad Order Form Name/Business:__________________________________________________________________ Phone:___________________________Cell:_______________________________________ Address:___________________________________City/State/Zip;______________________________ Email:_______________________________________________________________________________ (ADS WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED WITHOUT PAYMENT) Email: Centerline@azdressage.org
Alternate Directors: Committee and Program Chairs: Awards: Carolyn Haskell Centerline Editor: Kay Lorenzen Communications: Sue Leutwyler Education: Sarah Lindsten Finance: Cynthia Ganem Fundraising: Anne Buchanan Futurity: Janet Solanik j.solanik@azdressage.org Historian: Sue Leutwyler Juniors/Young Riders: Bobbie Lynn McKee b.mckee@azdressage.org Membership: Michell Combs Nominating: Michell Combs Scholarship: Ann Damiano a.damiano@azdressage.org Show: Kathy Smith Scores Compilation: Sue Leutwyler Webmaster: Sue Leutwyler Northern Arizona Chapter: President: Lynn Simpson Vice President: Joyce Cecchini Treasurer: Linda Roth Secretary: Emily Dolan Sue Crampton Jack Tismeer Michele Renner Sondra Wilkening ADA Board Attorney: Wendy Riddell
Region 5 Message
Voting Directors: President: Sue Leutwyler s.leutwyler@azdressage.org 1st VP: Kathy Smith k.smith@azdressage.org 2nd VP: Lara Bowles l.bowles@azdressage.org Secretary: Cindy Hitchcock c.hitchcock@azdressage.org Treasurer: Cynthia Ganem c.ganem@azdressage.org Trustee of Records:Cynthia Ganem c.ganem@axdressage.org Heather Bilodeau h.bilodeau@azdressage.org Anne Buchanan a.buchanan@azdressage.org Michell Combs m.combs@azdressage.org Betty Drake b.drake@azdressage.org Jill Graf j.graf@azdressage.org Carolyn Haskell c.haskell@azdressage.org Sarah Lindsten s.lindsten@azdressage.org
928-636-7579 928-636-7566 928-759-2683 928-642-4342 928-925-6043 928-830-4192 440-221-8587 928-925-6434 w.riddell@azdressage.org
Another WOW for this year! The second USDF National Championships in Kentucky was a wonderful experience. It was great to see our Region 5 competitors in attendance – several more horses then last year. Congratulations to the following combinations that attended this year – we’re so proud of everyone. You represented us well and we look forward to even more of our Region 5 folks competing next year. Cyndi Jackson and Don Angelo Kay Lorenzen and Wendo Andria Allen and Don Rubin Jenny Baldwin with Hanseat and Fabrioso Lisa Battan and Imparable Shannon Dahmer and Lakota Lace Shannon Dahmer and The King of Rock’n Roll Sandra Eckles and Arnoud Suzie Halle and Tennyson ISF Olga Hendrickson and Carolo 3 Jennifer Sotiroff and Roca Mimi Junick and Butterfly Kisses Cynthia Scopac and Cosworth Allen Swafford and Romantic There were several volunteers and officials from Region 5 also – myself, Sandra Hotz and Kristi Wysocki. What a great opportunity for camaraderie and education. I’ve already signed up to volunteer again next year! It’s wonderful to support this show while it’s in the Midwest as we hope when it rotates to the west those folks will come out and help in return. The USDF convention takes place at the beginning of December in Massachusetts and I’m looking forward to seeing our regional representatives and working through the business of the organization. Bids will be opening soon for hosting the 2016 Great American USDF Region 5 Championships. I’d love to hear from any interested parties as soon as possible so I can get you a list of the information we’re going to need for those bids. All Regional Championships will continue to be held by October 20th since the Champions and Reserve Champions of the Adult Amateur and Open divisions will feed into the Nationals Championships through the nomination process. There are also wild card spots for those who obtain high enough scores in the Championship classes. I hope everyone has a great Holiday Season! Till next month! Heather Petersen Region 5 Director
MINUTES ARIZONA DRESSAGE ASSOCIATION Regular Meeting November 10, 2014 Draft Minutes www.azdressage.org The meeting was called to order at 6:38 p.m. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Directors Present: Kathy Smith, Cynthia Ganem, Heather Bilodeau, Sue Leutwyler, Michell Combs, Carolyn Haskell, Lara Bowles, Cindy Hitchcock, Sarah Lindsten, Jill Graf. Directors/Alternate Directors Absent: Betty Drake, Anne Buchanan. Guests: Pam Polydoros Chairpersons of Standing Committees: None Present.
Officer’s Reports: 5. 6. 7.
Secretary’s Report – MOTION: Lara Bowles moved to accept the Secretary’s report as printed in the Centerline and posted on the web. VOTE: Unanimous. RESULT: Motion Carried. Treasurer’s and Finance Report – October, 2014: Operating Acct. - $45,053.10; Reserve Accounts to cover catastrophic show/equipment loss fall $12,193.31 short; Credit Card Acct. - $313.85; Pantano CD - $11,434.11. MOTION: Kathy Smith moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented. VOTE: Unanimous. RESULT: Motion Carried. st Recognized Shows (1 VP) a. Oktoberfest Show – Good turnout. Phillip Kast worked as Ground Manager. b. Fall Fiesta Show – The show ran smoothly, including the new internet upload score adding system, which enabled everyone to view scores on their personal devices. A new Grounds Manager was also hired. c. Fun In February – A TD has been hired. Kathy Smith is in the process of hiring the judges for the show. Flagstaff show and Dressage Finals discussion followed. d. West World Policies Discussion – Discussion of West World plans to restrict all food and beverages on the show grounds to being purchased from approved West World vendors. Schooling Shows (2nd VP) – Approximately 45 rides at the November show at Dale Creek. Next show is December 7th, at Bar A Ranch in North Scottsdale. Sarah Lindsten will judge.
Standing Committee Reports: 9.
10. 11. 12.
13. 14.
15. 16. 17. 18. 19.
Membership Committee – a. October 30, 2014: 325; ADA/USDF GMO Members: Adults; 294, Junior/Young Riders; 31. Michell Combs will do an e-blast for 2015 and an online payment is being set up. Fundraising Committee - Fundraising for the Fall show; $5,180.00 in ads and sponsorships. Revere Saddlery has committed to a full page ad in our show programs. Tom’s Thumb is another new sponsor. Equipment Committee - Jay Chabucos purchased two printers, which totaled approximately $300.00. Additional radios need to be purchased before the next show. Kathy Smith will check on the amount needed. MOTION: Jill Graf moved to raise the printer budget to $350.00. VOTE: Unanimous. RESULT: Motion carried. Education Committee – Educational Clinics: Ride with the Judge Clinic, December 28, 2014. Response Training Clinic – Desensitizing the Spooky Horse with Toah Hatch, date TBD. Volunteer and Scribe Clinic, date TBD. Trailer Safety Clinic, date TBD. Freestyle Clinic and Wine Tasting Event, date TBD. Dorie Vlatten-Schmitz will be hosting a non-ADA Sport Horse Clinic, date TBD. Juniors/Young Riders Committee Report – Bobbie Lynn McKee is coordinating the JR/YR’s. Communications Committee – October 2014 Report – Total Page views: 67,149; Average Page views/Day 2,166; Average # Different Computers/Day: 471. Most Popular Pages: Fall Fiesta PL, Home Page, Oct. eCL, Omnibus. Most Popular PDF Downloads: Members Only Day Sheets, Oktoberfest Rider Schedule, Fall Day Sheets and Rider Schedules, Show Manager Letters, Barn Charts. Awards Committee – GP trophy and President’s Cup trophy discussion. High Point trophy handout/pickup discussed. Volunteer Committee – Heather Bilodeau is in the process of compiling the volunteer lists. Vendor Committee – There were a total of eleven vendors for the Fall Fiesta show. Two of the vendors were new to the ADA this show. Futurity Committee - Five entries so far. Nomination – Board Member Re-election. Ballots for voting on Board Members will be mailed in early December. List of nominees were posted in the October Centerline.
Ad Hoc Committee Reports: Old Business: New Business: 20. 21.
Travel Grant – MOTION: Lara Bowles moved to grant Ann Damiano $300.00 to attend the USDF Dressage Finals. VOTE: Unanimous. RESULT: Motion Carried. USDF BOG (December 3-6, Cambridge, MA) a. Travel Funding – GMO Delegate/ADA Representative – Cynthia Ganem will represent the Board and Sue Leutwyler will carry the votes. Both will attend. MOTION: Sarah Lindsten moved to approve travel funding of $1,750.00 for the GMO delegate and one ADA representative. VOTE: 8 Yay, 2 Abstain. RESULT: Motion Carried.
CALL TO MEMBERS – Members may be recognized by the Presiding Officer and may then address the Board regarding issues of concern to the Association. The Presiding Officer has the right to limit the amount of time that each Member has to address the Board. GUEST: Pam Polydoros spoke on the subject of Schooling Show tests for Gaited Dressage and Western Dressage. She suggested that the Schooling Show judges attend a lecture on the different gaits of the gaited horse. Pam will coordinate this. Announcement of Next Meeting – Regular Meeting of December 8, 2014, at the home of Cindy Hitchcock. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 8:26 p.m. MOTION: Cynthia Ganem moved to adjourn the meeting. VOTE: Unanimous. RESULT: Motion Carried.
2015 Arizona Dressage Show Calendar Show Level Show Date January 17-18, TDC Winter Heat I & II 3 2015 Tucson -- Pima County Fairgrounds ADA Fun in February Litchfield Park -- Dale Creek Equestrian Vil1 February 8, 2015 lage March 14-15, TDC March Madness I & II 3 2015 Tucson -- Pima County Fairgrounds March 28-29, ADA Spring Celebration 3 2015 Scottsdale -- WestWorld Coconino Dressage Spring Show 2 May 23-24, 2015 Flagstaff -- Fort Tuthill County Park Coconino Dressage Summer Show 2 July 11-12, 2015 Flagstaff -- Fort Tuthill County Park August 15-16, ADA Mountain Air & Dressage in the Pines 2 2015 Flagstaff -- Fort Tuthill County Park October 9-11, GAIC/USDF Region 5 Championships & ADA 4 2015 Octoberfest Scottsdale -- WestWorld Oct. 31-Nov. 1, ADA Fall Fiesta & State Championships 3 2015 Scottsdale -- WestWorld November 21-22, TDC Fall Festival I & II 3 2015 Tucson -- Pima County Fairgrounds
Closing Date December 19, 2014
Judges Christel Carlson, 'S'; Sarah Geikie, 'S'
January 13, 2015
Julie Sodowsky "R", "S"
February 18, 2015
Brent Hicks, 'S'; Sara Schmitt, 'S'
March 3, 2015 April 27, 2015 June 15, 2015 July 21, 2015 September 10, 2015 October 6, 2015 October 28, 2015
Joan Darnell, 'S'; Carter Bass, 'S', TBA Melonie Kessler, 'S'; Shirley Rector, 'S' Tracey Lert, 'S'; Dorie Vlatten Schmitz, 'S' Mike Osinski, 'S'; Cindy Canace, 'S' Bill Warren, 'S'; Cara Whitham, 'S'; TBA Lorraine MacDonald, 'S'; Doreen Horsey, 'S' Sue Curry Shaffer, 'S'; Barbara Ebner, 'S'
Clinic with German Dressage Trainer Ulf Wiltfang at BAR A Ranch in North Scottsdale December 14 and 16, 2014 Would you like to work with one of Germany’s “best kept secrets”? Have you experienced roadblocks in your path up the levels? Are you searching for more engagement and a soft, lifted, swinging back? Maybe your horse is long in the back, tight or tense and resistant to carrying more weight behind? Heavy/too light in the hand and not really lifting his forehand? If so, then come and take this opportunity to work with a trainer who has been called upon time and again to fix the problems others have created! You will be amazed at what he will be able to coax out of you and your horse in just one or two sessions. Come with an open mind - his knowledge and skill will benefit the upper level rider/horse combination just as much as the novice on her not-so-perfect mount. Ulf Wiltfang will be in AZ between December 13 to 16, 2014, and will be available for lessons during that time. Fee per private lesson is $150, auditors can attend for $20 at the door. For more information and to sign up, please contact Regina Hartwick at 480 585 1781 or 571 426 6374, or email at rzhartwick@gmail.com.
AM I TOO VOLUPTUOUS FOR MY HORSE .... By Dianna Blasingim While recently at a horse event, I was amazed to see huge men riding small quarter horses. I was amazed to see these animals galloping and sliding, spinning and chasing cows .. actually, the sliding thing made sense. I heard more than once, "oh, horses can easily carry heavy weights and be fine". Of course, so many of these horses don’t stay competitive into their teenaged years and end up with all sorts of lameness and soreness issues .. they simply don’t hold up. It seems that lately people seem more focused on whether their horse is too big for them, rather than am I too heavy for my horse? There has been specific research done that has shown that there is a threshold for when a horse is being asked to carry weight which is not healthy or safe for them to carry (combined weight of their rider and equipment). The research found: 1. When a horse carries between 15-20% of their body weight, they showed relatively little indication of stress. 2. When they were packing weights of 25% of their body weight, they showed marked evidence that they were being unduly stressed; and 3. At 30% and over, the evidence of being stressed became greatly accentuated, which included: a. having noticeably faster breathing; b. higher heart rates (especially evident when carrying tack and rider amounting to 25% or more of their body weight). 4. A day after trotting and cantering with the heavier weights, and the horses' muscles showed substantially greater soreness and tightness. Interestingly, the horses who had less soreness than other horses were experiencing were wider in their loins (i.e., the part of a horse's back located between their last rib and croup). Based on the study’s results, its authors recommend that horses not be loaded with greater than 20% of their body weight. Therefore, a 1,200 pound horse would be best off carrying no more than 240 lbs of tack and rider. What was unclear to me was ... are these percentages for simply riding and hacking or were they inclusive for horses that were being asked to be competitive in some sport such as dressage, roping, jumping, competitive trail, etc., etc. So, for me, I would conclude that it is probably in the best interest of our equine partners that are competition horses that they not be asked to carry any more than 15% or less of their body weight in tack and rider. What is truly fascinating is that this research reinforced and supported that which was published in 1920 in the US Calvary Manuals of Horse Management.
Calendar of Events December 2014
6: The Equine Foot and Lower Limb. 9AM-1PM, presented by Cave Creek Equine Surgical and Diagnostic Imaging Center, 34705 N. 14th Street, Cave Creek, AZ. Contact office@cavecreekequine.com, or 623-581-5508 7: ADA Schooling Show, Located at Bar A, Judge TBD, contact Cynthia Ganem c.ganem@azdressage.org 8: ADA Meeting, Location TBD 14: CFF Schooling Days, Location Carefree Farms, Judge TBD, Contact Laura Borghesani laura.borghesani@gmail.com http://carefreefarms.net/clinicsschoolingevents.html 8: ADA Meeting, Location TBD 28: Improve Your Judging Eye, contact Sarah Lindsten s.lindsten@azdressage.org 28: Upgrade Your Judging Eye, Clinician Beverly Rogers, contact s.lindsten@azdressage.org. See registration form on Page 7. 28: NAC Schooling Show Series, New Location American Ranch Equestrian Center, Prescott, Secretary Lynn Simpson jlsmes48@gmail.com
January 2015
11: CFF Schooling Days, Location Carefree Farms, Judge TBD, Contact Laura Borghesani laura.borghesani@gmail.com http://carefreefarms.net/clinicsschoolingevents.html 17-18: TDC Winter Heat I & II. Location Pima County Fairgrounds, Judges Christel Carlson “S” and Sarah Geikie “S”, Manager Jay Chabucos, JayChabucos@gmail.com, Secretary Dian Seabury dfseabury@gmail.com
1: ADA Scholarship Applications Due 13-16: Conrad Schumacher Clinic, Location 29292 N. 78th Street, Scottsdale, AZ, contact sarah.lindsten@yahoo.com 15: CFF Schooling Days, Location Carefree Farms, Judge TBD, Contact Laura Borghesani laura.borghesani@gmail.com http:// carefreefarms.net/clinicsschoolingevents.html 8: ADA Fun in February, Location Dale Creek Equestrian Center, Judges TBD, Manager Kathy Smith k.smith@azdressage.org, Secretary Cynthia Ganem c.ganem@azdressage.org 21-22: ADA Freestyle Clinic, Featuring Cynthia Collins. Contact Sarah Lindsten s.lindsten@azdressage.org
March 2015
1: Final Futurity Payment Due Contact Janet Solanik at j.solanik@azdressage.org 8: CFF Schooling Days, Location Carefree Farms, Judge TBD, Contact Laura Borghesani laura.borghesani@gmail.com http:// carefreefarms.net/clinicsschoolingevents.html 14-15: TDC March Madness I & II,Location Pima County Fairgrounds, Judges Brent Hicks “S” and Sara Schmitt “S”, Manager Jay Chabucos 623 221 0707, JayChabucos@gmail.com, Secretary Dian Seabury dfseabury@gmail.com
28-29: ADA Spring Celebration, Location WestWorld, Judges JoanDarnell “S” and Carter Bass “S”, Manager Jay Chabucos JayChabucos@gmail.com, Secretary Sue Plasman s.plasman@azdressage.org
April 2015
12: CFF Schooling Days, Location Carefree Farms, Judge TBD, Contact Laura Borghesani laura.borghesani@gmail.com http://carefreefarms.net/ clinicsschoolingevents.html 15-19: FEI World Cup Finals, Las Vegas
May 2015
23-24: Coconino Spring Show, Location Fort Tuthill, Flagstaff, Judges Melonie Kessler “S” and Shirley Rector “S”, Manager Alice Sarno www.cononinohorsetrials.com Secretary Sue Plasman s.plasman@azdressage.org
June 2015 July 2015
11-12: Coconino Summer Show,Location Fort Tuthill, Flagstaff, Judges Tracey Lert “S” and Dorie Vlatten-Schmitz “S”, Manager Alice Sarno www.cononinohorsetrials.com Secretary Sue Plasman s.plasman@azdressage.org
August 2015
15-16: ADA Mountain Air Dressage and ADA Dressage in the Pines,Location Fort Tuthilll, Flagstaff, Judges Mike Osinski “S” and Cindy Canase “S”, Manager Jay Chabucos JayChabucos@gmail.com, Secretary Sue Plasman s.plasman@azdressage.org
September 2015 October 2015
9-11: ABIG/USDF Region 5 Championships/ADA Octoberfest, Location WestWorld, Judges Bill Solyntjes “S”, Bill Warren “S” and Cara Whitham “S”, Manager Jay Chabucos JayChabucos@gmail.com, Secretary Sue Plasman s.plasman@azdressage.org 31-Nov 1: ADA Fall Fiesta and AZ State Championships, Location Westworld, Judges TBD, Manager Jay Chabucos JayChabucos@gmail.com, Secretary Sue Plasman s.plasman@azdressage.org
November 2015 21-22: TDC Fall Festival I & II and State Championships, Location Pima County Fairgrounds, Judges Sue Curry Shaffer “S” and Barbara Ebner “S”, Manager Jay Chabucos 623 221 0707 JayChabucos@gmail.com, Secretary Dian Seabury dfseabury@gmail.com
December 2015
Nuggets Training & Instruction Does your trainer or clinician or fellow rider have some quotes or pearls of wisdom that he or she states that crystallize a concept for your riding? If so, please email them to centerline@azdressage.org and they will be considered for publication.
USDF Bronze/Silver/Gold
From Sharon Biggs If you are getting consistent comments and low scores for the same things, be honest with yourself and decide if your training is going in the right direction. Don’t move up to th e n e x t le v e l u n ti l y ou ’re consistently scoring in at least the mid to high 60s.
Please Thank the Following Sponsors for their Significant Support of Arizona Dressage Association First Bank/Silver Sponsorship Barbara and Michael McLean/ Silver Star Sponsorship Michael Riegger, DVM/Bronze Sponsorship Supporters like this make our shows and educational programs possible. Thank you!
Clinics ● Sales
L Graduate
SHOW JITTERS? RELAX THE RIDER RELAX THE HORSE Horses can sense nervousness and tension and it will affect their performance. Reflexology is the practice of applying pressure to the feet and hands to reduce tension and induce deep relaxation sending signals that balance the nervous system and release endorphins, reducing pain and stress.
Sessions available in home or at the show
Point of Interest Therapy Certified Reflexologist Diana Seaton, C.R. 785-567-3357 dseatoncr@gmail.com http://pointofinterest.massageplanet.com
Journey to Kentucky By Kay Lorenzen For several years, I was a delegate for Arizona/Region 5 at the USDF Conventions. A topic of discussion year after year was how and whether to hold a nationwide head-to-head competition for Adult Amateurs. I voted YES when the issue finally came to vote. I believe I spoke for many people across the nation who would figure out a way to get to Kentucky if they were invited. Hence, the US Dressage Finals came into existence. Fast forward a couple years, and my horse, Wendo, and I managed to win the Region 5 Championship at Fourth Level AA in Parker, CO. At the same time, my daughter, Cyndi Jackson, won the PSG and I-1 Open championships on Don Angelo, owned by Ann Damiano. We had all committed to making the trip to Lexington if we won. So began the weeks of planning our journey. My goal for the trip was to simply ride the best test I could and to represent Arizona and our Region well. On Monday, November 3rd, the shipper picked up Wendo and Don Angelo and headed east. Sadly, the third horse (Rianna, owned by Kendall Brookhart and ridden by Beverly Rogers) was unable to come along at the last minute. Cyndi, Ann and I (and PJ and Ronin) flew out Tuesday Kay and Wendo morning, arriving after the horses were in their stalls. When we arrived at the barn, we found Wendo a bit lethargic and not eating. We called the vet who determined he had a fever. After an ultrasound of both lungs and gut, and having blood drawn, he was treated with Banamine and antibiotics to bring down the fever. His temperature dropped to normal within a couple hours and he began eating and drinking normally. His blood tested high in the white count. He was treated for three days, and we could only hand walk Tuesday and Wednesday. What a scare for us to have risked Wendo’s health, but fortunately, he rebounded quickly. On Wednesday, we hand walked him around the rings where he was to compete. We did a light ride on Thursday in the indoor arena. We weren’t allowed in the other arenas because competition began that day. Cyndi and I were to ride our championship rides starting Friday. Wendo received an unexpected visit from his breeder. Jana Wagner, and her daughter and son, stopped by his stall and introduced themselves. Wendo’s sire, Wagnis, has since been gelded but they indicated that his offspring have wonderful rideability and temperaments. His half brother, Wakeup, was also at the competition. It was so nice to finally meet them. On Thursday morning, my husband, John arrived, and that evening, John made reservations for dinner at Carrabas in Lexington. Cyndi and I were surprised by the unexpected appearance of my son, Chris, and his partner, John. They had driven 11 hours from New Orleans to arrive in time for dinner to surprise us. Having the entire family present was so meaningful for us all.
Kay with Chris and John
We saw some other friends there. Jennifer BrinkmanAyers was helping Patti Blackmore with her Second Level horse. Patti moved from Payson a few years back and it was nice to see her again. Ann Quinn also made the trip, with her trainer and some barn buddies. So nice to reconnect with them. We stabled next to some Region 5 riders from Shannon Dahmer’s group. So we had a great group there to support and encourage each other. Cyndi rode her I-1 test Friday morning, coming in fourth of over twenty riders. Her awards ceremony was the same time as my warm up for my ride after lunch so Niki Clarke helped me until Cyndi was available. Wendo was spunky on the ride out to the warmup but settled into his work and we had a fairly good warmup and entered the ring. Except for being accidentally whistled off course then told to proceed by the judge at “C”, and a couple bobbles, the test went well and we got a 65.333%. We finished third out of 12 riders.
Kay and Wendo in their Championship class
The awards ceremony was held in the Alltech Arena, which was amazing! The mural on the wall looked like competitors were riding next to a beautiful Kentucky blue grass pasture with horses in it. The flowers were beautiful and abundant around the arena. Wendo had not been in there before, but handled the ceremony and victory round like a pro. Wendo and I rode a PSG test on Saturday and had a decent test with a 64% for fifth Place. Cyndi’s championship PSG ride was on Sunday. After that, we had to pack everything up so the shipper could make the trip home. I was worried about Wendo getting sick again, but we think he figured out some things on the long haul back and maintained a normal temperature during the trip and after he got back home.
Final Score
The entire experience was thrilling! The Kentucky Horse Park is an amazing facility with beautiful rings, and good footing. The weather was overcast and rainy for the first couple of days, but starting Friday, it was mostly sunny. The breeze kept it brisk, with highs in the 40s and 50s. The Lexington countryside is breathtaking. There were fall colors, but the Kentucky blue grass was green and beautiful. There was good shopping in the Alltech Arena. The show management was flawless, once we got the barn assignments worked out. We were in a heated barn, which was fortunate given the outside weather. Being surrounded by family and friends topped it off! From left, Ann Damiano, Cyndi Jackson and me
Once I had been home for a few days, I had yet another surprise. I received in the mail a certificate that Wendo and I had won the High Score Breed Award for the American Warmblood Registry AA. There are so many things that I am grateful for. I have a loving and supportive family who was willing to make a trip with me to fulfill this dream. My horse is amazing and giving. My trainer, Cyndi, provides me with excellent instruction so that I can achieve the best results possible at shows and gain the most enjoyment from my riding and ride my horse in the best possible way for his wellbeing. Our friends were so supportive on and off Facebook! USDF did a fantastic job of putting on this show. RMDS did a great job of holding Regionals. And ADA has put on excellent competitions throughout the year so everyone can qualify. Thanks to ADA for approving the travel grant that will help with our expenses.
Our PSG test
The experience of attending the US Dressage Finals is one that I would encourage all Adult Amateurs to strive for. Having the opportunity to compete at the Kentucky Horse Park gives you a feeling that you have arrived, especially if you get to ride in the Alltech Arena! Representing your state and Region is an honor and a thrill. Having the opportunity to do this with my daughter, Cyndi, made it even more special. Having your trainer there helps you feel more confident. It was an absolutely amazing experience and I hope more of our Arizona competitors have the chance to go. Alltech Arena
Alltech Arena
Things to Consider for the Trip
The planning for the US Dressage Finals trip involved many things that may not be on your usual checklist for a show. Below are some important items to consider. Shipping. Check out the prices for driving the horses yourself, flying, or having the horses shipped. We called several shippers to check prices, stopovers, pick up and delivery dates. Some could not guarantee getting the horses into Lexington on the day we wanted them there. Flying them was much more expensive and involved a haul to LAX plus the flight time to Lexington. We selected a shipper who could get the horses there in time for a day of rest, and a day of warm up prior to the beginning of competition. Hay and Supplements. Determine how much you have to take along, and if you will have to buy some while you are there. Keeping your horse on their same hay can benefit their well being. Luggage. Rather than pay for a second piece of luggage if you fly to KY, consider sending that extra bag with the shipper. Car rental. You will need to get around while you are there. Traveling from the hotel to the barn to restaurants, to pick up items you may have forgotten, will all make a rental car convenient. Omeprazole. Our vet recommended that we start giving Omeprazole a couple days prior to leaving, and every day till they were back for three days to protect their digestive systems from ulcers. Electrolytes. The vet and shipper wanted us to give electrolytes 12 hours before getting on the trailer so the horses would be hydrated. If they are not drinking well upon arrival, electrolytes can be given each day. Thermometer. Be sure to take one along. It’s good to check temperatures if the horses aren’t eating. Photographs. You will be contacted by the official photographer for the show. This is an experience to commemorate so spend the money for the pictures. It will be worth it! Videos. Even if someone in your support group is going to video your rides, order the professional video. You never know when the camera isn’t charged, is full and won’t video, or your friend can’t get in the right place to video. The videographer for the show sent us the link via email so we were able to post on Facebook within a couple hours, in addition to providing a CD.
Barn Check. Having the assurance that someone is checking your horse throughout the night is comforting. They will feed hay and supplements if you want. The Weather. The temperatures in Arizona were 88 when we left, and they were in the 40s when we arrived in Kentucky. Long underwear, outer wear, gloves, scarves, hats, winter boots, blankets for the horses, coolers, quarter sheets can all be necessary. Heated Barn vs Outdoor stalls. The heated barn was a godsend. There is hot and cold water at the washracks, and a heated bathroom! The weather was windy and rainy and cold. The outdoor stalls had a plastic curtain in front to break the wind and rain, but the heat in the barn was such a relief. The Invitation. Send in your entry as soon as you receive the invitation. You will have a better chance to get in the heated barn. Vet or farrier care. You never know when you will need a shoe tacked back on, or to have the vet come and check your horse. Fortunately, there is an equine medical facility across the street from the Kentucky Horse Park so help was close by. Stalls. The stalls in the barn had a concrete floor. Even with heavy shavings, the horses can slip on the concrete when they lie down and try to get up. Consider taking stall mats if you can get your shipper to take them. Double stalls. Some people wanted more room for their horses to move around, so they reserved two stalls. Some people even put their trunks at one end of the double stall and used it as their tack stall. Not all horses would leave the trunks alone, but it might be a possibility. Some people just put their trunks in the aisle way. Hay was stored wherever people could find a place for it. The Park was very tolerant of where people stored things. Shopping. The US Dressage Finals Merchandise was reasonably priced and made nice mementos. They have jackets, shirts, ball caps and more. There were lots of vendors with great products.
USDF kept us well informed with emails once we were invited and had sent in our entries. Be sure to keep track of your emails. It’s easy to forget something. The big things are hard to replace. The little things can be purchased there. Good planning will take a lot of stress out of your trip No one needs additional stress when you are preparing to go down centerline.
Classified Ads FOR SALE 12 yr old gelding. Sweet and very fancy. 17hds. Schooling second level. Shown training and first. In the 70.s jumps and good on trail. $18,000. Call Jenny 6239353267 no text. Cccfarms3@aol.com Custom Saddlery Icon Star Monoflap Dressage Saddle, Black Buffalo Leather with Silver stitching, 17.5" seat, Standard length flap with Short Roll Normal Position thigh block. Fully adjustable wood spring tree, currently set to approx. MN. 3 years old, great condition, well cared for and worked on by CS reps. Located in North Phoenix $3,500 Contact: Charity Weaver (405) 8301342 or DressageHorses@msn.com Services Profesional Body Clipping, $100, References upon request, Please contact Katie Widener 602.881.4185
This is a preliminary ballot – eligible voters will receive an official ballot in the mail
ADA Board of Director Elections Ballot Vote for 4 members. To be counted, this form must be received by mail in the enclosed envelope by January 31, 2015 or in person at the annual meeting on February 2nd, 2015. Your ballot will be separated from the envelope so that your vote is secret. Please do not remove the return address label. It is used to verify that you are a member and eligible to vote. Removing your address label from the envelope will invalidate your vote. The order of nomination is alphabetical by first name. □ Cindy Hitchcock My name is Cindy Hitchcock and I am running for the Arizona Dressage Association Board of Directors. Currently, I am serving in the position of Secretary on the ADA Board, part of which includes being present and taking the minutes at each meeting. I am also a committee member on the Schooling Show Committee, hiring judges, obtaining venues and helping out wherever needed. In the past, I have served as Second Vice-President in charge of managing the ADA Schooling Shows and have volunteered as a demo rider for some of the many educational programs the ADA offers. I have earned my USDF Bronze, Silver and Gold medals and am currently training my young DWB mare, Daralinde, whom I imported as a four year old. I feel that the Arizona Dressage Association plays an important role in our dressage community and if elected, I will continue to offer my services to the Board and its members. □ Cynthia Ganem Cynthia Ganem is a professional artist. She has been teaching watercolor and oil painting in the valley for 30 years. She is a very sought after instructor who has taught workshops throughout the United States, Mexico, Europe, Canada and the Grand Caymans. Cynthia is a juried and Life Member of the Arizona Artists Guild and a juried member of the Arizona Watercolor Association. She served on the Arizona Artists Guild Board for 18 years holding the offices of First Vice President, Second Vice President, Building Manager and President. She is also a judge of art competitions throughout Arizona. For the past 12 years Cynthia has also been working part-time as an accounting assistant for a construction company and two restaurants. She is the proud owner of Fresco “The Man”. Fresco is a 19 year old Holsteiner bay gelding currently showing at PSG. Cynthia is showing Fresco at Fourth Level and working hard to start showing at PSG soon. Cynthia has been on the ADA Board for at least seven years now. She is a past President, has been your ADA Schooling Show Secretary for five years and your Treasurer for the past two year. Cynthia is a very active volunteer not only with the ADA Board, but scribes at most of the shows, helps out with clinics, fundraisers and assisting wherever needed □ Kimberly Pribble My name is Kimberly (Kim) Pribble. I started riding around the age of 8 at a local hunter/jumper barn in Virginia. Growing up, my family did not have the means to support the high-end hunter/jumper life, so I worked for my lessons and rode anything I could. My first horse was a 3-year old, off-the-track Thoroughbred that cost $850. Over time, I became interested in 3-day eventing and evented up to the Preliminary level. I also become passionate about Sport Horse breeding and bloodlines and have bred and raised numerous Oldenburg youngsters. I also like to take on a “project” horse at times and my most successful one ultimately competed at the North American Young Riders’ Championships in eventing. Professionally, I work in Federal law enforcement and after a career promotion and transfer to Arizona in 2009, AND after having back surgery, I found Beverly Rogers and started focusing on Dressage. Last year, I was the Reserve Champion ADA Training Level Rider of the Year; and this year, I was the ADA 1st Level Champion AA Rider of the Year riding my KWPN gelding Avesto aka Vito. Currently, I am riding and showing Featuring Abigail aka Abbey, a 7-year old Oldenburg, by Weltstern (Welt As) who I bred and raised myself, and am competing at 2nd level with her. Abbey was also the winner of the ADA 1st level Futurity in 2012. I own a small, private “backyard” barn where I keep my horses at home. I am an avid learner when it comes to horses and dressage and I read every book, watch every video, and attend every clinic I possibly can. I lesson regularly with Beverly and I clinic regularly with David Wightman and Christine Traurig. I have also participated in the ADA sponsored clinic with Jan Ebeling as a rider, and my horse Avesto, participated in the Conrad Schumacher clinic and was ridden by Beverly. I also had the honor to clinic with Kathleen Raine. This year I travelled to LA Equestrian Center and audited a symposium with Charlotte DuJardin and subsequently wrote a series of three articles for the ADA Centerline on the “nuggets” I learned. I also learned to scribe and have volunteered at the Scottsdale Arabian horse show.
□ Pam Polydoros My name is Pam Polydoros, and I live in Scottsdale. I have two horses at this time, an American Saddlebred mare and a Tennessee Walking Horse mare whom I keep at home. I feel that I would be an asset to the ADA Board because I would bring experience, organization, knowledge and versatility. I have two years’ experience being on the Board of the American Saddlebred Association of Arizona. During that time, I was involved in all of the Board's decisions regarding five horse shows per year, clinics, expenses, etc. I feel that I learned a lot about how a horse organization works during my tenure. I also, personally, have experience in the show world because I have been actively showing horses for 18 years. I began with hunter/jumpers on Thoroughbreds, then transitioned to Hunter Country Pleasure with Saddlebreds and Trail Pleasure with Tennessee Walkers. I have always had a fascination with Dressage, and two years ago began taking lessons with Julie Sodowsky with my Saddlebreds (I had two at the time). I take lessons on my Tennessee Walker with my long time (10 years) trainer, Barb Hanes, who uses principles of Dressage in her program. I have participated in a number of Dressage shows, both rated and schooling. I consider myself a very organized person, and feel that that skill is an asset for anybody involved in an organization. I ran a successful pet sitting business, Pam's Pampered Pets, for seventeen years and just recently retired from it. I keep my horses on a structured training program at home, trailering out two to three times per week for lessons. All of these things require good organization. I am a knowledgeable horsewoman, which is an asset for anybody serving on a horse association's board. I have an Associate's Degree in Equine Science from Scottsdale Community College, maintain my horses at home (as previously mentioned) and frequently read horse books and magazines to build my knowledge. Finally, I feel that I can bring some versatility to the ADA Board because of my interest in an alternative form of Dressage: Gaited Dressage. I think that having an assortment of people on a Board (trainers, amateurs, and people who are interested in other aspects of Dressage) makes a healthy, well rounded Board. □ Stephanie Altoff My name is Stephanie Althoff and horses have been a consuming part of my life for as long as I can remember. As a child I participated in 4H and hunter/jumpers but while in high school I wanted to learn dressage instead. At the time my family couldn’t afford to let me peruse that avenue of training. This was probably a blessing in disguise since I then went to college where I had very little time for riding. Upon graduating with my bachelor’s degrees I realized that I finally had a chance to begin a new riding career and the choice of dressage was very simple. I purchased a Friesian cross foal and together we began our journey to learn dressage. It has been a rewarding learning experience which is now culminating in a mile stone of our first completion year in 2015. As a new member to ADA and dressage I thought that serving on the board would have two benefits. It would be a great way to expand my knowledge about the sport and giving something back to the association that makes the practice of dressage practical in Arizona. I would grateful for the opportunity to give my time to ADA in any way that would be helpful. Thank you for your consideration. □ Teri Rich I have been an ADA member since I moved to Payson, AZ in 1985. I have shown horses in Dressage for over 30 years from Training Level to Grand Prix. I am a very successful Dressage Instructor and Trainer that is currently based at Los Cedros in Scottsdale, Az. I work with Jr and Young riders as well as numerous Adult Amateurs, many reaching goals at national, regional and state competitions but I also have students who don't compete but just want to learn. As a trainer I have been on the Developing Rider list, I have trained numerous horses to the Grand Prix level and have participated in the Young Horse program with multiple talented young prospects. I have also been a breeder of dressage horses. I have always wanted to make a difference in Arizona dressage and now that I have moved to the Scottsdale area I feel I can contribute my knowledge and expertise to the club in the hope of making a better dressage community. I feel we have amazing potential to grow and showcase dressage in Arizona. My passion is education and I would love to see more educational events for our members. There are so many things to learn about besides just riding. We have veterinary medicine, rider psychology, cross training and conditioning your dressage horse, breeding a top dressage horse, judging, and so much more. In addition, with one of the top facilities in Westworld, I would like to see Arizona have the ability to host big events again, like a CDI or a USDF Symposium, as we have in the past. I think if we want our club to grow, we all have to participate and work together. I would like to see more input from the members to make it a club that benefits everyone. More about me can be found on my website at www.carefreedressage.com or call me and I would be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Write-In Votes: □ _________________________________________________________________________ □ _________________________________________________________________________ □ _________________________________________________________________________
Costume Class at ADA Show
Gabe as crazy minion, kids as minions, Angel as Gru from “Despicable Me”
"IMPORTANT!!!!! Effective July 1st, WestWorld now requires "a negative Coggins dated within the previous 12 months" for ALL horses coming onto the show grounds. This is a cross-discipline requirement. Please help spread the word to your barns and your trainers. All ADA show events held at WW will require a copy of a negative Coggins (testing available from your local Veterinarian) WITH your Show Entry Form! WestWorld is trying to protect your horse from being exposed to Equine Infectious Anemia Virus (EIAV), the equine equivalent of human HIV! See this Article for Information: http:// www.eqgroup.com/Library/ equine_infectious_anemia.htm"
Show Results ADA Fall Fiesta November 1-2, 2014 Training Level Test 1 (C) Lamping, 1 Debbie Canaday 1 Wendy Riddell 2 Catherine Carlson 2 Catherine Brown 3 Michele Bourquin 1 Jamie Deconcini 4 Leesa Lane 5 Chris Skarsten 2 Alexandra Super 6 Francine Garrigus 3 Morganne Rosenhaus
Sshaq ++++// Loukas Reminiscence KTM Laredo Gold Shambala Miss Maisy Mae Oziwon Spot Me Alexa Bella Vezerre Just A Little Cookie
Training Level Test 2 (C) Kolstad, 1 Laura Decesari-Normandeau Mulato XV 2 Beverly Rogers Etoile 1 Debbie Canaday Sshaq ++++// 3 Catherine Brown KTM Laredo Gold 4 Wendy Riddell Loukas 1 Kenzie Riddell Angel 2 Michele Bourquin Shambala 3 Catherine Carlson Reminiscence 4 Allen Kalchik Arcola 2 Alexandra Super Alexa Bella 5 Tammy Webb Damiani 5 Morganne Rosenhaus Just A Little Cookie 3 Allyson DeHaven Millenium Mickey 6 Pamela Polydoros Winsdown's Windrose Michael Riegger Reilly Sue Crampton Quiet Storm Claudia Channing Chestnut Oaks Drummer Boy Cathy Lee Jones Freedom To Run Training Level Test 3 - AA and JR/YR division (C) Kolstad, 1 Caroline Lassetter Derby 1 Lise Flores-Reed Bam Bam Rh 2 Tania Radda Teodoro III 3 Susan Arbuckle Dash Of Pepper 4 Michele Bourquin Shambala 5 Leesa Lane Oziwon 6 Melisa Sannes Prince Caspian 2
4 5 6
Talia DeBrigida Jane Beebe Chris Skarsten Amy Roth Jill Breckner Kenzie Riddell Allen Kalchik Mary Townsend Pamela Polydoros Genevieve Oakes Sue Crampton Allyson DeHaven Jamie Deconcini
Training Level Test 3 - Open division (C) Hannon, 1 Beverly Rogers 2 Beverly Rogers 3 Laura Decesari-Normandeau 4 Paula Paglia
70.833% 65.833% 65.833% 65.625% 63.125% 62.500% 62.083% 61.875% 60.417% 58.125% 56.667%
72.857% 71.786% 70.179% 69.643% 68.750% 67.679% 67.321% 67.321% 65.893% 65.536% 65.357% 64.643% 62.679% 62.500% 61.964% 60.357% 57.500% 54.286%
75.400% 71.400% 68.600% 68.200% 68.000% 67.400% 66.400%
Elysium Habian Spot Me Dalmiro Rimo CSNZ Angel Arcola Stepping Stone Winsdown's Windrose Copper Sunshine Quiet Storm Millenium Mickey Miss Maisy Mae
66.200% 65.800% 65.600% 63.600% 62.800% 62.800% 62.400% 62.400% 60.800% 60.800% 60.600% 59.800% 52.600%
Bristol Etoile Mulato XV Slipstream
70.400% 70.000% 67.800% 64.600%
Training Level Test of Choice (C) Riehl-Rodriguez, 1 Lise Flores-Reed 2 Susan Arbuckle 1 Alexandra Super 3 Tammy Webb 4 Carolyn Haskell 2 Talia DeBrigida 3 Genevieve Oakes
Bam Bam Rh Dash Of Pepper Psychedelic Nights Damiani Fiona Elysium Copper Sunshine
69.200% 67.600% 64.821% 64.286% 63.600% 62.800% 62.679%
Training level test 1 Opportunity (C) Riehl-Rodriguez, 1 Patricia "Tabitha" Muller Heaven's Ridge Finley O'Shea 61.250% First Level Test 1 (C) Riehl-Rodriguez, 1 Beverly Rogers Bristol 2 Kailee Surplus Vienna 3 Beverly Rogers Primero Mac 4 Missy Gilliland Chalk Hills Lord Frederick 1 Marcy Blacker Aul Amira 2 Lindsay Naas Roy-Els Belle of the Ball 3 Ann-Marie Crookham Myst of Elysium 4 Kathleen Downie Freiheit 5 Meredith Peabody My-T 6 Kristie Rogers Flynn Noir 1 Reagan Leach Sun Up Jack Tania Radda Teodoro III Amy Roth Dalmiro Tammie Fulton Shadow Magic Michael Riegger E Tango! Jane Beebe Habian
71.207% 70.517% 70.345% 69.655% 66.897% 66.552% 65.690% 65.690% 65.172% 63.448% 62.931% 62.414% 62.241% 60.517% 58.103% 55.172%
First Level Test 2 (C) Kolstad, 1 Missy Gilliland 1 Catalina Sherwood 2 Susan Crinnian 1 Jessica Keesey 2 Juan Torres 3 Tammie Fulton
73.649% 71.622% 67.297% 64.459% 62.568% 61.892%
First Level Test 3 (C) Lamping, 1 Catalina Sherwood 2 Barbara Duzan 1 Karlie Lonchar 1 Beverly Rogers 2 Verena Hill 3 Meredith Peabody 3 Kailee Surplus 4 Christine Linn 5 Danielle Werstler 4 Paula Paglia 6 Marcy Blacker Sondra Powers 2 Jessica Keesey Melisa Sannes Susan Crinnian 5 Juan Torres Kathleen Downie 6 Catherine Brown Tia Finder Jayne Shelly
Chalk Hills Lord Frederick Razmitaz Titan Alessandro Pipers Stewart Shadow Magic
Razmitaz El Tigre D Oro Ecco Domani Primero Mac Dalmiro My-T Chestnut Oaks Drummer Boy Classie Com Elegancz Slipstream Aul Amira Aegyptian Gold Alessandro Prince Caspian Titan Pipers Stewart Freiheit Krugorrs Minuet Ms Ringo Starr Dona Valentina
67.903% 67.258% 67.097% 67.097% 65.968% 65.806% 63.548% 63.065% 63.065% 62.742% 62.258% 61.935% 61.774% 61.613% 61.290% 61.129% 60.000% 59.839% 57.097% 55.000%
Show Results ADA Fall Fiesta November 1-2, 2014 First Level Test of Choice (C) Kolstad, 1 Kristie Rogers 2 Lindsay Naas 3 Carolyn Haskell 1 Reagan Leach 4 Ann-Marie Crookham 5 Tia Finder
Flynn Noir Roy-Els Belle of the Ball Fiona Sun Up Jack Myst of Elysium Ms Ringo Starr
63.448% 62.027% 61.207% 60.517% 60.000% 55.161%
Second Level Test 1 (C) Hannon, 1 Catherine Brown 1 Jodi Reynolds 2 Nathalie Eikel-Baughman
Classie Com Cja Debbonheir Zevis Private Jet
67.143% 63.000% 60.143%
Second Level Test 2 (C) Riehl-Rodriguez, 1 Marji McFadden 2 Elizabeth Eggers 3 Sondra Powers
Bacioni Windstarr Aegyptian Gold
69.342% 62.500% 62.105%
Second Level Test 3 (C) Lamping, 1 Verena Hill 1 Margaret Kurbat 1 Amanda Southerly 2 Megan Manning 2 Jodi Reynolds 2 Wendy Riddell 3 Brianna Boone 3 Marji McFadden 3 Patricia "Tabitha" Muller 4 Elizabeth Eggers
In D'Aire Solana Zanzybar SR Ssavant Cja Debbonheir Elegancz Roxanne Bacioni Rohan Windstarr
68.214% 68.214% 66.190% 64.405% 63.452% 63.095% 61.905% 61.310% 60.357% 56.429%
Second Level Test of Choice (C) Kolstad, 1 Amanda Southerly
Third Level Test 1 (C) Hannon, 1 Anne Buchanan 2 Jennifer Kimmell 1 Cyndi Jackson 2 Missy Gilliland 3 Margie Cochrane 1 Megan Manning 3 Catherine Brown 4 Sherri Sorenson
Sky Hit Redhawks Harmony Dona Chanel Hermione NSF Dresden SR Ssavant Simply Jamin Reilly
68.816% 66.184% 64.737% 64.342% 63.289% 63.026% 62.632% 55.921%
Third Level Test 2 (C) Kolstad, 1 Missy Gilliland 1 Michele Lepire
Hermione NSF Nakai
Fourth Level Test 1 (C) Hannon, 1 Deborah Dean Carson 1 Kailee Surplus
Ripley El Da Vinci Peter Pan Up Tempo Brendan Braveheart Talara Reilly
73.462% 68.333% 67.564% 64.487% 63.205% 63.077% 53.590%
Third Level Test of Choice (C) Lamping, 1 Margie Cochrane 2 Michele Lepire
Dresden Nakai
62.105% 58.659%
64.000% 61.286%
Fourth Level Test 2 (C) Riehl-Rodriguez, 1 Susan Leutwyler
Fourth Level Test 3 (C) Lamping, 1 Kailee Surplus 1 Lynn Boice 2 Christa Severns 2 Patricia "Tabitha" Muller
Santiago SF Vermeer Little Rock Gunsmoke
64.125% 60.500% 57.000% 56.375%
Fourth Level Test of Choice (C) Hannon, 1 Kailee Surplus 1 Amy Jackson
Santiago SF Menjo
70.143% 50.405%
PRIX ST GEORGES (C) Hannon, 1 Erin Mchenry 1 Anne Buchanan 2 Susan Leutwyler 1 Kim Yacobucci 3 Sarah Lindsten 2 Catherine Brown 3 Verena Hill 4 Sherry Wolpert 2 Molly Obrien 4 Friederike Butler 3 Amanda Munion
Bailando Martini B Aragorn Alle In One Raoul Nicor la Bryere Paradigm Desert Moon Champignon Hawk Of My Heart Alabama Roadster
69.079% 68.421% 67.632% 66.974% 64.868% 61.447% 59.868% 59.211% 58.947% 58.026% 54.342%
INTERMEDIARE 1 (C) Hannon, 1 Kim Yacobucci 2 Teri Patton-Rich 3 Mary Jane Parmentier 1 Amanda Munion
V.I.P. Widelo Bennigan Roadster
70.789% 70.526% 62.632% 56.053%
Intermediare A (C) Hannon, 1 Wendy Riddell
Intermediare B (C) Hannon, 1 Dorie Vlatten-Schmitz
Coeur Bube
1 Lucy Ziurys SGRAND PRIX (C) Hannon, 1 Laura Tillman
FEI Test of Choice (C) Lamping, 1 Sarah Lindsten
65.976% 61.829%
Third Level Test 3 (C) Riehl-Rodriguez, 1 Teri Patton-Rich 2 Kailee Surplus 3 Kristy Doty 1 Carol DeGirolamo 2 Tami George 3 Kara Finnegan 4 Sherri Sorenson
Zantango El Da Vinci
NAJYRC & USEF Qualifying JUNIOR TEAM (C) Lamping, (B) Riehl-Rodriguez 1 Molly Obrien Prodigy
USDF MUSICAL FREESTYLE TOC (C) Hannon, 1 Catherine Brown 1 Laine Sklar
Krugorrs Minuet Paladin Sf
68.333% 66.500%
Just Gabe
USDF Introductory Test A (C) Riehl-Rodriguez, 1 Kali Riddell ylvano 59.079%
Show Results ADA Fall Fiesta November 1-2, 2014 USDF Introductory Test B (C) Riehl-Rodriguez, 1 Isabelle Tillman
Just Gabe
USDF Introductory Test C (C) Riehl-Rodriguez, 1 Dawn Winans 2 Laure Rene Richards
Qharma Starla
64.500% 59.000%
DRESSAGE SEAT EQUITATION (C) Riehl-Rodriguez, 1 Kenzie Riddell
Training Level Test 1 (C) Riehl-Rodriguez, 1 Rebecca Lindy 1 Catherine Brown 1 Jamie Deconcini 2 Wendy Riddell 2 Michele Bourquin 3 Dawn Winans 4 Mary Townsend 5 Cathy Lee Jones
Queen Lateephah KTM Laredo Gold Miss Maisy Mae Loukas Shambala Qharma Stepping Stone Freedom To Run
68.125% 66.875% 66.042% 66.042% 65.417% 61.042% 59.375% 57.500%
Derby Etoile Loukas Angel Oziwon Reminiscence Spot Me Shambala Miranda Psychedelic Nights Queen Lateephah Winsdown's Windrose Pipers Stewart Millenium Mickey Stepping Stone Just A Little Cookie Freedom To Run
75.357% 73.214% 71.071% 69.821% 67.143% 66.964% 66.071% 65.714% 65.179% 64.821% 64.821% 64.464% 63.214% 61.964% 61.429% 59.464% 57.143%
Training Level Test 2 (C) Hannon, 1 Caroline Lassetter 1 Beverly Rogers 2 Wendy Riddell 2Kenzie Riddell 1 Leesa Lane 2 Catherine Carlson 3 Chris Skarsten 4Michele Bourquin 5 Gabrielle M Delmer 3 Alexandra Super 3 Rebecca Lindy 6 Pamela Polydoros Jill Graf 4 Allyson DeHaven Mary Townsend 4 Morganne Rosenhaus Cathy Lee Jones
TRAINING LEVEL TEST 3 - AA Division (C) Lamping, 1 Debbie Canaday Sshaq ++++// 2 Leesa Lane Oziwon 3 Tania Radda Teodoro III 4 Lise Flores-Reed Bam Bam Rh 5 Catherine Carlson Reminiscence 6 Jane Beebe Habian 6 Rebecca Lindy Queen Lateephah Tammy Webb Damiani Chris Skarsten Spot Me Sue Crampton Quiet Storm Allen Kalchik Arcola Claudia Channing Chestnut Oaks Drummer Boy Michael Riegger Reilly
69.400% 65.200% 65.000% 64.800% 63.800% 62.800% 62.800% 62.000% 61.400% 60.800% 60.000% 59.600% 59.200%
Training Level Test 3 -Open/ JR/YR Div (C) Lamping, 1 Beverly Rogers Etoile 2 Paula Paglia Slipstream 3 Laura Decesari-Normandeau Mulato XV 1 Caroline Lassetter Derby 4 Beverly Rogers Bristol 5 Catherine Brown KTM Laredo Gold 2 Jamie Deconcini Miss Maisy Mae 3 Alexandra Super Alexa Bella 4 Allyson DeHaven Millenium Mickey
73.400% 71.600% 70.800% 70.600% 67.000% 66.600% 63.800% 62.200% 62.000%
Training Level Test of Choice (C) Riehl-Rodriguez, 1 Tammy Webb
Training Level Test 1 Opportunity (C) Hannon, 1 Laure Rene Richards
Training Level Test 2 Opportunity (C) Hannon, 1 Patricia "Tabitha" Muller Heaven's Ridge Finley O'Shea
First Level Test 1 (C) Hannon, 1 Verena Hill 1 Susan Arbuckle 2 Kailee Surplus
Dalmiro Dash Of Pepper Vienna
68.793% 68.621% 68.621%
First Level Test 1 (C) Hannon, 1 Verena Hill 1 Susan Arbuckle 2 Kailee Surplus 3 Beverly Rogers 1 Talia DeBrigida 2 Jane Beebe 3 Tania Radda 4 Kristie Rogers 5 Tammie Fulton
Dalmiro Dash Of Pepper Vienna Bristol Elysium Habian Teodoro III Flynn Noir Shadow Magic
68.793% 68.621% 68.621% 66.207% 62.931% 61.552% 59.138% 58.621% 56.552%
FIRST LEVEL TEST 2 (C) Hannon, 1 Catalina Sherwood 1 Beverly Rogers 2 Kathleen Downie 1 Jessica Keesey 3 Marcy Blacker 4 Barbara Middleton 5 Tammie Fulton
Razmitaz Primero Mac Freiheit Alessandro Aul Amira April Shadow Magic
70.676% 69.595% 64.730% 64.324% 62.432% 61.622% 61.486%
First Level Test 3 (C) Kolstad, 1 Missy Gilliland 1 Karlie Lonchar 2 Verena Hill 3 Beverly Rogers 1 Christine Linn 2 Catalina Sherwood 3 Barbara Duzan 4 Meredith Peabody 5 Jayne Shelly 6 Melisa Sannes 2 Jessica Keesey Kathleen Downie Marcy Blacker Michael Riegger Sondra Powers 4 Kailee Surplus Tia Finder
Chalk Hills Lord Frederick Ecco Domani Dalmiro Primero Mac Classie Com Razmitaz El Tigre D Oro My-T Dona Valentina Prince Caspian Alessandro Freiheit Aul Amira E Tango! Aegyptian Gold Chestnut Oaks Drummer Boy Ms Ringo Starr
74.194% 70.484% 68.871% 68.871% 68.226% 66.935% 66.452% 66.290% 65.161% 64.032% 63.065% 61.452% 60.484% 59.032% 58.871% 53.710% 52.258%
Sshaq ++++// My-T Titan Roy-Els Belle of the Ball Dash Of Pepper Myst of Elysium Flynn Noir
69.310% 69.138% 66.129% 65.690% 65.345% 63.276% 63.103%
First Level Test of Choice (C) Riehl-Rodriguez, 1 Debbie Canaday 2 Meredith Peabody 3 Susan Crinnian 4 Lindsay Naas 5 Susan Arbuckle 6 Ann-Marie Crookham Kristie Rogers
Show Results ADA Fall Fiesta November 1-2, 2014 Second Level Test 1 (C) Riehl-Rodriguez, 1 Jodi Reynolds 1 Catherine Brown 2 Nathalie Eikel-Baughman Second Level Test 2 (C) Kolstad, 1 Sondra Powers Second Level Test 3 (C) Hannon, 1 Verena Hill 1Marji McFadden 2 Margaret Kurbat 1 Amanda Southerly 2 Brianna Boone 3 Megan Manning 3 Elizabeth Eggers 2 Patricia "Tabitha" Muller 4 Danielle Werstler Second Level Test of Choice (C) Riehl-Rodriguez, 1 Amanda Southerly Third Level Test 1 (C) Lamping, 1 Megan Manning 1 Margie Cochrane 2 Anne Buchanan 1 Cyndi Jackson 3 Sherri Sorenson Third Level Test 2 (C) Riehl-Rodriguez, 1 Tami George
Cja Debbonheir Classie Com Zevis Private Jet
68.571% 66.143% 62.714%
Aegyptian Gold
In D'Aire Bacioni Solana Zanzybar Roxanne SR Ssavant Windstarr Rohan Elegancz
70.000% 68.095% 66.190% 65.952% 65.476% 65.357% 62.381% 56.071% 55.238%
SR Ssavant Dresden Sky Hit Dona Chanel Reilly
Brendan Braveheart
64.737% 62.368% 61.842% 61.447% 57.895%
Third Level Test 3 (C) Lamping, 1 Teri Patton-Rich 2 Kailee Surplus 1 Laine Sklar 3 Missy Gilliland 2 Carol DeGirolamo 4 Kristy Doty 3 Kara Finnegan 5 Catherine Brown 4 Sherri Sorenson
Ripley El Da Vinci Paladin Sf Hermione NSF Up Tempo Peter Pan Talara Simply Jamin Reilly
71.026% 66.667% 66.026% 65.641% 63.718% 62.179% 60.641% 57.308% 52.308%
Third Level Test of Choice (C) Kolstad, 1 Jennifer Kimmell 2 Michele Lepire
Redhawks Harmony Nakai
63.421% 61.707%
Fourth Level Test 1 (C) Lamping, 1 Kailee Surplus 1 Amy Jackson
Santiago SF Menjo
67.714% 58.714%
Fourth Level Test 3 (C) Riehl-Rodriguez, 1 Kailee Surplus 2 Patricia "Tabitha" Muller 1 Lynn Boice 2 Christa Severns
Santiago SF Gunsmoke Vermeer Little Rock
69.375% 62.000% 55.000% 53.875%
Fourth Level Test of Choice (C) Riehl-Rodriguez, 1 Deborah Dean Carson
PRIX ST GEORGES (C) Kolstad, 1 Erin Mchenry 1 Sarah Lindsten 1 Catherine Brown 2 Sherry Wolpert 2 Friederike Butler 2 Amanda Munion Susan Leutwyler
Bailando Raoul Nicor la Bryere Desert Moon Champignon Alabama Roadster Aragorn
69.211% 65.526% 63.026% 60.395% 57.500% 51.579% 0.000%
INTERMEDIARE I (C) Kolstad, 1 Teri Patton-Rich 2 Kim Yacobucci 3 Mary Jane Parmentier 1 Amanda Munion
Widelo V.I.P. Bennigan Roadster
71.053% 66.711% 60.658% 56.447%
Intermediare B (C) Riehl-Rodriguez, 1 Wendy Riddell 2 Dorie Vlatten-Schmitz
Flash Coeur Bube
65.476% 58.571%
INTERMEDIARE II (C) Kolstad, 1 Lucy Ziurys
GRAND PRIX (C) Kolstad, 1 Laura Tillman
NAJYRC & USEF Qualifying JUNIOR INDIVIDUAL (C) Hannon, (B) Riehl-Rodriguez 1 Molly Obrien Prodigy
USDF MUSICAL FREESTYLE (C) Kolstad, 1 Catherine Brown
Krugorrs Minuet
USDF Introductory Test A (C) Hannon, 1 Kali Riddell
Just Gabe
USDF Introductory Test B (C) Riehl-Rodriguez, 1 Isabelle Tillman
Just Gabe
Rider Test (TOC Specify Test) (C) Riehl-Rodriguez, 1 Barbara Middleton 1 Kenzie Riddell
April Angel
74.800% 71.800%
Show Results
2015 USEF Dressage Tests Published
ADA Fall Fiesta November 1-2, 2014
From the USEF Communictions Department
Lexington, Ky. - The 2015 United States Equestrian Federation Dressage Tests have been published on USEF.org. The 2015 Tests will be effective December 1, 2014 through November 30, 2018.
Training - Second Level AA
In addition to the 2015 USEF Dressage Test booklet, the USEF has collaborated with the United States Dressage Federation to produce the On the Levels app, which provides examples of the new Introductory through Fourth level dressage tests with commentary from top U.S. trainers and judges, with segments geared toward improving difficult movements at each level. The mobile website will feature 31 engaging videos to help riders understand the requirements for tests within each level, including 18 videos of riders performing each test and 13 supplementary test tip videos. The videos will include narration from top athletes, judges, and trainers, including Kathy Connelly, Jan Ebeling, Hilda Gurney, Steffen Peters, and Jessica Jo "JJ" Tate, each bringing his/her own unique perspective, providing the viewer with a variety of approaches. The launch of the On the Levels app will be announced next week.
Catalina Sherwood/Razmitaz 71.622 and 70.676 Open Missy Gilliland/Chalk Hills Lord Frederick 73.649 and 74.179 Jr/YR Carolyn Lasseter on Derby 75.400 and 75.357 Third - Fourth Level AA Anne Buchanan on Sky Hit 68.816 and 61.842
To view the 2015 USEF Dressage Tests, visit: https://www.usef.org/_IFrames/ breedsdisciplines/discipline/ alldressage/2015dressageTests.aspx.
Open Teri Patton Rich/Ripley 73.462 and 71.026
To order the 2015 Dressage Test Booklet, visit: https://www.usef.org/documents/disciplines/ dressage/DressageBookletOrderForm.pdf.
JR/YR Megan Manning/SR Savant 63.026 and 64.737
To view the 2015 USDF Tests, visit: http://www.usdf.org/competitions/competitors/ tests.asp.
In addition to the new USEF and USDF Dressage Tests, all FEI Tests have minor updates in the wording of the Collective Marks as well as changes to the FEI Children, FEI Intermediate A, and FEI Intermediate B Tests. These tests become effective January 1, 2015, and can be found here: http://fei.org/fei/your-role/ organisers/dressage/tests.
Teri Patton Rich/Widelo 71.053 Freestyle Catherine Brown/Krugors Minuet 68.333 JRD Saddle Debbie Canady on Sshaq 70.833 Trg 1 , 70.179 Trg 2, 69.400 Trg 3
Schooling Show Results The November 8th show was held at Dale Creek Equestrian Village. Terri Kemp was our judge. The weather was great and the show was well attended! Thanks to Cynthia Ganem for being our Show Secretary and Lynn Tyler/ Missy Gilland for managing the show. Also thanks to some of the volunteers: Cindy Course, who worked as Ring Steward and Paula Naughton, who scribed, Marji McFadden and Cindy Hitchcock who added scores and worked “the office� and all of the riders, trainers and the many other volunteers who helped out. The next schooling show will be on December 7th at a brand new venue, Bar A Ranch of North Scottsdale. Bar A is located at: 8510 E. Dynamite Blvd. in Scottsdale. This venue is an awesome facility and we are excited that they are hosting us! Sarah Lindsten, a brand new L graduate, will be judging. We will need volunteers, so if you would like to volunteer, please contact Lynn Tyler. See you all there! Cindy Hitchcock Secretary, Arizona Dressage Association Schooling Show Committee
See ADA Website for Details: www.azdressage.org
Prevent Injury...Wear an ASTM-SEI Approved Riding Helmet Every Ride, Every Time
Injuries sustained as a result of horse riding are common‌.. Head injuries outnumber spinal injuries by five to one.
Barn Tip Holiday Horse Treats
1 1/4. c. steel cut oats 3/4 c. molasses 1/2 c. flour 1/2 c. chia seed 2 tsp cornstarch 1/4 c. water apple or pear scraps, processed (skins work well), appx 1/4c. Or try carrot or beet or a mix. Mix molasses and oats, until oats are fully coated. Gradually stir in flour, chia seed, cornstarch fruit and water until combined. Grease the hell out of a muffin tin. Waaaaay more than normal or you will end up chipping horse muffins out of the tin, and risk breaking your knife. Fill muffin tins slightly half full (heaping teaspoon if you’re using a small muffin tin) Bake at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes, and err on the short side if you’re using a tiny muffin tin. Watch them closely for the last bit. They will burn quickly on account of the high sugar content. I assume burning is gross, even for horses.
Press in a red or green starlight mint, and then remove from muffin tin immediately. Put them in the fridge to cool and firm up. They seem to be keeping pretty well out at the barn. More importantly, the horses love them!! Happy Holidays to you all. Tip? watters4@cox.net 35
Arizona Dressage Association PO Box 31602 Phoenix, AZ 85046-1602