Volume 14, Issue 10
October, 2014
A Whole Horse Approach - The Power of a Positive Riding Clinic with Henrik Johansen
Nationwide attendance at clinics offered by International Trainers has seen a glaring decrease in the last decade. Some say it is the result of our tired economy, others cite the lack of involvement from the amateur owner component of our dressage world and many others cite the following reasons for their lack of participation and/or auditing these important events:
“The basics are only for beginners.” “The basics apply to young horses.” “I don’t need the basics, I would rather hear all about the successful trainers’ secrets.” “I’ve heard it all before, and I’m just waiting for the right Grand Prix horse.”
Sadly, amateur owners and professional across the country are losing a valuable opportunity to increase their knowledge and skills. By closing the doors to knowledge from a number of sources they can increase their own frustration as they fail to achieve their goals and their horses often bear the brunt of that frustration. Simply acknowledging that we can always learn more about THE BASICS and how to apply them using different techniques and approaches can broaden our toolboxes when working with our equine partners. Tami George and her recently acquired horse “Brendan Braveheart,“ took the time to participate in the 2014 Camp Henrik Instructors program held in Oak Harbor, Washington. “My goal was to get to know this fabulous horse, and to see what approaches to riding and communicating with him worked best”. Henrik and I discussed what I knew of his history, his personality, the strengths and weaknesses in his training and my goals. We took into consideration that he has only been back into routine work for a few months, and built a game plan for the next 6 months,” said Tami. “What I came away with was the knowledge that I must know and understand every detail of all the basics and theories used in training. The more I hear and see how theory translates to the movements of dressage, the better I understand it. A good, successful trainer/rider is one that truly understands the basics.” “Henrik is helping me build up my toolbox of techniques and strategies so that everything I ask of my horse goes well from the very first stride. I am committed to making sure that every step taken and every strategy I use is in a positive manner. Henrik really emphasized that each time I give an aid or ride a movement, I must feel it produces something positive, even with a highly trained horse.” Continued on Page 5
Arizona Dressage Association Mission Statement The Arizona Dressage Association is a not-for-profit organization whose goal is to promote the advancement of classical dressage through educational opportunities and programs, and the rigorous evaluations received at recognized and schooling dressage shows.
The Centerline is the official monthly newsletter of the Arizona Dressage Association (ADA), a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Material in the newsletter may not be reproduced, with the exception of forms, without the written consent and credit of the editor and/or author. The Centerline assumes no responsibility for the return of unsolicited material unless accompanied by a stamped, selfaddressed envelope. The Centerline welcomes your articles, letters, barn news, cartoons, artwork, poetry and especially, your photographs. Submissions, news, views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the position or views of the ADA. Acceptance does not constitute an endorsement. Accuracy of materials submitted is the sole responsibility of the author. The Editor reserves the right to accept, reject and edit submitted material. The deadline for articles and advertising is the 10th of the month. Email to: centerline@azdressage.org
~ ADVERTISING ~ The Centerline is not responsible for, nor does it endorse any claims made by advertisers. ALL ADVERTISEMENTS MUST BE PAID AT THE TIME YOU SUBMIT YOUR AD Rates: Display Ads – JPG, TIFF, PDF - 300dpi Full Page (7.5”x10”) .............................................................. $90 ½ Page .............................................................................. $50 1/3 Page .............................................................................. $35 1/4 Page ............................................................................. $20 Business Card....................................................................... $15 Display Ads-Text Only Supplied Classified Ads (NEW RATES) $5 for up to 50 words; $5 per photo; $5 non-member fee Web Site The ADA Website is www.azdressage.org. You may advertise on the site for $50 per year or $30 for six months. Non-members please add $5. Deadline: 10th of the previous month Mail to: ADA PO Box 31602, Phoenix, AZ 85046-1602 Email to: centerline@azdressage.org
How Can you Contribute to the Centerline? There are many ways you can contribute to making The Centerline a more useful and informative newsletter for the membership. Barn Tips Submit your innovative, imaginative and useful barn tips to Meredith Watters at watters4@cox.net Letters to the Editor If you have comments, suggestions, or wish to express opinions relating to the sport of dressage, submit your letter for consideration to centerline@azdressage.org Clinic Reviews Write up a review of a clinic you attended describing the training and what you learned from the clinician. Send submissions to centerline@azdressage.org Barn News This column is for the trainer/barn to brag about the accomplishments of its clients, introduce new clients and horses, update readers about any barn improvements, or talk about any other news of interest to the membership. It’s a free plug for the barn, trainer and clients. Send submissions to centerline@azdressage.org Nuggets Do you have a training concept that you would like to share? Something your trainer has said to make your understanding more clear? Please share with other riders by sending submissions to centerline@azdressage.org Product Endorsements/Advertising In most cases, products and services are paid advertising. Occasionally a specific product will be named as to how it benefits the horse or rider, but this is discouraged. Press Releases are welcome. Likewise, articles that are negative in nature concerning a particular product will not be considered for publication. Classifieds Have something for sale? For rent? Want something? Put your ad in the classifieds to see if someone has what you want, or wants what you have. Send to centerline@azdressage.org It’s Why I Ride or Living The Dream Submit an article and photo of you and your horse describing why you ride. Send to centerline@azdressage.org. If the photo is a riding photo, please wear a helmet for photo.
Northern Arizona Chapter Website
Please be sure that your check accompanies all your ads.
USDF Region 5 Website http://usdfregion5.org/
Classified Ad Order Form Name/Business:__________________________________________________________________ Phone:___________________________Cell:_______________________________________ Address:___________________________________City/State/Zip;______________________________ Email:_______________________________________________________________________________ (ADS WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED WITHOUT PAYMENT) Email: Centerline@azdressage.org
Voting Directors: President: Sue Leutwyler ............. 480-767-3588 1st VP: Kathy Smith ...................... 623-570-5991 2nd VP: Vacant Secretary: Cindy Hitchcock ........... 480-553-7741 Treasurer: Cynthia Ganem .......... 602-980-7800 Trustee of Records:Cynthia Ganem .. 602-980-7800 Heather Bilodeau ......................... 602-499-7417 Anne Buchanan ........................... 817-456-4551 Michell Combs ............................. 602-689-7866 Betty Drake ................................. -695-6363 Jill Graf ....................................... 480-390-3200 Carolyn Haskell ........................... 602-330-2040 Sarah Lindsten ............................ 480-586-7103
IMPORTANT!!!!! Effective July 1st, WestWorld now requires a negative Coggins dated within the previous 12 months for ALL horses coming onto the show grounds. This is a cross-discipline requirement. Please help spread the word to your barns and your trainers. All ADA show events held at WW will require a copy of a negative Coggins (testing available from your local Veterinarian) WITH your Show Entry Form! WestWorld is trying to protect your horse from being exposed to Equine Infectious Anemia Virus (EIAV), the equine equivalent of human HIV! See this Article for Information: http://www.eqgroup.com/ Library/equine_infectious_anemia.htm
Alternate Directors: Lara Bowles ................................ 602-214-9348 Committee and Program Chairs: Awards: Carolyn Haskell ............. 602-330-2040 Centerline Editor: Kay Lorenzen.... 602-789-7782 Communications: Sue Leutwyler ... 480-767-3588 Education: Sarah Lindsten........... 480-586-7103 Finance: Cynthia Ganem ............. 602-980-7800 Fundraising: Anne Buchanan ....... 817-456-4551 Futurity: Janet Solanik ................. 480-391-2049 Historian: Sue Leutwyler ............. 480-767-3588 Juniors/Young Riders: Bobbie Lynn Luffy ........................ 602-826-9923 Membership: Michell Combs ......... 602-689-7866 Nominating: Michell Combs ......... 602-689-7866 Public Relations: Christa Severns . 602-599-7390 Scholarship: Ann Damiano .......... 602-617-4596 Show: Kathy Smith ..................... 623-570-5991 Sport Horse: Vacant Year End Awards: Sue Leutwyler .. 480-767-3588 Webmaster: Sue Leutwyler ......... 480-767-3588 Northern Arizona Chapter: President: Lynn Simpson .............. 928-636-7579 Vice President: Joyce Cecchini ...... 928-636-7566 Treasurer: Linda Roth .................. 928-759-2683 Secretary: Emily Dolan ................ 928-642-4342 Sue Crampton ............................ 928-925-6043 Jack Tismeer ............................... 928-830-4192 Michele Renner ........................... 440-221-8587 Sondra Wilkening ........................ 928-925-6434 ADA Board Attorney: Wendy Riddell ............................. 602-616-8771
MINUTES ARIZONA DRESSAGE ASSOCIATION Regular Meeting September 15, 2014 Draft Minutes www.azdressage.org The meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Directors/Alternate Directors Present: Kathy Smith, Cynthia Ganem, Heather Bilodeau, Sue Leutwyler, Michell Combs, Betty Drake, Carolyn Haskell, Lara Bowles. Directors/Alternate Directors Absent: Cindy Hitchcock, Sarah Lindsten, Anne Buchanan, Jill Graf Guests: Pam Polydoros, Dianna Blasingim Chairpersons of Standing Committees: None Present.
Officer’s Reports: 5. 6.
Secretary’s Report – MOTION: Betty moved to accept the Secretary’s report as printed in the Centerline and posted on the web. VOTE: Unanimous. RESULT: Motion Carried. Treasurer’s and Finance Report – August, 2014: Operating Acct. - $26,265.96; Credit Card Acct. -$2,030.21; Pantano CD - $11,417.02; Cash - $150.63; Reserve Accounts to cover catastrophic show/equipment loss currently fall $12,186.61 short. MOTION: Kathy moved to approve the Treasurer and Finance Reports as stated. VOTE: Unanimous. RESULT: Motion Carried.
Standing Committee Reports: 7.
12. 13. 14. 15.
Membership Committee – a. As of August 24, 2014, ADA/GMO Members: 309 total. 44 new Members: 36 Adults; 8 Junior/Young Riders. 239 Members renewed in 2014: 220 Adults; 19 Junior/Young Riders. 26 Members returned: 24 Adults; 2 Junior/Young Riders. 104 2013 ADA/GMO Members have not renewed for 2014: 93 Adults; 11 Junior/Young Riders. Pat Orman has offered to help transition the current ADA Access Membership database to the 2015 membership year and in the meantime will work on implementing a new Membership database in Filemaker Pro for 2016 and forward. b. New Membership classifications will be presented and marketed for the 2016 membership season. Recognized Shows – a. Flagstaff Show – Compared to 2013, the Flagstaff shows were better attended this year. We had 166 rides and 76 horses. The Friday night mixer sponsored in part by Cavalor and the ADA was very well attended. Dinner was catered by Chipotle and arranged for us by Sarah Lindsten. b. Oktoberfest Show – Kathy Smith is in the process of finalizing all the arrangements. Two judges under contract; Ellie Stine-Masek (S) and Julie Sodowsky (R). Theresa Hunt is the T.D. Discussed City of Scottsdale’s new ordinance requiring the use of Scottsdale Fire Department as EMT’s at WestWorld. c. Discussed meeting called by Brian Dygert to invite ADA to host a fully indoor summer show at WestWorld. d. 2015 State Championships Rules - Discussed State Championships Rules Modification proposed by a joint meeting between ADA and TDC representatives and consensus was reached on the concept of a show recognition fee to be paid for open Dressage classes to be used as state championships qualifiers at nonGMO-hosted shows. Details of recognition fees will be worked out in committee. Rules Committee – a. Bylaws Amendment Results – 98 Yes votes, 4 No votes and 1 invalid vote received. 75% affirmative of votes received was required for passage; therefore, Bylaws Amendment passed. Amended and Restated Bylaws will be prepared. Communications Committee – a. Web Stats: August 22nd – 31st (new server) – Total Page views: 48,575; Average Page views/Day 1567; Average # Different Computers/Day: 100. Most Popular pages: Home Page, Oktoberfest, Shows Post. Most Popular PDF Downloads: Oktoberfest PL, Schooling Members Only entry, Horse Nomination. August 1 st – 22nd Stats (old server) – Total Page views: 26,619, Average Page Views/Day 859; Average # Different Computers/Day: 223. The new server is up and running. Entry and Signup forms are being offered as printable PDF’s and as fully-integrated, online signups – including online payment options. Examples include: Dressage Trainer listing, Futurity Form, Scholarship Application, etc. An online 2015 ADA Membership Form is ready for the new season and will be published after the Oktoberfest show completion. b. 2015 Omnibus – Consensus reached on continuation of a hard copy Omnibus. Schooling Shows Report – Discussion of 2014 schooling show dates and venues. MOTION: Betty moved to allow guest, Pam Polydoros, to present gaited dressage horse information to the Board. VOTE: Unanimous. RESULT: Motion Carried. Pam presented gaited dressage horse basics and requested gaited horses be allowed to show at ADA Schooling Shows both in regular USEF dressage tests and modified USEF dressage tests offered by the National Walking Horse Association (NWHA) and Friends of Sound Horses (FOSH). Discussion of offering alternative dressage classes including gaited horse and Western Dressage tests as currently offered by NAC and TDC. Schooling Show Secretary will advise schooling show judges in advance if gaited or Western dressage horses are entered so they can review tests ahead of time. Awards Committee Report – Trophy Discussion; still tracking down Futurity perpetual trophies. Volunteer Committee Report – Heather Bilodeau is obtaining the volunteer lists for the March and August show to record the volunteer hours. Volunteers for shows can sign up on Equine Entries, Craig’s List and on VolunteerSpot. Heather will also be sending e-mails to our list of regular volunteers. Vendor Coordinator Report – Final amounts from Vendors received. Several vendors interested in the October show at West World. The November vendor agreement is completed, posted online, and will be sent out to the regular list of vendors shortly. Nomination – a. MOTION: Sue moved to appoint Michell Combs as Nomination Chairman. VOTE: 6 Yes, 1 abstain; RESULT: Motion Carried.
New Business: 16.
WestWorld Bid for USDF Dressage Finals: Betty presented WestWorld’s bid to host the USDF Dressage Finals for the years 2016, 2017, and 2018. If accepted, USDF Dressage Finals will be held at WestWorld during the normal ADA Fall Fiesta show dates, the first weekend of November. Key people who helped WW work on the bid were Betty Drake, Wendy Riddell and Sue Leutwyler along with the entire WW management team. Pursuit of Grants: ADA will research the possibility of pursuing grants to help fund next year’s Regionals competition.
CALL TO MEMBERS – Dianna Blasingim will be barn manager during the Octoberfest show weekend and will help out with scoring, if needed. Announcement of Next Meeting – Regular Meeting of October 13, 2014, at the home of Carolyn Haskell. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. MOTION: Michell moved to adjourn the meeting. VOTE: Unanimous. RESULT: Motion Carried.
Continued from Page 1
A Whole Horse Approach- The Power of a Positive Riding Clinic with Henrik Johansen “Henrik reminded me about the roots of dressage: when its’ grandfathers decided on the best way to ride a horse, it was based on his natural movements. With that in mind, Henrik asked me to always ask myself: What is best for the horse? What do the laws of nature tell me? How can I work with and not against the laws of nature, with the horse and not against him?” “This system would be suitable both for my horse and I, physically and mentally. The system can tell me what is wrong when something doesn’t work and also tells me when something is right.” “Henrik stressed that the goal for the horses education should preferably be the same for all of us, but there can be a number of ways to reach that goal. He uses a tree as an analogy: The trunk is my philosophy. The branches are what I build on and where I find more knowledge and new skills. He encouraged me to study riding and its theory very closely. Then I could develop an opinion and a philosophy that suits us and leads to our goal. He encouraged me to remember that we learn new things all the time and our opinion about various things change through the years. But one thing is very important; that we finally reach a point where we can begin to simplify the way we think and the way we ride. He encouraged me to always remember it is easier to look for and find mistakes, but this is a negative approach. It’s like letting the horse tell the rider what to do instead of the other way around.” “Something we’ve all heard a million times is that the most important thing is the NEXT corner, the next movement. What has happened, has happened, it’s over and done. If things don’t seem to be going right or feel right, I need to relax, get my horse in front of the leg, ride him forward to the bit and give him a release for the freedom to move forward in a natural way. The result is that my horse is able to trust me, we are in harmony with him working between the aids, and he understands and accepts the bit. If I develop a system and use it consistently, I can test my progress: Are we in harmony? Is my horse is on the bit? Does my horse follow the frame I’ve chosen? Does my horse understand all my aids and is he coming through?” “Each time I work with Henrik I discover more nuances to apply to improve my riding and would encourage anyone who would like to join us at this clinic to call me at 602-509-7294 or email me at jeta@northlink.com. Henrik welcomes riders of all levels and horses or all breeds and is particularly excited when working with young riders!”
Nuggets Does your trainer or clinician or fellow rider have some quotes or pearls of wisdom that he or she states that crystallize a concept for your riding? If so, please email them to centerline@azdressage.org and they will be considered for publication. From Kendall Brookhart
Training & Instruction
Clinics â—? Sales
If a horse is unfortunate enough to get a rub on its side, you can continue to ride it with spurs by placing a thin quilt (those standing wraps no one uses anymore because they are too thin) under the girth and attach it to the bottom of the saddle pad. It allows the rider to still use spurs without the risk of further rubbing the horse’s skin and allows the skin to heal and grow hair again.
USDF Bronze/Silver/Gold
L Graduate
Please Thank the Following Sponsors for their Significant Support of Arizona Dressage Association First Bank/Silver Sponsorship Barbara and Michael McLean/ Silver Star Sponsorship Michael Riegger, DVM/Bronze Sponsorship Supporters like this make our shows and educational programs possible. Thank you!
SHOW JITTERS? RELAX THE RIDER RELAX THE HORSE Horses can sense nervousness and tension and it will affect their performance. Reflexology is the practice of applying pressure to the feet and hands to reduce tension and induce deep relaxation sending signals that balance the nervous system and release endorphins, reducing pain and stress.
Sessions available in home or at the show
Point of Interest Therapy Certified Reflexologist Diana Seaton, C.R. 785-567-3357 dseatoncr@gmail.com http://pointofinterest.massageplanet.com
Letter to the Editor Dear Editor and Fellow ADA Members, I have always loved horses in general and in particular, dressage and all that it has to offer all horses and their owners. While I love being a member of the ADA, I strongly feel that the Club has lost its true focus. The Mission Statement for The Arizona Dressage Association, a USDF Region 5 Group Member Organization (GMO) states that it .... is a not-for-profit
educational organization whose goal is to promote the advancement of Classical Dressage through educational opportunities and programs and the rigorous evaluations received at USEF/USDF recognized and schooling dressage shows.
It seems that in order to promote the advancement of Classical Dressage through educational opportunities and programs, there should be more focus on the "learning", "developing" and "education" so as to advance one’s skill level BEFORE the rigorous evaluations at recognized and schooling dressage shows should be a consideration. It also seems like there should be more consistent opportunities for all members to have access to clinics specific to their skill levels - and the majority of our membership are Adult Amateurs. I believe that the ADA’s stated Mission Statement is being contradicted by the ADA’s actions. It appears that of late, their focus and efforts seem driven and exclusively pro-active toward active competitors. Substantial funds, energy and effort are given by the ADA’s board and committees appear to be consistently and nearly exclusively earmarked toward hosting shows, with clinics being geared toward the riders who are already sufficiently accomplished so as to be able to ride with a BNT. There are very few educational opportunities for the novice riders, and no consistent opportunities during the year. In fact, it appears that since the ADA is hosting regionals, state and possibly nationals, that even a greater portion of the membership’s dues are being earmarked for everything other than that which is specifically stated by the ADA’s Mission Statement. For instance, in order to save what appears to be a minimal amount of money (in the big scheme of things), the organization’s Newsletter may be only online. If a Member wishes to be able to casually read a hard copy of the Newsletter, they may be asked to pay an additional $25 per year in addition to their membership fees. Apparently, the money saved by not providing a paper copy of our Newsletter, will be used to host expensive shows and expensive clinicians at expensive facilities. It saddens me to say this but it might appear to some, that the ADA is focusing on the club’s ego more so than its stated mission to promote the
advancement of Classical Dressage through educational opportunities and programs.
While shows and showing help to evaluate the bottom line for individual riders, if the majority of the membership was truly ready for rigorous evaluations, wouldn’t that be reflected by the number of individual entries in our shows? With a membership boasted at being over 300 strong, one would think that if the majority of the membership’s focus was on showing, then the shows would have far more riders entering than what we have seen in the past years. Even if 50% of the members are gung ho to show, then you should see close to 150 riders entering the shows. However, the Centerline’s reporting of show results doesn’t indicate that happens very often. I have to wonder whose agendas are being focused on - that of the entirety of membership or those of the board and their own desires to compete? Right now of the sitting board members, there are 12 directors and 17 committee and program chair positions (2 of which are vacant) and a board attorney. While there is overlap between the voting directors and the committee and program chairs, of the 31 board/committee positions (including its attorney), all but one are active competitors or trainers or have someone in their family who is actively showing. So, one has to ask: If the ADA is truly fulfilling its Mission Statement wouldn’t we see more show entries and more Arizona riders being competitive outside the State of Arizona? Perhaps it is time for the ADA to remember that only a small percentage of its membership are active competitors - or are ready to be competitive in the show ring and actually need the ADA to adhere to its Mission Statement to promote the advancement of Classical Dressage through educational opportunities and programs. Sincerely, A Very, Very Frustrated ADA Member and Lover of Horses ADA Board Response:
The ADA actively seeks to uphold its Mission in its entirety which includes not only a mandate for providing educational opportunities and programs, like those achieved through our annual BNT clinics and through various mini lecture series , but also the mandate for providing rigorous evaluations received at USEF/USDF recognized and schooling dressage shows. What better way to measure one's classical Dressage progress than by being evaluated by highly-trained Judges who are the forefront of upholding Classical Dressage in our country and around the world. The ADA encourages members to share their suggestions, both directly to any ADA Board member and most recently through our latest Survey. We look forward to implementing many of the suggestions we received from that Survey and thank those who responded for their input. The capacity to achieve that is driven in large part by the generous contribution of both time and money from those of us who love Dressage! We encourage you to get more involved by serving on committees and volunteering at the various educational programs, events and shows that we offer. ADA Board Nominations are going on right now, and if you'd like to help shape the future of Dressage education in our organization and in our state, get engaged and join us as we strive to achieve our important Mission. Send in your Nomination today to membership@azdressage.org.
Central Arizona Riding Academy Dorie Vlatten-Schmitz Uli Schmitz
To the Max Dressage Cyndi Jackson To The Max has exciting news from the GAIG/USDF Region 5 Championships.
Clinic in the Cloud continues to succeed. Another internet clinic is tentatively scheduled for October 19 th. All riders are welcome to participate. Talk to Dorie Vlatten-Schmitz to sign up.
Don Angelo, owned by Ann Damiano and with Cyndi Jackson aboard won both the Open Prix St. Georges and Intermediare I championships with scores of 71.667% and 70.9% respectively.
CARA also has a schooling show tentatively scheduled for October 18th. Get an entry form from Dorie to practice your tests as show season begins.
Wendo, owned and ridden by Kay Lorenzen, won the Fourth Level Adult Amateur championship with a score of 66.625%.
Good luck to all riders showing at West World on the weekend of October 11th!
These wins qualify them to attend the US Dressage Finals in Lexington, KY November 6-9, 2014.
CARA has several horses for sale or lease. Talk to Dorie for more details.
Wendo and Kay also rode their first Prix St. Georges test, earning a qualifying score towards the USDF Silver Medal.
Classified Ads FOR SALE
2006 American Warmblood Registry Frederiksborg Mare Chestnut 16.0 hands Sonatas Stardust by Emperor out of Estell Fuglebjerg by Zorba Schooling Second level. Easy to sit and quiet friendly temperament. Perfect for adult amateur or youth. Contact Dorie Vlatten-Schmitz for details. Price negotiable. Dorie Vlatten-Schmitz dvschmitz@msn.com or call 480-580-0634
Colorado Grass Hay, 70 pound bales, $13.50/bale, 100 -bale minimum, call 602 329 5058.
Regional Qualifying Off To a Strong Start for the 2014 US Dressage Finals Presented By Adequan 速 Source: Yellow Horse Marketing for the US Dressage Finals After generating international headlines and a nationwide buzz following the overwhelming success of its inaugural event in 2013, the US Dressage Finals presented by Adequan速 is returning to the picturesque Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington, November 6 - 9, 2014 and already looks to be building upon last year's level of excitement and anticipation. This unique national head-to-head competition will once again offer a plethora of championship titles and over $50,000 in prize money, all while showcasing adult amateur and open riders from across the country competing from Training Level to Grand Prix. Regional qualifying for the US Dressage Finals got underway on September 5 - 7 in Mason City, Iowa at the Great American Insurance Group/United States Dressage Federation (USDF) Region 4 Dressage Championships, where the first group of competitors had an opportunity to punch their tickets for Lexington. Among those earning Regional Championship titles and corresponding invitations to the Finals was Emily Wagner of La Cygne, Kan. with horses WakeUp, Weltdorff, and Galbatorix. Wagner attended the inaugural US Dressage Finals last fall, and now she can't wait to get back to Kentucky. "I think it's so great to have this type of national head-to-head championship for both open riders and adult amateurs, bringing people from all areas of the country together to compete with each other. It really makes it an honor to be invited," Wagner explained. "I'll never forget that feeling as I walked into the Alltech Arena for the first time: it's the stuff of dreams, the type of facility that you see in videos from Europe, with an atmosphere that is amazing. It gives you goosebumps to look at it and realize you're going to ride there. But not only that, it was so much fun to see so many people from all over the U.S. and to share in the thrill of being a part of an event like this. I would encourage anyone who has the chance to come and share in that experience this year." This excitement seems to be contagious.
A marked increase in Great American Insurance Group/USDF Regional
Championship entry numbers has been reported so far for several USDF regions, indicating this could be a banner year for the Regional Championship program as more and more exhibitors are pursuing a chance to ride at the 2014 Finals over the hallowed ground of the Kentucky Horse Park, home of the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games. "Last year I spoke about my hope that the Finals would have a 'trickle-down' effect, nurturing enthusiasm for the sport and growing participation in the Regional Championships," said George Williams, USDF President. "Already we're seeing those results after only one year, so I couldn't be happier with this trend and I believe the growth will continue." Next on the calendar will be Regional Championships for Regions 5, 6, and 8 to be held this weekend (September 18 - 21), followed by Region 7 on September 25 - 28, Region 1 on October 2 - 5 and Regions 2 and 9 on October 9 - 12, with Region 3 closing out the qualifying calendar on October 16 - 19 in Wellington, Fla. In response to member feedback and as part of ongoing efforts to make the Finals increasingly competitor-friendly, USDF has announced the addition of expanded awards opportunities for this November's event. Added to the championship class list by popular demand are freestyles for the Adult Amateur division, offering titles for First, Second, Third and Fourth Levels as well as Intermediate I and Grand Prix. In addition, all-new High Score Breed Awards will be offered at the Finals for national and FEI levels for both Open and Adult Amateur competitors. To date, 31 breed organizations have elected to participate in this special High Score Breed Award program. "From the very beginning, the concept of these Finals was for this event to serve our members and offer them a chance to compete on the national championship stage, regardless of level or division," noted Williams. "Even though last year's inaugural Finals were an overwhelming success, our number-one priority was to gather feedback as to how USDF could continue to improve the event and offer our members even more opportunities. So I am delighted with these developments and I'm looking forward to an even bigger and better Finals this November." To learn more about the US Dressage Finals presented by Adequan 速, download competition information, declare and nominate for the Finals, and sign up to receive news and updates, visit the official event website at www.usdressagefinals.com
Is City Water OK for My Horse? Posted on March 13, 2014 by Roy J. The question comes up from time to time if municipal water supplies are OK for horses. The concern is generally related to the added chlorine or added fluoride in the water. The water is treated with chlorine to minimize risk of bacterial contamination, and the fluoride is added to improve human dental health. The chloride may change the aroma and taste of the water. Taking horses to facilities with chlorinated water can sometimes reduce water consumption. Reduced water consumption may impair performance and may also increase the risk of impaction colic. Horses do adjust to the difference in taste and aroma over time , but this may take a few days. It is routine in many barns to flavor the water with something like wintergreen or peppermint at home, then flavor the water at the new location or while traveling to match the home water.
NOTE: Do NOT use soft drinks that contain caffeine or any material containing caffeine as these can trigger positive drug tests!
The fluoride levels in municipal water supplies are normally at about 0.5 to 1.0 mg/liter of water. The maximum dietary allowance for horses is about 4-8 mg/liter (Source: Mineral Levels in Animal Health-Diagnostic Data, Second Edition, R. Puls), so the level in municipal water is well below any levels associated with heath risk for horses. Municipal water should be OK for horses. When changing water sources, consumption should be monitored to make certain horses continue to consume adequate water with flavoring the water being an option when traveling. As always, salt should be available free choice.
2014 Arizona State Championship Classes Eligible Rider-Horse Pairs As of 9/1/14 All of the riders listed are current members of an Arizona GMO as of 9-1-2014. All of the horses listed have been nominate 2014 Arizona State Championship The horse/rider pairs have earned two AZ State qualifying scores under two different judges after the horses' nominating fees were received.
Amhowitz, Melanie Anderson, Tracey Arbuckle, Susan Beebe, Jane Berry, Bobbi Blacker, Marcy Boice, Lynn Bowles, Lara Browning, Susan Buchanan, Anne Buchanan, Anne Carlson, Catherine Carlson, Catherine Carlson, Catherine Carson, Deborah Chandler-Brown, Catherine Coleman, Cynthia Cook, Ellen Crinnian, Susan Crinnian, Susan Crookham, Ann-Marie Davis, Lindsay Davis, Lindsay Decesari-Normandeau, Laura Decesari-Normandeau, Laura Decesari-Normandeau, Laura DeConcini, Jamie Denbrock, Linda Dolan, Emily Dolan, Emily Downie, Kathleen Duzan, Barbara Earl, Kate Earl, Kate Eggers, Elizabeth Eggers, Elizabeth Eikel-Baughman, Nathalie Estes, Dee Dee Estes, Dee Dee Estes, Dee Dee Farthing, Pamela Farthing, Pamela Farthing, Pamela Finnegan, Kara Finnegan, Kara Fisher, Ariel French, Kathy
Ritornel M Dauphine De Jazz CC Dash Of Pepper Habian Redhawk's Florencianna Aul Amira Vermeer Fameus Rudi Martini SkyHit Daen Doc's Colonel Reminiscence Zantango Luke Bronte Silver Star Titan Titan Myst of Elysium Melody's Moment Melody's Moment Lexington Lexington Razmitaz Angel of War DM Khember Star Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Baltic Viking El Tigre D Oro Goldika Goldika Windstarr Windstarr Zevis Private Jet Rave Review Rave Review Revenue Dash Of Pepper Dash Of Pepper Pakuna Talara Talara Cream Soda Sig The Flying Dutchman
Third Level First Level Training Level Training Level Second Level Training Level Fourth Level Third Level First Level Fourth Level First Level Training Level First Level Training Level Fourth Level First Level Training Level Prix St Georges Training Level First Level Training Level Training Level First Level Training Level First Level First Level First Level Training Level Training Level First Level First Level First Level Second Level Third Level First Level Second Level First Level Intermediare I Freestyle (Int) Third Level Training Level First Level Training Level Second Level Third Level First Level First Level
Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Open Adult Amateur JR/YR Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Open Open Open JR/YR Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Open Open Open Open Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur
Gilcreest, Alissa Gilcreest, Ivana Gilcreest, Ivana Gilliland, Missy Goldman, Emily Goll, Laury Goll, Laury Goss, Michael Graf, Jill Haney, Carole Henderson, Courtney Hitchcock, Cindy Jackson, Cyndi Jackson, Cyndi Jackson, Cyndi Jackson, Cyndi Johansson, Louise Kurbat, Margaret LaCroix, Cindi Lane, Leesa Langley, Taylor Langley, Taylor Lassetter, Caroline Lassetter, Caroline Lent, Stacey Leutwyler, Susan Lindley, Deborah Lindsten, Sarah Lonchar, Karlie Lorenzen, Kay Lubinski, Karen Lubinski, Karen Lundgren, Jeanette Maland, Lia Maland, Lia Manning, Megan Manning, Megan Manning, Megan McFadden, Marji McFadden, Marji McKinney, Lynn McKinney, Lynn McKinney, Lynn Miles, Amber Mooney, Michele Naas, Lindsay Nayak, Katherine O'Brien, Molly O'Brien, Molly Overby, Cecelia Paglia, Paula Paglia, Paula Paglia, Paula Patton-Rich, Teri Patton-Rich, Teri Patton-Rich, Teri Peabody, Meredith Poe, Yvonne Pollack, Jaime Pollack, Jaime Powers, Sondra Pribble, Kimberly Pribble, Kimberly
Finnegan Black New Yorks Finest New Yorks Finest Hermione NSF Wrigley Soliloquy Soliloquy Whisper in the Wind Piper's Stewart Lenz Lexington Daralinde Don Angelo Don Angelo Risky Business Risky Business Delyteful Solana Marbella Oziwon Rubi La Belle Rubi La Belle Rustiano Rustiano VT Night Life Aragorn Michaelangelo Raoul Ecco Domani Wendo Duke's Mr T. J. Duke's Mr T. J. Dorci Sophina LS Sophina LS SR Ssavant SR Ssavant SR Ssavant Bacioni Bacioni Plato En Rouge Plato En Rouge Plato En Rouge Spotify Arduc Roy-Els Belle of the Ball Willow Hawk Of My Heart Prodigy Guinness Stout Dalmiro Slipstream Wraaven Ripley Ripley Rolando My-T Wallstreet Whisper I Wont Kiss N Tell I Wont Kiss N Tell Aegyptian Gold Featuring Abigail Featuring Abigail
Training Level Training Level First Level Second Level Prix St Georges Fourth Level Prix St Georges Prix St Georges Training Level Intermediare I Training Level First Level Prix St Georges Intermediare I Prix St Georges Intermediare I Training Level Second Level Second Level Training Level Second Level Third Level First Level Second Level Training Level Fourth Level First Level Fourth Level Training Level Fourth Level Training Level First Level First Level Training Level First Level Training Level First Level Second Level First Level Second Level Third Level Fourth Level Freestyle (3rd Level) Second Level Freestyle (3rd Level) First Level Training Level Prix St Georges Third Level First Level First Level Training Level Intermediare B Second Level Third Level First Level First Level Second Level Training Level First Level First Level First Level Second Level
JR/YR JR/YR JR/YR Open JR/YR Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Open Adult Amateur Adult Amateur JR/YR Adult Amateur Open Open Open Open JR/YR Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur JR/YR JR/YR JR/YR JR/YR Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur JR/YR Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur JR/YR JR/YR JR/YR Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur JR/YR Adult Amateur Adult Amateur JR/YR JR/YR JR/YR Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur
Radda, Tania Riddell, Kenzie Riddell, Wendy Rogers, Beverly Rogers, Beverly Roth, Amy Roth, Linda Roth, Amy Roth, Linda Sannes, Melisa Sannes, Melisa Scotford, Katie Scotford, Katie Shelly, Jayne Sherwood, Catalina Southerly, Amanda Southerly, Amanda Southerly, Amanda Southerly, Amanda Stark-Goss, Michelle Stark-Goss, Michelle Super, Alexandra Surplus, Kailee Surplus, Kailee Surplus, Kailee Surplus, Kailee Surplus, Kailee Surplus, Kailee Surplus, Kailee Surplus, Kailee Torres, Juan Lopez Tyler, Lyn Tyler, Lyn Webb, Tammy Ziurys, Lucy Ziurys, Lucy
Teodoro III Angel Flash Rianna Rianna Dalmiro Kriptonita AF Dalmiro Kriptonita AF Prince Caspian Prince Caspian Dean Martin Dean Martin Dona Valentina Razmitaz Midtway Midtway Midtway Midtway Prophecy Prophecy Raynyday Final Salute Chestnut Oak's Drummer Boy Chestnut Oak's Drummer Boy El Da Vinci El Da Vinci PS Rudy Valentino PS Rudy Valentino Santiago SF Santiago SF Piper's Stewart Princess Czarina Princess Czarina Damiani Sylvano Sylvano
Training Level Training Level Prix St Georges First Level Second Level Training Level Fourth Level Training Level Fourth Level Training Level First Level First Level Second Level First Level First Level Fourth Level Prix St Georges Intermediare I Grand Prix Fourth Level Prix St Georges Training Level Training Level First Level Second Level Third Level Training Level First Level Third Level Fourth Level Training Level First Level Second Level Training Level Intermediare A Intermediare B
Adult Amateur JR/YR Open Open Open Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur JR/YR JR/YR Adult Amateur Adult Amateur JR/YR JR/YR JR/YR JR/YR Adult Amateur Adult Amateur JR/YR Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur
2014 Arizona State Championship Class Qualifiers Eligible Horse/Rider Pairs As of 9/1/15 All of the riders listed are current members of an Arizona GMO. All of the horses listed have been nominated for this year's Arizona State Championship classes. The horse/rider pairs earned two AZ State qualifying scores under two different judges after the date that the horses' nominating fees were received.
Adult Amateur Training Level Arbuckle, Susan Beebe, Jane Blacker, Marcy Carlson, Catherine Carlson, Catherine Coleman, Cynthia Crinnian, Susan Crookham, Ann-Marie Davis, Lindsay Denbrock, Linda Dolan, Emily Farthing, Pamela Farthing, Pamela Graf, Jill Lane, Leesa Lent, Stacey Lubinski, Karen Maland, Lia Pollack, Jaime Radda, Tania Roth, Amy Sannes, Melisa Webb, Tammy
Dash Of Pepper Habian Aul Amira Daen Reminiscence Bronte Titan Myst of Elysium Melody's Moment DM Khember Star Jurisdiction Dash Of Pepper Pakuna Piper's Stewart Oziwon VT Night Life Duke's Mr T. J. Sophina LS I Wont Kiss N Tell Teodoro III Dalmiro Prince Caspian Damiani
First Level Anderson, Tracey Browning, Susan Buchanan, Anne Carlson, Catherine Crinnian, Susan Davis, Lindsay Dolan, Emily Downie, Kathleen Duzan, Barbara Eggers, Elizabeth Farthing, Pamela Fisher, Ariel French, Kathy Hitchcock, Cindy
Dauphine De Jazz CC Rudi SkyHit Doc's Colonel Titan Melody's Moment Jurisdiction Baltic Viking El Tigre D Oro Windstarr Dash Of Pepper Cream Soda Sig The Flying Dutchman Daralinde 23
Lindley, Deborah Lubinski, Karen Lundgren, Jeanette Maland, Lia McFadden, Marji Naas, Lindsay Peabody, Meredith Pollack, Jaime Powers, Sondra Pribble, Kimberly Sannes, Melisa Shelly, Jayne Sherwood, Catalina Tyler, Lyn
Michaelangelo Duke's Mr T. J. Dorci Sophina LS Bacioni Roy-Els Belle of the Ball My-T I Wont Kiss N Tell Aegyptian Gold Featuring Abigail Prince Caspian Dona Valentina Razmitaz Princess Czarina
Second Level Berry, Bobbi Earl, Kate Eggers, Elizabeth Finnegan, Kara Kurbat, Margaret LaCroix, Cindi McFadden, Marji Poe, Yvonne Pribble, Kimberly Tyler, Lyn
Redhawk's Florencianna Goldika Windstarr Talara Solana Marbella Bacioni Wallstreet Whisper Featuring Abigail Princess Czarina
Third Level Amhowitz, Melanie Bowles, Lara Earl, Kate Finnegan, Kara McKinney, Lynn
Ritornel M Fameus Goldika Talara Plato En Rouge
Fourth Level Boice, Lynn Buchanan, Anne Carson, Deborah Goll, Laury Leutwyler, Susan Lindsten, Sarah Lorenzen, Kay McKinney, Lynn Roth, Linda Stark-Goss, Michelle
Vermeer Martini Zantango Soliloquy Aragorn Raoul Wendo Plato En Rouge Kriptonita AF Prophecy
Prix St Georges Goll, Laury Stark-Goss, Michelle
Soliloquy Prophecy
Intermediare I Haney, Carole
Intermediare A Ziurys, Lucy
Intermediare B Ziurys, Lucy
Sylvano 24
Freestyle (3rd Level) McKinney, Lynn Mooney, Michele
Plato En Rouge Arduc
JR/YR Training Level Gilcreest, Alissa Gilcreest, Ivana Henderson, Courtney Johansson, Louise Lonchar, Karlie Manning, Megan Nayak, Katherine Riddell, Kenzie Super, Alexandra
Finnegan Black New Yorks Finest Lexington Delyteful Ecco Domani SR Ssavant Willow Angel Raynyday Final Salute
First Level DeConcini, Jamie Gilcreest, Ivana Lassetter, Caroline Manning, Megan Scotford, Katie
Angel of War New Yorks Finest Rustiano SR Ssavant Dean Martin
Second Level Langley, Taylor Lassetter, Caroline Manning, Megan Miles, Amber Scotford, Katie
Rubi La Belle Rustiano SR Ssavant Spotify Dean Martin
Third Level Langley, Taylor O'Brien, Molly
Rubi La Belle Prodigy
Fourth Level Southerly, Amanda
2014 Arizona State Championship Class Qualifiers Riders Not Eligible as of 9/1/14
All of the horses listed have been nominated for the Arizona State Championship classes. The horse/rider pairs have earned two AZ State qualifying scores under two different judges after the horses' nominating fees were received. However.. the riders listed below are not current members of an Arizona GMO. In order to be eligible to compete in the Arizona State Championship Classes, they must be members of one of the Arizona GMO's before September 1, 2014.
Adult Amateur Training Level Young, Patricia
Shakin Her Asset
First Level Young, Patricia
Shakin Her Asset
Second Level Reynolds, Jodi
CJA Debbonheir
JR/YR Training Level Ridley, Kylie
Open First Level Hill, Verena
In D'Aire
Third Level Baysa, Colter
Fuerstin Fenora
Reminder to 2014 AZ State Championship Class Riders If multiple riders qualify on the same horse, one rider only may complete in the AZ State Championship classes and the concurrent Open Show which hosts the Arizona State Championship Rule #5 "At no time during the Championship or the concurrent Open Show may any horse entered in the Championship competition be ridden by anyone other than the rider entered in the Championship competition on that horse (Exception: grooms riding on loose rein). Further, any horse entered in the Championship competition, even if entered at two levels, must be ridden by the same rider throughout all days of the competition, including the Open Show held in conjuction with the Championship show." A Horse-Rider combination may enter the AZ State Championship classes only at the level(s) at which the pair qualified. The following horses qualified for the 2014 AZ State Champion classes at least twice and had been ridden by more than one person. Dalmiro Paglia, Paula Roth, Amy
First Level Training Level
Open Adult Amateur
Dash Of Pepper Arbuckle, Susan Farthing, Pamela Farthing, Pamela
Training Level First Level Training Level
Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur
Lexington Decesari-Normandeau, Decesari-Normandeau, Henderson, Courtney
First Level Training Level Training Level
Open Open JR/YR
Piper's Stewart Graf, Jill Torres, Juan Lopez
Training Level Training Level
Adult Amateur Open
Razmitaz Decesari-Normandeau, Sherwood, Catalina
First Level First Level
Open Adult Amateur
Prevent Injury...Wear an ASTM-SEI Approved Riding Helmet Every Ride, Every Time
Injuries sustained as a result of horse riding are common‌.. Head injuries outnumber spinal injuries by five to one.
Janine Malone and Maryal Barnett to Receive 2014 USDF Lifetime Achievement Awards Lexington, KY (September 3, 2014) -The United States Dressage Federation (USDF) is pleased to announce that Janine Malone and Maryal Barnett will be presented with the 2014 Lifetime Achievement Awards at the Salute Gala & Annual Awards Banquet, on December 6, 2014, during the Adequan/USDF Annual Convention in Cambridge, MA. Recipients of the Lifetime Achievement Award are longtime members of USDF who have shown a lifetime of dedication to USDF through volunteering and developing programs, projects, and committees that have contributed to USDF's mission. Janine Malone was a member of the USDF Executive Board for eighteen years in the roles of USDF Region 1 Director and USDF Secretary. She was the recipient of the first ABIG/USDF Volunteer of the Year award in 1998. Janine is currently chair of the US Dressage Finals Organizing Committee, and was honored at the 2013 inaugural US Dressage Finals with a perpetual trophy in her name, given to the Adult Amateur Prix St. Georges Champion. Janine is a USEF “R” dressage judge, an “R” dressage sport horse breeding (DSHB) judge, an “R” dressage technical delegate, and an FEI Level 3 chief steward for dressage. For nearly 20 years, Janine was also a combinedtraining judge, technical delegate (TD), and event organizer. Janine is a charter member and past president of the North Carolina Dressage and Combined Training Association and has managed past AHSA, now USEF, and Ljungquist Championships, USEF dressage and DSHB judges’ clinics, and has served as a clinician for several USEF dressage TD clinics. Janine has served on numerous USDF and USEF committees, was a USEF Vice President for FEI affiliates and served on the USEF Board.
USDF Vice President Lisa Gorretta says, “I can
think of no one more deserving of this award, as fitting recognition of her years of tireless volunteer service for the benefit of USDF and the sport.” Maryal Barnett is an FEI “C” Dressage Judge, a USEF “S” Dressage Judge, and a Canadian Equestrian Federation Senior Dressage Judge. Maryal has hosted many judges’ mini-forums throughout the United States and is a member of the USDF “L” Faculty to teach others to be dressage judges. In March of 1998, the AHSA, now USEF, appointed Maryal to be an Instructor, Examiner, and Senior Official for the “r” and “R” Dressage Judges Training Program. Maryal attended the USDF/Violet M. Hopkins National Dressage Instructors’ Seminar since its inception in 1979, participating as a rider and later as an instructor. As chairperson of the USDF/Hopkins National Seminar for Dressage Instructors Planning Committee, Maryal had the responsibility of planning the annual seminar held in Union Lake, MI. In 1997, Maryal was elected to the Executive Board of The Dressage Foundation, and in 1998, she was chosen to be an official USDF Instructor Certification Examiner and Faculty Member. Fellow examiner Lilo Fore says, “For Maryal, teaching is more than just a profession. It is a passion. Nothing gives her greater joy than seeing her students gain the ability to grasp a skill or concept through lessons that she developed.” For more information about the Lifetime Achievement Award and the Roemer Foundation/USDF Hall of Fame, visit the USDF website, or contact the USDF office at halloffame@usdf.org. Founded in 1973, the United States Dressage Federation is a nonprofit membership organization dedicated to education, recognition of achievement, and promotion of dressage. For more information about USDF membership or programs, visit www.usdf.org, e-mail usdressage@usdf.org, or call (859) 971-2277.
Barn Tip 10 Used-Trailer Buying Tips Is a new trailer out of reach? Find a safe, reliable used trailer with these 10 tips from experts Tom and Neva Kittrell Scheve. • Consider your horse. Put your horse’s safety and comfort first. Look at the trailer from his point of view. Avoid dark, stuffy trailers. Look for a roomy, well-ventilated, well-lit trailer with a safe, sturdy design. • Avoid sharp edges. Inspect the trailer for sharp edges, sharp tie rings, and other things that could injure your horse. Avoid steep, slippery ramps. Look for ramps that are easy to lift. Also look for windows and/or slats that provide light and air flow. • Check the ramp. Ideally, the design should allow you to access each horse individually and be unloaded without unloading the others. Look for quick-release dividers, bars, and center posts. • Check for rust and corrosion. Some surface rust on steel trailers is acceptable if it isn’t in a structural area; it’s usually an easy fix. Lift the mats, and check the floor. Avoid wood floors with rotting or soft spots. Avoid aluminum trailers with any hint of corrosion. • Check underneath. Look for problems with the under-floor frame. Stay away from aluminum trailers that have corrosion or welds, or steel trailers with frame rust. Check the axles and the bolts that attach the axles to the trailer frame. • Check the tires. Tires should be in excellent condition, and all should be the same size and brand. The tires should be marked ST (for “standard trailer”) and rated to carry the trailer’s gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR). Uneven tire wear can point to an axle-placement problem. Ask the owner how often the bearings were packed and the trailer was maintained. • Check the hitch. Check the coupler for excessive wear; it shouldn’t be loose when attached to the tow-vehicle ball. Safety chains should be in good condition. Look for an emergency breakaway brake with a rechargeable, replaceable battery. • Check gooseneck clearance. Make sure the gooseneck is high enough to clear your truck’s side rails and tailgate. An adjustable coupler helps, but older goosenecks may not be tall enough to clear the newer four-wheeldrive trucks. • Consider repairs. If the trailer is a really good deal, consider repairing minor problems. Note that it’s cheaper to repair a steel or hybrid trailer than an all-aluminum one. And some aluminum damage can never be restored to its original strength. It’s also cheaper to replace a wood floor than an aluminum one. Never spend more to fix up the trailer than the trailer will be worth if you re-sell it. If you have any doubts regarding the trailer’s condition, consult a professional. • Avoid impulse buys. Don’t buy the first trailer you see; shop around. The wrong trailer is no deal at any price.
Tom and Neva Kittrell Scheve are the designers, developers, and owners of the EquiSpirit, EquiBreeze, and Thoro -Sport lines of horse trailers, and are the authors of the nationally recognized textbook, ‘The Complete Guide to Buying, Maintaining, and Servicing a Horse Trailer’. Neva is also the co-author of ‘Hawkins Guide: Horse Trailering on the Road’ and ‘Hawkins Guide: Equine Emergencies on the Road’. Tip? watters4@cox.net
Calendar of Events January 2015
October 2014
4: CFF Schooling Days, Location Carefree Farms, Judge TBD, Contact Laura Borghesani laura.borghesani@gmail.com http://carefreefarms.net/ clinicsschoolingevents.html TBD: TDC Winter Heat I & II
1: First Futurity Payment Due Contact Janet Solanik at j.solanik@azdressage.org 10-12: Members Only Schooling Show; Oktoberfest Show, WestWorld, Contact Kathy Smith 623 570 5991 12: CFF Schooling Days, Location Carefree Farms, Judge TBD, Contact Laura Borghesani laura.borghesani@gmail.com http://carefreefarms.net/clinicsschoolingevents.html 13: ADA Meeting, Location Home of Carolyn Haskell 20-21: Tracey Lert clinic. riders and auditors welcome, call Jenny 623-935-3267
15: CFF Schooling Days, Location Carefree Farms, Judge TBD, Contact Laura Borghesani laura.borghesani@gmail.com http://carefreefarms.net/ clinicsschoolingevents.html TBD:ADA Fun in February
November 2014
1-2: ADA Fall Fiesta, Location WestWorld, Judges Dolly Hannon “S”, Debbie Riehl-Rodriguez “S”, Sue Kolstad “S”, Manager Jay Chabucos 623 221 0707 JayChabucos@gmail.com, Secretary Sue Plasman 602 463 2505 s.plasman@azdressage.org 6-9: US Dressage Finals, Lexington, KY 8: ADA Schooling Show, Located at Dale Creek, Judge TBD, contact Cynthia Ganem at cgasylum@cox.net 10: ADA Meeting, Location TBD 22-23: TDC Fall Festival I and II and State Championships, Location Pima County Fairgrounds, Judges Charlote Bredahl “S”, Charlotte Trentelman “S”, TBA, Manager Jay Chabucos 623 221 0707 JayChabucos@gmail.com, Secretary Dian Seabury dfseabury@gmail.com 22-24: Henrik Johanson “Positive Riding” Clinic Equus Dressage, Scottsdale, AZ, Auditors and Riders of all levels welcome. Check out Henrik’s Webpage at www.positiveriding.com for excellent tips for trainers and riders alike. Contact Tami George 1-800-231-0670 jeta@northlink.com 23: CFF Schooling Days, Location Carefree Farms, Judge TBD, Contact Laura Borghesani laura.borghesani@gmail.com http://carefreefarms.net/clinicsschoolingevents.html
March 2015
1: Final Futurity Payment Due Contact Janet Solanik at j.solanik@azdressage.org TBD: TDC March Madness I & II
April 2015
TBD: ADA Spring Celebration 15-19: FEI World Cup Finals, Las Vegas
May 2015 June 2015 July 2015 August 2015
TBD: ADA Mountain Air Dressage and ADA Dressage in the Pines
September 2015 October 2015
9-11: ABIG/USDF Region 5 Championships/ADA Fall Fiesta, WestWorld, Show Manager Jay Chabucos JayChabucos@gmail.com, 623 221 0707, Secretary Sue Plasman s.plasman@azdressage.org 602 463 2505
December 2014
7: ADA Schooling Show, Located at Bar A, Judge TBD, contact Cynthia Ganem c.ganem@azdressage.org 8: ADA Meeting, Location TBD 14: CFF Schooling Days, Location Carefree Farms, Judge TBD, Contact Laura Borghesani laura.borghesani@gmail.com http://carefreefarms.net/clinicsschoolingevents.html 8: ADA Meeting, Location TBD 18-21: USDF Region 5 Championships Location Colorado Horse Park, Parker, CO, Judges TBD 28: NAC Schooling Show Series, New Location American Ranch Equestrian Center, Prescott, Secretary Lynn Simpson
November 2015
TBD: ADA Fall Fiesta TBD: TDC Fall Festival I & II and State Championships
December 2015
Arizona Dressage Association PO Box 31602 Phoenix, AZ 85046-1602