Centerline Arizona Dressage Association
Vol. 22, Issue 2
January Board Meeting The meeting was called to order at 6:07 p.m. Officer’s Reports: 1. Directors/Alternate Directors Present: Kathy Smith, Michell Combs, Tania Radda, Cynthia Ganem, Susan Skripac, Amy Burnet, Pam Polydoros, Heather Lynch, Nicole Zoet, Meike Zoet.
February 2022
Meeting MI N U T E S
Directors/Alternate Directors Absent: Michelle Scarzone.
Guests: Alana Almgren, Kadriya Musina-Sallus, Jarred Sallus
4. Treasurers’ and Finance Report – January, Operating Account $ 40,206.19– Debit Account $ 11,108.48– Reserve Account $11,670.39 to reach our goal to cover catastrophic losses. – Pantano CD $11,728.17 – Cash $600.00. 5. Recognized Shows (1st VP) – Discussion on the Western Dressage in February Show at Dale Creek Equestrian Center. Discussion on footing concerns at Westworld- to be addressed via email with Westworld as well as in person meeting. Spring Show on April 16th and 17th- ADA will rent Equidome, arenas 4 and 3 as well as Wendell (for lunging). ADA predicts a low attendance for the Spring Show due to footing concerns. Summer Shows moved to the month of June –Dates are the 18th and 19th, to follow the Cow Horse Association to take advantage of arenas setup in the North Hall. Horses to be stabled in South Hall. 6. Schooling Shows (2nd VP) – No report. Working on venues, and then dates. Once venues are reserved, the dates will be published. Standing Committee Reports: 7. Membership Committee – 173 2022 ADA/GMO Members, 7 new members in 2022-7 adults and 0 J/YR, 165 Members Renewed in 2022, 158 Adults, 7 J/YR- 1 returning Members, 0 adults 1 J/YR. 132 2021 ADA/GMO Members have not yet renewed for 2022. 120 adults and 12 J/YR 8. Communications Committee – Email over footing concerns to be sent to trainers. Year in review email to go out to all ADA Members as well as updates on new rules for Year Continued on page 5
President:---------------------------- TaniaRadda, 480.235.7654 ------------------------ 1st VP: -------------------------------- Kathy Smith --------------------------------- 2nd VP: ------------------------------- Amy Burnett --------------------------------Secretary: ---------------------------- Nicole Zoet-Oostermyer ---------------------------- Treasurer & Trustee of Records: Cynthia Ganem -------------------------------- Maeike Zoet ------------------------ Susan Skipric ----------------------Alanna Almgren ------------------Heather Lynch --------------------Kadriya Musina-Sallus ---------------Jarred Sallus -----------------------
Awards: ------------------------------ Maeike Zoet-Javins -------------------------------- Centerline Editor: ----------------- Beth Martinec --------------------------------- Webmaster: ------------------------- Sue Leutwyler Education:--------------------------- Pam Polydoros Finance: ------------------------------ Cynthia Ganem Fundraising: ------------------------ Kay Lorenzen Futurity: ----------------------------- Susan Skripac Juniors/Young Riders:------------- Heather Lynch Membership: ----------------------- Michell Combs Scholarship: ------------------------ Ann Damiano -------------------------------- Recognized Shows: --------------- Kathy Smith Scores Compilation:--------------- Sue Leuwyler Vendors: ---------------------------- Michelle Scarzone ADA Board Attorney:
Wendy Riddell
Earn Volunteer/Service Hours Contribute to The Centerline Today!
Letters to the Editor: Submit your comments, suggestions, or opinions relating to the sport of dressage, to
Barn News: Trainers would you like to let us know about the recent accomplishments of your clients or introduce new clients and horses? Would you like to update readers about barn improvements, or talk about any other news of interest to the membership. Send submissions to centerline@
Member Submissions to The Centerline: Submit an article and photo of you and your horse on a topic of interest, a clinic or show experience. Sumit your favorite barn and horse care tips, or review clinic. We’d love to hear from you! Send to centerline@azdressage. org. If the photo is a riding photo, a helmet for photo is required. **Product Endorsements/Advertising** In most cases, products and services are considered paid advertising. Articles that are negative in nature concerning a particular product will not be considered for publication.
NAC President: --------------------------- Kirsten Kuzmanic, 951-440-4615, --------------------------------- Vice President: --------------------- Kay Laake, 217-549-1186, --------------------------------- Treasurer: ---------------------------- Traci Zenner, 612-616-9956 Secretary: --------------------------- Angelique Levell, 720-600-8717, --------------------------------- Facebook, Web, Newsletter: --- Kay Laake Show Manager: Kirsten Kuzmanic, Anne Callahan, Angelique Levell Clinics/Education: ----------------- Lavonne Jacobsen, 405-509-4667, ---------------------------------
eloved Friends and Family of Greenway Saddlery, with great sadness in our hearts we inform you that over the weekend Jayne Hickey, founder of Greenway Saddlery, has passed on. May her impact on the equestrian community continue forward in the cherished memories we have all shared with her. Her passion and love for people, the sport, and the beautiful animals that we share it with were second-to-none and she will be deeply missed. Jayne was deeply committed to sharing the joy of this sport with others and the creation of Greenway Saddlery was one of many ways she would accomplish this in her lifetime. This store represents her heart and her dream of growing the equestrian community. We fully intend to continue to see that vision through. We have appreciated the kind words, generosity and prayers during this difficult time. Thank you for everything you have done for our family and our business, and I hope you continue forward with us to see Jayne's dream realized. Best wishes to you and your families. Treat each other with kindness and keep on riding.
Please send donations Jayne M Hickey in lieu of flowers to: 5013c Healing Hearts Animal Rescue & Refuge Cave Creek, AZ 5013c Animal Guardian Network Camp Verde, AZ Celebration of Life for Jayne is set for early April. Date, place and time to follow.
Continued from page 1
End Awards and State Championships qualifying requirements. 9.
Education Committee – No report
10. Volunteer Committee – Candidates for the Year End Awards who have not met their volunteer requirements will be contacted through email to remind them that they have 30 days to comply and meet their volunteer requirements for the YEA. Most candidates have stepped forward and corrected their status and are now included in the YEA. A member has contacted us in regards to not being listed. An investigation was done, and the rider does qualify for YEA Awards. An updated list of the final award recipients will be published in the Centerline and ADA Website by mid-February. The meeting was called to order at 6:07 p.m. Officer’s Reports: 1. Directors/Alternate Directors Present: Kathy Smith, Michell Combs, Tania Radda, Cynthia Ganem, Susan Skripac, Amy Burnet, Pam Polydoros, Heather Lynch, Nicole Zoet, Meike Zoet. 2.
Directors/Alternate Directors Absent: Michelle Scarzone.
Guests: Alana Almgren, Kadriya Musina-Sallus, Jarred Sallus
4. Treasurers’ and Finance Report – January, Operating Account $ 40,206.19– Debit Account $ 11,108.48– Reserve Account $11,670.39 to reach our goal to cover catastrophic losses. – Pantano CD $11,728.17 – Cash $600.00. 5. Recognized Shows (1st VP) – Discussion on the Western Dressage in February Show at Dale Creek Equestrian C 11.
Vendor Committee – No report.
12. Awards Committee – Turf Paradise no longer offers the venue for dining events. The Year End Awards Banquet will be held at Westworld during our Spring Show. The banquet will be held on Saturday April 16th, at 6:00 p.m. It will be a dinner style menu. Awards will be presented during the banquet. More information to come. 13. Futurity – There are two horses signed up for the Futurity class offered during the Spring Show at Westworld. New Business: 14. Alana Almgren, Kadriya Musina-Sallus and Jarred Sallus were voted in by the board as alternates for the Board of Directors. 15. Changes for the Year End Awards, as well as State Qualifying scores are now published on the ADA’s website. TDC and ADA have agreed that riders must have one qualifying score for the state championships from one of the GMO’s shows. Only one score from a Non-GMO will count as a state qualifying score. The Non-GMO scores will NOT count for the Year End Awards with ADA. 16. Ballots for election for the Board of Directors will be mailed out. CALL TO MEMBERS – Members may be recognized by the Presiding Officer and may then address the Board regarding issues of concern to the Association. The Presiding Officer has the right to limit the amount of time that each Member has to address the Board. Announcement of Next Meeting – The ADA’s Annual Meeting is moved to the third Monday on February 21, 2022, it is scheduled to take place at the home of Tania Radda at 6:00 p.m. All ADA Members are invited to the meeting. Contact Tania Radda by phone or email for details. Email: taniaradda. Phone: 480-235-7654 Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. FEBRUARY 2022 |THE CENTERLINE | 5
- Western Dressage in February Results
Western Dressage Intro Test 1 (C) Riehl-Rodriguez, Jamie Adams Leo Hancock Carson 58.636% Western Dressage Intro Level Test 2 (C) Riehl-Rodriguez, Jamie Adams Leo Hancock Carson 51.667% Western Dressage Intro Level Test 4 (C) Riehl-Rodriguez, Joy Lind Jessicas Prize 73.500% Western Dressage Basic Level Test 1 (C) Riehl-Rodriguez, Shari Petersen BMQ Sweet Lil Star 66.538% Joy Lind Jessicas Prize 62.692% Geri Cavanagh AR Cats Hickory Stir 61.731% Elena Ros LF Famous Prince 60.192% Western Dressage Basic Level Test 2 (C) Riehl-Rodriguez, Elena Ros LF Famous Prince 62.600% Geri Cavanagh AR Cats Hickory Stir 60.200%
Western Dressage Basic Level Test 3 (C) Riehl-Rodriguez, Elena Ros LF Famous Prince Western Dressage First Level Test 1 (C) Riehl-Rodriguez, Bobbi Berry Frenchmans Keeper 68.000% Western Dressage First Level Test 2 (C) Riehl-Rodriguez, Bobbi Berry Frenchmans Keeper 69.074% Western Dressage Level 2 Test 3 (C) Riehl-Rodriguez, Lynn McKinney Diego 61.250%
Western Dressage - Third Level Test of Choice (C) Riehl-Rodriguez, Wylda Kristel Cromed Out Pistol 63.750% Western Dressage - Level 4 Test of Choice (C) Riehl-Rodriguez, Mackenzie Krajenke Coronas Best One Yet 71.094% Wylda Kristel Smarty Pepto 67.188% Summer Star Homem Brilhante ASM Star 63.281% Summer Star Homem Brilhante ASM Star 59.063% Amy Star Homem Brilhante ASM Star 0.313% Western Dressage - Level 5 Test of Choice (C) Riehl-Rodriguez, Mackenzie Krajenke Coronas Best One Yet 71.897% Wylda Kristel Smarty Pepto 64.310%
ARIZONA DRESSAGE ASSOCIATION HORSE NOMINATION FORM 2022 Arizona State Dressage Championships November 2022 – WestWorld of Scottsdale, AZ
Qualifying period for 2022 State Championships: October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022
v $25 Nomination fee must be received before qualifying scores are earned. v Once the horse has been nominated it is not necessary to pay additional qualifying fees on entries. Qualifying refers to Regional Championship qualifying, not to State Championships. Scores are tracked for State Championships, once the horse has been nominated. v You must be a member of an Arizona GMO by August 31, 2022 to ride in the Arizona State Championship Show. Horse Name: Horse USDF Number Horse USEF Number Owner Name Owner Address Owner Email/Phone # Owner USDF number Owner USEF number The Arizona State Championships will be held at the Arizona Dressage Association (ADA) Fall Fiesta, November 2022 at WestWorld of Scottsdale, AZ. For scores to count toward qualification for the State Championships, a $25 nomination fee must be paid for each horse. This fee must be paid before any rides will count toward qualifying. Since only one horse/rider combination can compete at State Championships, the fee goes toward the horse. Multiple riders may qualify on the same horse if the nomination fee has been paid for that horse. If multiple riders qualify on the same horse, one rider only may compete in the State Championship classes and the concurrent Fall Festival show. See State Championship Rule 5. There are two ways to file your Nomination Form: 1. Send the nomination with a $25 check, payable to Arizona Dressage Association (ADA) to the address listed below. 2. Include the nomination and check, payable to ADA, with your show entry to any Recognized show in Arizona-ADA, Tucson Dressage Club (TDC) or any ADA/TDC Recognized shows. Check the 2022 Arizona Dressage Omnibus or ADA and TDC websites for complete State Championship rules. Updates will also be posted on these websites, if required: ADA,; TDC,
Please make check payable to ADA and send to:
Sue Plasman | 2582 Jennifer Drive Live Oak, CA 95953-2147 530-695-0509 / 602-463-2505
2021 Year End Standings Riders of the Year
Training through 4th Levels Criteria: 4 Scores (1 Highest Test) | 3 Different Shows | 3 Different Judges | Volunteerism Adult Amateur Training Level Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes
73.405 72.979 71.800 71.638 66.896 66.646
Taylor, Karrin Sherwood, Catalina Watches, Nicole Musina-Sallus, Kadriya McLaughlin, Erica Pothast, Jamie
First Level Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes
68.646 68.125 67.863 67.608 66.675 66.597 61.935
Brusnighan, Christopher Taylor, Karrin Cochran, Maren Apicella, Kimberly Coleman, Cynthia Reiter, Colleen Kolstad, Kimberley
Second Level Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes
65.714 64.539 63.644 63.007 62.991 61.494 61.106 60.416 59.804 59.671
Keyser, Anastasia Darling, Lisa Lent, Stacey Kolstad, Kimberley Lindley, Deborah Cassidy, Meghan McGee, Karen Lloyd, Tristan Jade Cahill, Courtney Almgren, Alanna
Third Level Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes
66.865 66.260 65.327 62.270 61.279 59.966
Bruening, Rebecca Lindy, Rebecca Carson, Deborah McLaughlin, Wendy Willing-Mahler, Julie Cahill, Courtney
Fourth Level Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes
62.788 Jones, Christie 62.575 Carson, Deborah FEBRUARY 2022 |THE CENTERLINE | 9
Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes
61.886 Ziurys, Lucy 61.670 George, Tamara
JR/YR Training Level Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes
70.638 70.305 66.528 65.215 65.086
First Level Volunteerism? Yes
62.363 Erickson, Sophia
Third Level Volunteerism? Yes
64.044 Nayak, Katherine
Open Training Level Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes
74.827 Paglia, Paula 66.394 Bowers, Ashley 65.974 Dietzgen, Tasha
First Level Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes
72.830 72.049 68.556 68.295
Janisko, Kristine Paglia, Paula Lindsten, Taylor Vines, Amanda
Third Level Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes
72.090 67.251 67.250 66.294
Riddell, Wendy Undabarrena, Miguel Brown, Catherine Lindsten, Taylor
Fourth Level Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes
66.937 Riddell, Wendy 66.910 Tobie, Jennifer
Valentine, Nicola Lupeika, Olivia Baughman, Lily Loes, Maryellen Erickson, Sophia
FEI Riders of the Year
Criteria: 4 Scores | 3 Different Shows | 3 Different Judges | Volunteerism Adult Amateur FEI - A Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes
62.757 Lepire, Michele 62.316 LaCroix, Cindi
FEI - B Open FEI - A
Volunteerism? Yes
61.985 Hope-Reese, Theresa
Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes Volunteerism? Yes
70.698 Jackson, Cyndi 63.382 Undabarrena, Miguel 63.052 Peek, Krista
Sandra Kale
Criteria: 4 Scores | 3 Different Shows | 3 Different Judges | Volunteerism 64.221 Sir Renity GHA 63.052 Alexa Bella
Anglo Arabian Arabian
Lindley, Deborah Galante-Super,
Lindley, Deborah Yes Michele Peek, Krista Yes
Yes Yes
Criteria: 3 Scores | 3 Different Judges | Volunteerism Volunteerism? Avg Horse Owner Rider Yes Yes
61.890 62.990
Imperio Do Castanheiro Stonewall Good Deal
Radda, Tania Lepire, Michele
Undabarrena, Miguel Lepire, Michele
2021 Year End Standings Horses - Training through 4th Levels
Criteria: 3 Scores (1 Highest Test) | 3 Different Shows | 3 Different Judges | Volunteerism Volunteerism Avg Horse Owner Rider(s)Owner/Rider Training Level Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
75.057 73.678 72.938 72.113 70.982 70.736 69.770 67.387 66.667 66.494 66.494 66.399 66.010 66.010 65.897 65.057
Rose Rhapsodie Paglia, Paula Paglia, Paula Last Chapter Taylor, Karrin Taylor, Karrin Bright Feet Sherwood, Catalina Sherwood, Catalina Klarchen Watches, Nicole Watches, Nicole Sundance Lupeika, Olivia Lupeika, Olivia Baryshnikov Valentine, Nicola Valentine, Nicola Facetime Musina-Sallus, Kadriya Musina-Sallus, Kadriya One Diva Pothast, Jamie Pothast, Jamie Arthur WH Loes, Maryellen Loes, Maryellen Foreman McLaughlin, Erica McLaughlin, Erica Sol Invictus Sallus, Jarred Musina-Sallus, Kadriya Belinda PBH Bowers, Ashley Bowers, Ashley Rejoice of Rubignon Jones, Cathy Lee Dietzgen, Tasha Rejoice of Rubignon Jones, Cathy Lee McLaughlin, Wendy Hieronimo Baughman, Lily Baughman, Lily Trinidad Lynch, Heather Erickson, Sophia FEBRUARY 2022 |THE CENTERLINE | 11
First Level Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
72.810 72.500 68.620 68.472 67.984 67.393 67.222 66.909 66.898 65.648 64.722 63.289 61.852
Amour De Chrome Janisko, Kristine Janisko, Kristine Rose Rhapsodie Paglia, Paula Paglia, Paula Sir Harvard Apicella, Kimberly Apicella, Kimberly Last Chapter Taylor, Karrin Taylor, Karrin Ravyn Cochran, Maren Cochran, Maren Justus SSM Vines, Amanda Vines, Amanda Bailo Brusnighan, Christopher Brusnighan, Christopher Ansero Whittington, Lois Coleman, Cynthia Wt Daisha Reiter, Colleen Reiter, Colleen WonderElla Vlatten-Schmitz, Dorie Lindsten, Taylor Ilegro HB Almgren, Alanna Almgren, Alanna Trinidad Lynch, Heather Erickson, Sophia Quill GHA Lindley, Deborah Kolstad, Kimberley
Second Level Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
65.913 64.444 63.446 63.115 62.848 62.782 60.136 59.601 59.325 58.611
Samson Keyser, Anastasia Keyser, Anastasia Annwylid Dare to Dream Darling, Lisa Darling, Lisa Quill GHA Lindley, Deborah Kolstad, Kimberley Sir Renity GHA Lindley, Deborah Lindley, Deborah Allegheny Whittington, Lois Cassidy, Meghan Galante Da Prata Lent, Stacey Lent, Stacey Khaleesi Cahill, Courtney Cahill, Courtney Ilegro HB Almgren, Alanna Almgren, Alanna Summer Solstice Lloyd, Tristan Jade Lloyd, Tristan Jade Logan Lipton, Mary Lipton, Mary
Third Level Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
72.382 68.623 67.583 66.500 66.500 65.727 65.001 63.799 62.667 62.667 62.036 59.209
Galaxy Quest Tillman, Laura Riddell, Wendy Ehrenfurst Bruening, Rebecca Jackson, Cyndi/ Rebecca B. Icarus Pribble, Kimberly Brown, Catherine Quintana Roo CR Lindy, Rebecca Lindy, Rebecca Wallace G Skripac, Susan Lindsten, Taylor Bravo Carson, Deborah Carson, Deborah Kalires Chief Lyanough Martinec, Beth Undabarrena, Miguel Gaspacho Farthing, Pamela Nayak, Katherine Ferdinand Bill, Laura Riddell, Wendy Ferdinand Bill, Laura Bill, Laura Jordan WRF McLaughlin, Wendy McLaughlin, Wendy Khaleesi Cahill, Courtney Cahill, Courtney
Fourth Level Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
67.315 66.574 63.134 62.087 61.725 60.228
SRC Adriana Tobie, Jennifer Tobie, Jennifer Gaspacho Farthing, Pamela Nayak, Katherine Gallagher Carson, Deborah Carson, Deborah Lukas George, Tamara George, Tamara Oficial De Susaeta Ziurys, Lucy Ziurys, Lucy Claudio Jones, Christie Jones, Christie
FEI Horses
Criteria: 3 Scores | 3 Different Shows | 3 Different Judges | Volunteerism Volunteerism? Avg Horse Owner Rider(s)Owner/Rider FEI
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
63.530 Alexa Bella Galante-Super, Michele Peek, Krista 63.510 Slipstream Tripp, Sherrill Paglia, Paula 63.186 Marbella LaCroix, Cindi LaCroix, Cindi 62.990 Stonewall Good Deal Lady Lepire, Michele Lepire, Michele 62.206 Orive Yet Hope-Reese, Theresa Hope-Reese, Theresa 62.108 Gunipre Hacal Undabarrena, Miguel Undabarrena, Miguel 61.863 Altivo MABU Undabarrena, Miguel Undabarrena, Miguel 61.029 Imperio Do Castanheiro Radda, Tania Undabarrena, Miguel 56.324 Miguel Al Vida Ganem, Cynthia Ganem, Cynthia
Freestyle Rider / Horse Combination
Criteria: 3 Scores | 3 Different Shows | 3 Different Judges | Volunteerism Adult Amateur FS (TL- 4th) Volunteerism Yes 66.111 Anastasia Keyser / Samson
At WestWorld - April 16, 2022 We will gather at the Equidome at 5:30 p.m. and dinner will be served at 6:00 p.m.
Come celebrate with us the success of our riders in 2021 FEBRUARY 2022 |THE CENTERLINE | 13
2nd Annual Fun Day By Michell Combs
Carefree Farms and Desert Sport Horses hosted a FUN DAY, full of horse and horse-less games for “kids” of all ages on December 18, 2021 - a very cold and windy day. Similar to last year, the format included an in-hand obstacle course, followed by team-oriented and individual oriented under-saddle contests, then non-horse activities. Whether the kids were racing their horses to put items in a bucket or trying to put the horn on a poster unicorn blindfolded, each “kid” gave it their all! Some of the new games required a lot of thought so everyone tried their best. The two most challenging tasks were hand-walking their horse with a trot pole longitudinally between their legs. The left front and left hind were on the left side of the pole, while the right front and right hind were on the right side of the pole. Most of the horses thought their humans were crazy. The other difficult task was that a two horse and rider team, while under saddle, held a crepe paper ribbon from rider’s hand to the teammate rider’s hand and race their horses, turn and race back, without breaking the crepe paper. I think the spectators loved this one more than the riders. The end result were fairly uncoordinated teams. Co-Managers, Heike Barrett, of Flagstaff, AZ and Michell Combs, owner of Dressage with Michell, LLC, feel that a morning of laughter is good for the soul. The event wouldn’t be possible without the support of Carefree Farms, Laura Borghesani, Alice Sarno, the young kids and young-at-heart “kids”, the top-notch volunteers, Susan and Ellen, the participants’ parents, our show photographer, Veleska Fleuchaus, and most of all, the horses and ponies that put up with our shenanigans! I can’t wait to see what is in store for everyone in 2022!
The Rise of Western Dressage By Elisabeth Martinec
In the last decade or so, the sport of Western Dressage has slowly but steadily been gaining popularity with riders throughout Arizona. Adult amateurs and professionals alike are being drawn to this discipline, which combines the principles of classical dressage with the elements required of a trained western horse. Just like traditional dressage, cadence, self-carriage and balance are the desired outcome of the increasing levels of training. However, the end goal of Western Dressage differs and is to have a more calm, comfortable and maneuverable horse. Western Dressage is ridden in traditional western tack and clothing. No special equipment is required and since the emphasis is to be on the horse and its performance, it is not necessary to have the showy outfits or tack that is typically used for other western disciplines. The bridle can have a snaffle bit or a curb, with two hands always used on the snaffle and the option of using one or two hands with the curb. The entire test must be ridden with a consistent hand – riders cannot switch from one to two hands within the same test. Tests are arranged in a similar fashion to traditional dressage getting more advanced as the training progresses from Intro, Basic, and Levels 1 through 5. There are four tests in each of the levels and just like traditional dressage; the arena size is shortened for the very beginning levels. The sport also includes opportunities in Freestyle, Therapeutic Riding tests, and Dressage Seat Equitation. Western Dressage classes are now being offered as a part of many traditional dressage competitions. Breed shows for the Morgan Horse, Arabian and Quarter Horse are also offering classes. The Arizona Dressage Association has been offering show opportunities in Western Dressage for many years. There are also more and more opportunities Riders can get more information on this sport from the WDAA - Western Dressage Association of America. They have information on upcoming shows, guidelines for tack and equipment and pdfs of all the tests.
Mackenzie Krajenke and ‘Coronas Best One Yet’ 10 year old QH doing 5th level Western Dressage. A new level for WD and the highest level. Photo credit/ Amanda Frazee-Valentine
February Region 5 Message I hope everyone in our northern states are staying warm and getting a little horse time this winter! Those of you in our southern states, I hope your horse show season is going well. We are accepting bids for the 2023 Great American/USDF Region 5 Championships through February 7th. If anyone is interesting is placing a bid for the Regional Championships or has any questions about the process, please contact myself or the USDF office and we’ll be happy to help! The final date for a Regional Championship to be held in 2023 will be October 9th in order to fit into the National Championship time frame, so please keep that in mind when looking at facilities and possible weekends. The Finals will be held in Lexington, Kentucky in 2023. If you have an educational activity that your barn, group or organization is doing, please let me know so I can add it to the Region 5 educational activity calendar that is sent out with the monthly Regional updates by USDF. We would love to keep everyone as informed as possible. Things are a bit different with Covid, but we’d love to let our members know of anything being offered in our region that folks might be able to audit or ride in. We can also post events on the Region 5 website. Please feel free to send me an email reminder for anything you’d like to see posted. Also, if anyone has an interest in helping with the website, please let me know! If you intend to qualify for Region 5 teams to the North American Youth Championships, then please make sure you take note of the application structure for 2022. The application and fee should be turned in to the USDF office by March 15, 2022 in order to avoid stiffer fees. If you apply by March 15th, the fee is only $50 per application. Applications submitted between March 16th and April 26th are $100 and the final application deadline is May 10th, but it will cost you $300 to apply between April 27th and May 10th. At this point in time, absolutely no applications will be accepted after May 10th. If you plan to compete for NAYC, please also be sure to contact Joan Clay, our Region Coordinator for the FEI Juniors and Young Riders and let her know your intent. Her email address is and her phone number is 970.420.0887. The 2022 NAYC will be held at the Great Lakes Equestrian Festival, Flintfields Horse Park, Traverse City, Michigan – August 8-14, 2022. Till next month! Heather Petersen Region 5 Director 16 | THE CENTERLINE | FEBRUARY 2022
Check Membership Type: o Renewal o New Membership o NAC (Must Select to be NAC) Current USDF # ________________ (If Applicable) Use this Form for Payment by Check ONLY - For Payment by Credit Card, Join Online at Name (print clearly )______________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth (______/______/______) Address ____________________________________________________ City ____________________________ State _______ Zip ____________
2022 Membership Application December 1, 2021 - November 30, 2022
Home Phone _____________________________ Cell Phone _____________________________ Work Phone ____________________________ OPT-IN to receive important ADA information by providing your Email address: ______________________________________________
Centerline newsletter, Show, Clinic and Membership information are delivered electronically. We respect your privacy. ADA does NOT share your personal information with ANY third parties! See Full Privacy Policy on ADA Website. Signature (required) _________________________________________________________________ Date _____________________________
JUNIOR /YOUNG RIDER MEMBERSHIP: (one vote) Date of Birth (____/_____/_____) (under age 22 by December 1, 2022) FAMILY MEMBERSHIP: Only the PRIMARY / INDIVIDUAL MEMBER gets one ADA vote. All memberships eligible for ADA Awards. Every ADA FAMILY MEMBER gets a USDF Group Membership with the additional fee. Some USDF Restrictions May Apply. Primary Family Member Name (if different than above) _____________________________________________ Date of Birth (____/____/____) Supporting Family Member #1 Name ___________________________________________________________ Date of Birth (____/____/____) Supporting Family Member #2 Name ___________________________________________________________ Date of Birth (____/____/____)
Individual Membership......................................... $50.00 o AA o JR/YR o Open Primary Family Membership ................................ $50.00 o AA o JR/YR o Open Each Supporting Family member ........................ $28.00 #1 o AA o JR/YR o Open #2 o AA o JR/YR o Open o Hard Copy Newsletter (optional) ..............$ 30.00 o ADA donation (optional) ...........................$ 10.00 (for rider education programs) o USDF Region 5 donation (optional) ......... $ 1.00 o Region 5 JR/YR donation (optional) ........ $ 5.00 ADA is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit Organization
HELP WANTED ADA is a Volunteer Organization.
*** Volunteering your Time or Expertise is required for Year End Awards, Scholarships, and Grants *** Visit for details. Contact if you can help us out! or
o Volunteer Donation (optional).....$ 50.00
Your generous donations help fund ADA Scholarships and Travel Grants for educational opportunities!
TOTAL enclosed $ _____________
These are some areas we can use your help!
*Mail to: Michell Combs
Make checks payable to: “ADA”
8877 N 107th Ave, Suite 302-238 Peoria, AZ 85345 Or Scan/Email to: * Envelope must have Michell’s name on it
Horse Shows Clinic Activities Board Member Selection Committees Fundraising Public Relations
Newsletter Membership Annual Awards Provide Arena Provide Event Venue Hospitality (home)
“To Promote the Advancement of Classical Dressage through Education”
Full Mission Statement at (10/21)
Our Mission: The Arizona Dressage Association is a not-for-profit organization whose goal is to promote the advancement of classical dressage through educational opportunities and programs, and the rigorous evaluations received at recognized and schooling dressage shows.
USDF Recommended Reading List USDF Training Manual (Classical Training of the Horse) – USDF The Principles of Riding – German National Equestrian Federation Advanced Techniques of Dressage – German National Equestrian Federation USDF Pyramid of Training – USDF The Gymnasium of the Horse – Gustav Steinbrecht The New Basic Training of the Young Horse – Ingrid & Reiner Klimke Cavalletti for Dressage and Jumping – Ingrid & Reiner Klimke When Two Spines Align – Beth Baumert Balance in Movement: The Seat of the Rider – Suzanne von Dietz Thinking Riding – Books 1 & 2 – Molly Sivewright The Complete Training of Horse and Rider – Alois Podhajsky The Riding Teacher – Alois Podhajsky An Anatomy of Riding – Drs. H. & V. Schusdziarra (Reprinted as Anatomy of Dressage with USDF as the co-publisher) Rider & Horse Back to Back – Susanne von Dietze Practical Dressage Manual – Bengt Ljungquist
"Never underestimate the power of transistions"
Dressage with Kyra – Kyra Kyrklund Dressage: A Guidebook for the Road to Success – Alfred Knopfhart The Competitive Edge II – Dr. Max Gahwyler Riding Logic – Wilhelm Müseler 101 Dressage Exercises for Horse & Rider – Jec Aristotle Ballou Equine Locomotion – Dr. Willem Back and Dr. Hilary Clayton
2022 Show Dates May 7th - Spring Schooling Show, Judge - Cynthia Ganem September 17th - Fall Schooling Show, Judge - Michell Combs
~ ADVERTISING ~ The Centerline is not responsible for, nor does it endorse any claims made by advertisers. All advertisements must be paid at the time of submission. Ad Formats – JPG, TIFF, PDF - 300 dpi
Full Page (7.5”x10”) .................................................$90 ½ Page ......................................................................$50 1/3 Page ....................................................................$35 ¼ Page ......................................................................$20 Business Card ...........................................................$15
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something? Put your ad in the classifieds to see if someone has what you want, or wants what you have. Send to $5 for up to 50 words; $5 per photo; $5 non-member fee
Web Site:
The ADA Website is You may advertise on the site for $50 per year, or $30 for six months. Non-members please add $5. Newsletter Deadline: 20th of the previous month Email to: Please be sure that your payment accompanies your ad. To make a payment go to
The Centerline is the official monthly newsletter of the Arizona Dressage Association (ADA), a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Material in the newsletter may not be reproduced, with the exception of forms, without the written consent and credit of the editor and/ or author. The Centerline assumes no responsibility for the return of unsolicited material unless accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. The Centerline welcomes your articles, letters, barn news, cartoons, artwork, poetry and especially, your photographs. Submissions, news, views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the position or views of the ADA. Acceptance does not constitute an endorsement. Accuracy of materials submitted is the sole responsibility of the author. The Editor reserves the right to accept, reject and edit submitted material. The deadline for articles and advertising is the 20th of the month. Email to: 22 | THE CENTERLINE | FEBRUARY 2022
Hey Readers The Centerline is always in need of great photos to go along with our articles or just to fill the world with more cute pony pics. So if you have some you'd like to share, please send them to us at:
2022 CALENDAR OF EVENTS JANUARY 14-16: Champagne Dressage Show. Contact Central Arizona Riding Academy for more information.
SEPTEMBER 17: NAC Dressage Schooling Show: American Ranch, Prescott, AZ , Judge: Michell Combs
FEBRUARY OCTOBER MARCH 12-13: Tuscon March Madness I/II: Location: Pima County Fairgrounds, Tuscon, AZ. Judges: 27: Carefree Farms Dressage Schooling Day: Location: Carefree Farm, Judge: TBD APRIL
November 5-6: ADA Fall Fiesta: WestWorld, Scottsdale, Judges: 19-20: Fall Festival I & II: Pima County Fairgrounds, Tuscon, AZ. Judges:
16-17: ADA Spring Celebration: WestWorld, Scottsdale, Judges: Sandy Hotz & Paula Lacy MAY 7: NAC Dressage Schooling Show: American Ranch, Prescott, AZ , Judge: Cynthia Ganem
JUNE 3-5: TDC Road Runner Dressage Show I: Pima County Fairgrounds, Tuscon, AZ 18-19: ADA Summer Heat & Some More Heat Dressage Show, Location: WestWorld, Scottsdale, AZ in the Equidome with indoor stabling
JULY 8-10: TDC Road Runner Dressage Show II: Pima County Fairgrounds, Tuscon, AZ
ARIZONA DRESSAGE ASSOCIATION PO Box 31602 Phoenix, AZ 85046-1602