ADA July Centerline

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Arizona Dressage Association

Centerline Vol. 21, Issue 7

July 2021

Letter to Our Members We would like to update our membership on the developments of our Summer Shows at Westworld, and share some other great news. For our shows on August 21st and 22nd, 2021. We now have 2 "S" judges for both shows. Those who need qualifying scores will be able to ride under 2 different judges in 2 different shows. Our judges are Brent Hicks and Ellie Stine-Masek. We have early move in day on Thursday. You can bring your horse(s) and set up tack stall(s), just let our Show Secretary know. There is NO riding on Thursday. It is Hand Walk only. We will be setting up the competition ring in the Equidome on Thursday afternoon. Competitors can arrive as early as 6 a.m. on Friday, and also start riding as early as 6 a.m. Please be aware that the arenas will be dragged on Friday. We have secured the South Hall with Westworld, and will be setting up a warm up arena. This show will be 100% indoors. The one exception is that we also have use of Arena 3 (the covered arena in front of the Equidome). Arena 3 will be used for lunging and also for warm up. Stabling indoors will be new for our club. We will announce more details in regards to arrival and unloading, as well as what to expect, and trailer and competitors parking. All wash stalls are also indoors. The use of the indoor facilities is expensive, and as some of you have noticed, it is reflected in the entry fees which helps us cover some of the costs. The higher cost is worth it as it saves us from driving up north or out of state and we are in a cool air conditioned environment with no worries about the weather. We are hoping that our members will also help us in our fundraising efforts for this show. Expect a call from Kay Lorenzen, our fundraising Chair, and please consider making a contribution to our club. We also have some exciting plans for our Summer Shows in 2022! We are currently working with Westworld to secure a date and a package deal to use the North Hall as our competition and Stabling area. We can fit two competition rings, a warm up ring and 160 stalls in the North Hall. We will also use the Equidome, and the paddock. This will help us make our summer shows into a full 3 ring show. We plan to bring top judges for our summer shows and make it into a fun and cool event for Continued on page 3

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