ADA March Centerline

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Centerline Arizona Dressage Association

Vol. 22, Issue 3

March 2022

To Our MembersWe hope this email finds you well an excited for our dressage shows this year. We want to update the club on some of the exciting things we have been working on to ensure we have a wonderful experience with our shows this year. Footing at Westworld: We understand that there are concerns in regards to footing at Westworld, and we decided to make this right for our members. We approached Westworld with our concerns and they invited us to a meeting. We are pleased to share that Westworld has heard us-loud and clear! They will do everything to ensure that we have the best footing for our shows. They are aware of our needs and have proposed the following: Excess footing will be removed from the arenas prior to our arrival (yes, they will take truck loads out of footing), they will work the sub-base and set the top at 1 ½” to 2" of fluff, they will carefully monitor the moisture content, and set the drags to our required depth to not disturb the sub-base. The arenas outside will be watered and dragged more often to ensure the moisture content is optimal as this is critical to the quality of the footing. Westworld has written us a letter, which we share here: Letter from Westworld on Footing. In this letter, Westworld assures our club that they are committed to providing optimal footing to create a wonderful and safe experience for all. We are thrilled with their response and willingness to work with our club. Show management will be opened to input from our competitors on Friday morning before the show(s) to help optimize competition footing, and will then relay the message to WW staff to confirm that footing is ideal for all competitors. Show management will continue to work with competitors and Westworld through the competition. Our goal is to provide a wonderful experience for all. Indoors Summer Shows: We are excited about our indoor shows in June (June 18-19). Westworld is well aware of our footing needs, and they assured us that it is much easier to control the footing indoors, and that the arenas in Continued on page 3

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