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horse most popular
The Centerline
Arizona Dressage Association
www.azdressage.org Vol. 21, Issue 11 November 2021
Ready, Set, Show
By Beth Martinec
If you had asked me last year at this time if I was going to ever show my horse again, my answer was firmly no. I assured all my friends that the only reason to put my horse into full training was just to take lessons on a horse that a., looked like he knew a thing or two and b., wasn’t going to try to launch me into orbit every time I rode him. I had no intention of taking my horse to a show. Flash forward to three months later though and I did exactly the opposite of all that. I took him to a show and I was hooked. The rest of my year went by in one carousel joyride of irresponsible spending. I went to a lot of shows. Yes, I may now have a problem, but I’m firmly in the denial phase, so let’s not ruin it for me. Let’s focus on the real problem which is that I was seriously underprepared for navigating the mindboggling requirements necessary to enter these shows. Even last night I spent two and a half hours signing up for the next show. And even now, I’m still not sure I have all the required numbers and forms filed….I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that they need to know my blood type and my astrological sign? Plus I probably have to pay a fee for that. Do I have to go through this every year?
As I was researching for information to help write this article, I came across a document written on this exact topic – an easy step-by-step guide to entering recognized shows. I had struck gold I thought. Someone has done all the hard work I thought and I can read this and it will all be clear to me. Except that this “easy guide” is thirty-two pages of absolutely everything you could ever want to know and was too much for me to absorb. It seemed so overwhelming that I didn't even try to read it.
So here's my best advice for all of you who are new to this too. Find someone who has a whole bunch of show experience and ask them to be your new best friend. Sit them