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pushing power
5. Secretary’s Report/Approval of Minutes – Nicole Zoet – will be sent per email to the Board Members for acceptance. 6. Treasurer’s and Finance Report/Approval - Cynthia Ganem Treasurer’s Report as of July 2021 Asset Accounts: Operating Account $63,567.52, Debit Account $20,406.35, Reserve Account $11,631.97.08 more to reach our goal to cover catastrophic losses-Pantano $11,728.17, Cash $ 447.00, Total Assets $174,477.61 7. 1st VP - Recognized Shows Report– Kathy Smith: Fall Fiesta had a good turnout. Fun in February has not been renewed for 2022. Low attendance and cost of running the show, did not justify renewing the license for 2022. Fun in February will be tabled for now, discussions are opened for 2023. Bid for USDF Regionals in 2023 is being processed. 8. 2nd VP – Michell Combs-. Amy Burnett will take over as 2nd VP in December as well as the Schooling Shows Committee Chair for 2022.
Standing Committee Reports:
9. Membership Committee Report – Michell Combs Membership Numbers: 297 = 46 New Members + 230 Renewed + 21 returning 84 have not renewed for 2021. 10. Volunteer Committee – Volunteer hours will be submitted for Year End Awards-Preliminary Report to be published. 11. Awards Committee Report – Maeike Zoet: Year End Awards will return to normal. Venue-Most Likely Turf Paradise, will be reserved for Banquet. Awards will be ordered. 12. Futurity Committee Report –Susan Skripac: No new entrees. As of date 2 entries were received. 13. Schooling Shows Committee Report- Next Schooling Show is at Sage Mountain Equestrian 14. Education Committee Report – Jane Puckett: no new report.
new Business:
15. Michell Combs to step down as 2nd VP. Amy Burnett will step in for this role. 16. Call to Members – Members may be recognized by the Presiding Officer and may then address the Board regarding issues of concern to the Association. The Presiding Officer has the right to limit the amount of time that each Member has to address the Board. Guests will have 3 minutes to share their ideas or concerns. 17. Next meeting – December 13, 2021, in person, at Tania Radda’s house. 18. Adjournment Tania Radda motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7.28 pm, Cynthia Ganem 2nd it.