Architecture 1o1

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Architecture 101 Unveiling the journey Janet Urbina @jaurinu

Part 1: What I’ve learned

Week 1: Taking pictures


Only a small eye in the vast universe

#50000YearsAgo, and still there are some things

that have no name. It’s refuse to be categorized or labeled, seeking freedom to be anything.


There is a whisper that I can't hear. There is a music that sounds without sound. Yes, I can't hear it but I can see the dance that everybody dances when they feel the music in silence.

Week 2: Learning to Sketch


It is not easy, it is not impossible


Observe is the key


Trust, trust, even if you do not see

Week 3: Making collages


In the world of words, what I can Say without them?


but there is no difference


Even when the roof is different, the stars are the same

W 4: Observing the weather

#ExcuseMeWhile, I explore the sky

into a kaleidoscope and understand the permanent impermanence.


Get wet, have fun and let the ideas down

#MyBusinessIs flowing like clouds

Week 5: Shaping diagrams

#YourMindWill divide, join, connect and

let you know you do not know


The process of a cell that replicates fractally

#OnesDestination is never a place but

rather a new way of looking at things. Henry Miller

Week 6: Making maps

#ALineIsADot that explores new places


Geometry It’s never wrong. Paul Rand

#ThisWorldIs but a canvas to our imagination."

Henry David Thoreau.

Part 2: What I’ve learned from others

What I’ve learned from others

A story, #OnesDestination, hundreds of journeys

What I’ve learned from others

@nidragica It is not just an eye, it is what does it see

@anna_bolotnikova Perceive the whole thing with a line

@tatianabrando The simple way to say everything

What I’ve learned from others

@sabrosas_journal Flip the rules is not a bad idea

@ppon1985 Mathematics, geometry and symbols it is all that you need

@rebecaporras Well, I just like it ď Š

Part 3: My place

My place

My place

all lines converge at the center

Instructors: Stefano Mirti Anne Sophie Gauvin Petronela Nita

ABADIRAccademia di Belle Arti, Catania & IVERSITY

Architecture 101 Unveiling the journey NOT ALL THOSE WHO WANDER ARE LOST

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