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Arkansas Bar Foundation

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2224 Cottondale Lane, Little Rock, Arkansas 72202 www.arkansasbarfoundation.com • 501.801.5670

Memorials and Honoraria


The Arkansas Bar Foundation acknowledges with grateful appreciation the receipt of the following memorial, honoraria and scholarship contributions received during the period July 15, 2022 through October 31, 2022.

In MeMory of Judge JereMy Bueker Hyden, Miron & Foster, PLLC Rosalind and Kirby Mouser

In MeMory of Margaret CoMpton Hayden and Gordon S. Rather, Jr.

In MeMory of e. C. gIlBreath Judge Robert T. Dawson Rex M. Terry Judge Billy Roy Wilson and Judge Cathi Compton

In MeMory of Judge John earl JennIngs Judy and Glenn Vasser Judge Billy Roy Wilson and Judge Cathi Compton

In MeMory of Chester C. lowe, Jr. Hayden and Gordon S. Rather, Jr. Sharon and Fred Ursery Judge Billy Roy Wilson and Judge Cathi Compton

In MeMory of Judge sIdney h. MCColluM Edwina and Jerry Wilson

In MeMory of Col. wM. a. “BIll” MartIn Judge Billy Roy Wilson and Judge Cathi Compton

In MeMory of Col. wM. a. “BIll” MartIn

desIgnated to the Col. wM. a. “BIll” MartIn

sCholarshIp fund

Nancy and Judge John N. Fogleman John P. Gill Donis B. Hamilton

Betsy and Cyril Hollingsworth

Hyden, Miron & Foster, PLLC Ann and Hoyte Pyle Charles D. Roscopf Brian Rosenthal Jan and Jim Sprott Rebecca and Tom Tinder Sharon and Fred Ursery Judy and Glenn Vasser

In MeMory of saMuel pIazza Hayden and Gordon Rather

In MeMory of JaMes MIChael shaw Judge Robert T. Dawson Rex M. Terry

In MeMory of Cathy sMIth Judith and Kelley Johnson

honorarIa, sCholarshIp ContrIButIons and other gIfts

Donor Wall:

In Honor of Judge Barbara Halsey The Halsey Family: Jerry, Cheri, Taylor, and Olivia

Contributions to Arkansas Bar Foundation

Judge Chalk Mitchell David Powell Becky and Steve Singleton Frank B. Sewall

The Arkansas Bar Foundation is grateful to its Sponsors, guests and Development Committee (Edward Oglesby, Chair, Curtis Hogue, Jamie Jones, Robert Sexton, Danyelle Walker, Teresa Wineland) for a successful fundraiser– Raising the Bar held on September 22, 2022 at the Arkansas Bar Center.

arkansas Bar foundatIon MeMorIal MedallIons

Judge John f. stroud, Jr. Winford L. Dunn, Jr. Gary Nutter The Family of Hayes C. McClerkin Fred Ursery Richard A. Williams

Judge sIdney h. MCColluM Ralph and Mary Cotham Bob and Nell Lyford The Family of Sid McCollum Jim and Elgenia Ross John Dewey and Sandra Watson

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