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Disciplinary Actions
Attorney Disciplinary Actions
Final actions from July 1, 2022 – September 30, 2022, by the Committee on Professional Conduct. Summaries prepared by the Office of Professional Conduct (OPC). Full text documents are available online through the Judiciary website by checking under “Opinions and Disciplinary Decisions” using the following link: https://www.arcourts.gov/professionalconduct/opinions. [The “Model” Rules of Professional Conduct are for conduct prior to May 1, 2005. The “Arkansas” Rules are in effect from May 1, 2005.]
KNIGHT, KENNETH VAUGHN, of Fayetteville, ABN: 2002097, in Committee Case No. CPC-2022-010, on a complaint by his former client, Tom Muccio, for violations of AR Rules 1.1, 1.3, 1.4(a)(3), 1.15(a)(5), 1.15(a)(6), 8.1(a), 8.4(c), and 8.4(d), was referred on September 19, 2022, to disbarment proceedings to be initiated by OPC if Knight does not first surrender his law license.
MAY, QUENTIN ELLERY, of Little Rock, ABN: 2006034, in Committee Case No. CPC-2022-019, on a complaint by his former client, Hayley Ford, for violations of AR Rules 1.4(a)(3), 1.15(a)(5), 8.1(b), and 8.4(c), was referred on September 16, 2022, to disbarment proceedings to be initiated by OPC if May does not first surrender his law license.
McKAY, MATTHEW PORTER, of Little Rock, ABN: 2007146, in Committee Case No. CPC-2022-029, on a petition before the Committee, by Order of Interim Suspension issued September 20, 2022, was placed on Interim Suspension for allegations that McKay abandoned his law practice and posed a substantial threat of serious harm to the public and to his clients.
LITTLEJOHN, DAVID M., of Little Rock, ABN: 2008039, in Committee Case No. CPC-2022-027, on a petition before the Committee, by Order of Interim Suspension issued September 19, 2022, was placed on Interim Suspension for allegations of serious misconduct involving criminal activity.
KNIGHT, KENNETH VAUGHN, of Fayetteville, ABN: 2002097, in Committee Case No. CPC-2022-010, on a complaint by his former client, Tom Muccio, by Order of Interim Suspension issued September 19, 2022, was placed on Interim Suspension, pending the initiation of disbarment proceedings, for allegations of serious misconduct involving conversion of client IOLTA funds. Knight also failed to respond to the formal complaint.
MAY, QUENTIN ELLERY, of Little Rock, ABN: 2006034, in Committee Case No. CPC-2022-019, on a complaint by his former client, Hayley Ford, by Order of Interim Suspension issued September 16, 2022, was placed on Interim Suspension, pending the initiation of disbarment proceedings, for allegations of serious misconduct involving conversion of client IOLTA funds. May also failed to respond to the formal complaint.
NOBLES, JOSHUA GARRETT, of Clarksville, ABN: 2004217, in Committee Case No. CPC-2022-023, on a petition before the Committee, by Order of Interim Suspension issued July 15, 2022, was placed on Interim Suspension for allegations that Nobles abandoned his law practice and posed a substantial threat of serious harm to the public and to his clients. ■
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