Arkansas Times

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MASTERPIECES artist emily galusha is among the


in Burns Park: The cabin is located in the readers’ choice for best park.


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The INsIder



Bridges of sighs

n The trash cans are full to brimming and the bird droppings carpet the Junction Bridge in places, but you’ve got to climb five sets of stairs to see the sad state of affairs, because the south side elevator is broken. What gives? County Judge Buddy Villines asked, rhetorically, would you rather it wasn’t there at all? The elevator malfunction is a recurring problem, Villines said, because of “people doing crazy things” on it, like pushing all the buttons. The Junction Bridge Facilities Review Board has a contract with cleaners. Maybe they don’t want to haul trash down five flights of stairs. An elevator on the north side of the river says it was last inspected in 2009, but state records show it was inspected in March this year. The county road and bridge department hasn’t posted the new inspection certificate. At any rate, Villines is more concerned with what it’s costing the county to power wash dog excrement off the Big Dam Bridge, which he said was a safety issue. The tab: $1,000 a month. And soon there will be another bridge upriver, across the Maumelle to Three Rivers Park. “We can’t afford to continue” to wash the bridge, Villines said, and he is looking at “all the options.” One might include banning dogs from the bridge.

Hog prices higher?

n Nobody has confirmed it, but there are indications and rumors that the price of priority tickets for Razorback football games is going up. These are the prize tickets that the big contributors get. The UA sports information department says that questions about raising money must go through the private Razorback Foundation. Theoretically, the Razorback Foundation, because it’s private, is exempt from the state Freedom of Information Act, and its chairman, Ken Mourton of Fayetteville, hasn’t responded to telephone calls and an FOI request from the Arkansas Times. John Ed Anthony of Hot Springs, chairman of the UA Board of Trustees, told us he’d heard a presentation from Athletic Director Jeff Long about a need for new athletic facilities, including a study hall, but had been told nothing about how those facilities would be paid for. He said the Razorback Foundation had the matter under review, but he personally didn’t expect that prices would go up for the 2010 season. This week, the athletic department issued a report that showed the UA lagging behind other SEC schools in facilities, revenues and prices of preferred seating. At Arkansas, a donation to the Razorback Foundation of $150 is required for a 50-yard-line seat for the season, in addition to the ticket price. At Alabama, it’s $1,300.

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Smart talk


Nickles’ dollars n The Arkansas Arts Center filed a report with Little Rock police last week accompanied by an audit of a former employee’s credit card charges that suggested the card had been used improperly for personal expenses. Arts Center board member Bob Birch said Rocky Nickles, deputy director of operations until his February firing, should have run his charges by former director Nan Plummer for approval. He doesn’t know if Nickles did, and he said he didn’t know if there was a legitimate explanation for the charges. Plummer resigned in April. From 2007 to 2009, Nickles put $378,684.04 on the Arts Center’s credit card, according to the audit. Here are a few things charged to the Arts Center, already saddled with a huge debt

thanks in part to its extraordinarily expensive “World of the Pharaohs” exhibit: Lunches: $27,511 Gas: $3,938.05 Personal: $8,506.91 No receipts: $27,665.75 Unclear purchases: $27,107.07 Some of the specifics that the staff could not confirm as appropriately charged to the institution: luggage from J.C. Penney ($84.42), groceries from Kroger ($28.29), toffee from Hammond’s Candies in Denver ($109.79), six vinyl windows ($935.17), frames from Hobby Lobby ($202.94), an $881.20 charge to Tommy’s Country Meats that Nickles said was for a staff lunch, a digital camera and card reader from Best Buy ($423.34) and Royal Bliss Linens ($340).

$2.1 million, no bird n The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service released its final recovery plan for the ivory-billed woodpecker last week, totting up federal funds spent since 2006. The total: $2.1 million. The total includes all ivory-billed related research, not just in Arkansas, including search team expenses, habitat studies, insect studies, mapping, and creating related scientific models. While the bird may not have been conclusively proven to ELUSIVE, EXPENSIVE BIRD: Millions be surviving in the Southeast, the have been spent tracking the ivory-billed research did provide information on woodpecker. other species and the ability of the Lower White River, Cache basins and other areas to support breeding birds. At the recovery plan’s release, Cindy Dohner, Southeast region director of the USFWS, said, “We will look forward to implementing the plan when and where needed.” The last confirmed sighting of an ivory-billed woodpecker was in the 1940s. An ornithologist commented on the state’s bird listserv that the recovery plan for the Lord God Bird was about 60 years overdue. Informal searches for the bird continue.

Clarksville moves on porn n The Courier in Russellville reported last week that a long civil battle by the city of Clarksville to drive the X Mart Adult Supercenter away from a high-profile location on Interstate 40 had turned into a criminal investigation. Stymied in efforts to zone the store out of existence at its current location, Clarksville police undertook “undercover” raids to purchase videos they deemed obscene and filed criminal charges. No word on how many times the cops watched the videos to be certain they qualified as criminally obscene. No word on which Clarksville citizens filed the complaints on which the police said they acted, or how the complainants determined that criminally obscene material was being sold in Clarksville. Perhaps they did some undercover work of their own.

8 Arkansas’s water


A new national report lists Arkansas among states imperiled by declining groundwater, but some conservationists think efforts are underway to reduce reliance on aquifers for water-heavy agriculture. — By Gerard Matthews

10 The Best of Arkansas

Readers pick the winners in dozens of categories. We feature some of them and lay out some “bests” of our own.

59 Up our alley

West Little Rock’s neighborhood bar Alley-Oops does just about everything right. — Dining

Departments 3 The Insider 4 Smart Talk 5 The Observer 6 Letters 8-32 News 34 Opinion 45 Arts & Entertainment 59 Dining 69 Crossword/ Tom Tomorrow 70 Lancaster ON THE COVER: Artist Emily Galusha at Burns Park. Dress courtesy of Scarlet.

Words n Next time, try the fish. They’re brain food: “[T]his combo features seared tuna and lamb chops. ... Each bite is so stultifying you lean your faces closer together as if sharing some coterminous whirling rapture.” Here’s a tip for those seeking stultification — martinis are even more effective than lamb chops. To stultify is “to cause to appear or be stupid, foolish, or absurdly illogical.” Stultify is sort of like stupefy. Oldsters will remember a character in “Li’l Abner” called Stupefyin’ Jones, a young woman so voluptuously beautiful that sightings of her rendered men insensible. n Like Norma Desmond in “Sunset Boulevard,” newspaper funnies used to be big. And like Norma, the funnies might respond that they’re still big, it’s the pages that got small. In any case, there are no 4 july 29, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES

Doug smith

comic strips around today with the cultural wallop of “Li’l Abner” or “Dick Tracy,” or, more recently, “Peanuts.” The Word Detective has written about wimwams, meaning “the willies, the jitters,” as in “Her nose ring gave me the wimwams.” He said he’d learned the word from his mother. I learned it from “Pogo,” another classic comic. Wimwams is synonymous with heebiejeebies. When I looked up heebie-jeebies, I found that it was coined by Billy De Beck (1890-1942), in his comic strip “Barney Google.”

n “Our biggest worry is that amongst those rounded up are genuine refugees.” Lee Hunter of Lead Hill has been seeing more of “amongst” than agrees with him. “Is ‘among’ no longer good enough?” he writes. “Is ‘amongst’ becoming the new ‘tarmac’?” It may have made advances, but amongst is still uncommon in American English, according to the Cambridge Guide to English Usage. And if that’s not enough guidance for you, the more opinionated Gardner’s Modern American Usage says that amongst is an archaism in American English, pretentious at best. If we hang together, maybe we can stop amongst from running amok the way tarmac did. In Journalistic English, every runway is now referred to as “the tarmac,” whether it’s made of tarmacadam or not.

VOLUME 36, NUMBER 47 ARKANSAS TIMES (ISSN 0164-6273) is published each week by Arkansas Times Limited Partnership, 201 East Markham Street, 200 Heritage Center West, P.O. Box 34010, Little Rock, Arkansas, 72203, phone (501) 375-2985. Periodical postage paid at Little Rock, Arkansas, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ARKANSAS TIMES, P.O. Box 34010, Little Rock, AR, 72203. Subscription prices are $42 for one year, $78 for two years. Subscriptions outside Arkansas are $49 for one year, $88 for two years. Foreign (including Canadian) subscriptions are $168 a year. For subscriber service call (501) 375-2985. Current single-copy price is 75¢, free in Pulaski County. Single issues are available by mail at $2.50 each, postage paid. Payment must accompany all single-copy orders. Reproduction or use in whole or in part of the contents without the written consent of the publishers is prohibited. Manuscripts and artwork will not be returned or acknowledged unless sufficient return postage and a self-addressed stamped envelope are included. All materials are handled with due care; however, the publisher assumes no responsibility for care and safe return of unsolicited materials. All letters sent to ARKANSAS TIMES will be treated as intended for publication and are subject to ARKANSAS TIMES’ unrestricted right to edit or to comment editorially.



Thank you, Arkansas Times Readers for Voting us a

since 1995!

If you haven’t seen the video

North Little Rock, and were coming up to that got four folks fired at KARK awhile the fork where the exit for JFK Boulevard back, you should look it up online and splits from the main arterial that heads watch it. In the video — apparently a on to Levy, Fort Smith and points west. fictionalized version of the life of an The freeway narrows to one lane at the Arkansas TV reporter — one of that chan- JFK exit, and combined with the speed nel’s now-former on-air folks cusses, talks of northbound folks rushing off the long ill of his co-workers, and gushes about straightaway leading from the bridge, how much he loathes the subjects of his the curve at the fork, and the narrowing, interviews. The Observer can’t tsk-tsk it has always struck us as a particularly too much, given that we’ve been known dangerous spot. That day, it was made even more to indulge in all of the above, plus other sins we’d not care to mention in print. treacherous by the inclusion of an We never quite got around, however, to obstacle, in the form of a Clinton-era immortalizing it on tape as did the hapless Pontiac Grand Am sitting directly in the can-ees at Channel 4. There, but for the middle of the lane. Luckily, the driver had turned his flashers on, or it might have grace of God, go moi. Downtown earlier last week, strolling been horrendously dangerous instead of stupendously, ridiculously, to the Federal courthouse insanely dangerous. to attend a celebrated trial, Coming up on the car, The Observer thought of that Luckily, the The Observer first thought mini-scandal as we passed there’d been an accident. As by the big TV vans idling in driver had we soon found out, that was their primo parking spaces turned his not yet the case but likely at the curb out front, ready flashers on, would be soon. Instead, to go live from the scene. the driver was apparently On the sidewalk, next to or it might trying to decide whether their respective tripods, the have been or not to back up and take cameramen loitered, waiting horrendously the JFK exit, and thought for their more attractive that the best place to reach and coiffed co-workers to dangerous that decision would be in emerge, stand before the allinstead of the middle of the one-lane seeing eye, and legitimize the proceedings. As folks tend stupendously, freeway with his flashers to do when there’s nothing ridiculously, on. Let me say that again: He was parked, like a guy going on but the rent, they insanely waiting for a cheeseburger at were talking to pass the time. dangerous. the McDonald’s drive-thru, One of the great joys of The in the middle of a one-lane Observer’s existence is the freeway. fact that our job gives us an Ms. Observer was at the excuse to eavesdrop — to pass through clouds of conversation and wheel, and she dutifully began coming to a stop behind the moron. At this point, skim off wisps of other peoples’ lives. “They said what we were all thinking,” we considered what it would feel like to one of the camera dudes said. “We just have her Honda pancaked between the Pontiac and an oncoming tractor trailer didn’t put it on YouTube.” rig, and made one of the most intelligent The Observer doesn’t like (and loudest) observations of our career. driving on the freeway much — too few Spouse blew her horn while trying to opportunities to observe when the world skirt around said dumbass on the narrow is whipping by at 65 miles per hour. shoulder. At that point, he took off with a Periodically, however, we just can’t avoid screech of tires — but not before flashing Deathrace 2010, and have to join the mass a middle finger to show his appreciation of humanity moving from place to place to us for having probably saved his miserable life. at warp speed. We would say they oughta make Recently, headed to visit a pal in Levy, The Observer and family were motoring folks get a license to drive, if not for the north on I-40. We’d just crossed into obvious.

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Enforce the law I keep hearing folks calling for immigration reform. What I don’t get is why those folks are not calling for strong enforcement of existing laws on that issue. There are laws long since passed that provide for the imposition of heavy fines on anyone hiring persons not in this country legally. There are many businesses, both large and small in this and many other states, that knowingly hire illegals at sub-standard wages and no real effort has been made to fine them for that. Like any market, the labor market for illegals is what keeps them coming. Remove that market by aggressively applying the present laws and making it expensive for their employers then they will no longer come in such numbers. The most serious question not being answered is why this law has not been enforced by previous administrations and is not being enforced by the present one either. They can’t legally vote so it is not their votes that is the influence. It must be the money pouring into the coffers of the politicians who have sold their allegiances to big businesses by way of the lobbyists. Walmart has put thousands of small retailers out of business and has now grown so large and powerful in influence that the federal and state governments cannot and will not seriously try to curb its activities. We restrict trade with Cuba while Walmart’s practices fill China’s coffers. They’re both Communists and supposedly Cuba is a threat to democracy. And China is NOT? How about Vietnam, a major trading nation with the U. S.? It’s time some of you folks who are signing petitions to make more laws to control immigrants wised up to the fact that big money augers against you and stops enforcement of existing laws. Do you Tea Partiers really want government out of businesses? Isn’t it you who are screaming against “illegals”? Work on getting that fixed, please! Karl Hansen Hensley

Juvenile sentences

Recently the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Graham v. Florida that it violates the Eighth Amendment ban on cruel and unusual punishment to sentence a juvenile offender to life without parole when he has not committed homicide. The court ruling went so far as to say that the states did not have to guarantee such juveniles eventual freedom, but the state would have to guarantee juveniles some meaningful opportunity (other than clemency hearings) to obtain release upon demonstrated maturity and rehabilitation. 6 july 29, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES

In other words, they would have to make these juveniles parole reviewable. However, Arkansas officials misled media researching this case by stating that Arkansas does not sentence anyone including juveniles to life without parole who has not committed homicide. What these officials failed to mention was that we have many juveniles in Arkansas prisons with a regular life sentence who have not committed homicide yet are not parole reviewable. In Arkansas, a life without parole sentence is the same as a life sentence for parole review purposes – there is no possibility of parole review for either sentence. Some Arkansas juveniles have not

committed homicide but have been imprisoned more than 30 years with no parole review with more arriving daily. I can give you a long list. Please contact your senator and representatives and demand that Arkansas comply with the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling and give these mostly minority juvenile offenders serving regular life sentences for non-fatal crimes meaningful parole review. We have another unique opportunity to quell the racist history in the South by doing the right and moral thing in this racially unbalanced and unconstitutional practice. Robert Lee Williford Grady

What kind of change? In 2008, we asked for a change in leadership and we apparently assumed that included being led in a different direction as well. There are many who tell us we got what we asked for. Others tell us we are getting what we asked for only it’s happening so slowly we aren’t able to appreciate it yet. Some describe only a change in names and faces. Still others seem so terrified that the names and faces have changed they can’t be bothered with noticing a change of course. Now that the bright lights and carnival music of the campaign sideshow are gone, I think we got exactly what we were promised: thoughtful leadership. Unfortunately, being thoughtful isnʼt the same as being correct or making the best choices. Having a leader who seeks to understand multiple perspectives and wants to appeal to the most reasonable of those views isn’t the same as having a leader who rouses the desire to do the right thing and then marches “through hell for a heavenly cause.” We got a thoughtful leader who somehow forgot to choose a passionate standard bearer to carry his banner of reason through the sucking quagmire of government process. If our history is reliable, now we voters will find that passionate champion and, in another paroxysm of shortsightedness and stupidity, throw away reason in exchange for mindless short-term excitement. David Stedman Damascus

Politics entertain

Politics have become so entertaining these days, public policy is really no longer a factor. Even if President Obama balanced the federal budget, restricted abortion, reduced taxes and negotiated peace in the Middle East, Arkansans still would not vote for him. Arkansans do not want Obama’s kin. Arkansans prefer the Floridian, Mike Huckabee. The only Democrats Arkansans will tolerate anymore are the Virginian, Blanche Lincoln, and the New Yorker, Bill Clinton. Mike Ross and Mark Pryor will soon have to turn Republican, or move to other states. Republicans have taught us that balanced budgets do not really matter. President Clinton balanced his budget, but we like Texan G.W. Bush better. Everyone knows that Republicans are responsible for the lax standards that led to the BP spill, but Democrats have to clean it up. Now that’s entertainment. Politics have become show business. The means to public policy have become more important than the policy itself. Gene Mason Jacksonville

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J u ly 2 1 - 2 7 , 2 0 1 0 It was a good week for …

CAREFUL SPENDING. The state Higher Education Department says it wants to continue a moratorium on new college campuses for 10 more years, given that the existing institutions are already undersupported. VEHICLE INSPECTION. The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reported that at least 414 state employees have state-owned cars they use for personal matters, based on income tax payments on the perk. Taxes constitute a fraction of the cost of buying and maintaining a car and personal use is arguably illegal, a taxpayer’s lawsuit argues. The GREEN PARTY. It nominated a slate of candidates for the November ballot, led by former state Rep. Jim Lendall as a gubernatorial nominee. They’ll not only likely qualify for automatic ballot recognition in the future, their votes could prove spoilers (likely to Democratic candidates) in fall races. Some of them might even win. The LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL BOARD. A motion to extend Superintendent Linda Watson’s contract failed 4-3. No vote to extend her contract should have occurred without a full discussion of the board’s evaluation of her work (obviously seen as lacking in a number of respects by some board members). LITTLE ROCK NATIONAL AIRPORT. Higher rates on shortterm parking meters have produced a 50 percent increase in meter revenue, a key source of operating income for the airport. PRAYER. The ACLU accepted a lukewarm settlement with the city of North Little Rock over a complaint that the City Council opens each meeting with a prayer, typically sectarian. The city promises it will try real hard to discourage sectarian prayers. It would be so much easier to junk the hollow prayer exercise, but there’s the American way and then there’s the North Little Rock way, the latter never too concerned with the fine points of law and Constitution. It was a bad week for …

COMFORT. High heat — enhanced by oppressive humidity — led to several heat-related deaths. 8 july 29, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES

The Arkansas Reporter

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Report warns of water shortage Is Arkansas drying up? by Gerard Matthews

n Twenty-four Arkansas counties are considered to be “extremely at-risk” of a water shortage by the year 2050, according to a report released by the Natural Resources Defense Council. Potential water shortages caused by climate change and the need for increased water withdrawals in the state could result in significant costs for the agricultural community, the report warns. But farmers and even some conservationists are not that concerned. According to the NRDC report, 64 counties in Arkansas are “at-risk,” meaning they face a moderate, high or extreme likelihood of water shortage in the future. The report, which was conducted by the consulting firm Tetra Tech, found that “climate change will impact water supplies, exacerbating existing pressures on water resources caused by population and economic growth.” Talk of depleting water supplies is nothing new inArkansas.Aquifers have been depleted due to years of use by farmers and new threats to water quality, like natural gas drilling, have citizens concerned. But Arkansas is still considered by most to be a water-rich state. So are claims of potential shortages hyperbolic? Tim Snell, associate state director for water resources at the Nature Conservancy, thinks so. “It’s really an aquifer issue,” says Snell. “They’re being used in an unsustainable way. They can’t recharge as fast as they’re being used. If you look at surface water, [like major lakes, rivers and streams], we’re using less than five or six percent of the water that comes through the state. So that’s not very bleak. There’s a lot of room for us to get more water than we’re getting right now. So it’s not like we’re up against a wall of not having enough water, it’s getting the water that we have to the right places.” Harnessing that surface water will take time and infrastructure improvements, Snell says. Irrigation projects are currently underway in the Delta region to help move surface water from the state’s rivers to local farms. “Just like any water system, you have to have a way to get it from the source to where it’s being used,” Snell says. “If it goes to a municipal system you have to have a processing plant to make sure it’s clean and potable water. So the infrastructure would include some large pipes and some pumps and all the things you would need to get it where it needs to go in the shape it needs to be. And this would

gerard matthews


on sustainability of demand on water supplies, and the rate at which those supplies are being refreshed is exceeded by the future demand for water. “The problem is if you look around, that’s a huge patch in the Delta that faces a risk of shortages,” Altman says. “So there may be some fresh water sources but it RECLAMATION: Water is pumped into a reservoir on might not be only those adjacent counties that see those Dunklin’s rice farm near Stuttgart. sources as an option of where to get clean water. One of the problems is that absolutely create jobs that last.” there might be a much greater level of compeChanges are also being made in the tition between counties and states for water agricultural industry — long seen as one supplies that are currently available. So when of the main causes of aquifer depletion — everybody starts dipping into them, you’re not that will help take pressure off the state’s solving the problem you’re just spreading out groundwater supply. the stress or you might shift it from one region George Dunklin is a rice farmer from to another depending on who wins politically Stuttgart. For the last 15 years, Dunklin and who can get their hands on the water.” has been using what’s known as a tailwater recovery system that allows him to catch H.L. Moody is the communication and reuse water used on his fields. Dunklin, director for for Earth Cause Organization, who serves on the state Game and Fish a consulting group based in Little Rock. Commission, says the practice is good for Moody has been interviewing Arkansans conservation, but also the bottom line. about their attitudes toward climate change “The economics is what’s driven us to as part of a documentary project. He agrees do this,” Dunklin says. “We’re using the that innovative farming practices can ease natural bayous and we also have irrigation the burden on the state’s aquifers, but says reservoirs so we can collect rain water and climate change still needs attention. runoff water and we keep reusing that water. “Climate change isn’t going to make We do have some wells located on some of a tornado; it’s going to make the tornado the farms for supplemental purposes. But worse. It’s not going to cause a drought; we try, for economic reasons, to use those it’s going to make it worse. So we have to as little as possible.” stop looking at climate change as the chess This method of farming has saved piece and we have to start looking at it as Dunklin money and alleviated the need the chessboard,” Moody says. to constantly tap the aquifers. But not all farmers are in his position. Dunklin has built up a family farming business over the years and owns his own farm land. Farmers who rent land might not have the time or n Sam Eifling’s July 22 cover story the capital to invest in such a project. He “Crafting Suds” mistakenly stated that says other farmers in the state are using the brewer Sierra Nevada helped to tailwater recovery methods, but not all of revive craft beer with its Anchor Steam them. brand. Credit should have been given “Change is hard,” he says. “This method to Sierra Nevada’s pale ale; fellow is so simple that it might scare some farmers California brewery Anchor Brewing a little bit. But this system turned my worst is responsible for Anchor Steam. The farm to my best, most efficient, most brewery Stiegl was also misspelled, and productive one in a matter of 15 years.” placed in Salzburg, Germany, when it The NRDC report says climate is, in fact, in Salzburg, Austria. Finally, change will drive potential water shorta point of clarification: The article ages. Dunklin says advances in techasserted that Americans gained the nology and farming practices will serve right to homebrew in 1978, when, actuto mitigate some of those negative effects. ally, the law was signed by President Environmentalists aren’t so sure. Carter in 1978, but didn’t take effect Peter Altman, the climate campaign until 1979. director for the NRDC, says the report focuses



eaders have spoken in our annual Best of Arkansas contest. Read on for the winners in dozens of categories and enjoy our usual range of articles highlighting some of our readers’ top picks, plus our own staff’s choices on other categories worthy of mention. Goods and Services Shopping center

Park Plaza RUNNERS-UP: Pleasant Ridge, Midtowne Little Rock, Chenal Promenade.

Grocery store

brian chilson

Kroger RUNNERS-UP: Fresh Market, Whole Foods, Walmart. GOOD EARTH: Helping Arkansas gardens stay beautiful.

Women’s clothing

Dillard’s RUNNERS-UP: Chico’s, Barbara Jean, Kohl’s.

Men’s clothing

Dillard’s RUNNERS-UP: Bauman’s, Greenhaw’s, Evolve.

Children’s clothing

Toggery RUNNERS-UP: Children’s Place, Dillard’s, Old Navy.

Vintage clothing

Savers RUNNERS-UP: Elaine’s Closet, Poor Little Rich Girl, Paddywack’s.

Hip clothing

Forever 21 RUNNERS-UP: Scarlet, Evolve, RK.


Some old, some new, all good. 10 juLY 29, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES

Morris Antiques of Keo RUNNERS-UP: Fabulous Finds, Blue Suede Shoes Antique Mall, Mid-towne Antique Mall.


Hank’s RUNNERS-UP: IO Metro, Ashley’s, Haverty’s. Continued on page 19

donations to the library, don’t follow the typical half-off-the-cover-price formulation that most used bookstores follow. Instead, everything is simply dirt-cheap. Massmarket paperbacks ring in usually at $2. Trade paperbacks and hardcovers, $4-$5. Last November, the bookstore expanded to the third floor, effectively adding 50% more floor space and vastly increasing its inventory. So if your tastes run even a touch broad, your bound to leave the store with a heavy load.

brian chilson

BEST MEAL DEAL This is easy and right downstairs from the Times. It’s the lunch special at Iriana’s Pizza — a huge slice of pepperoni pizza (about a quarter of a small pie), a tossed salad (with a freshly made bread stick) and a fountain soft drink for about $6, tax included. It is also the best pizza in town and we’ll fight anyone who claims otherwise.

Breaker, breaker: The Pilot Travel Center in Saline County gives commoners a taste of the trucker lifestyle.

Editor’s Choice

Some bests of our own choosing, from flan to funeral homes.


when our neighborhood Kroger shut down for renovation. At Hestand’s, you don’t have to settle for tomatoes from California or watermelons from Texas. The cozy, old-fashioned store has the old-fashioned habit of selling locally grown produce. It

ach year we augment readers’ choices in the Best of Arkansas category with an utterly random roundup of superior things as determined by the staff of the Arkansas Times. This year’s crop:

Netflix has pretty much taken over the rented DVD market, but some of us still like to pick out our own videos, and some of us are cheap too. “Eclectic” is an overused word, but it applies to the selection at the main library of the Central Arkansas Library System. And all you need is your library card. If you want to see Bela Lugosi in the 1932 version of “Chandu the Magician” – and who wouldn’t? – you’ll find it here. If you want the recent, and magnificent, BBC production of “Little

BEST TRUCK STOP The Pilot Travel Center at Alcoa Road and I-30 down in Saline County gets the nod for — if nothing else — their 2-for-$2 Polish dogs, bladderbuster fountain sodas featuring buttons to add in lemon, vanilla and cherry flavoring, not to mention their mind-bendingly varied array of chips, candy, CB radios, chrome, caffeine-kicker drinks and other trucker gear. For those whose wheels number considerably less than 18, it’s a 10-minute safari into the blue collar world of the working trucker. BEST GROCERY STOREYou might pay a little more at Hestand’s in the Heights, but you get a lot more, as we discovered

brian chilson

BEST BEACH Gotta be Sandy Beach, on Greers Ferry Lake just outside Heber Springs. Frequented mostly by townies — it’s buried back behind a neighborhood, with nary a sign alerting visitors to its presence — the wide, trucked-in-sand public beach lies on a picturesque point jutting into the lake, with nice views of the water and surrounding hills. Stop at the gas station in Heber and ask. They’ll point you in the right direction.

free is always best: The CALS main library offers a unique selection of videos. also has a quality meat department; try the bacon-wrapped filet. It has charge accounts. It has delivery service. It has parking within a few feet of the front door. (They’ll carry your groceries to your car, anyway.) It has homemade cakes and pies. And we’d forgotten what real pimento cheese tasted like until we went to Hestand’s. We’re not eating Mrs. Fletcher’s anymore, Toto. BEST FREE VIDEOS We know that

Dorritt,” that’s here too. It’ll have you asking yourself, “Why can’t Americans act?” BEST WAY TO STOCK YOUR LIBRARY Speaking of CALS-related goodness, River Market Books and Gifts, the book store that the library operates in the Cox Creative Center, is the best usedbook deal we’ve ever come across. As in far and wide. The books, culled from

BEST SMALL ART GALLERY Beside Lauray’s Jewelry, through a nondescript door and up a steep flight of stairs, lies a long, skinny, historic loft that, a few times a year, turns pianist/filmmaker/photographer/essayist/human encyclopedia Chuck Dodson’s home into TheGallery@404B. You have to walk a few blocks north from the nucleus of the Hot Springs monthly Art Walk to get there but, once inside, it’s a rare breath of fresh air. The inviting, homey space houses pieces from local and international artists, ranging from the hip, neon-on-white works of Hot Springs duo Pedigree to the “political pop art” of Israel’s Mike Darnell. For fans of heady music, it’s occasionally an essential place to stargaze; Jonsi, the epic Icelandic singer/ composer behind Sigur Ros, and ambient rock heroes Hammock have both played there. Because there’s no sign or storefront to announce itself, the gallery may be hard to find, but, once there, you’ll find it’s even harder to leave. BEST GHOST TOWN Sorry, Moko, Zinc and Sloniker’s Mill: Graysonia still reigns supreme. It’s been 60 long years since Brown Hickman, a retired logger, packed his bags and single-handedly changed the former boomtown from a “Pop. 1” remnant of its former glory to a proper, completely abandoned ghost town. Decades previous, the pre-depression Clark County township was dynamically alive, home to a silent movie theater, a flourishing school, three hotels, numerous dens of iniquity and a bustling lumber mill. Okay, maybe “bustling” is an understatement: It was home to the single most efficient lumber mill in the entire South. Even greater, the mill’s longquieted frame still stands, eerie, hushed and ready to be explored. (That is, explored carefully, y’all.) Also, we suspect Graysonia actually puts the “ghost” in “ghost town.” For years, during our frequent trips to the ruins, we’ve been faithful to a secret camping spot: a grassy knoll on the banks of the Continued on page 14 • juLY 29, 2010 11

12 juLY 29, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES

it’s a party: Shoppers at the Little Rock farmer’s market are greeted with sounds of steel drums. at least they would recently. But casting out the whole market because of a pineapple — or any of its other alleged sins — is like tossing out a peach with a bruise. Keep a careful eye and there’s plenty of goodness to be found. Like plump Bradley County tomatoes; “come back” peaches that live up to their name; free-range beef, pork and chicken from Beebe; mounds of bush beans and pre-shelled purple hull peas packed tightly in a Ziploc. The east side of the market, in particular, is a destination. It’s dominated by Asian farmers, who grow all sorts of exotic produce, all terrifically low-priced: long purple okra; bunches of edamame baby soybeans; bitter melon, an oblong gourd with candy-red pulp inside; ka kong, from the spinach family, and golf-ball sized Thai eggplant. Luckily, the market divide doesn’t have to be a zero-sum game. Real produce lovers make two stops on Saturday. — Lindsey Millar

brian chilson

t least in the locavore world, the idea that vendors in the Little Rock Farmer’s Market — this year’s readers’ choice for the best place to find fresh vegetables — sell produce that’s not grown in Arkansas makes folks fighting mad. “The thought of someone selling a pineapple down there makes me want to punch somebody,” my friend who manages a local restaurant said the other day. Josh Hardin, of Laughing Stock Farm, actually did come to blows over produce last year — or rather he told me he got blindsided by a baseball bat — following a dispute with some resellers at a market in Hot Springs Village who he said were selling produce purchased from his family’s farm, Hardin Farms, at a cut rate. That adversarial relationship, between market farmers and non-farming “peddlers,” as the farmers call them, is what led Hardin and his brother Jody to break away from the Little Rock market in 2008 and start the Certified Arkansas Farmer Market in North Little Rock, a readers’ choice runner-up this year. After a slow start, the North Little Rock market, which takes place from 7 a.m. until noon every Saturday during the summer in a parking lot in the 500 block of Main, is near outgrowing its space, according to Hardin. It’s become the market of choice for people who like their produce and meats to come with words like “heirloom,” “grass-fed” and “organic.” Which included, two weeks ago, massive, deep green and yellow-splotched heirloom moon and stars watermelons; goat’s-milk soap that promised to make skin “glow”; exotic varieties of heirloom tomatoes with names like orange, ox heart and pineapple; “pastured” pork in just about any cut you’d want (“Our pigs live low-stress lives enjoying the freedom to exercise,” promises the website for the seller, Farm Girl Natural Foods); pickled quail eggs and blackberry syrup available in shots for sampling. The cream of the crop: North Pulaski Farm’s candy-sweet grape tomatoes, which owner Kelly Carney affectionately calls “crackberries.” But even as the North Little Rock market grows, it’s still utterly marginal compared to the Little Rock market across the river. On Saturdays, when the farmer’s market is on (from 7 a.m. until 3 p.m.; same hours, but fewer farmers on Tuesdays, too), the River Market takes on the feel of carnival. The hordes aren’t merely — if at all — eyeballing peaches and squash; they’re waiting in line for a clown on stilts to tie a balloon animal, they’re shopping for birdhouses and fake tattoos and rainbow-colored tutus, they’re buying kettle corn. Those who are shopping for produce and such will find my friend’s pineapple, or

brian chilson

Food fight A

the awards are stacking up THANK YOU


11200 W. Markham (West of Shackleford on Markham) Little Rock 501-223-3120 866-988-vino


Fresh, local: Hestand’s produce.

editor’s choice Continued from page 11

Antoine that once held the town’s ice factory. That factory may be gone physically, but it’s hanging on in spirit. Year-round, our little pocket of the woods inexplicably stays six or seven degrees cooler than the rest of town. No, really. We swear it. BEST BATHROOM GRAFFITI With each word, all caps, stacked on top of each other like a pyramid of juvenilia, “Mom Dad Poop Racecar” in Midtown Billiards’ left men’s stall may not be Moliere, but the list of palindromes exemplifies the idiot genius of toilet scrawl and makes us belly laugh like an ether-huffing mule every single time. BEST SHORT WEEKEND GETAWAY Mountain View is only a few miles away and makes the perfect let’s-get-the-hell-outof-Dodge-for-the-weekend destination. Get there in the early evening, after the sun cools down a bit, for some fried green tomatoes and killer bluegrass tunes. Before you get there, Blanchard Springs Caverns are just down the road and, at a cool 65 degrees throughout the caves, it’s a great place to spend a hot afternoon. BEST FLAN We’ve tried flan, that creamy, custardy Mexican restaurant dessert staple, all over town and for our money La Hacienda, at the bottom of Cantrell Hill, 14 juLY 29, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES AT Best of Ad 2010 Chainwheel.indd 1

7/26/10 12:12 PM

has the best. It comes with a little whipped cream and chocolate sauce, which we’re not really a fan of, but the dessert itself is a treat. And, like a lot of other things at La Hacienda, it’s not very expensive. BEST WILDLIFE That would be the herd of runty deer that have become regular sights in and around Knoop Park, the heavily forested belt around the waterworks plant in Hillcrest. (Sorry. A motorist mowed down one not far from the park not too long ago.) BEST PARK Knoop Park. See deer above. But also, this park — its ridgerunning trail and downtown overlook with WPA rock work — is for the most part accessible primarily on foot. You have to want to be there. This produces increased respect for the environs by most users. (Though, sadly, not always.) BEST FUNERAL HOME We added the category this year, perhaps because many of us find we have business there more often. Custom, size, price, location and other obvious factors enter into selections. For us, the pick will always be Ruebel Funeral Home. They won points with us years ago as a newspaper obit desk hand for respecting deadlines and, most of all, spell-checking. That attention to detail happened to be typical of the service we received there. No up-selling in the casket room, either.

Clean breaks Fox and Hound is a winner for pool.


iven the sometimes shady reputation pool halls have — second in wickedness only to bars in the worried imaginations of many religious folk — Lakewood Village shopping center might not be the first place you’d think of when you think of shooting a game of Hoodlum’s Chess. Then again, Fox and Hound ain’t your average pool hall. Clean, well-lit, and stocked with tournament grade pool cues and 10 tourney-quality tables, the Fox and Hound in North Little Rock — part of a chain with 84 locations nationwide — puts the gentlemanliness back in the most gentlemanly of table games. Looking out from the wood-paneled and brass-appointed inside, it’s easy to forget that you’re marooned in strip-mall limbo. One of the best things about Fox and Hound is that you don’t have to worry about grabbing a roll of quarters to feed the table before you head out. You pay for games by the hour — $8 bucks per — leaving

rack ’em up: Fox and Hound provides tournament-quality pool tables.

a driver’s license at the front counter in exchange for a box of pool balls. Though beginner-worthy sticks are available at the table, you can also rent better-quality cues for a buck. The walls are lined with

flat screens playing most any sport your heart might desire. If you’re not interested in television or billiards, there’s always the other great pool hall pastime: drinking and eating. Fox and Hound has a gener-

ous menu, including bar fare like burgers, chicken strips and nachos, but also full-on entrees like steaks, fish, big salads and desserts (to take a peek at the menu, visit Continued on page 18

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VROOM: The Pit Stop in Alexander is replete with auto racing memorabilia.

Start your engines And head to The Pit Stop.


all this an extended editor’s pick for the drinking set. The best racecar bar. If you drive through Talledega, Ala., on a race weekend and see the miles and miles of RV shantytowns camped outside the hallowed concrete circle, even ye of littlest faith will find it hard to deny that auto racing really is the soccer of the South. The futbol of the foothills, if you will. It’s that very same passion that’s in full effect at The Pit Stop Sports Bar (or just “The Pit”) in Alexander. It’s one part reverence for the sport and one part “woooo, boy!” Inside, there’s not a single square inch of wall space that’s not covered with racing memorabilia, from the framed rally cars on the wall to the dented, debodied racecar doors hanging from the ceiling. You can bet most of the regulars will be in NASCAR hats, shirts or mechanic blues. Even the televisions keep racing, racing news and racing disasters on a constant hum. And the lights above the pool tables? Glowing stock cars.

The small, brown roadhouse even sits on hallowed Arkansas racing ground, right in front of the Benton Speedbowl (that’s the I-30 Speedway to the uninitiated), the place where racing megahero Mark Martin first cut his tires as a teen-ager and Burt Reynolds strutted around the dirt track in 1973’s “White Lightning.” In this bar, the longneck beers are cheap, the cigarette fog is thick and the pulled pork barbecue sandwiches are smoky, sloppy and crispy with slaw. Heck, the sandwiches are probably ready to stand up as some of the best in Central Arkansas. It’s the type of amazing, flavorful, fresh grub that catches you unexpectedly, shooting your eyebrows up while your first bite hangs halfway out of your mouth because it’s impossible to chew and say “what?!” at the same time. I may not know my Richard Petty from my Ricky Rudd, but I definitely know cheap beer and good barbecue and The Pit, racing gear and all, serves up some of the best of both. — John Tarpley


to do with the fact that she also was never any good at geometry, she said — she sees the appeal. “I think for a lot of people it’s just an escape,” she said. “It’s a sport that doesn’t require any strenuous activty, so any age can do it. It’s a game of skill, so there’s definitely strategy behind the shots they make.” Sure, there are other, more gritty pool halls in town if you want to act out your Fast Eddie fantasies a la “The Hustler” (Best Place to Shoot Pool runner-up Midtown Billiards definitely leaps to mind in that regard). However, if you’re looking for a calm, relaxing place to lift a pint while leaning on a stick, Fox and Hound is hard to beat. — David Koon

Continued from page 16 their website at Their beer selection is fairly extensive, and they offer great drink specials like $2 pint nights. The joint is open until 2 a.m. seven nights a week, with live music on Fridays and Saturdays, Karaoke on Tuesday, and Texas Hold ’Em poker tournaments on Mondays and Thursdays. A recent visit found pool enthusiasts of all ages and all skill levels leaning over the felt, the crack of breaks, clinking glasses and laughter filling the place. Though service manager Amber Collet admits she’s terrible at pool — which possibly has something 18 juLY 29, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES

brian chiLson

Row, Row, Row youR boat: Ozark Outdoor Supply is the best outdoor store.

BEst of

Continued from page 10

Garden Store or nursery

Good Earth RUNNERS-UP: Cantrell Gardens, Hocott’s, Home Depot.


Kraftco RUNNERS-UP: Fuller and Sons, Home Depot, Lowe’s.


Lenscrafters RUNNERS-UP: Burrows/Mr. Frank’s, Walmart, Kavanaugh Eye Care

Fresh Vegetables

River Market Farmers Market RUNNERS-UP: Fresh Market, Argenta Farmers Market, Kroger.

Outdoor Store

Ozark Outdoors RUNNERS-UP: Academy, Gander Mountain, Gene Lockwood’s.

Become a fan on faceBook!

Bicycle shop

Chainwheel RUNNERS-UP: Arkansas Cycle and Fitness, Orbea, Community Bicyclist.

Gun store

Fort Thompson RUNNERS-UP: Don’s Weaponry, Gander Mountain, Bullseye Guns and Ammo.

Commercial Art Gallery

M2 RUNNERS-UP: Greg Thompson, Gallery 26, Cantrell Gallery.

Mobile phone

AT&T RUNNERS-UP: Verizon (Alltel), Sprint.


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Internet Service Provider

AT&T RUNNERS-UP: Comcast, Aristotle, Windstream. Continued on page 21

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501-868-4666 15601 Cantrell Rd • Little Rock aRt supply: M2 Gallery wins best commercial art gallery. • juLY 29, 2010 19

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vickery: He’s all right.

Is there such a thing as a good conservative? If so, our readers say it’s Bill Vickery.


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20 juLY 29, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES

nake oil salesman, rat, spin weasel, Republican shill, teen-ager masquerading in a suit, hired gun, the meanest man in Arkansas politics, gifted broadcaster, likeable guy. All of the above have been used to describe Bill Vickery and he doesn’t really care. (He was also neck-and-neck with Mike Huckabee as this year’s Best Conservative. We elevated Vickery since Huckabee sought tax sanctuary in Florida.) Vickery got his start in politics back in 1995, helping the Arkansas Trucking Association defeat an initiative proposed by then-Gov. Jim Guy Tucker. From there, Vickery worked as a campaign consultant for Lu Hardin’s unsuccessful bid for the Democratic nomination in the 1996 U.S. Senate race. Not even a week after Hardin’s primary loss, he found himself managing Republican Tim Hutchinson’s campaign for the same Senate seat. “I went from losing in a Democratic primary runoff to managing the Republican and there was no going back after that,” Vickery says. Asked whether his job shaped his politics or his politics shaped his job, Vickery says it was “probably a little bit of both.” “Have gun will travel reads the business

card of Bill Vickery,” says Pat Lynch, who plays the liberal yin to Vickery’s yang every Wednesday morning on KARK’s morning news show. The two spar and fight, talking politics and naming the week’s winners and losers. “Bill has his conservative talking points and he stays with them,” Lynch says. “I can’t blame him for doing that. The charitable way to look at Bill is that when he says something, he really believes it.” Say what you will, Vickery is a political player. His hope is to expand his consulting business into the nation’s capital, while maintaining Arkansas roots. “Bill is shamelessly devoted to the commercial interests of the political right. And he has no moral confliction whatsoever,” says Lynch. (Is that the same thing as amoral?) Vickery says one of the keys to his personal success is not letting the opinions of others affect him and staying humble in a business in which “humility is only two weeks away.” “Now, there have been some things written and said about me, but I just try to stay focused,” he says. “To me, what’s important is what the client wants and trying to help them achieve their goals. I sleep pretty comfortably at night.” — Gerard Matthews

BEst of

Continued from page 19


Janet Jones RUNNERS-UP: Crye-Leike, Charlotte John, PH Realty.

Auto Service

Landers RUNNERS-UP: Bale, Kingwood Exxon, Jett’s Gas and Services.

Auto Stereo

Best Buy RUNNERS-UP: Auto Audio, Music Mart, Custom Audio

RUNNERS-UP: Kroger, USA Drug, Cornerstone.


Best RUNNERS-UP: Splash, Suds, Boomerang.


Denver Mattress RUNNERS-UP: Bedding Mart, Hank’s.

Auto Dealer

Landers RUNNERS-UP: Bale, Parker Lexus, Northpoint.


Victoria’s Secret RUNNERS-UP: Barbara Graves, Cupid’s, Dillard’s.


Best Buy RUNNERS-UP: Radio Shack, Walmart.

Sporting Goods

Academy RUNNERS-UP: Sports Authority, Gander Mountain, Ozark Outdoors.


Toys R Us RUNNERS-UP: Heights Toy Center, Toy

Up, Walmart.


Tipton and Hurst RUNNERS-UP: About Vase, Frances Flower Shop, Crocus.


Advantage RUNNERS-UP: Ray Lusk, Russell Lemay, Roto-Rooter

Gift Shop

Kirkland’s RUNNERS-UP: The Crown Shop, Full Moon, Box Turtle. Continued on page 28

Travel Agency

Poe Travel RUNNERS-UP: Sue Smith Vacations, AAA, Dillard’s.


Capital RUNNERS-UP: Peabody, Embassy Suites, Doubletree.

Private School

Episcopal Collegiate RUNNERS-UP: Pulaski Academy, Catholic High School, Mount St. Mary Academy.

Public School

Central High School RUNNERS-UP: Parkview Magnet High School, eStem Public Charter Schools, Joe T. Robinson High School.

Apartment complex

Links RUNNERS-UP: Park at Riverdale, Rivercliff, Highland Pointe


Metropolitan RUNNERS-UP: Arvest, Regions, Centennial


Jerry’s RUNNERS-UP: SportsClips, Kristi-Kuts, Morrison’s.


Joel’s RUNNERS-UP: Fringe Benefits, Caracalla, Blush.


Rejuvenation Clinic RUNNERS-UP: Caracalla, Indulgences, Quy’s


Sissy’s Log Cabin RUNNERS-UP: Roberson’s, Jones and Son, Stanley’s. Walgreens

Pharmacy • juLY 29, 2010 21


STRONG AND GROWING: The Toggery continues to thrive.

Toggery: A constant But keeping up with the times.


ou might think that it would be hard to find crisp cotton underpants with cotton eyelet lace. It was the underwear of choice in the middle of the 20th century, and I can testify that I dashed over to the Toggery myself when my child was a toddler 15 years ago and was thrilled to find them. That’s the thing about the Toggery: It is a constant in life, or at least it seems so. It opened in 1948, and thus is the oldest children’s clothing store in the state. It’s always been in the Heights neighborhood. And for the last 30 years, it’s been run by the same owners: Phil and Penny Olinghouse. All that time it’s kept its name, a noun not used by anyone unless they are talking about the Toggery.

But the Toggery has kept up with the times. Once, children’s clothing size 7-16 was the top seller in the store. But children are dressed less formally now, and in 1995, the Toggery turned to that new school outfit, the uniform. Uniforms are its biggest business at its (nearly) new second location in the Pleasant Ridge Town Center. Three years ago, Olinghouse said, “business was stagnant and we asked our managers, what can we do?” The answer: shoes. He said maybe, his wife said now. And shoes are now the biggest seller in the Heights store. Shoppers can thank Sue Agnelli, who operated the Cheshire Cat bookstore for years, for the ever-growing selection of children’s books in the Heights store.

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Shelves are taking over the east wall. The store has a book club with member discounts. “You have to stay current,” Olinghouse said. While the Toggery isn’t the most expensive place to shop for children’s clothing, it’s not cheap. A beautiful Bearington Bear fake animal fur jacket now in the store retails for $50, which might not sound like a lot — but it is sized 6 months. Other items the Toggery carries: Razorback outfits for boys and girls, stuffed animals, christening gowns, onesies, bags, dresses for weddings, books baby can chew on, books to read to baby. And, thank goodness, crisp cotton with lace eyelet underwear. — Leslie Newell Peacock

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staying power: Sissy’s Log Cabin finds success at new Heights location.


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Sissy’s can sell you one.


recious stones and metals have served a variety of purposes since civilization kicked off. They’ve occasionally been functional (to clasp the tunic or hold back the hair) and sometimes protective (against evil spirits and whatnot). Sissy Jones, of Log Cabin fame, couldn’t be bothered with the talismanic properties of a finely cut diamond. Instead, she embraces wholeheartedly the least ambiguous of jewelry’s purposes: beautification. Such a humble abode as a log cabin makes us think of frontier days and Abraham Lincoln. Sissy’s Log Cabin, readers’ choice for the best Arkansas jewelry store and a new arrival in Little Rock, departs from this traditional notion of old-fashioned simplicity but remains just as romantic. Jewelry and romance, of course, go hand-in-hand. I hadn’t been in Sissy’s for 10 minutes before she was winking and asking me if I needed an engagement ring. I didn’t. So, she asked, how about a Rolex? In fact, I do want a Rolex. Unfortunately it’s not cheap. But Jones, despite the high prices of her wares, is a wonderfully easy saleswoman to get along with. She had me trying on watches, showing me the favorites of her collection, chatting with me as though the last thought on her mind was for me to walk out of the store with a timepiece that cost five grand around my wrist — which,

for the record, I did not. Rolex is, actually, the reason that she opened a new location in the Heights last April. With the closing of Mary Healey’s, Little Rock no longer had a Rolex dealer. Jones took the opportunity to take over as the local Rolex supplier, and moved into the space that Roberson’s, last year’s winner for the “Best Of” award, had previously occupied (Roberson’s moved to Pleasant Ridge Town Center). Jones herself is a study in luxuriousness. Drawing me toward another case of watches, bits and pieces of her glittered under the light. Jewelry, she told me, is not just a status symbol; it is piece of a person’s emotions, reflecting a unique part of their personality. When given as a gift, a piece of jewelry becomes a lifelong treasure. If that’s the case, there’s plenty of untapped emotion sitting around the Log Cabin. The store is shiny and elegant, with mirrors lining the wall and at every turn a sparkling arrangement of bijoux. One young man, dressed in a suit, was examining an assortment of engagement rings. An older couple was listening as an employee talked to them about restoring a diamond-encrusted cross. I’m not one for bling, but before I left, I couldn’t help but scan the Rolexes one last time. Fashion is fickle, but decadence never goes out of style. — Bernard Reed

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© 2010 STEI • juLY 29, 2010 23

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ARMED AND READY: Artist Emily Galusha is poised for success.

Painting it softly Pistols give Galusha shot at top.

Jackson T. Stephens Campus • 1701 Cantrell Road • Little Rock, Arkansas • 501.372.1194 Episcopal Collegiate School welcomes students of any race, color, religion and national or ethnic origin.


mily Galusha has exhibited her work in a fine art gallery only once, in March at Gallery 26. But she thinks she knows why her work is ECS-July 1010 Ark Times.indd 2 7/27/10 2:02:01 PM so well known that she was selected by readers this year as the best artist. It’s the guns. Galusha, 31, likes the form of the pistol, the chamber, the handle, the barrel. “The mechanics are kind of sexy,” she says. But she’s not making a statement about violence or death; her guns are combined with softer things — they shoot not bullets but women’s lovely arms, or they’re rendered in soft pastels, or an octopus’ tentacles are wrapped around them. (Her Christmas card combined a gun with a snowflake and the words “Let it Snow or Else,” and she’s had some fun writing about the “caliber” of her paintings.) “There’s so much you can do” with the pistol, she explains. But she is not trying to be controversial. Some people think nudes are controversial, she says; she thinks nudes are beautiful. “Pistols are my nudes.” Galusha, who is also a graphic artist, is as articulate as she is pretty, and it is appropriate to comment on her looks, because she is also a model. She is also unassuming and honest. She does many things — designs product labels, does magazine and other forms of illustration, paints, sculpts, models — comparing herself to a pocket knife. When she worked full time as creative director for Arkansas Advertising Federation, she 501-376-1195  1023 West Markham  Downtown Little Rock was like such a knife — “with only one blade being used.” 24 juLY 29, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES

Galusha was born in Little Rock into an artistic family. Her mother, Norma Galusha, is a painter, ceramist and teaches art at Episcopal Cathedral School. Her brother Les is a well-known Little Rock painter and film editor at Jones Productions and her brother Russell is with See Spot Run Productions. “And my dad [Harry] is a master doodle artist,” she added. She was raised in a “very creative, motivating and imaginative environment.” Galusha graduated from the University of Arkansas with a bachelor’s in fine art in 2002. Then, she said, “I started painting images that had a Southern feel.” Her mixed-media work “Red Dirt,” which superimposes a baby dress on a rusty background dotted with illustrations of animals, and which is wrapped in string tied with a horseshoe, reflects her barefoot childhood tomboy summers. “Cotton,” another work featuring a baby dress — she collects them — was selected for the Arkansas Arts Center’s Delta Exhibition three years ago. It was about that time, she said, that she started “closing doors” to pursuits that took her away from art (she once considered becoming a dentist). She now has an art blog, a web page and a Facebook page; she’s a savvy promoter. Galusha will exhibit paintings from her pistol series and work she does on small wooden blocks in a show called “Southern Stash” in November at the Historic Arkansas Museum. She is represented by Gallery 26 and sells items at Box Turtle in Hillcrest. — Leslie Newell Peacock

The man and his muse H

ow better to illustrate the talent of this year’s Best Photographer, Tim Vahsholtz, than with his own work? His self-portrait is accompanied by an example of his work chronicling the local music scene — here, the Gettys in action. The Gettys, incidentally, won this year’s voting as Best Local Band.

Thanks for Voting for Us Again!

501.664.5646 • juLY 29, 2010 25

More to like at Sushi Cafe S

little pricy at $16, are made from Kobe beef, which comes from a hybrid breed of Japanese cattle. It’s served with very little seasoning yet has a taste you won’t find anywhere else. “There’s a lot of fat in the meat,” Tju says. “The cows do nothing but drink sake, get massages and sleep. It’s very high quality and I don’t think people mind the price.” Tju says he’s a little concerned about the added pressure and expectations that will come with the new space, but he’s also confident his team of chefs, servers and bartenders can handle it. “There will be a lot more people,” Tju says. “Hopefully we don’t get into trouble. But if we’re going to do it, we might as well do it right and improve.” — Gerard Matthews

bRIAN brian chIlSoN chiLson

ushi Cafe has come out on top of our best sushi category three years running, and by a solid margin. No small feat when you consider the number of decent sushi restaurants that now populate the Little Rock food scene and that Sushi Cafe is only three years old. Being number one isn’t all it’s cracked up to be though, especially when you’re in such a small space. Sushi Cafe’s owner, Robert Tju, says their position at the top of our best of list in years past turned a lot of heads. “That really caused a lot of problems for us,” says Tju. “We got lots of business last time. Sometime it’s hard for people to get in.” For all the things patrons have to like about Sushi Cafe, ample space isn’t on the list. The restaurant currently seats 55 people and if you want to have dinner there on a Friday or Saturday night, you can pretty much forget about it unless you show up early or come late. That will all change in September when Tju and company expand into the space next door. The expansion will add about 85 seats. Renovations also include a new patio. “The idea is that we don’t want fifteen people hanging around waiting on a table,” Tju says. “We want them to move to the bar area or the lounge area so they can have a drink and relax before we can get them seated. It will be an experience versus just having a dinner.” One thing that keeps people coming back is the diversity of the menu. Yeah, it’s considered the best sushi place in town, but even if you hated sushi, you could find something to like among the 188 items on the menu. “Our slogan is ‘beyond Japan’ or ‘beyond sushi,’ ” Tju says. “We’ve got hamburgers, hot dogs, hot wings, noodles, rice, everything.” The burgers at Sushi Cafe, while a

bRIAN brian chIlSoN chiLson

An expansion’s in the offing for triple winner.

SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE: Sushi Cafe is famous for its sushi (top), but also makes a mean Kobe beef burger.

Joels Salon would like to THANK YOU!

It’s your continued support that has kept us on top for the past 20 years!

26 juLY 29, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES



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BIG THINGS AHEAD: ZaZa will add a Conway location and there’s talk of franchises.

Zowie! S

ZaZa is the new salad champ.

hould we be surprised that ZaZa has taken the “Best Salad” award after years of domination by U.S. Pizza’s ranch dressing-topped monster? It was only a matter of time. Calling it simply a “pizza place” seems ignorant of its sudden significance to the restaurant scene and its Heights chic, its creative revitalization of the natural culinary duo of pizza and salad. The etymology of the word “salad” reminds us of a time when the primary embellishment for a plate of raw greens was “sal,” Latin for salt. Not exactly the salad days, to say the least. They’ve since become an art form, and more than just something you chew on before dinner to make sure you get your serving of vegetables for the day. At times, though, a salad can get carried away with dressing and toppings and playful ways to heap on beguiling calories. The most successful salads are inventive without betraying the earthy healthiness they represent.

ZaZa puts the customer right at this intersection of originality and wholesomeness. The house salad, The ZaZa, is a combination of greens with strawberries, blueberries, goat cheese and pecans. Not quite eccentric — something a housewife might throw together to stay fit — but big enough a portion to be satisfying. Some of the others are more unusual, like the Tandoori Chicken, which includes mango, chickpeas and a yogurt-cucumber-dill dressing. The rest of the menu isn’t any more run-of-the-mill: The Baja Shrimp, The Steakhouse, The Cobb. Besides the appreciation from Times readers, more good news is on the horizon for ZaZa. Owners and chefs Scott McGehee and John Beachboard are opening a new location in Conway that will include a full bar — making it right off the bat one of the classier places in Faulkner County to get a drink, much less a salad. National franchising talk continues. — Bernard Reed

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N I A AG Greg Rudkin Owner

brian chiLson

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Men’s Clothing Store

Your Style

Hip Clothing Store • juLY 29, 2010 27


bRIAN brian chIlSoN chiLson

Best Sushi


East + West = Modern Fusion

KEEP YOUR RIDE CLEAN: Best Car Wash lives up to its name.

BEst of

Continued from page 21

Office Supply


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Office Depot RUNNERS-UP: Staples, Pettus, Office Max.


Hillcrest Animal Hospital RUNNERS-UP: Allpets, Pinnacle Valley Animal Hospital, Hartford Hamilton.


The To-do lisT


The comprehensive list of everything worth doing this weekend from Times entertainment editor, Lindsey Millar. Whether it’s live music, dance, theater or an exhibit, Lindsey steers you to the best. The To-Do List email newsletter arrives in your in-box every Wednesday afternoon with an eye toward planning for your weekend. The To-Do List is a sure bet for your active life!

Comet RUNNERS-UP: Schickel’s, Moose, Hangers.







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Music Equipment

Guitar Center RUNNERS-UP: Best Buy, Jack’s, Jacksonville Guitar.

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Thank You Arkansas For Voting Us Best Florist!


28 juLY 29, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES


Burns Park RUNNERS-UP: Murray Park, Allsopp Park, Pinnacle Mountain State Park.

Cheap Date

Movies in the Park RUNNERS-UP: McDonald’s, Pinnacle Mountain State Park, Big Dam Bridge.

Weekend Getaway

Hot Springs RUNNERS-UP: Eureka Springs, Branson, Mount Magazine.




Heber Springs RUNNERS-UP: Mountain Harbor, Jolly Roger, Hot Springs Marina.

Dillard’s RUNNERS-UP: DSW, Warren’s, Shoe Connection, Solemates. Barnes and Noble RUNNERS-UP: Wordsworth, Books-aMillion, That Bookstore in Blytheville.

Pawn shop

National RUNNERS-UP: Braswell and Son, Big Daddy’s, USA Pawn, Pawnderosa.

Funeral home

Roller RUNNERS-UP: Ruebel, Griffin Leggett, North Little Rock Funeral Home.

Retirement community

666-3333 800-666-3333

Place to Swim

Little Rock Racquet Club RUNNERS-UP: Wild River Country, Greers Ferry Lake, Little Rock Athletic Club.

Mountain Harbor RUNNERS-UP: Red Apple Inn, Big Cedar Lodge, Gaston’s.

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WSinceinning the


D&D Designs RUNNERS-UP: Georgia James, Tobi Fairley, Tom Chandler Associates.


Fox Ridge RUNNERS-UP: Parkway Village, Woodland Heights, Hot Springs Village.


Golf Course

Chenal Country Club (private) RUNNERS-UP: Rebsamen Golf Course, Pleasant Valley Country Club (private), Alotian (extremely private).

Athletic Club

Little Rock Athletic Club RUNNERS-UP: 10 Fitness, Jim Dailey Fitness Center, Little Rock Racquet Club.


Little Rock Athletic Club RUNNERS-UP: Little Rock Racquet Club, Burns Park, Rebsamen Tennis Center.


Gettys RUNNERS-UP: Rockets, Tragikly White, Typhoid Mary.

Place to Dance

Discovery RUNNERS-UP: Cajun’s Wharf, Electric Cowboy, Sticky Fingerz.

Live Music

Juanita’s RUNNERS-UP: Rev Room, Sticky Fingerz, Cajun’s Wharf.

Pickup Bar

Cajun’s Wharf RUNNERS-UP: Ernie Biggs, Ciao Baci, Fountain.

Gay Bar

Discovery RUNNERS-UP: Starbar, Backstreet, Pulse.

Sports Bar

West End Smokehouse and Tavern RUNNERS-UP: Fox and Hound, Big Whiskey, Buffalo Wild Wings.

Late Night

Midtown Billiards RUNNERS-UP: Salut, Waffle House, Whitewater.

Place to shoot pool

Fox and Hound RUNNERS-UP: Midtown Billiards, West End, Fountain.

Movie Theater

Rave RUNNERS-UP: Chenal 9, Regal Breckenridge, Market Street Cinema.


Arkansas Arts Center RUNNERS-UP: Museum of Discovery, Clinton Presidential Center, Old State House.

Performing Arts Group

Arkansas Repertory Theatre RUNNERS-UP: Arkansas Symphony Orchestra, River City Men’s Chorus, Red Octopus.

Place to Gamble

Oaklawn Park RUNNERS-UP: Goldstrike, Harrah’s, Arkansas Scholarship Lottery.

Place to See Someone Famous

Clinton Presidential Center RUNNERS-UP: River Market, Capital Hotel, Doe’s Eat Place.




Emily Galusha RUNNERS-UP: Lisa Krannichfeld, Barry Thomas, Kevin Kresse.


Tim Vahsholtz RUNNERS-UP: Sarah Bussey, Nancy Nolan, Dixie Knight.


Mike Beebe RUNNERS-UP: Vic Snyder, Bill Clinton, Bill Halter.


Ryan Mallett RUNNERS-UP: Jermain Taylor, Cliff Lee, Joe Johnson.


Hillcrest RUNNERS-UP: Heights, Chenal Valley, Pleasant Valley.


Vic Snyder RUNNERS-UP: Mike Beebe, Joyce Elliott, Bill Halter.


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Mike Huckabee RUNNERS-UP: Bill Vickery, Gilbert Baker, John Boozman.


David Bazzel RUNNERS-UP: Beth Hunt, Joan Early, Donna Terrell.


Heifer International RUNNERS-UP: Humane Society of Pulaski County, Susan G. Komen Foundation/Race for the Cure, Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Pulaski County.




MEDIA Radio Station

Tom FM RUNNERS-UP: The Buzz, Alice, KUAR.

Radio Personality

Heather and DC RUNNERS-UP: Tommy Smith, Bob Robbins, Dave Elswick

TV Station

KATV, Channel 7 RUNNERS-UP: KTHV, Channel 11; KARK, Channel 4; Fox 16.

TV News Person

Craig O’Neill RUNNERS-UP: Scott Inman, Christina Munoz, Donna Terrell. Continued on page 31


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brian chiLson


Baked delight: Panera Bread may be a runner-up, but still offers tasty bread.

BEst of

Cheese Dip

TV Sports Person

Mexico Chiquito RUNNERS-UP: Senor Tequila, Chili’s, El Porton, Juanita’s.

TV Weatherman

Whole Hog RUNNERS-UP: Corky’s, Sims, Famous Dave’s.

Newspaper Writer

Ashley’s RUNNERS-UP: Acadia, By the Glass, 1620.

Continued from page 29 Steve Sullivan RUNNERS-UP: Craig O’Neill, Wes Moore, Mark Edwards. Ed Buckner RUNNERS-UP: Ned Perme, Barry Brandt, Mike Francis John Brummett RUNNERS-UP: Wally Hall, Max Brantley, Paul Greenberg


Wine List

Liquor Store

Local Blog

Colonial Wine and Spirits RUNNERS-UP: Ridge, Pop-a-top, Lake Liquor.


Sushi Cafe RUNNERS-UP: Gina’s, Hanaroo, Igibon, Mount Fuji.

Arkansas Blog RUNNERS-UP: Tie Dye Travels, Tolbert Report, Blake’s Think Tank.

French Fries

McDonald’s RUNNERS-UP: Buffalo Grill, The House, Arkansas Burger Company

Onion Ring

Sonic RUNNERS-UP: Cheeburger, Cheeburger, Cotham’s, The Hop.

CHECK-IN is August 4&5 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.



ZaZa RUNNERS-UP: US Pizza, Trio’s, Jason’s Deli.


Loca Luna RUNNERS-UP: Ya Ya’s, Capi’s, Bosco. Continued on page 32

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Making your house a home. 32 juLY 29, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES

Gourmet To Go

Catering To You RUNNERS-UP: Boulevard Bread, Diane’s, Fresh Market


Capital Bar RUNNERS-UP: Ciao Baci, Ferneau, Bonefish Grill.

Business Lunch

Capital Bar RUNNERS-UP: Copper Grill, Trio’s, Brave New Restaurant.


Purple Cow RUNNERS-UP: Cheeburger,

Cheeburger, The Hop, Doe’s.

Vegetarian Food

Whole Foods RUNNERS-UP: Lilly’s Dim Sum, ZaZa, Star of India.


Boulevard Bread RUNNERS-UP: Panera, Old Mill, Community Bakery.


Catering To You RUNNERS-UP: Simply The Best, RSVP, Trio’s.

Outdoor Dining

Acadia RUNNERS-UP: Cajun’s Wharf, Brave New Restaurant, US Pizza.


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Editorial n Was Jack the Ripper a Republican? Some historians say “no,” pointing out that Jack’s crimes — all those we know of — were committed in London, suggesting that the perpetrator was an Englishman, and unlikely to be affiliated with an American political party. But many rich Republicans visited England in the closing years of the 19th century, other scholars note, while working-class Americans — Democrats — could never have afforded such a trip. So, if Jack the Ripper was an American tourist — a theory not disproved — he almost certainly was a Republican. Even more suggestive is the similarity in modus operandi. Jack performed his atrocities on the most vulnerable members of society, people at the bottom of the economic and social ladder. There’s no record the monster ever had so much as a cross word with anyone from the upper class, a class to which Jack himself may have belonged. Does the pattern sound familiar? Last week, Rep. John Boozman voted against extending unemployment benefits to Arkansans who’ve lost their jobs. It was the 20th such vote he’s cast in the last eight years. He didn’t bother trying to justify the others, except by citing party loyalty, but this time, as a Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate, he feigned remorse, saying that he actually favored an extension of benefits, but only if the benefits were paid for by penalizing Americans in other ways, such as restricting their ability to sue incompetent physicians. It’s the Republican Party line. Boozman never gets far from it. He and his fellows can endure the suffering of the poor with equanimity, but the possibility that a billionaire might have to pay a few dollars more in taxes brings out the tiger in them. The tax cuts for the rich that were enacted during the George W. Bush administration are scheduled to expire Dec. 31. Republicans want to make the tax cuts permanent, adding another trillion dollars or so to the national deficit over the next decade. Contrary to their position on unemployment benefits, they do not propose any offsets to the tax cuts, either. The top one percent of taxpayers would pay 37 percent less in income taxes next year if the cuts are made permanent than if they were allowed to expire. The poorest three-fifths of taxpayers would actually pay more taxes under the Republican plan, because the Republicans don’t propose to extend the modest tax relief for the poor that was enacted under President Obama. Abuse the poor, but leave the rich alone. The Ripper thought like a Republican even if he wasn’t registered.

201 East Markham Street, 200 Heritage Center West, P.O. Box 34010, Little Rock, Arkansas 72203 Home page: • E-mail: Publisher Alan Leveritt editor

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34 july 29, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES

paul barrows

Serial hurter

HUNGRY HUMMINGBIRD: A female ruby-throated hummingbird lands on a geranium in this photo submitted by Paul Barrows to our Eye On Arkansas Flickr webpage.

Here we go again n A Little Rock School Board election this September again could figure in the fate of the school superintendent. A shift to a black board majority three years ago, thanks to Micheal Daugherty’s narrow runoff victory over Anna Swaim, guaranteed the departure of Roy Brooks as superintendent. He was black, but captive to the white business power elite and intent on implementing wealthy businessmen’s pet antiunion projects. Linda Watson, who is black, has now been interim or permanent superintendent for three years and has one year remaining on her contract. Daugherty’s effort to give her a one-year extension last week failed 4-3, with two other black board members, Diane Curry and Katherine Mitchell, joining him in the minority. Board President Charles Armstrong, who is black, voted against the extension. Armstrong, thus, is currently the swing vote. But Daugherty’s continued board service is also critical to Watson’s future if Armstrong can be swayed. Daugherty says contract extensions are routinely considered in July. But his motion last week had obvious political overtones. There’s been an ongoing pro-Watson drive among prominent figures in the black community. In crude translation: A vote against Watson is a vote for the whiteys. Her lobby has included a rogue’s gallery of black political backscratchers, including state Rep. Linda Chesterfield, former legislator Bill Walker and Sen. Tracy Steele. Despite a push to turn out black throngs in support of Watson at two recent board meetings, only 10 or so turned out. Few of those on hand, including Chesterfield and Steele and North Little Rock preachers, live in the Little Rock School District. The lobbying — or something — has had an effect. Diane Curry, now behind Watson, had been among board members who’d indicated dissatisfaction previously. The district has not moved significantly on its academic shortcomings or reduction of central administrative staff. I suspect the overall evaluation from

Max brantley

the board bears this out, but board evaluations are not releasable under the Freedom of Information Act. So what explains Curry’s change of heart? It’s hard to understand, particularly when you consider that the black and white leaders of an important task force on strategic goals — Terence Bolden and Jim Argue — resigned because of Watson’s foot-dragging. Watson also enjoys ardent support from the president of the teachers union, which supported Curry and Daugherty in previous elections. But a grassroots community effort was the larger story in their victories. John Walker, the civil rights lawyer who was a powerful player in the election three years ago, is backing Daugherty’s challenger, Michael Nellums. He finished third behind Daugherty and Swaim three years ago. He’s the blunt-speaking principal at Mills High in the Pulaski District, where he’s had scrapes with the teachers union and the administration (and come out on top). He led for a time a somewhat controversial all-male middle school in Jacksonville. The teachers union won’t like Nellums, but this election isn’t about the future of the union, as the election three years ago was. Also, the union itself is divided. Nor will this election be a racial contest. Both candidates are black. Should the big white vote that turned out for Swaim materialize for Nellums, Daugherty will be hard-pressed to win. Walker, who recently won a House primary for a legislative seat covering most of Daugherty’s ward, certainly can peel off some black support for Nellums. The election shouldn’t be about race or patronage (a rap on Watson by her critics) or maintaining the status quo. It should be about kids. But, inevitably, politics will come first.

The real Tim Griffin Republican candidate last week dodged deserved damage. n If you live a charmed political life or else dwell in the right place like Arkansas, or both, you just don’t have bad days, not even during a sequence of scary ones like Tim Griffin had last week. Griffin, the anointed Republican candidate for Congress from Central Arkansas, was named by a Washington ethics watchdog as one of the 11 most corrupt candidates for Congress who are not already in Congress. Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington is a bipartisan scourge of ethical malefactors in the national Capitol, both Democrats and Republicans. Its list of the most corrupt members of Congress includes seven Republicans and eight Democrats, and its current crusade is to oust Rep. Charles Rangel and another Democratic congressman from New York whom it accuses of gross improprieties. It hit Griffin in passing and noted that there might be candidates with even lower ethics than Griffin among the 2,300 Democrats and Republicans running for federal office this year. It asked for tips to identify them. Griffin made the group’s list of delinquent aspirants for his part in a sleazy scheme to keep blacks and other potential Democratic voters in Florida away from the polls in the 2004 presidential election when he was an operative for the Republican National Committee and for his unsavory role in the U.S. attorney scandal in 2006, which forced the resignation of seven top Justice Department officials, including the attorney general of the United States. Except for a blog or two, Griffin’s brief notoriety escaped notice in the Arkansas media. As luck would have it, the next day the Justice Department announced the findings of a special prosecutor’s investigation of the nine U. S. attorney firings although it was mainly about the dismissal of the New Mexico federal prosecutor and not Arkansas prosecutor Bud Cummins, who was canned to make room for Tim Griffin so that he could pad his resume for a congressional career. The special prosecutor said it was shameful to politicize justice that way, but she didn’t have enough evidence to prosecute anyone. The miscreants, including the disgraced attorney general, Alberto Gonzales, pronounced themselves vindicated. In the Arkansas media the next day Griffin’s role in the scandal was not reprised and he managed to come off sounding like he might be one of the good guys. He said the Justice Department “mishandled” the political firings of the attorneys. Did it ever! What Griffin did not acknowledge and the newspapers didn’t point out was that Gonzales and his deputies “mishandled” the firings at the direc-

Ernest Dumas tion of Griffin’s office in the White House and that he Griffin said was a beneficiary the Justice — maybe the only Department beneficiary — of t h e “ m i s h a n - ‘mishandled’ dling.” the political The special firings of U.S. prosecutor had mainly investi- attorneys. gated the firing What he of David Iglesias, didn’t mention the Republican pr os ecutor i n was that N ew M ex i c o , he was in the after he refused to thick of the buckle to pressure from Sen. Pete ‘mishandling.’ Domenici and other Republicans that he help his party before a tight election by filing voter-fraud charges against Democrats. The Justice Department at first maintained that Iglesias and the other eight Republican attorneys, including Bud Cummins, were fired for their lousy work, but it turned out that they had all been given good evaluations. The special prosecutor concluded that Iglesias had been fired for political reasons, which flouted Justice’s policies but was not prosecutable. In addition to ousting Cummins, his former friend and benefactor, and grabbing his job, Griffin seemed to have some role in Iglesias’ ouster. J. Scott Jennings, Karl Rove’s deputy in the White House political office, e-mailed Griffin, a master of campaign trickery, for advice on what else he could do to force the Justice Department to fire Iglesias, whom Karl Rove wanted out. We don’t know what Griffin told him. They never could recover many e-mails from Rove’s offices because they turned up missing and Griffin and some others took their e-mails through a server at the Republican National Committee so that they would not be public records. We also don’t know if the special prosecutor’s report dealt with Griffin’s finagling to destroy Cummins. It would be helpful to voters in the Second District, who seem not to know who Tim Griffin is. But we know a little about it from Justice Department and White House e-mails that turned up in the congressional investigation. Griffin wanted Cummins’ job so that he could launch his own political career. He sucked up to Rove, who could get

FORMER FRIENDS: Tim Griffin, now the Republican candidate for Congress, was a key player in the firing of former U.S. Attorney Bud Cummins (inset) so that Griffin could land the job to build his political resume. things done, sending him glowing e-mails (“I know where the true power lies,” “My wife is pregnant. We are thinking about naming him karl. Lol.”). Cummins had given Griffin his start by hiring him briefly in 2002 so that he could say he had been an assistant U. S. attorney. After Gonzales fired Cummins, Griffin did not want to undergo the usual questioning of prosecutor nominees in the Senate. Gonzales assured senators that Griffin would be nominated and undergo questioning about his past but he was lying. Records would show that all along they intended to install Griffin by a secret process under the Patriot Act so that Senate confirmation would be skipped. Congress quickly closed the loophole after Griffin was sworn in. Griffin said later that he figured the senators were going to be nasty to him if there was a confirmation hearing. Griffin resigned as U.S. attorney six months after his appointment as the House Judiciary Committee and the Justice Department began investigations. Two senators on the Judiciary Committee had asked the Justice Department to look into his voter caging work in Florida. Monica Goodling, the Justice Department liaison with the White House, later testified under an immunity grant that Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty, who resigned over the Griffin controversy, had not been honest in his congressional testimony about his knowledge of Griffin’s involvement in vote caging in the 2004 election. Were there machinations inside Karl Rove’s office over Griffin’s vaulting ambition? Here is a series of e-mails between

two of Griffin’s superiors in Rove’s office — Jennings, Rove’s first deputy, and Little Rock native Jane Cherry, his associate — over the growing controversy over Cummins’ firing and Griffin’s nomination: Cherry: “Good lord. What have you done?” Jennings: “Followed orders.” Cherry: “Isn’t that what the Nazis claimed?” Jennings: “shut up. these things always roll down hill. You are the one in the office iwith [sic] the most motive to help Griffin, so I’m guessing you are going down.” Cherry: “[unreadable] do I have the least motive? Tim Griffin made my life absolutely miserable for 5 months. Plus, my mother was Bud’s first assistant. He was a good family friend. I think I could argue I was pushing to keep him around but you were the one who wanted him out. Heheh.” Jennings and another Rove aide exchanged messages over Griffin’s prospects of getting the job after the controversy erupted. They agreed he was “toast.” Felts asks Jennings if Griffin knew that. “If he doesn’t, he’s retarded,” Jennings replied. Jennings was toast. Griffin seems to be headed to Congress, unless voters find out who he is. How will they? EDITOR’S NOTE: John Brummett’s column will return next week. We needed extra space for Ernest Dumas’ column this week. Also, note that Tommy Durham’s “Orval” cartoon is on vacation this week. • july 29, 2010 35

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HIS WAY: Church writes his own music.

Eric Church buck


By Werner Trieschmann

ashville has a tradition of separating the singer from the songwriting. Whether you want to point to George Jones moaning about having to record “He Stopped Loving Her Today” until it became his signature hit or the army of songwriters behind Kenny Chesney’s musical juggernaut, the fact is country music, new and old, has been built on made-to-order material. But Eric Church, a singer/songwriter and country music hitmaker who will make a stop on Friday at the Riverfest Amphitheatre with Luke Bryan, sees a new generation of Nashville talent coming along. “There’s a whole new group of us that write our own songs,” says Church. “You look at Jamey Johnson, Miranda Lambert and myself and you see a different group.” This group that Church mentions has already been labeled neo-outlaws, a new generation of scruffy artists who are following in the non-traditional footsteps of Waylon Jennings, Johnny Cash and Willie Nelson. Whether Church and his peers can make the contributions that the first outlaws did of course remains to be seen, but they certainly stand apart from the normal clean-cut product groomed and set out on the shelves by the Nashville execs. Church, a native of Granite Falls, N.C., is now two albums into a major label career — “Sinners Like Me” in 2006 and “Carolina” in ’09 — that’s been allowed to continue for this short period because he’s had some success on all-important country radio. He began as one of the many faceless songwriters toiling away behind the scenes in the county music capitol. He wrote Terri Clark’s “The World Needs a Drink” and

others but the aim was to perform in front of people — ideally, more than the sparse crowds that turned out during his first shows in Nashville. Songs like “Two Pink Lines,” a funny yet bracing song about a pregnancy test, and “Lightning,” about a man facing the electric chair, have helped Church build up a small but fierce fan base. He claims that when he signed with Capitol that he was able to set his own terms, one of those being to not worry about what songs are going to be hits. “I do it different,” says Church. “I am old school. I don’t know what the single is, I just want to make a record. Albums, I think that is where you make your fans that stay with you.” Church also doesn’t feel like he has to make a record that has the traditional imprint of country sound. He has a willing partner in his producer, Jay Joyce, who held the title on both of Church’s album. “He doesn’t even listen to country songs,” says Church of Joyce. “He’s played in a punk band. We don’t ever go in thinking it’s gotta be this way and we have to put a steel guitar or fiddle here. We cut the record in his basement. He’s like a

mad scientist.” Despite his unorthodox ways, Church is a passionate defender of country music and the country music format. “It’s the coolest format on the planet,” says Church. “We have Johnny Cash in our format and he’s the coolest guy ever. I think you see kids coming back around to country music today. Before you didn’t see kids in college wearing country T-shirts but today you see them wearing shirts with country artists. That is a change.”

Eric Church and Luke Bryan With Randy Houser & Whiskey Meyers

Friday, July 30, Riverfest Amphitheatre Gates open at 5:30 p.m. Show starts at 6:30 p.m. $25 (lawn seats), $35 (general admission pit and reserved) Lawn seat price day of show: $29.50 Tickets available at all Ticketmaster Outlets, charge by phone at 800-745-3000 or on line at • july 29, 2010 45

■ to-dolist By John Tarpley

TH U R S D AY 7 / 2 9


7 p.m., Verizon Arena. $31.50-$51.50.

n OMG. For weeks now, we’ve practically been able to hear the days get Sharpie’d off on wall calendars all over town. The tween-pop Elvis is coming to Verizon for what is guaranteed to be the most frenzied concert Little Rock sees all year. Now, the Biebs has gotten more than his fair share of criticism since his astronomical ascent from YouTube scrubbery to international megafame, but we’re not interested in calling out the omnipresent young pup for his fortunes, deserved or otherwise. He’s a kid making music for other kids; grown men aren’t really in a place to dismiss him. That’s like saying, “cat food tastes gross.” However, we might say “cats go bonkers for this cat food,” and it’s in that spirit that I’ll acknowledge that Bieber is nothing short of a pop music sensation. This month, he was the most Googled celebrity, his video for “Baby” became the most viewed YouTube video of all time and a gang of Internet pranksters almost succeeded in rigging a poll that would have sent the 16-year-old to tour North Korea. The sensation will be joined by fellow teen-pop star Sean Kingston, who’s sure to provide the eeriest part of the night when the arena sings along to his Ben E. King-sampling, suicide-flauntin’ hit track, “Beautiful Girls.”

FR IDAY 7 / 3 0


8 p.m., The Village. $15 adv., $20 d.o.s.

n According to our estimates, Curren$y released upwards of a gajillion mixtapes before he dropped his first proper, studio album last month: “Pilot Talk,” one of the best rap albums of the year. After spending his 20s jumping around his native New Orleans’ biggest rap labels (No Limit and Young Money/Cash Money), landing on the cover of XXL Magazine solely on the strength of his mixtapes, and releasing two instant slack-rap classics in “Elevator Musik” and “Breakfast,” the rapper’s now putting his work out properly with the help of diamond-studded rap label, Roc-A-Fella. His is a relatively mellow sound, not made for bedrooms or dance floors, but for tracing plumes of weed smoke through everyday monotony and, in a way, showing the familiar in a new light. When he talks about his “inkpen sneezin’ ” or “downloading an updated NBA roster” over a bossa-nova sample, it’s like an indie46 july 29, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES

BIEBER OH BIEBER: The most famous teen-ager in the world comes to Verizon Arena on Thursday. rap “Curb Your Enthusiasm.” While a lot of rappers seem to pop and then quickly fade from the spotlight, Curren$y has years and years of proved staying power behind him and enough chill “What? Me worry?” charisma to make us think he’ll be around for a while. He’s supported by a whole pack of emcees, including progressive rapper XV, the buzzy Kevin Jack and locals E-Dubb Joe Average, 4x4 Crew and Flame.


10 a.m., Byrd’s Adventure Center, Ozark. $65.

n The weekend festivals in Northwest Arkansas show no sign of slowing down, do they? This weekend brings the second year of Pronoia, described by organizers as “litter-free, synergistic, synchronistic weekend of great music focused on community, sustainability, art, spirituality and education.” With trails ready to be hiked and, water levels and weather pending, plenty of floating and kayaking available around Mulberry Mountain, it’s a ready-made trip for the woodsy. Oh, and the festival is packed with tons of music, too. Gift of Gab, one half of hip-hop greats Blackalicious, headlines alongside jam outfit Spoonfed Tribe and the psychglitch electronica of Heyoka. Arkansas acts abound as well, with boogie-woogie folkies Damn Bullets, the brass-laced funk jam of 1 Oz. Jig, instrumentalists Echo Canyon and a slew of DJs including Cool Shoes regulars Wolf-E-Wolf and Shawn Lee. Get more information on the

SLACK RAP: Hip-hop’s new golden boy, Curren$y, brings his musings on X-Box and blunts to The Village.

■ inbrief

three-day festival at pronoiafest.



n Sticky Fingerz rustles up a couple of country-rock acts with Willie Stradlin (one part Willie Nelson, one part Izzy Stradlin) and the Cody Ives Band, 9 p.m., $5. Bluegrass act Faril Simpson and the Lollie Bottom Boys adds a little storytelling to its pickin’ and grinnin’ at Conway’s Faulkner County Library, 7 p.m., free. 100.3 The Edge brings a night of post-grunge rockers to Juanita’s with St. Louis’ Cavo; extreme skiing icon Matt Reardon’s band, Black Sunshine; nu-metal five-piece Brookroyal, and Miami’s Atom Smash, 9 p.m. $15. Fogerty fans, heads up: CreedenceAgain, the premiere Creedence Clearwater Revival tribute band, choogles down to Hot Springs for a show at Oaklawn, 7:30 p.m., $15. Two Arkansas musical deities hit the stage at White Water Tavern when Jim Mize and Steve Howell amp up and do their thing, 10 p.m., $5.

9:30 p.m., Sticky Fingerz. $6.

n If you’re a Little Rock neophyte and want to dig into this new “Little Rock sound” we keep talking about, I can’t think of a better jumping-off point than this show. Here are three guitar heavy, anthemic, clever, catchy acts that, combined, showcase around a dozen of the city’s best musicians, period. First things first: If anything, go for Sweet Eagle. Live sightings of the still-new supergroup are a rarity around town. The group’s young, but a consistent mind-blower, already churning out future classics like the loud-quietloud “Die with the Radio On.” The See should be no stranger to anyone in town. They’re workhogs, constantly gigging and spreading their infectious indie-rock fight songs to anyone who can holler along. (We understand they’re debuting a handful of new tracks for this show, as well.) If any local outfit deserves its own Guitar Hero song-pack, it’s them. Finally, The Wicked Good, aside from being one of the best named bands in town, is a riffheavy, bar-rocking four-piece, made up of long-time Pulaski County chiefs of loud garage — David Slade (American Princes, Magic Hassle), Corey Bacon (Smoke Up Johnny), Jon Rice (Smoke Up Johnny) and Micah Fitzhugh (Moving Front). In spite of only having played as many shows as I can count on my two thumbs, the band already has its own (really nice) T-shirt and a strong buzz. Long story short, if you’re a tenderfoot to the noise around town, consider this a must-see crash course in the local soundtrack.

S AT U R D AY 7 / 3 1


9 p.m., Juanita’s. $10.

n Having spent years fronting thrash and doom metal acts in Louisiana, Dax Riggs has come into his own, spearheading the successful, garage duo of Deadboy and the Elephantmen while nurturing his own solo career, a swampy amalgamation of Jack White, Beck and Nick Cave, for lack of better touchstones. While Deadboy is no longer, Dax’s still on the road with his glammed-up, psych-swollen take on rootsrock, singing about the devil, cigarettes and graveyards. Time will tell whether this crossroads will be Dax’s final destination or if it’s just another stop in his long, weird drive through disparate genres. His newest album, “Say Goodnight to the World,” is set to be released next Tuesday on Fat Possum Records. Badhand opens.


THE VOICE: Country favorite Randy Travis brings his songbook and great pipes to Timberwood Amphitheater.


8 p.m., Timberwood Amphitheater. $29.99-$49.99

n I’d like to propose that Randy Travis has not only one of the greatest voices in country music, but one of the greatest voices in recent music. It’s one part rockingchair Appalachia, one part Tuvan throat singing. A bit froggy, a bit brassy, but always rounded; it’s far from typical but worthy of endless repeat. Look no further than his biggest single, “Forever and Ever Amen,” and the recent “Faith in You” for the Lefty Frizzell cum Kurt Wagner (of Lambchop) tone. It helps, as well, that Travis has stuck with his traditionalist country sound, not keying into the auto-tuned “pop with a twang” sound that’s taken the place of dobros and snare brushes in recent years. All in all, he’s one of country music’s most beloved defenders, and this is your chance to catch him serenade and strut.

T U E S D AY 8 / 3


9 p.m., Sticky Fingerz. $10.

n After spending years providing vocals for Hot Water Music, one of the acts that defined post-hardcore and pre-eyeliner

NOT HOT WATER MUSIC: Punk figurehead Chuck Ragan trades in his amps for an acoustic guitar at Sticky Fingerz. emo-core, Chuck Ragan is back, peddling hard-edged Americana folk. It’s become borderline commonplace for old punkers to make the transition to anthemic, acoustic rally songs, but Ragan’s innate skills with rhythm and his ability to mesh punk syllabics with plain-stated folk help him sound like an actual folkie, opposed to a punk dude in the midst of a flirtation with an acoustic guitar. It’s a natural progression that’s lent itself to three solo albums and a fistful of live recordings. His last visit to town was a 2008 show at Juanita’s, doing acoustic sets alongside Tim Barry (of Avail) and Ben Nichols (you know) in front of a capacity crowd. Even if the show at Sticky’s doesn’t reach that type of elbow-to-elbow standing space, you can be assured it’ll be full of passionate fans.

n July’s installment of Cool Shoes brings DJs Shawn Lee, Risky Biz and Deeter to Downtown Music Hall, 10 p.m., $5 regular, $8 under 21. Vino’s brings in Chicago-based, ’80s-pop-infused punkers The Moves; local psychobillies Josh the Devil and the Sinners provide support, 7 p.m., $8. Ryan Couron shuffles his spurs down to Benton for a show at Denton’s Trotline, 9 p.m. Pulse Night Club offers up a local DJ showcase with sets by DJs Michael Shane, Joe Holmes, Cameron Holifield, Platinumb and more, 8 p.m. After Eric Church wraps up at the Riverfest Amphitheatre, Revolution handles the after-party duties with Whiskey Myers taking stage at 9 p.m., $5. The Afterthought trades in jazz for party rock as Tragikly White takes over the club, 9 p.m., $7.


n George’s Majestic Lounge in Fayetteville celebrates the Grateful Dead’s late mastermind with their annual Jerry Garcia Birthday Bash, featuring music by long-lived northwest Arkansas jam band Mountain of Venus, 8 p.m., $8. The Arkansas Queen takes to the river to the tunes of reggae and hip-hop with the “All White Affair” boat cruise, 10 p.m., $25. For the club kids, Discovery brings in Michael Shane to the disco, Stephen to the lobby and Maya Montana and Whitney Paige to the theater, 10 p.m., $10. Little Rock cover band Typhoid Mary brings its femme-fronted act to Sticky Fingerz, 9 p.m., $5. Dirty-mouthed, NewYork City-based Lucky Bitch headlines White Water Tavern; garage rockers Magic Hassle and songwriter Adam Faucett provide support, 10 p.m., $5. • july 29, 2010 47


All events are in the Greater Little Rock area unless otherwise noted. To place an event in the Arkansas Times calendar, please e-mail the listing and all pertinent information, including date, time, location, price and contact information, to


Cavo, Black Sunshine, Brookroyal, Atom Smash. Juanita’s, 9 p.m., $13 adv., $15 d.o.s. 1300 S. Main St. 501-372-1228. Creedence Again: The CCR Tribute Act. Oaklawn, 7:30 p.m., $15. 2705 Central Ave., Hot Springs. 501-623-4411. Faril Simpson and the Lollie Bottom Boys. Faulkner County Library, 7 p.m., free. 1900 Tyler St., Conway. 501-327-7482. Fresh Blood NIght with Soulburn, Bulla, In My Legendary Fortress, They Were All Goliaths. Vino’s, 7 p.m. 923 W. Seventh St. 501-375-8466. The Hangouts, Ex-Ops. The Exchange, 10 p.m. 100 Exchange St., Hot Springs. theexchangevenue. J-One Presents: “In Too Deep.” Deep Ultra Lounge, 9 p.m. 322 President Clinton Ave. Jim Mize, Steve Howell. White Water Tavern, 10 p.m., $5. 2500 W. 7th. 501-375-8400. www. Jim Dickerson. Sonny Williams’ Steak Room, 7 p.m., free. 500 President Clinton Ave. 501-324-2999. Justin Bieber, Sean Kingston. Verizon Arena, 7 p.m., $31.50-$51.50. 1 Alltel Arena Way, NLR. Mr. Happy (headliner), Brent & Adam (happy hour). Cajun’s Wharf, 5:30 and 9 p.m., $5 after 8:30pm. 2400 Cantrell Road. 501-375-5351. www. “Posh.” Ernie Biggs, 9 p.m., $5 early admission. 307 Clinton Ave. 501-372-4782. littlerock.erniebiggs. com. Reggae Night with Darril “Harp” Edwards. The Afterthought, 8 p.m., $5. 2721 Kavanaugh Blvd. 501-663-1196. Solstice, Unbearable Hand Fate Dealt, Head Under Feet. All ages. Revolution, 9 p.m., $6. 300 President Clinton Ave. 823-0090. The Ted Ludwig Trio. Capital Bar and Grill, 5 p.m., free. 111 W. President Clinton Ave. 501-3747474. Tiger’s Jaw, Man Overboard, The Sidekicks, So Far So Good, Dead Beat. Soundstage, 8 p.m., $7. 1008 Oak St., Conway. Willie Stradlin, Cody Ives Band. Sticky Fingerz Rock ’n’ Roll Chicken Shack, 9 p.m., $5. 107 Commerce St. 501-372-7707.


Dale Jones. The Loony Bin, through July 29, 8 p.m.; July 30, 8 and 10:30 p.m.; July 31, 7, 9 and 11 p.m. 10301 N. Rodney Parham Road.


HOG Rally. A motorcycle-filled weekend of vendors, shop talk, poker runs, bike shows and music by Restless Heart. Visit arstatehogrally. com for more information. Hot Springs Convention 48 july 29, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES

DRAG IT UP (TO FAYETTEVILLE): Alt-country cult act and notoriously great live band Old 97’s swing through Fayetteville for their most recent tour. The group plays George’s Majestic Lounge at 9:30 p.m., this Friday, July 30. Tickets run $15 and are available at the door or at David Wax Museum and Christmas Fuller Project provide support. Center, July 29-31. 134 Convention Boulevard, Hot Springs. 501-321-2027.


HSDFI Summer Film Series: “Ghost Bird,” “Haxan: Witchcraft Through the Ages.” Malco Theater, 6 p.m., $5-$10 suggested donation. 817 Central Ave., Hot Springs. 501-623-6200.


Arkansas Travelers vs. Springfield Cardinals. Dickey-Stephens Park, 7:10 p.m., $6-$12. 400 W. Broadway St., NLR. 501-664-7559.


Museum of Discovery summer camps. Register at 396-7061 for camps running July 26-30: “Frontier Survival,” skills needed to survive in pioneer days, and “Cyber Stuff,” activities including using Skype and MovieMaker, both 1-4:30 p.m.; “You want to be an ... ologist?” exploring jobs in the world of science; and “I didn’t mean to break it!” figure out

how toys are made, both 8:30 a.m.-noon. Museum of Discovery, through July 30. 500 Clinton Ave. 396-7050.


SeniorNet Computing Classes for Seniors. Computer classes designed to teach seniors computer literacy to be held in the UAMS Institute of Aging, Room 1155. The courses include “Exploring Windows Vista,” 9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.; “Quicken,” noon-2 p.m.; “Intro to Computers,” 2:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. Call 603-1262 for more details. University of Arkansas Medical School, through July 29. UAMS Campus.


Bushdog. West End Smokehouse and Tavern, 10 p.m., $5. 215 N. Shackleford. 501-224-7665. www.

Chris Henry. Flying Saucer, 9 p.m., $3. 323 President Clinton Ave. 501-372-7468. Cool Shoes with DJs Shawn Lee, Risky Biz, Deeter. Downtown Music Hall, 10 p.m., $5-$8. 215 W. Capitol. 501-376-1819. downtownshows. Curren$y, XV, Kevin Jack, Joe Average, 4x4 Crew, E-Dubb, Flame. The Village, 8 p.m., $15 adv., $20 d.o.s. 3915 S. University Ave. 501-5700300. Eoff Brothers (headliner); Tony, Tim and Scott (happy hour). Cajun’s Wharf, 5:30 and 9 p.m., $5 after 8:30pm. 2400 Cantrell Road. 501-3755351. Eric Church, Luke Bryan, Randy Houser, Whiskey Meyers. Riverfest Amphitheatre, 6:30 p.m., $37.70-$43.40. 400 President Clinton Ave. Final Fridays: The Leo Zodiac Edition. Juanita’s, 9 p.m. 1300 S. Main St. 501-372-1228. First Class Fridays. Bill St. Grill and Pub, 9 p.m. 614 President Clinton Ave. 501-353-1724. Legoria Payton and Friends. Capi’s, 8:30 p.m., free. 11525 Cantrell Suite 917. 501-225-9600. www. The Moves, Josh the Devil and the Sinners. Vino’s, 7 p.m., $8. 923 W. Seventh St. 501-3758466. Old 97s, David Wax Museum, David Fuller Project. George’s Majestic Lounge, 9:30 p.m., $15. 519 W. Dickson St., Fayetteville. 479-442-4226. Oona Love. Cornerstone Pub & Grill, 9 p.m., $5. 314 Main St., NLR. 501-374-1782. cstonepub. com. Peter, Paul and Pelphrey. Midtown Billiards, July 31, 12:30 a.m., $8 non-members. 1316 Main Street. 501-372-9990. Pronoia: The Full Spectrum Human. A weekend festival of live music, camping, art and sustainability. For more information, visit www. Byrd’s Adventure Center, July 30-Aug. 1, $65. 7037 Cass Oark Road, Ozark. Pulse DJ Showcase with Michael Shane, Joe Holmes, Cameron Holifield, Kinkade, Platinumb and Jeremy Rowlett. Pulse, 8 p.m. 307 W. Seventh. Ryan Couron. Denton’s Trotline, 9 p.m. 2150 Congo Road, Benton. 501-315-1717. The See, Sweet Eagle, Wicked Good. Sticky Fingerz Rock ’n’ Roll Chicken Shack, 9:30 p.m., $6. 107 Commerce St. 501-372-7707. Steve Bates. Cregeen’s Irish Pub, 9 p.m., free. 301 Main St., NLR. 501-376-7468. www.cregeens. com. Team Lieblong. Khalil’s Pub, 7 p.m. 110 S. Shackleford Road. 501-224-0224. www.khalilspub. com. The Ted Ludwig Trio. Capital Bar and Grill, 9 p.m. 111 W. President Clinton Ave. 501-374-7474. Cory Branan, The All-Girl Boys Choir. White Water Tavern, 10 p.m. 2500 W. 7th. 501-375-8400. Thomas East. Sonny Williams’ Steak Room, July 30-31, 7 p.m. 500 President Clinton Ave. 501-3242999. Mr. Happy (headliner), Tony, Tim & Scott (happy hour). Cajun’s Wharf, 5:30 and 9 p.m., $5 after 8:30pm. 2400 Cantrell Road. 501-375-5351. Tragikly White. The Afterthought, 9 p.m., $7. 2721 Kavanaugh Blvd. 501-663-1196. Troubaduo, Nostar. Maxine’s, 9 p.m., $5. 700 Central Ave., Hot Springs. Whiskey Myers. Revolution, 9 p.m., $5. 300 President Clinton Ave. 823-0090.


Dale Jones. The Loony Bin, through July 29, 8 p.m.; July 30, 8 and 10:30 p.m.; July 31, 7, 9 and 11 p.m. 10301 N. Rodney Parham Road.


HOG Rally. See July 29.


Arkansas Travelers vs. Tulsa Drillers. DickeyStephens Park, July 30-31, 7:10 p.m.; Aug. 1, 6 p.m.; Aug. 2, 7:10 p.m., $6-$12. 400 W Broadway St., NLR. 501-664-7559.

UpcOMiNG eveNTS Concert tickets through Ticketmaster by phone at 975-7575 or online at unless otherwise noted. AUG. 10: Built to Spill. 8:30 p.m., $20 adv., $25 d.o.s. The Village, 3915 S. University. 570-0300, AUG. 20: Deftones. 7 p.m., $36.60-$41.75. Robinson Center Music Hall, 7 Statehouse Plaza. 800-745-3000, AUG. 21: Brooks & Dunn. 7:30 p.m., $35-$70. Verizon Arena, NLR. 800-745-3000, AUG. 27-28: Mulehead. 10 p.m. White Water Tavern, 2500 W. Seventh. 375-8400, myspace. com/whitewatertavern. SEPT. 23: The Hold Steady, $18. Revolution, 300 President Clinton Ave. 523-0090, revroom. com. OCT. 10: Nickelback. 6 p.m., $55.95-$80.35. Verizon Arena, NLR. 800-745-3000, OCT. 28: Al Green. 7 p.m. Statehouse Convention Center, 7 Statehouse Plaza. 376-4781,


Museum of Discovery summer camps. See July 29.


Annual Jerry Garcia Birthday Bash with Mountain of Venus featuring Jeff Sipe. George’s Majestic Lounge, 8 p.m., $8. 519 W. Dickson St., Fayetteville. 479-442-4226. Badhand. Midtown Billiards, Aug. 1, 12:30 a.m., $8. 1316 Main Street. 501-372-9990‚Äé. midtownar. com. Barrett Baber. Flying Saucer, 9 p.m., $3. 323 President Clinton Ave. 501-372-7468. Bushdog. Fox And Hound, 10 p.m., $5. 2800 Lakewood Village, NLR. 501-753-8300. Dax Riggs, Badhand. Juanita’s, 9 p.m., $10. 1300 S. Main St. 501-372-1228. www.juanitas. com. Dinosaur Feathers, Lonnie Walker. The Exchange, 9 p.m. 100 Exchange St., Hot Springs. Donna Massey & The Blue Eyed Soul (headliner), Greg Madden (happy hour). Cajun’s Wharf, 5:30 and 9 p.m., $5 after 8:30pm. 2400 Cantrell Road. 501-375-5351. www.cajunswharf. com. Karaoke at Khalil’s. Khalil’s Pub, 7 p.m. 110 S. Shackleford Road. 501-224-0224. Katmandu. The Afterthought, 9 p.m., $7. 2721 Kavanaugh Blvd. 501-663-1196. Kevin So. The Poet’s Loft, 8 p.m., $10. 514-B Central Ave., Hot Springs. Kingsdown, Bobgoblin, Unbearable Hand Fate Dealt. Revolution, 8:30 p.m., $7-$10. 300 President Clinton Ave. 823-0090. Last Thrash Metal Fest with Mobile Deathcamp, Iconocaust, Trail of SIn, Poisonwood, ShadowVein, Fallen Empire, A Darkened Era, Dying Breath. The Village, 6:30 p.m., $15 adv., $17 d.o.s. 3915 S. University Ave. 501-570-0300. Lucky Bitch, Magic Hassle, Adam Faucett. White Water Tavern, 10 p.m. 2500 W. 7th. 501-3758400. Michael Shane (disco), Stephen (lobby), Maya Montana and Whitney Paige (theater). Discovery Nightclub, 10 p.m., $10. 1021 Jessie Road. 501-664-4784. Mister Lucky. West End Smokehouse and Tavern, 10 p.m., $5. 215 N. Shackleford. 501-2247665. The Poison Control Center, Oil Boom. Maxine’s, 9 p.m., $5. 700 Central Ave., Hot Springs. Pronoia: The Full Spectrum Human. See July 30. Reggae and Hip-Hop “All White Affair” Boat Cruise. Arkansas Queen, 10 p.m., $25. 100

Riverfront Park Drive, NLR. Rob Moore. Cregeen’s Irish Pub, 9 p.m., free. 301 Main St., NLR. 501-376-7468. www.cregeens. com. Surtsey. Vino’s, 7 p.m., $6. 923 W. Seventh St. 501-375-8466. Sychosis, Knee Deep, Eddie and the Defiants, Earthrot. Downtown Music Hall, 8 p.m., $5. 215 W. Capitol. 501-376-1819. The Ted Ludwig Trio. Capital Bar and Grill, 9 p.m. 111 W. President Clinton Ave. 501-374-7474. Third Degree. Denton’s Trotline, 9 p.m. 2150 Congo Road, Benton. 501-315-1717. Thomas East. Sonny Williams’ Steak Room, July 30-31, 7 p.m. 500 President Clinton Ave. 501-3242999. Typhoid Mary. Sticky Fingerz Rock ’n’ Roll Chicken Shack, 9 p.m., $5. 107 Commerce St. 501-372-7707.

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Dale Jones. The Loony Bin, through July 29, 8 p.m.; July 30, 8 and 10:30 p.m.; July 31, 7, 9 and 11 p.m. 10301 N. Rodney Parham Road. www.


Certified Arkansas Farmers Market. A weekly outdoor market featuring produce, meats and other foods from Arkansas farmers. Argenta Market, 7 a.m.-12 p.m., free. 521 N. Main St., NLR. 501-379-9980. Falun Gong meditation. Allsopp Park, 9 a.m., free. Cantrell & Cedar Hill Roads. Farmers Market. River Market Pavilions, 7 a.m. 400 President Clinton Ave. 375-2552. HOG Rally. See July 29. Super Summer Saturdays. Programs and activities related to the Center’s summer exhibit, “Nature Unleashed.” Clinton Presidential Center, July 31, 10 a.m.; Aug. 14, 10 a.m.; Aug. 28, 10 a.m., free. 1200 President Clinton Avenue. 370-8000.


Arkansas Travelers vs. Tulsa Drillers. DickeyStephens Park, July 30-31, 7:10 p.m.; Aug. 1, 6 p.m.; Aug. 2, 7:10 p.m., $6-$12. 400 W Broadway St., NLR. 501-664-7559.


Afton Showcase wtih Who It Be RP, Black Mob unit, J.Guego, Vigoris, Shane Pa Lo, more. Juanita’s, 5 p.m., $9 adv., $12 d.o.s. 1300 S. Main St. 501-372-1228. Pronoia: The Full Spectrum Human. See July 30. Seasons After, 2cents, Taking Dawn, Finding Jimmy Hoffa. The Village, 7 p.m., $10 adv., $15 d.o.e. 3915 S. University Ave. 501-5700300. Successful Sundays with Tawanna Campbell and Dell Smith. Ernie Biggs, 9 p.m., $5 early admission. 307 Clinton Ave. 501-372-4782. Sunday Jazz Brunch with Ted Ludwig and Joe Cripps. Vieux Carre, 11 a.m. 2721 Kavanaugh Blvd. 501-663-1196.


Arkansas Travelers vs. Tulsa Drillers. DickeyStephens Park, July 30-31, 7:10 p.m.; Aug. 1, 6 p.m.; Aug. 2, 7:10 p.m., $6-$12. 400 W Broadway St., NLR. 501-664-7559.


Lending Love Apparel Benefit Show. Fundraiser with performances by Andrew Raines, Preston Hale, The Supporting Cast, Maywood Park, Adam Blasi, Jason Truby, 16th Walk, Nick Ward and Chad Robb. Revolution, 5 p.m. 300 President Clinton Ave. 823-0090.


Richie Johnson. Cajun’s Wharf, 5:30 p.m., free. 2400 Cantrell Road. 501-375-5351.

Continued on page 51



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The To-do lisT

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Continued from page 49


Arkansas Travelers vs. Tulsa Drillers. DickeyStephens Park, July 30-31, 7:10 p.m.; Aug. 1, 6 p.m.; Aug. 2, 7:10 p.m., $6-$12. 400 W Broadway St., NLR. 501-664-7559.


Brian & Nick. The Afterthought, 5:30 p.m., free. 2721 Kavanaugh Blvd. 501-663-1196. Chuck Ragan. Sticky Fingerz Rock ’n’ Roll Chicken Shack, 9 p.m., $10. 107 Commerce St. 501-372-7707. Dirty Penny, The Vail. Maxine’s, 9 p.m., free. 700 Central Ave., Hot Springs. Jim Dickerson. Sonny Williams’ Steak Room, Aug. 3-5, 7 p.m., free. 500 President Clinton Ave. 501-324-2999. www.sonnywilliamssteakroom. com. Karaoke Night. Cornerstone Pub & Grill, 8 p.m. 314 Main St., NLR. 501-374-1782. cstonepub. com. Karaoke Tuesday. Prost, 8 p.m., free. 120 Ottenheimer. 501-244-9550. Karaoke with Big John Miller. Denton’s Trotline, 8 p.m. 2150 Congo Road, Benton. 501-315-1717. Tequila Tuesdays with DJ Hy-C. Bill St. Grill and Pub, 8:30 p.m. 614 President Clinton Ave. 501-353-1724. Tuesday Jam Session with Carl Mouton. The Afterthought, 8 p.m., free. 2721 Kavanaugh Blvd. 501-663-1196.


“Latin Night.” Revolution, 7 p.m., $5 regular, $7 under 21. 300 President Clinton Ave. 823-0090.


Farmers Market. River Market Pavilions, 7 a.m. 400 President Clinton Ave. 375-2552. Frank Jones. The folklorist shares his stories, “Civil Disobedience in Small-Town Missouri,” “The Skidmore Bully,” “Shades of Henry David Thoreau” and “One Little Town Against the World.” Faulkner County Library, 7 p.m., free. 1900 Tyler St., Conway. 501-327-7482. The ROOT Cafe “Canning Kitchen” Summer Workshop. ROOT’s third annual summer series of food preservation workshops. Christ Episcopal Church, Aug. 3, 6:30-8:30 p.m.; Aug. 10, 6:30-8:30 p.m.; Aug. 17, 6:30-8:30 p.m.; Aug. 31, 6:30-8:30 p.m.; Sept. 7, 6:30-8:30 p.m.; Sept. 14, 6:30-8:30 p.m., $10. 509 Scott St. 501-375-2342.


Movies in the Park: “Twilight.” Riverfest Amphitheatre, 8:30 p.m., free. 400 President Clinton Ave.


David Stricklin on Bob Wills & His Texas Playboys. The Butler Center’s David Stricklin, whose father, Al Stricklin, became the band’s piano player 75 years ago, will describe the experiences and legacy of the legendary western swing band. Main Library, 12 p.m., free. 100 S. Rock St. www.


The Crystal Method with DJs Sleepy Genius, Justin Sane, Ewell, Paul Grass, Andy Sdler, Digital Love, Sleep, Wolf E Wolf, Stepchild. The Village, 8 p.m., $20 adv., $25 d.o.s. 3915 S. University Ave. 501-570-0300. Gang Starr Museum, Cold Mold. The Exchange, 9 p.m. 100 Exchange St., Hot Springs. J-One Presents: “In Too Deep.” Deep Ultra Lounge, 9 p.m. 322 President Clinton Ave. Jeff Coleman. The Afterthought, 8 p.m., free. 2721 Kavanaugh Blvd. 501-663-1196. Jim Dickerson. Sonny Williams’ Steak Room, Aug. 3-5, 7 p.m. Sonny Williams’ Steak Room, 7 p.m., free. 500 President Clinton Ave. 501-3242999. Matt Stell and the Crashers. Sticky Fingerz Rock ’n’ Roll Chicken Shack, 9:30 p.m., $5. 107 Commerce St. 501-372-7707. www.stickyfingerz. com. “Posh.” Ernie Biggs, 9 p.m., $5 early admission. 307 Clinton Ave. 501-372-4782. Sad Daddy. Maxine’s, 9 p.m., free. 700 Central Ave., Hot Springs.

The Ted Ludwig Trio. Capital Bar and Grill, 5 p.m., free. 111 W. President Clinton Ave. 501-3747474. Twist Box (headliner), Andy Tamas (happy hour). Cajun’s Wharf, 5:30 p.m., $5 after 8:30pm. 2400 Cantrell Road. 501-375-5351.


The Tennessee Tramp. The Loony Bin, Aug. 4-5, 8 p.m.; Aug. 6, 8 and 10:30 p.m.; Aug. 7, 7, 9 and 11 p.m., $6-$9. 10301 N. Rodney Parham Road.


Hillcrest Sip & Shop. Shops and restaurants offer discounts, later hours, and live music. Hillcrest, First Thursday of every month, 5-10 p.m. P.O.Box 251522. 501-666-3600. www.hillcrestmerchants. com. Little Rock Multitap gaming night. A bi-monthly video competition night. ACAC, third

Continued on page 52

Arkansas’ Only Four Star, Four Diamond, Five Duck Hotel


Acoustic Open Mic with Kat Hood. The Afterthought, 8 p.m. 2721 Kavanaugh Blvd. 501-663-1196. Jim Dickerson. Sonny Williams’ Steak Room, Aug. 3-5, 7 p.m. Sonny Williams’ Steak Room, 7 p.m., free. 500 President Clinton Ave. 501-3242999. Karaoke at Khalil’s. Khalil’s Pub, 7 p.m. 110 S. Shackleford Road. 501-224-0224. Karaoke with Big John Miller. Denton’s Trotline, 8 p.m. 2150 Congo Road, Benton. 501-315-1717. Lucious Spiller Band. Sticky Fingerz Rock ’n’ Roll Chicken Shack, 9:30 p.m., $5. 107 Commerce St. 501-372-7707. Luke Johnson. Cajun’s Wharf, 5:30 p.m., $5 after 8:30pm. 2400 Cantrell Road. 501-375-5351. www. The Ted Ludwig Trio. Capital Bar and Grill, 5 p.m., free. 111 W. President Clinton Ave. 501-3747474.


The Tennessee Tramp. The Loony Bin, Aug. 4-5, 8 p.m.; Aug. 6, 8 and 10:30 p.m.; Aug. 7, 7, 9 and 11 p.m., $6-$9. 10301 N. Rodney Parham Road.

The Peabody Little Rock is more than just a place to stay; with the summertime RiverTop parties and Peabody Park, it’s a place to play. And with Mallards and Capriccio Grill Italian Steakhouse, it’s also a place to dine and unwind. All neatly packaged in a downtown location. Three Statehouse Plaza • Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 • 501-906-4000 • • july 29, 2010 51


Continued from page 51 Saturday of every month, 6:30 p.m.; first Thursday of every month, 6:30 p.m., $5 membership fee. 900 S. Rodney Parham Road. 501-244-2974.


HSDFI Summer Film Series: “Forgetting Dad,” “Night of the Living Dead.” Malco Theater, 6 and 8 p.m., $5-$10 suggested donation. 817 Central Ave., Hot Springs. 501-623-6200.

THIS WEEK IN THEATER “Beauty and the Beast.” The lush Broadway musical adaptation of the Disney classic comes to Fayetteville for a 12-day run. Walton Arts Center, Thu., July 29, 7 p.m.; Fri., July 30, 8 p.m.; Sat., July 31, 2 and 8 p.m.; Sun., Aug. 1, 2 and 7 p.m.; Tue., Aug. 3, 7 p.m.; Wed., Aug. 4, 7 p.m.; Thu., Aug. 5, 7

p.m.; Fri., Aug. 6, 8 p.m.; Sat., Aug. 7, 2 and 8 p.m.; Sun., Aug. 8, 2 and 7 p.m., $39-$47. 495 W. Dickson St., Fayetteville. 479-443-5600. “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.” Based on the 1988 movie of the same name, this musical adaptation follows two con men whose decision to collaborate goes awry when they both fall for the same woman, their initial target. Call the Community Theatre of Little Rock 501-410-2283 for ticket information. The Public Theater, Fri., July 30, 7:30 p.m.; Sun., Aug. 1, 2 p.m., $12-$14. 616 Center St. 501-374-7529. “Hair.” This rock opera follows the “Tribe,” a group of politically active, long-haired youth living in New York City and rebelling against the Vietnam War, their conservative parents and a prejudiced, repressive society. The Weekend Theater, through Aug. 8: Fri, Sat, 7:30 p.m.; Sun, 2:30 p.m., $14-$18. 1001 W. 7th St. 501-374-3761. “Nunsense II: The Second Coming”. A sequel to “Nunsense,” the play is set six weeks after the sisters have staged their first benefit concert.

Harding University, through July 31, 6:30 p.m. 900 E. Center Ave., Searcy. “Tuesdays with Morrie.” A sportswriter develops a friendship with his former sociology professor, long diagnosed with ALS. All ticket sales go to benefit ALS/MDA research. UCA, July 29-31, 7:30 p.m.; Sun., Aug. 1, 2:30 p.m.; Aug. 5-7, 7:30 p.m.; Sun., Aug. 8, 2:30 p.m., $5-$12. 350 S. Donaghey, Conway.

MuSEuMS, GAllERIES New exhibits, upcoming events MUSEUM OF DISCOVERY, 500 President Clinton Ave.: “Alice’s Teaparty,” science and math games, July 29-31, in connection with “Alice’s Wonderland,” for ages 3 to 10, through Sept. 15; interactive science exhibits. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat., 1-5 p.m. Sun. Admission: $8 adults, $7 children ages 1-12 and seniors 65 and up, children under 1 free, “Pay What You Can” second Sunday of every

month. 396-7050. NEW RIVIERA CONDOMINIUMS, 3700 Cantrell Road: “The Art Show,” work by Liz Noble, George Wittenberg, Theresa Smith, Elizabeth Weber, Emily Wood, Robert Bean, Spencer Jansen, Michelle Renee, Virmarie DePoyster, Kevin Kresse, Ray Wittenberg, Tod Crites and Kelly Edwards, 7 p.m. July 30, 6 p.m. July 31, $10, portion of proceeds to Our House shelter bus pass program. 541-5729. n Yellville P.A.L. FINE ART GALLERY, 300 Hwy. 62 W: Pen and inks by Joe Hatcher, through July; book-signing reception for “Art and Artisans of the Ozarks” 4-7 p.m. July 31. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Tue.-Sat. 870-4056316.

GAllERiES, onGoinG ExhibitS.

ACAC GALLERY, 900 S. Rodney Parham: New paintings by John Kushmaul, through July. 2-6 p.m. Tue.-Fri., noon-4 p.m. Sat. 479-466-1235. ARGENTA ART MARKET, 510 Main St., NLR: Outdoor artists and crafters market, 8 a.m. to noon every Sat. ARKANSAS ARTS CENTER, MacArthur Park: “The Miniature Worlds of Bruce Metcalf,” through Aug. 22; “Currents in Contemporary Art,” “Masterworks,” “Paul Signac Watercolors and Drawings,” ongoing. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Tue.-Sat., 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Sun. 372-4000. ARKANSAS ARTS CENTER COMMUNITY GALLERY, Terry House, 7th and Rock Sts.: “V.I.T.A.L. Artists Collective Inaugural Exhibit,” work by Melverue Abraham, Rex Deloney, LaToya Hobbs, Ariston Jacks, Kalari Turner and Michael Worsham, through Aug. 28. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Tue.-Fri., 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat., 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Sun. 372-4000. ARKANSAS STUDIES INSTITUTE, 401 President Clinton Ave.: “Luke Anguhadluq: Inuit Artist,” from the J.W. Wiggins Native American Art Collection, Mezzanine Gallery, through Oct. 9; “Mid-Southern Watercolorists 40th annual Juried Exhibition,” Main Gallery, through Aug. 28; “Arkansans in the Korean War 1950 to 1953,” through July, Atrium Gallery. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Mon.-Sat. 320-5700. BOSWELL-MOUROT FINE ART, 5815 Kavanaugh Blvd.: New work by 25 national, international and Arkansas artists, highlighting mixed media on canvas work of Darlyne Chauve, through August. 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Tue.-Fri., 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Sat. 664-0030. CANTRELL GALLERY, 8206 Cantrell Road: “19th annual Mid-Southern Watercolorists Open Membership Exhibit,” through July. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat. 224-1335. CHRIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, 509 Scott St.: “Summer Members Show,” work by Arkansas Pastel Society members Shirley Anderson, Ruth Byrn, S. Caruthers, Gertrude Casciano, Lois Davis, Marlene Gremillion, Sheliah Halderman, Mary Nancy Henry, Susan Hurst, Melanie Johnston, Sr. Maria Liebeck, Sue F. Lopez, Anne K. Lyon, Nancy Martin, Diana L. Shearon, Cathy Spann, Mary Ann Stafford and Debbie Strobel. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Thu., 9 a.m.-noon Sun. 375-2342. CHROMA GALLERY, 5707 Kavanaugh Blvd.: Work by Robert Reep and other Arkansas artists. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri., 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Sat. 664-0880. GALLERY 26, 2601 Kavanaugh Blvd.: Becki Lamascus and Katherine Strause, recent works, through Sept. 14. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Tue.-Sat. 664-8996. GREG THOMPSON FINE ART, 429 Main St., NLR: “Roger Carlisle: Light in the Landscape.” 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Tue.-Fri., 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Sat. 664-2787. HEARNE FINE ART, 1001 Wright Ave.: “Collaborations,” paintings and sculpture by Kevin Cole, Benny Andrews, Kennith Humphrey, Tonia Mitchell, Marjorie Williams-Smith, photographs by Ernest C. Withers, and other work. 372-6822. HEIGHTS GALLERY, 5801 Kavanaugh Blvd.: Arkansas artists. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Tue.-Fri., 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat. 664-2772. KETZ GALLERY, 705 Main St., NLR: Tim Jacob, paintings, 529-6330. LOCAL COLOUR GALLERY, 5811 Kavanaugh Blvd.: “Christmas in July,” jewelry by Mary Allison, other work by members of cooperative. 11 a.m.-5

Continued on page 56 52 july 29, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES

Don Draper, reborn

A boy named

Dream a little dream By Derek Jenkins

n I’m as starry-eyed as the next person. I sometimes think an SEC championship is within reach. In my weaker moments, I start imagining that the Hogs might even put together a run at the national title. But if you think all that hope isn’t glazed with apprehension, then tell me why I had my first football dream of the season last night. They usually start up around mid-August, when the excitement is no longer bearable, but you’ll have to forgive my unconscious mind for jumping the suspiciously shaped gun. Funny thing: I wasn’t even dreaming about the Razorbacks. Well, not specifically, though everything in the dream was viscerally addressing my anxieties. I dreamt that South Carolina (the toughest team on the back end of our schedule — yeah, I said it LSU fans) was playing Alabama (the toughest team on our schedule, period). In slumberland, this game immediately preceded our collision course with the defending national champs. Everything about the dream was a little off, in silly little ways that would be boring to recount. The game was close, but Alabama won. Nobody wants Alabama to win, but nobody wants to play an Alabama team that is coming off a loss. Nick Saban would literally execute his starters for back-to-back losing efforts. He has a saying: “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, I’ll chop off your head and feed it to the second team.” My mind is preoccupied with the Crimson Tide for good reason. It’s a key game in any scenario, and a win could spell a trip to the SEC championship or a chance at a major bowl. Unless Leo DiCaprio can bust into Nick Saban’s dreams and implant a flinching mechanism, the Coach of Steel

will prove as adaptive as ever to a fullyfunctional Petrino offense. Don’t think the Tide have to count on Mark Ingram and Greg McElroy to repeat the quality of their 2009 campaigns. Any Saban defense, especially one filled topto-bottom with high-end recruits, will challenge even the most efficient passing offense. Nobody brings a secondary up to speed like Saban. And don’t forget that fearsome Bama linebacker D’onta Hightower has a score to settle, having been robbed of playing in a championship season by an injury incurred during last year’s Arkansas-Alabama game. How about that other dream team? South Carolina wasn’t only there to get beat. The Gamecocks have an equal opportunity to knock the wind out of us. We may lose different games, but none are positioned to color our season with the same sickly, irrevocable palette. On the road immediately after homecoming, the Gamecocks will present us with one of the more experienced teams in the conference. Ellis Johnson’s defense ranked third in the conference behind Florida and Alabama in his first year as DC. They may not be able to replace a talent like Eric Norwood, but they return seven starters who are all going to try. I feel certain we’ll play 13 games this year, but these two stand out from my perspective as capable of defining the season as a whole. It’s easy for me to say how excited I am about this team’s potential, but if you want to know what keeps me up at night, look no further than these two pivotal games. A Boy Named Sooie will return weekly later next month. Follow him throughout the week at

n There’s a part of every great film and television show that is wish fulfillment for the viewer. We love mob movies and shows because the wish-fulfillment is instant justice. Someone crosses Tony Soprano and he takes him out. These characters, despicable or not, serve as our collective id on-screen, bearing out our basest desires. Yet when it comes to Don Draper of AMC’s “Mad Men,” he at once enacts and completely undermines our wishes. He lives a life of wealth and power that we envy, in an era where men didn’t have to apologize. It’s a life that is a classic Sunday night antidote to our contemporary Sunday afternoon Build-A-Bear Workshop or trip to Lowe’s. But we watch Don Draper and we worry about him. He re-committed to Betty and their Westchester ideal at the end of season two, only to court (and eventually find) disaster once again in season three. Throughout, he gropes, fecklessly, to make himself whole, flailing between poles of eros and thanatos. He’s spent dozens of episodes building walls of traditional happiness, only for the deviant pleasure of plunging into the dark and knocking them down once more. Of course, we shouldn’t be surprised that Don anesthetizes himself to his family, while pouring his heart, balls and guts into everything else. The pilot episode clearly spelled out “Mad Men’s” thesis: During the Lucky Strike campaign, a frigid German psychologist tells Don that human beings have a “death wish,” which inspires Salvatore to say, “So we’re supposed to believe people are living one way and secretly thinking the exact opposite?” The first three seasons of “Mad Men” have balanced on a tenuous string that runs between the way Don really thinks and the way he tries to live. Between the Manhattan he is and the Westchester of his dreams. It’s not until Don has an affair with his child’s schoolteacher that his id collides with his home, helping usher on its destruction once and for all. So where does that leave Don Draper in season four? He’s in Manhattan. Domesticity in Westchester is a distant shore. And while

Graham Gordy Don may’ve always viewed domestic bliss as a lie, it was at least an anchor for a woeful soul. Can he really survive once he’s completely unfettered? If episode one is any sign, this is what Matthew Weiner plans to delve into. Don’s new domestic life has a dark, sad quality to it. His business is fledgling at best, and may be failing. He loses his cool at a client and throws him out of the office. He’s rebuffed by a blonde Betty look-alike, and his only “plans” on Thanksgiving involve a prostitute slapping his face over and over again while she has sex with him. (That was Dr. Freud in the background, being carried out on a stretcher, by the way; the actualization of his virgin/whore complex being too much for him to take.) Really, the only buoyancy at all in episode one for Don is in its final scene. Don is being interviewed by someone from the Wall Street Journal as the “face of the agency.” It’s a role he’s not used to. Not knowing himself at all (his entire existence being made from whole cloth up to now), he wants his “work to speak for itself.” Yet, what he learns in this episode is that his sublimated ego shtick has become passe in 1964, so he brings his ego to the fore and spins a new yarn, creating a mythology for Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce that puts him at the center, as the man in the white hat who risked it all, the man who, rather than “die of boredom,” decided to “holster up his guns” and create something new. A new Don Draper is born in this scene. A simulacrum. A copy of the copy. Whether it’s the selling of a product or the selling of himself, telling the lie is the only place Draper seems truly happy. In this moment, we’re comforted that Don will get by fine without his Westchester, but we’re also struck by the worry that Manhattan seems to hold no greater truth.

Handmade pins and magnets by Arkansas students. All proceeds donated to the Clinton Haiti Relief Fund. With special thanks to art teacher Joy Schultz, Episcopal Collegiate School, and so many others.

Homes for Haiti. $5. Buy several. Help many. Clinton Museum Store

610 President Clinton Ave. | Little Rock | 501-748-0400 | • july 29, 2010 53

Friday, July 30 -Thursday, August 5



Solitary Man – r 2:00 4:00 7:00 9:00 Michael Douglas, Susan Sarandon, Danny Devito

injury Slight – nr 1:45 4:15 6:45 9:00

Starring First Missile Wing Commander at the Little Rock Air Force Base-Col. Charles O’ Sullivan

joan riverS: a Piece of Work – r 2:15 4:20 7:15 9:15 Joan Rivers, Donald Trump, Kathy Griffin Sundance Film Festival

WinterS Bone – r 2:00 4:20 7:15 9:20 Jennifer Lawrence, John Hawkes Sundance Film Festival

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SWim SeaSon iS here! it iS not to late to get in ShaPe! 54 july 29, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES

July 29Aug. 1

movielistings All theater listings run Friday to Thursday unless otherwise noted.

Visit for updates. Market Street Cinema showtimes at or after 9 p.m. are for Friday and Saturday only. NEW MOVIES Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore (PG) — The never-ending war between canine and feline comes to a ceasefire when they have to join forces to defeat a rogue cat spy. Breckenridge: 12:00, 2:15, 4:45, 7:25, 9:30. Chenal 9: 11:15, 1:20, 4:05, 7:25, 9:30. Lakewood: 11:10, 1:25, 4:10, 7:10, 9:35. Rave: 11:35, 2:00, 5:00, 7:50; 12:45, 3:45, 6:45, 9:40 (3D). Riverdale: 11:35, 1:45, 3:55, 6:00, 7:55, 9:50. Charlie St. Cloud (PG-13) — A young man takes a job as a caretaker at the cemetery where his younger brother is buried. Breckenridge: 11:25, 1:45, 4:05, 7:15, 9:35. Chenal 9: 11:15, 1:55, 4:50, 7:20, 9:55. Rave: 11:15, 2:10, 5:05, 7:40, 10:25. Lakewood: 10:50, 1:40, 4:30, 7:20, 10:00. Riverdale: 11:10, 1:20, 3:30, 5:40, 7:50, 10:00. Dinner for Schmucks (PG-13) — A rising executive finds the perfect dinner mate in a clumsy, dimwitted IRS agent. Breckenridge: 11:45, 2:20, 4:55, 7:35, 10:15. Chenal 9: 11:10, 1:50, 4:25, 7:15, 9:45. Lakewood: 10:50, 1:35, 4:15, 7:15, 9:50. Rave: 12:00, 1:25, 2:45, 4:20, 5:20, 7:15, 8:15, 9:55, 10:55. Riverdale: 11:30, 2:00, 4:30, 7:00, 9:30. Injury Slight (NR) — Years after a fighter pilot was rescued after ditching his plane in deep New Guinea he wants to revisit the spot and the headhunters he evaded. Market Street: 1:45, 4:15, 6:45, 9:00. Solitary Man (R) — A successful car magnate crumbles as his personal and professional indiscretions catch up with him. Market Street: 2:00, 4:00, 7:00, 9:00. The Kids are Alright (R) — Two children in a non-traditional family discover their birth father to the chagrin of their two mothers. Rave: 11:00, 1:40, 4:30, 7:30, 10:10. RETURNING THIS WEEK Animalopolis (NR) — A half-hour film of goofy animals being goofy in enormous 3D. Aerospace IMAX: 11:00, 7:00 Fri.; 1:00, 3:00, 7:00 Sat. Clash of the Titans (PG-13) — Perseus, son of Zeus, leads a band of warriors into uncharted dimensions while attempting to defeat the evil Hades, God of the Underworld. Death at a Funeral (PG-13) — A funeral for a family patriarch goes haywire, being constantly disrupted by a series of accidents, missteps, idiocy and blackmail. Movies 10: 2:50, 7:35. Despicable Me (PG) — A skittish criminal mastermind hiding in the suburbs plans to steal the moon, if only he can keep three orphaned girls away. Breckenridge: 11:50, 2:05, 4:20, 6:50, 9:25. Chenal 9: 11:20, 1:35, 4:15, 7:05, 9:20. Lakewood: 11:05, 1:20, 4:05, 7:05, 9:30. Rave: 12:30, 3:00; 11:45, 2:15, 4:40, 7:25, 9:50 (3D). Riverdale: 11:20, 1:25, 3:30, 5:35, 7:40, 9:45. Get Him to the Greek (R) — A dopey record company intern finds himself caught in a drug-andsex-fueled caper as he tries to bring an unruly British rock star to America. Movies 10: 12:10, 2:40, 5:10, 7:40, 10:10. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (R) — When a shabby pair of investigators look into a decades-old missing person case, they discover grotesque family secrets. Market Street: 1:30, 4:15, 7:00. Grown Ups (PG-13) — Five old basketball teammates act like kids again after their high school coach passes away. Breckenridge: 12:10, 5:05, 10:05. Rave: 11:05, 2:05, 5:40, 8:05, 10:50. Riverdale: 11:05, 1:15, 3:25, 5:35, 7:45, 9:55. How to Train Your Dragon (PG) — A timid young Viking, raised to slay dragons by his heroic father, ends up befriending one he tried to slay. Movies 10: 12:15, 2:35, 5:05. Inception (PG-13) — A corporate spy enters competitors’ dreams to extract company secrets in this surrealist revision of heist films. Breckenridge: 12:25, 4:00, 4:40, 7:10, 7:50, 10:20. Chenal 9: 10:50, 1:45, 4:40, 7:35, 10:30 (IMAX). Lakewood: 12:00, 3:30, 7:00, 10:15. Rave: 11:20, 12:50, 2:50, 5:15, 7:20, 8:35, 10:35. Riverdale: 12:20, 3:25, 6:30, 9:30. Iron Man 2 (PG-13) — The libertine superhero

WINE, DINE AND MALIGN: What begins as a mean-hearted but simple evening goes haywire when young executive Tim (Paul Rudd) invites a bumbling IRS agent, Barry (Steve Carell), to his boss’ monthly “Dinner for Extraordinary People” in “Dinner for Schmucks.” returns, facing off with an evil Russian copycat, an old rival and the government. Movies 10: 12:05, 1:30, 2:55, 4:20, 5:40, 7:10, 8:35, 9:55. Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work (R) — A documentary on the plastic-faced comedienne as she turns 75 years old. Market Street 2:15, 4:20, 7:15, 9:15. Jonah Hex (PG-13) — A bounty hunter on the lam is hired by the government to stop a terrorist bent on world destruction. Movies 10: 12:50, 2:50, 4:50, 7:40, 9:50. Just Wright (PG) — A physical therapist finds herself falling for the professional basketball player in her care. Movies 10: 12:20, 5:00, 9:40. The Karate Kid (PG) — A reboot of the 1985 classic sees the Kid as a Detroit-transplant in China, learning kung fu from the hand of his apartment maintenance man. Breckenridge: 12:15, 7:05. Killers (PG-13) — Years after an undercover assassin settles down in the suburbs, he and his wife discover a plot to kill him. Movies 10: 12:40, 3:00, 5:20, 7:45, 10:15. Knight and Day (PG-13) — When a spy realizes he wasn’t supposed to survive his last assignment, he teams with an unassuming stranger to escape. Breckenridge: 2:35, 7:40. The Last Airbender (PG) — M. Night Shyamalan adapts the hugely successful action cartoon about four magical defenders of the elements. Rave: 1:05, 3:55, 6:55, 9:30 (3D). Riverdale: 11:40, 2:00, 4:25, 6:50, 9:15. The Living Sea (NR) — An underwater tour of Palau, Hawaii, California, Oregon, Alaska, Nova Scotia and the Red Sea. Aerospace Imax: 10:00, 12:00, 2:00 (Thu.); 10:00, 12:00, 2:00, 7:00, 9:00 (Fri.); 12:00, 2:00, 4:00, 7:00 (Sat.). Marmaduke (PG) — The funny pages’ Great Dane turns his family’s cross-country move into a neverending series of disasters. Movies 10: 12:35, 2:45, 4:55, 7:15, 9:30. Predators (R) — The newest addition to the “Predator” franchise sees a group of paramilitary experts try to outlast the ruthless, futuristic Predators. Rave: 10:20pm. Ramona and Beezus (G) — Beverly Cleary’s famous Quimby sisters go through misadventures and mistakes to save their family. Breckenridge: 11:35, 2:00, 4:30, 7:00, 9:45. Chenal 9: 10:55, 1:30, 4:10, 7:10, 9:35. Lakewood: 10:55, 4:20, 9:40. Rave: 11:10, 1:35, 4:05, 6:40, 9:25. Robin Hood (PG-13) — The legendary marksman and people’s hero leads a gang of marauders against corrupt governmental heads. Movies 10: 12:30, 4:00, 7:00, 10:00. Salt (PG-13) — A CIA officer has to go on the run after a defector accuses her of being a Russian double agent. Breckenridge: 12:05, 2:30, 5:00, 7:30, 10:00. Chenal 9: 11:20, 1:55, 4:45, 7:30,

10:00. Lakewood: 11:00, 1:30, 4:25, 7:25, 9:55. Rave: 11:30, 1:30, 2:30, 4:35, 5:35, 6:35, 7:35, 8:25, 9:35, 10:30, 11:00. Riverdale: 11:00, 1:10, 3:20, 5:30, 7:45, 10:00. Shrek Forever After (PG) — The final movie of the series has the ogre stuck in Far Far Away, in which ogres are hunted and Rumpelstiltskin is king. Movies 10: 12:00, 1:10, 2:20, 3:30, 4:40, 5:50, 7:05, 8:10, 9:20, 10:25. The Sorcerer’s Apprentice (PG) — A master sorcerer recruits an ordinary guy to help him defend New York City from his arch-rival. Breckenridge: 11:40, 2:10, 4:50, 7:20, 9:50. Lakewood: 1:45, 7:30. Rave: 12:15, 2:35, 5:30, 7:45, 10:45. Riverdale: 11:45, 2:10, 4:35, 7:05, 9:30. Toy Story 3 (G) — Donated to a daycare center after their owner leaves for college, the beloved gang of toys rallies together for one last escape. Breckenridge: 11:30, 1:55, 4:25, 6:55, 9:40. Chenal 9: 11:00, 1:40, 4:20, 7:00, 9:25. Lakewood: 11:00, 1:25, 4:00, 7:00. Rave: 1:15, 4:10, 7:00, 10:15 (3D). Riverdale: 11:50, 2:15, 4:50, 7:15, 9:40. The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (PG-13) — The third installment of the “Twilight” series finds Bella graduating high school, torn between vampire Edward and werewolf Jacob. Breckenridge: 4:10, 10:10. Chenal 9: 11:05, 1:45, 4:30, 7:10, 9:40. Lakewood: 9:45. Rave: 12:55, 3:50, 6:50, 9:45. Thrill Ride (NR) — This IMAX movie takes viewers on some of the fastest, scariest roller coaster rides on earth. Aerospace IMAX: 1:00 (Thu.); 1:00, 8:00 (Fri.); 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 8:00 (Sat.). Wildfire: Feel the Heat (NR) — Discover how firefighters all over the planet fight the biggest, hottest fires on the planet. Aerospace IMAX: 12:00, 2:00, 4:00, 8:00 (Sat.). Winter’s Bone (R) — A 17-year-old girl tracks her deadbeat father through the Ozarks after he abandons his family. 2010 winner of LRFF’s Golden Rock award. Market Street: 2:00, 4:20, 7:15, 9:20. Chenal 9 IMAX Theatre: 17825 Chenal Parkway, 821-2616, Cinemark Movies 10: 4188 E. McCain Blvd., 945-7400, Cinematown Riverdale 10: Riverdale Shopping Center, 296-9955, IMAX Theater: Aerospace Education Center, 376-4629, Market Street Cinema: 1521 Merrill Drive, 312-8900, Rave Colonel Glenn 18: 18 Colonel Glenn Plaza, 687-0499, Regal Breckenridge Village 12: 1-430 and Rodney Parham, 224-0990, Dickinson Theaters Lakewood 8: Lakewood Village, 758-5354,

‘MICMACS’: Danny Boon, Omar Sy and Marie-Julie Baup star.

n moviereview French find ‘Amelie’ director returns with charming ‘Micmacs.’ n Foreign cinema gets a bad rap in the United States because of its fans: aesthetes who brie their pants for movies about weeping at rain-streaked windows, movies that purport to deserve your $10 and two hours without indulging in so much as an exploding skyscraper or underwater knifefight. If not for its constant exportation of

full-frontal nudity, there’d scarcely be a point to even learning there’s such a thing as Europe. At least the continent is good for the occasional counterexample in a film such as “Micmacs,” which not only blows up the odd manufacturing plant and discharges human cannonballs at whim, but reminds

us, in its stylishness and effortless precision, that 80 years after they gained sound, movies are still an essentially visual medium. The movie’s Frenchness in this regard only enhances the experience: A viewer could rightly enjoy this jaunt, and indeed gather its vital plot points, with the subtitles disengaged. In either case director Jean-Pierre Jeunet has crafted a story nearly as inventive as his 2001 masterwork “Amelie,” imbuing it with a joie de vivre. By rights “Micmacs” ought to be the favorite foreign flick of your inner 10-year-old boy. The film follows a hard-luck video store clerk named Bazil (Danny Boon) in

the aftermath of a random shooting that has left a bullet precariously lodged in his brain. His life deteriorates until a motley band of scrap-yard vagabonds take him in and put him to work scavenging. On a junk run one day he finds himself at the munitions plant that built the bullet that nearly killed him; across the street, by some zoning fluke, is the weapons maker whose logo matches that on a landmine that snuffed his father when Bazil was a boy. What follows is a twist on the caper comedy, like a low-tech “Oceans 11,” that pours the idiosyncratic talents of Bazil’s friends (among them a master of mechanized puppets, a girl with a head for figures and measures, and a mesmerizing contortionist) into pitting the executives of the competing arms manufacturers against one another through subterfuge and sabotage. For a movie so concerned with inspiring mutual assured destruction, the action in “Micmacs” is decidedly cartoonish, given mostly to pranks of scale. Fans of “Amelie” will recognize much of the cast here, as well as that titular character’s penchant for clever mischief with a scoundrel as its target. The weapons makers, played with fiendish relish by Andre Dussollier and Nicolas Marie, are brilliantly sculpted villains, possessed of the sort of quirks – collecting body parts of the famous dead, drilling a child on the comparative strengths of nuclear weapons – that are at once hilarious and dastardly. Boon can’t bring quite the same warmth to Bazil that Audrey Tatou poured into Amelie, but in his physical comedy, he conjures, at times, the panache of Buster Keaton. Bazil’s gentle romance with the contortionist, rendered in impossible geometry by Julie Ferrier, brings needed heart to the tale. In gesture and expression, their emotions become all but tactile on screen. Language barriers are nothing when there’s so much here to see. — Sam Eifling

The girls would like to say Thank You to all of our loyal clientele and friends for voting us among the best — without you its just another day in the park!

Pav i l i o n i n t h e Pa r k 8201 Cantrell rd • Suite 400

We want to dedicate this to our beautiful friend Amanda Paige. We will miss her always! • july 29, 2010 55


Continued from page 53 p.m. Mon.-Sat. 265-0422. M2 GALLERY, 11525 Cantrell Road: Work by new artists Danny Broadway, Todd Williams, David Walker, Char Demoro and Morgan McMurry. 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Mon.-Sat. 225-5257. RED DOOR GALLERY, 3715 JFK, NLR: Work by Twin, Robin Steves, Brady Taylor, Georges Artaud, Lola, Jim Johnson, Amy Hill-Imler, James Hayes and Theresa Cates. 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Mon.-Fri., 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sat. 753-5227. SALON UNDERGROUND, 2821 Kavanaugh Blvd.: “More Selections from the Estate of Howard S. Stern,” paintings, prints and photographs by Leonard Baskin, Carroll Cloar, Selma Blackburn, Frank Freed, Hiroyuki Tajima, Sheila Parsons, Douglas Walton, Marjorie Williams-Smith, Jason Williamson and Stern, through July. SHOWROOM, 2313 Cantrell Road. Work by area

artists, including Sandy Hubler. 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Mon.-Fri. 372-7373. STEPHANO’S FINE ART GALLERY, 5501 Kavanaugh Blvd.: Bronzes by Tony Dows, paintings by new gallery artist Jared Vaughn, work in all media by other artists. 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Tue.-Wed., 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Thu.-Fri., 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Sat. 563-4218. THEA FOUNDATION, 401 Main St.: Area artists’ open studios in THEArtists Gallery (2nd floor), 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri. 379-9512. TOBY FAIRLEY FINE ART, 5507 Ranch Drive, Suite 103: Contemporary Arkansas artists. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Tue.-Fri. or by appointment. 868-9882. UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AT LITTLE ROCK: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri. 569-8977. UALR BOWEN SCHOOL OF LAW: “Law in a Land Without Justice: Nazi Germany 1933-1945,” World War II artifacts, through July. 7 a.m.-11 p.m. Mon.-Thu., 7 a.m.-10 p.m. Fri., 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Sat., 11 a.m.-11 p.m. Sun. WILLIAM F. LAMAN LIBRARY, 2801 Orange St.,

Continued on page 57

“I re-established my love for learning at Pulaski Tech. I worked full-time while I attended, and the evening classes easily accommodated my busy schedule. At Pulaski Tech, I realized that I couldn’t get ahead in life without an education. I started out working toward an associate of arts and now I am on my way to earning my MBA at UALR.” Mary Katherine Smith Licensed Insurance Agent Meadors, Adams and Lee, Inc. Pulaski Technical College Graduate

3000 West Scenic Drive North Little Rock, AR 72118 (501) 812-2200 56 july 29, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES

Little worlds, big impact Coming up: “The Art Show.” By LesLie NeweLL Peacock

n Coming up Friday and Saturday is “The n Until I read the catalog for “The Art Show,” an artist-organized show and Miniature Worlds of Bruce Metcalf,” an sale at the Riviera Condomiums at the exhibit of silver and wood pins placed foot of Cantrell Hill. Exhibiting are Liz in various tableaux at the Arkansas Arts Noble, George Wittenberg, Theresa Smith, Center, the reason I was so taken with the Elizabeth Weber, Emily Wood, Robert Bean, show was the originality of the concept Spencer Jansen, Michelle Renee, Virmarie and the work itself. The jewelry artist DePoyster, Kevin Kresse, Ray Wittenberg, creates tiny big-headed, gumby-limbed Tod Crites and Kelly Edwards. silver figures engaged in various actions There will be a one-time $10 charge to — setting even tinier, more human-shaped see the exhibit, which will feature food and figures free from a bird cage, for example. drink and a drawing for a painting valued Metcalf carves flower-headed figures and at $300. paints them in gold. Some of his figures Charging people to see private exhibits are representational save their hands, big has always seemed weird to me — sort of mitts with claws. like Dillard’s charging a fee to shop. Then Then I read the catalog — always a again, bars charge covers to see musical good thing — and his intent. Miniatures, talent. I asked Michelle Renee, artist and he says, draw the eye and mind in the the publicity person for the show, for her way larger works don’t. The close focus thoughts about required to study charging admission them is like that a to an art exhibit. child gives a toy Renee explained he’s manipulating how “The Art through a world S h o w,” w h i c h of his own. That debuted last fall, got invests these pins started. She said she with exaggerated was complaining story-telling ability. to her friend Ray They are also, of Wittenberg about course, quite beauthe constant requests tiful objects, though artists get to donate the little alien work to benefit people may have auctions that folks pitted heads, enorhave paid $100 to mous eyes, or be get into, and getting shot through with nothing in return — holes. In “Advent not even free press. of the Damaged “If you open the Angel,” feathers society pages the hang off the tiny angel’s arms and ‘CANDLE IN THE CITY’: Bruce Metcalf people who bought the art/tickets are his head is wrapped brooch at the Arts Center. featured, not the in linen. artists,” she said in an e-mail. Metcalf’s work has been likened to the They decided to propose to developer underground comics of the 1960s, mixing Jimmy Moses that he let them use a condo edginess and humor to relate a social in the River Market tower for their exhibit message. Metcalf explains that “A Candle space — they’d get free space and he’d get in the City of Darkness,” in which one free advertising. He agreed. of his silver brooches — a female figure “But being an artist and not selling a lot holding a candle — is set against a drawing right now, we were broke as far as putting taken from a news photo of destruction in on a party.” They settled on a $10 per night Chechnya. ticket. “Everyone said, I spend that much on Then there is “The New Bunker a cover and drinks at a bar.” Mentality,” which though it may be a This year, the group was able to make the comment on our refusal to see past the same arrangement with the newly reopened end of our nose (and reveling in the deciRiviera, which is trying to attract condo sion) is a wonderfully funny and incredibly buyers. crafted piece, our alien man grinning wide, “So basically, you are paying for seeing wearing goggles and headphones and lying the condo, seeing the art, eating, drinking, on a mattress, cigarette butts strewn about, socializing, listening to music and being in a set in a concrete bunker. It could be about drawing for a free piece of art,” she said. Too, madness too, but it’s very smart. a portion of the ticket price will go to the Our The exhibit also includes drawings from House shelter for its bus pass program. Metcalf’s sketchbooks, fine little pencil “The Art Show” starts at 7 p.m. Friday drafts of the jewelry. The show remains up and 6 p.m. Saturday. in the Strauss Gallery through Aug. 22.

jUly 29-aUg. 4

RUBICON AMC Sundays at 7 p.m. n While AMC used to be known mostly

for dusting off movies that anyone under 70 years old hadn’t seen in decades, the network’s created quite a name for itself in recent years with groundbreaking, wholly unique original dramas. Its success with good-guy-goes-criminal show “Breaking Bad” and ’60s ad man porn “Mad Men” has been phenomenal. Week to week, they’re the best shows on television. Now AMC is hoping to add a third to that success story with its new conspiracies-and-codes show, “Rubicon.” From what I’ve seen in the pilot, it’s not a straight-up slam dunk like

“Breaking Bad,” but it definitely has potential. James Badge Dale stars as Will Travers, a brilliant cryptologist who works for a shadowy company called API. Clearly some clandestine (though geeky) arm of the government, API is apparently in the business of cracking ciphers — though it’s all a little cloudy in the first episode. Soon after Travers’ boss dies in a mysterious train accident, he discovers a series of cryptic clues hidden in the crossword puzzles of major American newspapers. Though we aren’t sure what they mean for now, they point

to something dark and sinister, maybe even a shadow government that secretly runs the United States. In our conspiracy-prone times, “Rubicon” is sure to grab the imagination. While not a whole lot happens in the pilot, there’s a delicious, Hitchcockian tension to it all as the creators sketch the lines of what will undoubtedly turn out to be a world full of dark doings. I’m not sold yet, but I’ve come to trust the creative judgment of AMC, and have a feeling that “Rubicon” will be one to watch. — David Koon


Continued from page 56 NLR: “Draw Me a Story: A Century of Children’s Book Illustration,” 40 original illustrations by Maurice Sendak, Ralph Caldecott, Kate Greenaway, William Steig, Lois Lenski, Tomie DePaola, Chris Van Allsburg and others, through Aug. 11. 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Mon.-Thu., 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Fri.-Sat. 758-1720.

MUSEUMS, ongoing ExhibitS

ARKANSAS INLAND MARITIME MUSEUM, NLR: Tours of the USS Razorback submarine. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Wed.-Sat., 1-6 p.m. Sun. 371-8320. CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL MUSEUM VISITOR CENTER, Bates and Park: Exhibits on the 1957 desegregation of Central and the civil rights movement. 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. daily. 374-1957. CLINTON PRESIDENTIAL CENTER, 1200 President Clinton Ave.: “Nature Unleashed: Inside Natural Disasters,” interactive displays and animation on earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes and tornadoes from the Field Museum, through Sept. 6; standing exhibits about policies and White House life during the Clinton administration. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat., 1-5 p.m. Sun. $7 adults; $5 college students, seniors, retired military; $3 ages 6-17. 370-8000. HISTORIC ARKANSAS MUSEUM, 200 E. Third St.: “You Fit into Me: Works by David Carpenter and Lindsey Maestri,” through Sept. 5; “Unprivate Mail: Arkansas Postcards and Cryptic Messages,” through Sept. 26; “John Chiaromonte and Maribeth Anders: The Responsibility of Internal Forces,” through Aug. 8. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat., 1-5 p.m. Sun. $2.50 adults, $1.50, $1 children for tours of grounds. 324-9351. MacARTHUR MUSEUM OF ARKANSAS MILITARY HISTORY, MacArthur Park: “Warrior: Vietnam Portraits by Two Guys from Hall,” photos by Jim Guy Tucker and Bruce Wesson, through November; exhibits on Arkansas’s military history. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Tue.-Fri., 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sat., 1-4 p.m. Sun. 376-4602. MOSAIC TEMPLARS CULTURAL CENTER, Ninth and Broadway: Exhibits on African-Americans in Arkansas, including one on the Ninth Street business district, Dunbar High School, entrepreneurs, the Mosaic Templars business and more. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Tue.-Sat. 683–3593. MUSEUM OF DISCOVERY, 500 President Clinton Ave.: “Alice’s Wonderland,” science and math exhibit for ages 3 to 10, through Sept. 15; interactive science exhibits. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat., 1-5 p.m. Sun. Admission: $8 adults, $7 children ages 1-12 and seniors 65 and up, children under 1 free, “Pay What You Can” second Sunday of every month. 396-7050. OLD STATE HOUSE, 300 W. Markham St.: “Arkansas/Arkansaw: A State and Its Reputation,” the evolution of the state’s hillbilly image; “Badges, Bandits & Bars: Arkansas Law & Justice,” state’s history of crime and punishment, through March 2011. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat., 1-5 p.m. Sun. 324-9685. WITT STEPHENS JR. CENTRAL ARKANSAS NATURE CENTER, Riverfront Park: Exhibits on wildlife and the state Game and Fish Commission.

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n Taj Mahal Mediterranean and Indian Cuisine plans to open on Aug. 10 or soon thereafter at 1520 Market Street in Little Rock. Former New York restaurateur Jay Riaz is the owner. The focus, despite the restaurant’s name, will be Indian, with only a few Mediterranean dishes on the menu. The restaurant plans to be open daily for lunch and dinner and for brunch on the weekend. The current phone number is 631-455-0755 and the website is n Eat Arkansas’s Kat Robinson reports that a sign on Starlite Diner in North Little promises a coming grand reopening and that the restaurant will begin taking applications in October. This is merely the latest in a number of hints that the old-school diner is poised to reopen. We’ll believe it when we see it.

Restaurant capsules Every effort is made to keep this listing of some of the state’s more notable restaurants current, but we urge readers to call ahead to check on changes on days of operation, hours and special offerings. What follows, because of space limitations, is a partial listing of restaurants reviewed by our staff. Information herein reflects the opinions of the newspaper staff and its reviewers. The newspaper accepts no advertising or other considerations in exchange for reviews, which are conducted anonymously. We invite the opinions of readers who think we are in error. Restaurants are listed in alphabetical order by city; Little Rock-area restaurants are divided by food category. Other review symbols are: B Breakfast L Lunch D Dinner $ Inexpensive (under $8/person) $$ Moderate ($8-$20/person) $$$ Expensive (over $20/person) CC Accepts credit cards

Little Rock/ N. Little Rock American

4 SQUARE GIFTS Vegetarian salads, soups, wraps and paninis and a daily selection of desserts in an Arkansas products gift shop. 405 President Clinton Ave. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-291-1796. L Mon.-Sat. D Mon.-Fri. APPLE SPICE JUNCTION A chain sandwich and salad spot with sit-down lunch space and a vibrant box lunch catering business. With a wide range of options and quick service. Order online via 2000 S. University Ave. No alcohol, All CC. $$. 501-663-7008. ARKANSAS BURGER CO. Good burgers, fries and shakes, plus salads and other entrees. Try the cheese dip. 7410 Cantrell Road. Beer, Wine, All CC. $-$$. 501-6630600. LD Tue.-Sat. ASHLEY’S Little Rock’s premier fine dining restaurant. 111 W. Markham St. Full bar, All CC. $$$-$$$$. 501-374-7474. BLD Mon.-Sat. BR Sun. BONEFISH GRILL A half-dozen or more types of fresh fish filets are offered daily at this upscale chain. 11525 Cantrell Road. Full bar, All CC. $$$. 501-228-0356. D daily. BRAVE NEW RESTAURANT The food’s great, portions huge, prices reasonable. Diners can look into the open kitchen and watch the culinary geniuses at work slicing and dicing and sauteeing. It’s great fun, and the fish is special. 2300 Cottondale Lane. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-6632677. LD Mon.-Fri. D Sat. BUFFALO WILD WINGS A sports bar on steroids with numerous humongous TVs and a menu full of thirst-inducing items. The wings, which can be slathered with one of 14 sauces, are the staring attraction and will undoubtedly have fans. 14800 Cantrell Road. Full bar, All CC. $$. 501-868-

■ dining Slam dunk Alley Oops does casual food right. n From Kanis Road, Alley Oops is largely obscured by young river birches, tucked down at the end of a shopping center near where the road intersects with Bowman, just outside the bustle of the West Little Rock retail corridor. You could make a thousand trips to your favorite big box store nearby and never pay it any mind. But you should! Because Alley Oops is the rare West Little Rock restaurant where you can get a beer, pub grub and homemade dessert without feeling like you’re in a feedhouse for the hordes. Though on weekdays, when daily lunch specials (Monday, fried pork chops; Tuesday, meatloaf; Wednesday, grilled lemon pepper chicken; Thursday, chicken fried chicken; Friday, fried catfish) are on, you might find yourself fighting for a table. Several Thursdays ago, we arrived at the height of the lunch rush to just that fight, but rather than hovering near some lingering table and glaring, we opted for a seat at the small bar, which divides the rear end of the restaurant and the kitchen. Refreshingly not massive TVs tuned to ESPN flickered nearby in several directions. One of us did the chicken fried chicken special ($6.25), with mashed potatoes and gravy, creamed corn and cornbread. The other, of the mind that the mark of any good restaurant/bar is the burger, ordered one ($4.25; how ’bout those throwback prices?) with onion rings (add $1.95). Both plates came heaping. The special, particularly. Much to our pleasure, the chicken wasn’t overly breaded, as it so often is. The sides tasted fresh — as in not from the freezer, cooked and then warmed over — and left us plenty full. The burger was thick, wellflavored and juicy and, like few places we can think of in town, came with fresh green lettuce (as opposed to near translucent iceberg) and a slice of a ripe tomato good enough to eat on its own. The onion rings were sizeable and not too greasy. Our second go-round, this time for dinner on a Tuesday night, landed in the

middle of happy hour, which runs during the week from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Aside from a few near the bar, the small crowd seemed to be less motivated by dollar-off beers than it was by dinner. Us too: Zeroing in on the “specialties,” the higher-priced, hugely portioned entrees that range from a sirloin strip to a salmon steak to grilled chicken “Oops style” (that is, decadently: two grilled breasts, topped with honey mustard, bacon, sautéed mushrooms and cheese), we opted for the Cajun blackened catfish and the chicken tender dinner. All “specialties” come with a doughy homemade biscuit; a side salad topped with crudites oddly arranged in quartered wedges (as if, say, the olive haters would eat the salad like a pie, excluding the part with olives on top) and a choice of fries, baked potato, onion rings or sauteed vegetables. The catfish entree, which we ordered with a baked potato, included two heavily, though not overwhelmingly, spiced filets. It was more than we could eat on a healthy appetite. The tenders, billed as “handbattered,” were easily among the best we’ve ever found in Little Rock or elsewhere. And there were maybe 10 of them, more than any but the heartiest of eaters

5279. LD daily. BURGER MAMA’S Big burgers and oversized onion rings headline the menu at this down home joint. Huge $5 margaritas during happy hour. 10721 Kanis Road. Full bar, All CC. $-$$. 501-225-2495. LD daily. BY THE GLASS A broad but not ridiculously large list is studded with interesting, diverse selections, and prices are uniformly reasonable. The food focus is on high-end items that pair well with wine – olives, hummus, cheese, bread, and some meats and sausages. 5713 Kavanaugh Blvd. Beer, Wine, All CC. 501-663-9463. D Mon.-Sat. CAFE HEIFER Paninis, salads, soups and such in the Heifer Village. With one of the nicest patios in town. 1 World Ave. No alcohol, All CC. $$. 501-907-8801. BL Mon.-Fri., L Sat. CAPI’S Sophisticated yet friendly, the latest offering from the folks who created Trio’s features easy to share small bites in larger than expected portions. 11525 Cantrell Suite 917. Full bar, All CC. $$. 501-225-9600. LD Tue.-Sun.

CAPITAL BAR AND GRILL Big hearty sandwiches, daily lunch specials and fine evening dining all rolled up into one at this landing spot downtown. Surprisingly inexpensive with a great bar staff and a good selection of unique desserts. 111 W. President Clinton Ave. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-374-7474. LD daily. CAPITOL BISTRO Formerly a Sufficient Grounds, now operated by Lisa and Tom Drogo, who moved from Delaware. They offer breakfast and lunch items, including quiche, sandwiches, coffees and the like. 1401 W. Capitol Ave. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-371-9575. BL Mon.-Fri. CATERING TO YOU Painstakingly prepared entrees and great appetizers in this gourmet-to-go location. 8121 Cantrell Road. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-664-0627. L Mon.-Sat. CATFISH HOLE Downhome place for well-cooked catfish and tasty hushpuppies. 603 E. Spriggs. NLR. Beer, All CC. $-$$. 501-758-3516. D Tue.-Sat.

brian chilson


HEAPING IT ON: Portion size won’t disappoint at Alley Oops.

Alley Oops Creekwood Plaza 11900 Kanis Road 221-9400 Quick bite

Other popular menu items: a range of salads that come topped with just about any meat you’d want, po boys and tacos, burritos and quesadillas.


11 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily.

Other info

Credit cards accepted, full bar.

could handle. The fries were crisp. But perhaps the best part of Alley Oops and certainly a reason alone to visit: the homemade selection of desserts made daily ($3.50). On our first visit, we opted for a scrumptiously gooey blueberry bread pudding. On the second, the warm blackberry cobbler a la mode called and, with a thick, buttery crust and fresh-tasting berries, more than delivered. We find fruit desserts hard to resist, but know that, among certain circles, the chess pie is legendary. At both visits, the service was prompt and friendly. CHEEBURGER CHEEBURGER Premium black Angus cheeseburgers, with five different sizes, ranging from the Classic (5.5 ounces) to the pounder (20 ounces), and nine cheese options. For sides, milkshakes and golden-fried onion rings are the way to go. 11525 Cantrell Rd. No alcohol, All CC. $$. 501-490-2433. LD daily. CIAO BACI The focus is on fine dining in this casually elegant Hillcrest bungalow, though tapas are also available, and many come for the comfortable lounge that serves specialty drinks until 2 a.m. nightly. 605 N. Beechwood St. Full bar, All CC. $$$-$$$$. 501-603-0238. D Mon.-Sat. COCK OF THE WALK Yes, the chicken and shrimp are great, but go for the unbeatable catfish. Plus, we say the slaw is the world’s best, 7051 Cock of the Walk Lane. Maumelle. Full bar, All CC. $$. 501-758-7182. D daily. L Sun. CRAZEE’S COOL CAFE Good burgers, daily plate specials and bar food amid pool tables and TVs. 7626

Continued on page 60 • juLY 29, 2010 59

Restaurant capsules Continued from page 59

Bread // Pastries // Coffee // Soups // Salads // Sandwiches // Gourmet Take-out


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introducing the new website news every minute 60 juLY 29, 2010 • ArkAnsAs Times

Cantrell Road. Full bar, All CC. $-$$. (501) 221-9696. LD Mon.-Sat. CUPCAKES ON KAVANAUGH Gourmet cupcakes and coffee make this Heights bakery a great spot to sit and sip on a relaxing afternoon. 5625 Kavanaugh Blvd. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-664-2253. L Mon.-Sat. DIVERSION Hillcrest wine bar with diverse tapas menu. From the people behind Crush and Bill St. 2611 Kavanaugh Blvd., Suite 200. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-414-0409. D Mon.-Sat. DOE’S EAT PLACE A skid-row dive turned power brokers’ watering hole with huge steaks, great tamales and broiled shrimp, and killer burgers at lunch. 1023 W. Markham St. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-376-1195. LD Mon.-Fri., D Sat. DOUBLETREE PLAZA BAR & GRILL The lobby restaurant in the Doubletree is elegantly comfortable, but you’ll find no airs put on at heaping breakfast and lunch buffets. 424 West Markham St. Full bar, All CC. $$. 501-372-4311. BLD daily. DOWNTOWN DELI A locally owned eatery, with bigger sandwiches and lower prices than most downtown chain competitors. Also huge, loaded baked potatoes, soups and salads. 323 Center St. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-3723696. BL Mon.-Fri. DUB’S HAMBURGER HEAVEN A standout dairy bar. The hamburger, onion rings and strawberry milkshake make a meal fit for kings. 6230 Baucum Pike. NLR. No alcohol, No CC. $-$$. 501-955-2580. BLD daily. EJ’S EATS AND DRINKS The friendly neighborhood hoagie shop downtown serves at a handful of tables and by delivery. The sandwiches are generous, the soup homemade and the salads cold. Vegetarians can craft any number of acceptable meals from the flexible menu. The housemade potato chips are da bomb. 523 Center St. Beer, All CC. $-$$. 501-666-3700. LD Mon.-Fri. THE FINISH LINE CAFE Great breakfasts and a widely varied lunch selection including daily plate lunches, sandwiches, pizzas and whatever the students at the Arkansas Culinary School at Pulaski Tech come up with on any particular day. Great way to eat gourmet food cheap. 13000 S. Interstate 30. Alexander. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-8312433. BL Mon.-Fri. FIVE GUYS BURGERS & FRIES Nationwide burger chain with emphasis on freshly made fries and patties. 2923 Lakewood Village Dr. NLR. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-246-5295. LD daily. 13000 Chenal Parkway. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-225-1100. LD daily. FLYING FISH The fried seafood is fresh and crunchy and there are plenty of raw, boiled and grilled offerings, too. The hamburgers are a hit, too. It’s self-service; wander on through the screen door and you’ll find a slick team of cooks and servers doing a creditable job of serving big crowds. 511 President Clinton Ave. Beer, Wine, All CC. $$. 501-3753474. LD daily. FRONTIER GRILL The well-attended all-you-can-eat buffet includes American, Mexican and Chinese food. 2924 University Ave. $-$$. 501-568-7776. LD. GRUMPY’S TOO Music venue and sports bar with lots of TVs, pub grub and regular drink specials. 1801 Green Mountain Drive. Full bar, All CC. $-$$. 501-225-9650. LD Mon.-Sat. HOMER’S Great vegetables, huge yeast rolls and killer cobblers. Follow the mobs. 2001 E. Roosevelt Road. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-374-1400. BL Mon.-Fri. THE HOUSE A comfortable gastropub in Hillcrest, where you’ll find traditional fare like burgers and fish and chips alongside Thai green curry and gumbo. 722 N. Palm St. Beer, Wine, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-663-4501. LD daily. JIMMY’S SERIOUS SANDWICHES Consistently fine sandwiches, side orders and desserts. Chicken salad’s among the best in town. Get there early for lunch. 5116 W. Markham St. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-666-3354. L Mon.-Sat. KRAZY MIKE’S Po’Boys, catfish and shrimp and other fishes, fried chicken wings and all the expected sides served up fresh and hot to order on demand. 200 N. Bowman Road. Beer, All CC. $$. 501-907-6453. LD daily. LOCA LUNA Grilled meats, seafood and pasta dishes that never stray far from country roots, whether Italian, Spanish or Arkie. “Gourmet plate lunches” are good, as is Sunday brunch. 3519 Old Cantrell Rd. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-663-4666. L Sun.-Fri., D daily. LUBY’S CAFETERIA Generous portions of home-style food and a wider variety of meats and vegetables than most cafeterias. McCain Mall, 3929 McCain Blvd. NLR. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-771-4911. LD daily. LULAV A Mediterranean-California fusion eatery, and the delicious flavors are like none you’ll experience anywhere in the city. Good fish, veal, daring salads and much more. Plus, a hot bar to see and be seen. 220 A W. 6th St. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-374-5100. L Mon.-Fri., D Tue.-Sat. MILFORD TRACK Healthy and tasty are the key words at this deli/grill, featuring hot entrees, soups, sandwiches, salads and killer desserts. 10809 Executive Center Drive, Searcy Building. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-223-2257. BL Mon.-Sat. NEW GREEN MILL CAFE A small workingman’s lunch joint, with a dependable daily meat-and-three and credible

corn bread for cheap, plus sweet tea. Homemade tamales and chili on Tuesdays. 8609-C W. Markham St. No alcohol, No CC. $. 501-225-9907. L Mon.-Sat. OYSTER BAR Gumbo, red beans and rice (all you can eat on Mondays), peel-and-eat shrimp, oysters on the half shell, addictive po’ boys. 3003 W. Markham St. Full bar, All CC. $-$$. 501-666-7100. LD Mon.-Sat. OZARK COUNTRY KITCHEN Football-sized omelets filled with the same marvelous smoked meats and cheeses that are heaped on sandwiches at lunch. Great biscuits and gravy, bacon, homestyle potatoes and a daily plate lunch special to boot. 202 Keightley Drive. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-663-7319. BL Mon.-Fri., B Sat.-Sun. PERCIFUL’S FAMOUS HOT DOGS If you’re a lover of chilidogs, this might just be your Mecca; a humble, stripmall storefront out in East End that serves some of the best around. The latest incarnation of a LR joint that dates to the 1940s, longdogs are pretty much all they do, and they do them exceedingly well, with scratch-made chili and slaw. Our fave: The Polish cheese royal, add onions. 20400 Arch St. No alcohol, All CC. $. 501-261-1364. LD Tue.-Sat. PLAYTIME PIZZA Tons of fun isn’t rained out by lackluster eats at the new Playtime Pizza, the $11 million, 65,000 square foot kidtopia that recently opened near the Rave theater. While the buffet is only so-so, features like indoor mini-golf, laser tag, go karts, arcade games and bumper cars make it a winner for both kids and adults. 600 Colonel Glenn Plaza Loop. 501-227-7529. LD Thu.-Sun., D Mon.-Sun. PURPLE COW DINER 1950s fare — cheeseburgers, chili dogs, thick milk shakes — in a ’50s setting at today’s prices. Also at 11602 Chenal Parkway. 8026 Cantrell Road. Beer, All CC. $$. 501-221-3555. LD daily, B Sat.-Sun 11602 Chenal Parkway. Beer, All CC. $$. 501-224-4433. LD daily, B Sun. 1419 Higden Ferry Road. Hot Springs. Beer, All CC. $$. 501-625-7999. LD daily, B Sun. SALUT! Elevated pub grub that’s served late Wed.-Sat. With a great patio. 1501 N. University. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-660-4200. L Mon.-Fri., D Tue.-Sat. SCALLION’S Reliably good food, great desserts, pleasant atmosphere, able servers — a solid lunch spot. 5110 Kavanaugh Blvd. Beer, Wine, All CC. $-$$. 501-666-6468. L Mon.-Sat. SHIPLEY DO-NUTS With locations just about everywhere in Central Arkansas, it’s hard to miss Shipley’s. Their signature smooth glazed doughnuts and dozen or so varieties of fills are well known. 7514 Cantrell Rd. No alcohol, All CC. $. 501-664-5353. B daily. SHORTY SMALL’S Land of big, juicy burgers, massive cheese logs, smoky barbecue platters and the signature onion loaf. 1100 N. Rodney Parham Road. Full bar, All CC. $$. 501-224-3344. LD daily 1475 Hogan Lane. Conway. Full bar, All CC. $$. 501-764-0604. LD daily. SONNY WILLIAMS’ STEAK ROOM Steaks, chicken and seafood in a wonderful setting in the River Market. Steak gets pricey, but the lump crab meat au gratin appetizer is outstanding. Give the turtle soup a try. 500 President Clinton Ave. Full bar, All CC. $$$. 501-324-2999. D Mon.-Sat. STAGECOACH GROCERY AND DELI Fine po’ boys and muffalettas — and cheap. 6024 Stagecoach Road. Beer, All CC. $-$$. 501-455-4157. BL daily. D Mon.-Fri. STOUT’S DINER American style diner featuring big breakfasts, burgers, catfish and monster fried pies. 26606 Highway 107. Jacksonville. No alcohol, All CC. $. 501-9830163. BL daily, D Mon.-Sat. TERRI-LYNN’S BAR-B-Q AND DELI High-quality meats served on large sandwiches and good tamales served with chili or without (the better bargain). 10102 N. Rodney Parham Road. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-227-6371. LD Tue.-Sat. (10:30 a.m.-6 p.m.). TROPICAL SMOOTHIE CAFE Besides the 45 different smoothies on the menu, the cafe also serves wraps and sandwiches (many of them spicy), salads and “tortizzas.” Good food, healthy drinks, long line at lunch but it moves fast. Creekwood Plaza (Kanis and Bowman). No alcohol. $$. 501-221-6773. BLD daily. WEST END SMOKEHOUSE AND TAVERN Its primary focus is a sports bar with 50-plus TVs, but the dinner entrees (grilled chicken, steaks and such) are plentiful and the bar food is upper quality. 215 N. Shackleford. Full bar, All CC. 501-224-7665. L Fri.-Sun., D daily. WINGSTOP It’s all about wings. The joint features eight flavors of chicken flappers for almost any palate, including mild, hot, Cajun and atomic, as well as specialty flavors like lemon pepper and teriyaki. 11321 West Markham St. Beer. $-$$. 501-224-9464. LD daily.

AsiAn ASIA BUFFET Massive Chinese buffet. 801 S. Bowman Road. Beer, Wine, All CC. $$. 501-225-0095. LD daily. CHINA INN Massive Chinese buffet overflows with meaty and fresh dishes, augmented at dinner by boiled shrimp, oysters on the half shell and snow crab legs, all you want cheap. 2629 Lakewood Village Place. NLR. Beer, Wine, All CC. $-$$. 501-771-2288. LD daily. FORBIDDEN CITY The Park Plaza staple has fast and friendly service, offering up good lomein at lunch and Cantonese and Hunan dishes. 6000 W. Markham St. Full bar, All CC. $-$$. 501-663-9099. LD daily. FU XING Chinese buffet. 9120 N. Rodney Parham Road. Beer, Wine, All CC. $-$$. 501-223-0888. LD daily. GINA’S CHINESE KITCHEN AND SUSHI BAR A broad and strong sushi menu with a manageable and delectable selection of Chinese standards. 14524 Cantrell Road. Beer, Wine, All CC. $$. 501-868-7775. LD daily.

■ update BEST IMPRESSIONS Why don’t we think about the sunny restaurant off the Arkansas Arts Center lobby more often? The park setting, the surrounding art work, the ample parking and a bit of kitchen creativity are just some of the reasons not to forget the option. Ladies who lunch will be rewarded with a chicken salad sandwich on croissant. Could an arts center eatery do without? But the artful salad plates — with some grilled salmon here, some Asian influence there — are a bit more cutting edge. If pasta with a creamy pesto and lots of vegetables or chicken is too newfangled for you, there’s always macaroni and cheese. Don’t fail to check the specials. We tried a couple: a huge andouille sausage hoagie, dressed with grilled onions and an assortment of sweet-to-sharp condiments, and crunchy chips. A meal-sized salad special disappointed only in one key ingredient, the advertised heirloom tomatoes. The tomato slices were meaty, but cold and unripe. Crisp greens, slabs of fresh mozzarella and a balsamic vinegar dressing, a perfect balance of sweet and tangy, made up for most of the disappointment. Then there was that moist and dense slice of chocolate torte, drizzled with raspberry syrup. Seems like we always see a familiar face at Best Impressions — a former U.S. senator, lawyers, ad men and artistic types on our last stop. Arkansas Arts Center, MacArthur Park. 501-907-5946 L Tue.-Sun. $$ CC Full bar. HANAROO SUSHI BAR Under its second owner, it’s one of the few spots in downtown Little Rock to serve sushi. With an expansive menu, featuring largely Japanese fare with a bit of Korean mixed in. 205 W. Capitol Ave. Beer, Wine, All CC. $$. 501-301-7900. L Mon.-Fri., D Mon.-Sat. KOTO Sushi and upscale Japanese cuisine. 17200 Chenal Parkway. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-821-7200. LD daily. NEW CHINA A burgeoning line of massive buffets, with hibachi grill, sushi, mounds of Chinese food and soft serve ice cream. 4617 JFK Blvd. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-753-8988. LD daily. 2104 Harkrider. Conway. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-764-1888. LD Mon.-Sun. 201 Marshall Road. Jacksonville. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-753-8988. LD daily. ROYAL BUFFET A big buffet of Chinese fare, with other Asian tastes as well. 109 E. Pershing. NLR. 501-753-8885. LD daily. SEKISUI Fresh-tasting sushi, traditional Japanese, the fun hibachi style of Japanese, and an overwhelming assortment of entrees. Nice wine selection, sake, specialty drinks. 219 N. Shackleford,. Full bar, All CC. $-$$. 501-221-7070. LD daily. SHOGUN JAPANESE STEAKHOUSE The chefs will dazzle you, as will the variety of tasty stir-fry combinations and the sushi bar. Usually crowded at night. 2815 Cantrell Road. Full bar, All CC. 501-666-7070. D daily. WASABI Downtown sushi and Japanese cuisine. For lunch, there’s quick and hearty Sushi samplers. 101 Main St. Full bar. $-$$. 501-374-0777. L Mon.-Fri., D Mon.-Sat.

BarBecue BARE BONES PIT BAR-B-Q A carefully controlled gas oven, with wood chips added for flavor, guarantees moist and sweet pork, both pulled from the shoulder and back ribs. The side orders, particularly the baked potato salad, are excellent. 5501 Ranch Drive, Suite 4. Beer, Wine, All CC. $-$$. 501-868-7427. LD daily. CHIP’S BARBECUE Tasty, if a little pricey, barbecue piled high on sandwiches generously doused with tangy sauce. Better known for the incredible family recipe pies and cheesecakes, which come tall and wide. 9801 W. Markham St. Beer, All CC. $-$$. 501-225-4346. LD Mon.-Sat. DIXIE PIG Pig salad is tough to beat — loads of chopped pork atop crisp iceberg, doused with that wonderful vinegarbased sauce. The sandwiches are basic, and the sweet, thick sauce is fine. 900 West 35th St. NLR. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-753-9650. LD Mon.-Sat. KENT’S DOWNTOWN Big sandwiches, barbecue and plate lunches served up at the River Market’s Oppenheimer Hall. Affiliated with Kent Berry’s other operation, The Meat Shoppe in Gravel Ridge. 400 President Clinton Ave. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-325-1900. L Mon.-Sat. PIG AND CHIK Well-smoked meat with a thick, sweet sauce, plus nachos, huge burgers, country vegetables and lots of other stuff. 7824 Highway 107. NLR. No alcohol. 501-834-5456. LD Mon.-Sat.

european / ethnic ALI BABA’S HOOKAH CAFE This eatery and grocery store offers kebabs and salads along with just about any sort of Middle Eastern fare you might want, along with what might be the best kefte kebab in Central Arkansas. Halal butcher on duty. 3400 S. University Ave. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-379-8011. LD daily. CREGEEN’S IRISH PUB Irish-themed pub with a large selection of on-tap and bottled British beers and ales, an Irish inspired menu and lots of nooks and crannies to meet in. 301 Main St. NLR. Full bar, All CC. $$. 501-376-7468. LD daily. ISTANBUL MEDITERRANEAN CUISINE This Turkish eatery offers decent kebabs and great starters. The red pepper hummus is a winner. So are Cigar Pastries. Possibly the best Turkish coffee in Central Arkansas. 11525 Cantrell Rd. Beer, Wine, All CC. 501-223-9332. LD daily.

LEO’S GREEK CASTLE Wonderful Mediterranean food — gyro sandwiches or platters, falafel and tabouleh — plus dependable hamburgers, ham sandwiches, steak platters and BLTs. 2925 Kavanaugh Blvd. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-666-7414. BLD Mon.-Sat. SILVEK’S EUROPEAN BAKERY Fine pastries, chocolate creations, breads and cakes done in the classical European style. Drop by for a whole cake or a slice or any of the dozens of single serving treats in the big case. 1900 Polk St. No alcohol, All CC. $$. 501-661-9699. BLD daily.

italian AMERICAN PIE PIZZA Handmade pizza on perfect thin crust with varied toppings, and inexpensive. We liked the olive-oil-based margherita and supreme, plus there are salads, sandwiches and appetizers, all for cheap. 9708 Maumelle Blvd. Maumelle. Beer, Wine, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-758-8800. LD daily. 4830 North Hills Blvd. NLR. Beer, Wine, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-753-0081. LD daily. CAFE PREGO Dependable entrees of pasta, pork and the like, plus great sauces, fresh mixed greens and delicious dressings, crisp-crunchy-cold gazpacho and tempting desserts in a comfy bistro setting. 5510 Kavanaugh Blvd. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-663-5355. LD Mon.-Fri., D Sat. CIAO Don’t forget about this casual yet elegant bistro tucked into a downtown storefront. The fine pasta and seafood dishes, ambiance and overall charm combine to make it a relaxing, enjoyable, affordable choice. 405 W. Seventh St. Full bar, All CC. $$. (501) 372-0238. L Mon.-Fri., D Thu.-Sat. GRADY’S PIZZAS AND SUBS Pizza features a pleasing blend of cheeses rather than straight mozzarella. The grinder is a classic, the chef’s salad huge and tasty. 6801 W. 12th St., Suite C. Beer, Wine, All CC. $-$$. 501-663-1918. LD daily. IRIANA’S PIZZA Unbelievably generous thick-crust pizza with unmatched zest. Good salads, too; grinders are great, particularly the Italian sausage. 103 W. Markham St. Beer, All CC. $-$$. 501-374-3656. LD Mon.-Sat. OW PIZZA Good pizzas in a variety of ways, sandwiches, big salads and now offer various pastas and appetizer breads. 8201 Ranch Blvd. Beer, Wine, All CC. $-$$. 868-1100. LD Mon.-Fri. 1706 W. Markham St. Beer, Wine, All CC. $-$$. LD Mon.-Fri. (closes at 7 p.m.). U.S. PIZZA Crispy thin-crust pizzas, frosty beers and heaping salads drowned in creamy dressing. Multiple locations: 4001 McCain Park, NLR, 753-2900; 3324 Pike Ave., NLR, 758-5997; 650 Edgwood Drive, Maumelle, 851-0880; 8403 Highway 107, Sherwood, 835-5673; 9300 N. Rodney Parham, 224-6300; 2814 Kavanaugh, 663-2198. 5524 Kavanaugh. Beer, All CC. $$. 501-664-7071. LD daily. 710 Front Street. Conway. Beer, Wine, All CC. $-$$. 501-4509700. LD Mon.-Sun. ZAFFINO’S BY NORI A high-quality Italian dining experience. Pastas, entrees (don’t miss the veal marsala) and salads are all outstanding, and the desserts don’t miss, either. 2001 E. Kiehl Ave. NLR. Beer, Wine. 501-834-7530. D Tue.-Sat.

Mexican BROWNING’S MEXICAN FOOD For a blast-from-thepast approach to Tex-Mex, this is it. You definitely won’t leave hungry. 5805 Kavanaugh Blvd. Full bar, All CC. $-$$. 501-663-9956. LD Mon.-Sat., B Thu.-Sat. CANON GRILL Creative appetizers come in huge quantities, and the varied main-course menu rarely disappoints, though it’s not as spicy as competitors’. 2811 Kavanaugh Blvd. Full bar, All CC. $$. 501-664-2068. LD Mon.-Sat. COTIJA’S A branch off the famed La Hacienda family tree downtown, with a massive menu of tasty lunch and dinner specials, the familiar white cheese dip and sweet red and fiery-hot green salsas, and friendly service. 406 S. Louisiana St. No alcohol, All CC. $$. 501-244-0733. L Mon.-Sat. EL JALAPENO Less a taco truck than a snack bar that

also has a few Mexican offerings, including tacos, flautas and mega-tortas. 9203 Chicot Road. No alcohol, No CC. $. 501-772-7471. LD Mon.-Sat. LA MARGARITA Sparse offerings at this taco truck. No chicken, for instance. Try the veggie quesadilla. 7308 Baseline Road. No alcohol, No CC. $. LD Tue.-Thu. LA REGIONAL A full-service grocery store catering to SWLR’s Latino community, it’s the small grill tucked away in the back corner that should excite lovers of adventurous cuisine. The menu offers a whirlwind trip through Latin America, with delicacies from all across the Spanishspeaking world (try the El Salvadorian papusas, they’re great). Bring your Spanish/English dictionary. 7414 Baseline Road. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. BLD daily. MEXICO CHIQUITO Some suggest cheese dip was born at this Central Arkansas staple, where you’ll find hearty platters of boldly spiced, inexpensive food that compete well with those at the “authentic” joints. 1524 W. Main St. Jacksonville. No alcohol. $$. 501-982-0533. LD daily. 13924 Cantrell Road. Full bar, All CC. $$. 501-217-0700. LD daily. 102 S. Rodney Parham Road. No alcohol, All CC. $$. 501-224-8600 4511 Camp Robinson Road. NLR. Full bar, All CC. $$. 501-771-1604. LD daily. 11405 W. Markham. No alcohol, All CC. $$. 501-217-0647. LD daily. TAQUERIA KARINA AND CAFE A real Mexican neighborhood cantina from the owners, to freshly baked pan dulce, to Mexican-bottled Cokes, to first-rate guacamole, to inexpensive tacos, burritos, quesadillas and a broad selection of Mexican-style seafood. 5309 W. 65th St. $. 501-562-3951. LD Tue.-Thu. TAQUERIA LAS ISABELES Mobile taco stand with great authentic tacos, Hawaiian hamburguesas (burgers topped with pineapple and avocado) and more. 7100 Colonel Glen Road. No alcohol, No CC. $. 501-563-4801. L Mon.-Sat., D Sat. TAQUERIA SAMANTHA II Stand out taco truck fare, with meat options standard and exotic. 7521 Geyer Springs Road. No alcohol, No CC. $. 501-744-0680. LD Tue.-Sun.

General ARGENTA MARKET The Argenta District’s neighborhood grocery store offers a deli featuring a daily selection of big sandwiches for $6.99 along with fresh fish and meats and salads. Emphasis here is on Arkansas-farmed foods and organic products. 521 N. Main St. NLR. Beer, Wine, All CC. $-$$. 501-379-9980. BL Daily.

Around ArkAnsAs conway

AMERICA 13-50 An American restaurant specializing in the cuisine of the first 13 colonies as well as regional foods from across the country. Brunch on Sunday. 1020 Garland. Conway. No alcohol, All CC. $$. 501-327-5050. L Tue.-Fri., Sun.; D Tue.-Sat. BEAR’S DEN PIZZA Pizza, calzones and salads at UCA hangout. 235 Farris Road. Conway. Full bar, All CC. $-$$. 501-328-5556. LD Mon.-Sat. BIG JOHN’S SUBS Submarine sandwich shop. 2100 Meadowlake. Conway. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-2050739. LD daily. BLACKWOOD’S GYROS AND GRILL A wide variety of salads, sandwiches, gyros and burgers dot the menu at this quarter-century veteran of Conway’s downtown district. 803 Harkrider Ave. Conway. No alcohol, All CC. 501-3293924. LD Mon.-Sat. BUCKET LIST CAFE Serving daily specials. 5308 Highway 9. Center Ridge. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-893-9840. BL Mon.-Sat. CASA MARIACHI Mexican fare. 2225 Prince St. Conway. No alcohol, All CC. $$. 501-764-1122. LD daily. CROSS CREEK SANDWICH SHOP Cafe serves salads and sandwiches weekdays. 1003 Oak St. Conway. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-764-1811. L Mon.-Fri. DUE AMICHE ITALIAN RESTAURANT Stromboli, pasta, pizza, calzones and other Italian favorites. 1600 Dave Ward Drive. Conway. No alcohol, All CC. $$. 501-336-0976. LD Mon.-Sun. EL MEXICANO Three types of stuffed fried avocado are on the menu, along with nachos and a decent white cheese dip. Good sopapillas. 2755 Dave Ward Drive. Conway. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-764-1113. L daily, D Mon.-Sat. FABY’S RESTAURANT Unheralded Mexican-Continental fusion focuses on handmade sauces and tortillas. 1023 Front Street. Conway. No alcohol, All CC. $$. 501-513-1199. L daily, D Mon.-Sat. 2915 Dave Ward. Conway. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-329-5151. LD Mon.-Sun. FU LIN RESTAURANT Japanese steakhouse, seafood and sushi. Good variety, including items such as yam tempura, Karashi conch, Uzuzukuri and a nice selection of udon. 195 Farris. Conway. No alcohol, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-329-1415. LD Mon.-Sun.

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hot SprinGS THE PANCAKE SHOP The Pancake Shop’s longevity owes to good food served up cheap, large pancakes and ham steaks, housemade apple butter and waitresses who still call you “honey.” Closes each day at 12:45. 216 Central Avenue. Hot Springs. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-6245720. BL daily. PURPLE COW DINER 1950s fare — cheeseburgers, chili dogs, thick milk shakes — in a ’50s setting at today’s prices. Also at 11602 Chenal Parkway. 1419 Higden Ferry Road. Hot Springs. Beer, All CC. $$. 501-625-7999. LD daily, B Sun. • juLY 29, 2010 61

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EXCITING ARKANSAS EVENTS ON THE HORIZON ■ Experience Alice’s Wonderland at the Museum of Discovery, a 2500 square foot exhibit with larger-than-life areas such as the Rabbit Hole, the Hall of Doors, the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party, and the Queen’s Croquet Grounds. “Alice’s Tea Party” is a special event July 29-31 with additional fun activities. Visitors to Alice’s Tea Party will be entered into a drawing for one of several tea sets and other “Alice collectibles.” All activities are FREE for museum members. Regular admission for non-museum members ($8 for adults, $7 children/seniors). The exhibit closes September 6. Monday-Saturday 9am-5pm and Sunday 1-5pm. ■ Justin Bieber, the world’s most worshipped 16-year-old, performs his R&B hits at Verizon Arena. Tickets are $31.50, $41.50 and $51.50 and available through the Verizon Arena box office and all Ticketmaster outlets. Charge by phone at 800-745-3000 or online at There will be a Parent Room available for parents who do not wish to purchase a ticket but whose children will attend the show may convene. Go online ■ KSSN presents Eric Church and Luke Bryan with special guest Randy Houser & Whiskey Meyers on Friday, July 30 at the Riverfest Amphitheater. Show starts at 6:30 p.m., gates opening at 5:30 p.m. Lawn seats are $25 in advance and $29.50 day-of-show. Reserved seating and pit-seats are $35. Ticketmaster by phone at 800-745-3000 and online at ■ Tickets to the first annual American Freedom Festival at Verizon Arena will be available for presale on Friday, July 30. Country music icon Hank Williams, Jr., headlines the show with special guests Jamey Johnson, Colt Ford, Josh Thompson and The Grascals. Saturday, October 2. Sponsored by the American Freedom Foundation, honoring the men and women of America’s Armed Forces and benefits several Arkansas military organizations that support veterans, active duty military, wounded warriors and their families. Tickets officially go on sale on August 6 at the Verizon Arena box office and all Ticketmaster outlets. Charge by phone at 800-745-3000 or online at


HOT SPRINGS EATS Award-winning Cafe 1217 is known for its gourmet eat-in and carryout meals. Chef Diana and husband Shane also operate Taco Mama, located next to the café. House specials include fish tacos and Rosey’s hand rolled tamales. Café 1217 is open 10:30 a.m.-7 p.m. Mon.-Fri. and 10:30 a.m.- 4 p.m. on Sat. Taco Mama is open Mon.-Sat. from 10:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m. Located at 1217 and 1209 Malvern Ave. A Hot Springs favorite since 1975, Rod’s Pizza Cellar is home of the Godfather pizza. The restaurant, located at 3350 Central Avenue, also serves salads, sandwiches, pasta and pizza, all made with love. Wine and beer are available. 3350 Central Ave. Chef Russ Jefferson, proprietor of long time Little Rock seafood restaurant S.O.B’s, welcomes you to the Hot Springs Oyster Bar and Cajun Restaurant – where you can enjoy all of your New Orleans favorites, including fresh oysters daily. Free parking available in the parking deck behind the restaurant. Dinner is served Tues.-Sat. beginning at 5 p.m. Lunch is available on Fri. from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Family owned and operated, McClard’s Bar-B-Q was established in Hot Springs National Park in 1928. Whether stopping in for succulent pulled pork or to purchase the restaurant’s world famous barbeque sauce, patrons travel from far and wide for McClard’s.

■ North Little Rock’s Argenta district presents a 6-day celebration of food with Argenta Restaurant Week. Monday, August 2 through Saturday, August 7, Argenta’s finest restaurants roll out their best creations. Special 2-course lunches will be available for $8. 3-course, $25 prix fixe dinners. For more information, visit ■ Get ready for a fun-filled extravaganza at Laman Library on Friday, August 6 from 5:30-8:30 p.m. Lamanpalooza welcomes Trout Fishing in America for their only Central Arkansas concert this year. Showtime is at 7 p.m. Activities ranging from stiltwalking balloon makers to a 1,500-gallon fish tank viewing, Lamanpalooza is an event for the whole family to enjoy. And, to top it off, they’re giving away a 32GB iPad 3G, among other great prizes! Lamanpalooza is free and open to the public. Laman Library is located at 2801 Orange St. in North Little Rock. For more information, call 501-758-1720.

Lamanpalooza brings Trout Fishing in America to Laman Library on August 6.

■ Benefitting Arkansas Hospice, River Cities Restaurant Week takes place Sunday, August 15 through Sunday, August 21. The event’s Kick Off Party is on August 15 from 3-5 p.m. at Bill Street Bar & Grill Banquet Hall at 614 President Clinton Ave. Tickets are $25 in advance and $30 at the door. Visit

■ Brooks & Dunn bring The Last Rodeo to Verizon Arena on Saturday, August 21. The award-winning country duo will share the stage with 2010 Academy of Country Music’s Female Vocalist of the Year Miranda Lambert, who will open the show. Tickets are $35.00, $49.75 and $69.75 and available through Ticketmaster by phone at 800-745-3000 and online at ■ Murry’s Dinner Playhouse presents one of the most beloved musicals of all time and winner of 7 Tony Awards, including Best Musical, Annie. Tickets are $28-$32 for adults and $22 for children under 15. Murry’s is located at 6323 Colonel Glenn Rd. in Little Rock. For more information, visit or call 501-562-3131. ■ Experience a rare glimpse into the early days of aviation when the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) brings its restored 1929 Ford Tri-Motor airliner to the North Little Rock Municipal Airport, September 2-6. North Little Rock is one of seven cities in five states to see the Ford Tri-Motor nicknamed the “Tin Goose.” Visitors will have the unique opportunity to take a 15-minute flight aboard this historical aircraft. Flights are available for $50 for EAA members and $60 for non-members. To secure a flight, visit the Ford Tri-Motor tour Web site at www.flytheford. org or call 1-800-843-3612. To join EAA or learn more, visit ■ The Little Rock Zoo hosts its Wild Wonders Animal Show every Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. now through Labor Day. The show features free-flying birds, reptiles and mammals. The Little Rock Zoo is located at 1 Jonesboro Dr. in Little Rock. Call 501-666-2406 or visit for more information. ■ Easter Seals Arkansas will host the 12th annual Rollin’ on the River 5k race and 2k Family Fun walk on Saturday, August 28, at 8:00 a.m. (the 2k at 8:15) with registration opening at 7 a.m. The event will take place at the Clinton Library. To sign up or form a team, visit


Charles Peer is this month’s featured artist at Gallery Central in Hot Springs.

ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT For the best in live music, there’s only one name in town: Maxine’s. Don’t miss karaoke night on Thursday, July 29; Troubadou on Friday, July 30; and the Poison Control Center on Saturday, July 31. Maxine’s is located at 700 Central Avenue. For a complete schedule of events, visit or call 501-321-0909 for more information. Justus Fine Art welcomes the summer season with new work by Steve Griffith, Dolores Justus, and Rebecca Thompson and many others during the month of June. Works by Kari Albright, Michael Ashley, Robin Hazard-Bishop, Elizabeth Borné, Cynthia Bowers, Hugh Dunnahoe, Mike Elsass, Robert Frank, Steve Griffith and Tony Saladino are on display at the gallery. Justus Fine Art is located at 827-A Central Avenue. For more information, call 501-321-2335 or visit This month, Gallery Central’s featured artist is talented landscape painter Charles Peer. A signature member of the Pastel Society of America, his work has recently been published in “Best of American Pastel Artists.” Gallery Central is located at 800 Central Avenue. Visit for more information. American Art Gallery represents local, regional, national and international artists and is a Thomas Kinkade (Painter of Light) Showcase Gallery. Located at 724 Central Avenue, the gallery boasts more than 4,000 square feet on two levels of viewing space and houses works by Redlin, Barnhouse, Bush, Hanks, Govinder, Peterson and many more. Visit to learn more. Learn about Hot Springs’ most notorious visitors, including Owen “Owney The Killer” Madden, at the Gangster Museum of America. The museum is open daily Sunday through Thursday from 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 10 a.m.-9 p.m. General admission is $10 for adults, $9 for seniors and $4 for children 6-12. Children under 6 get in free. The Gangster Museum of America is located at 113 Central Avenue. For more information, visit or call 501-318-1717.

Spa City SummerFun! • Dine in • Take Out • Catering • Parties

Live Music Calendar @ maxineslive 700 Central Ave. (501) 321-0909

McClard's Bar-B-Q

1217 Malvern Avenue #B Hot Springs AR • 71901 501.318.1094

An Award winning Tradition Since 1928! 505 Albert Pike • 866-McClard Tue–Sat 11am-8pm

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Hand made Mexican food the old fashioned way!

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3350 Central Ave. (501) 624-RODS

501-624-MAMA 1209 Malvern Ave., Hot Springs Next door to Cafe 1217

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Where you get great seafood at a sailor’s price. 510 Central Ave. Tue. – Sat. 11am – 10pm (501) 318-1100

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Food for Thought

a paid advertisement

To place your restaurant in Food For Thought, call the advertising department at 501-375-2985


SEAFOOD CAJUN’S WHARF 2400 Cantrell Road 501-375-5351




DENTON’S TROTLINE 2150 Congo Rd. Benton, 501-416-2349 Open Tues, Wed & Thurs 4-9 Fri & Sat 4-11


Food and fun for everyone when you pair Cajun’s Wharf’s succulent seafood and steak with the ever-evolving live entertainment. Enjoy the fabulous fresh seafood or aged Angus beef while listening to the rolling Arkansas River on the famously fantastic deck! They also boast an award-winning wine list.

10907 N. Rodney Parham Mon-Sat 10:30am-9pm 501-228-7800

Attention: Members and Guests. Denton’s Trotline is known for their award winning catfish and seafood buffet. Outstanding appetizer menu. Family owned, featuring a newly remodeled building with live music. Full service catering available.

UMP’S PUB & GRILL Dickey-Stephens Park Broadway at the bridge North Little Rock (501) 324-BALL (2255)

BISTRO LULAV 220 West 6th St. 501-374-5100 Lunch Mon-Fri 11am-2pm Dinner Tues-Sat 5-10pm V Lounge til 1am, Thurs-Sat

DIZZY’S GYPSY BISTRO 200 S. Commerce, Suite 150 (501) 375-3500 Tues-Thurs 11am-9pm Fri & Sat 11am-10pm

Fresh seafood specials every week. Prime aged beef and scrumptious dishes. Wine Spectator Award of Excellence, over 30 wines by the glass and largest vodka selection downtown. Regular and late night happy hour, Wednesday wine flights and Thursday is Ladies Night. Be sure to check out the Bistro Burger during lunch.

14502 Cantrell Road 501-868-7600

COPPER GRILL & GROCERY 300 West 3rd Street 501-375-3333

1900 N Grant St Heights 501-663-8999

400 President Clinton Ave. 501-372-6637 6820 Cantrell Road • 501-280-9888 18321 Cantrell Road • 501-868-8822

Sharing good things with good friends is the motto at Fantastic China. A Central Arkansas favorite offering the Freshest Chinese Food in town. It’s made to order with 100% Vegetable Oil. The presentation is beautiful, the menu distinctive, and the service perfect. Fantastic China is one of the heights most reliable and satisfying restaurants and a local favorite. Full bar.

SO Open daily. 11 am - close Sunday Brunch. 11 am to 2 pm 3610 Kavanaugh Blvd. 501-663-1464

Voted Best Mexican 2007. Featuring authentic fare from the Puebla region of Mexico, the selections seem endless at your choice of 3 locations in the Little Rock area. You will find an array of dishes ranging from the salient Shrimp Veracruzana at La Palapa out west to great Guacamole in the River Market Taqueria. Or try tasty Tostadas that share the name of the original Cantrell location, Casa Manana.

BUTCHER SHOP Shackleford & Hermitage Rd. (501) 312-2748

ASIAN LILLY’S DIMSUM THEN SOME 11121 Rodney Parham 501-716-2700


SUPER KING BUFFET 4000 Springhill Plaza Ct. North Little Rock (Just past Wal-Mart on McCain) 501-945-4802 Sun-Thurs 11am to 9:30pm Fri & Sat 11am to 10:30pm

Look no further…voted Best Asian again by the Arkansas Times readers. Lilly’s serves up extraordinary dishes made from the freshest, premium local and organic ingredients. Also enjoy warm and inviting ambiance as you dine on any one of the tasty house specialties. Sundays are wine day: all wine by the bottle, half off. One of central Arkansas’s largest Chinese buffets, we offer all your favorites with our sushi bar and Mongolian Grill included for one low price. Our dinner and all-day Sunday buffet include your lunch favorites as well as all-you-can eat crab legs, whole steamed fish, barbecue spare ribs, crispy jumbo shrimp and grilled steaks. Take-out buffet and menu available.

MEDITERRANEAN STAR OF INDIA North Shackleford Road 501-227-9900

Authentic North Indian Cuisine at its very best! Vegetable and Non-vegetable Buffet daily with Special. Saturday and Sunday Brunch. Mention this ad for a complimentary Indian Mango Drink.

Hunka Pie

9501 N. Rodney Parham 501-227-7272

Enjoy regional specialties such as Lentil soup, a huge serving of yummy Hummus, Baba Ghannnouj or Tabbouleh. And don’t forget about the Gyros, they’re sure to be heroes in your book!

BRAZILIAN CAFÉ BOSSA NOVA 2701 Kavanaugh Blvd 501-614-6682 Tues-Sat 11am-9pm Sunday Brunch 10:30-2pm

Try something different! Café Bossa Nova serves up cozy atmosphere and unique Brazilian dishes guaranteed to satisfy and served with that special Latin flare. Don’t deny yourself one of the delectable desserts prepared fresh daily or for an A+ apertif, drink in the authentic flavor of the country in the Caipirinha~a perfect blend of lime, sugar and Brazilian sugar cane rum. Dine with them tonight!


Contemporary metropolitan bistro meets Southern smalltown hospitality in a neighborhood bar. SO offers the best in fresh seafood and hand-cut rustic meats, complimented by an extensive and diverse wine list, recognized by Wine Spectator with their Award of Excellence. Whether casual dinners, special occasions, meetings with clients, or private parties, our service will impress. Open daily 11am. Tremendous steaks, excellent service, fair prices and a comfortable atmosphere make The Butcher Shop the prime choice for your evening out. In addition to tender and juicy steaks, The Butcher Shop offers fresh fish, pork chop, 24 hour slow roasted Prime Rib, char grilled marinated chicken and fresh pasta. Ideal for private parties, business meetings, and rehearsal dinners. Rooms accommodate up to 50-60 people. Hunka Pie specializes in premium hand-crafted pies. We welcome all pie lovers to come share a slice today! Call ahead for whole pie orders. Chocolate Peanut Butter, Velvet Lips Chocolate Cream, Strawberry Cream Cheese, Chocolate Pecan, Coconut Custard, key Lime, French Apple Pie & more. Now Serving Lunch! Monster Frito Pie, Spinach & Feta Greek Pie, Toasted Artichoke Sandwich.

HUNKA PIE 304 N. Main St. North Little Rock (inside Galaxy Furniture Store) 501-612-4754 Tues-Sat 10am - 6pm www. hunkapie

STEAK SONNY WILLIAMS 500 President Clinton Avenue Suite 100 (In the River Market District) 501-324-2999 DINNER MON - SAT 5:00 - 11:00 pm PIANO BAR TUES - THU 7:00 - 11:00 pm FRI & SAT 7:00 - Late


Still serving up high-quality burgers and home-made fries. Enjoy good food in a relaxed setting. Now offering outdoor seating on the deck. Serving cheese dip, nachos, platter meals, sandwiches and fried pies. Happy hour domestic draft beer from 3-6pm.

7311 North Hills Blvd. North Little Rock (501) 834-1840


An endless array of delicious dishes available in the Grill or grab your Gourmet-to-Go from the Grocery. Offering products by French Farm, Bella Cucina & Bittersweet Herb that promise to turn any recipe into a memorable masterpiece Copper Grill & Grocery is a wonderland for the gourmand.



Whether the Travs are at home or on the road, come enjoy the unique Dickey-Stephens Park Atmosphere at Ump’s, an upscale sports pub and restaurant, featuring sandwiches, salads, steaks, seafood, good times and more! Come treat yourself to a meal prepared by Chef’s Ball award winning sous chef Richard Lindsey. Open 6 days a week for lunch, 11am-2pm. Open nightly for all Travellers home games. Regular dinner hours Friday and Saturday only. Indulge in the culinary creations and intimate environment that define Capers Restaurant. Food and wine enthusiasts agree Capers’ sophisticated approach to dining is key to it’s many accolades including receiving the Wine Spectator Award of Excellence for six years running.


For the salad lover, Dizzy’s is an absolute paradise. Its list of eleven “Ridiculously Large Entrée Salads” runs the gamut of what you can do with greens and dressing. For example Zilpphia’s Persian Lime Salad, featuring grilled turkey breast, tomato, cucumber, onion, lime and buffalo mozzarella over romaine. For another: Mary Ann’s Dream, with grilled chicken breast, baby spinach, sun-dried tomatoes, cranberries, mandarin oranges, bourbon pecans and bleu cheese. Don’t that sound good?

Homemade Comfort Food Daily Specials • Monday: Spicy Shrimp Stir-fry. Tuesday: Pot Roast. Wednesday: Meatloaf. Thursday: BBQ Plate or Shepherd’s Pie. Friday & Saturday: Fried Catfish.

400 N. Bowman 501-224-3377 1619 Rebsamen 501-663-9734 OPEN SUNDAY

If you have not been to Sonny Williams lately, get there immediately and check out the martini/wine bar. Now you can enjoy 35 wines by the glass, 335 selections of wine, 6 single barrel bourbons and all different kinds of Scotch from the many regions of Scotland. Of course, don’t miss out on the nightly entertainment by Jeff at the piano. Sonny’s is a River Market mainstay and perfect for intimate private parties; free valet parking! As always, Sonny Williams has the best steaks in town along with fresh seafood and game. No Skinny Steaks… Call ahead for reservations (501) 324-2999

Featuring the Best Steaks in town with a New Orleans flair from a New Orleans native. Also featuring Seafood and Creole Specialties. As Rachel Ray says “This place is one of my best finds ever.” Back by popular demand…Soft Shell Crab and New Orleans Roast Beef Po-Boys.

BREW PUB VINO’S PIZZA•PUB•BREWERY 923 West 7th Street 501/375-VINO (8466)

Beer, pizza and more! Drop in to Vino’s, Little Rock’s Original Brewpub! and enjoy great New York-style pizza (whole or by-the-slice) washed down with your choice of award-winning ales or lagers brewed right on site. Or try a huge calzone, our new Muffaletta sandwich or just a salad and a slice with our homemade root beer. The deck’s always open, you don’t have to dress up and the kids are always welcome (or not). Vino’s is open 7 days, lunch and dinner. You can call ahead for carry-out and even take a gal. growler of beer to-go. And guess what?? The bathrooms have just been re-done!















j u ly 2 9 , 2 0 1 0

Gorgeous Hillcrest home offers great location, easy living open Sunday

2 pm - 4 pm

This completely renovated Hillcrest home at 4924 Hillcrest Ave. sits on an over-sized corner lot and is conveniently located within walking distance of the wonderful restaurants and shopping on historic Kavanaugh Blvd. The home is approximately 2,600 square feet and features three bedrooms, three bathrooms and a three-car garage - a rarity in the Hillcrest neighborhood. The kitchen has lots of custom cabinets and plenty of counter space. It has all stainless appliances including a gas stove with overhead microwave, solid granite counter tops and a peninsula bar for in-kitchen seating. It opens to a den/sun room with large floor-to-ceiling windows. Just off the sunroom is a deck with a spa tub for relaxing after a long day at work. A second covered deck, attached to the north of the garage, overlooks the yard. A large serving area/butler’s pantry connects

Custom cabinetry is beautiful in the kitchen.

The home has lots of windows.

the kitchen and dining room. This area is perfect for serving buffet-style dinners and for holiday get-togethers. All the bedrooms are located upstairs with the master suite occupying the east half of the house. The master bedroom has its own fireplace and walk-in closet. The master bath has a separate tub in addition to a shower and double vanities. The laundry room is also located on the second floor and has cabinet storage space and a built-in ironing board. The other two bedrooms are split by a large full bathroom. This home has so much to offer. It is priced at $475,000 and is listed with John Selva of Pulaski Heights Realty. An open house is planned for Sunday, Aug. 1, from 2-4 p.m. For a private showing, call Pulaski Heights Realty at 501-291-1620 or view more pictures online at and enter MLS# 10258402.

Hardwoods are throughout.

Relax in the spa on the back deck. • juLY 29, 2010 67

REAL ESTATE by neighborhood TO ADVERTISE, CALL TIFFANY HOLLAND AT 375-2985 Investment Properties

Downtown City Center

Capitol View/ Stiffts Station

4512 GRAND - $38,000. Cute 3BR/1.5BA home on large corner lot. Fenced backyard, hardwoods, crown molding, more. Must see to appreciate. Jean Noell, The Charlotte John Company, 3503297

5 STATEHOUSE PLAZA - New construction building on the east end of the Doubletree Hotel. Floor-toceiling windows provide exceptional views of river, ballpark and area activities. Enjoy huge terraces. Only 6 left! Prices start at $409,000. Call Susan Desselle with the Charlotte John Company at 772-7100 or visit www. OPEN SUNDAY, 2-4 PM!

123 N. SUMMIT - Rare find close to ACH, UAMS, & Hillcrest. 2 BRs and a separate office, 2050 SF. Totally updated including cherry wood laminate flooring throughout, all new plumbing & electrical wiring, new kitchen counters, sink & dishwasher, new tank-less H2’ 0 heater, wired for computer network, audio/video and IR remote, a deck, fenced yard and oversized 2 car garage. A 21X17.6 ft sunroom w/vaulted ceiling, tile floor, water proof walls, lots of windows and sunken Jacuzzi hot tub. Located in Union Depot next to AR School for the Blind. Call Clyde Butler of CBRPM at 240-4300. OPEN SUNDAY, 2-4 PM!

Land LOTS FOR SALE - Greenbrier. 1/3-1/2 acres starting at $23K. Trees, all utilities. Just 8 miles from Conway. 501-472-5807


$208,000 / LEASE FOR $1200 mo Architectural design • Modern features • 12th Floor Skyline View Featured 4 times in At Home in Arkansas!

Call Gerald White, 680-3640 or Mary Johnson, 952-4318. Visit for more pictures & info.

Buying Lake Hamilton Condos! 501.664.6629

Gold Star Realty

LIVE Eat, Work, Play,

QUAPAW TOWER Condo with architectural design, modern features and fabulous features. Shoji-style doors are a fantastic feature of the unit. Listed with Gold Star Realty. Call Gerald White at 501-680-3640 or Mary Johnson at 501-952-4318 for pricing or more info.

Downtown Historic District 910 WELCH - $99,900. 3BR/2BA with beautiful hardwoods, French doors, fresh paint, extra landscaping. Blocks from Presidential Library & Heifer. Jean Noell, The Charlotte John Company, 350-3297


3701 FOXCROFT $309,900. 3BR/2.5BA, 2600 SF. Updated home w/hardwoods, lg mastersuite, oversized closet. Wonderful deck, backs up to greenspace. This home has it all! Jean Noell, The Charlotte John Company, 350-3297


Midtown 312 DEL RIO - $194,900. 4BR/3BA, GREAT space buy! Perfect inlaw/ teen quarters. Walk to Catholic or Hall High. Call Susan Desselle of the Charlotte John Company for a private tour. 501-772-7100.

4101 C ST - $229,000. 3BR/2BA, 1836SF. Recently renovated! Enter MLS# 10255320 on www. for more photos. John Selva, Pulaski Heights Realty, 993-5442



Downtown OPEN SUNDAY, 2-4 PM!


Totally updated!! 2050 sq ft, 2 BRs + Office, 21X17.6 ft Sunroom with sunken hot tub, cherry wood laminate flooring, all new plumbing & electrical wiring, new kitchen counters, sink & dishwasher, new tank-less H2’0 heater, wired for computer network, audio/video and IR remote. Located in Union Depot next to AR School for the Blind.

CLYDE A. BUTLER Associate Broker


5 Statehouse Plaza For a one-of-a-kind lifestyle experience, this is it! Live on the river in this new construction building on the east end of the Doubletree Hotel. It has everything you need for hip downtown living. Floor-to-ceiling windows provide an exceptional view of the river, ballpark and area activities. Enjoy the fireworks and River Market activity from huge covered terraces. Only 6 condos left! Prices start at $409,000. To see what it’s like living downtown, schedule a private tour!

Publisher’s Notice

Susan Desselle 501.772.7100

All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free 1-800-669-9077. The toll-free number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275.

68 juLY 29, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES

Another Sure Sign of Great Service! The

Charlotte John Company welcomes

Jean Noell 350-3297 JENOELL628@GMAIL.COM

Neighboring Communities GREERS FERRY LAKE Spectacular view! 5 acres. Utilities, covenants, seller financing. Owner/agent. 501-825-6200

No. 0701



4924 HILLCREST AVE $475,000. 3BR/3BA plus 3-car garage. 2600 SF. Recently renovated home on large corner lot. Call John Selva at Pulaski Heights Realty at 501-993-5442.

DUPLEX - $177,700. Over 2700 total SF. Buy now & have renter offset your mortgage payment. Main level is 2BR/2BA, 1500 SF. Upstairs studio rental is approx 550 SF ($525/mo.) Also, has 700+SF walkout basement. New Paint! Owner is licensed agent. Call John, Pulaski Heights Realty, at 993-5442 for more info.

215 CHAPEL CREEK - Energy star rated 3BR/2BA fantastic 10’ ceilings, stone fireplace, extensive trim, breakfast bar, hardwood floors, granite countertops. New Construction. $219,900 MLS# 10258240 Linda Roster White Real Estate, 501-7301100 or 501-679-1103. 31 BERNARD - 3BR/2BA newly remodeled (paint, carpet, appliances, countertops, backsplash, kitchen sink & faucet, light fixtures). Huge LR with cathedral ceiling and fireplace, fenced yard. $153,000 MLS# 10253781 Linda Roster White Real Estate, 501-730-1100 or 501-6791103. 730 SLOPE - $279,000. New Must See! 4BR/3BA, gameroom, computer area, custom tile shower, granite countertops, wood & tile. MLS# 10251178 Linda Roster White Real Estate, 501-730-1100 or 501-679-1103.

Edited by Will Shortz

1440 BYRON - $219,000. Spotless! 4BR/2BA, large family room, lots of counter space & cabinets. Awesome backsplash, gorgeous landscaping. MLS# 10252436 Linda Roster White Real Estate, 501-730-1100 or 501-679-1103.


4214 C STREET - $149,900. 2BR/1BA starter home, 1166 SF. Walk to UAMS or shopping on Kavanaugh. Call John Selva at Pulaski Heights Realty at 501993-5442.

1313 SUNSET - $92,000. Well kept and close to schools. Surprisingly huge backyard. Beautiful garden, covered patio. MLS# 10257183 Linda Roster White Real Estate, 501-7301100 or 501-679-1103.

Across 1 With 14-Across, breakfast order? 5 U.F.O. crew 8 See 16-Across 14 See 1-Across 15 Romanian “dollars” 16 With 8-Across, world’s oldest subway system? 17 Show greed or impatience 18 Fat-mouth 19 Pontiac, for one 20 ___ by Google 22 “Left!” 24 Like 25 Condemned 29 With fervor 31 Away from the mouth 32 Good cholesterol, for short 33 Raccoon relative 34 With 42-Across, bogey?











36 Put up 41 Put on a show 42 See 34-Across and 45-Across 43 Coconut oil source 44 “___ Eyes” (1969 hit) 45 With 42-Across, birdie? 46 Implied 47 Winner of the first World Cup: Abbr. 49 Sickening 51 Answer angrily 54 Entry at a hippodrome

59 15th-century pontiff who was the only pope to write an autobiography 61 Weapon in “The Terminator” 63 Confidante, say 67 See 70-Across 68 Actor Moody of “Oliver!” 69 With 72-Across, motto of a fitness trainer? 70 With 67-Across, dreaded words from a cop? 71 “___ bad!” 72 See 69-Across

Down 55 Like some 1 Result of a answers certain med. test 56 When repeated, 2 Long-nosed fish it might 3 Govt. office accompany a supplier finger wag 4 Lovers of luxury 58 Longtime TV 5 Parisian palace inits. 6 What the Mad Hatter pours on the Dormouse to TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE wake it up N N C O F A M E D 7 Turban wearer O P I A N T H A N E 8 Was radiant S A C K S D A N T E 9 Balderdash E T H E P R O B L E M 10 Ready T O S E E D Y R S 11 One of a Western political O I L C I G S family K E S N M E T H O D D O O F S P Y R O 12 “Keep dreaming!” A N S A R E P E L L U E N S E T O M E 13 “CSI” topic, often 21 Split A N G N E V E S T E V I E R A N T 23 Stalwart supporter A S T E E P N M B A 25 Coin in “The G S E M I O T I C S Merchant of N T R A N S A C T S Venice” A O S E E D I V E 26 Eocene, e.g.















20 25


















24 30








36 43

45 47 51








55 59

23 29



56 60

57 61

58 62







Puzzle by Clive Probert

27 Jalopy 28 Classless group? 30 Run for it 35 Tandoori-baked bread 37 Traditional Easter entree 38 Florida tourist attraction 39 Bookstore section

40 Spud 48 Many an Australian bird 50 “Twelfth Night” duke 51 Dick s partner 52 Pacific republic 53 Not like a landlubber 57 Mathematician Gödel

59 Subject of union negotiations 60 Neighbor of Syr. 62 Morning ___ (radio format) 64 Puccini s “O ___ babbino caro” 65 Neighbor of Ill. 66 Joseph who cofounded an ice cream company

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Greenbrier 712 N. WALNUT - $169,500. 2BR/1BA in the heart of Hillcrest. Just 1/2 block of Kavanaugh. Renovated kitchen w/custom maple cabinets, tile floors, solid surface counters. Enter MLS 10257444 at www.

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REAL ESTATE by neighborhood • juLY 29,2010 201069 69 • july 29,

Refutiating n You Betcha says what the country needs is more refutiating, and I think she might be right. I know I’ve fallen down on mine. I don’t remember the last time I refutiated. I guess I was so busy denouncing, renouncing, deploring, berating, censuring, dumping on, castigating, bemoaning, and throwing under the bus that I just didn’t have time for a whole lot of what I didn’t even know was a word. And while I was asnooze at the refutiation switch, much turned up that cried out — or still does — for immediate and massive refutiational intervention. The 21st Century, for instance. In its entirety so far. Refutiate the whole mess, maybe except the short benign stretch in 2005 and a single fortnight of 2008, go back and redo it, give its feng a brand new shui. Taking our cue from the Wizard of Oz, refutiate some brains into the Republicans, some courage into the Democrats, and some heart into the haters and igmos and mountebanks. It couldn’t help but turn out better. There couldn’t be half as many dicks. Half as many swindlers. Half as many dolts. And that’s just the leadership. But it’s not wholly or even mainly on the leadership that Century 21 is already down the toilet. It’s on you morons. Whatever

Bob L ancaster happened happened because you let it. In your own slovenly way, you willed it. So on your watch, we’ll have gone from global dominion to where a true imbecile, an orange one, surely overdue back at some asylum, sets the agenda for the Twenty Tens. An astonishing feat. Not a proud one, but astonishing. You owed the Naughts a prouder page but it’s too late now. And too later in November when they send in the clowns. Don’t come whining around here then, claiming you’re the real victim in all this and sniveling for some manner of consolatory prodigal refutiation. You’ll get nothing of the sort from the tuffet of Assmunch. I’ll give you hell and you’ll think it’s refutiation.. Besides, other refutiation awaits that might still have some effect — a nasty job but somebody’s got to do it. First to admit I’m not the best candidate for Grand Refutiator, being unclear yet what it even means, but I’ll give it a shot and you can let me know. Cabot, of course, is a priority. It always needs refutiating just on general principle.

So shame on you Cabotonians — you cowbutts, in the vintage Yellowjacket parlance. And don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about. Codger rock bands who won’t give it up are herewith courteously but fresolutely refutiated straight to the rest home. (I’d name names but the list is longer than the bankrupts or who gets free state cars.) Their audiences too. Out there trying to mosh with titanium joints and appendages that require frequent hits from the bicycle pump. Jeez. Op-eds may now consider themselves refutiated. Including this one. We need to be more conscientious about having our cats and dogs refutiated. Our drinking water needs that refutiation even if it is part of the international communist conspiracy. Toe-sucking with whores is what Dick Morris is most refutiated for – and I hereby refutiate it and him with the power invested in me by the naked moonlight gardener. Before he became a refutiator in real life, Arnold Schwarzenegger played one in the movies. You might ask him. Anything from Andrew Breitbart is refutiated from the gitgo. We need to strap Mel Gibson down and refutiate the bejudas out of him. Always refutiate meat that’s been left out. Bubba might’ve saved some grief by futiating rather than refutiating Dr. Elders’ hand-jive advice. Bad dog!




Refutiating zombies is never enough; you always need to double-tap. If it’s the right thing — and you can tell by whether Sen. Lincoln is dithering on it — you don’t have to worry about refutiation. One likes to think that categorical refutiation is all Bro. Falwell got after whamming at the Pearly Gates until his whammer wore out. I know people of different hue and curl who conversate and furneralize but they don’t refutiate, so I hope this isn’t just one of those stupid you-might-be-a-redneck exercises. If it is, I stand refutiated.. From the looks of things, there’s another former provincial governor turned Fox yap who needs to re-refutiate Velveeta. And make it a covenant refutiation this time. Even if they were subjected to forced refutiation, I believe the Duggars would find a way. Not a single gun will be refuitated until the day comes when we’re the United States of the O.K. Corral. We need to refutiate public prayers, as JHC himself did — especially those offered up by sanctimonious twerps like, for example, the mayor of Beebe. They shoot horses when they get as far beyond refutiation as Texas is. An old-time example of effective refutiation was having holey shoes resoled. Also, we might give fleeting thought to refutiating the ongoing debasement of our language but I don’t reckon we will.

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The Department of Speech Communication invites applications for the position of instructor (R98058) beginning August 15, 2010. Expectations include the instruction of four to five classes per semester of the basic course, possibly including online sections, and participation in department and college initiatives. The position requires the Master’s Degree in Communication and college teaching experience is preferred. Consistent with the metropolitan mission of the university, candidates should have experience and/or a desire to engage in professional service activities within the community. The university of Arkansas at little Rock is part of the university of Arkansas system and the Department of Speech Communication resides in the College of Professional Studies. Our department emphasizes an applied approach to the study of communication. The department offers the core course in speech communication required of all students on campus, as well as a B.A. in Speech Communication, and a Master’s Degree in Applied Communication Studies. The salary is $36,000 for a nine-month contract. The university of Arkansas at little Rock is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and actively seeks the candidacy of minorities, women and persons with disabilities. under Arkansas law, all applications are subject to disclosure. Persons hired must have proof of legal authority to work in the united States. Applications will be accepted immediately and will continue until the position is filled. letters of application and curriculum vitae, referencing R98058, should be sent to: Robert R. ulmer, Chair, Department of Speech Communication, 2801 South university Avenue, little Rock, AR 72204. Eletronic submissions, referencing R98058 in the subject line, accepted at: uAlR is subject to EEO/AA/FOI laws. Persons hired must provide proof of legal authority to work in the united States. july 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES 70July 29,29, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES 70


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