Disintegration A veteran LR school board member sees a district in disarray. By Baker Kurrus page 12
readers’ choice restaurant ballot page 15
essentials for every party girl in cue
Hillcrest MercHants association Presents *shoppes on Woodlawn
*acadia restaurant
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The INsIder Walmart to Riverdale
n We hear that Walmart has firmed up plans to put a Walmart, a Supercenter no less, in the former Harvest Foods store in the Riverdale shopping center on Cantrell Road. It would use the building’s existing footprint, which means a smaller-thannormal Supercenter. A new Target on University; a new Kroger in Hillcrest; a big Kroger in the Heights; the new Food Giant at Cantrell and Mississippi and now this. Sounds like competition.
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Good government
n Republicans, with increased numbers in the legislature, have talked about making some good government issues a part of their program. Rep. John Burris, the House caucus leader from Harrison, says he’s interested in a possible constitutional amendment that would end lobbyists’spending on legislators. A so-called Walmart rule – named after the retailer’s policy of prohibiting employees from taking even a cup of coffee from vendors – would be paired with a proposal to raise legislative pay, now around $15,000 a year and limited to cost-of-living increases, by vote of the legislature. Because the legislature now meets annually and the work is often close to full time, Burris thinks a pay increase could be justified, perhaps to as much as $30,000 a year. It’s just an idea at the moment, but it’s a step in the right direction. The Democratic Party response will be interesting. Will it match or exceed the Republicans’ professed interest in good government?
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No action on Sharia
n The Bella Vista City Council has taken no action on a request that it ban the use of Islamic law, called Sharia, within the city limits, and no action is expected, according to Mayor Frank Anderson. In September, the Council listened to both proponents and opponents of a request by Bella Village resident Kay Strickland that Sharia be officially banned from Bella Vista. Since then, “I haven’t heard anything about it,” Anderson said, from either side of the discussion or from any member of the City Council. At the time, Strickland’s proposal received considerable media attention. Strickland may have been inspired by a proposed state constitutional amendment on the ballot in Oklahoma to ban Sharia in that state. The amendment was approved by Oklahoma voters Nov. 2, but has been held up by a federal judge until a hearing is held on a lawsuit claiming that it violates the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Where’s Wyatt?
n Still seeking former Arkansas State University President Leslie Wyatt, we called Continued on page 11
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Corner of Markham & Rodney Parham 225-6211 11108 N. Rodney Parham Rd. 223-6944 6115 Baseline Rd. 562-2348 500 S. University 664-4121 4010 W. 12th St. 663-9497 215 N. Bowman Rd. 221-3666
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North Little Rock 5209 JFK Blvd. 758-0850 2743 Lakewood Village Dr. 758-8723 Sherwood 1300 E. Kiehl 834-1480 • november 11, 2010 3
Smart talk
Forgiving voters
SPEAKING: Griffen (left) and Brown will discuss judicial elections.
The politics of judicial elections n Judicial elections are becoming a hot topic, particularly since conservative, anti-gay groups funded a campaign to remove three Iowa Supreme Court justices from the bench last week because of their decision allowing same-sex marriage in Iowa. The Arkansas Law Review will examine judicial elections in a program at 2:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 12, at the UA School of Law in Fayetteville. Circuit Judge-elect Wendell Griffen, a proponent of freer speech by judges, and Supreme Court Justice Robert Brown, a judicial election proponent, will speak in a session moderated by Chapman University law professor Ronald Rotunda. They’ll talk about whether judicial speech should be regulated, whether fund-raising for judicial races should be handled differently than partisan political races, whether Arkansas should move to an appointment system, and about the impact of the Citizens United ruling that opened the election process to unlimited amounts of corporate spending. The session is free and open to the public.
n Some were surprised that Berryville Mayor Tim McKinney won re-election last week over two opponents despite two brushes with the law. The mayor was twice arrested for DWI, both times with small amounts of marijuana. The second arrest landed him in the county jail for 53 days for violating probation on the first offense and then in drug court, an experience that saved him from a felony conviction that would have disqualified him from service. How did a two-time DWIer win DWIs NO PROBLEM: For without a runoff? Some McKinney’s re-election bid. clues are handy in reporting by Ginger Shiras in the Harrison Daily Times. McKinney is popular, a 20-year mayor. And he opened his campaign for re-election with a contrite acknowledgment of his mistakes. “Everyone has heard the old adage ‘whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,’ and I know that I am now better prepared physically, mentally and spiritually to perform the duties of mayor than I have ever been,” he said. There’s also the fact that a Walmart and other regional retailers generate enough sales tax revenue that Berryville needs no property tax or utility franchise fees. The city has enough cash to build a $5 million community center with an indoor pool, a new fire station, yards of new sidewalks and miles of city trails. And he’s been improving city streets as an alternate route to busy U.S. Highway 62. He’ll presumably be more careful what he’s consumed before driving on them.
Arkansas financed the red tide n Stephens Investments Holding LLC, controlled by Little Rock financier Warren Stephens, was among the contributors to American Crossroads, the Republican-supporting political group founded by Karl Rove, George W. Bush’s political adviser. Its work was credited for helping many of the Republican congressional victories in last week’s election. Stephens Holding contributed $100,000 to the Rove group.
GREEN FOR RED: Stephens (left) funded a Rove group.
Words n Plurals and Teabaggers gone wild: The election results were dire, and the pain worsened when I read a New York Times report — “Of the 37 states voting for governor, 24 races were open seats, thanks to terms limits … ” Until then, I’d seen the phrase only in its natural, uncorrupted form: term limits. But it appears that language, like government, has fallen into the hands of extremists. Pluralization runs rampant, unchecked and unnecessary. Any day now, I expect, we’ll see discussion of caps and trades, torts reforms, and budgets deficits. Global warmings and national securities will be on the political agenda too. n Weep no more my ladies: Among the more compelling spam (spams?) I’ve received lately was this. 4 november 11, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES
10 What’s next for the West Memphis 3?
A landmark state Supreme Court ruling has given the West Memphis 3 murder defendants a chance to present new exculpatory evidence, but that hearing is likely several months away. — By Gerard Matthews
12 From the
‘belly of the beast’
Baker Kurrus reflects on 12 years on the Little Rock School Board and writes sharply about the deficiencies it must overcome.
27 Free tunes
The Laman Library in North Little Rock is now in the business of giving away free tunes to cardholders, three per week from the Sony Music Group catalog. — By Lindsey Millar
Departments 3 The Insider 4 Smart Talk 5 The Observer 6 Letters 8 Orval 10-14 News 16 Opinion 19 Arts & Entertainment 47 Dining 53 Crossword/ Tom Tomorrow NOTE: Bob Lancaster is taking the week off.
Doug smith
“My name is Carol 75yrs old of age. I stay at Queen Elizabeth Hospital London. I am a good merchant. I have several industrial companies and good share in various banks in the world. … “I am a very greedy woman with all cost I don’t know much and care about people, since when I had an experience of my difficulty to sleep and give rest. Ending of last year (September) I was sent a letter of medical check up, as my personal doctor testify that I have a lung cancer, which can easily take off
my life soon. “I found it uneasy to survive myself, because a lot of my investment cannot be run and manage by me again. I quickly call up a pastor/prophet to give me positive thinking on this solution, as my adviser. He ministered to me to share my properties, wealth, to motherless baby/orphanage homes/people that need money for survivor, business woman and man for their investment and for future rising. “Therefore I am writing this letter to people who are really need help to contact me urgently. So that I can make available preparation on that. Especially women of the day, who are divorced by their husband, why they cannot survive from feeding their self. Please contact me and stop weeping. …”
ARKANSAS TIMES (ISSN 0164-6273) is published each week by Arkansas Times Limited Partnership, 201 East Markham Street, 200 Heritage Center West, P.O. Box 34010, Little Rock, Arkansas, 72203, phone (501) 375-2985. Periodical postage paid at Little Rock, Arkansas, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ARKANSAS TIMES, P.O. Box 34010, Little Rock, AR, 72203. Subscription prices are $42 for one year, $78 for two years. Subscriptions outside Arkansas are $49 for one year, $88 for two years. Foreign (including Canadian) subscriptions are $168 a year. For subscriber service call (501) 375-2985. Current single-copy price is 75¢, free in Pulaski County. Single issues are available by mail at $2.50 each, postage paid. Payment must accompany all single-copy orders. Reproduction or use in whole or in part of the contents without the written consent of the publishers is prohibited. Manuscripts and artwork will not be returned or acknowledged unless sufficient return postage and a self-addressed stamped envelope are included. All materials are handled with due care; however, the publisher assumes no responsibility for care and safe return of unsolicited materials. All letters sent to ARKANSAS TIMES will be treated as intended for publication and are subject to ARKANSAS TIMES’ unrestricted right to edit or to comment editorially.
To the young man we saw six
days after the first full day of autumn at the corner of Cumberland and Third downtown, the morning when the summer finally broke and the city was washed in a delicious chill: Why do you stab that crosswalk button, which The Observer is almost positive is connected to nothing but the pole? Where are you going in such a hurry, all of 19, and already so frustrated at nine in the morning? Don’t you know that as you stand here — as we stand here, me looking at you out of the corner of my eye, you scowling up at the crosswalk sign — our lives are ticking away, flowing past us like these cars full of drivers who only look straight ahead? We could have said all these things, but didn’t. When someone is in a hurry, it’s better not to keep them. We were once a young man in a hurry. Finally, he says “screw it,” and darts across. He makes it to the far corner, looks, then crosses Third for good measure, running now, his feet carrying him away, rising and falling in that easy rhythm that always reminds us of a heartbeat.
Here’s where he should have
headed: To the annual Pumpkin Roll down Midland Street. Gourd bowling by the neighborhood, once a small affair, has turned into a major post-Halloween event there on Hill Road, where the Jack O’Lanterns turn into misguided missiles, their lumpy carved shapes pitching them in every direction, off the pavement, through the legs of the small white dog, past the young boys dodging them purposely, sometimes into someone’s carefully cultivated landscaping, sometimes caroming off the curve and into traffic. Sunday’s most unusual roll, it seems to The Observer, was the gigantic flat pumpkin that rolled like a semi-tractor trailer wheel down Midland, zipping across Kavanaugh and madly taking a slight uphill path nearly to Lee. It did not win, but it was great to watch. The winners are the “speedballs,” small spherical pumpkins, some orange, some white, that, given just the right push, went the distance. They cost $2 on top of the $5 entry fee, but boy did they race. Little kids did the honors at the launch
pad, but the grownups did the hollering. Camp Aldersgate got the whole pie.
The Observer doesn’t make
it up to Fayetteville all that often, but we did this weekend. While we’re a diehard Little Rockian (Little Rocker? Little Rockette? What are we saying these days?), we can certainly see the appeal of that fair city, so full of independent coffee shops, galleries, lovely vistas, hippytrippy stores and good dive bars. Barring an asteroid strike at the corner of Scott and Markham, The Observer will more than likely live in Capital City until we drop over dead, but one look at Fayetteville’s palace-like public library, with its balcony and breathtaking views of the mountains, was enough to make us feel the pull of the Great White Northwest. No! Resist! Speaking of books: As we said, we’re not often in Fayetteville, so it’s understandable that we’ve overlooked the Used Bookstore on Dickson Street (that’s the name of it, apparently). We made it downtown well after dark on Friday night, and were surprised to find the “OPEN” sign burning in the window. Spouse and I went in, expecting a small shop like others we’d seen in college towns all over. This used bookstore, however, is the Bookstore of Bookstoreness. Book shelves literally stretched up to the nine-foot ceiling, with aluminum stepladders scattered around so patrons could reach. The shelves themselves were labyrinthine, spaced so close together that our broad self had to turn sideways at times to make it through. Peeking through spaces between bookshelves revealed other bookshelves beyond: nooks and crannies filled with books, hallways stacked with books, books stacked in corners and above doorways, the floor rising and falling like a funhouse in places and the bookshelves going on, and on, and on. Just when we were so far back in the stacks that we became sure we would soon round a corner and bump into Rod Serling, we hit the back wall and realized that this wasn’t heaven. We left that night with an armload: books by F. Scott Fitzgerald, books on vampire cinema, and more. We’re already planning our next trip back. If we’re lucky, next time we’ll never find our way back out.
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Sell your gold. Help feed the hungry. A portion of every gold buy and jewelry sale this Holiday Season goes to the Arkansas Rice Depot, a nonprofit organization that feeds the hungry. Some things are more important than gold.
8601 West Markham • Little Rock • (501) 228-7296 • november 11, 2010 5
Up until recently I have been a fan of your paper; but, your recent article on the Arkansas Senate race has me doubting the wisdom of that. You are just as biased as all the other press and media in the state. I find this disappointing. If you truly want to inform the people of Arkansas, then you must include all candidates so that voters can be informed. Unfortunately, the press and media only recognize the two-party system and its candidates. That is an injustice to the other candidates on the ballot who worked hard and met all requirements to earn the right to run. But it is also an injustice to the Arkansas voters, because they are not getting all the facts. I hope in the future you will be less biased and more informative. Donna Haskins Little Rock
To protect and search
I would like to see if there are any civil rights organizations, politicians or lawyers who could look into the Sherwood police stop-and-search policies. I have lived in several countries and many cities in the United States, and I have NEVER seen as
many cars get pulled over and searched as I have since moving to Sherwood a few years ago. It is not unusual to see two or three cars a day pulled up in a lot somewhere surrounded by police cars and some helpless driver standing there with all the doors and trunk open on their vehicle while the police look through their things. I thought this was America and the police needed a search warrant. This is totally out of control and I am sure it is keeping some people from moving or shopping here. Not everyone driving through town is a criminal. L.D. Glover Sherwood
Ethics test
Has the Democrat-Gazette come up with anything worse than the possibility that House Speaker Robbie Wills might use a state-owned car to stump for congressional candidate Joyce Elliott, as alleged in an Aug. 28 editorial “Speaker and Freeloader”? The Sept. 22 editorial “A test of character” accused Sen. Elliott of slinging mud. Did she do anything worse than raise the questions about the former Karl Rove underling Tim Griffin’s background that we all would like answered? The basis for the questions about his appointment as a U.S. attorney is found in the report “Professional Responsibility in the Justice Department” on the firing of eight U.S. attorneys including Bud
Cummins, considered by his boss one of the finest U.S. attorneys in the country. The lie that Mr. Cummins was lazy, if it didn’t begin with Tim Griffin, was at least passed on by him. Why shouldn’t the question about his role in the direct mail that was to scare or misinform the poor, minorities and the military out of voting be pressed? Even for a rabidly Republican newspaper, editorials that question Sen. Elliott’s ethics while ignoring the evidence about Mr. Griffin’s ethics is outrageous. Besides Tim Griffin, if anybody flunks a character test, why isn’t it the DemocratGazette? Jerry Shell Leslie
Where’s the ethos
A recent letter to this paper is entitled “Where’s the ethos?” I can only assume that the headline writer actually was satirically posing the question, not of the reader, but the writer himself. Ironically, although Mr. Means and I grew up in the same town (if even then there was considerable distance between Park Hill and Rose City) and graduated from the same college in the same year, our opinions of Arkansas and Arkansans are light years different. Like most Arkansans, I have travelled very little, and even now live only five miles or so from the abandoned Koehler Bakery, the old post office, the Starving Artist cafe. Oh, I was in Paris once, I
have walked the streets of Stratford, and seen the Circus Maximus in Rome. I have attended a play in New York City and strode the boardwalk in Miami Beach. I have eaten a meal with two presidents and had communion in a service led by the Pope at St. Peter’s. But though these were all fascinating experiences, in truth they make up little of who I am. I am an Arkansan, with my view of the world, my sense of right and wrong, my interpretation of what is reasonable and what is not, shaped by a life that began above a laundry in North Little Rock. An Arkansan able to moderate a Missionary Baptist heritage with the redeeming love of a Methodist Sunday School teacher. An Arkansan who was fortunate enough to graduate from Hendrix College in 1965 because the Aluminum Company of America paid union wage to my machinist father and yet the company was farsighted enough to give generous scholarships as well. My ideas were formed largely through Arkansas experiences and my impressions largely confirmed or rejected by Arkansas people and events. Since Mr. Means and I graduated from Hendrix in 1965, Arkansans — not unlike the rest of the planet — have grown, frequently learned from our mistakes, and ever so gradually begun to gain confidence in ourselves. That confidence has, among other things, elected a president and spawned several corporate
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giants, but also created some of the foremost hunger programs in the world. It is that confidence, not invective, which will provide a vehicle for an ethical dialogue among the diverse people we Arkansans have become. Dana F. Steward Sherwood
New pledge
The 2010 Pledge of Allegiance: “I pledge allegiance, wrapped in the flag, to the Corporate States of America, and to the profit margin for which it stands, one free market, under the Cross, with the illusion of liberty and justice for the rest of us.” Gary Evans Little Rock
Middle class tax cuts
Mercy me, sakes alive, and carrot coffee! As a friend and admirer of Ernie Dumas, I must respond to the recent letter of David Harper, a severe critic of Dumas! Speaking of the Bush tax cuts for the extremely wealthy, he writes, “I can personally assure him that several middle income families in Arkansas will suffer immensely if those tax cuts expire.” Come now, Mr. Harper! Will their children go without food, or clothing? Will they not have adequate health care? Will their home mortgage be foreclosed? Further, he should tell us just how much income these “middle income” Arkansas families
have now, such that they will suffer if they have to pay their fair share of taxes. Or, could it be that they just won’t be able to buy off as many politicians as they have been doing before! What a shame! Kermit C. Moss Monticello
The Republican Party left our economy in the biggest hole since the Depression. They are still refusing to help: They want to repeal financial oversight reform, student aid reform, and health care reform, denying coverage to millions while bringing back the worst abuses of the insurance industry. They want to reward big corporate donors. They embrace the Radical Right in spreading lies about “death panels,” “birther” lies against President Obama, unemployment compensation is unconstitutional, whatever cheap rhetoric it takes to rally the fanatics. Why would anyone want such near-sighted leaders? Charlotte Moore Lexington, Va. Submit letters to The Editor, Arkansas Times, P.O. Box 34010, Little Rock, AR 72203. We also accept letters via e-mail. The address is maxbrantley@arktimes. com. We also accept faxes at 375-3623. Please include a hometown and telephone number.
Hours: 9 am–5 pm, Monday–Saturday; 1 pm–5 pm, Sunday The Old State House Museum is a museum of the Department of Arkansas Heritage.
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s i w o n S “
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N ov. 3 - 9 , 2 0 1 0 It was a good week for …
The WEST MEMPHIS THREE. The state Supreme Court ordered new hearings to consider DNA and other exculpatory evidence for the three men — Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin and Jessie Misskelley — convicted in the deaths of three West Memphis children in 1993. REPUBLICANS. What was not to like in the wake of last Tuesday’s elections: • Four of six Arkansas members of Congress next year will be Republicans, including a new senator, John Boozman. • Three Republicans will hold statewide office — pizza magnate Mark Darr as lieutenant governor, expense accounting padding state Rep. Mark Martin as secretary of state and church security guard John Thurston as land commissioner. • Republicans made huge gains in the legislature — they’ll be about 45 of 100 in the House and 15 of 35 in the Senate. GOV. MIKE BEEBE. His careful governing style and crossover appeal gave him a huge re-election margin. T h e S TAT E B O A R D O F EDUCATION. It rejected three charter school applications, including transparent efforts to re-establish school districts ended by consolidation. If the approval process continues to be meaningful and accountability is demanded for those approved, charters will hold less potential for harm to students and conventional public schools. TAX TALK. Randy Zook, head of the Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce said new legislators — many elected on no-tax pledges — better start thinking about approval of an increase in the charge to businesses for unemployment insurance or else expect a bigger charge from the feds to replenish recession-depleted trust funds. It was a bad week for …
M AY O R M A R K STODOLA. Why did he play coy about his sponsored trip to China? Why won’t he open up government and hold the Little Rock Regional Chamber of Commerce accountable? Maybe because it was sending a rep with him on his trip to China. 10 november 11, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES
The Arkansas Reporter
Phone: 501-375-2985 Fax: 501-375-3623 Arkansas Times Online home page: E-mail: ■
The South shall rise again New state rep: Confederate flag ‘a symbol of Jesus Christ.’ by David Koon
n It’s very clear by now that a lot of Arkansans walked into the voting booth Nov. 2 and simply filled in the bubble next to anyone’s name that didn’t have a “D” beside it. The reasons for that will be worried over well beyond this election season. But there are Republicans and there is Republican Loy Mauch, elected to represent House District 26 near Hot Springs. A former head of the Sons of the Confederate Veterans post in Hot Springs, Mauch calls the Confederate flag “a symbol of Jesus Christ,” and is a current member of The League of the South, a group which works toward the formation of an independent Southern nation. Founded in 1994 in Killen, Ala., The League of the South advocates for “the secession and subsequent LOY MAUCH: Photographed at a conference independence of the southern states Abraham Lincoln. from this forced union and the formawith that. I really didn’t want to be negative tion of a southern republic,” according to the in the campaign to be honest with you.” “Introduction” page on its website. The site For his part, Loy Mauch said that he is also encourages members to “personally a small-government Republican, who went secede from the corrupt and corrupting infludoor to door and listened to the concerns of ence of post-Christian culture in America” his district. “The number one issue in our by home-schooling children and creating district was jobs — jobs in the private sector, “parallel institutions to which people can of course,” Mauch said. “I guess if we want attach their loyalties.” to have jobs, we’ve got to have a businessThe Southern Poverty Law Center calls friendly environment.You do that by cutting the group a “neo-Confederate” organizagovernment red tape, regulation and cutting tion, adding that League rhetoric often bears taxes.” While Mauch said he isn’t as active racist overtones. “The League believes the in the Tea Party as he once was, he’s very ‘godly’ nation it wants to form should be run sympathetic to their goals, saying they’ve by an ‘Anglo-Centric’ (read: white) elite that “got it right” about limited government. would establish a Christian theocratic state Asked about his involvement in the and politically dominate blacks and other League of the South, which listed him as the minorities,” an SPL report said. chairman of their western Arkansas chapter Mauch, who lives in Bismarck, won the as late as 2005, Mauch said that he’s a dues seat in House District 26 — which primarily paying member, but is too busy to be active lies in Hot Spring County but includes in the organization and doesn’t attend meeta small corner of Garland County, and ings. He said the chair position was “just contains the city of Malvern — by 533 votes, a title.” Contrary to the League website, taking 53.5 percent of the 7,531 ballots cast. Mauch said the group doesn’t want the He replaces term-limited Democrat Mike former Confederacy to stray from the Union Burris. Mauch’s opponent in the race was again. “We don’t think we should secede Terry Bracy, a former Malvern City Council from the Union,” Mauch said. “We just want member who owns an ambulance company. constitutional government. Secession has When told that Mauch was a member of a never been unconstitutional.” group that believes in Southern secession For seven years, Mauch was the and is a strident defender of the Confederate commander of James M. Keller Camp flag, Bracy said that he didn’t have that 648 of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. information during the campaign. He stepped down as commander last “Everybody is entitled to their opinion, year. In 2004, angered by the city of Hot I guess,” Bracy said. “I was hoping maybe Springs’ refusal to remove a statue of that the electorate would be more in tune
Abraham Lincoln displayed in the Hot Springs Civic and Convention Center, the Keller Camp hosted a conference in Hot Springs called “Seminar on Abraham Lincoln — Truth vs. Myth,” with a keynote address called “Homage to John Wilkes Booth.” Mauch said that he believes L i n c o l n d i d n ’t f o l l ow t h e Constitution. Of the statue of Lincoln in the convention center, Mauch said: “I didn’t think it had any place down in Hot Springs, Arkansas. He wasn’t friendly to Arkansas. He didn’t have anything to do with Arkansas. Nobody in Arkansas voted for him.” A prolific writer of letters to the editor (Garland County Democratic Party chair George Hozendorf said on one of the only things he knew about Mauch was that he recalled a letter to the Hot Springs Sentinel-Record in which Mauch advocated for enlarging the controversial Confederate flag and Confederate soldier statue at the fork of Central and Ouachita Avenues), Mauch took pen in hand in 2008 during the controversy stirred up by Huntsville businessman James Vandiver’s decision to respond to the election of Barack Obama by flying a Confederate battle flag in front of his motel. “The government has lost its moral authority over God-fearing Americans,” Mauch wrote to the Arkansas DemocratGazette. “I wish more patriots like James Vandiver would take their stand for what the Confederate Battle Flag truly symbolizes.” When asked what the Confederate flag symbolizes, Mauch said: “It’s a symbol of constitutional government. It’s a symbol of Jesus Christ above all else. It’s a symbol of Biblical government.” Mauch has used the phrase “Biblical government,” in letters to the editor before, but said he doesn’t mean a theocracy. “It’s just that the government has limitations,” he said. “Christians are commanded to obey the laws of the land as ordained by God. It’s like that... it’s constitutional government, with limitations on government.” Mauch said he wants to work to serve the people of District 26 and the state of Arkansas. “My job is a service job,” he said. “I’m here to serve them, not the other way around. I’m the voice of my constituents in my district.” brian chilson
brian chilson
good news: Capi Peck, Lorri Davis and Brent Peterson react to court ruling.
What next for WM3? Key ruling will require much more time. by Gerard Matthews
n One week ago, longtime West Memphis Three supporters held a press conference to laud the state Supreme Court’s decision ordering new circuit court evidentiary hearings for Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin and Jessie Misskelley. They were ecstatic over what they saw as a huge breakthrough after years of work to raise awareness for the men, convicted of killing three West Memphis children in 1993. But a new trial, let alone a favorable verdict for Echols, Baldwin and Misskelley, will likely take a considerable amount of time. Echols has been sentenced to death. Baldwin and Misskelley are serving life sentences. Lorri Davis, Damien Echols’ wife, was so encouraged by the recent decision she suggested the evidentiary hearing be skipped in favor of going directly to trial to save time and money. That’s unlikely to happen. But the ruling does serve as a bright spot for those who have supported the cause over the years. Brent Peterson is a founding member of Arkansas Take Action (ATA), a group set up in 2007 to advocate on behalf of the West Memphis Three. He’s hopeful things will happen quickly. “I’m really hoping to get them out by some time next summer. That might be a little much, but I would like to see them out of there by then,” Peterson says. Things may not move that quickly.
Continued from page 3 the number that, until a few days ago, was listed for him on the website of American University System in Washington. A secretary said there was no one there by that name. Told that he’d been listed on the AUS website as “president and chairman,” she said that might be true, but he didn’t work in the Washington office and she didn’t have a telephone number for him. AUS is a private company that provides on-line educational services.
Lonnie Soury, a consultant for ATA who runs a public relations/public advocacy firm in New York and who started the blog, says it’s going to take time to get all the sides together. “There’s a long way to go,” Soury says. “And I don’t want to be negative, this is a huge decision. I think Lorri said this was the best news Damien has had in 17 years on Death Row. I think this is essentially the end, but the battle to free them is just heating up.” There are a number of important issues that must be determined. First, who will be the judge? Circuit Judge David Burnett, a newly-elected state senator, will no longer hold that position. The administrative judge of the Second Judicial Circuit, Ralph Wilson Jr., will select one of the 11 judges from the district to hear the case as soon as the order for a new hearing becomes final on Nov. 25. Three judges will likely recuse themselves: John Fogleman, Brent Davis and Randy Philhours. Fogleman and Davis served as prosecutors during the original trial. Philhours served as deputy prosecutor under Davis at a time when he was handling the matter for the state. Wilson could not mention specifics but said the process was underway. “I sent an e-mail out to all the judges the day the opinion came down,” Wilson says. “All the judges here have a pretty heavy and extensive docket. That judge will just have to work it in. The others will have to
pick up any slack that they could. I imagine the Arkansas Supreme Court, or the chief justice, will assign a special judge or two to take up the slack of the judge that is assigned that case.” Once a judge is selected, he or she will talk with legal counsel from each side about the best time to schedule an evidentiary hearing, which is no small task given the attorneys’ busy schedules. Jeff Rosenzweig is an attorney for Jessie Misskelley. He doesn’t expect a hearing to begin until the second quarter of next year. “All the lawyers have schedules that have a significant amount of trials that are already set for the first quarter of 2011, so I don’t anticipate anything of substance happening before the second quarter or the summer ... Just looking at my schedule, I’m set to be in court basically the entire months of January, February and March, so I would not be able to do anything before April or May,” Rosenzweig says. Another issue is whether the three hearings will be held at once or separately. Rosenzweig says the hearings will likely be held together given the level of “commonality” between them. The Supreme Court ordered new hearings in each case so that new DNA evidence could be considered. Financially, that makes sense too, says Soury. “We have forensic experts and they don’t come free. So we’re going to pay them, and
then the state will have its defense. It just doesn’t make sense to bring all these people back three times,” he says. As for where the hearing will take place, that’s up to the judge, but Rosenzweig says the hearing will likely be held in Jonesboro. “Since there’s no jury, he can hold court, as a practical matter, anywhere there’s an available courtroom in that district. Jonesboro, between the courthouse and the courthouse annex, has sufficient extra courtrooms. So I would expect we would hear it there,” he says. And that’s just the evidentiary hearing. If successful, Echols, Baldwin and Misskelley would then go on to new trials, unless the state made the decision not to prosecute them again. Or they could appeal an unsuccessful outcome. So any real completion of this controversial case is some time away. Soury says time is on Echols’ side. “Time could be Damien’s best friend. One of the important things is we know there are witnesses out there. We’re still asking people to come forward, to call our tip line. There’s still an issue of who did this. From our perspective, we think other people did it. In every wrongful conviction, the perpetrator is in the community. If one believes that Damien, Jesse and Jason did not commit this crime then who did? More evidence and witnesses don’t only help [these three], they help the community solve a crime.”
ASU has been listed on the website as a client of AUS, prompting ASU faculty to wonder if there might be a conflict of interest. ASU officials have said the university has paid no money to AUS and they were unaware that Wyatt was president until the website was called to their attention. Dan Howard, interim chancellor of ASU-Jonesboro, where Wyatt is now employed as a professor but is on “compensated leave,” said that he had only an e-mail address for Wyatt. Wyatt has not responded to Arkansas Times e-mails. • november 11, 2010 11
brian chilson
Baker’s dozen
Baker Kurrus assesses 12 years in the “belly of the beast” — on the board of the Little Rock School District. By Baker Kurrus
welve years on a school board takes a toll. Maybe the most difficult part was walking away, knowing that much hard work remains to be done. The greatest challenge was trying to remain positive and optimistic when so many people were not. The greatest thrill was handing my three children their high school diplomas. The greatest disappointments were the lack of outrage at a school system in disarray, and the acceptance by school employees of things that were appalling. The greatest challenge, which is still completely unmet, was and is to find a school district administration committed to deep and meaningful reform, even if that means that some good people lose their jobs. Most inspiring was the dedication and effort of thousands of teachers, administrators, parents, students and volunteers who worked tirelessly to make life better 12 november 11, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES
About the author Baker Kurrus, who completed 12 years on the Little Rock School Board in September, is a lawyer and is president of The Winrock Group, which is engaged in farming, ranching, timber and mineral production. He also manages several other companies in commercial and residential real estate development. A native of Pine Bluff, he’s a graduate of the University of Arkansas and Harvard Law School. He and his wife Virginia have three children who attended and graduated from Little Rock public schools.
for kids. Most baffling is the lack of any consequence for failure. It was good, bad, ugly and beautiful, and now it is over. One of the most heart-breaking moments occurred at an elementary school in south central Little Rock. As I was leaving about 9 a.m. after having read to a kindergarten class, a woman was coming in with a baby on her hip and two other kids in tow. All four of them looked like they had been crying, and the kids had runny noses. All were
disheveled and looked tired. I grabbed the door to try to help her into the building. She glanced my way and smiled that sort of polite, forced facial expression of perfunctory acknowledgment that we use in strained situations. I asked if I could help her. She quickly passed me and went in the building. The principal told me privately that this woman was the children’s grandmother, and that she was working two jobs to try to support everyone. After everything the Little Rock School District has
cost of it all. Many Little Rock residents still feel a certain resignation about a negative outcome, and a willingness to generally accept it as inevitable. While 10,000 or so children attend private schools in Little Rock, the poor and special-needs kids in Little Rock are left in struggling public schools, with intractable problems. In 1957 Little Rock had a dual system of education, one for whites and one for blacks. In 2010, Little Rock has a more insidious “system” where many poor kids default into the public system, and children with parental support find their ways into schools which are full of high achievers. Some of these preferred schools are public, some are private, and some are charter, but all of them have low numbers of poor kids. In St. Louis, Detroit, Memphis, Kansas City, Atlanta, Charlotte, and countless other cities the chain of events is eerily similar. First a desegregation case was brought. Governmental entities were found to have been guilty of discrimination. Complex remedies for desegregation were devised, complete with special administrators, court-appointed masters, magnet schools, huge transportation departments, special remediation programs, and all the rest. The magnet schools did not draw people into the districts or endure. Instead, magnet schools here and elsewhere became sanctuaries for public education advocates. Desegregation of large numbers of schools became impossible as whites either left or concentrated in the magnet sanctuaries. The regular schools became onerace backwaters where the less talented teachers and administrators drifted, without parental oversight. Huge numbers of remediation programs were started and ended, with clever names and large training and travel budgets. “Grant writing” became a cottage industry. Grant-funded programs sprang up like mushrooms, and went away just as quickly. Many teachers and administrators just hung on, receiving automatic pay raises despite poor student results. There was little or no accountability and little in the way of results. The systems and their host communities deteriorated, so the demographics kept getting worse and worse. Instead of educating students with a systemic approach, the focus became remediation of huge numbers of failing students and failing teachers with special programs and professional development. Property values plummeted, slum landlords moved in and acquired properties at depressed prices. The children who ended up there faced tremendous challenges. Schools that once had middle-class kids and lots of volunteers now had poverty kids and little parental support. Test scores dropped. Upper income enrollment fell precipitously, with the few remaining upper income whites being concentrated in a few special schools. The average test scores from this small core group remained very high, exacerbating Continued on page 14 brian chilson
been through — all of the blood, sweat, tears, time, money, energy, litigation — we have too many kids that don’t learn. We have many who soar to unbelievable achievement, but I am haunted by the failure of too many of our city’s kids. Don’t misunderstand what I will say in the paragraphs that follow. For many kids, including my own, LRSD was an unbelievably satisfying and successful experience. Many, many parents and students succeed, and we all celebrate the wonderful teachers and administrators who make this possible. But should we be satisfied by the successes and accomplishments of some, when many are failing? Does it have to be this way? Why don’t we have integrated neighborhoods, with good public schools and committed parents? Why do we have so much distrust, and so much political infighting? WILSON ELEMENTARY: Imagine success starting here. Why is everything a power play? but the answers are plain. Nobody really won, and almost Is it good for our children, or our community? How does everybody lost, and success remains elusive. Did we learn Little Rock grow and prosper, and provide opportunity anything really? Apparently LRSD did not. Soon after for its residents, if the public schools are not universally LRSD was finally declared unitary, against the testimony good? of three or four school board members, the school disAfter 12 years, I don’t know all of the answers, but I trict’s lawyers filed a motion to commence another round think now at least I understand the questions. There are of litigation to squelch charter schools. Even if the case some things that are important and relevant. makes sense in some academic way, it won’t do a thing for the kids who are failing under the current system. We The desegregation lawsuit now know that litigation is not the answer to the most n Nov. 30, 1982, the Little Rock School District persistent problems of LRSD. (“LRSD”) brought a desegregation lawsuit In the course of this struggle, the Little Rock School against the Pulaski County School District District blamed others for its failures and never addressed (“PCSSD“), North Little Rock School District (“NLRSD“) its own systemic shortcomings. While LRSD implemented and the State of Arkansas Board of Education. At that time, countless remedial programs as a part of the judicial settleLRSD was 70 percent black. Some whites had moved, ment, LRSD did not attend to the fundamental work of while others transferred to private schools. In an effort to the district. We stopped focusing on basic instruction, and desegregate itself, LRSD initiated the long-running case became an experimental facility for the latest and most which continues today. The case was settled by the parties appetizing remedial programs popular at the moment. It in 1989, and the balance of the litigation over the last 21 became acceptable for children to fail in the classroom, years or so has been about the parties’ performance of and the answer was not to change the classroom experithe settlement agreement. From the standpoint of both ence. The answer always was to find another remedial desegregation and test scores, the LRSD case and the program, spend millions to train and equip administracountless similar cases in other cities like Little Rock tors and teachers, try the program, evaluate the program, have been failures. After millions in attorney fees, and and move to the next one. LRSD continues to employ literally billions in desegregation payments, in 2010 hundreds of people who move from one program to the LRSD is right back where it started — about 70 percent next, with virtually nothing to show for it. If programs black. This is not a failure of the judicial system. All the were the answer, LRSD would be at the top of its class. courts ever required was that the parties live up to the Some help a little, and some help a few, but so far nothcontractual obligations that they undertook through a ing has really worked across the board. The programs voluntary settlement. The litigants, and the monitors, and that show the most promise are essentially expensive the school board failed our children by constantly fighting tutorial programs. and wasting resources, instead of working to improve the basic classroom learning environments of the students of greatest need. That failure continues today. the poor left behind The judicial process was necessary, I think, and LRSD hile all of this litigation and remediation certainly made some strides from the standpoint of civil was going on, many supporters tired of the rights, but was the lawsuit successful? Who won, and fight. The community at large was no longer who lost, and what have we gained? Tough questions, outraged by the results obtained by many students, or the • november 11, 2010 13
the “achievement gap” and fueling resentment by those whose children were not succeeding. Outrage in the black community grew. Demographic shifts occurred, and the school boards in these communities became majority black. This fact alone did little to solve the education problems. Unqualified superintendents were hired for political reasons. The downward spiral accelerated, with cities failing, economies collapsing, and city governments in fiscal distress. Little Rock has hung on longer and better than most other Southern cities. Nevertheless, the white-flight communities that prosper in Central Arkansas are here to stay. They now have major hospitals, large universities, art centers, parks, and unified school systems which are the focus and pride of the community. In Little Rock itself, private schools have been institutionalized and are now ingrained, enrolling thousands of upper-income students who otherwise would attend LRSD. The desegregation goals of the lawsuits were not achieved. The more discouraging fact is that overall black student achievement has not improved in any meaningful way. Some poor kids have made their ways through the system and have succeeded, but too many of the kids who needed the most ended up with the least. Middle- and upper-income black kids excel in LRSD, and that is no surprise. Still, too many others continue to fail.
of us. The Strategic Plan drafted under the excellent leadership of Jim Argue and Terence Bolden is a roadmap for meaningful change. It will take new leadership to implement this plan. The plan will work, but it will not be easy or painless. LRSD insiders know that change will be tough, and most insiders are stonewalling the Strategic Plan, hoping it will be shelved and forgotten. The Strategic Plan is as important in its origins as it is in its substance. It is the product of a broad-based, cooperative effort by a diverse group of dynamic, opinionated citizens. For example, both civil rights lawyer John Walker and Jay Chesshir, the director of the Little Rock Regional Chamber of Commerce, cooperated with many others to draft the plan. This was a very bold and constructive step. Both Walker and [former School Board President] Charles Armstrong were supportive of the plan and its implementation. These actions took tremendous courage, especially in the face of strong political pressure to ditch the plan and continue the present plan of inaction. Little Rock and LRSD will not succeed if we as a community do not take a different path. LRSD is awash in money, thanks to a high millage rate and extra money from the desegregation case and the federal stimulus funding. Money is not the problem. We have the resources, if we have the will.
roy brooks
an things change, and can the system be salvaged? Of course, but only if there is commitment by the school board and a new superintendent for deep and meaningful systemic change. Imagine a district with all of its administrative personnel in one location, with all of the efficiencies that come with such a move. Imagine a district with a superintendent who is a change agent — someone who seeks and builds excellence everywhere. Imagine a nimble, efficient system with very little middle management — a system that leads the state in starting
here is no need to rehash the events surrounding the buy-out of Roy Brooks, but some of the lessons of that experience could help Little Rock in the future. Little Rock started down the path of change and reform with the hiring of Dr. Brooks. He was admired by some, and vilified by others. The issues he raised, such as merit pay, administrative competence and cost, and teacher professionalism and competence, have not gone away. At some point, teacher pay in LRSD will be linked to performance if we expect to receive federal support, and if we want teachers to have higher compensation. Brooks got very few style points, but he was bold and innovative. He did not move well through all segments of the community, but he did not create these factions that continue to fight after his departure. By all accounts he was attentive to at least some parents, and he could galvanize some sections of the community. In the end, in a board room filled with parents and business leaders on one side, and union leaders and community activists on the other, Brooks was bought out and sent away because he would not move slowly and delicately. He would not cover for failing administrators, and he would not rationalize systemic failure. The teachers union disliked him, even though the union received a three-year contract under his leadership. I knew that his dismissal, whether warranted or not, was going to be a blow to LRSD. I offered a compromise that would have taken a year off his contract, allowed time for healing, and started the process of finding a successor. This compromise was dismissed by a majority of the board. In retrospect, LRSD was the biggest loser. These actions vaulted charter schools to the forefront, drove parents and students out, and eroded community support. The hiring of a replacement was perfunctory and preordained. This has not worked so far, and it won’t work in the future. We must work together. Hope remains the strongest human emotion for many 14 november 11, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES
we need a sea change
PROUD MOMENT: Kurrus, Central High Principal Nancy Rousseau and his daughter Sarah, 2006.
teacher salaries, and recruits the top teachers. Imagine a district where morale is high, and where people in other districts wish to work in order to learn how to succeed. It is possible, but not without a sea change in the attitudes of almost everyone in district administration. LRSD has some great people who are yearning for fair, enthusiastic leadership. Many are simply beaten down and tired of the infighting. LRSD unquestionably has some of the very best teachers anywhere, but union leadership needs to shift its focus. (I never understood why the union would not endorse my candidacy, even when I was unopposed, because I always worked for lower administrative costs and higher teacher salaries.) The construction of the new Don Roberts Elementary School is a vital link, to use Don Roberts’ own term, in a change process that could turn this district around. Imagine 350 to 400 new families with children in LRSD attending the school. That much is already happening. Imagine that these parents and their children decide to keep their children in the district in middle school, and they attend Forest Heights, Henderson, Dunbar and Mann. And then they go to Hall or another of our high schools. And imagine that the schools deliver the quality education that these parents demand. This could spur growth and change throughout LRSD.
new discrimination
ost people think Brown v. Board of Education was the bellwether desegregation case in our history. Today the more relevant and topical case is Sweatt v. Painter. In that case, the Supreme Court said that equal protection of the laws is not achieved through the indiscriminate imposition of inequalities. That, in a nutshell, is what we have today in Little Rock. We can pass the test of Brown, but we cannot pass the test of Painter. It is not racial discrimination any more. No matter your skin color, if you can wheedle your child into a good school, whether public, private or charter, you will get what you need. If a child is born to a situation without a strong advocate, that child will indiscriminately be educated in an environment that is designed to employ adults and meet their needs, rather than meet the needs of the child. It is morally wrong and awful, as Dr. King said from the Birmingham jail. I am not mad, bitter or cynical, and I am not quitting the fight. I don’t know what role I will play, but we all must do something constructive. I think the stakes are too high, and the potential rewards too great, to ever stop trying to make LRSD a better school district. For now, I will push this district to implement the Strategic Plan it adopted. This will require bold leadership and deep, systemic reform. It is possible if we have the courage to trust each other, to work together, and to change. I have not been to the mountaintop. I have been in the belly of a beast. The view from there has, at times, been mean and ugly. Several months ago I stood on stage at my son’s graduation. I handed him his diploma, just as I had done for his sisters when they graduated. As I watched the graduates file out, at a time of great celebration, my eyes welled with tears. I wondered then, as I have many times over the last few weeks, if I could have done more, or done better. When I think of the woman at the elementary school with her grandchildren, I know that there is certainly much more to be done.
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■ Arkansas Times once again presents its Readers’ Choice restaurant poll. ■ Yes, it’s time to cast votes in the state’s longestrunning annual assessment of the best places to eat in Arkansas. ■ Please list your favorite restaurant in all categories, both in the Little Rock area and in the rest of the state. Votes must be listed on this ballot and mailed to us. Faxes and photocopies will not be accepted. Our judges reserve the right to eliminate duplicated ballots. In other words: One ballot per person, please. ■ One rule we must stress: If you don’t specify the location or at least the town for restaurants with multiple outlets, your vote will not be counted. PLEASE LIST THE TOWN!
Mail ballot to: Readers' Choice Arkansas Times PO Box 34010 Little Rock, AR 72203-9717 Or vote on-line at readerschoice2011
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to the reader whose ballot is drawn at random, so include your name, address and phone number.
Best restaurants in the areas around Benton/Bryant___________________________ Conway _________________________________ Eureka Springs __________________________ Hot Springs ______________________________ Fayetteville/Springdale/Rogers/Bentonville ____________________________________________
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eye on ar k ansas
Editorial n Somebody asked what former Gov. Winthrop Rockefeller would do if he could look down from heaven and see so many fellow Republicans winning elections in Arkansas. He’d likely cry. First elected in 1966, the first Republican governor of Arkansas since Reconstruction, Rockefeller spent considerable time and money trying to build up the state party, with little success. Throughout his administration, and for many years thereafter, the Republicans elected only a handful of state legislators. The only other Republican elected statewide during the Rockefeller years was the lieutenant governor, an inconsequential office. In other Southern states meanwhile, politicians were fleeing the Democratic party in herds, desperate to catch the Republican wave sweeping over the region in reaction against civil rights laws and court decisions that national Democrats had supported. Over time, the water rose in Arkansas too — it became rather reliably Republican in presidential elections — but at the state and local levels, Democrats still occupied nearly all the offices. That changed on Nov. 2. Republicans will now hold almost half the seats in the state legislature. Only one Republican was in the six-member congressional delegation before; there’ll be four of them starting in January. Republicans won three of the state constitutional offices — lieutenant governor, secretary of state, and land commissioner — and they’d have won more if they’d fielded more candidates. A Republican lawyer in the attorney general’s race might have given the Republicans control of the board that draws new legislative and congressional boundaries, and with that, they could have inflicted even more wounds to the body politic. These are not your father’s Republicans, nor Rockefeller’s either. He didn’t know it, but the man who sought to contrive a formidable Arkansas Republican Party was himself the greatest obstacle. He was a liberal reformer, the most liberal Southern governor of his time, pro-integration and anti-death penalty. When people outside of Arkansas speak of that now-extinct creature, the Rockefeller Republican, they’re thinking of Nelson, the New York governor and sometime presidential candidate, but the younger brother, Winthrop, was a truer representative of progressive Republicanism. He attracted like-minded types, none of them in office now, all greatly out of step with their former party. Democrats who’d voted for Rockefeller because he was different from the segregationists and machine politicians who’d been running the state, returned to the Democratic Party when it fielded a progressive candidate of its own. He failed at building a party in his own image, but Rockefeller stunted the growth of the far-right, nasty-tempered, racist Republican faction that has prospered, is still prospering, in other Southern states. And now in Arkansas too. Dead nearly 40 years, he couldn’t hold them off any longer.
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16 november 11, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES
clay wells
Not his brand
FALL HAS ARRIVED: As evidenced by this photo of the sunrise over Roark Bluff on the Buffalo National River. Clay Wells submitted this photo to our Eye On Arkansas Flickr webpage.
Making sausage n I’ve written before about the Billionaire Boys Club — inheritors of great wealth like publisher Walter Hussman, Murphy Oil exec Claiborne Deming, Jackson T. Stephens Jr. and Sam Walton’s son, Jim, the Arvest banker — who have been pushing the so-called school reform movement. Luke Gordy, a hired lobbyist for the group, will tell you that the Billionaires’ legislative agenda includes improvement to teacher certification procedures. But the real push is for a bill to take the cap off charter schools allowed in Arkansas. The cap is now 24. There are 18 charter schools in operation, but the “reformers” want no limits, particularly in Pulaski County because of their animus toward the local school districts and union teachers there. No study has yet proved any educational magic in charter schools as a whole, the heart-tugging “Waiting for Superman” documentary notwithstanding. But money has won the war, including with President Obama, otherwise reviled by the billionaire businessmen. There will be more charter schools. That doesn’t mean there should not be robust debate about whether the number should be unlimited. Whether geographic distribution should be a factor. Whether violation of court desegregation orders should be considered. Whether charters should be permitted in localities itching to avoid consolidation of a small district or to flee children of an objectionable race. Billionaires don’t want to have this discussion. They want more charters and no strings. To achieve this goal, Jim Walton has been spreading his money around. His father famously prohibited use of monetary favors to influence Walmart business decisions. But Walton understands the legislature doesn’t operate by such a high ethical standard. He has contributed roughly $60,000 at last count, based on reports and what one of his lobbyists told me, to legislative candidates, the governor and the Arkansas Republican Party. He’s targeted several people who might serve on the House and Senate Education committees. His lobbyist, Burt Stacy, told
Max brantley
me a few weeks ago he was confident the Education Committee in the House would be solid, but the Senate could be more difficult. I later found out why. Republicans were offended that Stacy wouldn’t make a large contribution to the Senate Republican caucus. Walton prefers to make individual contributions, Stacy told me. Republicans also wanted some indication that Walton would look more often to bring the caucus to the table on other legislative issues. This, too, apparently was viewed as presumptuous. Republicans were so unhappy with Stacy’s response they threatened to not seek Education Committee assignments. A key Republican told me in no uncertain terms that Republicans were offended by the Walton effort to buy influence. As late as the day before Senate organization last week, a Republican insider was predicting that only one Republican would choose the Education Committee. Before the day was over, however, four had signed up. Did Walton promise to fork over more money or be more solicitous of Republican feelings? Did Republicans simply realize the futility of standing up to a Walton? Financial reports and time will tell. Stacy says his work is only about helping people “who are for better education.” The problem, of course, is that there are many different and contentious ideas to achieve that noble goal. The dickering with legislators is easier to characterize. A lobbyist made campaign contributions in hopes of future support. Several Republican legislators didn’t think the initial offer was high enough. Something appears to have made the lobbyist’s overtures more palatable, judging by heightened interest in previously unexciting education committee service. You can apply a lot of words to this, but “reform” isn’t one of them.
The villain Pelosi n Somewhere in America, maybe even in Arkansas, there was a Republican candidate for something, justice of the peace maybe, who did not run against Nancy Pelosi or at least take her name in vain. Tim Griffin, Rick Crawford, Steve Womack, Beth Ann Rankin — all of them were going to Washington to stand up to Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House, as if that were something that required either honor or special valor. For that matter, so did Mike Ross, the South Arkansas Democrat, even though he had profited from the speaker’s beneficence and her tolerance when he quailed on every controversial issue. Ross, one of a handful of Blue Dog Democrats to survive the rout on Nov. 2, announced last week that he would not vote for Pelosi for minority leader or for any leadership position. “I have always been committed to favoring compromise and bipartisanship over ideology and party discipline. I have never answered to any party leader and I never will.” Does that sound gutsy? Ross knows he need not worry about repercussions. Pelosi told the Blue Dogs that if they needed to run against her to get re-elected they should do it. Contrary to the image cast by Republicans she is no tyrant. As Ross
Ernest Dumas knows, no one suffers by betraying Nancy Pelosi’s leadership. Every political movement needs a villain. Someone had to replace the frail and dying Ted Kennedy as the archfiend of politics and Pelosi was perfect. She was from liberal San Francisco, an ItalianAmerican, the first woman in history to lead either house of Congress and a septuagenarian who still strives to keep fit and attractive (vanity, you see). Work on the Pelosi image began immediately when Democrats elected her speaker in 2007 and Ted Kennedy was made saintly by cancer, no longer a useful foil for congressional candidates. (“Why, Senator Bumpers voted with Ted Kennedy 89 percent of the time.”) The Internet was rife with tales of Pelosi arrogance, extravagance and scurrilous statements that she supposedly made somewhere. She became the object of more urban legends than any politician in history. She was hosting wild parties in Air Force jets across the country and around the world with
An idea for our newly muscular GOP n Today I wish to provide a little history for the flood of new Republican state legislators soon to invade Little Rock. This lesson is offered in the spirit of cooperation and in the interest of good government. Some might call these lemons, meaning these new caucuses of 44 Republicans in the 100-member House and 15 Republicans in the 35-member Senate. But lemons provide lemonade. And there is less innate partisan polarization at the state level than nationally. So the history: Early in my days as an opinion columnist, which takes us back to the late 1980s and the Arkansas Gazette, I adopted as a bit of a cause the need for ethics reform in the state Legislature. The need was dire indeed. The state lacked even a basic lobbying disclosure law by which registered lobbyists would make public accounting of the money they spent freely and sometimes lavishly to wine, dine and otherwise influence and underwrite voting members of the General Assembly. Then-Gov. Bill Clinton, not lacking political savvy, took the cause and ran
John brummett
with it. He called a special legislative session to put restrictions — public disclosure requirements, mainly — on lobbyist spending. Clinton’s ethics reform bill passed the House. But it got heavy-handedly blocked in the Senate State Agencies Committee by the chairman, felon-to-be Nick Wilson. There was a young state senator at the time named Mike Beebe and he tangled with Wilson on that point and others. Beebe’s ever-moderate position was that he favored ethics legislation that would emphasize disclosure rather than prohibition — a statute that would not outlaw activities but deter them by the hammer of public disclosure. So Clinton, in the middle of a four-year term, led a campaign to get signatures and refer lobbyist disclosure to the voters as an initiated act. It passed overwhelmingly, of course, as a good-government issue
family members and congressmen and with pricey liquor paid for by taxpayers. (Unlike her successor, John Boehner, who finishes every day in the bar, Pelosi does not drink.) If a Republican or a Fox commentator spoke of Pelosi, it was always with condescension and smirk. Lots of people, maybe most of them, grew to despise the hateful Nancy Pelosi. They just didn’t know exactly why. So Ross said last week that he wanted House Democrats to choose different leaders, people presumably who will not try to do anything to address the manifold problems of the country. He favored compromise. That, of course, has been Nancy Pelosi’s strength. It made her the most successful congressional leader since Sam Rayburn. Her four years actually have been more productive than Rayburn’s 17 years because half his tenure was under the Republican Dwight Eisenhower, a kindred liberal but cautious to a fault. We need a universal health insurance system like Social Security, Ike said, but let’s wait for a better time to do it. The propaganda has made Pelosi a political liability for him, but Ross in his heart knows that she is the most adept leader either party has known in his lifetime. Congress and the president many times have reached a consensus that the country needed to find a way to insure medical attention for everyone — under Kennedy, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Clinton and Obama in his lifetime — but only Pelosi could work out the compromises
in the always fractured Democratic caucus to get it done. The process was unsavory, mainly in the Senate, and it was the most conservative plan ever put forward, but it will one day be as popular as Medicare and Social Security. Although Ross shied away from them more often than not, Pelosi built coalitions to enact some of the most important reforms in the past quarter-century, restructuring Wall Street to reduce the chances of a reprise of the financial collapse, expansion of the Children’s Health Care Program, equal pay for women, a GI bill for Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans, reform of the student loan system that ends $87 billion in subsidies for big banks and makes college education more affordable for students, bold new protections for credit-card holders, a stimulus bill that saved jobs and financed major public works in South Arkansas (Pelosi thought a bigger bill was needed but she put together the coalition that passed the small one). Yes, she passed the hated energy conservation bill that would today, if the Senate could have passed it, be creating clean-energy jobs, improving national security and postponing the world’s environmental crisis. All of them were good for people in the Fourth District, and Ross sometimes found himself in those coalitions. He will one day be able to brag about a few of those things to his grandchildren. As for the rest, he need only smile and say that yes, I was there and Nancy Pelosi was a friend of mine.
always will when the voters get a shot at it. Clinton went on to some reasonable success. That’s the history lesson. The context is that we still confront a dire need for ethics reform in our legislative culture and that this influx of Republicans provides an opportunity. Yes, lobbyists must make general disclosures now. But they have found ways to skirt requirements, mainly by sharing expenses to get below reporting thresholds. More to the basic point, lobbyists continue to curry favor by feting legislators who have resisted as somehow impractical the occasional calls, from here and elsewhere, for an outright ban on any lobbyist expenditure in behalf of a legislator — a Walmart Rule, as it is known. If Walmart’s integrity requires that a buyer not accept even a cup of coffee from a vendor, then why does our state government’s integrity not similarly require that a legislator be barred from accepting even a cup of coffee from a lobbyist? It’s not impractical. It’s inconvenient. We need to close the revolving door by which legislators in the term limits era can make laws one day in behalf of a business interest that can reward them with hiring as lobbyists the next day. It also has become apparent that
we need tighter controls on legislative expenses, both in what legislators claim for conference fees and travel and in expense reimbursements for visits to the Capitol that they either did not need to make or did not, in truth, actually make. Our newly muscular Republican minorities in the state Legislature could make good use of themselves — and do themselves a world of good politically — by championing real and meaningful ethics reform. They could put the onus on Beebe, who needs to use this occasion of his second and last term to consider a legacy that perhaps would transcend mere effectiveness. Maybe it is time in Beebe’s political life for him to move past disclosure and into prohibition. If the Democrats decline to go along, Republicans could always turn to their own initiated act and enjoy the convenience of soaring to their next term on the wings of their good-government ballot initiative. I always said we needed fewer Republicans in the White House and more Republicans in the statehouse. Let us see if that is so, at least in regard to the second part. John Brummett is a columnist and reporter for Stephens Media’s Arkansas News Bureau. You can read additional Brummett columns in The Times of North Little Rock. • november 11, 2010 17
It’s the return of the annual Arkansas Times Musicians Showcase as performers compete for an array of prizes. All acts who have at least four songs of original material are encouraged to enter. All styles are welcome. Semifinalists will compete throughout January, February and March at Sticky Fingerz and Revolution. Weekly winners will then face off in the finals in March.
Check out for information on how to enter online and upload your files. Door prizes will be given away to fans in attendance!
arts entertainment
brian chilson
This week in
David Allen Coe to Hog’s Breath Page 20
One-man Star Wars at Hendix Page 21
to-do list
ROSES ON WRIGHT AVENUE: Garbo Hearne (above) admires a C.E. Porter painting; Henry Tanner’s work (right) shows European influence.
Out O of the woods Hearne makes history with 19th century landscapes.
By Leslie Newell Peacock
ne artist couldn’t go to his own opening because his mother was black. One sold his paintings door-to-door for food. Another was inspired by a newspaper article that said black folks couldn’t paint. A fourth, born into affluence, ended his career in France, where he was seen as an artist, not a black man. Robert Scott Duncanson (1821-1872), Edward Mitchell Bannister (1828-1901), Charles Ethan Porter (1847-1923) and Henry Ossawa Tanner (1859-1937) are painters whose names are familiar to art historians and collectors. They will be better known to students and the community after Hearne Fine Art opens the exhibit “Pioneers of the Paint: Masters of the 19th Century,” Friday at the gallery at 1001 Wright Ave.
Hearne, who moved her gallery from the River Market district to a downtown neighborhood to be more involved in that community, has assembled dozens of paintings by the four African-American artists of the 19th century with the help of a New York collector and dealer. Though she’s previously focused on contemporary African-American artists in her gallery, which she’s operated with her husband, Archie Hearne, for 22 years, Hearne decided to mount this exhibit as a kind of beginning: For her gallery, which she wants to be seen as a “serious gallery of quality works,” and an awareness of African-American artists who, despite their circumstances, were among the best painters of their time. Continued on page 24 • november 11, 2010 19
■ to-dolist by John Tarpley
T H U R S D AY 1 1 / 1 1
6 p.m., Ozark Folk Center Auditorium. $20-$55.
n Twice a year since 2003, folk traditionalists and bluegrass sticklers the region over have taken to the Ozark Folk Center for a three-day pick ’n’ grin of pure bluegrass. Place an emphasis on that “pure.” Case in point: In 2007, the festival saw its own “Dylan goes electric” debacle that saw progressive, Death Cab for Cutiecovering act Blue Cadillac dwindle a crowd of 600 into the double digits and ended with the act getting booted from the festival after the first of five scheduled sets. But fear not: This year’s celebration stays faithful to authentic hill music. Thursday, as always, kicks off the festival with an all-gospel night, this year featuring The Link Family, a nine-piece family affair, as well as Paul Williams, the venerable, mandolin-strumming elder who, for years, played with the “king of bluegrass” Jimmy Martin in the Sunny Mountain Boys. Friday features the father-and-daughters trio of Posey Hill, bayou-grass outfit Louisiana Grass and decades-long veterans of the bluegrass circuit Lost and Found, while Saturday highlights the Grammy-nominated Blue Highway as well as Hickory Hill, which recently celebrated its 30th year of pickin’ and singin’. In addition to the round robin inside the auditorium, you can count on a flood of jam sessions outside, under what’s shaping up to be a gorgeous — dare we say harmonious — weekend in the Ozarks. Concerts begin on Friday and Saturday at noon. Tickets are $20 per day or $55 for the weekend.
SOUL NITE: “NORTH VS. SOUTH” EDITION 9:30 p.m., White Water Tavern.
n There’s a great scene in “Wonder Boys” — the novel and its movie adaptation — that leaves me shrill with envy every time. It’s the setting that gets me: a dingy, yellowing club in a crumbling pocket of Philadelphia where watered-down Dickel whiskey is the usual and the speakers are full of deep cuts from the house’s collection of soul 45s, requests dialed into a payphone off of the dance floor and cued up by an operator behind plate glass. As far as we know, there’s nothing like it in Central Arkansas, but twice a year, White Water Tavern does the trick with its Soul Nite dance parties. This time around, the dance floor turns into a battleground when 20 november 11, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES
IF HE AIN’T COUNTRY: ...he’ll hare lip the pope, as the song goes. And whatever that means. Outlaw country’s wildest guitar-slinger, David Allan Coe, plays the new Hog’s Breath Grill on opening day of modern gun season, this Saturday. the beat-heavy sounds of Southern soul, provided by local soul music brainiac DJ Seth Baldy, face off against the melodic “stonking” tunes of Northern soul, manned by, well, me, in my first time DJ’ing the party. But self-advertisement this ain’t; I’m an old, evangelical devotee of the bar’s dance nights whether I’m behind the DJ booth or not. So come shimmy. Or tell me I suck. Also, all proceeds go towards a prostate cancer fund.
F R I D AY 1 1 / 1 2
8:30 p.m., The Village. $15
n “Wub wub wub wub wuub wuub bwub wubwuub.” Dubstep: It sounds like Super Mario time warping on whippets. It’s all the craze for the dance kids, and AC Slater, the jet-setting Brooklynite, is watching his DJ stock rise thanks to his special, electro-heavy wub wub bwuub wubbery. The knob-twiddler is racking up the lion’s share of blog love as well as flooding the Internet with remixes and releasing a string of ready-to-party DJ sets on his website. This weekend brings him to the stage in The Village before taking off on a weekslong tour of European clubs.
S AT U R D AY 1 1 / 1 3
10 p.m., Hog’s Breath Grill. $20 adv., $25 d.o.s.
n In the world of outlaw country, Johnny
BROTHERS IN ARMS (AND AMPS): Upstate New York roots revivalists The Felice Brothers bring their critically-acclaimed, internationally renowned Americana to Sticky Fingerz for a hugely anticipated show this Sunday at Sticky Fingerz. Cash is revered as the village elder; Willie Nelson, the wide-eyed neighborhood hippie; Kris Kristofferson, the cool uncle; and David Allan Coe? He’s the grizzled, raw-mouthed sociopath in the woods with a thousand ways to tell you to eat shit and die. All tattoos and nasty attitude with a death-row pedigree to match, Coe is heading into his 71st year with just as many releases under his name. He has a reputation as a hell-raising, songwriting machine that’s made him a bona fide country music icon and living legend for ’necks. The outlaw behind “You Never Even Called Me by My Name” (and a few notorious songs liable to get you stabbed if you dare say them out loud) plays the new Hog’s Breath Grill off I-30 on the southern tip of Little Rock — on the opening day of modern gun deer season, no less.
S UNDAY 1 /1 4
THE FELICE BROTHERS 8:30 p.m., Sticky Fingerz. $10 adv., $12 d.o.s.
n Around the 0:35 mark of “Hey Hey Revolver,” a wobbly, melancholic dirge off The Felice Brothers’ third album, the song goes silent for a split second before cueing back up with the sound of thunder in the left channel. As it happened, Mother Nature was so pleased with what she heard in the roots revivalists’ new sessions that she high-fived the decrepit studio with a bolt of lightning. And that’s just the type of organic alchemy that’s churned out by The Felice Brothers, made up of the three brothers Felice and a 22-year-old former traveling dice thrower. Through the band’s
with “Hamlet” at The Rep and “Wicked” at Robinson. Admittedly, these are two plays that will probably never be brought to life on the Murry’s Dinner Playhouse stage, but isn’t that one of the reasons why the low-lit, tucked-away building that houses Murry’s is such an endearing Little Rock institution? This week, Murry’s debuts its latest play, “Boeing Boeing,” the classic farce about a successful architect juggling three fiancees, all international flight attendants. It’s been adapted into a number of films (including a Jerry Lewis/ Tony Curtis classic), was recently revived on Broadway and, for decades, has been considered France’s largest contribution to comedic theater. The play runs through New Year’s Eve.
WE DNE SDAY 1 1 /1 7
‘ONE MAN STAR WARS’ 8 p.m., Staples Auditorium, Hendrix College. Free.
THE MOST INTERESTING MAN IN THE WORLD: Travel-writing iconoclast Bill Bryson spins yarns long and rich at the Walton Arts Center in Fayetteville this Monday night. thread of seven albums (released in five years!), the four-piece has become one of the most-vaulted creators of whiskey and pain pills country, earning legions of fans in America and embraced by the Brits and their insatiable appetite for everything rustic and rural. The upstate New Yorkers are joined by Adam Haworth Stephens, the folk/blues melody maker best known for his time as one half of Saddle Creek Records duo Two Gallants.
trip through time.
TUESDAY 1 1 /1 6
6 p.m., Murry’s Dinner Playhouse. $22-$30.
n As Werner Trieschmann pointed out in this week’s issue (page 25), Little Rock is currently jam-packed with amazing theater
n It’s not something I’m proud of: I never got Star Wars. Sure, I saw the re-releases and I bought the VHS box set as a kid. I watched them with the understanding of “I should like this, so I’ll keep trying,” but it just never clicked. So I can’t differentiate between “One Man Star Wars” being “the most annoying thing ever” as opposed to “something that annoys the hell out of me, especially.” Here’s what I see: a grown man aping Robin Williams’ exhausted ADHD schtick, over-acting every character between Tattooine and the Death Star, whistling the score and ignoring the timetested number one rule of comic acting: Never, ever act like you’re funny. Then again, I’m missing out on some pretty vital pre-reqs to appreciate this whole one-man carnival. I do know this though: “Star Wars” fans, don’t miss this. And if “One Man Inglourious Basterds” ever happens, please call me.
M O N D AY 1 1 / 1 5
7 p.m., Baum Walker Hall, Walton Arts Center . $34-$48
n “The Thunderbolt Kid” certainly did well for himself, didn’t he? Little Billy Bryson, the over-imaginative kid from Des Moines who relied on his own creative willpower to force through rugged terrains and exotic places, grew up to be the inquisitive, ever-curious Bill Bryson, the world’s most beloved, accessible travel writer, linguist and lovably ultra-amateur scientist. He’s the face of the liberal arts and, as The Guardian so succinctly described, “the Frank Capra of American letters.” All cherubic and humble in spite of his superpowered brain, Bryson has a way turning questions about, say, “why men have a row of useless buttons on their suit jacket sleeves” into a loose-fitting, belly-laughing
■ inbrief
n Austin transplant Andrew Anderson has fast established himself as one of (if not the) alt-country upstarts to keep an eye on thanks to his keen ear for melodies and his mind-boggling guitar prowess; he plays a free show at Maxine’s, 8 p.m. Director of guitar studies at the University of Arkansas Michael Carenbauer runs everything from Bach to The Beatles though his classical guitar techniques at Laman Library, 7 p.m., free. If rough-edged Red Dirt Country is more your speed, the Mike McClure Band brings a dose of mud pit swagger to Revolution, 9 p.m., $5 general admission, $10 for those under 21. For the lounge set, the Dr. Rex Bell Jazz Trio offers a night of piano-driven jazz at The Afterthought, 8 p.m., $5. The Rep’s acclaimed production of “Hamlet” enters its final weekend with a Thursday night performance at 8 p.m., $20-$40. Ditto for the Broadway tour of “Wicked,” housed at the Robinson Center Music Hall, 7:30 p.m., $39-$140.
FRIDAY 11/12
n No stranger to the smoky Midtown Billiards corner stage, Josephus and the George Jonestown Massacre returns to Little Rock’s infamous latenight bar, 12:30 a.m., $8 non-members. White Water Tavern hosts a riff-heavy night of local bar rock from Little Rock supergroups Wicked Good and Sweet Eagle, 10 p.m. Acoustic singer/songwriters abound this Friday night with Chris Henry holding down Grumpy’s, 9 p.m., free; Dayton Waters at Markham Street Grill & Pub, 9 p.m.; Grayson Shelton at Cregeen’s, 8:30 p.m., free; and Shannon McClung performing at Flying Saucer, 9 p.m. “Dog Sees God” returns to satirize the “Peanuts” gang for a second weekend at The Weekend Theater, 7:30 p.m., $14.
R2-D2 AND YOU: Actor/comedian Charlie Ross, who saw “Star Wars: A New Hope” 400 times before his 10th birthday, turns his obsession into a one-man show, reenacting the entire film Wednesday night at Hendrix College.
n Known nationwide for his mastery of the clarinet, Robert Spring gives a recital at the University of Central Arkansas’s Snow Fine Arts Center, 7:30 p.m. White Water Tavern goes hard and heavy with a night of metal from local heroes Rwake, New York hardcore outfit Story of the Eye and sludge metal psychedelia from Pallbearer, 10 p.m. Acoustic blues and soul duo Brown Soul Shoes play the hits at Markham Street Grill and Pub, 9 p.m. And, as always, Discovery brings out the clubbers with music from radio favorite Kramer in the lobby, Lydia Prim in the techno room and DJ g-force spinning in the club’s new hip-hop level, 10 p.m., $10. • november 11, 2010 21
All events are in the Greater Little Rock area unless otherwise noted. To place an event in the Arkansas Times calendar, please e-mail the listing and all pertinent information, including date, time, location, price and contact information, to
SONGS OF THE NIGHT, Y’ALL: Maxine’s in Hot Springs hosts a night of melodic, Southern gothic indie rock this Friday when the NPR-praised, Lubbock-based Thrift Store Cowboys (above) take stage alongside Little Rock’s hyper-literate goosebump summoners in Adam Faucett & the Tall Grass. Show is at 8 p.m., cover $5.
strategist as part of the “Bless the Mic” speaker series. Philander Smith College, 7 p.m. 900 W. Daisy L. Gatson Bates Drive.
Jay Jennings. The sports reporter and Little Rock native discusses his new book, “Carry the Rock: Race, Football, and the Soul of an American City.” Terry Library, 6:30 p.m., free. 2015 Napa Valley Drive.
Brian and Nick. Thirst n’ Howl, 9 p.m. 14710 Cantrell Road. 501-379-8189. www.tnhrocks. com. Brown Sole Shoes. Cornerstone Pub & Grill, 9 p.m. 314 Main St., NLR. 501-374-1782. cstonepub. com.
an t
22 november 11, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES
Pre-New Year Sale GoiNG oN Now!
yo u r s p a lose re
“Brides Across America.” A Fitting Image participates in the nationwide program to donate designer bridal gowns to military brides. For more information, visit A Fitting Image. 9816 N. Rodney Parham Rd., NLR. “Introduction to Family Tree Maker.” A guided introduction to Family Tree Maker genealogy software. Arkansas Studies Institute, 6 p.m., free. 401 President Clinton Ave. 501-320-5792. Barbara Arnwine. The director of the Lawyer’s Committee for Civil Rights speaks during the Arkansas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty annual banquet. Our Lady of the Holy Souls Catholic Church, 6 p.m., $15-25. 1003 N. Tyler St. Leslie Sanchez. The former CNN Republican
Bushdog (headliner), Some Guy Named Robb (happy hour). Cajun’s Wharf, 5:30 and 9 p.m., $5 after 8:30 p.m. 2400 Cantrell Road. 501-375-5351. Chris Henry. Grumpy’s Too, 9 p.m., free. 1801 Green Mountain Drive. 501-225-9650. Dayton Waters. Markham Street Grill And Pub, 9 p.m. 11321 W. Markham St. 501-224-2010. www. DJ AC Slater. The Village, 8:30 p.m., $15. 3915 S. University Ave. 501-570-0300. DJ Ja’Lee. Sway, 5 p.m., $5. 412 Louisiana. 501-907-2582. Goose, Ryan Burton, Ty Mayfield. Vino’s, 8 p.m., $7. 923 W. Seventh St. 501-375-8466. www. Grayson Shelton. Cregeen’s Irish Pub, 9 p.m. 301 Main St., NLR. 501-376-7468. www.cregeens. com.
JR Brow. The Loony Bin, Nov. 12, 8 and 10:30 p.m.; Nov. 13, 7, 9 and 11 p.m., $6-$9. 10301 N. Rodney Parham Road. www.loonybincomedy. com.
Haunted Evening Tour. A two-hour tour of locations said to be the city’s most haunted and a visit with paranormal investigators. Visit for more information. MacArthur Museum of Arkansas Military History, through Dec. 3: 7 p.m., $25. 503 E. 9th St. 376-4602. www. LGBTQ/SGL Youth and Young Adult Group. Diverse Youth for Social Change is a group for LGBTQ/SGL and Straight Ally Youth and Young Adults age 14 to 23. For more information, call 244-9690 or search “DYSC” on Facebook. 800 Scott St., 6:30 p.m. 800 Scott St.
“Lord Save Us From Your Followers.” Faulkner County Library, 6 p.m., free. 1900 Tyler St., Conway. 501-327-7482.
Andrew Anderson. Maxine’s, 8 p.m., free. 700 Central Ave., Hot Springs. D-Mite and Tho’d Studios Showcase. Cornerstone Pub & Grill, 9 p.m. 314 Main St., NLR. 501-374-1782. J-One Presents: “In Too Deep.” Deep Ultra Lounge, 9 p.m. 322 President Clinton Ave. Jennifer Hayghe, pianist. The Juilliard-trained pianist performs in ASU’s Riceland Hall-Fowler Center. Arkansas State University, 7:30 p.m. Jonesboro, Jonesboro. Jim Dickerson. Sonny Williams’ Steak Room, 7 p.m. 500 President Clinton Ave. 501-324-2999. Jim King Open Mic. Vino’s, 8 p.m. 923 W. Seventh St. 501-375-8466. www.vinosbrewpub. com. Michael Carenbauer, guitarist. Laman Library, 7 p.m. 2801 Orange St., NLR. 501-758-1720. Mike McClure Band. Revolution, 9 p.m., $5 adv., $10 d.o.s. 300 President Clinton Ave. 501-8230090. “Posh.” Clear Channel Metroplex, 9 p.m., $5 early admission. 10800 Colonel Glenn Road. Dr. Rex Bell and Co. Jazz. The Afterthought, 8 p.m., $5. 2721 Kavanaugh Blvd. 501-663-1196. Soul Dance Party with DJs Seth Baldy and JT Tarpley. White Water Tavern, 10 p.m. 2500 W. 7th. 501-375-8400. Ted Ludwig Trio. Capital Bar and Grill, 5 p.m., free. 111 W. President Clinton Ave. 501-374-7474. Tragikly White (headliner), Richie Johnson (happy hour). Cajun’s Wharf, 5:30 and 9 p.m., $5 after 8:30 p.m. 2400 Cantrell Road. 501-375-5351. Uncle Lucius. Sticky Fingerz Rock ‘n’ Roll Chicken Shack, 9:30 p.m., $7. 107 Commerce St. 501-372-7707. “V.I.P. Thursdays.” Sway, 9:30 p.m. 412 Louisiana. 501-907-2582.
Harding University Jazz Band presents “Music of the Greatest Generation.” All proceeds go to the Humane Society of Searcy. Searcy High School, 7 p.m., $8. 301 N Ella St, Searcy. Jeff Coleman. Sonny Williams’ Steak Room, Nov. 12-13, 7 p.m. 500 President Clinton Ave. 501-3242999. Josephus and the George Jonestown Massacre. Midtown Billiards, Nov. 13, 12:30 a.m., $8 non-members. 1316 Main St. 501-372-9990‚Äé. Karla Case and Keith Powell. Reno’s Argenta Cafe, 9 p.m. 312 N. Main St., NLR. 501-376-2900. Mr. Happy. Fox And Hound, 10 p.m. 2800 Lakewood Village, NLR. 501-753-8300. PG-13. West End Smokehouse and Tavern, 10 p.m., $5. 215 N. Shackleford. 501-224-7665. www. Poison’d; Red, White and Crue. Revolution, 9 p.m., $10. 300 President Clinton Ave. 501-8230090. Shannon McClung. Flying Saucer, 9 p.m., $3. 323 President Clinton Ave. 501-372-7468. www. Sweet Eagle, Wicked Good. White Water Tavern, 10 p.m. White Water Tavern, 10 p.m. 2500 W. 7th. 501-375-8400. The Ted Ludwig Trio. Capital Bar and Grill, 9 p.m. 111 W. President Clinton Ave. 501-374-7474. Thompson Square. Juanita’s, 9 p.m., $10. 1300 S. Main St. 501-372-1228. Thrift Store Cowboys, Adam Faucett and the Tall Grass. Maxine’s, 8 p.m., $5. 700 Central Ave., Hot Springs. Through the Looking Glass, 3-D Arcade, Your Favorite Dance. Soundstage, 7 p.m., $8. 1008 Oak St., Conway. Tonya Leeks & Co. The Afterthought, 9 p.m., $7. 2721 Kavanaugh Blvd. 501-663-1196. www. Tragikly White. Sticky Fingerz Rock ‘n’ Roll Chicken Shack, 9:30 p.m., $5. 107 Commerce St. 501-372-7707. Typhoid Mary. Denton’s Trotline, 9 p.m. 2150 Congo Road, Benton. 501-315-1717.
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Bob Spring, clarinetist. University of Central Arkansas, Snow Fine Arts Center Recital Hall, 7:30 p.m. 201 Donaghey Ave., Conway. Brenda & Ellis. The Afterthought, 9 p.m., $7. 2721 Kavanaugh Blvd. 501-663-1196. Brown Sole Shoes. Markham Street Grill And Pub, 9 p.m. 11321 W. Markham St. 501-224-2010. The Curse Follows, Still Reign, Poisonwood. Vino’s, 8 p.m., $7. 923 W. Seventh St. 501-3758466. Chris Henry. Flying Saucer, 10 p.m., $3. 323 President Clinton Ave. 501-372-7468. DJ Ja’Lee. Sway, 5 p.m., $5. 412 Louisiana.
UpcOMiNg EVENTS Concert tickets through Ticketmaster by phone at 975-7575 or online at unless otherwise noted. NOV. 19: Brad Paisley. 7:30 p.m., Verizon Arena. 800-745-3000, Nov. 20: Rev. Horton Heat with Split Lip Rayfield. 9 p.m., $25. Juanita’s, 1300 S. Main St. 372-1288, Nov. 20: Kurt Vile. White Water Tavern, 2500 W. 7th. 375-8400, Nov. 22: Ken Stringfellow. White Water Tavern, 2500 W. 7th. 375-8400, whitewatertavern. Dec. 3: Old 97s. 9 p.m., $16 adv., $18 d.o.s. Revolution, 300 President Clinton Ave. 823-0090, Dec. 7: Michael Buble. 8 p.m., $51.50$91.50. Verizon Arena. 800-745-3000, Dec. 7: Sweet Eagle CD release show. White Water Tavern, 2500 W. 7th. 375-8400, Dec. 9: T-Model Ford. White Water Tavern, 2500 W. 7th. 375-8400, Dec. 18: Trans-Siberian Orchestra. 3 p.m. and 8 p.m., $27-$63. Verizon Arena. 800-7453000, Dec. 23: The Big Cats. White Water Tavern, 2500 W. 7th. 375-8400, 501-907-2582. The Fowler Family. Women’s Progressive Club, 2:30 p.m., free. 333 Merriman St., Wynne. Jeff Coleman. Sonny Williams’ Steak Room, 7 p.m. 500 President Clinton Ave. 501-324-2999. Jet 420 (headliner), Greg Madden (happy hour). Cajun’s Wharf, 5:30 and 9 p.m., $5 after 8:30 p.m. 2400 Cantrell Road. 501-375-5351. www. Karaoke at Khalil’s. Khalil’s Pub, 7 p.m. 110 S. Shackleford Road. 501-224-0224. Kirk Anderton. Reno’s Argenta Cafe, 9 p.m. 312 N. Main St., NLR. 501-376-2900. Kramer (lobby); Lydia Prim (techno); g-force (hip-hop room); Veronica Duvall, Whitney Paige, Dominique Sanchez (theater). Discovery Nightclub, 10 p.m., $10. 1021 Jessie Road. 501-664-4784. Lyle Dudley. Cregeen’s Irish Pub, 9 p.m. 301 Main St., NLR. 501-376-7468. Number Two With Me and Hugh. Midtown Billiards, Nov. 14, 12:30 a.m., $8 non-members. 1316 Main St. 501-372-9990‚Äé. The Road Beyond, Atlantis, Virtues, Theater Breaks Loose. Soundstage, 7 p.m., $8. 1008 Oak St., Conway. Rwake, Story of the Eye, Pallbearer. White Water Tavern, 10 p.m. 2500 W. 7th. 501-375-8400. The Ted Ludwig Trio. Capital Bar and Grill, 9 p.m. 111 W. President Clinton Ave. 501-374-7474. The Gettys. Revolution, 8:30 p.m., $5. 300 President Clinton Ave. 501-823-0090. revroom. com. Toed Pete. West End Smokehouse and Tavern, 10 p.m., $5. 215 N. Shackleford. 501-224-7665. Tumbledown, Damn Bullets, The Ben Miller Band. Maxine’s, 8 p.m., $7. 700 Central Ave., Hot Springs. Typhoid Mary. Fox And Hound, 10 p.m. 2800 Lakewood Village, NLR. 501-753-8300. Whiskey Myers, Cody Ives Band. Sticky Fingerz Rock ‘n’ Roll Chicken Shack, 9 p.m., $7. 107 Commerce St. 501-372-7707.
JR Brow. The Loony Bin, 7, 9 and 11 p.m., $6-$9. 10301 N. Rodney Parham Road.
Arkansas Sustainability Network Preview Party and Dinner. The local food organization debuts its 2010 calendar and offers an Italian dinner. RSVP to Christ Episcopal Church, 6 p.m., $15. 509 Scott St. 501-375-2342. Central Arkansas Library System “Centennial Celebration.” CALS celebrates its 100th year with food, cocktails, live jazz, auctions and raffles. Visit for more information. Main Library, 6:30 p.m., $25 adv., $40 d.o.s. 100 S. Rock St. Clinton Center 6th Anniversary. The Clinton Presidential Center celebrates its 6th anniversary with free tours and acoustiguides. Clinton Presidential Center, 9 a.m. p.m., free. 1200 President Clinton Avenue. 370-8000. Falun Gong meditation. Allsopp Park, 9 a.m., free. Cantrell and Cedar Hill Roads.
“Climax” with Cruise Control, Mike Blaze, DJ Swagger. Ernie Biggs, 9 p.m. 307 Clinton Ave. 501-372-4782. Doug Wilhite, For Which It Stands, K.W. Hoffman, Kunuu. Juanita’s, 5 p.m., $9 adv., $12 d.o.s. 1300 S. Main St. 501-372-1228. www. The Felice Brothers, Adam Haworth Stephens. Sticky Fingerz Rock ‘n’ Roll Chicken Shack, 8:30 p.m., $10 adv., $12 d.o.s. 107 Commerce St. 501-372-7707. www.stickyfingerz. com. The Stardust Big Band. Arlington Hotel, 3 p.m., $8. 239 Central Ave., Hot Springs. 501-623-7771. “Sunday Funday” dance party. Sticky Fingerz Rock ‘n’ Roll Chicken Shack. 107 Commerce St. 501-372-7707. Sunday Jazz Brunch with Ted Ludwig and Joe Cripps. Vieux Carre, 11 a.m. 2721 Kavanaugh Blvd. 501-663-1196.
Holiday in the Heights. The Heights neighborhood ushers in the holiday season with shopping, strolling and family events. For more information, visit “Night of Lights.” The annual National Commemorative Candle Lighting Service, held every November in recognition of National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month. Second Presbyterian Church, 8 p.m. 600 Pleasant Valley Dr.
Central Arkansas Roller Derby. The Little Rock Rock-n-Renegades open their doors for an expo bout. Admission is two canned goods, for Arkansas Foodbank Network. For more information, call 758-9269 or visit Skate World, 5 p.m. 6512 Mabelvale Cut Off.
Husband & Wife, Free Micah. Sticky Fingerz Rock ‘n’ Roll Chicken Shack, 8:30 p.m., $5. 107 Commerce St. 501-372-7707. www.stickyfingerz. com. Monday Night Jazz with Kevin Owen, Joe Vick, Dave Rogers. The Afterthought, 8 p.m., $5. 2721 Kavanaugh Blvd. 501-663-1196. www.
“In Search of Pancho Villa” Reception. The Mexico 2010 Project celebrates the 100th anniversary of the Mexican Revolution with an antique car show and music from Pindekuecha, a musical group from Michoacan, Mexico. For more information, call 376-4602 or visit MacArthur Museum of Arkansas Military History, 5 p.m., free. 503 E. 9th St. 376-4602.
Michael Skelly. The CEO and founder of Clean Line Energy Partners gives a lecture titled “The Promise and Challenges of Renewable Energy.” To reserve seats, e-mail or or call 683-5239. Clinton School of Public Service, 12 p.m. 1200 President Clinton Ave. 501-683-5239. www.clintonschool.
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������������������������������ Broken Flesh, Still Reign, Paradigm. OPENING RECEPTION ������������������������������������������������ Soundstage, 8 p.m., $7. 1008 Oak St., Conway. November 13, 2010 • 6pm - 10pm Hairspray Blues. Sticky Fingerz Rock ‘n’ Roll Chicken Shack, 9 p.m. 107 Commerce St. 501-372BOSWELL MOUROT FINE ART 7707. November 13, 2010 • 6pm - ������������������������������ 10pm 13, 2010 November ������������������������������������������������ Jim Dickerson. Sonny Williams’ Steak Room, 6pm -RECEPTION 10pm 7 p.m. 500 President Clinton Ave. 501-324-2999. OPENING November 13, 2010 • 6pm - 10pm Karaoke Night. Cornerstone Pub & Grill, 8 p.m. 314 Main St., NLR. 501-374-1782. cstonepub. com. Karaoke Tuesday. Prost, 8 p.m., free. 120 Ottenheimer. 501-244-9550. Karaoke with Big John Miller. Denton’s Trotline, 8 p.m. 2150 Congo Road, Benton. 501-315-1717. Tequila Tuesdays with DJ Hy-C. Bill St. Grill and Pub, 8:30 p.m. 614 President Clinton Ave. ����������������� 501-353-1724. ����������������� Troubadour; Spero, Vanhoose, Quin and 5815 KAVANAUGH BLVD · LITTLE ROCK, AR 72207 ROCK, · (501) 664.0030 5815 KAVANAUGH BLVD · LITTLE AR 72207 · (501) 664.00 Dodson. White Water Tavern, 10 p.m. 2500 W. WWW.BOSWELLMOUROT.COM WWW.BOSWELLMOUROT.COM 7th. 501-375-8400. Dickinson tertavern. ����������������� November 13 -Eleanor December 4, 2010 Tuesday Jam Session with Carl Mouton. Dickinson BLVD · LITTLE ROCK, AR 72207 · (501) 664.0030 The Afterthought, 85815 p.m.,KAVANAUGH free. 2721 Kavanaugh November 13 - December 4, 2010 Blvd. 501-663-1196. WWW.BOSWELLMOUROT.COM 5815 KAVANAUGH BLVD • LITTLE ROCK, AR 72207 • (501) 664.0030 UCA Guitar Ensemble. University of Central WWW.BOSWELLMOUROT.COM Arkansas, Snow Fine Arts Center Recital Hall, 5:45 Eleanor Dickinson p.m. 201 Donaghey Ave., Conway.
Eleanor Dickinson
November 13 December 4, 2010 5815 KAVANAUGH BLVD • LITTLE ROCK, AR 72207 • (501) 664.0
danCe November 13 - December 4, 2010
“Latin Night.” Revolution, 7 p.m., $5 regular, $7 under 21. 300 President Clinton Ave. 501-823-0090.
events 5815 KAVANAUGH BLVD • LITTLE ROCK, AR 72207 • (501) 664.0030 Burton Richter reception. UAMS hosts 5815 KAVANAUGH BLVD for Nobel Prize-winning physicist, WWW.BOSWELLMOUROT.COM 5-6:30 p.m., LITTLE ROCK, AR 72207 Jackson T. Stephens Spine and Neurosciences (501) 664.0030 Institute. (Lecture Wednesday.) 223-3477 or WWW.BOSWELLMOUROT.COM 526-7343. LeCtures
Jason Grumet. The president of the Bipartisan Policy Center discusses his role in developing bipartisan solutions to some of the nation’s most pressing policy challenges. To reserve seats, e-mail or call 501-683-5239. Clinton School of Public Service, 6 p.m., free. 1200 President Clinton Ave. 501-6835239.
“Meditations From a Spiritual Journey.” H.K. Stewart reads poetry. Tickets available at The Weekend Theater, 7:30 p.m., $10. 1001 W. 7th St. 501-374-3761. www.
Acoustic Open Mic with Kat Hood. The Afterthought, 8 p.m. 2721 Kavanaugh Blvd. 501-663-1196. Bolly Open Mic Hype Night with Osyrus Bolly and DJ Messiah. All American Wings, 9 p.m. 215 W. Capitol Ave. 501-376-4000. Brian & Nick. Cajun’s Wharf, 5:30 p.m. 2400 Cantrell Road. 501-375-5351. www.cajunswharf. com. Jim Dickerson. Sonny Williams’ Steak Room, 7 p.m. 500 President Clinton Ave. 501-324-2999. Karaoke at Khalil’s. Khalil’s Pub, 7 p.m. 110 S. Shackleford Road. 501-224-0224. Karaoke with Big John Miller. Denton’s Trotline, 8 p.m. 2150 Congo Road, Benton. 501-315-1717. Kat Hood, Katmandu. Capi’s, 8:30 p.m., free. 11525 Cantrell Suite 917. 501-225-9600. www. Lucious Spiller Band. Sticky Fingerz Rock ‘n’ Roll Chicken Shack, 9:30 p.m., $5. 107 Commerce St. 501-372-7707. Oceano, Chelsea Grin, Attila, In the Midst
Continued on page 26
Live Music THuRsDay, NovemBeR 11 souL DaNCe PaRTy w/ seTH BaLDy FRiDay, NovemBeR 12 sweeT eagLe THe wiCkeD gooD saTuRDay, NovemBeR 13 Rwake sToRy oF THe eye PaLLBeaReR TuesDay, NovemBeR 16 TRouBaDouR sPeRo, vaNHoose, QuiN, & DoDsoN Little Rock’s Down-Home Neighborhood Bar
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Oliver’s Antiques
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Continued from page 19 Hearne also seeks to encourage the public acquisition of the art. “You shouldn’t be able to walk in this gallery and see this art. It’s crazy,” she said. The exhibit at Hearne is unique, museum quality works in a commercial gallery, as rare as stumbling on Asher Durand or Thomas Eakins at your local gallery. Art in America in the 19th century was concerned with the nation’s deep woods and open country, and the landscapes here are along those lines: deft scenes of looming trees and creeks, pastorals of waving grass, blue skies, tumbling clouds. What figures there are — they are few — are tiny, occasions to put a dab of red amid against an earth-tone palette. The hazy light and green undertones of a mountain in the distance in one of Duncanson’s landscapes is complex and beautiful, contrasting with the dark foreground, a cataract bounded by boulders and faintly lit trees. Here is a painter who was not allowed to attend an 1842 Cincinnati exhibit that included three of his portraits because of his race. Duncanson’s is among the great work of the period chosen for inclusion in the collection of Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, rising in Bentonville. Bannister’s palette is lighter, his clouds scumbled, his paint thick. In one painting, small figures emerge from woods into a meadow under a partially dark sky; one edge of the cloud has caught the light from an unseen sun. In another landscape, Bannister has drybrushed in dark black green a willowy tree over an impasto background; his is a beautiful gesture. A biography says Bannister was driven to succeed as a black artist after he read in the New York Herald in 1867 an article that said that while black people appreciate art they were “manifestly unable to produce it.” Porter is mainly known as a painter of floral still lifes, and there are several at Hearne — a single rose against a black background (Hearne’s favorite), a bunch of blue-white flowers in a blue-white vase. But his landscape of a full moon reflected over a stream and catching the edges of streamside grasses and treeless branches is stunning. It’s one of those paintings that loom large in memory, though it is only 18 by 24 inches. Porter, though he had patrons in Frederic Edwin Church and Mark Twain and may have been the first African-American artist to study at the National Academy of Design in New 24 november 11, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES
York, died in poverty. Tanner’s painting “The Banjo Lesson,” in the collection of Hampton University in Virginia, depicts an older man teaching a young boy to play the banjo — a subject that others might have used to denigrate his people but which Tanner rendered as a scene of tender dignity. A pencil and watercolor sketch for the painting is among the works at Hearne. There are also drawings and pastels by Tanner here, including “Three Ruths,” a dark and painterly pastel of Christ’s body being taken to the tomb. The exhibit opens Friday, Nov. 12, as part of 2nd Friday Art Night; collector Juan Rodriguez will give a gallery talk
A&E News
LAST YEAR’S WINNER: Brother Andy and His Big Damn Mouth.
New on Rock Candy
‘PIONEERS’AT HEARNE: Porter, best known for his floral still lifes (above), and Tanner, whose “Banjo Lesson” (below), is famous, are two of four artists in the Hearne Fine Art exhibit.
at 1:30 p.m. Saturday. In December, the gallery will be transformed into a salon with period furniture and young actors from Central High School portraying the artists in living history presentations. Parkview students will provide music. Visitors to the exhibit will be encouraged to vote for their favorite piece; the favorites will be revealed at the closing reception in January, when professional actors will join the students to portray the artists at the end of their careers. Second Friday Art Night runs 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
n It’s that time again. We’re looking for local acts to enter our annual Arkansas Times Musicians Showcase to be held in January, February and March of next year at Sticky Fingerz and Revolution (we’ll announce specific dates shortly). As usual, the contest is open to any act (solo or group) in Arkansas that specializes in original material. We encourage comers from all genres. Christmas Eve is the deadline for submission. Uploading artist/band info and mp3s of your material online at is the easiest method. If you’re averse to the digital world, we’re also running an entry form on page 18, which you can fill out and mail in with a CD. The way the competition works: Reps from the Times and Sticky Fingers/Rev whittle the submissions down to a group of semifinalists, then each week, four acts square off before five judges (four regular judges and one weekly guest judge). Each week’s winner moves on to the finals. Holler at me with questions at n Mediums Art Lounge, a venue once located in Hillcrest, has reemerged downtown at 512 Center, next to EJ’s. Owner Jimmy Cheffen said he got burnedout operating the venue by himself in Hillcrest; when his mother passed away, he decided to take a break. Now, he’s revived Mediums with a partner, Cajon Flowers, and associates Bruce James and Roby Warren. The new space is 3,600 square feet, four times as big as the Hillcrest location. It also features a kitchen and a full bar. So far, the limited menu includes the likes of curried chicken and Mardi Gras wings. Cheffen, who is an assistant professor of English and literature at Philander
Smith during the day, said that Mediums will host everything from spoken word events to neo-soul concerts to art parties to zumba exercise sessions. The lounge’s phone number is 501-374-4495; the website is and the current hours are 1 p.m. to 1 a.m. Monday through Saturday.
DEBUTING SOON: The Isaac Alexander-designed poster for ‘Billy Blythe.’ n A preview of Bonnie Montgomery and Brit Barber’s self-described “modern, folk” opera about Bill Clinton’s boyhood, “Billy Blythe,” is just around the corner. At 8 p.m. Friday, Nov. 19, Montgomery and Barber will offer a preview of three scenes at the Woman’s City Club. From an official release: “The scenes will include a steamy New Orleans love theme between Roger and Virginia Clinton, an aria with Billy and Virginia about his deceased father, a tableau following big wins at the Oaklawn horse races and a night of domestic drama in the Clinton household.” Admission is a $10 suggested donation. Advanced tickets are available at billyblytheopera. com or at White Water Tavern, which will host an afterparty. n Mark your calendars, ninjas. The Insane Clown Posse returns to Little Rock to the Village on Dec. 2. The Faygo will flow.
n theaterreview
Nov. 5, Robinson Center Music Hall
scene where Daradich, playing the blonde, self-absorbed Glinda to the hilt, teaches Elphaba, born with the scream-inducing green skin, to be “Popular.” Daradich struts and faints and pulls out every laugh imaginable. As Elphaba, Noon is the central figure in “Wicked” and, as such, has the showstopping numbers such as “Defying Gravity,” which she belts out with wicked power. The convoluted part of the story has
n Before the orchestra hit the first note in the musical “Wicked” at the Robinson Center Musical Hall, I paused to note the triumph for Central Arkansas’s theater scene. Here audiences were packed to the gills for the much-anticipated prequel to “The Wizard of Oz” and mere blocks away Arkansas Repertory Theatre crowds were being dazzled by native son Avery Clark’s lead bow in “Hamlet.” There were also shows going on at the Weekend Theater, Murry’s Dinner Playhouse and elsewhere. It isn’t always this active, but the idea that Arkansans can only see great shows by hopping on a plane to New York City surely took a big hit. But let’s fly back to “Wicked,” which arrived with its “must see” status fixed permanently on its black witch’s cap. Celebrity Attractions booked the show ‘WICKED’: Vicki Noon and Natalie Daradich star. for two weeks — a huge bet Elphaba taking on the Wizard of Oz (Don on demand — and, if word of mouth is Amendolia) over animal rights — or, that as golden as marketers believe it is, then is, for the rights of animals to speak — they’ll walk away winners. This “Wicked,” and those scenes don’t have the appeal of bolstered by lead performances of Vicki the others. Still, “Wicked” is smart in the Noon as Elphaba and Natalie Daradich way it consistently works in quotes and as Glinda, is everything a huge musical totems such as the broomstick from “The should be — tuneful, funny, compelling, Wizard of Oz.” fantastical, glittery and odd. Musicals On many occasions the touring shows strain at credulity to begin with and the that pull into Robinson have young, story in “Wicked” is one that makes your uneven casts. That isn’t the case with this head hurt if you think about it too much. “Wicked.” The large cast is strong across But the bottom line is if you are made to the board. The set, which often looks like care about what comes next then everythe inside of a moving clock and is packed thing else will take care if itself. with special effects (note the big, flying And you do care about the fate of the dragon perched above the stage), the two girls who will eventually become the lights and costumes are dazzlers. I doubt Wicked Witch of the West and Glinda many will feel cheated out of the money the Good Witch. “Wicked,” with music plunked down for tickets. And when you and lyrics by Stephen Schwartz and book factor in the cost of not buying a ticket to by Winnie Holzman, works best when NYC, “Wicked” must surely be seen as exploring the relationship between the two a bargain. who begin as enemies and end as friends. — Werner Trieschmann The highlight is the school dorm room
n musicreview Vincent Gallo with RRIICCEE Nov. 5, Juanita’s
n “Wait…what?!” That was the general consensus when news of Vincent Gallo’s last-minute Little Rock gig spread through town, immediately followed by … “That guy’s a dick!” … or “creep” or “jerk,” “hack,” “weirdo.” “Sleaze,” probably. Surely no one said “a peculiar fellow.” “Dick” was the go-to pejorative du jour. “Yeah, so are we carpooling there or what?” If people were dismayed by the notorious provocateur’s visit to town, it wasn’t enough to keep 80 or so curious locals away from his show at Juanita’s. Gallo, the director/actor/model/musician, is infamous for a laundry list of reasons including, but not at all limited to: A) wishing cancer on Roger Ebert after Ebert called one of his films the “worst in the history of Cannes”; B) unchecked pretension; C) — nevermind. Listen, he’s the “snakey-lookin’ ” guy that directed “Buffalo ’66,” now a ’90s classic, and followed it up with “The Brown Bunny,” a movie mostly known for the close-up of Gallo receiving oral sex from Chloe Sevigny (“Big Love”). “Brown Bunny” made him a household name, not to mention solidified his place as one of the most intriguing, controversial filmmakers in the weird, dark history of indie film. Off camera, Gallo has perfected his reputation as an erratic, unhinged egotist years before Joaquin Phoenix threw out his razor. So did Friday night’s show — booked at Juanita’s hours beforehand — have a sense of “celebrity zoo” to it? Of course. Am I guilty of indulging in some stargazing? You bet. To make affairs even stranger, I found out that the night was the kick-off show for a coast-to-coast tour with Gallo — and two musicians he had met just the day before —under the RRIICCEE banner. It’s a name Gallo’s used for years, kicking out
and bringing in an orchestra pit’s worth of collaborators along the way. This time around, he was joined on drums by Nico Turner of Los Angeles’ atmospheric femme duo VOICEsVOICEs and Woody Jackson, multi-instrumentalist and film composer. The sound? Well, Gallo’s quick to remind people that RRIICCEE doesn’t “jam.” They “spontaneously compose pieces.” (Whether it’s on purpose or not, he’s great at riding the line where pretension and satire blur, right?) For the hour-long set, the three roamed around on a stage stacked with an array of gorgeous, pricey equipment: two drum sets, vintage synths, a stack of analog sequencers bursting with colored cables making even the least of gear fetishists a bit light-headed. So, what did they build with them? The three or four meandering, minimalist pieces — all constructed on the spot, never to be repeated — toed the line between Mingusinspired avant-gardism and syrupy trip-hop, all built upon four- or five-note bars and a liberal helping of loops. Of the 80 people who turned up, a scattered few phased out near — but not too near — the stage with the rest of the crowd either wide-eyed or nodding off at the tables. The worst accusation I heard all night dismissed it as “pretentious, aimless shit,” a dart not unfamiliar to Gallo and one I won’t also throw. After all, with this show — like his movies — no one should’ve been surprised by what was in store. Regardless, if the music wasn’t unexpected and the negative reactions weren’t surprising, the biggest shocker of the night was that Vincent Gallo, Mr. Callous, Snide Art Star, was — wouldn’t ya know it — a pretty nice guy who was pleasant and eager to chat with anyone who so much as nodded a “hello” his way. In fact, the end of the night saw him tagging along with a dozen or so locals to close out the evening (and shut down the bar) at White Water Tavern. Yep. Friday night was, just like his music and movies, reliably and totally surreal. — John Tarpley
NOW THROUGH NOVEMBER 14 ROBINSON CENTER MUSIC HALL 501-244-8800, 800-982-ARTS (2787) and Celebrity Attractions Ticket Office, 300 S. Spring Groups of 20+ call 501-492-3314 • november 11, 2010 25
Continued from page 23 of Lions, Monsters. Downtown Music Hall, 6 p.m., $12 adv., $15 d.o.s. 215 W. Capitol. 501-3761819. Stratus 8, Jame, Poisonwood, ATMA. Soundstage, 7 p.m., $8. 1008 Oak St., Conway. Ted Ludwig Trio. Capital Bar and Grill, 5 p.m., free. 111 W. President Clinton Ave. 501-374-7474.
Kristen Key. The Loony Bin, through Nov. 18, 8 p.m.; Nov. 19, 8 and 10:30 p.m., $6-$9. 10301 N. Rodney Parham Road. www.loonybincomedy. com.
Burton Richter lecture and booksigning. Nobel Prize winner and author of “Beyond Smoke and Mirrors: Climate Change and Energy in the 21st
Century” inaugurates AMNA Distinguished S.T.E.M. Lecture Series. 10 a.m. lecture, Fine Arts Auditorium; 11:20 a.m. book-signing, Kendall Center. Philander Smith College. 223-3477 or 526-7343.
Debbie Bial. The founder of the Posse Foundation, an organization that identifies, recruits and trains student leaders from public high schools to enroll at top-tier universities, speaks. To reserve seats, call 683-5239 or e-mail Clinton School of Public Service, 12 p.m., free. 1200 President Clinton Ave. 501-6835239.
Cloud 9, Penny Sparrows. Vino’s, 7 p.m., $5. 923 W. Seventh St. 501-375-8466. Calmus. St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 7:30 p.m.,
$10-$25. 1000 N. Mississippi Ave. Charming Gardeners, Rena Wren. Maxine’s, 9 p.m., $5. 700 Central Ave., Hot Springs. DJ SilkySlim. Sway, 8 p.m., $3. 412 Louisiana. 501-907-2582. Elise Davis Band, Adam Faucett. White Water Tavern, 10 p.m. 2500 W. 7th. 501-375-8400. www. J-One Presents: “In Too Deep.” Deep Ultra Lounge, 9 p.m. 322 President Clinton Ave. Jim Dickerson. Sonny Williams’ Steak Room, 7 p.m. 500 President Clinton Ave. 501-324-2999. Mr. Happy (headliner), Rob and Tyndall (happy hour). Cajun’s Wharf, 5:30 and 9 p.m., $5 after 8:30 p.m. 2400 Cantrell Road. 501-3755351. “Posh.” Clear Channel Metroplex, 9 p.m., $5 early admission. 10800 Colonel Glenn Road. Reckless Kelly. Revolution, 9 p.m., $12 adv., $15 d.o.s. 300 President Clinton Ave. 501-823-0090.
FREE Admission
Celebrating the 6th Anniversary of the Clinton Presidential Center Sat., November 13 – 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Secret Handshake, A Cursive Memory, The Narrative, Speak. Downtown Music Hall, 7 p.m., $11 adv., $14 d.o.s. 215 W. Capitol. 501-3761819. Ted Ludwig Trio. The Afterthought, 8:30 p.m., $5. 2721 Kavanaugh Blvd. 501-663-1196. www. Capital Bar and Grill, 5 p.m., free. 111 W. President Clinton Ave. 501-374-7474. University Chorus: “Motet Mania.” University of Central Arkansas, Snow Fine Arts Center Recital Hall, 7:30 p.m. 201 Donaghey Ave., Conway.
Kristen Key. The Loony Bin, through Nov. 18, 8 p.m.; Nov. 19, 8 and 10:30 p.m., $6-$9. 10301 N. Rodney Parham Road. www.loonybincomedy. com.
Antique/Boutique Walk. Shopping and live entertainment. Downtown Hot Springs, third Thursday of every month, 4-8 p.m., free. 100 Central Ave., Hot Springs. “Dancing Into Dreamland” Dance Gala. A competitive celebration of dance featuring vacation prizes and a celebrity panel of judges, including Broadway veteran Lawrence Hamilton. For more information, call 993-7502 or visit Governor’s Mansion, 6 p.m., $75. 1800 Center St. Quapaw Quarter Association Annual Membership Meeting. The annual neighborhood reception and business meeting features guest speaker Daniel Carey and the presentation of the Greater Little Rock Preservation Awards. For more information, visit Curran Hall, 5:30 p.m. 615 E. Capitol. 501-370-3290. Wine Tasting with Bruce Cochran and James Cripps. The Afterthought, 5:30 p.m., $10. 2721 Kavanaugh Blvd. 501-663-1196. www.
Jonathan Safran Foer. The literary author of “Everything Is Illuminated” and “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close” speaks in Hendrix College’s Staples Auditorium. Hendrix College, 7:30 p.m. 1600 Washington Ave., Conway.
GAllERiES, MUSEUMS new exhiBits, gaLLery events
FREE Family Activities at the Center -
VOTING 101 (10 a.m. – 2 p.m.) Team vanilla? Chocolate fanatic? Strawberry fan? In partnership with the Arkansas Secretary of State’s office, “Voting 101” teaches students, 17 and under, basic voting principles by using flavors of ice cream as an election model. Super Center Saturday (10 a.m. – 2 p.m.) Future candidates will design and create their very own campaign buttons. Materials and instruction provided. FREE Acoustiguide audio tours narrated by President Clinton
See the latest exhibit, “Headed to the White House.” Chart YOUR OWN campaign path to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Make your own campaign video, buttons and practice public speaking with a virtual speech coach. Created by the National Constitution Center, this timely exhibit also examines the issues and candidates from some of our most historic presidential elections.
Produced by the National Constitution Center, this exhibit is made possible through the generosity of The Annenberg Foundation, The Pew Charitable Trusts, and the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.
1200 President Clinton Avenue • Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 • 501.374.4242 •
ARKANSAS STUDIES INSTITUTE, 401 President Clinton Ave.: “2010 Design Awards Exhibition,” Arkansas Chapter of the American Institute of Architects exhibit, Mezzanine Gallery, through Jan. 29, 2011; “Making Pictures: Three for a Dime,” photographs and text by Maxine Payne, through Dec. 10; Arkansas League of Artists juried show, through Nov. 27; “Raices,” new mixed media work by x3mex about Mexican independence, through Nov. 30, reception 5-8 p.m. Nov. 12, 2nd Friday Art Night, with music by the Arkansas Accordion Association. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Mon.-Sat. 320-5700. CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL MUSEUM VISITOR CENTER, Bates and Park: Veterans Day commemoration with talk by Dr. Sheila Ducksworth Lawton, 11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Nov. 11, guest of honor Robert W. Neel, member of the 1957 federalized National Guard; exhibits on the 1957 desegregation of Central and the civil rights movement. 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. daily. 374-1957. GALLERY 26, 2601 Kavanaugh Blvd.: 16th annual “Holiday Art Show,” paintings, sketches, pottery, photographs, glass, sculpture, ornaments, scarves, jewelry, mixed media by more than 70 Arkansas artists, opens with reception 7-10 p.m. Nov. 13 with live music by the Winston Family, show through Jan. 8, 2011. 664-8996. HEARNE FINE ART, 1001 Wright Ave.: “Pioneers of the Paint: Masters of the 19th Century,” paintings by Edward Michael Bannister, Charles Ethan Porter, Robert Scott Duncanson and Henry Ossawa Tanner, opening reception 5-8 p.m. Nov. 12, 2nd Friday Art Night, exhibit through January. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Thu., 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Fri., 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Sat. 372-6822.
Continued on page 30 26 november 11, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES
■ media New tune at Laman
A Family Tradition for over Fifty Years
Christmas Open House Sunday November 14, 2010 1:00 to 5:00
Music’s not a loan, but yours to own, free from library.
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By Lindsey MiLLar
materials not only for research and study, ■ Last week, North Little Rock’s Laman but for cultural use.” Library unveiled a new service on its To that end, Laman’s brick and mortar website ( Registered offerings include a cafe and coffeehouse, cardholders (anyone living in Pulaski art gallery and a robust computer lab. It County is eligible) may download three hosts regular concerts and events and DRM-free mp3s from the vast Sony recently opened a 3,000-square-foot teensMusic Group catalog per week for free. only lounge, which includes two videoDownload, as in keep on your hard drive/ game equipped flatscreen TVs. iPod/Zune forever, and, because the files But a service like Freegal means patrons lack DRM (Digital Rights Management) might ignore all of that and only interact code, transfer from device to device, friend with Laman online. And that’s fine with to friend. Baskin. The launch of the service, called Freegal “When you come into our website, it’s — as in “free” and “legal” — raises several like walking into our library.” questions: How does Sony’s music catalog As to the loan versus own question, fit into the mission of a library? Does a Walden argues that the library’s transishift from lending material to giving it tion from a group lender to a buyer on away represent a fundamental change in behalf of a group is less about the nature the nature of the library? And, at three of the library than it is about the nature of songs a week, how long will it take me to content. download all of Miles Davis’ 52 albums on Columbia Records? Library Ideas, a software and content distributor startup based in Virginia, launched Freegal in April. According to the company’s president and co-founder Brian Downing, some 200 libraries across the country have signed up for the service. Laman is the first in Arkansas. The price of the contract for Freegal ranges, Downing said, from “a couple of thousand [dollars] to six MUSIC TO GO: The website is part of the library. figures,” depending on the “[Freegal] represents not necessarily a number of cardholders in a library system change in the library mission but a fundaand how freely the library decides to allow mental shift in how people absorb informaits members to access the site. Laman pays tion now. The mission is still to provide free $6,500 annually for the service from its public access to information resources. It’s general material budget. just that the wrappings that those pieces of The question of music’s relevance in a information are coming in now are vastly library is easily answered by anyone who’s different than they were 10 or 15 years ago. taken full advantage of his library in the It’s very easy to require the return of book last several decades. Long ago, libraries because it’s a tangible object. It’s not that expanded beyond simply lending books simple with transferable data.” to stocking film and music on their racks, So far, according to Baskin and an ever-broadening paradigm shift that’s Walden, no best option has emerged as far reflected in the way Laman officials as digital books go. A format battle that describe what it is they do. Walden likens to Blu-ray vs. HD DVD or “Our primary mission is to provide Betamax vs. VHS is currently ongoing in information resources to the community the publishing industry. Laman is underthat are culturally relevant,” public relations standably reluctant to pick sides and make manager Jamie Walden said last week. what would be a significant capital invest“We can’t neglect that music is a signifiment and end up stuck with an obsolete cant cultural reflection to our society.” format. Jeff Baskin, who’s worked at the Next up, possibly, for Laman patrons, library for 25 years and served as execuaccording to Baskin: “We’re looking into tive director for the last year, offered an streaming video.” even more elastic description. As for Miles’ Columbia albums, check “We do arts here, including the whole back in a year and a half or so. I’ll let you range of what constitutes a community know. cultural center. Our mission is to provide
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Friday, Nov 12 -Thursday, Nov 18
ConviCtion – r 2:15 4:15 7:15 9:15 Hillary Swank, Sam Rockwell, Minnie Driver Boston Film Festival
inSide Job – PG13 1:45 4:15 6:45 9:15
Matt Damon. Cannes, Toronto, & Telluride Film Festival
nowhere boy – r 2:00 4:20 7:00 9:00
Aaron Johnson, Anne-Marie Duff, Kristin Scott Thomas The Extraordinary untold store of John Lennon
waitinG For SuPerMan – PG 2:00 4:20 7:00 9:15
From the director of An Inconvenient Truth
never let Me Go – r 1:45 4:00 6:45 9:00 Keira Knightley, Carey Mulligan, Andrew Garfield
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hAve fun. See reSultS!
TRAINSPOTTING: Denzel Washington returns to the screen doing what he does best — kicking butt and saving cities — in “Unstoppable,” a new thriller in which an engineer (Washington) and a railroad conductor (Chris Pine) are put in charge of chasing down and stopping a unmanned, half-mile long freight train full of poisonous gas and explosives before it does a number on Philadelphia.
NOV. 12-14
movielistings All theater listings run Friday to Thursday unless otherwise noted.
Check for updates. Market Street Cinema showtimes at or after 9 p.m. are for Friday and Saturday only.
Northside WomeN’s Boot Camp is the QuiCkest, easiest Way to Jumpstart your FitNess program. A specialized program of fitness instruction, nutritional counseling provided by Certified Class Instructor LoCAtIon: Lakewood nLR, classes at 5:15am and 9:15am M,W,F
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Northside A c h i ev e . B e l i ev e . S u cc e e d.
Kids are BacK iN school! time to do somethiNg For yourselF!
JoiN W/ a FrieNd aNd get $25 oFF the JoiNiNg Fee 28 november 11, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES
NEW MOVIES Conviction (R) — A working mother puts herself through law school in order to defend her brother, wrongly charged for murder. With Hillary Swank and Sam Rockwell. Market Street: 2:15, 4:15, 7:15, 9:15. Inside Job (PG-13) — Matt Damon narrates this documentary which analyzes the roots and repercussions of the recent global financial crisis. Market Street: 1:45, 4:15, 6:45, 9:15. Morning Glory (PG-13) — An accomplished television journalist has to revive a struggling morning show in spite of its always-bickering divas. With Harrison Ford and Rachel McAdams. Breckenridge: 1:50, 4:30, 7:15, 10:00. Chenal 9: 11:00, 1:15, 4:00, 7:05, 9:25. Rave: 11:05, 12:05, 1:40, 2:40, 4:15, 7:05, 8:10, 9:45, 10:20, 11:15. Riverdale 10: 11:15, 1:55, 4:30, 7:00, 9:30. Skyline (PG-13) — When strange, extraterrestrial lights descend onto Los Angeles, its inhabitants can’t pull themselves away from its threatening glow. Breckenridge: 1:20, 4:05, 7:25, 9:55. Chenal 9: 11:15, 1:35, 4:05, 7:15, 9:45. Rave: 11:45, 12:45, 2:15, 3:15, 5:00, 5:45, 7:50, 8:45, 10:20, 11:15. Riverdale 10: 11:55, 2:20, 4:50, 7:20, 9:45. Unstoppable (PG-13) — Denzel Washington has to stop an unmanned freight train full of explosives and poisonous gas from wiping out a city. Breckenridge: 1:35, 4:25, 7:40, 10:10. Chenal 9: 11:35, 2:00, 4:10, 7:35, 10:05. Rave: 11:30, 12:30, 2:00, 3:00, 4:45, 5:45, 7:15, 8:15, 10:00, 11:00 RETURNING THIS WEEK Animalopolis (NR) — A half-hour film of goofy animals being goofy in enormous 3D. Aerospace IMAX: 11:00 Thu., 11:00 Fri. Case 39 (R) — Social worker Emily (Reese Witherspoon) tries to save a girl from her abusive parents, but soon finds out the 10-year-old is a demon. Movies 10: 1:10, 4:25, 7:15, 9:45. Devil (PG-13) — Five people trapped in a stalled elevator discover that one of them is (spoiler alert) the devil. Based on a story by M. Night Shyamalan. Movies 10: 2:55, 7:10. Due Date (R) — A tightly-wound father-to-be is forced to carpool cross-country with a clueless slacker so he can make it to his child’s birth on time. With Robert Downey Jr. and Zach Galifianakis. Breckenridge: 1:05, 4:40, 7:45, 10:00. Chenal 9: 11:30, 1:45, 4:30, 7:30, 9:50. Rave: 11:35, 12:35, 2:05, 3:05, 4:35, 5:35, 7:00, 7:45, 8:30, 9:35, 10:25, 11:10. Riverdale 10: 11:25, 1:30, 3:35,
5:40, 7:45, 9:55. For Colored Girls (R) — Tyler Perry adapts Ntozake Shange’s award-winning play about women of color for the big screen. With Janet Jackson. Breckenridge: 1:00, 1:30, 4:00, 4:35, 7:00, 7:30, 9:55, 10:20. Chenal 9: 11:05, 1:50, 4:35, 7:20, 10:00. Rave: 11:40, 12:50, 1:35, 3:15, 4:00, 4:45, 6:30, 7:10, 8:00, 9:40, 10:15, 10:40, 11:20. Riverdale 10: 11:05, 1:50, 4:35, 7:15, 10:00. Grown Ups (PG-13) — Five old basketball teammates act like kids again after their high school coach passes away. Movies 10: 7:30, 9:55. Hereafter (PG-13) — Matt Damon sees dead people. Rave: 3:45. Riverdale 10: 11:10, 1:50, 4:25, 7:05, 10:00. Inception (PG-13) — Leo DiCaprio hijacks dreams. Movies 10: 12:20, 3:25, 7:00, 10:05. Jackass 3D (R) — Johnny Knoxville and his daredevil pals are back, this time getting stupid and crude in the third dimension. Rave: 1:30, 7:25. The Last Exorcism (PG-13) — A disillusioned Baptist minister allows a documentary crew to film his final exorcism. Movies 10: 12:40, 4:55, 9:30. Let Me In (R) — A middle school outcast is embraced by a new neighbor who, he soon finds, is a young vampire in Matt Reeves’ remake of the Swedish “Let the Right One In.” Movies 10: 1:00, 4:15, 7:05, 9:45. Life as We Know It (PG-13) — Two singles have to learn to work together when they become caregivers to a baby, orphaned after their mutual best friends die in a car accident. Breckenridge: 1:40, 4:40, 7:20, 9:55. Lottery Ticket (PG-13) — A young man in the projects has to survive a three-day weekend after his neighbors find out he’s holding a lotto ticket worth millions. Movies 10: 12:10, 2:40, 5:00, 7:25, 10:00. Megamind (PG) — A blue, maniacal supervillain turns into a restless mess when his sworn superhero enemy is accidentally killed. Voiced by Will Ferrell, Tina Fey, Brad Pitt. Breckenridge: 1:15, 4:15, 4:45, 7:10, 7:35, 9:30, 10:05. Chenal 9: 11:25, 1:30, 4:25, 7:25, 9:40. Rave: 12:10, 2:35, 5:05, 7:30, 9:55 (2D); 10:30, 11:15, 12:00, 1:00, 1:45, 2:45, 4:30, 5:15, 7:00, 7:45, 9:30 (3D). Riverdale 10: 11:10, 1:15, 3:20, 5:25, 7:30, 9:30. Never Let Me Go (R) — An adaptation of Kazuo Ishiguro’s dystopian love story. Market Street: 1:45, 4:00, 6:45, 9:00. Nowhere Boy (R) — A look into the troubled, early years of a teen-aged John Lennon in the decaying city of Liverpool. Market Street: 2:00, 4:20, 7:00, 9:00. Paranormal Activity 2 (R) — After a series of break-ins, a couple puts up security cameras in their
home, and what they see is sinister. Rave: 10:50, 4:20, 10:05. Red (PG-13) — Three of the CIA’s top agents are jolted out of their peaceful retirements when they’re framed by the agency for murder. With Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman and Helen Mirren. Breckenridge: 1:25, 4:10, 6:50, 9:40. Chenal 9: 11:20, 1:55, 4:20, 7:20, 9:55. Rave: 10:45, 1:25, 4:25, 7:20, 10:10. Riverdale 10: 11:35, 2:05, 4:440, 7:15, 9:50. Saw 3D (R) — People tortured for the amusement of creepy mouthbreathers and sociopathsin-training. More of the same abhorrent, sadistic stuff. Rave: 11:55, 2:25, 7:35, 10:30. Riverdale 10: 11:20, 1:25, 3:30, 5:35, 7:50, 10:10. Secretariat (PG) — The unlikely story of housewife Penny Chenery (Diane Lane), horse trainer Lucien Laurin (John Malkovich) and their legendary Triple Crown-winning racehorse. Breckenridge: 1:10, 4:20, 7:05, 9:50. Rave: 10:40 a.m. Riverdale 10: 11:30, 2:10, 4:50, 7;25, 10:05. The Social Network (PG-13) — David Fincher and Aaron Sorkin’s instant-classic dives into the drama behind Facebook’s controversial rise from a Harvard dorm room experiment to a world-wide ubiquity. Breckenridge: 1:15, 4:00, 6:45, 9:35. Riverdale 10: 11:40, 2:20, 4:55, 7:35, 10:05. The Switch (PG-13) — Seven years after she’s given birth, a woman (Jennifer Aniston) discovers her best friend switched her intended sperm sample with his own. Movies 10: 12:15, 3:00, 5:25, 7:50, 10:20. Takers (PG-13) — Five meticulous bank robbers elude a hard-boiled detective so they can pull off one last heist. Movies 10: 12:00, 2:45, 5:10, 7:40, 10:15. Thrill Ride (NR) — This IMAX movie takes viewers on some of the fastest, scariest roller coaster rides on earth. Aerospace IMAX: 1:00 Thu., 1:00, 8:00 Fri., 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 8:00 Sat. Toy Story 3 (G) — Donated to a daycare center after their owner leaves for college, the beloved gang of toys rallies together for one last escape. Movies 10: 12:05, 1:20, 2:35, 3:50, 5:05, 7:35, 10:10. Waiting for Superman (PG) — Davis Guggenheim’s alarming look at the state of education in America. Market Street: 2:00, 4:20, 7:00, 9:15. Chenal 9 IMAX Theatre: 17825 Chenal Parkway, 821-2616, Cinemark Movies 10: 4188 E. McCain Blvd., 945-7400, Cinematown Riverdale 10: Riverdale Shopping Center, 296-9955, IMAX Theater: Aerospace Education Center, 376-4629, Market Street Cinema: 1521 Merrill Drive, 312-8900, Rave Colonel Glenn 18: 18 Colonel Glenn Plaza, 687-0499, Regal Breckenridge Village 12: 1-430 and Rodney Parham, 224-0990,
By DaviD Koon anD GerarD Matthews
Conan Weeknights at 10 p.m. TBS n After his much-talked-about (and joked-about) departure from “The Tonight Show” on NBC, a successful summer tour (we caught the show in Tulsa, and it was a delight) and a months-long barrage of promotions touting his return, Conan O’Brien finally made his much-anticipated basic cable premier Monday night on TBS. The show was solid, but anyone hoping for some kind of huge departure from the well-worn late-night formula might have been a little disappointed. “Conan” is exactly what “The Tonight Show” — and “Late Night” before it — were. Monologue, skit, first guest, second guest, musical guest. But it’s a formula that works and one that Conan normally sails through quite comfortably. Monday’s performance, although great, seemed a bit staid. The pressure to be perfect seemed to have an impact on the carrot-coiffed host, who seemed a little less “on” than we’ve come to expect. Naturally, it will take some time to get back in the swing of things. It’s uncertain at this point just how many people tuned in, but one measure of the show’s pop-culture allure: It was
sarah PaLin’s aLasKa 8 p.m. Sundays TLC
the subject of not just one, but three of the 10 trending topics on Twitter (#teamcoco, #conanreturns and #watching conan). There were NBC jokes aplenty, an easy punchline that will hopefully run its course soon. The good news is Conan isn’t so afraid of a lawsuit from his former employer as to avoid using the old stand-bys like the Masturbating Bear, who made an appearance early. Long-time fans will welcome the return of co-host and foil Andy Richter, whose back-and-forth with Conan has only gotten better with time. After all these years, it’s nice that TBS gave us a chance to see the Carson-McMahon combo of our generation in action once again. GM hoLLywooD treasUre 9 p.m. Wednesdays The SyFy Channel
he’s back: Conan returns to late night on TBS.
n We’re absolute movie nuts around here, so the idea of anything movie related gets our blood pumping. Movies are about as close as we’ll ever get at a glimpse through the back door of heaven, so it never really occurred to us that you could actually OWN something seen in a real life classic — Charles Foster Kane’s (SPOILER!) Rosebud sled, for instance, or the truck the Joads used to haul their weary bones across the country in “The Grapes of Wrath.” Out in California, however, where love grows on trees and the sun shines every day, such things are available to own — the by-product of a town that cranks out movies like Detroit used to crank out Oldsmobiles and Pontiacs
and Chevrolets. The idea of holding something in our hands that appeared in “North By Northwest” and actually seeing it on screen gives us a little shiver. That’s why we have absolutely fallen in love with SyFy’s new reality series “Hollywood Treasure.” Sure, we’ll probably never have the dough to even touch most of the stuff seen on the show week to week, but a boy can dream, can’t he? Recent weeks have seen Tinseltown treasure hunter Joe Maddalena find and auction off all manner of goodies for big bucks, including Mary Poppins’ flowered carpet bag, the Wicked Witch of the West’s pointy black hat, one of the biplane models from the finale of “King Kong,” Mary Anne’s short-shorts from “Gilligan’s Island,” and lots of other stuff. It’s all loads of fun, especially for a film geek. DK
n While we don’t do many anti-reviews in this column — if we point something out to you, it probably has at least some redeeming qualities, even if it’s enjoyable for the same reason that people slow down to look at auto accidents — we’re about to do one now: For the love of all that is holy, please don’t watch Sarah Palin’s new show. Though she’s famous as a quitter, something tells us that if you indulge her fantasies that people actually care what’s going on in her pointy little head, we’ll never get rid of her. OK, you can watch one episode. But don’t look took closely at the screen. Some say her wink is so enticing that not even souls can escape. Here, for some reason or another, TLC paid Palin and her brood a reported $2 million bucks for the privilege of following them around Alaska for an 8-week campaign commercial. In one clip seen online, Palin sits on her patio while “researching” a new book (read: thumbing though the waste paper from beside the printer while her ghostwriter works on her new book 3,000 miles away) and bitches to husband Todd about the reporter who rented the house next door. The reporter, she says, is invading her privacy. She says this with a straight face. Meanwhile a sound guy, a camera guy, a producer, and God knows who else stand three feet away, recording her every move. Irony, thy name is Palin. Subsequent weeks will have the Palin Clan indulging in all the things sources (including her son-inlaw) have said Mama Grizzly wouldn’t be caught dead doing without a camera around, including kayaking, winter sports, hunting, fishing and enjoying the great outdoors. DK
complimentary shuttle service from area hotels
You don’t need a yacht If you have a big deck.
Cajun’s is the complete experience; from the food and drinks to the ambience and attentive service, we don’t miss a thing.
monday-saturday from 4:30 p.m. | | 2400 cantrell road | on the arkansas river | 501-375-5351 • november 11, 2010 29
A boy named
Hogs surprise by being themselves By Derek Jenkins
n Our football coach doesn’t play favorites, and he’s really careful about it. This stubbornness sometimes works against him, as when he resists leaning too predictably on an individual Razorback over more than one game, but it pays off when his team performs the way it did last Saturday night. Leaders emerge over the season, but new stars are born every week. Obviously this isn’t just a democratic ideal. Petrino likes to have more options because more options spell more unpredictable decisions. When he talks about feeding the playmaker, he does so with the understanding that the hat changes hands moment to moment and on the field. He’s talking about recognizing the guy with an extra step on any given Saturday and putting him in a position to turn heads. That means every player every week has an incentive and an opportunity to do something special. They all grabbed hold of that moment last week, and the result was the finest team performance of Bobby Petrino’s tenure. I have to say I never saw it coming. I’ve always liked the character of the team, the way it seems stacked with playmakers but free of prima donnas. Guys who would be stars anywhere else seem to accept their roles happily, sure enough that their number will be called at some point or other in Petrino’s system. But for some reason or another, the team has been distracted a lot of this season, plagued by penalties, disappearing in the second half, turning in uneven play on special teams, banging their heads against a wall on both sides of the line of scrimmage. I have no doubt that there’s more than one back capable of Knile Davis’ recent production, but it’s frustrating that it took half of the season to get any semblance of a running game going. Because of all this, the Hogs’ throttling of a better-than-average South Carolina, one still in the running for the Eastern Division title, snuck up on everyone. I’d wager that the players themselves were surprised. Even Petrino, who has as much stubborn faith in his team’s capabilities as anybody, must have been startled by the sudden, unequivocal validation. The two losses behind them have to sting after that kind of win. They’ll be kicking themselves for giving away that 30 november 11, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES
win to Bama for years, and we can only hope people remember the details of the Auburn loss. The Hogs are in a position to make a push for the Sugar Bowl. All it takes is winning out in the toughest division in the country. Convincing victories in all remaining games would be strong medicine for the missteps earlier in the season. Neither Mississippi State nor LSU will be won in a cakewalk, but both can be beaten by the team that took the field last weekend. That team dominated time of possession, converting third down eight of 13 times, and running the ball with impunity. That team went right back to work after the half, grinding the life out of the opposition on the ground and scoring 17 backbreaking second-half points for the third time in the last three games. That team didn’t let bogus flags and missed calls get into their heads. That team is in control of its own destiny. But that team has to keep showing up. A visit from UTEP — one on the schedule since before Petrino arrived; the kind of game engineered to cook the books on a so-so season — will lull even the most focused squad to sleep. The Miners eked out a huge win over SMU last weekend, and they’re bowl eligible for the first time in five years, but they need another W to be a sure thing as six only gets you a slip of paper in the postseason hat in Conference USA. Tulsa’s probably their best shot left on the schedule, but this weekend they try their luck in Fayetteville. The Miners are a middling C-USA team by the strictest definitions on offense, equally unimpressive running and passing the ball but fairly balanced. At least the exercise will give DT Byran Jones a chance to ease back into the water and Greg Gatson to get more settled in to Ramon Broadway’s shoes. The Miners pass defense is fast enough to give Mallett work to do — everyone in their coverage has snatched one out of the air at some point this season — but Knile Davis will probably romp. A cupcake this late in the day is bad for your health, so the Razorbacks have to focus on staying healthy and sharp. Just because they happened on a clearing doesn’t mean they’re out of the woods just yet. Follow Derek Jenkins throughout the week and during games on Twitter @aboynamedsooie.
Continued from page 26 HISTORIC ARKANSAS MUSEUM, 200 E. Third St.: “All in the Touch,” sculpture by Diana B. Ashley and multi-media by Scinthya Edwards, reception 5-8 p.m. Nov. 12, 2nd Friday Art Night, with live music by Velvet Kente, show through Jan. 30; “Model Trains of Bill Albright,” Eclectic Collector show, through March 14, 2011; “Natural Wonders: Paintings and Drawings by Laura Terry,” through Dec. 5. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat., 1-5 p.m. Sun. $2.50 adults, $1.50, $1 children for tours of grounds. 324-9351. LAMAN LIBRARY, 2801 Orange St.: “Quilts and their Stories, Arkansas Quilters Guild show, Nov. 11-Dec. 12. 758-1720. LOCAL COLOUR GALLERY, 5811 Kavanaugh Blvd.: Patty Howe Criner, new work, Nov. 11. 501-265-0422. M2GALLERY, 11525 Cantrell Road (Pleasant Ridge Town Center): New work by William Goodman. 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Mon.-Sat. 225-6257. MUSEUM OF DISCOVERY, 500 President Clinton Ave.: “Tribal Tales,” storytelling and dance by the Pahsetopah family, 10 a.m., noon, 2 p.m. Nov. 11-12, 11:30 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. Nov. 13; interactive science exhibits. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat., 1-5 p.m. Sun. Admission: $8 adults, $7 children ages 1-12 and seniors 65 and up, children under 1 free, “Pay What You Can” second Sunday of every month. 396-7050. OLD STATE HOUSE, 300 W. Markham St.: Heirloom Bird’s Nest Tree Topper Workshop,” 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Nov. 13, $60, 324-8641; “Arkansas/Arkansaw: A State and Its Reputation,” the evolution of the state’s hillbilly image; “Badges, Bandits & Bars: Arkansas Law & Justice,” state’s history of crime and punishment, through March 2011. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat., 1-5 p.m. Sun. 324-9685. UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AT LITTLE ROCK: “Portraits of Women from the UALR Permanent Collection,” Gallery II, through Nov. 30; “Nosotras: Portraits of Latinas,” through Nov. 30, Gallery I; work by seniors Dana Malone and Josh Certain, through Nov. 14, Gallery III, work by seniors Sara Edwards, Shannon O. Knowles, Nov. 17-24, Gallery III. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri., 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Sat., 2-5 p.m. Sun. 569-8977. n Bentonville CRYSTAL BRIDGES AT THE MASSEY, 125 W. Central Ave.: “David Hockney: Six Fairy Tales,” 39 etchings from Hockney’s book, Nov. 11-Jan. 7, 2011. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Thu.-Sat., 1-5 p.m. Sun. 479-418-5700. n Fayetteville UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS: “Dreaming in Synthesis: An Experimental Collaboration,” painting, sculpture and installation by MFA students Bryan Alexis, Justin Bolle, Stephen Curtis, Samantha Dixon, Dilenia Garcia, Nichole Howard, John Kelley, Gongke Li, Mauricio Linares-Aguilar, John Orr, Kat Wilson, Glenna Worrell, Hisae Yale and Yan Zhao, Fine Arts Center Gallery, reception 5-7 p.m. Nov. 11. 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Mon.-Fri., 2-5 p.m. Sun. 479-575-7987. n Jacksonville JACKSONVILLE MUSEUM OF MILITARY HISTORY, 100 Veterans Circle: Free admission and punch and cookies starting after Veterans Day bell ringing 11 a.m. Nov. 11; exhibits on D-Day; F-105, Vietnam era plane (“The Thud”); the Civil War Battle of Reed’s Bridge, Arkansas Ordnance Plant (AOP) and other military history. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon-Sat., 1-5 p.m. Sun. $3 adults; $2 seniors, military; $1 students. 501-241-1943. n Springdale ARTS CENTER OF THE OZARKS, 214 S. Main St. “Pastel Panorama,” annual show of work by members of the Ozark Pastel Society, Nov. 12-Dec. 15. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Sat. 479-751-5441. n Van Buren CENTER FOR ARTS AND EDUCATION, 104 N. 13th St.: Cindy Wiseman, paintings, through Dec. 17. 479-474-4411.
GALLERIES, ongoing exhibits
“A Century of Revolution: Mexican Art since 1910,” through Nov. 21, Winthrop Rockefeller Gallery; “Bigger, Better, More: The Art of Viola Frey,” l$7 adults, $5 seniors, $4 youth; “Currents in Contemporary Art,” “Masterworks,” “Paul Signac Watercolors and Drawings,” ongoing. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Tue.-Sat., 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Sun. 372-4000. BOSWELL-MOUROT FINE ART, 5815 Kavanaugh Blvd.: Contemporary art. 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Tue.-Fri., 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Sat. 664-0030. CANTRELL GALLERY, 8206 Cantrell Road: “40th Anniversary Group Show,” work by 28 artists represented by the gallery, through Dec. 24. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat. 224-1335. GREG THOMPSON FINE ART, 429 Main St., NLR: “Barry Thomas: Arkansas Landscape”; “Stick Figures: New Work by George Dombek,” both through Nov. 13. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Tue.-Fri., 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Sat. 664-2787. HEIGHTS GALLERY, 5801 Kavanaugh: “Do You Believe …?” Seasonally themed works by Deborah Allen, Elizabeth Bogard, Thad Flenniken, Rene Hein, Jim Johnson, Betty Jones, William McClanahan, Beverly McLarty Burrows and others, through Dec. 24. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Tue.-Fri., 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat. 664-2772. SAGE HOUSE GALLERY, 24627 Hwy. 365 N: “Farm-to-Table,” paintings of the Argenta Farmer’s Market by Pat White, Shirley Brainard, Tom Herrin, Bill Lewis David Cook; Janice and Marvin Crummer, and Suzanne Waggoner, through Nov. 27. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat. 851-4608. STEPHANO’S FINE ART, 5501 Kavanaugh Blvd.: Sculpture by Tony Dow, through Dec. 15. 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Tue.- Sat., 1-5 p.m. Sun. 563-4218. n Bentonville sUgAR GALLERY, 114 Central Ave.: “Architecture by Way of Biology,” inventory, drawings and models by Kendall Buster, through Dec. 18. 479-575-4704. n Fayetteville FAYETTEVILLE UNDERGROUND, 1 E. Center St.: “Falling into Sound,” new paintings by Megan Chapman; “Looking for the Broadcaster,” paintings by Duane Gardner; “Six Miles Down a Dirt Road,” paintings by Dana Idlet; stained glass and wood by Cheri Bohn, through Nov. 27. 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Wed.-Fri., 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat. n Hot Springs ALISON PARSONS GALLERY, 802 Central Ave.: Paintings by Parsons. 501-625-3001. AMERICAN ART GALLERY, 724 Central Ave.: Jimmy Leach, Jamie Carter, Govinder, Marlene Gremillion, Margaret Kipp and others. 501-6240550. BLUE MOON GALLERY, 718 Central Ave.: “Holiday Gifts of Original Art,” work priced under $300 by gallery artists Kay Aclin, Diana Ashley, Megan Chapman, Kelly Edwards, Suzi Dennis, Cassie Edmonds, Thad Flenniken, Caren Garner, Randall Good, Marc Hatfield, Janice Higdon, James Hoff, Steve Lawnick, Nancy Nolan, David Rackley, Tom Richard, Ann Shedelbower, Jeanne Teague, Bart Soutendijk and Wayne Summerhill, through December. CAROLE KATCHEN ART GALLERY, 618 W. Grand Ave.: Paintings, pastels, sculpture by Katchen. 501-617-4494. GALLERY CENTRAL, 800 Central Ave.: “Form,” abstract paintings by V.L. Cox, through November. 501-318-4278. JUSTUS FINE ART, 827 A Central Ave.: JoAnne Oliver, Robin Hazard-Bishop, Steve Griffith, Dolores Justus, paintings; Kari Albright, pottery; Jay Justus, wood boxes, also work by Elizabeth Borne, Donnie Copeland, Mike Dunnahoe, Mike Elsass, Robert Frank, Tony Saladino and Rebecca Thompson, through November. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Wed.-Sat. 501-321-2335. LINDA PALMER GALLERY, 800 B Central Ave.: Linda Palmer, Doyle Young, Ellen Alderson, Peter Lippincott, Sara Tole and Jan Leek. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat. 501-620-3063. THE GALLERY @404B, 404B Central Ave.: Photography by Kat Ryals, Christopher Seidl, Don Sachs, and Thomas Petillo, patings by Kelly Moran, Kendal Harkey, Mike Darnell. GALLERY 726, 726 Central Ave.: Pottery by Janet Donnangelo, paintings by Mary Ann Stafford, through November. 501-915-8912.
Dining Guide 2010
Dizzy’s Gypsy Bistro offers a wonderful patio with lots of great people watching!
hank Goodness,
Arkansas has a remarkable variety
of quality, locally owned and operated restaurants.There’s no reason to be bored with dining in the centralArkansasarea.Betweenlunchanddinner,whynottryanewrestauranteverycoupleofdaysor so?Ourhandyneighborhoodguidemakesitsimpletodinearoundtown.Don’tforgettovoteonyour favoriterestaurantsusingthe“officialballot” Your votes determine the winners in the 2011 ArkansasTimes Readers’Choice Restaurant Awards.
Buffalo Grill • A local favorite for years. A friendly staff coupled with a comfortable, casual atmosphere makes you and your family feel right at home. American-style menu offers tasty cheese dip for starters. Great salads, tuna sandwich, plate dinners and more. The great, crispy-off-the-griddle cheeseburger and hand-cut fries star at this family –friendly stop. The Burgers and the fries continue to be winners in The Arkansas Times annual Readers Choice awards. The original location is in full force in Riverdale with a spacious deck and outdoor dining. A second location in west little rock also has roomy outdoor dining. LD open 11a-9p Sun - Thurs. Fri & Sat. 11a-10p 7 days a week. Full- bar. 1611 Rebsamen Park 296-9535 400 N. Bowman 224-0012. Cajun’s Wharf • Uniquely located on the south bank of the Arkansas River, Cajun’s Wharf offers up fresh seafood, amazing appetizers and great steaks for the non-seafood eater. Famous for their deck parties, Cajun’s features live entertainment throughout the year. Call for complimentary van service to and from area
hotels. Full banquet and catering services provided. Restaurant Hours: Monday through Thursday 5 p.m. to 10 p.m., Friday and Saturday 5 p.m. to 11 p.m., Bar Hours: 5 p.m. till the party’s over. 2400 Cantrell Rd. 375-5351 Camp David • Located inside the Holiday Inn Presidential, Restaurant Camp David is a hidden treasure with a culinary style surely fit for both Presidents and First Ladies. If you are tired of the same old thing and want to try something different everyday, come enjoy Camp David. Where dining is easy, fun and comfortable. You can experience all of your favorite cuisine, Italian, Asian, Seafood, Mexican and of course down home southern cooking. Our chefs are respectful of the culture and traditions that are behind the dishes they prepare. Working in a dramatic exhibition kitchen, they use Mandarin style wok cooking to prepare the dynamic menu. Camp David is Fast, convenient, high quality, with no waiting and very affordable! You can also enjoy outdoor dining at Camp David. BLD 6:30 a.m. 10 p.m. Closed between lunch and dinner. 600 Interstate 30. 975-camp.
ozark mountain country restaurant come TASTe why we’re voTed BeST BreAkfAST AGAIN ANd AGAIN ANd AGAIN! Now opeN oN MoNdays! serviNg Breakfast everyday. aLso stop By for a great LUNCH! opeN 6:30 aM daiLy.
201 Keightley Drive • 663-7319 32 november 11, 2010 • ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT TO THE ARKANSAS TIMES
To mark her lengthy art success Carole Katchen has been invited to show a 40 year retrospective of her work this April at the Guachoya Art Center in Lake Village. In just the last few years her paintings have been exhibited in both the United States and Asia. Her 2 books on art marketing have been published as e books in English and German. Her work has been purchased for the collections of the Heifer Foundation and the Rockefeller Cancer Institute and she has been included in Who’s Who in American Art for the 25th year. Even though Carole Katchen has a long list of serious art credentials, she is best known for the fun in her paintings. Her chefs, Razorback fans, ballroom dancers, musicians and drag queens all emphasize the humorous side of being human. She has recently changed her focus to landscape paintings which have been praised for their depth and spirituality. To see Katchen’s art visit the Cantrell Gallery in Little Rock, Legacy Gallery in Hot Springs or Telluride Gallery in Colorado. She welcomes visitors to her studio/gallery in Hot Springs; call (501)627-4494 to make an appointment. Her website is www.
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Neighborhood Dining Guide n 2010
aziki’s can make life a little easier! Call ahead and then pick up a fresh and delicious family feast. Our Fresh Feasts For 4 come with your choice of a whole baked chicken, sliced leg of lamb, roasted pork loin or grilled chicken breast. They include a big classic Greek salad, pita bread and basmati rice or roasted new potatoes. YUM!
heck out our crowdpleasing catering menu, delivered to you for groups of 10-500. Or, come in and enjoy our fast, friendly service.
Dizzy’s Gypsy Bistro • Dizzy’s must have appetizer is their award winning cheese dip featuring five varieties of seared pepper, subtley infusing bechamel and blended cheeses, crowned with fresh Pico de Gallo and hand blended salsa. The nomadically inspired menu smacks of vagabond travels and deliciously straighforward abroad to southern fusion interpretations. From the “Pasta Athena” to “Gabrielle’s Black Bean Soup,” original entrees are crafted, one by one, from scratch. The 15 ingredient Chicken Spaghetti is handcrafted, one bowl at a time, on the sautee line; this is naughty, upscale, Southern comfort food at it’s finest, y’all. Massive, lean Angus Burgers are prepared, French style, held in aus jus, grilled with seasoned garlic butter and topped with a plethora of tantilizing ingredients. For the sandwich and salad lover, Dizzy’s is an absolute paradise. Its
and chicken salad, onion rings and the BEST shakes in town, which were awarded in The Arkansas Times Best of awards. And wonderful Homemade Soups. For a treat, Hop on in. Now serving Breakfast 7a - 10a; Lunch served 10a-close. Closed Sundays 201 E. Markham 244-0975. www. Loca Luna • For over 14 years this has been one of Arkansas’ hottest must-go spots. Bon Appetit magazine calls it “One of America’s Great Neighborhood Restaurants”. This casual, eclectic perennial award winner always has a lively crowd. Nationally recognized veteran Chef Mark Abernathy creates an inventive menu with a heavy Southern influence. Premium grilled meats, creative fresh seafood dishes, wood fired brick oven pizzas, homemade soups and desserts. Very moderate prices. Well known
· Covered Deck (available for private parties) · Happy Hour 11 - 6 · Great Selection of Wine and Beer Open 7 days Sunday-Thursday 11 - 8 • Friday & Saturday 11 - 9
visitor’s guide m
8200 Cantrell Road (across from Pavilion in the Park) 501 227-TAZ1 (8291)
Perfectly Prepared Food Casually Elegant Atmosphere Frequent winner for Best RestauRant Best DesseRt cateRing Business lunch Monday through Saturday 11:00-2:30 5:30-Close 8201 Cantrell Road • Little Rock Pavilion in the Park • 221-3330
Full Bar • Private Room Cell Phone Free Dining Patio Dining
The Faded Rose serves extraordinary steaks. list of eleven “Ridiculously Large Entree Salads” runs the gamut of what you can do with greens and dressing. For example: Zilphia’s Persian Lime Salad, featuring grilled turkey breast, tomato, cucumber, onion, lime and buffalo mozzarella over romaine. If a sandwich and fries are more your fancy, then the Real McCoy Reuben or the Tudor Roast Beef with horseradish sauce on French Bread will make a regular out of the most jaded of business diners. Dizzy’s “White Wedding Cake” with madagascar vanilla bean and buttercream icing has become legendary, the parting kiss, until next time.Tuesday-Thursday 11 am to 9 pm, Friday – Saturday 11 am to 10 pm. 200 River Market Ave., Downtown Little Rock. 501-375-3500. Faded Rose • Authentic New Orleans at its best! For over 27 years recognized as one of Little Rock’s best steak places along with great seafood and other Creole/Cajun dishes in a casual fun atmosphere. 1619 Rebsamen Park Rd., 663-9734 and West Little Rock 400 N. Bowman Rd., 224-3377, The Hop Diner • Looking for a REAL old fashioned diner? Specializing in hot off the grill hamburgers and cheeseburgers. Also offering chef salads, hot dogs, gourmet sandwiches, homemade tuna
for the best wine prices in town. A large lunch menu features gourmet Southern plate lunches. Sunday brunch is universally recognized as the city’s best. Featured in Rachael Ray Tasty Travels, Southern Living, New York Times and many others. Now this is fun!! Happy Hour Monday-Friday, 4-7 PM Dinner: Sunday-Thursday, 5:30-9ish PM, Friday & Saturday, 5:30-10:30 PM Lunch: Monday-Friday 11 AM to 2 PM Sunday Brunch: 11 AM to 2:30 PM 3519 Old Cantrell Road 663-4666 Red Door • This eclectic Southern bistro burst on the scene one year ago and the buzz hasn’t stopped. Fun and modern with lots of unique twists on established crowd pleasers like hand carved “chicken fried” prime ribeye, barbequed gulf shrimp & stone ground cheese grits, pan seared grouper and sea bass. Premium steaks, lamb chops and ribs. Everything’s homemade and fresh like an over-the-top mac & cheese and sinfully rich croissant bread pudding. Diners go for Small Plate/Big Plate options on almost everything. The new darling of the local restaurant scene. Lively casual atmosphere with two great patios. Moderate prices & a bargain priced wine list (like next door neighbor Loca Luna). Wild and wonderful there’s something for everyone here. Happy Hour MondayFriday, 4-7 PM Dinner: Sunday-Thursday,
5:30-9ish PM, Friday & Saturday, 5:30-10:30 PM Lunch: Monday-Friday 11 AM to 2 PM 3701 Old Cantrell Road 666-8482 www. Rx Catering • Rx Catering knows the daily demands placed upon event planning, organizations and professionals today. With over 60 years of catering experience, we have created a dedicated and caring catering service that takes the burden off of your already hectic schedule. At Rx Catering you’ll get fantastic food that is affordably priced and delivered to your door. Those ingredients are the recipe for an event that is sure to please. Whether you are planning a corporate event, party with friends, a wedding to remember, or a holiday party let Rx Catering put “special” in your special event. At Rx Catering impeccable food and first class service are a way of life. We accommodate your event for breakfast, lunch, dinner and anything in between. Delivery available to all of Central Arkansas. Contact us online at or by phone 221.3929. Sonny Williams’Steak Room • Sonny Williams’ Steak Room serves only the finest steaks cut from Aged Angus Beef, fresh Seafood, and Game, complimented by a Wine Spectator award winning wine list. Our renowned Chef, Clay Sipes, creates new restaurant menu seasonally. Located in hip downtown Little Rock’s River Market District, we have a grand piano bar that features some of Little Rock’s finest players and a patio with great views of the area. Complimentary valet parking service is available. 500 President Clinton Avenue #100, Little Rock. (501) 324-2999. Town Pump • The Town Pump was originally built as a tavern to serve the locals who needed a place to call home,” the menu of today’s Town Pump says. “For over 40 years now, the ‘Pump’ has been known far and wide as a Little Rock favorite. Acknowledged by ‘Southern Living Magazine’ as having one of the top burgers in Arkansas, we invite you to relax, order a cold one, and make yourself at home. Now enjoy live music weekly from local and national acts alike in a non-smoking atmosphere or watch your favorite team on one of the many flat screens around the room. Who said you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. Hours: Monday-Friday 11am to 2am, Sat. 11am to1am, Sun. 11am to Midnight. 1321 Rebsamen Park, Little Rock. 501-663-9802 Union Restaurant • Unwind, dine and socialize at this tapas style eatery. The Spanish “small plate” is served with big flavors from around the world. Experience Southern Style Creole Meatloaf to Asian Tuna Poke and your palate will be pleased with any selection. Soothing candles, cozy couches and eclectic music provides the perfect backdrop for this hidden jewel. Mon - Fri 4 p.m.-2 a.m., Sat 4 p.m.-1 a.m., Sun 4 p.m.-12 a.m. Must be 21 to enter; smoking allowed after 9 p.m. 3421 Old Cantrell. 661-8311.
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Our inspiration for Mike’s Place comes from the Deep South. Old brick, wrought iron, fountains and plants surround the interior of our restaurant. Keeping with these traditions, we feature only the highest quality shrimp, fish and shellfish from the Gulf Shores and serve only premium cuts of beef. reservations accepted. private rooms available for parties. experience new orleans style food and fun!
808 Front Street Downtown Conway 501-269-6453 •
signature dishes Bring the entire family and feel at home in Conway’s best Italian restaurant.
atmosphere Private rooms for parties. Rent the rooftop for your special occasion. Reservations accepted.
signature dishes
atmosphere 1117 Oak Street Downtown Conway at Toad Suck Square 501-329-7278 •
Neighborhood Dining Guide n 2010
Canon Grill • This Neighborhood joint is cozy, relaxed and always pleasant. Must try’s are the Blue Frozen Margarita, homemade salsa and/or cheese dip. Creative appetizers come in huge quantities, and the varied main –course menu rarely disappoints. No matter what your food mood- canon fits the bill. Monday – Saturday 11am-10pm Sunday 11-8 All Day Happy Hour Saturday’s 2811 Kavanaugh 664.2068 Cheers in the Heights • A charming neighborhood restaurant, serving the Heights since 1979. Cheers reflects a warm ambience with original works of art and a cozy dining room. Thanks to the mild climate, our patio is a Little Rock favorite to enjoy one of our outstanding appetizers, like fried crawfish tails or our cheese dip, made fresh daily. 2010 North Van Buren Street. (501) 663-5937. Fantastic China • In the Heights has come a long way since first opening their doors 15 years ago. From a small table space to a restaurant twice it’s original size, Fantastic China has always remained consistent, serving made to order seasonal, fresh and healthy Chinese cuisine. The modern atmosphere refined and sophisticated yet informal is perfect for a relaxing family dinner or a night out with the girls. Fantastic China is the type of place where you are never a stranger and they always
gift card
know your name, a friendly place that makes one feel right at home. Full Bar. 7 days a week, lunch 11-2:30 Dinner 5-9;30 Friday and Saturday nights open till 10. 1900 N. Grant Street. 663-8999. The House • The House continues its evolution of laid back gourmet comfort foods, offering guilt free soups and salads, as well as hefty favorites such as the locally famous build-your-own burgers and the Diamond Bear Beer battered fish and chips, while continuing to expand on their beer and wine options. Recently The House added Gastropub to there name, adding about 25 additional seasonal and year round microbrews and hard to get IPAs and Ales. Hours: Monday-Friday 11 am to 11 pm, Saturday and Sunday 10 am to 11 pm. 722 North Palm, Hillcrest Little Rock. 501-663-4500 Oyster Bar • Little Rock’s Original Oyster Bar has been serving up great food in the Capitol View/Hillcrest Neighborhood since 1975. Sit back, put a quarter in the juke box, order a mug of the coldest beer in town and enjoy fresh seafood and authentic New Orlean’s cuisine in a family-friendly, non-smoking environment. It’s a new day at The Oyster Bar—there’s fried and there’s grilled....Try several new menu items--grilled shrimp, chicken, shrimp and mahi mahi salad, fabulous Baja fish tacos and grilled market fish--or stick with some traditional favorites,
including red beans and rice (all you can eat on Mondays), peel-em-and-eat-em shrimp, oysters on the half shell, classic po’boys, shrimp gumbo, catfish, and etouffee. Check out the kids’ menu and the private party room for special dinners and events. Don’t forget to save room for delicious homemade pies. Find out why The Oyster Bar is where the locals go year after year! LD Mon- Sat. 11-9:30 Mon- Thurs/ 11-10:30 Fri./Noon -10 Sat. Closed Sunday. Park behind the restaurant. 3003 W. Markham beer and wine. 666-7100. Palette Catering • Come for the catering, stay for the desserts at Palette Catering. This is a mantra that has picked up some steam over the past few months, beginning with the discovery of their delicate and delectable cupcakes. Expect daily changes in the dessert menu, but the Double Doozies, cupcakes and some sort of chocolate experience will be available daily. Gourmet to go Hours: Tuesday-Friday 11 am to 6 pm. 600 North Tyler, Little Rock. 501-666-1885. So Restaurant-Bar • Contemporary metropolitan bistro meets Southern smalltown hospitality in a neighborhood. SO offers the best in fresh seafood and hand-cut rustic meats, complimented by an extensive and diverse wine list, honored with Wine Spectator’s Award of Excellence. Whether casual dinners, special occasions, meetings
with clients, or private parties, our service will impress. Reservations accepted for six and more. Private Lounge. Open daily. Brunch, Sunday 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Lunch, Monday-Saturday 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Dinner, Monday-Saturday, 4 p.m. to close. 3610 Kavanaugh Blvd. (501) 663-1464 Sushi Café • Extensive sushi offerings plus café specialties including American Kobe steaks is what sets Sushi Café apart from others. The food is definitely what keeps people coming to this chic Heights location, but the in-depth wine and sake lists can’t hurt either. Inventive item names means you’ll have just as much fun ordering your food as you will eating it! Be sure to try Da Bomb or Spice Girls – two rolls out of many on the specialty rolls menu. Consistently voted Best Sushi by Arkansas Times readers! Be sure to check out the recently expanded space. Lunch Monday-Friday 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Dinner Monday- Sunday, 5 p.m. to close. 5823 Kavanaugh Blvd. (501) 6639888/9887 Terry’s Finer Foods • The Grocery at Terry’s Finer Foods, a throwback to the small service-oriented Main Street grocery store of times past, has greatly enhanced its operations and offerings, by adding a distinctly unique restaurant to its repertoire. With a noticeable French influence combined with what is believed by many to be the best Meat Market in the state, Terry’s
holiday party
Buffet Buffet & Lunch Mon-Sat 11-3:30 Adults $7.35 Children (3-5) $3 (6-10) $4.50 Dinner Mon-Sat 4-9:30 Adults $10.95 Children (3-5) $4 (6-10) $5.50
new year’s eve 36 november 11, 2010 • ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT TO THE ARKANSAS TIMES
Sunday All Day $10.95 Seniors 60+ 10% Discount Party Room Available Shackleford Crossing Center Interstate 430 2604 South Shackleford Suite G Little Rock, AR 72205 (501) 224-8100
Best Steakhouse 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
Best Steak 2005-2010
2008 2009 2008 beyond sushi 5823 KAVANAUGH • THE HEIGHTS (501) 663-9888
New Main Dining & Party Room Reservations Preferred
now Serving Brunch in 4 locations!
Rustic cuisine. casual. Old-wORld sOul. czech it Out.
10:30-2:00 Saturday and Sunday Drink Specials • Breakfast Pizza and Frittatas LittLe Rock – Hillcrest 2710 Kavanaugh Blvd. • (501) 663-2198 NoRtH LittLe Rock – JFK 5524 JFK • (501) 975-5524 Fayetteville 202 W. Dickson St. • (479) 582-4808 ConWay (Sunday only) 710 Front Street • (501) 450-9700
the freshest ingredients made to order guaranteed delicious
11401 Rodney PaRham
LUnCh mon-SaT 11-4 dinneR mon-SaT 4 - midniGhT BaR mon-SaT 4 - CLoSe
1900 N. Grant In the Heights 501-663-8999
501.353.1875 ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT TO THE ARKANSAS TIMES • november 11, 2010 37
Neighborhood Dining Guide n 2010 has created a menu that will satisfy the appetite of anyone that thoroughly enjoys the pleasure and artistry finer foods allow. The quaint small bistro with its trademark imported French tables boasts a wine list that contains newer California wines as well as old world Italian and French selections to satisfy all discerning palates. Enjoy a truly European style atmosphere in the small bistro or request a more private table at the end of a dimly lit aisle in the grocery…. Many regulars at Terry’s request their “Tide Table” nestled at the end of the house-wares aisle. Terry’s (The Grocery and The Restaurant) makes everyone feel special and welcome. The quality and uniqueness of the food is just a bonus! 5018 Kavanaugh Blvd. 663.4152 Serving Lunch 11-2 and dinner Tuesday thru Saturday 5:30-10 call for reservations. U.S. Pizza • Will there be a day when the sun doesn’t set on this central Arkansas favorite? Recently expanded to Fair Park for the UALR crowd, U.S. Pizza resides in 8 locations throughout Pulaski County with locations in Conway and Fayetteville as well. Crispy thin-crust pizzas, frosty beers and heaping salads covered in the locally famous house dressing can be found at all locations. Patio dining at all locations works well with the mild climate of Little Rock even in the fall. Private parties are available at the flagship location in Hillcrest. Open daily for lunch and dinner. Beer and wine. 2710 Kavanaugh Blvd., 663-2198; 4001 McCain Park, NLR, 753-2900; 3324 Pike Ave., NLR, 758-5997; 650 Edgewood Drive, Maumelle, 851-0880; 5524 JKF, NLR, 9755524; 9300 N. Rodney Parham, 224-6300; 5524 Kavanaugh, 664-7071; 3307 Fair Park Blvd., 565-6580.
OzarkMountainCountryRestaurant • Come taste why this local favorite is voted Arkansas’s best breakfast over and over. Featuring football sized omelets filled with
the same marvelous smoked meats and cheeses that are heaped on sandwiches at lunch. Great biscuits and gravy, thick, fresh cut bacon, homestyle potatoes and a daily plate lunch special to boot. One must not miss out on the homemade pillowy pancakes. Real southern breakfast made with real southern food. Ask anyone in Little Rock where to eat breakfast and this place is immediately mentioned. Everything is made from real ingredients, no powder mixes here. Breakfast from $7-$10 for a
tenderloin, shrimp, tilapia, and salmon are grilled to juicy perfection and served with classic Greek salads or as feasts with Basmati rice or roasted new potatoes. All the food is super fresh, made-to-order, healthy and scrumptious. The menu includes Greek favorites like gyros, dolmades and hummus along with a yummy assortment of unique house-made sandwiches. Luscious marinades, sauces and dressings are all made on-site from original recipes. Taziki’s offers an affordable selection of great wines and
Mediterranean favorites at Taziki’s Greek Fare hearty helping. Seat yourself in this casual dining environment, watch your food being cooked while admiring the old time country general store atmosphere. Take home smoked meats and other food by the pound. Open 7 days a week at 6:30 am. 201 Keightley Drive Little Rock 669.7319 Taziki’s Mediterranean Café • At Taziki’s, you’ll find an original assortment of delicious Mediterranean-inspired dishes that are easy on the waistline and the pocketbook. Service is quick and friendly and the casual atmosphere is perfect for enjoying a great meal. Chicken, lamb, pork
beers with happy hour from 11 – 6. Get some friends together and enjoy a ball game on the covered deck (also available for private parties). Or take advantage of Taziki’s catering for groups of 10 – 500. Open 7 days Mon-Thur 11 – 8, Fri & Sat 11 – 9, Sun 11 – 8. Family owned and operated at 8200 Cantrell Road, Cantrell Heights (across from Pavillion in the Park). (501) 227-TAZ1 (8291). Trio’s • Discover eclectic cuisine on the cutting edge of the Little Rock independent restaurant scene. Find fresh, creative and satisfying lunches and inspired dinner
options. The desserts are some of the best in town. Enjoy your meal in Trio’s casually elegant dining room or relax on the patio in the spring or fall. If you’re planning a party, the Pavilion Room is available for your next event. Lunch: Monday-Saturday, 11 AM to 2:30 PM Dinner: Monday-Saturday, 5:30 PM to close. Pavilion in the Park, 8201 Cantrell Road, Suite 100, 221-3330 www.
West Little Rock
1620 Restaurant • You’ll feel right at home as you enter the warm and romantic environment at 1620. You’ll find a worldwide blend of fine foods and the finest wines your palate will ever experience. 1620 is more than a restaurant – it’s an opportunity to indulge in a first class dining experience. Conveniently located in west Little Rock, the restaurant celebrates happy hour on their patio from 5 p.m. to closing Mon.-Fri. and 50% off selected bottles of wine Mon.-Thurs. There’s also a three course prix fixe menu for you to enjoy and two private dining rooms for larger groups. Once you experience the healthy portions, perfect presentation and freshest foods possible, you’ll become a part of the 1620 family, too. Full service catering for home or office is available. MondaySaturday 5:30pm-10pm, Sunday brunch 10am-2pm. 1620 Market Street. 221-1620. Alley Oops • Tucked away in West Little Rock you can find great casual dining with throwback prices at Alley Oops. Not just another burger joint! Daily lunch specials for $6.25 are the norm as are homemade soups and desserts. In addition to great menu options there is also a full bar with a happy hour from 4-7. Creekwood Plaza 11900 Kanis Road. 221-9400. 11-9 Daily. Black Angus • Conveniently located in West Little Rock, Black Angus is a local institution for good food with a home
enjoy lunch and dinner! awesome private party room!
BLOG Great Selections To Fancy Your Fork Like
2010 Van Buren, Little Rock • 663-5937
cooked feel. Enjoy reasonably priced meals including fantastic steaks, charcoal-grilled burgers, many southern styled dishes and fresh baked deserts. With a friendly environment and weekly specials it’s a great place to being the whole family, or just drive-thru and pick something up to go. Black Angus is now serving breakfast 6:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Monday through Saturday. 10907 N. Rodney Parham, Little Rock. 501-228-7800. The Butcher Shop • Arkansas’s premier Steakhouse since 1981. When you crave and old-fashioned steakhouse setting with great service and atmosphere, the Butcher Shop fits the bill. Tremendous steaks, excellent service, fair prices and a comfortable setting makes The Butcher Shop a great choice for an evening out. The high-quality beef keeps Little Rock’s residents and visitors coming back for more, as well as earning the restaurant multiple local readers’choice awards. Monday-Friday 5pm-till... Saturday Sunday 4.30pm-till. Shackleford & Hermitage Road. 312-2748, Capi’s • Good food in every sense of the word is what you’ll find here. It’s not just tasty food, but good for the soul, good for the body and good for the planet. Capi’s strives to use fresh ingredients from local merchants. Their Nuevo Latino Menu brings bold flavorful, fresh and innovate cuisine. Find a broad selection of enchiladas, tacos, tamales steamed in banana leave and fajitas; plus pozole, paella, two types of queso and much more. Service hours: Tuesday & Wednesday 11 AM to 9 PM, Thursday 11 AM to 10 PM, Friday 11 AM to 10:30 PM, Saturday & Sunday Brunch 11 AM to 3 PM, Saturday Dinner 5 to 10 PM, Sunday Dinner 5 to 9 PM. Pleasant Ridge Town Center, 11525 Cantrell Road, Suite 917 225-9600 Markham Street Grill & Pub • Markham Street Grill and Pub is a locally owned restaurant and bar located in Little Rock, Arkansas. We have the best pub food you could ask for. Serving burgers, sandwiches, salads, great appetizers, steakes, fish, shrimp scallops, lunch specials daily and much more. The Grill is open from 11 a.m. until midnight. Markham Street Grill and Pub has live music every Thursday, Friday and Saturday night. We have big screen TV’s and play major sporting events. Markham Street is a great place to come cheer for the Razorbacks! We are smoke friendly so 21 and up please. Come and drop by for a visit at this local hot spot. Your always welcome at Markham Street Grill and Pub. 11321 W. Markham St. 501224-2010. Panda Garden • Fresh, flavorful, all-youcan-eat sushi. With fresh and interesting Chinese dishes, nice decor, great dessert choices and really good sushi, Panda Garden raises the bar. With more than 30 hot items, including coconut shrimp and tender steak kebabs, a salad bar, a dessert bar and a sushi bar. They even offer kid pleasing alternatives
Feel right at home
as you enter the warm and romantic environment of 1620. You’ll find a worldwide blend of fine foods and the finest wines your palate will ever experience. 1620 is more than a restaurant - it is
For All Your Catering Needs!
an opportunity to indulge in a first class experience.
• Happy Hour 5 ‘til ??? Monday thru Friday on our Patio • 50% Off Selected Bottles of Wine Monday thru Thursday • 3 Course Prix Fixe Menu Available • 2 Private Dining Rooms • Full Service Catering Available For Your Home or Office • Go to our website and join our email list to receive weekly dinner and brunch specials.
• Rx Catering offers a wide variety of Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner menus. • Every meal is prepared to order with the freshest ingredients.
• Convenient location in downtown Little Rock with delivery service available for all of Central Arkansas.
1620 Market Street Little Rock 221-1620
• Complete Holiday Meals for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Join us at Ya Ya’s for a traditional tHanksgiving dinner buffet!
ReseRve Now
Prime rib, Homemade brick oven Pizzas, eggs benedict, signature Ya Ya’s House sPecialtY’s, House infused bloodY marY’s & so mucH mucH more!!
Holiday Party Catering
Whole Smoked turkey and Ham for thanksgiving! ViEw ouR MEnu AnD oRDER onLinE AT 501.221.3929 ReseRvations PRefeRRed 501.821.1144 Hours: sun. 10am to 9pm • mon. - tHurs. 11am to 10pm Fri. - sat. 11am to 11pm Located in the Promenade at Chenal
Neighborhood Dining Guide n 2010
60 50 30
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OVER Your premier party rental and event company
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years of serving Arkansas
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bRInG In ThIs aD FOR
15% OFF lunch coupon expires Dec. 1, 2010
1321 Rebsamen PaRk LittLe Rock • 501-663-9802
FInD us On FacebOOk!
• Lunch, Tues.–Sat., 11am–3pm
• Open for Dinner on Friday & Saturday from 4pm–9pm • Private Parties 411 Main St. • Argenta Arts District • Downtown North Little Rock
RESTAURANT & BAR Lunch & Dinner Mon-Sat • Daily Lunch Specials $6.25 Homemade Soups & Desserts • Happy Hour 4-7 Full Bar • WI-FI
(501) 221-9400 Located at the corner of Kanis & Bowman rd
creeKwood PLaza
and for dessert: fruit, cookies, cakes, and a variety of pies, a real treat! 11am-9:30pm. Saturday throughThursday; 11am-10pm.Friday. Shackleford Crossing Shopping Center 2604 S. Shackleford Road, Suite G. 224-8100. The Pantry • Owner Tomas Bohm’s passion for food is evident in eveything he creates – buying local, specialty items and making almost everything from scratch with a simple focus on fresh preparations. The Pantry stays true to Bohm’s Czech roots offering rustic eastern European food like homemade bratwurst, house-smoked meats and the most memorable pate. Specialty items like never-frozen mussels flown in for Tuesday night special, the Rustic Bowl and the Fish & Frites will keep you coming back for more. Nestled in a warm & inviting ambiance, Arkansas Times readers have voted The Pantry Best Non-Bar for Drinking. With its Euro beer selection, worldly wine list and eclectic but comfortable bar and lounge, it’s easy to see why. All size private parties can be accommodated and off-site catering is available. Now accepting holiday private party reservations. Open all day, MondayFriday, 11 a.m. until close, Saturday, 4 p.m. until close. Bar & lounge open late. 11401 Rodney Parham, (501) 353-1875 www. YaYa’s Eurobistro • There is something about Ya Ya’s that is both sophisticated and whimsical. Mosaic tile floors, stone columns and fabric covered wall panels are complemented by heavy beamed ceilings, hand blown chandeliers and curvy wrought-iron railings add a whimsical flair. Our eclectic menu is inspired by a combination of Italian, French, Spanish and Greek cuisines. Mediterranean Euro Delights share the menu with pizzas from our wood-burning oven, rich creative pastas and an array of the freshest of seafood dishes and innovative meat entrees. Join us on the patio, with live local music every Tuesday & Friday, or on Sunday for Brunch ($16.95 & only $13.95 for the early bird special, 10am to 11am). Reservations are preferred. 17711 Chenal Parkway, Suite I-101, Located in the Promenade at Chenal, (501) 821-1144
prepared using a special process which results in a distinctive flavor. The atmosphere at the Riverfront Steakhouse is elegant and relaxed and the service is second to none. The Riverfront Steakhouse is an excellent choice for parties, entertaining business associates or a romantic dinner for two. Call 501-375-7825 for reservations or go to www. Located in the Wyndham Hotel, 2 Riverfront Place, North Little Rock, AR 72114. Serving Diner Mon-Thur 5:00pm - 9:30 pm; Fri & Sat 5:00pm-10:00pm. Starving Artist Café • A longer string of complimentary adjectives can be applied to Starving Artist Cafe than any other area eatery that immediately comes to mind. Among them: creative, affordable, fun, versatile, comfortable, unpretentious, refreshing, arty, funky — and let’s not forget locally owned … and delicious. Although the Starving Artist Café has defined lunch in downtown North Little Rock in recent years, catching their weekly Tales from the South short story readings on Tuesday evenings hits the spot for a splash of southern culture as you dine on the evenings special. Hours: Tuesday 11 am to 8 pm, Wednesday and Thursday 11 am to 3 pm, Friday and Saturday 11 am to 9 pm. 411 Main Street, North Little Rock. 501-372-7976.
Michelangelo’s • Bring the entire family and feel at home in Conway’s best Italian restaurant. Only the best food available is chosen to create pasta dishes, fresh salads, hand-made sauces and brick-oven pizzas. Enjoy signature dishes like Shrimp Brindisi or one of our thick, juicy Sterling Silver steaks. Staff members receive extensive training and education on Italian cooking, traditions and culture bringing customers the best in service, quality, integrity and value. Consistently voted among the best in the Arkansas Times Readers’ Choice Awards. Hours of Operation: Tuesday through Thursday, 11 AM to 9 PM; Friday and Saturday 11 AM to 10 PM, Sunday Brunch 10 AM to 2 PM, Sunday Dinner 5 PM to 8 PM & Monday Dinner 5 PM to 9 PM. 1117 Oak Street, Conway (501) 329-7278 www.
Riverfront Steakhouse • The staff of the award winning Riverfront Steakhouse pride themselves in serving prime steaks
Mike’s Place • The inspiration for Mike’s Place comes from the Deep South. From the New Orleans-style food to the old brick, wrought iron, fountains and plants that surround the interior of the restaurant, Mike’s Place is a gem. Featuring the highest quality shrimp, fish and shellfish from the Gulf Shores, Mike’s Place serves up only the best food available. From fresh chicken, hand-made sauces and dressings to the most tender prime rib, Mike’s Place prides itself on using the freshest, best ingredients possible. A favorite by many, Mike’s Place is consistently recognized in the Arkansas Times Readers’ Choice Awards for many categories including Best Steak, Most Romantic Best Overall and more. Hours of Operation: Sunday through Thursday, 11 AM to 9 PM; Friday and Saturday, 11 AM to 10 PM. 808 Front Street, Conway, 501-269-MIKE (6453)
Benihana • Have you been to Benihana lately? Rediscover the personalized experience of having your choice of succulent seafood, tender chicken, juicy steaks, and garden-fresh vegetables grilled to delicious perfection in an extraordinary theater that will feed the senses and entertain the appetite. Located in the Wyndham hotel, just three blocks from Verizon Arena, and next door to Dickey Stephens Park (home to the Arkansas Travelers), Benihana has established itself as Arkansas’ premier Japanese steakhouse. Live entertainment every weekend in the Benihana lounge. Mon-Thur: 11:00am-2:00pm & 5:00pm-9:30pm, Fri 11:00am-2:00pm & 5:00pm-10:00pm, Sat 5:00pm-10:00pm, Sun 12:00pm-8:00pm. Call 501-374-8081 for reservations.
A Little Rock Favorite with Family and Friends
Since 1982
10825 Hermitage Rd. Little Rock 501-312-2748 Mon.–Fri. 5pm–til Sat. & Sun. 4:30pm–til
Savor Capi’s Nuevo Latino Menu, and the Best Weekend Brunch!
5018 Kavanaugh Blvd | 501.663.4154 Serving Lunch 11:00 - 2:00 Monday - Friday Dinner Tuesday thru Saturday 5:30 - 10:00 Reservations Recommended
For 14 years, Hand-Formed Rosemary Crust, Wood Fired, Old World Greatness ...
3519 Old Cantrell Road • (501) 663-4666 •
Best deal Happy Hour in west little rock! Tues-Sun • Lunch & Dinner 11am-Close…Serving Continuously Lunch and Dinner reservations accepted and recommended for groups of 5 and more.
Arkansas Times 2010 Best New Restaurant Best Happy Hour • Best Bloody Mary 11525 Cantrell rd • Pleasant ridge town Center 501-225-9600 •www.CaPisrestaurant.Com
CRazy GOOd! A Modern Southern Bistro (501) 663-4666 ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT TO THE ARKANSAS TIMES • november 11, 2010 41
meet the boss! meet a few of our local restaurant and bar owners and managers. They give us a place to wine, dine AND socialize and we couldn’t be happier. Here are some of our favorites!
Tomas Bohm
Mike Kraft and Mike Coats
Don Dugan
Gary Duke
The Pantry
Mike’s Place & Michelangelo’s, Conway
Markham Street Grill & Pub
Alley Oops
Chris Isgrig
Jason Miller
The Hop Diner
The Oyster Bar
Chef Jason Morell & Paula Martin Morell Starving Artist Café
Capi Peck
Jay Ramsey
Shapoor Karimi, left,
Jeannie Smith
Samantha & Chris Tanner
Rx Catering
Benihana Manager
SO Restaurant-Bar
Donnie Rieathbaum, right,
Riverfront Steakhouse 42 november 11, 2010 • ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT TO THE ARKANSAS TIMES
3519 Old Cantrell Road • (501) 663-4666 •
CRazy GOOd! A Modern Southern Bistro (501) 663-4666 Mark Abernathy Loca Luna and Red Door
Yvette Brady Restaurant 1620
100% Real Charcoal Broiled
Burgers Steak Chicken
Now Serving Breakfast! 6:30-10:30 am
Dan Haase
Patrick Herron
Ozark Mountain Smokehouse
Terry’s, The Restaurant, Executive Chef
10907 N. Rodney Parham • 228-7800 • Mon-Sat 6:30 am - 9 pm
70+ beers and wine, too
new american cuisine made with local and organic produce
Brent Peterson
Jeremy Pittman
Palette Catering
weekend Brunch 10-2 haPPY hour: Sun.- thurs., 2-6
722 N. Palm Little Rock, AR, 72205 Kavion Wang
Jesse Yao
Fantastic China
Camp David
501.663.4500 MON.-FRI. 11-11 SAT.-SUN. 10-11 ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT TO THE ARKANSAS TIMES • november 11, 2010 43
The Party Guide: Top Tips for the Perfect Party It’s that time of year again where most of us are tasked with planning some sort of party. We decided to talk to the experts to help us outline the steps for planning the party, places to rent, secrets for success and more. Tear out these notes, apply your own thoughts and HAVE A GREAT PARTY! from the arkansas art center The secret to success in planning a party is to make it unique! You certainly don’t want your guests saying “been there, done that.” At the Arkansas Arts Center, even if you have been here before, it is never the same! Our world class exhibits are always changing, and we can get as creative as you let us. The Atrium, which seats 250 people or 750 standing, is rented with the Galleries to provide an always artistic experience. We can tour your guests through any of the galleries, offer such demonstrations as painting and drawing, or maybe you would like to try your hand at creating your own pottery. We can even make our art work come to life using actors, or maybe some of your guests. If you are looking for a less formal atmosphere, the Lower Lobby/ Courtyard is ideal for any indoor-outdoor event. The beautiful sculpture garden presents an invitation to dine, or dance under the stars. With your ideas and our art, at the Arkansas Arts Center we can create whatever you can imagine. If you need a little help we have the artistic and party planning expertise to help turn your event into a unique experience that your guests won’t be able to stop talking about. From ray and kristi imbro at party time rentals and events
for the holidays or July 4th and may not be flexible during that time to change decor for a wedding or event.
to RSVP and you can always safely plan for half of your invited guests to attend.
3. Select your caterer, photographer, rental company, lighting company and music at least 3 months in advance (April, May, June, September and October book up fast).
2. Do not be afraid to run out of food! Unless you are planning a seated or buffet style meal, you need not worry about running out. It is far bigger problem to have a lot left over and feel like you wasted money. If you hire a professional and they plan accordingly there should be little to no leftovers.
4. Get your invitations printed and out early. 5. Check the date with your closest relatives/friends. 6. Check the music- Is the music selection APPROPRIATE for the audience? Unedited music can surprise grandma! 7. Have the caterer, rental company and florist meet together with you on site so everyone follows your vision. Rental companies should require a safety site check before putting up tents or structures. 8. Have the event laid out by computer (CAD- Computer Aided Design). Most better companies use these so you can see what the layout of the event will look like in advance.
from Jay Ramsey at RX CATERING
9. When possible have everything set up the day before.
1. Make sure you have the caterer repeat the order, time, location and all other specifics back to you. An extra couple of minutes on the front end can save hours of frustration on the back end.
10. Relax before the party, take a bath, have some champagne.... show up without stress and ENJOY your PARTY!
2. Choose a caterer that can provide at least three references, then make sure and call at least two.
From pATRICK Herron at The Restaurant at Terry’s 1. Leave one, and only one person in charge
1. Come up with a fun/unique theme.
2. Remember, It’s a fun event. Relax and enjoy!
2. Think outside the box - Have it OUTSIDE! With tents in town the size of a football field, you’re only limited by your imagination. Tents come air conditioned or heated. If not a tent, select a venue appropriate for the time of year. Many places decorate
From Jacquelyn Pittman at Palette Gourmet to go and Catering
3. ALWAYS use the correct size plates for your event. A cocktail hour hors d’oeuvres buffet needs a plate no larger than 6 in. Most times luncheon-sized napkins will be plenty if forks are not needed. A 9-in. plate is the right size for a buffet dinner. Your guests can always get another plate if he or she wants more.
1. Plan for 50% guest attendance. Very few people take the time
3. Write down applicable questions before you seek out a caterer. ie: Is your menu available online? Is there availability for the date in question? How long have you been in the catering business? What’s your specialty? Do you have a full time staff? What is included with the meal? If the caterer can’t answer the questions with confidence and accuracy you might want to seek another caterer. 4. Have your caterer bring to-go containers. This gives your guests something to take home and not to mention it makes the storage easier for you.
Join us for our inaugural exhibit at our new location! PIONEERS OF THE PAINT: MASTERS OF THE 19TH CENTuRy
2nd Friday Art Night at the ASI Galleries The Arkansas Chapter of the American Institute of Architects: 2010 Design Awards Exhibition
These designs, submitted by architecture firms from around the state of Arkansas, were judged for design awards by a jury composed of leading architects from New Orleans.
ASI Mezzanine Gallery
Plus, The Food Truck will be serving on Rock Street right next to the ASI. Come by for some of their famous punch and other delicious treats!
Robert Scott Duncanson ( 1821-1872) Edward Mitchell Bannister ( 1828-1901) Charles Ethan Porter (1847- 1923) Henry Ossawa Tanner (1859- 1937) Original Works on Paper & Canvas ExHiBiTiOn DATES : november 12, 2010 January 15, 2011 OPEning RECEPTiOn : Friday, november 12, 2010 From 5:00 p.m - 8 p.m.
The 2nd Friday Of Each Month Nov 12, 5-8 pm
Arkansas Studies Institute (401 President Clinton Ave.), located in downtown Little Rock’s River Market District. Central Arkansas Library System • The Butler Center for Arkansas Studies •
All in the touch Diana B. Ashley & Scinthya edwards Live music by Velvet Kente
these venues will be open late. there’s plenty of parking and a free trolley to each of the locations. Don’t miss it – lots of fun!
A museum of the Department of Arkansas Heritage
free ParKing at 3rD & cuMberlanD
200 E. Third Street 501-324-9351
free street ParKing all oVer Downtown anD behinD the riVerMarKet (Paid parking available for modest fee.)
Art in the Park Celebrate Arkansas artists, Performers, home-grown Produce, food & beverage vendors, and community groups. 5-8 PM : every second Friday through December (Corner of Daisy Bates & S. Main)
SponSored by
eat arkansasEAT SubScribe for thiS local newS email!
Art from The ArtGroup Maumelle All Arkansas Artists
521 President Clinton Avenue River Market District • (501) 975-9800
Gypsy Bistro
drivers Please be aWare, it’s arkansas state laW:
Kat Robinson’s Eat Arkansas Blog is all things food. Contributing writers include local chefs, foodies and an assortment of people that just love to eat out. The Eat Arkansas email newsletter is delivered each Thursday with an eclectic mix of restaurant reviews, restaurant openings, great new menus and other eating and drinking news. The perfect foodie newsletter!.
1001 Wright Ave. Suite C 501-372-6822
200 S. CommerCe, , Ste. 150 river market DiStriCt (olDvermillion loCation)
t he right wine, t he right t ime
gAllERy TAlk: “Collecting 19th Century Art” with garbo Hearne, Director of Hearne Fine Art & Juan Rodriguez, Director of Art 70th, nyC, 1:30p.m., Saturday, november 13, 2010
Use of bicycles or animals
Every person riding a bicycle or an animal, or driving any animal drawing a vehicle upon a highway, shall have all the rights and all of the duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle, except those provisions of this act which by their nature can have no applicability.
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overtaking a bicycle dripripple coffee & Tea S U B S C R I B E
It’s Free! Go to
SUSHI42 • Lor autatincil dolutpat. Anklnmlae lkdnm dkdoe dkoaioe. • Lske kci Lor autatincil dolutpat. Andre dunt utpat. • Aclken eknos lciiine autatincil dolutpat. Andre dunt utpat.
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The driver of a motor vehicle overtaking a bicycle proceeding in the same direction on a roadway shall exercise due care and pass to the left at a safe distance of not less than three feet (3’) and shall not again drive to the right side of the roadway until safely clear of the overtaken bicycle.
• Lor autatincil dolutpat. Anklnmlae lkdnm dkdoe dkoaioe. • Lor autatincil dolutpat. Anklnmlae lkdnm dkdoe dkoaioe. • Lske kci Lor autatincil dolutpat. Andre dunt utpat. • Aclken eknos lciiine autatincil dolutpat. Andre dunt utpat. • Lor autatincil dolutpat. Anklnmlae lkdnm dkdoe dkoaioe.
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yoUr cycling friends thank yoU! • Go to “Arkansas Code,” search “bicycle”
kitchen store
• Lor autatincil dolutpat. Andre dunt utpat.
RIVERMARKET BAR & GRILL • november 11, 2010 45
Jones & Son partners with Arkansas Children’s Hospital Jones & Son Diamond & Bridal Fine Jewelry recently opened the doors of their beautiful West Little Rock store to the patrons of the 2010 Miracle Ball to benefit Arkansas Children’s Hospital. Guests were able to preview and bid on auction items which will be on the auction block December 11th for the annual fundraiser hosted by Arkansas Children’s Hospital. With the newly formed partnership, Jones & Son has donated over $56,000 for the event ranging from a piece valued at $250 and the premier live auction item; a 5 16 ct. diamond necklace and matching earrings are valued at $25,000.
Main Library Basement, 100 Rock Street Friday & Saturday: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.; Sunday 1-4 p.m. $.50 paperbacks/ $1 hardbacks FOCAL members may enter at 9 a.m. River Market Books & Gifts, 120 River Market Avenue Friday & Saturday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Sunday 1-5 p.m. FOCAL members enjoy 50% off “gently read” books and 25% off new books at RMB&G! FOCAL Preview Party & Annual Meeting Thursday, Nov. 11, 5-7 p.m.
READERS NIGHT OUT Dedicated To All Fashionistas, Shop-O-Holics and Die Hard Foodies 46
november 11, 2010 • ArKAnSAS TImeS
eat local Small Town
support your community
n Ryan Hamra, owner of Central Arkansas’s Blue Coast Burrito franchises, has opened a coffee and gelato cafe called Gelattes in the rear of the Blue Coast at 14810 Cantrell Road. This is the first of a concept Hamra hopes to franchise. The cafe’s hours are 6:30 a.m. until 8 p.m. daily (expect expanded hours during the holidays). The phone number is 868-5247 and the website is n As our Eat Arkansas blog reported, David’s Butcher Boy Burgers opened recently in Conway at 1100 Highway 65 North in the former home of Fazoli’s. The restaurant is the latest in the burgeoning Butcher Burger Boys chain that includes two locations in Russellville, one in Magnolia and one coming in El Dorado. The Conway outlet is managed by Butcher Boy founder David Bubbus’ son, David Bubbus Jr. The phone number for David’s is 501-327-3333, though the restaurant isn’t currently taking call-in orders. Hours are 11 a.m.-8:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and 11 a.m.9:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. n Also migrating from Russellville to Conway: PattiCakes, the bakery adjacent and tied to the Russellville Stoby’s, is scheduled to open behind the Conway Stoby’s on Nov. 11.
Restaurant capsules Every effort is made to keep this listing of some of the state’s more notable restaurants current, but we urge readers to call ahead to check on changes on days of operation, hours and special offerings. What follows, because of space limitations, is a partial listing of restaurants reviewed by our staff. Information herein reflects the opinions of the newspaper staff and its reviewers. The newspaper accepts no advertising or other considerations in exchange for reviews, which are conducted anonymously. We invite the opinions of readers who think we are in error. Restaurants are listed in alphabetical order by city; Little Rock-area restaurants are divided by food category. Other review symbols are: B Breakfast L Lunch D Dinner $ Inexpensive (under $8/person) $$ Moderate ($8-$20/person) $$$ Expensive (over $20/person) CC Accepts credit cards
Little Rock/ N. Little Rock American
4 SQUARE GIFTS Vegetarian salads, soups, wraps and paninis and a daily selection of desserts in an Arkansas products gift shop. 405 President Clinton Ave. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-244-2262. L Mon.-Sat. D Mon.-Fri. APPLE SPICE JUNCTION A chain sandwich and salad spot with sit-down lunch space and a vibrant box lunch catering business. With a wide range of options and quick service. Order online via 2000 S. University Ave. No alcohol, All CC. $$. 501-663-7008. ARGENTA MARKET The Argenta District’s neighborhood
Continued on page 48
■ dining Upscale comfort in Conway Oak Street Bistro serves it up rich and tasty. n One supposes the reason Conway has such good restaurants — we’ve been impressed by all we’ve been to — is the business they get from the parents of college students, who make up 99.9 percent of the population here. That’s a slight exaggeration in number, of course, but whatever the reason, we’re glad for it. So we expected the venerable Oak Street Bistro to be good, and it was more than good. It was excellent. It was a little liberal with the butterfat — our group was unable to finish more than half of our entrees — but there was some skilled cooking and flavoring going on here. The menu is such that the restaurant might more aptly be called Live Oak bistro. The menu is awash in coastal dishes — like the shrimp and grits we ordered, and jambalaya pasta and blackened Creole pork chops — and the fancy/quaint styling of the place (a neon sign out front blinks OPEN; the chairs are upholstered; the walls are a warm yellow) would be right at home in some sandy piney woods somewhere. It is on Interstate 40, unfortunately, but the traffic disappears into nothingness thanks to the music of Indigo Girls and such playing not too loudly in the background. We took some hungry college students, as it happens, and they did NOT order hamburgers, though they are on the menu and look pretty good. Instead, they found their way to catfish with polenta fritters, an artichoke-mushroom-feta-spinach quiche and a hot crab sandwich; the grownups (we include ourselves in this category) had the aforementioned shrimp and a grilled New York strip with a blackened spice “topper,” as the menu describes it. (Only one glass of wine was imbibed — a lovely Aqua Pumpkin chardonnay, chosen for the name from a lengthy list of wines, as befitting a bistro.) Delectable grilled shrimp, of perfect texture (as the menu promises), encircled a mound of grits cooked in what was described as a blackened cream sauce. Talk about rich: A piece of bacon poked up from the grits volcano; we didn’t touch it for fear our heart would erupt, but boy was this dish tasty. A dusting of parmesan completed the serving. The New York strip was a tender and flavorful hunk of meat, a just-right red in the middle, deliciously “topped” with the rub. A swirl of duchess potatoes on the side was so picture-perfect (delicious, too) that the vegetables didn’t even register. Other
brian chilson
cozy dining: Coastal dishes like this jambalaya pasta highlight the menu at Oak Street Bistro in Conway. “toppers” we could have chosen: a Cajun jambalaya cream, bleu cheese, Portobello mushroom and Burgundy wine, or a red wine and butter. The catfish came atop an apple slaw that was both tasty and pleasantly un-soggy, leaving the fried fish crispy. There was some disagreement at table on the polenta fritters: the student thought they were “unnecessary,” and since she was raised on New Orleans food, one must listen to her, but this diner loved them. They were creamy on the inside and crisp on the outside with a bit of heat — a little bit of chopped jalapeno tucked in, perhaps. Our NOLA diner had good things to say about the sauce the fish was served with, so that speaks well of it. About the hot crab sandwich: Lots of crab and melted provolone cheese mounded ice-cream-scoop style atop an English muffin, slightly browned — what could be richer? What could be more delicious? (What could kill you faster? But you can’t think like that at Oak Street.) Two of these sinful lumps come on the plate, but it would take a giant to down them both; one went back to the dormitory for later noshing. The generous and slightly chartreuse slice of quiche was very good, our taster declared, but it was lonely there on the plate. She suggested a garnish of tomatoes, perhaps? We thought fruit would have been nice, and the waitress said something about a fruit-topped green salad, but we didn’t quite catch it. It did come with a green salad, but it was served before. The desserts are equally rich — our waitress enumerated several, including two cheesecakes (one chocolate, one
raspberry), a chocolate pecan pie, carrot cake and so forth. We went with the carrot cake and though it was delicious it was also very very very salty — so salty that it could not have been intentional. The sweet sweet sweet icing and moist cake balanced it enough that we easily scarfed it down, but we doubt Oak Street normally salts its cakes so. (If there was another odd note it was the heft and dimension of the leathercovered menu — it was almost impossible for the three of us on our side of the six-top to all open at one time.) There’s a lovely large painting on the wall (in the style of a children’s book illustrator whose name escapes us at the moment) of a lady chef pouring wine with one hand and holding the sun with another. It captures the cozy, happy mood of the place — good food makes people smile. Oak Street Bistro will do that.
Oak Street Bistro
800 4th Ave. (Oak Street exit) Conway 501-450-9908 Quick bite
The menu says Oak Street uses premium aged and hand-selected beef and we believe it. A good lunch choice might be the OSB Burger, served with tomato sweet jam, garlic aoli, pickled onions and provolone cheese, on a pretzel bun. Oak Street caters, too.
11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday.
Other info
Full bar, credit cards accepted. • november 11, 2010 47
Restaurant capsules Continued from page 47 grocery store offers a deli featuring a daily selection of big sandwiches for $6.99 along with fresh fish and meats and salads. Emphasis here is on Arkansas-farmed foods and organic products. Breakfast includes chocolate gravy and biscuits and fresh vegetable laden quiches. 521 N. Main St. NLR. Beer, Wine, All CC. $-$$. 501-379-9980. BL Daily. ARKANSAS BURGER CO. Good burgers, fries and shakes, plus salads and other entrees. Try the cheese dip. 7410 Cantrell Road. Beer, Wine, All CC. $-$$. 501-6630600. LD Tue.-Sat. BONEFISH GRILL A half-dozen or more types of fresh fish filets are offered daily at this upscale chain. 11525 Cantrell Road. Full bar, All CC. $$$. 501-228-0356. D daily. BRAVE NEW RESTAURANT The food’s great, portions huge, prices reasonable. Diners can look into the open kitchen and watch the culinary geniuses at work slicing and dicing and sauteeing. It’s great fun, and the fish is special. 2300 Cottondale Lane. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-6632677. LD Mon.-Fri. D Sat.
48 november 11, 2010 • ArkAnsAs Times
■ update CARLOS BAR & GRILL For locals with a taste for mexican that goes deeper than the warmed-over “numero treinta y siete” at el microondas, southwest Little rock is invaluable, with its abundance of mexican groceries and taco trucks dotting every other corner. so when a veteran of Las Palmas opened Carlos bar & Grill, announced in the executive inn lobby with a crooked, hand-painted sign outside the entrance, it caught our attention. The staff immediately brought us chips and the usual accoutrement — the salsa was fine, if a bit watery, same for the queso — as well as a strange, light green dip, part avocado, part tzatziki sauce, that was a mystery to not only us, but the waitress as well. We looked on the brighter side and decided it was a special mix from scratch instead of an anonymous muck. The chili verde plate came out, green as the plain and soaking everything, as well as our beef and chicken enchiladas. both dinners were underwhelming, but edible. Here’s hoping the newest addition to southwest’s treasure trove of south-of-the-border authenticity only has a few “new restaurant” kinks and scrapes to attend to. on the bright side, the margaritas are hefty and cold, not to mention a head-vibrating brew that may be the single strongest in town. 2600 W. 65th st., 501-562-1551. LD Daily. $-$$. beer, wine and tequilas. BUFFALO WILD WINGS A sports bar on steroids with numerous humongous TVs and a menu full of thirst-inducing items. The wings, which can be slathered with one of 14 sauces, are the staring attraction and will undoubtedly have fans. 14800 Cantrell Road. Full bar, All CC. $$. 501-8685279. LD daily.
BURGER MAMA’S Big burgers and oversized onion rings headline the menu at this down home joint. 10721 Kanis Road. Full bar, All CC. $-$$. 501-225-2495. LD daily. BY THE GLASS A broad but not ridiculously large list is studded with interesting, diverse selections, and prices are uniformly reasonable. The food focus is on high-end items
that pair well with wine -- olives, hummus, cheese, bread, and some meats and sausages. 5713 Kavanaugh Blvd. Beer, Wine, All CC. $$. 501-663-9463. D Mon.-Sat. CAPITAL BAR AND GRILL Big hearty sandwiches, daily lunch specials and fine evening dining all rolled up into one at this landing spot downtown. Surprisingly inexpensive with a great bar staff and a good selection of unique desserts. 111 W. President Clinton Ave. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-374-7474. LD daily. CATFISH HOLE Downhome place for well-cooked catfish and tasty hushpuppies. 603 E. Spriggs. NLR. Beer, All CC. $-$$. 501-758-3516. D Tue.-Sat. CRAZEE’S COOL CAFE Good burgers, daily plate specials and bar food amid pool tables and TVs. 7626 Cantrell Road. Full bar, All CC. $-$$. 501-221-9696. LD Mon.-Sat. CUPCAKES ON KAVANAUGH Gourmet cupcakes and coffee make this Heights bakery a great spot to sit and sip on a relaxing afternoon. 5625 Kavanaugh Blvd. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-664-2253. L Mon.-Sat. DIVERSION Hillcrest wine bar with diverse tapas menu. From the people behind Crush and Bill St. 2611 Kavanaugh Blvd., Suite 200. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-414-0409. D Mon.-Sat. DOE’S EAT PLACE A skid-row dive turned power brokers’ watering hole with huge steaks, great tamales and broiled shrimp, and killer burgers at lunch. 1023 W. Markham St. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-376-1195. LD Mon.-Fri., D Sat. HOMER’S Great vegetables, huge yeast rolls and killer cobblers. Follow the mobs. 2001 E. Roosevelt Road. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-374-1400. BL Mon.-Fri. THE HOUSE A comfortable gastropub in Hillcrest, where you’ll find traditional fare like burgers and fish and chips alongside Thai green curry and gumbo. 722 N. Palm St. Beer, Wine, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-663-4501. LD daily. JIMMY’S SERIOUS SANDWICHES Consistently fine sandwiches, side orders and desserts. Chicken salad’s among the best in town. Get there early for lunch. 5116 W. Markham St. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-666-3354. L Mon.-Sat. KRAZY MIKE’S Po’Boys, catfish and shrimp and other fishes, fried chicken wings and all the expected sides served up fresh and hot to order on demand. 200 N. Bowman Road. Beer, All CC. $$. 501-907-6453. LD daily. LOCA LUNA Grilled meats, seafood and pasta dishes that never stray far from country roots, whether Italian, Spanish or Arkie. “Gourmet plate lunches” are good, as is Sunday brunch. 3519 Old Cantrell Rd. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-663-4666. L Sun.-Fri., D daily. LULAV Comfortably chic downtown bistro. 220 A W. 6th St. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-374-5100. BL Mon.-Fri., D daily. MILFORD TRACK Healthy and tasty are the key words at this deli/grill, featuring hot entrees, soups, sandwiches, salads and killer desserts. 10809 Executive Center Drive, Searcy Building. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-223-2257. BL Mon.-Sat. OYSTER BAR Gumbo, red beans and rice (all you can eat on Mondays), peel-and-eat shrimp, oysters on the half shell, addictive po’ boys. 3003 W. Markham St. Full bar, All CC. $-$$. 501-666-7100. LD Mon.-Sat. PURPLE COW DINER 1950s fare -- cheeseburgers, chili dogs, thick milk shakes -- in a ‘50s setting at today’s prices. Also at 11602 Chenal Parkway. 8026 Cantrell Road. Full bar, All CC. $$. 501-221-3555. LD daily, BR Sat.-Sun 11602 Chenal Parkway. Full bar, All CC. $$. 501-224-4433. LD daily, BR Sat.-Sun. 1419 Higden Ferry Road. Hot Springs. Beer, All CC. $$. 501-625-7999. LD daily, B Sun. SALUT! Elevated pub grub that’s served late Wed.-Sat. With a great patio. 1501 N. University. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-660-4200. L Mon.-Fri., D Tue.-Sat. SCALLION’S Reliably good food, great desserts, pleasant atmosphere, able servers -- a solid lunch spot. 5110 Kavanaugh Blvd. Beer, Wine, All CC. $-$$. 501-666-6468. L Mon.-Sat. SHORTY SMALL’S Land of big, juicy burgers, massive cheese logs, smoky barbecue platters and the signature onion loaf. 1100 N. Rodney Parham Road. Full bar, All CC. $$. 501-224-3344. LD daily 1475 Hogan Lane. Conway. Full bar, All CC. $$. 501-764-0604. LD daily. SONNY WILLIAMS’ STEAK ROOM Steaks, chicken and seafood in a wonderful setting in the River Market. Steak gets pricey, but the lump crab meat au gratin appetizer is outstanding. Give the turtle soup a try. 500 President Clinton Ave. Full bar, All CC. $$$. 501-324-2999. D Mon.-Sat. STAGECOACH GROCERY AND DELI Fine po’ boys and muffalettas -- and cheap. 6024 Stagecoach Road. Beer, All CC. $-$$. 501-455-4157. BL daily. D Mon.-Fri. TERRI-LYNN’S BAR-B-Q AND DELI High-quality meats served on large sandwiches and good tamales served with chili or without (the better bargain). 10102 N. Rodney Parham Road. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-227-6371. LD Tue.-Sat. (10:30 a.m.-6 p.m.). TROPICAL SMOOTHIE CAFE Besides the 45 different smoothies on the menu, the cafe also serves wraps and sandwiches (many of them spicy), salads and “tortizzas.” Good food, healthy drinks, long line at lunch but it moves fast. Creekwood Plaza (Kanis and Bowman). No alcohol. $$. 501-221-6773. BLD daily. WEST END SMOKEHOUSE AND TAVERN Its primary focus is a sports bar with 50-plus TVs, but the dinner entrees (grilled chicken, steaks and such) are plentiful and the bar food is upper quality. 215 N. Shackleford. Full bar, All CC. 501-224-7665. L Fri.-Sun., D daily.
AsiAn ASIA BUFFET Massive Chinese buffet. 801 S. Bowman Road. Beer, Wine, All CC. $$. 501-225-0095. LD daily. FORBIDDEN CITY The Park Plaza staple has fast and friendly service, offering up good lomein at lunch and Cantonese and Hunan dishes. 6000 W. Markham St. Full bar, All CC. $-$$. 501-663-9099. LD daily. FU XING Chinese buffet. 9120 N. Rodney Parham Road. Beer, Wine, All CC. $-$$. 501-223-0888. LD daily. GINA’S CHINESE KITCHEN AND SUSHI BAR A broad and strong sushi menu with a manageable and delectable selection of Chinese standards. 14524 Cantrell Road. Beer, Wine, All CC. $$. 501-868-7775. LD daily. ROYAL BUFFET A big buffet of Chinese fare, with other Asian tastes as well. 109 E. Pershing. NLR. 501-753-8885. LD daily. SEKISUI Fresh-tasting sushi, traditional Japanese, the fun hibachi style of Japanese, and an overwhelming assortment of entrees. Nice wine selection, sake, specialty drinks. 219 N. Shackleford,. Full bar, All CC. $-$$. 501-221-7070. LD daily. SHOGUN JAPANESE STEAKHOUSE The chefs will dazzle you, as will the variety of tasty stir-fry combinations and the sushi bar. Usually crowded at night. 2815 Cantrell Road. Full bar, All CC. 501-666-7070. D daily. WASABI Downtown sushi and Japanese cuisine. For lunch, there’s quick and hearty Sushi samplers. 101 Main St. Full bar. $-$$. 501-374-0777. L Mon.-Fri., D Mon.-Sat.
BArBecue CHIP’S BARBECUE Tasty, if a little pricey, barbecue piled high on sandwiches generously doused with tangy sauce. Better known for the incredible family recipe pies and cheesecakes, which come tall and wide. 9801 W. Markham St. Beer, All CC. $-$$. 501-225-4346. LD Mon.-Sat. DIXIE PIG Pig salad is tough to beat. It comes with loads of chopped pork atop crisp iceberg, doused with that wonderful vinegar-based sauce. The sandwiches are basic, and the sweet, thick sauce is fine. 900 West 35th St. NLR. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-753-9650. LD Mon.-Sat. KENT’S DOWNTOWN Big sandwiches, barbecue and plate lunches served up at the River Market’s Oppenheimer Hall. Affiliated with Kent Berry’s other operation, The Meat Shoppe in Gravel Ridge. 400 President Clinton Ave. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-325-1900. L Mon.-Sat.
The To-do lisTTO-DO
The comprehensive list of everything worth doing this weekend from Times entertainment editor, Lindsey Millar. Whether it’s live music, dance, theater or an exhibit, Lindsey steers you to the best. The To-Do List email newsletter arrives in your in-box every Wednesday afternoon with an eye toward planning for your weekend. The To-Do List is a sure bet for your active life!
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iT’s Free! Go To cats
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New student registration for spring 2011 • Nov. 9 - Dec. 10
itAliAn AMERICAN PIE PIZZA Handmade pizza on perfect thin crust with varied toppings, and inexpensive. We liked the olive-oil-based margherita and supreme, plus there are salads, sandwiches and appetizers, all for cheap. 9708 Maumelle Blvd. Maumelle. Beer, Wine, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-758-8800. LD daily. 4830 North Hills Blvd. NLR. Beer, Wine, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-753-0081. LD daily. CAFE PREGO Dependable entrees of pasta, pork and the like, plus great sauces, fresh mixed greens and delicious dressings, crisp-crunchy-cold gazpacho and tempting desserts in a comfy bistro setting. 5510 Kavanaugh Blvd. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-663-5355. LD Mon.-Fri., D Sat. GRADY’S PIZZAS AND SUBS Pizza features a pleasing blend of cheeses rather than straight mozzarella. The grinder is a classic, the chef’s salad huge and tasty. 6801 W. 12th St., Suite C. Beer, Wine, All CC. $-$$. 501-6631918. LD daily. IRIANA’S PIZZA Unbelievably generous thick-crust pizza with unmatched zest. Good salads, too; grinders are great, particularly the Italian sausage. 103 W. Markham St. Beer, All CC. $-$$. 501-374-3656. LD Mon.-Sat. ZAFFINO’S BY NORI A high-quality Italian dining experience. Pastas, entrees (don’t miss the veal marsala) and salads are all outstanding, and the desserts don’t miss, either. 2001 E. Kiehl Ave. NLR. Beer, Wine. 501-834-7530. D Tue.-Sat.
“Pulaski Tech was the perfect launching pad for me. I received the education I needed to polish my skills to better compete in my professional endeavors. It is an honor to represent Pulaski Tech as the 2010 Alumnus of the Year.”
MexicAn CANON GRILL Creative appetizers come in huge quantities, and the varied main-course menu rarely disappoints, though it’s not as spicy as competitors’. 2811 Kavanaugh Blvd. Full bar, All CC. $$. 501-664-2068. LD Mon.-Sat. COTIJA’S A branch off the famed La Hacienda family tree downtown, with a massive menu of tasty lunch and dinner specials, the familiar white cheese dip and sweet red and fiery-hot green salsas, and friendly service. 406 S. Louisiana St. No alcohol, All CC. $$. 501-244-0733. L Mon.-Sat. EL JALAPENO Less a taco truck than a snack bar that also has a few Mexican offerings, including tacos, flautas and mega-tortas. 9203 Chicot Road. No alcohol, No CC. $. 501-772-7471. LD Mon.-Sat. LA MARGARITA Sparse offerings at this taco truck. No chicken, for instance. Try the veggie quesadilla. 7308 Baseline Road. No alcohol, No CC. $. LD Tue.-Thu. TAQUERIA KARINA AND CAFE A real Mexican neighborhood cantina from the owners, to freshly baked pan dulce, to Mexican-bottled Cokes, to first-rate guacamole, to inexpensive tacos, burritos, quesadillas and a broad selection of Mexican-style seafood. 5309 W. 65th St. $. 501-562-3951. LD Tue.-Thu. TAQUERIA LAS ISABELES Mobile taco stand with great authentic tacos, Hawaiian hamburguesas (burgers topped with pineapple and avocado) and more. 7100 Colonel Glen Road. No alcohol, No CC. $. 501-563-4801. L Mon.-Sat., D Sat.
Geovanni Leiva Programmer • Tromik Technology Owner • Leiva’s Coffee 2010 Pulaski Technical College Alumnus of the Year
3000 West Scenic Drive North Little Rock, AR 72118 (501) 812-2200 • november 11, 2010 49
Food for Thought
a paid advertisement
To place your restaurant in Food For Thought, call the advertising department at 501-375-2985
SEAFOOD Cajun’s Wharf 2400 Cantrell Road 501-375-5351
Food and fun for everyone when you pair Cajun’s Wharf’s succulent seafood and steak with the ever-evolving live entertainment. Enjoy the fabulous fresh seafood or aged Angus beef while listening to the rolling Arkansas River on the famously fantastic deck! They also boast an award-winning wine list.
Black Angus
Homemade Comfort Food Daily Specials • Monday: Spicy Shrimp Stir-fry. Tuesday: Pot Roast. Wednesday: Meatloaf. Thursday: BBQ Plate or Shepherd’s Pie. Friday & Saturday: Fried Catfish.
Capers Restaurant
Indulge in the culinary creations and intimate environment that define Capers Restaurant. Food and wine enthusiasts agree Capers’ sophisticated approach to dining is key to it’s many accolades including receiving the Wine Spectator Award of Excellence for six years running.
Copper Grill & Grocery
An endless array of delicious dishes available in the Grill or grab your Gourmet-to-Go from the Grocery. Offering products by French Farm, Bella Cucina & Bittersweet Herb that promise to turn any recipe into a memorable masterpiece Copper Grill & Grocery is a wonderland for the gourmand.
Contemporary metropolitan bistro meets Southern smalltown hospitality in a neighborhood bar. SO offers the best in fresh seafood and hand-cut rustic meats, complimented by an extensive and diverse wine list, honored with Wine Spectator’s Award of Excellence. Whether casual dinners, special occasions, meetings with clients, or private parties, our service will impress. Reservations six and more. Private Lounge.
Butcher Shop
Tremendous steaks, excellent service, fair prices and a comfortable atmosphere make The Butcher Shop the prime choice for your evening out. In addition to tender and juicy steaks, The Butcher Shop offers fresh fish, pork chop, 24 hour slow roasted Prime Rib, char grilled marinated chicken and fresh pasta. Ideal for private parties, business meetings, and rehearsal dinners. Rooms accommodate up to 50-60 people.
Lunch offers creative and fresh entree-sized salads; a daily special and homemade soup; plus superb sandwiches sure to satisfy. Serving continuously all-day, global appetizers, then Chef Capi’s fabulous After 5 Menu. Advanced acoustics in place for focused business lunches. Happy Hour all day Tue, late afternoon daily, and late night weekends. Cozy patio atmosphere under the canopy. www.capisrestaurant. com. Now serving new Saturday & Sunday brunch menu, and Sunday dinner.
Flying Saucer
“A great place to hangout, experience great beer and authentic German specialties”. The Flying Saucer definitely offers a unique range of domestic and international draft and bottled beers, carrying over 80 beers on draft and 120+ different bottled beers, many which are seasonal. Accompanying their unique beer line-up is a menu packed with flare. Bratwurst is the house specialty served with German coleslaw, or you can try Brat Con Queso or Beer Brat Nachos. Be sure to leave room for dessert: Young’s Double Chocolate Stout Ice Cream Float offers the best of both worlds.
Buffalo Grill
The crispy off the griddle cheeseburger and hand-cut fries star at this family friendly stop and will keep you coming back. The casual atmosphere will have everyone feeling right at home. The options are endless for whatever dining mood you are in. Grilled Tuna Steak sandwhich to a loaded foot long hotdog to the crispy chicken tender salad. Buffalo Grill does not disappoint. Fast and friendly staff. Very affordable prices!
Morningside Bagels
Morningside Bagels café is a full service bagel bakery. We serve breakfast, lox and deli sandwiches on a bagel. Our fresh cream cheese schmears and Guillermo’s coffee compliments our bagels. We serve espresso drinks hot and iced. Our soups and bagel chips have developed their own following. Come visit with Roxane and David Tackett and enjoy.
10907 N. Rodney Parham Mon-Sat 10:30am-9pm Breakfast 6-10:30am 501-228-7800
220 West 6th St. 501-374-5100 Breakfast Mon-Fri 6:30 am -10:30 am Lunch Mon-Fri 11am-2pm Dinner Tues-Sat 5-10pm V Lounge til 1am, Thurs-Sat
Dizzy’s Gypsy Bistro 200 S. Commerce, Suite 150 (501) 375-3500 Tues-Thurs 11am-9pm Fri & Sat 11am-10pm
Fresh seafood specials every week. Prime aged beef and scrumptious dishes. Wine Spectator Award of Excellence, over 30 wines by the glass and largest vodka selection downtown. Regular and late night happy hour, Wednesday wine flights and Thursday is Ladies Night. Be sure to check out the Bistro Burger during lunch. Jump start your day with bistro breakfast from Lulav featuring scrumptious omlettes, pancakes and more. For the salad lover, Dizzy’s is an absolute paradise. Its list of eleven “Ridiculously Large Entrée Salads” runs the gamut of what you can do with greens and dressing. For example Zilpphia’s Persian Lime Salad, featuring grilled turkey breast, tomato, cucumber, onion, lime and buffalo mozzarella over romaine. For another: Mary Ann’s Dream, with grilled chicken breast, baby spinach, sun-dried tomatoes, cranberries, mandarin oranges, bourbon pecans and bleu cheese. Don’t that sound good?
chinese Fantastic China 1900 N Grant St Heights 501-663-8999
Sharing good things with good friends is the motto at Fantastic China. A Central Arkansas favorite offering the Freshest Chinese Food in town. It’s made to order with 100% Vegetable Oil. The presentation is beautiful, the menu distinctive, and the service perfect. Fantastic China is one of the heights most reliable and satisfying restaurants and a local favorite. Full bar.
mexican Casa Manana Taqueria
400 President Clinton Ave. 501-372-6637 6820 Cantrell Road • 501-280-9888 18321 Cantrell Road • 501-868-8822
Canon Grill
2811 Kavanaugh Blvd 501-664-2068
Voted Best Mexican 2007. Featuring authentic fare from the Puebla region of Mexico, the selections seem endless at your choice of 3 locations in the Little Rock area. You will find an array of dishes ranging from the salient Shrimp Veracruzana at La Palapa out west to great Guacamole in the River Market Taqueria. Or try tasty Tostadas that share the name of the original Cantrell location, Casa Manana.
Stop in for Our ALL DAY LONG HAPPY HOUR SATURDAYS! Order up some homemade salsa & cheesedip with your happy hour beverage and stay for dinner! Tasty Quesadilla’s and Mexican chicken Pizza. There are menu items to accommodate those not in the Mexican food mood too. And of course, The Margarita cannot be missed!
Mediterranean Layla’s
Enjoy regional specialties such as Lentil soup, a huge serving of yummy Hummus, Baba Ghannnouj or Tabbouleh. And don’t forget about the Gyros, they’re sure to be heroes in your book!
9501 N. Rodney Parham 501-227-7272
Brazilian Café Bossa Nova 2701 Kavanaugh Blvd 501-614-6682 Tues-Sat 11am-9pm Sunday Brunch 10:30-2pm
Try something different! Café Bossa Nova serves up cozy atmosphere and unique Brazilian dishes guaranteed to satisfy and served with that special Latin flare. Don’t deny yourself one of the delectable desserts prepared fresh daily or for an A+ apertif, drink in the authentic flavor of the country in the Caipirinha~a perfect blend of lime, sugar and Brazilian sugar cane rum. Dine with them tonight!
14502 Cantrell Road 501-868-7600
300 West 3rd Street 501-375-3333
Brunch Sunday 11 am to 4 pm Lunch Mon-Sat 11 am to 4 pm Dinner Mon-Sat 4 pm to close 3610 Kavanaugh Blvd. 501-663-1464
Shackleford & Hermitage Rd. (501) 312-2748
11525 Cantrell Rd, Suite 917 Pleasant Ridge Town Center 501.225.9600
323 President Clinton Ave 501-372-8032
400 N. Bowman Rd 501-224-0012 1611 Rebsamen Park Rd 501-296-9535 11am-9pm 11am-10pm Friday & Saturday
10848 Maumelle Blvd North Little Rock 501-753-6960 Mon-Fri: 6am-2pm Sat & Sun: 7am-2pm
brew pub Vino’s Pizza•Pub•Brewery 923 West 7th Street 501/375-VINO (8466)
Beer, pizza and more! Drop in to Vino’s, Little Rock’s Original Brewpub! and enjoy great New York-style pizza (whole or by-the-slice) washed down with your choice of award-winning ales or lagers brewed right on site. Or try a huge calzone, our new Muffaletta sandwich or just a salad and a slice with our homemade root beer. The deck’s always open, you don’t have to dress up and the kids are always welcome (or not). Vino’s is open 7 days, lunch and dinner. You can call ahead for carry-out and even take a gal. growler of beer to-go. And guess what?? The bathrooms have just been re-done!
asian panda Garden
2604 S. Shackleford Road, Suite G 501-224-8100.
Fresh, flavorful, all-you-can-eat sushi. With fresh and authentic Chinese dishes, nice decor, great dessert choices and excellent sushi, Panda Garden raises the bar.
Sonny Williams
If you have not been to Sonny Williams lately, get there immediately and check out the martini/wine bar. Now you can enjoy 35 wines by the glass, 335 selections of wine, 6 single barrel bourbons and all different kinds of Scotch from the many regions of Scotland. Of course, don’t miss out on the nightly entertainment by Jeff at the piano. Sonny’s is a River Market mainstay and perfect for intimate private parties; free valet parking! As always, Sonny Williams has the best steaks in town along with fresh seafood and game. No Skinny Steaks… Call ahead for reservations (501) 324-2999
Faded Rose
Featuring the Best Steaks in town with a New Orleans flair from a New Orleans native. Also featuring Seafood and Creole Specialties. As Rachel Ray says “This place is one of my best finds ever.” Back by popular demand…Soft Shell Crab and New Orleans Roast Beef Po-Boys.
500 President Clinton Avenue Suite 100 (In the River Market District) 501-324-2999 DINNER MON - SAT 5:00 - 11:00 pm PIANO BAR TUES - THU 7:00 - 11:00 pm FRI & SAT 7:00 - Late
400 N. Bowman 501-224-3377 1619 Rebsamen 501-663-9734 Open Sunday
N o ve m b er 1 1 , 2 0 1 0
Live in The Treetops at Little Rock’s premier luxury high-rise open Sunday
2 pm - 4 pm
Soaring above the trees, the 11-story high-rise condominium building known as The Treetops has been the first choice for luxury living for Little Rock residents since it was built in 1982. With sweeping views of the Arkansas River, River Valley and river bluffs, it’s no secret why. Now, for the first time in 19 years, a unit with three bedrooms, three bathrooms and just under 2,000 square feet on the top floor of this prestigious building is available. The views at The Treetops are incomparable. The available condo is on the 11th floor and faces east and north with floor-to-ceiling views across the entire east side of the condo. Two expansive terraces – accessible from the living room, the dining room and the master bedroom – provide eagle-eye views of the river, bluffs, valley and the beautiful Little Rock skyline. The condo offers very spacious rooms with a modern, open floor plan. The centerpiece of the living room is a gorgeous working fireplace that faces the wall of windows. From the dining room, you can enjoy dinner along with breathtaking views of the Arkansas River. The kitchen is a dream for cooking and features all the cabinets and counters that even the most accomplished chef could ever need. All the bedrooms are oversized with room for sitting areas and the closets are spacious and plentiful. The third bedroom has been converted to a den/office but could easily be converted back to a bedroom if needed. The service at The Treetops is legendary. With a full time concierge at their service, Treetop residents enjoy the royal treatment: opening the door, escorting guests to your condo, carrying up your groceries and receiving/delivering your packages. Residents describe their experience at The Treetops as comparable to living in a five-star hotel. The full time maintenance staff makes the day-to-day upkeep of the
Floor-to-ceiling views are on the east wall.
The condo offers spacious rooms.
condo a breeze. The chores of changing light bulbs and HVAC filters as well as basic maintenance of the systems in the unit, are included in the superior level of service enjoyed by Treetops residents. Abundant storage, both inside and outside the building, provides a lot of extra space that is safe and secure. The ample covered parking is convenient and all spaces are a short distance to an entry door on the lobby level. Guest parking is abundant. Activities in the building are tailored for pleasure and fitness. The expansive lobby boasts a gorgeous and comfortable reception area, a beautifully appointed gathering room, a fully stocked library and a concierge office. The full-size heated outdoor pool is surrounded by professional landscaping and soaring trees. Residents enjoy water aerobics and independent exercise in the pool year around. Perhaps the most enticing thing about living at The Treetops is the freedom residents enjoy every day. If you have to leave for an extended period of time you can simply lock your door and your condo will be cared for in your absence. From general maintenance to watering your plants, the concierge/maintenance team will take care of everything for you. This is the ideal place for you if you want the freedom to travel often or at length, if you simply want to be relieved of concerns about yard and structure maintenance or if you just want to live in luxury. The condo is offered for $399,000 by Susan Desselle of the Charlotte John Company. Come see this rare top floor opportunity at The Treetops at the open house on Sunday, November 14 from 2-4 p.m. Take a virtual tour of this amazing condo at or call Susan directly for more information or to arrange a private tour at 501-772-7100.
Enjoy dinner watching the river.
All bedrooms are oversized. • november 11, 2010 51
Buyers are Abundant
November/December are great months to list your home!
Downtown City Center
Mid-Town Little Rock
5 STATEHOUSE PLAZA - New construction building on the east end of the Doubletree Hotel. Floor-to-ceiling windows provide exceptional views of river, ballpark and area activities. Enjoy the fireworks and River Market activity from spacious 200+ SF terraces. Only 6 left! Call Susan Desselle with the Charlotte John Company at 772-7100 or visit www.
312 DEL RIO - $189,900. 4BR/3BA, GREAT space buy! Perfect inlaw/teen quarters. Walk to Catholic or Hall High. Call Susan Desselle of the Charlotte John Company for a private tour. 501772-7100.
• Corporate relocations are plentiful this time of year
• Buyers are rushing to secure these LOW rates before the end of the year • Your decorated home will show beautifully.
Call Susan Desselle today to discuss selling your home now!
501-772-7100 A Charlotte John Company Top Producer
Publisher’s Notice
All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free 1-800-669-9077. The toll-free number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275.
Capitol View/ Stiffts Station
400 S. VALENTINE - $109,750. 2BR/1BA updated in 2008 with HVAC, roof, kitchen, bath, flooring, paint, lighting, etc. Large fenced yard w/great deck. Walking distance to UAMS & Hillcrest. Call JoJo Carter 773-9949 or www. for more info. 123 N. SUMMIT - Rare find close to ACH, UAMS, & Hillcrest. 2 BRs and a separate office, 2050 SF. Totally updated including cherry wood laminate flooring throughout, all new plumbing & electrical wiring, new kitchen counters, sink & dishwasher, new tankless H2’ 0 heater, wired for computer network, audio/video and IR remote, a deck, fenced yard and oversized 2 car garage. A 21X17.6 ft sunroom w/ vaulted ceiling, tile floor, water proof walls, lots of windows and sunken Jacuzzi hot tub. Located in Union Depot next to AR School for the Blind. Call Clyde Butler of CBRPM at 240-4300.
With a 2005 built brick home with approx. 3000 SF of heated/cooled space. 4BR/3.5 BA, separate dining room, a sun room, 2-car garage, security gate and security system, new appliances, new interior paint, Call Rocky Herman at 240-9172 new carpet and flooring, a pond, small creek and so, so much more! All located in south Pulaski County. This is a great deal 228-0018 at only $320,000. MLS# 1260248
Access Realty
Arkansas times presents PULASKI COUNTY Real Estate sales over $105,000 Jeffrey Atchison, Michele Atchison to Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp., 9433 W. Lake Cir., Sherwood, $214,893. William L. Garner, Candy Garner to Billy M. Young, 200 Cherrybark Dr., $203,000. Accountable Property Management & Realty to Rachel N. Billingsley, 11 Pennsylvania Ct., $203,000. Mouhammed J. Kyasa, Reem Douidar to Fred McCabe, Martha McCabe, L108 B48, Chenal Valley, $202,000. Joetta Elliott to Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp., 3517 N. Rodney Parham Rd., $200,231. Paul Buch, Christina Buch to Ozge T. Holland, 200 Commerce St., Unit 704, $199,000. S. J. Mason to Federal National Mortgage Association, 320 Hinson Rd., $198,299. Sergio J. Vega, Jr., Sophia R. Vega to USA, US Army Corps Of Engineers-Fort Worth District, 2709 Gemstone Dr., Sherwood, $195,000. Christopher D. Nelson, Kristin D. Nelson to Contha L. West, Yvone West, 2009 Reveille Cir., Jacksonville, $188,000. Fuller Partners 2010 LLC to Thomas L. Finton, 14 Charmante Cove, Maumelle, $187,000. James C. Gentry & Stella E. Gentry Revocable Trust, Rebecca D. Brewer to Gregory D. Ezell, Angela R. Ezell, 7216 Gap Ridge Dr., Sherwood, $184,000. Pamela L. Struthers to James D.
Robertson, Jessica D. Robertson, 1508 Wewoka Dr., NLR, $182,000. Daniel S. Alford, Kristie M. Alford to Mark Brewer, Kim Brewer, 205 Marble Dr., Jacksonville, $176,000. Citimortgage Inc. to Christine Mignotbugeya, 1200 Loretta Ln., $174,000. Ryan L. Bartholomew, Heather K. Bartholomew to Justin Long, L6 B2, Cherry Creek, $173,000. Sharon Brogden to Cara B. Gieringer, 2622 Grist Mill Rd., $169,000. Andrew & Deborah Wells Living Trust, Andrew S. Wells, Deborah K. Wells to Jeremy Spann, Elizabeth Spann, 205 Kings Row Dr., $165,000. HTH Enterprises LLC to Cindy Stafford, 701 Beaconsfield Rd., Sherwood, $165,000. Christopher T. Clinton, Lindsay Clinton to Jason S. Ray, 11600 Ridgetop Dr., Sherwood, $159,000. Harriet L. Hebert to Dee A. Ivey, 1115 N. Shackleford Rd., $148,000. Elder Montagne LLC to Callie C. Hollis, L6 B1, The Villas At Audubon, $147,000. John S. Woods, Janean D. Woods to Caleb Miller, 6313 Allwood Dr., NLR, $147,000. Russell D. Wegener, Jennifer K. Wegener to Janice K. Bresell, 1609 Bosley Dr., $145,000. Ashish T. Makhijani, Neelam A. Makhijani to Lindsay Smyly, Patrick Simpson, L59, Westhampton, $139,000. Michael J. Helmly, Monica K. Helmly
to Thomas C. Knight, 2510 Silver Maple Dr., $138,000. Paula C. Herrin to Virginia Simmons, Patricia K. Barker, L17R B9, Grandview, $135,000. Anita Pitts, Daniel Pitts, Rusty Pitts to Holly Baron, John Baron, 1936 Jillo Rd., Cabot, $135,000. John D. Guynes to Federal National Mortgage Association, 9720 Merlot Ln., NLR, $135,000. Downtown Little Rock Community Development to Bobby E. McDowell, L4 B400, Lincoln And Zimerman, $135,000. William A. Perrine, Annie C. Perrine to Jonathan P. Cambridge, Karen A. Cambridge, 4005 Knights Pl., Jacksonville, $130,000. Chris Krobatsch, Brandy Krobatsch to Richard T. Emery, Rachel E. Emery, 6 Glade Rd., Jacksonville, $130,000. Bank Of New York Mellon, Bank Of New York to Dale Innis, 1216 Green Mountain Dr., $128,000. Kristen R. Hildebrand to Josie M. Ward, 112 Brown St., $120,000. Rausch Coleman Mid Ark LLC to Anthony Withers, 1220 Bittercress Dr., NLR, $120,000. G&K Home Solutions LLC to Michael G. Nelson, 100 Wells Fargo Trail, Jacksonville, $120,000. Moscellie Halford to Bank Of America, L4, Green Diamond , $111,398. Andrew Beavers, L. J. Beavers to Glenda A. Curenton, 6410 Shirley Dr., $105,000.
52 November 11, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES
$300,000. Kristi L. Thompson, Stephen Thompson to James F. Eggleston, Jr., Lana F. Eggleston, 3727 Lakeview Rd., NLR, $298,000. Shelly D. Bixler to David L. Shaver, 3701 Foxcroft Rd., $292,000. Cindy S. Stafford, Ronald G. Stafford, Jr. to Mustaf Alemaqaleh, 9101 Wooded Acres Cir., Sherwood, $287,000. Danny L. Dillon, Kathryn A. Dillon to Valerie R. Sirianni, Shane N. Sirianni, L1 B1, Creekside, $274,000. Michael W. Parker, Susanne M. Parker to Melanie Taylor, Charles Taylor, 2 Carriage Ct., $256,000. Richsmith Holdings LLC to Valley Estates Of Mabelvale LP, SE NE 3-1S13W, $250,000. Richsmith Holdings LLC to Valley Estates Of Mabelvale Phase 2, SE NE 3-1S-13W, $250,000. Rickey D. Davis, Kertina L. Davis to Nationwide Advantage Mortgage Company, L878, Fairway Woods Phase 1- Otter Creek Community, $243,718. One Bank & Trust to Sherman Watson, Esther Watson, 13700 Hansfield Cir., NLR, $235,000. Keathley Properties Inc., Keathley Homes to Jeries Horani, L15, Kanis Creek, $229,000. Aaron Keller, Camille Keller to Geni Wilder, 115 Summit Valley Cir., Maumelle, $225,000. Baitang Ning, Silvia W. Ning to Yvette M. Johnson, 136 Orleans Dr., Maumelle, $225,000.
It's cheap, Call 375-2985 It's simple, for more by neighborhood It's effective. information.
Robert Jaquiss, Cheryl L. Jaquiss to Joseph C. Courtright, 39 Edgehill Rd., $1,275,000. James A. Matthews to Stanko Vuk, Jasna Vuk, 14015 Ridge Point Dr., Roland, $1,150,000. JWJ Investments LLC to Bethany Holding LLC, 4713 W. Bethany Rd., NLR, $1,070,000. James M. Smith, Dorothy L. Smith to Fresh Baked Software LLC, 1111 W. 3rd St., $557,000. River Market Tower LLC to Arklan Inc., L1108, River Market Tower HPR, $350,000. James G. Banks, Christy L. Bank, Christy L. Banks to John T. Womack, Rebecca M. Womack, L16 B13, The Villages Of Wellington , $339,000. Jason T. Glenn to Resi Whole Loan IV, LLC, 13 Sunrise Ln., Mabelvale, $335,610. William A. Stanley, Vivian Stanley to Kevin B. Edens, Jacqueline R. Edens, 2201 Miramonte Dr., Sherwood, $325,000. Richardson Investment Irrevocable Trust, Robert Garth to Peaks At Country Club LP, NE NW 2-2N-13W, $325,000. Richardson Investment Irrevocable Trust, Robert Garth to Peaks At Country Club Phase II Limited, NE NW 2-2N13W, $325,000. Ronald M. Cameron, Nina J. Cameron to Alene M. Coffman, LB7, Countrywood HPR, $300,000. Richardson Investment Irrevocable Trust, Robert Garth to Villas At Country Club LP, NE NW 2-2N-13W,
1480 W. LAWSON RD - $189,900. All brick on 3.5 acres in Alexander! 1850 SF, 3BR/2BA, hardwoods in great room and formal DR. Bryant schools. Clyde Butler, CBRPM, 501-240-4300. 21854 WILLIAM BRANDON DRIVE - $168,500. Enjoy country living on five level acres only 15 minutes from downtown Little Rock! Like-new home with 4BR/2BA, wood-burning fireplace, granite counters, stainless appliances & more! Call Clyde Butler of CBRPM at 501-240-4300. GREERS FERRY LAKE Spectacular view! 5 acres. Utilities, covenants, seller financing. Owner/agent. 501-825-6200 4924 HILLCREST AVE $459,900. 3BR/3BA plus 3-car garage. 2600 SF. Recently renovated home on large corner lot. Call John Selva at Pulaski Heights Realty at 501-993-5442.
712 N. WALNUT - $159,900. 2BR/1BA in the heart of Hillcrest. Just 1/2 block of Kavanaugh. Renovated kitchen w/custom maple cabinets, tile floors, solid surface counters. Enter MLS 10257444 at www.
West Little Rock
Conway 1110 TRILLIUM - $152,000. Newly refreshed 3BR/2BA split plan w/ new countertops, kitchen faucet and paint throughout. Gas log FP, wood floors and fenced yard. Close to schools! MLS# 10266757 Linda Roster White Real Estate, 501730-1100 or 501-679-1103 31 BERNARD - $149,000. Sparkles and shines like new! 3BR/2BA, huge living room with cathedral ceiling, oversized breakfast area, wood-burning fireplace, large bedrooms, 2” blinds thruout. Fenced yard. MLS# 10253781 Linda Roster White Real Estate, 501-730-1100 or 501-679-1103 5125 GALLERIA COVE - $209,000. Stunning 3BR/2BA open split plan w/extraordinary lighting throughout, breakfast bar, walk-in pantry, gas log FP, jetted tub, screen porch & fenced yard. MLS# 10268505 Linda Roster White Real Estate, 501-730-1100 or 501-679-1103
edited by Will Shortz
4101 C ST - $224,900. 3BR/2BA, 1836SF. Recently renovated! Enter MLS# 10255320 on www. for more photos. John Selva, Pulaski Heights Realty, 993-5442
No. 1014
Neighboring Communities
33 1959 hit with the 58 With 40-Across, infer something lyric “Did he ever … and literally return? No, he so never returned” 59 Skinned knee, 34 Fictional villain say, to a tot whose given name is Julius 61 Factory output 66 Start of an old 36 Antique asset, boast often 40 See 20- and 58- 67 Malfunction Across 68 Frozen drink brand 43 It might be rolled 69 Elysium up on a farm 44 Prefix with meter 70 Appliance button 45 “And we’ll ___ a 71 Warehouse cup o’ kindness Down yet”: Burns 1 Gender abbr. 46 Paying guest 2 Abbr. in many 48 Head of Haiti car ads 49 Live in the past? 3 Go away 4 Big name in 52 Unblockable lawn care shot 55 The New Yorker 5 Some male dolls cartoonist Chast 6 2018 Super Bowl number 56 “___ Es el Amor” 7 Sexy babe (classic Spanish8 On language hit) 9 Thrill 10 Butcher, baker TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE or candlestick H A N T H E F A R S maker E L A H I B A C H I 11 One way to be C E S R E B A T E D taken K S A L E E O E 12 ___ Arens, L H E A V Y former Israeli E R T A S T A T E S defense minister O H S K E N O B I 13 Irish writer H E X A G O N G O D Brendan O P A P U M A N E 18 Rob Roy’s P E P A T T I refusal I R E S I D D O 22 “Color me M O U N T A I N S impressed!” I R E S A L I E R I 24 Sonogram N T E E M E R G E D targets D E R D E S O D E 25 Tourist locale
Across 1 Gangbusters 5 Some Spiders, informally 10 Part of a frame 14 Sweeping 15 Petrified weeper of myth 16 Member of a pit crew? 17 Border names 19 Big do 20 With 40-Across, coloring advice … and literally so 21 Stink 23 Half a dance 24 Owner of the Titanic 28 Old ___ Bucket (Big Ten conference football prize) 30 Worrying comment from a surgeon 31 Ultimate goal
18 21
23 29
42 44
46 50
10 16
56 60
57 61
58 62
Puzzle by Jim Hilger
26 Clingmans Dome is its highest point: Abbr. 27 Round request 29 Prefix with meter 32 Zenith 34 Commit 35 Thatching material 37 Head off 38 “Super-duper!”
39 Crooked 41 Wisher s spot 42 “___ goes!” 47 Pressing concern for an astronaut? 48 Start of a clarification 49 Was the designated one? 50 Amazed
51 Internet publication 53 Hit the roof 54 Gumshoe 57 Box a bit 60 A as in Austria 62 Some game enders, for short 63 Directly 64 Antipoverty agcy. 65 Mint
For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554. Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit for more information. Online subscriptions: Today s puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, ($39.95 a year). Share tips: Crosswords for young solvers:
9204 CYNTHIA - $122,500. 4BR/2BA, 1426 SF. Great twostory home centrally located. New paint, new lighting fixtures & other updates throughout. Large fenced backyard. John Selva, Pulaski Heights Realty, 993-5442 14615 BROWN BEAR DR $299,900. Great 4BR/2.5BA, approx. 3015 SF home in the new Don Roberts School District. Plenty of space for the entire family. Formal dining room, office, family room & eat-in kitchen all downstairs. All bedrooms have large walk-in closets and master bath & closet are huge. Side-loading garage & fully fenced yard. Call Bob Bushmiaer of Pulaski Heights Realty @ 501352-0156 for more info or a private showing. 9 LISA COURT - $174,900. This 3BR/2BA approx. 1770 SF, 1-level home in Marlow Manor is super clean & move-in ready! Updates include new HVAC, hardwoods & carpet in bedrooms. Large eat-in kitchen, open family room & fully fenced yard make this a perfect starter home or great for someone looking to downsize. Call Bob Busmiaer of Pulaski Heights Realty @ 501-352-0156 for more info or a private showing.
37 INDIAN SPRINGS - $152,000. New construction! Charming 3BR/2BA home w/gas fireplace, breakfast bar, tile backsplash, smooth top cooking surface. Jet tub, stained & scored concrete floors. Deck with view. MLS# 10253103 Linda Roster White Real Estate, 501-730-1100 or 501-679-1103 53 WIN MEADOW - $239,900. A little bit of country with all the modern amenities! 4BR/3BA with large kitchen w/oak cabinetry, double pantry, cook’s dream island, breakfast nook with large windows. Across from 55-acre lake. MLS# 10257940 Linda Roster White Real Estate, 501730-1100 or 501-679-1103
Sherwood 400 MAXINE - $119,000. 3BR/2BA, 1452 SF all brick home on corner lot w/a fully fenced yard! Heated and cooled craft room/workshop, new roof in 2010. Clyde Butler, CBRPM, 240-4300
Great rates for Realtors & FSBO! Call Tiffany at
375-2985 for pricing and availability. • november 53 • november11, 11,2010 2010 53
Employment 50 Driver Trainees Needed Now! Learn to drive for Covenant Transport! Earn $700 per week! No Experience Needed! Benefits & 401K, Local CDL Training. Gets you job ready! 1-888-248-1364
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Board Vacancy Board of Commissioners
Central Arkansas Water The Board of Commissioners, Central Arkansas Water (CAW), is seeking letters of interest and resumés from Little Rock residents interested in serving on the Board. CAW is the largest public water supplier in the state of Arkansas and serves the Greater Little Rock-North Little Rock area. The water commissioners have full and complete authority to manage, operate, improve, extend and maintain the water works and distribution system and have full and complete charge of the water plan. The governing board consists of seven members who serve seven-year terms. The Board appointee for the existing vacancy will fulfill the remainder of a seven year term ending June 30, 2015. In accordance with Ark. Code Ann. § 25-20-301, the Board must consist of four residents of Little Rock and three residents of North Little Rock. The current vacancy is for a Little Rock representative. CAW is committed to diversity and inclusiveness in all areas of our operations and on the CAW Board of Commissioners. All interested Little Rock residents are encouraged to apply and should submit a letter of interest and resumé no later than 12:00 p.m. (noon) Friday, November 19, 2010 to: Board of Commissioners Central Arkansas Water C/O Becky Wahlgreen, Director of Human Resources P. O. Box 1789 Little Rock, AR 72203 501-377-1357
54 November 11, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES
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Couch for sale. Beautiful stainresistant ultra suede sectional, 4 piece. Purchased at Cantoni in Dallas for $3,200. Barely used, asking $1,750. call 501-607-3100 can send pictures upon request.
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TWEEKER Tweeker is about 8.2 mths old, around 35lbs, will not be above 50lbs and is house broken. She is a very kind and gentle to other dogs. She is being boarded at The Pet Palace on Hwy 5. Loves to run and play w/ others and need a loving home! All adoptions $100-includes first shots and voucher for spay/neuter. 501-607-3100
Vintage Santa oil paintings 6x6 $100 • ready to hang Jeannie Stone 479-747-0210
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ADVERTISING COORDINATOR The perfect person for this position is self-motivated, able to multi-task, has great communication and organizational skills, and enjoys working with clients to produce effective WILD print advertising. ARKANSAS’S WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OF POLITICS AND CULTURE ■ OCTObER 21, 2010
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INTr Od Br UCINg hAy ITNey “BIg Nes O f BrO Ther ” Everybody’s running against Obama. Even some Dems. But will it work? Ag AINsT BY GERARD MATTHEWS PAGE 10 The gr Inno AIN: vativ furnitu e designre hALL O AT h weeN Ome AN
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The Arkansas Times is accepting resumes for a full-time graphic designer. Must be proficient with Macs and all Adobe software, deadlineoriented and highly organized, with at least four years experience in publication layout, ad design and web design/maintenance. BA or BFA in Design preferred. Salary is negotiable depending on skill and experience. Benefits include health, dental, and 401-K. Email resumes in PDF format to No phone calls please. Arkansas Times • november 11, 2010 55
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