Arkansas Times - March 29, 2018

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MARCH 29, 2018


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Draft coming

Jesus and DREAMERS

confident that, despite his domestic violence issues, he would “fit in,” President Trump has just signed This month marked the symbolic and if they presented a problem with end to t he Defer red Act ion for a budget that gives many millions of additional dollars to the military. his obtaining his security clearance, Childhood Arrivals (DACA) tempoAt the same time, he is reloading his President Trump could handle it? rary status for DREAMERS, young Question: Would Porter have even immigrants brought to the United Cabinet with chicken hawks — people who were chicken when it was their considered applying for a position in States as children, who grew up in turn to step up to the plate, but who the West Wing of either President our communities, attended our local are just itching for a fight now: Dick George W. Bush or President Barack schools and have worked toward Cheney wannabees. Trump needs a Obama? their futures. As an evangelical, I Jim H ammons reflect on my faith and wonder what war badly to take the national attenFayetteville the response of Jesus would be to tion away from Bob Mueller and Stormy Daniels. Dreamers today. What the military needs, more In the Bible, in the gospel of Mark, than money, is qualified recruits. It’s already struggling to keep its numbers up by accepting people with criminal records and known mental problems. In the meantime, Trump has thrown out several thousand qualified and trained troops for the unpardonable sin of being born transgender. Iraq and Afghanistan aren’t going to end anytime soon and if Trump and his underlings are going to go after Iran and North Korea they will almost certainly need to reinstate the draft. I was in the Army in the late 1960s. We were almost all draftees and, for the most part, poor rural whites and poor urban blacks. This time things will be different. Back in the 1960s, the well-to-do sent their kids to college for deferments, pulled strings to get them in the National Guard or Reserves — those groups didn’t go to war back then — or paid a doctor to come up with some sort of medical excuse, like bone spurs. This reincarnation of the NEW LY R E N OVAT E D R OOM S, M IN U T E S military draft will be quite different. FR OM D OWN TOWN BE N TON V ILLE ! Everybody will be called, and I see no way around women being called as well. This is your children and your grandchildren we are talking about here. We desperately need a Congress that will step up and do the checksand-balances part of their job. Vote Democratic come November. We can’t just sit back and wait for Mueller and Stormy to save us. David Rose Hot Springs

Birds of a feather flock together

I first heard the above expression as a teenager. Its meaning was clear: People tend to associate with people like themselves. Do these expressions explain why Rob Porter didn’t hesitate to apply to the White House? Did he know enough about President Trump’s background to feel 4

MARCH 29, 2018


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we see the heart of Jesus for the vulnerable through one of his teachings: “Then people brought little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked them. Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’ ” Jesus had a special place in his ministry for those who others wanted to keep out. I’d like to think that if Jesus were around today, He’d say “Let the DREAMERS come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the Kingdom of God.” Like DREAMERS, I am a child of an immigrant family but was blessed to be born on U.S. soil. My parents immigrated to the U.S. from India in hopes of a better life; they worked hard to establish roots and learn a whole new culture. I’m proud of my parents for their hard work and strong faith in navigating a culture so foreign to their own. Even so, I often had to forge my own path when it came to succeeding in American school systems, applying for colleges and scholarships, and living between two cultures. [My parents] didn’t grow up here, and didn’t know the ins and outs of American society. It was hard for our family but what I cannot imagine is living in the U.S. for 18-plus years of my life, working so hard to establish roots, only to be forced to return to India. I can’t imagine returning to a “home” country that is not home: forcibly displaced and immersed in a foreign life not of my choosing, one filled with so many of the barriers my own parents worked so hard to overcome for their children. Many of the DR EAMERS live under the shadow of an uncertain future that I never had to endure. Will we turn them away as Jesus’ disciples did to the vulnerable of His day? Or will the American Church follow Jesus’ example, embracing the vulnerable and say, “Let the little children come to me?” I believe Americans, many who call themselves Christians, need to lead the way and welcome DREAMERS. While there is likely no single piece of legislation that will solve all of the DREAMERS’ problems, Congress should at least consider a long-term plan for their legal place in our country, not just for their sake — though that is enough — but for gifts they bring to our nation. Christina Foor Fayetteville

FACES OF CENTRAL ARKANSAS ON DECEMBER 15, 2016, we introduced our first

edition of Faces of Central Arkansas, which highlighted local entrepreneurs and business owners who started their businesses here and have played a big role in the success and continued growth of our city’s entrepreneurs.






Quote of the week “When I forced myself to walk out of my school March 14 at 10 a.m., I did so knowing politicians and adults weren’t going to save me and my friends. ... They want us to sit down and shut up. To silently be spectators to our own future. Don’t. Go up there and do what you think is right no matter the consequence. Don’t allow the Koch brothers, Tom Cotton, Asa Hutchinson or the NRA — don’t allow them to decide what your future should be. What your country should look like. — Wylie Greer, a 17-year-old Greenbrier High School student who was paddled after he participated in a national school walkout for gun safety, speaking Saturday at Little Rock’s March for Our Lives, part of an international day of marches for gun safety. Several thousand people attended the Little Rock march, which culminated with speeches at the Capitol.

Patient and examiner caught The Arkansas State Hospital psychological examiner and patient who disappeared together last week have been arrested in Clark County, Nev. On March 20, hospital employee Michelle Messer escorted patient Cory Chapin from the facility and to her personal vehicle, according to a police report. Before their departure, Messer apparently was questioned about providing contraband to Chapin. Warrants were issued for both Messer and Chapin after the pair went missing. 6

MARCH 29, 2018


This marks the second time 210 cities — representing about 90 Chapin has f led to Clark County, percent of the population in the state Nev. Court records show he was — names 65 drugmakers and individual originally committed to the State defendants. It was filed in Crittenden Hospital in 2015 after being charged Circuit Court. A similar number of with attempted kidnapping, drug Arkansas counties and some cities possession and theft. Chapin fled previously filed a lawsuit in federal the state while on a pass to visit his court. father in February 2016; he was then “Arkansas’s one-voice approach to arrested in Las Vegas in October and this lawsuit is one that gives us a seat at readmitted to the psychiatric facility the table,” Don Zimmerman, executive in November. director of the Arkansas Municipal Perry Wyse, the police chief at the League, said in a news release. “Neither State Hospital, said in a statement the state or any county or city is big that both Messer and Chapin were enough alone; this litigation approach being detained at the Clark County ensures that recovered damages Detention Center. Messer faces a remain in Arkansas.” misdemeanor charge of aiding an According to the Centers for Disease unauthorized departure of a state Control and Prevention, Arkansas hospital patient and a felony charge has the second-highest legal opioid of providing prohibited articles to a prescription rate in the nation: 114.6 patient, Wyse said. Chapin will be prescriptions for every 100 people in returned to the State Hospital. the state. Only doctors in Alabama prescribe more opioids. The CDC also ranks Arkansas first nationally when it comes to children ages 12 to 17 who Arkansas cities and counties have misused opioids. have joined in a state court lawsuit against opioid makers with the hope of winning damages to address the problem. The 8th U.S. Circuit Court The lawsuit by 72 counties and of Appeals affirmed the bribery

Opioid lawsuit filed

Suhl conviction upheld

conviction and seven-year sentence of Ted Suhl, the former operator of a behavioral health company in Arkansas. Suhl was convicted in July 2016 and later sentenced to seven years in federal prison. A jury convicted him on four of six counts of bribery and fraud-related charges. Suhl’s case drew heavy attention because of periodic past news coverage of his operations, which included the Lord’s Ranch, later called Trinity Behavioral Services, in Randolph County, and his political influence. He was a contributor to legislative races, became friends with Gov. Mike Huckabee and served on the state’s child welfare board. Suhl’s appeal rested in part on an argument raised successfully in some other bribery cases around the country that the government had to prove a quid pro quo agreement for money paid for official acts. In a 16-page ruling, the appeals court rejected that argument. It disagreed with the argument by Suhl’s attorney that federal statutes and a case involving gifts to former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell weighed against the conviction. Intent is key, the court said.


Perilous times


hould history record the sudden collapse of American democracy, it will be illustrated by CNN screenshots of Stormy Daniels strapped to a lie detector. You know, that staged photo of the porn actress in a tight yellow T-shirt with her preposterous fake breasts that the TV networks couldn’t show often enough before her underwhelming “60 Minutes” interview on CBS. Also with photos of newly appointed National Security Advisor John Bolton’s extremely silly moustache. But hold that thought. TV couldn’t get enough of Stormy’s big hooters. Hers was a scam worthy of the man-child president himself — a professional wrestling-style publicity stunt. A lie detector? Why not a Ouija board? Other than demonstrating that she’s a whole lot smarter and more self-possessed than her impulsive paramour, however, Stormy failed to titillate an easily distracted nation. Mob-style threats, nondisclosure agreements, defamation lawsuits? Where were the bawdy details

the panting audience of “60 Minutes” awaited? Was it nothing more than a Bourbon Street striptease? No, it wasn’t. Early polls showed voters believing the GENE porn star (and LYONS the Playmate) 3-1 over the president of the United States. But so what? Anybody who didn’t already know Trump’s an eternal teenager who goes for the brazen, siliconenhanced Barbie-doll-type probably voted for him. To the extent that they bought the tease, Americans are a nation of yokels. Or, as the great misanthrope H.L. Mencken put it in 1923, “The most timorous, sniveling, poltroonish, ignominious mob of serfs and goose-steppers ever gathered under one flag in Christendom since the Middle Ages.” The antics of the Trump White House furnish living proof daily. But nobody’s really laughing. Indeed, to anybody

Shrugging off sulfides


he Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reported a shocker on its front page Sunday. The rotten-egg odor from the Koch brothers’ sprawling paper plant at Crossett is still making people sick, but the state’s pollution control agency is unaware of the problem. Forgive the snark. Two superb reporters for the paper, Emily Walkenhorst and Eric Besson, actually deserve awards for painstaking reporting on an environmental and health horror, and the paper deserves credit for lending the story the credence of its front page and a full page inside. Environmental and health advocacy will get you labeled nowadays as an enemy of free enterprise and jobs. If you are a politician, it will turn off the spigot to the Koch fortune (nearly $1 billion in political gifts in 2016) and other “pro-business” PACs. Toxic sulfide gas from Georgia Pacific’s boilers, wastewater plant, ponds and ash basin has been a problem for the people of Crossett for many years. The company and regulatory agencies couldn’t settle on precise ways to measure the emissions, either of the gas or the odor, so people just suffered — in spite of national exposes. A few years ago, company agents went door to door

handing out checks to people to buy their damaged homes and cars or to reimburse them for property damage or health problems in exchange for a signed waiver that they would never try to hold t h e c o m p a ny responsible. It was akin to payERNEST ing porn stars and DUMAS Playboy bunnies for sex and silence. The damage to property and health was indisputable and, after a longdelayed rule by the federal Environmental Protection Agency forced the company to disclose how much hydrogen sulfide it was releasing, the company eventually lowered the toxic compound in its emissions to below what was clearly harmful to health. But the foulsmelling gas from the waste treatment plant and ponds was still overwhelming. Two air-monitoring programs recently concluded that the heavy sulfide odor in the air caused health problems. Sylvia Howard, 58, told the reporters that the gas aggravated respiratory problems for her, her children and her grandchildren. “If they paid me,” she

paying serious attention the nation has Saddam Hussein’s nonexistent weapons rarely faced such danger — virtually all of mass destruction. of it Trump’s doing. Bolton was memorably described Richard Haas, a former high-ranking as a “kick-down, kiss-up” bureaucratic George W. Bush administration official infighter by colleagues during 2005 conand longtime president of the Council gressional testimony. Every large orgaon Foreign Relations, put it this way on nization has them. A leader who keeps Twitter: “@realDonaldTrump is now such sycophants near him is invariably set for war on 3 fronts: political vs Bob characterized by weakness, incompeMueller, economic vs China/others on tence and false bravado. trade, and actual vs. Iran and/or North Worse, Bolton still argues that invadKorea. This is the most perilous moment ing Iraq, the most catastrophic foreign in modern American history — and it has policy blunder since Vietnam, was a terbeen largely brought about by ourselves, rific idea. As innocent of military expenot by events.” rience as Trump, he’s mad keen to send Washington Monthly’s Martin Long- other people’s sons and daughters into man makes the same point from else- combat. where on the ideological spectrum: Bolton recently wrote a Wall Street “This is the most dangerous moment for Journal column calling for a pre-emphumanity since the Cuban Missile Crisis.” tive strike on nuclear-armed North For both men, it’s the appointment Korea. How many hundreds of thouof the Moustache of Death that has sands would die on the Korean peninsula provoked immediate alarm. Bolton has during that conflict troubles him not. never seen a war he didn’t like. Unlike Bolton has long called for a bombthe president himself who (falsely) ing campaign and “regime change” in boasts about opposing Bush’s Iraq war, Iran — a nation with three times Iraq’s Bolton was an early and enthusiastic population and five times its land area, proponent. As an aide to Vice President with a far more forbidding landscape. Dick Cheney, he played a key role in Either or both actions could easily “stove piping” bogus intelligence about start World War III.

said. “I’d get out of here tomorrow.” But hush payments aren’t available anymore. Why should they be? The government and the courts aren’t going to hold the company liable, anyway. Crossett’s mayor said such people were chronic complainers and that Ashley County’s biggest employer always took care of any problems. That is the common stance of government now. Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge is joining suits all across the country and in Arkansas to stop environmental watchdog agencies from trying to curb air and water pollution. The Department of Environmental Quality, the state watchdog for healthy air and water, had to be informed by the Democrat-Gazette reporters that Georgia Pacific had exceeded its limit on emissions in 2016. It refused to be bothered by questions about it. How times have changed. When Congress and President Nixon enacted the modern clean-air and clean-water laws and created the EPA to protect air, water and people from harmful industrial pollution, they recognized that they were finally carrying out the Declaration of Independence’s guarantee that the American government would protect people’s right to life, health and the pursuit of happiness. It was bipartisan. Every member of the Senate, led

by Republicans, voted for the Clean Air Act. Signing it, Nixon called 1970 “the year of the beginning,” when the government accepted its duty to protect future generations and the land from harmful pollutants. So many great works followed. The creeks and valleys in the oilfields in South Arkansas are no longer the cesspools, wastelands and brownfields that sickened and crippled so many. The Cuyahoga no longer catches fire spontaneously. Thick smog no longer chokes the air over Los Angeles. The gasoline our cars burn no longer carries the lead that harms babies’ brains, and vehicles emit cleaner exhausts, thanks to toughening EPA rules. Acid rain from the nitrogen and sulfur oxides from coal plants is no longer killing the rivers and forests of the east. (We still have a little problem with smokestack emissions in Arkansas that the attorney general is trying to continue.) In the 1980s, a new notion gathered force. Corporations and President Reagan said government was inherently bad and that health and safety restrictions on industry were a plot to destroy free enterprise and an infringement on the constitutional freedoms of business. The Republican Party has made a 180-degree turn from its environmentalism.

Follow Arkansas Blog on Twitter: @ArkansasBlog MARCH 29, 2018




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MARCH 29, 2018


‘Null and void’


ast week, Pulaski County Circuit On the finding that Story and Roman Judge Wendell Griffen issued a shouldn’t have participated, Griffen preliminary injunction to pre- wrote: “Administrative decisions must vent the state Medical Marijuana Com- not only be unbiased, they must appear mission from awarding five permits to be unbiased.” (Critics will undoubtto companies to cultivate marijuana edly find much to say about this portion in the state. of Griffen’s decision, given the conHe declared the earlier scoring of troversy in which he’s enmeshed as a five top applicants “null and void,” with personal opponent of the death penalty a key factor being commissioners’ con- while sitting on a case that ultimately flicts of interest. led to a ruling adverse to the state carThe state later announced that it rying out an execution.) would appeal to the Arkansas Supreme The judge rejected an argument Court. that losing applicants were entitled to Griffen’s decision came in a lawsuit a hearing before the commission. He filed by Naturalis Health, one of dozens said the law clearly provided for an of applicants that finished low in the appeal, but to circuit court. scoring. It alleged faulty judging, conIn summary, Griffen said: “To put it flicts of interest and arbitrary scoring. bluntly, the Medical Marijuana ComOther intervenors made similar com- mission and Alcoholic Beverage Control plaints. The commission announced the Division have proceeded in a manner top scores Feb. 27. The winners, in order, that denies due process and the rule were Natural State Medicinals Cultiva- of law, rather than in a manner that tion, Bold Team, Natural State Wellness respects it.” Enterprises, Osage Creek Cultivation He said it was “unpleasant” that the and Delta Medical Cannabis Co. Inc. decision means more delay for people The judge agreed with plaintiffs hoping to obtain medical marijuana to that there were questions about the alleviate suffering. But he said it was application rules requiring set dis- the court’s duty to uphold the rule of tances between marijuana facilities law. and schools. He also said connections Griffen’s ruling “will help convince between Commissioners Travis Story Arkansans that the process [of selectand Carlos Roman and successful appli- ing medical marijuana cultivators and cants (one a legal client of Story’s; oth- dispensers] was rolled out in a fair and ers professional colleagues of Roman) equitable manner,” Storm Nolan, the violated the “appearance of bias legal founder of the Arkansas Cannabis standard for administrative decision- Industry Association and its former making.” president, said. A 5-2 ruling by the state Supreme “The unfortunate part is it’s going Court earlier this year said the state’s to take even longer for patients to get sovereign immunity could not be medical cannabis,” and patients are waived. Griffen said that, while the already frustrated with the amount of amendment legalizing medical mari- time it’s taking Arkansas to implement juana said it did not waive sovereign a constitutional amendment voted on by immunity, the argument can’t be used the people in 2016, he said. “It’s making by the state here because the lawsuit people cynical,” he said, but the assoalleges illegal action by the state. He ciation is trying to educate those who declined to dismiss the suit on that need medical cannabis that the “state ground and the argument that the is not trying to drag its feet” on the plaintiff lacked standing. implementation of the industry. The judge rejected some of the chalNolan is also an owner in River Vallenges made by Naturalis, such as lack ley Relief Cultivation, which was scored of specific proof of residency for some in sixth place by the Medical Marijuana owners of applicants; the different Commission, just out of the running. score sheet used by one commissioner, After Griffen’s ruling, Governor and the absence of a markdown for a Hutchinson said the commission regulatory fine paid by one applicant of should have granted licenses to qualiwhich the commission was not aware. fied applicants by a lottery system. But he found the review hadn’t adeThe commission now has to decide quately considered whether some appli- how to proceed in awarding 32 discants were owners of corporations that pensary permits from among 200 or had not paid franchise taxes. so applicants.


Tough road I t’s a perfectly acceptable belief, one which I harbor only passively, that Arkansas will find sustained, meaningful success hard to come by as long as it resides in the Southeastern Conference. We’ve had a quarter-century-plus to digest it all, and the various digits and metrics simply do not reek of deceit. The basketball team won a national title and went to the championship game the next season, within the first few years of the program being in the conference, but has substantially regressed in the two decades since. Our precious and treasured football team finally made it to a single BCS game during that bygone era (losing it in gut-wrenching fashion, natch) and has gotten steamrolled thrice in the SEC Championship Game while winning only lower-tier bowl games. The baseball team’s got a sweet ledger to lean on, what with Dave Van Horn averaging a trip to Omaha every three seasons and also taking the team to the brink of the national title round twice (2009 and 2012), but of course a fellow SEC team knocked the Hogs out of the field both times they advanced that far. It is a rough, rough league, in all sports. Let’s not pretend that those alleged down years of late in men’s basketball really meant much, either — Kentucky was still a nationally elite, if inarguably reprehensible, program, and nontraditional comers like South Carolina and Texas A&M had tastes of deep postseason success in that purported low-water mark for the SEC. In fact, here’s a jarring stat: Arkansas, Mississippi State and Georgia all made it as far as the Sweet 16 in 1996; since that time, the other 11 member




claim to the top spot in the collegiate baseball polls. That all went by the wayside Saturday when Hogs starting hurler institutions have all Isaiah Campbell was ineffective early, reached that round and the Gators’ healthy offense led of the tournament by Jonathan India, Wil Dalton, and (Missouri last did it Deacon Liput got untracked big-time. as a Big 12 member), The Gators mashed Campbell and and that leaves the three relievers to the tune of a 12-0 a forement ione d BEAU lead over the first three innings, and WILCOX trio in a three-way Florida coasted to a 17-2 win that felt tie for the longest like fine retribution for a Gators team drought since getting to the regional that got swallowed whole by the Hogs semifinals in the tournament. And in a 16-0 SEC Tournament rout last there’s no question that Arkansas May. But Van Horn, steady as he is, would identify itself as the “basketball knew that all that output on Saturday school” among that trio, right? only meant that the Hogs still had a Mike Anderson was a proper, if shot to win the series Sunday, and he sentimental, selection to take over after shook up the lineup by starting leftJohn Pelphrey left the program in a handed sticks Evan Lee and Jared general state of ruin in 2011. He had Gates, both of whom made the decision the pedigree, the C.V., the love of the pay off with back-to-back solo homers state, all of it — and he’s just concluded early to stake Arkansas to a 2-1 lead. his seventh season with this weird What happened from there, sadly, distinction of winning 64 percent of his is that Arkansas got that ol’ Arkansas games without really getting many W’s feeling back: The Hogs put men on of consequence. After an ugly finish base in each of the last four innings to a once-promising year, it’s going and plated only a single tally late. to take a staff overhaul to convince The clutch hitting that was evident me that Anderson has the chops and a week earlier was absent at the most the gumption to take this program inopportune time: Despite outhitting to heights that really aren’t all that the Gators 10-5, the Hogs left 12 men unreasonable to expect. on base compared to a paltry four for The baseball program just had one Florida, and that kind of production of its fine swats of reality, too. Van disparity more or less decides oneHorn stacked up the nonconference run games. Florida’s salty junior closer, schedule and the Hogs took a few losses, Michael Byrne, went overtime to get but started SEC play as beautifully as the win with 3 2/3 innings of work. The you possibly could, sweeping fourth- 5-4 loss was deflating, but certainly ranked Kentucky and outscoring the not damaging long-term … unless you Wildcats 39-15 over the span of barely look at the schedule ahead. over 24 hours. The Hogs promptly The Hogs don’t get a break. They’ll delivered an opening-game win against take on another Top 5 program, Ole second-ranked Florida to move to Miss, on the road, and then draw Top 4-0 in league play and have the fans 15 Auburn at home after that. Another itching for at least a series victory, 4-2 stretch through those two series if not another sweep, and a possible would be admirable, to say the least,

but of course it still might not satisfy those pollsters who remain convinced that any prize Arkansas finds in any sport is fool’s gold. And can you blame them? The basketball team got ranked after beating Tennessee, and promptly lost three straight to never sniff the possibility of being ranked again, while in recent years, the baseball team has not handled the pressure associated with high rankings or expectations well. And while Bret Bielema’s football teams barely made a dent in the polls, you’ll undoubtedly recall that the team was ranked in early 2015 before losing to Toledo and Texas Tech, then sabotaged an unthinkable return to the Top 25 later by losing a heartbreaking shootout against Mississippi State. In 2016, the Razorbacks surfaced again in the polls after a 3-0 start, but committed their now-ritual gagging in the Southwest Classic against Texas A&M, got bombed by Alabama at home, and never made another peep about lacking respect thereafter. This isn’t designed to condemn the Razorback program to decades upon decades of futility, but the Southeastern Conference does not, in any way, take mercy on this program. Officiating decisions have long been a source of consternation in every sport, and every major revenue-producing sport is banking more dollars, reeling in more attendees, and sitting in better position for recruiting hauls. We move onward into baseball season hoping that Van Horn is due to take another squad to Omaha, and with hopes that Chad Morris can build that something special that eluded his football coaching predecessors, and thinking that maybe Daniel Gafford’s announced return for his sophomore season will provide momentum for Anderson to finally get his basketball program into rarefied air again.

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MARCH 29, 2018


cross neighborhoods, social classes and races, there is a growing consensus that Little Rock’s city government is not as healthy as it should be and that its persistent underperformance in meeting the needs of the state’s capital city makes the future of a promising city fragile. Last week, I went directly from a drink with one of the most astute observers of politics I know to a dinner down Cantrell Hill with another observer whose insights I thoroughly trust. Besides their smarts and love for Little Rock, the two differ in gender, race, age and background. The first, while recognizing the persons involved in city leadership roles have flaws, thought the real hitch is with the system of government. The second, while recognizing that the institutional structure is not ideal for responding to the city’s needs, believed that the central problem is with the humans who play the key roles in that system of government. So, who is right? My first friend’s “the institutions are the problem” approach certainly has credibility. The mayor-council system that governs most large cities across the country and almost all municipalities in Arkansas has the clear benefit of responsiveness to the community’s voters, as the mayor and other elected officials (not just the city council members but also the city attorney, city treasurer and city clerk) all have their positions because of their ability to appeal to (and respond to) the wishes of the voters. In contrast, the city manager form of government that Little Rock adopted in 1957 had a very different benefit: managerial professionalization detached from the whims of the voters. What Little Rock has, as a result of a series of adjustments across the years, is a system that lacks the benefits of either of these ideals. Instead of a purely professional governance system that the original city-manager system created, 1993 reforms made the mayor directly elected (along with creating seven board positions elected by wards and three to be elected at-large) and a 2007 special election made the mayor a full-time position with the power to veto board decisions and to hire and fire the city manager (and city attorney) with board approval. The result is a city government that’s a hydra-headed creature where a mayor,

city manager and city board all need to be in consensus for real progress to happen on the issues facing the city. City government in Little Rock gets a lot of small things done just fine, but lacks t he abilit y to implement “big” JAY ideas, according BARTH to the “system is broken” camp. As the Arkansas Blog reported earlier this month, some are arguing that the initiative process should be employed to change the system of government back to the mayorcouncil system in place six decades ago. Advocates of this shift are looking to bring about change through the petition process in 2018 because this election cycle marks a uniquely easy moment to get that proposal on the ballot in that the number of signatures required is sharply reduced by the low number of votes cast in an uncontested mayoral race in 2014. My second friend’s “the people are the problem” view also has some validity. It’s an open secret that the mayor of a dozen years, Mark Stodola, and city manager of 19 years, Bruce Moore, while not political enemies, lack the energetic synchronicity needed for success in the current system of governance. The view here is that a new face in the mayor’s office — at a minimum — along with some new blood to replace city board members who have also been in office for years has the potential to create a reinvigorated city government. Those argue that either Frank Scott Jr. or Warwick Sabin — both running against Stodola in an increasingly highenergy mayor’s race — could lead the sort of change necessary for the city government to “think big.” We know that the city’s voters will have the opportunity to choose a new course in the mayor’s office in 2018, although name recognition for the veteran Stodola provides him a pathway to holding on to the key 40 percent of the electorate. As a result of the initiative process, they may also have a chance to return the system of government to a traditional mayorcouncil model. No matter what, this feels like a year that will produce the sort of debate that the city has needed for a while.


Good dog


his is the story of a boy and his dog. Is there a better observer of the folly of human behavior than the dog? The dog knows all about us. His findings are biased, and he never reports them to his peers, but the dog has all the data. And dogs still like us. Roxie entered The Observer’s life well over a decade ago. Shoes kept going missing from the front porch of the Observatory. The Observer suspected the punk rock kids down the street, as they seemed to be in perpetual sartorial need. But their feet betrayed no purloined footwear. It turns out the sneak thief didn’t have feet at all. We found the shoes, and this dog, and all the other items she’d absconded with to make a home for herself, inside a drainage pipe. This subterranean circle was a tableau of trash. Within was a shoe of mine. Never found the other. She had on a flea collar, but no tags, and the collar was getting tight around her neck. She was a gorgeous Shepherd mix. She made black and brown go together so well, we questioned why mom told us not to mix those colors for church. The Observer would like to tell you we knew immediately this was the dog for us due to our powers of observation. But having never been a dog owner, we figured we’d do the right thing and take her to the pound. At this point, it’s unclear if it was hours or days, but it wasn’t very long before she was ours. And we hers. We named her Roxie, after Little Rock. Not long after, we panicked when she lost a tooth — turns out, this streetwise pup was a puppy! Despite her youth, she seemed to know a lot. Or she was just that smart. She always seemed to understand what you were saying. Eventually, we’d have conversations that some non-pet owners would find ridiculous. The Observer would have, too — before. Remind us to tell you someday about the time she talked us out of driving when we’d had too much to drink.

ROXIE: Rescuer.

Then, The Observer got divorced. We didn’t observe that coming. We didn’t hear much from friends or family, who probably didn’t know what to say. Life became a country song — divorced, the parents got sick, the job ended, the car broke down beyond repair. There was one living creature whose eyes we could look into and find solace and self-worth: Roxie’s. Eventually, The Observer got out of that hole, and eventually, the inevitable hoary cliche happened — we realized we hadn’t rescued anything, but had been rescued. On a recent cold and misty night, we called out into the backyard darkness, but Roxie didn’t come jangling up. She must already be inside. Had we overlooked her? So loyal and predictable was this mutt that we actually walked back into the house and looked. Then, we grabbed the flashlight. If she’d somehow gotten out, she wouldn’t be far — the cruelest joke you could play on her was to lock her out of the fence. She’d wait there at the gate to be let back in. Roxie knew what it was like to be on the outside, and she liked it on the inside. The flashlight showed her lying in the yard like usual, only it was misting rain on her black and brown color scheme. Those big brown eyes we’d looked into thousands of times for meaning were vacant. It started raining harder, and we howled our confused grief into the darkness. Like a dog. So here’s to the animal that taught The Observer more about love, forgiveness, loyalty, jealousy, grief, friendship and family — the things that we think make us human — than any human ever did. Roxie, rest in peace. Good dog.

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To the hearts of the river cities: Downtown LR and NLR.



MARCH 29, 2018



he revitalization of downtown Little Rock and North Little Rock is coming so fast and furious that the Arkansas Times, which used to visit the subject for a cover story every several years or so, is now dedicating its prime real estate to it on an annual basis. Last year, the Times traveled the river cities’ Main Streets, and the big news was the East Village and developments in the South Main neighborhood. This year, North Little Rock will get a bigger share of press, thanks to a $4 million plaza development that has spurred a sum expected to be around 10 times that amount as new office buildings rise around the plaza. Shore development continues to grow as developers realize the opportunity that the Arkansas River presents, with the Rock City Yacht Club coming to the south side joining the already developed Rockwater Marina on the north. So much new is coming to the East Village, the old industrial area east of Interstate 30, that it’s hard to get the projects straight. By next year, that neighborhood — already home to two breweries — will be alive with new entertainment of the comestible and liquid variety. In 2006, Rett Tucker of Moses Tucker Partners — the merged business of Moses Tucker and Newmark Grubb — likened the work of bringing business back to downtown as “grinding out the first few downs” with the Clinton Presidential Center as the development game’s “50-yard pass.” Who could have envisioned what that goal brought to pass? Billions of dollars have been spent downtown to add new office space, apartments, hotels, cultural institutions — even a bowling alley. Here’s an update on what came to pass from last year’s plans and what we expect to see in the near future.


THE MARINA AT ROCKWATER: As well as access to the Arkansas River, the view of Little Rock's skyline is an amenity for residents of Rockwater Village.



hough the 500 and 600 blocks A 35-foot-by-35-foot screen above of Main Street will feature the a stage will allow the projection of four-story, 60,000-square-foot film, sports and cultural events. The First Orion office, the three-story 600 homey touch: the “Front Porch,” a Main building (as it is now called) and ramada-style covered area on the west new apartments and a restaurant in side of the plaza facing Main hung the Power and Ice building, North with porch swings and including other Little Rock will keep its intimate, neigh- seating. The plaza will integrate the borly feel. The new construction, all on water features with lighting designed former city property, is rising around by the Renfro Design Group of New Argenta Plaza, which will transform York, which worked on the American what is now a block of asphalt into Museum of Natural History’s Richard a snazzy urban gathering space. The Gilder Center. Argenta was able to get plaza will feature jets of water from the such a hotshot firm, North Little Rock surface that can switch off to accom- Mayor Joe Smith said, because CEO modate seating for parties or gather- Richard Renfro is an Arkansas native. ings for concerts. A wall of water will Smith said First Orion CEO Charles serve as a visual and sound backdrop. Morgan chose North Little Rock for his

designing all three buildings around the plaza, will occupy the third floor of the building. (It is now located behind McCain Mall.) The city hasn’t completed a deal with John Chandler for the Power and headquarters because of its appeal to Ice building, but Chandler and the city today’s younger work force that wants remain optimistic that once he gets to live, work, dine out and be enter- his anchor tenant — a restaurant for tained in the same neighborhood. A the first floor — Power and Ice will roof terrace will accommodate gath- heat up. The restaurant will be on the erings; the ground floor will feature a plaza: “Rednecks like us call it outdoor cafe and perhaps a gym. Smith said he dining,” Smith said. “Chandler calls it expects ground to be broken in May. al fresco.” A couple of months after that, Smith Chandler, whose redevelopment of hopes, ground will be broken on 600 properties on Main have been a cruMain, owned jointly by the North Little cial element in Argenta’s revitalization, Rock Convention and Visitors Bureau, said the second and third floors of the Taggart architectural firm and the Power and Ice (so named because the Arkansas Automobile Dealers Associa- city’s electric company and ice house tion. The first floor will be North Little once occupied the site) will include Rock’s visitor’s center and storefront 12 apartments. They’ll be small sturetail; the car dealers will occupy the dios — 600 to 700 square feet — with second floor and Taggart, which is 12-foot ceilings and French balconies MARCH 29, 2018


ARGENTA PLAZA SWINGERS: The Front Porch, with its tables, chairs and porch swings, will offer a rocking view of Main Street.

(meaning full-length windows that open behind a decorative rail) with a view of the plaza. Before Power and Ice goes up, there are two places directly across Main for dining: In September 2017, Kiyen Kim opened the Asian fusion restaurant KamiKaito by Kiyen’s at Sixth and Main streets, next to Mugs Cafe, which has been an Argenta favorite among the biking, art-walking and fresh-faced set since it opened in 2013. Alan New, an architect with Taggart, moved to the 700 block of Main a year and a half ago, a building he and his wife, Diana, gutted and restored. The building had been abandoned for 15 years, was covered in graffiti and had no electricity, water or sewer. Why? “Just a love of Argenta,” New said. He’d been involved for years, working with Argenta godfather John Gaudin (who built Argenta Place, housing Cregeen’s and condo space in 2008 and was crucial to starting the Innovation Hub) and other Argenta-boosting nonprofits, like the Argenta Community Theater. 14

MARCH 29, 2018


THE PORCHES AT ROCKWATER: The two-story homes will be built around a courtyard.

“Downtown Argenta at night is one of the safest places you can be,” New said. That was echoed by Marc Krulic, the realty representative for Thrive Argenta: Thrive residences strive to be “clean, green and safe.”

It was because of Argenta’s happening downtown that ERC of Fort Smith chose to build the Thrive Argenta apartment complex there, at Magnolia and Fourth streets. The complex, which will eventually include six buildings, will open July 1 with 20 units, including

one-bedroom apartments renting for $850 and up and two-bedroom apartments renting for $1,200 and up. When finished out, Thrive will feature 165 units. Two 54-unit buildings will have interior courtyards, one featuring a fitness center and the other a stage, Krulic said. Like the hip Thrive apartments in Bentonville, Thrive Argenta will be a smoke-free “neighborhood” with structures “dedicated to sustainability, which works well with the vibe in Argenta,” he said. And as in Bentonville, where ERC built smack dab in the middle of that town’s burgeoning cultural scene downtown, Argenta’s Thrive residents will have close at hand the Arkansas Regional Innovation Hub maker space across the street and, just blocks away, The Joint comedy club; the Argenta Community Theater; art galleries Greg Thompson Fine Art, Thea Foundation and in the Laman Library Argenta branch; craft breweries Diamond Bear, Flyway and Core; fine dining at Ristorante Capeo and the Riverfront Steakhouse; and

POWER AND ICE: John Chandler's project on Argenta Plaza will kick off when he signs with a restaurant to anchor the apartment building. MARCH 29, 2018


VIEWS OF ARGENTA PLAZA AND DEVELOPMENT: The aerial drawing (above) is a view from the southeast corner; the water wall feature is in the middle. The 600 Main Building (above) will house a visitor center, Taggart Architects and the Arkansas Automobile Association.


MARCH 29, 2018



THRIVING: The apartments at Magnolia and Fourth streets, a project of ERC of Fort Smith similar to Thrive in Bentonville, will feature middle courtyards and be "clean, green and safe."

more casual eateries and bars Crush, Cregeen’s, Four Quarter, Skinny J’s and Reno’s Argenta Cafe, in addition to the aforementioned Mugs and KamiKaito by Kiyens. It’s also near the Arkansas River Trail, the biking and hiking path that makes a loop connecting Little Rock and North Little Rock. The long-ignored riverbank is finally coming into its own with shoreside developments west of Main Street. Last year, Doug Meyer and Dave Bruning of Terraforma Developers’ Smartway LLC announced they would develop 5.6 acres west of the Broadway Bridge as a $50 million hotel, apartments and boardwalk complex. While the Smartway project has not advanced, Meyer said, the idea is the same: Terraforma wants a “live, work and play” use for the property, with offices, multifamily residents and a hotel. “I think within the next three or four months we’ll have a clear plan going forward,”

Meyer said. levard. This pocket neighborhood of tually other uses. “We’ve been explorWest of Smartway, the Rockwa- 15 two-story, 1,700-square-foot homes ing different design ideas,” Monde ter development by Lisa Ferrell and will cluster around a common green founder and architect Blake Jackson her husband, Jim Jackson, repre- with fire pits and sculpture. Six are said recently. The original concept — a sents another $50 million investment already sold — all to families from out- high-rise “resort apartment” complex in North Little Rock, Ferrell said. side North Little Rock — and a builder — has been ditched as not right for the The Rockwater Village develop- has committed to two spec homes, so property: “It was way outside what the ment — two-story homes fronting the eight houses will go up first. Sale prices Central Arkansas market could supRiver Trail and the Rockwater Marina will be $265,000 and up. Ferrell said. port,” Jackson said. “So while we want — has brought not only new dollars Wayne Hardy is the architect. to take elements from that design, for to the city, but new people: Ferrell Still in the conceptual stage is the the first phase it will be something said 70 percent of the owners of the development of 3.5 acres bought by closer to what we’ve been doing in homes in the village moved to North Ferrell and Moses Tucker Partners just Maumelle.” Little Rock from elsewhere. south of the roundabout that joins the That would be The Villa at River Only six of the 33 lots in Rockwa- west end of Riverfront Drive and the Pointe Drive, another riverside develter Village remain unsold, so Ferrell is entrance to Rockwater Boulevard. Fer- opment that features 216 units and about to launch a new building phase: rell said the development will be part such luxe amenities as an “Aquaduct 25 to 30 homes north of Rockwater of Rockwater Village and will include Parc,” swimming pools with statuary, Boulevard, to be priced between multifamily and commercial buildings. a giant chess board, street shuffle$325,000 and $350,000. Further west, on River Road, the boards, cabanas with TVs and a clubToo, now that the infrastructure is Monde Group of architects and devel- house. Jackson is hoping to break in, construction should begin almost opers has purchased 41 acres from the ground on the third phase of that immediately on the Porches at Rock- city of North Little Rock to develop as development in July, which will add water, also north of Rockwater Bou- the Esplanade, apartments and even- 56 units. MARCH 29, 2018



IN THE PAINT FACTORY: The 12 Star Flats (sign on left) and a printing business are part of the Cromwell architectural firm's project with Moses Tucker.

A GUIDE TO THE EAST VILLAGE Sixth Street development is in the can.


ou need a glossary to understand just what is coming to the East Village, the neighborhood east of Interstate 30 and north of Ninth Street. Two breweries — Rebel Kettle and Lost Forty — kicked off development here, and it's now identified by street flags on Sixth Street. So here it is: The Paint Factory: The new home of Cromwell Architects Engineers at 1300 E. Sixth St., formerly the home of Stebbins and Roberts


MARCH 29, 2018


paint company, hence the name. 12 Star Flats: One- and two-bedroom apartments coming to the second floor of The Paint Factory. The Mixing Room: A community and event room for rent to the public in The Paint Factory. The Printshop: Just like it sounds, a retail printshop, in The Paint Factory. Cathead’s Diner: At 515 Shall (pronounced shawl) Ave., but really part of The Paint Factory, it’s another

enterprise whose purpose you don’t have to guess at: It’s a restaurant, operated by Donnie Ferneau and Kelli Marks. The Bike Shop: Not a bike shop, but a 15,000-square-foot warehouse at 1212 E. Sixth St. being renovated by Cromwell Architects Engineers and Moses Tucker Real Estate to the tune of $1.5 million. The Rail Yard: Not a rail yard, but a food truck and beer garden site. Located in The Bike Shop.

Count Porkula BBQ: Happily, just what it sounds like. Located in The Bike Shop. eStem: The new elementary and junior high school that is part of the eStem Public Charter Schools Inc. Now that you’re oriented, let’s start with The Rail Yard and Count Porkula in The Bike Shop (which used to house Ron King’s Recycle Bikes for Kids refurbishing shop, now located at 717 E. 10th St. in North Little Rock). CONTINUED ON PAGE 18



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OPENING IN JULY: eStem elementary and junior high schools. COUNT PORKULA IS COMING: As is The Rail Yard, to The Bike Shop. BRIAN CHILSON



hough it has a masculine-sounding name, The Rail Yard is a venture of three women — sisters-in-law Murry Newbern and Linda Newbern and their aunt, Virginia Young — who were inspired to create this outdoor venue that will feature food trucks in rotation. They got the idea for the business on a visit to the Texas Truck Yard in Dallas; they got the idea for the location when they attended a Downtown Little Rock Partnership pop-up party in the alley west of The Bike Shop, along the Union Pacific Railroad track. The decision by Count Porkula to locate in The Bike Shop sealed The Rail Yard deal, co-owner Murry Newbern said. The food trucks will surround a beer garden featuring craft beers; wine and cocktails will be served as well. Dogs will be welcome at The Rail Yard, though they may have to be restrained to keep them from charging Count Porkula. Kelly Lovell and Walt Todd, owners of the Count’s food truck, had been looking for a kitchen “to do more catering out of,” Lovell said. “It just kind of organically grew. … It was just kind of a perfect fit” with The Rail Yard, he said. They hope to be smoking by the first of July. Rock Town Distillery at Sixth and Shall streets is moving to SoMa, leaving empty a space that Dan Fowler, Cromwell’s director of finance and business development, calls “amazing.” Moses Tucker and Cromwell have not yet announced plans for what will go in the Rock Town space, but Fowler said they would have a couple of “exciting things” to say about the space in a few months


MARCH 29, 2018


ARCHITECTS PLUS: Cathead's Diner will be on the first floor of The Paint Factory, which houses the Cromwell architectural firm.



ow cross Shall Street to The Paint Factory, the new home of Cromwell Architects Engineers and other enterprises. There, whiskers willing, Cathead’s Diner will open in May. Donnie Ferneau (formerly of Ferneau, Ferneau’s Good Food and the 1836 Club) will once more assume his chef’s toque, this time to offer Southern dishes, both traditional and eccentric: His partner, baker Kelli Marks, said the menu should offer such things as “meat and three” plates, pulled pork, ribs, fried chicken and … and donut sandwiches and biscuit nachos. Cathead’s will serve brunch both on Saturday and Sunday, and Saturday’s is being called the “Instagram Brunch,” Marks said, because “it’s going to be amazing things you’re going to want to put on Instagram.” Sunday brunch will be an all-you-can eat “hot line.” Marks, who formerly operated Sweet Love Bakery, will be baking the biscuits and pastries for the farm-to-table, cafeteria-style operation. The entrance to Cathead’s will be from Shall Street. The Cromwell offices, The Mixing Room and The Print Shop will all be entered from Sixth Street. The Mixing Room will be a 900-square-foot meeting and event space for the community. It will be available for rent, but Cromwell will allow such groups

as neighborhood associations to use it without charge. “The concept there is exchange and mixing of thoughts — advancing ideas and thoughts in the community,” Fowler said. Its name references paint mixing; the room could be the birthplace of ideas as varied as the color spectrum. The Print Shop will offer retail printing for such things as highvolume business printing, booklets and large-format items like posters and banners. The 12 Star Flats, 16 apartments named for the best-selling paint of Stebbins and Roberts successor Sterling Paint, are on the second floor of The Paint Factory, with an entrance on Sixth. Fowler said the flats will be ready for occupation in mid-April, and that several have already been leased. Available are three two-bedroom, twobath units and 13 one-bed, onebath studios. Fowler hopes to see more development in the area. “I think what really needs to follow on the heels of retail and office is a really great focus on the neighborhood to the east and south of our area,” he said, including more housing. Some of that will come from Harbor Town, John Burkhalter’s apartment development on the Arkansas River east of Heifer International.



Stem charter schools, with grades K-9 campuses on Third Street and Louisiana and 10-12 on the campus of UA Little Rock, will open a new elementary and a new junior high at 400 Shall St. in July, when the 2018-19 school year begins. WER Architects helped transform a 120,000-square-foot warehouse into the schools, which will serve 750 elementary students and 300 junior high school students at opening. Eventually, the schools will hold 850 elementary seats and 450 junior high school seats. The school received a Walton Family Foundation grant of $2 million to buy the Shall Street property. The total cost of the project is $30 million; eStem is using federal New Market Tax Credits and federal and state historic tax credits to finance the construction.


AT LAST, THE MARINA: A project many years in the works is close to opening.

BECALMED NO MORE Rock City Yacht Club to open this summer.


t’s been about 12 years in the works, but John Burkhalter’s marina development on the Arkansas River, just east of Heifer International, is taking shape and will be open this summer, the engineer’s spokesman said. “The cat’s out of the bag and we’re full steam ahead,” Chris Masingill said. “[We’re] building a whole community down there. … And it’s connected to all the additional synergies downtown.” The Rock City Yacht Club, a publicprivate partnership that’s taken myriad state and federal permits to build, will feature a four-acre park and public access ramp built by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, at least 158 boat slips and a dock store. A year or so down the road, Masingill said, Harbor Town — Burkhalter’s name for the whole development — will include a luxury apartment complex called the Fountainbleau. “Every unit will have a view of the river,” Masingill said; there will be a total of 176 two-bedroom “high-end” apartments in seven threeand four-story buildings. The apartment complex will feature a pool and clubhouse. Massingill expects ground to be broken at the end of the summer or fall on the Fountainbleau. It sounds

ambitious, but then so did the entire project. At full build-out, there will be 258 slips, and boat rental will be available. A $1.3 million federal Clean Vessel Act and Boating Infrastructure grant was used to build the fueling dock. Game and Fish contributed $100,000. “If you had told me nine years ago that I would just now be at this stage,” Burkhalter told the Arkansas Times in 2015 as he gestured to the pipes and crane along the river, “I would have taken a pass.” His estimated opening date then: summer 2016. It took two years more. The entrance to Harbor Town — on East Second Street (by way of Bond and Sixth streets) will be stunning, Masingill said: “A 60,000-pound anchor from a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier placed in the middle of a fountain — water jets shooting up all around it, lights flashing … that’s going to be the first thing that people see when they come into the marina,” he said. A 2,000-square-foot, full-service dock store will service boats. A restaurant adjacent to the dock store will open after the residential development is complete. MARCH 29, 2018



t one time, it looked like the KLofts on Third Street were a dead letter. Same for the lofts planned for the

500 block of Main, and there was space on Sixth Street crying out for a more permanent occupant. The pessimism was out of order, as it turned out. Here’s an update of what’s happening on the former ghost town main drag:

TALL FLATS: Mulberry Flats at 315 Main St. are open above Brewski's. BRIAN CHILSON


MARCH 29, 2018




he Walton College of Business within three months and that classes at the University of Arkan- will start soon afterward. The school sas has secured a lease on the has reached out to local businesses to building at 117 Main St., where it will begin building custom courses to fit offer noncredit classes to local busi- their needs, Williams said. There will ness leaders. Brent Williams, associ- also be some “open classes,” he said, ate dean for executive education and for non-business leaders. The buildoutreach at the Walton College, said ing is owned by Warren Stephens’ he expects renovation of the prop- 117 Main Street LLC, which is leasing erty as a classroom to be complete it to the Walton College for $1 a year.


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ye, bye Club Level. You’ll be are picking the Mulberry, Tucker said. missed by those looking for a Perhaps they’re attracted to what techno- and hip-hop blaring has become the Great White Way of nightclub with VIP lounge seats and restaurants on this block. Soul Fish pulsing lights. Now, the ground floor Cafe (306 Main), Bruno’s Little Italy at 315 Main St. is occupied by Brews- (310 Main) and Samantha’s Taproom ki’s Pub & Grub, a sports bar with TVs and Wood Grill (322 Main) will soon galore, pool tables and (in line with the be joined by Ira’s and A.W. Lin’s in name) tasty pub grub. the Rose Building at 307 Main, next On the upper floors, the bogged- door to Brewski’s. down KLofts got a new owner, real Chef Ira Mittleman said the new tenants and a new name — Mulberry edition of Ira’s — formerly in Park Hill Flats. The 32-unit complex is 80 per- — has suffered “all kinds of hang-ups” cent occupied, Rett Tucker of Moses in getting the 1901 built structure ready Tucker Partners said. The Mulberry for his restaurant. But Mittleman hopes name derives from the original name to “open in about a month,” he said. for Third Street (Fourth was Walnut; Ira’s will seat 90, including 14 at the Second Street was Cherry). All units bar, and serve lunch and dinner. A.W. are one-bedroom and rent for $800 Lin’s, which has a Chenal restaurant, a month and up. “It’s mostly younger will open “this year sometime,” owner people and mostly single people” who Jenny Liu said.

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There’s never been a better time to live in downtown Little Rock and we offer downtown living at its best! Contact us for more information about our wide range of new apartments, industrial flats and historic lofts. We’d love the opportunity to help you find the perfect downtown home. For available units visit our website:

Rachael Scott • (501) 376-6555 •

1300 E. 6th Street • Starting at $950/month MARCH 29, 2018




he $24 million Little Rock Technology Park, located in two renovated buildings in the 400 block of Main Street, held its grand opening last April and its month-to-month occupancy — by startup firms — is now 94 percent. That success means the park’s board of directors is looking at Phase II of the tech park, a new building that will be located adjacent on the north, on

what is a vacant lot now. The WER architectural firm has been hired, and the board will issue an RFQ for a construction manager in April. Phase II will likely hold laboratory space for biomedical technology. The park’s 45 tenants include The Venture Center incubator, which hosts the 12-week VC FinTech Accelerator program to advance early startups in financial technology.




AVAILABLE SOON: The Main Street Lofts, in the 500 block of Main, where The Rep, Ballet Arkansas, Cranford and Co. and McLeod Fine Art give the area a cultural feel.


MARCH 29, 2018


he Chi Hotel Group LLC still Street Lofts, the long-planned owns the Boyle Building at apartments in the Arkansas Buildthe corner of Fifth and Main ing at Sixth and Main — the Pfeifer streets, but has not announced firm Brothers Department Store startplans for its development, now that ing at the turn of the 20th century it has dropped the idea to build an — will be available for lease this sumAloft Hotel there. Last year, however, mer. The 36 one- and two-bedroom the city agreed to a zoning change units on the second and third floors that would allow the group to place of the property — directly above 96 apartments in the historic, 12-story Cranford and Co., Ballet Arkansas, office building. Matt McLeod Fine Art and the ArkanNext door, the ground floor of the sas Repertory Theatre’s Education old M.M. Cohn Building has been Annex — include original hardwood fitted out with glass-walled offices floors, marble countertops, stainfor a tenant that David Robinson less steel appliances and gas ranges. of Block 2 Commercial Real Estate There’s also underground parking, declined to identify. At one time, a small pool, a virtual golf simulator the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra and a rooftop garden. Matt Foster thought it would occupy the space, did the construction; Moses Tucker but because of delays in construction Partners will handle the leasing. and lawsuits against former owner/ Out-of-state investors Jake Spelldeveloper Scott Reed, that idea meyer and Bryan Pereboom purplayed out. chased the property from Reed. But here’s good news: The Main




hough there has been street construction in front of Three Fold Noodle and Dumpling Co. practically since it opened at 613 Main St. in September 2017, the beloved Chinese restaurant has done gangbusters business. The restaurant, previously located at 215 Center St., increased its seating capacity by 50 percent, from 80 to 120, and in turn increased revenue at least by 50 percent, according to Rachelle Branca, Three Fold’s director of marketing. The restaurant also sped up service, added breakfast, a salad and soup noodle bowl option, and beef noodle soups to the other noodle, dumpling and bun options folks seemingly can’t get enough of. Three Fold is the ground floor tenant in the Charles Thompson-designed Arkansas Democrat building, which housed the newspaper from 1916 until the 1930s. Upstairs, Moses Tucker Partners has leased all eight of the Arkansas Democrat Lofts, which range from 800 to 1,500 square-feet. Speaking of that street construction, the $1.072 million revamp of the 600 and 700 blocks of Main is scheduled to be completed by August, weather permitting, said Caran Curry, grants coordinator

NEW HOME FOR NOODLES, RENTERS, TOO: Three Fold Noodles and Dumpling Co. has opened at 613 Main S. in the old Arkansas Democrat Building. Apartments are on the second floor.

for the city of Little Rock. The project is Phase II Last Sunday, New Life Church held its first serof the Main Street Water Quality Demonstra- vice in its new home in the ground floor of 610 Main tion Project, a federal grant-funded redesign of St., the old Osco Drug/Urban Garden Montessori the street matched by city dollars. Phase I, which space. The downtown Little Rock wing of growbegan in late 2013 and finished September 2015, ing nondenominational church, which has locaupdated the streetscape from the 100 to 500 blocks tions throughout the state, leased and rehabbed with sidewalks that bulge into the street to “calm” the 10,000-square-foot space. It had been meettraffic and porous pavement for rain gardens to ing at the Central Arkansas Library System’s Ron filter water. Robinson Theater.



apartments, ranging in size from 539 to 1,093 square feet. Tenantfriendly features include a fitness center, meeting rooms and an outdoor patio for use by residents, with retail space on the ground floor. The renovation is projected to cost $21 million. A skywalk that connects the building to the Donaghey Building North across East Seventh Street will be removed during construction. Construction is scheduled to begin this year, with completion next year.


ittle Rock’s first “skyscraper,” the 14-story, 92-year-old Donaghey Building at 703 Main St., was sold in November 2017 to LRMU, a Virginia company, for $5.7 million. The previous owner, Hot Springs-based Lake Hamilton Corp., purchased the building in 2001 at the bargain basement price of $599,000, but plans to renovate fell through. LRMU plans to convert the 107,957-square-foot former office building into 152 onebedroom studio and two-bedroom

THE DONAGHEY BUILDING: The 92-year-old office building will be made into apartments, developer LRMU says. MARCH 29, 2018



AT THE AC HOTEL BY MARRIOTT: The new hotel at Louisiana Street and Capitol Avenue will include a 5,000-square-foot restaurant and lounge. The hotel will be a remodel of the early 20th century Hall Building and the mid-century Davidson Annex.



onstruction on a boutique hotel on Capitol Avenue is underway. The 112-room hotel will be branded an AC Hotel by Marriott, the first of its kind in Arkansas. The project will redevelop the 1923 five-story Hall Building and the three-story 1947 Davidson annex at 201-215 W. Capitol Ave. The hotel is scheduled to open in summer 2019. Investment group 201 W. Capitol LLC,


MARCH 29, 2018


which includes the Sam Alley family and members of the Rock Capital Real Estate Group, bought the buildings last year. VCC Construction, of which Alley is chairman and CEO, is handling the construction. A 5,000-square-foot restaurant and lounge is also planned. On the other end of the block, at Capitol and Center streets, the Sterling Building — a department store until 2005 — has leased its first floor.

Midwest Litigation, a St. Louis-based company that provides court reporting, video deposition support, trial support, mediation and arbitration conference rooms and other services to the legal community, will work with Rock Capital Real Estate on the finish-out. Dan Roda of Rock Capital said the street access appealed to the company, and finishing should begin soon. Negotiations are still in progress with tenants for the upper floors of the building, Roda said. CONTINUED ON PAGE 35

Central Arkansas Library System • 100 Rock Street Main Library • Butler Center for Arkansas Studies • Ron Robinson Theater • River Market Books & Gifts




Every person riding a bicycle or an animal, or driving any animal drawing a vehicle upon a highway, shall have all the rights and all of the duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle, except those provisions of this act which by their nature can have no applicability.


The driver of a motor vehicle overtaking a bicycle proceeding in the same direction on a roadway shall exercise due care and pass to the left at a safe distance of not less than three feet (3’) and shall not again drive to the right side of the roadway until safely clear of the overtaken bicycle.


Your bike is a vehicle on the road just like any other vehicle and you must also obey traffic laws— use turning and slowing hand signals, ride on right and yield to traffic as if driving. Be sure to establish eye contact with drivers. Remain visible and predictable at all times.

DYNAMIC DOWNTOWN The City of Little Rock is proud to be a part of the revitalization of our downtown. A vibrant vision for the downtown area has come to life in Little Rock. Culture, commerce and innovation thrive in a mixed-use, work/live environment that is home to low-impact development and a local startup scene. MARCH 29, 2018




ARGENTA PLAZA Designed in tandem with DLANDstudio. As a new public space for the community, the Argenta Plaza has been designed for all ages. With a front porch along main street, interactive fountains, a one-of-a-kind waterwall, a stage, projection wall, even a shady back yard, there is something for everyone. The Plaza will be home to the farmer’s market, community festivals, entertainment events, and much more. POWER & ICE BUILDING This three story building will host two floors of residential in addition to a ground floor restaurant. The building was inspired by the historic North Little Rock Electric Light Plant and Ice Factory that stood on this spot at the turn of the 20th century. There will be no better place for people-watching while enjoying a drink or meal!



FIRST ORION BUILDING The new five story corporate headquarters for First Orion will anchor the eastern edge of the Argenta Plaza. The building will feature several tenant spaces on the ground floor facing the plaza, with the interconnected upper floors being dedicated to the office space. The building’s roof deck will offer incredible views looking south toward the river and Downtown Little Rock. 600 MAIN STREET Expanding development to the North of 6th Street, this three story building will be inhabited by NLR Advertising & Promotion, the Arkansas Automobile Dealers Association, and Taggart/Architects. The ground floor will provide visitors to NLR convenient access to local information, goods, and a community room.

4 2


MARCH 29, 2018


TAGGART/Architects was established in 1974, quickly earning a

reputation for producing high-quality, functionally efficient, budget-conscious architecture that gratifies and inspires the end user. We believe that good design is a result of focused listening, interpretation and execution. In a world where personal service has nearly disappeared, TAGGART/ Architects has thrived for more than 40 years by providing the kind of exceptional service that leads to long-lasting relationships.  Our practice has proudly served the Argenta community for decades through a combination of advocacy, volunteerism, preservation, design and construction. We take pride in our community and it’s history, and look forward to ushering in this new period of growth for our home, Argenta.


1 MARCH 29, 2018




ALOHA, POKE: The marinated raw fish dish of Hawaii has made its way into the same neighborhood that features burgers at the bowling alley and brats next door.


his year, for the first time surely, it became possible to dine on cheese dip and a jumbo onion burger, duck fat fries and smoked venison, and raw tuna and seaweed salad, and then wash it down with a Lagunitas Czech Pilsner without having to go outside a three-block perimeter. Bowl, too. That’s because the Dust Bowl Lanes and Lounge bowling alley at 315 E. Capitol Ave. and sister restaurant Fassler Hall at 311 E. Capitol opened within striking distance of Poke Hula’s Hawaiian bowls, at 425 E. Third St.


MARCH 29, 2018


That the McNellie Group’s Dust Bowl and Fassler Hall would come to Little Rock has been known since early 2016. The cozy, retro eight-lane alley, complete with wooden lanes and backdrops salvaged from an old bowling alley in Oklahoma, took the place of the M.M. Eberts American Legion Post building. Fassler, which has a beer garden outside and beer hall seating inside, took over the Paragon Printing Building. But Poke Hula just popped up on the dining scene, pushing aside Taco

Beer Burrito to dish up marinated raw fish salads. Amazingly, poke (pronounced po-kay, meaning “to chop”) Hula got competition almost immediately from Ohia Poke across the Main Street divide, at 220 W. Sixth St. (Lulav’s previous haunt). That none of the above are hurting for business says something about the diversity of tastes — or the increasing urbanity — of downtown Little Rock. Or something.

Where Food & Wine Intersect...

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Locally Grown

MEATS VEGETABLES & FRUIT HONEY ICE CREAM & COFFEE 405 E 3rd St. | Little Rock, AR | (501) 791-6700 |

Looking to develop your painting skills?

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May 3-6 & 17-20

BARRY THOMAS FINE ART & STUDIO 711 Main Street, Argenta Art District For more information visit

Agent Orange w/ The Atom Age

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IN THE RIVER MARKET DISTRICT: President Clinton Boulevard may have lost Ten Thousand Villages last year, but new retail took its place: The Barn (also spelled bARn) Mercantile at 301A Clinton, a new venture on the boulevard by Kilwins candy and ice cream store owners Michelle and Larry DuBre. The Barn sells a variety of goods, as a mercantile should. Next door, at 301B, Nexus Coffee and Creative features a special space for meetings. Poetry and pastries are served up here, too.

Get Tickets Today!

Open until 2am every night!

415 Main St North Little Rock • (501) 313-4704 • MARCH 29, 2018



owntown Little Rock/North Little Rock is the largest downtown in Arkansas that provides a true urban, walkable neighborhood. Our company was investing in a mixed use real estate development project that had a residential component in Argenta. It was the ideal opportunity for me to move to the type of urban area I had desired and in a development to which our company was a partner. — GREG NABHOLZ, CEO OF NABHOLZ PROPERTIES


roy and I have always been attracted to the idea of living in an urban center…after all, it is the heart and soul of any city. We had done the suburbs, living in Maumelle, Chenal Valley, and finally Villages of Wellington…and while each one had their appeal, we finally decided that we wanted a more active living situation. So we sold everything we owned…including our clothes; we bought a condo in 300 Third Tower, which at the time was Little Rock’s newest, nicest downtown address… We have lived in both 300 Third Tower (8 years) and River Market Tower (4 years) over the past 12 years. And now we are building our dream house… you guessed it…downtown! — MICHAEL PUCKETT, OWNER OF ZIN URBAN WINE & BEER BAR


rkansas is my home, but I am a city girl at heart. Living and working downtown gives me the best of both worlds. I get the metropolitan feel, and I get to operate my business in the heart of the city. — ASHLEY PEEPLES, OWNER OF BEIGE



’ve seen a lot of revitalization of older buildings as well as some new construction of hotels and apartment buildings. I think there is a strong trend for people to live and work downtown. I only see that getting stronger over the years. — BRANDY MCNAIR, OWNER OF BELLA VITA JEWELRY


he Argenta area has completely changed for the better. There are so many things to do- you can walk between restaurants, bars, stores, art galleries, etc. It is by far the best area to get out and socialize. I am a huge advocate for the Argenta neighborhood… Even the loud trains- it’s just part of downtown- it’s cozy and comfortable. If you want to feel like part of the community and someone who matters, this is the place for you. — SYDNEY STROUD, REGIONAL MANAGER AT SALTER PROPERTIES


eople have some pre-conceived ideas about downtown — that it’s not safe or that there aren’t many housing options. A lot of those ideas stem from a time when that may have been true, but the changes have been vast within the last ten years. It would be difficult for me to recommend that people live in a place that I wouldn’t live in myself, so when I’m showing people around, I am genuinely excited to convey how great I think downtown is. — RACHAEL SCOTT,




ou save so much time and stress not having to drive to work, play, eat, work out, attend church, etc. You can walk home from work, eat in the best restaurants in the state (and maybe a different one every night of the month), plus it’s such a time saver with no travel time. —







MARCH 29, 2018 MARCH 29, 2018

DO YOU HAVE ANY ADVICE FOR THOSE LOOKING TO MOVE DOWNTOWN? on’t let the “news” scare you away. The people who live in these areas care about the future and want the neighborhood to prosper and thrive! It is a lifestyle that I believe anyone would enjoy. — SYDNEY STROUD

t has been amazing to watch our downtown transform from dead-in-the-water to vibrant and dynamic. The entire downtown area is on the upswing with exciting new restaurants and retail businesses opening up everywhere you look. The River Market keeps getting better… Main Street is a work in progress, but the future looks bright with the development of the ”Creative Corridor”. And South Main (SoMa) has been transformed into its own diverse area, encompassing a cluster of historic neighborhoods, each with its own distinct personality. — MICHAEL PUCKETT

32 32




he fact that it is distinct and clearly a city — when you are downtown, you know it’s “Little Rock.” — JIMMY MOSES,


o it! The people are awesome! We have “alley” parties on a regular basis. We know all our neighbors. We don’t pull in and close our garage and not know who are neighbors are. Save money on gas and be at work in minutes! — KATHERINE MASON, DOWNTOWN RESIDENT


ind a realtor that knows the area! Select someone who frequently sells and shows property downtown, and preferably one who has lived in this area. A real estate agent who is, or was, a downtown resident will be your best resource both before and after your purchase. — EMILY CANADA, DOWNTOWN RESIDENT


o your homework…Come down and stay the weekend in one of the area’s many bed and breakfasts or one of the area Hotels to get a better feel for downtown…find the area that best suits your personality and go for it! There are new affordable homes being built in several of the downtown neighborhoods, or you could opt for something more historic. Most importantly, don’t listen to any negative comments from people who have never lived downtown...and never even venture downtown…they’re basing their opinions on what they perceive, not what they have experienced. — MICHAEL PUCKETT


y advice to someone that is looking to move downtown is don’t be intimidated because it’s different than what you’re used to. My family and I lived in the suburbs in a house with a back yard, a pool, and all of the space you could imagine. Moving downtown with two young children would definitely seem untraditional to most - and it is. But we wouldn’t trade anything for it. Sure we downsized, but there is so much freedom in eliminating the clutter in your life and being able to focus on the things that truly matter. — ASHLEY PEEPLES



arking and traffic during events can be challenging in any downtown. Ours is no exception. But the great thing about living here is that we know all the tricks. I know which roads to take to avoid traffic during events, how to hop on the interstate during rush hour, and when to stay put for 20 more minutes. — EMILY CANADA


veryone would say “getting used to the parking.” Once you are here, it is no problem at all and you quickly learn how and where to park, or buy and lease a parking space. — MARGARET MCENTIRE



ll within half a block of where I live. If I didn’t want to drive, I would never have to go anywhere. — MARGARET MCENTIRE roger on Cantrell, but I shop every day or other day at Stratton’s. — JACQUIE WALLACE, PROPERTY MANAGER AT RIVER MARKET LOFTS AND TUF NUT BUILDING

algreens on Main, Food Giant, or the Hillcrest Kroger — JORDAN LITTLE, DOWNTOWN RESIDENT



do not [have children] but after managing an apartment community, I’ve seen many people live downtown with children. I think it gives them a love and appreciation for “city life”. Being able to get out and walk to dinner instead of driving across town really does a lot for a family’s relationship. It is also great to see the kids riding and enjoying the trolley. — SYDNEY STROUD

What do you think is the future of downtown Little Rock/North Little Rock? How do you see it changing? D

owntown has just begun to hit its stride. I see over the next 10 years we’ll see a significant increase in all aspects of development and redevelopment. This includes expansion of retail, restaurants, entertainment, office, hospitality, institutional, and residential development. I see both side of the Arkansas River reimagined and developed to their full potential. This includes the expansion of the Arkansas River Trail and the construction of the Southwest Trail linking LR-NLR to downtown Conway, Benton and Hot Springs. Thousands of new residential housing units in the downtown areas will be added… Downtown revitalization in LR-NLR, Conway, Benton, Hot Springs and other communities will be the biggest factor in attracting large numbers of residents, enabling Central Arkansas to achieve a growth level that will rival Nashville, Austin and Oklahoma City currently, but with a higher quality growth plan that will avoid the mistakes those cities have made. — GREG NABHOLZ


oving downtown is the best decision personally and professionally I have made. I did not realize all of the time I have been able to save as well as how much less stressful living downtown can be. Whether you’re single or married, have kids or not, young or old, white or blue collar, living downtown provides an excellent quality of life. — GREG NABHOLZ



was not at all sure what living downtown would be like. I have found such an incredible new way of life and living that I don’t exactly know how to put in words. Everyone you see walking is or potentially could be your neighbor so there is almost this precedent to look out for one another, get to know each other, etc. There is just an ease about living downtown that you wouldn’t expect. — JACQUIE WALLACE


would like to see more locally owned businesses… Downtown is evolving back into the neighborhood it once was. Good people bring good things. Pharmacies, grocers, mercantile, restaurants, personal business services, banking, healthcare, recreation/ parks, etc… SoMa and the Main Street Corridor revitalization are big starts to a bigger plan. — CHRIS MASON ADVERTISING ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT SUPPLEMENT www.arktimes.comMARCH MARCH29, 29,2018 2018 33 MARCH 29, 2018 33



ittle Rock Water Reclamation Authority (LRWRA) exists to preserve and replenish the environment by reclaiming our most valuable natural resource, water. At the utility’s three water reclamation facilities, they reclaim and treat Little Rock’s used water and return it to the environment cleaner than what occurs naturally. The utility also maintains 23 pump stations, more than 1,400 miles of sewer system (when stretched out it would reach from Little Rock to Las Vegas) and 32,000 manholes. Through its forward-thinking and innovative operations, LRWRA received national recognition for its work to protect both public health and the environment for the 200,000 residents of Arkansas’s capital city. The national recognition of “Utility of the Future, Today” was awarded by, among others, the Water Environment Federation (WEF) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. LRWRA was one of 25 utilities to receive the

34 34

MARCH 29, 2018 MARCH 29, 2018


award. There are approximately 16,000 utilities nationwide. Greg Ramon, LRWRA CEO, said: “this recognition confirms that the work performed daily by the men and women of Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority is essential for protecting our most precious resource.” The “Utility of the Future, Today” award recognizes LRWRA as an industry leader and further affirms their commitment to being good environmental stewards. LRWRA is also working to renovate the city’s infrastructure through an initiate referred to as Project RENEW; a multi-year, city-wide, capital improvement project to renew Little Rock’s aging pipelines. Through continued maintenance, collection, treatment and renewal, LRWRA remains committed to protecting our one water. To learn more about LRWRA visit lrwra. com or call 501.376.2903 with questions about projects or outreach activities.

lake & Kelley Commercial is excited to see the revitalization happening in Downtown Little Rock. New restaurants and pubs are popping up every month — from sandwiches to poke to upscale entrees and cocktails, Downtown is quickly becoming a foodie’s paradise. New hotels are opening and drawing visitors from across the country. Downtown cultural attractions are being beautifully renovated (we’re talking about you, Robinson Center), and entertainment offerings are better than ever. But Downtown is not just a destination for a night out or a weekend excursion - for more and more people, Downtown is becoming home. And while new restaurants, stores and attractions are essential to revitalization efforts, it is the growth in the number of Downtown residents that is one of the best barometers of success. People are making the choice to move Downtown for a variety of reasons - to be closer to work, for the convenience of being within walking distance of their daily needs, and for the energy that comes with being in the heart of the city. For young professionals, a major perk of living Downtown is that you rarely have to get into your car - and less time in the car means more time to do the things you love. Instead of fighting traffic after work to go back to West Little Rock, you can be riding your bike on the River Trail, taking your dog to one of the many local dog parks, or sitting on your balcony enjoying a beautiful spring evening. And it’s not just young professionals who are loving this neighborhood — Downtown attracts families as well; with the Museum of Discovery, Heifer Village, and a trolley all within blocks of your front door, there is a family-friendly adventure waiting for you every day. Downtown — it’s the ultimate work/play/live neighborhood.


Where Food & Wine Intersect...

Come Shop Local!



405 E 3rd St. | Little Rock, AR | (501) 791-6700 |

MOORE DINING: Cinco de Mayo has opened next to EJ's Eats in the Moore Building at Sixth and Center streets.

CENTER STREET poke, which is something like sushi in a bowl. Ohia Poke is located in the old Lulav Restaurant location. Property manager Jordan Haas’s Rental Realty has offices in the Moore Building, as does an image consulting company run by Haas’ wife, Starre. Haas’ business partner, Dan Roda, said the building’s newest ground-floor tenant, Cantina Cinco de Mayo, is doing good business as well, and that the upstairs of the building is undergoing restoration work following the Power Ultra Lounge dustup. He said he hopes to have the upstairs open again and ready for tenants by the end of the year.

Downtown’s Best Little Secret 610 Center Street | (501) 374-4678

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omething of a notorious location these days — the second floor was the scene of last year’s bloody Power Ultra Lounge shootout, which wounded 25 people but miraculously resulted in no fatalities — the Moore Building at 519-523 Center St. has been a revolving door for business in recent years. That seems to be changing. Long-term tenant EJ’s Eats and Drinks — an underappreciated lunch spot downtown — is under new management and doing brisk business these days, as is Ohia Poke, Little Rock’s latest entry into the fast-growing dining category of Visit to find your local branch and download your free FastApp today! Not all loans or products are available in all states or counties. Bank of England is not affiliated with any government agency. Bank of England Mortgage is a division of Bank of England. NMLS 418481. Member FDIC. MARCH 29, 2018



INTERSECTION OF RETAIL AND RESIDENTIAL: A planned multiuse building at 15th and Main streets would feature shops and 16 apartments.


t’s south of the border — that is, Interstate 630 — and now the flourishing South Main Street neighborhood we know as SoMa will have south-of-the-border cuisine when Dos Rocas Latin eatery opens later this year. Also new: A distillery, a brewery,

the opening (finally) of a home-churned ice cream parlor and, because all of that means more reasons to live there, a new apartment complex. The neighborhood has so much to offer these days, you might never have to leave it. Here’s what’s new and updates, too: CONTINUED ON PAGE 36

Serving dinner

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MARCH 29, 2018


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istiller and founder Phil Brandon has set a late April opening for Rock Town Distillery’s new home at 1201 Main St. The 15,000-square-foot building, which sports the SoMa mural on its streetfacing wall, will provide larger tasting and bottling rooms, more barrel storage and allow for more inventory than the previous location in the East Village. There will also be off-street parking right at the door, which was lacking. The west side of Main is lively, too. Springdale-based Core Brewing is opening second Central Arkansas location at 1214 Main (its other location, on Main Street in Argenta, will remain open). Little Rock’s Core has both a bar out front and a game room in the back, with Baggo and ping pong. As mentioned earlier, the block is also getting a new eatery: the Latin American restaurant Dos Rocas Beer & Tacos, at 1220 Main St., in the space

formerly occupied by Piano Craft. Dos Rocas is born of a partnership among The Root Cafe owners Jack and Corri Sundell and longtime Root kitchen manager Cesar Bordon-Avalos and his wife, Adelia Kittrell. Luis Vasquez, who was born in Honduras and has been the breakfast cook at The Root, will run the kitchen. Dos Rocas (Two Rocks, as opposed to roca pequeña, little rock, and in honor of the fact that the name of Borden-Avolos' hometown in Paraguay is Itá, which also translates to "rock") will be “sort of like an indoor taco truck,” Jack Sundell said, serving street-style tacos, pupusas, empanadas, nopales and Tex-Mex items and should open sometime this summer. The 2,750-square-foot restaurant will seat around 60. Dos Rocas will feature 16 taps at the bar dedicated to the flagship beers of Central and Northwest Arkansas breweries.

UNDER CONSTRUCTION: The Villa View apartments on Scott, new housing for SoMa.



he Lasiter Group’s 35-unit apartment complex going up on the east side of the 1300 block of Scott Street is aptly named Villa View, since it looks upon the historic Villa Marre, 1321 Scott. The complex, the first ground-up apartments built in SoMA since redevelopment there kicked into high gear a decade ago, will be made up of two threestory buildings with an open space in between. The exterior design will echo the “Second Empire/Italianate” archi-

tectural style of the Villa Marre. The buildings will include 11 two-bedroom and 24 one-bedroom units. Ground floor units will feature porches, and sidewalks will connect the development to surrounding streets to foster SoMa’s walkable charm. First Community Bank of Batesville financed the estimated $4 million project. Architect is Little Rock firm AMR. The apartments are expected to be ready for occupancy at the end of the year.



onstruction on a mixed-use development at 1424 Main St. is slated to begin sometime this spring and take about a year, according to Kate East of AMR Architects, which designed the project. It will feature 16 apartments and five retail spaces in the ground floor and will require the demolition of the Miracle Wash coin laundry, which had operated at that address since 2003. Developer Matt Foster purchased the space in 2016 for $500,000 and proposed a mixed-use development with condominiums and retail spaces in the ground floor. Less than a year later, he sold the property for $575,000 to Broadway Park LLC, led by Brett Pitts, who then flipped it for $650,000 to Tusk Holdings, led by David “Rusty” Thompson of Hot Springs. If you pine for homemade ice cream, Loblolly Creamery, with its


MARCH 29, 2018


handcrafted, small-batch ice cream, has a cone for you. Coowner Sally Mengel, who brings Loblolly to the masses with a food truck and who previously had a soda fountain setup in The Green Corner Store, opened her own “Scoop Shop” in 2017 COMING TO SOMA: David "Rusty" Thompson's Tusk Holdings will develop this mixed use space at 1424 Main St. at 1423 Main St. Along with your ice cream flight of eight flavors, you cream at Loblolly that’s homemade; it scoop-monster sign and pink benches can order specialty coffees and top also incorporates flavors derived from on Main. things off with French macarons, mak- other home-grown outfits like the Duning Loblolly a one-of-a-kind ice cream bar Garden (lavender) and Rock Town parlor in Little Rock. It’s not just the ice Distillery (whiskey). Look for the hungry



THE NEW GALLERY: At 16th and Scott streets. ON THE ROCKS AT THE ROOT: The Jupiter, the Negroni and the Greyhound Fizz are special cocktails that Justin Hurty has crafted for The Root Cafe.

1600 SCOTT



ust because The Root Cafe’s Jack and Corri Sundell have been busy plotting Dos Rocas for the 1200 block of Main doesn’t mean their not thinking up new things for the local-food eatery at 1500 Main they founded in 2011. The Root keeps growing, adding hours

and new seating in adapted shipping containers last year. Now, the Root is adding liquor to its beverage menu with help from mixologist Justin Hurty, who is creating specialty drinks sourced from Rock Town. Thus, The Root stays true to its local-foods mission, even with the cocktails.


hat two-story, PermaPro-wrapped building you’ve been wondering about at the southeast corner of 16th and Scott streets will be a live/work space, AMR Architects says. The first floor will be an art gallery — at present called The New Gallery — and studio space; the second floor will be residential.


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MARCH 29, 2018


20 percent true Justin Warren’s ‘Then There Was Joe’ was a long time coming. BY STEPHANIE SMITTLE


here’s a slapstick scene in a video explainer for the film “Then There Was Joe,” a 2018 comedy from Little Rock-born filmmaker Justin Warren. Now a Los Angeles resident, Warren is walking at the Old Mill, the bucolic concrete gristmill in North Little Rock that makes a cameo in the opening credits of “Gone With the Wind.” He gives the viewer a short primer on Arkansas, noting the usual suspects: Walmart, Bill Clinton, Razorback football. Then, just as he’s adding a footnote about Arkansas having “the largest concentration of KKK members on the face of the planet,” a robed figure in white with a pointy hood walks past in the wooded background. Warren, who’s black, does a sort of “gee whiz” gesture with his arm and says, in a chipper tone, “I’ve missed this place!” It’s true. He did miss it. In fact, when Warren — whose homemade stop-motion featurettes from childhood are excerpted just after that opening at the Old Mill — decided to make his first movie, he left LA and returned to Little Rock. He even recruited his family to star in the film — his brother, Jamie, and his father, former Little Rock school official James “Butch” Warren, who would play themselves in the very home where Jamie and Justin were raised. “The whole experience was designed to kind of bring my family together,” Warren said. “I’ve always had a difficult time connecting with my brother, but I knew that if I were to make a movie, that would be an opportunity where we could actually talk.” His idea was to write a film, script things he and his family might never say to each other in real life, laugh about it, attain catharsis. Cinema therapy, right? All of the payoff from those roleplaying exercises on the therapist’s couch, with none of the awkward setup to muddle through. “Hopefully, in the process, [Jamie] could come to see himself in a different light,” Warren said. “I could see myself in a different light. That was the entire point of the movie.” That didn’t happen, though. Instead, the day Warren finished the script, he dialed up his brother to talk about how to proceed, only to find the number had been disconnected. Shortly thereafter, he learned Jamie was on the run, dodging the police. It was, of course, disappointing for many reasons, not the least

FIERCELY D.I.Y.: Filmmaker Justin Warren oversaw every aspect of "Then There Was Joe," which he described as a "love letter to brotherhood."

of which was that the screenwriting process had been long and tedious, and Jamie had been involved in fine-tuning the script along the way. It was a “painful moment,” Warren said, but that’s not to say that it was necessarily a shock. “In a strange way, I was prepared for it,” Warren said. “That was the most we had ever spoken on the phone. In the past, his number was always changing, and disconnected frequently.” Jamie is — as Warren puts it in the “Then There Was Joe” director’s statement — “well versed in ghetto-fabulous living, but flourishes at the country club. … If you told me he charmed his way into President Obama’s Cabinet,” the statement continues, “I’d totally believe you. He’s absolutely brilliant. But he does dumb things.” That charisma is at the heart of “Then There Was Joe,” a comedic study in opposites that unfolds as the lives of two radically different brothers, Ben and Joe, based on the Warren brothers, intersect. In it, Ben’s bar exam studies are waylaid when he’s tasked with keeping Joe — who’s been released on bail after being arrested on charges of attempted

robbery in a bowling alley full of third- room couldn’t take their eyes off of Grady. graders — out of trouble until his court And the only other person I’ve met who date. The parallels between “Ben”/“Joe” has that effect on people is my brother.” and Justin/Jamie aren’t exactly elusive. Filming was “mostly a slog,” Warren Jamie hung out on the corner of Oak and said. He was determined to milk every 15th streets, a spot The New York Times ounce of expertise he could out of makreferred to in a “Bangin’ in The Rock”- ing his first film, and taking the hard D.I.Y. era article about teenage gangs in small approach meant things were tedious and cities as “the territory where rival gangs took longer than expected, even with the cross paths.” Justin Warren’s extracur- help of a few close friends at the soundricular activities, he says, were hanging boards. There’s a “behind the scenes” out at The Cathedral School downtown, video blog Warren made to record the “being in plays and playing basketball in post-production process about adding velcro tennis shoes.” sound to existing scenes. In one episode, Plans for the movie didn’t halt after he wanders down a hallway addressing Jamie’s disappearance: Warren had the camera, saying, “I’m recording my already raised money for the project, own ADR right now, which in many ways and his degree in film from the Uni- is [expletive bleeped in the video] stupid, versity of Southern California's School but I just refuse to pay studio time for of Cinematic Arts meant that a feature it. Because I can achieve the exact same “statement” film was a logical next step. thing as a big studio does in my [he opens But, sans a Jamie, Warren needed a “Joe.” a door behind him] closet.” Comedian Ray Grady was the second “I tend to make things pretty hard on of around 200 people to audition for myself,” Warren said. “I think it’s because the part of the wild-child older brother. when I do something, I like to experience “He had a charisma that was turned up it from all sides. … There were numerous to 11,” Warren said. “It was one of those times I was approached by friends, who things where everybody in the casting have sound studios and things like that,

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“Then There Was Joe” screens at 1 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Saturday, March 31, in the Mills Center for Social Sciences at Hendrix College. Tickets are $10, and can be found at buytickets. at/hendrixcollegestudentoutreachservicessos. A Q&A session will follow each screening, and a reception for ticket-holders kicks off at 10 p.m.

THE U.S. DEPARTMENT of the Interior and the National Park Service will award a $499,668 improvement grant to a nonprofit that benefits Dreamland Ballroom in the historic Taborian Hall building at Ninth and State streets, now the home of Little Rock Flag and Banner. The ballroom, a booming place in the African-American business district back in the day, hosted such famed performers as Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong, Earl “Fatha” Hines, B.B. King and Ray Charles. The ballroom was so dilapidated when Kerry McCoy bought Taborian Hall in 1991 that it was on the verge of collapse. McCoy made it her mission to preserve the ballroom, which has its original paint and plaster and balconies on three sides, but she could not afford to cover the “astronomical” amount she would have had to borrow as a private person. McCoy incorporated the Friends of Dreamland nonprofit in 2009 to apply for grant aid and has held a fundraiser, Dancing into Dreamland, every year since. The community support for the ballroom no doubt played a role in the awarding of the grant, which was also supported by Republican 2nd District U.S. Rep. French Hill. The grant will allow the nonprofit to install heat and air for the first time, repair windows and expel the bats. The ballroom will also get an elevator so that it is ADA accessible. The event space has been used for weddings despite its lack of air conditioning. The grant is part of the NPS’ African American Civil Rights grants, which totaled $12 million for 41 projects in 24 states. The Little Rock School District was awarded $499,218 for a project titled “Preserving the History of Central High.”

m o c . y wa e t a g k r a z o . w w s|w d n u F l i c n u o C t s i r u o yT wa e t a kG r a dOz n sa d n u eF t a t fS no o i t a n i mb o haC t i rw o df i a dP A

who were like, ‘Dude, we’ll help you. Just give us the movie.’ And I was like, ‘NO! Must. Experience. All. Of the pain.’ ” This weekend, Warren will return to his alma mater, Hendrix College in Conway, for two screenings of the film, which he described in our conversation as “a love letter to brotherhood.” When “Then There Was Joe” premiered to a sold-out crowd at the Ron Robinson Theater in February as part of the Arkansas Cinema Society’s “Homegrown Film” series, brother Jamie was in attendance. He’d gotten out of prison on a work-release program. Jamie stood when prompted during the post-film Q&A session, assuring the crowd that the story was “only about 20 percent true.” His first viewing of the movie he’d helped create was one in which, as Justin Warren put it, “all the verbage had been cleaned up, all the smudges had been erased.” And what if Jamie hadn’t bailed in the first place? “I truly, genuinely don’t believe we would be where we are,” Warren told me. “I wouldn’t change a thing about how it all went down. It’s done nothing but bring our family closer together.” Jamie is a barber now, and he and Warren talk on the phone every day. Warren credits prison time for giving Jamie a chance to reflect on his legacy and for the chance to “slow down his life a little,” but it’s clear the arrival of “Then There Was Joe” hasn’t been insignificant, either. “In the movie,” Warren told me, “Joe paints. And my brother had quit painting for seven, eight years. And he saw the movie at the premiere and he started painting again.”

THE BENTONVILLE FILM FESTIVAL, cofounded by Oscar-winning actor Geena Davis, will run May 1-6 in downtown Bentonville and will feature in its lineup a world premiere of Elissa Downs’ “The Honor List” and Lea Thompson’s “The Year of Spectacular Men.” Zoe Saldana, who co-produced “The Honor List,” said in a press release that “The festival’s focus on women and inclusion perfectly reflect the theme and spirit of our film, filmmakers and cast. We couldn’t ask for a better setting to launch this special movie.” A full lineup of the festival’s screenings, music, panels and guests is to be announced in April. Tickets are available at Follow Rock Candy on Twitter: @RockCandies MARCH 29, 2018









8 p.m. The Joint Theater & Coffeehouse. $35.

In 1960s Mississippi, liquor stores could double as community centers. Greenville native Steve Azar’s story is one in which a child of Lebanese and Syrian immigrants spends much of his time behind the counter of the family business — the Jigger and Jug Package Store — idolizing the blues musicians that would pick guitars and sing songs there each evening, and grows up to

record an album called “Down at the Liquor Store” with a backing band full of former sidemen to B.B. King. Now, he’s carved out a niche for himself as an ambassador of Mississippi Delta music and culture, auctioning off bespoke songs and hosting festivals and celebrity golf tournaments to funnel money into Delta health, art and education initiatives through his and his wife’s St. Cecilia Foundation. Find tickets at


8 p.m. Robinson Center Performance Hall. $38-$92.

If the age of “fake news” and sloppy partisan clickbait has taught us anything, it’s that we tend to be biased toward information that confirms what we already believe. Evidently, Jason Mraz isn’t immune; the songwriter and avocado farmer went to a palm reader in New York’s Central Park, who called him a “youth” and encouraged him to “avoid the questioner and just go with what you know,” as Mraz told NPR last December. What he

knew was that he wanted to drop out of theater school and pursue a career in songwriting, so he did. It worked out, too; if you turned on a radio or rode in a car equipped with one at any point in the year 2008, you’ve heard Mraz’s “I’m Yours.” The bubblegum wordplay-as-percussion that reigns supreme on that tune and other radio earworms (“The Remedy,” “I Won’t Give Up”) has landed Mraz fans across the world as well as a starring role in Sara Bareilles’ Broadway play, “Waitress.” See robinsoncentersecondact. com/opening-events for tickets.

ALWAYS FREE: Guitarist and vocalist Jackie Venson lands at South on Main on Friday night.



9 p.m. South on Main. $10.

At the end of a live rendition of her tune “Always Free,” filmed as a submission for NPR’s Tiny Desk Contest this year, blues guitarist Jackie Venson announces, “All right, that was a test run.” It comes off as comedic in context


MARCH 29, 2018


of what she’s just done on the guitar, let alone act — and she uses a mop bucket absconded vocally and lyrically: “I live in a little house on from an audience member to climb onto the the side of the street where the grass is dead “desk” housing the keyboard rig. Venson is a but they water the concrete … Oh, try to be- badass and a half, a classical pianist-turnedlieve that work will set you free/Only wise blues-shredder whose niche falls somewhere men see that we were always free.” Her deli- between Alabama Shakes and Joan Armatradcate voice acts as a counter-agent to the crunch ing, and $10 is a steal to hear her play. of her guitar — clearly the centerpiece of the

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'THE VOICE': Levelle Davison returns to Arkansas for a show at Gigi's Soul Cafe & Lounge after a run on NBC's "The Voice."



8 p.m. Gigi’s Soul Cafe & Lounge, 10840 Maumelle Blvd. $15-$20.

Through some formula intended to create maximum television magic that undoubtedly left a bunch of NBC execs emerging from a conference room patting each other on the back, contestants on the




9 p.m. South on Main. $10.

It’s amazing how a seemingly simple threebeat pattern can sound so different depending on what hands are interpreting it. In a Bill Monroe waltz, for example, the beats are equal, churned out lazily in an easy shuffle. In “Tell Me the Truth” from Making Movies, a Kansas Citybased band that borrows from cumbia and cubano rhythms, the third beat is cut short, charging the whole pattern with electricity and urgency. Making Movies is made up of two sets of brothers — En-

network’s vocal reality competition show “The Voice” are selected for teams led by judges/ coaches Blake Shelton, Alicia Keys, Kelly Clarkson and Adam Levine, and thereafter whittled down in sudden death matches that, of course, happen on stage in front of a live studio audience. For Little Rock native Levelle Davison, that happened March 20, when he and fellow “Adam” teammate Reid Umstattd sang Rihanna’s “Love on the Brain” together — but, you know, against each other. Umstattd emerged triumphant, but lucky for us, that means Davison is back in North Little Rock for a spell, and he’s bringing the supple, soulful voice that whipped judges Levine and Shelton around in their chairs to claim him as a protegee as Davison began his version of The Bee Gees’ “To Love Somebody” in late February. Davison is joined by special guests Tawanna Campbell, Haywood King, Dee Dee Jones, Keith Savage and others. Tickets are $15; pay $20 for VIP ticket and get special seating and an autographed picture of Davison.

rique and Diego Chi, and Juan-Carlos and Andres Chaurand — and is on tour in support of the band’s latest, “I Am Another You.” It’s a 20-track exercise in empathy that alternates between English and Spanish to tell the story of three young men in crisis — one from Mexico, one from Venezuela and one from the Midwestern United States. Taken with the covers of Bob Marley and Los Tigres del Norte on its companion EP, “You Are Another Me,” the album serves as a statement about walls and what it means to be an immigrant. The “yuniversal” sounds of Yuni Wa open the show.


7 p.m. Four Quarter Bar. $10.

It’s a little surprising that it took so long for surf music and punk rock to get together and get freaky, as they did under the supervision of East Coast surfpunk forefathers Agent Orange. After all, breezy melodies notwithstanding, surf and punk have so much in common: Quit your jobs, squares! Pensions are dead! Hang out on the beach with your friends! All that’s to say nothing of the obvious skateboard/surfboard parallels. With Mike Palm still at the helm, Perry Giordano

on bass and Dave Klein on drums, the SoCal aesthetic lands in Argenta, with support from fellow punk rockers The Atom Age, of Oakland. Palm told LA Weekly last January that “it doesn’t matter where you go, whether it’s Europe, Alaska, Brazil, up in Canada or anywhere in the United States ... you look around and the people are all wearing punk-rock T-shirts.” I suspect they’re bound to find here, as they have in cities across the world, that punk rock isn’t nearly as dead as it might appear to folks who haven’t been out to a show since “Bloodstains” came out.

Saxophonist Dave Williams II sits in with the Clyde Pound Trio at The Ohio Club in Hot Springs, 7 p.m. Christine Stedman counters #dadjokes with mom jokes at The Loony Bin, 7:30 p.m. Thu.-Sat., 10 p.m. Fri.-Sat., $8-$12. Urban Pioneers bring their “hillbilly swing” to the White Water Tavern, 9 p.m. Darrell Claypool & Illusion Allstars give a show at Cajun’s Wharf, 9 p.m., $5. Deep Sequence takes its intricate arrangements and guitar virtuosity to Kings Live Music in Conway, 8 p.m., free. Four Quarter Bar hosts live music from the Matt Treadway Trio for ALS of Arkansas’s Speakeasy Party fundraiser, with prohibition-style cocktails, a costume contest and a seance, 7 p.m., $10-$30. Museum of Discovery hosts “Pranks & Dranks” as part of its “Science After Dark” series, 6 p.m., $10.

FRIDAY 3/30 “Orange Is the New White,” a new play on politics from North Little Rock comedy troupe The Main Thing, opens at The Joint Theater & Coffeehouse, 8 p.m. Fri.-Sat. through June 16, $24. Gianna Colucci hosts “Gaylien Invasion,” a drag show at Sway, 9 p.m. Young Dolph and Key Glock team up for a hip-hop show at the Clear Channel Metroplex, 9 p.m., $35-$200. KDJEFM, 100.3 “The Edge,” hosts a show at the Rev Room from Red Sun Rising, 8 p.m., $15. Sad Daddy mashes up banjo with mountain harmonies and wit at White Water, 9 p.m., $10. Richie Johnson plays for happy hour at Cajun’s Wharf, 5:30 p.m., free, and stick around after dinner for Jet 420, 9 p.m., $5. Ghost Town Blues Band performs at The Big Chill in Hot Springs, 9 p.m. DeFrance performs live in Dardanelle at the Front Street Grill, 9 p.m. Urban Pioneers reprise their country swing at Kings Live Music, with an opening set from John Severs, 8:30 p.m., $5. Guitar Is Dead, an aggro jazz project from guitarist Tristan Gianola, pairs up with The Federalis at Four Quarter Bar, 10 p.m., $7. River City Overdrive plays a set at JJ’s Grill, 8:30 p.m. Find The Pink Piano Show in Pops Lounge, 5 p.m. Fri.-Sat., and Mister Lucky at Silks Bar & Grill, 10 p.m. Fri.-Sat., at Oaklawn Racing & Gaming. Surf rock revivalists Daikaiju take the stage at Smoke & Barrel Tavern in Fayetteville, 10 p.m., $7. Liquid Kitty takes the stage at West End Smokehouse, 10:30 p.m., $7. Jimmy Stigma, Depression Expression and Pancho Casanova share a show at The Sonic Temple, 8 p.m., $5.

SATURDAY 3/31 Stoner rock pioneers Weedeater share a show with fellow North Carolin-

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ALL YOU NEED IS BACH: Cameron Carpenter, the pioneer of the digital organ, gives a concert Tuesday evening at Reynolds Performance Hall at UCA.



7:30 p.m. Reynolds Performance Hall, UCA, Conway. $27-$40.

A certain organist or two in the Little Rock area would probably cry “hyperbole,” but I don’t think it’s far-fetched to say that Cameron Carpenter’s name could, with time, be mentioned in the same breath as Les Paul and Robert Moog. An aerial view of the Juilliardeducated musician at his custom-built console looks as if the pipe organ has been refitted for use in space orbit: five rows of black and white keys bookended by panel upon panel of couplers and drawknobs and stops of all timbres. It’s called the International Touring Or-

gan (ITO), and it was designed by Marshall & Ogletree especially for Carpenter, who considers it part of his artistic mission to free the organ from the shackles of church environments. Carpenter plays it, as is required, with his whole body, nimbly depressing the bass tones so deftly with his toes that you’d think the Swarovski crystals that reportedly bejewel his shoes are going to fly off and plug up a cog somewhere. The ITO is portable, digital and, as described by The Verge, “contains a primary CPU connected by a network cable to industrial-level servers, which feed their signals to six eight-channel power amplifiers, which then drive 10 speaker carts and eight subwoofer cab-

inets. Each of the speakers are 6 feet tall, and half of the subwoofer cabinets are larger than a refrigerator.” Suffice to say, it’s an appropriately grandiose machine for someone who fell in love with the instrument after seeing it in a Childcraft Encyclopedia when he was growing up in rural Pennsylvania. Expect the likes of an ethereally reconfigured Bach fugue to be programmed next to Gordon Lightfoot, expect to be offended at such an a-liturgical organ recital so close to Holy Week, expect to see the veins in Carpenter’s skull pulsing below his mohawk, but do not expect to be bored.



9 p.m. White Water Tavern.

As musical litmus tests go, it’s pretty solid advice to use saxophonist Dave Williams as a signifier that the 44

MARCH 29, 2018


tunes are going to be locked up tight. Good Foot has Williams in its employ, as well as a few other MVPs of the Petit Roche jazz rock contingent: drummer Slavek Bolubah, guitarists Matt

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Treadway and Steve Struthers, bassist enough to keep those trades lively, Brad Birge and keyboardist Nick Mat- and they’re joined on this gig by Olde son. Their arrangements are just loose World folk-punk rockers Big Red Flag, enough to allow for trading eight bars for which Matson’s likely to pick up between musicians but plenty solid the accordion.



BIJOUX DOES BADU: Vocalist Bijoux Pighee takes on the repertoire of Erykah Badu for an evening at South on Main.

ian heavy rockers Bask, with sets from Hyborian and Iron Tongue, White Water, 7:30 p.m., $15. Anti-Apartheid activist Dr. Allan Aubrey Boesak speaks at New Millennium Church, 3 p.m., free. “Le Girls,” a new drag burlesque show, goes up at Discovery Nightclub, 9 p.m. Oaklawn hosts the $3,000 Arkansas Baggo Championship, 12:30 p.m. Blue Canoe Brewing Co. hosts a Beer Garden Party, noon, 1637 E. 15th St., followed by a danceable set from CosmOcean, 8 p.m., $5. Phillip Phillips, season 11 champion of television’s “American Idol” competition, performs at Griffin Music Hall in El Dorado’s Murphy Arts District, 7:30 p.m., $30-$160. Six Ten (610 Center St.) is home to the Human Rights Campaign’s Big Queer and Trans Brunch, 11 a.m., $20, see for tickets. Pianist and songwriter Karen Jr. performs at Hibernia Irish Tavern with a full band, 8 p.m., free. Bill “Bluesboy Jag” Jagitsch plays a solo set at Cregeen’s Irish Pub, 8 p.m., free. Chinese Connection Dub Embassy takes reggae vibes to Kings Live Music, with Joey Fanstar, 8:30 p.m., $5. Texarkana plays a free show at Markham Street Grill & Pub, 8:30 p.m., free. Tragikly White revs up a dance party at the Rev Room, 9:30 p.m., $10. Kalvin “Hot Sauce” Henderson steps into the ring for 360 Fight Club at the Clear Channel Metroplex, 7 p.m., $20-$125. The City Boyz take the stage at Stickyz Rock ’n’ Roll Chicken Shack, 9 p.m., $5. Some Guy Named Robb plays for happy hour at Cajun’s, 5:30 p.m., free, and later, Ghost Town Blues Band gets going, 9 p.m., $5. Country rock vets the Good Time Ramblers play a show at Four Quarter Bar, 10 p.m., $7.



8 p.m. South on Main. $10.

If you already recognize the “Bijoux” and the “Badu” in this event announcement, there’s not much more I can say to convince you that being at South on Main on Wednesday evening is a good idea. But, just in case: Bijoux — daughter of West African parents, uncontested earner of the nickname “Her Royal Dopeness” and a Little Rock-based siren who’s fluent in expressivity whether she’s singing in English, French or Allen Toussaint-ese — is interpreting gems from the catalogue of Erykah Badu, the goddess in human form whose twophalanged boots and thoughts on Hitler’s painting and radical empathy in a Vulture interview in January might, just might (along with this show and maybe 12 respins of “Baduizm”) give us the thought fodder and the patience to wait it out until a follow-up to “New Amerykah Part Two” comes along.

SUNDAY 4/1 Nate King Foxx and Ronel Williams face off in a comedy showdown at Pharaoh’s Hookah Lounge, 8819 Arch St., 7 p.m., $10-$15.

TUESDAY 4/3 Dweezil Zappa brings his world tour set“Choice Cuts” to George’s Majestic Lounge in Fayetteville, 8 p.m., $25-$75. Hendrix College History professor Deborah Skok gives a talk, “That RedHeaded Devil: Jane Hoey and Women’s Leadership in the New Deal,” as part of UA Little Rock’s Evenings with History series, 7:30 p.m., Historic Arkansas Museum, free, call 569-3235 to subscribe to the lecture series.

WEDNESDAY 4/4 The Louis Heard Trio performs for Jazz in the Park at the History Pavilion in Riverfront Park, 6 p.m. Singer-songwriter Martin Sexton’s fans include John Mayer, Dave Matthews and, we assume, the audience for his concert at Walton Arts Center, Fayetteville, 7:30 p.m., $20-$30.

UPCOMING EVENTS Four Quarter Bar 2nd Annual ALS Benefit Speakeasy Party



Four Quarter Bar Agent Orange w/ The Atom Age



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23 APR 26-29 APR

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The Joint/Kaleidoscope Film Festival: An Evening with Paul Sand Community Theatre of Little Rock Moonlight and Magnolias The Weekend Theater Six Characters in Search of a Play

29 Go to to purchase these tickets and more!

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LOCAL TICKETS, ONE PLACE Follow Rock Candy on Twitter: @RockCandies MARCH 29, 2018



A NEW LATIN AMERICAN street food restaurant, Dos Rocas Beer & Tacos, is coming to South Main Street. Jack Sundell and Corri Bristow Sundell, who own The Root Cafe, will partner with longtime Root kitchen manager Cesar Bordon-Avalos and his wife, Adelia Kittrell, to open sometime this summer, Jack Sundell said. Luis Vasquez, who was born in Honduras and has been the breakfast cook at The Root, will run the kitchen at Dos Rocas. Construction is already underway at the 2,750-squarefoot space at 1220 S. Main St., formerly occupied by Piano Craft and, before that, used as a party room by Juanita’s. “Dos Rocas,” which means “two rocks” in Spanish, is a nod to Little Rock and Bordon-Avalos’ hometown in Paraguay, Itá, which means “rock” in the indigenous Guaraní language, which the majority of the South American country’s people speak. POKE HULA, THE RESTAURANT serving up the classic Hawaiian marinated raw fish bowls at 415 E. Third St. in downtown little Rock, is opening a second location in The Heights, at 5621 Kavanaugh Blvd., the spot formerly occupied by juice bar and smoothie shop Red Mango. Owner James Moix told us the spot is set to open in late April. Hours of operation and menu offerings will remain the same across locations, though Moix said that since the bar area at the new Kavanaugh location is larger than the one at Poke Hula’s current spot, he’d like to offer fountain drinks in addition to bottled beverages, “more veggie options as toppings and maybe a noodle for a base.” Moix also said a Conway location is in the works, but an opening date has not been determined. LOBLOLLY CREAMERY AND design agency Few are teaming up for the Few Design Challenge, a design competition to determine the new look for Loblolly’s solar-powered ice cream truck. Part One of the challenge takes place online; deadline for design contenders to submit their designs at is noon Friday, March 30. Then, on Saturday, March 31, five finalists will be announced at a Bernice Garden event, where Lost Forty Brewing and the Katmandu Momo food truck will be on-site, and visitors who pay a $5 admission fee will be equipped with a Sharpie to “F*ck Up the Truck,” drawing their own design on the old Loblolly Ice Cream Mobile. 46

MARCH 29, 2018


A CLASSIC, ELEVATED: Luna Bella's penna all vodka comes with chunks of blue crab on top.

Eureka! In Hot Springs Spa City’s Luna Bella a thrilling find.


t’s a particularly good feeling to discover something outstanding just by chance. Maybe it’s a band before it broke to huge success, or a writer whose novels you adored before she suddenly made The New York Times bestseller list. It really doesn’t matter whether they were known to others or not — they weren’t known to you, and you found them, and that fact is delicious. Such is the case with Luna Bella in Hot Springs. This small Italian eatery is so fantastic it can’t possibly be a secret to others, but it was a secret to us until a recent, quite accidental and happy discovery before we attended the city’s official First Ever 15th Annual World’s Shortest

St. Patrick’s Day Parade. down. Companion settled for the Luna Bella is located in an ordi- lemon-drop version ($9), made with nary-looking building near Lake Absolut Citron vodka, triple sec and Hamilton and off state Highway 7. sweet-and-sour mix: good and even The dim and welcoming interior gives a bit creamy. The wine list at Luna off the vibe of a classic Italian res- Bella is extensive, offering wine by taurant combined with the casual the glass and by the bottle. Our glass cameraderie of folks who’ve spent of La Crema Pinot Noir ($12) was nice the day on the lake. Seating is lim- for the price and generously poured. ited and weekend reservations are a We started with a large Portobello good idea. mushroom filled with ricotta cheese Our waiter was quick, congenial and a marinara sauce and topped with and knowledgeable, and we were panko. It was a good start, though soon enjoying soft rosemary bread it could have used more panko or with herbed butter and cocktails as another crispy ingredient. The appewe perused the menu. Luna Bella has tizer day was saved, however, by the more than a dozen varieties of marti- arrival of two outstanding salads: nis available — everything from clas- the endive and pear selection ($8), sic to chocolate to pineapple upside- a delightful choice accompanied


Check out the Times’ food blog, Eat Arkansas


Luna Bella 104 Grand Isle Way Hot Springs 501-520-5862 (LUNA) Quick bite Give Luna Bella’s adventurous selection of 13 different martinis a try. Hours 5 to 9 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, 5 to 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday, closed Sunday and Tuesday.

North Little Rock | Conway

Other info Full bar, reservations highly recommended on Fridays and Saturdays.

by walnuts, gorgonzola cheese and walnuts drizzled with a champagne vinaigrette dressing; and the wilted spinach salad ($8), served warm with bacon, artichokes, red onion, Parmesan and Dijon mustard. At salads’ end, we were satisfied and convinced that we’d soon come back someday just for the salads. But then the entrees arrived. Penna alla vodka ($19) is a fairly standard offering at Italian restaurants. Luna Bella takes it to a different level altogether. Imagine tender penne pasta in a vodka tomato cream sauce, along with pancetta, sugar snap peas and — surprise! — chunks of blue crab. My dining partner is not an especially big eater, but she had very little problem working this delicious dish well past her usual stopping point. The raves continued unabated with our second entree, a dish that was probably the best meal this writer has had in months. Luna Bella’s salmon with crab entree ($29) was a sizable, perfectly seasoned slab of pan-seared salmon topped with jumbo crabmeat and topped with an utterly fantastic Cajun cream sauce. The salmon was flaky and tender with a nice crunchy crust, and the crab was a perfect companion. The fish was served atop herb-roasted

potatoes and green beans, which nicely held the flavor of the cream sauce and seasonings. This was an entree that I was sad to see come to an end. The Luna Bella entree menu contains an impressive array of pasta, seafood and meat dishes. Those looking for traditional Italian favorites would likely enjoy veal osso buco ($28), chicken saltimbocca ($20) or Pasta Fortuna ($20). Other entrees included everything from rainbow trout amondine ($30) to rack of lamb ($29) to a grilled bone-in pork chop ($26). For dessert the evening of our visit, Luna Bella offered a strawberry shortcake, a fudge brownie with ice cream and a caramel apple pie, but we happily settled on sharing a blackberry creme brulee ($8). The selection was light and sweet, with an extra bonus of fresh blackberries, whipped cream, a strawberry and a mint garnish. Luna Bella is not new. It’s not unknown. But it was a truly happy discovery for our party. Make the drive to Hot Springs — seriously, from wherever you are — and discover this gem for yourselves. You’ll be glad to have been there before those insufferable foodie friends of yours stumble upon it.





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THE 'JAWS' MODEL: The monsters in the "Pacific Rim" sequel take a while to show up, but the payoff is gargantuan.

Bring in the kaiju

‘Pacific Rim: Uprising’ is looser, sillier. BY SAM EIFLING


our friends are going to complain, correctly, the daft world-building that made the first installment that “Pacific Rim: Uprising” isn’t as satisfying such a delight even when kaiju weren’t melting Hong as the 2013 original. That lavish romp was a Kong, but it does add a hero in John Boyega that any live-action paean to a rich genre of mostly “Star Wars” fan will appreciate. We pick up a decade Japanese cartoons of the ’80s that pitted futuristic after the first film, when a peaceful world has started to robot warriors, usually piloted by people, against piece itself back together, and Boyega, a ne’er-do-well invading space monsters called kaiju. In other words, former pilot shirking his hero father’s legacy, is mostly it was totally rad on its face. Idris Elba and Charlie scavenging/thieving parts from decommissioned Hunnan and Charlie Day and Ron Perlman made the jaegers to maintain a louche lifestyle. He and a spunky cast memorable enough; giant robots called jaegers teen scavenger (Cailee Spaeny) get dragooned into the beating the hell out of giant space monsters slurking flight academy, where they happen to be training when up from a dimensional portal at the bottom of the a shady international corporation is set to launch a ocean made it a satisfying popcorn movie for anyone worldwide drone program aimed at making the jaeger above the age of about eight months, or whenever it program obsolete. Charlie Day, having saved the world is that babies figure out depth perception. in the first film, is back as a sleazy consultant-type for The sequel loses most of the big stars and some of said corporation. Things appear mostly pretty chill 48

MARCH 29, 2018


until a rogue jaeger appears to start stomping Sydney and twists, plus rad fights, ensue. You can say this for the sequel: It’s looser, sillier. What we lose in the joy of world-building, we get back, partly, in the regular rhythm of a martial action movie. The other pilot cadets at the training center, for example, get just enough screen time and dialogue that you care, a little, when most of them inevitably get croaked. The relatively sluggish first half of the film will have you squirming and wondering when some damn monsters are going to show up — until, hoo boy, here come the kaiju. (Though, as Spielberg would tell you, in the “Jaws” model, it can be just as scary to conceal the monster for as long as possible.) No one should begrudge a movie taking its time to build a plot before releasing the kraken, so to speak, and


then bludgeoning it with giant rocket- whether a true series emerges from powered robot fists, again, so to speak. this franchise. This installment took But is anyone here to see “Pacific Rim” seemingly forever to get in motion, and for the dialogue, when in no uncertain while Guillermo del Toro has been terms we could watch humongous relegated to a producer credit after robots fight gargantuan monsters directing the original, his star is only in, oh, say, downtown Tokyo? You’d rising with the Best Picture and Best better have some pretty cool things Director Oscars he won this year for to say if you’d rather have me listen “The Shape of Water,” another film to you yammer instead of watching, that on paper couldn’t have sounded again, two massive robots duke it out as good as he made it. Del Toro has a on a crackling ice sheet over a frozen knack for stretching the bounds of the Siberian sea. mainstream just far enough to keep Boyega, especially, fills up his making weird movies for big audiences. shiftless character nicely. And director/ If anything, the “Pacific Rim” sequel screenwriter Stephen S. DeKnight, in signals that, having normalized the his big-screen directing debut, embraces idea of having skyscraper-size robots the B-movieness of the whole exercise fighting stadium-size monsters from with aplomb. another dimension, it’s going to stick A stinger scene at the top of the to the basics from here on in. If it feels credits points the way to perhaps like you’ve seen this cartoon already, another “Pacific Rim” sequel. We’ll well, you may yet again. see if that ever comes to pass, and

ur nation’s most notorious assassins gather on stage to violently pursue a twisted American Dream. By developing the characters of historic assassins out of the slim biographical information found, “Assassins” prompts us to consider their motivation, confronts pain in order to cauterize the decay and heal the sicknesses which lurk at the core of our society.

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1001 W. 7th St. • Little Rock, AR 72201 • 501-374-3761 MARCH 29, 2018



THEATER “Orange Is the New White.” The twoact political comedy show from The Main Thing. 8 p.m. Fri.-Sat., through June 16. $24. The Joint Theater & Coffeehouse. 301 Main St., NLR. 501372-0205. “Little Shop of Horrors.” Murry’s Dinner Playhouse puts up the Alan Menken/Howard Ashman dark comedy. 7:30 p.m. Tue.-Sat., dinner at 6 p.m.; 12:45 p.m. and 6:45 p.m. Sun., dinner at 11 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., through April 21. $15-$37. 6323 Colonel Glenn Road. 501-562-3131. “Mamma Mia.” The Rep takes on the ABBA jukebox musical. 7 p.m. Sun., 7 p.m. Wed.-Thu., 8 p.m. Fri.-Sat., 2 p.m. Sun., through April 8. $30-$65. 601 Main St. 501-378-0405. “Vietgone.” TheatreSquared performs Qui Nguyen’s “Arkansas love story … with ninjas.” 7:30 p.m. Wed.-Sat., 2 p.m. Sat.-Sun., through April 8. $10-$44. Walton Arts Center’s Studio Theater, 495 W. Dickson St. 479-443-5600.

FINE ART, HISTORY EXHIBITS MAJOR VENUES ARKANSAS ARTS CENTER, MacArthur Park: “Luminous Lines: Forty Years of Metalpoint Drawings,” 35 works surveying the career of Susan Schwalb, through April 29; “Becoming John Marin: Modernist at Work,” drawings and watercolors from the permanent collection, through April 22; “Jann Greenland: What Might Be,” metal and bead work, through April 29. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Tue.-Fri., 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat., 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Sun. 372-4000. ARKANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY, Jonesboro: “Everything Is Going to be Alright,” five solo shows by Courtney Egan (video), Charley Friedman (video), Barbara F. Kendrick (digital collages), Anne Austin Pearce (paintings) and Andy Warhol (helium balloons), through April 12; “Doodle,” work by Curt Bradbury Jr., Nina Bovasso, David S. Rubin, Diana Lopez and Adam Ross, Vaughn Gallery, through April 12. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays, extended hours to 7 p.m. Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. 870-972-2074. ARTS & SCIENCE CENTER FOR SOUTHEAST ARKANSAS, 701 S. Main St.: “The Women are Stronger: An Installation by Margo Duvall,” cyanotype on fabric, through April 21; “UAPB & ASC: Five Decades of Collaboration,” work by Tarrence Corbin, Earnest Davidson, Fred Schmidt, Dr. William Detmers and others from UA Pine Bluff in the ASC permanent collection, through Nov. 3; “#GildTheDelta,” metallic pastels by Norwood Creech, through April 21. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tue.-Fri., 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sat. 870-536-3375. ARTS CENTER OF THE OZARKS, 214 S. Main St., Springdale: Annual senior high exhibition, April 2-21, open 50

MARCH 29, 2018


house April 14. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tue.-Fri., 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Sat. 479-751-5441. BUTLER CENTER GALLERIES, Arkansas Studies Institute, 401 President Clinton Ave.: 48th annual “Mid-Southern Watercolorists Exhibition”; “Delta: Rediscovered,” photographs of early life (1880-1924) in Arkansas’s White River Delta by Dayton Bowers, through April 28; “Education in Exile: Student Experience at Rohwer,” through June 30; “Arkansas and WWI,” documents, photographs and artifacts, through May 26. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Mon.-Sat. 320-5790. CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL MUSEUM VISITOR CENTER, Bates and Park: Exhibits on the 1957 desegregation of Central and the civil rights movement. 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. daily. 374-1957. CLINTON PRESIDENTIAL CENTER, 1200 President Clinton Ave.: “Louder than Words: Rock, Power & Politics,” through Aug. 5; permanent exhibits on the Clinton administration. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat., 1-5 p.m. Sun., $10 adults, $8 seniors, retired military and college students, $6 youth 6-17, free to active military and children under 6. 374-4242. COX CREATIVE CENTER, 120 River Market Ave.: “New Rules,” paintings by Kathy Strause. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat. CRYSTAL BRIDGES MUSEUM OF AMERICAN ART, One Museum Way, Bentonville: “Soul of a Nation: Art in the Age of Black Power,” work by more than 60 artists created between the 1960s and ’80s, including Romare Bearden, Melvin Edwards, Betye Saar, Faith Ringgold, Charles White, Alvin Loving, Alma Thomas, Sam Gillian and others, through April 23; “All or Nothing,” works from the permanent collection in black and white, through May 28; “Not to Scale: Highlights from the Fly’s Eye Dome Archive,” drawings and models of Fuller’s geodesic dome, through March; American masterworks spanning four centuries in the permanent collection. 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Mon., Thu.; 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Wed., Fri.; 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Sat.-Sun., closed Tue. 479418-5700. ESSE PURSE MUSEUM & STORE, 1510 S. Main St.: “Exposed: Unmentionables 1900-1960s,” dress forms, corsets, slips, advertisements, accessories of women’s undergarments, through April 29; “What’s Inside: A Century of Women and Handbags,” permanent exhibit. 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Tue.-Sat., 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Sun. $10, $8 for students, seniors and military. 916-9022. FORT SMITH REGIONAL ART MUSEUM, 1601 Rogers Ave.: “Will Barnet: Forms and Figures,” through June 3; “Fort Smith Legend John Bell,” paintings and sculpture, through April 22. 18. 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Tue.-Sat., 1-5 p.m. Sun. 479-784-2787.

HISTORIC ARKANSAS MUSEUM, 200 E. 3rd St.: “Arkansas Foodways Dinner Series: Colonial Arkansas, French and Spanish Colonists,” 6:30 p.m. April 5, sold out; “#5WomenArtists,” in conjunction with National Museum of Women in the Arts’ national campaign, featuring work by Jamie Goza Fox (1887-1979); Essie Ann Treat Ward (1902-1981), Elsie May Ford (19011977), Natalie Smith Henry (1907-1992), and Neppie Lee Conner (1917-2006); “Found in Nature: Kate Nessler and Barbara Satterfield,” ceramics and botanical drawings, through May 6; “These Various Threads I Drew,” 19th century needlepoint samplers, through June; “Going Unnoticed: Dustyn Bork and Carly Dahl,” through April 8. Ticketed tours of renovated and replicated 19th century structures from original city, guided Monday and Tuesday on the hour, self-guided Wednesday through Sunday, $2.50 adults, $1 under 18, free to 65 and over. (Galleries free.) 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat., 1-5 p.m. Sun. 324-9351. MacARTHUR MUSEUM OF ARKANSAS MILITARY HISTORY, 503 E. 9th St. (MacArthur Park): Closed April-August for renovation. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Mon.-Sat., 1-4 p.m. Sun. 376-4602. MOSAIC TEMPLARS CULTURAL CENTER, 9th and Broadway: “Arkansas Divine 9: An Exhibit of Arkansas’s African-American Greek Letter Organizations”; permanent exhibits on African-American entrepreneurship and work by African-American artists. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Tue.-Sat. 683-3593. MUSEUM OF DISCOVERY, 500 President Clinton Ave.: Interactive science exhibits and activities for children and teenagers. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Tue.-Sat., 1-5 p.m. Sun., $10 ages 13 and older, $8 ages 1-12, free to members and children under 1. 3967050. OLD STATE HOUSE MUSEUM, 300 W. Markham St.: “Cabinet of Curiosities: Treasures from the University of Arkansas Museum Collection”; “True Faith, True Light: The Devotional Art of Ed Stilley,” musical instruments, through 2017; “First Families: Mingling of Politics and Culture” permanent exhibit including first ladies’ gowns. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat., 1-5 p.m. Sun. 324-9685. UA LITTLE ROCK: “Emma Powell and Kirsten Hoving: Svalas Saga,” Focus Gallery, through March. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri., 10 a.m.-1 p.m., 2-5 p.m. Sun. 569-8977. UA PULASKI TECHNICAL COLLEGE, 3000 W. Scenic Drive: “Danny Lyon: Memories of the Southern Civil Rights Movement,” through April 14, Windgate Gallery, Center for Humanities and the Arts (CHARTS), 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Mon.-Thu., 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Fri., 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Sat. 812-2760. WALTON ARTS CENTER, Fayetteville: “Fenix at Nadine Baum,” work by 28

artists in all media, Nadine Baum Studios, through March 30. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. weekdays, noon-4 p.m. Sat. 479-443-5600. SMALLER VENUES ARGENTA GALLERY, 413 Main St.: “The Brotherhood of Color,” mixed media paintings by Rex DeLoney. ARTISTS WORKSHOP GALLERY, 610A Central Ave., Hot Springs: Paintings by Jan Briggs and Bonnie Ricci. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat., noon-5 p.m. Sun. 6236401. ART VENTURES, 101 Mountain St., Suite 222, Fayetteville: Retrospective of work by retired UA art professor John Newman, through March. 10 a.m.2 p.m. and 4 p.m.-8 p.m. Wed.-Sat., 1-3 p.m. Sun. 479-439-8641. THE AVENUE RESTAURANT AT THE WATERS HOTEL, 349 Central Ave., Hot Springs: “Jazz on My Mind,” mixed media and works on paper by Rex DeLoney and George Hunt, through March 30. 625-3850. BARRY THOMAS FINE ART & STUDIO, 711 Main St., NLR: Landscapes by Thomas. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Tue.-Sat. 349-2383. CANTRELL GALLERY, 8208 Cantrell Road: “Looking Closely,” recent works by Laura Raborn, through May 5. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat. 224-1335. CORE BREWERY, 411 Main St., NLR: “Flock Together,” Latino Art Project show. FENIX, 116 W. Center; STAGE EIGHTEEN, 18 E. Center: “Intersections,” art and performance supporting women, receptions 5-9 p.m. April 5, kick off of a month of events to support Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense. NastyWomenNWA. GALLERY 221, 2nd and Center Sts.: Work by George Dombek and gallery artists Tyler Arnold, Melissa Deerman, EMILE, Kasten Searles and others in the gallery. 11 a.m.-6 p.m. weekdays, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Sat. 801-0211. GALLERY 26, 2601 Kavanaugh Blvd.: Recent works by Kevin Kerby and Sulac, through May 12. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Tue.-Sat. 644-8996. GALLERY CENTRAL, 800 Central Ave., Hot Springs: Work by artist Bob Snider and others. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat. 318-4278. GREG THOMPSON FINE ART, 429 Main St., NLR: “23rd Anniversary Exhibition,” work by regionally recognized artists. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tue.Fri., 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Sat. 664-2787. HEARNE FINE ART, 1001 Wright Ave.: “Personal Vision: The Exhibition,” photographs by Adger Cowans taken over the past half century, through

April 14; “Mixed Media,” Kevin Cole and Alvin Roy, Gallery II. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Sat. 372-6822. JUSTUS FINE ART GALLERY, 827 A Central Ave.: “Shifting Gears,” wood sculpture by Robyn Horn, through March. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Wed.-Sat. 3212335. LAMAN LIBRARY ARGENTA BRANCH, 420 Main St., NLR: New works by Michael Shaeffer, through April 14. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Sat. 687-1061. LANDMARK BUILDING, 201 Market St., Hot Springs: “Daughters of Diaspora — Women of Color Speak,” mixed media by 16 national and local women artists, gallery walk led by Loni Rainey and Sondra Strong 5-8:30 p.m. April 6, Arts & The Park festival seminar with Arkansas artists and Evita Tezeno 6:30 p.m. May 3, gallery walk with Tezeno, Melverue Abraham and Louise Mandumbwa 5-8:30 p.m. May 4. Sponsored by Henderson State University-Hot Springs. 625-3837. LEGACY FINE ART, 804 Central Ave., Hot Springs: Blown glass chandeliers by Ed Pennington, paintings by Carole Katchen. 8 a.m.-5 LOCAL COLOUR GALLERY, 5811 Kavanaugh Blvd.: Artists collective. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat. 265-0422. M2 GALLERY, 11525 Cantrell Road: “11Year Anniversary Show,” work by gallery artists, through April 5. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tue.-Sat., noon-5 p.m. Mon. 225-6257. MCLEOD FINE ART GALLERY, 106 W. 6th St.: Arkansas artists. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Tue.-Fri., 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sat. 725-8508.

Circle, Jacksonville: Exhibits on D-Day; F-105, Vietnam era plane (“The Thud”); the Civil War Battle of Reed’sosage Bridge, Arkansas Ordnance Plant (AOP) and other military history. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon-Sat., 1-5 p.m. Sun. $3 adults; $2 seniors, military; $1 students. 501-2411943. LAKEPORT PLANTATION, 601 Hwy. 142, Lake Village: Antebellum mansion; exhibits on plantation life from before, during and after the Civil War. 9 a.m.-3 p.m. weekdays. $5 general admission. 870-265-6031. MUSEUM OF AUTOMOBILES, Petit Jean Mountain: Permanent exhibition of more than 50 cars from 19041967 depicting the evolution of the automobile. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 7 days. 501727-5427.

MUSEUM OF NATIVE AMERICAN HISTORY, 202 SW O St., Bentonville: Native American artifacts. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat. 479-273-2456. PLANTATION AGRICULTURE MUSEUM, Scott, U.S. Hwy. 165 and state Hwy. 161: Permanent exhibits on historic agriculture. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Tue.Sat., 1-5 p.m. Sun. $4 adults, $3 children. 961-1409.

MUGS CAFE, 506 Main St.: “Sock Monster Problems,” handmade monsters and their stories by Chris Massengill. sUgAR GALLERY, 1 E. Center St., Fayetteville: “Homage to Femmage,” sculpture, painting, collage, ceramics, photography and performance, reception 6:30-8:30 p.m. March 29, continues March 30. 717-513-9536.

TOLTEC MOUNDS STATE PARK, U.S. Hwy. 165, England: Major prehistoric Indian site with visitors’ center and museum. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat., noon5 p.m. Sun., closed Mon. $4 for adults, $3 for ages 6-12, $14 for family. 961-9442.

UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AT LITTLE ROCK: “Masculine Projections,” photographic selfportraits by Joshua Brinlee, March 29-April 27, small gallery, Windgate Center of Art + Design, artist’s lecture 2 p.m. April 12, WCAD 101. 569-8977.



501-819-2128 • •


POTTS INN, 25 E. Ash St., Pottsville: Preserved 1850s stagecoach station on the Butterfield Overland Mail Route, with period furnishings, log structures, hat museum, doll museum, doctor’s office, antique farm equipment. 10 a.m.4 p.m. Wed.-Sat. $5 adults, $2 students, 5 and under free. 479-968-9369. SCOTT PLANTATION SETTLEMENT, Scott: 1840s log cabin, one-room school house, tenant houses, smokehouse and artifacts on plantation life. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Fri.-Sat. 351-0300.

WALTON ARTS CENTER, 495 W. Dickson St., Fayetteville: “Adornment: Beauty in Excess,” work by April Dauscha, Carson Fox, Roberto Mannino, Matt Neft, Piper Shepard and Kayte Terry, Joy Pratt Markham Gallery, reception 5-7 p.m. March 30, show through May 25. 479-571-2766.

SAT., APRIL 7 • 9:30AM-4PM • CAPITOL/5TH & MAIN LITTLE ROCK Free Admission • Early 10x10 Booth space reservation is $25

21C MUSEUM HOTEL, Bentonville: “Labor & Materials,” installation by Lina Puerta, photographs by Katrin Korfmann and more. Call for entries The Arkansas Arts Council is accepting applications for individual artist fellowships worth $4,000. The deadline to apply is April 13. Up to nine fellowships will be awarded in playwriting, classical music composition and creating art on paper. For more information, call Robin McClea at 501-324-9348 or email robin.




The Arkansas Repertory Theatre presents the musical MAMMA MIA! Young bride-to-be Sophie wants her father to walk her down the aisle. But there’s a catch – she’s not sure which of her mother’s old flames is “the one.” So she invites all three, hoping she’ll learn the truth, which unleashes an out-of-control flood of memories – and irresistible pop music – into all of their lives. For a complete list of show times and ticket info, visit


Murry’s Dinner Playhouse presents LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS, from the creators of hit Broadway Musicals Beauty and the Beast and the Little Mermaid! Seymour is a nerdy floral clerk with a knack for plants but not much else. However, one peculiar plant he’s tending might just be his ticket to fame, fortune, and the girl of his dreams! Call 562.3131 now for tickets.

Hey, do this!


Food, Music, Entertainment and everything else that’s APRIL 3


Grammy-nominated organist CAMERON CARPENTER plays at the UCA Reynolds Performance Hall at 7:30 p.m. Carpenter repertoire is probably the largest and most diverse of any organist, featuring the complete works of J.S. Bach, as well as film scores, his own original compositions, and hundreds of transcriptions and arrangements. Tickets at

The original Southern California Punk/ Surf Power Trio AGENT ORANGE WITH THE ATOM AGE plays at Four Quarter Bar, 8 p.m. to midnight. Tickets at centralarkansastickets. com.

APRIL 6-8, 13-15, 20-22


The Festival of Praise Tour presents “TEXTURE OF A MAN” at Robinson Performance Hall, 7:00 p.m. Featuring Fred Hammond, James Fortune, Donnie McClurkin, Take 6, and Pastor Charles Jenkins. Ticket info at Robinson Performance Hall Box Office.

APRIL 13 & 14

Join the Arkansas Times and Oxford American for the RETRACING CHARLES PORTIS’S TRUE GRIT IN TOUR. ARKANSAS BUS S TO TOUR U . This on oone-of-a-kind nee-oof-a f-a-ki -kind ndd dayy tr ttrip ip travels from Little Rock to Fort Smith and features readings ffrom rom the novel by actress Joey Lauren Adams, history and by Charles Portis expert Jay Jennings and rangers bbackground ac from ffr rom the Fort Smith National Historic Site and music by Smokey ro The Mirror. Info and tickets at &T 14 is Arkansas DERBY DAY, the final day of racing ■ April A season at Oaklawn in Hot Springs! Gates open at 10:30 a.m. For seea sea se more mor information, visit ■ Arkansas Times and War Wa Memorial Stadium host ARKANSAS MADE! Everything Arkansas, including Diamond Bear Beer andd Rock Town Vodka. Arrk A


UCA Reynolds Performance Hall presents Rodgers and Hammerstein’s CINDERELLA, the Tony Award-winning Broadway musical from the creators of The Sound of Music and South Pacific. Tickets at

LIVE @ THE GRIFFIN RESTAURANT 4/5: deFrance 4/7: Identity Crisis 4/10: Tim Reynolds and TR3 4/12: Electric 5 4/19: Sunny Sweeney 4/26: Sean Fresh

MARCH 29, 2018

The Little Rock Founders Lions Club hosts their annual LIONS UPTOWN DOWNTOWN MARKET & BAZAAR, 9:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Admission is free! Enjoy arts and crafts, vintage items, food trucks, live music, and Arkansas Made booths! Interested in registering as a vendor or as a food truck? Information and registration at centralarkansastickets. com. ■ Magic Springs OPENING DAY! Stay tuned for their summer concert series. ■ BEER AND LOATHING in Little Rock April 7th Rebel Kettle is celebrating their 2-year anniversary with their 2nd annual craft beer and music festival. They will begin the festivities with beer yoga at 10 a.m. the rest of the festivities begin at 11 a.m. and go all day!


Wildwood Park for the Arts presents the Tony Award winner INTO THE WOODS at Cabe Festival Theatre! Music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim. Tickets and show times at



ASSASSINS plays at The Weekend Theater. Our nation’s most notorious assassins gather on stage to violently pursue a twisted American Dream, prompting us to consider their motivation and confronting pain to heal the sicknesses which lurk at the core of our society. Music by Stephen Sondheim. Curtain at 7:30 p.m. Tickets at


APRIL 18 – MAY 6

Disney’s THE LION KING comes to Robinson Performance Hall! The Lion King is the winner of six Tony Awards, including Best Musical, and features some of Broadway’s most recognizable music, crafted by Elton John and Tim Rice. Tickets available on Ticketmaster.



The Yarn and Arkansas Coalition Against Sexual Assault host #METOO: TRUE STORIES OF SEXUAL ASSAULT to bring awareness to this important topic during April, Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Held at CALS Ron Robinson Theater. Info and tickets at

APRIL 12-15, 19-22


APRIL 14-15

The Arkansas Symphony Orchestra presents their most popular and most casual concert of the season, BEETHOVEN & BLUE JEANS: Adam Schoenberg’s Finding Rothko, Ravel’s Ma Mere l’Oye: 5 pieces enfantines, and Beethoven’s Symphony No. 6, ‘Pastoral’, with impressionist painter, Barry Thomas. Tickets at

The Studio Theatre presents BRIDGE TO TERABITHIA, a powerful adaptation of Katherine Paterson’s Newbery Awardwinning novel. Curtain at 7:30 p.m., doors open at 7 p.m. Tickets at centralarkansastickets. com.


The Arkansas Symphony Orchestra presents their BEETHOVEN FESTIVAL, featuring Adam Schoenberg’s Motio II: Slo-Mo, Trio for Three Flutes (attributed to Beethoven), Serocki: Suite for Four Trombones, and Beethoven’s String Quartet No. 8, Op. 59 No. 2. Tickets at

APRIL 20-21

The Oxford American magazine presents 50 YEARS OF TRUE GRIT, a celebration of the anniversary of the publication of Charles Portis’s beloved novel, one of the magazine’s most acclaimed contributors. Activities include free panels, screenings of both the 1969 and 2010 film adaptations, and after-parties. Information and tickets at ■ UCA Reynolds Performance Hall presents A GENTLEMAN’S GUIDE TO LOVE AND MURDER, winner of the Best Musical Tony Award in 2014! The uproarious comedy follows Monty Navarro, a distant heir to a family fortune who sets out to jump the line of succession by eliminating the eight pesky relatives (all played by one fearless man) who stand in his way. Tickets at

APRIL AP 7 Join the Junior League of Little Rock and celebrate nearly 100 years

of sservice in the community with the DOWNTOWN DASH 10K, 5K and Kids 1K Fun Run. Superhero costumes encouraged! The event features Kid fun activities for kids, healthy snacks, and free super hero capes. Register for VIP status and enjoy a tech tee, brunch buffet, and beer and mimosas. Register online at Re

EARTH DAY 2018 APRIL 21: Keep North Little Rock Beautiful will host their Earth Day event in Argenta. Contact

An Evening With...PAUL Monday, April 23


APRIL 21: ASU hosts an Earth Day Litter Cleanup around campus. Volunteers needed! Contact APRIL 21: Spend part of your Earth Day weekend at Little Rock Audubon Center’s Native Plant Market. Native plants will be available for sale from vendors specializing in Arkansas natives. APRIL 21-22: Pinnacle Mountain State Park hosts an Earth Day Celebration Weekend with programs dedicated to helping you discover how to keep Pinnacle Mountain State Park a healthy and happy place for all, featuring eco-friendly ideas, a tree-planting ceremony, and recycling, reusing and repurposing.


Colonial Wines and Spirits is celebrating STRAWBERRIES AND CHAMPAGNE with a special pairing event at their Tasting Bar from 1 to 7 p.m. ■ “THE BIG CATCH” Arkansas Game and Fish Expo will take place from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m at MacArthur Museum of Military History.


The Kaleidoscope LGBT Film Festival and Potluck & Poison Ivy present AN EVENING WITH PAUL SAND, a fundraiser for the 4th Annual Kaleidoscope Festival, at The Joint in North Little Rock, 7-10 p.m. Hear Paul Sand tell stories from a fabled career that has touched nearly every corner of show business. Sand has won a Tony Award and two Drama Desk Awards for his work on Broadway. Featuring music by Drew Jensen and Jimmy Martin. Tickets at


Murry’s Dinner Playhouse presents SOUTHERN FRIED NUPTIALS, the sequel to last season’s comedy Southern Fried Funeral. This time, the Mississippi clan is preparing for the wedding of daughter Harlene, with many of the same Frye family members in attendance. Call 562.3131 for tickets!

The night will also feature great music by Drew Jensen and Jimmy Martin! Doors Open at 6:00 PM Show Starts at 7:00 PM


APRIL 25-26

The Regional Recycling District in Pulaski County will hold RECYCLING UPLUGGED, an electronics recycling collection at the Verizon Arena VIP parking lot in NLR. 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday. Bring electronic items from computers to televisions to coffee makers and recycle them for free. For more info and a list of acceptable items to drop off, visit

APRIL 26-29

Community Theatre of Little Rock presents MOONLIGHT AND MAGNOLIAS: Legendary film producer David O. Selznick is five weeks into Shooting Gone with the Wind when he realizes the script is awful and that the director doesn’t have a clue. He has five days to replace them and restart the shoot or the production will shut down! 7:30 p.m. Tickets at ■ The POWER OF MUSIC FESTIVAL comes to Bentonville! 5 Hall of Fame Songwriters will perform along with many other well-known songwriters. Also featuring a music conference with speakers from the music industry. Tickets, schedules, and more information at

APRIL 27 & 28

WILD WINES: Enjoy two amazing nights at the Little Rock Zoo! Guests enjoy food from the area’s best restaurants paired with hand-selected wines from O’Looneys Wine and Liquor. Plus special appearances by some of the Zoo’s Animal Ambassadors! Friday is VIP Night and Saturday is the “Mane” Event. Proceeds benefit the Arkansas Zoological Foundation for the Little Rock Zoo! Tickets and info at


VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION DAY! Choose a cause that’s close to your heart and spend this day helping others!


The Arkansas Repertory Theatre hosts ARTWORKS, featuring more than 87 talented Arkansas artists and artisans! Silent and live auctions include pottery, paintings, jewelry, photography, sculpture and more. Tickets and info at ■ Join the Thea Foundation for INTO THE BLUE, a celebration of the Foundation’s achievements in advocating the arts. Guests will immerse themselves in the stories and talents of Thea’s beneficiaries: young artists, musicians and actors. Into the Blue also honors Dorothy Morris with the 3rd Annual Pillar of the Arts award. Cocktail attire, a cocktail dinner buffet and full bar! Tickets and info at

EARTH DAY 2018 APRIL 21: Keep North Little Rock Beautiful will host their Earth Day event in Argenta. Contact green@knlrb. org.

DOCUMENTING HATE APRIL 21: ASU hosts an Earth Day Litter Cleanup around campus. Volunteers needed! Contact rclark@ APRILYOU 21: Spend part of your Earth Day weekend HAVE BEEN THE VICTIM at Little Rock Audubon Center’s Native Plant Market. Native plants will be available for sale from vendors OF A HATE CRIME? specializing in Arkansas natives. APRIL 21-22: Pinnacle Mountain State Park hosts

The Arkansas Times has an Earth Day Celebration Weekend withjoined programs the dedicated to helping you discover how to keep Pinnacle «À wÌ iÜà À}> â>Ì ProPublica’s Mountain State Park a healthy and happy place for all, “Documenting project, a featuring eco-friendly ideas,Hate” a tree-planting ceremony, and recycling, reusing and repurposing. V >L À>Ì Ü Ì iÜÃÀ à >VÀ ÃÃ Ì i V Õ ÌÀÞ Ì ÌÀ>V >Ìi V `i ÌÃ Ì >Ì } Ì Ì iÀÜ Ãi } Õ Ài« ÀÌi`° / i «À iVÌ > à to create a comprehensive database of Ü iÀi >Ìi VÀ ià >Ài >««i } > ` Ü >Ì }À Õ«Ã >Ài Li } Ì>À}iÌi`° If you have an incident to report, submit it at arktimes. com/dochate. Information provided will not be shared with law enforcement or to anyone outside the group working on the project. MARCH 29, 2018


k n i r D , t ! Ea y r a r & Be Lite

Pub ! h s i r Pe





Poetry, fiction and memoir readings, live in the big room at Stickyz Rock-N-Roll Chicken Shack.

: h t i wi Coggin

Ka rleywine Ea e nd n i a l l o e r L a e C t , Ka s e y a H Karen Peter Mason r o t c e R s s e Molly Bnie Stone Jean unced no n a e b o more t

FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT TRACI BERRY AT TRACIBERRY@ARKTIMES.COM Pub or Perish is a related free event of the Arkansas Literary Festival. 54

MARCH 29, 2018


Hosted by Traci berr : SATURDAY y , April 28 7-9 pm AT


Rock-NRoll Chic ken


One of a Kind Arkansas Buffalo Rug




You won’t believe how soft this tanned, Arkansas buffalo hide is. Very durable, perfect for either a rug or even a bedspread. A friend has one in her ultra modern downtown tower condo. We have ours in our log cabin. It works in a surprising variety of home or office environments. $1,400 Buy Direct From the Farmer! Kaytee Wright 501-607-3100

Hiring Team Members for North Little Rock, Little Rock, Conway, and Benton locations. Join an amazing team where Infection Enthusiasm and Positivity are REQUIRED. Full-time and part-time positions available. $8/hour + tips. Apply:



(501) 834-2287

Respite Care Grants Available for Caregivers from Alzheimer’s Arkansas

2018 Little Rock

Hope for the Future

A FREE workshop & tradeshow for those caring for someone with memory loss, dementia, or Alzheimer’s disease.

Friday, April 6, 2018 7:30 am – 4:15 pm at the Geyer Springs Baptist Church 12400 I-30, Little Rock, AR 72210

FREE Financial Support Available for Respite Care. Breakfast and Lunch Provided. $80 for Professionals and Family Caregivers Requesting CEUs.

Alzheimer’s Arkansas Programs and Services has $500 grants available for those who are caring for family members who are 60+ years old and live in Monroe, Prairie, Lonoke, Pulaski, Saline, or Faulkner coun�es. The pa�ent is NOT required to have Alzheimer’s disease or demen�a diagnosis. The grants are for anyone with a chronic illness who needs on-going care and approval for the grants is not based on income. The funds are to be used to provide a break (respite) for the caregiver. They may be used for in-home care, adult day care, or a short term stay in a nursing home or assisted living facility. Alzheimer’s Arkansas also has Family Assistance Grants available specifically for those who are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or another type of demen�a. These $300 grants may be used to pay for respite care, legal services, home care supplies, home modifica�on, or mental health counseling. Call Alzheimer’s Arkansas at 800-689-6090 for informa�on about either grant or go online at

To learn more contact: Alzheimer’s Arkansas Phone: 501-224-0021 | Fax: 501-227-6303 | Register Online at MARCH 29, 2018


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The “Arkansas Made, Arkansas Proud” People







MARCH 29, 2018


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