Arkansas Times | November 15, 2018

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rds a c e h t in What’ssino gambling for ca Arkansas in dy min Har By Benja


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OCTOBER 25, 2018


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End trade war

A rka nsa ns will be a mong t he ha rdest hit by President Trump’s attempts to strong-arm foreign leaders through economic ma nipulat ion. China’s soybea n market, “the largest market for one of America’s largest exports” according to The New York Times, is punishing its U.S. counterpart f or t he pr e sident ’s t r a de wa r. Consequently, America’s soybean market has seen its sales drop 94 percent compared to last year’s h a r v e s t . A r k a n s a s ’s s o y b e a n

COMMENT f a r mer s, a l ready dea l i ng w it h Boozman and Tom Cotton. I hope behind-schedule harvesting and you will as well. poor weat her condit ions, must L indsay B encick now suffer the repercussions of L ittle R ock the conf lict Trump created. With t h e l i vel i h o o d s of t h e s t a t e ’s fa r mers being used a s tools of m a n ip u l a t i o n , o u r l e a d e r s i n Congress must be at the forefront In r e s p o n s e t o t h e No v. 1 2 in urging Trump and Commerce A rk a n s a s B lo g p o s t “ Ta x t a s k Secreta r y Wilbur Ross to seek force proposals benef it, surprise, a r e s olut ion t o t he c r i si s t he corporations and the top 1 percent”: t a r i f f w a r i s c r e at i n g . I h a ve a lready contacted my House We must remember t hat our represent at ive a nd Sen s. Joh n

From the web

Holiday Plan a Party

re volut ion s t a r t e d over t a xe s , unfa ir ta xation. It ’s t he money, it’s always THE MONEY. There’s t hat na me Jim Hendren aga in; let’s make sure he gets shown the door in the next election. Is there a Hutch in son or Hendren t hat isn’t sucking at a government tit? The R’s have a limited time to make all the hay they can and they know it. Our Brownbacking will accelerate now the elections are over. More poor people must prepare to get the ax so those living behind fancy gates can save a little more in taxes. Asa to poor people: Drop dead! D eathbyinches

I’d a lways been so st r uck by how little the mainstream press covers t hese plutocrac y issues. The tax cuts, the cozy capitalism, persona l en rich ment, lobby ing careers for ex-officials, on and on. THEN, one day, oh, 10 yea rs a g o or s o, it s t r uc k me l i ke a h e a r t a t t a c k t h a t , h e y, w a i t a m i n u t e , t h e r e ’s t h i s e n t i r e PROFESSIONAL class just below these top-level folks who ma ke their liv ings propagating these my t h s: me d i a compa n ie s t h at don’t want to rock the boat and or risk the bottom line, and on and on. Admittedly, I was embarrassed by the obviousness of this revelation, but I’d recently gone into a sort of retirement at that poi nt , not f u l ly ret i red , but it gave me much more time to read articles to the very end, pay more at tent ion, subscribe to more maga zines a nd journa ls, a nd it wa s ju s t s o obv iou s t here a re sacred cows the media won’t prod, especially on a national level. A nd I wa s st r uck too by t he idea that, hey, wait a minute, it’s not like media folks get certified, it ’s not reg ulated, a nybody ca n publish a blog or a newslet ter, so why do I just assume because EVENTS@CACHELITTLEROCK.COM it’s served to me as “media” that it ’s more n likely accurate? ay through Friday • 4Bloody p.m. until 7 p.m. Monday through Friday • t4haBloody p.m. until 7 p.m. Specials, Live Music, Mary and Mimosa Enjoy Specials Regional Brunch Specials, Live Music, Mary and I of ten hear people bemoan the loss of loca l jour na lism a s t he c u lpr it i n ou r sen sat iona l i zed news cult ure, a nd I do bemoa n t hat loss a s well, but t here a re outlets, like the Arkansas Times, that do their part. I visit arktimes. com a few times a day, and even 425 President Clinton Ave., Little Rock m o r e w h e n I ’m o n a p o s t i n g frenzy! 501-850-0265 | I think the focus is on the wrong people. The Times can only reach CacheLittleRock Clinton Ave., Little Rock | 501-850-0265 | | CacheLittleRock CacheRestaurant | cachelittleroc CacheRestaurant | 425 President Clinton Ave., Little Rock | 501-850-0265 so many people. But the national nch served every Saturday and Sunday 10am - 2pm Brunch served every Saturday and Sunday 10am - 2pm


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NOVEMBER 15, 2018


media has all of the money and resources and contacts, and they do such a disappointing job. If you watch cable news, pay attention to what these folks criticize, what t hey don’t ment ion , what t hey gloss over, a nd it becomes ver y clear in no time that they are not real journalists or news media. But they’ve got us hooked. Brilliant message-management, marketing, advertising and the whole lot of business acumen. The ma inst rea m media is let t ing us dow n, a nd it ’s going to ruin us, and nobody is really talking about it.

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G eronimo R ex

I m r e s p o n s e t o t h e N o v. 9 Arkansas Blog post “For the record: Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a) a liar b) full of ‘HuckaBS’ ”: The pat het ic at tempt to use t he e d it e d v ide o (e d it e d i n a hilariously, to the point of satire, bad way by an InfoWars f lunky) to “prove” their point about [CNN reporter Jim] Acosta “assaulting” the a ide is in keeping with the lying of this administration, but its lies are so easy to debunk. Did Sarah not think that with t h e m i l l ion s o f c opie s o f t h e unedited video on the Internet, anyone over the age of 3 wouldn’t immediately spot her fake version? Or maybe she didn’t care. The MAGA morons would, of course, accept her version as real, given t hat t hey live i n t he a lter nate u n i v e r s e o f Fo x “ n e w s ” a n d Hannity. Was it all a setup? If the issue was stopping Acosta from speaking into the mic (in the process of a sk ing Doof us ver y legitimate questions), why send a female aide to execute a mic grab? It was a wireless mic; all the White House press room sound tech would have had to do was turn off the audio feed signal coming from that mic and Acosta would have been effectively cut off. T sallenarng This adm inist rat ion is a ll about belit t ling a nyone who da res cha llenge Tr ump. There is no room for genuine debate or investigative questions. I really feel t here w i l l be deep sha me amongst my friends who blindly follow Trump once the Mueller probe is completed. A rtificial I ntelligence NOVEMBER 15, 2018




Still seeing red

Arkansas Republicans remain firmly in control in Arkansas after the Nov. 6 election. All four incumbent GOP U.S. representatives won re-election. So, too, did Governor Hutchinson, Attorney General Leslie Rutledge, Lt. Gov. Tim Griffin, Auditor Andrea Lea and Treasurer Dennis Milligan. Republican Land Commissioner John Thurston won the secretary of state contest and Tommy Land, a Republican, will replace Thurston. Republicans retained overwhelming control of the state House and Senate, though Democrat Denise Garner did defeat incumbent Republican state Rep. Charlie Collins and, in the surprise of the night, Democrat Megan Godfrey upset state Rep. Jeff Williams (R-Springdale). But state Democratic Party leader and state Rep. Michael John Gray lost his re-election bid in Augusta, four-lane highways. The suit seeks to long a reliably Democratic area. Supreme Court Justice Courtney enjoin the Highway Commission from Goodson won re-election against David spending money on anything wider than Sterling despite Sterling heavily branding four lanes. himself as a Republican and an outside group spending more than $1.2 million to attack Goodson. In the hotly contested Little Rock mayoral election, Frank Scott almost A nonpartisan federal advisory panel avoided a runoff with 37 percent of the tasked with analyzing Medicaid has sent vote (exceeding 40 percent was the a letter to the Trump administration threshold for winning outright). Baker asking it to stop Arkansas from Kurrus finished second with 29 percent enforcing its unique Medicaid work of the vote — just over 500 votes more requirement rules. Saying it was than Warwick Sabin — and faces Scott “highly concerned” about Arkansas’s in a Dec. 4 run-off election. Early voting termination of insurance for almost begins Nov. 27. 8,500 beneficiaries in recent months as a result of the state’s work requirement for certain beneficiaries, the panel A lawsuit has been filed in Pulaski recommended that Arkansas stop County Circuit Court challenging the canceling beneficiaries’ coverage, so the state Department of Transportation’s state’s work requirement plan could be plans to widen Interstate 30 through adjusted. The Medicaid and CHIP Payment downtown Little Rock and North Little and Access Commission noted, in a Rock to 10 lanes or more. letter to U.S. Department of Health and The taxpayer suit, with five plaintiffs Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, from around the state and Justin Zachary that, among those Arkansas beneficiaries as lead attorney, argues that the highway who were required to report, “91.6 improvement bonds authorized by state percent ... failed to do so in September Constitutional Amendment 91, which 2018.” That sends “a strong warning will pay for a portion of the $700 million signal that the current process may not project, limits spending the money to

Stop enforcing work rule, federal panel says

Widening targeted


NOVEMBER 15, 2018


be structured in a way that provides individuals an opportunity to succeed, with high stakes for beneficiaries who fail,” it said. People who do not report their work hours for three months out of the year are locked out of coverage until the following calendar year. The letter also expressed concerns about the state requiring beneficiaries to report their work hours online, even though Arkansas has limited internet access. The Arkansas Department of Human Services says it has set up a means for people to report their work hours by phone by relaying the information through “registered reporters” — insurance agents, social workers or others — but the commission said the Arkansas DHS was unable to provide it “with information on how

many beneficiaries are taking advantage of that assistance.” Similarly, the letter criticized the state’s focus on performing beneficiary outreach online or through social media as “problematic given the low level of internet access” in Arkansas.

New arena name

Simmons Bank has bought the naming rights to what is now Verizon Arena, a 15-year deal costing $10.5 million. The name change of the publicly owned North Little Rock venue will take effect in 2019. Verizon had indicated it didn’t want to continue its sponsorship. Verizon became the name in 2009 after it purchased assets of Alltel, the original arena namesake when it opened in 1999.

How red are we?



lection results in Arkansas ads firmly linked were discouraging for Demo- him with Donald crats and progressive voters. Trump and Gov- MAX BRANTLEY Republicans swept statewide ernor Hutchinson. offices with 60-plus percent votes. If he’d run with Energetic, well-informed and likable an “R” next to his name, I fear the Democratic candidates for Congress outcome might have been different. were swamped, save Clarke Tucker There is no other way to explain the in the 2nd District, by votes greater big votes for unknown statewide canthan Trump got against Hillary Clin- didates, at least one demonstrably ton in 2016. less qualified than his opponent for Two Republicans were defeated the office (secretary of state) being in state legislative races, but those sought. gains were offset by narrow defeats So it’s hopeless, right? Arkansas of two incumbent Democrats, includ- is bright red Republican, reflexively ing the state Democratic Party chair so. Yes, but … . (!), Michael John Gray, in a Delta (!!) There’s no official count, but availdistrict. able evidence from county clerks who For partisan good news, you could counted votes unofficially suggests perhaps look at Supreme Court Jus- Arkansas voters would have defeated tice Courtney Goodson’s decisive re- the amendment to limit malpractice election victory. It’s a nonpartisan and negligence lawsuit judgments had race, technically. But a Republican it made the ballot. This was endorsed PAC spent more than $1 million in by the Republican legislature. Simiads trashing Goodson and she faced larly, had the court not ditched the a candidate, David Sterling, whose term limits amendment on a peti-



ourtney Goodson won her race to stay on the state Supreme Court last week with something to spare, in spite of the unprecedented sludge of dark-money ads that tried to persuade people that she was an execrable wench who was capable of almost anything. So, we are supposed to be relieved that the great threat to judicial independence represented by the darkmoney campaigns against court candidates the past six years is past. Justice Goodson’s surprisingly easy victory over David Sterling must prove that voters are finally on to the plot to politicize the courts so they will favor corporations, and people aren’t going to stand for it. Oh, if that were only true. The more likely truth is that the darkmoney groups — the Judicial Crisis Network and the Republication State Leadership Committee in Washington, D.C. — overplayed their hands by the million-dollar attacks on a woman who simply looked too

sweet to be such a witch. The year 2018 was not the year for that kind ERNEST of thing. Goodson DUMAS was smart, too. She fought back with two silly lawsuits that tried to stop the media and the shadow groups from airing the ads. Neither suit had even a remote chance of success in overriding the First Amendment, but they brought attention to the unfairness of the attacks. It might help if people understood the basis of the sham commercials, which were based loosely on facts about Goodson’s romance with a trial lawyer and the gifts lavished upon her about the time, in 2011, that she was being elected to the Supreme Court. I’m here to help do that. The Goodson-Sterling battle and the advertising barrage were related to efforts by corporations and, loosely, the Republican Party to enact “tort reform” — curtailing people’s rights

tion technicality, it would have been say gays and lesbians should have approved 3-1 by voters, though Repub- equal rights. The Arkansas legislalicans bellyached that it would have ture has repudiated this by legalizing been the ruination of the fine govern- discrimination under the pretext of ment that gave us the Ecclesia scandal personal religious preference. and other federal indictments. Voters Guns? Only 10 percent want fewer also increased the minimum wage, gun controls. Forty-four percent want something the corporate-controlled them stricter. Forty-three percent say legislature would never do. existing controls are enough. A state regularly proclaimed a basClimate change? Another big tion of Christianity and family values change, undoubtedly helped by abunfollowed its 2016 approval of medi- dant evidence. A plurality, 46-44, cal marijuana with an expansion of now thinks global warming or clicasino gambling. What’s next? Legal- mate change poses a threat in their ized dancing? lifetimes. There’s still more evidence we may Broad majorities think more needs want Republican politicians, but not to be done to achieve racial and gennecessarily the reflexive agenda they der equity. declare as near Biblical GOP truth. Respondents identified 32-28 perSee the University of Arkansas’s cent as Republicans, but among proannual poll, released shortly before fessed independents they leaned R the election. Health care topped the 39-25 percent, a tendency reflected list of concerns of those polled. The in vote results. Only 47 percent legislature is busy eating away at cov- described themselves as “conservaerage, particularly for poor people. tive,” however, with 20 percent liberal Abortion? Only 38 percent want and 28 percent moderate. more restrictions. A majority thinks I could live with a Republican legRoe v. Wade should not be overturned. islature that reflected an acknowlSame-sex marriage? Big change edgment of such nuanced attitudes. from past polls. Respondents now say, Alas … . 49-46, such marriages should be recOne final alas: Poll respondents ognized. gave Donald Trump a 50 percent Gay rights? Eighty-eight percent approval rating.

to collect damages for harm done to them by commercial interests through negligence, fraud or deception. The legislature and Gov. Mike Huckabee in 2003 enacted a sweeping law curtailing people’s right to damages, right after the governor and the legislature had levied a heavy daily bed tax on private-paying nursing home patients so the state could use the money to get a 3-for-1 match of federal Medicaid dollars for nursing homes. State payments to nursing homes immediately doubled and tripled, an incredible bonanza for nursing home owners, like the owner of the biggest chain of homes, Michael Morton. Goodson (then Courtney Henry), a Republican when she ran for the nonpartisan Supreme Court in 2010, was backed by the party, the Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce and the industry group supporting tort reform. But one of her first opinions after arriving at the court was to strike down a section of the 2003 tort law that curtailed punitive damages. The law was a clear violation of not one but two sections of the state

Constitution, and no judge dedicated to the rule of law could have held any other way. Goodson simply wrote the court’s official opinion, a task that fell to her by the court’s rotation in the assignment of cases. But the phalanx of industry supporters of tort reform vowed eternal hostility because they thought she had betrayed them. When she ran for chief justice in 2016, the shadowy Judicial Crisis Network beat her with attack ads and stepped up the attacks this year when she was up for re-election. The case was Bayer Cropscience LP v. Schafer and it wasn’t directly about nursing homes. A bunch of rice farmers sued a German multinational corporation because, thanks to the company, the farmers’ rice was contaminated by genetically altered strains that had not been approved for human consumption, and the farmers’ rice was shut out of markets all over the world. A Lonoke jury unanimously awarded them $5.9 million in direct damages and another $42 million in punitive damages. Huckabee’s 2003 law had limited puni-

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NOVEMBER 15, 2018


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erhaps you recall the last time a French politician angered a certain kind of hairy-chested American nationalist. In February 2003, Dominique de Villepin, France’s conservative Minister of Foreign Affairs, cautioned the United Nations General Assembly about the sheer folly of invading Iraq. “We all share the same priority — that of fighting terrorism mercilessly,” de Villepin said. “This fight requires total determination.” He added that “[n]ot one of us feels the least indulgence towards Saddam Hussein and the Iraqi regime.” De Villepin nevertheless warned that having conquered Iraq, the United States would then face “incalculable consequences for the stability of this scarred and fragile region.” He urged that U.N. arms inspectors searching for Saddam’s (nonexistent) nuclear weapons be allowed to finish their job. Because he knew his audience, he also stressed his country’s eternal gratitude toward the United States: “This message comes to you today from an old country, France … that has known wars, occupation and barbarity. A country that does not forget and knows everything it owes to the freedom-fighters who came from America and elsewhere.” Even so, belligerent followers of President George W. Bush erupted against “cheese-eating surrender monkeys.” Furious nationalists dumped French wine into gutters. French fries became Freedom Fries. Today, hardly any serious observer doubts that the French were right. Bush’s Iraq adventure proved catastrophic: It cost hundreds of thousands of lives, countless billions of dollars, inspired ISIS terrorists and spread deadly ethnic and religious strife across the Middle East. Now comes French President Emmanuel Macron, who delivered a forceful speech marking the 100th anniversary of the armistice ending World War I by warning against a rising tide of nationalism worldwide that he deemed a “betrayal of patriotism” and also against “old demons coming back to wreak chaos and death.” Patriotism, Macron insisted, “is the exact opposite of nationalism. Nationalism is treason.” Treason against France’s governing ideals of liberte, egalite and fraternite (liberty, equality and brotherhood), he implied. Putting race and ethnicity above citizenship. Because Trump was sitting there sulking like a child, American commentators

assumed it was all about him. Everything is all about Trump in his mind. GENE But Macron LYONS was also clearly referring to Vladimir Putin’s aggression and growing ethnic tensions elsewhere in Europe. He was referring to the kinds of ideological and racial hatreds that led to the terrible cataclysm of “the war to end all wars” and the exponentially worse World War II that followed it. He was defending the international organizations devoted to avoiding a repeat: the U.N., NATO and the European Union. The distinction between patriotism and nationalism was perhaps most persuasively made by George Orwell. Writing in the shadow of World War II, he defined patriotism as a “devotion to a particular place and a particular way of life, which one believes to be the best in the world but has no wish to force on other people. Patriotism is of its nature defensive, both militarily and culturally.” Nationalism, on the other hand, Orwell defined as “the habit of assuming that human beings can be classified like insects and that whole blocks of millions or tens of millions of people can be confidently labeled ‘good’ or ‘bad,’ ” and “of identifying oneself with a single nation or other unit, placing it beyond good and evil and recognizing no other duty than that of advancing its interests.” “A nationalist,” Orwell continued, “is one who thinks solely, or mainly, in terms of competitive prestige … his thoughts always turn on victories, defeats, triumphs and humiliations. He sees history, especially contemporary history, as the endless rise and decline of great power units, and every event that happens seems to him a demonstration that his own side is on the upgrade and some hated rival is on the downgrade. … Nationalism is power-hunger tempered by self-deception.” Sound like anybody you know? In Paris, the American Achilles went AWOL, skipping a solemn ceremony commemorating the dead of Belleau Wood for fear of getting his hair wet. Nicholas Soames, a conservative British MP and the grandson of Winston Churchill, tweeted, “They died with their face to the foe and that pathetic inadequate @realDonaldTrump couldn’t even defy the weather to pay his respects to The Fallen.” As a patriot, I am embarrassed for my country.

On to 2020


’ll add my two cents to the chorus of love to back Elliott advice for Democrats in 2020: Do in a statewide race not limit your imagination by falling and get the chance back on candidates who have previously to cast a vote for AUTUMN appeared on the ballot. I know everyone her. She ran for TOLBERT wants to reward those who have run with Congress in 2010 a second chance, but it already seems as in the 2nd District and lost to now-Lt. if Josh Mahony, Jared Henderson and Gov. Tim Griffin. A lot has changed in 10 Clarke Tucker are joining the ranks of years. Elliott has broader popularity, the Conner Eldridge and Bill Halter as per- progressive left has awoken in Arkansas, petually suggested candidates. I am so and our public schools, for which Elliott proud of Mahony, Henderson and my has long been a champion, are under former law school classmate Tucker. attack. The battle to beat Cotton will be They worked hard and left everything nearly impossible with his big war chest on the table in their races. They built up and corporate friends, but it does not the Democratic Party in counties that mean we should abandon the race. I’m had all but been abandoned, inspired open to other possible candidates, but the old guard, and got young people ex- I have to say my heart is set on Elliott. cited about voting. They may be the best So are the hearts of many other women choices to run in 2020. I’d argue it is too across the state. early to tell and by “anointing” them this And maybe that’s where my advice early, other viable choices, especially should lie. What do the women want? women and men and women of color, I’m not talking about the Trump-voting may be too intimidated to come forward white women. I’m talking about the to run. I’ll add that other candidates, like progressive women who put their jobs Chintan Desai, Susan Inman, Mike Lee, and lives on hold to work to get their Hayden Shamel and Anthony Bland, are candidates elected. The women who to be commended equally for their tire- missed their kids’ soccer and football less work and sacrifice. Maybe they are games. The women who had to balmaking 2020 shortlists, too, but I’ve not ance running their households with the seen it the same way I’ve seen Mahony, new task of helping run a campaign. I Henderson and Tucker mentioned. The overheard a conversation recently in pull toward Kennedyesque white men which it was pointed out the majority with good hair is just too strong, I guess. of canvassers and donors seemed to be From my view in Fayetteville, it is women. I believe it. I’ve said more than clear that women candidates motivated once that the women of Moms Demand folks to open their wallets and put on Action deserve the 2018 MVP award. their canvassing shoes. Incoming Reps. This new political army of progressive Megan Godfrey, Denise Garner and women seems to be most motivated by Nicole Clowney were all first-timers other women and by people of color who beat experienced politicians, with who have historically been left out of Clowney knocking off Fayetteville Alder- the conversations surrounding candiman Mark Kinion, a Democratic Party date selection. These potential candifavorite, in the primary, and Godfrey dates may not be active now in party and Garner defeating GOP incumbent politics or electoral politics. They may representatives. For those reading this be busy being nurses, nonprofit workers, outside of Northwest Arkansas, the caterers, stay-at-home parents, or, as in energy surrounding these candidates the case of newly elected Washington was incredible. Contagious. The only County Justice of the Peace Andrea other candidate I see that has that type Jenkins, working as a teacher while also of sustained appeal among progressives driving a daily school bus route. across Arkansas is state Sen. Joyce Elliott I hope the Democrats continue to (D-Little Rock). look outside the regular political chanAnd now I’ll discard the advice I gave nels. There will almost always be a earlier to say the nomination to chal- white man who wants to run for every lenge U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton seems to be office. Nothing wrong with that, but to Elliott’s to take. And rightfully so. She is encourage other candidates, primaries a former high school teacher who has should not be referred to as divisive or served us well in the state legislature. party-splitting. That actually discourShe found a way to bridge the biparti- ages new faces from running. Primaries san gap without abandoning her values. are part of democracy. It means we have She’s fought for teachers, for racial jus- a wealth of people wanting to enter pubtice and for unions. A lot of people would lic service. We should welcome them.

A vision


he 2018 elections are over. Well, mostly over. Now what? Critically important issues dominate our current politics. The Arkansas legislature convenes in two months and members of the Arkansas Public Policy Panel will be there advocating for quality public education, access to health care, clean water, fair housing, criminal justice reform and more — and the resources to pay for them. Many lawmakers and special interest groups, in contrast, will be proposing massive tax cuts for the martini class and the continued dismantling of our public schools and other public infrastructure. These are all critical issues and we need to be engaged in them. But we pay a price when we don’t go a step further and connect the dots among issues into a comprehensive vision of how to build stronger communities. Without a vision, we play a polarizing game of whack-amole informed by passions instead of facts. We divide instead of building community. We are left to the manipulation of special interests that profit when we stay divided. Arkansas, like the rest of the country, has a growing urban-rural rift. And neither rural nor urban residents are well served by it. It is particularly absurd in Arkansas where the line between urban and rural is blurred and most of us have people we love in both. It’s time for a new social contract that creates a comprehensive vision for thriving communities in both rural and urban places. I cannot blame the rural brush fire consuming American politics that has produced our current political moment. Both parties have stood idly by, or supported, the hollowing out of the rural American economy for generations. The same thing has happened in the cities for all but the most privileged. Special interest groups have become masters at wrapping themselves in the guise of protecting the little guy while they push policies that extract wealth, labor and resources from our rural and urban communities. They have become masters at privatizing public structures so they can profit from them and avoid accountability. And they’ve become masters of pointing our anger about their actions at one another instead of the real culprits. We need a plan for reinvestment in our rural and urban communities. It has to be authentically grounded in com-

munity and led by residents — especially by people who haven’t BILL been at the deciKOPSKY sion-making Guest Columnist table before now. And then we need to stay focused on it beyond an election cycle. The opportunity for either political party is great. Democrats could reestablish credibility in rural communities. Republicans who took this seriously could expand their base in urban areas. Both could diversify their supporters while solving our biggest challenges. We can’t write off rural communities and we can’t take urban communities for granted. Some say that rural Americans are reflexively conservative and lost to progressive political movements forever. Hogwash. Some of the most progressive movements in American history have been led by rural working people unifying behind a vision of how to strengthen their communities. The leaders I know care much more about their community than any political ideology, and they are looking for solutions. No one is served by the status quo. It’s not like Republican proposals to continue cutting taxes for the wealthy, giving corporate welfare to big corporations and gutting the social contract for everything from education to health care is strengthening anyone’s community. The same is true in deep blue urban areas, where residents are frustrated with the choice between a party that takes them for granted and another party that openly attacks them. We need to think big picture and then drill into the issues. You certainly can’t build a healthy community without strong public schools and access to health care, but you can’t create a strong education and health care system when they are constantly being eroded by other issues like poverty and lack of opportunity. The real gap in America is not urbanrural, but opportunity. We need to stop blaming our lack of opportunities on each other or some demonized other. We need to create a bold vision and comprehensive plan for renewal across our communities. And if our politicians are too constrained by the status quo to lead, then it’s time for us to abandon them and do it for ourselves. Bill Kopsky is executive director of the Arkansas Public Policy Panel. NOVEMBER 15, 2018




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NOVEMBER 15, 2018


Petrino’s legacy


e could routinely trot out more verbiage about how these 2018 Arkansas Razorbacks keep on fighting to salvage a lost campaign. The home finale against LSU played out largely as scripted: The Hogs faced a hell of a challenge on a freezing Fayetteville night trying to move the ball against the Tigers’ front seven. Meanwhile, LSU did its thing, forcing methodical pacing and eschewing creativity for bullishness, and sending scads of defenders at a quarterback until he’s prone, either on the turf or to mistakes. Arkansas Quarterback Ty Storey played his unique brand of courageous, maddening ball. Having turned it over twice, he redeemed himself with two fourth-quarter touchdown throws to tight end Cheyenne O’Grady and a 24-3 snoozer turned into a 24-17 dogfight late, but the score ended there when the Tigers salted away the clock against a tired Arkansas defense that, for the most part, did defensive coordinator John Chavis proud. The narrow loss to the No. 7 team in the country left Hog fans dejected — the fourth loss by a touchdown or less in a season where the roster is starved — but nonetheless hopeful. What happened Sunday is a better indicator of why Arkansas football is in the doldrums, however. Louisville dropped the ax on nomadic, polarizing Bobby Petrino, with cause: After an embarrassing loss to Syracuse on Friday night, with no other college games of note to draw attention away from the prevalent issues dogging the Cardinals, they dropped their seventh straight game and fell to 2-8, 0-7 in the ACC. Everyone got to see the emperor defrocked while his undisciplined, disinterested team yielded 50-plus points for the fifth time. For all of Petrino’s human failings, documented to the point of exhaustion, this was a belated but deserved first: His shady modus operandi as a coach played out to its terminus without a life raft in sight. He was rocking and rolling at Louisville (then in the much weaker Conference USA) from 2003 to 2006, compiling a 41-9 mark that he parlayed into the Atlanta Falcons’ top job. His play-calling wizardry convinced Arthur Blank to shell out, and then 13 games into the 2007 season, with Michael Vick’s incarceration a convenient excuse for the Falcons’ faltering, he bailed for Arkansas in a move that made him reviled on the national stage but at least allowed one little Southern state’s rejoicing. And Petrino did his act here before selfimploding, going 34-17, and reaching the Sugar Bowl and the Top 3 nationally before unwise domestic and professional choices

bit him right in his red, puckered backside. That selfishness got him canned, and did a disservice to the addled but likable BEAU WILCOX John L. Smith, who really just wanted to take that Weber State job and retire with a little money and anonymity but ended up having to inherit and run the shitshow his precursor authored. Two full years of recruiting were tanked in the process, leaving Bret Bielema with a long road to travel upon his hiring in 2012. And Bielema did a fair job in 2014-15, but petered out, too. You may ask yourself why I’m rehashing damn near a decade-long ride on the Razorcoaster when there are two games left for Arkansas to try to extract mild momentum going into the offseason. But the reality is that Petrino is not a builder of programs, but a rampant, unrepentant destroyer of them, and Arkansas was the unfortunate situs where this modern-day Nero fiddled away a concerto amid a program in flames. Jeff Long committed untold financial resources to the promise of glory, and five years after Petrino’s highway spill and gross dishonesty, football at Arkansas remains an expensive ship trying to find a rudder. Louisville, you might recall, tumbled badly after he first left there in 2006, with his successor, Steve Kragthorpe, going 15-21 in three years before being dismissed. Was that a function of Petrino being that superior of a coach to those who preceded and succeeded him? Hardly. Petrino was of a singular dimension, falsely disguised as a wunderkind, and Chad Morris still wrestles with the fact that some in this deluded state would still rather have seen Jeff Long pardon his darling and let the string play out. We’ve seen now, finally, how that goes. If forced to stay somewhere for long — and he never has been — “BMFP” nukes the damn thing, and in spectacular, resonating fashion. It was no accident that Smith and Bielema combined for seven wins across 2012 and 2013: Petrino was a misanthrope, and young adult males don’t want to suffer that brand of abuse for long. Morris has somehow assembled an unparalleled recruiting class for 2019 to summon new hope. But the Petrino debacle’s lasting effects cannot ever be ignored, forgiven or understated, and even with all-new players, those empty north end zone seats tell the sad story of what one man’s ego can do to a major college football program.



t feels like The Observer hasn’t been able to breathe this deep since Nov. 7, 2016. That’s a long time to be holding your breath. At this hour, the Wave Election that a lot of pundits and prognosticators have assured us was no wave rolls on, sweeping up Republicans and turning their political futures ass over teakettle all over this nation. Still, there seems to be a lingering sentiment among a lot of Democrats that perhaps this was not as much as it could have been, or even a failure. Maybe it is disappointment that things didn’t turn out to be a reverse of how it went in 2010, when Democrats — assured they’d seen The End of Politics with the election of Barack Obama — stayed home for the midterms while pissed off Republicans showed up, flipping 63 House seats and six seats in the Senate, putting the GOP in charge of both chambers of Congress to this day, though not, thankfully, much longer. What we got on Election Night this year was that Republicans actually showed up to defend their positions, voted in droves … and got soundly outvoted across the country. What we got is a slow-rolling, powerful boil that, while not made-for-TV dramatic as soon as the polls closed, is on track to claim more than 35 seats in the House (along with decisive control of that body and its investigative powers), flipped seven governorships from red to blue, made the majority of our country’s state attorneys general Democrats, and — with the announcement that Kyrsten Sinema had won the Arizona U.S. Senate seat occupied by long-suffering pearl-clutcher Jeff Flake — held net Democratic losses in the upper chamber to two in a year when the economy is riding high and the map of Senate seats Democrats had to defend in red states looking like a spook story liberals tell their kids around the campfire. Florida, meanwhile, overwhelmingly approved the re-enfranchisement of 1.4 million former felons. That’s more potential new voters than the total population of 10 American states, including Alaska, Vermont, Delaware and Montana. Because of our country’s shameful history of racist mass incarceration, up to 20 percent of Florida’s AfricanAmerican population had been unable to vote because they’re former felons. Sign up the majority of those new voters and get them to the polls, and the notoriously swingy Florida has a shot to flip solidly Democratic in 2020 and maybe forever. That’s 29 votes in the Electoral College, and a state Trump won by 103,000 souls.


By nearly every metric, Election Day 2018 was a long-legged repudiation of Trump and the party that has coddled him, even as his prodigy for division has wrecked our nation’s standing around the globe and put Americans at each other’s throats. But still Democrats mope, still talk of “mixed results” and dab their eyes over Beto, who never showed a reliable lead in polling during his entire campaign and yet still got within 2.5 points of knocking off human polyp Ted Cruz in blood-red Texas. Come January, Kansas, Maine and Wisconsin will have Democratic governors, their execrable former or current execs Brownback, LePage and Walker, respectively, kicked curbside. Colorado, meanwhile, will have America’s first openly gay governor, who proudly introduced his “First Man” on Election night. California Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, who votes favorable to Russia so often that members of his own party have called him Putin’s congressman, is out the door after 30 years, part of a West Coast sweep that will obliterate the former Republican stronghold in wealthy Orange County. Kansas sent a lesbian Native-American former MMA cage fighter to the House. Minnesota and Michigan sent Muslim women. When life gets you down, imagine Mike Pence’s face as he swears in the later two on the Koran in a few months. Democrats also took control of seven more state legislatures and broke vetoproof GOP supermajorities in Pennsylvania, Michigan and North Carolina, all of which will have Democratic governors come January. Remember the Georgia 6th Congressional District, where Democrat Jon Ossoff lost a massively expensive and bitterly divisive special election runoff in June 2017, leading White House gargoyle Kellyanne Conway to tweet on Election Night that she was #laughingherOssoff? A funny thing happened while we weren’t looking. Come January, that seat will be held by a Democrat — a woman who lost her son to gun violence and thus despises the NRA from a special blue hell deep in her soul. Wonder if Conway is laughing now? Long story short: If this was a win for Trump and the GOP, please give us more winning in 2020, so we can kick several hundred more of his apologists and Agent Orange himself out the door. Chin up, Resistance. This was a wave and a win. Breathe. Fight on.

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Arkansas Reporter Another guilty plea



In public corruption web. BY MAX BRANTLEY


arilyn Nolan, the for- the former chief mer CEO of Preferred f i n a n c i a l a n d Family Healthcare, operating offipleaded guilty Friday cer, respectively. in federal court in Springfield, Mo., to Their attorney IMPLICATED IN GUILTY PLEA: Former Perferred Family Healthcare CEO Marilyn Nolan says in a plea agreement filed in federal court that “Senator A,” believed to be former state Sen. Jeremy Hutchinson, was paid a bribe for a conspiracy charge. Nolan faces up issued a stateproviding favorable legislative action. to five years in prison on the charge. m e n t t o t h e The court filing tells a familiar Arkansas Demtale. She admits taking in more than ocrat-Gazette $4 million in a web of bribery and that they had kickback schemes as officials in the never done anything improper, but like Cranford who were doling out activities. It includes accounts of company, previously known as Alter- had merely served the needy clients illegal campaign contributions. Pre- fundraisers for politicians at places native Opportunities, paid for illegal for whom the company was paid hun- ferred Family Healthcare was also such as Sims Bar-B-Que, the Capital lobbying and campaign contributions dreds of millions in government reim- routing illicit campaign contributions Hotel and Cajun’s Wharf in Little and bribes to, among others, current bursement for health services. through PFH employees and reim- Rock and Sue’s Kitchen in Jonesboro. and former Arkansas legislators. The Nolan admits working with Cra- bursing them with PFH money for Politicians’ names are redacted, but Arkansas guilty pleas include former ford, Noble and two other top execu- being “straw donors.” some have been identified in past lobbyist Rusty Cranford, former Sen. tives on unlawful schemes for nine M o r e f r o m t h e d o c u m e n t : reporting. The document also details Jon Woods (R-Springdale), former years. Nolan’s plea agreement says “In Arkansas, Cranford, Cooper and bribes to Jon Woods and other paySen. Hank Wilkins (D-Pine Bluff) and she wasn’t aware of all the schemes others organized fundraisers for many ments, including finding a job for former Rep. Eddie Cooper (D-Mel- in which others in the company were candidates running for seats in the a friend, and payments funneled bourne). The investigation, which involved, but admits to personally Arkansas State Senate and Arkansas to Wilkins through his Methodist grew to include the Ecclesia College profiting to the tune of more than $4 House of Representatives. At Cran- church. There’s also detail of the kickback scandal, also caught former million. Nolan and the Gosses were ford’s direction, ‘Employee D’ pre- agreement with an unnamed senator Rep. Micah Neal (R-Springdale). For- fired in early 2018 after the various pared and disseminated invitations (Hutchinson) for a legal retainer and mer Sen. Jeremy Hutchinson (R-Lit- indictments started rolling out. for the events, which were often a trip arranged for him to the World tle Rock) has been indicted on camIn detailing company business, held at venues such as restaurants Series in St. Louis. paign fund fraud charges. He also has David Ramsey reported for the Arkan- and hotels in Little Rock, Arkansas. Hutchinson, through his lawyer, been implicated, but not charged, in sas Times that Marilyn Nolan’s sister Cranford, Cooper and others paid for has said his retainer arrangement the PFH dealings. Other legislators was among a list of family members expenses related to the fundraisers with PFH was a legitimate contract to have received money from the com- on the company payroll. using their Charity-issued corporate provide legal services. He did some pany, but have not been charged. The Nolan’s plea agreement details credit cards.” work, including failing to respond charge against Nolan described the actions such as making illegal camThe document said they also to a lawsuit against a related agency bribes as being “disguised” as con- paign contributions, sometimes- paid bribes to Arkansas legislators — in Batesville that produced a default sulting, legal or other fees. through straw donors, to political can- Woods, Wilkins, “Senator A” (believed judgment against the agency. Federal prosecutors have been didates, including in Congress. Other to be Hutchinson, though he has not There’s also a discussion of a $1 moving up the chain. In September, charging documents and court filings been charged) and others — for pro- million Department of Human Serthe nonprofit’s chief clinical officer, have hinted as much, but this filing viding favorable legislative action. vices subgrant that was meant to pay Keith Noble, was charged. As yet is perhaps the most detailed account The criminal information filed Fri- Cranford for lobbying, not for services, untouched are Tom and Bontiea Goss, to date that it wasn’t just lobbyists day provides more details on Nolan’s as the application indicated. 12

NOVEMBER 15, 2018



Inconsequential News Quiz:


BIG ‘Thank Baphomet the election is over’ edition

Tune in to our “Week In Review” podcast each Friday. Available on iTunes &


Play at home, while consoling a weeping NRA lobbyist.

A) He impersonated an orthodontist, which immediately drew

attention because of the lack of Mountain Home residents with a full set of teeth. B) Hunting Sasquatch out of season. C) Assault with a deadly gourd. D) He made more than 40 threatening calls to CNN headquarters between Oct. 31 and Nov. 2.

2) You may remember state Rep. Charlie Collins (R-Fayetteville), the four-term legislator and NRA darling who sponsored and pushed through a 2017 state law allowing concealed carry on Arkansas’s college campuses. What’s he doing now? A) Lovingly and slowly cleaning his Glock, shirtless, while the soulful stylings of Kenny G. play in the background.

B) Wondering if your kid away at


college is feeling lucky, punk. C) Repeatedly shooting a copy of Darwin’s “The Origin of Species” for doin’ the devil’s work! D) Looking for new employment, after Democrat Denise Garner, a candidate supported by the “gun-sense” group Moms Demand Action, destroyed him by 10 percentage points in the election.

3) Speaking of the election, state Rep. Mickey Gates (R-Hot Springs) cruised to victory over his Democratic challenger with over 65 percent of the vote, despite Gates having what any sane electorate might see as a serious strike against him. What was the issue?

A) In the waning days of the election, he accidentally let it slip that,

like all Republicans, he is actually a carefully disguised Lizard Man from Exoplanet Pascal-Xylon 9. B) He will only cop to wanting to “Make America Somewhat OK I Guess Again.” C) He refused to sign a birthday card for Vladimir Putin, angering President Trump. D) He’s been charged with multiple felonies for his alleged failure to pay state income tax for over a decade.

4) The Satanic Temple recently sued Netflix and the producers of the streaming series “The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.” Why does the show have the Satanists’ horns on fire?

A) Satan is depicted as a cackling fat guy in a red leotard, which

Satanists find offensive. B) In the show, Sabrina’s arch-nemesis, state Sen. Jake Rampart, an opponent of the separation of church and state, passes a law that forces a local Baptist church to install a 10-foot granite monument that says “God is Dead!” on its grounds. C) The Satanists claim that, contrary to what’s seen on the show, Beelzebub wouldn’t be caught dead in white shoes after Labor Day. D) The set for Sabrina’s witchcraft school includes a statue of the goatheaded deity Baphomet that looks suspiciously like the bronze statue that the Satanic Temple would like to see installed on the grounds of the Arkansas State Capitol.

5) An Arkansas-based entity recently paid $10.5 million for the 15-year naming rights to the North Little Rock facility now known as Verizon Arena. What is likely to be the venue’s new name?

A) Chittlin’ Hut of Greater West Memphis Stadium. B) Pop-a-Top Liquor Arena. C) The Ecclesia College Dome, aka The Arkansas Republican

Party Is Not Riddled With Graft and Corruption No Matter What You May Have Heard Arena. D) Simmons Bank Arena.

Answers: D, D, D, D, D

1) Benjamin Craig Matthews, 39, of Mountain Home was arrested recently. What, according to police, did Matthews do to get arrested? NOVEMBER 15, 2018



Arkansas rolls the dice with the passage of Issue 4. BY BENJAMIN HARDY


NOVEMBER 15, 2018




n Nov. 6, for the second election cycle in a row, Arkansas voted for vice. Issue 4, a constitutional amendment authorizing four casinos in the state, was approved by 54 percent of voters on Election Day 2018 — an echo of the vote on the medical marijuana amendment that Arkansans approved by a similar margin in 2016. Note that the state also overwhelmingly supported Republicans both years. Maybe it’s the influence of Donald Trump or maybe it’s some larger cultural slouch toward Gomorrah, but social conservatism just isn’t what it used to be. Many GOP voters in Arkansas seem increasingly comfortable with sinful behavior, at least when it has the potential to be entertaining. The passage of Issue 4 was no foregone conclusion. Arkansans rejected ballot initiatives that would have amended the state Constitution to allow casino gambling in 1984, 1996 and 2000. That didn’t discourage gaming interests from continuing to try: In 2012 and 2016, proposed amendments were placed on the ballot, only to be disqualified by the Arkansas Supreme Court because of problems with the wording of the ballot title. Issue 4 faced two legal challenges of its own, but in October the Arkansas Supreme Court ruled in favor of Driving Arkansas Forward, the committee behind the measure. Little Rock attorney Alex Gray, counsel for Driving Arkansas Forward, said the Supreme Court ruling was half the reason this amendment succeeded when so many other attempts had failed. “First off, it was actually on the ballot. The ballot title was drafted properly, people could understand it and … we got

good signatures. It was not susceptible to the challenges that we saw with other initiatives,” he said. The campaign for Issue 4 won voters over by framing its arguments in terms of economics. “The second reason is that people are tired of losing our dollars to surrounding states and their casinos,” Gray said. “This was not an effort to somehow make Arkansas a ‘casino state.’ It was not an effort to do this huge expansion of gambling in the state. It was just an attempt to boost our economy, create thousands of jobs and keep our tax dollars here.” Nonetheless, Issue 4 will significantly expand gambling in Arkansas. The measure directs the Arkansas State Racing Commission to issue four new licenses for casinos to be located in Garland, Crittenden, Jefferson and Pope counties. The Garland County license must be awarded to Oaklawn Jockey Club in Hot Springs and the Crittenden County license must be awarded to Southland Racing Corp., which operates the greyhound track in West Memphis. The racing commission will award the other two licenses following a merit-based application process that has yet to be established. No entity may hold more than one license. Sanctioned gaming activities include anything found in casinos from Tunica to Vegas. The amendment authorizes “any game played with cards, dice, equipment, or any mechanical, electromechanical, or electronic device or machine for money, property, checks, credit, or any representative value, as well as accepting wagers on sporting events.” A federal law prohibiting sports betting was struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court earlier this year, and Issue 4 overrides an Arkansas statute that otherwise still bans the prac-

tice in the state Good legal verbiage and PR aside, there are other reasons why Issue 4 beat the odds and became law. One is the fact that Arkansas’s existing gambling industry seems to have been cut in on the deal from the beginning. Oaklawn and Southland have fiercely guarded their turf from outside competition by fighting previous attempts to establish casinos in Arkansas. Their opposition helped bring down the 2016 proposal, which was pushed by a group of Missouri investors and the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma. The racetracks in Hot Springs and West Memphis have long operated casinos in all but name. Technically, Arkansas law prohibited any casinos until last week, but Oaklawn and Southland convinced the legislature in 2005 to enact a statute allowing patrons to wager on so-called “electronic games of skill.” Issue 4 ends the need for this farcical workaround and allows the two “racinos” to begin offering real slots and table games instead of video simulations of such. It also gives them a tax cut and a sizable head start on their two potential competitors, which still must secure licenses, build facilities and gain the blessing of local officials. (In Pope County, at least, that could prove to be a significant roadblock.) With the racetracks and their attorneys co-opted, groups opposing Issue 4 were left underfunded and outgunned. In 2016, the Family Council, a conservative political advocacy group that opposes gambling in all forms, found itself effectively aligned with Oaklawn and Southland in fighting out-of-state gaming interests. But in 2018, Southland threw its support behind Issue 4 while Oaklawn stayed neutral. Two committees formed

REAL SLOTS ON THE WAY AT OAKLAWN: The neutrality of the racetrack in Hot Springs and the support of Southland Racing Corp. helped Issue 4 win at the polls. NOVEMBER 15, 2018



ALEX GRAY: The counsel for casino proponents Driving Arkansas Forward says the process of awarding licenses won’t be plagued by the same problems as medical cannabis because the Arkansa Racing Commission is experienced.

to fight Issue 4 together raised only about $30,000 through Oct. 27, the most recent campaign finance reporting date. A third opposition gropu called “Vote No on Issue 4” was only formed in late October. It raised $150,000 from Caesars Entertainment of Las Vegas, but it’s not clear how much of that money was actually spent. In contrast, records show Driving Arkansas Forward raised $7.05 million in contributions through Oct. 27; another committee created to back Issue 4 raised a separate $1.91 million during that period. Through the end of October, supporters of the amendment appear to have outraised opponents by a factor of more than 50 to 1. Family Council President Jerry Cox said the amendment will adversely affect Arkansas. He said the casinos will have a harmful effect on the communities in which they’re located, as those who live nearby will be more susceptible to gambling addiction. Cox also said the casinos will have a negative impact on local economies, as some will choose to spend money on gambling instead of more essential purchases, like groceries and house payments. (It’s not just conservatives, of course; plenty of moderate and liberal voters also feel casinos will bring more harm than good to their communities and hurt the poor.) The passage of Issue 4 is indicative of Arkansas voters becoming less socially 16

NOVEMBER 15, 2018


conservative, according to Cox. But he said this was in part due to voters being susceptible to expensive, deceptive advertising for Issue 4. “Advertising is very powerful, and voters need to be more astute in discerning what’s true and what’s not true,” Cox told the Arkansas Times. Much of that money — over $3 million — came from Delaware North, the parent company of Southland. The biggest single contributor, though, was the Downstream Development Authority of the Quapaw Tribe, which contributed at least $3.65 million to promote Issue 4. Cherokee Nation Businesses added another $2.28 million. The Quapaw are the favorites to win the permit in Jefferson County. The Cherokee were eyeing Pope County, but local opposition may derail their plans. Much is yet to be determined as Arkansas gears up for casinos. Here’s what we know so far, and what we don’t: What will change at Oaklawn and Southland, and when? At this point, the racetracks are holding their cards close to the vest. Both sent terse nonstatements to the Times when asked for comment. Oaklawn said it’s preparing for the 2019 horse racing season, which begins in January, and will “move forward as legislation and regulation permits.” South-

land didn’t offer much more: “We plan to increase our investment, provide more jobs and continue to offer a great experience for our guests. We’re still determining our expansion timeline and will have more to say about our specific plans in the coming months, but we will work with the state to add live table games at Southland as soon as is feasible,” a spokesman wrote by email. On Nov. 4, a Talk Business & Politics article quoted an executive at Delaware North as saying the Buffalo, N.Y., company planned to build a $200 million hotel and convention center in West Memphis should Issue 4 pass. Jack McNeill, a senior vice president of governmental affairs, said the investment would be “a priority.” Note, however, that that statement came immediately before the election. The amendment suggests the racetracks could go full casino as soon as mid-March. The Issue 4 ballot title says “Southland and Oaklawn do not have to apply for a license and will automatically receive a casino license upon the [racing] Commission adopting rules and regulations to govern casino gaming.” It also says the commission must have rules and regs promulgated within 120 days of the amendment’s passage, which is March 14. If the Hot Springs and West Memphis casinos are as successful as everyone seems to assume they’ll be, that raises the question of the future of their tracks themselves. Horse racing at Oaklawn isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, presumably. But the world of dog racing is rapidly disappearing. On Election Day, Florida

voters approved a measure ending greyhound racing in that state, which is home to 11 of the 17 remaining dog tracks in the U.S. In his interview with Talk Business, McNeill claimed Delaware North hasn’t discussed the possibility of discontinuing greyhound racing, but it’s hard to believe the multi-billion-dollar food service and hospitality company isn’t taking a hard look at the profitability of the track as it prepares to expand. How will the other two licenses be awarded? The state Racing Commission is tasked with awarding the Jefferson and Pope county permits. There are seven commissioners, each appointed by the governor, and the positions are unpaid except for a per diem for meetings and travel. The state Department of Finance and Administration provides staff for the commission. Gray said the application process will be merit-based: “They will pass rules and regs governing the application and licensing process, similar to what was done with medical marijuana. There will be an open application period, and qualified groups will submit applications, and the racing commission will score those applications and award permits.” If there should be more than one applicant for a site, it’s not yet clear how they’ll be graded. Those criteria will be part of the rules now being promulgated by the commission. The amendment does specify a few things: An applicant must have casino gaming experience and a letter of

local support and cannot have a felony conviction. Might the licenses get tied up in litigation if there are multiple applicants? After all, that’s what’s happened with medical cannabis. In February 2018, the medical marijuana commission scored dozens of applicants vying for just five cultivation licenses, a flawed process that led to multiple lawsuits, months of delays and accusations that the commissioners’ meritbased grading system was riddled with inconsistencies and conflicts of interest. That seems less likely to happen with the casino licenses. First, there probably won’t be large numbers of competitors jostling for the Jefferson or Pope county sites. Second, the medical marijuana commission was created from scratch in 2016, and its five members had no professional knowledge of medical cannabis and very little experience with regulation. “The racing commission has been around a long time. They are experienced, extremely qualified, and this is not their first rodeo in terms of acting responsibly,” Gray said.

for a Pine Bluff casino and restaurant could be close. It might take longer to complete the hotel portion of the project, Berrey said. The Quapaw-run casino would offer all gambling options, including a sports book, but Berrey said sports wagering is not a major focus of casino operation because it has a low profit margin. The Quapaw Tribe is a government, not a shareholder-owned corporation, Berrey emphasized. He said it would devote more to community development than a casino corporation driven strictly

by the bottom line. “We’re about building communities,” he said. “Our goal is to make it a better place for people to live.” Pine Bluff was briefly home to the Quapaw during the 19th century. The tribe occupied eastern Arkansas during prehistoric and historic times. Will Pope County hold the line? The situation in Pope County is complicated by the fact that the voters there don’t want a casino. Sixty percent of those casting ballots in the county voted

against Issue 4 in the election. And, 70 percent of Pope County voters approved an initiative that would bar the county judge or the quorum court from issuing a letter of support absent a local election that gives them the authority to do so. Issue 4 requires any applicant to obtain such a letter. But would a local option election be permissible, given that Issue 4 is now enshrined in the Arkansas Constitution? “Obviously, civics 101 says state law trumps local,” County Judge-elect Ben Cross told the Times. The issue is moot,

How soon can the Jefferson County casino get up and running? Though the amendment allows any would-be casino operator to seek a permit from the state, the Oklahoma-based Quapaw Tribe has been working with Pine Bluff officials for five years to gain approval of their bid. Quapaw Chair John Berrey said he hopes the tribe’s work with the city will help his group prevail in the permitting process. Berrey told the Times he hopes to file the tribe’s application by the end of April, to be “digging dirt” by June and to open a casino in Pine Bluff early in 2020. He said the group has an option on land on the southwest side of the city, but he wasn’t ready to reveal the precise location yet. Some land lies outside the city and would be voluntarily annexed. He said the tribe wants an orderly planning process and envisions developing some 180 to 220 acres initially. Berrey said it took 10 months to build a casino the tribe operates in Joplin, Mo., a development he said has been worth several billion dollars in associated economic activity to that city. If that construction timeline holds, his 2020 target QUAPAW CHAIRMAN JOHN BERREY: He says the tribe will invest more in community projects in Pine Bluff should it win approval for a casino there than would a shareholder-owned corporation focused on the bottom line.

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WILL THE DOGS STILL RUN? That’s the question at Southland, which announced before the election it would spend $200 million on an upgrade of the West Memphis racino.

however, because Cross said he will not issue a letter of support “until the people of Pope County decide otherwise.” The quorum court has already expressed its opposition. As things stand now, then, it doesn’t appear that a casino will be built near Russellville anytime in the near future. Christopher Burks, the lawyer for Citizens for a Local Choice, a Pope County group that sought to throw Issue 4 off the ballot, noted that the amendment could be read as having contradictory language. It says licenses “shall be” issued for Jefferson and Pope counties, but that to be successful, an applicant must have a letter of support either from the county judge or the quorum court — and, if the casino is to be operated in a city, from the mayor of that city. Representatives of the Cherokee Nation met last summer with Cross. According to people familiar with the casino campaign, that wasn’t early enough to convince county leadership of the benefits of a casino. The Quapaw worked for five years gathering support in Jefferson County. The Cherokee interest in Pope County could be intended to stymie competition from the Choctaw Tribe, which operates a casino 15 minutes southwest of Fort 18

NOVEMBER 15, 2018


Smith. The Cherokees operate a casino in West Siloam Springs, on the Benton County border. What does the passage of Issue 4 mean for Indian gaming in other parts of Arkansas? Federal law says that lands held in trust for recognized tribes can be used for any type of gambling otherwise permitted elsewhere in the state. The Quapaw Tribe owns undeveloped land near the Little Rock Port. Should the tribe convince the federal government to designate that land as tribal trust land, it’s possible the Quapaw could build a casino there. City and county officials took a number of steps to prevent the Quapaws from doing that after they acquired the land. But Berrey said that putting land into trust “has become more and more difficult and political.” It requires approval of members of Congress, a governor and other local officials. “I just don’t see it happening,” he said. What will be the impact on state revenue and jobs? Don’t expect public coffers to see a big windfall in the near term, unless you live

in Garland or Crittenden counties. The state Department of Finance and Administration has projected general revenue will take a $36 million hit in the upcoming fiscal year as a result of Issue 4. Driving Arkansas Forward believes that number will rebound and then some within several years. Currently, Oaklawn and Southland are taxed at 20 percent on their net wagering revenues on “electronic games of skill.” The state takes 18 percent and city and county government take 2 percent. On top of that, an additional 15 percent is set aside for purse money (meaning prizes distributed to live racing winners) and support for the racing commission. After the racetracks obtain the new licenses under Issue 4, the 15 percent dedicated to purses and the racing commission will remain in place. But the total 20 percent rate paid to state and local government will decline to just 13 percent on the first $150 million of net wagering revenues. Of that 13 percent, a little over half will go to state general revenue and a little over a quarter will go to local governments. The rest will further fund racing purses. The tax rate rises to 20 percent again on any wagering revenues above $150 million. In short, that means more money for city and county government, more money for purse support (which bolsters the status of Arkansas as a racing destination), more money staying in the pockets of Oaklawn and Southland and less money for state general revenue. Right now, state general revenue receives about $64 million from the two racetracks. That will decrease to about $28 million in the next fiscal year, according to the DFA analysis. Garland and Crittenden counties, together with the cities of Hot Springs and West Memphis, will see a projected gain of about $7 million in that time. Gray said his group didn’t dispute that state general revenue will see a “temporary gap” before the new casinos come online. The big question is what happens after that. The first year all four casinos are operational, Driving Arkansas Forward said it anticipated a total of $120 million in total tax revenue, yielding $66 million for state general revenue, $33 million for local government and the rest for purse support. The DFA analysis didn’t take such a rosy view. Even once all the casinos are up and running, it projected state revenue would only stand at about $50 million, or $14 million less than the current take. Gray said Driving Arkansas Forward projects general revenue to increase thereafter. Five years after all the casinos are online, he said, general revenue

should reach $80 to $85 million. “But those projections were before Southland announced it was going to make a $200 million investment on its property, so I would assume that Southland will potentially exceed what was projected,” he added. Gray also noted state and local governments will also receive more sales, property and income taxes as a result of the casinos. As for jobs, Gray said a study commissioned by Driving Arkansas Forward estimated Issue 4 would generate about 8,000 construction jobs over the next 18 months. After construction is complete, he said, the casinos should sustain about 6,000 new positions statewide. Will new laws need to be passed? The passage of a new constitutional amendment often necessitates new legislation to flesh out the details. But Gray said he didn’t foresee the need for enabling legislation in the 2019 session, which begins in January. “I don’t really anticipate any legislation that would affect the amendment. The amendment was very detailed and very thorough in terms of who does what, and the racing commission has the authority to regulate casino gaming,” he said. In 2017, after Arkansas voted yes on medical marijuana, legislators put forward a host of bills tinkering around the edges of the amendment. Some were meant to slow down or derail the rollout of cannabis, but others were much needed clarifications to law. Gray said the situation is different with Issue 4. “I think the difference between medical marijuana and casinos is that marijuana was and still is a Schedule 1 drug, so there are some federal issues,” he said. Also, while medical marijuana laws are still fairly new, casinos have been operating in many states for decades. “So, I really don’t think you’ll see the same sort of reaction,” he said. State Rep. Doug House (R-North Little Rock), who sponsored a number of 2017 bills aimed at fixing issues with the marijuana amendment, said he’s heard “loose talk” among some members about passing oversight legislation related to Issue 4. “It’s just discussion at this point. There’s no clear formulation of issues,” House said. The main concern for the legislature and the governor, he added, is addressing the $36 million state budget shortfall expected to result from the tax break given to Oaklawn and Southland. Max Brantley, Rebekah Hall and Leslie Newell Peacock contributed to this story.


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Arts Entertainment PA-RUM-PA-PUM-PUM AND



65-foot Christmas tree has been RADAR LOVE plopped down on the Capitol’s Reasons why you should make a gift of front lawn, squat cousins are some Arkansocks Radar Socks: going up for sale on the hill in 1. Like me, you are a huge weather nerd. front of the Arkansas School for the Deaf, Lover of squall lines, the Doppler — I mean, and the Holiday House shopstravaganza who comes up with those names? Almost has opened and closed at the River Market. The way we see it, you’ve got three better than getting to name nail polish. choices: Hop onto Amazon’s Gift Finder Almost. 2. Like me, you are an aspiring sock conand let the Great Algorithmic Winds guide noisseur. I’ve been told they’re the best you, ghost your family and friends until New Year’s Eve or score some thought- socks around, and you can find them at ful offerings from imaginative makers, Rock City Kicks (, sislocal and otherwise. If the latter is your ter store Old Heights Corner Store or at retail journey of choice, we’re here to help Domestic Domestic ($14), among other you take that high road with an Arkansas shops. Times staff-picked gift guide. —Mandy Keener

ZOE JETT’S WHIMSICAL, FEMINIST FIBER ART If you know someone who’d appreciate a “send nudes” wall hanging this holiday season, look no further than the online shop of Zoe Jett. Jett is a Little Rock native earning her B.F.A. at Memphis College of Art, and her shop is a veritable treasure trove of delightfully designed, intricately crafted stitchings. Her calming, hand-dyed and embroidered free-hand stitchings of sea landscapes are pricey — they’re $150 each for 8-by-12-inch canvases — but her small cross-stitch hoops boasting phrases such as “Girls Gone Mild,” “Fuck Off” and the seasonally relevant “God Is Dead” are only $15 each (“send nudes” is a bit pricier, at $20). She also offers a selection of cozy bottles, bowls and planters wrapped in fuzzy yarn at varying prices, and in the coyly titled “Crochet” section of her shop, you’ll find the handcrocheted strap-on you never knew you needed at the reasonable price of $25. Her work is for sale through the shop’s website, and she also commissions custom pieces. Check out her artwork at or follow her on Instagram at @zoejett. —Rebekah Hall 20

NOVEMBER 15, 2018


ALL THINGS GINGIBER MUSIC AND LUDES, FOXES AND SOCKS: And a crocheted strap-on, all ideas for your

’Tis the gift that’s simple, if not free, Christmas gifting. that lands you where you want to be with your giftee. Simple describes the stylized and whimsical animal drawings of Stacie Historic Arkansas Museum, The Green Bloomfield of Springdale, the talent behind Corner Store and Bella Vita Jewelry in Gingiber. Gingiber grew out of Bloom- Little Rock. And here’s a gift to be free: Ginfield’s search for artwork to decorate her giber offers free digital downloads for your child’s nursery; motherhood and inven- smartphone’s and computer’s wallpaper at tion came together, and she began to draw. Her merry — but not cloying — menagerie —Leslie Newell Peacock has found its way into art prints, stationery, enamel pins, tote bags, ornaments, CONTROL YOUR VINYL Christmas stockings, pillows — just about HABIT, OR DON’T any media appropriate for cheerful images. My nursery occupant grown up, I am not In the words of Janet Jackson: This shopping for framed art prints of monkeys is a story about Control. The story goes but am drawn instead to Gingiber’s enamel like this: Two of Little Rock’s most diepins, especially the snail, which, alas, is sold hard vinyl collectors — Wes Howerton and out, suggesting there are a lot of mollusk afi- Michael Shaeffer — decided they needed to cionados in Arkansas. (Perhaps the rise in clear out some shelf space, so they boldly gastropubs has prompted the popularity of liquidated a big chunk of their meticulously gastropods.) But there are still rooster pins, assembled inventory and offered it up to the otter pins, owl pins, black sheep pins, llama public at reasonable prices. At the recent pins, even sloth pins to be had. They’re $12 Control pop-up shop the pair held in Elecand temptingly collectible: I’d like one of tric Ghost’s workspace in SoMa, I scored each, even the Christmas-themed-but-not- a pristine copy of 1958’s “At Home with off-putting arctic foxes sporting wreaths Screamin’ Jay Hawkins” and took a gamble and bears warmed by woolly scarves. Find that would pay off in sonic dividends: a 1969 Gingiber gifts at or at shops album from Cuban singer Lissette called featuring Arkansas products, including the “Vivo Creo y Sueño” that perfectly scratches

my persistent itch for ’60s girl group pop in the Romance languages. The trick here is finding Howerton and Shaeffer; so long as Control is absent a brick-and-mortar spot, your best bet for locating a pop-up Control shop is to like the “Control Little Rock” page on Facebook and keep your social media eyes peeled. Until then, catch the Control dudes spinning their finest at South on Main’s Sunday Soul Brunch, 11 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 25. —Stephanie Smittle

QUAALUDE BRASS PILL BOX This is totally my style. Brass and quirky. I’m a sucka for anything Jonathan Adler designs and would love to add to my collection the Quaalude Brass Pill Box (it’s available from and a mere $198). I mean, you can’t even get these off the street anymore. Lame. So, I figure this is the closest I’m gonna fucking get. Bonus: I can hide shit inside. You know, maybe some that I found in Mexico. I hope my mom isn’t reading this. —Mandy Keener

ROCK CANDY Check out the Times’ A&E blog

A&E NEWS The Arkansas Repertory Theatre announced Tuesday that “Chicago” will be the opening show of its 2019-20 “Rebuild the Rep” season. Bob Fosse and Fred Ebbs’ jazz age feat of razzle-dazzle marks the return of The Rep to a regular season of theatrical programming 10 months after it suspended its operations in April due to funding shortages.


With trees lining both sides of Main Street from North Little Rock Chamber of Commerce at 100 Main Street to 7th Street. Organized by City of North Little Rock, Argenta Arts District, Argenta Community Theater, North Little Rock Chamber and North Little Rock Convention & Visitors Bureau. Meet costumed cast members from the production of Charles Dicken’s A Christmas Carol now showing at the Argenta Community Theater!

“The community responded,” Board Chairwoman Ruth Shepherd said in a press release about the season. “Since April, we have received more than $875,000 in donations, which the John and Robyn Horn Foundation and the Windgate Charitable Foundation have matched. We have a plan to rebuild The Rep as a stronger organization that will serve our community and state long into the future.” Who might succeed former Rep Artistic Director John Miller-Stephany, who stepped down May 8, along with most other staff members? Shepherd told the Arkansas Times on Tuesday that the search for a director is “ongoing,” and that an announcement would be made “in the next couple of months.” The Rep is joining the city of Little Rock in paying homage to founding Director Cliff Fannin Baker by designating the alley behind the 377-seat theater as “Baker’s Alley.” Baker died Sept. 6 after suffering a brain aneurysm. At the time of Baker’s death, Bill Rector, board member and interim general manager, said in a statement issued by The Rep: “Cliff’s counsel has been invaluable these past four months. And when we announce our new season, you will recognize Cliff’s influence in our choices of productions. As we get this theatre back on solid ground, The Rep will be a testimony to the gift that Cliff gave to all of us.” That rebuilding begins with “Chicago,” directed and choreographed by longtime resident Rep choreographer Ron Hutchins, Feb. 22-March 4. Latinx Theatre Commons founder Karen Zacarias’ “Native Gardens” follows, April 17-May 5. Next, Hunter Foster directs “Million Dollar Quartet,” the jukebox musical inspired by Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis and Carl Perkins, Sept. 4-Oct. 6. For the Christmas season, Joe Landry’s “It’s A Wonderful Life: A Radio Play,” goes up, Dec. 4-22. Anna Kimmell, who leads the theater’s education department, will direct The Rep’s production of “Willy Wonka Jr.” June 21-30. Season tickets are on sale at 501-3780405, and single ticket sales open in January.


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FRIDAY 11/16


5-8 p.m., downtown North Little Rock.

‘EARTH SUITE,’ PERFORMED VIRTUALLY: Fingerstyle guitarist Ian Ethan Case’s colleagues join him at The Joint this Thursday via video projection.



7:30 p.m. The Joint Theater & Coffeehouse. $25.

FRIDAY 11/16

When fingerstyle guitarist Ian Ethan Case composed his latest album — a suite for cello, percussion, flute, strings and trombone — he found himself in a bit of a logistic conundrum. Tours are expensive. Even though Case performed the double-neck guitar/live looping compositions as a solo act, and even though it was a family affair, with his wife, Stephanie Case, as his live sound engineer, the idea of performing “Earth Suite” with all 12 musicians live in listening rooms across the globe was daunting. “But I really wanted people to hear these incredibly unique, one-of-a-kind instrumentalists,” Case said in his bio. “I also really want people to hear these songs the way they’re meant to be heard, with the full orchestration.” And, invention’s mother being who she is, the Cases invented. The product of their ingenuity is “Portals,” in which Case is joined by his colleagues via large video projections, each musician playing their part in synchronicity with Case. I can’t think of a more intimate listening room for this sonic experiment; The Joint is designed in such a way that there’s not really a bad seat. Case stops in Arkansas as a guest of the Argenta Acoustic Music Series; grab tickets at SS


FRIDAY-SATURDAY, 11/16-11/17


6-9 p.m. Fri., 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Sat. Hall of Industry, Arkansas State Fairgrounds. Free.

This annual sale of artwork in all mediums by members of the Arts Center’s faculty and their students is Little Rock’s biggest pre-Christmas shoppapalooza, with more than 100 folks selling. There are pots, there are paintings, there is stained glass. Textiles, jewelry, woodwork. Pastels, photographs. You name it. Candy, too. An elbow-to-elbow crowd turns out for this and no one goes away empty-handed. Go on Friday night (if you’re not a member, you can buy a membership at the door), when the sale is made more festive with wine and light hors d’oeuvres. That way, you buy more, thanks to the vinous-inspired lubrication of your wallet; you get first dibs on those earrings you know your sister (or brother) will adore; and when you buy more, more local artists are supported. If you can’t make it Friday night, or if you did and you want to go back for more, luckily there is Saturday shopping, too. To make it easy on folks, there will be ATMs on site; some artists will take credit cards, too. The parking is free. LNP 22

Yes, you can see artwork at the venues of the monthly after-hours gallery stroll, but you can make it, too, at the Arkansas Regional Innovation Hub. There, for $15 (advance) or $20 (at the door) you can go to town thanks to the Hub’s equipment. Make Christmas totes and T-shirts and gift tags. Paint on laser-cut or clay ornaments. Make wrapping paper and gift boxes. Play a virtual reality Christmas game! That’s all happening at the Hub. The gallery scene includes work by iconoclastic Fayetteville artist Gregory Moore, whose “Lost Cat” series told the story of a cat haunted by memories of its past and whose “Portraits of Courage” series highlighted U.S. soldiers who refused to fight in Iraq on moral grounds, sales of which benefited Iraq Veterans Against the War. His show “Found Objects” opens at the Argenta Gallery (413 Main St.). Musician/ photographer Joshua Asante’s show, “My Selves in Constant Dissonance/My Selves in Perfect Harmony,” continues at the Thea Foundation (410 Main St.). Greg Thompson Fine Art opens its “Holiday Show” of works by Arkansas and regional artists and the Argenta Branch of the Laman Library features works by Little Rock figurative painter Greg Lahti. Impressionist Barry Thomas will be painting in his studio (711 Main St.) for art walkers; refresh yourself with a beer at Core Brewery (411 Main St.) and check out the Latino Art Project show. LNP

NOVEMBER 15, 2018


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7:30 p.m. Woolly Auditorium, Arkansas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired. $10.

Mark 2009 down as the year a major edit was made to the already-astonishing story of composer Florence Price. Until that point, Price — the 1903 valedictorian of Capitol Hill School in Little Rock and the first African-American woman to pen a composition that would be played by a major orchestra — was thought to have penned only one violin concerto. While restoring an abandoned house in St. Anne, Ill., a couple named Vicki and Darrell Gatwood unearthed Price’s second concerto, the discovery of which has generated a revival of enthusiasm for Price’s legacy. Enter violinist and University of Arkansas at Fayetteville educator Er-Gene Kahng who, this weekend, will reprise her world premiere performance of Price’s “Violin Concerto No. 2” with the up-and-comers of the Arkansas Symphony Youth Orchestra. Expect to see firsthand what it looks like when a throng of aspiring musicians plays a piece that affirms for them that there’s still mystery to be excavated from classical repertoire, and expect to be surprised at the level of student musicianship in the ASYO ensemble; the top group is audition-only and is made up of the best young string, woodwind, brass and percussion players in the state. And, in further celebration of the classical music world’s Rosie the Riveters: Joan Tower’s answer to Copland’s Fanfare for the Common Man — titled “Sixth Fanfare for the Uncommon Woman” — is also on the program, along with Jose Pablo Moncayo’s “Huapango” and George Gershwin’s “Lullaby” for strings. SS



FRIDAY 11/16

‘50TH COLLECTORS SHOW AND SALE’ Arkansas Arts Center.

The tab for the artworks at the Arts Center’s annual Collectors show is a bit more dear than the items you’ll buy at the Museum School Sale — prices range from $750 to $115,000 — but that’s because the New York galleries that supply the show and sale send such items as Old Master drawings, midcentury famed folk to contemporary works, including wearable jewelry. The work was chosen by the members of the Arts Center’s Collectors Group, who selected the 150 pieces in the exhibition after viewing more than 1,000 works of art from galleries in the Big Apple. Fans of hyperrealism will enjoy David Morrison’s drawing of a brown leaf in colored pencil; Orientalist-style fans will want to check out Frederick Arthur Bridgman’s study of an Assyrian archer. Susan Grossman’s minimalist black, white and gray paintings have gotten write-ups in “Art News” and the Wall Street Journal. Center members will be welcome at an exclusive show viewing and brunch from 9-11 a.m. Dec. 1; the show runs through Jan. 6. LNP

150 PIECES: David

The Arkansas Community Institute will present the Little Rock Nine’s Elizabeth Eckford with the 2018 Truth Teller Award at a reception at the Darragh Center Auditorium, 100 Rock St., 5:30 p.m., $35 suggested donation. John Paul White (formerly of The Civil Wars) performs at South on Main as part of the Oxford American Concert Series, $30-$36. The annual three-day CARTI Little Rock Auxiliary Festival of Trees kicks off with a Sugar Plum Ball at the Statehouse Convention Center’s Wally Allen Ballroom, see for a full schedule and tickets. Jason Boland & the Stragglers take “I Don’t Deserve You” and other outlaw radio earworms to the Rev Room, with opening sets from Cody Canada & The Departed and Mark Currey, 7:30 p.m., $15-$20. Mike Frazier, Nathan Perry, Richard Michael Hall and Avery Mandeville share a show at the White Water Tavern, 8 p.m. Brian Ramsey plays a happy hour set at Cajun’s Wharf, 5:30 p.m., free, followed by LLC at 9 p.m., $5. The Little Rock Loony Bin hosts Mr. Showtime, 7:30 p.m. Thu.-Sat., 10 p.m. Fri.-Sat., $8-$12.

Morrison’s hyperrealist “Rusted Leaf Series 3” and Melissa Zexter’s embroidered “Leopard” are part of the “50th Collectors Show and Sale” at the Arkansas Arts Center.

FRIDAY 11/16 Nashville singer/songwriter Treva Blomquist entertains at the Sounds of Unity series, 2610 Reservoir Road, 6:30 p.m., $10 suggested donation. Soul siren Charlotte Taylor plays a show at South on Main, 9 p.m., $8-$10. Austin country outfit Micky & The Motorcars stops at Stickyz Rock ’n’ Roll Chicken Shack, with Jeff Coleman & The Feeders, 9 p.m., $10-$12. Alice Aida Ayers presents her one-woman show “It’s Me I’m Running From” at Esse Purse Museum, with opening poetry from Writeous Poets, 6 p.m., free. Brian Nahlen and Nick Devlin kick off the weekend at Cajun’s, 5:30 p.m., free, or come later for the Ghost Town Blues Band, 9 p.m., $5. String band Arkansauce makes new fans at the Rev Room, 8:30 p.m., $8-$10, with an opening set from The Rad Trads. Tim Anthony, Roosevelt Harris and Victoria Vibez share a bill at 109 & Co., 9 p.m. Organist Hentus van Rooyen performs works by Bach, Vierne, Durufle and others, 8 p.m., Cathedral of St. Andrew, 617 Louisiana St., free. Illusionist Reza mystifies at Murphy Arts District’s First Financial Music Hall in El Dorado, 8 p.m., $25-$45. Bluesboy Jag & The Juke Joint Zombies play a show at Hibernia Irish Tavern, 7:30 p.m., free. Dazz & Brie share a bill with bedroom pop duo Zigtebra at Four Quarter Bar, 10 p.m., $8. The Hollow Jets, Steezy St. and Benadriil share a bill at Vino’s, 8 p.m., $7. Foul Play Cabaret returns to White Water, 9 p.m. Bluesman Trey Johnson performs at Kings Live Music in Conway, with Do It, Henry, 8:30 p.m., $5. The John Calvin Brewer Band entertains at Oaklawn CONTINUED ON PAGE 25 Follow Rock Candy on Twitter: @RockCandies NOVEMBER 15, 2018









9 p.m. White Water Tavern. $10 suggested donation.

Juke Joint Zombies, Trey Johnson & Jason Willmon, RJ Looney, Mark Currey, The Going Jessies, Jason Lee Hale & The Personal Space Invaders and (full disclosure) this writer. Come join us and lend a few dollars to keeping the 91,000-watt, vital, listenersupported KABF programming on the air. While you’re at it, pregame with a screening of “The Last Waltz” — complete with Levon Helm’s definition of rock ’n’ roll, dizzying amounts of Robbie Robertson and angelic cameos from Mavis Staples, Joni Mitchell and Emmylou Harris — at CALS Ron Robinson Theater Friday, Nov. 16, as part of the Arkansas Sounds series, 7 p.m., $5. SS

Noon. Cedar Glades Trailhead, 461 Wildcat Road, Hot Springs National Park. Free.


At 5 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day in 1976, 5,000 people were served turkey dinners at San Francisco’s Winterland Ballroom. Traditionalist prelude notwithstanding, the evening would progress into The Band’s “last waltz” of a swan song — a marathon bacchanale of rock ’n’ roll with Martin Scorsese and a helm (!) of acclaimed cinematographers there to document the whole cocainefueled affair. In a fundraiser for 88.3-FM, KABF community radio, a host of Little Rock’s own rock ’n’ rollers pay tribute to the (in)famous concert: Amy Garland, The Salty Dogs, Gil Franklin, John Good, Charlotte Taylor, Justin Booth, Bluesboy Jag & The

Move over, Northwest Arkansas: The first 14 miles of a planned 44.6-mile mountain biking trail system in northern Hot Springs is opening to the public this Saturday. The new trails sit on the 2,000 acres that make up the Northwoods property north of Whittington Avenue — owned by the city, largely untouched and closed to the public since Sept. 11, 2001. Tom and Steuart Walton and the Walton Family Foundation partnered with Visit Hot Springs to construct the first 16-mile segment of the project, and when phase two of that project comes to completion, the trails in the Northwoods Urban Forest Park will wind past three lakes originally built as drinking-water reservoirs: 13-acre Lake Bethel, 24-acre Lake Dillon and 28-acre Lake Sanderson. Along with the IMBA-certified-”epic” Womble Trail, Ouachita National Recreational Trail and Lake Ouachita Vista Trail, it’s expected to draw mountain bikers from afar. Lucky for you, you get first dibs: This Saturday at noon, a public ribbon cutting opens the park, followed by a group ride through the Northwoods, live music by Brian Martin of Sad Daddy, food trucks, vendors, family-friendly activities and workshops in bike skills and maintenance. At 8 a.m. Sunday morning, an Attila the Hun Bike Race kicks off from the Cedar Glades Trail Head. A pre-grand opening party happens at 4:30 p.m. Friday evening at Spa City Cycling (873 Park Avenue), followed by a 5:30 p.m. “slow roll” through Park Avenue and Whittington Boulevard and a BBQ after-party at Low Key Arts, 6 p.m. SS TWO WHEELS, TWO THOUSAND ACRES: IMBA Trails Solutions contractor Josh Olson demonstrates a jump feature along the Northwoods bike trail system in Hot Springs, opening to the public this weekend.

MONDAY 11/19


7 p.m. Riverdale 10 Cinema. $9.

Juzo Itami’s 1985 “ramen Western” — perhaps the best food movie of all time — is next up in our Arkansas Times Film Series. It’s a gorgeous paean to the twin desires of hunger and lust, a takedown of culinary elitism and a hymn to care of craft all wrapped in a package of loosely related vignettes. I love this movie because it’s simultaneously goofy and transcendent — a hymn to human appetite and a cinematic Michelin Star meal that goes down the gullet so easily its two-hour runtime feels like a fleeting moment. The Arkansas Times Film Series is presented in partnership with Film Quotes Film and Riverdale 10 Cinema, and you can buy advance tickets at SS 24

NOVEMBER 15, 2018


Follow us on Instagram: ArkTimes

IN BRIEF, CONT. Racing & Gaming, 10:30 p.m. Fri.-Sat., free. Intruders perform at Thirst N’ Howl Bar & Grill, 8:30 p.m.

SUNDAY 11/18


Things I love about Nashville heavy rockers Yautja include, but are not limited to, the following: three-person band, six-person magnitude. Every single band member sings. Like the alien race of “Predator” lore from which they take their name, Yautja possesses super-advanced technolog y (here, cabinets upon cabinets, amps upon amps, effects upon effects). They employ sudden math-y time signature pivots and manage to stay surgically precise about them. Lastly, these dudes are cobbling a living out of performing music and still manage to dedicate 100 percent of digital sales from Yautja’s 2017 album, “Dead Soil,” to Community Advocates and Women’s Centers of Milwaukee and Nashville, with the number for The National Domestic Violence Hotline listed in its digital liner notes. The trio’s bound to slay at this Vino’s show, and the fact that Little Rock heavy hitters Crankbait and Terminal Nation (along with a new Fayetteville trio called Bones of the Earth) open the show makes it pretty much mandatory that you don’t wait ’til Yautja takes the stage to arrive. SS

SATURDAY 11/17 Mountain Sprout jams at Kings, with Nathan Perry, 8:30 p.m., $5. The Blind Boys of Alabama join The McCrary Sisters and Paul Thorn for a concert at the Walton Arts Center in Fayetteville, 8 p.m., $29-$49. Barrett Baber returns to the Rev Room, 9 p.m., $10-$12. Soprano Kate Sain gives a recital at Pulaski Heights United Methodist Church, 6 p.m. Lies Behind the Fear, Indigo Honey and Us on Fire share a bill at Elixir Night Club in Jacksonville, 7619 John Harden Drive, 9 p.m., $5. Liquid Kitty takes the stage at Thirst N’ Howl Bar & Grill, 8:30 p.m., $6. Vino’s hosts “Intrigue: An Optica Showcase,” with sets from Au.Dios.Bass, Prana Beatbox, Hooked on Sonics and Any Given Room, 7:30 p.m. The Stolen Faces pay tribute to the Grateful Dead at Stickyz, 9:30 p.m., $8-$10. The I-40 Ramblers hold down the happy hour at Cajun’s, 5:30 p.m., free; Hazy Nation takes over at 9 p.m., $5. Dallas rockers AhhFugYeahs play a set at Four Quarter Bar, 10 p.m., $7.

SUNDAY 11/18 Trio Mae (Multisensory Aesthetic Experience) returns to the Rev Room, with Loyals and Brad Byrd, 7:30 p.m., $17$20. The Arkansas Symphony Orchestra takes its “Holiday Pops Concert” to the Grand Prairie Center in Stuttgart, 7 p.m., $35-$45. The Oh Hellos play a show at George’s Majestic Lounge in Fayetteville, with Samantha Crain, 8 p.m., $18-$20. Dance Monkey Dance, a project of multi-instrumentalist Doug Dicharry, plays a free early show at Four Quarter Bar, 8 p.m.

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Your caregivingYour journey can be journey can be caregiving At AARP Family Caregiving, we’re here to help you get challenging in all kinds of challengingways. in all kinds of ways.

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You never know where it might lead you next. /AARPArkansas



At AARP Family Caregiving, we’re here to help you get


answers, connect with other family caregivers and


find resources online and close to home. So you can take care of what matters most. 7 P.M. MONDAY Get a caregiving guide at


TUESDAY 11/20 Organist Rees Roberts performs “Le Grande Orgue,” a program of French music, at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 7 p.m., donations. Pantera’s former frontman takes the stage at the Rev Room with his outfit, Philip H. Anselmo & The Illegals, 7 p.m., $17-$20. Andrew Lloyd Webber’s “Phantom of the Opera” sequel, “Love Never Dies,” opens at Robinson Performance Hall, 7:30 p.m. Tue.-Wed.; 7:30 p.m. Fri.Sun., 2 p.m. Sat.-Sun., $30-$87. William Blackart, Stiff Beats and Pissin’ Comets share a bill at White Water, 9 p.m.


WEDNESDAY 11/21 RAMEN WESTERN: Juzo Itami’s fourthwall breaking 1985 food masterpiece “Tampopo” is next up in our Arkansas Times Film Series.

The Body teams up with Author & Punisher for a heavy show at White Water, 8:30 p.m. DeFrance, The Brian Nahlen Trio, Monsterboy and others share a bill at Stickyz, 7:30 p.m., $15.

501.296.9955 | RIVERDALE10.COM ELECTRIC RECLINER SEATS AND RESERVED SEATING Follow Rock Candy on Twitter: @RockCandies NOVEMBER 15, 2018



The Rail Yard, the East Village knockoff of the Texas Truck Yard in Dallas, will hold its grand opening from 4-9 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 15, at 1212 E. Sixth St. The venture by three Little Rock women, which opened softly to the Progressive Arkansas Women’s PAC on election night for its watch party, includes the brick-and-mortar home of food truck Count Porkula BBQ and food trucks in rotation. Thursday’s official opening will feature music, games and food trucks Say Cheese (featuring gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches) and Pinches Tacos authentic Mexican food outside and barbecue and drinks inside. Sisters-inlaw Murry and Linda Newbern and their cousin Virginia Ann Young conceived The Rail Yard after they visited the popular Dallas food-truck-surrounded beer garden. Count Porkula will feature 10 beers on tap, including local craft brews from Lost Forty, Flyway, Rebel Kettle, Diamond Bear, Ozark and Core. Hours will be 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Dos Rocas Beer and Tacos, a project of Root owners Jack Sundell and Corri Bristow Sundell and longtime Root kitchen manager Cesar Bordon-Avalos and his wife, Adelia Kittrell, was to have a soft opening Tuesday night, after the Times went to press. The restaurant, at 1220 S. Main St., will feature farmto-table Latin American street food; Sundell has described it as an “indoor taco truck.” It will also have craft beers on tap and margaritas. The name derives from Bordon’s hometown in Paraguay, Ita, which in Guarani (the national language of Paraguay and its indigenous people) means rock. So Bordon’s rock plus Little Rock equals two rocks, or Dos Rocas to Spanish speakers. Dos Rocas’ neighbor, Atlas Bar at 1224 Main St., still has brown paper on the windows, preventing us from getting a peek at progress. The bar, the venture of world traveler Tony Poe, does give hints to its interior on Facebook, with photographs of its red leather bar stools. Perhaps you noticed new food truck Delta Biscuits parked at Proof Bar + Lounge last Sunday and wondered where you could catch it next. Hayne Begley’s “biscuitcentric” food truck, will next appear at the Electric Cooperatives of Arkansas office at 1 81st St., 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 15; the food truck-arts-crafts-music festival Trucksgiving in Pottsville at 6876 U.S. Highway 64, noon-4 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 17; and the Rail Yard from noon-4 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 18. For more schedule information, go to 26

NOVEMBER 15, 2018


HALF SPICY, HALF FRAGRANT: The “original” hot pot can be divided into two broths for diners to cook with.

Cold days, hot pots

On this occasion, on a gray Sunday afternoon, we ordered the steamed buns the minute we sat down. We’ve learned they can sometimes take a while, but they’re worth the wait. The beverage selection is a playland, with choices such as Tapioca Milk Tea, The wonder of Mr. Chen’s. Royal Milk Tea, Ginger Milk Tea and e’ve been waiting on to the party, but we’re making up for dozens of others. We tried the Taro a cold snap to venture lost time, because we’re convinced Mr. Milk Tea ($3 for small), not knowing back to Mr. Chen’s Chen’s serves the best Chinese food in a thing about what we’d just ordered, Authentic Chinese Little Rock, and maybe the best Chi- which is part of the fun of eating here, Cooking, the restaurant inside Mr. nese food in the entire state. especially if you’re willing to try the Chen’s Oriental Supermarket at UniThe decor is traditional. Wooden more authentic dishes. It was purple versity and Asher avenues. Visits dur- latticework fills the windows between and tasted like the milk after you’ve ing the warm weather months were private family-style tables. We don’t had Fruity Pebbles, which is to say it always satisfying, but one of us would ever forget we’re eating in a dining tasted delicious, though it probably always say, “I bet this would hit the room connected to a grocery store (its would have been better after the meal. spot on a chilly day.” fluorescence is a glowing portal at the Mr. Chen serves hot pots, pots of We’ve only been eating at Mr. restaurant’s entrance), but we ain’t stock on a burner at the table accompaChen’s for about a year, though it’s here for the ambiance. The food is the nied by a platter of various ingredients been around a lot longer. We were late star of the show. that diners assemble and cook. Friends


Follow Eat Arkansas on Twitter: @EatArkansas


DeltaARTS Crittenden Youth Theatre Production of

Check out the Times’ food blog, Eat Arkansas

Mr. Chen’s Authentic Chinese Cooking

3901 S. University Ave. 562-7900

Words and Music by Leslie Bricusse and Anthony Newley Adapted for the Stage by Leslie Bricusse and Timothy A. McDonald Based on the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl

Quick bite

At Mr. Chen’s, the meat and seafood are fresh because the kitchen is attached to the supermarket. Typical Chinese go-to items (sesame chicken, pepper steak, etc.) are always ready in a hurry. At lunch, entrees are mostly $6.95 and come with an egg roll or spring roll and steamed or fried rice.

elsewhere swear by these, both for the communal experience and the flavor, and this is exactly the dish we had in mind for cold weather. (The hot pots are on a separate menu; ask the Hours 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday through waiter for it.) Thursday, 11 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Friday For our first hot pot, we were and Saturday. obliged to try the “original” ($12.99). We ordered pan-fried dumplings Other info ($4.95), too. Knowing full well we Credit cards accepted. Beer, wine and were ordering too much food, we nev- sake served. ertheless appeased our inner glutton and ordered a few Chinese-American classics: Orange Chicken ($8.95), Kung Pao Shrimp ($9.95) and, because We had no need for the entrees, but we’ve thought about being vegetar- happily ate them. The Orange Chicken ian once or twice, the Sizzling Tofu was just the right balance of crispy and ($8.95). tender, and small pieces of orange rind The dishes came out in rapid suc- cooked in the orange sauce made for cession and in ample portions that bright bites. The Kung Pao Shrimp were very much a value for the dish, with diced zucchini and peanuts price. The steamed buns, which on enhancing the sauce, was one of the this visit didn’t take long at all, were best we’ve ever had. The Sizzling Tofu light, and the pork inside was melt-in- was the Chinese answer to fajitas. The your-mouth flavorful. The pan-fried tofu, its crisp outside giving way to a dumplings were crispy but not dry. silky interior, was served with brocThen came the hot pot. A round lid coli, carrots and onions in a rich sauce was lifted from the middle of our table on a cast-iron plate. The entrees were to reveal the burner. The waitress accompanied by a generous bowl of placed the pot on the burner and we steamed white rice that itself was subwere presented with, because we’d tly wonderful. ordered the “half-and-half,” two sepaThe wait staff was attentive and kept rate broths, one clear and fragrant and our glasses filled. They answered any the other fiery red with chilies and questions we had and made us feel welrolling oil. The platter accompanying come even when we didn’t know exactly the hot pot included cabbage, mush- how to order the hot pot or when we rooms, prawns, fish cakes, herbs and a didn’t know what a particular ingredifew other unfamiliar items. We care- ent was. The total was a little over $60, fully loaded up the soup and enjoyed and we’ll have at least two more meals the appetizers while the stock did the out of the leftovers. We could happily work. After a few minutes, we ladled eat, the two of us, for less than $20. the soup into our bowls and instantly The highest praise we can give to a understood why hot pots are com- restaurant is to say the food tastes like fort food. The original version was somebody’s grandmother is back in the vibrant and delicious. The spicy ver- kitchen churning out plate after plate. sion was even better, and we quickly Mr. Chen’s earns that high praise. We realized we could control the heat of don’t know if there’s a grandmother in each bite with the amount of chili oil the kitchen, but whoever is cooking is on our spoons. cooking with love.



7:00pm $10 adults • $5 Students Academies of West Memphis Performing Arts Center 501 West Broadway I West Memphis, Arkansas Roald Dahl’s Willy Wonka JR. Is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI). All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI. www.

Seafood Boils and Catering! Book your event today! 1619 REBSAMEN PARK RD. 501.838.3888

Friday Nov. 23 10PM


Trap Jazz Giants present Black Excellence Friday at South on Main! Trap Jazz is a new genre of music birthed out of the original art forms of contemporary and Jazz standards with a baseline and core of traditional Hip-Hop. Show begins at 10 pm. Advance tickets for $10, or $15 cover at the door. Tickets do not guarantee a reserved seat. Please call South on Main to reserve a table at (501) 244-9660.

1304 Main Street Little Rock, AR 72202 Get tickets at 501-244-9660 NOVEMBER 15, 2018



AWESOME, BUT NOT EXACTLY GOOD: Chris Pine and Florence Pugh star in “Outlaw King,” the new biopic of Robert the Bruce.

An interim fix

‘Outlaw King’ will get you by until the new ‘Game of Thrones’ comes out. BY SAM EIFLING


cotland’s contributions to cinema peaked in the ’90s with two films that scarred their respective viewers forever: “Trainspotting,” possibly the funniest, darkest movie about heroin addiction; and “Braveheart,” a medieval quasi-historical battlefield epic in which splattering gore and Mel Gibson’s attempt at a William Wallace accent were only slightly more jarring than Renton diving into the Worst Toilet in Scotland. Was “Braveheart” a good movie, in hindsight? No, but that doesn’t stop it from being an awesome movie, and its long shadow gives context to “Outlaw King,” the new biopic of Robert the Bruce, a contemporary of Wallace’s. You can stream it on Netflix right now, or if you’re some sort of feudal lord, see it in limited release in theaters. Is it a good movie? Not particularly, 28

NOVEMBER 15, 2018


no. But is it kind of awesome, at least? Yeah, you could say so. And in this long lull between “Game of Thrones” seasons, it’s gratifying to watch Chris Pine as the king of Scotland trying to outflank the English throne in the early 1300s, a guerilla freedom fighter swinging a broadsword and trying not to end up like Wallace, as we see him here: drawn and quartered, with a head on a pike, for rebelling against England’s Edward I. But you still gotta free Scotland, man, so Bruce has to pull some gangster shit and play cat-and-mouse with the crown for a couple of hours. Notable for our current political era: As the stakes ratchet up, both sides quietly swear off “chivalry.” “Outlaw King” does bring your guilty-pleasure throwback action films to the 21st century with a few key innovations. Drone photogra-

phy, for one, soaring over valleys and mountains, making you feel like you’re in a Scotch commercial with an unlimited budget. A strong female lead in Rebecca Robin, playing Bruce’s young English wife, who insists convincingly that she be a full partner in their arranged marriage (and then gets tempest-tossed as a damsel in distress, but still). For what it’s worth, too, we’re at the stage in coloring where post-production can make everyone’s blue eyes look like LEDs, and red blood smeared down pale faces look positively garish. Maybe you’re here for the sketchy history lesson, though presumably you also have access to Wikipedia, or for the Chris Pine full-frontal nudity, or for the period costumes (hope you like off-white tunics set against overcast skies). Or you’re here for battlefield ultraviolence. Director David Mackenzie (“Hell or High Water”) treats combat, especially at the climactic Loudoun Hill, as a muddy, gory, exhausting slog, and achieves an effect that can stand alongside “Braveheart” or, hell, “Saving Private Ryan” in its intensity and realism. The sensation of hunkering behind a

spear-lined berm as the English calvary cascades over — impaling horses, tossing knights — remains the most resonant moment in the film. And after the battle, affectingly, soldiers sit and weep. What you’ll miss in this fairly compact 90 minutes is simple reprieve. How about a joke here and there, eh? Playing Edward I, you do get a deliciously cranky Stephen Dillane (Stannis Baratheon from “Game of Thrones,” for your mini-fix), who browbeats his too-eager would-be despotic son, also an Edward (Billy Howle), but without many laugh lines. Characters rarely sit down and talk with one another, so it’s difficult in a sense to get to know them. If there’s one overriding frustration to muddle through in “Outlaw King,” it’s that you could get through it and never have much of a sense of Bruce himself. Reserved, hard-fighting, magnanimous, courageous, sure. But how does he think about the world? What are the stories he tells? Does he have an inner world, or is he just an accretion of noble qualities? No time to find out. The English are coming on horseback. We’ve got ditches to dig. NOVEMBER 15, 2018



South on Main Charlotte Taylor


The Root Cafe The Root Cafe’s Izakaya Night


South on Main Trap Jazz Giants


20 23

The Joint Steve Davison and Friends CD Release Party, with Opening Act The Dozier Hill Band


29 NOV 30 DEC 1, 7-9, 13-15 NOV 29, 30 DEC 1, 2, 6-9, 13-16

The Weekend Theater Steel Magnolias The Studio Theatre A Christmas Story - The Musical


South on Main Merlon Devine


South on Main John Neal


South on Main Rodney Block Christmas Show

4 7



Old Chicago - Conway Winter Brewers Dinner


Go to to purchase these tickets and more! Arkansas Times local ticketing site! If you’re a non-profit, freestanding venue or business selling tickets thru eventbrite or another national seller – call us 501.492.3994 – we’re local, independent and offer a marketing package!

DUMAS, CONT. tive damages to $1 million, but the Lonoke judge said that provision was unconstitutional. Goodson and her colleagues unanimously agreed. There was really no question. The Constitution says flatly that the legislature can’t enact a law limiting the amount people can receive for injuries to person or property. Moreover, the state’s old 1874 charter literally roars about the right of everyone to be compensated for harm to person or property: “Every person is entitled to a certain remedy in the laws for all remedies or wrongs he may receive in his person, property or character; he ought to obtain justice freely, and without purchase, completely, and without denial, promptly and without delay … .” Soon after Goodson’s tort opinion, a family in Faulkner County sued one of Michael Morton’s nursing homes for failing to provide doctor-ordered hospital care for their mother, who died in excruciating pain, and the jury awarded them $5.2 million. The Republican judge, Mike Maggio, set aside $4.2 million of the judgment

against Morton (his insurance covered the $1 million) and then went to prison last year for taking a bribe arranged by a state Republican official to do it. Asa Hutchinson, running for governor in 2014 with a big Republican majority in the legislature, vowed to pass a constitutional amendment to give the legislature the power to curtail sizable monetary judgments against businesses, hospitals and doctors. The legislature last year put the amendment on the 2018 ballot but loaded it up with so much extraneous stuff favorable to defendants that the Supreme Court last month struck it from the ballot for violating a clear constitutional mandate against logrolling. The only justice who voted to keep the tort amendment on the ballot was the court’s avowed Republican, Shawn Womack, a former senator who sponsored the defunct 2003 tort law. Goodson still has her job, but another chapter begins next month, when the Republican-dominated legislature reassembles with a reinvigorated governor.

SUPPORT INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM Help the Arkansas Nonprofit News Network continue to do the sort of in-depth investigative reporting that other media in Arkansas can’t afford to do. ANNN only pursues stories that have a potential to bring about change on topics that matter to Arkansans, like health care and public corruption.

From Nov. 1 until Dec. 31 all donations to the ANNN will be doubled! Learn more and donate today at


NOVEMBER 15, 2018


The gift giving season has begun! Shop these local retailers and check out their favorites to make sure you’re ready for the holidays!

Holiday ! GIFT GUIDE These items from Rock Town Distillery make perfect gifts and

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For the duck hunting fan in your life,

check out these two books: Calling The Wild: The History of Arkansas Duck Calls by avid Arkansas duck call collector and author Mike Lewis and The Grand Prairie: A History of Duck Hunting’s Hallowed Ground by Brent Birch! Grab your copy at WordsWorth Books.

Edwards Food Giant makes buying wine fun, easy and handy. Get this tidy six-pack holder and take

Above and Beyond

10% OFF your assortment of wine! Offer is good every day (except Sunday).

Decorating and Design, LLC


Find the featured items at the following locations:

Above and Beyond Decorating & Design, LLC

545.0386 Or contact them on Facebook!

Arkansas Craft Guild Christmas Showcase

Arkansas State Fairgrounds

Nov. 30: 10 a.m. – 8 p.m. Dec. 1: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. Dec. 2: 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.


NOVEMBER 15, 2018



Bella Vita Jewelry

Edwards Food Giant

523 South Louisiana inside the Lafayette Building 396.9146

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Buffalo Wild Wings

2801 Kavanaugh Blvd. | 663.4131

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Colonial Wines & Spirits

11200 W Markham St. | 223.3120

Rhea Drug Store

Rock Town Distillery

1201 Main St. | 907.5244

Warehouse Liquor Market

1007 Main St. | 374.0410 860 E Broadway St, NLR | 374.2405

WordsWorth Books & Co. 5920 R St. 663.9198


Find locally sourced, handcrafted gifts like these at


the 40th Annual Arkansas Craft Guild Christmas Showcase, November 30 through December 2!

Handcrafted spoons made of cherry and black walnut, wood found locally in the Arkansas Ozarks. Artists: Deb & David Leedham, Spoonworks. Price: $32

salt glazed stoneware canisters, decorated in cobalt blue.

Set of three Artists: Sue Skinner & Joe Jostes, SJ Pottery. Price: $52-88

Rooster tail whisk broom. Knotted, tied, braided, woven and dyed by hand. Made with 100% broomcorn. Artist: Shawn Hoefer, Laffing Horse Design. Price: $45

Cardinal Winter Pair Print: photo prints, fabric bags, pillows and other

items, created and made by nature photographer Aaron Gschwandegger, Fallen Pine LLC, www. Price: $20-40 Colonial Wine & Spirits has your

gift giving worthy whiskey

with the #1 selection of whiskey in the State of Arkansas. Try these: High West Whiskey Campfire Barrel Bourbon Joseph Magnus Straight Bourbon Whiskey Finished in Sherry and Cognac Casks The Burning Chair Bourbon Whiskey

Tours twicetimes a day Toursand andtastings tastings held three day at 2pm, 4pm, and 7pm.and 4pm tuesdayathrough sunday at 2pm 1201MAIN MAIN Street, Little Rock, AR 72202 1201 Street, Little Rock, ARtastings 72202 held twice a day Tours and h 501.907.5244 501.907.5244 HAND

Tours and tastings tuesday through sunday at 2pm and tuesday 4pm through sund 1201 MAIN Street, Little Rock, AR 72202 1201 MAIN Street, Litt 501.907.5244 H A N D C R 501.907.5 AFTED PRODUCT OF ARKANSAS PRODUCT OF ARKANSAS UNITED STATES OF AMERICA


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NOVEMBER 15, 2018



Chivas Regal 12 (175 ml) is $62.99 and Stella Rossa wine (750 ml) is $8.99 at Warehouse Liquor.



2019 ARKANSAS TIMES is proud to publish the BEST LAWYERS® IN ARKANSAS list for 2019. Produced by the The Best Lawyers in America©, the oldest lawyer-rating publication in the U.S., this list is the gold standard for accuracy and integrity. Listings are organized by specialty and are in alphabetical order by firm name. ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT TO



Reminder to submit your nominations for the 26th Edition of The Best Lawyers in America© by December 1! Nominate an attorney by filling out a nomination form or submitting a nomination online at


NOVEMBER 15, 2018




This designation reflects the high level of respect a lawyer has earned among other leading lawyers in the same communities and the same practice areas for their abilities, their professionalism and their integrity.

BRIAN ROSENTHAL Banking and Finance Law Rose Law Firm 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893 BYRON L. FREELAND Employment Law Management Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201 C. BRANTLY BUCK Tax Law Rose Law Firm 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893 C. DOUGLAS BUFORD, JR. Securities Regulation Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201 CHARLES T. COLEMAN Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights/Insolvency and Reorganization Law Wright Lindsey & Jennings 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699 CHRISTOPHER J. HELLER Education Law Friday, Eldredge & Clark 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 CLYDE TALBOT TURNER Product Liability Litigation - Plaintiffs Turner & Associates 4705 Somers Ave., Ste. 100 North Little Rock, AR 72116 CONSTANCE G. CLARK Litigation - Bankruptcy Davis, Clark, Butt, Carithers & Taylor 19 East Mountain Street P.O. Box 1688 Fayetteville, AR 72702-1688 DAVID A. LITTLETON Professional Malpractice Law - Defendants Anderson, Murphy & Hopkins 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2400 Little Rock, AR 72201-4851 DAVID F. MENZ Project Finance Law Williams & Anderson 111 Center Street, Ste. 2200 Little Rock, AR 72201

DAVID M. GRAF Employee Benefits (ERISA) Law Friday, Eldredge & Clark 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 DAVID M. POWELL Construction Law Williams & Anderson 111 Center Street, Ste. 2200 Little Rock, AR 72201 DONALD T. JACK, JR. Health Care Law Jack Nelson Jones One Allied Drive, Ste. 1110 Little Rock, AR 72202 EDWARD T. OGLESBY Litigation - Insurance Kutak Rock 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201-3740 ELIZABETH ROBBEN MURRAY Employment Law Individuals Friday, Eldredge & Clark 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 FRANK B. NEWELL Administrative/ Regulatory Law Barber Law Firm 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3400 Little Rock, AR 72201 FREDERICK S. URSERY Litigation - Labor and Employment Friday, Eldredge & Clark 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 GARY B. ROGERS Family Law Dover Dixon Horne 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3700 Little Rock, AR 72201 H. WATT GREGORY III Mergers and Acquisitions Law Kutak Rock 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201-3740 H. WILLIAM ALLEN Litigation - Intellectual Property Williams & Anderson 111 Center Street, Ste. 2200 Little Rock, AR 72201

HARRY A. LIGHT Litigation - Bankruptcy Friday, Eldredge & Clark 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 HERMANN IVESTER Trademark Law Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201

JANET L. PULLIAM Labor Law - Union Pulliam & Muskheli 2209 Cantrell Road Little Rock, AR 72202 JOHN DEWEY WATSON Litigation - Construction ADR 1501 North University Ave., Ste. 552 Little Rock, AR 72207

J. BRUCE CROSS Labor Law - Management CrosS, Gunter, Witherspoon & Galchus 500 President Clinton Ave., Ste. 200 Little Rock, AR 72201

JOHN V. PHELPS Personal Injury Litigation Defendants Womack Phelps Puryear Mayfield & McNeil 301 West Washington Ave. P.O. Box 3077 Jonesboro, AR 72403

J. LEE BROWN Trusts and Estates Friday, Eldredge & Clark 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

JOHN WILLIAM SPIVEY III Public Finance Law Wright Lindsey & Jennings 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699

J. SHEPHERD RUSSELL III Municipal Law Friday, Eldredge & Clark 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

KEVIN A. CRASS Litigation - Securities Friday, Eldredge & Clark 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

JACK T. LASSITER Criminal Defense: White-Collar Lassiter & Cassinelli 813 West Third Street Little Rock, AR 72201

LAWRENCE E. CHISENHALL, JR. Energy Law Barber Law Firm 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3400 Little Rock, AR 72201

JAMES C. CLARK Real Estate Law Friday, Eldredge & Clark 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 JAMES LEE MOORE III Trusts and Estates RMP 75 North East Ave., Ste. 500 P.O. Box 1788 Fayetteville, AR 72702-1788 JAMES M. SIMPSON First Amendment Law Friday, Eldredge & Clark 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 JAMES W. SMITH Tax Law Smith Hurst 5100 West JB Hunt Drive, Ste. 900 Rogers, AR 72758

LEE J. MULDROW Workers’ Compensation Law - Employers Wright Lindsey & Jennings 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699 LYN P. PRUITT Mass Tort Litigation/Class Actions - Defendants Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201 MARIAM T. HOPKINS Medical Malpractice Law Defendants Anderson, Murphy & Hopkins 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2400 Little Rock, AR 72201-4851

OVERTON S. ANDERSON Insurance Law Anderson, Murphy & Hopkins 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2400 Little Rock, AR 72201-4851

STEVEN W. QUATTLEBAUM Bet-the-Company Litigation Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420

PRICE C. GARDNER Litigation and Controversy - Tax Friday, Eldredge & Clark 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

SUSAN K. KENDALL Litigation - Labor and Employment Kendall Law Firm 3706 Pinnacle Hills Parkway, Ste. 201 Rogers, AR 72758

R. SCOTT ZUERKER Workers’ Compensation Law - Employers Ledbetter Cogbill Arnold & Harrison 622 Parker Ave. P.O. Box 185 Fort Smith, AR 72902-0185

TIMOTHY O. DUDLEY Criminal Defense: General Practice Timothy O. Dudley 114 South Pulaski Street Little Rock, AR 72201-1924

RANDAL B. FRAZIER Land Use and Zoning Law Kutak Rock 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201-3740 RICHARD N. WATTS Product Liability Litigation - Defendants Watts, Donovan & Tilley 200 River Market Ave., Ste. 200 Little Rock, AR 72201-1769 ROBERT L. HENRY III Personal Injury Litigation Defendants Barber Law Firm 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3400 Little Rock, AR 72201 ROBERT T. SMITH Securities/Capital Markets Law Friday, Eldredge & Clark 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 ROGER D. ROWE Appellate Practice Lax, Vaughan, Fortson, Rowe & Threet 11300 Cantrell Road, Ste. 201 Little Rock, AR 72212 SHERRY P. BARTLEY Litigation - Environmental Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201

TIMOTHY W. GROOMS Litigation - Real Estate Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420 W. WILSON JONES Nonprofit/Charities Law Rose Law Firm 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893 WALKER DALE GARRETT Personal Injury Litigation Defendants Friday, Eldredge & Clark 221 North College Ave. P.O. Box 3618 Fayetteville, AR 72702-3618 WALTER B. COX Medical Malpractice Law Defendants Cox, Cox & Estes 3900 North Front Street, Ste. 203 P.O. Box 9630 Fayetteville, AR 72703 WALTER G. WRIGHT, JR. Environmental Law Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201 WALTER M. EBEL III Corporate Law Friday, Eldredge & Clark 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 WILLIAM A. WADDELL, JR. Litigation - Banking and Finance Friday, Eldredge & Clark 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201





These Arkansas lawyers have been excerpted from The Best Lawyers in America© 2019.


FRANK B. NEWELL Barber Law Firm 501-372-6175 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3400 Little Rock, AR 72201 FREDERICK K. CAMPBELL Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201 DOAK FOSTER Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201 T. ARK MONROE III Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201 DERRICK W. SMITH Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201

OVERTON S. ANDERSON Anderson, Murphy & Hopkins 501-372-1887 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2400 Little Rock, AR 72201-4851

JOSEPH R. FALASCO Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420

FRANK S. HAMLIN Hamlin Dispute Resolution 501-850-8888 1101 West Second Street Little Rock, AR 72201

BIANCA RUCKER Rucker Law 479-445-6340 One East Center Street, Ste. 215 Fayetteville, AR 72701

KIMBERLY WOOD TUCKER Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699

DAVID A. LITTLETON Anderson, Murphy & Hopkins 501-372-1887 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2400 Little Rock, AR 72201-4851

MICHAEL B. HEISTER Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420

MELVA HARMON Melva Harmon 501-372-1133 111 Center Street, Ste. 1200 Little Rock, AR 72201

RICHARD L. RAMSAY Eichenbaum Liles 501-376-4531 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201



HARRY A. LIGHT Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

G. SPENCE FRICKE Barber Law Firm 501-372-6175 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3400 Little Rock, AR 72201 FRANK B. NEWELL Barber Law Firm 501-372-6175 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3400 Little Rock, AR 72201 BRETT D. WATSON Brett D. Watson, Attorney at Law 501-281-2468 P.O. Box 707 Searcy, AR 72145-0707 BRIAN G. BROOKS Brooks Law Firm 501-733-3457 P.O. Box 605 Greenbrier, AR 72058

CHAD W. PEKRON Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420 PATRICK J. GOSS Rose Law Firm 501-375-9131 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893 TASHA TAYLOR Taylor & Taylor Law Firm 501-246-8004 12921 Cantrell Road, Ste. 205 Little Rock, AR 72223 ANDREW M. TAYLOR Taylor & Taylor Law Firm 501-246-8004 12921 Cantrell Road, Ste. 205 Little Rock, AR 72223

JEFFREY H. THOMAS Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201

TIMOTHY CULLEN Cullen & Company 501-370-4800 P.O. Box 3255 Little Rock, AR 72203

STACI DUMAS CARSON Watts, Donovan & Tilley 501-372-1406 Arkansas Capital Commerce Center, Ste. 200 200 River Market Ave. Little Rock, AR 72201-1769

JOHN D. DAVIS Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699

CHRISTOPHER J. HELLER Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

PHILIP S. ANDERSON Williams & Anderson 501-859-0575 111 Center Street, Ste. 2200 Little Rock, AR 72201

LEE J. MULDROW Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699

ROBERT S. SHAFER Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

PHILIP E. KAPLAN Williams & Anderson 501-859-0575 111 Center Street, Ste. 2200 Little Rock, AR 72201

N. M. NORTON Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699

JESS L. ASKEW III Kutak Rock 501-975-3000 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201-3740

TROY A. PRICE Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699


ROBERT SHULTS Shults & Adams 501-375-2301 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1600 Little Rock, AR 72201 PHILIP S. ANDERSON Williams & Anderson 501-859-0575 111 Center Street, Ste. 2200 Little Rock, AR 72201

BEVERLY A. ROWLETT Munson, Rowlett, Moore & Boone 501-374-6535 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201

PETER G. KUMPE Williams & Anderson 501-859-0575 111 Center Street, Ste. 2200 Little Rock, AR 72201


JULIE DEWOODY GREATHOUSE PPGMR Law 501-603-9000 101 Morgan Keegan Drive, Ste. A P.O. Box 251618 Little Rock, AR 72225-1618

CONSTANCE G. CLARK Davis, Clark, Butt, Carithers & Taylor 479-521-7600 19 East Mountain Street P.O. Box 1688 Fayetteville, AR 72702-1688 38

NOVEMBER 15, 2018

ROGER D. ROWE Lax, Vaughan, Fortson, Rowe & Threet 501-376-6565 Cantrell West Building, Ste. 201 11300 Cantrell Road Little Rock, AR 72212

E.B. CHILES IV Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420




JON B. COMSTOCK Comstock Conflict Resolution Services 479-659-1767 206 South Second Street, Ste. C P.O. Box 555 Rogers, AR 72757-0555 ROBERT E. HORNBERGER Robert E. Hornberger Attorney/ Mediator 479-459-7878 P.O. Box 8064 Fort Smith, AR 72902-8064

TODD P. LEWIS Conner & Winters 479-582-5711 4375 North Vantage Drive, Ste. 405 Fayetteville, AR 72703 RALPH W. WADDELL Waddell, Cole & Jones 870-931-1700 310 East Street, Ste. A P.O. Box 1700 Jonesboro, AR 72403 GARLAND W. BINNS, JR. Dover Dixon Horne 501-375-9151 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3700 Little Rock, AR 72201 RANDAL B. FRAZIER Kutak Rock 501-975-3000 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201-3740 TIMOTHY W. GROOMS Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420 JEB H. JOYCE Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420 DAVID B. VANDERGRIFF Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420 BRIAN ROSENTHAL Rose Law Firm 501-375-9131 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893 JOHN KOOISTRA III Williams & Anderson 501-859-0575 111 Center Street, Ste. 2200 Little Rock, AR 72201 DAVID F. MENZ Williams & Anderson 501-859-0575 111 Center Street, Ste. 2200 Little Rock, AR 72201


DAVID A. GRACE Hardin & Grace 501-378-7900 500 Main Street, Ste. A P.O. Box 5851 North Little Rock, AR 72119-5851 JAMES F. DOWDEN James F. Dowden 501-324-4700 212 Center Street, 10th Floor Little Rock, AR 72201 KEVIN P. KEECH Keech Law Firm 501-221-3200 2011 South Broadway Street North Little Rock, AR 72206 CHRISTOPHER MCNULTY Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201 LANCE R. MILLER Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201 STAN D. SMITH Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201 GEOFFREY B. TREECE Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420 CHARLES W. BAKER Rose Law Firm 501-375-9131 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893 THOMAS S. STREETMAN Streetman, Meeks & Gibson 870-229-0604 302 Main Street P.O. Drawer A Crossett, AR 71635

SIDNEY H. MCCOLLUM ADR 501-376-2121 1501 North University Ave., Ste. 552 Little Rock, AR 72207

JASON N. BRAMLETT Friday, Eldredge & Clark 479-695-2011 3425 North Futrall Drive, Ste. 103 Fayetteville, AR 72703

CHARLES T. COLEMAN Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699

JOHN DEWEY WATSON ADR 501-376-2121 1501 North University Ave., Ste. 552 Little Rock, AR 72207

JILL R. JACOWAY Jacoway Law Firm 479-521-2621 P.O. Drawer 3456 Fayetteville, AR 72702

JUDY SIMMONS HENRY Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699

ROBERT L. JONES III Conner & Winters 479-582-5711 4375 North Vantage Drive, Ste. 405 Fayetteville, AR 72703 CLIFFORD W. PLUNKETT Friday, Eldredge & Clark 479-695-2011 3425 North Futrall Drive, Ste. 103 Fayetteville, AR 72703 WARNER H. TAYLOR Taylor Law Partners 479-316-6300 303 East Millsap Road Fayetteville, AR 72703 H. DAVID BLAIR Blair & Stroud 870-793-8350 500 East Main Street, Ste. 201 Batesville, AR 72501 JIM L. JULIAN Barber Law Firm 501-372-6175 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3400 Little Rock, AR 72201 KEVIN A. CRASS Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 WILLIAM MELL GRIFFIN III Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 CHRISTOPHER J. HELLER Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 ELIZABETH ROBBEN MURRAY Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 JAMES M. SIMPSON Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 WILLIAM A. WADDELL, JR. Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 JESS L. ASKEW III Kutak Rock 501-975-3000 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201-3740 ROGER D. ROWE Lax, Vaughan, Fortson, Rowe & Threet 501-376-6565 Cantrell West Building, Ste. 201 11300 Cantrell Road Little Rock, AR 72212

M. SAMUEL JONES III Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201

STEVEN T. SHULTS Shults & Adams 501-375-2301 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1600 Little Rock, AR 72201

DAVID M. POWELL Williams & Anderson 501-859-0575 111 Center Street, Ste. 2200 Little Rock, AR 72201

FLOYD M. THOMAS, JR. Thomas Law Firm 870-866-8451 1615 North Calion Road El Dorado, AR 71730

CHARLES T. COLEMAN Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699

TIMOTHY O. DUDLEY Timothy O. Dudley 501-372-0080 114 South Pulaski Street Little Rock, AR 72201-1924

STEPHEN R. LANCASTER Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699

E.B. CHILES IV Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420

RICHARD N. WATTS Watts, Donovan & Tilley 501-372-1406 Arkansas Capital Commerce Center, Ste. 200 200 River Market Ave. Little Rock, AR 72201-1769

TROY A. PRICE Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699

STEVEN W. QUATTLEBAUM Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420

H. WILLIAM ALLEN Williams & Anderson 501-859-0575 111 Center Street, Ste. 2200 Little Rock, AR 72201

MICHAEL N. SHANNON Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420

PHILIP S. ANDERSON Williams & Anderson 501-859-0575 111 Center Street, Ste. 2200 Little Rock, AR 72201

JOHN E. TULL III Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420

PHILIP E. KAPLAN Williams & Anderson 501-859-0575 111 Center Street, Ste. 2200 Little Rock, AR 72201

RICHARD T. DONOVAN Rose Law Firm 501-375-9131 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893

PETER G. KUMPE Williams & Anderson 501-859-0575 111 Center Street, Ste. 2200 Little Rock, AR 72201

LANCE R. MILLER Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201 BEVERLY A. ROWLETT Munson, Rowlett, Moore & Boone 501-374-6535 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201

GORDON S. RATHER, JR. Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699


JAMES C. MCCASTLAIN Dover Dixon Horne 501-375-9151 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3700 Little Rock, AR 72201 DAVID A. SMITH Kutak Rock 501-975-3000 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201-3740 ROBYN P. ALLMENDINGER Rose Law Firm 501-375-9131 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893


DAVID M. FUQUA Fuqua Campbell 501-374-0200 Riviera Tower, Ste. 205 3700 Cantrell Road Little Rock, AR 72202

AUSTIN PORTER, JR. Porter Law Firm 501-244-8200 Tower Building, Ste. 1035 323 Center Street Little Rock, AR 72201 PHILIP E. KAPLAN Williams & Anderson 501-859-0575 111 Center Street, Ste. 2200 Little Rock, AR 72201

JOHN R. ELROD Conner & Winters 479-582-5711 4375 North Vantage Drive, Ste. 405 Fayetteville, AR 72703 ROBERT L. JONES III Conner & Winters 479-582-5711 4375 North Vantage Drive, Ste. 405 Fayetteville, AR 72703 TODD P. LEWIS Conner & Winters 479-582-5711 4375 North Vantage Drive, Ste. 405 Fayetteville, AR 72703


JOHN M. SCOTT Conner & Winters 479-582-5711 4375 North Vantage Drive, Ste. 405 Fayetteville, AR 72703


CONSTANCE G. CLARK Davis, Clark, Butt, Carithers & Taylor 479-521-7600 19 East Mountain Street P.O. Box 1688 Fayetteville, AR 72702-1688

DAVID A. SMITH Kutak Rock 501-975-3000 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201-3740 FRED M. PERKINS III Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699


BARRY DEACON Deacon Law Firm 479-582-5353 100 West Center Street, Ste. 200 Fayetteville, AR 72701

WOODSON W. BASSETT III Bassett Law Firm 479-521-9996 221 North College Ave. P.O. Box 3618 Fayetteville, AR 72702-3618

MARSHALL S. NEY Friday, Eldredge & Clark 479-695-2011 3350 South Pinnacle Hills Parkway, Ste. 301 Rogers, AR 72758

SUZANNE G. CLARK Clark Law Firm 476-856-6380 244 West Dickson Street, Ste. 201 P.O. Box 4248 Fayetteville, AR 72702-4248

CLIFFORD W. PLUNKETT Friday, Eldredge & Clark 479-695-2011 3425 North Futrall Drive, Ste. 103 Fayetteville, AR 72703

REX M. TERRY Hardin, Jesson & Terry 479-452-2200 5000 Rogers Ave., Ste. 500 P.O. Box 10127 Fort Smith, AR 72917-0127 DONALD B. KENDALL Kendall Law Firm 479-464-9828 3706 Pinnacle Hills Parkway, Ste. 201 Rogers, AR 72758 RUSSELL C. ATCHLEY Kutak Rock 479-973-4200 234 East Millsap Road, Ste. 200 Fayetteville, AR 72703-4099 JAMES G. LINGLE Lingle Law Firm 479-636-7899 110 South Dixieland Road Rogers, AR 72758 BRANDON B. CATE Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 479-444-5200 4100 Corporate Center Drive, Ste. 310 Springdale, AR 72762 VINCENT CHADICK Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 479-444-5200 4100 Corporate Center Drive, Ste. 310 Springdale, AR 72762 DON A. SMITH Smith Cohen & Horan 479-782-1001 1206 Garrison Ave., Ste. 200 P.O. Box 10205 Fort Smith, AR 72917-0205 JASON H. WALES Wales Comstock 479-439-8088 3608 North Steele Boulevard, Ste. 101 P.O. Box 10018 Fayetteville, AR 72703

CONGRATULATIONS! Eight lawyers from Munson, Rowlett, Moore & Boone, P.A. were recognized in The Best Lawyers in America© 2019.



Commercial Litigation Transportation Law Medical Malpractice Law - Defendants Personal Injury Litigation - Defendants Product Liability Litigation - Defendants

Commercial Litigation Bet-the-Company Litigation Personal Injury Litigation - Defendants Insurance Law Appellate Practice



Litigation - Insurance Product Liability Litigation - Defendants Personal Injury Litigation - Defendants Insurance Law

Litigation - Insurance Personal Injury Litigation - Defendants


Personal Injury Litigation – Defendants Litigation – Insurance Mass Tort Litigation/ Class Actions – Defendants Insurance Law


Product Liability Litigation - Defendants


Medical Malpractice Law - Defendants Personal Injury Litigation - Defendants Product Liability Litigation - Defendants Insurance Law

EMILY M. RUNYON Insurance Law

400 West Capitol Ave., Suite 1900 • Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 • Voice (501) 374-6535 • Fax (501) 374-5906 • ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT NOVEMBER 15, 2018


H. DAVID BLAIR Blair & Stroud 870-793-8350 500 East Main Street, Ste. 201 Batesville, AR 72501 ROBERT F. THOMPSON III Branch, Thompson, Warmath, & Dale 870-239-9581 414 West Court Street Paragould, AR 72450 GLENN LOVETT, JR. Law Offices of Glenn Lovett 870-336-1900 256 Southwest Drive Jonesboro, AR 72401

AMBER WILSON BAGLEY Cross, Gunter, Witherspoon & Galchus 501-371-9999 500 President Clinton Ave., Ste. 200 Little Rock, AR 72201

JEFFREY H. MOORE Jeffrey H. Moore 501-414-6894 One Carrolton Little Rock, AR 72211

BRUCE E. MUNSON Munson, Rowlett, Moore & Boone 501-374-6535 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201

JOHN E. TULL III Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420

FLOYD M. THOMAS, JR. Thomas Law Firm 870-866-8451 1615 North Calion Road El Dorado, AR 71730

THOMAS S. STONE Dover Dixon Horne 501-375-9151 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3700 Little Rock, AR 72201

JESS L. ASKEW III Kutak Rock 501-975-3000 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201-3740

BEVERLY A. ROWLETT Munson, Rowlett, Moore & Boone 501-374-6535 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201

DAVID B. VANDERGRIFF Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420

TIMOTHY O. DUDLEY Timothy O. Dudley 501-372-0080 114 South Pulaski Street Little Rock, AR 72201-1924

BRIAN H. RATCLIFF PPGMR Law 870-862-5523 100 East Church Street P.O. Box 1718 El Dorado, AR 71731-1718

R. RYAN YOUNGER Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420

KEVIN A. CRASS Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 WILLIAM MELL GRIFFIN III Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

HARRY S. HURST, JR. Parker Hurst & Burnett 870-268-7600 3000 Browns Lane Jonesboro, AR 72401 JASON J. CAMPBELL Anderson, Murphy & Hopkins 501-372-1887 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2400 Little Rock, AR 72201-4851 JIM L. JULIAN Barber Law Firm 501-372-6175 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3400 Little Rock, AR 72201 BRETT D. WATSON Brett D. Watson, Attorney at Law 501-281-2468 P.O. Box 707 Searcy, AR 72145-0707 GARY D. CORUM Corum-Law 501-375-6454 200 River Market Ave., Ste. 600 Little Rock, AR 72201

CHRISTOPHER J. HELLER Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 ELIZABETH ROBBEN MURRAY Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 JAMES M. SIMPSON Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 WILLIAM A. WADDELL, JR. Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 DAVID D. WILSON Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

EDWARD T. OGLESBY Kutak Rock 501-975-3000 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201-3740 TERESA M. WINELAND Kutak Rock 501-975-3000 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201-3740 ROGER D. ROWE Lax, Vaughan, Fortson, Rowe & Threet 501-376-6565 Cantrell West Building, Ste. 201 11300 Cantrell Road Little Rock, AR 72212 JOHN KEELING BAKER Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201 R.T. BEARD III Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201 M. SAMUEL JONES III Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201

E.B. CHILES IV Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420 JOSEPH R. FALASCO Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420 CHAD W. PEKRON Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420 STEVEN W. QUATTLEBAUM Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420 MICHAEL N. SHANNON Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420

RICHARD T. DONOVAN Rose Law Firm 501-375-9131 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893 PATRICK J. GOSS Rose Law Firm 501-375-9131 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893 JOHN T. HARDIN Rose Law Firm 501-375-9131 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893 STEPHEN N. JOINER Rose Law Firm 501-375-9131 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893 STEVEN T. SHULTS Shults & Adams 501-375-2301 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1600 Little Rock, AR 72201

DAVID M. DONOVAN Watts, Donovan & Tilley 501-372-1406 Arkansas Capital Commerce Center, Ste. 200 200 River Market Ave. Little Rock, AR 72201-1769 RICHARD N. WATTS Watts, Donovan & Tilley 501-372-1406 Arkansas Capital Commerce Center, Ste. 200 200 River Market Ave. Little Rock, AR 72201-1769 H. WILLIAM ALLEN Williams & Anderson 501-859-0575 111 Center Street, Ste. 2200 Little Rock, AR 72201 PHILIP S. ANDERSON Williams & Anderson 501-859-0575 111 Center Street, Ste. 2200 Little Rock, AR 72201 PHILIP E. KAPLAN Williams & Anderson 501-859-0575 111 Center Street, Ste. 2200 Little Rock, AR 72201 PETER G. KUMPE Williams & Anderson 501-859-0575 111 Center Street, Ste. 2200 Little Rock, AR 72201


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DAVID M. POWELL Williams & Anderson 501-859-0575 111 Center Street, Ste. 2200 Little Rock, AR 72201 STEPHEN R. LANCASTER Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699 GORDON S. RATHER, JR. Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699


JESS L. ASKEW III Kutak Rock 501-975-3000 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201-3740

CORPORATE COMPLIANCE LAW H. WATT GREGORY III Kutak Rock 501-975-3000 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201-3740 H. WATT GREGORY III Kutak Rock 501-975-3000 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201-3740

CORPORATE LAW GREG S. SCHARLAU Conner & Winters 479-582-5711 4375 North Vantage Drive, Ste. 405 Fayetteville, AR 72703

JAMES W. SMITH Smith Hurst 479-301-2444 Hunt Tower, Ste. 900 5100 West JB Hunt Drive Rogers, AR 72758 RALPH W. WADDELL Waddell, Cole & Jones 870-931-1700 310 East Street, Ste. A P.O. Box 1700 Jonesboro, AR 72403 GARLAND W. BINNS, JR. Dover Dixon Horne 501-375-9151 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3700 Little Rock, AR 72201 JAMES C. MCCASTLAIN Dover Dixon Horne 501-375-9151 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3700 Little Rock, AR 72201

STEVE L. RIGGS Dover Dixon Horne 501-375-9151 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3700 Little Rock, AR 72201

DONALD T. JACK, JR. Jack Nelson Jones 501-375-1122 Riverfront Plaza, Building One One Allied Drive, Ste. 1110 Little Rock, AR 72202

WALTER E. MAY Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201

PAUL B. BENHAM III Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

H. WATT GREGORY III Kutak Rock 501-975-3000 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201-3740

WALTER M. EBEL III Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

C. DOUGLAS BUFORD, JR. Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201

T. ARK MONROE III Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201

PRICE C. GARDNER Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

D. NICOLE LOVELL Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201

PAUL PARNELL Rose Law Firm 501-375-9131 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893 PHILIP S. ANDERSON Williams & Anderson 501-859-0575 111 Center Street, Ste. 2200 Little Rock, AR 72201


JOHN M. SCOTT Conner & Winters 479-582-5711 4375 North Vantage Drive, Ste. 405 Fayetteville, AR 72703 SUSAN K. KENDALL Kendall Law Firm 479-464-9828 3706 Pinnacle Hills Parkway, Ste. 201 Rogers, AR 72758 M. STEPHEN BINGHAM Cross, Gunter, Witherspoon & Galchus 501-371-9999 500 President Clinton Ave., Ste. 200 Little Rock, AR 72201 CYRIL HOLLINGSWORTH Dover Dixon Horne 501-375-9151 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3700 Little Rock, AR 72201 DAVID A. GRACE Hardin & Grace 501-378-7900 500 Main Street, Ste. A P.O. Box 5851 North Little Rock, AR 72119-5851 JACK EAST III Jack East III 501-372-3278 2725 Cantrell Road, Ste. 202 Little Rock, AR 72202 JEFFREY H. MOORE Jeffrey H. Moore 501-414-6894 One Carrolton Little Rock, AR 72211 EDWARD T. OGLESBY Kutak Rock 501-975-3000 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201-3740 DAVID M. POWELL Williams & Anderson 501-859-0575 111 Center Street, Ste. 2200 Little Rock, AR 72201


HERMANN IVESTER Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201 KATHRYN BENNETT PERKINS Rose Law Firm 501-375-9131 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893 J. CHARLES DOUGHERTY Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699



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FRED M. PERKINS III Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699


DOUG NORWOOD Norwood & Norwood 479-636-1262 2001 South Dixieland Road Rogers, AR 72758 WARNER H. TAYLOR Taylor Law Partners 479-316-6300 303 East Millsap Road Fayetteville, AR 72703 CHAD L. ATWELL The Atwell Law Firm 476-521-2423 2827 East Millennium Place, Ste. One Fayetteville, AR 72703 SHANE WILKINSON Wilkinson Law Firm 479-273-2212 700 South Walton Boulevard, Ste. 200 Bentonville, AR 72712 BILL W. BRISTOW Bristow & Richardson 870-935-9000 216 East Washington Ave. Jonesboro, AR 72401-3102 BOBBY R. MCDANIEL McDaniel Law Firm 870-336-4747 400 South Main Street Jonesboro, AR 72401 J. BLAKE HENDRIX Fuqua Campbell 501-374-0200 Riviera Tower, Ste. 205 3700 Cantrell Road Little Rock, AR 72202 JEFFREY M. ROSENZWEIG Jeff Rosenzweig 501-372-5247 Spring Building, Ste. 310 300 Spring Street Little Rock, AR 72201


JOHN WESLEY HALL, JR. John Wesley Hall 501-371-9131 1202 Main Street, Ste. 210 Little Rock, AR 72202-5057 JACK T. LASSITER Lassiter & Cassinelli 501-370-9300 813 West Third Street Little Rock, AR 72201

was included in the 2019 Edition of The Best Lawyers in America© for Litigation - Labor and Employment, Litigation - Mergers and Acquisitions, and Litigation - Real Estate, Commercial Litigation.

TIMOTHY O. DUDLEY Timothy O. Dudley 501-372-0080 114 South Pulaski Street Little Rock, AR 72201-1924


WARNER H. TAYLOR Taylor Law Partners 479-316-6300 303 East Millsap Road Fayetteville, AR 72703

BILL W. BRISTOW Bristow & Richardson 870-935-9000 216 East Washington Ave. Jonesboro, AR 72401-3102 BOBBY R. MCDANIEL McDaniel Law Firm 870-336-4747 400 South Main Street Jonesboro, AR 72401

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NOVEMBER 15, 2018



GARY D. CORUM Corum-Law 501-375-6454 200 River Market Ave., Ste. 600 Little Rock, AR 72201

J. BLAKE HENDRIX Fuqua Campbell 501-374-0200 Riviera Tower, Ste. 205 3700 Cantrell Road Little Rock, AR 72202 JEFFREY M. ROSENZWEIG Jeff Rosenzweig 501-372-5247 Spring Building, Ste. 310 300 Spring Street Little Rock, AR 72201 JOHN WESLEY HALL, JR. John Wesley Hall 501-371-9131 1202 Main Street, Ste. 210 Little Rock, AR 72202-5057 JACK T. LASSITER Lassiter & Cassinelli 501-370-9300 813 West Third Street Little Rock, AR 72201 FLOYD M. THOMAS, JR. Thomas Law Firm 870-866-8451 1615 North Calion Road El Dorado, AR 71730 TIMOTHY O. DUDLEY Timothy O. Dudley 501-372-0080 114 South Pulaski Street Little Rock, AR 72201-1924


DOUG NORWOOD Norwood & Norwood 479-636-1262 2001 South Dixieland Road Rogers, AR 72758 CHRISTINA D. COMSTOCK Wales Comstock 479-439-8088 3608 North Steele Boulevard, Ste. 101 P.O. Box 10018 Fayetteville, AR 72703 RALPH J. BLAGG Blagg Law Firm 501-745-4302 168 Court Street P.O. Box 1169 Clinton, AR 72031 JOHN C. COLLINS Collins, Collins & Ray 501-575-1030 912 West Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201 DAVID H. WILLIAMS The Law Office of David H. Williams 501-372-0038 211 South Spring Street, Second Floor Little Rock, AR 72201


KHAYYAM M. EDDINGS Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 CHRISTOPHER J. HELLER Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 ELLEN OWENS SMITH Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 CLAYTON R. BLACKSTOCK Mitchell, Blackstock, Ivers & Sneddon 501-378-7870 1010 West Third Street P.O. Box 1510 Little Rock, AR 72203


RAYMON B. HARVEY Raymon B. Harvey 501-221-3416 650 South Shackleford Road, Ste. 400 Little Rock, AR 72211


KAREN SHARP HALBERT Roberts Law Firm 501-821-5575 20 Rahling Circle Little Rock, AR 72223


BRANDON B. CATE Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 479-444-5200 4100 Corporate Center Drive, Ste. 310 Springdale, AR 72762 RANDAL B. FRAZIER Kutak Rock 501-975-3000 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201-3740 TIMOTHY W. GROOMS Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420


THOMAS L. OVERBEY Overbey, Strigel, Boyd & Westbrook 479-442-3554 211 North Block Ave. Fayetteville, AR 72701-5268 DAVID M. GRAF Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 JOSEPH B. HURST, JR. Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 ALEXANDRA A. IFRAH Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 A. WYCKLIFF NISBET, JR. Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 CRAIG H. WESTBROOK Overbey, Strigel, Boyd & Westbrook 501-664-8105 10809 Executive Center Drive, Ste. 310 Little Rock, AR 72211-6022 E.B. CHILES IV Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420 BRYANT CRANFORD Rose Law Firm 501-375-9131 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893


SUSAN K. KENDALL Kendall Law Firm 479-464-9828 3706 Pinnacle Hills Parkway, Ste. 201 Rogers, AR 72758 PAUL D. WADDELL Waddell, Cole & Jones 870-931-1700 310 East Street, Ste. A P.O. Box 1700 Jonesboro, AR 72403

KHAYYAM M. EDDINGS Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

OSCAR E. DAVIS, JR. Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

TIM BOE Rose Law Firm 501-375-9131 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893

ELIZABETH ROBBEN MURRAY Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

KHAYYAM M. EDDINGS Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

DAVID P. MARTIN Rose Law Firm 501-375-9131 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893

JOHN L. BURNETT Lavey and Burnett 501-376-2269 904 West Second Street Little Rock, AR 72201

CHRISTOPHER J. HELLER Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

PHILIP E. KAPLAN Williams & Anderson 501-859-0575 111 Center Street, Ste. 2200 Little Rock, AR 72201

DANIEL L. HERRINGTON Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

JOHN D. DAVIS Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699

MICHAEL S. MOORE Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

WILLIAM STUART JACKSON Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699

ELIZABETH ROBBEN MURRAY Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

MICHELLE M. KAEMMERLING Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699

FREDERICK S. URSERY Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

JANE A. KIM Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699

JOHN D. COULTER McMath Woods 501-396-5400 711 West Third Street Little Rock, AR 72201 JANET L. PULLIAM Pulliam & Muskheli 501-436-0010 2209 Cantrell Road Little Rock, AR 72202 DENISE REID HOGGARD Rainwater, Holt & Sexton 501-868-2500 801 Technology Drive Little Rock, AR 72223


MICHAEL R. JONES Gilker & Jones 479-369-4294 9222 North Highway 71 Mountainburg, AR 72946 PAUL D. WADDELL Waddell, Cole & Jones 870-931-1700 310 East Street, Ste. A P.O. Box 1700 Jonesboro, AR 72403

MARK MAYFIELD Womack Phelps Puryear Mayfield & McNeil 870-932-0900 Century Center 301 West Washington Ave. Jonesboro, AR 72403 P.O. Box 3077 BRIAN A. VANDIVER Cox, Sterling, McClure & Vandiver 501-954-8073 8712 Counts Massie Road North Little Rock, AR 72113 J. BRUCE CROSS Cross, Gunter, Witherspoon & Galchus 501-371-9999 500 President Clinton Ave., Ste. 200 Little Rock, AR 72201 MISSY MCJUNKINS DUKE Cross, Gunter, Witherspoon & Galchus 501-371-9999 500 President Clinton Ave., Ste. 200 Little Rock, AR 72201 CYNTHIA KOLB Cross, Gunter, Witherspoon & Galchus 501-371-9999 500 President Clinton Ave., Ste. 200 Little Rock, AR 72201 RICHARD A. RODERICK Cross, Gunter, Witherspoon & Galchus 501-371-9999 500 President Clinton Ave., Ste. 200 Little Rock, AR 72201 AMBER WILSON BAGLEY Cross, Gunter, Witherspoon & Galchus 501-371-9999 500 President Clinton Ave., Ste. 200 Little Rock, AR 72201 CAROLYN B. WITHERSPOON Cross, Gunter, Witherspoon & Galchus 501-371-9999 500 President Clinton Ave., Ste. 200 Little Rock, AR 72201

H. WAYNE YOUNG Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 JAMES M. GARY Kutak Rock 501-975-3000 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201-3740 JOHN D. COULTER McMath Woods 501-396-5400 711 West Third Street Little Rock, AR 72201 BYRON L. FREELAND Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201 KATHLYN GRAVES Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201 JANET L. PULLIAM Pulliam & Muskheli 501-436-0010 2209 Cantrell Road Little Rock, AR 72202 DENISE REID HOGGARD Rainwater, Holt & Sexton 501-868-2500 801 Technology Drive Little Rock, AR 72223 JASON OWENS Rainwater, Holt & Sexton 501-868-2500 801 Technology Drive Little Rock, AR 72223 SPENCER F. ROBINSON Ramsay, Bridgforth, Robinson & Raley 870-535-9000 Simmons First National Bank Building, 11th Floor P.O. Box 8509 Pine Bluff, AR 71611-8509


DAVID R. MATTHEWS Matthews, Campbell, Rhoads, McClure & Thompson 479-282-2586 119 South Second Street Rogers, AR 72756 LAWRENCE E. CHISENHALL, JR. Barber Law Firm 501-372-6175 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3400 Little Rock, AR 72201 STEPHEN K. CUFFMAN Gill Ragon Owen 501-376-3800 Simmons Bank Tower, Ste. 3800 425 West Capitol Ave. Little Rock, AR 72201 STEPHEN N. JOINER Rose Law Firm 501-375-9131 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893 SCOTT C. TROTTER Trotter Law Firm 501-353-1069 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 216 Little Rock, AR 72201 N. M. NORTON Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699


JOHN R. ELROD Conner & Winters 479-582-5711 4375 North Vantage Drive, Ste. 405 Fayetteville, AR 72703 CHARLES R. NESTRUD Barber Law Firm 501-372-6175 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3400 Little Rock, AR 72201 MARK H. ALLISON Dover Dixon Horne 501-375-9151 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3700 Little Rock, AR 72201


THREE LAWYERS FROM JAMES, CARTER & PRIEBE, LLP WERE INCLUDED IN THE 25TH EDITION OF THE BEST LAWYERS IN AMERICA©. DANIEL R. CARTER Litigation - Labor and Employment PAUL J. JAMES Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs JEFF R. PRIEBE Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs

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SAMUEL E. LEDBETTER McMath Woods 501-396-5400 711 West Third Street Little Rock, AR 72201

GARY B. ROGERS Dover Dixon Horne 501-375-9151 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3700 Little Rock, AR 72201

SHERRY P. BARTLEY Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201

HENRY HODGES Henry Hodges 501-375-0400 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1520 Little Rock, AR 72201-3435

WALTER G. WRIGHT, JR. Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201 JULIE DEWOODY GREATHOUSE PPGMR Law 501-603-9000 101 Morgan Keegan Drive, Ste. A P.O. Box 251618 Little Rock, AR 72225-1618 JOHN F. PEISERICH PPGMR Law 501-603-9000 101 Morgan Keegan Drive, Ste. A P.O. Box 251618 Little Rock, AR 72225-1618 G. ALAN PERKINS PPGMR Law 501-603-9000 101 Morgan Keegan Drive, Ste. A P.O. Box 251618 Little Rock, AR 72225-1618 BRIAN ROSENTHAL Rose Law Firm 501-375-9131 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893

DONALD H. HENRY Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201


CARROL ANN HICKS Hicks & Lickert 501-771-1817 5321 John F. Kennedy Boulevard, Ste. A North Little Rock, AR 72116 SAM HILBURN Hilburn, Calhoon, Harper, Pruniski & Calhoun 501-372-0110 US Bank Building, Eighth Floor One Riverfront Place North Little Rock, AR 72119 P.O. Box 5551 SCOTT HILBURN Hilburn, Calhoon, Harper, Pruniski & Calhoun 501-372-0110 US Bank Building, Eighth Floor One Riverfront Place North Little Rock, AR 72119 P.O. Box 5551 DAVID W. KAMPS Kamps & Stotts 501-708-2911 Centre Place Building, Sixth Floor 212 Center Street Little Rock, AR 72201 BRYAN J. REIS Legacy Law Group 501-525-3130 135 Section Line Road, Third Floor Hot Springs, AR 71913


DAVID R. MATTHEWS Matthews, Campbell, Rhoads, McClure & Thompson 479-282-2586 119 South Second Street Rogers, AR 72756

MARCIA BARNES Marcia Barnes & Associates 501-492-3438 400 West Capitol, Ste. 1700 Little Rock, AR 72201

BARRY E. COPLIN Coplin & Hardy 501-707-0300 One Union Plaza 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1850 Little Rock, AR 72201 JUDSON C. KIDD Dodds, Kidd, Ryan & Rowan 501-386-9508 313 West Second Street Little Rock, AR 72201

JESS L. ASKEW III Kutak Rock 501-975-3000 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201-3740 JOHN E. TULL III Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420 PHILIP S. ANDERSON Williams & Anderson 501-859-0575 111 Center Street, Ste. 2200 Little Rock, AR 72201


WILLIAM A. WADDELL, JR. Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 ROGER D. ROWE Lax, Vaughan, Fortson, Rowe & Threet 501-376-6565 Cantrell West Building, Ste. 201 11300 Cantrell Road Little Rock, AR 72212 DAVID M. POWELL Williams & Anderson 501-859-0575 111 Center Street, Ste. 2200 Little Rock, AR 72201


STEPHEN C. ENGSTROM Stephen Engstrom Law Office 501-375-6453 200 River Market Ave., Ste. 600 P.O. Box 71 Little Rock, AR 72203

HARRY TRUMAN MOORE Goodwin Moore 870-239-2225 200 South Pruett Street P.O. Box 726 Paragould, AR 72450

JAMES M. SIMPSON Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

T. ARK MONROE III Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201


JACK WAGONER III Wagoner Law Firm 501-837-8850 1320 Brookwood, Ste.s D & E Little Rock, AR 72202

BRYAN G. LOONEY Kutak Rock 479-973-4200 234 East Millsap Road, Ste. 200 Fayetteville, AR 72703-4099

ELIZABETH ANDREOLI Andreoli Law 501-690-5069 72 Pine Manor Drive, Ste. 190 Little Rock, AR 72207-5151 AMBER WILSON BAGLEY Cross, Gunter, Witherspoon & Galchus 501-371-9999 500 President Clinton Ave., Ste. 200 Little Rock, AR 72201 BRUCE B. TIDWELL Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 DONALD T. JACK, JR. Jack Nelson Jones 501-375-1122 Riverfront Plaza, Building One One Allied Drive, Ste. 1110 Little Rock, AR 72202 DAVID L. IVERS Mitchell, Blackstock, Ivers & Sneddon 501-378-7870 1010 West Third Street P.O. Box 1510 Little Rock, AR 72203 MICHAEL W. MITCHELL Mitchell, Blackstock, Ivers & Sneddon 501-378-7870 1010 West Third Street P.O. Box 1510 Little Rock, AR 72203 CHARLES B. CLIETT, JR. Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201 HAROLD H. SIMPSON The Health Law Firm 501-221-7100 5224 Sherwood Road Little Rock, AR 72207 WILLIAM T. MARSHALL William T. Marshall 501-372-1322 Two Rover Glen Circle Little Rock, AR 72202 LEE J. MULDROW Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699


MISSY MCJUNKINS DUKE Cross, Gunter, Witherspoon & Galchus 501-371-9999 500 President Clinton Ave., Ste. 200 Little Rock, AR 72201

Recognized AgAin

dAvid H. WilliAms KATHY W. GOSS


DEBBY Best THETFORD lAWyeRs NYE in AmeRicA sinceKathy 2001Woodward Goss Kutak Rock 501-676-6522 479-973-4200 604 South Center Street 234 East Millsap Road, Ste. 200 P.O. Box 448 Fayetteville, AR 72703-4099 Lonoke, AR 72086-0000

H. WATT GREGORY III Kutak Rock 501-975-3000 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201-3740

every now and then

even a good lawyer needs the name of another good lawyer. Recognized AgAin

That’s why attorneys partner with RECOGNIZED us. dAvid H. WilliAms


N. M. NORTON Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699


JERRY L. LOVELACE Roy, Lambert, Lovelace, Bingaman & Wood 479-756-8510 2706 South Dividend Drive Springdale, AR 72766 OVERTON S. ANDERSON Anderson, Murphy & Hopkins 501-372-1887 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2400 Little Rock, AR 72201-4851 MARIAM T. HOPKINS Anderson, Murphy & Hopkins 501-372-1887 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2400 Little Rock, AR 72201-4851 MICHAEL P. VANDERFORD Anderson, Murphy & Hopkins 501-372-1887 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2400 Little Rock, AR 72201-4851 SCOTT M. STRAUSS Barber Law Firm 501-372-6175 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3400 Little Rock, AR 72201 TJAMES C. BAKER, JR. Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 FREDERICK K. CAMPBELL Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201 DOAK FOSTER Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201 T. ARK MONROE III Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201 SCOTT D. PROVENCHER Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201

JEFFREY H. THOMAS Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201 TIMOTHY L. BOONE Munson, Rowlett, Moore & Boone 501-374-6535 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201 MARK BREEDING Munson, Rowlett, Moore & Boone 501-374-6535 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201 JOHN E. MOORE Munson, Rowlett, Moore & Boone 501-374-6535 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201 BEVERLY A. ROWLETT Munson, Rowlett, Moore & Boone 501-374-6535 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201 EMILY M. RUNYON Munson, Rowlett, Moore & Boone 501-374-6535 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201 STEVEN W. QUATTLEBAUM Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420


MICHAEL R. JONES Gilker & Jones 479-369-4294 9222 North Highway 71 Mountainburg, AR 72946


SUSAN K. KENDALL Kendall Law Firm 479-464-9828 3706 Pinnacle Hills Parkway, Ste. 201 Rogers, AR 72758 J. BRUCE CROSS Cross, Gunter, Witherspoon & Galchus 501-371-9999 500 President Clinton Ave., Ste. 200 Little Rock, AR 72201 RICHARD A. RODERICK Cross, Gunter, Witherspoon & Galchus 501-371-9999 500 President Clinton Ave., Ste. 200 Little Rock, AR 72201 CAROLYN B. WITHERSPOON Cross, Gunter, Witherspoon & Galchus 501-371-9999 500 President Clinton Ave., Ste. 200 Little Rock, AR 72201



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is a strong idea. We bring more than 40 years of experience in challenging legal areas. For more AmeRicAn JuRy information on how we can help you obtain the best results for your client, contact us today. 212 center street THE LAW OFFICE OF DAVID H. WILLIAMS OFFERS OVER 40 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE tHe lAW office of dAvid H. WilliAms offeRs Center PlaceoveR Bldg • 2nd Floor 30 yeARs of expeRience Winning on BeHAlf of clients. WINNING ON BEHALF OF CLIENTS. PRESERVE THE AMERICAN JURY Little Rock, AR 72201 501-372-0038 pReseRve tHe AmeRicAn JuRy

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NOVEMBER 15, 2018



212 center street Center Place Bldg • 2nd Floor Little Rock, AR 72201 501-372-0038 toll free 877-492-3030

OSCAR E. DAVIS, JR. Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 DANIEL L. HERRINGTON Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 MICHAEL S. MOORE Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 JAMES M. GARY Kutak Rock 501-975-3000 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201-3740 JOHN D. COULTER McMath Woods 501-396-5400 711 West Third Street Little Rock, AR 72201 BYRON L. FREELAND Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201 KATHLYN GRAVES Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201 SPENCER F. ROBINSON Ramsay, Bridgforth, Robinson & Raley 870-535-9000 Simmons First National Bank Building, 11th Floor P.O. Box 8509 Pine Bluff, AR 71611-8509 TIM BOE Rose Law Firm 501-375-9131 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893

TIMOTHY W. GROOMS Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420

DONALD H. BACON Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

J. CLIFF MCKINNEY II Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420

EDWIN L. LOWTHER, JR. Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699



G. SPENCE FRICKE Barber Law Firm 501-372-6175 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3400 Little Rock, AR 72201

H. WATT GREGORY III Kutak Rock 501-975-3000 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201-3740

LITIGATION - ANTITRUST JAMES M. SIMPSON Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 PHILIP S. ANDERSON Williams & Anderson 501-859-0575 111 Center Street, Ste. 2200 Little Rock, AR 72201


MARSHALL S. NEY Friday, Eldredge & Clark 479-695-2011 3350 South Pinnacle Hills Parkway, Ste. 301 Rogers, AR 72758

WILLIAM A. WADDELL, JR. Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

DAVID B. VANDERGRIFF Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420

RANDAL B. FRAZIER Kutak Rock 501-975-3000 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201-3740

RICHARD T. DONOVAN Rose Law Firm 501-375-9131 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893

DONALD H. HENRY Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201

H. WILLIAM ALLEN Williams & Anderson 501-859-0575 111 Center Street, Ste. 2200 Little Rock, AR 72201

JOHN E. TULL III Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420

PHILIP S. ANDERSON Williams & Anderson 501-859-0575 111 Center Street, Ste. 2200 Little Rock, AR 72201


Best Lawyers® – 25th Edition of The Best Lawyers in America© Seven Anderson, Murphy & Hopkins lawyers were recognized in 2019 Best Lawyers: Overton S. Anderson, Randy P. Murphy, Mariam T. Hopkins, Michael P. Vanderford, David A. Littleton, Julie M. Hancock, and Jason J. Campbell

“Lawyer of the Year” honorees – Little Rock – 2019 Mariam T. Hopkins: Medical Malpractice Law – Defendants Overton S. Anderson: Insurance Law David A. Littleton: Professional Malpractice Law - Defendants

DAVID P. MARTIN Rose Law Firm 501-375-9131 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893 JOHN D. DAVIS Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699


SUSAN K. KENDALL Kendall Law Firm 479-464-9828 3706 Pinnacle Hills Parkway, Ste. 201 Rogers, AR 72758 JOHN L. BURNETT Lavey and Burnett 501-376-2269 904 West Second Street Little Rock, AR 72201 MELVA HARMON Melva Harmon 501-372-1133 111 Center Street, Ste. 1200 Little Rock, AR 72201 JANET L. PULLIAM Pulliam & Muskheli 501-436-0010 2209 Cantrell Road Little Rock, AR 72202 MICHELLE M. KAEMMERLING Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699


RANDAL B. FRAZIER Kutak Rock 501-975-3000 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201-3740

Standing Left to Right: Jason J. Campbell, Overton S. Anderson, Randy P. Murphy Seated Left to Right: Julie M. Hancock, David A. Littleton, Mariam T. Hopkins, Michael P. Vanderford

400 WEST CAPITOL AVENUE, SUITE 2400 | LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201-4851 TELEPHONE: 501-372-1887 | FACSIMILE: 501-372-7706



PHILIP E. KAPLAN Williams & Anderson 501-859-0575 111 Center Street, Ste. 2200 Little Rock, AR 72201 KIMBERLY WOOD TUCKER Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699


WILLIAM M. CLARK, JR. Cypert, Crouch, Clark & Harwell 479-751-5222 111 Holcomb Street P.O. Box 1400 Springdale, AR 72765-1400

CONSTANCE G. CLARK Davis, Clark, Butt, Carithers & Taylor 479-521-7600 19 East Mountain Street P.O. Box 1688 Fayetteville, AR 72702-1688 MARSHALL S. NEY Friday, Eldredge & Clark 479-695-2011 3350 South Pinnacle Hills Parkway, Ste. 301 Rogers, AR 72758 HARRY A. LIGHT Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 DAVID A. GRACE Hardin & Grace 501-378-7900 500 Main Street, Ste. A P.O. Box 5851 North Little Rock, AR 72119-5851 JAMES F. DOWDEN James F. Dowden 501-324-4700 212 Center Street, 10th Floor Little Rock, AR 72201 KEVIN P. KEECH Keech Law Firm 501-221-3200 2011 South Broadway Street North Little Rock, AR 72206 LANCE R. MILLER Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201 STAN D. SMITH Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201 GEOFFREY B. TREECE Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420 CHARLES T. COLEMAN Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699


JOHN M. SCOTT Conner & Winters 479-582-5711 4375 North Vantage Drive, Ste. 405 Fayetteville, AR 72703 RUSSELL C. ATCHLEY Kutak Rock 479-973-4200 234 East Millsap Road, Ste. 200 Fayetteville, AR 72703-4099 JAMES G. LINGLE Lingle Law Firm 479-636-7899 110 South Dixieland Road Rogers, AR 72758


NOVEMBER 15, 2018

JASON H. WALES Wales Comstock 479-439-8088 3608 North Steele Boulevard, Ste. 101 P.O. Box 10018 Fayetteville, AR 72703

SHERRY P. BARTLEY Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201

H. DAVID BLAIR Blair & Stroud 870-793-8350 500 East Main Street, Ste. 201 Batesville, AR 72501

ALLAN GATES Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201

JOHN DEWEY WATSON ADR 501-376-2121 1501 North University Ave., Ste. 552 Little Rock, AR 72207 JASON J. CAMPBELL Anderson, Murphy & Hopkins 501-372-1887 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2400 Little Rock, AR 72201-4851 CYRIL HOLLINGSWORTH Dover Dixon Horne 501-375-9151 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3700 Little Rock, AR 72201 DAVID A. GRACE Hardin & Grace 501-378-7900 500 Main Street, Ste. A P.O. Box 5851 North Little Rock, AR 72119-5851 JACK EAST III Jack East III 501-372-3278 2725 Cantrell Road, Ste. 202 Little Rock, AR 72202 JUNIUS BRACY CROSS, JR. JB Cross Construction Law 501-374-2512 308 East Eighth Street Little Rock, AR 72202

JULIE DEWOODY GREATHOUSE PPGMR Law 501-603-9000 101 Morgan Keegan Drive, Ste. A P.O. Box 251618 Little Rock, AR 72225-1618 JOHN F. PEISERICH PPGMR Law 501-603-9000 101 Morgan Keegan Drive, Ste. A P.O. Box 251618 Little Rock, AR 72225-1618 G. ALAN PERKINS PPGMR Law 501-603-9000 101 Morgan Keegan Drive, Ste. A P.O. Box 251618 Little Rock, AR 72225-1618


BRANDON B. CATE Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 479-444-5200 4100 Corporate Center Drive, Ste. 310 Springdale, AR 72762 E.B. CHILES IV Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420


MICHAEL G. SMITH Dover Dixon Horne 501-375-9151 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3700 Little Rock, AR 72201

BENJAMIN H. SHIPLEY III Robertson, Beasley, Shipley & Robinson 479-782-8813 315 North Seventh Street Fort Smith, AR 72901

JANET L. PULLIAM Pulliam & Muskheli 501-436-0010 2209 Cantrell Road Little Rock, AR 72202

WILLIAM MELL GRIFFIN III Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

PAUL D. WADDELL Waddell, Cole & Jones 870-931-1700 310 East Street, Ste. A P.O. Box 1700 Jonesboro, AR 72403

E.B. CHILES IV Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420

EDWARD T. OGLESBY Kutak Rock 501-975-3000 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201-3740 MARK BREEDING Munson, Rowlett, Moore & Boone 501-374-6535 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201 JOHN E. MOORE Munson, Rowlett, Moore & Boone 501-374-6535 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201 SHANE STRABALA Munson, Rowlett, Moore & Boone 501-374-6535 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201


MARSHALL S. NEY Friday, Eldredge & Clark 479-695-2011 3350 South Pinnacle Hills Parkway, Ste. 301 Rogers, AR 72758 HERMANN IVESTER Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201

EDWARD T. OGLESBY Kutak Rock 501-975-3000 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201-3740

JAMES G. LINGLE Lingle Law Firm 479-636-7899 110 South Dixieland Road Rogers, AR 72758

RICHARD T. DONOVAN Rose Law Firm 501-375-9131 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893

JOHN E. TULL III Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420

H. WILLIAM ALLEN Williams & Anderson 501-859-0575 111 Center Street, Ste. 2200 Little Rock, AR 72201

RICHARD N. WATTS Watts, Donovan & Tilley 501-372-1406 Arkansas Capital Commerce Center, Ste. 200 200 River Market Ave. Little Rock, AR 72201-1769

PHILIP S. ANDERSON Williams & Anderson 501-859-0575 111 Center Street, Ste. 2200 Little Rock, AR 72201

N. M. NORTON Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699

PHILIP E. KAPLAN Williams & Anderson 501-859-0575 111 Center Street, Ste. 2200 Little Rock, AR 72201


STEPHEN R. LANCASTER Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699


JOHN R. ELROD Conner & Winters 479-582-5711 4375 North Vantage Drive, Ste. 405 Fayetteville, AR 72703 JAMES G. LINGLE Lingle Law Firm 479-636-7899 110 South Dixieland Road Rogers, AR 72758 JOSEPH HENRY BATES III Carney Bates & Pulliam 888-551-9944 519 West Seventh Street Little Rock, AR 72201 SAMUEL E. LEDBETTER McMath Woods 501-396-5400 711 West Third Street Little Rock, AR 72201



TROY A. PRICE Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699


MARK W. DOSSETT Kutak Rock 479-973-4200 234 East Millsap Road, Ste. 200 Fayetteville, AR 72703-4099

JEFFREY W. PURYEAR Womack Phelps Puryear Mayfield & McNeil 870-932-0900 Century Center 301 West Washington Ave. Jonesboro, AR 72403 P.O. Box 3077 M. STEPHEN BINGHAM Cross, Gunter, Witherspoon & Galchus 501-371-9999 500 President Clinton Ave., Ste. 200 Little Rock, AR 72201

AMY LEE STEWART Rose Law Firm 501-375-9131 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893

SUZANNE G. CLARK Clark Law Firm 476-856-6380 244 West Dickson Street, Ste. 201 P.O. Box 4248 Fayetteville, AR 72702-4248 MARSHALL S. NEY Friday, Eldredge & Clark 479-695-2011 3350 South Pinnacle Hills Parkway, Ste. 301 Rogers, AR 72758 SUSAN K. KENDALL Kendall Law Firm 479-464-9828 3706 Pinnacle Hills Parkway, Ste. 201 Rogers, AR 72758 EVA C. MADISON Littler Mendelson 479-582-6100 The Fulbright Building, Ste. 204 217 East Dickson Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 ALFRED F. ANGULO, JR. Robertson, Beasley, Shipley & Robinson 479-782-8813 315 North Seventh Street Fort Smith, AR 72901

J. BRUCE CROSS Cross, Gunter, Witherspoon & Galchus 501-371-9999 500 President Clinton Ave., Ste. 200 Little Rock, AR 72201 MISSY MCJUNKINS DUKE Cross, Gunter, Witherspoon & Galchus 501-371-9999 500 President Clinton Ave., Ste. 200 Little Rock, AR 72201 CYNTHIA KOLB Cross, Gunter, Witherspoon & Galchus 501-371-9999 500 President Clinton Ave., Ste. 200 Little Rock, AR 72201 CHRISTOPHER J. HELLER Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 DANIEL L. HERRINGTON Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 MICHAEL S. MOORE Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 ELIZABETH ROBBEN MURRAY Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 ELLEN OWENS SMITH Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 FREDERICK S. URSERY Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 H. WAYNE YOUNG Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 DANIEL R. CARTER James, Carter & Priebe 866-716-3242 500 Broadway, Ste. 400 Little Rock, AR 72203 JAMES M. GARY Kutak Rock 501-975-3000 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201-3740 JOHN L. BURNETT Lavey and Burnett 501-376-2269 904 West Second Street Little Rock, AR 72201 JOHN D. COULTER McMath Woods 501-396-5400 711 West Third Street Little Rock, AR 72201 KATHLYN GRAVES Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201

DENISE REID HOGGARD Rainwater, Holt & Sexton 501-868-2500 801 Technology Drive Little Rock, AR 72223 SPENCER F. ROBINSON Ramsay, Bridgforth, Robinson & Raley 870-535-9000 Simmons First National Bank Building, 11th Floor P.O. Box 8509 Pine Bluff, AR 71611-8509 DAVID P. MARTIN Rose Law Firm 501-375-9131 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893 PHILIP E. KAPLAN Williams & Anderson 501-859-0575 111 Center Street, Ste. 2200 Little Rock, AR 72201 JOHN D. DAVIS Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699 WILLIAM STUART JACKSON Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699 MICHELLE M. KAEMMERLING Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699


SUZANNE G. CLARK Clark Law Firm 476-856-6380 244 West Dickson Street, Ste. 201 P.O. Box 4248 Fayetteville, AR 72702-4248


SUZANNE G. CLARK Clark Law Firm 476-856-6380 244 West Dickson Street, Ste. 201 P.O. Box 4248 Fayetteville, AR 72702-4248 THOMAS A. DAILY Daily & Woods 479-782-0361 58 South Sixth Street P.O. Box 1446 Fort Smith, AR 72901

CONSTANCE G. CLARK Davis, Clark, Butt, Carithers & Taylor 479-521-7600 19 East Mountain Street P.O. Box 1688 Fayetteville, AR 72702-1688 L. KYLE HEFFLEY Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 479-464-5650 4206 South J.B. Hunt Drive, Ste. 200 Rogers, AR 72758 JOHN KEELING BAKER Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201

M. SAMUEL JONES III Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201 JOSEPH R. FALASCO Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420 TIMOTHY W. GROOMS Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420 DAVID B. VANDERGRIFF Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420 STEPHEN R. LANCASTER Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699


KERRI E. KOBBEMAN Conner & Winters 479-582-5711 4375 North Vantage Drive, Ste. 405 Fayetteville, AR 72703 KEVIN A. CRASS Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 M. SAMUEL JONES III Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201

RICHARD T. DONOVAN Rose Law Firm 501-375-9131 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893

STEPHEN R. LANCASTER Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699

JOHN R. ELROD Conner & Winters 479-582-5711 4375 North Vantage Drive, Ste. 405 Fayetteville, AR 72703

H. WILLIAM ALLEN Williams & Anderson 501-859-0575 111 Center Street, Ste. 2200 Little Rock, AR 72201

RITA REED HARRIS Rita Reed Harris 870-633-9900 P.O. Box 787 Forrest City, AR 72336



SHERRY P. BARTLEY Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201

WILLIAM JACKSON BUTT II Davis, Clark, Butt, Carithers & Taylor 479-521-7600 19 East Mountain Street P.O. Box 1688 Fayetteville, AR 72702-1688 ROBERT S. JONES Waddell, Cole & Jones 870-931-1700 310 East Street, Ste. A P.O. Box 1700 Jonesboro, AR 72403 ALLISON J. CORNWELL Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 SARAH COTTON PATTERSON Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 RICHARD F. HATFIELD Richard F. Hatfield 501-374-9010 401 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 502 Little Rock, AR 72201 ADAM H. CROW Rose Law Firm 501-375-9131 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893

GORDON S. RATHER, JR. Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699


ANTHONY C. JOHNSON Johnson Firm 501-777-7777 2226 Cottondale Lane, Ste. 210 Little Rock, AR 72202

MICHAEL O. PARKER Dover Dixon Horne 501-375-9151 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3700 Little Rock, AR 72201

LYN P. PRUITT Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201

CLYDE TALBOT TURNER Turner & Associates 501-791-2277 4705 Somers Ave., Ste. 100 North Little Rock, AR 72116

PRICE C. GARDNER Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

JOHN E. MOORE Munson, Rowlett, Moore & Boone 501-374-6535 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201

JAMES M. SIMPSON Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

JOHN KEELING BAKER Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201

E.B. CHILES IV Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420

JESS L. ASKEW III Kutak Rock 501-975-3000 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201-3740

ANTON JANIK Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201


WOODSON W. BASSETT III Bassett Law Firm 479-521-9996 221 North College Ave. P.O. Box 3618 Fayetteville, AR 72702-3618

STEVEN W. QUATTLEBAUM Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420 JOHN E. TULL III Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420 EDWIN L. LOWTHER, JR. Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699


JOHN E. TULL III Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420


ROBERT E. HORNBERGER Robert E. Hornberger Attorney/ Mediator 479-459-7878 P.O. Box 8064 Fort Smith, AR 72902-8064 JOHN DEWEY WATSON ADR 501-376-2121 1501 North University Ave., Ste. 552 Little Rock, AR 72207

FRANK S. HAMLIN Hamlin Dispute Resolution 501-850-8888 1101 West Second Street Little Rock, AR 72201


WALKER DALE GARRETT Bassett Law Firm 479-521-9996 221 North College Ave. P.O. Box 3618 Fayetteville, AR 72702-3618

WALTER B. COX Cox, Cox & Estes 479-251-7900 3900 North Front Street, Ste. 203 P.O. Box 9630 Fayetteville, AR 72703 JAMES R. ESTES Cox, Cox & Estes 479-251-7900 3900 North Front Street, Ste. 203 P.O. Box 9630 Fayetteville, AR 72703 KELLY CARITHERS Davis, Clark, Butt, Carithers & Taylor 479-521-7600 19 East Mountain Street P.O. Box 1688 Fayetteville, AR 72702-1688 MARK W. DOSSETT Kutak Rock 479-973-4200 234 East Millsap Road, Ste. 200 Fayetteville, AR 72703-4099 REBECCA D. HATTABAUGH Ledbetter Cogbill Arnold & Harrison 479-782-7294 622 Parker Ave. P.O. Box 185 Fort Smith, AR 72902-0185


“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”


– Martin Luther King

Tab Turner was included in the 2019 Edition of The Best Lawyers in America

for Product Liability Litigation - Plaintiffs, Project Finance Law, Mass Tort Litigation / Class Actions Plaintiffs, and Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs. He was also named the Best Lawyers® 2019 Product Liability Litigation - Plaintiffs “Lawyer of the Year” honoree in Little Rock. ©


4705 Somers Avenue, Suite 100 | North Little Rock, AR 72116 • 501-791-2277



L. KYLE HEFFLEY Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 479-464-5650 4206 South J.B. Hunt Drive, Ste. 200 Rogers, AR 72758

SCOTT D. PROVENCHER Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201

ROBERT J. LAMBERT, JR. Roy, Lambert, Lovelace, Bingaman & Wood 479-756-8510 2706 South Dividend Drive Springdale, AR 72766

TIMOTHY L. BOONE Munson, Rowlett, Moore & Boone 501-374-6535 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201

PAUL D. MCNEILL RMP 870-394-5200 710 Windover Road, Ste. B Jonesboro, AR 72401

BRUCE E. MUNSON Munson, Rowlett, Moore & Boone 501-374-6535 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201 DAVID P. GLOVER Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699

PAUL D. WADDELL Waddell, Cole & Jones 870-931-1700 310 East Street, Ste. A P.O. Box 1700 Jonesboro, AR 72403 OVERTON S. ANDERSON Anderson, Murphy & Hopkins 501-372-1887 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2400 Little Rock, AR 72201-4851 JASON J. CAMPBELL Anderson, Murphy & Hopkins 501-372-1887 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2400 Little Rock, AR 72201-4851 MARIAM T. HOPKINS Anderson, Murphy & Hopkins 501-372-1887 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2400 Little Rock, AR 72201-4851 MICHELLE ATOR Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 DONALD H. BACON Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 WILLIAM MELL GRIFFIN III Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 BRADLEY S. RUNYON Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 LAURA H. SMITH Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 JEFFREY W. HATFIELD Hardin, Jesson & Terry 501-850-0015 1401 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 190 Little Rock, AR 72201-2939

EDWIN L. LOWTHER, JR. Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699


H. DAVID BLAIR Blair & Stroud 870-793-8350 500 East Main Street, Ste. 201 Batesville, AR 72501

WALTER M. EBEL III Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 JOSEPH G. NICHOLS Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 H. WATT GREGORY III Kutak Rock 501-975-3000 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201-3740 DAVID A. SMITH Kutak Rock 501-975-3000 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201-3740 THOMAS C. VAUGHAN, JR. Lax, Vaughan, Fortson, Rowe & Threet 501-376-6565 Cantrell West Building, Ste. 201 11300 Cantrell Road Little Rock, AR 72212 C. DOUGLAS BUFORD, JR. Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201


BOBBY R. MCDANIEL McDaniel Law Firm 870-336-4747 400 South Main Street Jonesboro, AR 72401 RANDY HALL Hall & Taylor Law Partners 501-353-8278 415 North McKinley, Ste. 1000 Little Rock, AR 72205


RAYBURN W. GREEN Kutak Rock 479-973-4200 234 East Millsap Road, Ste. 200 Fayetteville, AR 72703-4099

JENNIFER WILSON-HARVEY Wilson & Associates 501-216-9388 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1400 Little Rock, AR 72201


RYAN A. BOWMAN Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 J. SHEPHERD RUSSELL III Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

K. COLEMAN WESTBROOK, JR. Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 W. WILSON JONES Rose Law Firm 501-375-9131 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893


THOMAS A. DAILY Daily & Woods 479-782-0361 58 South Sixth Street P.O. Box 1446 Fort Smith, AR 72901

ROBERT M. HONEA Hardin, Jesson & Terry 479-452-2200 5000 Rogers Ave., Ste. 500 P.O. Box 10127 Fort Smith, AR 72917-0127 CAROLYN J. CLEGG Keith, Clegg & Epley 870-234-3550 P.O. Box 1029 Magnolia, AR 71754 G. ALAN PERKINS PPGMR Law 501-603-9000 101 Morgan Keegan Drive, Ste. A P.O. Box 251618 Little Rock, AR 72225-1618 JAMES D. RANKIN III PPGMR Law 501-603-9000 101 Morgan Keegan Drive, Ste. A P.O. Box 251618 Little Rock, AR 72225-1618

J. CHARLES DOUGHERTY Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699


WALKER DALE GARRETT Bassett Law Firm 479-521-9996 221 North College Ave. P.O. Box 3618 Fayetteville, AR 72702-3618 CURTIS L. NEBBEN Bassett Law Firm 479-521-9996 221 North College Ave. P.O. Box 3618 Fayetteville, AR 72702-3618

ROBERT L. JONES III Conner & Winters 479-582-5711 4375 North Vantage Drive, Ste. 405 Fayetteville, AR 72703 G. ALAN WOOTEN Conner & Winters 479-582-5711 4375 North Vantage Drive, Ste. 405 Fayetteville, AR 72703 WALTER B. COX Cox, Cox & Estes 479-251-7900 3900 North Front Street, Ste. 203 P.O. Box 9630 Fayetteville, AR 72703 JAMES R. ESTES Cox, Cox & Estes 479-251-7900 3900 North Front Street, Ste. 203 P.O. Box 9630 Fayetteville, AR 72703 KELLY CARITHERS Davis, Clark, Butt, Carithers & Taylor 479-521-7600 19 East Mountain Street P.O. Box 1688 Fayetteville, AR 72702-1688

GORDON M. WILBOURN Kutak Rock 501-975-3000 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201-3740

PAUL B. BENHAM III Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

DAVID F. MENZ Williams & Anderson 501-859-0575 111 Center Street, Ste. 2200 Little Rock, AR 72201

MARK MURPHEY HENRY Henry Law Firm 479-695-1330 240 North Block, Ste. 101 P.O. Box 4800 Fayetteville, AR 72702

DON A. TAYLOR Davis, Clark, Butt, Carithers & Taylor 479-521-7600 19 East Mountain Street P.O. Box 1688 Fayetteville, AR 72702-1688

BRYAN W. DUKE Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

JOHN WILLIAM SPIVEY III Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699

MEREDITH K. LOWRY Wright Lindsey & Jennings 479-986-0888 3333 Pinnacle Hills Parkway, Ste. 510 Rogers, AR 72758

CLIFFORD W. PLUNKETT Friday, Eldredge & Clark 479-695-2011 3425 North Futrall Drive, Ste. 103 Fayetteville, AR 72703

BENJAMIN JACKSON Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201 M. SAMUEL JONES III Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201 NOVEMBER 15, 2018

SARAH COTTON PATTERSON Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

STEPHEN D. CARVER Patent Law Offices of Stephen D. Carver 501-224-1500 Pleasant Valley Corporate Center, Ste. 800 2024 Arkansas Valley Drive Little Rock, AR 72212

JAMES W. SMITH Smith Hurst 479-301-2444 Hunt Tower, Ste. 900 5100 West JB Hunt Drive Rogers, AR 72758

KEN COOK Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201



BYRON M. EISEMAN, JR. Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201



JERRY L. LOVELACE Roy, Lambert, Lovelace, Bingaman & Wood 479-756-8510 2706 South Dividend Drive Springdale, AR 72766 JASON H. WALES Wales Comstock 479-439-8088 3608 North Steele Boulevard, Ste. 101 P.O. Box 10018 Fayetteville, AR 72703 BILL W. BRISTOW Bristow & Richardson 870-935-9000 216 East Washington Ave. Jonesboro, AR 72401-3102 PAUL D. MCNEILL RMP 870-394-5200 710 Windover Road, Ste. B Jonesboro, AR 72401 JOHN V. PHELPS Womack Phelps Puryear Mayfield & McNeil 870-932-0900 Century Center 301 West Washington Ave. Jonesboro, AR 72403 P.O. Box 3077 MARIAM T. HOPKINS Anderson, Murphy & Hopkins 501-372-1887 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2400 Little Rock, AR 72201-4851 DAVID A. LITTLETON Anderson, Murphy & Hopkins 501-372-1887 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2400 Little Rock, AR 72201-4851 RANDY P. MURPHY Anderson, Murphy & Hopkins 501-372-1887 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2400 Little Rock, AR 72201-4851 MICHAEL P. VANDERFORD Anderson, Murphy & Hopkins 501-372-1887 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2400 Little Rock, AR 72201-4851 J. COTTEN CUNNINGHAM Barber Law Firm 501-372-6175 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3400 Little Rock, AR 72201 WILLIAM H. EDWARDS, JR. Barber Law Firm 501-372-6175 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3400 Little Rock, AR 72201

John Dewey Watson was included in the 2019 Edition of The Best Lawyers in America© for Arbitration, Litigation – Construction, and Mediation in Little Rock.

G. SPENCE FRICKE Barber Law Firm 501-372-6175 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3400 Little Rock, AR 72201

(501) 804-4131 23 Iviers Drive Little Rock, AR


ALFRED F. ANGULO, JR. Robertson, Beasley, Shipley & Robinson 479-782-8813 315 North Seventh Street Fort Smith, AR 72901

Thank You For This Special Honor

He was also named the Best Lawyers® 2019 Litigation - Construction “Lawyer of the Year” honoree in Little Rock.

John Dewey Watson

STUART P. MILLER Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 479-464-5650 4206 South J.B. Hunt Drive, Ste. 200 Rogers, AR 72758

ROBERT L. HENRY III Barber Law Firm 501-372-6175 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3400 Little Rock, AR 72201 JIM L. JULIAN Barber Law Firm 501-372-6175 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3400 Little Rock, AR 72201

CLARK S. BREWSTER Clark S. Brewster 501-315-6000 3417 Estate Drive Benton, AR 72019 TODD WOOTEN Dover Dixon Horne 501-375-9151 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3700 Little Rock, AR 72201 MICHELLE ATOR Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 DONALD H. BACON Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 JAMES C. BAKER, JR. Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 KEVIN A. CRASS Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 WILLIAM MELL GRIFFIN III Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 JOSEPH P. MCKAY Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 JAMES M. SIMPSON Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 LAURA H. SMITH Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 FREDERICK S. URSERY Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 GUY ALTON WADE Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 DAVID D. WILSON Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 JEFFREY W. HATFIELD Hardin, Jesson & Terry 501-850-0015 1401 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 190 Little Rock, AR 72201-2939 D. MICHAEL HUCKABAY, JR. Huckabay Law Firm 501-375-5600 Metropolitan Tower, Ste. 1575 425 West Capitol Ave. Little Rock, AR 72201

R.T. BEARD III Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201 MICHELLE L. BROWNING Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201 SCOTT D. PROVENCHER Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201 LYN P. PRUITT Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201 TIMOTHY L. BOONE Munson, Rowlett, Moore & Boone 501-374-6535 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201 MARK BREEDING Munson, Rowlett, Moore & Boone 501-374-6535 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201 JOHN E. MOORE Munson, Rowlett, Moore & Boone 501-374-6535 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201 BRUCE E. MUNSON Munson, Rowlett, Moore & Boone 501-374-6535 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201 BEVERLY A. ROWLETT Munson, Rowlett, Moore & Boone 501-374-6535 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201 SHANE STRABALA Munson, Rowlett, Moore & Boone 501-374-6535 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201 BRIAN H. RATCLIFF PPGMR Law 870-862-5523 100 East Church Street P.O. Box 1718 El Dorado, AR 71731-1718 E.B. CHILES IV Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420 CHAD W. PEKRON Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420 STEVEN W. QUATTLEBAUM Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420

TERESA M. WINELAND Kutak Rock 501-975-3000 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201-3740

MICHAEL N. SHANNON Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420

SHERRY P. BARTLEY Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201

JOHN E. TULL III Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420

THOMAS G. WILLIAMS Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420 FLOYD M. THOMAS, JR. Thomas Law Firm 870-866-8451 1615 North Calion Road El Dorado, AR 71730



DAVID M. DONOVAN Watts, Donovan & Tilley 501-372-1406 Arkansas Capital Commerce Center, Ste. 200 200 River Market Ave. Little Rock, AR 72201-1769 JAMES W. TILLEY Watts, Donovan & Tilley 501-372-1406 Arkansas Capital Commerce Center, Ste. 200 200 River Market Ave. Little Rock, AR 72201-1769 RICHARD N. WATTS Watts, Donovan & Tilley 501-372-1406 Arkansas Capital Commerce Center, Ste. 200 200 River Market Ave. Little Rock, AR 72201-1769 MICHAEL D. BARNES Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699 ROGER A. GLASGOW Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699 EDWIN L. LOWTHER, JR. Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699 RODNEY P. MOORE Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699 GORDON S. RATHER, JR. Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699 JERRY J. SALLINGS Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699 JEFFREY L. SINGLETON Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699 KYLE R. WILSON Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699


FRANK H. BAILEY Bailey & Oliver Law Firm 479-202-5200 3606 West Southern Hills Boulevard, Ste. 200 Rogers, AR 72758 KENNETH J. KIEKLAK Ken Kieklak, Attorney at Law 479-251-7767 3900 North Front Street, Ste. 103 Fayetteville, AR 72703

We congratulate Judson on his dedicated service and being named one of the best. Judson Kidd was included in the 2019 Edition of The Best Lawyers in America© for Family Law in Little Rock.

DODDS, KIDD, RYAN & ROWAN 501.375.9901 313 West Second St.



JERRY L. LOVELACE Roy, Lambert, Lovelace, Bingaman & Wood 479-756-8510 2706 South Dividend Drive Springdale, AR 72766 JASON H. WALES Wales Comstock 479-439-8088 3608 North Steele Boulevard, Ste. 101 P.O. Box 10018 Fayetteville, AR 72703 H. DAVID BLAIR Blair & Stroud 870-793-8350 500 East Main Street, Ste. 201 Batesville, AR 72501 BILL W. BRISTOW Bristow & Richardson 870-935-9000 216 East Washington Ave. Jonesboro, AR 72401-3102 BOBBY R. MCDANIEL McDaniel Law Firm 870-336-4747 400 South Main Street Jonesboro, AR 72401 PHILLIP J. WELLS Wells & Wells 870-782-4084 225 South Church Street Jonesboro, AR 72401 ROBERT M. CEARLEY, JR. Cearley Law Firm 501-372-5600 1001 La Harpe Boulevard Little Rock, AR 72201 JASON EARLEY Hare Wynn Newell & Newton 501-406-2318 2226 Cottondale Lane, Ste. 210 Little Rock, AR 72202

PAUL J. JAMES James, Carter & Priebe 866-716-3242 500 Broadway, Ste. 400 Little Rock, AR 72203

THOM DIAZ Rainwater, Holt & Sexton 501-868-2500 801 Technology Drive Little Rock, AR 72223

DAVID H. WILLIAMS The Law Office of David H. Williams 501-372-0038 211 South Spring Street, Second Floor Little Rock, AR 72201

JEFF R. PRIEBE James, Carter & Priebe 866-716-3242 500 Broadway, Ste. 400 Little Rock, AR 72203

MICHAEL R. RAINWATER Rainwater, Holt & Sexton 501-868-2500 801 Technology Drive Little Rock, AR 72223

FLOYD M. THOMAS, JR. Thomas Law Firm 870-866-8451 1615 North Calion Road El Dorado, AR 71730

JAMES F. SWINDOLL Law Offices of James F. Swindoll 501-374-1290 212 Center Street, Ste. 300 Little Rock, AR 72201

ROBERT SEXTON Rainwater, Holt & Sexton 501-868-2500 801 Technology Drive Little Rock, AR 72223

TIMOTHY O. DUDLEY Timothy O. Dudley 501-372-0080 114 South Pulaski Street Little Rock, AR 72201-1924

WILL BOND McMath Woods 501-396-5400 711 West Third Street Little Rock, AR 72201

BRENT L. MOSS Reddick Moss 877-907-7790 One Information Way, Ste. 105 Little Rock, AR 72202

NEIL CHAMBERLIN McMath Woods 501-396-5400 711 West Third Street Little Rock, AR 72201

TASHA TAYLOR Taylor & Taylor Law Firm 501-246-8004 12921 Cantrell Road, Ste. 205 Little Rock, AR 72223

JAMES BRUCE MCMATH McMath Woods 501-396-5400 711 West Third Street Little Rock, AR 72201

ANDREW M. TAYLOR Taylor & Taylor Law Firm 501-246-8004 12921 Cantrell Road, Ste. 205 Little Rock, AR 72223

BUD B. WHETSTONE Whetstone Law Firm 501-376-3564 Pavilion Centre, Ste. 230 8315 Cantrell Road Little Rock, AR 72227

CARTER C. STEIN McMath Woods 501-396-5400 711 West Third Street Little Rock, AR 72201

TED BOSWELL The Boswell Law Firm 501-847-3031 P.O. Box 798 Bryant, AR 72089-0798

MICHAEL N. SHANNON Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420

GEORGE R. WISE, JR. The Brad Hendricks Law Firm 501-221-0444 500 Pleasant Valley Drive, Building C Little Rock, AR 72227

CLYDE TALBOT TURNER Turner & Associates 501-791-2277 4705 Somers Ave., Ste. 100 North Little Rock, AR 72116 JACK WAGONER III Wagoner Law Firm 501-837-8850 1320 Brookwood, Ste.s D & E Little Rock, AR 72202


BARRY DEACON Deacon Law Firm 479-582-5353 100 West Center Street, Ste. 200 Fayetteville, AR 72701 J. R. CARROLL Kutak Rock 479-973-4200 234 East Millsap Road, Ste. 200 Fayetteville, AR 72703-4099

JERRY L. LOVELACE Roy, Lambert, Lovelace, Bingaman & Wood 479-756-8510 2706 South Dividend Drive Springdale, AR 72766 JULIE M. HANCOCK Anderson, Murphy & Hopkins 501-372-1887 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2400 Little Rock, AR 72201-4851 MICHAEL P. VANDERFORD Anderson, Murphy & Hopkins 501-372-1887 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2400 Little Rock, AR 72201-4851

TIMOTHY L. BOONE Munson, Rowlett, Moore & Boone 501-374-6535 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201 MARK BREEDING Munson, Rowlett, Moore & Boone 501-374-6535 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201 SARAH GREENWOOD Munson, Rowlett, Moore & Boone 501-374-6535 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201 BRUCE E. MUNSON Munson, Rowlett, Moore & Boone 501-374-6535 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201 E.B. CHILES IV Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420

G. SPENCE FRICKE Barber Law Firm 501-372-6175 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3400 Little Rock, AR 72201

STEVEN W. QUATTLEBAUM Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420

RODNEY P. MOORE Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699

SCOTT D. PROVENCHER Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201

MICHAEL N. SHANNON Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420

B. MICHAEL EASLEY Easley & Houseal 870-330-0015 510 East Cross Street Forrest City, AR 72335

LYN P. PRUITT Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201

JOHN E. TULL III Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420

Congratulations to our six attorneys included in the 25th edition of The Best Lawyers in America.©

James Bruce McMath Of Counsel

Samuel E. Ledbetter Environmental Law & Litigation, General Civil Litigation

John D. Coulter Labor & Employment Law, Family Law

Neil Chamberlin Injury, Wrongful Death & Insurance Disputes, Disability Claims

Will Bond Injury, Wrongful Death & Insurance Disputes, Hospital Negligence

Carter C. Stein Injury & Wrongful Death

These two are pretty fantastic, too.

Phillip H. McMath Of Counsel | 501.396.5400 | 50

NOVEMBER 15, 2018


Charles Harrison Injury & Wrongful Death

Personal Attention, Proven Results Since 1953


| 711 W. 3rd Street, Little Rock, AR 72201

THOMAS G. WILLIAMS Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420

H. DAVID BLAIR Blair & Stroud 870-793-8350 500 East Main Street, Ste. 201 Batesville, AR 72501

DAVID A. LITTLETON Anderson, Murphy & Hopkins 501-372-1887 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2400 Little Rock, AR 72201-4851

J. SHEPHERD RUSSELL III Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

J. SHEPHERD RUSSELL III Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

JOSEPH P. MCKAY Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

RICHARD N. WATTS Watts, Donovan & Tilley 501-372-1406 Arkansas Capital Commerce Center, Ste. 200 200 River Market Ave. Little Rock, AR 72201-1769

ROBERT M. CEARLEY, JR. Cearley Law Firm 501-372-5600 1001 La Harpe Boulevard Little Rock, AR 72201

MICHAEL P. VANDERFORD Anderson, Murphy & Hopkins 501-372-1887 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2400 Little Rock, AR 72201-4851

JAMES E. HATHAWAY III Kutak Rock 501-975-3000 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201-3740

SCOTT H. TUCKER Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

MICHAEL N. SHANNON Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420

SCOTT D. PROVENCHER Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201

HAROLD W. HAMLIN Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201

GORDON M. WILBOURN Kutak Rock 501-975-3000 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201-3740

FREDERICK S. URSERY Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

MICHELE ALLGOOD Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201

JOHN ALAN LEWIS John Alan Lewis Law 479-268-5888 207 Southeast A Street Bentonville, AR 72712

DAVID F. MENZ Williams & Anderson 501-859-0575 111 Center Street, Ste. 2200 Little Rock, AR 72201

CARL J. CIRCO University of Arkansas School of Law 479-575-5601 Waterman Hall, 1045 West Maple Street Fayetteville, AR 72701

W. JACKSON WILLIAMS Williams & Anderson 501-859-0575 111 Center Street, Ste. 2200 Little Rock, AR 72201

DON A. EILBOTT Don A. Eilbott 501-225-2885 Redding Building, Ste. 112 1701 Centerview Drive Little Rock, AR 72211

MICHAEL D. BARNES Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699 SCOTT A. IRBY Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699 EDWIN L. LOWTHER, JR. Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699 GORDON S. RATHER, JR. Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699 KYLE R. WILSON Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699


JERRY L. LOVELACE Roy, Lambert, Lovelace, Bingaman & Wood 479-756-8510 2706 South Dividend Drive Springdale, AR 72766

JOHN E. TULL III Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420 GEORGE R. WISE, JR. The Brad Hendricks Law Firm 501-221-0444 500 Pleasant Valley Drive, Building C Little Rock, AR 72227 CLYDE TALBOT TURNER Turner & Associates 501-791-2277 4705 Somers Ave., Ste. 100 North Little Rock, AR 72116 BUD B. WHETSTONE Whetstone Law Firm 501-376-3564 Pavilion Centre, Ste. 230 8315 Cantrell Road Little Rock, AR 72227


H. DAVID BLAIR Blair & Stroud 870-793-8350 500 East Main Street, Ste. 201 Batesville, AR 72501

DAVID M. POWELL Williams & Anderson 501-859-0575 111 Center Street, Ste. 2200 Little Rock, AR 72201

DAVID F. MENZ Williams & Anderson 501-859-0575 111 Center Street, Ste. 2200 Little Rock, AR 72201 W. JACKSON WILLIAMS Williams & Anderson 501-859-0575 111 Center Street, Ste. 2200 Little Rock, AR 72201



H. DAVID BLAIR Blair & Stroud 870-793-8350 500 East Main Street, Ste. 201 Batesville, AR 72501

ROBERT B. BEACH, JR. Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

DAVID H. WILLIAMS The Law Office of David H. Williams 501-372-0038 211 South Spring Street, Second Floor Little Rock, AR 72201

RYAN A. BOWMAN Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

TIMOTHY O. DUDLEY Timothy O. Dudley 501-372-0080 114 South Pulaski Street Little Rock, AR 72201-1924

THOMAS P. LEGGETT Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201


JOHN ALAN LEWIS John Alan Lewis Law 479-268-5888 207 Southeast A Street Bentonville, AR 72712

D. MICHAEL MOYERS Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

JOHN WILLIAM SPIVEY III Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699


BARRY DEACON Deacon Law Firm 479-582-5353 100 West Center Street, Ste. 200 Fayetteville, AR 72701


JAMES P. BEACHBOARD Dover Dixon Horne 501-375-9151 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3700 Little Rock, AR 72201 MONTE D. ESTES Dover Dixon Horne 501-375-9151 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3700 Little Rock, AR 72201

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JAMES C. CLARK Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 BRYAN W. DUKE Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 PRICE C. GARDNER Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 JAMES M. SAXTON Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 JAY T. TAYLOR Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 DANIEL GOODWIN Gill Ragon Owen 501-376-3800 Simmons Bank Tower, Ste. 3800 425 West Capitol Ave. Little Rock, AR 72201 STUART W. HANKINS Hankins Law Firm 501-833-0168 1515 East Kiehl Ave. Sherwood, AR 72120 J. MARK SPRADLEY J. Mark Spradley 501-537-4290 1501 North University Ave., Ste. 155 Little Rock, AR 72207

RANDY COLEMAN Jack Nelson Jones 501-375-1122 Riverfront Plaza, Building One One Allied Drive, Ste. 1110 Little Rock, AR 72202 RANDAL B. FRAZIER Kutak Rock 501-975-3000 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201-3740 MARIAN M. MCMULLAN McMullan & Brown 501-376-9119 815 West Markham Street Little Rock, AR 72201 HAROLD W. HAMLIN Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201 SCOTT SCHALLHORN Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201

BRIAN ROSENTHAL Rose Law Firm 501-375-9131 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893 JOHN WILLIAM SPIVEY III Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699


JAMES W. SMITH Smith Hurst 479-301-2444 Hunt Tower, Ste. 900 5100 West JB Hunt Drive Rogers, AR 72758

GARLAND W. BINNS, JR. Dover Dixon Horne 501-375-9151 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3700 Little Rock, AR 72201 PAUL B. BENHAM III Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

TIMOTHY W. GROOMS Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420

WALTER M. EBEL III Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

OYCE Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420

ROBERT T. SMITH Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

J. CLIFF MCKINNEY II Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull 501-379-1700 111 Center Street, Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201-4420

H. WATT GREGORY III Kutak Rock 501-975-3000 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201-3740

C. DOUGLAS BUFORD, JR. Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201 D. NICOLE LOVELL Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201 ROBYN P. ALLMENDINGER Rose Law Firm 501-375-9131 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893


PAUL B. BENHAM III Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 H. WATT GREGORY III Kutak Rock 501-975-3000 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201-3740

C. DOUGLAS BUFORD, JR. Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201


J. SHEPHERD RUSSELL III Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

H. WATT GREGORY III Kutak Rock 501-975-3000 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201-3740

ROBERT S. JONES Waddell, Cole & Jones 870-931-1700 310 East Street, Ste. A P.O. Box 1700 Jonesboro, AR 72403

W. JACKSON WILLIAMS Williams & Anderson 501-859-0575 111 Center Street, Ste. 2200 Little Rock, AR 72201

TOM D. WOMACK Womack Phelps Puryear Mayfield & McNeil 870-932-0900 Century Center 301 West Washington Ave. Jonesboro, AR 72403 P.O. Box 3077


CRAIG COCKRELL Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 479-464-5650 4206 South J.B. Hunt Drive, Ste. 200 Rogers, AR 72758 THOMAS L. OVERBEY Overbey, Strigel, Boyd & Westbrook 479-442-3554 211 North Block Ave. Fayetteville, AR 72701-5268 JAMES LEE MOORE III RMP 479-443-2705 75 North East Ave., Ste. 500 P.O. Box 1788 Fayetteville, AR 72702-1788 JOSEPH D. REECE RMP 479-443-2705 75 North East Ave., Ste. 500 P.O. Box 1788 Fayetteville, AR 72702-1788 REBECCA B. HURST Smith Hurst 479-301-2444 Hunt Tower, Ste. 900 5100 West JB Hunt Drive Rogers, AR 72758 JAMES W. SMITH Smith Hurst 479-301-2444 Hunt Tower, Ste. 900 5100 West JB Hunt Drive Rogers, AR 72758

ADAM REID Barber Law Firm 501-372-6175 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3400 Little Rock, AR 72201 SAMUEL R. BAXTER Baxter Jewell & Dobson 501-664-9555 One Information Way, Ste. 210 Little Rock, AR 72202-2290 TED N. DRAKE Bridges Law Firm 870-534-5532 315 East Eighth Ave. P.O. Box 7808 Pine Bluff, AR 71611 JAMES C. MCCASTLAIN Dover Dixon Horne 501-375-9151 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3700 Little Rock, AR 72201 MICHAEL O. PARKER Dover Dixon Horne 501-375-9151 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3700 Little Rock, AR 72201 JOHN B. PEACE Dover Dixon Horne 501-375-9151 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3700 Little Rock, AR 72201


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NOVEMBER 15, 2018



W. THOMAS BAXTER Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

PAUL PARNELL Rose Law Firm 501-375-9131 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893

THOMAS L. OVERBEY Overbey, Strigel, Boyd & Westbrook 479-442-3554 211 North Block Ave. Fayetteville, AR 72701-5268

J. LEE BROWN Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

DAN C. YOUNG Rose Law Firm 501-375-9131 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893

BRYAN W. DUKE Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201

JAMES LEE MOORE III RMP 479-443-2705 75 North East Ave., Ste. 500 P.O. Box 1788 Fayetteville, AR 72702-1788

JOHN R. TISDALE Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699

WALTER M. EBEL III Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 BYRON M. EISEMAN, JR. Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 PRICE C. GARDNER Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 ROBERT T. SMITH Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 JOHN C. LESSEL John C. Lessel 501-954-9000 11601 Pleasant Ridge Road Little Rock, AR 72212 JOSEPH HICKEY Joseph Hickey 870-862-3478 100 West Cedar, Ste. B El Dorado, AR 71730 DAVID A. SMITH Kutak Rock 501-975-3000 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201-3740 THOMAS C. VAUGHAN, JR. Lax, Vaughan, Fortson, Rowe & Threet 501-376-6565 Cantrell West Building, Ste. 201 11300 Cantrell Road Little Rock, AR 72212 CRAIG H. WESTBROOK Overbey, Strigel, Boyd & Westbrook 501-664-8105 10809 Executive Center Drive, Ste. 310 Little Rock, AR 72211-6022 ANTHONY A. HILLIARD Ramsay, Bridgforth, Robinson & Raley 870-535-9000 Simmons First National Bank Building, 11th Floor P.O. Box 8509 Pine Bluff, AR 71611-8509 STEVE BAUMAN Rose Law Firm 501-375-9131 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893 C. BRANTLY BUCK Rose Law Firm 501-375-9131 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893 BRYANT CRANFORD Rose Law Firm 501-375-9131 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893 W. WILSON JONES Rose Law Firm 501-375-9131 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893


J. CHARLES DOUGHERTY Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699


ELIZABETH ROBBEN MURRAY Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201


MARK MURPHEY HENRY Henry Law Firm 479-695-1330 240 North Block, Ste. 101 P.O. Box 4800 Fayetteville, AR 72702 HERMANN IVESTER Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201 STEPHEN D. CARVER Patent Law Offices of Stephen D. Carver 501-224-1500 Pleasant Valley Corporate Center, Ste. 800 2024 Arkansas Valley Drive Little Rock, AR 72212 KATHRYN BENNETT PERKINS Rose Law Firm 501-375-9131 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893 J. CHARLES DOUGHERTY Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699


BARRETT DEACON Deacon Law Firm 479-582-5353 100 West Center Street, Ste. 200 Fayetteville, AR 72701 SUSAN K. KENDALL Kendall Law Firm 479-464-9828 3706 Pinnacle Hills Parkway, Ste. 201 Rogers, AR 72758 BRUCE E. MUNSON Munson, Rowlett, Moore & Boone 501-374-6535 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201


WILLIAM JACKSON BUTT II Davis, Clark, Butt, Carithers & Taylor 479-521-7600 19 East Mountain Street P.O. Box 1688 Fayetteville, AR 72702-1688 CHRISTOPHER T. ROGERS Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 479-464-5650 4206 South J.B. Hunt Drive, Ste. 200 Rogers, AR 72758

JOSEPH D. REECE RMP 479-443-2705 75 North East Ave., Ste. 500 P.O. Box 1788 Fayetteville, AR 72702-1788 JAMES W. SMITH Smith Hurst 479-301-2444 Hunt Tower, Ste. 900 5100 West JB Hunt Drive Rogers, AR 72758 ROBERT S. JONES Waddell, Cole & Jones 870-931-1700 310 East Street, Ste. A P.O. Box 1700 Jonesboro, AR 72403 TOM D. WOMACK Womack Phelps Puryear Mayfield & McNeil 870-932-0900 Century Center 301 West Washington Ave. Jonesboro, AR 72403 P.O. Box 3077 TED N. DRAKE Bridges Law Firm 870-534-5532 315 East Eighth Ave. P.O. Box 7808 Pine Bluff, AR 71611 JAMES C. MOSER, JR. Bridges Law Firm 870-534-5532 315 East Eighth Ave. P.O. Box 7808 Pine Bluff, AR 71611 MICHAEL O. PARKER Dover Dixon Horne 501-375-9151 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3700 Little Rock, AR 72201 JOHN B. PEACE Dover Dixon Horne 501-375-9151 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3700 Little Rock, AR 72201

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JEFFREY H. DIXON Eichenbaum Liles 501-376-4531 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1900 Little Rock, AR 72201

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J. LEE BROWN Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 ALLISON J. CORNWELL Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 BYRON M. EISEMAN, JR. Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 SARAH COTTON PATTERSON Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201





K. COLEMAN WESTBROOK, JR. Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 WILLIAM DIXON HAUGHT Haught & Wade 501-375-5257 111 Center Street, Ste. 1320 Little Rock, AR 72201

JENNIFER R. PIERCE Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201 ANTHONY A. HILLIARD Ramsay, Bridgforth, Robinson & Raley 870-535-9000 Simmons First National Bank Building, 11th Floor P.O. Box 8509 Pine Bluff, AR 71611-8509

JOHN COGAN WADE Haught & Wade 501-375-5257 111 Center Street, Ste. 1320 Little Rock, AR 72201

STEVE BAUMAN Rose Law Firm 501-375-9131 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893

JOHN C. LESSEL John C. Lessel 501-954-9000 11601 Pleasant Ridge Road Little Rock, AR 72212

C. BRANTLY BUCK Rose Law Firm 501-375-9131 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893

JOSEPH HICKEY Joseph Hickey 870-862-3478 100 West Cedar, Ste. B El Dorado, AR 71730 DAVID A. SMITH Kutak Rock 501-975-3000 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201-3740 TRAV BAXTER Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201

ADAM H. CROW Rose Law Firm 501-375-9131 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893 W. WILSON JONES Rose Law Firm 501-375-9131 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893 DAN C. YOUNG Rose Law Firm 501-375-9131 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893


The Best Lawyers in America© is published by BL Rankings, LLC d/b/a Best Lawyers and Co., LLC, Aiken, S.C. and can be ordered directly from the publisher. For information call 803-648-0300; write 237 Park Ave., SW, Suite 101, Aiken, S.C. 29801; email; or visit An online subscription to Best Lawyers® is available at


BL Rankings, LLC d/b/a Best Lawyers and Co., LLC has used its best efforts in assembling material for this list but does not warrant that the information contained herein is complete or accurate, and does not assume, and hereby disclaims, any liability to any person for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions herein whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause. All listed attorneys have been verified as being members in good standing with their respective state bar associations as of July 1, 2018, where that information is publicly available. Consumers should contact their state bar association for verification and additional information prior to securing legal services of any attorney.


EDDIE H. WALKER, JR. Walker, Shock & Harp 479-783-7600 400 North Sixth Street P.O. Box 998 Fort Smith, AR 72902-0998


PHILLIP J. WELLS Wells & Wells 870-782-4084 225 South Church Street Jonesboro, AR 72401 GREGORY GILES Moore, Giles & Matteson 870-774-5191 1206 North State Line Ave. Texarkana, AR 71854

SCOTT C. TROTTER Trotter Law Firm 501-353-1069 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 216 Little Rock, AR 72201 H. WATT GREGORY III Kutak Rock 501-975-3000 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201-3740


WALTER G. WRIGHT, JR. Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard 501-688-8800 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1800 Little Rock, AR 72201 BRIAN ROSENTHAL Rose Law Firm 501-375-9131 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, AR 72201-2893


PHILIP M. WILSON Philip M. Wilson Law 501-374-4000 1501 North University Ave., Ste. 255 Little Rock, AR 72207-5276 LAURA BETH YORK Rainwater, Holt & Sexton 501-868-2500 801 Technology Drive Little Rock, AR 72223


KENNETH J. KIEKLAK Ken Kieklak, Attorney at Law 479-251-7767 3900 North Front Street, Ste. 103 Fayetteville, AR 72703

TOD C. BASSETT Bassett Law Firm 479-521-9996 221 North College Ave. P.O. Box 3618 Fayetteville, AR 72702-3618

JASON M. HATFIELD Law Office of Jason M. Hatfield 479-361-3575 1025 E. Don Tyson Pkway Springdale, AR 72764

CURTIS L. NEBBEN Bassett Law Firm 479-521-9996 221 North College Ave. P.O. Box 3618 Fayetteville, AR 72702-3618

The method used to compile Best Lawyers remains unchanged since the first edition was compiled more than 30 years ago. Lawyers are chosen for inclusion based solely on the vote of their peers. Listings cannot be bought, and no purchase is required to be included. In this regard, Best Lawyers remains the gold standard of reliability and integrity in lawyer ratings.

“The Best Lawyers in America” and “Best Lawyers” are registered trademarks of BL Rankings, LLC d/b/a Best Lawyers and Co., LLC.

Voting lawyers were provided this general guideline for determining if a nominee should be listed among “the best”: “If you had a close



R. SCOTT ZUERKER Ledbetter Cogbill Arnold & Harrison 479-782-7294 622 Parker Ave. P.O. Box 185 Fort Smith, AR 72902-0185 RANDY P. MURPHY Anderson, Murphy & Hopkins 501-372-1887 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2400 Little Rock, AR 72201-4851 FRANK B. NEWELL Barber Law Firm 501-372-6175 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3400 Little Rock, AR 72201 MICHAEL J. DENNIS Bridges Law Firm 870-534-5532 315 East Eighth Ave. P.O. Box 7808 Pine Bluff, AR 71611

JOSEPH H. PURVIS Dover Dixon Horne 501-375-9151 425 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 3700 Little Rock, AR 72201 GUY ALTON WADE Friday, Eldredge & Clark 501-376-2011 400 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2000 Little Rock, AR 72201 BRIAN H. RATCLIFF PPGMR Law 870-862-5523 100 East Church Street P.O. Box 1718 El Dorado, AR 71731-1718 MICHAEL E. RYBURN Ryburn Law Firm 501-228-8100 650 South Shackleford, Ste. 231 Little Rock, AR 72211 JOHN D. DAVIS Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699 LEE J. MULDROW Wright Lindsey & Jennings 501-371-0808 200 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699


Copyright 2019 by BL Rankings, LLC d/b/a Best Lawyers and Co., LLC, Aiken, S.C. All rights reserved. This list, or parts thereof, must not be reproduced in any form without permission. No commercial use of this list may be made without permission of BL Rankings, LLC d/b/a Best Lawyers and Co., LLC No fees may be charged, directly or indirectly, for the use of this list without permission.

NOVEMBER 15, 2018

JAMES A. ARNOLD II Ledbetter Cogbill Arnold & Harrison 479-782-7294 622 Parker Ave. P.O. Box 185 Fort Smith, AR 72902-0185

BETTY J. HARDY Coplin & Hardy 501-707-0300 One Union Plaza 124 West Capitol Ave., Ste. 1850 Little Rock, AR 72201

This list is excerpted from the 2019 edition of The Best Lawyers in America©, the pre-eminent referral guide to the legal profession in the United States. Published since 1983, Best Lawyers lists attorneys in 145 specialties, representing all 50 states, who have been chosen through an exhaustive survey in which thousands of the nation’s top lawyers confidentially evaluate their professional peers. The 2019 edition of Best Lawyers is based on more than 7.8 million evaluations of lawyers by other lawyers.

The nomination pool for the 2019 edition consisted of all lawyers whose names appeared in the previous edition of Best Lawyers, lawyers who were nominated since the previous survey, and new nominees solicited from listed attorneys. In general, lawyers were asked to vote only on nominees in their own specialty in their own jurisdiction. Lawyers in closely related specialties were asked to vote across specialties, as were lawyers in smaller jurisdictions. Where specialties are national or international in nature, lawyers were asked to vote nationally as well as locally. Voting lawyers were also given an opportunity to offer more detailed comments on nominees. Each year, half of the voting pool receives fax or email ballots; the other half is polled by phone.


CONSTANCE G. CLARK Davis, Clark, Butt, Carithers & Taylor 479-521-7600 19 East Mountain Street P.O. Box 1688 Fayetteville, AR 72702-1688

friend or relative who needed a real estate lawyer (for example), and you could not handle the case yourself, to whom would you refer them?” All votes and comments were solicited with a guarantee of confidentiality — a critical factor in the viability and validity of Best Lawyers’ surveys. To ensure the rigor of the selection process, lawyers were urged to use only their highest standards when voting, and to evaluate each nominee based only on his or her individual merits. The additional comments were used to make more accurate comparisons between voting patterns and weight votes accordingly. Best Lawyers uses various methodological tools to identify and correct for anomalies in both the nomination and voting process. Ultimately, of course, a lawyer’s inclusion is based on the subjective judgments of his or her fellow attorneys. While it is true that the lists may at times disproportionately reward visibility or popularity, the breadth of the survey, the candor of the respondents, and the sophistication of the polling methodology largely correct for any biases. For all these reasons, Best Lawyers lists continue to represent the most reliable, accurate and useful guide to the best lawyers in the United States available anywhere.

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You won’t believe how soft this tanned, Arkansas buffalo hide is. Very durable, perfect for either a rug or even a bedspread. A friend has one in her ultra modern downtown tower condo. We have ours in our log cabin. It works in a surprising variety of home or office environments. $1,400 Buy Direct From the Farmer!













Arkansas Times will present the 38th edition of our Readers Choice Restaurants awards in our January 31, 2019 issue. February 5th is our awards celebration party for the statewide winners, presented by our hosts and sponsors UA Pulaski Tech Culinary Institute, Ben E. Keith Foods, Southern Glazer’s Wine and Spirits and Glazer’s Beer and Beverage. Food, drink, interesting people and Ted Ludwig Jazz Trio will provide the entertainment. For more information contact


NOVEMBER 15, 2018


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