Arkansas Times - September 13, 2018

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SEPTEMBER 13, 2018


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McCain, and money better spent elsewhere I had hoped to refrain from criticizing Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) until after his corpse was delivered to the landfill, but, for all of your blathering about how wonderful the recently departed McCain was, you’ve seriously missed McCain’s greatest legacy: President Trump. The McCain wing of the Republican Party is what caused the populist revolt giving us Trump. While you guys bleat about his integrity, McCain was one of the biggest liars in the Republican leadership. He would show up in Arizona to

COMMENT tell his constituents how conservative he was then return to Washington and continue his work with the Chamber of Commerce to throw the borders wide open and destroy the value of American labor. Yes, McCain was first and foremost a globalist. His biggest recent lie? That he’d get rid of the ACA. He had his chance to follow through on that campaign promise, but instead confirmed that his word to the people who voted for him means nothing. Had McCain and the rest of his ilk governed as they campaigned there would be no President Trump. On a side note: I keep seeing your

appeals for support of your product through subscribing to your online publication. While I’m happy to pick up your weekly magazine for free at Kroger to check out the entertainment section and see what the proletariat is thinking these days, your open contempt for those of us who disagree with you politically kinda tells me I have better places to spend my money. It would be insane for me to financially support those who so easily call me a racist, homophobe, misogynist, xenophobe or anything else just because I didn’t vote for the most incompetent candidate in recent history (that being

Hillary the Great). Political disagreement isn’t hate, and I’ll continue to eat at Chick-Fil-A. Brice Hammerstein Sherwood

On minimum wage

I just finished your article in the Arkansas Times (“The wage divide,” Aug. 23) and thought it was very concise and to the point. I especially liked the part about our “esteemed” attorney general. I plan to vote for the minimum wage increase and will pass the message to co-workers, friends, family and anyone that will listen. I am not familiar with the other initiative’s that will be on the ballot this fall and hope that you will publish each one. I have voted since I turned 18 in 1972 and always want to be informed about people and initiatives that I’m presented with. I vote Democrat most of the time, as I care about Arkansans and Americans and worry about the future for my 7-yearold grandson. Thank you for your many articles that hit home with Arkansans that truly care about each other. David W. Byrd Benton

Brain on sex

Good work to Autumn Tolbert (“Dress code bias,” Aug. 23) for her explanation of the underlying bias of dress codes. Women do not cause the sexual response of men. A man’s sexual thoughts and actions are entirely determined by his own brain. Bodies respond to the brain’s interpretations of stimulus. It is not the body of a woman that “turns” a man on, it is that man’s brain telling his body what to do. Another man might look at the same body and not be the least “turned” on. We have homosexual men to thank for proving this logical argument. It is well known in the psychology of stimulus and response. Because the brain determines sexual response, the brain can chose how to express sexuality. Many men kindly keep their sexual response to themselves except when they are with a willing partner. Many men do the hard work of interpreting all the tiniest clues to find out who is willing to share their sexual response. These men have not gotten the recognition they well deserve in the “Me Too” movement. They are the rule that proves the exception. They are my heroes by proving considerate restraint is possible, even when no one is watching. Like all heroes, we must ask them to do even more and somehow explain how they deal with their sexuality to boys. Women have an equal responsibility to untangle sexual desire and social kindness, but men have the experience and 4

SEPTEMBER 13, 2018


authority to speak to boys about male sexual response. To all you kind men out there, please do. J. Rain Mako Pettigrew

Hang up

My best friends are Liberals. I love them like I love biscuits and gravy, but they can be annoying at times. They’re better informed on every issue, more culturally sensitive, and greener than I could ever hope to be. When I dine with my liberal friends I am constantly worried that my shoes were made by underage workers, my pronouns are out of date, and the chicken on my plate was raised in substandard housing. You may have noticed that nearly all the Word Police are liberals. They defy you to try and keep up with the lexicon. Example: Zombies were Zombies for years. Then we were told they were to be called the Living Impaired. Now it’s the Vitally Challenged. Who decides this stuff? Surely it’s not the Zombies. There is a scene in the movie “Moneyball” where Billy Bean, the general manager of the Oakland Athletics —played by Brad Pitt — is on the phone trying to make a deal with another GM. Pitt gets the answer he wants and hangs up immediately. Pitt’s sidekick, played by Jonah Hill, points out that the other GM had more to say. “When you get the answer you want,” Pitt explains, “Hang up.” These are desperate times, but in a way, much simpler. When vetting somebody, liberals no longer need to know what brand of bottled water that person drinks or which fast-food restaurant they’ve been boycotting. The only thing liberals need to know is if that other person is voting blue in November. When you get the answer you want, hang up. David Rose Hot Springs

From the web

In response to Tolbert’s Aug. 23 column: Young women, at an early age, begin to learn of their power over the boys simply by the turn of an ankle, the wink of an eye. Men are visual creatures; at an early age, creature aptly describes the boy brain. Girls are generally more focused, not as easy to distract. Has nothing to do with some nebulous “misogyny,” but on the basics of nature. For those few of us adults that remember, and are honest, girls at that age freely exploited their looks for quite a bit of gain. Their nature could be generously described as predatory. Probably the best thing about uniforms is they take away all the distractions that kids use against each other, so teachers can focus on the important things, like

teaching. Those supposed calls for allowing individual expression forget that school is for learning, and for social engagement, but also for instilling some sense of discipline in how boys and girls grow to deal with each other on a truly level playing field. Steven E In response to an Arkansas Blog item about a committee’s decision to move the Arkansas Governor’s School to Arkansas Tech from Hendrix College, where it’s been held for 38 years: I’ve commented about this extensively in response to another article, but I’ll add

these practical considerations: 1) If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. These suggestions of intellectual bias, favoritism to a certain college, or prejudice against certain viewpoints reflect culture war nonsense and jealousy. 2) Do not underestimate the value of holding the program on a campus that has no summer school for college students. Placing 300 high school minors in a five-week residential program is challenging enough socially. (I can think of no couple that lasted more than five minutes hiding behind a hedgerow or slipping into an opposite sex dorm without being rounded up and scattered by the campus

staff at Hendrix). Now add a significant population of college students to that mix, and consider the impact upon enforcement of very important rules. :) Redeemed626 So, the main thing is that Governor’s School is for Dem/lib indoctrination and y’all are scared that won’t be the case in Russellville? justsomeguywhoreadsthisblog

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Quote of the week

“That’s just bizarre.” — Sen. Missy Irvin (R-Mountain View), the chair of the legislative Joint Performance Review Committee, responding to a representative from Everytown for Gun Safety’s mention of statistics about youth suicide in a discussion of school safety. The response was that red flag laws — allowing judicial intervention on gun access for dangerous people — could have a positive effect on school shooting incidents and also on suicide rate. Irvin later suggested that efforts to address youth suicide with gun safety laws were targeting rural America.

Former senator, co-defendant sentenced

Federal Judge Timothy Brooks sentenced former state Sen. Jon Woods (R-Springdale) to 220 months, or more than 18 years, in prison and ordered him to make restitution of $1.6 million for masterminding kickback schemes from state money. He must report to prison by 1 p.m. Sept. 26. Woods’ at tor ney ha s sa id he would appeal. He’ll likely seek to postpone prison for Woods, but typically a defendant must show a chance of prevailing on appeal to avoid immediate imprisonment. Woods likely will focus on the fact that an FBI agent was not allowed to testify because of his mishandling of computer files. The government will say it wasn’t relevant because the agent didn’t testify and the material at issue wasn’t prejudicial. Brooks spoke at leng th about the severity of the crime. He called Woods’ behavior “depraved.” He said he’d received many letters from Woods’ supporters, but they didn’t overcome a record of habitual stealing of money. “Your entire way of thinking about what your job was, was to put money in your pocket, and I find that grotesque,” Brooks said. Defense lawyers tell the Arkansas 6

SEPTEMBER 13, 2018


Times they can’t recall a stiffer whitecollar crime sentence in Arkansas in years. There’s scant “good time” in the federal system. If he isn’t successful in a reversal or a reduction of the sentence (such as by contesting use of his participation in an unrelated crime in the sentencing), Woods could be facing 15 years in prison before release to a halfway house. He just turned 41. Meanwhile, political consultant R a ndel l Shelt on , Wo o d s ’ co-defendant, was sentenced to 72 months in federal prison. Under sentencing guidelines, he could have gotten more than 10 years. Brooks set Shelton’s restitution at $660,698, the loss in state money. He also imposed a civil forfeiture of $664,000, which allows the taking of any assets Shelton might have. His prison time will be followed by three years of supervised release. He was ordered to report to prison Oct. 8. Brooks faulted Shelton for speaking with pride about his work for Ecclesia College, which paid kickbacks to Shelton, Woods and former Rep. Micah Neal (R-Springdale) for state money it received. Shelton was paid by Ecclesia through a firm he set up called Paradigm Strategic Consulting.

Issue 1 deemed unconstitutional

Circuit Judge Mackie Pierce has ruled that Issue 1, the proposed limit on lawsuits and legislative takeover of court-rulemaking, unconstitutionally rolled up multiple issues in one proposal and should be removed from the ballot. The decision came in a lawsuit brought by retired Judge Marion Humphrey. A committee backed by the Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce and major health interests intervened to keep it on the ballot. The decision will be appealed to the Arkansas Supreme Court. The amendment caps noneconomic damages in lawsuits at $500,000 and also caps punitive damages, limits attorney fees to a third of judgments and in a couple of ways effectively transfers court rule-making authority from the Arkansas Supreme Court to the legislature. It gives the legislature rule-making review and also reduces the legislative vote requirement to amend or annul court rules. Past legislative efforts to make corporatefriendly changes to court rules have been struck down by the court as unconstitutional.

Pierce said amendments may have multiple parts so long as they are “reasonably germane.” He adopted the plaintiffs’ view that these four provisions are not. The state said it was enough to be generally about courts.

Work requirement kicks thousands to curb

More than 4,500 recipients of Medicaid in A rkansas lost their health coverage last week for failing to report on their work hours for t h re e mont h s . E n r ol le e s were required to visit a state website to detail spending 80 hours a month on work or other approved activities or an exemption. Those who lost covera ge w i l l be locked out of receiving coverage for the rest of the year. Some 26,000 Medicaid recipients are subject to the work requirement rules, approved by the Trump administration earlier this year after Governor Hutchinson requested the change. A federal lawsuit has been filed in Washington, D.C., to block the work requirements from continuing. The same court blocked a similar work requirement from taking effect in Kentucky.

Time to go


on Woods, the former state senator, got a whopping 18-year federal prison sentence last week from Judge Timothy Brooks, who described Woods’ criminality as “grotesque” and “depraved.” They are words suitable for a legislative culture that he encouraged and which argues persuasively for term limits. So far, Woods, Micah Neal, Jake Files, Eddie Cooper, Hank Wilkins, Mickey Gates and Jeremy Hutchinson have been accused or convicted of recent crimes. But felonious corruption is only part of the story. Nearly every Republican legislator in Northwest Arkansas pumped money into the criminal enterprise known as Ecclesia College. One of them, Sen. Bart Hester (R-Cave Springs), also sent money to a preacher pal from the unconstitutional General Improvement Fund handouts


and his only regret seemed to be that MAX he hadn’t sent more. BRANTLEY Sen. Jim Hen- dren (R-Sulphur Springs), the governor’s nephew and Jeremy Hutchinson’s cousin, became an ethics crusader this year — after indictments started. But it turns out he’d gotten a bribe offer from Woods in 2012 and declined to cooperate with the FBI on snaring Woods. He spent four years working with him on big issues without a peep about the crook, guest of honor at a campaign fundraiser featuring Uncle Asa shortly before Woods abruptly withdrew from the race, expecting an indictment. Big issues? Under the guise of “ethics reform,” Woods engineered a constitutional amendment that has all but tripled legislative pay and extended the time they may serve in office. He also helped work

High crime


ince President Trump has been and his friend Rep. terrifying us about a huge national Micah Neal. crime epidemic, it’s time to menWoods got 18 ERNEST DUMAS tion that we have a doozy in Arkansas. years and four There’s been nothing like it in at least a months in federal prison last week and hundred years. was ordered to pay $1,626,500 in restiBut the predators are the white-collar tution. The judge listened to pleas to go kind and they only corrupt government easy on this wonderful Christian man, and empty the public purse. The politi- but the judge was unmoved, noting that cians who are headed to prison are God- it took nearly three weeks for prosecutors fearing Christians who were elected for to put on the evidence of all his crimes. It their piety, and they and probably their seemed, the judge said, that Woods had criminal collaborators wouldn’t harm a nothing on his mind as a public servant hair on your head. Friends and pastors but to make money for himself and his testify at their sentencings about the friends, including a big salary for his girlgood they do when they aren’t conniv- friend from a Missouri corporation that ing to steal from the public accounts or was trying to get deeper into the Arkansas giving their friends and benefactors the Medicaid trough. pass code to tens of millions of dollars So far, only six legislators have been of Medicaid largesse and state general- convicted or charged with crimes in the improvement funds. investigation of a Northwest Arkansas For three years, the prints have car- planning district’s distribution of lawried stories about the fraud at a little Bible makers’ pot of surplus state funds. Many college outside the Ozark hamlet of Elm other lawmakers have been implicated Springs that no one had heard of outside in the schemes, although most of them so the rural township where Ecclesia College far seem not to have criminal culpability trained a few dozen youngsters in Bible — only ignorance or bad judgment. Lobstudies, Christian counseling or sports byists and consultants who collaborated management. State Sen. Jon Woods set with them are going to jail, along with the up a scheme to get a dozen or so fellow Ecclesia president. legislators from Northwest Arkansas to Jon Woods was emblematic of a channel some $700,000 of your taxes to modern breed of legislator, one who, as the college’s president so he could buy real observed last week by Rex Nelson, the estate around the rural school and then Arkansas Democrat-Gazette columnist kick back part of the money to Woods and Arkansas promoter, runs for the leg-

out a mulligan system for ethics viola- financed with money he sent the college. tions and protected a fat pay supplement No telling how many lucrative favors through untaxed per diem. This has cre- Rusty Cranford, lobbyist and health comated a class of legislators, like Woods, who pany executive, passed out to legislators have no visible means of support outside on his way to a multicount federal indictof signing the attendance sheet for interim ment. Sen. Linda Chesterfield (D-Little committee meetings. Rock), for example, was paid a fee by If that’s not enough money, another one of Cranford’s employers to deliver a legislator described to the FBI how Woods talk on diversity. It was duly reported as had counseled him on creating a bogus job income by Chesterfield. But really. Is it as paid “consultant” to nonprofit agencies a good idea, even if legal, for a company that depend on state funding. receiving Medicaid money to hire legisJeremy Hutchinson and former Sen- lators for speech-making? ate President Michael Lamoureux proSo much rot and so little space. vide the template. They landed consul- After the Arkansas Supreme Court outtant and legal fees from private business, lawed use of tax money to pay private special interest lobbies and agencies that chambers of commerce, Jon Woods draw from the multibillion-dollar Med- worked up an amendment to legalize icaid budget. the payments. That money subsidizes There are other ways to make friends. salaries of people who favor lawsuit Jake Files’ proposal to limit lawsuits limits, low pay, poor unemployment against nursing homes couldn’t have and workers comp benefits and miserly hurt him in receiving an $80,000 advance health care. It should be no surprise from a nursing home executive. Bob Ball- that they don’t want term limits to inger sent money to Ecclesia, which then shorten the tenure of experienced pubhired him to do legal work on land deals lic servants like Jon Woods. islature just to make a good living. He looked for ways to monetize everything. A fellow Republican senator had reported a bribe offer from Woods in 2011, when there were fears that the three Democrats on the state Board of Apportionment would throw neighboring Republicans into the same district to get rid of a few of them and create more Democratic openings. Woods told his colleague that for $10,000 he would move into another district. But the Democrats didn’t gerrymander them and both kept their seats. Sen. Jim Hendren (R-Sulphur Springs) was obliged to report the attempted bribery to the prosecutor, but he refused to wear a microphone and tape Woods, which would have exposed a rising Republican star. When Woods landed a swell apartment in the state building across the street from the Capitol, fellow Republican Sen. Denny Altes of Fort Smith was envious and paid Woods $5,000 to rent his taxpayer-subsidized apartment. Last year, Mike Maggio, a Republican circuit judge, went to prison for 10 years for taking a bribe arranged by the former state Republican chairman and Republican leader of the state Senate to cut $4.2 million from the judgment against a nursing-home titan for the family of a woman who died from mistreatment in a nursing home. The bribe came through a series of sham political action committees. You might remember Ted Suhl and Justin Harris, whose Arkansas misdeeds made the national news in 2015 and 2016. Suhl, a supporter and benefactor of Gov. Mike Huckabee, ran a behavioral residen-

tial facility in Northeast Arkansas called The Lord’s Ranch, which operated with millions of federal and state dollars. Suhl flew Huckabee around the country on his plane. In 2016, he was convicted and sentenced to seven years in federal prison and fined $200,000 for bribing a state administrator and former legislator to get more tax money sent to The Lord’s Ranch. Suhl transmitted the bribe through the politician’s West Memphis church. Harris was a state representative at West Fork who started a preschool and daycare called Growing God’s Kingdom, which got 90 percent of its money from the state and special favors from the state Division of Children and Family Services. He used his legislative muscle to control the state office, including adopting two girls, age 3 and 5, for which social workers said the Harrises were not proper parents. Harris deemed the girls possessed by Satan and kept them locked in a room, even while claiming state payments for them daily at his preschool. He finally “rehomed” them to a friend, who was convicted of sexually abusing one of them. The legislature finally made Harris’ actions criminal — in the future, not applying to him. Nelson, the communications director for three Republican politicians and who does not go around badmouthing politicians, made another subtle observation: that the new breed of legislator, whether a member or not, tends to show up at every interim committee meeting, sign the sheet for his $150-or-so per diem and go about his business.

Follow Arkansas Blog on Twitter: @ArkansasBlog SEPTEMBER 13, 2018



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SEPTEMBER 13, 2018



nless you’re a serious tennis fan, you probably don’t know that exactly one player was expelled from the 2017 U.S. Open: Fabio Fognini, for calling a chair umpire a “whore” and worse in Italian during a losing match. He was also fined $96,000 and threatened with banishment from Grand Slam events if he didn’t quit acting like a punk on the court. Chastened and apologetic, Fognini returned to Flushing Meadows in 2018 as a No. 14 seed, where he was upset in the third round with no histrionics. Evidently, he’s learned to accept defeat. So it’s simply not true, as Serena Williams asserted during her tearful histrionics after losing to brilliant, 20-year-old Naomi Osaka — also a “woman of color” for those of you keeping score at home — that men are never punished for bad behavior in professional tennis. It happens frequently, although these days the (mostly European) top male players generally behave like adults. Nobody defended Fognini. So spare me the John McEnroe videos. That was 30 years ago, and McEnroe’s grown up in the interval, although it often seemed he never would. McEnroe himself paid multiple bad conduct fines, but was disqualified only once, from the 1990 Australian Open. A very great player, Serena Williams has had several memorable meltdowns at the Open. The worst was in 2009, when she loomed over a diminutive line judge shouting “I swear to God I’ll take the f— king ball and shove it down your f—king throat.” Game, set and match to Belgium’s Kim Clijsters, who coincidentally went on to become the first mother ever to win the Open. Afterward, Serena said the line judge was foolish to fear her, as she’s never been a violent person. So no, I’m not buying Serena’s 2018 melodrama, and neither should anybody else. Half-drunk, boorish U.S. Open crowds are bad enough. But an experienced worldclass athlete like her deliberately provoking the crowd was a shameful display of poor sportsmanship. The kid was beating her; Serena couldn’t take it. Should chair umpire Carlos Ramos, a notorious stickler for the rules, have ignored her coach’s obvious hand signals? Serena later claimed she never saw them. But ESPN close-ups showed her repeatedly looking in his direction, probably what drew Ramos’ attention in the first place. As he later admitted, Coach Patrick Mouratoglou was definitely signaling her to get to the net — and Serena was

doing it, with some success. He alibied that everybody does it. But it’s definitely against the rules. No penalty, just GENE a warning. NeverLYONS theless, Serena lost it, heatedly denying she’d ever cheated — which neither Ramos nor anybody else said she did. After she kept going on about it, Ramos said, “I know that.” After missing a backhand and losing her next service game, however — a critical point in the match — Serena smashed her racquet to bits on the court. Ramos assessed her a point penalty. He really had no choice. The score was now 2-3 with Osaka serving. Four games had been played since the initial warning, but Williams wouldn’t let it go. “You owe me an apology,” she said to Ramos, loudly enough for the crowd to hear. “I have never cheated in my life. I have a daughter and I stand for what’s right for her.” The nationalistic crowd began to boo. Osaka held serve, 3-3. Then she broke Serena’s serve to go ahead 4-3 and Williams completely lost it. On the changeover, she stood up and pointed in Ramos’s face, repeatedly demanding that the umpire apologize for something he’d never said. Ramos wasn’t beating her; Osaka was. “How dare you insinuate that I was cheating,” she said loudly. “And you stole a point from me; you’re a thief, too.” Ramos had enough. He assessed a third code violation for verbal abuse: an automatic game penalty, 5-3. Serena called for the tournament referee, leading to a lengthy, confusing delay while the jeers rained down. Should Ramos have given her one last warning, as Chris Evert thought? Maybe so. On the other hand, unlike her opponent, Williams is a 36-year-old tour veteran. She’s supposed to know the rules. Also, however, like a lot of tennis professionals, a pampered childhood prodigy who travels the world in a celebrity bubble: surrounded by flunkies, protected by money, and tempted to self-dramatize. Serena didn’t blurt out an angry expletive; she made an hourlong spectacle of it. Amid the avalanche of commentary, I thought the great Martina Navratilova — who certainly understands “feeling like an outsider in the game of tennis” — put it best. “I think the question we have to ask ourselves is this: What is the right way to behave to honor our sport and to respect our opponents?”

AGS’ unique mission


he state Board of Education will be they can get that voting Thursday, Sept. 13, on the in advanced placelocation and curriculum for the Ar- ment in their high BRUCE kansas Governor’s School for the coming schools and govHAGGARD four years. Both setting and curriculum are ernor’s schools are absolutely critical to the success of the Gov- perceived as just more summer school. Preernor’s School, and changing both would determined content that they are tested be detrimental. on does not inspire the gifted and talented The standard pre-college, technological students to explore their own ideas and to or advanced placement type of curriculum think in creative ways. Governor’s schools proposed by Arkansas Tech is not what AGS that simply provide advanced information was designed to provide. There would also are doomed to fail. be conflicts when college students share It was recognized that gifted and talfood services, activity centers and programs ented students needed to be challenged with AGS’ high school students. beyond their special interest/ability and The Governor’s School idea originated to think in terms of their field of interest’s in North Carolina in 1963 and was so good impact on culture and society. Students it spread to many states, finally coming to with varied specific talents and knowlArkansas in 1980 thanks to the fantastic edge are brought together to think about efforts of several women (including Mar- the major problems, ideas and challenges tha Bass and Elaine Dumas) who had the of our world. Teachers in these classes interests of Arkansas youths in their hearts. are great at encouraging the kind of open I was co-author of the original overview for discussion and interplay between ideas Arkansas Governor’s School and directed not found in standard classrooms, as such it from 1983-2000. discussion does not directly move students A common observation of teachers is to perform better on standardized tests. that some of the brightest students can- Students benefit from hearing from often not be intellectually challenged in class “controversial” speakers who encourage and sometimes hide in the overworked students to make up their own minds on teacher’s classrooms. Most teachers wish subject matter. Often, education is only they could give them something more. Nor- the teaching of what the teacher thinks mal high school classrooms are limited by is “right” and the student is simply indocthe need to teach to the middle, and are trinated with that idea. While there are especially challenged to bring the lowest- facts and there is truth, in many important performing students up to standards. It areas that students need to prepare for, often means the really good students are they have to form opinions based on their underserved. AGS was designed to address best judgment. Helping students develop this need. critical thinking skills, be open to other As a Ph.D. molecular geneticist with people’s opinions and reaching own best a secondary education background who judgment are the goals of Arkansas Govwas teaching mostly premedical school ernor’s School. Alumni of the Governor’s students, I assumed the students needed School programs express great appreciaadvanced content in their areas of interest. tion for their experience. But I quickly learned (from other goverMuch of the controversy over the AGS nor’s schools) that content was not nearly through the years has centered on the as important as stimulating these students’ American Family Council’s Jerry Cox’s intellectual curiosity and giving them tools criticism that students are being taught to to research the information they needed think on their own rather than being taught to advance. Stimulating them to identify what to think. resources specific to their interests, to be Those who have no personal experiable to digest and absorb those ideas, then ence with the unique nature of the program to share them with their cohorts and teach- and the unique setting are prone to think ers, was much more important than giving that it can be as successful and as beneficial them more specific content of our choosing. with a classic advanced school curriculum It is absolutely amazing to see students and on a campus with college students and take off and fly when given this kind of chal- classes going on. Believe me when I say lenge. I learned over the years that gover- that is not true. nor’s schools that had adopted more standard “pre-college” advanced curricula for Dr. Bruce Haggard is an emeritus distheir core soon failed, as students know tinguished professor at Hendrix College.

Divas Rock


MÖMANDPÖP KIDS ALBUM RELEASE SHOW Saturday, September 29, 2018 • 10:00AM South on Main

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SEPTEMBER 13, 2018


Familiar scenario


f coaching clichés have any real- orado State, already world merit, Arkansas fans, now 0-2 and yielding 44 stewing with a different kind of fer- points per game in BEAU WILCOX vor than they had Saturday afternoon, losses to Hawaii and are hoping this is indeed the “rock- Colorado. It was all going to plan for three bottom” the program had to hit before rough-and-tumble quarters: Arkansas’s it could soar under new coach Chad beleaguered defense held the Rams to Morris. As for the moment, it doesn’t three field goals in the first half while feel quite so encouraging. the offense ran the ball masterfully, conIn an eerily ironic twist, this second suming chunks of yardage with Devwah game for Morris at the helm closely Whaley, Rakeem Boyd and Chase Hayden resembled the one John L. Smith had doing the work. After taking one ineffectwo weeks into his fateful, interim 2012, tive cog — Ty Storey (5-13-2 36 yards) — and the game Bret Bielema oversaw out of the game, Cole Kelley came in and the following September as he curried promptly threw his prettiest ball as a Hog favor with a zealous, if marginally dis- quarterback, a 25-yard score to LaMiordered supporter base. Smith’s humble chael Pettway in the back corner of the 1-0 team was at least preseason Top 10 end zone, to push the Hogs up 20-9 early because of returnees from Bobby Petri- in the third; one possession later, Kelley no’s Cotton Bowl-winning squad, and threw a shorter pass for longer results, marched to a 28-7 and seemingly safe a shovel to T.J. Hammonds on an endthird-quarter lead against lowly Sun around that turned into a 64-yard score. Belt foe Louisiana-Monroe, a 30.5-point Arkansas led 27-9 and looked poised to underdog; by the time the remaining run the Rams ragged. game action unfolded, though, Kolton The devil would not bow its head and Browning was scampering into the end concede defeat, thanks largely to Morzone from 16 yards out on a fourth-down ris’ own inexplicable decision-making play that cemented the game’s legacy on a fourth-and-1 at midfield to start the as the program’s most jarring loss ever. fourth quarter. The Rams had done preIt presaged a 52-0 rout by Alabama the cious little to intimidate the Razorback following week, especially since quar- offense and Whaley, in the midst of a terback Tyler Wilson had sustained a career night, or Kelley’s 6-foot-7 frame concussion in the Monroe loss, and what could’ve simply flopped for a first down. ended up being a horrifyingly bad 4-8, Instead, Morris punted, and the decision 2-6 season that led to Smith’s ouster and was such a functionally play-not-to-lose Bielema’s surprising hiring. one that even CBS Sports’ color comFast forward a year, and Bielema’s mentator, Aaron Taylor, who personcharges had authored a quiet but unsat- ally witnessed the program’s highlight isfying 3-0 record against a soft early of the last five years when he and Carter schedule. Now these guys had to take Blackburn called the miraculous Hunter their show outside the state with an Henry heave at Oxford in 2015, couldn’t injured starting quarterback (Brandon hold his tongue. Allen) shelved, and backup A.J. Derby As the night wore on, Taylor fell back could only serviceably perform in the on that second-guessing often. Arkancavernous field at Piscataway, N.J. Still, sas’s offense was stymied by itself and the Hogs had taken a 24-7 lead on Rut- a resurgent Ram defense as its own gers and had a clean nonconference slate offense went into fugue state. The Rams’ in the crosshairs, which might well have two TDs, a two-point conversion, and given them the necessary mojo to fin- a short field goal had tied it late in the ish out a conference game or two later. fourth at 27, but Arkansas didn’t even Instead, special teams and defensive look interested in trying to recollect breakdowns, and Jim Chaney’s conserva- itself for a rally, and Colorado State tive offense, permitted a big comeback by ended up scoring in the final seconds to the Scarlet Knights that would be the first cement a 25-point rally for a 34-27 win. of nine straight losses to end Bielema’s The Hogs now limp back home, unsure miserable opening year in Fayetteville. of what they have, but Morris has the So that leads us to what happened biggest lesson to learn: Don’t play safe just shy of five years later in Colorado when the circumstances dictate aggresSprings, where Morris was hoping to get sion. He paid the iron price for a game a road win against allegedly hapless Col- his players deserved to win.




he Observer, who knows a thing the White House? What, dear God, did or three about anonymity, found any of us ever do to deserve this? our self nonetheless shocked by By this point in the Donald Trump the recent New York Times op-ed by the Show, we thought we had been rendered anonymous King or Queen of the White damn nigh unshockable, our shock butHouse Molepeople, the person who ap- ton pushed and pushed until it became pears to have responded to the Emperor a smoldering black hole by Good People having no clothes not by telling his Nek- On Both Sides and flame-haired Ruskie kid Excellency to put some damn pants spies tunneling into the NRA; sappers in on, but by getting buck nekkid, too, and the wire on Facebook and the revolving calling his or her junk-out bit-waggling door of idiots at the White House; 10,000 a sacrifice for a nation that oughta damn Angry Old Man Shouts At Cloud Tweets well be grateful for it. and occasions in which the leader of the Ol’ Lodestar could, you know, actually most powerful and generous nation on step forward and try to do something to the planet kicked our closest allies in the end this weekly, daily, hourly and occa- cods while calling Vladimir Putin and Kim sionally millisecondly exercise in stu- Jong Un and every petty dictator and despidity. But it appears that in the halls of pot short of President Snow from those power, it has been decided by our name- “Hunger Games” books a heckuva fella less, unaccountable saviors that a Useful who really knows how to run a country. Idiot is a terrible thing to waste, especially But there it was: a moment with the when there are regulations helping keep capacity to shock. An admission of an our drinking water Benzene-free to be ongoing, unchecked American coup imploded, taxes on the Lex Luthors of against the addled orange moron elethe world to be whittled down to zero, vated to the highest office in the land. and smirking, right-wing scumbags to Cowardly scurryings in the walls of the be shoehorned into the Supreme Court. Oval Office, noted as the highest duty, Nixon had his long national night- honor and patriotism. These are the days mare. Bill C. had his death duel with of our lives. Ken Starr over a blowjob. Obama had his Call Omarosa Mangastronaut-Newburger slathered in fancy-ass Dijon mus- man a scheming, soap-opera weasel if tard. Dorito Mussolini and his enablers, you want, but we say it’s a good thing meanwhile, seem to have succeeded in somebody was secretly recording this going several clicks better than all com- shit. A hunnert years from now, after ers by creating and imprisoning us all all the skullduggery is through and the in a “Matrix”-style alternate reality in combatants are all safely in the ground or which up is down, days feel like years and their ashes scattered in a secure, secret every cup, bowl, bass boat, chair, copy of location so as not to create a shrine for People magazine, tongue depressor and neo-Nazis and Klanners, nobody is gonna potted plant is made of literal, carefully believe any of this really happened withsculpted dogshit, which a solid 40 percent out auditory proof. Hell, we don’t even of the population and 80-plus percent of believe it is really happening, and we’re Republicans insist is the absolute finest living it. Someday, starry-eyed grandchilquality shit ever made, without a doubt, dren will sit at the knee of Gramps and no question about it, completely odorless, Nana and tell us that we’re full of crap as mostly flavorless and not too bad to stain, a Christmas goose, calling us Fake News and they are happy to have it, sir. as we spit and sputter, skipping away in Speaking of days like years and sec- their pigtails and short pants while we onds like hours, can you believe this lard- swear and bedamn that what we’re saylubed trailer park orgy of a presidency ing is true: that America was once run by isn’t even halfway over? Can you believe a guy who we wouldn’t feel comfortable it’s not even a quarter over if this coun- letting use a can opener. For now, though, try willingly continues its purgatory in onward we all trudge through Turdsburg, the Shit Matrix by re-electing the racist looking desperately for the exit sign. Lord, sack of moist hair currently stinking up let us all find it soon.

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Arkansas Reporter The tossed year THE


Sixty years ago, Little Rock closed all its public high schools rather than desegregate them. BY JOHN A. KIRK


n Sept. 27, 1958, 60 years schools opened, ago this month, Little presumably on a Rock decided by a vote segregated basis, of 19,470 to 7,561 to keep in September. its public high schools closed rather On Aug. 25, than desegregate them. Although U . S . S u p r e m e the events of school desegregation Court Chief Justice Earl Warren at Central High in September 1957 are announced that the court would meet etched in the local, state and national in a special session Aug. 28 to hear consciousness, the events of the fol- the Little Rock case. On Sept. 12, the lowing year are unjustly overlooked. court ordered the school board to When they are mentioned at all, peo- proceed with its desegregation plan. ple refer to them as the “Lost Year.” In the landmark ruling of Cooper v. The term is misleading because the Aaron, the court said that violence year was not lost, but rather tossed and disruption could not be used as — that is, thrown willfully away by an excuse for delaying school desega predominantly white Little Rock regation. If the court had allowed a electorate that was hoodwinked by delay, it would have signaled that segregationist politicians into believ- mob rule could be used to stall the ing that the city could survive without enforcement of federal laws. The fedpublic schools. Events proved just eral government afterward indicated how wrong those politicians were. that it was prepared to support the School closing was the result of opening of schools with the assisan ongoing legal battle over school tance of federal marshals if necessary. desegregation. On Feb. 20, 1958, the Everything appeared to be in place to Little Rock School Board petitioned ensure a smooth and orderly process U.S. District Court Judge Harry J. of desegregation, in contrast to the Lemley for a two-and-half-year delay scenes of lawlessness in 1957. in its desegregation plan. On June Gov. Orval Faubus had other 21, Lemley granted the delay on the plans. While desegregation was being grounds that the city needed a cool- debated in the courts, Faubus made ing-off period after the clashes wit- his move. On Aug. 26, the governor nessed in September 1957. On Aug. presided over a special session of 18, NAACP attorney Wiley Branton the Arkansas General Assembly that successfully had the delay overruled pushed through six bills providing on appeal. School board attorneys him with sweeping powers to uphold then appealed to the U.S. Supreme segregation. One bill allowed FauCourt. Since the Court did not con- bus to close any school ordered to vene until Oct. 6, it could not hear desegregate by federal order. With the appeal until after the Little Rock the school closed, voters in the local 12

SEPTEMBER 13, 2018


school district would participate in a referendum to decide if the school should reopen or not. On the day that the court ordered desegregation to proceed, Faubus closed all of Little Rock’s public high schools. In the referendum held Sept. 27, the governor handily stacked the cards in his favor by providing a single choice between keeping the schools closed or accepting “complete and total integration.” The morning after the referendum result, Faubus pressured the school board into leasing the public high schools to the Little Rock Private School Corp. (LRPSC) for private operation. NAACP attorneys won an injunction to stop this. Faubus then assisted the LRPSC in purchasing private buildings with public funds to operate as schools. That year, white students variously attended private segregated schools, schools in other Arkansas districts, out-of-state schools or took correspondence courses through the University of Arkansas. With access to fewer resources, black students were hit the hardest. Most attended classes in other Arkansas districts or went to an out-of-state school. Some took a correspondence course offered by L.M. Christophe, the principal of the black Horace Mann High School. The

FAUBUS’ FOLLIES: Pushed through bills to uphold segregation after the desegregation of Central High School in 1957.

state retained both white and black teachers on full pay to preside over empty classrooms in closed schools. The only thing that took place in public high schools that year was Central High’s football program, which was apparently the single part of its educational services that the city felt it could not survive without. Faubus reaped the political benefits of school closing. In November 1958, he became only the second governor in Arkansas history to win a third consecutive term in office. The leading segregationist voice in the state, Arkansas Association of White Citizens’ Council head Jim Johnson, won election to the Arkansas Supreme Court. In a shocking result, Little Rock segregationist and school board member Dale Alford defeated, as a write-in candidate, incumbent Congressman Brooks Hays, who had held the seat for 16 years. Meanwhile, all of the Little Rock School Board (except for Alford, who would soon leave to take up his role as congressman) resigned. As one of its final acts in office, the board voted to buy out

Tune in to our “Week In Review” podcast each Friday. Available on iTunes &

the contract of school Superintendent Virgil Blossom, the architect of Little Rock’s school desegregation plan. The election of a new school board proved a watershed event. At the school-closing referendum, a group of white women had formed the Women’s Emergency Committee to Open Our Schools (WEC). At its helm was Adolphine Fletcher Terry, the wife of former Arkansas Congressman David D. Terry. Although unsuccessful in getting the schools opened, the WEC, itself segregated, remained an important lobbying force within the white community. At the school board election, Terry managed to persuade five candidates to represent business interests against attempts by segregationists to dominate the school board. In a closely contested election, a split ticket of three business candidates and three segregationists won. The partial victory belatedly stirred Little Rock’s white businessmen to speak up about school desegregation. There was a rising awareness of the community damage being done. Teachers, unoccupied in empty classrooms, were leaving the public school system in droves. The education of the city’s students was being severely disrupted. And, of more pressing concern to the businessmen, the city’s economy was suffering badly. Not one new industry had chosen to locate in Little Rock since the events of September 1957. It was claimed that the negative headlines surrounding school desegregation had cost the city five new industrial plants that would have brought in $1 million in revenue and 300 new jobs. E. Grainger Williams, the new president of the Little Rock Chamber of Commerce, questioned the wisdom of school closing in his inaugural speech on Jan. 14, 1959. Williams told the audience that, “no matter what our personal feelings might be,” the “time has come for us to evaluate ... the cost of the lack of public education.” The politicians did not seem to care. The 1959 Arkansas General Assembly passed another 32 pro-segregation bills into law. A showdown between the business community and committed segregationists in the city finally came CONTINUED ON PAGE 46


Inconsequential News Quiz:


Masterminds Edition

Play at home, while resisting the temptation to shamelessly rip off the taxpayers who elected you! 1) Disgraced former state Sen. Jon Woods (R-Springdale) was sentenced last week by U.S. District Judge Timothy Brooks after Woods was convicted in May of 15 counts related to kickbacks he received for funneling taxpayer funds to nonprofit organizations. Which of the following did Judge Brooks tell Woods from the bench during his sentencing?

A) That he hoped Woods’ sentence would serve

as a “general deterrent” for other officials who might seek to steal from the public. B) “Your entire way of thinking about what your job was to put money in your pocket. I find that grotesque.” C) That Woods would be ordered to pay $1.6 million in restitution and spend the next 18 years in federal prison — a sentence that could keep Woods behind bars until he is just shy of 60 years old. D) All of the above.

2) Speaking of allegedly crooked politicians, state Sen. Jeremy Hutchinson (R-Little Rock) was recently indicted by a federal grand jury and resigned his seat after prosecutors say he illegally spent tens of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions for his own personal benefit. According to the indictment, on which of the following did Hutchinson illegally spend campaign funds? A) His monthly gym membership.

B) His Netflix bill.

C) A vacation to New Orleans.

D) All of those.

3) Recently, police near Hot Springs arrested Brandon Michael Klorik, 27, on charges of breaking and entering after a woman returned home after searching for a wayward pig and allegedly found Klorik — who she didn’t know — sitting on her couch. According to investigators, what did Klorik tell police about why he’d broken in? A) The pig told him it would be OK just before putting on a fake mustache and boarding a bus out of town. B) He was making her living room great again! C) She has a more comfortable couch than he does at home. D) He was holding it down so it didn’t float away while she was out. 4) Recently, the Little Rock Police Department arrested Dalvin Pettus, 25, accusing him of shooting five bullets into a neighbor’s house on South Gaines Street in Little Rock. Why, according to a police report submitted in the case, was Pettus the LRPD’s prime suspect in the shooting? A) Earlier in the day, Pettus had argued with the

C) One hour after the text was sent, somebody shot up

B) After the argument, Pettus allegedly sent a text

D) All of the those.

neighbor after he told Pettus to stop selling drugs in front of his house. message warning the neighbor that he planned to shoot up his house.

5) On a late-August day when the temperature topped 95 degrees in Central Arkansas, a Sherwood man was charged with felony second-degree battery after he allegedly hit an airman in the head with a wrench at the Little Rock Air Force Base in Jacksonville. Why, according to police, did the man say he walloped the airman upside the head with the wrench?

the neighbor’s house, and when the police arrived, the neighbor showed them Pettus’ text.

A) He wouldn’t quit jamming Kenny Loggins’ “Danger Zone” from the “Top Gun” soundtrack.

B) He kept flaunting his tight, ass-enhancing jumpsuit. C) The airman stood directly in front of the air

conditioning vent and refused to move. To which the sun-scorched citizenry of Arkansas says, “Violence is sometimes the answer.”

D) “I got to keep my wrench hand strong!” Answers: D, D, C, D, C




HISTORY PAINTING: Canadian First Nations artist Kent Monkman’s “History is Painted by the Victors” is among the works in “Art for a New Understanding” coming to Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art.

The American story Crystal Bridges completes it with “Art for a New Understanding.” BY LESLIE NEWELL PEACOCK


s Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art the most woke museum in the country? That’s what The Washington Post suggested in an article earlier this year as the museum began to reinstall its early American galleries to, Director Rod Bigelow said, better reflect “the complexity of the American story.” The early American galleries were initially dominated by images of patri-


SEPTEMBER 13, 2018


archy and aristocracy and unspoiled scenery — the 18th century Franks family; George Washington; the Marquis de Lafayette; Mrs. Theodore Atkinson and her flying squirrel; the poet and artist gentlemen of Asher Durand’s “Kindred Spirits”; romantic landscapes by Cole, Innes, Cropsey et al., Bierstadt’s nostalgic scenes of Native Americans fishing and George de Forest Brush’s “The Indian and

the Lily.” A thematic reassembly of works in the first galleries now pairs such works with a 19th century Salish cradleboard, Lakota Siouxan beaded skin pouches, an 18th century portrait of a Spanish lady; a 20th century painting, “Florida Mexicana,” by Alfredo Ramos Martinez; Nari Ward’s 27-footlong installation “We the People,” the words spelled out in shoestrings. The themes of the galleries are painted on

2018 FALL ARTS CALENDAR the wall in both English and Spanish: The full complement of America has been invited to the party. As that redo was going on, over in the temporary exhibition galleries was the superb “Soul of a Nation: Art in the Age of Black Power,” a show of work by outstanding African-American artists working from the 1960s to 1980s. Now comes “Art for a New Understanding: Native Voices, 1950s to Now,” an exhibition of more than 80 artworks, including painting, video, sculpture, performance art, photography and more, opening Oct. 6. The works address contemporary issues of social justice, ridicule stereotype and show Native artists to be not a part of a solemn, monolithic culture, but as diverse as America itself, with a keen wit sharpened to a fine edge by historical affronts (like genocide) by white America. One of the artists whose work will be at Crystal Bridges is Kent Monkman, a Canadian First Nation artist whose work would be rightly shown next to Bierstadt’s “Indian Encampment.” While Bierstadt renders an idyllic scene of Natives swimming in a creek near their tipis, Monkman’s arch landscape “History Is Painted by the Victors” shows a Native man in high-heeled and thigh-high red patent leather boots painting beside a mountain lake and surrounded by nude white men who’ve cast off blue uniforms. A couple of the men are boxing, others are wrestling, one’s playing a panpipe, most are languid. Monkman’s used his alter-ego, warrior-indrag Chief Eagle Testickle, to add a bit of daring snark to history painting. Monkman is a terrific artist; this work is reason enough to go to Crystal Bridges for “Art for a New Understanding.” He’s also painted a takeoff on “Kindred Spirits”; instead of friends Thomas Cole and William Cullen Bryant, Monkman’s put a Native and a white man fighting on the rock; let’s hope that is also in the show. Also enlightening: a 1990 photograph of laughing artists Lisa Mayo, Gloria Miguel and Muriel Miguel, who in 1976 founded the feminist Spiderwoman Theater, the country’s longest-running Native female theatrical company; Shan Goshan’s two baskets, “Removal,” in which the artist has cut a copy of the Indian Removal Act of 1830 into thin strips and used them to weave traditional Cherokee baskets; and from Crystal Bridges’ own collection, James Lavadour’s landscape-

reminiscent abstracts “Shake.” “Art for a New Understanding” runs through Jan. 7. Crystal Bridges has scheduled all sorts of programs in conjunction with the show, including painting and sculpture workshops, films, artist talks and more. On view now is “In Conversation: Will Wilson and Edward Curtis,” an exhibition that pairs photographs of contemporary Native Americans by Wilson with the early 20th century photographs of Curtis. *** Pablo Picasso, Robert Mapplethorpe, Henri Matisse, Kazimir Malevich — these are among the artists whose works Swiss-born Martin Muller of San Francisco has collected. Muller has a Little Rock connection — he lived here in the 1970s — and it was in this town, the Arkansas Arts Center says, that he began to explore postwar American painting. Muller will return to Little Rock for the opening of “Independent Vision: Modern and Contemporary Art from the Martin Muller Collection,” opening Friday, Sept. 28, at the Arts Center. The exhibition of 89 works is a survey of diverse modern and contemporary works from the old and new world, with works by such 20th century masters Corbusier (Swiss-French), Picasso (Spanish), Warhol (American) and Malevich (Russian), and contemporaries Gottfried Helnwein (Austrian), Joel Besmar (Cuban) and Frederick Hammersley (American). Muller moved to Little Rock from Switzerland for a job with a SwissAmerican company and while here spent time in the Arts Center’s Elizabeth P. Taylor library familiarizing himself with American masters. In the late 1970s he decided to move west and get into the gallery business. He founded his gallery, Modernism Inc., in 1979. As he traveled across the country to San Francisco, he’s quoted in an Arts Center news release as saying, “I marveled at discovering masterpieces of modern American art, from Edward Hopper to Barnett Newman, Mark Rothko, Jackson Pollock, and later, the Pop and Minimalist artists, especially Donald Judd. Now, some 40 years later, it gives me great joy to have come full circle back to Little Rock and be able to share at the Arkansas Arts Center some of the wonderful artworks gathered along the way.” The show runs through Dec. 30.

Fall Arts Calendar GREATER LITTLE ROCK MUSIC SEPT. 20: Laurence Juber. Argenta Acoustic Music Series. The Joint Theater & Coffeehouse, 7:30 p.m., $25. SEPT. 20: Malcolm Holcombe. White Water Tavern, 8:30 p.m., $10.

SEPT. 22: Henry and the Invisibles. Four Quarter Bar, 10 p.m., $8. SEPT. 26: Jazz in the Park: Rodney Block Collective. History Pavilion, Riverfront Park, 6 p.m., free. SEPT. 26: Sunflower Bean. Stickyz, 8 p.m., $12-$15.


SEPT. 20: Charlotte Taylor. Cajun’s Wharf, 9 p.m., $5.

SEPT. 27: Potluck & Poison Ivy. Featuring Kevin Gordon. 7 p.m., The Joint, $35.

SEPT. 21: Mulehead. Four Quarter Bar, 10 p.m., $7.

SEPT. 27: Amythyst Kiah. Oxford American Concert Series. South on Main, 8 p.m., $25-$32.

SEPT. 21: Go For Gold, Slick Grip, Vera Forever. Vino’s, 8 p.m., $8.

SEPT. 27: Randy Rogers Band. Rev Room, 8:30 p.m., $20-$25.

SEPT. 21: Kimberly Marshall. A concert from the Central Arkansas Chapter of the American Guild of Organists. St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 8 p.m., free.

SEPT. 27: RVS. Cajun’s Wharf, 9 p.m., $5.

SEPT. 21: Flatland Cavalry. Stickyz Rock ’n’ Roll Chicken Shack, 9 p.m., $10-$13. SEPT. 21: Dylan Earl & The Reasons Why, Dazz & Brie. White Water Tavern, 9 p.m. SEPT. 21: Mister Lucky. Cajun’s Wharf, 9 p.m., $5. SEPT. 21: “The Fabulous Freddie Mercury Tribute.” Featuring Randall Shreve. Rev Room, 10 p.m., $15-$20. SEPT. 22: Claude Bourbon. A Little Rock Folk Club concert. Hibernia Irish Tavern, 7:30 p.m., $8-$15. SEPT. 22: The Toadies. Rev Room, 8 p.m., $20-$25. SEPT. 22: Royal Thunder, Headcold, Or. White Water Tavern, 9 p.m. SEPT. 22: LLC, I-40 Ramblers. Cajun’s Wharf, 9 p.m., $5.

SEPT. 28: “Gershwin: Remembrance and Discovery.” A concert from Richard Glazier. 7:30 p.m., CALS Ron Robinson. Free. SEPT. 28: The Sword. Rev Room, 8:30 p.m., $18-$20. SEPT. 28: Bluesboy Jag & Mudboy. Markham Street Grill and Pub, 8:30 p.m. SEPT. 28: Lydia Lunch Retrovirus, Mouton, Listen Sister. Four Quarter Bar, 9 p.m., $10. SEPT. 28: William Blackart, Colour Design, Fiscal Spliff. White Water Tavern, 9 p.m. SEPT. 28: Mark Edgar Stuart. South on Main, 7 p.m. SEPT. 28: Unraveled. Cajun’s Wharf, 9 p.m., $5. SEPT. 29: As Cities Burn. Vino’s, 7 p.m., $15. SEPT. 29: Dave Hoover, Sean Michael. SEPTEMBER 13, 2018



Saturday, September 15 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

An Elvis Tribute. Argenta Community Theater, 7 p.m. SEPT. 29: Earl & Them. Cajun’s Wharf, 9 p.m., $5. SEPT. 29-30: “Sorcerer’s Apprentice.” Arkansas Symphony Orchestra. Robinson Center Performance Hall, 7:30 p.m. Sat., 3 p.m. Sun., $16-$68.

OCT. 7: “The Singing Heart.” An Arkansas Chamber Singers concert. Calvary Baptist Church, 3 p.m., $10-$18. OCT. 9: Fall Out Boy. Verizon Arena, 7 p.m., $31-$71. OCT. 9: Trixie Mattel. Robinson Center Performance Hall, 8 p.m., $41-$166.


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SEPT. 30: Colt Ford. Clear Channel Metroplex, 6 p.m., $22-$30.

OCT. 10: Lauren Daigle. Verizon Arena, 7:30 p.m., $28-$78.

SEPT. 30: The Salty Dogs. White Water Tavern, 6 p.m.

OCT. 11: Thomas Rhett, Brett Young, Midland. Verizon Arena, 7:30 p.m., $33$78.

OCT. 2: Mozart & Schumann. Arkansas Symphony Orchestra’s River Rhapsodies Chamber Series. Clinton Presidential Center, 7 p.m., $23. OCT. 3: Squirrel Nut Zippers. Rev Room, 8 p.m., $30-$35. OCT. 4: September Mourning. Rev Room, 8 p.m., $10-$13. OCT. 5: Gil Franklin. Markham Street Grill and Pub, 8:30 p.m. OCT. 5: Destroyed of Light, Colour Design. White Water Tavern, 9 p.m. OCT. 5: Sabine Valley, Wild Yam. Vino’s, 8 p.m., $7. OCT. 5: The Big News. Four Quarter Bar, 10 p.m., $7. OCT. 6: Kate Campbell. A Little Rock Folk Club concert. Hibernia Irish Tavern. 8:30 p.m., $15.


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SEPTEMBER 13, 2018


OCT. 11: Lee Bains III & The Glory Fires. White Water Tavern, 8:30 p.m. OCT. 12: Harrisong. Markham Street Grill and Pub, 8:30 p.m. OCT. 12: Deadbird, Terminal Nation, Tranquilo. White Water Tavern, 8:30 p.m. OCT. 12: The Great Whiskey Rendezvous. Four Quarter Bar, 10 p.m., $7. OCT. 12: Cody Johnson. First Security Amphitheater, 6:30 p.m., $25-$80. OCT. 13: Trey Johnson & Jason Willmon. White Water Tavern, 9 p.m. OCT. 13: The Busty Petites. Four Quarter Bar, 10 p.m., $7. OCT. 18: “Sounds in the Stacks: Tonya Leeks.” CALS Sue Cowan Williams Library, 6:30 p.m., free.

OCT. 6: Steezy Street, Bedroom Collective. Vino’s, 8 p.m., $7.

OCT. 18: Brooke Miller. Argenta Acoustic Music Series. The Joint Theater & Coffeehouse, 7:30 p.m., $25.

OCT. 6: Amasa Hines. Rev Room, 9 p.m., $12-$15.

OCT. 18: The Russ Liquid Test. Rev Room, 9 p.m., $16-$20.

OCT. 6: J.D. Wilkes. White Water Tavern, 9 p.m., $10.

OCT. 18: Robert Finley. Oxford American Concert Series. South on Main, 8 p.m., $28-$36.

OCT. 6: The Smoking Flowers. Four Quarter Bar, 10 p.m., $7. OCT. 7: R&B Cook-Off: Rhythm & Blues, Ribs & Butts. With music from Lagniappe. 1 p.m., Argenta Plaza, $15.

OCT. 19: Jerry Redd & The Snowmen. White Water Tavern, 9 p.m. OCT. 19: Big Red Flag, Jamie Lou & the Hullabaloo. Four Quarter Bar, 10 p.m., $7.

OCT. 26: Combsy. Four Quarter Bar, 10 p.m., $7. OCT. 27: Negro Terror, Queen Anne’s Revenge, Bloodlikewine, Headdrop, Mortalus and more. Four Quarter Bar, 8 p.m., $10. OCT. 28: MercyMe. Verizon Arena, 6 p.m., $23-$68. OCT. 28: The Steel Wheels. Oxford American Concert Series. South on Main, 7 p.m., $20-$26. OCT. 31: “The Rocky Horror Pickin’ Show.” The Crumbs. Four Quarter Bar, 9 p.m., $7. NOV. 1: Keith Urban. Verizon Arena, 7:30 p.m., $40-$97. NOV. 1: Fabian Almazan Trio. Oxford American Concert Series. South on Main, 8 p.m., $30-$34. NOV. 2: Rodney Carrington. Robinson Center Performance Hall, 7 p.m., $44$179.


NOV. 2: The Josh Parks Band. Markham Street Grill and Pub, 8:30 p.m.

NOV. 2: Mountain Sprout. Four Quarter Bar, 10 p.m., $8. NOV. 3: Ray LaMontagne. Robinson Center Performance Hall, 8 p.m., $35-$85. NOV. 3: NF. Verizon Arena, 8 p.m., $25$45. NOV. 3: Freeverse. Four Quarter Bar, 10 p.m., $7.

NOV. 10-11: “Elgar’s Enigma.” Arkansas Symphony Orchestra. Robinson Center Performance Hall, 7:30 p.m. Sat., 3 p.m. Sun., $16-$68. NOV. 13: “Sounds in the Stacks: Stuart Baer.” CALS Amy Sanders Library, Sherwood, 6:30 p.m., free. NOV. 13: “Laskarov Plays Brahms.” Arkansas Symphony Orchestra’s River Rhapsodies Chamber Series. Clinton Presidential Center, 7 p.m., $23. NOV. 13: Drive-By Truckers. Rev Room, 8 p.m., $25-$30. NOV. 15: Ian Ethan Case. Argenta Acoustic Music Series. The Joint Theater & Coffeehouse, 7:30 p.m., $25. NOV. 16: Arkansauce. Rev Room, 8:30 p.m., $8-$10. NOV. 16: Dazz & Brie, Zigtebra. Four Quarter Bar, 10 p.m., $8. NOV. 18: Mae. Rev Room, 7:30 p.m., $17-$20. NOV. 20: “Le Grand Orgue.” Organist Rees Roberts. St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 7 p.m. NOV. 30: Ashley McBryde. Rev Room, 8:30 p.m., $20. DEC. 1: Five Finger Death Punch, Breaking Benjamin. Verizon Arena, 6 p.m., $25-$80.


DEC. 1: The Here and Now Band. A Little Rock Folk Club concert. Hibernia Irish Tavern, 8:30 p.m., $15. DEC. 1: Puddles Pity Party. UA Pulaski Technical College, Center for the Humanities and Arts, 7:30 p.m., $25-$40. DEC. 6: Mandolin Orange. Oxford American Concert Series. South on Main, 8 p.m., $30-$38.

a l s of e a t u r i n g : 5 0 1 s tL e g i o n• a r k l u g • a r t e mi s • A r v e l lJ o n e s • B e a s t ma nC a r a v a n • B i l lT s u t s u i • C h a dma u p i n • c o s p l a yc o n t e s t s • d a v i dl a s k y • d o mi n i q u ed el e o n • d r a g u l a • e s c a p e

OCT. 22: “Take Me To the River.” Dirty Dozen Brass Band, George Porter Jr. and others. UA Pulaski Technical College, Center for the Humanities and Arts, 7:30 p.m., $30-$110.

NOV. 9: Charlie Hunter Trio. CALS Ron Robinson Theater, 7 p.m., $10.

p o d • e x t r e mec o s t u me s • g a mi n g • g u s t a vc a r l s o n • h o wl p o p • k o d y

s e p t e mb e r2 1 2 3

h o ts p r i n g sc o n v e n t i o nc e n t e r

t i c k e t sa ts p a c o n . o r g

b a t e s • t i mo t h yl i m• v i r t u a lr e a l i t y • wo r k s o p s&p a n e s l • mo r e !

OCT. 21: John Fullbright. Oxford American Concert Series, South on Main, 7 p.m., $25-$34.

NOV. 9: Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons. Verizon Arena, 8 p.m., $60-$125.

s a n d wi c h • l a s e rt a g • mi d n i g h tma d n e s s • mu n s t e rk o a c h • n a t ej o n e s • n e g a nu n c h a i n e d • n i g h t i n g a l ev i x e n • n i k k i d a we s • n i p a hd u b s • n o r ma nr e e d e s q u e • r o s swa t s o n • s o n n yk a y • s t a c y

OCT. 20-21: “The Music of Star Wars.” Arkansas Symphony Orchestra. Robinson Center Performance Hall, 7:30 p.m. Sat., 3 p.m. Sun., $16-$68. SEPTEMBER 13, 2018



SPREADING THE GOSPEL: Michael Palmieri and Donal Mosher’s “Gospel of Eureka,” followed by a live drag performance, is on the schedule for the 27th annual Hot Springs Documentary Film Festival.

Hot set Fall’s film offerings come into focus. BY JT TARPLEY


he Hot Springs Documentary Film Festival, the crown jewel and elder statesman of our state’s film festival circuit, returns to the Spa City Oct. 19-27 for nine days of features, shorts, episodic content and nonfiction virtual reality experiences. This marks the 27th year for America’s oldest documentary film festival, and next month’s installment is coming off the heels of last year’s record-breaking attendance numbers for what was arguably the strongest lineup of films and guests in the festival’s history. Opening the festival this year is “Hillbilly,” a personal and political look into the gap between media depiction


SEPTEMBER 13, 2018


of the Appalachians and real life. The centerpiece film this year is “The Gospel of Eureka,” the buzzed-about documentary exploring the clash between LGBTQ and evangelical cultures in Eureka Springs. “Daughters of the Sexual Revolution: The Untold Stories of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders” closes the fest. General admission tickets are $12 a pop, day passes will run you $30, and three-day opening and closing passes are $120 each. For $225, the Film Buff Pass offers admission to all regular films during the festival, but the $400 All-Access Pass is the definitive way to go, with priority admission to screenings, awards ceremonies, the

legendary HSDFF parties and a place to catch your breath in those cushy filmmaker and special guest lounges. For information on this year’s screenings, passes and volunteer opportunities, go to If your tastes run more toward the sanguinary, Garland County still has you covered with the Hot Springs International Horror Film Festival, which raises the curtain Sept. 20 for a four-day run. It will feature 40 bloody, binge-ready films. R.A. Mihailoff, paranormal investigator, former professional wrestler and one of the honored few to slide into the Leatherface mask, leads a motorcycle ride from Rodney’s Cycle House in Little Rock to Central Avenue for a private screening of his new biker flick, “Ride Hard Live Free.” The immediately recognizable Michael Berryman (“One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,” “The Hills Have Eyes,” and the 1991 video store classic “The Guyver”) will attend his new film, “The Evil Within.” Single tickets are

$11, day passes are $20, four-day passes are $40. The VIP pass for all films and seminars is priced right at $95. If you find yourself in Northwest Arkansas that same weekend, slide into the Fayetteville Film Festival. From Sept. 20-22, FFF offers local and international shorts, experimental film, documentaries, virtual reality, block parties and after-parties — the whole shooting match — all on the Fayetteville square. Highlights include “All Square,” starring Emmynominated Michael Kelly (“House of Cards”) as a bookie running numbers on Little League games; “Wild Nights With Emily,” featuring Molly Shannon (“Saturday Night Live”) as — yes, you’re reading this right and, yes, it is awesome — Emily Dickinson; “Fail State,” an expose on the rise of forprofit colleges; 2018 SXSW Grand Jury Prize winner “Thunder Road”; and, happily for those who missed the soldout Arkansas Cinema Society screening of the LR-made “Antiquities,” it screens Friday night. Little Rock’s repertory film screenings seem to get more reliable by the year, too. Crush Wine Bar in Argenta now hosts a monthly series by the Film Society of Little Rock: Mel Brooks’ “History of the World Part I” screens at 8 p.m. Sept. 13, and 1986’s “Aliens,” the sequel to James Cameron’s 1979 highwater mark in sci-fi horror/thriller/ action, comes to its back deck on Oct. 11. This newspaper’s own monthly film series, programmed by “No Small Talk” podcast co-host Omaya Jones, keeps on rolling at the Riverdale 10. This month features Bob Fosse’s spectacular 1979 film “All That Jazz” on Tuesday, Sept. 18. The venue also hosts radiohead Dave Elswick’s long-running series: Oct. 9 is your chance to see “The Exorcist” on the big screen. Diamond Bear Brewery, now in the movie programming game, takes to the same theater for John Hughes’ best movie (don’t @ me), “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” on Oct. 23. And, as ever, keep your eyes open for announcements from the Arkansas Cinema Society. There are no officially announced ACS events for the fall just yet, but, we’re told lots of exciting things are in the works. When it announces it, you know we’ll run it — so stay tuned to the Rock Candy blog, check, and follow the ACS Facebook page to find out what Little Rock’s next hot film ticket will be.

Get tickets at SEPTEMBER 13, 2018


2018 FALL ARTS CALENDAR DEC. 7-8: “A Song for the Season.” An Arkansas Chamber Singers concert. Old State House Museum, 7 p.m., free. DEC. 14: Akeem Kemp Band. Markham Street Grill and Pub, 8:30 p.m. DEC. 14-16: “Home for the Holidays.” Arkansas Symphony Orchestra. Robinson Center Performance Hall, 7:30 p.m. Fri.Sat., 3 p.m. Sun., $16-$68.

VISUAL ART THROUGH SEPT. 28: “Memory / Commitment / Aspiration,” works from the Pierrette Van Cleve Collection; “Water Memory,” installation. UA Little Rock.

THROUGH OCT. 27: “A Legacy of Brewers: The Paintings of Nicholas, Adrian and Edwin Brewer.” Butler Center’s Galleries at Library Square. THROUGH OCT. 28: “Up in Smoke.” The accoutrements of smoking. Esse Purse Museum. THROUGH OCT. 28: “Reveal/Conceal: Exploring Identity in Contemporary Art.” Arkansas Arts Center. THROUGH NOV. 4: “Delta Through the Decades Deux: Selections from the Collection.” Arkansas Arts Center. THROUGH NOV. 4: “Space Between Teeth: Linda Lopez + Marc Mitchell.” Historic Arkansas Museum.

THROUGH SEPT. 30: “Mauricio Silerio: Los Demonios de mi Terra.” Underwater photography. UA Little Rock. THROUGH OCT. 7: “Justin Bryant: That Survival Apparatus.” Watercolors and prints. Historic Arkansas Museum.

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SEPT. 22: Thea Paves the Way, chalk art event. Clinton Presidential Center. SEPT. 25: “City Leaders as Urban Designers: Planning for Rapid Change.” Architecture and Design Network. Arkansas Arts Center.

SEPT. 25: Punch Line. Weekly open-mic stand-up comedy. The Joint, 8 p.m., $5. SEPT. 26-29: Greg Morton. The Loony Bin, 7:30 p.m. Wed.-Sat., 10 p.m. Fri.-Sat., $10-$15. SEPT. 26: The Joint Venture. Weekly improv comedy. The Joint, 8 p.m., $8. SEPT. 27: Steve Hofstetter. The Loony Bin, 9:45 a.m., $20. SEPT. 30: Brad Williams. The Loony Bin, 7:30 p.m., $22.

OCT. 10-NOV. 10: “Artist as Catalyst.” Silkscreens. UA Little Rock.

OCT. 3-6: Ricky Reyes. The Loony Bin, 7:30 p.m. Wed.-Sat., 10 p.m. Fri.-Sat., $8-$12.

OCT. 15-NOV. 16: “Faculty Biennial.” UA Little Rock.

OCT. 10-13: Quinn Patterson. The Loony Bin, 7:30 p.m. Wed.-Sat., 10 p.m. Fri.-Sat., $8-$12.

THROUGH NOV. 17: “The Lighter Side of the Apocalypse.” A comedy from The Main Thing. The Joint, 8 p.m. Fri.-Sat., $24. ROBERT BAINES

SEPT. 22: The Comedy Get Down. Featuring Cedric the Entertainer, Eddie Griffin, D.L. Hughley and George Lopez. Verizon Arena, 8 p.m., $49-$75.

SEPT. 28-DEC. 30: “Independent Vision: Modern and Contemporary Art from the Martin Muller Collection.” Arkansas Arts Center.


THROUGH OCT. 11: “Peter Pincus: Color and Form,” ceramics; “Art Process: Drawings and More.” University of Central Arkansas.


SEPT. 20 (OPENS): “RESPECT: Celebrating 50 years of AfriCOBRA.” Mosaic Templars Cultural Center. 683-3593.

OCT. 22-DEC. 2: “Electrify: VSA Emerging Young Artists.” UA Little Rock.

THROUGH OCT. 7: “Robert Baines: Living Treasure and Fabulous Follies.” Jewelry. Arkansas Arts Center.

THROUGH OCT. 19: “American Perspectives on Modernism.” UA Pulaski Tech.

THROUGH FALL 2019: “A Piece of My Soul: Quilts by Black Arkansans.” Old State House Museum. 324-9597.

SEPT. 19-22: Michael Mack. The Loony Bin, 7:30 p.m. Wed.-Sat., 10 p.m. Fri.-Sat., $8-$12.

OCT. 16: Brain Trust with Michael Brown. Hibernia Irish Tavern. 8 p.m. OCT. 17-20: Alex Elkin. The Loony Bin, 7:30 p.m. Wed.-Sat., 10 p.m. Fri.-Sat., $8-$12. OCT. 20: The Veterans of Comedy. Arkansas Repertory Theatre, 8 p.m. OCT. 24-27: J.R. Brow. The Loony Bin, 7:30 p.m. Wed.-Sat., 10 p.m. Fri.-Sat., $8-$12.

2018 FALL ARTS CALENDAR NOV. 7-10: Dave Landau. The Loony Bin, 7:30 p.m. Wed.-Sat., 10 p.m. Fri.-Sat., $8-$12.


NOV. 14-17: Mr. Showtime. The Loony Bin, 7:30 p.m. Wed.-Sat., 10 p.m. Fri.-Sat., $8-$12. NOV. 23-JAN. 12: “A Fertle Holiday.” A holiday comedy from The Main Thing. The Joint, 8 p.m. Fri.-Sat., $24. NOV. 28-DEC. 1: Reno Collier. The Loony Bin, 7:30 p.m. Wed.-Sat., 10 p.m. Fri.-Sat., $8-$12. NOV. 30: Steve Martin & Martin Short, I’m With Her. Verizon Arena, 8 p.m., $60-$250. NOV. 30: Kountry Wayne. Robinson Center Performance Hall, 8 p.m., $28$48. DEC. 7: Martin Lawrence. Verizon Arena, 7:30 p.m., $40-$120. DEC. 18: Brain Trust with Michael Brown. Hibernia Irish Tavern. 8 p.m.

DANCE OCT. 19-21: “Dracula.” A Ballet Arkansas production. UA Pulaski Technical College, Center for Humanities and Arts, 7 p.m. Fri.-Sat., 2 p.m. Sat.-Sun., $15-$35. CONTINUED ON PAGE 24

Opening Sept. 17

at the Clinton Center Little Rock, AR • (501) 374-4242 @ClintonCenter Sponsored by:

Yellow Pair by Dante Marioni. Photo: Nancy Ellison / Polaris SEPTEMBER 13, 2018


2018 FALL ARTS GUIDE MUSIC PREVIEW ARGENTA GOES ACOUSTIC: Fingerstyle guitarist/songwriter Brooke Miller gives an Oct. 18 concert at The Joint Theater & Coffeehouse as part of the Argenta Acoustic Music Series.

From Salty Dogs to Squirrel Nut Zippers Central Arkansas’s fall music lineup is a beast. BY STEPHEN KOCH AND STEPHANIE SMITTLE


i d d l e m a rc h ” a u t h o r George Eliot claimed once that if he were a bird, he’d fly around the world “seeking the successive autumns.” It’s a lovely idea, but then, George Eliot was not a bird. Nor was he George Eliot or even a he, for that matter, but that’s a story for another day. What’s really important for you this crisp season, music lover, is to spread your wings into the sleeves of your snuggliest sweater and seize the only autumn you’ve got right in front of you — this one. It’s the one in which the Dirty Dozen Brass Band, Lee Bains III & The Glory Fires and a drag queen named Trixie Mattel land in Pulaski County within a fortnight’s span. It’s the one where a 6-foot-8 clown with a supple voice interprets David Bowie and R.E.M. on the stage of a technical college in North Little Rock. It’s the one where hometown heroes like The Salty Dogs and


SEPTEMBER 13, 2018


Mulehead and Akeem Kemp share calendar space with Buddy Guy, the Moscow Ballet, Toby Keith, Gucci Mane and The Drive-By Truckers. See our calendar wrap beginning on page 15 for a statewide guide; meanwhile, here’s a quick rundown of some of that aural inspiration, well worth seeking. The ever-intense Malcolm Holcombe is returning to the legendary White Water Tavern, where he’ll officially release his latest, “Come Hell or High Water,” at the venerable joint Sept. 20. That same day, Buddy Guy, 82-year-old Chess Records house guitarist and Checkerboard Lounge owner-turned-blues legend, performs at the University of Central Arkansas’s Reynolds Performance Hall in Conway. Touring in support of their album, “Arkansas,” John Oates (of Hall & Oates) and the Good Road Band come to Oaklawn’s Finish Line Theater in Hot Springs Sept.

21. On the same night, tremolo lovers in Little Rock can probably catch organist Kimberly Marshall’s free concert at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church and still make it to the Rev Room’s “Fabulous Freddie Mercury Tribute” featuring Randall Shreve at 10 p.m. On Sept. 22, jump back to the ’90s with the Toadies at the Rev Room, catch Royal Thunder and Headcold with Or at the White Water Tavern, or drink in Claude Bourbon at Hibernia Irish Tavern’s hosting of an installment from the Little Rock Folk Club series. The Stardust Big Band floats into the Arlington Hotel’s Crystal Ballroom in Hot Springs Sept. 23. Jazz and parks are two great tastes that taste great together, with a free Jazz in the Park concert from the Rodney Block Collective Sept. 26 at Riverfront Park’s History Pavilion. That night, Sunflower Beam rises at Stickyz.

Amythyst Kiah shines at South on Main’s Oxford American Concert Series Sept. 27, while the Randy Rogers Band rides high at the Rev Room. And, if you’re ready for some Southern-style storytelling, it won’t get much better than West Monroe, La., native musician/poet Kevin Gordon’s appearance at The Joint’s Potluck and Poison Ivy, also Sept. 27. (If the casserole has leaves of three, let it be.) No wave scenester and actor/ singer/poet Lydia Lunch (nee Lydia Koch) comes to Four Quarter Bar Sept. 28. Lunch is performing with composer Weasel Walter, bassist Tim Dahl and original Sonic Youth drummer Bob Bert; Mouton and Listen Sister open. Over at the White Water Tavern, Danville sage William Blackart releases his latest record, “Return,” with support from Colour Design and Fiscal Spliff. Also that evening is a concert from Pine Bluff native Mark Edgar Stuart at South on Main, as well as “Gershwin: Remembrance and Discovery,” an Arkansas Soundspresented concert from Richard Glazier, who’ll interpret the work of the second-generation Jewish American who crystallized the American songbook. Then, get the bucket brigade ready for the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra’s interpretation of “Sorcerer’s Apprentice” Sept. 29-30 at Robinson Center Performance Hall. Should you find yourself in the Spa City, check out May the Peace of the Sea Be With You, Mouton and Fiscal Spliff at Maxine’s Sept. 29. Zipped back up again, Squirrel Nut Zippers (with Arkansas son-in-law Jimbo Mathus at the helm) visit the Rev Room Oct. 3. The always-anticipated Hot Water Hills Music & Arts Festival goes up at Hill Wheatley Plaza in Hot Springs Oct. 5-6, with headliners Larkin Poe, Broncho, J.D. Wilkes and more. And, if you missed J.D. Wilkes at Hot Water Hills, catch him at the White Water Tavern Oct. 6 — that is, if you’re not at the Rev Room the same night conducting some soul re-examination to the tune of Amasa Hines. Lagniappe performs for Arkansas Times’ “R&B: Rhythm & Blues, Ribs & Butts” at Argenta Plaza Oct. 7. RuPaul’s Drag Race champion Trixie Mattel struts her stuff at Robinson Center Performance Hall Oct. 9. On Oct. 11, Lee Bains III & The Glory Fires burn down the house —

and the racist patriarchal establishment, for that matter — at the White Water Tavern. Kings Live Music in Conway hosts a show from Arkansas Times staff faves The Rios Oct. 13. Guitarist Brooke Miller, hailed as an heir apparent to fellow Canadian songstress Joni Mitchell, plays at The Joint Theater & Coffeehouse as a guest of the Argenta Acoustic Music Series on Oct. 18. Also that evening, the Oxford American Concert Series hosts a show from Bernice, La., soul singer Robert Finley, recently and rightfully returned to the stage’s limelight. The Dirty Dozen Brass Band is the tip of the multigenerational NOLA iceberg at UA Pulaski Tech’s Center for Humanities and Arts for “Take Me to the River” Oct. 22. Also: Hey youuu guys! It’s the electric 86-year-old national treasure Rita Moreno at UCA’s Reynolds Performance Hall Oct. 23! Thankfully not a Rolling Stones tribute band of the era, but a Virginia-based string band from the Blue Ridge Mountains, The Steel Wheels, rolls into South on Main Oct. 28. Frankie Valli trots out the hits — and the falsetto — at Verizon Arena Nov. 9, and later that weekend, the ASO takes on the work of a beloved English composer with “Elgar’s Enigma,” Nov. 1011. Stuart Baer brings his capable keyboard work to Sherwood’s Amy Sanders Library as part of CALS’s “Sounds in the Stacks” series Nov. 13. Mountain Sprout gets rowdy at Kings Live Music Nov. 17. Garvan Woodland Gardens is showing its true colors this fall with a series of November events at its Anthony Chapel: Tom Christopher’s tribute to Elvis Presley on the 19th; a holiday concert from Sharon Turrentine on Nov. 25; and a choral concert from Voices Rising on Nov. 28. This pity party requires audience participation! Puddles Pity Party, the sad clown with the golden voice, croons classic rock covers with a twist to UA Pulaski Tech’s CHARTS on Dec. 1. If you need to skip the sorrow and head to straight to the Five Finger Death Punch, you’ll find it that very same night with Breaking Benjamin at Verizon Arena. Finally, and maybe it’s much too early in the game, but what are you doing New Year’s Eve? The Squarshers and Jamie Lou and the Hullabaloo are holding down the countdown fort at Kings Live Music in Conway.


Laurence Juber Thursday September 20 7:30 p.m. The Joint 301 Main Street North Little Rock

Tickets $25

Grammy winner and former guitarist for Paul McCartney’s band Wings, Juber brings amazing clarity and virtuosity to the acoustic guitar.

This month’s show is in partnership with the ACANSA Arts Festival. Tickets available at SEPTEMBER 13, 2018




DEC. 7-9: “Nutcracker Spectacular.” A Ballet Arkansas production. Robinson Center Performance Hall, 7 p.m. Fri.-Sat., 2 p.m. Sat.-Sun., $23-$102.

OCT. 6: “Unemployment.” A reading of Werner Trieschmann’s play from the Rolling River Playwrights Collective. Arkansas Repertory Theatre, 7 p.m., $10.

DEC. 9: “Land of the Sweets Nutcracker Tea.” A Ballet Arkansas performance and meet-and-greet. Robinson Center Performance Hall, 11:30 a.m., $30.

OCT. 11-28: “Evil Dead: The Musical.” The Studio Theatre.

DEC. 27: Moscow Ballet’s “Great Russian Nutcracker.” Robinson Center Performance Hall, 3 p.m. and 7 p.m., $31-$178.


AN EVENING OF JAZZ GUITAR Monday, September 17, 2018 7:30PM - 10:00PM @The Joint

FILM OCT. 7: “The Opera House.” A documentary screening from Arkansas Cinema Society and Arkansas District Metropolitan Opera Auditions. CALS Ron Robinson Theater, 2:30 p.m., $25. OCT. 9: “The Exorcist.” (1979). With stuntwoman Ann Miles. CALS Ron Robinson Theater, 6:30 p.m., $5. OCT. 11, 16: “MFKZ.” English dubs. Cinemark Colonel Glenn 18, 7 p.m. OCT. 12: “George Takei’s ‘Allegiance’: The Broadway Musical on the Big Screen.” CALS Ron Robinson Theater, 7 p.m., free. NOV. 16: “The Last Waltz.” CALS Ron Robinson Theater, 7 p.m., $5.

Enjoy an evening of jazz guitar featuring Peter Bernstein, Ted Ludwig and special guests in the intimate setting of The Joint in North Little Rock. Tickets are $30 in advance and $40 at the door.

THEATER THROUGH SEPT. 22: “Social Security.” Murry’s Dinner Playhouse Theater. THROUGH SEPT. 30: “The Producers.” Community Theatre of Little Rock. Elks Lodge, North Little Rock.

Theater and Coffeehouse

301 Main St, NLR • 501-372-0210


SEPTEMBER 13, 2018


Get tickets at

SEPT. 25-OCT. 20: “The Foreigner.” Murry’s Dinner Playhouse Theater.

OCT. 12-13: “Jersey Boys.” The touring Broadway production. Robinson Center Performance Hall, $28-$78. OCT. 12-28: “If/Then.” The Weekend Theater. OCT. 23-NOV. 17: “The Hallelujah Girls.” Murry’s Dinner Playhouse Theater. OCT. 28: “Murder in the Cathedral.” St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 7 p.m. NOV. 1-4: “Blackbird.” The Studio Theatre. NOV. 3: “Life Science.” A reading of Judy B. Goss’ play from the Rolling River Playwrights Collective. Arkansas Repertory Theatre, 7 p.m., $10. NOV. 20-25: “Love Never Dies.” The touring Broadway production. Robinson Center Performance Hall. NOV. 23-DEC. 31: “Elf.” Murry’s Dinner Playhouse Theater. NOV. 29-DEC. 14: “A Christmas Story.” The Studio Theatre. NOV. 30-DEC. 15: “Steel Magnolias.” The Weekend Theater. NOV. 30-DEC. 16: “Jack Frost in Santa Land.” Arkansas Arts Center Children’s Theatre. DEC. 1: “Blood Moon.” A reading of John Haman’s play from the Rolling River Playwrights Collective. Arkansas Repertory Theatre, 7 p.m., $10. DEC. 7-15: “A Christmas Carol.” Argenta Community Theater. DEC. 22-23: “Finding Neverland.” The touring Broadway production. Robinson Center Performance Hall.

SPECIAL EVENTS SEPT. 23: Argenta Reading Series: Jonathan Brown. Argenta United Methodist Church, 5:30 p.m. OCT. 4: “The Moth.” An evening of storytelling. Robinson Center Performance Hall, 7:30 p.m., $38. OCT. 7: “Henry Rollins: Travel Slideshow Tour.” A punk rocker’s travelogue. Rev Room, 8 p.m., $31-$155. OCT. 23-27: “Made By Few 6.” Downtown Little Rock, $200-$475. OCT. 26: “Argenta Reading Series: Edward McPherson.” Argenta United Methodist Church, 5:30 p.m. OCT. 27: “Arkansas Cornbread Festival.” Main Street, 11 a.m., free-$10. OCT. 27: “Arkansas Black Hall of Fame 26th Anniversary Celebration.” Robinson Center Performance Hall, 7:30 p.m., $50-$100.

SEPT. 29: Forest Concert Series: Ahi. Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, 7 p.m., $10.


OCT. 4: KOBV Brewery Beats. A recurring series from the DJs at 103.3 KOBVFM. Bike Rack Brewery, 6 p.m. OCT. 5: Eric Gales. Meteor Guitar Gallery, 8 p.m., $30-$50. OCT. 6: Forest Concert Series: Orchestral Pow Wow Project. Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, 7 p.m., $10. OCT. 19: The Cate Brothers, The Downtown Live Wires. Meteor Guitar Gallery, 7 p.m., $25-$45. NOV. 2: “Brahms Deconstructed.” Symphony of Northwest Arkansas. Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, 8 p.m., $55. NOV. 9: Bike Rack Records Release Party. Bike Rack Brewing Co., 7 p.m., $25-$8

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THROUGH OCT. 8: “The Garden.” Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art. 479-418-5700.

SEPT. 20: Opal Agafia & The Sweet Nothings. Bike Rack Brewing Co.

THROUGH DEC. 31: “Amy Sherald.” Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art. 479-418-5700.

SEPT. 21: The Baskin Blues Duo. Ramo d’Olivo, 7:30 p.m. SEPT. 21: Jukebox Confession. The Meteor Guitar Gallery, 8 p.m., $10-$15. SEPT. 22: Tony Alvarez. Ramo d’Olivo, 7:30 p.m. SEPT. 22: Forest Concert Series: Kiran Ahluwalia. Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, 7 p.m., $10. SEPT. 23: Paco Renteria. Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, 4 p.m., free.


SEPT. 27: Rozenbridge, Raj Suresh. Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, 8 p.m., $15.

Please join us for an exciting evening as Community Health Centers of Arkansas recognizes honorees Senator John Boozman, Muskie Harris, Delta Dental of Arkansas and Forevercare, at our inaugural masked ball. Proceeds from this benefit formal will help support the Franklin Community Health Complex. Tickets may be purchased thru Eventbrite. Event details to follow.

THROUGH FEBRUARY 2019: “In Conversation: Will Wilson and Edward Curtis.” Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art. 479-418-5700. SEPT. 20: Conversation with artist Amy Sherald. 1-2 p.m. Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art. 479-418-5700. OCT. 6-JAN. 7, 2019: “Art for a New Understanding: Native Voices, 1950s to Now.” Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art. 479-418-5700. OCT. 27-MARCH 2019: “Personal Space.” Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art. 479-418-5700.



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OCT. 3: Native Voices Film Series: Kyle Bell, Steven Paul Judd. Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, 7 p.m., free. OCT. 12: “Reclaiming Native Identity with Anna Tsouhlarakis.” Video. Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, 7 p.m., free. OCT. 24: Native Voices Film Series: Missy Whiteman. Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, 7 p.m., free.

OCT. 19: Clusterpluck. Kings Live Music, 8:30 p.m., $5. OCT. 20: Waterseed. Kings Live Music, 8:30 p.m., $5. OCT. 23: Rita Moreno. Reynolds Performance Hall, UCA, 7:30 p.m., $15. OCT. 26: Arkansauce. Kings Live Music, 8:30 p.m., $5. OCT. 27: Cosmocean. Kings Live Music, 8:30 p.m., $5. NOV. 2: Cadillac Jackson. Kings Live Music, 8:30 p.m., $5.


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NOV. 3: Akeem Kemp Band. Kings Live Music, 8:30 p.m., $5.


SEPT. 20: Buddy Guy. Reynolds Performance Hall, University of Central Arkansas, 7:30 p.m.

NOV. 9: Big Red Flag. Kings Live Music, 8:30 p.m., $5.

$30 in advance $35 at the gate

SEPT. 21: Kris Lager Band. Kings Live Music, 8:30 p.m., $5.

NOV. 10: Dazz & Brie. Kings Live Music, 8:30 p.m., $5.

SEPT. 28: El Dub. Kings Live Music, 8:30 p.m., $5.

NOV. 13: Ten Tenors. Reynolds Performance Hall, UCA, 7:30 p.m.

SEPT. 29: Charlotte Taylor & Gypsy Rain. Kings Live Music, 8:30 p.m., $5.

NOV. 16: Trey Johnson. Kings Live Music, 8:30 p.m., $5.

OCT. 5: Opal Agafia & The Sweet Nothings. Kings Live Music, 8:30 p.m., $5.

NOV. 17: Mountain Sprout. Kings Live Music, 8:30 p.m., $5.

OCT. 6: Dawson Hollow. Kings Live Music, 8:30 p.m., $5.

NOV. 23: The Going Jessies. Kings Live Music, 8:30 p.m., $5.

OCT. 12: Freeverse. Kings Live Music, 8:30 p.m., $5.

NOV. 24: Lucky Rooster. Kings Live Music, 8:30 p.m., $5.

OCT. 13: The Rios. Kings Live Music, 8:30 p.m., $5.

NOV. 30: Cody Martin Band. Kings Live Music, 8:30 p.m., $5.

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All proceeds benefit the Arkansas Zoological Foundation - a non-profit investing in the growth & development of the Little Rock Zoo. Must be at least 21 years of age to attend. Please bring ID.










SEPTEMBER 13, 2018


DEC. 1: “Rat Pack Christmas.” Reynolds Performance Hall, UCA, 7:30 p.m. DEC. 1: Groovement. Kings Live Music, 8:30 p.m., $5. DEC. 7: Josh Hoyer & Soul Colossal. Kings Live Music, 8:30 p.m., $5. DEC. 8: “A Classic Christmas.” A pops concert with Arkansas Festival Ballet. Reynolds Performance Hall, UCA, 7:30 p.m. DEC. 12: “Celtic Angels Christmas.” Reynolds Performance Hall, UCA, 7:30 p.m.

OCT. 18-20: MusicFest. George Clinton & Parliament Funkadelic, Toby Keith, Sammy Hagar & The Circle and more. Murphy Arts District.

DEC. 31: Jamie Lou & The Hullabaloo, The Squarshers. Kings Live Music, 8:30 p.m., $5.

DANCE OCT. 14: “Dracula.” A Ballet Arkansas production. Reynolds Performance Hall, UCA, 7:30 p.m., $32-$40. OCT. 21: The New Chinese Acrobats. Reynolds Performance Hall, UCA, $27$40.

NOV. 16: Reza: Edge of Illusion. Griffin Music Hall, 8 p.m.

OCT. 20: Mary Heather & The Sinners. Griffin Restaurant, 10:30 p.m.


OCT. 20: Gucci Mane. Griffin Music Hall, 8 p.m. OCT. 25: Eclectic Avenue. Griffin Restaurant, 8 p.m.

SEPT. 28: Bluegrass & BBQ. Opal Agafia & The Sweet Nothings, Aaron Kamm & The One Drops and more. The Farm, 8 p.m., $30-$55.

NOV. 1: Big Piph & Tomorrow Maybe. Griffin Restaurant, 8 p.m. NOV. 8: The Drunken Hearts. Griffin Restaurant, 8 p.m.


DEC. 14: Craig Gerdes Band. Kings Live Music, 8:30 p.m., $5. DEC. 28: Sad Daddy. Kings Live Music, 8:30 p.m., $5.


OCT. 11-14: Hillberry: The Harvest Moon Festival. Railroad Earth, The Wood Brothers, Trampled By Turtles, Lettuce and more. The Farm, $60-$500. CONTINUED ON PAGE 30


pathways to your future

THEATER SEPT. 21-22: “Driving.” A play by Werner Trieschmann. Cabe Theatre, Hendrix College. OCT. 27-28: “Chicago.” A touring Broadway production. Reynolds Performance Hall, UCA, 7:30 p.m. Sat., 2 p.m. Sun., $27-$40.

EL DORADO MUSIC SEPT. 20: Charley Crockett. Griffin Restaurant, 8 p.m. SEPT. 27: Barrett Baber. Griffin Restaurant, 8 p.m. SEPT. 29: Million Dollar Quartet. Griffin Music Hall, 8 p.m., $35-$55. OCT. 4: Bri Bagwell. Griffin Restaurant, 8 p.m. OCT. 5: Identity Crisis. Griffin Restaurant, 9 p.m. OCT. 6: The Big Dam Horns. Griffin Restaurant, 9 p.m.

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OCT. 11: Front Cover Band. Griffin Restaurant, 8 p.m. SEPTEMBER 13, 2018



THE SEQUEL: Andrew Lloyd Webber’s “Love Never Dies,” at Robinson Performance Hall in November, picks up where “Phantom of the Opera” left off.

Beam lights up Phantoms, elves and Frank N. Furters take the stage this fall. BY HEATHER STEADHAM


ith the announcement in spring that the Arkansas Repertory Theatre was immediately suspending operations, theater aficionados found themselves looking to alternative sources to fulfill their drama desires. The announcement that The Rep will return next year is the big news for spring, but for fall, local theater venues have stepped up to the proverbial plate to provide quality entertainment, with spectacles ranging from professional touring productions, to community gems, to dinner and a show. Celebrity Attractions brings to Robinson Center Performance Hall


SEPTEMBER 13, 2018


a trio of Broadway sensations. From Oct.12-14, the touring production of the Tony Award-winning “Jersey Boys” — based on the story of Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons — graces the stage with hits like “Big Girls Don’t Cry” and “Walk Like A Man.” Smash No. 2 will play Nov. 20-25, when “Love Never Dies,” Andrew Lloyd Webber’s sequel to “The Phantom of the Opera,” in which the Phantom lures his beloved Christine and their son to Coney Island, comes to Little Rock. Finally, Robinson hosts yet another show based on familiar characters: “Finding Neverland,” a foray into the life

of “Peter Pan” playwright J.M. Barrie (based on the Academy Awardwinning film of the same name) Dec. 22-23. For entertaining meals, Murry’s Dinner Playhouse is a must. Continuing its jaw-dropping schedule of almost one new show a month, Murry’s fall is packed with laughs. Running through Sept. 22 is “Social Security,” a Broadway comedy about an 83-year-old Cinderella who teaches her unusual family that it’s never too late to find your Prince Charming. “The Foreigner,” about a pathologically shy Englishman who goes to a Southern boarding house and pre-

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tends not to understand English so he can rest, runs Sept. 25-Oct 30. Another Southern romp, “The Hallelujah Girls,” in which five feisty female friends decide to shake up their lives in comical ways, plays Oct. 23-Nov. 17. For the holidays, Murry’s will bring the smash-movie-turnedsmash-musical “Elf,” in which Santa’s elf Buddy discovers he’s actually a human and journeys to find his birth father, to its stage. At the Argenta Community Theater in North Little Rock, the Upright Citizens Brigade Touring Co. will perform as part of the ACANSA Arts Festival Sept. 20-21. A show for fans of sketch comedy like “Saturday Night Live,” the Upright Citizens Brigade is an improvisation group that had its origins in Chicago with founders Amy Poehler and Little Rock native Matt Besser (along with Ian Roberts and Matt Walsh). If participation comedy is your thing, make a visit to the Trieschmann Fine Arts Building at Hendrix College in Conway for The Red Curtain Theater’s production of “The Rocky Horror Show” Oct. 19-28. All sweet transvestites and cryogenically preserved motorbikers should carefully select their viewing dates, however, as the Reynolds Performance Hall at the University of Central Arkansas will also be providing popular entertainment, with the razzle-dazzle knockout musical “Chicago,” Oct. 27-28. Dr. Frank N. Furter makes a

10-performance return to Little Rock, too, for Club Sway’s fourth annual presentation of “Rocky Horror,” this year under the direction of Brittany Sparkles. Tickets to Sway’s super glam rock show sell out every year, so head to the club’s Facebook page and get your tickets (and $5 prop bag) early. Another classic, the Tony Awardwinning “The Secret Garden,” the tale of a spoiled orphan and the transformative power of a discovered garden, will be presented by the Pocket Community Theatre in Hot Springs Oct. 5-14. The theme of innocence continues with the Nov. 30-Dec. 9 production of “Yes, Virginia, There Is a Santa Claus,” a play inspired by a simple, poignant letter written by an 8-year-old to the editor of the New York Sun. For Christmas in Northwest Arkansas (Nov. 28-Dec. 30), Fayetteville’s TheatreSquared will present “Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley,” a play set two years after the events of Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice.” As the family gathers at the Darcys to celebrate the holiday, Mary, the bookish middle child of the Bennets, finally has her day. TheatreSquared’s season kicks off Sept. 23, with “Once,” a tale of an Irish musician and a Czech immigrant who are drawn together by their love of music. The winner of a Tony, a Grammy and an Oscar, “Once” has been intimately reimagined for TheatreSquared.

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ew Orleans, 1836. Following an era of French colonial rule and relative racial acceptance, Louisiana’s “free people of color” are prospering. Beatrice has become one of the city’s wealthiest women through her relationship with a rich white man. Society is changing, racial divides are growing, and as the household turns on one another in their fight for survival, it could cost them everything.


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SEPTEMBER 13, 2018


NOV. 2: Jimmy James. The Aud, 8 p.m. DEC. 1: John Two Hawks. The Aud, 7 p.m. DEC. 8: Ozarks Chorale Christmas Concert. The Aud, 6 p.m., $10.

FAYETTEVILLE MUSIC SEPT. 20: JJ Grey & Mofro. George’s Majestic Lounge, 8 p.m., $30-$35. SEPT. 21: Mountain Sprout. George’s Majestic Lounge, 9:30 p.m., $8-$10. SEPT. 21: Mirror Fields, Space4Lease. Smoke & Barrel Tavern, 10 p.m., free. SEPT. 22: Dylan Earl, Dazz & Brie. Smoke & Barrel Tavern, 10 p.m., $5. SEPT. 26: Pigeons Playing Ping Pong. George’s Majestic Lounge, 8 p.m., $15$20.

SEPT. 28: M. Bolez. Smoke & Barrel Tavern, 10 p.m., free. SEPT. 29: Mixx Tenn. Smoke & Barrel Tavern, 10 p.m., free. SEPT. 30: Philip H. Anselmo & The Illegals. George’s Majestic Lounge, 8 p.m., $17-$20. OCT. 2: The Sword. George’s Majestic Lounge, 8:30 p.m., $18-$20. OCT. 4: Read Southall. George’s Majestic Lounge, 8 p.m., $10-$12. OCT. 5: Combsy. Smoke & Barrel Tavern, 10 p.m., $5. OCT. 6: Ought, Ankle Pop. Smoke & Barrel Tavern, 9 p.m., $12-$15. OCT. 7: Colony House, Brother Moses. George’s Majestic Lounge, 8 p.m., $16$18. OCT. 11: Herobust. George’s Majestic Lounge, 9 p.m., 20-$23.

OCT. 12: Amy Helm. George’s Majestic Lounge, 8 p.m., $20-$25.

OCT. 25: Black Lillies. George’s Majestic Lounge, 8:30 p.m., $12-$15.

OCT. 13: Syca. Smoke & Barrel Tavern, 10 p.m., free.

OCT. 31: Snails, Cookie Monsta, Svdden Death and more. Fayetteville Town Center, 7 p.m., $28-$30.

OCT. 16: Russian Circles, Terminus. George’s Majestic Lounge, 8:30 p.m., $15-$17. OCT. 17: Blue October. George’s Majestic Lounge, 8 p.m., $28-$30. OCT. 18: Ray Wylie Hubbard. George’s Majestic Lounge, 8:30 p.m., $20-$25. OCT. 19: Birdtalker. Smoke & Barrel Tavern, 10 p.m., $5. OCT. 20: Rainbow Kitten Surprise. George’s Majestic Lounge, 7 p.m., $23-$89. OCT. 20: Worst Party Ever. Smoke & Barrel Tavern, 10 p.m., free. OCT. 21: Guerilla Toss, The Phlegms, Whoopsi. Smoke & Barrel Tavern, 9 p.m., $10-$12.

OCT. 31: Papadosio. George’s Majestic Lounge, 8:30 p.m., $20-$25. NOV. 2: Jason Boland & The Stragglers. George’s Majestic Lounge, 9 p.m., $20-$25. NOV. 2: Branjae. Smoke & Barrel Tavern, 10 p.m., $5. NOV. 7: Penny & Sparrow. George’s Majestic Lounge, 8 p.m., $17-$60. NOV. 8: Molly Burch, Justin Peter Kinkel-Schuster. Smoke & Barrel Tavern. 9 p.m., $10-$12. NOV. 9: James McMurtry. George’s Majestic Lounge, 9 p.m., $20-$22. NOV. 10: Rfrsh. Smoke & Barrel Tavern, 10 p.m., free.

The Arkansas Blues: Photographs by Cheryl Cohen and Louis Guida Opening Reception Tuesday • Sept. 18 • 5:30 p.m. • Free The Galleries at Library Square

Rocky Horror Picture Show

Friday • Sept. 21 • 9 p.m. & midnight • $5 Saturday • Sept. 22 • 8 p.m. & 11 p.m. • $5 Ron Robinson Theater • Library Square

Banned Books Week Sept. 23-29, 2018

Get a complete list of events online.

Carrie (r)

Tuesday • Sept. 25 • 7 p.m. • Free

Ron Robinson Theater • Library Square Join us at the prom (6 p.m.) before the movie. Black tie optional.

American Psycho (unrated) Wednesday • Sept. 26 • 7 p.m. • Free

Ron Robinson Theater • Library Square Activities prior to the movie include discussion of the psychology of Patrick Bateman (6:15 p.m.) and a mini concert by Randall Shreve (6:45 p.m.).

J.N. Heiskell Distinguished Lecture:

James Fallows

Thursday • Sept. 27 • 6:30 p.m. • Free

Ron Robinson Theater • Library Square Fallows will speak about his book Our Towns: A 100,000Mile Journey Into the Heart of America.

Library Square is located at 100 Rock St.


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NOV. 9 • 7:30 PM NOV. 11 • 2:30 PM

NOV. 11: Hayes Carll and Jack Ingram. George’s Majestic Lounge, 8:30 p.m., $25-$30.


NOV. 13: Sun June. George’s Majestic Lounge, 9 p.m., $10-$12.

OCT. 20: “Pops: It’s Time For Three!” Fort Smith Symphony. Arcbest Performing Arts Center, 7:30 p.m.

NOV. 18: The Oh Hellos, Samantha Crain. George’s Majestic Lounge, 8 p.m., $18-$20.

NOV. 12: Ten Tenors. Arcbest Performing Arts Center, 7:30 p.m.

NOV. 23: The Body, Author & Punisher, Bones of the Earth. George’s Majestic Lounge, 9:30 p.m., $8-$10. NOV. 30: The Randy Rogers Band. George’s Majestic Lounge, 9 p.m., $20$25. DEC. 9: z Snider. George’s Majestic Lounge, 8:30 p.m., $25-$30.

DEC. 18: Swearin.’ George’s Majestic Lounge, 8:30 p.m.

THROUGH NOV. 18: “Todd Gray: Pop Geometry.” Fort Smith Regional Art Museum.

DEC. 28: Big Smith. George’s Majestic Lounge, 8 p.m., 9:30 p.m., $20-$25.

OCT. 5-7: “Jersey Boys.” Walton Arts Center, Baum Walker Hall. OCT. 23-28: “School of Rock.” Walton Arts Center, Baum Walker Hall. DEC. 4-9: “Get On Your Feet!” Walton Arts Center, Baum Walker Hall.



SEPTEMBER 13, 2018


DEC. 9: Manheim Steamroller. Arcbest Performing Arts Center, 7:30 p.m.


THROUGH SEPT. 23: “Once.” A TheaterSquared production. Walton Arts Center, Studio Theater.

DEC. 1: “Pops: It’s Time For Christmas!” Fort Smith Symphony. Arcbest Performing Arts Center, 7:30 p.m.

DEC. 14: Broncho, White Mansion. George’s Majestic Lounge, 9:30 p.m.


$30 GENERAL • $50 VIP

NOV. 29: “Season’s Greetings 2018.” Arcbest Performing Arts Center, 7 p.m.

THROUGH JAN. 27: “Modern Master David Hayes: The Ventana Series.” Fort Smith Regional Art Museum. DEC. 7-MARCH 31, 2019: “Timothy J. Clark: Masterworks on Paper.” Fort Smith Regional Art Museum.

DANCE DEC. 15-16: “The Nutcracker Ballet.” A Western Arkansas Ballet production. Arcbest Performing Arts Center, 7:30 p.m. Sat., 2:30 p.m. Sun.




OCT. 3-6: King Biscuit Blues Festival. Bobby Rush, Blackberry Smoke, Dave Mason and Steve Cropper and more. Cherry Street.


OCT. 6: Arkansas Times Blues Bus to the King Biscuit Blues Festival. With music from Stephen Koch of Arkansongs. $99.


HOT SPRINGS MUSIC SEPT. 21: John Oates & The Good Road Band. Finish Line Theatre, Oaklawn Racing & Gaming, 7 p.m., $40-$55. SEPT. 21: Crash Blossom, The Luxembourg Trio, Princeaus. Maxine’s, 9 p.m., $5. SEPT. 22: Junction 5. An outdoor gospel music concert, 7 p.m., donations. SEPT. 22: Sam Pace & The Gilded Grit, Kill Vargas, Adam Faucett. Maxine’s, 9 p.m., $7. SEPT. 23: Stardust Big Band. Arlington Hotel Resort & Spa, Crystal Ballroom, 3 p.m.


SEPT. 28-29: John Calvin Brewer Band. Silks Bar & Grill, Oaklawn Racing & Gaming, 10 p.m. SEPT. 29: May the Peace of the Sea Be With You, Mouton, Fiscal Spliff. Maxine’s, 9 p.m., $7.

SEPT. 27: Ppoacher Ppoacher, Warm Trickle, Whoopsi. Maxine’s, 9 p.m., $5.

OCT. 5-6: Hot Water Hills Music & Arts Festival. Larkin Poe, Broncho, JD Wilkes and more. Hill Wheatley Plaza, 4 p.m. Fri., noon Sat., 15-$25.

SEPT. 28: Hooten Hallers, Recognizer. Maxine’s, 9 p.m., $7.

OCT. 21: Screaming Females. Low Key Arts, 9 p.m., $10-$15.


NOV. 19: Tom Christopher. An Elvis tribute. Anthony Chapel, Garvan Woodland Gardens, 5 p.m. NOV. 25: Sharon Turrentine. A holiday concert. Anthony Chapel, Garvan Woodland Gardens., 4 p.m. NOV. 28: “Voices Rising.” A holiday choral concert. Anthony Chapel, Garvan Woodland Gardens, 5:30 p.m.

VISUAL ART OCT. 4-5: “The Soul of Arkansas.” Works by Longhua Xu. Hot Springs Convention Center. 321-2027.

COMEDY THROUGH DEC. 26: “Ken Goodman: Comedy & The Classics.” Hot Springs Bathhouse Dinner Theatre.

DANCE SEPT. 20: Gold Show Drag Show. Maxine’s, 9 p.m., $5. SEPT. 30: Stardust Big Band. Arlington Resort Hotel & Spa, 3 p.m., $10. SEPTEMBER 13, 2018



Fall Brewers Dinner

FILM SEPT. 20-23: Hot Springs International Horror Film Festival. Central Theatre. OCT. 19-27: Hot Springs Documentary Film Festival. Arlington Resort Hotel & Spa.

Thursday, September 20, 2018 • 6:30PM - 8:00PM

THEATER We’re going to kick off this Fall with a bang! Come excite your taste buds as we select and pair great fall brews with our delicious guest favorite menu items! Limited amount of room available. Call for more info.

OCT. 5-14: “The Secret Garden.” Pocket Community Theatre. OCT. 26-27: “Love At First Bite.” Murder & Macabre Mystery Theatre. Porterhouse Restaurant, 7 p.m., $40. NOV. 30-DEC. 9: “Yes, Virginia, There Is a Santa Claus.” Pocket Community Theatre.


THROUGH OCT. 27: “Small but Mighty.” Works from the permanent collection. Arts and Science Center for Southeast Arkansas. 870-536-3375. THROUGH NOV. 3: “UAPB & ASC: Five Decades of Collaboration.” Arts and Science Center for Southeast Arkansas. 870-536-3375. THROUGH NOV. 10: Pine Bluff Art League Juried Exhibition. Arts and Science Center for Southeast Arkansas. 870-536-3375.

ROGERS/SPRINGDALE MUSIC SEPT. 26: 5 Seconds of Summer. Walmart AMP, Rogers, 8 p.m., $30-$145.

SPECIAL EVENTS THROUGH OCT. 25: “Driving Miss Daisy.” (Thursdays only). Hot Springs Bathhouse Dinner Theatre. SEPT. 21-23: Spa-Con. With Pam Grier, Sean Maher, Butch Patrick and more. Hot Springs Convention Center.

1010 Main Street, Conway • 501-329-6262 • Get tickets at

SEPT. 23: Olivia Gatwood. A spoken word performance from Low Key Arts. Kollective Coffee, 6 p.m., $5. OCT. 5-7: Hot Springs Arts & Crafts Fair. Garland County Fairgrounds. NOV. 17: Northwoods Mountain Bike Trail Grand Opening. Cedar Glades Trail Head, 461 Wildcat Road, noon, free.



SEPT. 28-29: Depot Days Festival. Rodney Crowell, Earl & Them and more. Rock ’n’ Roll Highway 67 Museum, Newport. OCT. 18-20: Johnny Cash Heritage Festival. Dyess, free-$100. DEC. 6: M-PACT. Fowler Center, Arkansas State University, Jonesboro. 7:30 p.m.

of Arkansas

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Silent Auction • Live Auction Wine Raffle • Hors d’oeuvres • Libations Jazz Music • Cocktail Attire

Tickets and sponsorships available at 34

SEPTEMBER 13, 2018


VISUAL ART THROUGH OCT. 10: “Pink.” Multimedia group show. Arkansas State University, Jonesboro.

SEPT. 27: Needtobreathe. Walmart AMP, Rogers, 7 p.m., $30-$65. SEPT. 28: Roby Pantall Jazz Duo. Sassafras Springs Vineyard, Springdale, 6 p.m., free. SEPT. 28: Lynyrd Skynyrd. Walmart AMP, Rogers, 7 p.m., $40-$220. OCT. 3: Odesza. Walmart AMP, Rogers, 7 p.m., $26-$125. OCT. 4: CongaKeyz Jazz Duo. Sassafras Springs Vineyard, Springdale, 6 p.m., free. OCT. 13: Second Line Strings. Sassafras Springs Vineyard, Springdale, 6 p.m., free. OCT. 13: “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.” With accompaniment from Symphony of Northwest Arkansas. Walmart AMP, Rogers, 7 p.m., $22-$75.

VISUAL ART THROUGH SEPT. 22: “Sarah Hearn: An Unnatural History.” Arts Center of the Ozarks, Springdale. THROUGH SEPT. 28: “Sensory Iconoclast.” Arts Center of the Ozarks, Springdale, Springdale. OCT. 2-NOV. 3: “5X5 Annual Exhibition.” Arts Center of the Ozarks, Springdale. NOV. 10-JAN. 7: “Frida in the Garden.” Arts Center of the Ozarks, Springdale.

SPECIAL EVENTS NOV. 5: “The Magic of David Gerrard.” Fowler Center, Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, 7:30 p.m.



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h d e SEPTEMBER 13, 2018


Arts Entertainment AND



bout 20 minutes into watching comedian Hasan Minhaj’s Peabody Award-winning 2017 stand-up special “Homecoming King,” Epiphany Morrow began to sweat. The feeling wasn’t entirely unfamiliar; Morrow — a Stanford-educated emcee who’s spent the last several years globetrotting to teach hip-hop fundamentals to students across the world — had experienced it when he’d seen LinManuel Miranda’s “Hamilton,” for example. He’d felt something akin to it when Michael Jordan landed a jump shot in the sixth game of the 1998 NBA Finals with 5.2 seconds left in the game, securing a championship over the Utah Jazz by a single point. Morrow — better known by his stage name, “Big Piph” — channeled that good fear into a one-man show called “The Glow.” It’s both a departure from and a follow-up to the rapper’s 2017 album “Celebrate,” and it’s built around those moments in which witnessing someonte doing something incredible inspires an unshakable awe, perhaps even inspiring the observer to create something incredible in turn. “The Glow” premieres at 8 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 22, at the Arkansas Regional Innovation Hub as part of the 2018 ACANSA Arts Festival. We talked with Piph ahead of the premiere.


Also very logic-based. Exactly. It didn’t even cross his mind that that was something he could write about. So here’s this kid, 11 years old, riding his bike to class every day. Rapping wasn’t even his first choice [of study]. By the end of the class, I asked him, “Hey, would you like to perform your song?” He memorized it in about 20 minutes, and when it was time for him to perform — keep in mind: big stage, about 100 people out there and whatnot — he came up more fearless than the other kids. Came up, did his rap, did his little punch to the sky. Killed it.


Since we last caught up with you, you’ve spent some time in WinstonSalem [N.C.] and in Toronto with a group called Beats2Borders. You’ve talked about that experience on social media, referencing first-time emcees and how they grappled with their “fears, trash bars and other obstacles to pull off a pretty coollike public performance.” What do you do on a daily basis when you do these hip-hop workshops. What does the work look like? The last one I did — Beats2Borders — is kind of a spinoff of the one I did in Myanmar, and what they did is they

Big Piph takes ‘The Glow’ to ACANSA.

bring in a group of hip-hop artists. … One amazing part of the program is that we work in underserved areas, with underserved youth, and we get to order up to a certain budget amount of equipment. So each time I was coming in with, like, a mobile studio in tow — the mikes, the computer, everything like that. We get our equipment, go to the spot, go to the location, survey it, kinda like break down our stations and so on and so forth. The very first day the students come, we do some intro material and then break ’em into different groups. My thing is — since I know a lot of them won’t stick with hip hop — is to try to get them to take away, for use in schoolwork and life. So, I use the basic aspects of hip-hop — emcee, B-Boy/B-Girl, DJ and graffiti — and teach the students aspects of confidence, discipline, communication and creativity. There was a student this particular time [in the Toronto program] from Vietnam. His name was Will, and he had only been here [in North America] for two, three months. … And he was just, like, ridiculously intelligent with math. Once he understood the counts and stuff like that, he asked what he could write about. I asked him what he cared about, and he said, “Magic: The Gathering.” So I was like, “You can write about that.”

FLEXING A DIFFERENT MUSCLE: Big Piph follows up 2017’s “Celebrate” with a one-man stage show -- “The Glow.” CONTINUED ON PAGE 47 36

SEPTEMBER 13, 2018


ROCK CANDY Check out the Times’ A&E blog




Cliff Fannin Baker, the heart and soul of Little Rock’s theater community for more than a half-century, died Thursday morning, Sept. 6, in New York City after suffering a brain hemorrhage. His husband, Guy Couch, was by his side. Baker was 70. A native of Gasconcade, Mo., Baker studied theater at the University of Missouri. Baker founded the Arkansas Repertory Theatre in 1976, and “The Rep,” as it came to be known, has been a downtown cultural anchor. He stepped down as its producing artistic director in 1999, but never cut ties with The Rep, often serving as guest director. In 2008, Baker joined Wildwood Park for the Arts in West Little Rock. While there, he not only transformed Wildwood’s Cabe Theatre but also Wildwood’s grounds into a creative center, much as he did for the city’s theater scene as a whole. He directed countless productions and dozens of world premieres not only in Little Rock, but around the world. He also spent years in corporate “coaching,” working with executives on internal communications and public presentations. This spring, with the Arkansas Repertory Theatre he’d founded more than four decades earlier experiencing financial difficulty, Baker stepped in as artistic adviser and interim artistic director for the company, and was involved in planning for its 2019 season. That season is still on track, according to The Rep. Known for his engaging smile, enthusiasm and artistic excellence, Baker reached hundreds of thousands of people through the stage.


YOUR FIRST THREE ORDERS ARE ON US! Use Promo Code: WELCOME LITTLE ROCK: 7507 CANTRELL RD 501-614-3477 • BRYANT: 2203 N REYNOLDS RD 501-847-9777 HARRISBURG: 605 N ILLINOIS ST 870-578-2434 Follow Rock Candy on Twitter: @RockCandies SEPTEMBER 13, 2018







‘First Ladies of Arkansas: Women of their Times.’ The Old State House’s exhibit on ball gowns worn by Arkansas’s first ladies has been practically synonymous with the museum itself, because no trip there has ever been complete without a visit to that darkened gallery, its spotlights trained on elegant garb dating back to the 1840s, fashion combined with history: The silk crepe and satin brocade number with the mutton sleeves worn by Mary Eagle at her husband’s 1889 inaugural ball. The chiffon and velvet gown Mabel Thomas Martineau wore to the 1927 inaugural ball, imported from Paris for the M.M. Cohn Co. Margaret Cherry’s sequin-embroidered and net-covered inaugural ball gown inspired by Dior and worn in 1953. After being on exhibit for many years, the gowns needed to take a rest for some conservation. Happily, with the help of funds raised by the state’s living first ladies, the museum has been able to make the needed repairs and reopen the exhibit. In addition to gowns worn by first lady Susan Hutchinson and her predecessors Ginger Beebe, Anne Brough, Betty Bumpers, Cherry, Hillary Clinton, Alta Faubus, Janet Huckabee, Elizabeth Little, Martineau, Anne McMath, Barbara Pryor, Jeannette Rockefeller, Ewilda Robinson, Eula Terral, Betty Tucker and Gay White, the new exhibit includes video interviews with many of the governor’s wives. Friday’s reception, which is part of 2nd Friday Art Night, will feature a specially created ice cream from Loblolly Creamery and family activities. LNP INSPIRED BY DIOR: First lady Margaret Cherry’s inaugural ball gown from 1953 and others of the state’s first ladies are back on exhibition at the Old State House.


5-8 p.m. reception. Old State House Museum.

SHAKIN’: Mwenso & The Shakes channel Harlem and West Africa at South on Main as part of Oxford American’s Jazz Series.



8 p.m. South on Main. $35-$44.

“Now, more, we just take from jazz. It’s like a tree,” Michael Mwenso says in a video for NPR’s “Jazz Night in America.” “We don’t try to grow it, we don’t try to put water on it. We just try to take, take, take, take, and this thing is — it’s on its last legs.” Consider Mwenso & The Shakes’ efforts, then, a concerted effort in fertilization. By way of a standing gig curating the late-night program at Dizzy’s Club Coca-Cola for Jazz at Lincoln Center, Mwenso accrued a collective of adventurous musicians sympathetic to the cause: It’s not unusual for the outfit to perform

with a tap dancer on a low platform as a percussionist, or with two drummers, or to switch the plan suddenly during an interlude, with Mwenso signaling a code for a particular tag that whisks the ensemble off to a number they didn’t know was going to be up next. If you can only catch one jazz set this year, make it this one; to attend is to sign on for a gorgeously volatile musical situation and to witness a little of what Charles Mingus surely meant when he said, “I’m trying to play the truth of what I am. The reason it’s difficult is because I’m changing all the time.” SS


2nd Friday Art Night

5-8 p.m. Downtown galleries.

Fans of Little Rock’s monthly after-hours art walk will love September’s event: Core Brewing will provide samples of brew to riders on the Art Night trolley that delivers folks to the various venues, there will be pop-up artist stations along Main Street, and gallery-goers will be able to do something good for the city by donating school supplies to benefit the six public schools with which City Year Little Rock is working. All that on top of the Old State House reveal of its reinstalled exhibition of first ladies’ gowns (see item previous) and new exhibitions will make for quite a night. In the galleries: Watercolors by Leana Fischer of May We Fly at Bella Vita (523 Louisiana St.); “Everything’s Coming Up Liza,” portraits by Michael Shaeffer at the Bookstore at Library Square (in the Cox Center); “Au Pair Don’t Care,” works by Amily Miori at the Galleries at Library Square (the Butler Center); a live 38

SEPTEMBER 13, 2018


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collaborative art event, “Round Robin,” at Gallery 221 (221 W. Second St.); “Made @HAM,” hands-on activities on the grounds of the Historic Arkansas Museum (200 E. Third St.) with live music, local beer and a book-signing; “With the Grain: Fine Woodwork” at Matt McLeod Fine Art Gallery (108 W. Sixth St.); works by The Art Group Gallery, this month at the Marriott (3 Statehouse Plaza); and the pop-up artists, offering work in all mediums: Chris Walker, Monica Colvard, Sully Gomez, Jeannette Darley, Cheri McKelvey, Katie McBride, Anthony West, Robert Hinojosa, Christopher Swasta, Dietra Blackwell and Sabriella. The Downtown Little Rock Partnership also hosts an open house in its new home in the 500 block of Main Street. Really, couldn’t the venues have decided to stay open until 9 p.m. for this particular stroll? LNP





7:30 p.m. Stella Boyle Smith Concert Hall. $25.

Just when you think you’ve got string quartets all sussed out, the Ying Quartet skews your read by playing in juvenile prisons and the White House, maintaining on its website a list of the beloved Chinese restaurants the quartet discovers on tour and commissioning living composers to write about the American experience through a new music project called LifeMusic. Here, the three siblings, plus violinist Robin Scott, put their 75-percent-sibling telepathy to great use on Mendelssohn’s “String Quartet in D Major,” Tchaikovsky’s partially folk tune-inspired “String Quartet No. 1” and a new take on Attar of Nishapur’s 1177 Persian epic, “The Conference of the Birds,” from Dallas-born Yale University Professor Christopher Theofanidis. The concert kicks off the Chamber Music Society of Little Rock’s 65th season, and is free to students of all ages. A wine reception follows the performance. SS



6:30 p.m. Guillermo’s Coffee, Tea & Roastery. Free.

For eight years, a small but mighty independent publishing house called Sibling Rivalry Press has been championing the work of LGBTQ artists — work that, in the words of its Adrienne Rich guidepost, disturbs and enraptures. SRP’s meticulously assembled collection includes writers from all over the world, and one of the latest additions to the repertoire is a local, Randi M. Romo, who a news release describes as “a working-class Mexican-American, Southerner, former farmworker, organizer/activist, female, parent, grandparent, elder, and survivor.” You’ll find her 96-page paperback, “Othered,” at siblingrivalrypress. com, but it also gets a local release at this poetry gathering in West Little Rock, with an open mic hosted by poet Karen Hayes. SS

Banana Moonshine Salon interpolates comedy with music and drag performances at the White Water Tavern, 9 p.m., $5. Oklahoma “jamtronica” outfit Montu lands at Four Quarter Bar, with Kadela, 10 p.m., $5. Last chance to catch two community theater shows: “The House That Will Not Stand” at The Weekend Theater, through Sept. 15, $16; and “The Legend of Georgia McBride” at The Studio Theatre, through Sept. 16, $16-$20. Meanwhile, Community Theatre of Little Rock breaks its hiatus with “The Producers” at the Elks Lodge in North Little Rock, through Sept. 30; see for details on all. The Loony Bin has a triple feature up this week, with sets from Chad Thornsberry, Mike Head and Nick Hoff, 7:30 p.m., Thu.-Sat., 10 p.m. Fri.-Sat., $8-$12. The Garland County Fair continues at 4831 Malvern Ave., $15-$35, see for a full schedule. Mel Brooks’ “History of the World, Pt. 1” screens at Crush Wine Bar, sunset, free. Mike and the Moonpies get twangy at Stickyz Rock ’n’ Roll Chicken Shack, with Cody West, 9 p.m., $10-$13. The Billy Jones Band entertains at Cajun’s, 9 p.m., $5.



Taj Mahal Celebrity Concert Reserved Seating Only

FRIDAY 9/14 Flawless rock trio Shonen Knife brings you more songs about cats and food at Stickyz, with Spirit Cuntz and The Wirms, 8:30 p.m., $12-$15. See last week’s Arkansas Times for an interview with comedian Matt Besser, who joins Trusty for a #votethemout concert at Vino’s, 8 p.m. Monsters of Todd 5 features sets from DeFrance, Third Degree, Tragikly White and more, 7 p.m., Rev Room, $10. Hwy. 124 takes the stage at Oaklawn Racing & Gaming’s Silks Bar & Grill, 10 p.m. Fri.-Sat. Northern Italy blues rocker Eliana “Miss E” Cargnelutti plays at Markham Street Grill and Pub, with an opening set from Psychedelic Velocity, 8:30 p.m., $5. Lady Lola LeStrange joins the Foul Play Cabaret troupe for a burlesque show at Maxine’s in Hot Springs, 9 p.m., $12-$15. Catch a double bill at Cajun’s Wharf, with Ben Byers on the deck and the Buh Jones Band on the main stage, 9 p.m., $5. Richard Burnett & The Home School Dropouts take the cozy stage at Four Quarter Bar, 10 p.m., $7.

SATURDAY 9/15 Listen Sister takes “The Night I Stole Your Pen” and other tales to the White Water Tavern with Kassi Moe and Polly’s Pockets, 9 p.m. The Arkansas Historic Preservation Program’s next “Walks Through History” explores downtown Osceola, 11 a.m., free. A DeCarcerate conference at CALS Ron Robinson Theater features talks on solving the nation’s mass incarceration








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CONTINUED ON PAGE 41 Follow Rock Candy on Twitter: @RockCandies SEPTEMBER 13, 2018






MONDAY 9/17-3/31/19

‘The White House Collection of American Crafts: 25th Anniversary Exhibit’

Clinton Presidential Center. $8-$10 ($6 for ages 6 and under).

For “The Year of American Craft: A Celebration of the Creative Works of the Hand” in 1993, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Michael Monroe, curator of the Smithsonian’s Renwick Gallery, brought into being this collection of 73 works by 78 craft artists. The finely wrought ceramics, jewelry, metal, woodwork, glass and fiber include pieces by such big-name folks as glass artist Dale Chihuly, ceramic artist Cliff Lee, chair designer Sam Maloof and potter and second lady Joan Mondale. There is also work in the collection from Arkansas hands: Robyn Horn

(“Pierced Geode,” turned wood), Michael Haley and Susy Siegele (“Lizards Interpreting the Ancient Symbol,” a vessel), Sharon and Leon Niehues (“Eburna,” a basket), and Ed Pennebaker (glass). The collection was exhibited in the Clinton White House and later at the Smithsonian; but this show is the first time in 18 years the collection has been on display. The Clinton Foundation has created gradespecific programs and tours for students; groups are asked to reserve two weeks in advance at 748-0419 or LNP PHOTO COURTESY OF THE CLINTON CENTER

PRESIDENTIAL COCOA-POT: This ceramic work by Maria Superior is part of the White House Collection of American Craft, on view at the Clinton Presidential Center.


SEPTEMBER 13, 2018


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ART AND EGO: Bob Fosse’s “All That Jazz” is next up in the Arkansas Times Film Series.


ACANSA Arts Festival

Various times, locations, ticket prices, at

This week’s Arts and Entertain- genta Community Theater, 405 Main ment feature focuses on Epiphany St., NLR, at 7 p.m. ($30, also 8 p.m. “Big Piph” Morrow and his one-man Friday, Sept. 21); folk/pop/jazz guitarshow, The Glow, set for 8 p.m. Satur- ist Laurence Juber plays at The Joint day, Sept. 22, at the Arkansas Regional next door at 7:30 p.m. ($25); and over Innovation Hub as part of ACANSA. at UA Pulaski Tech’s CHARTS theater, “The Glow” is just one event in this an- the song-mashing a cappella group nual multiday, multigenre celebration VoicePlay takes the stage at 8 p.m. of the arts featuring local and nation- ($25). The night is young, so afterward, ally famed performers. Let’s start at catch the 9:30 p.m. comedy show feathe beginning: A Rowdy Faith, the lo- turing Kevin James Doyle, the creator cal duo of Alisyn Reid and Cate Davi- of “The 30-Year-Old Virgin,” at the son, gives the festival a folky kickoff at Arkansas Repertory Theatre’s annex 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 18, at the But- ($20, to be repeated at 9:30 p.m. Friler Center (free), and the four-piece day, Sept. 21). Pianist Tatiana Roitacoustic band MilkDrive (Brian Bek- man Mann has performed with YoYo en, Dennis Ludiker, Noah Jeffries and Ma and James Levine; on Friday she Matt Mefford) out of Austin, Texas, performs for us in the intimate New brings the bluegrass to keep with the Deal Salon at 2003 S. Louisiana St., 7 traditional music theme at 7:30 that p.m. ($20). Yet another Friday offerevening in the Central Arkansas Li- ing: The one-woman play “Warriors brary System’s Ron Robinson Theater Don’t Cry,” based on the memoir by ($20). On Wednesday, Nashville Re- Little Rock Nine member Melba Patnaissance man Jimmy Abegg — paint- tillo Beals, will be performed at the er, musician, guitarist, singer/song- Mosaic Templars Cultural Center (to writer — will give a free show at 5:30 be repeated at 2 p.m. Sunday, Sept. p.m. at UA Little Rock’s Stella Boyle 23). On Saturday, Sept. 22, the new Smith Theater; afterward, Mississip- venue The Rail Yard (1212 E. Sixth pian Steve Azar and the King’s Men St.) hosts third-generation jazz muusher in the Delta’s blue notes to Ron sician Chuchito Valdes on piano at 7 Robinson ($25). Music and comedy go p.m. ($25). Also Saturday, the famed head-to-head Thursday, Sept. 20: The art and dance performance troupe famed improv group the Upright Citi- MOMIX will bring illusion and grace zens Brigade Touring Co. (co-founded to the CHARTS stage at 8 p.m. ($40). by Amy Poehler and Little Rock na- Read about Big Piph’s “The Glow” on tive Matt Besser) will amaze at the Ar- page 36. LNP




7 p.m. Riverdale 10 Cinema. $9.

If you missed last month’s sold-out Arkansas Times Film Series screening of “The Red Shoes,” consider this month’s film a continuation of the same question: Is art a matter of life and death? Director and choreographer Bob Fosse’s quasi-autobiographical 1979 film tackles that question by way of its lead Joe Gideon, an obsessive show business lifer who runs himself — in a storm of drugs and glitter — into the ground trying to, simultaneously, edit the Hollywood film he’s directed and launch the debut of his Broadway musical. With hallucinatory imagery and a cocktail of a soundtrack that’s equal parts Ethel Merman, Vivaldi and Harry Nilsson — “All That Jazz” is hailed as a masterpiece of editing and an heir to Fellini’s surrealist “8 ½.” The Arkansas Times Film Series is programmed in partnership with Film Quotes Film and Riverdale 10 Cinema. SS



7 p.m. St. Luke’s Episcopal Church. Free.

Thanks to the whims of circumstance and the charms of The Natural State, a good number of musicians, classical and otherwise, have chosen to carve out a niche here instead of fleeing for those climes that are, shall we say, more charitable to the artistic life. A handful of those musicians — pianist Julie Cheek, violinist Drew Irvin, cellist Stephen Feldman and violist Tatiana Kotcherguina — are performing in this installation of Festival of the Senses, a free series from St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in North Little Rock. On the program Tuesday evening are early works from Beethoven and Faure: a virtuosic and demanding quartet version of Beethoven’s 1796 “Quintet in E Flat for Piano and Winds” and a breakup number in C minor from a young Faure, heartsick after an abruptly canceled marriage engagement to Marianne Viardot. A reception in the church’s parish hall follows the performance. SS

problem, 10 a.m., $12-$30. Matt Besser and Trusty reprise the #votethemout bill at Kings Live Music in Conway, 8:30 p.m., $5. Champs “Sycho” Sid Vicious, Chavo Guerrero, Jr. and Barbi Hayden hop in the ring for World Class Revolution Wrestling at the Griffin Music Hall in El Dorado’s Murphy Arts District, 7 p.m., $10-$60. Ten Penny Gypsy duets at Ya Ya’s Euro Bistro, 6:30 p.m. Stays in Vegas takes the stage at Vino’s with Makeshift and Narrow Dinero, 8 p.m., $7. Tinkerfest takes over the Museum of Discovery, with engineering and science activities galore, 9 a.m., $8-$10. DJ Ron spins tunes at Discovery Nightclub, 9 p.m., $10. The Clear Channel Metroplex hosts MMA faceoffs for 360 Fight Club, 7 p.m., $25-$80. Four on the Floor puts the pedal to the metal at Stickyz, with Cherry Red, 9 p.m., $5. Santoros takes its self-described “Mexican-American garage surf rock” to Maxine’s with Joshua October & The Wool and Billy Ruben and the Elevated Enzymes, 9 p.m., $7. Son Sin Gnero is next up in Crystal Bridges Museum’s Forest Concert Series with “Cha Cha Cha! From Mambo to Salsa,” 7 p.m., $10.


SUNDAY 9/16 Double Sunday bill at Four Quarter Bar! Come to Argenta early to catch Finnish bluegrass outfit The Steve ’N’ Seagulls with The Restless Leg String Band, 8 p.m., $12, and stick around for Good Foot, 10 p.m., $7. A screening of “The Giants Wore White Gloves” tells the tale of the Women’s Emergency Committee to Open Our Schools during the Little Rock desegregation crisis, 2 p.m., CALS Ron Robinson Theater, free. GGOOLLDD’s frontwoman Margaret Butler glitters and croons at Stickyz, 8 p.m., $10.

MONDAY 9/17 Jazz guitar gurus Peter Bernstein and Ted Ludwig join forces for an evening at The Joint Theater & Coffeehouse, 7:30 p.m., $30-$40. The Goat Band (Barry McVinney, Steve Hudleson, Brian Wolverton and Patrick Lindsey) takes up its post for a monthly Monday jazz combo set at The Studio Theatre, 7:30 p.m. The world’s largest pop-up Irish pub goes up on the Plaza Lawn of the Hot Springs Convention Center to celebrate the “halfway mark” to the World’s Shortest St. Patrick’s Day Parade, 4 p.m.

WEDNESDAY 9/19 Dizzy 7 entertains at the penultimate Jazz in the Park concert for this year, 6 p.m., History Pavilion, Riverfront Park, free. Troy, Mich., post-hardcore rockers We Came As Romans take the stage at the Clear Channel Metroplex, 8 p.m., $18-$20. Charley Crockett takes his traditionalist blues set to the stage at Stickyz, 8:30 p.m., $12-$15.

Sunday Afternoon October 7, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.


On 4th Street Between Main and Maple In Argenta







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@the Corner | Atlas Bar Flyway Brewing - Count Porkula Four Quarter Bar | Townley Pools



Follow Rock Candy on Twitter: @RockCandies SEPTEMBER 13, 2018



Last week, it was the Main Street Food Truck Festival. But there’s more food truck festing to come: the third annual Black Food Truck Festival. The festival is set for 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 15, at Philander Smith College. The Arkansas Association of Black Professionals hosts this annual familyfriendly event as a way to highlight black entrepreneurship and a wide range of culinary skills. Craft vendors and live performances by local musicians fill out the menu for the food truck fest, which will take place in front of the James Cox Building on campus, 900 W. Daisy Gatson Bates Drive, rain or shine. If your barbecue is the best and you know it and you really want to show it, now is the time to sign up for Edwards Food Giant and Arkansas Times’ Rhythm & Blues, Ribs & Butts cook-off to be held 1-5 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 7, at Fourth and Maple in Argenta, beside Flyway Brewery. Blues from Lagniappe will go with the ’cue, a benefit for the Argenta Downtown Council. Competitors should register at // Entry fee is $75 and the deadline is Friday, Sept. 21. If you aren’t a master at smoking meat, maybe you can win at Baggo! For baggers, there will be an official Baggo Bag Toss Tournament, too; sign up is at the event. Tickets to Rhythm & Blues, Ribs & Butts are $15 and can be bought at It’s sort of the cart before the horse, but dessert comes before the barbecue in the form of Carelink’s annual Cupcakes for Goodness Sake in Argenta on Saturday, Oct. 6. The sweet fundraiser features a cupcake competition and other baked goods. This year’s theme is State Fair, so prepare for a wild ride there in the 400 block of Main Street, where there will also be craft beer, artisan booths, food trucks and live music. Pets are welcome! The event runs 4-7 p.m. With books and baristas so entwined in the minds of the reading set, the Main Library of the Central Arkansas Library System has decided to install a coffee shop on the first floor, spokeswoman Tameka Lee said last week. Nexus Coffee and Creative, the storefront coffee, breakfast, lunch and internet space at 301 President Clinton Ave., will operate the satellite shop in the Main Library. Nexus will have a limited menu and most likely not serve blended drinks, to keep the noise down, Lee said. The space in the middle of the first floor near the elevators is being remodeled now; the library hopes to have it open by the holidays. 42

SEPTEMBER 13, 2018


A DELICIOUS SPECIAL: The carnitas dinner, with chopped pork slow-cooked in lard.

Las Delicias is Humble hole-in-the-wall has authentic Mexican food.


e have long been a sup- too: a subtle charm and old-fashioned intensity and flavoring. We have always porter of the Southwest quality, like time stood still while store- enjoyed experiencing the cuisines of difLittle Rock bastion of fronts changed hands, got boarded up and ferent cultures by way of junk food. Wheat authentic Mexican food. reopened over the years. The neighbor- puffs and meat puffs, plantain chips and Not once have we been disappointed by a hood is enriched by a large Latin popu- tamarind Cheetos, Takis galore and jalafood truck south of 65th Street. However, lation, and the local commerce reflects peno Fritos are a few snacks to behold. there exists another epicenter of excellent that: envios de dinero a Mexico sites (to The restaurant has the classic trapLatin food on the north side of the river, wire money to Mexico), various merca- pings of a “hole in the wall”: humble seatin Levy. There you will find Rosalinda’s, dos, independent insurance proprietors, ing, hodgepodge decor, cheap prices and serving up Honduran food, and a bevvy a store called “Cell Phone Hospital No. 2.” very, very good eats. We sat in margaof Mexican restaurants on Pike Avenue: The mercado side of Las Delicias is not rine-yellow contour booths, drank many Taqueria Guadalajara, Tortas México, El much to write home about. The produce $2 Coronas and ordered an enormous Paisano and, in our opinion, the crown selection is limited, and there are a few amount of food. A new-school jukebox jewel: Las Delicias. rows of sundries and household cleaning played Mexican ballads and cumbia tunes. Located at the corner of a five-way supplies. It feels more like a convenience As we started to inquire over the menu, intersection, Las Delicias is a fairly store than a full-fledged mercado. Flank- we noticed a single pothos houseplant unassuming Mercado-plus-restaurant ing the entrance to the restaurant side, encircling the molding of the entire rescombo north of the railroad tracks. It though, is a truly impressive selection taurant, its leaves hanging down like little has in spades what the rest of Levy has, of chips and hot sauces of all manner of flags on a bunting.

Follow Eat Arkansas on Twitter: @EatArkansas


Check out the Times’ food blog, Eat Arkansas

The salsa was served cold in a tall squeeze bottle. It had a tomato and cilantro base, was pureed thoroughly, and was a little spicier than we expected. The cheese dip ($2.99) was a classic white dip, silky smooth and spiked with an occasional jalapeno. And the quac: We’ve never tasted a more buttery, nor more savory, avocado dip ($2.99). Tacos ($1.25 each) are standard streetstyle, a corn tortilla doubled up, with onion and cilantro and plenty of meat choices: asada, al pastor, lengua, barbacoa, pollo, chorizo, carnitas. If unsure what to go for on the menu, we’d suggest ordering one of each of those tacos and calling it a day. The tamales ($2 each) are plenty moist, generous in serving size and filled with pulled pork. On more than one occasion, we have called in a last-minute tamale to-go order from Las Delicias for a party hosted in our home. They please any crowd. Aside from solid a la carte offerings (tacos, tamales, tortas, ceviche, quesadillas), Las Delicias has a lengthy “Especialidades de la Cocina” menu, including a variety of surf or turf options. We were pleased by the fattiness of the carnitas dinner plate ($7.99), a chopped pork dish slow-cooked in lard until the meat gets stringy and tender. Our friend ordered breakfast for dinner: huevos revueltos con chorizo, arroz y frijoles (scrambled eggs with Mexican

Las Delicias

3401 Pike Ave. North Little Rock 812-4876

DOE’S KNOWS LUNCH & DINNER. Lunch: Mon- Fri 11am-2pm Dinner: Mon-Thur 5:30-9:30pm • Fri & Sat 5:30-10pm FULL BAR & PRIVATE PARTY ROOM 1023 West Markham • Downtown Little Rock 501-376-1195 •

Quick bite

The top display freezer by the checkout contains Arcoiris popsicles made with mango, coconut, tamarind, strawberry and kiwi, among others. If you get there early enough, you can peruse the glass case of pan dulce (sweet breads) coated in sprinkles, sugar dust, and brushed with butter: very easy on the eyes.


9 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily.

Other info

Imported and domestic beers, credit cards accepted.

sausage, rice and beans). Chorizo has an unstoppable scarf-able quality to it, much like any other sausage, but it’s softer, spicier and more savory. It immediately elevates the flavor of any dish to something you simply cannot stop eating. We sampled the horchata ($1.99), a sweet rice drink mixed with cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla. It was refreshing and milky and melded well with the generally salty nature of Las Delicias’ food. On the drink front, we were glad to find an El Topo Chico carbonated mineral water ($1) on the shelves of the mercado, a legendary beverage that has been bottled out of Monterrey, Mexico, since 1895.



serving better than bar food all night long Sept 13 - MONTU w/ Kadela 14 - Homeschool Drop-Outs 15 - Good Foot 16 - Steve’N’Seagulls w/ The Restless Leg String Band 21 - Mulehead 22 - Henry and the Invisbles Check-out the bands at Open until 2am every night!

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BETTER THAN RUNWAY. CAN’T GO WRONG WITH TACOS: They come street-style at Las Delicias.




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SPSFPULASKI.ORG Single Parent Scholarship Fund of Pulaski County is a 501 (c) (3) organization. As such, donations are tax deductible as allowed by law. Ticket Value $25.00 44

SEPTEMBER 13, 2018


CREATURES OF HABIT ‘The Nun’ delivers on the monster thrills, even if they’re cheap ones. BY SAM EIFLING


efore “The Nun” rolled up normal investigators appear here only and crushed something like as bookends. Mostly, we’re back in $133 million worldwide on Romania in 1952, where a young Cathits opening weekend, the olic nun-to-be (Taissa Farmiga, sister biggest nun-themed news of the sum- to Vera, who helmed two “Conjurmer involved a Catholic orphanage in ing” films in the series) and a grizzled Vermont where nuns tormented (and Vatican priest (Demián Bichir, once even killed) orphans, a pair of nuns in Oscar-nominated!) who specializes Colombia arrested on charges of tor- in exorcism are pursuing the case of ture of kids, and the systematic child an unbelievably spooky abby where abuse in the church in Pennsylvania. a villager has recently found a nun At least since 1973, when “The Exor- hanged above the front steps, a bufcist” made mad bank and became the fet for crows. We happen to know this first horror film nominated for Best particular demise was a suicide, so Picture, the Roman Catholic Church she wouldn’t be possessed by some has served as a dual character in Amer- evil thing that lives in the basement. ican scary movies. Creepy and superWhat we can never make much stitious and thorny-bloody-crucifixy sense of is how blithely our heroes — as the church is, sometimes it’s the including the villager, Frenchie (Jonas best way to fight a damn demon. Bloquet) — wade in, even as corpses You get that duality in “The Nun,” seem to move on their own, ghostly the fifth movie in the universe of “The nuns roam about, radios turn on by Conjuring” after Warner Bros. brought themselves and crucifixes slow-spin a couple of “Annabelle” movies to life. on the wall till they point straight Your husband-wife tag-team of para- down. (Toward hell, you see.) You



do get some laughs, at least, from ing crucifixes and black-habited nuns. Frenchie — who, try as he might, can’t The story hinges on a thing they keep quite shake the feeling that he’d like calling “the evil,” an underexplained to shack up with this future young occult presence that needs a relic to woman of the cloth. And hand it to ward off. I’m not saying you could’ve Bichir, who’s sort of a hybrid of Bruce written the script over a long weekend, Campbell and “The Most Interest- but I’m also not not saying that. ing Man in the World,” who’s stuck The evil does like to appear (as it did trying to claw his way out of coffins in a memorable “Conjuring 2” scene) and fighting off demonic snakes, nev- as a monster nun with yellow eyes and ertheless convincing the viewer he huge scissory teeth, very Baraka a la has some chump windowless office at “Mortal Kombat.” Everything about the the Vatican where, on slow days, he nun and her freaky-ass haunted coldthumbs through medieval texts about stone Transylvanian blood-spattered possession. abby from hell says “call reinforce“The Nun” is a haunted house movie, ments” and/or “bring in a Super Soaker and a comfortably campy one at that. of holy water.” And yet the cheapLow-budget horror is often the most thrills fun of “The Nun” is knowing effective (what could be cheaper, after how little sense any of it needs to make all, than the dark?), and aside from to get its point across. You won’t laugh some passable practical effects, “The at “The Nun” so much as you’ll laugh Nun” may do little better than simply with it. More precisely, you’ll laugh at blowing out candles at the right time, yourself for jumping in your seat, mutshifting an object menacingly when tering “JEEzuz,” and feeling like a kid it’s just out of frame, and back-light- who just cussed in church.


HAIL MARY: Taissa Farmiga walks among demon sisters in Corin Hardy’s “The Nun.” SEPTEMBER 13, 2018



The Weekend Theater The House That Will Not Stand


The Studio Theatre The Legend of Georgia McBride


CALS Darragh Center Preservation Conversations: The Adaptive Imagineering of Main Street, Little Rock


13 SEP

Community Theatre of Little Rock Mel Brooks’ The Producers


CALS Ron Robinson Theater 1st Annual DecARcerate Conference


Four Quarter Bar The Steve’n’Seagulls // The Restless Leg String Band

14-16 21-23 28-30

15 16 17

The Joint Peter Bernstein & Ted Ludwig with Special Guests: An Evening of Jazz Guitar


Old Chicago - Conway Fall Brewers Dinner


Robinson Center Once Upon a Time


20 25

Go to to purchase these tickets and more!

Arkansas Times local ticketing site! If you’re a non-profit, freestanding venue or business selling tickets thru eventbrite or another national seller – call us 501.492.3994 – we’re local, independent and offer a marketing package!


SEPTEMBER 13, 2018


REPORTER CONT. in May 1959. At a meeting of the three black students to Central High new school board May 5, segrega- and three to Hall High. On June 18, tionist members attempted to push the U.S. District Court upheld the through measures to remove anyone contention of NAACP attorneys that unsympathetic to their cause from Arkansas’s school-closing laws were the public school system. Blocking unconstitutional. each of these measures, the school In a surprise move designed to board members representing busi- stymie attempts by Faubus to preness interests then withdrew from vent the schools from reopening, the the meeting to dissolve the quorum. school board announced in July that However, after they left, Ed McKin- the school year would begin a month ley, the segregationist president of early, on Aug. 12. When the schools the school board, ruled that the meet- reopened as planned, three black ing could continue as normal. Seg- students, Effie Jones, Elsie Robinregationists proceeded to make a son and Estella Thompson, peaceseries of arbitrary decisions about fully entered Hall High under a city the running of the school system. police guard. At the state Capitol, Most dramatic of all was the deci- 1,000 whites attended a segregationsion not to renew the contracts of 44 ist rally. Later, around 200 segregapublic school employees, including tionists marched on Central High. seven principals, 34 teachers and City policemen firmly enforced order three secretaries. as two of the Little Rock Nine, JefOn May 8, a group of downtown ferson Thomas and Elizabeth Eckbusiness and civic leaders met to ford, entered the school. Carlotta form a new organization, Stop This Walls, another of the Nine, and the Outrageous Purge (STOP). The orga- third black student assigned to Cennization was dedicated to recalling tral that year, had not yet returned the three segregationist school board from completing summer school in members for election. On May 15, Chicago. For segregationists, the batsegregationists formed a Committee tle had been lost, and their struggle to Retain Our Segregated Schools to retain strictly segregated public (CROSS) to recall the business com- schools was finally over. The strugmunity representatives. On May 25, gle to achieve the meaningful desegthe day of the recall election, the regation of the city’s schools, and to vote narrowly went the business- ensure equal access to a quality edumen’s way, with all the business rep- cation for all of the city’s students, resentatives reinstated and all the continued on, as it still does today. segregationist candidates dismissed from the school board. The new John A. Kirk is the Donaghey Disboard, taking the election as a man- tinguished Professor of History and date to reopen the schools, began director of the Anderson Institute on preparations for token desegrega- Race and Ethnicity at the University tion in September 1959 by assigning of Arkansas at Little Rock.


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A&E CONT. Same dude who wouldn’t look me in the eye and was scared to talk at first. And now he’s rapping about “Magic: The Gathering” in front of 100-plus people.

the palms, because I saw what that would be for myself. It sounds weird, but I, like, get scared — scared when I see somebody do something that I don’t understand how they did it, but I’m inspired to do it. Sat up for a long How do you approach this work time, wrestling with my thoughts, differently when you’re working whatever. Woke up the next mornabroad and there’s a language bar- ing with the same thoughts running rier? Like, how do you coach stu- through my head. I have these little dents in Myanmar about counts tests to make sure I’m not trippin’, and bars when the language they’re and one of them is to contact certain rapping in has a rhythm that’s people to see if they get it. So I shot totally different from English? it to Corey Harris, who’s my bassist Sometimes I have a translator. And and MD [musical director] and he you have the lyrics, but you also have was like, “I get it. I’m down. When cadence, form, flow, breathing, per- are we gonna do this?” formance, delivery. All of that stuff Second test is: If I can’t shake it has nothing to do with understand- in a week’s time, then I gotta make it. ing the words. The only thing I don’t Or if I can’t find it anywhere else in get is what you’re actually saying. But the world. If someone else has done I can tell when your flow is sloppy. it and it’s better, it’s like, “Ah, cool. It’s very much a pocket. You’re one You did that.” But if I can see my verwith the beat. Regardless of whether sion and it doesn’t exist, I can’t shake you’re speaking English or not, you it and I have to do it. can tell and I can tell when it’s not working. Because you’re a person who thinks a lot about technology across mediLet’s talk about “The Glow.” Can ums, and because your work is so you talk a little about the title and geared to the idea of breaking out the tagline: “The Hopes and Ambi- of boxes that keep us from comtions of a Rhymer?” municating openly and honestly: “The Glow” as I define it — and I What do you think is the best posdefine it at the beginning of the show, sible scenario that could happen it’s on the screen for everybody to see with technology over the next, say, — is “an occurrence by an entity that 50 years? changes those who absorb and accept Interacting with diverse crowds. it.” So, it’s normally [done] by celebri- Right? With social media, you gravities. I go through one that’s Michael tate to what you’re used to. It’s just Jordan’s game-winning shot against like real life. Social media seems the Utah Jazz. Forever changed my huge, but still, we just communicate life. And I talk about these moments in our own boxes, more so than askand how I absorb them, how they ing, “How can I engage more in that created me, and how I wanna cre- community?” Another one for me is ate one of those moments to actually to be open to have your opinions chalchange the world. Within, there are lenged, and even more importantly, stories and montages that lead this to act on that if you feel you were in character — this person who thinks the wrong. Most of the time what I he understands it — to his end goal. see on social media is “I got my opinThe way it started was: After I fin- ion; you got yours. ‘Mortal Kombat.’ ” ish a project, I ask myself, “If you Very rarely is it that someone — and could do anything next, what would I’m including myself — says, “Man, it be?” Normally the answer has been: that was a good point. Let me think an album. An album app. This time, about it and respond.” That’s probit was way different. Like, I had no lematic. That’s not a battle. That’s desire to create another album. I had just two monologues. Past, that is: a desire to create more scripted con- actually acting on it. Make a post to tent — serial scripted content. … I kept your friends saying, “I learned this hearing about a stand-up special by was wrong. Does anybody have any Hasan Minhaj, who was a correspon- book recs on this? Anybody wanna dent on “The Daily Show.” But when converse further?” People may try I saw it, it wasn’t a stand-up comedy to belittle it, but that’s an act. That’s show. It was really a one-man show. communication. It wasn’t like “mike here, stand here,” it was really him talking about his See the full ACANSA festival schedule heritage and his culture. And about at, and find more of Big Piph’s 20 minutes in, I started sweating at hip-hop chronicles at


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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SUMNER COUNTY, TENNESSEE AT GALLATIN VICTOR WILLIAM ESQUILLA and, JESSICA JEAN ESQUILLA, Petitioners, Docket No: 83CC12018-CV-387. Notice of Entry Requested PAUL EDWARD DAUGHERTY, Defendant. TO ADOPT: GRACIE MAE CREEKMORE (DOB: 03/26/2014) A Child Under Eighteen (18) Years of Age. ORDER FOR PUBLICATION. This cause came on to be heard on this the 20th day of June, 2018, before the Honorable Joe H. Thompson, Judge of the Circuit Court for Sumner County, Tennessee upon the Motion for Publication filed by the Petitioners, and after review of the entire record, it appears that said Motion is well taken and that publication should run in the Arkansas Times for four (4) consecutive weeks. ENTERED this 8th day of August, 2018. JUDGE JOE H. THOMPSON. APPROVED FOR ENTRY: McCLELLAN, POWERS, EHMLING & ROGERS, P.C. M. ALLEN EHMLING, TSCRN: 9429 Attorney for Petitioners 116 Public Square, Gallatin, Tennessee 615-452-5872 4

2000 Jaguar S-type. 82,000 miles. well-maintained. $2,500. 501-663-6758 or 501-492-4000 SEPTEMBER 13, 2018









From beef, turkey, portabella or veggie—or with a gluten-free bun!—we really know how to ROCK burger week in central Arkansas. This nine day event gives readers a chance to taste all of the best burgers that the Rock has to offer. The best part? Burger pricing under $10, Sides, etc. extra.

READERS NEED TO KNOW THAT BURGER WEEK ROCK(S)! AND HERE IS WHY: Restaurants run out, customers get there early, have a backup plan and maybe try again the next day. It’s worth the wait, since we’ve been talking about delicious burgers in September and October! Please tip as though the burger is regular price. This should go without saying, but step up to the plate with a 20% tip, and say “Thank you” for the sweet deal. Buy a beverage and maybe some other delectable food to enjoy with your burger. When appropriate, have a beer or cocktail. Stay updated and share the deals with Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and (of course) ATTENTION BURGER RESTAURANTS! Our four page section in our October 11 issue, will outline all the different burgers and bargains offered in up to 30 restaurants from October 13 thru the 21st. All participating restaurants receive posters, social media promotional materials and other web postings throughout the entire promotion.


Let’s show off that delicious burger. FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED SINCE 1959! • 201 E. MARKHAM, SUITE 200 • LITTLE ROCK, AR 72203 • (501) 375-2985 48

SEPTEMBER 13, 2018


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