2010 Arkansas Times Native's Guide

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NativesGuide 2010

To Pulaski CouNTy

Also :

Who’s iN CharGe WhaT houses are selliNG for WheN To Call The hoGs Where To shoP hoW To ParTy

g i B s a e d I

What would make Central arkansas a better place to live? answers inside!


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Letter from the Editor Jan. 7, 2010 Dear reader, Start the year with this guide to all things Pulaski County, where you’ll get the information you need to a) party at a nightclub, b) see fine art, c) check out the area’s home prices, d) get your tonsils taken out, e) find a golf course, f) find a Mexican restaurant, g) call city hall … you get the idea. Plus, read suggestions locals offer on how to make Central Arkansas a better place in which to live. It’s all here in our annual kick-off to a new year. Our regular newspaper returns next week. Suggestions for future editions? Call me at 375-2985 or write max@arktimes. com. Sincerely,

Max Brantley Editor Arkansas Times



Contents feature

Playing fields ..................................................45

Big ideas ........................................ 6

Parks ...................................................................46

How to make life better in Central arkansas.

Things To know elected officials .............................................49

Things To do

Courts ................................................................51

annual events................................................11


Performing arts .............................................12

Public libraries ...............................................54

Visual arts .........................................................14

real estate .......................................................55

movie theaters ..............................................17

media .................................................................58

Clubs ..................................................................18


shopping .........................................................20

important numbers ....................................62

Dining ................................................................37


sports schedules ..........................................42

Utilities ..............................................................64

amateur leagues..........................................43

social services................................................64


8700 Riley Dr. •Little Rock 501.224.4242 woodlandheightsllc.com 4 natives guide 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES

ARKANSAS TIMES (ISSN 0164-6273) is published each week by Arkansas Times Limited Partnership, 201 East Markham Street, 200 Heritage Center West, P.O. Box 34010, Little Rock, Arkansas, 72203, phone (501) 375-2985. Periodical postage paid at Little Rock, Arkansas, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ARKANSAS TIMES, P.O. Box 34010, Little Rock, AR, 72203. Subscription prices are $32 for one year, $54 for two years. Subscriptions outside Arkansas are $39 a year. Foreign (including Canadian) subscriptions are $168 a year. For subscriber service call (501) 375-2985. Current single-copy price is 75¢, free in Pulaski County. Single issues are available by mail at $2.50 each, postage paid. Payment must accompany all single-copy orders. Reproduction or use in whole or in part of the contents without the written consent of the publishers is prohibited. Manuscripts and artwork will not be returned or acknowledged unless sufficient return postage and a self-addressed stamped envelope are included. All materials are handled with due care; however, the publisher assumes no responsibility for care and safe return of unsolicited materials. All letters sent to ARKANSAS TIMES will be treated as intended for publication and are subject to ARKANSAS TIMES’ unrestricted right to edit or to comment editorially.



Welcome to Pulaski County

Numbers game The facTs and figures ThaT make us who we are.


old, hard numbers can be a little dry and boring. They can also tell you a lot about who lives in a place and why they live there. Here, we present a statistical look at Little Rock and Pulaski County. Numbers come from the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2006-2008 American Community Survey and the Little Rock Regional Chamber of Commerce.

Physical environment Little Rock is located at 286 feet above sea level in its lowest part, the flatlands along the Arkansas River, and rises to 630 feet above sea level in the hills of its west and central areas. Pulaski County is 770.82 square miles in size. Little Rock is 116.2 square miles and North Little Rock is 49.3 square miles. weather and climate The normal daily mean temperature in Central Arkansas is 62.1 degrees Fahrenheit, and the annual average relative humidity is 71 percent. The hottest month of the year in Little Rock is July, with an average high temperature of 92.8 degrees. The coldest month is January, with an average low of 30.8 degrees. Highest ever recorded temperature in Little Rock was 112 degrees, set on July 31, 1986. Lowest recorded temperature is -12 degrees, set on Feb. 12, 1899. Average annual rainfall is 50.93 inches, and average snowfall is 4.3 inches per year. The wettest month of the year is November, with an average rainfall total of 5.73 inches. Population According to a 2008 estimate by the U.S. Census Bureau, the population of

Pulaski County was 374,322, with 52.1 percent female and 47.9 percent male. The median age was 37 years. Of the total population, 7.8 percent were under the age of 5 years old, 25.7 percent were under the age of 18, and 12.1 percent were 65 and older. Among males 15 and over in Pulaski County, 52.7 percent are married, 30.9 percent aren’t married, and 11.7 percent are divorced. Among females 15 and older, 44.4 percent are now married, 25.9 percent are not married, and 16.2 percent are divorced.

and 0.9 percent are worth more than $1 million. Among renters, 38 percent paid rent of $500 to $749 per month, while 28.5 percent paid between $750 and $999 per month.

education The population 3 years and over enrolled in school in Pulaski County is 97,664. Forty-six percent are enrolled in elementary school. A total of 19.9 percent are in high school, and 22.9 percent are enrolled in college or graduate school. A total of 88.8 percent of the population of Pulaski County holds a high school diploma, and 31.3 percent holds a bachelor’s degree or higher. This is well above the national average of 84.5 percent and 27.4 percent respectively.

Poverty According to the Census Bureau, 11.4 percent of the families of Pulaski County live in poverty and 15.3 percent of the individuals live in poverty. Marriedcouple families living in poverty stood at 3.7 percent. Thirty-three percent of households headed by females live below the poverty line. In Pulaski County, .5 percent of homes lack plumbing facilities, and 6.6 percent have no telephone service available.

housing There were 174,514 total housing units in Pulaski County, with 155,249 occupied. A total of 62.3 percent of the total housing was owner-occupied. The median value of owner-occupied homes in Pulaski County was $131,400. A total of 22.9 percent of the houses in Pulaski County were built between 1970 and 1979. Three-bedroom homes account for 45.6 percent of homes. Twenty-seven percent of the homes are worth between $50,000 and $99,999, 9.2 percent are worth less than $50,000,

income Median household income in Pulaski County was $45,836. Mean household income was $65,980. Households earning less than $10,000 per year stood at 8.2 percent. Those earning $200,000 or more totaled 3.8 percent.

race and ethnicity In Pulaski County, racial proportions were as follows: White .................................... 61.2 percent Black..................................... 34.4 percent Hispanic or Latino ................. 4.4 percent Asian....................................... 1.9 percent American Indian or Alaska Native......................fewer than .7 percent occupations According to the American Community Survey estimates, there are 192,759 people in the labor force in

Pulaski County. In Little Rock’s workforce, 25.1 percent worked in education, health care and social assistance. A total of 11.3 percent worked in retail, 7.4 percent worked in finance and insurance, 6.7 percent worked in construction, 7.9 percent worked in arts, entertainment and recreation (including hotel and food service workers), 19.9 percent were government workers, and 5.3 percent were self-employed.

commuting The great majority of Little Rock business commuters — 82.4 percent — travel alone to work. Carpoolers represented 10.4 percent, 1.4 percent took public transport, and 1.1 percent used other means. The remaining 3.1 percent worked at home. It took commuters an average of 19 minutes to get to work. A total of 38.1 percent of the households in Little Rock have one vehicle available to them, while 7 percent have no vehicles. A total of 15.6 percent have three cars or more. distances by highway from Little rock to major nearby cities Dallas .........................................307 miles Houston .....................................443 miles Oklahoma City..........................348 miles Tulsa ..........................................288 miles Kansas City ...............................405 miles St. Louis ....................................360 miles Louisville...................................522 miles Nashville....................................360 miles Atlanta .......................................523 miles Memphis....................................139 miles Baton Rouge .............................480 miles New Orleans........................444 miles ArkAnsAs Times • nATives guide 2010 5

Big ideas

Rethink private schools ough Kimbr By Dr. Walter M.

for LittLe rock, North LittLe rock aNd ceNtraL arkaNsas. Pulaski County is fine, but could it be great?

The Arkansas Times asked people from all walks for suggestions on how to make Central Arkansas a better place to live. The result: Big ideas on education (mandatory private schools for certain children), the lottery (devote some of the proceeds to art), a new bar game (bocce), movies (a downtown theater) and more. Read on.

cted d e l e e Mak work an ls y officia the lotter make k for art wor By 607

1. The only time we see a lot of elected officials in our communities is when it’s time to vote. We need more community interaction. The answer? Force city and state officials to do mandatory community service hours in the areas they represent. It would familiarize people with those who’re speaking for them and expose the officials to ideas they might never hear otherwise.

2. Devote an allotted portion of lottery money to vouchers to artists who perform

community service. Maybe make a stipulation that the volunteer work has to relate to education. It would enrich the quality of life for our creative class, which is key for growing population and tourism. And we can always use more community interaction. The more interaction we have in our communities, the less crime we’ll have. Adrian “607” Tillman is a rapper, community servant and world traveler. His latest album, as part of the group Ear Fear, is “Album of the Year.”


tudyafter study has shown how basic cognitive and By Ragan social funcSutterfield tion improves with better nutrition, but we still serve our children food that is highly processed and of low nutrient value. We need to provide our children with better nutri-

Grow food for the kids

6 natives guide 2010 • aRKansas tiMes

tion and that would ideally come from locally produced, high nutrient value vegetables. We also have a city that is filled with empty, abandoned and unused lots and large numbers of unemployed, at-risk youth, who need job skills. We also

have young farmers who are well-trained through programs like those at heifer ranch. Why don’t we offer to pay one of these farmers a salary to produce food for t wo or three schools and provide job skills to high school students through summer

internships on the farm? Why don’t we train at-risk youth how to work in a professional kitchen by having them cook and prepare fresh food for schools? Why don’t we offer free water, compost, and mulch to a young farmer who wants to reclaim a weed lot for a garden and guarantee her a market through the schools? Ragan Sutterfield is the co-founder of Felder Farm, a school-based farm at Felder Alternative Learning Academy.


e should develop a new private school system, funded by philanthropists and Little rock businesses, mandatory only for students who are performing below grade level. the new system would recruit and hire the top administrators and teachers from around the nation, with starting teacher salaries in excess of $75,000, and bonuses based on student performance. as a part of this system, there would also be a free boarding school option for students from the most impoverished areas to give their parents an opportunity to stabilize their personal lives while the child can safely focus on education. this new private district would provide resources (human and financial) comparable to our everexpanding private schools in the area, except the students will be mostly poor, and mostly people of color. New facilities and campuses would be constructed throughout the area. the three largest school districts would be consolidated into two districts — Little rock and North Little rock. for Little rock (and potentially North Little rock) the district would be led by a superintendent that is hired by and reports to the mayor. there would be no school board. after hearing Joel klein and recently Michelle rhee talk about how this facilitates real change, i am convinced boards and their bureaucracy can’t do it. But this will require bold leadership by the superintendent and mayor; there will be no room for timidity. essentially, the students with the toughest challenges would migrate to the private school system with the strongest teachers and resources, while the public schools would be able to focus on already proficient students and focus on pushing them to become exceptionally performing students. Dr. Walter M. Kimbrough is the president of Philander Smith College.

Tie development to preservation

mall erected on n Sure, Little formerly prisRock has a land bank, By Christopher Burks tine woodlands, another walled special developsubdivision and ment districts, a another undersized tworenewed central focus, a board and lane road on the other. a purpose ad nauseam. But official Little Rock can grow smart words and deeds blend together into a blurred mess when you by utilizing transferable developcan’t see beyond the empty lots, ment rights (TDRs). Like cap and shuttered houses and the vacuum trade in carbon and emissions of urban decay on the one hand, markets, TDRs work as an exchange and the blandness of another strip where the right to build at a greater

Little ideas 1. More putt-putt. 2. More street food. 3. Urban horse trails. 4. Amenities at the Big Dam Bridge like food and other vendors, like the Chicago lakefront. 5. More street car lines, padded seats on the buses, air conditioned shelters. 6. Convert the golf course at the Country Club of Little Rock so that the number of right dog-legs equals the number of left dog-legs. 7. Sousa bands. 8. “When I lived in St. Louis back in the Teddy Roosevelt administration, AAA of Missouri had a huge shop where anyone with about 30 bucks could take their car to get a mechanical problem diagnosed and an estimate made. They didn’t do repairs themselves, but once you showed your repair shop that AAA had diagnosed the problem, your repair was done pretty much at what AAA said it should be. And you could take the car back to AAA for an evaluation of the repair.” 9. Legalize Arkansas pot. 10. A daily tossed on every front porch about 6 a.m.


density, or intensity, than current zoning allows for is granted only after a section of another area of land is preserved. For example, what if much of the remaining property in downtown could be developed as prime commercial real estate without certain restrictions only if a dedicated amount of undeveloped land was granted to a park or nature preserve in West Little Rock? Instead of forcing one group

ike all long-lasting revitalizations, Central Arkansas’s traditional commercial core is amidst a slow renewal. But the process is discon-nected. We have separate By Cary Tyson groups working in the South Main neighborhood and downtown and in the River Market. Because we’re divided. I-630 separates our city. So tear it up and start over. Expensive? Sure. But necessary for long-term holistic revitalization? Absolutely. It’s not without precedent either. All over the country — in Oklahoma City, Portland and San Francisco — cities are in the process of destroying poorly planned highways. It could accommodate similar traffic (Really, name another interstate that flow, but at lower speeds; reconnect ends in a traffic light.) our neighborhoods, and spark new Build a boulevard in place of 630. revitalization. Every once in a while,

that wants to develop a highdensity area to also own land in an undeveloped area, TDRs create a secondary market where those who own land in either location buy and sell the rights to development. It’ll incentivize development for the common good. Chris Burks is a law student at the University of Arkansas who has worked in public policy and remains active in Democratic Party politics.

Tear down I-630

smart growth means starting over. Cary Tyson is president of the Park Hill Neighborhood Association.

Bocce bar


ith alcohol as my only stimulation, I can’t spend more than an By Graham Gordy hour in a bar. People who do are called “alcoholics.” For the rest of us, we need games. Darts? Sure. Pool? Okay. Shuffleboard tables? Pingpong? Even air hockey? All great. But what about bocce ball? Dark woodpaneled walls, great beers on tap and vintage cocktails. Oh, and four or five bocce ball courts in the middle of the room with a sign-up sheet at each one. Put small tables around the perimeter and a bartender who knows the difference between a gimlet and a Gibson, and I’m not going home till they turn the lights on. Graham Gordy is an award-winning screenwriter and producer living in Little Rock. ArkAnsAs Times • nATives guide 2010 7

Create strict ina di r r a m a rive e h t on r e Pfeife By Gen


first-class marina would make the River Market and Argenta area one of the top destinations in the state. A marina would only be the first step. A first-class restaurant with an open deck

for pleasant weather and river views would attract boats and other businesses as well. Upscale condominiums and a hotel would doubtless follow. After all, you don’t have to own one to enjoy being around luxury boats. Simply think of the many luxury craft that cast anchor to watch fireworks or enjoy Riverfest. With a first-rate marina facility there would be more. Located near Verizon Arena, Dickey-Stephens, the Clinton Library, the public library, Robinson Auditorium, the Convention

Center, restaurants, clubs and other downtown attractions, boat owners would likely prefer it to marinas more distant from such facilities. The north bank of the river is the ideal location. The south bank is already crowded with development and the navigation channel is so close to the bank that locating a marina there would be nearly impossible. The north bank is not similarly encumbered. Several existing plans from knowledgeable consultants show marina sites within the “Six Bridges” area on the north bank. Several of these sites offer sufficient acreage to accommodate a marina, restaurant, hotel and condominiums. My personal preference would be to place it on either side of the north end of the Rock Island Bridge. Surely the Clinton Foundation will renovate that bridge someday and when they do, the north end of the bridge becomes prime real estate. People docking at the marina or staying at the hotel would be equally close to the River Market and Argenta and all that that entails in terms of entertainment options. How many cities have you ever visited with extensive waterfronts that did NOT have a marina? We need one here.

Gene Pfeifer is a businessman and long-time advocate for the completion of the Rock Island Bridge.

Farm the Capitol grounds By Nao Ueda


e should make Little Rock a foragable city. Plant more edible plants along the River Trail and encourage people to come and pick until their hearts are content or their baskets are full. Right now, I forage plums, persimmons, elderberries, mulberries and blackberries along the bike trail. I make wild plum jelly, persimmon pudding and mixed berry jam with the foraged fruits. People look at me funny, but they’re missing out on free and nutritious food. Imagine how many people would use the trails and parks if we plant more edibles and encourage them to pick. Another way to make local foods available and accessible would be to turn the state Capitol grounds into a farm. Forget the roses. Rip out the lawns. Start a community garden in front of the state Capitol. Plant fruit and nut trees. Raise chickens and goats for eggs and milk. Keep bees. Start the Arkansas State Capitol Community Supported Agriculture 8 natives guide 2010 • aRKansas tiMes

program. The proceeds can go toward helping Arkansas’s small farmers and those without access to nutritious food. If we really wanted to take it to the next level, the city could help institute a Food, Not Lawns program. Encourage people to rip out their lawns and turn them into vegetable gardens. Of course, you get to keep everything you grow on your lawn, but sharing your bounties with your neighbors will make you very popular in your neighborhood. Imagine a neighborhood where people exchange food that they grow. Edible landscaping has so much to offer — fresh food, gardening skills, healthier lifestyles. Best of all, it helps build communities. So, let’s start planting something we can all eat! Nao Ueda works for Audubon Arkansas and runs the environmental blog GreenAR by the Day.

Urban a tourism gri ,a an ener nd g park to y o From John Gau din


hat this city needs is an urban farm, somewhat like a huge botanical garden, right downtown. Not only would this be a great source of food and a huge tourist attraction, it could be used for educational purposes as well. Local schools could use the grounds for field trips and the city could also hold classes there in an attempt to give kids and adults a better understanding of where food comes from. In order to fulfill its true potential, the farm should be located in the urban core. Downtown North Little Rock, near Verizon Arena, at the foot of the Junction Bridge, would be an ideal location for the tourist attraction. Another thing that would encourage tourism and promote a greener lifestyle would be an energy park. Here, we could show off the best and the brightest the state has to offer in alternative energy including solar panels, windmills and green building techniques, all of which would also supply power back to the grid. This energy could be used by lower-income families near downtown North Little Rock. There has been over $150 million in new development in the downtown area over the past five years; these two things would only encourage more. John Gaudin is an investment advisor and developer in downtown North Little Rock.

Bring the T movies downtown

here has never been a more exciting time for film in Central Arkansas than now. The Little Rock film festival last May, in just its third year, screened to more than 15,000 By Brent Renaud people in just five days. The Hot Springs Documentary Film Festival continues to cultivate a national reputation and Christopher Crane at the Arkansas Film Office is working hard to bring big-budget Hollywood films and television shows to our state, which is great for jobs and tourism. Couple this proven enthusiasm for film with the continued development of the waterfront on both sides of the river, and the time is perfect for a flagship film center that would show the best in independent and foreign films and host film festival screenings and special events. Maybe something hip like the Alamo Draft House in Austin, Texas, where you can order beer and chicken wings delivered to your seats as you watch an independent new release on a big screen; or something a bit more upscale like the Epicenter Theater in Charlotte, N.C., where there are four theaters with large plush seats and a lobby occupied by an upscale restaurant and bar. Downtown development, on both sides of the river, has begun to attract a young and sophisticated group of people to either stay in Little Rock or move to the city. Many already understand that the success of this urban experiment is tied directly to the economic and cultural future of each city. A film center would go a long way toward helping to cement a permanent sense of community along the river.

Brent Renaud is a filmmaker and a founder of the Little Rock Film Festival. His latest film is “Warrior Champions.”

Encourage green homes


any people are looking for ways to “green” their lives. We know that buildings and homes are the biggest sources of greenhouse gas emissions. While some people fear that taking energy efficient measures in their homes will amount to a drastic change in lifestyle, that’s typically not the case. Plus, it can put

saving opportunities. The city then pays up to $12,000 for any and all of the improvements the resident wants to pursue. After the work is complete, the homeowner makes monthly payments to the town. Payments By J.D. Lowery are structured to be less than the energy savings projected by the money in your pocket. audit, ensuring immediate savings for the We know the cost of consumer. energy will continue The pool of money for a program like this could to rise. So what is with come from many sources: city, county, or state governthe holdup to going ments, stimulus funds or even from a portion of the green? It is that certain millions of dollars that go to utility bill assistance in shade of green known Arkansas each year. It seems far better to treat the sickas upfront costs. So, ness and not just the symptoms. how do we do it? Furthermore, there are many partnership opporO n e N e w Yo r k tunities with any of the above entities and non-profit town offers a model groups, churches or a number of other local organizafor Central Arkansas to tions dedicated to empowering individuals and famifollow. Located in Long Island, the town of Babylon lies. We know that increasing one’s disposable income introduced a residential retrofit program that requires is a sure-fire way to support the local economy. We have little to no out-of-pocket costs for home owners. the ideas and the resources right here. So what’s the This simple revolving loan fund is issued when holdup? residents obtain an energy audit by a town-approved J.D. Lowery is the project manager for Viridian USA. contractor who prepares a detailed report on costArkAnsAs Times • nATives guide 2010 9

Churches without barriers By Taido Chino


losed-minded. Hypocritical. Segregated. Judgmental. Self-absorbed. Irrelevant. These are all words that the students with which I work once used to describe the church. Not just our church, but the church in general.


I wish that I could have disagreed, but the reality is that all too often, these words are exactly what the church in America has become. Without really realizing it, these students were expressing their desire to see the church wake up and embrace the ideals presented in the pages of the New Testament. But if that is going to happen, then barriers of all kinds that have unknowingly been erected over the centuries will

ld, older, young and younger people need to have fun together, engage in healthy folly. We By Joyce Elliott don’t know how to relate to one another because we fail to have fun together — by design. We need a healthy dose of togetherness across the lines of age. Unlike many, dare I say most, other countries, Americans define their fun by the lines, or lack thereof, in their faces, rather than the mirth in their hearts, though deeply buried it may be. So here is my unapologetic, immodest proposal: Every other month, let’s hold a citywide date night at some large venue. Only mixed-generation couples will be allowed. Gender doesn’t matter. There are lots of available dates in retirement homes and in schools/colleges, for example. There could be dancing, singing, skating, stand-up comedy, sports, poetic smack-downs, etc. Whatever the activity, it must be kinetic, joyous and/or interactive! Nothing passive, nothing cerebral. Results: We could reconnect ties that we have unwisely, artificially severed and move miles toward rebuilding community. We could help young people understand what it means to grow old, that it doesn’t have to be a stage of dread. We could help older folks retain and recapture their “groove.” It doesn’t have to be just Stella who got it back! We could become less suspicious and more nurturing of one another. Most important of all we could renew our duty of humanity to accept responsibility for each other. Okay, I admit it: I am advocating public displays of love and happiness. Shall we dance?

need to come down, like the barrier of race. Why is it that Sunday morning is still the most segregated time of the week? Why does every race worship with people who look just like them? Jesus didn’t come to establish a bunch of different ethnic enclaves. He came to call people from every tribe, tongue and nation. Another huge barrier the church needs to recognize and overcome is this idea that it is a place for the morally pure to

come and hang out on Sundays, patting each other on the back for how well they have done in avoiding sin that week. No. What Jesus and his followers taught us is that the church was meant to be a place for everyone. The hurting, the broken, the addict, the skeptic are all welcome to come and find answers, freedom, healing and help. But maybe the biggest barrier is the belief that “church” is what happens inside the walls of the building, rather than who

we are when we drive away from the parking lot. What the Bible describes is pretty straightforward, namely that the church would be so motivated by the love of God that it would reach out and care for the “least” among us, that the poor, the orphan, the widow, the prisoner would all find a friend in the church and that the church wouldn’t just be an institution for charity, but people who are charitable. Taido Chino is the pastor to students at Fellowship North church in North Little Rock.

Intergenerational date night

Joyce Elliott is a state senator from Little Rock. 10 natives guide 2010 • aRKansas tiMes

ant r b i v a Create community p start-u By Matt Price


ow do we create high-tech jobs in Central Arkansas? The first answer is easy, education. Everything gets easier the more educated people become. But what do we do in the meantime? My big idea is to create a vibrant tech start-up community in Central Arkansas. I believe tech start-ups, more specifically Internet start-ups, could represent the biggest shift in our economy as a whole since the Industrial Revolution. Changes in technology allow startups to compete against much larger competitors. Start-ups are more nimble, not capital-intensive and they scale very quickly, making them very disruptive in the marketplace. Governor Beebe and our state government have taken several steps to promote start-ups, including providing resources like Innovate Arkansas and the Seed Capital Program through the Science and Technology Authority. Although these are great programs and have already helped many start-ups (Capsearch.com included!), they

are not the whole solution. One model that has promise is Y Combinator. Y Combinator is a new kind of venture firm that helps start-ups through what many consider to be the hardest step, the one from idea to company. This model provides very small investments ($25,000 to $50,000) and then introduces startups to larger investors. This is a good start, but if an investor in Silicon Valley offers them a larger investment they would most likely relocate. So then what? What if we paid start-ups to relocate to Little Rock? Let’s assume it would cost a million dollars per business. If we could get start-ups to stay in Little Rock for a million apiece, then for $100 million we could bring in 100 new businesses. For the price of a football stadium, Little Rock could turn itself into one of the biggest start-up cities in the country. That would probably help us keep our best and brightest, and might even produce a lot of revenue for the city and the state.

Matt Price is the CEO and co-founder of Capsearch, an on-line-based legislative research company.

Big fun AnnuAl festivAls, speciAl productions.


3000. elebrating its 33rd year and annun JAN. 30: Arkansas State Turkey ally drawing 250,000 folks to the ArCalling Contest. Competition calling kansas River on Memorial Day weekend, for cash. Central Arkansas Nature Riverfest features music and dance on as many as five stages, plus visual arts, food and much more. But Riverfest is just one of several of the year’s signature events. The Little Rock Marathon, in its eighth year this year, is growing significantly as it attracts runners from across the nation. The Arkansas Literary Festival draws noted authors to downtown Little Rock and the River Market for a weekend in April. The year brings special productions as well, to Verizon Arena in North Little Rock, which seats up to 18,000; the Statehouse Convention Center, Robinson Center Music Hall, Dickey-Stephens Park, Little Rock Zoo, State Fairgrounds and other venues. (Schedules for local theater companies and musical groups are included pictures At eGGsHiBition: The yearly auction of artistic eggs with performing arts listings, benefits Youth Home. Center, 10:30 a.m. Riverfront Park. 870local team sporting events with sports 853-9262. schedules.) n FEB. 6: Pooper Bowl Party. Pre-Super Bowl party for kids with educational focus n JAN. 8: Ron White. Robinson Center, on animal dung resources and products. 7:30 p.m., $39.75. 800-745-3000. Little Rock Zoo, $20. One Jonesboro n JAN. 20: Harlem Globetrotters. Drive. 661-7224, Return of the court masters. Verizon Arena, n FEB. 6: Lipizzaner Stallions. Verizon $21.75-$103.75. 800-745-3000. Arena, 2 p.m., 7:30 p.m., $24.25-$31.25. n JAN. 21: “Startin’ Early.” Pre-party for 800-745-3000. the Arkansas Repertory Theatre’s Saints n FEB. 12-14: 34th annual Arkansas and Sinners Ball with hors d’oeuvres, RV Show. More than 125 recreational drinks, music and auction. Governor’s vehicles on display. 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Mansion, 6 p.m. $50. 1800 Center. Fri.-Sat., 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Sun. Statehouse 378-0445. Convention Center. $5. 225-6177. www. n JAN. 22: Martina McBride and dgattractions.com Trace Adkins. Verizon Arena, 7:30 p.m., n FEB. 13: Fight for Air Climb. Fund$35.75-$59.75. raiser for the American Lung Association n JAN. 22-24: 28th annual Arkansas in Arkansas with chip-timed climb up 78 Marine Expo. Arkansas’s premier boat flights of stairs. The Metropolitan Tower, 6 show. 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Fri.-Sat., 10 a.m.-6 a.m. 425 W. Capitol Ave. 224-0773. wdavp.m. Sun. Statehouse Convention Center. enport@breathehealthy.org. $5, free ages 12 and under. 225-6177. n FEB. 21: Annual Soup Sunday. www.dgattractions.com. Annual fund-raiser with warm soup, good n JAN. 22-24: Big Buck Classic. State’s music and family fun. Benefiting Arkansas largest deer-hunting and outdoors outfitAdvocates for Children and Families. ters event. Arkansas State Fairgrounds, 1 Embassy Suites, 4-7 p.m., $20, $5 ages p.m. Fri., 9 a.m. Sat.-Sun., $5-$10. 2600 12 and under. 11301 Financial Centre Howard. www.bigbuckclassic.com. Parkway. 371-9678. www.aradvocates. n JAN. 23: Saints and Sinners 2010 org. Masked Ball Gala. Annual Mardi Gras n FEB. 26-28: Arkansas Flower and fund-raiser for the Rep. Statehouse Garden Show: “A World of Gardening.” Convention Center, 7 p.m., $300. Floral arrangements and sales of plants, Markham and Scott. 378-0405. seeds and gardening-related products. 9 n JAN. 29-30: Monster Jam. Giant a.m.-6 p.m. Fri.-Sat., 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sun. trucks wreak havoc. Verizon Arena, 7:30 Statehouse Convention Center. $7-$10. p.m., $20-$25, $10 ages 2-12. 800-745-

821-4000. www.arflowerandgardenshow. org. n FEB. 27-28: Arkansas Glasshopper Depression Era Glass and Pottery Show. State Fairgrounds Hall of Industry, $5. 2600 Howard. 868-4969. n MARCH 1-31: 32nd Annual Wye Mountain Daffodil Festival. In midMarch, exact date determined by bloom. Seven acres and 30 varieties of daffodils, arts and crafts, BBQ, cobblers and more. 1402 Hwy 113 S., Bigelow. 501-3302403. n MARCH 6: Arkansas State Spelling Bee. State’s showdown for a chance at nationals in Washington. University Theatre, free, UALR. 378-3807. www. arkansasonline.com/spellingbee. n MARCH 6: Little Rockers Kids Marathon. One-mile, un-timed, noncompetitive fun run for ages 7-12, River Market, noon, registration and prerequisite information 371-6804. n MARCH 7: 8th Little Rock Marathon. Capital City’s annual run kicks off at 8 a.m. and finishes in front of the Arkansas State Capitol. Half-marathon and other races also held in conjunction with the big race. Downtown Little Rock, $40-$100 before Feb. 26, $45-$110 after. Register at www. littlerockmarathon.com. n MARCH 19-21: Arkansas Antique Dealers Association Show and Sale. Exhibitors from over 12 states in 50 booths, antique furniture, estate jewelry, glass, linens, oriental rugs, postcards, and primitives. Clear Channel Metroplex, $5, weekend pass available. 10800 Col. Glenn Road. 501-529-5907. www.arkansasantiquedealers.com. n MARCH 19: WinterJam 2010. Christian music’s largest annual musical tour with Third Day, Newsboys, Newsong, Tenth Avenue North, Firelight and speaker Tony Nolan. Verizon Arena, 7 p.m., $10. 975-9000. www.jamtour.com. n MARCH 20: Arkansas LibertyFest. Annual Libertarian party event with entertainment. Riverfest Amphitheatre, 10 a.m. 501-463-4172 or 501-428-0162. n MARCH 26: Eggshibition 2010. Annual fund-raiser for Youth Home. Live auction of celebrity-designed eggs, art, with food and full bar. Jack Stephens Center, 7 p.m., UALR campus. 821-5500 or www.youthhome.org. n APRIL 8-11: 7th annual Arkansas Literary Festival. Readings and events for all ages in the River Market district, including a poet’s pub crawl, sponsored by Central Arkansas Library System. 918-3098. www.arkansasliteraryfestival. org. n APRIL 16-17: Earth Day “A Party for the Planet.” Observe Earth Day with special activities and programs. Little Rock Zoo, regular hours and admission. 1 Jonesboro Drive. 661-7203. www.littlerockzoo.com. n APRIL 24: American Diabetes Association Tour de Cure. Cycling fund-raiser with lunch for participants

and volunteers. Murray Park, $15-$25. 221-7444. www.diabetes.org/tour. n MAY 1: Lime Aid Outdoor Concert. Kicking off May Mental Health Awareness Month with White Collar Criminals, Ms. Tommie’s Dance Academy Dancers and blues music. Riverfest Amphitheatre, noon, free. www.limaidpartnership.com. n MAY 14-16: 26th annual Greek Food Festival. Food, music, folk dancing, art, children’s activities. Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, 11 a.m. Fri.-Sat., noon Sun., free admission and parking. 221-5300. 1100 Napa Valley Drive. 221-5300, www.greekfoodfest.com. n MAY 15: 11th Annual Paws on the Pavement. 5K run/1-mile fun run benefiting CARE for Animals rescue and spay/neuter efforts, with vendors, agility show, local adoptions, microchipping and photographers. Murray Park, registration fees TBA, spectators free. 603-2273. www. careforanimals.org. n MAY 16: Wild Wines of the World. Zoo’s premier wine and food tasting party. Little Rock Zoo, $40-$50. 1 Jonesboro Drive. 661-7203. www.littlerockzoo. com. n MAY 21-23: Art on the River. Juried contemporary fine arts and crafts event coinciding with Little Rock Film Festival. Clinton Presidential Park, 5 p.m. Fri., 10 a.m. Sat.-Sun. 255-3378. www.riverfestarkansas.com. n MAY 23: Jewish Food Festival. River Market Pavilion. 663-3571. www. jewisharkansas.org. n MAY 28-30: 33rd annual Riverfest. Arkansas’s largest annual music, food and arts festival at Riverfront Park and North Shore Riverwalk. 255-3378 or www.riverfestarkansas.com. n JUNE 2-10: 4th annual Little Rock Film Festival. Documentaries, features, short films at various venues in Little Rock. info@littlerockfilmfestival.org. n JUNE 12: Asian Festival. Celebrates Asian culture with food, shopping, games, entertainment, workshops and silent auction. Mosaic Church, $3, free ages 12 and under, seniors and all military. 6420 Colonel Glenn Road. 244-2490. www. arasianfest.com. n JULY 4: Pops on the River. Arkansas Symphony Orchestra plays patriotic music; fireworks follow. Riverfest Amphitheatre, 6 p.m., free. 378-3807. n SEPT. 11: 8th Annual Arkansas Pagan Pride. Event emphasizing religious advancement and elimination of prejudice and discrimination based on religious beliefs and fostering pride in pagan identity, with food drive for animal shelters and food banks. Riverfront Park and Riverfest Amphitheatre, 7 a.m.-9 p.m., free. 589-3600. www.arkansaspaganpride. thestoremore.com. n OCT. 16: 17th annual Susan Komen Race for the Cure. 10K and fun walk raise money to fight breast cancer. Downtown Little Rock, 8 a.m. www.komenarkansas. org. ArkAnsAs Times • nATives guide 2010 11

On stage The year in drama, dance and music.


ere’s a look at the 2010 lineup for professional and amateur theater and dance performances.

THEATER Arkansas Arts Center Children’s Theatre

Main Stage: 7 p.m. Fri., 3 p.m. Sat., 2 p.m. Sun. MacArthur Park, Ninth and Commerce Sts., 372-4000, www.arkarts.com. n JAN. 22-FEB. 7: “Little Women.” Louisa May Alcott novel adaptation. n MARCH 5-21: “Ferdinand the Bull.” Carefree young bull enjoys spending sunny afternoons smelling flowers. n APRIL 30-MAY 17: “Aladdin And The Wonderful Lamp.” A poor street urchin unearths a mysterious lamp with an enchanting secret.

Arkansas Repertory Theatre

Usual showtimes 7 p.m. Tue.-Sat., 2 p.m. Sun. 601 S. Main St., 378-0405, www. therep.org. n FEB. 5-21: “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.” Tennessee Williams’ tale of family interaction at a Mississippi estate. n MARCH 12-28: “Glorious.” Based on true story of New York socialite who aspires to sing opera despite her inadequate voice. n APRIL 23-MAY 9: “Frost/Nixon.” One of the most monumental television interviews of all time. n JUNE 4-27: “Smokey Joe’s Cafe: The Songs of Leiber and Stoller.” Showcase of talented songwriting duo.

Murry’s Dinner Playhouse

6 p.m. dinner, 7:45 curtain Tue.-Sat.; 11 a.m., lunch, 5 p.m., dinner, 12:45 p.m., 6:45 p.m. curtain Sun., $22-$30. 6323 Col. Glenn Road. 562-3131. www.murrysdinnerplayhouse.com. (2010 schedule unavailable)

Weekend Theater

7:30 p.m. Fri.-Sat. (also 2:30 p.m. Sun., musicals only), Seventh and Chester Sts., 374-3761, www.weekendtheater.org. n JAN.15-30: “Sordid Lives.” A Texas family endures a homosexual son’s “coming out” during the matriarch’s funeral. n FEB. 12-27: “Dying City.” A young therapist confronts her late husband’s gay, identical twin brother, who shows up at her apartment unannounced. n MARCH 12-27: “The Little Dog Laughed.” A movie star could hit it big if 12 natives guide 2010 • aRKansas tiMes

it weren’t for his agent, who tries to keep him in the closet. n APRIL 9-24: “Summertree.” A young man remembers youth, love, terror, and life’s idiosyncrasies. n MAY 4-29: “Glengarry Glen Ross.” Desperate real estate agents hustle worthless Florida land developments to easilydeluded clients.

Robinson Center Music Hall

Evening shows at 7:30 p.m., matinees at 1 p.m. Robinson Center, Markham and Broadway. Celebrity Attractions, 300 S. Spring St., Suite 220, 244-8800, www. celebrityattractions.com. n JAN. 20: Shen Yun. Chinese dance and music company. n FEB. 16-18: “Stomp.” Percussive musical. n JUNE 21-23: “The Wizard Of Oz.” Dorothy and friends follow the yellow brick road.

MUSICAL GROUPS American Guild of Organists, Central Arkansas Chapter

374-2794, www.cacago.org. Call for times.

Arkansas Chamber Singers

Times and venues vary. 377-1121, www. ar-chambersingers.org. Tickets: $15 adults, $10 students and seniors. n FEB. 11: “A Valentine Affaire.” Love Songs sung by Satia Spencer with champagne and chocolates. Governor’s Mansion, 6:30 p.m., 1800 Center. n MARCH 5: “Of Time and Eternity.” St. James United Methodist Church, 7:30 p.m., 321 Pleasant Valley Drive.

Arkansas Symphony Orchestra

All performances are at Robinson Center Music Hall unless noted. 666-1761, www. arkansassymphony.org. Ticket prices vary. n JAN. 16-17: “Grieg’s Romantic Piano Concerto.” 8 p.m. Sat., 3 p.m. Sun. n JAN. 19: River Rhapsodies Series: “Dark Emotions.” Quapaw Quartet. Clinton Center, 7 p.m. 1200 Clinton Ave. 666-1761, www.arkansassymphony.org. n JAN. 30: “Side By Side.” With ASO Youth Symphony. 7:30 p.m. n FEB. 12-13: “The Heart of Broadway.” 8 p.m.

We sTiLL FaLL TO Pieces: Jessica Welch starred in the Rep’s 2009 production of the popular jukebox musical, “Always ... Patsy Cline.”

n FEB. 27-28: “Sibelius’ Nordic Splendor.” 8 p.m. Sat., 3 p.m. Sun. n MARCH 2: “The 4 Bs: Bach, Bartok, Britten and Beethoven.” Rockefeller and Sturgis quartets. Clinton Center, 7 p.m. n MARCH 12-13: “Porgy and Bess in Concert.” 8 p.m. n APRIL 10-11: “Farewell, Maestro!” 8 p.m. Sat., 3 p.m. Sun. n APRIL 13: “Brilliant Brass ... Stirring Strings.” Brass, Rockefeller and Sturgis quartets. Clinton Center, 7 p.m. n MAY 7-8: “Spotlight on Hollywood.” 8 p.m.

Chamber Music Society of Little Rock

7:30 p.m., $10-$20. St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 1000 N. Mississippi, 664-5823, www.chambermusiclr.com. n JAN 14: Carducci String Quartet. n MARCH 4: Sarah Wolfson, soprano.

Little Rock Wind Symphony

666-0777, www.littlerockwindsymphony. org. n JUNE 12: “A Stars and Stripes Celebration.” MacArthur Park, 7 p.m.

UALR Artspree

Stella Boyle Smith Concert Hall, Fine Arts Building, UALR, 2801 S. University Ave. 569-3288. $20 and $17 adults, $10 students, free for UALR students. n JAN. 31: Yeol-Eum Son. Van Cliburn International Piano Competition silver medalist. 3 p.m. n MARCH 7: Gabriel Bianco. Winner of 2008 Guitar Foundation of American competition. 7:30 p.m.

OTHER COMPAnIES Community Theatre of Little Rock

616 Center St. 663-9494. Music, dance and theater. Home of Improv Little Rock, a sketch-comedy group. www. communitytheatreoflittlerock.com.

Red Octopus Productions

www.myspace.com/redoctopustheater Seasonal shows featuring adult humor and comedy sketches. Venues vary.

Music Under the Steeple

Lakewood United Methodist Church,

North Little Rock, 753-6186.

Natural State Brass Band

Go Green, Save Green $19.99

Usually performs at Immanuel Baptist Church, 501 N. Shackleford Road, www. nsbb.org.

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“Trinity Presents …”

Trinity United Methodist Church, 1101 N. Mississippi Ave., 377-1161. Musical productions. Free but a ticket is required. Call for reservations.

Wildwood Park for the Performing Arts

20919 Denny Road, 821-7275, www.wildwoodpark.org

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DANCE GROUPS Arkansas Festival Ballet

Performs at Academy of Dance Studio, Breckenridge Village, prices and times vary, 227-5620, www.arkansasdance.org. n MAY 22-23: “Peter Pan.” Arts Center, $15-$20. 9th and Commerce. 227-5320, www.arkansasdance.org.

Ballet Arkansas

Performs at Robinson Center Music Hall. Office: 7509 Cantrell Road, Little Rock, 223-5150, www.balletarkansas.org.

UALR Department of Dance


Haislip Theatre and Center for Performing Arts. UALR, 2801 S. University Ave., 569-3456. n FEB. 17-21: “Kate Crackernuts.” n MARCH 6-18: “The Fringe Festival.” n APRIL 15-18: Spring Dance Concert.

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www.arktimes.com ArkAnsAs Times • nATives guide 2010 13

p.m. Mon.-Sat., 1-5 p.m. Sun. Admission: $8 adults, $7 children ages 1-12 and seniors 65 and up, children under 1 free, free second Sunday of every month. Closed major holidays. 396-7050. www.amod.org n Old State House, 300 W. Markham St.: The 1836 state Capitol, the oldest surviving capitol building west of the Mississippi, offers permanent exhibits on Arkansas history as well as temporary exhibits. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat., 1-5 p.m. Sun. Closed major holidays. Free. 324-9685. www.oldstatehouse.org n Plantation Agriculture Museum, Scott: Exhibits tell the story of 19th century agriculture and plantation life. $3 adults, $2 ages 6-12. Open 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Tue.-Sat., 1-5 p.m. Sun. 961-1409.

brian chilson

n Scott Plantation Settlement, Scott: Log cabin, one-room school, hand-hewn corn crib, wash houses, artifacts, blacksmith demonstrations and more illustrate life on a 19th-century plantation. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Thu.-Sat., 1-4 p.m. Sun., March 15-Nov. 15. $3 adults, $1 children. 351-5737. www. scottconnections.org n Toltec Mounds Archeological State Park, U.S. Highway 165: A prehistoric Indian mound site dated to 1,000 A.D. is the focus of the park. The visitors’ center’s museum features artifacts from the site and information on Arkansas prehistory and archeology. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat., noon-5 p.m. Sun. Closed major holidays. $3 for adults, $2 for ages 6-12. 961-9442. www. arkansasstateparks.com/toltecmounds

arKansas arTs CenTer: Hosting “World of the Pharaohs” exhibit until July.

Art and culture galleries and museums. MUSEUMS

n Arkansas Arts Center, MacArthur Park, Ninth and Commerce Sts.: Galleries, theater and museum school in downtown Little Rock. The permanent collection of art focuses on Old Master and modern American and European master drawings. 9 a.m.-8:30 p.m. Tue., 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Wed.-Fri., 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Sat.-Sun. Closed Mondays and major holidays. Free (with the exception of some special exhibits). 372-4000. www.arkarts.com. n Arkansas Arts Center Community Gallery, Terry Mansion, Seventh and Rock Sts.: Venue for art exhibits by community arts organizations. Free. 372-4000. n Arkansas Inland Maritime Museum, North Little Rock: Tours of the USS Razorback submarine and exhibits on the Pearl Harbor tug the Hoga. Winter hours: 10 a.m.-dusk Fri.-Sat., 1 p.m.-dusk. Sun. Summer hours: 10 a.m.-dusk Wed.-Sat., 1 p.m.-dusk Sun. $6 adults, $4 seniors, military, children (not recommended for children 5 and under). 371-8320. n Arkansas National Guard Museum, 6th and Missouri, Camp Robinson: Exhibits on the history of the Guard and Camp Robinson. 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Mon.-Fri., 14 natives guide 2010 • aRKansas tiMes

drill weekends. Free. Call first: 212-5215. www.arngmuseum.com n Central High School National Historic Site Visitor Center, Daisy Bates and Park Sts.: Exhibits on the 1957 integration of Central and the Civil Rights movement. 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. daily. Closed Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day. Free. 374-1957. www.nps.gov/chsc n Clinton Presidential Center, 1200 President Clinton Ave.: Interactive and documentary exhibits about policies and White House life during Bill Clinton’s eight-year tenure in Washington, with a fullsize replica of the Oval Office and an interactive Cabinet Room. Adults $7; seniors, retired military, college students $5; ages 6-17 $3. Active military free. Audio tours $3. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat., 1-5 p.m. Sun. 374-4242. www.clintonlibrary.gov. n EMOBA, the Museum of Black Arkansans: Exhibits on the AfricanAmerican experience in Arkansas and performing arts space, special events. Call first: 372-0018. www.emoba.org n Historic Arkansas Museum, 200 E. Third St.: Frontier Arkansas history museum featuring exhibits of art and arti-

facts from territorial times to present and five early 19th-century houses. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat., 1-5 p.m. Sun.; tours given hourly except noon. Closed on major holidays. Tour fees: Adults $2.50, seniors $1.50, under 18 $1. Free parking. 324-9351. www.arkansashistory.com n MacArthur Museum of Arkansas Military History, 503 E. Ninth St., MacArthur Park: Exhibits on Arkansas’s military history since the territorial period using artifacts, World War II news photos, a Jeep and temporary exhibits. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Tue.-Fri., 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sat., 1-4 p.m. Sun. Free. Closed on major holidays, except Memorial and Veterans Days. Free. 376-4602. www.arkmilitaryheritage.com n Mosaic Templars Cultural Center, Ninth and Broadway: Exhibits on African-Americans in Arkansas, including one on the Ninth Street business district, Dunbar High School, entrepreneurs, the Mosaic Templars business and more. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Tue.-Sat. Free. 683–3593. www.mosaictemplarscenter.com n Museum of Discovery, Museum Center, 500 E. Markham St.: Hands-on technology exhibits, wet labs, robotics, Indians of Arkansas and traveling exhibits. 9 a.m.-5


* Gallery does framing. n Arkansas Art Gallery, 500 Main St., NLR: Art by area artists. Hours vary. 687-5959. n The Arts Scene Gallery, 110 N. State St.: Area artists. Open by appointment. 372-2130. n Arkansas Studies Institute, 401 President Clinton Ave.: Three galleries, one featuring work for sale by Arkansas artists. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Sat. 320-5792. n Boswell-Mourot Fine Art, 5815 Kavanaugh Blvd.: Local and national artists. 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Tue.-Sat. 664-0030. n Cantrell Gallery*, 8206 Cantrell Road: Work by contemporary Arkansas artists. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat. 224-1335. n Christ Church, 509 Scott St.: Changing exhibits by Arkansas artists. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Mon.-Thu., 9 a.m.-noon Fri., 8 a.m.-noon Sun. n Chroma Gallery*, 5707 Kavanaugh Blvd.: Photographs, paintings, ceramics, mixed media work by local artists and decorative objects. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri., 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Sat. 664-0880. n Gallery 26*, 2601 Kavanaugh: Art by local and regional artists. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Continued on page 16

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16 natives guide 2010 • aRKansas tiMes


We love to screen ArkAnsAs-mAde feAture films, short films, videos, And student films. Golden Globe, oscAr, independent spirit AWArd, AcAdemy AWArd films Are our speciAlty. ArkAnsAs-only movie cinemA With beer And Wine! NOW SERVING BEER & WINE



Tue.-Sat. 664-8996. n Greg Thompson Fine Art, 429 Main St., NLR: National and local artists. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Tue.-Fri., 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Sat. 664-2787. n Heights Gallery*, 5801 Kavanaugh Blvd.: Work by contemporary Arkansas artists, gifts. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tue.-Sat. 664-2772. n Hillcrest Gallery Inc. and Fast Frame*, 2807 Kavanaugh Blvd.: Original art by local artists. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri., 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Sat. 664-7900. n Ketz Gallery, 705 Main St., NLR: Local artists. 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Tue.-Sat. 529-6330. n Local Colour, 5811 Kavanaugh Blvd.: A co-op featuring works by area artists. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat. 265-0422. n Louie’s Unique Framing and Gallery*, 1509 Mart Drive, Ste. A: Fine art by national, regional and area artists. 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Tue.-Fri., 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Sat. 907-6240. n M2Gallery*, 11525 Cantrell Road: Contemporary art by local and regional artists. 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Mon.-Sat. 225-6257. n Norton Arts Conservation Studio and Artists’ Showcase, 1206 Main St.: Arkansas artists. 800-448-5725. n Red Door Gallery*, 3715 John F. Kennedy Blvd., NLR: Works by Arkansas artists. 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Mon.-Fri.; 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sat. 753-5227. n Reflections Gallery and Fine Framing*, 11220 Rodney Parham Road: Work by local and national artists. 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Tue.-Fri., 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Sat. 227-5659. n Sage House Gallery, 24627 Hwy. 365 N: Central Arkansas artists, all media. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Saturday spring and fall (when White Wagon Farm nursery is open). 851-4608. n Showroom*, 2313 Cantrell Road. Work by area artists. 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Mon.-Fri. 372-7373. n Stephano’s Fine Art Gallery, 5501 Kavanaugh Blvd.: Work by Arkansas artists. 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Tue.-Thu., 11 a.m.-8 p.m. Fri.-Sat. 563-4218 or www.stephanostudios.com. n St. James United Methodist Church, 321 Pleasant Valley Drive: Changing exhibits by local artists. 221-3559. n Thea Foundation, 401 Main St., NLR: Student and local art. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Tue.-Thu. Call Mon. and Fri. 379-9512. n Toby Fairley Fine Art, 5507 Ranch Drive, Suite 103: Contemporary Arkansas artists. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Tue.-Fri. or by appointment. 868-9882. n University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 2801 S. University Ave.: Three galleries feature works by national, local and student artists. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri., 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Sat., 2-5 p.m. Sun. during the academic year, closed weekends May-August. 569-8977.

Flicks H

ow’s this for a happy by-product of our recession year? For the first time in memory, movie ticket prices didn’t rise. Let’s hope it sticks, because in Arkansas’s cruel summers, there’s nothing like the air-conditioned respite of one of Central Arkansas’s eight movie theaters. Fiftyplus screens play everything from the latest blockbuster to buzz-y art house fare.

Movie theaters

Cinemark Tandy 10: Second-run films at lower prices. 75-cent matinees Mon.-Fri., $1.25 weekday nights; $1.75 weekends. 4188 McCain Blvd., 1-800-FANDANGO, extension 1436, www.cinemark.com. Dickinson Chenal 9 IMAX: First-run Hollywood releases with stadium-style seating, DLP screens and the area’s only IMAX screen devoted to feature fiction films. General admission ranges from $7 to $9 for regular films and $9.50 to $12.50 for IMAX. 17825 Chenal Parkway, 821-2616, www.dtmovie.com. Dickinson Lakewood 8: First-run Hollywood releases. General admission ranges from $7 to $9. 2939 LakewoodVillage, NLR, 758-5354, www.dtmovie.com. IMAX Theater: Documentary features shown on 60-foot screen. Open daily except Monday. General admission ranges from $5.75 to $7.75. Discounts on Friday night for families. Aerospace Education Center, 3301 E. Roosevelt Road, 376-4232, www. aerospaced.org. Market Street Cinema: First runs of art, foreign and independent films and other screenings not found at the larger theaters. With beer and wine. General admission $8, matinee $6. No debit or credit cards accepted. Five screens. 1504 Merrill Drive, 312-8900, www.marketstreetcinema.net. Rave Colonel Glenn 18: First-run Hollywood releases with stadium-style seating on DLP screens. General admission ranges from $7.25 to $9.25. 18 Colonel Glenn Road (at I-430), 687-0499, www. ravemotionpictures.com. Riverdale 10: First-run Hollywood releases and special events. General admission ranges from $6 to $7.50. 2600 Cantrell Road, Riverdale Shopping Center, 296-9955, www.riverdale10.com. UA Breckenridge Village 12: First-run Hollywood releases in stadium-seating design. General admission ranges from $7.25 to $9.25, $5 admission from 4-6 p.m. 1200 Breckenridge Drive, I-430 and Rodney Parham, 224-0992, www. fandango.com.

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Free movies

Movies in the Park: Classic family movies every Wednesday at dusk, in summer at the River Market, with popcorn and beverages for sale. You can bring your own food and drink, too. www.moviesintheparklr.net.

Visit our website at: www.arkansas.gov/childcare

1900 N. Grant In the Heights 501-663-8999 ArkAnsAs Times • nATives guide 2010 17

The club scene

n Peabody Hotel: Hosts RiverTop Party series in the summer and special New Year’s Eve and Halloween events. Except for holidays, at 9 p.m. on Fri. $5. 21 and up. Smoking allowed outside. 3 Statehouse Plaza, 399-8059, www.rivertopparty.com. n Pizza D’Action: Occasional local and regional rock. Cover and times vary. 21 and up. Smoking allowed. 2919 W. Markham St., 666-5403. n Revolution: Local, regional and national touring acts of all genres in a 550-person capacity room. Times and prices vary. All ages. No smoking. 300 President Clinton Ave., 823-0090, www. rumbarevolution.com. n Rio’s Lounge: After-dinner-hours incar-

daNce music steps up. o big clubs started up or died this year, but a number of smaller new spaces joined their ranks. Dance music, particularly, gained a foothold into the scene, with new venues Rio’s and Pulse at Off Center emerging, clubs like Deep and On the Rocks experimenting with different theme nights and Downtown Music continuing its unlikely reign as the nexus for young hipster club kids, who’re drawn to the club’s monthly Cool Shoes parties. Among the larger clubs, 2009 brought one of the most diverse slates of touring acts to town in recent memory. Blues, country, folk, jazz, indie, metal, rock — nearly every week you can take your pick. Here’s a list and brief description of what’s out there. n ACAC: Arkansas Community Arts Cooperative hosts local, regional and national acts of all genres, with special emphasis on experimentation. Covers and times vary. No smoking. 900 S. Rodney Parham Road, 244-2979, www.acacarkansas.wordpress.com. n Afterthought: A variety of acts, from jazz to blues to roots-rock, 8 p.m. Mon.-Thu., 9 p.m. Fri.-Sat. Arkansas Jazz Heritage Foundation presents local, regional and national jazz acts at 8 p.m. Mon. Cover varies. 21 and up. No smoking. 2721 Kavanaugh Blvd., 663-1196, www. vieuxcarrecafe.com. n Cajun’s Wharf: Local and regional rock, blues, cover and funk acts. Free happy hour entertainment 5:30 p.m. Wed.-Fri. Headliners Thu.-Sat. with $5 cover after 8:30 p.m. 21 and up for bar (not restaurant). No smoking inside. 2400 Cantrell Road, 375-5351, www.cajunswharf.com. n Capi’s Local folk, jazz and rock music on the weekends usually at 9 p.m. Free, all ages and no smoking. 11525 Cantrell (in the Pleasant Ridge Town Center), 225-9600, www.capisrestaurant.com. n Capital Bar and Grill: Traditional and contemporary jazz from the Ted Ludwig Jazz Trio 5 p.m.-8 p.m. Wed.-Thu., 8 p.m.-11 p.m. Fri.-Sat. 111 W. Markham, 370-7013, www.capitalhotel.com/CBGwebsite. n Cornerstone Pub: Local and occasionally regional and national acts of all genres. Usually music Thu.-Sat. Times and cover charges vary. 21 and up. Smoking allowed. 314 Main St., NLR, 374-1782, www.cstonepub.com. n Discovery: High-energy DJ music, open 9 p.m.-5 a.m. Sat. only. Adjoins Backstreet, catering to alternative lifestyles and open 9 p.m.-5 a.m. Fri. Private club. 1021 Jessie Road, 664-4784, www.latenightdisco.com (Discovery); 664-2744, www.backstreetdanceclub.com (Backstreet). n Downtown Music: Emphasis on local, regional and national heavy rock acts and 18 natives guide 2010 • aRKansas tiMes

the home of popular monthly dance party Cool Shoes. Times, cover charge and age limit vary. 211 W. Capitol Ave., 376-1819. www.downtownshows.homestead.com. n Electric Cowboy: Dance music of all genres and occasional live acts Wed.-Sun. Open 7:30 p.m. until 5 a.m. Fri.-Sat., at least 2 a.m. Wed., Thu. and Sun. 21 and up. Smoking allowed. Private club. 9515 Interstate 30, 562-6000, www.electriccowboy.com/littlerock. n Ernie Biggs’ Chicago Style Piano Bar: 7 p.m.-2 a.m. every day. 307 President Clinton Ave., 372-4782, www. erniebiggs.com. n Flying Saucer Draught Emporium: Local singer/ songwriters and bands with occasional regional acts, usually 9 p.m. Fri.-Sat. Usually $3 cover. 21 and up. Smoking allowed. 323 President Clinton Ave., 372-7468, www.beerknurd.com. n Fox and Hound: Local and regional acts 10 p.m. Fri.-Sat. Open mic 10 p.m. Sun. Karaoke 10 p.m. Tue. Membership required. 21 and up. Smoking allowed. Lakewood Village Shopping Center, NLR, 753-8300, www. ditto heads: Gossip fans packed Vino’s to stand close to Beth Ditto in October. fhrg.com. brewery connected to concert space. nation of Gaucho’s. With DJ music 9:30 n Gusano’s: Local and regional rock Local, regional and national bands of all p.m. Wed.-Sat. Cover varies. 21 and up. mostly on weekends. Cover and times vary. genres. Cover and times vary. All ages. No No smoking inside. 11 Shackleford Drive, 21 and up. No smoking. 313 President smoking. 923 W. Seventh St., 375-8466, 954-8787, www.rioslittlerock.com. Clinton Ave., 374-1441. www.vinosbrewpub.com. n Satellite Cafe: Local and regional acoustic n Jimmy Doyle Country Club: Karaoke n West End Smokehouse and Tavern: acts, free and usually Thu.-Sat. All ages. Friday and local country on Saturday. More than 50 TVs, a massive bar, pool No smoking. 5923 Kavanaugh, 663-6336, Cover and times vary. Private club. 11800 tables and local and regional acts usually www.satellitecafeintheheights.com. Maybelline, 945-9042. Thu.-Sat. Membership required. Music n Sonny Williams’ Steak Room: Piano n Juanita’s Cantina Ballroom: All stripes starts at 9 p.m., usually $5 cover. 21 and music 7 p.m.-11 p.m. Tue.-Sat. All ages. of local, regional and national acts throughout up. Smoking allowed. 215 N. Shackleford, No smoking. 500 President Clinton Ave., the week. Age limit, cover and time vary. 224-7665, www.westendsmokehouse.net. 324-2999, www.sonnywilliamssteakNo smoking. 1300 S. Main St., 372-1228 n White Water Tavern: Longtime room.com. (restaurant and bar), 374-3271 (entertaindive bar with pool tables and Foosball n SpeakEasy Supper Club and Piano ment hotline), www.juanitas.com. upstairs. Local, regional and national Bar: Local blues, jazz and piano music, n Midtown Billiards: Blues, rock and blues, country/bluegrass and rock. Cover usually with no cover. Times vary. All ages. jam band music at 12:30 a.m. Fri.-Sat., usually no more than $5. Times vary. 21 No smoking. 412 Louisiana St., 374-2008. plus occasional midnight shows midweek. and up. Smoking allowed. Seventh and n Spectators Grill and Pub: Local rock Usually $5 cover charge above private-club Thayer Sts., 375-8400, www.myspace. or singer/songwriter music between 8-9 membership fee. Open daily at 3 p.m. for com/whitewatertavern. p.m. Fri.-Sat. $3-$5 cover. 21 and up. pool and other games, plus bar and grill. 21 n Willy D’s: River Market dueling piano Smoking allowed. 1012 W. 34th St., NLR, and up. Smoking allowed. 1316 S. Main bar and restaurant with dinner service. 791-0990. St., 372-9990, www.midtownar.com. Music at 7 p.m. Tue.-Sat. Beneath the bar n Sticky Fingerz Rock ’n’ Roll Chicken n On the Rocks: DJ or live music Tue.-Sat. is Deep, a lounge that features DJ music Shack: All stripes of local, regional and Cover and times vary. 21 and up. Smoking Fri.-Sat. Attached through a passageway is national acts. Times and cover vary. 21 and allowed. 107 E. Markham St., 374-7625. Prost, a restaurant/bar that hosts live music up. Smoking allowed. 107 S. Commerce n Off Center: Live piano music on on weekends. One cover charge affords St., 372-7707, www.stickyfingerz.com. Friday and Saturday. Usually at 10 p.m. access to all three bars. Smoking in Prost n Town Pump: Local music Thu.-Sat. and $2. With dance club Pulse attached. and Willy D’s, no smoking in Deep. 21 and Cover and time vary. All ages. No smoking. DJs Wed.-Sat. 8 p.m. Cover and age limit up. 322 President Clinton Ave., 244-9550, 1321 Rebsamen Park Road, 663-9802, vary. No smoking. 307 W. Seventh St., www.willydspianobar.com. 663-9802. 374-4699, www.pulseatoffcenter.com. brian chilson


n UBU: A club geared toward alternative lifestyles, mostly for female clientele, open usually on weekends. 824 W. Capitol Ave., 375-8580. n The Underground Pub: Local and regional rock and country music and DJs Wed., Fri. and Sat. Cover and times vary. 21 and up. Smoking allowed. 500 President Clinton Ave., 707-2537. n The Village: Former stadium-style movie theater converted into concert hall with seating for 800 people. Local, regional and national music of all genres. Cover and time vary. All ages. No smoking. 3915 S. University Ave., 570-0300, www.thevillagelive.com. n Vino’s Brewpub: Pizza joint and

Arkansas Times • january 7, 2009 19

It’s In the bag (and box, and package ...)


ith the opening of new boutiques like Ember, the shopping scene is heating up in central Arkansas. Big box and department stores abound as well. A wrap-up of the best local shopping follows.


NEW! The Heifer Village gift shop, located in the recently opened educational center on the grounds of Heifer International next to the Clinton Presidential Center, offers cool, socially responsible products including educational toys, children’s books, videos, world handicrafts, pottery, baskets, honey, chocolate, coffee and Heifer International logo items like T-shirts, lapel pins and coffee mugs. Buy ethically sourced, artisan-friendly products from Ten Thousand Villages, 305 President Clinton Ave., and the Clinton Museum Store, 610 Clinton, which continues to expand its collection of gifts, art, clothing and Clinton memorabilia. NEW! The Green Corner Store, 1423 D Main St., is part of the SOMA (South Main Street) revival and bills itself as Arkansas’s First Eco Lifestyle Store. It features a collection of quality goods for healthy, creative and earth-friendly living, including apparel and accessories for men, women and children. As it has for decades, Bennett’s Military Supplies, 302 Main, continues to meet all your camping, ammo and camo needs (gas masks anyone?). It’s the best place to buy combat boots (for civilian use). Bennett’s: Not just for survivalists. The Dreamweavers outlet on 1201 Spring St. is open every second Saturday, but it’s worth the wait for imported throws, rugs, art and pillows. The Arkansas Arts Center Museum Shop (and its special extension tied to the “World of the Pharaohs” exhibit) in MacArthur Park offers unique presents with an artsy twist. Mummies, Anubis accessories and more will inspire (and protect you in the afterlife).


Midtowne Little Rock is an open-air “lifestyle center” with a variety of upscale national retailers, including houseware stores Pottery Barn and WilliamsSonoma, women’s clothing stores Chico’s, White House|Black Market, J. Jill, Francesca’s Collections, Ann Taylor Loft; bridal boutique Alfred Angelo; men’s store JoS A. Bank Clothier; and children’s clothiers The Children’s Place and Justice Just for Girls, as well as local boutique Evolve. Also in residence, Brighton Collectibles, an accessories store that carries belts, handbags, watches, wallets and much more, and The Container Store, 20 natives guide 2010 • aRKansas tiMes

a mecca for the obsessively organized and those who want to be. The nice thing about this area is that after a bit of shopping, you can head over for some tableside guacamole and a topshelf margarita at Cantina Laredo, or grab some chicken lettuce wraps and tasty iced tea from Pei Wei. Across the street, Dillard’s department store anchors the Park Plaza mall, where more than 80 smaller national retailers, including Ann Taylor, Talbots, Eddie Bauer and the Gap, are also located. For the young and trendy there’s also a Forever XXI on the mall’s lower level. Soon to open: that old-time favorite, Spencer Gifts and ShoeWoo. Sephora, your one-stop shop for top-of-the-line beauty products, now has a full store in the mall. COMING IN 2010! A 138,000-squarefoot Target store at University and Markham Street. Head further west to 10720 Rodney Parham, and you’ll discover the best kids’ shoe store in the city, Heel to Toe.

Go West, Young Shoppers

Head west on Cantrell Road to find upscale shopping at Barbara Jean Ltd. (7811 Cantrell), and the stores of Pavilion in the Park, including Greenhaw’s Men’s Wear, Baumans Fine Men’s Clothing, and B. Barnett (8201 Cantrell). Pleasant Ridge Town Center, just west of Interstate 430 on Cantrell, has developed into a magnet for locally-owned boutiques. Along with the anchor, North Carolinabased Belk, areRoberson’s, Kitchen Co., Scarlet, Thread, Beyond Cotton, Vesta’s, Faux Pas, Forsythe’s, Jeanté, Moda, Kristin Todd (women’s clothes, jewelry, some home stuff); Indigo; Glo Limited (beauty products); and The Sassy Stork, Strasburg Children, Tuck and Cover (maternity, children’s clothing, furniture and decor); and Solemates and Warren’s (shoes and handbags). Even farther out Cantrell, you’ll find Companions (14810 Cantrell), which carries some labels hard to find elsewhere, and some staples like Velvet. Shackleford Crossing, at the intersection of Shackleford Road and Interstate 430, includes Babies R Us, golf emporium Edwin Watts and J.C. Penney. Little Rock’s newest shopping center, The Promenade at Chenal near Rahling Road, is a village-style development with retailers American Eagle Outfitters, Ann Taylor LOFT, DSW shoes, Claire’s; Justice, Kay Jewelers, Aeropostale, Coldwater Creek, Destination Maternity, Just Dogs! Gourmet, Sunglass Station and RK Collections. For big-box shopping, Markham Street, Bowman Road and Chenal Parkway are the streets to remember: There you’ll find


NEW! Park Hill Home offers antique reproductions and home accessories with a country feel. The original location is in the Park Hill neighborhood of North Little Rock; the Little Rock shop is at 3001 Kavanaugh, across from Acadia Restaurant. Nearby is Minx, which offers

there’s Cobblestone and Vine (5100 Kavanaugh); for mom and kids’ clothing Tulips (5817 Kavanaugh). Feinstein’s (5600 Kavanaugh), Kristin Chase (5008 Kavanaugh), and New Traditions (1920 Grant St.) offer upscale women’s clothing; find fine linens at Yves Delorme (5717 Kavanugh) and more formal, traditional, European home decor at Dauphine (5819 Kavanaugh). The newly renovated and expanded Ellen Golden’s Antiques is located behind a handsome New Orleanslike storefront at the corner of Kavanaugh and North Fillmore.

brian chilson


Barnes and Noble, Toys R Us, Target, Old Navy, Home Depot, Best Buy, Bed, Bath & Beyond, Home Depot and more. While out there stop by the fun, magical toy store, Toy Up on Bowman.

antIque boutIque: Ellen Golden’s, on Kavanaugh, is one of several stores for those who love old things.

high-end yet affordable women’s clothes. Box Turtle (2616 Kavanaugh) carries clothes by local designers, most notably Korto Momolu, a finalist on the hit show “Project Runway,” and home accessories and jewelry. NEW! Box Turtle owners Collin and Emese Boone have just opened a toy and candy store downstairs named after their dogs, Cheeky Marshmallow. How eclectic is this neighborhood? Check out the offerings: antique stores (Clement, Sweet Home Furnishings, Hillcrest Junk, Kahler-Payne Antiques, Shoppes at Woodlawn and others), clothing and furniture (Haus Werk), trendy athletic shoes (Rock City Kicks), fine art (Gallery 26 and Hillcrest Gallery Inc.) and coffee and coffee accoutrements (River City Gift Co.).


NEW! Chic Boutique (2205 N. Van Buren) specializes in apparel, accessories and gifts for girls ages 7-16; the older set will find what they want — some outfits handmade by the owners — at Ember (5709 Kavanaugh). The independent bookstore lives! WordsWorth Books and Co. is nestled between the venerable men’s clothing store Mr. Wick’s and the venerable toy store Heights Toy Center in the little shopping center at 5924 R St. Longtime children’s clothier The Toggery is right across the street. Eggshells Kitchen Co. is a locally owned “toy store for foodies” at 5705 Kavanaugh. For chic home decor,


Riverdale is the heart of home design in Little Rock. The warehouse row at 2400 Cantrell Road houses Soho Modern, Lampworks, Private Collections and New Orleans Antique and Jewelry Exchange. A bit further west on Cantrell, find Fabulous Finds. Cynthia East Fabrics, Botanica Gardens, Bear-Hill Interiors and MertinsDykeHome.

North Little Rock

North Little Rock’s got both big boxes and boutiques. Here’s an overview of where to find what. Walmart, Barnes and Noble, Pier One, Steinmart, Home Depot and Lowe’s, Linens-n-Things and Toys-R-Us, and the McCain Mall and Lakewood Village shopping centers all be found along a single stretch of blacktop. On East McCain, find TJ Maxx. Krebs Brothers Restaurant Store (4310 Landers Road) is the go-to place for restaurant owners, but also for the at-home cook. If it’s smaller boutiques you’re looking for, head to Park Hill to shop for clothes at ShopTrio, bridal gowns at Jodie Marie’s and the Bridal Cottage, baby items and Lads and Ladybugs, and gifts at Wicks and Wax. The Historic Argenta neighborhood downtown is home to Galaxy Office Furniture, which includes Paddywacks and You Wear Me Out. Down the street at 703 Main, Argenta Bead Co. is the stop for all your bead needs.


The Best of All Worlds!


From the moment you arrive in Chenal Valley, you can’t help but feel that you’ve entered a special world. In fact, from outdoor recreation and fine dining, to championship golf, shopping, entertainment, and professional services, Chenal Valley is the best of all worlds. With 32 beautiful neighborhoods, 14 of which are located along two championship golf courses, Chenal Valley is a golf community designed with comfort and convenience in mind. Whether you’re enjoying scenic views of the Founders and Bear Den golf courses, or strolling peaceful stretches of the natural landscape, the setting is refreshing and rejuvenating—a welcome respite from the day to day. Surrounded by greenbelts and easy access, The Chenal Valley neighborhood parks and pools are convenient and beautifully ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT TO ARKANSAS TIMES

designed with open-air facilities and fun-filled playgrounds. Located on Chalamont Drive, Champagnolle Drive, and Chenoceau Boulevard, a day of fun is close at hand. Positioned in the heart of Chenal Valley , Chenal Country Club exists in harmony with the rolling hills and scenic woodlands of west Little Rock. A distinguished destination for those who long to indulge their recreational, professional and social interests, Chenal Country Club creates a prestigious yet relaxing environment for fellowship among members of this Little Rock golf course community and their guests. The Club offers two world-class championship golf courses designed by Robert Trent Jones, Jr., one of the world’s leading golf course designers. In addition to golf, members enjoy a spectacular tennis and swim complex, and the newly

completed 6,000 square-foot fitness center featuring state-of-theart cardiovascular, stability and strength programs. Members are also provided with some of the most exquisite dining and banquet options in the area. These are a few of the amenities that make this a golf course community par excellence. Chenal Valley is also home to numerous restaurants, shopping venues, excellent schools and exceptional services, such as the 105-acre botanical garden and performing arts center of Wildwood Park for the Performing Arts, the Promenade at Chenal, and Chenal Elementary School. A focal point of the community is The Promenade at Chenal, a new 340,000-square-foot, open-air lifestyle shopping center home to a variety of premier national, regional and local retailers, restaurants and entertainment venues for the entire family and the new Chenal 9

IMAX Theatre. The Promenade is designed in a French Gothic style; its open-air design replicates a nostalgic Main Street shopping district but with convenient parking in front of your favorite store or restaurant. Extensive sidewalks and landscaping and create a pedestrian-friendly environment ideal for shopping, entertainment and socializing. If condominium living is your desire, the Chenal Condominiums of Vallon Circle and ChenalWoods offer a variety of floor plans, prices and lifestyles, all within minutes of The Promenade, Chenal Country Club , and a wide variety of professional, medical, retail and dining venues. In addition to condominiums, Chenal provides multi-family complexes for every stage of life from young singles to assisted living. Visit chenal.com to discover the best of all worlds at Chenal Valley and enjoy escaping the everyday, every day. ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT TO ARKANSAS TIMES

THE PROMENADE AT CHENAL Shop (and dine) ‘til you drop—then catch a movie. The Promenade is designed in a French Gothic style; its open-air design replicates a nostalgic Main Street shopping district but with convenient parking in front of your favorite store or restaurant. Extensive sidewalks and landscaping and create a pedestrian-friendly environment ideal for shopping, entertainment and socializing. Enjoy shopping at

Coldwater Creek, Ae’ropostale, Claire’s, American Eagle Outfitters, Justice (for kids), Sunglass Station, Kay Jewelers, Fitness Together, RK Collections, Ann Taylor LOFT, Destination Maternity, DSWPortrait, Innovations, Just Dogs, Luxury Nail Spa, James Eyecare & Optics Gallery. Restaurants include YaYa’s EuroBistro, Maggie Moo’s Ice Cream & Treatery, and coming soon Bravo Italian. Visit chenal.com.


shopping bliss Discover THE PROMENADE, the ultimate destination for fashion, food and fun.






West LittLe Rock

to maumeLLe

1. Baptist Health Medical Center Baptist Health Rehabilitation Institute Baptist Health Family Clinic – Maumelle Baptist Health Family Clinic – West Baptist Health Senior Clinic – Parkway Village Baptist Health Sleep Clinic 2. BEI 3. Black Angus Restaurant 4. Buffalo Grill West 5. Capers Restaurant 6. Chenal Valley 7. Colonial Wine and Spirits 8. Coldwell Banker RPM Real Estate 9. Comcast Cable 10. Faded Rose 11. KOTO Restaurant 12. Layla’s Mediterranean Bistro 13. Lilly’s DimSumThenSum 14. Little Rock Athletic Club 15. Market Street Cinema





Metropolitan Bank 17. Panda Garden 18. Pleasant Ridge Town Center 19. The Promenade at Chenal 20. The Pizza Joint USA Drug US Pizza 23. St. Vincent Family Clinic - Chenal 24. Woodland Heights 25. Ya Ya’s EuroBistro 15

13 3



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10 4 7

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1 9 ©Google - Map data ©2008 Tele Atlas


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16 10

RiveRdale and Midtown

1 7

1. Allied Bank 2. Baptist Family Clinic 3. Buffalo Grill 4. Cajun’s Wharf 5. Cheers In the Heights 6. Coldwell Banker RPM Real Estate 7. Ellen Golden Antiques 8. Episcopal Collegiate School 9. Faded Rose 10. Fantastic China Little Rock Zoo Metropolitan Bank

17 5 20

13. Oyster Bar 14. Little Rock Racquet Club and Fitness Center 15. Salut’ Restaurant and Bar 16. Satellite Café 17. SO Restaurant - Bar 18. St. Vincent Hospital 19. Tanglewood Drug Store 20. Terry’s Finer Foods 21. Union Restaurant USA Drug US Pizza


21 3


13 4

8 ©Google - Map data ©2008 Tele Atlas

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11525 CANTRELL ROAD • LITTLE ROCK For More Information Contact Schickel Development at 501.225.7807 www.pleasantridgetowncenter.com

North LittLe rock

3 5 4 13 9

11 7



1. Arkansas Sports Hall of Fame – Argenta 2. Army National Guard - Jacksonville 3. Baptist Health Medical Center Baptist Health Family Clinic-Lakewood Baptist Health Neurology Baptist Health Neurosurgery 4. Coldwell Banker RPM Real Estate 5. Dr. John Dean, DDS 6. Jones Brother Pool Tables - Argenta 7. Krebs Brothers Metropolitan Bank 9. North Little Rock Athletic Club 10. North Little Rock Visitors Center 11. Oliver’s Antiques – Jacksonville 12. Pulaski Technical College 13. Russell Cellular 14. St. Vincent Hospital 15. Super King Buffet


USA Drug

North LittLe rock


US Pizza

DowNtowN LittLe rock aND argeNta


©Google - Map data ©2008 Tele Atlas


12 14




verizoN areNa argeNta

Metropolitan Bank

arkaNsas river

30. Museum of Discovery 31. Old State House 32. Peabody Hotel 33. Sonny Williams’ Steak Room 34. Sticky Fingerz Rock n Roll Chicken Shack 35. White Water Tavern 36. William J. Clinton Presidential Center

16 31

32 24

DowNtowN LittLe rock 22

34 20

19 26


USA Drug

17 33 30


16. The Arts Scene 17. Boscos Restaurant 18. Central Ark Transit Authority 19. Central Arkansas Library System 20. Crews and Associates 21. Copper Grill 22. Crush Wine Bar 23. Dizzy’s Restaurant 24. Downtown Athletic Club 25. First United Methodist Church 26. Historic Arkansas Museum 27. Iriana’s Pizza 28. JP Fitness Center


US Pizza



28 35


Blue Line Extension to Clinton Presidential Library and Heifer International operates until 5:45 p.m. Green Line Extension to Clinton Presidential Library and Heifer International operates until 5:45 p.m. Streetcar passenger platform

©Google - Map data ©2008 Tele Atlas

New Ideas, Old FashIONed Ideals.

Lunch & Dinner - Full Bar - Dine-In or Carry-Out

WE’RE LocaLLy oWnEd and opERatEd.

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Best overall Restaurant in NW Arkansas runner up

2FAN Jan 10 ad press.pdf 1 12/18/2009 10:55:38 AM

The Arkansas Studies Institute Galleries C







These venues will be open late. There’s plenty of parking and a free trolley to each of the locations. Don’t miss it – lots of fun! FREE PARKING at 3RD & CUMBERLAND – Catch the trolley at Historic Arkansas Museum


2010 2nD FriDAy ArT nighT SChEDulE January 8 • February 12 March 12 • April 9 May 14 • June 11 July 9 • August 13 September 10 • October 8 November 12 • December 10

Look for details about Art Week 2010 coming to both sides of the Arkansas River May 14 thru May 22 SponSored by

The ASI Retail Gallery features more than fifty Arkansas artists. Browse our variety of artwork during this exciting Downtown Little Rock art event.


wn Downto ck Little Ro . 5-8 p.m

(Paid parking available for modest fee.)

located at 401 President Clinton Ave.

Plus, view changing exhibits in three other ASI Galleries!



Arkansas Studies Institute - Central Arkansas Library System The Butler Center for Arkansas Studies - www.butlercenter.org/art

Light Coming Into the World Paintings, Prints & Photography Gallery open Jan.8 5-8 pm Garrett Alderfer, David Bell, Lois Davis, Cornelia DeLee, Austin Grimes, Steve Grisham, LaToya Hobbs, Sister Maria Liebeck, Mark Meador, Brittany Platt, Joanna Reid, Lenny Sheehan, A.J. Smith, Marjorie Williams-Smith, Brandye Snead, Dan Thornhill

Christ Church

Little Rock’s Downtown Episcopal Church 509 Scott Street | 375-2342 www.christchurchlr.org

Photography by Brian Cormack


The Second Friday Of Each Month

January opening reception with live music by Stella Fancy. 200 E. Third Street 501-324-9351 www.HistoricArkansas.org A museum of the Department of Arkansas Heritage

The Arts Scene Gallery

Will be closed Jan. & Feb.

in Preparation of the Premier of the

TAS Gallery & Studio Show

The Arts Scene Studios Available March 1, 2010 Studios approx. 15’x 15’ x 10’ ceilings. Studios secured by the artist. Utilities included, heated and air conditioned space with many amenities. Garage door for large work removal and receipt of materials. 24 hour access, parking, two shows a year at The Arts Scene Gallery. $250 a month. $250 deposit. 6 mo. lease. Located next door to TAS at 110 N. State St., Little Rock. For more information, call John Rogers at 501-372-2130.

509 Scott Street • 375-2342 • christchurchlr.org

Mary Shelton Pen & Inks Exhibit Extended to Sept 21, M-Th, 9-5 p.m. No REcEpTioN 2Nd FRiday, SEpT 11

Come for the Arts, Stay for Dinner

coming in october: “Little Rock is Working” photography Exhibit of contest Winners artists’ Reception Friday, oct 9, 5-8 p.m. Sponsored by the Little Rock Workforce investment Board

Guest Artist:

Robert Walker 300 Third Tower • 501-375-3333 • coppergrillandgrocery.com

Native’s MeNu Guide The

Eat out often at these fine restaurants!



GypSy-eSque Happy Hour 11am - 6 pm tueS. - Sat.

tueS -tHurS 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Fri & Sat 11 a.m. - 10 p.m.

Bar menu & Drink DiSCountS


Dine In or Delivery • 374-3656

200 S. CommerCe, Ste. 150 river market DiStriCt (olDvermillion loCation)

Downtown • Markham & Scott

Monday - Saturday • 11aM-10 pM


ENjoy luNCh aNd dINNEr!

awESomE prIvatE party room!

Selections from Our Menu

Appetizers Pizza Florentine Parmesan Fries, with white truffle aioli Quesadilla, with chicken, peppers, onions, corn cheese and jalapenos Breaded Goat Cheese entrees Madeira Chicken Low Country Shrimp and Grits Homemade Meatloaf Penne Pasta Filet Mignon Grilled Lamb Chops Fresh Fish of day

sAndwiches Chicken Ranch Pita with chips Turkey & Smoked Bacon with chips Salut Cheeseburger with chips Brisket Sandwich with chips Prospect BLT with chips Gyro sAlAds Delta Chicken Salad Pan Seared Salmon Salad Salut Bleu Cobb Salad h Dinner Salad -- romaine, tomato, cucumbers, ts wit Nigh sseur red onion i Late

oy nno e Enj il Co Com , Cockta ds dwar Lee E

Come See Us For Lunch & Dinner! Not Just Open For Late Nights!

Great Selections To Fancy Your Fork Like Fried Artichoke Hearts • Shrimp Po Boy Crab Cakes • Fried Crawfish Tails Grilled Tenderloin Steak Salad Filet with Blue Cheese Sauce Portabella Ravioli • New Orleans BBQ Shrimp Sea Scallops

Contact us for Private Parties and Catering. FEATURiNG EASy EATS AND COOL COCkTAiLS! lee edwards-Bartender extraordinaire! Voted one of the best in Arkansas in toast of the town

Heights Neighborhood Prospect Building 1501 N. University Ave. First Floor


Open for Lunch – Mon thru Fri 11-2 Dinner: Wed thru Sun 5:30-9:30 Late night: Wed thru Sun 9:30 - late Food and drinks available until 4 a.m.


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Pizza sandwiches salads

t a N e h t e r e h W I-630






Orangutan chimpanzee







Gift Main Shop Entrance

Wart Siamang Hog


Sarus crane





Black Buck Maned Wolf Maned Wolf


LITTLEROcKZOO.cOM 501-666-2406

Reptile House Primates & Tropical Birds


Civitan Spider Amphitheater Monkey

Visitor Services




Lemur W C

Farm Crops


Servic Area

Maned Wolf


atives Go W ild!




Goose W






ervice Area


Camel Ride (seasonal)


aned Wolf




Crowned Crane




White Rhino









Rhino Barn








Small Carnivores Red Panda

Train Station Civitan Pavillion








Prarie Dog Rabbits




Farm Yard















(Closed Thanksgiving, New Years Day, and Christmas Day)







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Winner: Best Pickup Bar Runner Up: Best Happy Hour Winner: Best Patio

“A riverfront patio, decadent seafood and Mason Jars full of Play de Do … draw throngs to Cajun’s Wharf.” — The New York Times

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Cajun’s is famous for its fabulously fresh seafood, aged Angus Beef, Gourmet. Your Way. All Day. and full-flavored good times. Come enjoy the great food and fun

atmosphere, including our famous deck overlooking the Arkansas River.

Gourmet. Your W

r u oY . t e m r u o G Complimentary Shuttle Service From Area Hotels | Monday-Saturday From 4:30 P.M. www.cajunswharf.com | 2400 Cantrell Road On The Arkansas River | 501-375-5351

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Whether you’re on the go or off the clock, Copper Grill and Grocery Is your downtown dining destination. It’s where you can let go in the casual elegance of the grill or just grab a quick bite from our plentiful gourmet-to-go items available in our full-service gourmet market.

Private Party Facilities Available. Call For Details.



hatever the economic environment, we love to eat out. The average American By Jack Sundell spends more than 50 percent of his or her food dollar dining out. As long as we need restaurants, restaurants need reliable and welltrained kitchen staff. Why not create a pool of qualified applicants by reaching out to economically disadvantaged young adults through a not-for-profit kitchen skills training course? Here’s how it would work: Chefs from the Little Rock area would create a 10-week curriculum to teach desirable kitchen skills to students with little or no restaurant experience. Classes would include ServSafe Certification (a comprehensive, accredited food safety course), knife skills, sauce making, baking and pastry making and wet and dry cooking techniques — all the practical know-how a chef likes to see in a new hire, wrapped into an intensive hands-on culinary course. Students would learn usable job skills; chefs would train their own future employees. At the course’s conclusion, a placement program would match graduates

brian chilson

Teach kitchen skills

with participating restaurants. The student then would begin a 10-week paid internship at a member restaurant; if the trial period went well, the intern would stay as a full-time employee. Course participants could include at-risk youth, young adults seeking a new career or an alternative to college, or anyone else the traditional education system has failed to provide an opportunity for. The program would fund itself partially through grants, but would also solicit paid restaurant memberships for its intern placement program.

Restaurants could also sponsor an individual student for the 10-week course by paying his or her tuition. Everyone benefits in this scenario: Restaurants by not wasting time and money for on-the-clock training of inexperienced personnel; course participants (and their families) by entering the job market; the city from more stable jobs and fewer jobless; and the people of Little Rock, who all like to go out for a good meal once in awhile. Jack Sundell is co-owner of the Root Cafe.

A quick guide to cuisine Find a world oF FlavorS.


he recession didn’t seem to slow the Little Rock restaurant scene. A glut of restaurant/bars (The House, Red Door, Star Bar, Union) opened with an eye on late night diners, a group long ignored in these parts. Several much-loved fast-casual chains (Five Guys Burgers and Fries, Genghis Grill) finally arrived. The River Market’s Ottenheimer Hall, the flagship of downtown dining, added four strong new tenants (Bangkok Thai Cuisine, Fat Sam’s Louisiana Cafe, Kent’s Downtown and Mason’s Deli and Grill). And our ethnic offerings broadened, with new Mediterranean (Albasha), Pakistani (Masala Grill) and all variations of Mexican and Latino restaurants popping up every time we turned around.

CC - credit cards $-$$$$ - price range B – breakfast L – lunch D – dinner BR – brunch

AMERICAN ACADIA A jewel of a restaurant in Hillcrest. Wonderful soups and fish dishes. Extensive wine list. On Mondays and Tuesdays get three courses for the fixed price of $22.50. It’s a bargain. 3000 Kavanaugh Blvd. Full bar. CC $$-$$$ 603-9630 D Mon.-Sat. ALL AMERICAN WINGS A strong option for wing fans downtown. With all you-can-eat options. 215 W. Capitol Ave. CC $-$$ No alcohol 376-4000 LD Mon.-Sat. ALLEY OOPS The restaurant at Creekwood Plaza (near the Kanis-Bowman intersection) is a neighborhood feedbag

for major medical institutions with plate lunches, burgers and homemade desserts. 11900 Kanis Road. Full bar. CC $-$$ 221-9400 LD Mon.-Sat. ARKANSAS BURGER CO. Really good burgers, fries and shakes, plus salads and other entrees. 7410 Cantrell Road. Beer and wine. CC $$ 663-0600 LD Tue.-Sat. ARTHUR’S PRIME STEAKHOUSE The main event is prime beef, or even more expensive Australian wagyu beef. The steak’s crusty on the outside, just right on the inside. There’s a wide choice of seafood, too. The truffle fries are spectacular. Good wine list. 27 Rahling Circle. Full bar. CC $$$ 821-1848 D Mon.-Sat. ASHLEY’S Perfect seafood, unusual ingredients, careful cooking and gorgeous presentation make meals here a feast for eyes, mind and stomach. Incredible wine list. Capital Hotel. Full bar. CC. $$$. 374-7474 BLD Mon.-Sat. B Sun. ATHLETIC CLUB What could be mundane fare gets delightful twists and embellishments here. Embassy Suites Hotel. 11301 Financial Centre Parkway. Full bar. CC $$-$$$ 312-9000 LD daily. BEST IMPRESSIONS Soup, salad and sandwiches are always on the menu in the Arkansas Arts Center café, and we’ve never had a bad soup of the day here. But there are also entrees you might usually see at dinner, too. Plus, a strong dessert menu. 501 East Ninth Street (Arkansas Arts Center) Full bar CC $$ 907-5946 L Tue.-Sun. BIG WHISKEY’S AMERICAN BAR & GRILL A modern grill pub in the River Market with all the bells and whistles — 30 flat screen TVs, boneless wings, whiskey on tap. Plus, the usual burgers, steaks, soups and salads. 225 E. Markham St. $$ CC Full bar 324-2449 LD daily. BLACK ANGUS Charcoal-grilled burgers, hamburger steaks and steaks proper are the big draws at this local institution. 10907 N. Rodney Parham. No alcohol. CC $ 228-7800 LD Mon.-Sat. BOBBY’S CAFE Delicious, humungo burgers and tasty homemade deserts at this Levy diner. 12230 MacArthur Drive, NLR. No alcohol. Cash only. $ BL 851-7888 Tue.Fri., D Thu.-Fri. BOBBY’S COUNTRY COOKIN’ One of the better plate lunch spots in the area, with maybe the best fried chicken and pot roast around, a changing daily casserole and wonderful homemade pies. 301 N. Shackleford Road, Suite E1. No alcohol. CC $-$$ 224-9500 L Mon.-Fri. BOGIE’S BAR AND GRILL The former Bennigan’s retains a similar theme. A menu filled with burgers, salads and giant

desserts, plus a few steak, fish and chicken main courses with an array of side dishes. There are big screen TVs for sports fans and lots to drink, more reason to return than the food. 120 W. Pershing Blvd., North Little Rock. Full bar. CC. $$. 812-0019. BD daily. BONEFISH GRILL A half-dozen or more types of fresh fish filets are offered daily, grilled (perfectly in our experience) over a wood fire. Several sauces are available, but the fish is good enough on its own. Shrimp, mussels and scallops star on the appetizer list and there’s plenty of meat and chicken for those who resist seafood. 11525 Cantrell Road. Full bar. CC $$. 228-0356. D daily. BOSCOS This River Market microbrewery does food well, too. Along with tried and true things like sandwiches, burgers, steaks and big salads, they have entrees like black bean and goat cheese tamales, open hearth pizza ovens and muffalettas. 500 President Clinton Ave. Full bar. CC $$ 907-1881 LD daily. BOULEVARD BREAD CO. Fresh bread, fresh pastries, wide selection of cheeses, meats, side dishes, dinners to go — all superb. Good coffee, too. 1920 N. Grant St., beer and wine, CC $-$$$ 663-5951 BLD Mon.-Sat.; River Market Hall, beer and wine, CC $-$$$ 374-1232, BL Mon.-Sat.; College of Public Health, 401 W. Markham St., no alcohol CC $-$$$ 526-6661 BL Mon.-Fri. BOUDREAUX’S GRILL & BAR A homey, seat-yourself Cajun joint in Maumelle that serves up all sorts of variations of shrimp and catfish. With particularly tasty red beans and rice, jambalaya and bread pudding. 9811 Maumelle Blvd., North Little Rock. Full bar CC $-$$ 753-6860 LD Wed.-Sat., D Mon.-Tue. BUFFALO GRILL A great crispy-off-the-griddle cheeseburger and hand-cut fries star at this family-friendly stop. 1611 Rebsamen Park Road. Full bar. CC $-$$ 296-9535 LD daily. 400 N. Bowman Road. Full bar. CC $-$$ 2240012 LD daily. BURGE’S TURKEYS AND HAMS Famous for its smoked turkey and hams, but also a source for good fried catfish and homemade fried pies. 5620 R St. No alcohol. CC $$ 666-1660 LD Mon.-Sat. BRAVE NEW RESTAURANT The food’s great, portions huge, prices reasonable. Diners can look into the open kitchen and watch the culinary geniuses at work slicing and dicing and sauteeing. It’s great fun, and the fish is special. 2300 Cottondale Lane. Full bar. CC $$-$$$ 663-2677 L Mon.-Fri., D Mon.-Sat. THE BUTCHER SHOP A lot has changed since 1981,

when the Little Rock location in this four-location, otherwise Tennessee-based chain debuted: the menu has expanded, and people almost never cook their own steaks. No biggie on either count. Choose steak – not chicken, seafood or pasta – and let the pros cook it. You’ll be glad you did. 10825 Hermitage Road. Full bar. CC $$$ 501-312-2748 D daily. BY THE GLASS A broad but not ridiculously large list is studded with interesting, diverse selections, and prices are uniformly reasonable. The food focus is on high-end items that pair well with wine – olives, hummus, cheese, bread, and some meats and sausages. 5713 Kavanaugh Blvd. Wine and beer. CC $$ 501-663-WINE (9463) D Mon.-Sat. CAFE HEIFER Paninis, salads, soups and such in the Heifer Village. With one of the nicest patios in the area. 1 World Ave. No alcohol. 907-8801 CC BL Mon.-Fri. L Sat. CAJUN’S WHARF The venerable seafood restaurant has a new look to go with great gumbo and oysters Bienville, and options such as fine steaks for the non-seafood eater. In the citified bar, you’ll find some of the best nightly entertainment in town. 2400 Cantrell Road. Full bar. CC $$-$$$ 375-5351 D Mon.-Sat. CAMP DAVID Inside the Holiday Inn Presidential Conference Center, Camp David particularly pleases with its breakfast and themed buffets each day of the week. Wonderful Sunday brunch. I-30 and 6th Street. Full bar. CC $$-$$$ 975-2267 BLD daily. CAPERS It’s never been better, with as good a wine list as any in the area, and a menu that covers a lot of ground — seafood, steaks, pasta — and does it all well. 14502 Cantrell Road. Full bar. CC $$-$$$ 868-7600 LD Mon.-Sat. CAPI’S Sophisticated yet friendly, the latest offering from the folks who created Trio’s features easy to share small bites in larger than expected portions. Selections range from the expected to more unconventional fare. Don’t skip the fresh desserts offered each day. 11525 Cantrell Suite #917 (in the Pleasant Ridge Town Center). Full bar. CC $-$$$ 225-9600 LD daily. CAPITOL BISTRO Breakfast and lunch items, including quiche, sandwiches, coffees and the like. 1401 Capitol Ave. No alcohol. CC $-$$ 371-9575 BL Mon.-Fri. CAPITAL HOTEL BAR A watering hole with mouth-watering food, swished-up Southern style — pork confit, smoky gumbo, homemade Moon pies. Capital idea: Sit by the big windows that look out on Markham with an organic martini and maybe some country pate and pumpkin jam. 111 W. Markham St. Full bar. CC $$ 370-7013 LD daily. CATERING TO YOU Painstakingly prepared entrees and great appetizers in this gourmet-to-go location. 8121 Cantrell Road. No alcohol. CC $-$$ 664-0627 L Mon.-Sat. CATFISH HOLE Downhome place for well-cooked catfish and tasty hushpuppies. 603 E. Spriggs, NLR. Beer. CC $-$$ 758-3516. D Tue.-Sat. CHEEBURGER CHEEBURGER Premium black Angus cheeseburgers, with five different sizes, ranging from the Classic (5.5 ounces) to the Pounder (20 ounces), and nine cheese options. For sides, milkshakes and golden-fried onion rings are the way to go. 11525 Cantrell Road. No alcohol. CC $$ 490-2433 LD daily. CHEERS Both locations offer good burgers and sandwiches, vegetarian offerings and salads at lunch, and fish specials and good steaks in the evening. The Heights location is intimate and the wine list is emphasized. The Maumelle location is spacious inside and on the porch. 2010 N. Van Buren, 663-5937; 1901 Club Manor, Maumelle, 851-6200. Full bar. CC $$-$$$ LD Mon.-Sat. COCK OF THE WALK Yes, the chicken and shrimp are great, but go for the unbeatable catfish. Plus, we say the slaw is the world’s best. 7051 Cock of the Walk Lane, Maumelle. Full bar. CC $$ 758-7182 D daily. L Sun. COFFEE BEANERY CAFE Come for the coffee first, but the sandwiches and desserts are good, too. 17200 Chenal Parkway. No alcohol. CC $$ 821-7747 BLD daily. COMMUNITY BAKERY This sunny downtown bakery is the place to linger over a latte, bagels and the New York Times. But a lunchtime dash for sandwiches is OK, too, though it’s often packed. 1200 Main St., 375-7105, BLD daily; 270 S. Shackleford, 224-1656, BD Mon.-Sat., B Sun. No alcohol. CC $-$$ BLD daily. COPELAND’S The full service restaurant chain started by the founder of Popeye’s delivers the same good biscuits, the same dependable frying and a New Orleans vibe in piped music and décor. You can eat red beans and rice for a price in the single digits or pay near $40 for a choice slab of ribeye, with crab, shrimp and fish in between. 2602 S. Shackleford Road. Full bar CC $$-$$$ 312-1616. LD daily. COPPER GRILL A sunny and ultra-modern restaurant in downtown’s most chic condo tower offers comfort food (fried mac-and-cheese), burgers and sophisticated appetizers and entrees geared solidly for the middle of the dining spectrum. 300 E. Third. Full bar. CC $$-$$$. 3753333 LD Mon.-Sat. CORNERSTONE PUB Numerous beers and heavier drinks along with regular live music make this a fine stopping-off spot, but it succeeds on the food end as well with the usual pub selections and sandwiches. We like this version of the muffaletta, though it’s lighter than the soakedwith-olive-oil kind they love in N’awlins. 314 Main St., NLR. Full bar. CC $-$$ 374-1782 LD Mon.-Sat. COTHAM’S IN THE CITY A Capitol neighborhood version of the famous Scott country store, with the same specialties — giant hubcap hamburgers, well-fried plate lunches and monumental desserts. 1401 W. 3rd St. No

Continued on page 38

ArkAnsAs Times • nATives guide 2010 37


Continued from page 37 alcohol. CC $-$$ 370-9177 L Mon.-Fri. CREGEEN’S IRISH PUB Draft pints, fine single-malt Irish whiskey and a choice of food from American (chicken wings) and Irish (fried Irish camembert) pub favorites to burgers, Irish stew, fish and chips and even broiled salmon for the health-conscious. 301 Main, NLR. Full bar. CC $-$$. 376-7468 LD daily. CRUSH WINE BAR An unpretentious downtown bar/ lounge with an appealing and erudite wine list. With tasty tapas, but no menu for full meals. 115 E. Markham Road. Wine and beer. CC $$ 374-9463 Evenings Tue.-Sat. DAVE AND RAY’S DOWNTOWN DINER Lunch buffet with four choices of meats and eight veggies. All-you-caneat catfish on weekend nights. 824 W. Capitol Ave. No alcohol. CC $$ 372-8816 BL Mon.-Fri. DAVE’S PLACE Downtown’s premier soup-and-sandwich stop at lunch, and a set dinner spot on Friday night to give a little creative outlet to chef supreme David Williams. Beef, chicken and fish are served with Continental flair. 210 Center St. CC $$ 372-3283 L Mon.-Fri., D Fri. DAVID FAMILY KITCHEN Call it soul food or call it downhome country, the food here — neckbones, ribs, sturdy cornbread, mustard greens and the like — is good, the desserts especially so. 2301 Broadway. No alcohol. CC $ LD Sun.-Fri. 371-0141. DELICIOUS TEMPTATIONS A great variety of sandwiches, meal-sized salads and homemade soups, many of the items heart-smart. Great desserts, too. 11220 Rodney Parham Road. Beer and wine. CC $$ 225-6893 BL daily. DIXIE CAFE Abundant vegetable choices that are inexpensive, wholesome, satisfying and dependable, with meats and fresh rolls to match. Multiple locations, including 1301 Rebsamen Park Road. No alcohol. CC $-$$ 6639336 LD daily. DIZZY’S GYPSY BISTRO Great sandwiches, salads and unconventional entrees from transplanted Benton favorite. 200 Commerce St Full bar CC $$-$$$ 375-3500 LD Tue.-Sat. DOE’S EAT PLACE A skid-row dive turned power brokers’ watering hole with huge steaks, great tamales and broiled shrimp, and killer burgers at lunch. 1023 W. Markham St. Full bar. CC $$-$$$ 376-1195 LD Mon.-Fri, D Sat. DOUBLETREE PLAZA BAR & GRILL Heaping breakfast and lunch buffets in the elegant lobby restaurant. Markham and Broadway. Full bar. CC $$ 372-4371 BLD daily. DOWNTOWN DELI A locally owned eatery, with bigger sandwiches and lower prices than most downtown chain competitors. Also huge, loaded baked potatoes, soups and salads. 323 Center St. No alcohol. CC $ 372-3696 BL Mon.-Fri. EJ’S EATS AND DRINKS This hoagie shop serves up generous burgers, sandwiches, homemade soups, salads and homemade potato chips. Vegetarians can craft any number of acceptable meals from the flexible menu. 523 Center St. (corner of Center and Sixth). Beer and wine. CC $ 666-3700 LD Mon.-Fri. FADED ROSE The Cajun-inspired menu seldom disappoints. Steaks and soaked salads are legendary. 1615 Rebsamen Park Road, 663-9734; Bowman Curve, 224-3377. Full bar. CC $$-$$$ LD daily. FATSAM’S LOUISIANA CAFE A brightly decorated oasis of good cheer and cheap, heaping plates of Louisianainfluenced food in a corner of the River Market food hall. 400 President Clinton Ave. 244-4720. CC $ LD Tue.-Sat. FERNEAU Great seafood, among other things, is served at the Ice House Revival in Hillcrest. 2601 Kavanaugh. Full bar. CC $$$ 603-9208 D Tue.-Sat. FLIGHT DECK A not-your-typical daily lunch special highlights this spot, which also features inventive sandwiches, salads and a popular burger. Central Flying Service at Adams Field. Beer and wine. CC $-$$ 375-3245 BL Mon.-Sat. FLYING FISH The fried seafood is fresh and crunchy and there are plenty of raw, boiled and grilled offerings, too. The hamburgers and fish tacos are big hits. It’s counter service; wander on through the screen door and you’ll find a slick team of cooks and servers to get you in and out in good time. 511 President Clinton Ave. Beer and wine. CC $-$$ 375-3474 LD daily. FLYING SAUCER Beer, with dozens on tap, is the big draw at this popular River Market venue, but the food’s good, too. Sandwiches, including a great Reuben, salads, quesadillas and the bratwurst are dependable. 323 President Clinton Ave. Beer and wine. CC $-$$ 372-7468 LD FORTY TWO The Clinton Presidential Center’s restaurant has Sunday brunch, and it’s solid choice for weekday lunch as well with innovative sandwiches, soups and salads. 1200 President Clinton Ave. 537-0042. L Mon.-Sat. (closes at 5 p.m.), BR Sun. $$ CC Full bar. FOX AND HOUND Sports bar with bar munchies to watch games by. 2800 Lakewood Village, NLR. Full bar. CC $-$$ 753-8300 LD daily. FRANKE’S Plate lunch spot strong on salads and vegetables, and perfect fried chicken on Sundays. Locations in the Regions Bank Building, 11121 N. Rodney Parham Road. No alcohol. CC $-$$ 225-4487 LD daily. FRONTIER DINER Order at the counter for home-cooked plate lunches, burgers and delicious pies. 10424 Interstate 30. No alcohol. CC $ 565-6414 BL Mon.-Sat. GADWALL’S GRILL & PIZZA Once two separate restaurants, a fire forced the grill into the pizza joint. Now, under

38 natives guide 2010 • aRKansas tiMes

one roof, there’s mouth-watering burgers and specialty sandwiches, plus zesty pizzas with cracker-thin crust and plenty of toppings. 7311 North Hills Blvd., Sherwood. NLR, 834-1840. Beer and wine. CC $-$$ LD Mon.-Sat. GRAMPA’S CATFISH HOUSE The original NLR location recently moved to a new space off Warden Road, but the delicious fried fish, hush puppies and sides haven’t changed a bit. 100 Shadow Oaks, NLR, 834-5400; 9219 Stagecoach Road, 407-0000. Beer. CC $-$$ LD daily. HOMER’S Great vegetables, huge yeast rolls and killer cobblers. Follow the mobs. 2001 E. Roosevelt Road. CC $$ 374-1400 BL Mon.-Fri. THE HOUSE Delicious, gourmet burgers and sandwiches at the former location of Sufficient Grounds in Hillcrest. A broad selection of beer and wine, too, in a quiet, relaxed setting. 722 N. Palm. Beer and wine. CC $-$$ 663-4500 D daily. IZZY’S It’s bright, clean and casual, with snappy team service of all his standbys — sandwiches and fries, lots of fresh salads, pasta about a dozen ways, hand-rolled tamales and (night only) brick oven pizzas. Wholesome, all-American food prepared with care, if rarely far from the middle of the culinary road. 5601 Ranch Drive, off Highway. Beer and Wine CC $-$$ 868-4311 LD Mon.-Sat. JASON’S DELI A huge selection of sandwiches (wraps, subs, po’ boys and pitas), salads and spuds, as well as red beans and rice and chicken pot pie. Plus a large selection of heart-healthy and light dishes. 301 N. Shackleford Road. Beer and wine. CC $-$$ 954-8700 BLD daily. JIMMY’S SERIOUS SANDWICHES Consistently fine sandwiches, side orders and desserts. Chicken salad’s among the best in town. Get there early for lunch. 5116 W. Markham St. No alcohol. No CC $ 666-3354 L Mon.-Sat. JUST LIKE MOM’S Daily specials include mom’s goulash, lemon pepper chicken over rice and garlic roast beef, with generous sides of pinto beans, cornbread, potatoes. 3140 E. Kiehl Ave., NLR. No alcohol. CC $-$$ 833-0402 BLD Mon.-Fri. B Sat. KHALIL’S PUB AND GRILL Diverse menu with soups, salads, sandwiches, brats, fish and chips and other Irish/ Scottish/German fare. Plus, an immense selection of beers and daily happy hour specials. 110 S. Shackleford. Full bar. CC $-$$ 224-0224 LD Sun.-Mon. Brunch on Sun. KIERRE’S KOUNTRY KITCHEN Excellent home-cooking joint for huge helpings of meat loaf and chicken-fried steak, cooked-down vegetables and wonderful homemade pies and cakes. 6 Collins Industrial Place, NLR. No alcohol. CC $ 758-0903 BLD Tue.-Fri., BL Sat. KRAZY MIKE’S SHRIMP AND WINGS Home-style cookin’ and fried fare in Bowman Curve shopping center. 907-6453, 200 N. Bowman, Suite 9. Beer and wine CC $$ LD daily. LOCA LUNA Grilled meats, seafood and pasta dishes that never stray far from country roots, whether Italian, Spanish or Arkie. “Gourmet plate lunches” are good, as is Sunday brunch. 3519 Old Cantrell Road. Full bar. CC $$-$$$ 6634666 L Sun.-Fri., D daily. LULAV AND V LOUNGE A Mediterranean-California fusion eatery, and the delicious flavors are like none you’ll experience anywhere in the city. Good fish, veal, daring salads and much more. Plus, a hot bar to see and be seen. 220 A W. 6th St. Full Bar. CC $$-$$$ 374-5100 L Mon.-Fri., D Tue.-Sat. MADDIE’S PLACE A broad selection of familiar but not boring Cajun-Creole staples, all well prepared and reasonably priced. Among the highlights: po’ boys made on the same bread, and with the same care, as most of New Orleans’ most revered joints, gooey bread pudding and chicken-andouille gumbo with a lusciously dark roux. 1615 Rebsamen Park Road, Little Rock. Full Bar CC $$ 6604040. LD Tue.-Sat. MADEA’S DELICIOUS HOME COOKING Typical down home fare alongside innovative menu touches — homebrewed flavored teas, inventive desserts and ever-evolving entrees. Often outstanding, especially the Mexican chicken casserole and catfish, is often outstanding, but uneven. 2801 W. Seventh St. CC $-$$ No alcohol 664-2230 L Mon.-Fri. MARKHAM STREET GRILL AND PUB The menu has something for everyone. Try the burgers, which are juicy, big and fine. 11321 W. Markham St. Full bar. CC $$ 2242010 LD Mon.-Sat. MASON’S DELI AND GRILL Heaven for those who believe everything is better with sauerkraut on top. The Reuben is among the best in town. There are wraps and chicken strips on the menu, too. Ottenheimer Hall, River Market. No alcohol. CC $$ 374-0000 L Mon.-Sat. MIDTOWN BILLIARDS Bar food that’s available until 4:30 a.m. every day. Burgers have strong claim as the city’s best. 1316 S. Main St. Full bar CC $$ 372-99900 D daily. MILFORD TRACK Healthy and tasty are the key words at this deli/grill, featuring hot entrees, soups, sandwiches, salads and killer desserts. 10809 Executive Center Drive, Searcy Building. No alcohol. CC $-$$ 223-2257 BL Mon.Sat. MIMI’S CAFE Breakfast is our meal of choice here at this upscale West Coast chain. Portions are plenty to last you through the afternoon, especially if you get a muffin on the side. Middle-America comfort-style entrees highlight other meals, from pot roast to pasta dishes. 11725 Chenal Parkway. Full bar. CC $$ 221-3883 BLD (breakfast served until 4 p.m.) daily. MISTA WINGS Nine different sauce options, all kinds of combos and boneless wings available at downtown wing spot. 416 W. 7th St. No alcohol CC $-$$ LD Mon.-Sat. NEW GREEN MILL CAFE A small workingman’s lunch

joint, with a dependable daily meat-and-three and credible cornbread for cheap, plus sweet tea. Homemade tamales and chili on Tuesdays. 8609-C W. Markham St. No alcohol. No CC $ 225-9907 L Mon.-Sat. OLD MILL BREAD AND FLOUR CO. CAFE The popular take-out bakery has an eat-in restaurant and friendly operators. It’s self-service, simple and good — 11 types of sandwiches built with a changing lineup of the bakery’s 40 different breads, along with soups, salads and cookies. Rock Creek Square, Markham and Bowman. CC $ 2284677 BL Mon.-Sat. OYSTER BAR Gumbo, red beans and rice (all you can eat on Mondays), peel-and-eat shrimp, oysters on the half shell. Decent po’ boys. 3003 W. Markham St. Beer and wine. CC $-$$ 666-7100 LD Mon.-Sat. OZARK COUNTRY RESTAURANT Football-sized omelets filled with the same marvelous smoked meats and cheeses that are heaped on sandwiches at lunch. Great biscuits and gravy, bacon, homestyle potatoes and a daily plate lunch special to boot. 202 Keightley Drive. No alcohol. CC $ 663-7319 BL Mon.-Fri., B Sat.-Sun. PANERA BREAD AND BAKERY CAFE More than 15 varieties of fresh-baked artisan bread, sandwiches, soups and breakfast items. 11525 Cantrell Road, Pleasant Ridge Town Center, 227-0222; 2812 Lakewood Village Drive, 7710168 CC $-$$ 227-0222 LD daily. PROST A no-joke sausage bar. With links made by Northwest Arkansas chef Miles James that suffer in the microwave. Officially part of Willy D’s Piano Bar, which connects through a passageway. The Willy D’s menu is also available. 322 President Clinton Ave. CC $$ 244-9550 D Mon.-Sat. PURPLE COW DINER 1950s fare — cheeseburgers, chili dogs, thick milkshakes — in a ’50s setting at today’s prices. 8026 Cantrell Road, 221-3555, LD daily, BR Sat.Sun.; 11602 Chenal Parkway, 224-4433. Beer, “adult” milkshakes. CC $-$$ LD daily B, Sat.-Sun. RED DOOR Mark Abernathy’s latest concept for the space that once housed Bene Vita. Fresh seafood, steaks, chops and sandwiches. Smart wine list. 3701 Old Cantrell Road. Full bar CC $$-$$$ 666-8482 D daily. RED LOBSTER Top-grossing restaurant in Central Arkansas, a crowd favorite for fried and sauteed shrimp and more seafood. 3707 McCain Blvd., NLR, 753-4000; 8407 W. Markham St., 224-0940. Full bar. CC $$ LD daily. RENO’S ARGENTA CAFE A vast selection of sandwiches, from Cuban pork to French dip to a muffaletta, plus gyros, wraps and specialty pizzas. 312 Main St., NLR. Full bar. CC $$ 376-2900 LD Mon.-Sat. RESTAURANT 1620 Steaks, chops, a broad choice of fresh seafood and meal-sized salads are just a few of the choices on a broad menu at this popular and upscale West Little Rock bistro. It’s a romantic, candlelit room, elegant without being fussy or overly formal. 1620 Market St. Full bar. CC $$-$$$ 221-1620 D daily. RIVERFRONT STEAKHOUSE Steaks delivered fresh from Chicago twice a week are salted, peppered, seared in an infra-red oven and then buttered for a meat-eater’s dream chowdown. There’s more to like also: crab cakes and shrimp bisque and chops and chicken and lobster tail. 2 Riverfront Place, NLR. Full bar. CC $$$ 375-7825 BLD daily. RUDY’S OYSTER BAR Good boiled shrimp and oysters on the half shell. Quesadillas and chili cheese dip are tasty and ultra-hearty. 2695 Pike Ave., NLR. Full bar. CC $-$$ 771-0808 D Mon.-Sat. SALUT! BISTRO Elevated pub grub that’s served late Wed.-Sat. Patio dining. 1501 N. University. Full bar. CC $$-$$$ 660-4200 L Mon.-Fri. D Wed.-Sun. SAN FRANCISCO BREAD CO. Breakfast items, sandwiches, salads, soups and a hot cup of joe, or a iced glass of tea. 101 S. Bowman Road (corner of West Markham and Bowman). No alcohol. CC $-$$ 537-0200 BLD daily. SATELLITE CAFE This Heights techno-pop coffee shop offers fresh breads and fruits for breakfast and lunch. Sandwiches are trendy and good. Kavanaugh and University. CC $$-$$$ 663-6336 BL daily. SCALLION’S Reliably good food, great desserts, pleasant atmosphere, able servers — a solid lunch and dinner spot. 5110 Kavanaugh. Beer and wine. CC $-$$ 666-6468 L Mon.-Sat. SHORTY SMALL’S Land of big, juicy burgers, massive cheese logs, smoky barbecue platters and the signature onion loaf. 4317 Warden Road, NLR, 753-8111; 1100 N. Rodney Parham Road, 224-3344. Full bar. CC $$ LD daily. SO RESTAURANT BAR Call it a French brasserie with a sleek, but not fussy American finish — stone walls, handsome furniture and apron-clad waiters anxious to please. Good ingredients are prepared simply — everything from salads and sandwiches to steaks. The wine selection is broad and choice. It just simply feels good to eat here. And tastes good, too. 3610 Kavanaugh Blvd. Full bar. CC $$-$$$ 663-1464 LD daily, BR Sun. SONNY WILLIAMS’ STEAK ROOM Steaks, chicken and seafood in a wonderful setting in the River Market. Steak gets pricy, but the lump crab meat au gratin appetizer is outstanding. Give the turtle soup a try. 500 President Clinton Ave. Full bar. CC $$$ 324-2999 D Mon.-Sat. SPEAKEASY Steaks and chops and white table clothstyle fare at night that’s hit or miss. Sandwiches and salads at lunch work somewhat better. Go for a drink and live entertainment. 412 Louisiana St. Full bar. CC $$-$$$ 3742008 L Mon.-Fri., D Mon.-Sat., Brunch on Sun. SPECTATOR’S GRILL AND PUB Burgers, soups, salads and other bar food, plus live music on weekends. 1012 W. 34th St., NLR. Full bar. CC $-$$ ($2 cover) 791-0990

LD Mon.-Sat. SPORTS PAGE Perhaps the largest, juiciest, most flavorful burger in town. Grilled turkey and hot cheese on sourdough gets praise, too. Now with lunch specials. 414 Louisiana St. Beer and wine. CC $ 372-9316. L Mon.-Fri. STAR BAR Tasty bar menu curated by Ferneau’s Donnie Ferneau. Don’t miss the buttermilk fried chicken tenders, housemade chips or for something lighter, the attractive charcuterie plate. 1900 W. Third St. Full bar. CC $$ 3027837 D Tue.-Sat. STARVING ARTIST CAFE Good sandwiches, soups, pasta specials and crepes served with an artistic flair — there’s usually someone painting or doing some other kind of creative thing during lunch. Dinner menu changes daily; intriguing wine list. 411 Main St., NLR. Full bar. CC $$ 3727976 LD Tue.-Sat. STICKY FINGERZ ROCK ’N’ ROLL CHICKEN SHACK Fingers any way you can imagine, plus sandwiches and burgers, and a fun setting for music and happy hour gatherings. 107 Commerce St. Full bar. CC $-$$ 372-7707 LD Mon.-Sun. TERRI-LYNN’S BAR-B-Q AND DELI High-quality meats served on large sandwiches and good tamales served with chili or without (the better bargain). 10102 N. Rodney Parham Road. No alcohol. No CC $-$$ 227-6371 LD daily. THE BOX Dark as a Stone Age cave and funkier, this Main Street survivor dates back more than three decades and has the layers of grease on the floor and walls to prove it. But be not deterred. They do cheeseburgers right.1623 Main St. Beer. CC $ 372-8735 L Mon.-Fri. THE HOP You half expect the Fonz to stroll by this oldfashioned dairy bar, where the shakes are thick, the cones tall and the burgers good and greasy. 7706 Cantrell Road. No alcohol. $-$$ 219-2200 LD Mon.-Sat. THE HOP DINER The downtown incarnation of the old dairy bar, with excellent burgers, onion rings, shakes and breakfast. Plus, daily specials, homemade pie and quiche. 201 E. Markham No alcohol. $-$$ 244-0975 BLD Mon.-Fri., LD Sat. (close at 6 p.m.). TOWN PUMP Great burgers, good chili dogs, a monstersized platter of chili cheese fries. And cold beer, of course. 1321 Rebsamen Park Road Full bar CC $ 663-9802 LD daily. TRIO’S One of Little Rock’s best restaurants employs favorite recipes from a bygone Little Rock hotel and experimental fusion cooking with choice ingredients. You can’t go wrong with custom sandwiches, Peck Special Salad or chicken salad at lunch, the enchiladas and voodoo pasta at dinner, or the monumentally rich list of tempting desserts. 8201 Cantrell Road. Full bar. CC $$-$$$ 221-3330 LD Mon.-Sat. TROPICAL SMOOTHIE CAFE Besides the 45 different smoothies on the menu, the cafe also serves wraps and sandwiches (many of them spicy), salads and “tortizzas.” Good food, healthy drinks, long line at lunch but it moves fast. 12911 Cantrell Rd. #19 224-1113. Creekwood Plaza (Kanis and Bowman). No alcohol. CC $-$$ 221-6773 BLD daily. UMP’S PUB AND GRILL Who says pub grub can’t be great cuisine? Decked out with baseball décor and multiple big screens, Ump’s delivers great burgers, delicious appetizers (try the fried pickles) and some of the old Valentine’s favorites as well. 400 W. Broadway, Inside DickeyStephens Park. Full bar. CC $$ 324-2255 D Tue.–Sat., D Mon. when Travs are in town. UNION RESTAURANT Tasty tapas dishes are really only part of the draw at this rather trendy late-night spot with a great wine list, a full complement of specialty drinks and a chic atmosphere that belies its sub-shop beginnings. 3421 Old Cantrell Road. Full bar CC $$ 661-8311 D daily. VICTORIAN GARDEN We’ve found the fare quite tasty and somewhat daring and different with its healthy, balanced entrees and crepes. 4801 North Hills Blvd., NLR. Wine and beer. CC $$-$$$ 758-4299 L Tue.-Sat. VIEUX CARRE A pleasant spot in Hillcrest with specialty salads, steak and seafood. The soup of the day is a good bet. At lunch, the menu includes an all-vegetable sandwich and a half-pound cheeseburger. 2721 Kavanaugh Blvd. Full bar. CC $$-$$$ 663-1196 LD Mon.-Fri., D Sat., BR Sun. WEST END SMOKEHOUSE AND TAVERN Its primary focus is a sports bar with 50-plus TVs, but the dinner entrees (grilled chicken, steaks and such) are plentiful and the bar food is upper quality. 215 N. Shackleford. Full bar. CC $ 224-7665 D Mon.-Sun., L Fri.-Sun. WHOLE FOODS MARKET Good sandwiches, soups and hummus to go; an enormous number of hot and cold entrees from the deli. 10700 N. Rodney Parham Road. No alcohol. CC $-$$ 312-2326 BLD daily. WINGSTOP It’s all about wings. The joint features eight flavors of chicken flappers for almost any palate, including mild, hot, Cajun and atomic, as well as specialty flavors like lemon pepper and teriyaki. 11321 West Markham St. Beer. CC $-$$ 224-9464 LD daily. YOUR MAMA’S GOOD FOOD Now in more spacious quarters, but still offering simple and satisfying cafeteria food, with burgers and more hot off the grill. Tower Building, Fourth and Center. No alcohol. CC $ 372-1811 BL Mon.-Fri. ZACK’S PLACE Expertly prepared home cooking and huge, smoky burgers. 1400 S. University Ave. Full bar. CC $$ 664-6444 LD Mon.-Sat.

ASIAN BANGKOK THAI CUISINE Get all the staple Thai dishes

Continued on page 40

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ArkAnsAs Times • nATives guide 2010 39


Continued from page 38 at this River Market vendor. The red and green curries and the noodle soup stand out, in particular. Ottenheimer Hall, River Market. No alcohol. CC $-$$ 374-5105 L Mon.-Sat. BENIHANA — THE JAPANESE STEAKHOUSE Enjoy the cooking show, make sure you get a little fillet with your meal, and do plenty of dunking in that fabulous ginger sauce. All-you-can eat sushi specials daily. Riverfront Hilton, NLR. Full bar. CC $$-$$$ 374-8081 L Sun.-Fri., D daily. CHI’S CHINESE CUISINE A huge menu spans the Chinese provinces and offers a few twists on the usual local offerings, plus there’s authentic Hong Kong dim sum available daily until 3 p.m. Multiple LR locations, including 5110 W. Markham St., 604-7777, with delivery, LD Mon.-Sat. beer only; Chi’s Express, 17200 Chenal Parkway, 821-8000, LD Mon.-Sat., 6 Shackleford Drive, 221-7737. Full bar. CC $$-$$$ LD daily. CHINA INN Massive Chinese buffet overflows with meaty and fresh dishes, augmented at dinner by boiled shrimp, oysters on the half shell and snow crab legs (all you want cheap). 2629 Lakewood Village Place, NLR. Beer and wine. CC $-$$ 771-2288 LD daily. CHINA KING BUFFET An enormous array of all kinds of Asian fare that’s all worth a try, beginning with the four dazzling large buffet tables, plus a small sushi station, a seafood bar with shrimp, and Mongolian grill. 9210 N. Rodney Parham Road. Beer and wine. CC $$ 223-0888 LD daily. CHINESE PAVILION HUNAN RESTAURANT A longtime favorite in Chinese restaurant polls, it’s one of the earliest Asian eateries on the north shore. 8000 Hwy. 107, Sherwood. Beer and wine. CC $$ 835-8723 LD Tue.-Sun. CRAZY HIBACHI GRILL The folks that own Chi’s and Sekisui offer their best in a three-in-one: teppanyaki cooking, sushi bar and sit-down dining with a Mongolian grill. 2907 Lakewood Village, NLR. Full bar. CC $$-$$$ 8129888 LD daily. FANTASTIC CHINA The food is delicious, the presentation beautiful, the menu distinctive, the service perfect, the decor bright. 1900 N. Grant St. Full bar. CC $ 663-8999 LD daily. FORBIDDEN CITY The Park Plaza Mall staple has fast and friendly service, offering up good lo mein at lunch and Cantonese and Hunan dishes. Markham and University. Full bar. CC $ 663-9099 LD daily. FU LIN Quality in the made-to-order entrees is high, as is the quantity. 200 N. Bowman Road. Full bar. CC $$ 2258989 LD daily. GENGHIS GRILL Do-it-yourself meets Asian cuisine at this West Little Rock casual dining hot spot. It’s a Mongolian grill place, where you heap together your own bowl of meats, veggies, spices and sauce and then they fry it up for you on a big ‘ol griddle. Don’t let the fast food exterior fool you. Inside, it’s snazzy, hot, fresh and fun. 12318 Chenal Parkway. Full bar. CC $$ 223-2695 LD daily. GINA’S CHINESE KITCHEN AND SUSHI BAR A broad and strong sushi menu with a manageable and delectable selection of Chinese standards. 14524 Cantrell Road. Wine and beer. $-$$ CC 868-7775 LD daily. HANAROO SUSHI BAR Under its second owner, it’s one of the few spots in downtown Little Rock to serve sushi. With an expansive menu, featuring largely Japanese fare with a bit of Korean mixed in. 205 W. Capitol Ave. Beer and wine. CC $$ 301-7900. L Mon.-Fri., D Mon.-Sat. HUNAN ORIENTAL CUISINE Old favorites, such as orange beef or chicken and Hunan green beans, are still prepared with care in very nice surroundings out west. 11610 Pleasant Ridge Drive. Full bar. CC $$ 223-9966 LD daily. IGIBON It’s a complex place, where the food is almost always good and the ambiance and service never fail to please. The sushi is good, while the Bento box with tempura shrimp and California rolls, and other delights stand out. 11121 N. Rodney Parham Road. Beer and wine. CC $$-$$$ 217-8888 LD Mon.-Sat. KOBE JAPANESE STEAKHOUSE AND SUSHI BAR Though answering the need for more hibachis in Little Rock, Kobe stands taller with its sushi offerings than grill fare. 11401 Financial Centre Parkway. Full bar. CC $$-$$$ 225-5999 D daily. KOTO Sushi and upscale Japanese cuisine. 17200 Chenal Parkway Suite 100 Full bar CC $$-$$$ 821-7200 LD daily. LILLY’S DIM SUM THEN SOME Delectable Asian comfort food — fried or steamed dumplings and more in a variety of presentations. Thai ginger noodles, Thai panang and pad Thai are just a few of the highlights. 11121 Rodney Parham Road. Beer and wine. CC $$ 716-2700 LD daily. Sunday all wine by the bottle half off. MT. FUJI JAPANESE RESTAURANT The dean of Little Rock sushi bars with a fabulous lunch special. 10301 Rodney Parham Road. Full bar. CC $$-$$$ 227-6498 LD daily. NEW CHINA A burgeoning line of massive buffets, with hibachi grill, sushi, mounds of Chinese food and soft serve ice cream. 201 Marshall Road, Jacksonville. 982-8988. 4617 JFK Blvd., NLR 753-8988, No alcohol, CC, LD daily, $-$$. OSAKA JAPANESE RESTAURANT Fine-dining Japanese dishes and a well-stocked sushi bar. 5501 Ranch Drive, Suite 1. Beer, wine and assorted cocktails. CC $$ 868-3688 LD daily. PANDA GARDEN Expansive buffet with sushi and a dessert bar. 2604 S. Shackleford Road. CC Beer and wine $$ 224-8100 LD daily.

40 natives guide 2010 • aRKansas tiMes

PEI WEI Sort of a miniature P.F. Chang’s, but a lot of fun and plenty good with all the Chang favorites we like, such as the crisp honey shrimp, dan dan noodles and pad Thai. Midtowne Little Rock, West Markham Street and University Avenue. Wine and beer. CC $-$$ 280-9423 LD daily. P.F. CHANG’S Make a reservation to get seated immediately and enjoy some terrific flavors and presentations. 317 S. Shackleford Road. Full bar. CC $$ 225-4424 LD daily. ROYAL BUFFET A big buffet of Chinese fare, with other Asian tastes as well. 109 E. Pershing Blvd., NLR. Beer and wine. CC $ 753-8885 LD daily. SAIGON CUISINE Traditional Vietnamese with Thai and Chinese selections. Be sure to try the authentic pho soups and spring rolls. 6805 Cantrell Road. Beer and wine. CC $$ 663-4000 L Tue.-Fri, D Tue.-Sun. SEKISUI Fresh-tasting sushi, traditional Japanese, the fun hibachi style of Japanese and an overwhelming assortment of entrees. Nice wine selection, sake, specialty drinks. 219 N. Shackleford. Full bar. CC $$-$$$ 221-7070 LD daily. SHOGUN JAPANESE STEAKHOUSE AND SUSHI BAR The chefs will dazzle you, as will the variety of tasty stir-fry combinations and the sushi bar. Usually crowded at night. 2815 Cantrell Road. Full bar. CC $$-$$$ 666-7070 D daily. SUSHI CAFE Impressive, upscale sushi menu with other delectable house specialties like tuna tataki, fried soft shell crab, Kobe beef and, believe it or not, the Toyko cowboy burger. 5823 Kavanaugh Blvd. Full bar. CC. $$-$$$ 6639888 LD Mon.-Sat. D Sun. VAN LANG CUISINE Terrific Vietnamese cuisine, the best in town, particularly in its presentation of the pork dishes and the assortment of rolls. Great prices, too. Massive menu, but it’s user-friendly for locals, with full English descriptions and numbers for easy ordering. 3600 S. University Ave. Beer and wine. CC $-$$ 570-7700 LD daily. WASABI Downtown sushi and Japanese cuisine. For lunch, there’s quick and hearty Sushi samplers. 101 Main St. Full bar. CC $$ 374-0777 L Mon.-Fri. D Mon.-Sat.

BARBECUE BARE BONES PIT BAR-B-Q A carefully controlled gas oven, with wood chips added for flavor, guarantees moist and sweet pork — both pulled from the shoulder and back ribs. The side orders, particularly the baked potato salad, are excellent. 5501 Ranch Drive, Suite 4. Beer and wine. CC $-$$ 868-7427 LD daily. BIRD DOG BARBECUE Situated way out Batesville Pike in Sherwood, Bird Dog Barbecue offers a homey atmosphere, diner-style grub and some of the best sauce around — not to mention a menu stocked with homemade burgers, appetizers, sandwiches and ‘cue. Go for the barbecue, stay for the small-community people watching. 17416 Batesville Pike, Sherwood. Full bar. CC $$ 833-3133 LD Tue.-Sat. CAPITOL SMOKEHOUSE Beef, pork, sausage and chicken — all smoked to melting tenderness and doused with a choice of sauces. The crusty but tender back ribs star. Side dishes are top quality. 915 W. Capitol Ave. Beer, wine. CC $$ 372-4227 L Mon.-Fri. CHIP’S BARBECUE Tasty, if a little pricey, barbecue piled high on sandwiches generously doused with tangy sauce. Pie is tall and tasty. 9801 W. Markham St. No alcohol. CC $$ 225-4346 LD Mon.-Sat. CORKY’S RIBS & BBQ The pulled pork is extremely tender and juicy, and the sauce is sweet and tangy without a hint of heat. Maybe the best dry ribs in the area. 12005 Westhaven Drive, 954-7427; 2947 Lakewood Village Drive, NLR, 753-3737. Full bar. CC $$-$$$ LD daily. CROSS-EYED PIG Huge portions of marvelous barbecue, including amazingly tender pulled pork; lean-and-meaty, fall-off-the-bone-tender ribs; and crusty-brown, juicy halfchickens. 1701 Rebsamen Park Road. Full bar. 265-0000. L Mon.-Fri, D Tue.-Fri. 6015 Chenonceau Blvd. Beer and wine. 227-7427. LD daily. CC $$. DIXIE PIG Pig salad is tough to beat — loads of chopped pork atop crisp iceberg, doused with that wonderful vinegar-based sauce. The sandwiches are basic and the sweet, thick sauce is fine. 35th and Schaer streets, NLR. No alcohol. CC $-$$ 753-9650 LD Mon.-Sat. FAMOUS DAVE’S A chain that runs gamut of ’cue and its relatives: chopped pork, beef brisket, barbeque chicken, rib tips, chicken tenders, hot link sausage, catfish fillets and hot wings. With an array of sauces purported to represent barbecue regions around the country. 225 N. Shackleford Road. Full bar. CC $$ 221-3283 LD daily. FATBOY’S KILLER BAR-B-Q This Landmark community strip-center restaurant in the far southern reaches of Pulaski County features tender ribs and pork by a contest pitmaster. Skip the regular sauce and risk the hot variety; it’s far better. 14611 Arch St. No alcohol. CC $ 888-4998; 10208 I-30 568-3252 LD Tue.-Sat. HB’S BAR B.Q. Great slabs of meat with fiery barbecue sauce, but ribs are served on Tuesday only. Other days, try the tasty pork sandwich on an onion roll. 6010 Lancaster. No alcohol. No CC $-$$ 565-1930 L Mon.-Fri. JO-JO’S BAR-B-Q The delicious, smoky aroma of JoJo’s standard ’cue, once a Levy standard, has shifted to Sherwood. 117 Country Club Road, Sherwood. Beer, wine. CC $-$$ 834-9696. LD Mon.-Sat. KENT’S DOWNTOWN This offshoot of the Meat Shoppe in Gravel Ridge does tasty barbecue and daily specials in the River Market. With an impressive meat counter, too. Ottenheimer Hall in the River Market, 400 President Clinton Ave. No alcohol. CC $-$$ 375-1900 BL Mon.-Sat. PIG AND CHIK Well-smoked meat with a thick, sweet sauce, plus nachos, huge burgers, country vegetables and lots of other stuff. 7824 Highway 107, NLR. Beer. CC $$

834-5456 LD Mon.-Sat. SIMS BAR-B-QUE Great spare ribs, sandwiches, beef, half and whole chicken and an addictive vinegar-mustardbrown sugar sauce unique for this part of the country. Multiple locations: 1307 John Barrow Road, 224-2057; 7601 Geyer Springs, 562-8844 and 2415 Broadway, 372-6868. Beer. CC $-$$ LD Mon.-Sat. SMOKE SHACK BAR-B-Q The beef and pork sandwiches are the best bet. Interstate 40 at Maumelle/Morgan exit (Exit 142), Maumelle. No alcohol. CC $-$$ 803-4935 LD Mon.-Sat. SMOKEY JOE’S BAR-B-QUE A steady supplier of smoked meat. With catering. 824 Military Road, Benton. CC $-$$ No alcohol. 315-8333. L daily D Mon.-Sat. WHITE PIG INN Go for the sliced rather than chopped meats at this working-class barbecue cafe. Side orders — from fries to potato salad to beans to slaw — are superb, as are the fried pies. 5231 E. Broadway, NLR. Beer. CC $-$$ 945-5551 LD Mon.-Fri. L Sat. WHOLE HOG CAFE The pulled pork shoulder is a classic, the back ribs are worthy of their many blue ribbons, and there’s a six-pack of sauces for all tastes. A real find is the beef brisket, cooked the way Texans like it. 2516 Cantrell Road, 664-5025. 5107 Warden Road, NLR, 753-9227. Beer and wine. CC LD Mon.-Sat.

EUROPEAN / ETHNIC ALIBABA’S MEDITERRANEAN CUISINE This eatery and grocery store offers kebabs and salads along with just about any sort of Middle Eastern fare you might want, along with what might be the best kefte kebab in Central Arkansas. Halal butcher on duty. 3400 South University. No alcohol. CC $-$$ 379-8011 LD daily. ALBASHA GRILL This Mediterranean eatery specializes in large portions of kebabs, gyros, and shawarma served up with a tasty minted Jerusalem salad and rice or hummus. More for the American palate than most. 302 North Shackleford. No alcohol. CC $-$$ 217-3855 LD ThursTues L Wed. AMRUTH AUTHENTIC INDIAN CUISINE Nice spicy Indian dishes in a small but shiny storefront and at a price you can afford. The chicken biryani came loaded with saffron; the samosas were delicious. 11121 N. Rodney Parham Road, 224-4567 CC $$ No alcohol. LD daily. CAFE BOSSA NOVA A South American approach to sandwiches, salads and desserts — all quite good — as well as an array of refreshing South American teas and coffees. 2701 Kavanaugh Blvd., Suite 105. Full bar. CC $$ 614-6682 LD Tue.-Sat. B Sun. CIAO BACI The focus is on fine dining in this casually elegant Hillcrest bungalow, though tapas also are available. Many come for the comfortable lounge that serves specialty drinks until 2 a.m. nightly. 605 N. Beechwood St. Full bar. CC $$$ 603-0238 D Mon.-Sat. All night happy hour on Wed. $3 well, $5 speciality martini, $5 wine. GAUCHO’S GRILL A real flesh-fest dining experience, introducing the area to upscale South American cuisine. Stick with the chicken or red meat choices, pace yourself, and laugh when they suggest a rich dessert after partaking in this all-you-can-eat feast. 11 Shackleford Drive. Full bar. CC $$-$$$ 954-8787 LD daily. GEORGIA’S GYROS Good gyros, Greek salads and fragrant grilled pita bread highlight a large Mediterranean food selection, plus burgers and the like. Lively atmosphere and friendly folks. 2933 Lakewood Village Drive, NLR. Full bar. CC $-$$ 753-5090 LD Mon.-Sat. 2-7 32 oz. domestic drafts $1 off, $off well. ISTANBUL MEDITERRANEAN CUISINE The Turkish eatery offers decent kebabs and great starters. The red pepper hummus is a winner. So are cigar pastries. Possibly the best Turkish coffee in Central Arkansas. 11525 Cantrell Road Suite 914 Little Rock Alcohol pending CC $$ 223-9332 LD daily. LAYLA’S HALAL Delicious Mediterranean fare — gyros, falafel, shawarma, kabobs, hummus and babaganush — that has a devoted following. All meat is slaughtered according to Islamic dietary law. 9501 N. Rodney Parham Road. No alcohol CC 227-7272 $-$$ LD daily (close 5 p.m. on Sun.). LEO’S GREEK CASTLE Wonderful Mediterranean food — gyro sandwiches or platters, falafel and tabbouleh — plus dependable hamburgers in this charming tiny eatery; there’s outdoor dining for fresh air fans or the claustrophobic. 2925 Kavanaugh Blvd. No alcohol. CC $-$$ 666-7414 BLD Mon.-Sat. MASALA GRILL AND TEAHOUSE Pakistani fusion with daily buffet, teas from around the world. 9108 N. Rodney Parham Road. No alcohol CC $$ 414-0643 L Mon.-Sun., D Mon.-Sat. B Sun. MIDDLE EASTERN CUISINE Gyros, falafel and souvlaki plates, as well as hummus, tabbouleh, eggplant dip and other dishes — wonderful food at wonderful prices. Halal dishes available, too. The River Market’s Ottenheimer Hall, 400 President Clinton Ave. No alcohol. CC $-$$ 372-1662 L Mon.-Sat. THE PANTRY Bratwurst, wienerschnitzel, Czech dumplings and a “Rustic Bowl” one-pot meal are what set this restaurant apart from the town’s regular out-to-eat offerings. The setting is more elegant than you might suppose from consulting the menu at www.littlerockpantry.com. You can get dinners to go here after 4:45 p.m., too. 353-1875, 11401 Rodney Parham Road. $$-$$$ All CC Full bar. LD Mon.-Fri. D Sat. STAR OF INDIA People who don’t know if they like Indian food discover here that they do. It’s always one of Little

Rock’s most highly regarded restaurants – great lamb, great curries, great chicken tandoori, great naan. The daily lunch buffet is a real deal. Don’t forget to try the Indian beer. 301 N. Shackleford Rd. Beer and wine CC $$-$$$ 227-9900 LD daily. TAZIKI’S GREEK FARE A fast-casual chain featuring Greek salads, pitas, sandwiches and plate dinners. The food is better than the reasonable prices suggest. Great gyros and side dishes. 8200 Cantrell Road. Beer and wine. CC. $-$$ 227-8291 LD Mon.-Sat. L Sun. TERRACE ON THE GREEN This Greek-Italian-Thai-andwhatever restaurant has a huge menu, and you can rely on each dish to be good, some to be excellent. Portions are ample. 2200 Rodney Parham Road. Full bar. CC $$-$$$ 217-9393 LD Mon.-Fri. D Sat. UNDERGROUND PUB Hearty, tasty British pub-style fare, including exceptional custom-made sausages, crunchy fish and chips, and a decent Reuben. Inviting bar with an impressive draft beer and single-malt whiskey selection. 500 President Clinton Ave. Full bar. CC $-$$ 707-2537 LD Mon.-Sat. YA YA’S EUROBISTRO The first eatery to open in the new Promenade at Chenal is a date-night affair, retranslating comfort food into beautiful cuisine. Best bet is lunch, where you can explore the menu through soup, salad or half a sandwich. 17711 Chenal Parkway. Full bar, CC, $$-$$$ 821-1144 LD daily.

ITALIAN AMERICAN PIE PIZZA Handmade pizza on perfect thin crust with varied toppings, and inexpensive. We liked the olive-oil-based margherita and supreme, plus there are salads, sandwiches and appetizers — all under $6. 9709 Maumelle Blvd., NLR, 758-8800; 4830 North Hills Blvd., NLR, 753-0081. Beer and wine. CC $ LD daily. BENE VITA Simple pastas star, but artfully constructed bruschetta, several veal dishes and lovely fish also are alluring. Close quarters and wood surfaces create a noisy, convivial setting. 3701 Old Cantrell Road. Full bar. CC $$$$$ 666-8482 LD Tues.-Fri., D Sat-Sun. CUT BOSTON’S Unremarkable chain fare—pizza, pasta, sandwiches and salads—out by the airport. 3201 Bankhead Drive. Full bar CC $$ 235-2000 LD daily. BRUNO’S LITTLE ITALY This more-than-half-centuryold establishment balances continuity and innovation with delicious traditional and original fare. The pizza remains outstanding. Service is impeccable. 315 N. Bowman Road. Full bar. CC $$-$$$ 224-4700 D Mon.-Sat. CAFE PREGO Dependable entrees of pasta, pork and the like, plus great sauces, fresh mixed greens and delicious dressings, crisp-crunchy-cold gazpacho and tempting desserts in a comfy bistro setting. 5510 Kavanaugh Blvd. Full bar. CC $$-$$$ 663-5355 LD Mon.-Fri., D Sat. CAPRICCIO GRILL ITALIAN STEAKHOUSE Large portions are the rule here, though the menu is not, as the name might suggest, exclusively Italian. Steaks, soups and seafood are good choices. 3 Statehouse Plaza. Full bar. CC $$-$$$ 399-8000 BLD daily. CARINO’S COUNTRY ITALIAN A homey chain joint offering irresistible Italian bread and affordable, tasty, substantial lunches and dinners. 11600 Pleasant Ridge Road, 225-3434; 4221 Warden Road, NLR, 758-8226. Full bar. CC $$ L Mon.-Fri. D Sat.-Sun. CIAO Don’t forget about this casual yet elegant bistro tucked into a downtown storefront. The fine pasta and seafood dishes, ambiance and overall charm combine to make it a relaxing, enjoyable, affordable choice. 405 W. Seventh St. Full bar. CC $$ 372-0238 L Mon.-Fri. D Thu-Sat. DAMGOODE PIES A somewhat different Italian/pizza place, largely because of a spicy garlic white sauce that’s offered as an alternative to the traditional red sauce. Emphasis on fresh ingredients. Good bread, too. Delivery available. 6706 Cantrell Road and 2701 Kavanaugh Blvd. (Pick-up and delivery only location at 10720 Rodney Parham Road). Beer and wine. CC $$ 664-2239 LD daily. GRADY’S PIZZAS AND SUBS Pizza features a pleasing blend of cheeses rather than straight mozzarella. The grinder is a classic, the chef’s salad huge and tasty. 6801 W. 12th St., Suite C. Beer and wine. CC $-$$ 663-1918 LD daily. GRAFFITI’S The casually chic and ever-popular Italianflavored bistro avoids the rut with daily specials and careful menu tinkering. 7811 Cantrell Road. Full bar. CC $$-$$$ 224-9079 D Mon.-Sat. GUSANO’S They make the tomatoey Chicago-style deepdish pizza the way it’s done in the Windy City. It takes a little longer to come out of the oven, but it’s worth the wait. 313 President Clinton Ave. Full bar. CC $-$$ 3741441 LD daily. IRIANA’S Unbelievably generous thick-crust pizza with unmatched zest. Good salads, too; grinders are great, particularly the Italian sausage. 201 E. Markham St., first level. Beer and wine. CC $-$$ 374-3656 LD Mon.-Sat. LARRY’S PIZZA The buffet is the way to go — fresh, hot pizza, fully loaded with ingredients, brought hot to your table, all for a low price. An always-filled lunch spot at 11th and Center streets downtown on weekdays, 372-6004, no alcohol; 12911 Cantrell Road, 224-8804, no alcohol, LD daily; 5933 JFK Blvd., 812-5353, beer and wine LD Mon.-Sat CC $-$$. LUIGI’S PIZZARIA Excellent thin-crust pizza; whopping, well-spiced calzones; ample hoagies; and pasta with tomatoey, sweet marinara sauce. 8310 Chicot Road. Beer and wine. CC $$ 562-9863 LD Mon.-Sat. NYPD PIZZA Plenty of tasty choices in the obvious New York police-like setting, but it’s fun. Only the pizza is cheesy. Even the personal pizzas come in impressive combinations,

and baked ziti, salads and more also are available. 6015 Chenonceau Blvd., Suite 1. No alcohol. CC $$ 868-3911 LD daily. OW Pizza Formerly part of the “Olde World” trio of restaurants, these two locations serve up good pizzas in a variety of ways, sandwiches, big salads and now offering various pastas and appetizer breads. Beer and wine. CC $-$$ 1706 W. Markham St., 374-5504 LD Mon.-Fri. (close at 7 p.m.); 8201 Ranch Blvd., 868-1100 LD daily. PiERRE’S GOURMET Pizza Holds its own with the good independent pizza joints in the area, and most feature meat, meat and more meat. Salads, calzones and subs, too. 4905 JFK Blvd., NLR. No alcohol. CC $-$$ 907-1929 LD Mon.-Sat. Pizza CaFE Thin, crunchy pizza with just a dab of tomato sauce but plenty of chunks of stuff, topped with gooey cheese. Draft beer is appealing on the open-air deck - frosty and generous. 1517 Rebsamen Park Road Little Rock AR Beer and Wine CC $$ 664-6133 LD daily. Pizza D’aCTiON Some of the best pizza in town, a marriage of thin, crispy crust with a hefty ingredient load. Also, good appetizers and salads, pasta, sandwiches and killer plate lunches. Smoking allowed, so only 21 and above admitted. 2919 W. Markham St. Full bar. CC $$ 666-5403 LD daily. PLaYTiME Pizza Tons of fun isn’t rained out by lackluster eats at the new $11 million, 65,000 square foot kidtopia that recently opened near the Rave theater. While the buffet is only so-so, features like indoor mini-golf, laser tag, go karts, arcade games and bumper cars make it a winner for both kids and adults. 600 Colonel Glenn Plaza Loop (behind Rave theater). No alcohol. CC $$ 227-7529 D daily L Thu.-Sun. RiSTORaNTE CaPEO Authentic cooking from the boot of Italy is the draw at this cozy, brick-walled restaurant on a reviving North Little Rock’s Main Street. Let the chef entertain you with some exotic stuff, like crispy veal sweetbreads. Mozzarella made fresh daily. 425 Main St., NLR. Full bar. CC $$-$$$ 376-3463 D Mon.-Sat. ROCKY’S PUB A little taste of Philly, right in North Little Rock, with authentic cheesesteak sandwiches, hoagies, salads and the like. But you’d be remiss not to try the Italian specialties whipped up at night, such as the proscuitto piselli verdi. 6909 JFK Blvd., NLR. Full bar. $$ CC 833-1077 D Mon.-Sat. L Fri.-Sat. SHOTGUN DaN’S Hearty pizza and sandwiches with a decent salad bar. Multiple locations: 4020 E. Broadway, NLR, 945-0606 LD daily; 4203 E. Kiehl Ave., Sherwood, 835-0606 LD Mon.-Sat., D Sun.; and 10923 W. Markham St., 224-9519 LD Mon.-Sat., D Sun. Beer and wine. CC $$ 224-9519. THE Pizza COMPaNY Pizza buffet doesn’t skimp on the ingredients. 2703 T.P. White Drive, Jacksonville. No alcohol. CC $-$$ 982-8299 LD daily. THE Pizza JOiNT Big, pretty thin and thick crust pies in West Little Rock. 6100 Stones Road (Hwy. 10) Beer $$ 868-9108 L Sat.-Sun. D Mon.-Fri. U.S. Pizza Crispy thin-crust pizzas, frosty beers and heaping salads drowned in creamy dressing. Multiple locations: 4001 McCain Park, NLR, 753-2900; 3324 Pike Ave., NLR, 758-5997; 5524 JFK Blvd., NLR, 975-5524; 650 Edgewood Drive, Maumelle, 851-0880; 9300 N. Rodney Parham, 224-6300; 3307 Fair Park, 565-6580; 2710 Kavanaugh, 663-2198; and 5524 Kavanaugh, 664-7071. Beer and wine. CC $-$$ LD daily. US Pizza aND SaLaD EXPRESS A downtown offshoot off the original with a distilled menu that includes pizza, salad and sandwiches. Call in pizza orders early. 402 S. Louisiana St. No alcohol. $-$$ CC L Mon.-Fri. VESUViOS BiSTRO High-toned Italian in West Little Rock Best Western. Strong wine list. 1501 Merrill Drive. 225-0500 Full bar CC $$$-$$$$ D Mon.-Sat. ViNO’S Great rock ’n’ roll club also is a fantastic pizzeria with huge calzones and always improving home-brewed beers. 923 W. Seventh St. Beer and wine. CC $-$$ 3758466 LD daily. ViLLa iTaLiaN RESTaURaNT Hearty, inexpensive, classic southern Italian dishes. Rock Creek Square, West Markham Street and Bowman Road. Full bar. CC $$ 2192244 LD Mon.-Sat. zaza This contemporary Heights café would be right at home in Naples with the espresso machine, the tempting display of smooth and soft gelato and a wood-fired pizza over turning out textbook Italian ‘za with gorgeous blistered crusts and a light topping of choice and tempting ingredients. 5600 Kavanaugh Blvd. $$ Beer and wine 661-9292 CC LD daily. zaFFiNO’S BY NORi A high-quality Italian dining experience. Pastas, entrees (don’t miss the veal marsala) and salads are all outstanding, and the desserts don’t miss, either. 2001 E. Kiehl Ave., NLR. Beer and wine. CC $$-$$$ 834-7530 D Tue.-Sat.

MEXICAN BLUE COaST BURRiTO You will become a lover of fish tacos here, but there are plenty of other fresh coastal-Mex choices served up fast-food cafeteria style in cool surroundings. Don’t miss the Baja fruit tea. 4613 E. McCain Blvd., NLR. Beer only. $-$$ CC 945-8033 LD Mon.-Sat. L Sun. BROWNiNG’S They’re still serving up old-style Tex-Mex and nostalgia at one of Little Rock’s oldest restaurants. Consistency counts for something. If the Mexican isn’t to your taste, they have American dishes too, including steaks. A chicken-fried steak made from pork is better than you

might expect. Catering specialties from the old Cordell’s deli can be ordered here. 5805 Kavanaugh Blvd. Full bar CC $-$$ 663-9956 LD Mon.-Sat. B Thu.-Sat. CaNON GRiLL Creative Southwest-flavored appetizers come in huge quantities, and the varied main-course menu rarely disappoints, though it’s not as spicy as competitors’. 2811 Kavanaugh Blvd. Full bar. CC $$ 664-2068 LD Mon.-Sat. CaNTiNa LaREDO This is gourmet Mexican food, a step up from what you’d expect from a real cantina, from the modern minimal décor to the well-prepared entrees. We can vouch for the enchilada Veracruz and the carne asada y huevos, both with tasty sauces and high quality ingredients perfectly cooked. Make sure your wallet is hefty, though if you skip the $9.50 guacamole and the $12.50 nachos you’ll be better off (financially, not taste-wise). In the Midtowne shopping center, 207 N. University, 280-0407. CC. Full bar. LD daily. CaSa MaNaNa Great guacamole and garlic beans, superlative chips and salsa (red and green) and a broad selection of fresh seafood, plus a deck out back. Small stand in the River Market (400 President Clinton Ave., 372-6637). 18321 Cantrell Road, 868-8822. 6820 Cantrell Road. Full bar. CC $$ 280-9888 LD daily. Also B on Sat. and Sun. CaSa MEXiCaNa Familiar Tex-Mex style items all shine, in ample portions, and the steak-centered dishes are uniformly excellent. 7111 JFK Blvd., NLR. Full bar. CC $-$$ 835-7876 LD daily. COTiJa’S From the famed La Hacienda family tree comes a massive menu of tasty lunch and dinner specials, the familiar white cheese dip, sweet red and fiery-hot green salsas, and friendly service. Try the brochets (combo meatseafood cooked ka-bob style and eaten with tortillas). 406 S. Louisiana. CC $$ 244-0733. LD Mon.-Sat. COzYMEL’S A trendy Dallas-chain cantina with flaming cheese dip, cilantro pesto, mole, lamb and more. 10 Shackleford Drive. Full bar. CC $$-$$$ 954-7100 LD daily. EL PORTON Very good Mex for the price and a wideranging menu of dinner plates, some tasty cheese dip, and great service as well. 12111 W. Markham St. Full bar. CC $$ 223-8588 LD daily. FLYiNG BURRiTO A trendy-looking walk-up-and-order spot in the River Market district for tacos, burritos and the like, with various styles of tortillas and add-ons. The bar looks impressive, too. 300 President Clinton Ave. Full bar. CC $-$$ 372-7272 LD daily. JUaNiTa’S Menu includes a variety of combination entree choices — enchiladas, tacos, flautas, shrimp burritos and such — plus creative salads and other dishes. And, of course, the famed “Blue Mesa” cheese dip. 1300 Main St., 372-1228. Full bar. CC $$ L Mon.-Fri. D Mon.-Sat. La HaCiENDa Creative, fresh-tasting entrees and traditional favorites, all served in a festive atmosphere. Our picks: The taco salad, nachos and maybe the best fajitas around. $2.50 Margaritas on Wednesday and Thursday. Multiple locations throughout Central Arkansas. 3024 Cantrell Road, 661-0600. Full bar. CC $-$$ LD daily. La REGiONaL A full-service grocery store catering to SWLR’s Latino community, it’s the small grill tucked away in the back corner that should excite lovers of adventurous cuisine. The menu offers a whirlwind trip through Latin America, with delicacies from all across the Spanishspeaking world (try the El Salvadorian pupusas, they’re great). After lunch, shop in La Regional’s clothing store next door. 7414 Baseline Road. No alcohol. CC $-$$ 5654440 BLD daily. MEXiCO CHiQUiTO Hearty platters of boldly spiced, inexpensive food compete well with those at the “authentic” joints. 13924 Cantrell, 217-0700, full bar; 4511 Camp Robinson Road, NLR, 771-1604, full bar; 1524 W. Main St., Jacksonville, 982-0533, no alcohol. Takeout only from 102 S. Rodney Parham, 224-8600, and 11406 W. Markham, 217-0647. All CC $$ LD daily. Mi RaNCHiTO This growing Arkansas-owned chain offers great variety and super-sized meals of solid Tex-Mex, with the typical white cheese dip, only spicier, and more flavor to the regular entree fare. 2110 N. Reynolds Road, 653-0032, no alcohol. CC $-$$ LD daily. ON THE BORDER Great Tex-Mex food, with guacamole made to order and a menu that offers some specialty chicken, shrimp and fish dishes. The salsa is so good they sell it separately. The Mercedes margarita is the best we ever had; most expensive, too. 11721 Chenal Parkway. Full bar. CC $$ 217-9275 LD daily. RUMBa Tapas and Latin-flavored main dishes in a pleasant, unpretentious atmosphere in the River Market. Patio dining is available in good weather. 300 President Clinton Ave. 823-0090. Full bar. CC $$ D daily. L Fri.-Sun. SaN JOSE GROCERY STORE aND BaKERY This mercado-plus-restaurant smells and tastes like Mexico, and for good reason: Fresh flour tortillas, overstuffed burritos, sopes (moist corncakes made with masa harina) and chili poblano are the real thing. 7411 Geyer Springs Road. Beer. CC $ 565-4246 LD daily. SaNTO COYOTE Mexican and quite a bit more. The menu leans heavily towards seafood and Mexican-fusion dishes. Tortillas made fresh daily. 2513 McCain NLR Full Bar CC $-$$ 753-9800 LD daily. SENOR TEQUiLa Authentic dishes with great service and prices, and maybe the best margarita in town. Multiple locations: 4304 Camp Robinson Road, NLR, 791-3888; 9851 Maumelle Blvd., Maumelle, 758-4432; 10300 N. Rodney Parham Road, 224-5505; 2000 S. University Ave., 6604413; 1101 S. Bowman Road, Little Rock, 954-7780. CC Full bar. $$ 224-5505 LD daily.

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Hey, saM, let’s sHOw tHIs new Herd wHere tO get great eats—yOu knOw,tHe buFFalO grIll! I dunnO, Frank.tHIs grass Is MIgHty gOOd...

really need tO expand yOur HOrIzOns, saM.

Open 7 days a week • Happy HOur 3-6 M-F 1611 rebsaMen, 296-9535 • 400 n. bOwMan, 224-0012 ArkAnsAs Times • nATives guide 2010 41

2010 RazoRback football

Date Opponent Location/Time Sept. 4 Tennessee Tech Fayetteville Sept. 11* Louisiana-Monroe Little Rock Sept. 18 Georgia Atlanta, Ga. Sept. 25 Alabama Fayetteville Oct. 9 Texas A&M Arlington, TX Oct. 16 Auburn Auburn, Ala. Oct. 23 Ole Miss Fayetteville Oct. 30 Vanderbilt Fayetteville Nov. 6 South Carolina Columbia, S.C. Nov. 13 University of Texas, El Paso Fayetteville Nov. 20 Mississippi State Starkville, Miss. Nov. 27* LSU Little Rock * Dates from www.arkansasrazorbacks.com. Dates are subject to change. All times TBA.

brian chilson

2010 RazoRback men’s basketball

touchdown!: Van Stumon scores for the Hogs against Missouri State.

Sports schedules


t’s been a wild, if not weird, ride for non-NFL sports teams in Arkansas. Plans to field a team for the All American Football League never panned out. Then our very own Arkansas Twisters fell victim to the dissolution of the Arena Football League. The Twisters, who played in a subsidiary league of the AFL (the AFL2), dissolved with the rest of the AFL and the AFL2 in 2009. But, according to team officials, the Twisters will be back. A team of owners from both leagues, along with the former president and commissioner of the AFL, have joined forces to form AFL1, and 18 teams have committed to play. As of this printing there is no set schedule for the 2010-2011 season; for more information, call Troy Thompson at 907-2337. Although the Travelers fell short of a repeat of their 2008 Texas League

Championship crown, the games at DickeyStephens Park continue to be a favorite summer pastime for Pulaski County residents on both sides of the Arkansas River. The skyline view of Little Rock is beautiful right around the usual 7:10 p.m. first pitch. The beer garden out in right field is always a crowd pleaser and the food is great. The 2009 season was the inaugural one for Ump’s, the phenomenal fun-time restaurant that followed in Valentine’s footsteps. This year promises to be another good one for the Travs. The Razorbacks football team will play in Little Rock twice next year at War Memorial Stadium (Sept. 11 and Nov. 27); the team hadn’t released a full schedule for 2010 by press time, but we do have some tentative dates. For more information go to www.arkansasrazorbacks.com.

tRaveleRs 2010 baseball home schedUle

April 15-17 April 18-20 April 26-29 April 30- May 3 May 8-11 May 13-16 May 26-28 May 29-31 June 9-12 June 21-24 June 25-28 July 8-10 July 11-13 July 19-22 July 27-29 July 30-Aug. 2

Midland Rockhounds Frisco Roughriders Tulsa Drillers NW Arkansas Naturals Springfield Cardinals Tulsa Drillers San Antonio Missions Corpus Christi Hooks NW Arkansas Naturals Springfield Cardinals NW Arkansas Naturals Midland Rockhounds Frisco Roughriders NW Arkansas Naturals Springfield Cardinals Tulsa Drillers

42 natives guide 2010 • aRKansas tiMes

Aug. 11-13 Aug. 14-16 Aug. 24-27 Sept. 4-6

San Antonio Missions Corpus Christi Hooks Tulsa Drillers Springfield Cardinals

All homes games at Dickey-Stephens Park in North Little Rock. Start times are 7:10 p.m. except: 6 p.m. April 17; 4 p.m. April 18; 11 a.m. April 19; 2 p.m. May 2; 11 a.m. May 3; 4 p.m. May 9; 11 a.m. May 11; 2 p.m. May 16; 6 p.m. May 28; 2 p.m. May 29; 5:30 p.m. May 30; 2 p.m. May 31; 6 p.m. June 27; 6 p.m. July 11; 6 p.m. Aug. 1; 6 p.m. Aug. 15; and 2 p.m. Sept. 5; 1 p.m. Sept. 6. Call 664-7559 for ticket information or go to www.travs.com.

Date Opponent Jan. 2 Ala.-Birmingham Jan. 5 Texas Jan. 14 Miss. State Jan. 16 Alabama Jan. 21 Florida Jan. 23 Kentucky Jan. 28 Miss. State Jan. 30 Ole Miss Feb. 3 Georgia Feb. 6 Auburn Feb. 10 LSU Feb. 13 Alabama Feb. 17 South Carolina Feb. 20 Auburn Feb. 24 LSU Feb. 27 Vanderbilt March 3 Tennessee March 6 Ole Miss All times Central and subject to change.

Location/Time (p.m.) Fayetteville, 7 Fayetteville, 6 Starkville, 6 Fayetteville, 12:30 Fayetteville, 8 Lexington, 3 Fayetteville, 8 Oxford, 3 Athens, 6 Fayetteville, 12:30 Fayetteville, 7 Tuscaloosa, 3 Fayetteville, 8 Auburn, 6 Baton Rouge, 7 Fayetteville, 12:30 Knoxville, 6 Fayetteville, 3


2010 UalR men’s basketball

Date Opponent Jan. 2 Louisiana-Monroe Jan. 9 Middle Tennessee Jan. 14 New Orleans Jan. 16 Louisiana-Lafayette Jan. 21 Florida Atlantic Jan. 23 Florida International Jan. 28 Denver Feb. 4 Arkansas State Feb. 6 Louisiana-Lafayette Feb. 11 Louisiana-Monroe Feb. 13 Western Kentucky Feb. 18 Denver Feb. 20 North Texas Feb. 25 Troy March 6-9 Sun Belt Conf. Tournament All times Central and subject to change.

Location, Time (p.m.) Media Monroe, 4:30 94.1 Little Rock, 7 103.7 New Orleans, 7 94.1 Little Rock, 7 103.7 Boca Raton, 6 94.1 Miami, 7 103.7 Little Rock, 7 94.1 Little Rock, 7 103.7 Lafayette, 7:15 103.7 Little Rock, 7 103.7 Little Rock, 7 103.7 Denver, 8 103.7 Denton, 3 CSS/CST/94.1 Little Rock, 7 103.7 Hot Springs, TBA

2010 PhilandeR smith men’s basketball Date Opponent Jan. 8 Ecclesia College Jan. 9 Apprentice College Jan. 13 Rust College Jan. 15 Arlington Baptist College Jan. 16 University of Dallas Jan. 18 Lyon College Jan. 28 Rhema Bible College Jan. 30 Arlington Baptist College Feb. 6 Rhema Bible College Feb. 13 Ecclesia Feb. 17 Arkansas Baptist College Feb. 19 Rust College Feb. 27 Fisk University March 3-7 NAIA National Tournament All times Central and subject to change.

Location/Time (p.m.) Little Rock, 8 Little Rock, 4 Little Rock, 8 Arlington, 6 Irving, 2 Batesville, 8 Little Rock, 8 Little Rock, 3 Broken Arrow, 7:30 Springdale, 4 Little Rock, 8 Holly Springs, 7:30 Nashville, 4 Uniontown, Penn., 7

Leagues of our own

Summer softball league Players compete in three divisions: men’s open, men’s over 30 and women’s open. Registration packets are available after Feb. 15 at City Hall, 500 W. Markham St., room 108. Deadline for registration is March 18. The season begins April 12. Cost is $450 per team. More information at www.asadistrict9.com. Fall softball league The fall season has two divisions: men’s open and co-ed open. Registration packets will be available July 1. Deadline for registration is Aug. 12. Season begins Sept. 7. Cost is $450 per team. More infor-

mation at www.asadistrict9.com.

Winter basketball program Basketball players compete in two divisions: men’s open and men’s industrial. Registration packets for the 2010-2011 season will be available Oct. 1. Deadline to register is Nov. 4. Play begins Dec. 7. Cost is $375 per team. May be cut due to budget concerns. For questions, call Bubba McCord at 371-6859. Little Rock youth baseball The John Barrow Neighborhood Association and the West Central Sports Complex sponsor T-ball ages 3-4 and 5-6; pitching machine ages 7-8; baseball 9-10, 11-12, 13-15; pony ages 16-17; girls softball ages 8-10 and 11-12; adult co-ed softball age 18 and up. West Central Sports Complex, 8616 Col. Glenn Road, 320-6000. Sign-up starts in February; birth certificate required. Call Larry Gilmore at 563-3757 or Claude Johnson at 371-6855 for more information. North Little Rock youth leagues The Tiny Tots program teaches cheerleading and basketball to kids ages 3 to 4. There’s also a youth basketball/cheerleading program for boys and girls between

brian chilson

City leagues

Little Rock adult leagues The city of Little Rock sponsors adult softball leagues in the summer and fall and adult basketball during the winter. For more information call J.D. “Bubba” McCord at the Little Rock Parks and Recreation Department, 371-6859, or Frank Boyle, 371-6858. Area community and recreation centers also offer athletic programs for children and adults throughout the year. For information about those activities, call 371-6855.

FutboL: There are 22 soccer fields at Burns Park.

kindergarten and sixth grade. The ASPire after-school program is also offered. NLR sponsors the Hershey’s Track and Field Games for boys and girls ages 9-14; the Pepsi NFL Punt, Pass and Kick competition in the fall; and the Pepsi MLB Pitch, Hit and Run in the spring. Youth programs for volleyball, tennis, drama, dance and aquatics are also offered. Adults can participate in ballroom dancing courses, tennis, basketball, aquatics and volleyball. More

information at www.nlrpr.org/programs. php or Pam Smith or Jeff Caplinger at 7918543. For adult programs, contact Tony Pate at tpate@nlrpr.org or call at 791-854.

BOys aND giRls CluBs

The Boys and Girls Clubs offer many education and career development programs as well as sports for boys and girls ages 6-18. Sports include swimming, Continued on page 44

Get Out of the House & Get in the GAME! The Players. The Coaches. The Games. The Memories. The Arkansas Sports Hall of Fame Museum has all the sights and sounds of Arkansas sports including Super Bowl rings and trophies, Mark Martin’s first car, Olympic medals, famous game balls, one-of-a-kind artifacts, rare sports memorabilia and much more. Your journey starts in our theater with a video salute to Arkansas’s sports greats. Interactive displays put the Arkansas Sports Hall of Fame members at your fingertips, and the kids will love the new interactive game stations. You can even share the broadcast booth with Pat Summerall and hear classic clips of Paul Eels.

Verizon Arena – West Side • Mon-Sat 501-663-4328 www.arksportshalloffame.com ArkAnsAs Times • nATives guide 2010 43


Club of Choice Voted Best In Arkansas for 20 Years Running

Great Gyms

Continued from page 43 baseball, basketball, golf, softball, T-ball, judo and soccer.

Little Rock

Billy Mitchell Boys and Girls Club 3107 W. 5th St. 666-9486 Summer hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri. School-year hours: 2:30-7 p.m. Mon.-Thu., 2:30-6 p.m. Fri. James H. Penick Boys and Girls Club 1201 Leisure Place 666-5494 Summer hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri. School-year hours: 2:30-7 p.m. Mon.Thu., 2:30-6 p.m. Fri. William E. Thrasher Boys and Girls Club 3301 State St. 376-2988 Summer hours: 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Mon.Fri. School-year hours: 2:30-7 p.m. Mon.-Fri.; 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Sat. during basketball season. Dalton Whetstone Boys and Girls Club and Teen Center 46 Harrow Drive 562-4082 Summer hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri. School-year hours: 2:30-7 p.m. Mon.Thu., 2:30-6 p.m. Fri.

North Little Rock

Great Pools Great Tennis


Arkansas’ largest and most complete athletic center. The 130,000 square foot club offers a full array of health and wellness services for every member of the family.


North Little Rock’s most comprehensive health club offering fitness and fun for the whole family.


Our outstanding 10-acre tennis, swimming, and exercise complex nestled in the heart of scenic Foxcroft.


Fully equipped, newly remodeled fitness complex. Monthly and corporate rates available.


44 natives guide 2010 • aRKansas tiMes

Central Arkansas Boys and Girls Club — Jim Wetherington Unit 1212 Jim Wetherington Place 374-0309 Summer hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri. School-year hours: 2:30-7 p.m. Mon.Thu., 2:30-6 Fri., 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Sat. during basketball season. Hamilton Boys and Girls Club 400 N. Pall St. 945-3162 Summer hours: 7:30-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri. School-year hours: 2-7 p.m. Mon.-Thu., 2-6 p.m. Fri. Rose City 400 Rose Lane 907-5387 Summer hours: 9-5 Mon.-Fri. School-year hours: 3-7 Mon.-Thu., 3-6 p.m. Fri.


Baseball n Burns Park Athletic Association, Little League, North Little Rock, 753-0012. n North Heights Teeny League, Burns Park, North Little Rock, 753-0012. n Junior Deputy Booster Club, 3727640. n Lakewood Property Owners Association, North Little Rock (ages 4-17), 753-4937.

n American Legion (ages 15-19), 3751104. n Maumelle Sports Association (ages 4-15), call Bill Quiggins at 803-0259 or Rusty Fry at 837-7573.

Basketball n Maumelle Youth Basketball (grades 3-6), member of West Pulaski Basketball League, Bill Quiggins 803-0259. n Heflin YMCA, 6101 JFK Blvd., North Little Rock, youth basketball, 758-3170. Biking n Arkansas Bicycle Club, www.arkansasbicycleclub.org. Youth football n Central Arkansas Pop Warner Football League, 255-7322, www.capwfl.com n Maumelle Youth Football, Maumelle, 240-2041. Hockey n Arkansas Hockey Association, 6664625. Soccer n Little Rock Futbol Club, 603-9880, www.littlerockfc.com. Mex-Ark Liga de Futbol, 347-4105. n Westside YMCA, 4701 Sam Peck Road, ages 4-18, 227-8343. n Arkansas State Soccer Association, 1100 E. Kiehl Ave., Sherwood (ages 4-18), 833-0550, www.arkansassoccer.org. n Lakewood Property Owners Association, North Little Rock, ages 4-17, 7534937. n Maumelle Soccer Club, Maumelle, ages 4-adult, 851-7732, www.maumellesoccer.com. Softball n North Little Rock Softball Association, 758-3009. Call John Crow at the Athletics Division of the North Little Rock Parks and Recreation Department at 791-8540. n Lakewood Property Owners Association, ages 4-17, North Little Rock, 7534937. n Maumelle Softball Association, Maumelle, Jack Barr (ages 5-14) 258-8110. Swimming n Westside YMCA, 4701 Sam Peck Road, 227-8343. n Heflin YMCA, 6101 JFK Blvd., North Little Rock, 758-3170. n Lakewood Property Owners Association, North Little Rock, 753-4937. n Maumelle Youth Swim Team, Maumelle, www.maumellemarlins.com. T-ball n Westside YMCA, 4701 Sam Peck Road, 227-8343. n Junior Deputy Booster Club, 372-7640. Gymnastics n Westside YMCA 4701 Sam Peck Road, 227-8343.

Swing, bat, kick WheRe the pubLiC pLayS. GOLF COURSES

Fees vary with course and day of the week. Little Rock Hindman Golf Course, 18 holes, 60 Brookview Drive, 565-6450. n Rebsamen Golf Course, 18 holes, 3400 Rebsamen Park Road, 666-7965. n War Memorial Golf Course, 18 holes, 5511 W. Markham, 663-0854.

North Little Rock n Burns Park Golf Course, 36 holes, 30 Championship Drive, 758-5800. n Emerald Park Golf Course, 9 holes, 2200 Fort Roots Blvd., 244-8500. Jacksonville Foxwood Golf Club, 18 holes, 701 Foxwood Drive, 982-1254.


Fees vary. Little Rock n Raymond Rebsamen Tennis Center, 1501 Leisure Place, 664-0736. n Walker Tennis Center, War Memorial Park, 664-6451. Free, first-come first served.

Cammack Village n Cammack Village Tennis Courts, 2710 N. McKinley, 663-4593. Two tennis courts. Free, first-come first served. North Little Rock n Burns Park Indoor/Outdoor Tennis Center, 4000 Joe Poch Road, 791-8585. Six indoor and 27 outdoor tennis courts, three racquetball courts. Racquetball courts can be converted to wallyball courts. n Sherman Park Recreation Center, 624 N. Beech, 340-5373. One outdoor tennis court. Sherwood n Henson Park Tennis Center, 408 N. Beverly, 835-9793. Four outdoor courts. n Duran Youth Center, 508 Sherwood Ave., 835-9599. Two outdoor courts. n Indianhead Park, 33 Deerfield, 835-3487. Jacksonville n Jacksonville High School, 2400 Linda Lane. Two courts for use during nonschool hours.


Call for fee, membership and rental information. Little Rock n East Little Rock Park Pool, 2500 E. 6th St., 374-2881. n Jim Dailey Fitness and Aquatic Center (War Memorial Pool), 300 S. Monroe St., 664-6976.

Jacksonville n Dupree Park, Redmond Road. n Excell Park, Southeastern and Ray Road.


Cammack Village n Cammack Village Swimming Pool, 2710 N. McKinley, 666-9722 or 663-4593. Maumelle n Maumelle Recreation Center Swimming Pool, 1100 Edgewood, 851-6990. North Little Rock n Sherman Park Recreation Center, 624 N. Beech, 340-5373. n North Heights Community Center, 4801 Allen, 791-8576. Sherwood Thornhill Pool, 2201 Thornhill Drive, 835-4832. n Fairway Pool, 800 Fairway, 834-8217. n Indianhead, 33 Deerfield, 835-3487. No Answer. n Bill Harmon Recreation Center, 51 Shelby Road, 835-6893. Jacksonville n Jacksonville Parks and Recreation Community Center, indoor heated pool, 5 Municipal Drive, 982-4171 or 982-2613.


Little Rock n Allsopp Park, Cantrell Road and Cedar Hill Road. n Barton Park, 22nd and Howard Sts. n Benny Craig Park, Gum Springs Road and Rosemore. n Butler Park, Rodney Parham and Old Forge Road. n Cheatham Park, 6th and Kimball Sts. n Dunbar, 1001 W. 16th n East Little Rock Park, 2600 E. 6th St. n Fletcher Park, I-630 and Woodrow. n Granite Heights, 38th and Springer Sts. n Hindman Park, Brookview Drive. n Interstate Park, I-30 and Arch St. n Kanis Park, Rodney Parham and Mississippi St. n Meriwether Park, Florida and M St. n Morehart Park, Mabelvale Cutoff. n Reservoir Park, Cantrell Road near Resevoir. n Union Park, 36th and Walker n Wakefield Park, Woodson and Fisher Sts. n West End Park, 36th and Walker Sts. North Little Rock n Vestal Park Baseball Complex, 1300 Pike Ave. n Burns Park Baseball Complex, 1-40 Exit 150. n Vince DeSalvo Stadium and Senior League Stadium, Burns Park. Sherwood Sherwood Sports Complex, 511 Dee Jay Hudson Drive, 835-2154.

Little Rock n Murray Park, Rebsamen Park Road. Otter Creek n Remmel, Lindsey and I-440 n Interstate, I-30 and Arch North Little Rock n Burns Park Soccer Complex, 22 fields (Open to leagues). Jacksonville n Dupree Park, Redmond Road. Sherwood n Sherwood Sports Complex, 511 Dee Jay Hudson Dr., 835-2154.


Little Rock n Dunbar Community Center, 1001 W. 16th, 376-1084. Youth sports, basketball, dance classes, football, volleyball, track and field, music lessons, soccer, adult summer basketball, pony-league youth baseball. n East Little Rock Community Center, 2500 E. 6th St., 374-2881. Exercise room, gym, library, computer lab. n Southwest Community Center, 6401 Baseline Road, 918-3975 or 918-3976. Senior activities, youth activities including tutoring, basketball, tee-ball, softball, volleyball, soccer, football, exercise room, fitness boot-camp, aerobics classes, indoor walking track. n Stephens Community Center, 3720 W. 18th St., 603-9974. Gym, activity rooms, Tae kwon do classes, latch-key afterschool program. North Little Rock n North Little Rock Community Center, 2700 Willow St., 791-8541. Fitness center, cardio-room, weight room, two saunas, gym, beginner’s aerobics class, cardiostrength class, room rentals. n North Heights Recreation Center, 4801 Allen St., 791-8576. Youth basketball, gymnastics, aikido, karate, cheerleading, meeting rooms, outdoor pool, summer activities program, senior programs, swim lessons, gym. n Glenview Community Center, 4800 E. 19th St., 945-2921. Aspire after-school program, volleyball and fitness group; youth basketball, senior activities, adult fitness, adult volleyball, gym, exercise room. n Sherman Park Recreation Center, 624 N. Beech St., 340-5373. Midnight basketball, outdoor pool. Softball field, tennis court, gym, game-room, meeting room, computer lab, video game room. Two outdoor pavilions. Maumelle n Maumelle Recreation Center, 1100

Edgewood Drive, 851-6990. Basketball, health club, cheerleading, Tae Kwon Do, swim teams during the summers.

Sherwood n Duran Youth Center, 508 Sherwood Ave., 835-9599. Basketball, tennis, pool, table tennis, art, karate classes. n Bill Harmon Recreation Center, 51 Shelby Road, 835-6893. Three outdoor pools, Olympic-size indoor pool, fitness equipment, walking track, basketball. Jacksonville n Jacksonville Community Center, 5 Municipal Dr. 982-4171. Indoor pool, racquetball, walking tracks, aerobics room, fitness classes, water aerobics, basketball. n Martin Street Recreation Center, 201 Martin Street. 982-0818. Basketball, ping-pong, pool tables, playground, youth center, picnic area.


Little Rock n Arkansas Skatium, 1311 S. Bowman Road, 227-4333. Go to www.arkansasskatium.com for public hours and private party fees. Admission $8. Roller skate rentals $2. n Skateworld, 6512 Mabelvale Cutoff, 562-9353. Call or e-mail skateworld72076@yahoo.com for more information. Jacksonville n Skateworld, 521 J.P. Wright Loop, 982-1662. Call or e-mail skateworld72076@yahoo.com for more information.


Little Rock n Arkansas Skatium, 1311 S. Bowman Road, 227-4333. Go to www.arkansasskatium.com for public hours and private party fees. Admission $8. Skate rentals $3.


n North Little Rock Riverview Skate Park, all-concrete park on River Road off Riverfront Drive and Pike Avenue.


Little Rock n Professor Bowl, 901 Towne Oaks Drive, 224-9040. Hours: 10 a.m.-midnight Mon., Tue., Thu.; 10 a.m.-2 a.m. Wed., Fri., Sat.; noon-midnight Sun. Rates: $3.15 per game or $14 hourly before 5 p.m., $3.50 per game or $18 hourly after 5 p.m. Mon.-Fri.; $18 per hour per lane Sat.-Sun. Shoe rental $1.75. Maumelle n Millennium Bowl, 7200 Counts Massie Road, 791-9150. Open 9 a.m.-11 p.m. Mon., 9 a.m.-midnight Tue.-Thu., 9 a.m.-2 a.m. Fri.-Sat. and noon-11 p.m. Sun. $3.15 per game, $16 per hour before 5 p.m.; $3.50 per game or $20 per hour after 5 p.m., $1.95 shoe rental. ArkAnsAs Times • nATives guide 2010 45


Dedicate a revenue source for parks By Jordan Johnson

ontrary to comparable cities, Little Rock has made great strides in the last decade to enhance its public parks, adding new park land and making major improvements to existing facilities. Not only do parks enhance neighborhoods and the areas around them, they also help promote tourism and encourage a healthy lifestyle. It can even be argued that parks play an important role in economic development and recruitment to the region. For examples look no further than Riverfront Park, the Clinton Presidential Park, War Memorial Park, Murray Park and MacArthur Park. With a declining sales tax base, the city of Little Rock faces some tough challenges in regard to future funding of our parks. Currently, parks are funded through the city’s general fund. As a result, whenever there is a budget shortfall, the parks budget is one of the first items on the chopping block. This system means Little Rock may see an overall decline in quality of

brian chilson


city parks as projected city revenues continue to lag. When the quality of city parks diminishes, so does quality of life. Crime can go up and economic investment can go down. Just ask other cities that have learned valuable lessons on what happens when parks are no longer among a city’s top priorities. What the parks need is a dedicated

Plenty of parking CounTy aboundS wiTh naTuRe, SPoRTS PaRkS.


ittle Rock calls itself a “City in a Park,” thanks to green spaces encircling and dotted across the city; its Riverfront Park is home to the annual Riverfest, a Memorial Day weekend festival that’s the biggest in Arkansas. North Little Rock’s Burns Park is one of the largest urban parks in the country, and offers all kinds of sporting opportunities. Pinnacle Mountain State Park and Two Rivers Park west of Little Rock offer hiking, boating and more in the foot of the Ouachita Mountains. More about the parks here, with phone numbers of the city departments in charge.

The visitors’ center includes exhibits, a bird viewing window and gift shop. 868-5806.

Pinnacle Mountain State Park 11901 Pinnacle Valley Road, Roland: Day-use 2,100-acre state park with hikeable mountain, upland trails, paved walk along the Little Maumelle bottomlands, a pavilion (with fireplace) and dock on the Big Maumelle River, the Arkansas Arboretum, picnic area and playground.

371-4770 n Pavilions in Allsopp, Boyle, Crump, Hindman, Kanis, Morehart, Murray, Reservoir, War Memorial and West End Park may be reserved for $65 a day. The pavilion at MacArthur Park may be rented for $150 a day, plus a refundable deposit of $100.

46 natives guide 2010 • aRKansas tiMes

Two Rivers Park County Farm Road, off state Hwy. 10: Jointly owned by Pulaski County and Little Rock, this 489-acre park at the confluence of the Arkansas River and the Little Maumelle features biking/ walking trails through marsh and field, a community garden, wildlife-watching blinds, a canoe launch and open areas for kite-flying and Frisbee throwing.


funding source — such as dedicated revenue bonds or a short-term sales tax. North Little Rock dedicates a penny of its advertising and promotion tax to its parks, and the result can be seen in its amenities, like the new baseball complex going up in Burns Park. Until such a source is identified and secured, the quality of our parks could erode to a

point of no return, taking with it unrealized economic development opportunities, tourism attractions, healthy lifestyle options, and overall quality of life for residents in Little Rock.

urban parks (50 acres or more) n Allsopp Park, Cantrell and Cedar Hill Roads: Ballfield, tennis courts, playground, pavilion, biking and hiking trails. n Boyle Park, 36th St. and Boyle Park Road: Pavilions, picnic areas, two-mile skating/biking/jogging trail. n Gillam Park, Springer Boulevard: Audubon Arkansas nature center. n Hindman Golf, Brookview Drive: 18-hole golf course. n Interstate Park Softball Complex, Interstate 30 and Arch St., near 33rd and Short: Softball, playgrounds, basketball, picnic tables and canoe launch to Fourche Creek. n Jack Stephens Youth Golf Academy (First Tee): 6620 Falls Blvd. off University Ave.: Golf course encompassing old Rock Creek Golf Course. n Murray Park, Rebsamen Park Road: eight pavilions, three soccer fields, playgrounds, boat dock and fishing, Paws Park for dogs. n Otter Creek Soccer Park, Stagecoach Road near Pulaski-Saline county line: Four soccer fields, playground, pavilion, picnic tables, fishing pond. n Rebsamen Park, Rebsamen Park Road: Golf course. n Reservoir Park, Cantrell Road near Reservoir Road: Softball, picnic tables,

basketball, lighted tennis courts, picnic tables, pavilion. n River Mountain Park, River Mountain Road west of I-430: Boat launch and link to River Trail. n Section 13, Garrison Road. 615 acres of hiking trails, playground, open space play fields. n War Memorial Park, Van Buren and Kavanaugh Blvd.: War Memorial Stadium, Walker Tennis Courts, Little Rock Zoo, War Memorial Golf Course, Dailey Fitness Center, playground. n William J. Clinton Presidential Park, President Clinton Avenue: 30-acre park includes the easternmost portion of the River Trail, which ends at the Rock Island Bridge; development of the bridge as a pedestrian crossing, a playground and restored wetlands east of bridge are planned.

Jordan Johnson is a community advocate and a vice president at CJRW. He also serves as a Little Rock Parks commissioner.

Smaller urban parks n MacArthur Park, Ninth and McAlmont Sts.: Pavilion, fishing lake, Contemplation Gardens, street hockey courts, playground, the MacArthur Museum of Military History and the Arkansas Arts Center. In the works: The Firehouse Hostel and Museum, in the historic firehouse on park grounds. n Riverfront Park, LaHarpe Boulevard: Pavilion, Peabody Park Playground

Community parks (20-50 acres) n Benny Craig, Gum Springs Road and Rosemore: Softball, playgrounds, tennis courts, picnic tables, canoe access to Fourche Creek. n Brodie Creek, Tall Timber Blvd.: Playground, picnic tables, basketball, soccer. n Curran Conway, 24th and Monroe Sts.: Softball, playgrounds. n Hindman Community: Playground, picnic tables, restrooms, softball field, basketball, tennis. n Kanis, Rodney Parham Road at Mississippi off I-630: Softball, playgrounds, bike trails, jogging trails, basketball, tennis courts, picnic tables, pavilion. n Knoop Park, Ozark and N. Martin Sts.: Paved loop trail around the waterworks with view of city. n Morehart, Mabelvale Cutoff: Pavilion, softball, basketball, tennis, picnic tables, restrooms. n Remmel, C. Lindsey Road and Interstate 440: Boat ramp, playground, soccer fields, free pavilion/picnic shelter. n Southwest Community Center, 6401 Baseline Road: Soccer, pool, meeting room and computer center. n University Adult Leisure Center, 6401 W. 12th St.: Burned 2009; being rebuilt.

Confederate Blvd.: Softball, playgrounds, tennis courts, picnic tables. n Kiwanis Park, Foster and 42nd Sts.: Playground, basketball pads, fishing pond and boat launch, walking and equestrian trails. n Meriwether, M St. and Florida Ave.: Softball, playgrounds, lighted tennis courts, picnic tables, volleyball. n East Little Rock Community Center, 2500 E. Sixth St.: Ballfield, basketball, gym, playground, soccer field, tennis, volleyball, swimming pool, senior center. n Ottenheimer Park, Dahlia and Azalea Drive: Basketball, tennis, playground, lake, softball field, picnic tables. n Pankey Park, Isom Road off Cantrell Road: Playground, basketball court, open space. n Pinedale Cove, Mabelvale. Playground, picnic area. n Southside, Whitmore Circle: Softball, playgrounds, basketball courts, picnic tables. n Crump, N.W. 33rd and Fulton Sts.: Basketball, pavilion, playground, walking trail, community garden. n Thom, Vega Drive: Playgrounds, soccer, picnic tables. n Union Park (formerly West End), 36th and Walker Sts.: Playgrounds, basketball courts, picnic tables, pavilion, softball. n Wakefield, Fisher and Woodson Sts.: Softball, playgrounds, basketball, tennis courts, picnic tables.

Neighborhood parks (3-20 acres) n Barton Park, Roosevelt Road and Dennison St.: Softball. n Butler Park, Rodney Parham Road off Old Forge Road: Softball, playgrounds, tennis courts, picnic tables. n Dunbar Recreation Center, 1001 W. 16th St.: Ballfield, basketball, gym, playground, tennis and volleyball. n Granite Heights, 38th St. and

Mini-parks (under 5 acres) n Mini-parks (under 5 acres) n Birchwood, Birchwood and Creek Circle: Playgrounds, basketball. n Centennial, 15th and Wolfe Sts.: Playgrounds, basketball courts, tennis courts, picnic tables. n Cheatham Park, Sixth and Kimball Sts.: Softball, basketball, playgrounds, picnic tables.

(water feature and climbing), sculpture garden, River Market and pavilions and the Riverfest Amphitheatre along the Arkansas River.

Arkansas Inland Maritime Museum Arkansas Queen Riverboat Arkansas River Trail Arkansas Sports Hall of Fame Arkansas Travelers Baseball Arkansas Twisters Arena Football Big Dam Bridge Burns Park (golf, tennis, trails, amusement park, and more) Dickey-Stephens Park North Shore River District Old Mill River Rail Trolleys USS Razorback Submarine Verizon Arena Wild River Country

n Fletcher, I-630 and Woodrow St.: Softball, playgrounds, basketball, picnic tables, free pavilion/picnic shelter. n Hanger Hill, 38th and Hanger Sts.: Playgrounds, basketball, pavilion, tennis courts. n Ninth Street Park, Ninth and Pulaski Sts.: Playgrounds, basketball. n Oak Forest, W. 14th and Pierce Sts.: Playgrounds, basketball. n Pettaway, E. 21st and Commerce Sts: Playgrounds, basketball courts, picnic tables. n Prospect Terrace, I and Tyler Sts. off Kavanaugh Blvd.: Playgrounds, basketball, picnic tables. n Richland Park, Richland and Heather Lane: Climber, swingset. n South Little Rock Recreation Center, 2701 S. Main St.: Basketball, hiking, playground, soccer, volleyball n Stephens Community Center, 3720 W. 18th St.: Playground, basketball.

Undeveloped parks n Alexander, 80 acres. n Fourche Bottoms, West 60th Street (canoe access to Fourche Creek), 1,315 acres n South Arch, 87 acres n River Mountain, 397 acres n Western Hills Golf Course, 127.6 acres n Terry, 110 acres n Hindman South, 40 acres n Taylor Loop, 35 acres n Candlewood, 18 acres n Grandview Addition, 3 acres n Bell Pointe, 3 acres


663-4593 n Baker Park, intersection of Greenwood and Audubon: Swings, jungle gym, basketball courts, picnic tables. n Cammack swimming pool and tennis

courts, 2708 N. McKinley: Tennis courts open all year, pool open May-August.


791-8538 n Burns Park, Interstate 40 at Exit 150: The 1,575-acre park, one of the nation’s largest municipal parks, features a 17-field soccer complex; a 36-hole golf course; two American Legion ballfields for baseball and fast-pitch softball; Burns Park Baseball Complex with seven fields to open in spring 2010; batting cages; picnic areas; pavilions; playgrounds; a hospitality house; campground; tennis center; amusement park; miniature golf course; archery range; boat launching ramp; fishing pier; hiking, biking and equestrian trails, and two dog parks.

Athletic parks (see Burns Park listing above) n Emerald Park Golf Course, 2700 Fort Roots Blvd.: 9-hole golf course. n North Heights Complex, 47th and Allen Sts.: Teeny league baseball diamonds. n Rose City Athletic Complex, 400 Rose Lane. n Vestal Park Softball Complex, 13th and Crutcher Sts.: Softball fields. Community parks n Camp Robinson, 54th and Camp Robinson Road: Playground, picnic tables. n Campbell Lake Park, Murray Lock and Dam. Fishing, links to Arkansas River Trail. n Crestview, Magnolia and Crestview Sts.: Pavilion. n Conley Park, Dixie and Range Line Ave.: Ballfield, basketball court, pavilion, restroom, playground. n Emerald, West Scenic Drive: Trail. n Faucette Brothers Historical Park, Main St. and Washington Ave.: Gazebo. n Glenview Recreation Center and Pool, Continued on page 48


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Continued from page 47 4800 E. 19th St.: Picnic tables, playground, two basketball courts, splash park. n Heritage Park, 24th and Franklin Sts.: Picnic tables. n Idlewild, Idlewild and Cedar Sts.: Tennis, basketball, playground, party house, picnic tables. n Lorene Joshua Park, 14th and Vine Sts.: Playground. n Melrose, Melrose Circle: Playground, swings, picnic tables. n Military Heights, 23rd and Willow Sts.: Basketball, playground. n North Shore, Lynch Drive and Saunders Sts.: Ballfield, basketball, tennis, playground. n North Heights Recreation Center and Pool, 4801 Allen St.: Pool, gymnasium and gymnastics program, ballfields, tennis, picnic and play area. n North Little Rock Community Center and Plaza, 2700 Willow St.: Fitness center, gazebos and pond. n Old Mill, Lakeshore and Fairway Sts.: four picnic tables. n Riverfront Park, entrance at 100 Poplar: Biking, hiking on the Arkansas River Trail. n Riverview Park, West River Road: Picnic area, pavilion, playground. n Sherman Park Recreation Center and Pool, 624 Beech St.: Ballfield, 4 basketball courts, two pavilions, playground, two tennis courts. n Pugh, Vine and Locust Sts.: Playground, picnic tables. n Jim Roberts Neighborhood Park, 13th St. and Park Drive: Playground. n Frank M. Witkowski Park, 18th and Division Sts.: Playground, pavilion, barbecue grill. n 41st and Moss, 14th and Moss Sts.: Picnic area, playground, sand box.

Mini-parks n Crestwood, Crestwood and Lochridge Sts. n W.C. Faucette Memorial, JFK and A Sts. n Fearneyhough Park, C Avenue and Plainview Circle: playground. n Fourth Street Triangle Park, West Broadway and Fourth Sts. n 15th Street Triangle Park, 15th St. and North Hills Blvd. n I-30 Basketball, Fourth and Cypress, 4 basketball goals.


982-2613 n Excell, Southeastern Ave. and Ray Road: Baseball, playground, batting cages. n Dupree, Redmond Road and Park St.: Playground, pavilions, ballfields, fishing lake, RV park, concession buildings, four soccer fields, disc golf, dog park. n Fireman, Graham Road: Multipurpose courts, tennis, pavilion, soccer, play-

ground. n Galloway, Galloway Circle: Multipurpose court, pavilion, playground. n Jacksonville High School tennis courts (open to the public). n Jacksonville Community Center, 5 Municipal Drive: Indoor pool, skate park, walking track, fitness mezzanine, gym, racquetball courts, banquet and meeting rooms, courtyard. n Jimmy White, 115 Cheyenne: Lake, picnic table. n Johnson, Off Ray Road: Pavilions, multipurpose court. n North Lake Park, North Lake subdivision: Basketball courts, pavilion, playground. n Paradise, Redmond Road: Fishing lake, pavilion, boat launch, piers. n Pleasure, Martin St. and Highway 161: Recreation center, Splash Zone pool complex, pavilions, playground, volleyball. n Stonewall, Berkshire Drive and Loop Road: Pavilion, covered benches, walking trail. n Stagecoach, Wells Fargo Trail: Picnic table, playground.


835-6893 n Austin Lake Park, Austin Lake Circle: Two pavilions, play structure, trail. n Beverly, Beverly St.: Basketball court, walking trails, playground. n Bill Harmon Recreation Center, 51 Shelby Road: Swimming pool, walking track, double gymnasium, meeting space, aerobics room, weight room. n Delmont, Delmont and Sherwood Aves.: Gazebo, playground. n Fairway, Fairway Ave.: Swimming pool, gazebo, playground. n Henson Tennis Center, North Beverly Street: Walking trails, playground, four tennis courts, pro shop, bird sanctuary. n Indianhead, Deerfield and Custer: Swimming pool, playground, tennis court, small baseball field, picnic area, pavilion. n Lake Cherrywood, Summit St.: Fishing lake, handicapped fishing pier, basketball court, playground. n Pickthorne, Marlar Drive: Pavilion, playground, basketball, picnic area, walking trail connected to Henson Park. n Silvercreek, Silvercreek subdivision: Basketball court, playground. n Sports Complex, Bear Paw Drive: Kevin McReynolds baseball fields, Harmon softball complex, Love soccer complex, playground, picnic areas, pavilion. n Storer, Helen and Johnny Lane: Walking trail, playground. n Thornhill, behind City Hall: Swimming pool, picnic area, playground, fishing pond. n Verona, Verona St.: Gazebo, basketball, picnic area, playground. n Youth Center, 508 Sherwood Ave.: Two tennis courts, basketball, playground, ping pong, gymnastics.

Elected officials THe PeoPLe’S CHoiCeS.

Sen. Blanche Lincoln Little Rock 912 W. Fourth St. 72201 375-2993 375-7064 fax Washington D.C.: 355 Dirksen Senate Office Building 20510-0404 202-224-4843 202-228-1371 fax

Sen. Mark Pryor Little Rock The River Market 500 Clinton Ave, Suite 401 72201 324-6336; 324-5320 fax Washington D.C.: 255 Dirksen Senate Office Building 20510 202-224-2353 202-228-0908 fax

Rep. Vic Snyder Little Rock: 1501 N. University Ave., Suite 150, 72207 324-5941; 324-6029 fax

Treasurer Martha Shoffner State Capitol, Room 220 Little Rock 72201 682-5888; 682-3842 Land Commissioner Mark Wilcox State Capitol, Room 109 Little Rock 72201 324-9422; 324-9421 fax


Representing at least part of Pulaski County

House of Representatives State Capitol, Room 350 Little Rock 72201 In session: 682-6211 Out of session: 682-7771

District 15 Walls McCrary 319 W. Academy St. Lonoke 72086 501 676-2317

brian chilson


ViCToRy DAnCe: Gov. Mike Beebe and wife, Ginger, celebrate Democratic wins on election night.

District 35 Pam Adcock 6205 Hinkson Little Rock 72209 568-3398

District 41 Ed Garner 4 Pinehurst Way Maumelle 72113 663-7880

District 28 Bobby Glover P.O. Box 1 Carlisle 72024 870-552-7601

District 27 Dawn Creekmore 8333 Sagebrush Circle Bauxite 72011 776-3411

District 36 Darrin Williams 11311 Arcade Drive Suite 200 Little Rock 72212 312-8500

District 42 Jane English 35 Forest Glade Circle North Little Rock 72120 257-7670

District 29 John Paul Capps 914 James St. Searcy 72143 501-268-8117

District 31 Dan Greenberg 608 W. Commerce St., No. 1 Bryant 72022 588-4245

District 37 Kathy Webb P.O. Box 251018 Little Rock 72225 412-6443

District 43 Jim Nickels P.O. Box 6564 Sherwood 72124 833-2424

District 31 Mary Anne Salmon 29 Heritage Park Circle North Little Rock 72116 753-4521

District 32 Allen Kerr 1429 Merrill Drive Little Rock 72211 225-3170

District 38 John Edwards 40 Sherrill Road Little Rock 72202 378-5500

District 44 Mark Perry P.O. Box 97 Jacksonville 72078 982-4561

District 32 David Johnson State Capitol, Room 320 Little Rock 72201 663-3874

Secretary of State Charlie Daniels State Capitol, Room 256 72201 682-1010; 682-3510 fax

District 33 Fred Allen 19 Dover Drive Little Rock 72204 225-4979

District 39 Richard Carroll P.O. Box 5465 North Little Rock 72119 372-1099

Auditor Jim Wood 1401 W. Capitol Ave., Room 325 Little Rock 72201 682-6030 682-2521

District 34 Wilhelmina Lewellen 1922 Wolfe St. Little Rock 72202 372-6056

District 40 Barry Hyde 208 N. Beech St. North Little Rock 72114 371-0255

Washington D.C.: 1330 Longworth House Office Building, 20515 202-225-2506 202-225-5903 fax

STATE GOVERNMENT Gov. Mike Beebe State Capitol, Room 250 72201 682-2345 682-1382 fax Lt. Gov. Bill Halter State Capitol, Room 270 72201 682-2144 682-2894 fax Attorney General Dustin McDaniel 323 Center St., Room 200 72201 682-2007 682-8084 fax

District 18 Toni Bradford 8410 Wildcat Drive Pine Bluff 71603 870 879-5270


State Capitol, Room 320 Little Rock 72201 In session: 682-2902 Out of session: 682-6107

District 22 Shane Broadway 201 S.E. Second St. Bryant 72022 501-682-6050

District 33 Joyce Elliott P.O. Box 4248 7 Little Rock 72214 603-9546 District 34 Tracy Steele P.O. Box 9267 North Little Rock 72119 374-8788 Continued on page 50 ArkAnsAs Times • nATives guide 2010 49


Continued from page 49

PULASKI COUNTY County Judge Floyd G. “Buddy” Villines 201 S. Broadway, Suite 400 Little Rock 72201 340-8305


District 9 Mary Louise Williams 376-2255

Position 8 Dean Kumpuris 663-1807

Ward 1, Position 2 Marshall Smith 982-2633

District 10 Rev. Robert Green 258-6921

Position 9 Gene Fortson 868-4664

Ward 2, Position 1 Kevin McLeary 982-5144

District 11 Bob Johnson 982-2411

Position 10 Joan Adcock 565-6098

Ward 2, Position 2 Terry Sansing 982-4359

Doc Holladay 2900 S. Woodrow St. Little Rock 72204 340-6600

District 12 Jeff Rollins 772-0266

Prosecuting Attorney

District 13 Phil Stowers 993-6165

Larry Jegley 224 S. Spring St. Little Rock 72201 340-8000

County/Circuit Clerk Pat O’Brien 401 W. Markham St., Suite 100 Little Rock 72201 340-8446


Debra Buckner 201 S. Broadway, Suite 110 Little Rock 72201 340-8345


Janet Troutman Ward 201 S. Broadway, Suite 310 Little Rock 72201 340-6170

Quorum Court District 1 Doug Reed 868-4742 District 2 Dawne Benafield Vandiver 607-3387 District 3 Kathy Lewison 224-5724 District 4 Julie Blackwood 425-2321 District 5 Wilandra Dean 565-2256

District 14 Charles Roberson 753-5535

300 Main St. 72119

City Services 120 Main St. P.O. Box 936 975-8888

District 15 Steve Goss 812-4123



City Council

LITTLE ROCK City Hall 500 W. Markham St. Little Rock 72201 371-4510


Mark Stodola City Hall, Room 203 371-4791

City Manager (not elected)

Bruce T. Moore City Hall, Room 203 371-4510

Board of Directors

Patrick Henry Hays 340-5301

Ward 1, Position 1 Debi Ross 753-0733 Ward 1, Position 2 Beth White 758-2738 Ward 2, Position 1 Maurice Taylor 690-6444 Ward 2, Position 2 Linda Robinson 945-8820 Ward 3, Position 1 Cary Gaines 771-2279

Ward 1 Erma Hendrix 375-2216

Ward 3, Position 2 Sam Baggett 758-1551

Ward 2 Ken Richardson 565-8108

Ward 4, Position 1 Charlie Hight 758-8396

Ward 3 Stacy Hurst 975-2730

Ward 4, Position 2 Murry Witcher 835-0009

Ward 4 Brad Cazort 223-2850

District 6 Donna Massey 660-4551

Ward 5 Michael Keck 868-4715

District 7 Patricia Dicker 407-0011

Ward 6 Doris Wright 565-6215

District 8 Curtis Keith 537-1213

Ward 7 B.J. (Brenda) Wyrick 455-4701

50 natives guide 2010 • aRKansas tiMes



1 Municipal Drive 72076 982-3181


Gary Fletcher 982-3181

City Council Ward 1, Position 1 Kenny Elliott 982-5887

Ward 3, Position 1 Reedie Ray 982-5650 Ward 3, Position 2 Linda Rinker 982-1494 Ward 4, Position 1 John Ferrell 982-4091

Ward 4, Position 2 Brenton Witonski 803-3358


2710 N. McKinley St. 72207 663-4593 (for mayor and aldermen)


Harry Light


Debbie Eldridge Patricia Finch Keith Moore Troy Gray

Ward 4, Position 2 Robert Stroud 982-7788

SHERwOOD City Hall

Ward 5, Position 1 Avis Twitty 982-5653


2199 E. Kiehl Ave. 72120

Virginia Hillman 835-6620 (same for aldermen)

Ward 5, Position 2 Bill Howard 982-2771



Ward 1, Position 2 Charles Harmon

Ward 1, Position 1 Becki Vassar

550 Edgewood Dr. Suite 590 851-2500

Ward 2, Position 1 Lex “Butch” Davis


Ward 2, Position 2 Kevin Lilly

Mike Watson 851-2500

City Council Ward 1, Position 1 Clay Medford 803-9078 Ward 1, Position 2 Tony Brainerd 851-2298 Ward 2, Position 1 James H. Stell Jr.* 590-9687 Ward 2, Position 2 Elizabeth Adams 851-0772 Ward 3, Position 1 Doug Ladner 851-8185 Ward 3, Position 2 Burch Johnson 803-4947 Ward 4, Position 1 Jan Hogue 851-8248

Ward 3, Position 1 Sheila Sulcer Ward 3, Position 2 Marina Brooks Ward 4, Position 1 Keith Rankin Ward 4, Position 2 Dr. Steve Fender

wRIgHTSvILLE City Hall

13024 Highway 365 72206 897-4547 (same for mayor and aldermen)


McKinzie Riley


Karen Coleman Allen Loring Lora Alessi Tracy Bunting Barbara Huggins Sherrie Phillips

division 4 Herbert Wright 340-8593

division 12 Alice Gray 340-8530

division 5 Willard Proctor 340-8550

division 13 Collins Kilgore 340-8534

division 6 Tim Fox 340-8416

division 14 Vann Smith 340-8538

division 7 Barry Sims 340-5630

division 15 Richard Moore 340-5610

division 8 Wiley Branton 340-6666 brian chilson

division 10 Joyce Williams Warren 340-6724


division 11 Melinda Gilbert 340-6731

Here are tHe judges. District Courts LIttLe rOCK Civil/Criminal division Alice Lightle 371-4739 traffic division Vic Fleming 371-4733 environmental division Mark D. Leverett 371-4454

jaCKsONVILLe Robert Batton 982-9531

NOrtH LIttLe rOCK Civil/Criminal division Jim Hamilton 791-8559 traffic division Randy Morley 791-8562

PuLasKI COuNtY Wayne Gruber 340-6832

sHerWOOd Milas H. “Butch” Hale 753-4800

Arkansas Court of Appeals justice Building Clerk, 682-6849

division 16 Ellen Brantley 340-8542

division 9 Mary McGowan 340-5602

suPreMe COurt: Appeals heard here.

Jim Hannah, chief justice William H. Bowen Paul E. Danielson Donald L. Corbin Robert L. Brown Jim Gunter Elana Cunningham Wills

Larry D. Vaught, chief judge Karen R. Baker Josephine L. Hart Rita W. Gruber Courtney H. Henry Waymond M. Brown D.P. Marshall Jr. David M. Glover Robert J. Gladwin John Pittman M. Michael Kinard John B. Robbins

division 17 Mackie Pierce 340-5620

Arkansas Supreme Court justice Building 625 Marshall St. Clerk, 682-6849

WrIgHtsVILLe Rita F. Bailey 897-4547

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Pulaski County Circuit Court division 1 Marion Humphrey 340-8590 division 2 Chris Piazza 340-8424 division 3 James Moody 340-8426

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ArkAnsAs Times • nATives guide 2010 51

Roll call Central arkansas sChools.


Colleges and universities

The University of Arkansas system has four campuses in Little Rock for undergraduate and graduate education. Pulaski Technical College has five in the area. There are two historically black private colleges and a number of career colleges.

brian chilson

any of Arkansas’s best public and private schools are located in Pulaski County, as the accomplishments of its students show. This year, 49 students in Pulaski County — public, private and home — were named semifinalists in the National Merit Scholarship Program. Twenty-three were in the Little Rock School District and of those, 20 were at Central High School. Episcopal Collegiate School had a school record with seven. Higher education needs of all sort are also met in Pulaski County, for students seeking liberal arts, technical, medical and business degrees.

ualr: Celebrated 40th year as a four-year public university in 2009.

With some homework, students can find the right one. The University of Arkansas at Little Rock: While celebrating its 40th anni-


Episcopal Collegiate School is an unparalleled learning environment grounded in academic achievement, spiritual reverence, community stewardship and real-world experiences. Our excellent faculty guides our students’ educational journey, empowering each child to realize the full potential of his or her individual talents. Exciting opportunities for Pre-K3 through Grade 5 are now available alongside our established middle and high school college preparatory programs. Visit us and you’ll see that Episcopal Collegiate School is truly enlightening. 1701 Cantrell Road Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 501.372.1194 EpiscopalCollegiate.org

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versary as a four-year public university, UALR posted a record fall enrollment of 13,167, a 10 percent increase over last fall’s enrollment. Long a magnet for “non-traditional� students, UALR offers the only comprehensive information science and systems engineering degree in Arkansas and one of only 15 master’s degree programs nationwide in orientation and mobility, teaching the vision-impaired how to get around independently. UALR’s Bowen School of Law: The school, which has an enrollment of 440 students, has a 15 to 1 ratio of students to professors, one of the lowest of any law school. In addition to traditional law classes, students must take two “lawyering classes� in their second year. University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences: The state’s medical school trains nurses, physicians, paramedics, pharmacists and other health professionals in its five colleges and graduate programs. UAMS opened a Psychiatric Research Institute in November 2008 and a new state-of-the-art Medical Center, which has added 540,000 square feet of hospital space, in January 2009. The Clinton School of Public Service: The UA offers the only master’s degree in public service in the nation at the Clinton School, on the grounds of the Clinton Library. Its impressive speaker series of nationally and internationally prominent lecturers brings the public to campus on an almost daily basis. The school has grown from 16 inaugural students to 66 Master of Public Service degree candidates this year. This year’s entering class had 36 students, the largest number in the school’s five-year

history. Pulaski Technical College: The state’s largest and fastest-growing twoyear institution counts over 10,000 students on its roster. The school offers more than 50 degree and certificate programs at its main campus in North Little Rock and at satellite locations in Pulaski and Saline counties. The school also provides specialized training for area business and industry. Philander Smith College: Philander was founded in 1877 to educate former slaves. Its hugely popular “Bless the Mic� lecture series has brought to Little Rock leading national social and political figures. It is affiliated with the United Methodist Church and is the only school in Arkansas that is a member of the United Negro College Fund. Arkansas Baptist College: Arkansas Baptist, which is affiliated with the Arkansas Baptist Consolidated Convention, offers both bachelor’s and associate’s degrees. It launched the Literacy Writing Initiative in 2007 and added a football program in 2007 that drew several hundred new students. Private technical/career colleges locally include ITT Technical Institute, Remington College and the Eastern College of Health Vocations.

PubliC sChools

Pulaski County has three public school districts, including the state’s two largest, the Little Rock School District and the Pulaski County Special School District. The Arkansas River divides the Little Rock district and the North Little

Rock district, with the Pulaski County district forming a kind of doughnut around them. There are also six inter-district magnet schools located in Little Rock that draw students from all over the county, as well as eight open-enrollment charter schools that by law must accept any student in the state. Here’s some basic information about each district: n Little Rock: Enrollment in the LRSD as of November 2009 was 26,757 students. LRSD has 30 elementary schools, seven middle schools and five high schools, including historic Central High, as well as two early childhood centers, a career-technical center, an accelerated learning center and two alternative learning centers. Eighteen of those schools are magnets with a special-curriculum focus, including six that are open to students from the North Little Rock and Pulaski County districts. Dr. Linda Watson is superintendent. For more information, call the district at 447-1000 or visit its website, www.lrsd.org. n North Little Rock: There are 9,661 students enrolled in this district, which has 14 elementary schools, an early childhood center, four middle schools (one of which serves all the district’s sixth-grade students), one high school (split into two campuses, one for grades 9-10 and one for grades 11-12) and an alternative school. The superintendent is Kenneth Kirspel. For more information, call 771-8000 or visit www.nlrsd. k12.ar.us. n Pulaski County Special School District: The second-largest district in the state, behind Little Rock, PCSSD includes the cities of Maumelle and Jacksonville. Its enrollment is nearly 18,000 students in 24 elementary schools, seven middle schools, six high schools, an alternative learning school and the Adkins Pre-K Center. In the past year, the PCSSD built a new middle school in Maumelle and named Rob McGill as acting superintendent. For more information, call 490-2000 or visit www.pcssd. org

(6-11 in Little Rock, K-8 in North Little Rock).

Private schools Pre-K-12

There are several dozen private schools in Central Arkansas, both religious and secular. Religious schools are affiliated with the Catholic, Episcopal, Lutheran, Muslim, Baptist, Seventh Day Adventist, Church of Christ and non-denominational Christian faiths. Catholic schools include: St. Edward (Pre-K-8), Our Lady of Holy Souls (Pre-K-8), Mount St. Mary Academy (9-12) for girls and Catholic

High School for Boys (9-12). There’s also the Francis A. Allen School for Exceptional Children for children up to 5 years old; Little Rock Christian, located on Highway 10 in West Little Rock, and Central Arkansas Christian Schools in North Little Rock. Episcopal Collegiate School opened an elementary school in the fall of 2009 and now offers K-12. The non-parochial Pulaski Academy is one Little Rock’s largest private schools. The PreK-12 school on Hinson Road in West Little Rock has more than 1,000 students and recently doubled the size of its campus with the acquisition of 17 acres of land and an additional 196,000 square feet of facilities.

Founded in 1944, The Anthony School (Pre-K-8), is another non-sectarian private school, with an enrollment of 410. The Academy at Riverdale, founded by the late Lt. Gov. Win Rockefeller and his wife, Lisenne, is a K-12 school for children with developmental disabilities. Miss Selma’s Schools, on T Street and Cantrell Road (Pre-K-6), was founded by Selma Ratley in 1956 and was one of the first private schools in Little Rock. Robin Ratley Smith, Miss Selma’s daughter, and her husband Michael Smith now own the school. Robin became the director of the school in 1989. For a list of private schools that are Continued on page 54

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Public charter schools

Arkansas has 17 open enrollment charter schools and nine charter conversion schools. In Pulaski County, these include Ridgeroad Middle Charter School for grades 7-8 in North Little Rock (a conversion school); Academics Plus in Maumelle (K-12); Covenant Keepers College Preparatory School (6-8); Dreamland Academy of Performing Arts (K-5); e-Stem Elementary, Middle and High schools (K-4, 5-8, 9-10, grade 11 to be added in 2010), and the Lisa Academy

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ArkAnsAs Times • nATives guide 2010 53


and resource center draws students from a five-state area.

accredited by the Arkansas Nonpublic Schools Accrediting Association, call 803-3888 or visit www.ansaa.com.


Continued from page 53


ACCESS offers basic learning fundamentals for typical children and those with disabilities from six weeks of age to the young adult years through ACCESS Preschool, Foundations, and ACCESS Academy. The Stella Boyle Smith ACCESS campus is located in Little Rock, but serves students in seven counties. Its evaluation

Several schools using Maria Montessori’s educational plan are in Pulaski County: The Children’s House Montessori in Hillcrest, 4023 Lee Ave.; Arkansas River Valley Montessori, 1509 N. Pierce St.; Chenal Valley Montessori, which has two locations that are just minutes away from each other at 14929 Cantrell Road and 15717 Taylor Loop Road; Little Rock Montessori, 37404 N. Rodney Parham, and North Little Rock Montessori School, 900 Mission Road.



he Central Arkansas Library System and the North Little Rock Library now lend books through the ether, with eBooks and Audiobooks. For CALS, go to www.cals. lib.ar.us and click on Online catalog, Downloadable library. For North Little Rock, go to www.laman.net and click on About.

Little rock n Main Library 100 Rock St., 918-3000 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Mon.-Thu.

9 a.m.-6 p.m. Fri.–Sat. 1-5 p.m. Sun. n Aerospace Library 3301 E. Roosevelt Road, 399-9401 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat. n Dee Brown Library 6325 Baseline Road, 568-7494 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Mon.-Tue. and Thu. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Wed., Fri.-Sat. n John Gould Fletcher Library 823 North Buchanan St., 663-5457 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Mon.-Wed. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Thu.-Sat. n Maumelle Library 10 Lake Point Drive, Maumelle, 851-2551 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Mon.-Tue. and Thu. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Wed., Fri.-Sat. n Sidney S. McMath Library 2100 John Barrow Drive, 225-0066 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Mon. and Wed. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Tue., Thu.-Sat. n Max Milam Library 609 Aplin Ave., Perryville, 501-889-2554 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Tue. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Mon. and Wed.-Sat. n Esther D. Nixon Library 703 W. Main St., Jacksonville, 501-4575038 9:30 a.m.- 8 p.m. Tue. and Thu. 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Mon., Wed., Fri.-Sat. n Oley E. Rooker Library 11 Otter Creek Court To open summer 2010

“Pulaski Technical College was a life saver for me. The college gave me the opportunity to broaden my horizons and expand my range of thinking. I owe a great deal of thanks to all my instructors who took the time to make sure that I excelled.

The bottom line is, Pulaski Technical College gave me back my life and independence. Because of this, I will continue to live my life as an example of the valuable asset and role the college plays in our community.” Leonard Boyle • Executive Director Arkansas Governor's Commission on People with Disabilities, 2008 Pulaski Technical College Outstanding Alumnus 3000 West Scenic Drive North Little Rock, AR 72118 (501) 812-2200 www.pulaskitech.edu 54 natives guide 2010 • aRKansas tiMes

n Amy Sanders Library 31 Shelby Drive, Sherwood, 835-7756 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Mon., Wed., Fri. and Sat. 9:30 a.m.-8 p.m. Tue. and Thu. n Adolphine Fletcher Terry Library 2015 Napa Valley Drive, 228-0129 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Mon., Wed. and Thu. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Tue., Fri.-Sat. n Roosevelt Thompson Library 38 Rahling Circle, 821-3060 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Mon., Tue. and Thu. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Wed., Fri. and Sat. n Sue Cowan Williams Library 1800 Chester St., 376-4282 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Tue. and Thu. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Mon., Wed., Fri.-Sat.

north Little rock n William F. Laman Public Library 2801 Orange St., 758-1720 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Mon.-Thu. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat. 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Sun. n Laman Argenta branch 506 Main St., 687-1061 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Mon.-Thu. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Fri. and Sat. 1-5 p.m. Sun.

brian chilson

The year in real estate 2 valley cresT courT: At $2 million, the sale price of this house tops the list in Pulaski County.

Tax crediT spurs slighT recovery in ocTober.

ome sales in Pulaski County dropped 11.4 percent and totaled more than $717 million during the period Nov. 1, 2008, to Oct. 31, 2009. The 12-month decline compared to a nearly 18 percent fall and total dollar volume of $810 million for the same period a year ago, according to data tracked by the Cooperative Arkansas Multiple Listing Services Inc. But the Arkansas Realtors Association market report for October 2009 showed a huge comeback in sales in Pulaski County compared to October 2008, and attributes the increase — 30.7 percent — to the firsttime home buyers’ tax credit. The average sales price dipped ever so slightly from $174,741 to $172,051 over the November-October period, according to CARMLS. Residential transactions in the market totaled 4,168, 10.1 percent less than 4,638 a year ago. However, the ARA, which tracks from January through December, reported that 2009 sales through October were slightly higher compared to the same period in 2008, increasing to $174,238, or by .34 percent. The roster of $1 million-plus homes changing hands was slashed to only 11 while 12 months ago the number stood at 22, The reduced count of homes surpassing

brian chilson


4 valley creek view: Sold for $1.6 million.

the $700,000 sales mark was even more dramatic: 40 this year versus 81 the previous 12 months. The top end of the condo market contributed five properties to the bigbuck list. Four were in downtown Little Rock, with the fifth in the Riverdale area of Zone 3. Zone 17 was home to 24 of the 40 bigbuck residential sales. Golf-course neighborhoods of Chenal Valley and the gated Valley Falls Estates subdivision powered

high-dollar home sales in the West Pulaski County/far west Little Rock market, boosting the average home sales price in Zone 17 to more than $372,000. That’s a $50,000 drop that accompanied a one-year fall in the transaction count from 271 to 235. The change wasn’t as severe in Little Rock’s Heights/Hillcrest neighborhoods, where the average home price declined from slightly less than $275,000 to more than $259,000.

The number of transactions (255 versus 251) was stable in Zone 3, where neighborhoods such as Country Club Heights, Palisades and Cliffewood accounted for eight home sales topping $700,000. The West Little Rock-Northwest market generated the third highest average home price at more than $231,000, compared to $236,749 a year ago. The transaction total in Zone 7 fell from 718 to 660. The Pleasant Valley, Hickory Grove, Villages of Wellington, Hickory Creek and Hickory Hills neighborhoods provided a dozen homes that sold for $700,000 and up. Sherwood registered 447 residential transactions, the second highest total behind Little Rock’s Zone 7. Maumelle wasn’t far behind at 419 transactions, with an even stouter average sales price of $206,126 compared to $151,531 in Sherwood. In Jacksonville, the average home price increased to nearly $110,000 although the transaction volume plummeted 24.4 percent from 355 to 267. Transactions in Southwest Little RockSouth, North Little Rock-Central and West Little Rock-North almost equaled totals from a year ago while the average prices declined a little. — George Waldon ArkAnsAs Times • nATives guide 2010 55

brian chilson

8 vantage point: This home in the Overlook area sold for $1.5 million.

Top home sales


hese homes were sold between Nov. 1, 2008, and Oct. 31, 2009. Eleven homes sold for $1 million or more; one of those for $2 million. That compares to 12 million-dollar homes for the same period 2007-2008 (two of which sold for more than $2 million).


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(See map for zone definitions) $2,000,000 2 Valley Crest Court $1,600,000 4 Valley Creek View $1,500,000 8 Vantage Point $1,375,000 24 Hickory Hills Circle $1,200,000 45 Hickory Hills Circle $1,150,000 106 Hickory Creek Circle $1,087,840 315 Rock St. $1,065,000 14 Sunset Drive $1,039,000 1725 N. Spruce St. $1,008,000 18 E. Palisades Drive $1,000,000 4817 Country Club Blvd. $995,000 21 La Scala Court $975,000 6 E. Palisades Drive $962,500 48 Sologne Circle $940,000 2201 N. Spruce St. $930,000 1 Treetops Lane $915,370 28 Deauville Circle $882,000 50 Carmel Drive $875,000 44 Germay Circle $850,000 11 La Scala Court $850,000 260 River Ridge Pointe $850,000 44 Vigne Blvd. $825,000 12127 Fairway Drive $810,000 2706 N. Pierce St. $769,000 315 Rock St. $763,375 7 Deauville Circle $760,000 315 Rock St. $759,000 107 Mornay Lane $755,000 4 Masters Circle $752,500 27 Bretagne Circle $750,000 1 Deauville Circle $750,000 166 Hickory Creek Circle $750,000 494 Ridgeway Drive $750,000 12 Tory Court $725,000 5 Bella View Drive $725,000 16 Chenal Circle $725,000 13300 County Farm Road $715,000 11811 Fairway Drive $711,314 315 Rock St. $700,000 4801 Hawthorne Road



7,732 7,456 10,000 10,000 5,841 7,059 2,946 5,588 4,778 4,362 5,617 4,928 4,600 6,200 4,352 4,112 4,160 5,900 5,564 4,486 4,100 5,106 5,475 4,150 2,379 5,200 2,379 5,000 4,818 6,200 6,298 4,568 3,650 5,427 4,213 4,708 4,456 4,493 1,984 3,408

17 17 5 7 7 7 2 5 3 3 3 7 3 17 3 3 17 7 17 7 5 17 7 3 2 17 2 17 7 17 17 7 3 7 7 17 17 7 2 3

Subdivision Valley Falls Valley Falls Overlook Hickory Hills Hickory Hills Hickory Creek River Market Place Pinnacle Heights Cliffewood Palisades Country Club Heights Hickory Grove Palisades Chenal Valley Country Club Heights Treetops Chenal Valley Pleasant Valley Chenal Valley Hickory Grove River Ridge Pointe Chenal Valley Pleasant Valley Parkview River Market Place Chenal Valley River Market Place Chenal Valley Pleasant Valley Chenal Valley Chenal Valley Hickory Creek Ella B. Watson Villages at Wellington Hickory Grove Chenal Valley None Pleasant Valley River Market Place Country Club Heights

Average home costs

Zone 27 sheRWood 447 transactions averaging $151,531 2008: 424 averaging $151,833

Residential sales by zone for the period Nov. 1, 2008-oct. 31, 2009: Zone 7 West LittLe Rock NoRthWest (west of i-430 to a line running south from the Arkansas River along chenonceau Boulevard to stagecoach Road) 660 transactions averaging $231,557 2008: 718 averaging $236,749








30 Zone 9 southWest LittLe Rock south 194 transactions averaging $72,202 2008: 217 averaging $88,413


Zone 3 LittLe Rock heights/hiLLcRest (north of i-630, east of university and west of the Blind school/ Woodrow street) 251 transactions averaging $259,219 2008: 255 averaging $274,978



Zone 5 West LittLe Rock NoRth (north of i-630, west of university and east of i-430) 384 transactions averaging $174,101 2008: 377 averaging $189,401




Zone 17 West PuLAski couNty ANd fAR West LittLe Rock 235 transactions averaging $372,225 2008: 271 averaging $433,600

Zone 21 MAuMeLLe 419 transactions averaging $206,126 2008: 427 averaging $211,212

Zone 13 JAcksoNviLLe 267 transactions averaging $109,976 2008: 355 averaging $105,412



Zone 11 NoRth LittLe Rock ceNtRAL 241 transactions averaging $161,799 2008: 256 averaging $162,833

Zone 2 doWNtoWN LittLe Rock (north of interstate 30 and fourche creek, west of interstate 30 and east of Woodrow street) 106 transactions averaging $163,358 2008: 100 averaging $108,183

InformatIon supplIed by Carmls

ArkAnsAs Times • nATives guide 2010 57




KLRE 90.5 Classical Owner: UALR 569-8485 www.kuar.org/klre.html

AETN Channel 2 (PBS) 682-2386

KANX 91.1 American Family Radio programming Owner: American Family Association 662-844-8888

earning for a nature show? Some gospel music? Here’s a list for your eyes and ears.

(Channel numbers are for Little Rock and North Little Rock)

KARK Channel 4 (NBC) Owner: Nexstar Broadcasting 340-4444 www.arkansasmatters.com KLRT Channel 16 (FOX) Owner: Newport Television 225-0016 www.fox16.com KATV Channel 7 (ABC) Owner: Albritton Communications 324-7777 www.katv.com KTHV Channel 11 (CBS) Owner: Gannett 376-1111 www.todaysthv.com KASN Channel 38 (CW) Owner: Newport Television 225-0016 www.cwarkansas.com


Comcast Cable (Jacksonville, Little Rock, North Little Rock,Sherwood) 375-5755 Charter Communications 877-728-3814 Custom Satellite 221-3474 Direct TV 877-299-9320 Dish Network 800-655-0370

RAdIO STATIONS FM KABF 88.3 Various formats Owner: Community-owned 372-6119 www.kabf.org KUAR 89.1 NPR, local news Owner: UALR 569-8485 www.kuar.org 58 natives guide 2010 • aRKansas tiMes

KIPR 92.3 “Power 92” Urban Owner: Citadel 401-0200 www.power923.com KASR 92.7 Sports Owner: Creative Media 327-6611 www.kasr.com KKSP 93.3 “Big Rock” Eclectic rock and heavy metal Owner: Crain Media 219-1919 www.bigrock933.com KKPT 94.1 “The Point” Classic rock Owner: Signal Media 664-9410 www.point941.com KHKN 94.9 “Tom FM” Eclectic Rock Owner: Clear Channel 217-5000 www.949tomfm.com

Owner: Clear Channel 217-5000 www.1003theedge.com

KOKY 102.1 Urban Owner: Last Bastion Radio Trust 401-0200 www.koky.com KPZK 102.5 “Praise Radio” Gospel Owner: Last Bastion Radio Trust 401-0200 www.praisepage.com KARN 102.9 News, talk, sports Owner: Citadel 401-0200 www.920karn.com KABZ 103.7 “The Buzz” Talk/personality Owner: Signal Media 661-1037 www.1037thebuzz.com

KMJX 105.1 “The Wolf” Classic country Owner: Clear Channel 217-5000 www.1051thewolf.com KLAZ 105.9 Top 40 Owner: Noalmark 525-4600 www.klaz.com KOLL 106.3 “The Mix” Eclectic ’80’s, ’90’s rock and pop Owner: Crain Media 217-5000 www.refreshingmix.com KLAL 107.7 “Alice” Contemporary hit Owner: Citadel 401-0200 www.alice1077.com

AM KEWI 690 News, sports, oldies, nostalgia Owner: Landers 778-6677 KMTL 760 Gospel Owner: George Domerese 835-1554 KLRG 880 Talk Owner: Wagenvoord Advertising Group 985-0880 KARN 920 News/talk Owner: Citadel Broadcasting 401-0200

KSSN 95.7 “Kissin’ Country” Country Owner: Clear Channel 217-5000 www.kssn.com

KJBN 1050 Contemporary Christian Owner: Joshua Ministries 791-1000

KHTE 96.5 Top 40 hits Owner: Crain Media 219-1919

KAAY 1090 Religious Owner: Citadel 401-0200

KURB 98.5 “B-98” Adult contemporary Owner: Citadel 401-0200 www.b98.com

KPZK 1250 KIPR “Power 92” simulcast Owner: Citadel 401-0200

KDIS 99.5“Radio Disney” Children’s Owner: Disney, 1-888-EARS-018 www.radio.disney.go.com KDJE 100.3 “The Edge” Active rock

KDXE 1380 Format: Talk Owner Simmons Austin LLC 835-4402 KTUV 1440 Spanish Language Owner: Davidson Media 375-1440

90129 AR Times Ad_2:Layout 1

Breaking news! W

Editor’s note: in order to save space, we’ve purposely left out free publications tailored specifically to shoppers.

AY (formerly Active Years) Monthly magazine targeted to readers age 40-plus. 244-9700 www.aymag.com Arkansas Business Weekly business newspaper. 372-1443 www.arkansasbusiness.com Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Statewide daily newspaper. 378-3400 www2.arkansasonline.com Arkansas Life Monthly society/lifestyle magazine, published by the Arkansas DemocratGazette. 918-4505 www.arkansaslife.com Arkansas Sports 360 Monthly sports tabloid. 372-1443 www.arkansasbusiness.com Arkansas Times Weekly newspaper, politics and culture. 375-2985 www.arktimes.com At Home in Arkansas Monthly home decor magazine. 666-5510 www.athomearkansas.com Daily Record Real estate and legal news. 374-5103 www.dailyrecord.us El Latino Weekly Spanish-language newspaper. 375-2985 www.ellatinoarkansas.com Hola! Arkansas Weekly bi-lingual Latino newspaper. 877-508-1206 www.hola-arkansas.com Inviting Arkansas Monthly society magazine. 219-1000 www.invitingarkansas.com

2:45 PM

Page 1


ALL THAT’S FIT TO PRINT IN PULASkI COUNTY. ho says print is dead? If you want to read about it, there’s probably a publication in Central Arkansas for you.


TV : : : : : :

Jacksonville Patriot Weekly newspaper in Jacksonville and North Pulaski County. 982-6506 www.jacksonvillepatriot.com Little Rock Family Monthly magazine. 372-1443 www.littlerockfamily.com Maumelle Monitor Weekly newspaper. 851-6220 www.maumellemonitor.com Nightflying Monthly music-scene magazine. 354-8577 www.nightflying.com North Little Rock Times Weekly newspaper. 758-2571 www.nlrtimes.com The Leader Twice-weekly newspaper published Wed. and Sat. 982-9421 www.arkansasleader.com The Oxford American Bimonthly magazine, Southern music and culture. Conway and Little Rock 320-5730 www.oxfordamerican.org

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The Sherwood Voice Weekly newspaper. 835-4875 www.sherwoodvoice.com Soiree Monthly society magazine. 372-1443 www.littlerocksoiree.com STAND! News Monthly newspaper; African-American focus 888-782-8974 www.stand-news.com Sync Weekly newspaper; culture and music. 244-4334 www.sync.arkansasonline.com UALR Forum Campus newspaper of the University of Arkansas at Little Rock 569-3265 www.ualr.edu/forum

Located At The Peabody Little Rock Three Statehouse Plaza • 501-399-8000

ArkAnsAs Times • nATives guide 2010 59

60 january 7, 2009 • arKanSaS TIMES

L¯i TRAIL — train transit for Central Arkansas. By Daniel lilly

n 9/11 changed everything. That awful day found me working as a reservations agent at the nowshuttered Southwest Airlines call center in Little Rock. Soon after the attacks, we would learn that 15 of the 19 hijackers came from Saudi Arabia, a country that supplies 45 percent of the oil that we import, and that we import 65 percent of the oil we use. Then and there, I vowed not to fund the oil war. I parked my car, sold it for scrap months later and haven’t driven in the ensuing eight years. Inspired by what I experienced in other cities across the world, I began studying the possibility of a light rail system that would link places in Central Arkansas. LiTRAIL was the result.

The LiTRAIL name is a play on the three-letter code for the state’s largest airport (LIT), which would be the first destination of the first half of the first phase of a light-rail network. Ultimately, LiTRAIL would reach a third of the state’s population, with a system using existing trolley tracks, some new tracking and the medians of existing interstate and U.S. highways — land already publicly owned — on routes linking Conway, Cabot, Benton and

Public wheels Trolley, bus informaTion


e’re all trying to do our part for the environment these days, and for many folks, that means catching public transportation. Here are some of the facts you need to know if and when you find yourself needing a mass-transit lift to and from.

river rail Trolley system The River Rail trolley system connects the River Market area of downtown Little Rock (which includes the Clinton Presidential Library) with Argenta, downtown North Little Rock. For more information, call 374-5354 or e-mail info@cat.org. Fare: $1 per boarding for ages 12-64, 50 cents per boarding for persons 65 and over, those with disabilities and ages 5 to 11. Fare must be exact; drivers don’t carry change. An unlimited-ride day pass may be purchased for $2, or a three-day pass may be purchased for $5. Hours: 8:30 a.m.-10 p.m. Mon.-Wed., 8:30 a.m.-midnight Thu.-Sat., 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sun. There are two trolley routes, the blue and the Green. n Blue Route: Begins at Seventh and Main in North Little Rock, stops at Verizon Arena before taking the Main Street

bridge south to Markham. Travels east on President Clinton Avenue, turns right on Commerce St., left on Third Street and then makes a loop that includes stops at Clinton Library and Heifer International on the east and Spring Street (in front of the Robinson Center) on the west. Returns to Seventh and Main. Loop time: 35 minutes. n Green Route: Loop begins at the River Market, travels south on Commerce Street, west on Second Street to Spring Street, returning to River Market on Markham (President Clinton Avenue east of LaHarpe). Loop time: 15 minutes. Note that Green Route trolleys do not go to North Little Rock.

Central arkansas Transit authority (CaTa) Main terminal: River Cities Travel Center, Fourth and Cumberland streets (“downtown” on information below). Fare: $1.35, discounts available, children 4 and under ride free. Routes: 25 (including express routes). Maps and schedules of all routes are on www.cat.org. Some are listed below; while directions are given from downtown Little Rock, all return on the same route unless indicated. Normal routes run

Pine Bluff to Little Rock’s core. In its first phase, LiTRAIL would offer transportation to the airport from downtown Little Rock, making use of existing trolley tracks and a new route. The rail line would run from downtown west along Interstate 630 to Shackelford Road, where a new transportation center would be built to accommodate commuter cars. Later phases would add routes along interstates to connect to other cities in Central Arkansas.

Mon.-Sat.; express routes run Mon.-Fri. No Sun. service. Buses do not run on New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. All CATA buses have bike racks on the front that can accommodate two bikes (bicyclists, however, have to ride inside the bus). For more information on schedules or service hours, call the CATA information office at 3751163 or 375-6717.

Here are some of the more popular CaTa bus routes: n Pulaski Heights. Downtown west through Hillcrest and the Heights to Cantrell and Keightly. Stops convenient to the state Capitol, the Arkansas School for the Blind and Arkansas School for the Deaf, Pulaski Heights Junior High School, Mount St. Mary Academy, Forest Park Elementary. n Baptist Medical Center. Downtown to Shackleford’s Executive Center via 12th Street, University and Kanis. Stops convenient to Arkansas Children’s Hospital, St. Vincent Infirmary Medical Center, St. Vincent Doctors Hospital, Baptist Medical Center, and the Arkansas Heart Hospital, Central High School, the state Capitol and the federal courthouse. n Levy/Amboy. Downtown to North Little Rock’s Camp Robinson area. Stops convenient to the North Little Rock Boys Club, North Little Rock High School West Campus, William F. Laman Library, the Patrick H. Hays

LiTRAIL is not simply about laying track and running trains. The design calls for developing a uniform set of thousands of pre-cast concrete forms, similar to a huge culvert, with trackbed laid atop the form and space for utility lines below. Their uniformity would substantially reduce construction time and cost while providing a platform for fiber optic cable, natural gas lines, electric lines, high speed imaging lines and telecom, among others. Access charges to those utilities would provide stable, long-term revenue. Sound like pie in the sky? It’s not just my pie. Metroplan’s Metro 2030 long-range transportation plan adopted in 2005 calls for an investment of about $1.5 billion in light rail to connect Little Rock to Conway, Benton and Jacksonville. Is there the political will to make light rail real? We’ll see. I’m going to just keep throwing mud against the wall until something sticks. Daniel Lilly is the former Cpl. K-9 in the Arkansas Times and the first professional full-time dog walker in Little Rock.

Citizens Center and the North Heights Recreation Center. n Granite Mountain. Downtown southeast to the Granite Mountain neighborhood. Stops convenient to MacArthur Park, Booker Magnet Elementary. n Pulaski Tech. Downtown north to Fort Roots campus of Veterans Administration Health System via Pike Avenue and Pershing Boulevard. Stops convenient to North Little Rock City Hall, Union Pacific Shops, Pulaski Technical College. n McCain Mall. Downtown north to McCain Mall via Main Street, JFK and McCain boulevards. Stops convenient to Boys and Girls Club, Laman Library, Hays Citizen Center, North Park Mall, Lakewood Village and McCain Mall. n South Main. Downtown south to 33rd and Gaines Streets. Stops convenient to the Southside Post Office on Main; the bus then takes 23rd Street to Ringo, 28th Street to Gaines, 33rd to Arch, Spring to 29th and returns on Main. n University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Downtown west to UALR via Wright Avenue, 20th Street and Fair Park. Stops convenient to the Governor’s Mansion, Dunbar Junior High, Stephens Elementary, the Lions World Services for the Blind and UALR. n University Avenue. Downtown to Asher and Bryant Street via Cantrell Continued on page 62 ArkAnsAs Times • nATives guide 2010 61

transportation Continued from page 61

Road, Kavanaugh, Lee and University. Stops convenient to the Riverdale Shopping Center, Forest Heights Junior High School, Catholic High School, Park Plaza Mall, UALR, Bale Elementary and Southwest Junior High. n Rodney Parham. Downtown west to Green Mountain Drive and Merrill Drive via Lee, Mississippi, Markham and Rodney Parham. Stops convenient to state Capitol, Arkansas Schools for the Blind and Deaf, Pulaski Heights Junior High, Forest Heights Junior High, Hall High, Breckenridge Village, Williams Magnet Elementary, Brady Primary School. n Airport/Presidential Library. Downtown east to Fourche Dam Pike and Roosevelt via Third, Sixth and Ninth streets. Stops convenient to the Clinton Library, Heifer International, Carver Elementary School, the East Little Rock Recreation Center and the Little Rock National Airport. n College Station. Downtown southeast to the Little Rock Port Industrial Park. Stops convenient to College Station Elementary School, Arkansas Arts Center, Little Rock Port Authority Industrial Park, Aerospace Museum.

n Mabelvale. Downtown southwest to I-30 and Mabelvale West via University, Forbing Road, Geyer Springs, Baseline and Chicot. Stops convenient to the State Police Headquarters, Arkansas Children’s Hospital, the State Capitol.

Express routes n Pinnacle Mountain Express. Downtown west to Roland (off Hwy. 300) via Highway 10, I-430 and I-630. No stops on the interstates. Stops at Wal-Mart at Chenal Parkway and Highway 10, state Capitol. n Maumelle Express. Loops from downtown west to Maumelle via I-30, I-40, Highway 365, Maumelle Boulevard, I-430, I-630. No stops on the interstates. Stops include the Maumelle Community Center, the state Capitol and the Crystal Hill Park and Ride. n Jacksonville/Sherwood Express. Seventh and Wolfe streets north to the Little Rock Air Force Base via Sherwood. No stops on JFK Boulevard and Maple in North Little Rock. Stops include the LRAFB, Jacksonville Park and Ride, Gravel Ridge Baptist Church Park and Ride, Indian Hills Shopping Center, North Hills Park and Ride, State Library, state Capitol, the state Revenue Office and the River Cities Travel Center.

Fly there Little Rock National Airport One Airport Drive Little Rock, AR 72202-4402 Phone: 501-372-3439 Fax: 501-372-3439 www.fly-lit.com Airlines serving Little Rock American Eagle Continental Express Delta Delta Connection Southwest United US Airways Express Non-stop service from Little Rock Atlanta Baltimore-Washington Charlotte Chicago Cincinnati Cleveland Dallas-Fort Worth Denver Detroit Houston Las Vegas Memphis Newark Phoenix St. Louis

Amenities n Pre-security screening checkpoint: Riverbend Bar & Grill, a fullservice restaurant. The Daily News, offering reading material and gifts. The Arkansas Gallery, with artistic and educational exhibits from Arkansas and Little Rock. n Post-security screening checkpoint: Yarnell’s, Starbucks, Andina’s coffee and Quiznos. Ouachita Brew House, a full-service bar that includes Arkansas microbrews in its offerings. A food court with foods from Burger King, Pizza Hut, Ouachita Landing, a locally-themed full-service restaurant and bar. News Exchange, selling books, magazines, newspapers and gifts.

Parking Valet parking is available on the front curb, $14 per day. Contact Valet Solutions, 537-1774. Various lots and decks are available at varying rates. A dollar for 20 minutes is a standard rate for short-term parking. Maximum daily rates range from $6 to $12. Parking meters are available adjacent to curbside check-in, with a rate of 25 cents for 5 minutes and a maximum of 20 minutes.

Numbers you need THE EmERgENCy NumbER is 911. usE 311 FOR NON-EmERgENCy REquEsTs FOR CiTy ACTiON. Police departments Alexander ................................. 455-1895 Bryant ........................................ 847-0211 Cammack Village ..................... 663-4593 Little Rock................................. 371-4829 Maumelle .................................. 851-1337 North Little Rock ...................... 758-1234 Shannon Hills............................ 455-3125 Sherwood .................................. 835-1583

Time, temperature and weather 374-1110

Other law enforcement Pulaski County Sheriff’s office........................... 340-6600 State Police................................ 618-8000

To find, report or protect animals Bryant Animal Control ............. 653-0765 CARE for Animals Inc. ............ 603-2273 Humane Society of Pulaski County .......................... 227-6166 Little Rock Animal Services .... 376-3067 Maumelle Animal Control ....... 851-6219 North Little Rock Animal Control ......................... 791-8577 Pulaski County Animal Services........................ 603-9439 Sherwood Animal Services ...... 834-2287

Fire departments Bryant ........................................ 847-0483 Jacksonville ............................... 982-5048 Little Rock................................. 371-4829 Maumelle .................................. 851-1337 North Little Rock ...................... 340-5377 Sherwood .................................. 835-0342 62 natives guide 2010 • aRKansas tiMes

Highway conditions 569-2374 (State Highway Department) Consumer protection Attorney general ...................... 682-2341 Better Business Bureau ........... 217-9638



AMS opened a new 540,000-squarefoot hospital in 2009, and its 12-floor, 300,000-square foot expansion of the Winthrop Rockefeller Cancer Institute is due to open this year. Arkansas Children’s Hospital opened a new west Little Rock clinic, in the Bella Rosa Shopping Center on Cantrell. Here’s a list of the comprehensive and specialty care offerings in Pulaski County.

MAJOR hOspitAls

n Arkansas Children’s Hospital: 1 Children’s Way, 364-1100 (plus west Little Rock clinic at 16101 Cantrell Road). 316 beds. Includes the state’s only burn and pediatric ECMO units. n Baptist Health Medical CenterLittle Rock: 9601 Interstate 630, Exit 7, 202-2000. 827 beds. n Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System: John L. McClellan Memorial Veterans Hospital, 4300 W. Seventh St., 257-1000. 182 beds. Towbin Health Care Center, 2200 Fort Roots Drive, 257-1000. 346 beds. n St. Vincent Infirmary Medical Center: 2 St. Vincent Circle (at W. Markham St. and University Ave.), 552-3000. 615 beds, 49 of which are behavioral health. n St. Vincent-Doctors: 6101 W. Capitol Ave., 582-6000. 282 beds. n University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences: Medical Center, 4301 W. Markham St., 686-7000. 454 beds. Includes the Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute, Donald W. Reynolds Center on Aging, the Jones Eye Institute, Jackson T. Stephens Spine and Neurosciences Institute, the Myeloma Institute for Research and Therapy and the Psychiatric Research Institute. n Baptist Health Medical CenterNorth Little Rock: 3333 Springhill Drive, 202-3000. 220 beds. n North Metro Medical Center:1400 Braden, Jacksonville, 985-7000. 113 beds. n St. Vincent Medical Center/North: 2215 Wildwood Ave., Sherwood, 5527100. 69 beds. n Saline Memorial Hospital: 1 Medical Park Drive, Benton, 847-0613. 167 beds.

spECiAltY hOspitAls Cancer therapy

n Central Arkansas Radiation Therapy Institute (CARTI): 664-8573. Notfor-profit free-standing facilities for cancer radiation therapy, with locations also in Conway, Mountain Home and Searcy. • CARTI/Baptist: 9500 Kanis Road, 312-1733, 800-322-9311. • CARTI/North Little Rock: 3401 Springhill Drive, Suite 130, 955-2227, 800-342-2863. • CARTI/St. Vincent: 4 St. Vincent Circle, 664-8573, 800-482-8561 • CARTI/UAMS: 4130 Shuffield Drive,

664-4568, 800-371-7996. n Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute: UAMS, 4301 W. Markham St., 686-7000.


n The Arkansas Heart Hospital: 1701 S. Shackleford Road, 219-7000. Includes 24-hour emergency center. 219-7927. 112 beds.

long-term Acute Care

n Allegiance Specialty Hospital: 11401 Interstate 30, 2nd floor, 455-7300. 40 beds. n Baptist Health Extended Care Hospital: 9601 Interstate 630, Exit 7, 10th floor, 202-2000. 37 beds. n Select Specialty Hospital of Little Rock: St. Vincent Circle, 6th floor, 6614198. 43 beds.

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physical and Occupational therapy

n Baptist Health Rehabilitation Institute: 9601 Interstate 630, Exit 7, 2022000. 120 beds. n St. Vincent Rehabilitation Hospital: 2201 Wildwood Ave., Sherwood, 8341800. 60 beds.


n Arkansas State Hospital: 4313 W. Markham, 686-9000. 220 beds. n Centers for Youth and Families (Elizabeth Mitchell Children’s and Adolescent Centers): 6501 and 6601 W. 12th St., 6668686. 49 beds. Long-term residential treatment for youths 5-17. n Pinnacle Pointe: 11501 Financial Centre Parkway, 223-3322. 102 beds. In-patient facility for children and adolescents. n St. Vincent Center for Behavioral Health: 6101 St. Vincent Circle, 5525777. 55 beds. n Psychiatric Research Institute: UAMS, 4301 W. Markham St., 686-7000. 40 beds n Youth Home Inc.: 20400 Col. Glenn Road, 821-5500. 70 beds. In-patient services for adolescents, day treatment and out-patient services. n The Bridgeway: 21 Bridgeway Road, North Little Rock, 771-1500. 103 beds. In- and out-patient facility for children and adults. n Methodist Behavioral Hospital: 1601 Murphy Drive, Maumelle, 8033388. 60 beds. In- and out-patient facility for adolescents. n Rivendell of Arkansas: 100 Rivendell Drive, Benton, 316-1255. 77 beds. In-patient facility for children.


n Arkansas Surgical Hospital: 5201 Northshore Drive, NLR, 748-8000. 40 beds.


n Arkansas Hospice: 5600 W. 12th St., 748-3333. 16 beds (St. Vincent Doctors Hospital)

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ere is a list of public and private agencies that offer services, including shelters, pantries and help with substance abuse.

Abuse and neglect Aging and Adult Services 682-2441 or 800-482-8049 (24-hour hotline), www.arkansas.gov/dhs/aging Arkansas Division of Children and Family Services 682-8770 or 800-482-5964, www.state.ar.us/dhs/chilnfam/child_protective_services.htm Arkansas Coalition Against Domestic Violence 907-5612 or 800-269-4668, www.domesticpeace.com Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline 800-482-5964 Family Service Agency Domestic Violence, 372-4242, www.helpingfamilies.org SAFE PLACES Sexual Violence Support Center 801-2700 or 877-432-5368, www.safeplaceslr.org Youth Home Inc 821-5500, 800-728-6452, www.youthhome.org

Alcohol and drug abuse

Wolfe Street Foundation 372-5662 , www.wolfestreet.org

Food CareLink (Meals on Wheels) 372-5300 or 800-482-6359, www.care-link.org Stone Soup, Quapaw Quarter United Methodist Church 75-1600 The Stewpot, First Presbyterian Church of Little Rock 372-1804, www.firstpres-lr.org

Pantries Arkansas Food Bank Network 565-8121, www.arkansasfoodbank.org Arkansas Rice Depot 565-8855, www.ricedepot.org Helping Hand 372-7257 Jacksonville Care Channel for the Needy 982-4647

Arkansas CARES (women) 661-7979, www.methodistfamily.org

Salvation Army (Little Rock) 374-9296, www.salvationarmycaac.org

Black Community Developers Neighborhood Support Center 663-4774, www.bcdinc.org

Salvation Army (NLR) 758-7297, www.salvationarmycaac.org

Serenity Park 663-7627, www.serenitypark.org

Watershed Human and Community Development Agency 378-0176, www.nebowatershed.com For a broader list of food pantries in Arkansas, go to www.arkansashunger.org

Shelter/transitional living

Sober Living 562-0507

Freewell Baptist Family Ministries, Florence Crittenton Home for boys and girls 663-0772, www.fwbfm.com

Recovery Center, Union Rescue Mission 374-1108, www.urm.org

Our House 375-2416 or 374-7383, www.ourhouseshelter.org

64 natives guide 2010 • aRKansas tiMes

Little Rock Compassion Center 296-9114 River City Ministry 376-6694 Salvation Army (Jacksonville) 985-1331 Salvation Army (Little Rock) 374-9296 Salvation Army (NLR) 758-7297 Stepping Stone Shelter 666-7233 Union Rescue Mission • administration: 374-1108 • shelter and men’s addiction unit: 376-8470 www.urmission.org Women and Children First 376-3219 or 800-332-4443, www.wcfarkansas.org

Arkansas Enterprises for the Developmentally Disabled Inc. 562-6579 The Arc, Association for Retarded Citizens of Arkansas 375-7770 Big Brothers-Big Sisters of Pulaski County 374-6661, www.bbbsca.org Centers for Youth and Families 666-8686 or 888-868-0023, www.youthandfamilies.org Disability Rights Center 296-1775 or 800-482-1174, www.arkdisabilityrights.org Easter Seals Arkansas 227-3600 Gaines House 376-4015

Other support programs

Legal Services Center for Arkansas 376-3423, www.arlegalservices.org

Alzheimer’s Arkansas 224-0021, www.alzark.org

United Way of Pulaski County 376-4567


Salvation Army (Jacksonville) 985-1331, www.salvationarmycaac.org

Recovery Centers of Arkansas 372-4611, www.rcofa.org

Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families 371-9678, www.aradvocates.org

Potluck 371-0303, www.potluckfoodrescue.org

Alcoholics Anonymous 664-7303, www.arkansascentraloffice.org

Narcotics Anonymous 373-8683, www.caasc.org

Interfaith Hospitality Network 372-0733


Saint Francis House Inc. 664-5036, stfrancishouse72204@att.net

Cocaine Anonymous 374-1334

American Red Cross 748-1000, www.arkansasredcross.org

Moody Chapel AfricanMethodist Episcopal Church 562-1117, 562-1118

Al-Anon and Al-Ateen 372-5234, www.aral-anon.alateen.org

GYST (Get Yourself Together) House 568-1682

Dorcas House, abused women 374-4022, www.urmission.org

Water Central Arkansas Water serves most of Pulaski County. The customer service office, 372-5161, arranges for turn-ons and installation of meters. A $15 activation fee will appear on the first month’s bill. Sewer (wastewater) Little Rock Wastewater Utility, 376-2903. North Little Rock Sewer Department, 945-7186. Elsewhere, call the appropriate city hall. Central Arkansas Water can answer questions about the sewer bills that appear on CAW water bills. Electricity Entergy serves most of Pulaski County, including Little Rock. Customer service information is available at 800-368-3749, outages can be reported at 800-968-8243. North Little Rock has its own Electric Department, 975-8888. Report outages to 888-728-4004. Gas Centerpoint Energy, 800-992-7552 for customer service and to report gas leaks. Call Before You Dig is 811.

Garbage In Little Rock, call 888-2208 for garbage collection. Elsewhere, call the appropriate city hall. Recycling Regional Recycling and Waste Reduction does curbside recycling in all municipalities except Sherwood in Pulaski County and has drop-off centers. In Little Rock and North Little Rock, call 340-8787 with questions; in Jacksonville, call 982-6071; in Maumelle, call 851-2812. For a list of drop-off centers, composting facilities, tire disposal sites, household chemical collection centers, electronic recycling centers and landfill information, go to www.regionalrecycling.org or call 340-8787. Telephone AT&T, 800-288-2020, is the biggest phone company in town, but it has competitors, including Comcast, MCI, Verizon, Vonage and Windstream. The state Public Service Commission can provide information about all the phone companies serving Central Arkansas.












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