Arkansas Food & Farm Summer Harvest 2015

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Summer Harvest 2015

Here's the Beef.







Subscriptions are now available for Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) shares through Heifer USA. Delivered weekly to multiple Little Rock locations for just $25 per week, you can get a basket full of fresh, locally grown, GMO-free produce. Free range meat shares are also available and are sold separately. Shares are going fast, so don’t miss your chance to choose local food, choose health and choose to help Arkansas farmers.





When the crops start coming in, there’s never a moment of rest.

Cavender’s Greek Seasoning is a unique blend of 13 ingredients that is good to use on anything you would normally salt and pepper.

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LOCAL FOOD HEATS UP From beer to beef, there’s more great local food to choose from than ever.

BEYOND THE HOSPITAL Baptist Health takes healthy living outside hospital walls with a new farmers market and local food initiative.

NATURAL STATE GOES WORLDWIDE The University of Arkansas has developed the gold standard in blackberries— and they are found far beyond the state’s borders.


STRENGTHENING CONNECTIONS The Grass Roots Farmers’ Co-Op brings farmers from around the state together to increase their market footprint.





Nine Oaks Quality Beef makes a better product through the care given to each of their pasture-raised cattle.

From the Fayetteville Ale Trail to the Little Rock Brew Bus, new ways to experience Arkansas’ craft beer revolution. Plus all the can’t-miss breweries in the state.


30 R E G I O N A L L I S T I N G S

Arkansas Grown Farms, Farmers Markets, CSAs, Grocers, Artisan Foods, Farm-to-Table Restaurants and Nonprofit Organizations.



Creative director Mandy Keener and photographer Rett Peek spent the day at Nine Oaks Quailty Beef, getting the lay of the land from David Head and finding what it takes to raise grass-fed cattle. Story on page 25. Stay connected to Arkansas Food & Farm online. Find more features, photos and interactive listings.

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A Special Publication of Arkansas Times ALAN LEVERITT Publisher REBEKAH HARDIN Associate Publisher

Blackmon Auctions has been auctioning farm equipment since 1938. We are a third generation company with deep roots in the agricultural community. We sell for the individual farmer plus we conduct three large open auctions a year. The Backgate auction, which is the largest farm auction of its kind in the United States. Selling 6000 items over 6 days. The Portland Open in South Arkansas and the Morrilton Open which is in central Arkansas.




LINDA PHILLIPS Billing/Collections KELLY LYLES Office Manager ANITRA HICKMAN Circulation Director 201 E. MARKHAM ST., SUITE 200 LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 501-375-2985 All Contents Š 2015 Arkansas Food & Farm



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When the tomatoes get ripe, there’s no slowing down


India Blue farmer Alan Leveritt shows his heirloom Carbon, Purple Bumblebee and Sungold tomatoes.

“This is truly the season of fruit and life.”

he tomatoes are in, and for me that means working till dark-thirty each night. A few weeks ago we were tying or spraying our 1,300 heirloom tomato vines practically every day. Pyganic organic insecticide, slurried clay insect repellant, BT for hornworms, a plant-based spray to kick up the immune system—it felt like I was raising 1,300 hypochondriacs. For weeks I watched the vines grow, then the flowers make and then the green Carbons, Annis Noirs and Goldies get bigger and bigger until I realized, for the 20th season, I was about to get washed away in a tsunami of heirloom tomatoes. During the first few weeks of production, the heirlooms are just exquisite. They are huge, often topping a pound with the colors just brilliant. The Goldies are the most remarkable, turning from yellow to a deep gold and getting sweeter with each deepening shade. The Annis Noirs are the most unusual, a big green tomato when ripe with red marbeling. Watching them ripen on the vine you think it will be impossible to know when it is ready. But then when the time comes, you know. Its colors don’t change but the tone does. The fruit practically glows. Now we are picking every day and I am sorting and packing every night. There is no thought to tying or spraying, just harvest. This morning before work I delivered 450 pounds of #1 large heirlooms to the restaurants and I will repeat that twice more this week. We have a hundred pounds of #2 heirlooms, smaller or misshapen fruits in the sorting shed in need of a restaurant buyer who will use them for juice or gazpacho. This will go on until mid-August. This is the fecund season, everything is coming up ripe, ready to be picked, sorted, sold or canned. The Saturday before July 4, I picked 500 pounds of heirlooms, the first real picking day. Then we picked, snapped and canned 13 quarts of Kentucky Wonder pole beans for the kitchen. That evening, just before dusk I remembered I needed to grabble my potatoes. Last year I was so busy I never even harvested them. This year I buried the seed potatoes in the large mulch pile that has built up around my banana trees. Each fall I cut the trees down before the frost and bury the stumps in a tractor bucket load or two of leaves. The banana trees are 20-feet-tall now and the nutrient-filled compost from the leaves is a rich, loose environment for the potatoes. That was when I violated the first law of Arkansas gardening, never put your hands where you can’t see them. I guess I have a history of bad choices and this time I grabbed a large snake along with the potatoes. Both of us were startled. Her skin was cool, soft, textured and moving. Only she couldn’t because I had a firm grip thinking she was a Yukon gold potato. Fortunately for me she was a five-foot-long black chicken snake and was in the midst of laying white eggs in the warm leaf mulch. I gently picked her up with my shovel to get a look at her and then sat her down. She moved slowly into the dimness of the banana trees a few feet from her eggs while I carefully covered them in leaf mulch. This is truly the season of fruit and life.

Alan Leveritt Publisher, Arkansas Food & Farm Arkansas Times Publishing 8 | FOOD & FARM



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LOCAL FOOD HEATS UP Summer is a time for celebrating Little Rock Farmers Market

the hard work of farmers

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Argenta Arts District

hen I was a kid growing up in Arkadelphia, there were always folks who swore by the Sunday lunch served up at the Baptist Health cafeteria. That may sound odd to some, but Baptist always defied expectations when it came to the quality of their food. Now they’re taking it a step further by mandating an increase in the amount of food they buy from local farmers. It’s just another sign that the local food revolution is in full force in the Natural State. As always, working on Arkansas Food & Farm has brought me into contact with some of the best and brightest people in the state. Up in Bentonville, they’re toasting the growth of their food scene at two new microbreweries, while the people of Jonesboro are feasting on some of the best beef in the country. Closer to central Arkansas, a group of farmers has banded together in order to expand their footprint in the marketplace—and all over, people are talking about local like never before. Food is about health. Eat the right kind, and your body will thank you. Buy the right kind, and the local economy will thank you. I’ve always been a fan of the phrase “a rising tide lifts all boats,” and in this case, that tide has the potential to increase health, wealth and happiness for so many in Arkansas. We’re still a state that scores poorly in terms of obesity, diabetes rates and chronic illnesses, but I think we’re in a position to change all that and make people rethink just what it means to be healthy in Arkansas. As we move into the scorching part of the summer, I always think about the hard work our farmers put in day after day. Heat and bugs and getting water to the crops present just a few of the never-ending challenges faced by our growers. They are the unsung heroes of our state, and they want us all to eat better. Check out what they’ve got for you—I guarantee you won’t be disappointed.


Argenta Farmers Market Event Grounds 5 until 9 PM ONLINE ALL THE TIME



For more information contact

10 | FOOD & FARM

Michael Roberts Editor, Arkansas Food & Farm Arkansas Times Publishing @ARFoodFarm

Find out what’s in season at


The Baptist Health parking deck gets festive every Tuesday during the BHealthy Farmers Market.


Baptist Health launches new healthy lifestyle initiative


by Michael Roberts

While not all food purchases are able to be sourced or Little Rock-based Baptist Health, taking care locally, Baptist’s plan calls for an increase of 20 of the community after an illness is only one part percent in food sourced from Arkansas growers, of their mission. In detailing Baptist’s vision for quite a significant number given the number of meals the future, CEO Troy Wells says, “Health systems must each member hospital serves daily. Even better, each lead the way in preventing chronic disease, investing in cafeteria will identify what foods have been purchased more primary care, and partnering with other healthlocally, allowing consumers for whom buying local is care providers and community members to improve the important to make informed choices about what they health of our communities.” Hospitals are one of the few eat even beyond basic health benefits. businesses around that don’t want to see a lot of return Cafeteria changes aren’t the only new thing Baptist customers, and to this end, Baptist has announced its has in store to help promote health in participation in the “Healthier Hospital BHealthy Market Arkansas. On June 9, the hospital opened Initiative,” a program it joins with 12 t he BHea lt hy Fa r mer s Ma rket i n t he other hospitals nationwide. Baptist Health As a sign of its commitment to health Little Rock Parking Deck parking deck of the Little Rock hospital, allowing farmers to set up shop in a part and health education, Baptist is putting Tuesdays of town previously underserved by area its money where the public’s mouth is. The hospital’s Nutrition & Food Services markets. In addition to the fresh food 7 a.m. - 1 p.m. department has made efforts to change vendors, the BHealthy market will serve the way each of the member institutions as a forum for information about nutrition purchase and prepare the food used in their cafeterias, and preventative care—all part of the hospital’s mission all while maintaining the level of flavor that the hospital to increase the overall health of the people who depend group has traditionally been known for. These changes on its services. Given the number of patients, families in purchasing habits have also resulted in a larger and health personnel that pass through the area every day, the new market and healthier cafeteria options are focus on buying local produce from Arkansas farmers— certain to become a convenient new way for Arkansans something that is good for the health of the Arkansas to get healthy and support local. farm economy as well. 12 | FOOD & FARM





You probably already know that Sorghum flour is gluten-free, but did you know that sorghum flour has fewer calories, three times the fiber and twice the protein as other refined white flours? Health Benefits of Gluten-Free Sorghum: • High nutritional value (high fiber and protein, low calorie)

General rule of thumb when baking with Sorghum or other non-gluten flours:

• More antioxidants than blueberries and pomegranates

1. For cookies, replace 1 cup of wheat flour with 7/8 cup sorghum flour + 1/8 cup coconut flour.

• Can reduce the risk of colon and skin cancer more than other grains

2. For Brownies, make it 3/4 cup sorghum flour + 1/4 cup coconut flour.

• Promote cardiovascular health and aids in blood sugar control

Popped Sorghum

• Improve cholesterol levels • Promote digestive health (gluten-free) • Increase energy levels • A serving of sorghum provides 58% of your daily copper requirement and 28% of your recommended daily magnesium intake. Sorghum’s natural attributes make it possible to enjoy deliciously healthful and gluten-free versions of some of America’s favorite foods

Just as with popcorn, the moisture in sorghum kernels can swell when heated, making the kernel pop into a tasty snack.

Artisanal Sorghum Bread INGREDIENTS

2 cups sweet white sorghum flour ½ cup potato starch ½ cup sweet white rice flour 1 ½ teaspoon xanthan gum 1 ½ teaspoon baking soda 2 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon sugar 1 packet active dry yeast (.28 ounces or 8 grams) 2 tablespoons white wine vinegar 2 eggs ½ cup warm club soda (or as much as is needed to wet the bread)


1. Preheat the oven to 200°. Put all the dry ingredients into the bowl or your stand mixer. Turn on the mixer and combine the flours and other dry ingredients well. Turn it off. 2. Add the white wine vinegar and keep the machine running. Add the eggs, one at a time, and allow the mixer to beat them into the dry ingredients, on low speed. After you have added all the eggs, pour in the club soda, in a slow drizzle. Pour in only as much as is needed to wet all the ingredients completely and combine this into a dough. Turn the oven off, immediately. 3. Attach the dough hook to the mixer and stir the dough on medium speed for three to four minutes. After those three to four minutes, turn off the mixer and transfer the dough to an oiled bowl.

4. Put the bowl into the oven, which will be warm, but not actively heating. Allow it to stay in there for forty-five minutes. It will not have risen much, at this point. Just a bit. It is gluten-free, after all. There is no gluten to push along that rising. Accept that. 5. Take the bowl out of the oven and put it on the stovetop. Turn the oven up to 500°. Put a cast-iron pot, large enough to hold the bread, into the oven. A cast-iron dutch oven with an enamel surface is probably ideal. But any large pot or pan will do, as long as it has a lid. Leave the dutch oven in the 500° heat for half an hour. Meanwhile, the dough will be doing its small rising on the stove. 6. After half an hour, take the dutch oven out of the oven, carefully. Without worrying too much about the perfect shape, transfer the wet dough into the hot dutch oven. Put the lid on and push the dutch oven back into the oven, immediately. 7. Set your timer for thirty minutes. Do not turn down the heat. Allow the bread to cook in there, with the lid on, for the entire thirty minutes. By the end, it will really smell like fresh-baked bread. Take the pot out of the oven, take the lid off the pot, and voilå a lumpy, wonderfully crusted loaf of gluten-free bread. Allow it to cool for ten minutes, then cut right into it. 8. You can also use this dough and technique for any number of variations. For olive bread, put ½ cup chopped kalamata olives into the dough. For rosemary bread, add one tablespoon of chopped fresh rosemary into the dough, the sprinkle thick crystals of sea salt on the top of the bread before baking. Be creative and do what you love.

Easy Shrimp & Chicken Paella INGREDIENTS


1 ¼ cup dry white wine ¾ teaspoon saffron threads 2 teaspoons salt 1 ½ teaspoons smoked paprika (also known as Pimento Dulce) 1 ½ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 6 extra-large shrimps heads and shells on 2 large chicken breasts cut into 6 pieces 4 ounces ¼ -inch-thick slices fully cooked smoked Spanish chorizo 1 ½ tablespoon olive oil 1 ½ cups chopped onion 6 garlic cloves, minced 2 cups pearled white sorghum grain 7 cups chicken broth (If using whole grain, use 9 cups of broth) 1 14.5-ounce can diced tomatoes in juice ¼ cup coarsely chopped roasted red peppers from jar ½ cup frozen green peas, thawed Lime or lemon wedges

chorizo to a plate. Add olive oil to skillet.


7. Transfer chicken and shrimps to plate. Stir sorghum (grain should be soft with a pleasant bite); add green peas and adjust salt and pepper if needed. Return chicken and shrimps to skillet, nestling into rice. Cover. Cook until peas are ready, about 2 to 3 minutes. Turn heat to high for 30 to 40 seconds until you can smell the sorghum toast at the bottom (Be careful not to burn it!). Now you are ready to enjoy your paella with a twist!

1. In a small bowl, mix white wine and saffron threads; set aside. Combine salt, smoked paprika, and black pepper in small bowl; rub spice mixture all over shrimp and chicken. Heat heavy large skillet or a paella pan over medium heat. 2. Sauté chorizo until fat begins to render and sausage browns, stirring occasionally, about 3 minutes. Transfer

3. Add shrimps and cook 30 seconds each side. Transfer to plate with chorizo. Add chicken to skillet and cook until browned, about 3 minutes per side. Transfer chicken to plate with chorizo and shrimps. 4. Add chopped onion. Cook until translucent, stirring often, about 3 minutes. Add minced garlic and stir 30 seconds. Add WONDERGRAIN sorghum and stir to coat. Add wine-saffron mixture and bring to a quick boil on high, scraping up browned bits from bottom of skillet. Add chicken broth, tomatoes with juice and bring to a boil on high for about 2 minutes. Reduce heat to medium, cover with lid. Simmer for about 30 minutes. Stir in roasted red peppers and browned chorizo. 5. Place chicken and shrimps atop mixture in skillet (You may add drippings from the bowl to the skillet for added flavor). Reduce heat to medium low. 6. Cover skillet tightly. Cook paella until WONDERGRAIN is tender with a bite and the chicken is completely cooked, about 15 minutes. Dish should be moist, not dry.

Sorghum Pancakes INGREDIENTS

1 3/4 cups sorghum flour 1/4 cup cornstarch 3 tsp baking powder 2 tsp sugar 1/2 tsp salt 1/2 cup powdered buttermilk 3 Tbls butter, melted 2 eggs 1 1/2 cups water


1. Combine dry ingredients. In separate bowl, beat together eggs, oil and water; add to dry ingredients and

mix just until well blended. Heat a large skillet or griddle over med-low heat. 2. Spray the pan with cooking oil. 3. Wet your fingertips under the faucet and shake them over the hot griddle. If the water droplets “ sizzle ,” the heat is right to begin making the pancakes. For large cakes pour 1/4 cup of batter into the pan; for small, use 2 T of batter. 4. Cook until bubbles form on the top; flip and cook until golden brown on the bottom. Transfer to a baking sheet and keep warm in a 200° oven while making the rest of the pancakes.

NATURAL STATE GOES WORLDWIDE University of Arkansas research brings blackberries to the table



by Kat Robinson

The University of Arkansas has developed berries that are large (left) and grow on thornless canes (right).


ative to North America, blackberries can be found in the most rugged of terrains, hugging hillsides and clogging ditches, rolling along miles of fencing and highway. The tenacious plant’s brambles can be found in all areas of the state, from Ozark and Ouachita mountainsides to the Mississippi River alluvial plain. All that’s needed is a little soil and good light to create canes. The University of Arkansas Fruit Research Station at Clarksville focuses on the blackberry and other fr uits such as peaches , nectar ines , blueberries and grapes, such as the muscadine. Its blackberry cultivation and development program has been centered around creating canes that produce large, high-quality fruit that are available for an extended season, that are highly productive and that are thornless. The blackberry breeding program was started in 1964 by James N. Moore, who hoped to bring this native Arkansas fruit to more prominence in the commercial marketplace. It was the largest breeding effort undertaken in the South. Of the 61 cultivars created at the University of Arkansas 18 | FOOD & FARM

Fruit Research Station in Clarksville since then, 18 have been blackberries. “Cultivated blackberries are derived from wild ones,” says John R. Clark, lead professor and researcher at the Clarksville Fruit Research Station. “The first named varieties were selected from the wild. These were then used as parents in hybridizing by breeders to combine desirable traits.” Clark teaches the culture and production of small fruits at the station, and conducts research in breeding and physiology of small fruits and grapes. “Currently the University of Arkansas breeding is about 10 generations more or less from wild parents,” he says. Early cultivars, such as Comanche, Cherokee and Cheyenne, were developed in the 1970s by crossing a New York variety called Darrow with Brazos, a cultivar created at Texas A&M in 1959. These varieties were heartier and provided some options for southern farmers, especially then-new pick-your-own operations. Later varieties such as Shawnee were patented, and the money generated from the sale of those patented plants has gone back to the university, helping fund yet more research.

In 1989, the program’s first thornless blackberry, Navaho, was released. Previous attempts to create thornless blackberry vines had resulted in tart berries, poor seed germination and late fruit maturity, but this version and its successor—Arapaho, released in 1993—addressed those issues and produced good fruit. The two varieties allowed for the creation of a viable blackberry market for farmers, which continues to this day. In the late 1990s, a focus on creating blackberry canes that fruited on their first year instead of their second year lead to the development of primocanes, and in 2004 the University of Arkansas released the first of these varietals, Prime-Jan® and PrimeJim®. They were originally intended for home use, although Prime-Jan® had some commercial potential. “Prime-Ark® 45 was released in 2009, providing the first primocane-fruiting blackberry with post-harvest

handling capability for shipping to commercial markets,” says Clark. “The subsequent thornless releases have contributed to a substantial increase in production of shipping-quality blackberries in the South as well as the Midwest, California and some production in the Pacific Northwest.” The program at Clarksville has made it possible for blackberries to become a commercially viable fruit that farmers can produce and sell…and for these native Arkansas fruits to become a familiar sight on the table for consumers to enjoy without fighting prickles and thorns, chiggers and ticks. “The Arkansas varieties are marketed at many locations, retail stores, nurseries, mail order,” Clark says. “They are patented, and licenses are granted by the university for nurseries to be allowed to propagate. They are then sold by these nurseries or other sellers that buy plants from licensed propagators.”

You can find a list of licensed propagators on the University of Arkansas Extension Service website here: CommHort_blackberries-Licensed-Propagators-UofA-Patent.pdf

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Late Night OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Chef Matthew McClure James Beard Award Semifinalist

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FOOD & FARM | 19


A Freckle Face Farm hen sneaks some broiler feed.

STRENGTHENING CONNECTIONS The Grass Roots Farmers’ Cooperative gives farmers a boost by Christie Ison & Elizabeth Quinn


t’s still dark at Freckle Face Farm in McRae, but the Grass Roots Farmers’ Cooperative, a group dedicated ow ner Mitchell Lat ture is used to beating the to helping small farms thrive while practicing ethical sunrise, as he has every day since he and his wife animal husbandry and environmental stewardship. Latture says that Freckle Face Farm became a founding Jami began farming his great-grandfather’s land. As member of the Grass Roots Farmers’ Cooperative because usual, his first chore is to feed and water the chickens. he saw the benefits of farmers working together. “You Latture’s farm has become a popular supplier of meat can grow all you can and be great at it, but if you and poultry to butcher shops like Hillcrest Artisan don’t have ability to sell, it’s just not enough,” he says. Meats and restaurants like Arkansas Fresh Bakery Cafe in Bryant, which means work at Freckle Face is “Through Grass Roots, we all have a statewide market and operational support that goes never done. way beyond what we could possibly Latture’s broilers live inside Customers are airy, open-bottomed shelters called absouletely excited accomplish individually.” Grass Roots genera l manager schooners, which are moved daily about the Cody Hopk ins—w ho a l s o c o - o w n s to fresh pasture. These structures Grass Roots Fa l l i ng Sk y Fa r m i n L e s l ie w it h protect the birds from prey animals Farmers’ his wife, Andrea Todt—said the cowhile giving them plenty of room to Cooperative. op began as an informal network run around and “just be chickens,” of farmers who realized they could Latture says. make farming more sustainable by joining together. Later today, Lat ture w ill move the schooners , They already shared agricultural values, so sharing a task usually shared with the youngest two of his value-chain services such as accounting, processing, seven children. “The older ones don’t fall for the line, ‘You’re the best chicken movers ever!’ anymore,” he purchasing and marketing was a natural next step. When the farmers formally organized the cooperative jokes. But they all help tend the forested pigs on their property, as well as the dairy cattle and laying hens in 2014, one of their first orders of business was to set standards of operation for all its members. that provide his family’s milk and eggs. “When our production standards are used, you Taking care of animals is hard work, even for a family of nine. For this reason, just over a year ago, Freckle Face really can taste the difference in what ends up on and seven other livestock farms across Arkansas formed your plate,” Hopkins says. “That’s why we don’t use

20 | FOOD & FARM


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Left: Freckle Face Farm’s Mitchell Latture is trailed by his forest-raised pigs. Top Right: Latture moves a chicken schooner to fresh pasture. Bottom Right: Freckle Face pigs wander the treeline for food and fun.

hormones, maintenance antibiotics or GMO feed. And we believe in treating the animals with respect and in the importance of caring for the environment with our methods of farming.” Though they have been operating for a few years, the Latture family still struggles to make a living farming. To help offset the difficulties common to small-scale farms, Heifer International has partnered with the co-op to overcome some of the barriers for beginning and minority farmers. This relationship with Heifer helps Grass Roots farms get access to infrastructure, capital, mentorship, and markets. Latture said that the cooperative has been instrumental in helping him not only make a living, but practice agriculture in the way he and his family originally intended. “We were always so busy trying to keep up with having product available—doing the farmers markets, going to the processor, getting feed—that we had lost some of our original focus on how we really wanted to farm,” Latture says. “I might say, ‘I’ll put up those fences tomorrow.’ Then it’s tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow. The co-op enables us to focus on the farming, just taking care of the animals.” 22 | FOOD & FARM

Food from Freckle Face—and all members farms— is available through Grass Roots’ CSA share. This program, known as Herds to Homes, delivers pastured pork, chicken, beef and lamb to the doorsteps of its subscribers. Grass Roots meat is also served in several restaurants, including South on Main and The Root Café in Little Rock as well as The Hive in Bentonville. Each Friday, Latture travels to central Arkansas to make Herds to Homes deliveries, putting the fruits of his labor—as well as that of Grass Roots farmers across the state—directly into the hands of customers. With each deliver y, Latture sees the fulfillment of the co-op’s early commitment to fostering farmercustomer relationships. “The customers are absolutely excited, like it ’s Christmas,” he says. “Delivery is the part that reassures me that we’re on the right track.”

For More Information: Grass Roots Farmers’ Cooperative Herds to Homes Program

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FOOD & FARM | 23



PARKING IS FREE for the Farmers Market – ask vendors for parking passes. •


by Michael Roberts

Nine Oaks Quality Beef’s David Head inspects his pasture-raised cattle.

FOOD & FARM | 25


Freedom of movement and good grass year-round result in great meat from Nine Oaks Quality Beef.


av id He ad of Ni ne O a k s Q u a l it y B e ef i n Br o ok l a nd h a s t he s or t of q u ie t c on f ide nc e about his products that comes from a lifetime of raising cattle. “I tell people who have never tried our grass-fed beef before, ‘don’t spend a lot of money— buy a pound of ground beef and you’ll be back,’” he says with a laugh. “I’ll put our [beef] up against any beef in the country.” Head has been marketing his beef under the Nine Oaks label for 10 years, seven of which he has spent selling direct to the public at the ASU Farmers Market in Jonesboro. He’s understandably proud of the highquality ground beef, which he raises and finishes solely on grass, but he understands the challenges that come from beef fed on grass alone. “Tenderness is always an issue,” he says, adding that his whole cuts come from cattle that are pasture-raised but finished on grain. For farmers like Head, the real issue is not so much whether cattle are finished on grass or grain, it’s how they live up to the point when they are slaughtered. Pasture-raised cattle, like the ones Nine Oaks produces, are allowed fresh, clean acreage in which to graze, unlike conventional cattle which by necessity are kept in larger herds. K e epi ng

26 | FOOD & FARM

t he animals more spread out means reducing the chance of disease, something that allows Nine Oaks to avoid the antibiotic regimens that are often necessar y when cattle are kept closer together. Arkansas’ climate makes it tough to raise cattle purely on grass—the hot, dry summers leave a dearth of food by late summer. While Head says that many farmers import alfalfa hay from out of state, he’d rather keep his prices down as much as possible, which rules out bringing in expensive hay. Still, as consumers decide they want more pure grass-fed beef, Head says his operation is moving in that direction, and he’s begun working with different kinds of grass so that the cattle can graze all year. Whether purely grass-fed or switched to corn at around 14 months, Head’s Nine Oaks beef remains a superior product, all while keeping prices within range of premium grocery store cuts. The lack of hor mones and antibiotics in the meat is a plus for some eaters , while the pasture -raised beef develops a unique and r ich flavor. For Head, it’s all in how the cattle are treated throughout their lives— and he’s determined that his products will always be healthy and delicious.


Grass-fed beef can be a little trickier to prepare than beef that has been raised on corn, but don’t let that stop you! Here are some tips for making sure that your grass-fed beef tastes just as good as you want it. MARINADE: A marinade using lemon juice, vinegar, wine or bourbon can add moisture to the beef as well as flavor. Use 1/2 cup of marinade per pound of beef. Marinate for 2 to 8 hours, turning the beef halfway through. BRING IT UP: Make sure the beef is at room temperature before cooking. This will allow quicker, more even cooking, which keeps the beef more tender and juicy. COOK RARE: Because grass-fed beef isn’t as tender as grain-fed, don’t go for much beyond medium rare. You’ll keep the meat more tender and the flavor will be considerably better. COAT: A thin coating of olive or other oil can help give leaner grass-fed beef an edge when it first hits the fire. LET IT REST: Letting the finished product rest for 5 to 10 minutes after cooking allows heat to even out and brings the internal juices down in temperature. Cutting into the beef without letting it rest means loss of moisture—and loss of taste.


FOOD & FARM | 27


BEER FINDS ITS NATURAL STATE Craft brew tourism in Arkansas is on the rise


by Michael Roberts

t’s a bright, hot day in Bentonville, and a crowd of eager drinkers is gathered around an attractive wood and stone bar at Bike Rack Brewing, getting their passports stamped. It’s not an entrance into another country, although given that Benton County was dry just a handful of months ago, it certainly feels like another world. The passports in question are souvenirs of the Fayetteville Ale Trail, which launched in 2013 to highlight the growing number of craft breweries in northwest Arkansas. Over 2,000 of these passports were handed out in just the first two weeks of the ale trail’s existence—a number that has grown into tens of thousands today. Down in Little Rock, there’s a similar scene going on at the Diamond Bear Brewery, only instead of passport stamping, eager craft beer fans are waiting to board the Little Rock Brew Bus for a guided tour of central Arkansas’ own burgeoning lineup of breweries. The Brew Bus’ tag line is “Driving You to Drink…Responsibly,” providing sober transportation, brewery information and a good time to everyone who climbs on board.

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That there is one area of the state that could support a program like the Ale Trail passport or Brew Bus is surprising enough, but that each exists in its own unique environment is quite simply mind-blowing. Not long ago, Arkansas breweries were something of a novelty. These days, our local brewers are creating brews that not only do the Natural State proud—they are as good as any in the country. Want to get involved with the Arkansas beer scene? Here is a current roster of breweries around the state— although given the speed with which they’ve been opening, don’t be surprised if there are more by the time this goes to press! FAYETTEVILLE ALE TRAIL Grab your passport at any participating brewery, pick one up at the Fayetteville Visitors Center on the square— or request one from the Ale Trail’s website.

LITTLE ROCK BREW BUS Just $20 will reserve a spot on the bus, which picks up every hour from several area bars. Ample parking is available at Diamond Bear (the recommended starting point), and beer lovers can stay as long as they like at each stop. Tickets available online or by calling 501-944-6294.

From top left: Bike Rack Brewing, cans from Ozark Beer Company, Diamond Bear’s Pale Ale, a peek into the brew room at Damgoode in the Rivermarket. Facing page: A passport for the Fayetteville Ale Trail.

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CENTRAL ARKANSAS Blue Canoe Brewing Company 425 E. 3rd St., Little Rock 501-492-9378 This nanobrewery is proof that good things come in small packages. The taproom is usually full, but the bar maintains a steady pace that doesn’t keep anyone waiting very long for drinks. Must-have brew: 4x4 Damgoode Brews 500 President Clinton Ave., Little Rock 501-664-2239 Damgoode Pies has been a name in Little Rock dining for some time, but it was when the pizza chain took over the former Boscos Brewing space in Little Rock’s River Market that it became a name in craft brewing, too. Frequent collaborations with master brewer Josiah Moody have elevated Damgoode into the top tier of Arkansas breweries right from the start. Must-have brew: Red Ribbon Ale Diamond Bear Brewing 600 N. Broadway St., North Little Rock 501-708-2739 For the longest time, Diamond Bear was the only production brewery anywhere in Arkansas. The rise of competition didn’t catch Russ Melton’s company flat-footed, though—the brewery expanded its production facilities with a move to North Little Rock and added a tasty pub grub menu with its Arkansas 30 | FOOD & FARM

Ale House taproom. Must-have brew: English Pale Ale Flyway Brewing Company 314 Maple St., North Little Rock 501-920-9291 Matt Foster started brewing his Flyway beer in an old carriage house, selling kegs to restaurants like Little Rock’s South on Main. In early 2015, Flyway announced it was moving into a permanent space in North Little Rock’s hip Argenta neighborhood, and renovations are currently underway. Must-have brew: Red Velvet Ale Lost Forty Brewing 501 Byrd St., Little Rock 501-319-7335 There aren’t many bigger names in the central Arkansas dining scene than Yellow Rocket Concepts. The restaurant group has a reputation for trying new things, from gourmet burgers (Big Orange) and pizza (ZAZA) to Mexican-inspired cuisine both high-end (Local Lime) and downhome (Heights Taco and Tamale). The group’s foray into brewing has been a popular one, with an always-packed taproom and a line-up of cans hitting store shelves all over. Must-have brew: Love Honey Bock Stone’s Throw Brewing 402 E. Ninth St., Little Rock 501-244-9154 The growth of Stone’s Throw has

been steady since opening in 2013. In 2015, the brewery announced extended hours and a new beer garden—and since the taproom is generally full, the added space should come in handy immediately. Must-have brew: Shamus Stout Vino’s Pizza and Brewpub 923 W. 7th St., Little Rock 501-375-8466 Little Rock’s oldest brew pub is, for many long-time Arkansas beer lovers, where it all began. Trends come and go, hairstyles change—but Vino’s seems to keep on doing what it does best: Serve up pizza and beer with a side of delightfully low-rent rock n’ roll. Must-have brew: Six Bridges Cream Ale


From left: A crowler from Blue Canoe Brewing Company, pouring a pint at Stone’s Throw, Damgoode Brews’ taps, Bike Rack Brewing on tap, Fossil Cove’s fermenter setup, and a mug, growler and pint glass from Ozark Beer Co.

NORTHWEST ARKANSAS Apple Blossom Brewing Co. 1550 E. Zion Rd. #1, Fayetteville 479-287-4344 This brewery offers elite pub grub, innovative beers and its own line of artisan breads used in-house and sold at Ozark Natural Foods and Blackboard Grocery and Eatery. Bar décor imported from Ireland gives the place a very comfortable feel. Must-have brew: Fayetteweisse Bentonville Brewing Company 1000 SE 5th St., Bentonville 479-464-0150 Bentonville’s newest brewery has a small taproom and a line-up of basic, tasty brews. Must-have brew: Pale Ale

Bike Rack Brewing Co. 410 SW A St., Bentonville 479-268-6648 Benton County’s first brewery rolled out in 2015 with a biking-related theme and some tasty craft beers. There is pizza next door for the hungry, and a large patio area for outdoor beer enjoyment. Must-have brew: Slaughter Pen Ale Columbus House Brewery 701 W. North St., Fayetteville 479-935-3752 columbushousebrewery This locally owned brewery in Fayetteville opened in 2015 offering signature brews and tours. Must-have brew: Weekend Warrior IPA Core Brewing & Distilling Co. 2470 Lowell Rd., Springdale 479-879-2469 Core is a past Fayetteville Foam Fest winner and has become a mainstay of taprooms all across the state. Core has expanded into Rogers with a pub and announced in May 2015 that it would open a new location in Fayetteville. It began distilling liquor in the spring of 2014. Must-have brew: Core ESB Fossil Cove Brewing Co. 1946 N. Birch Ave., Fayetteville 479-445-6050 Fossil Cove took a chance by opening in a part of town known more for industrial space than

delicious beer back in 2012. Since then, one excellent brew after another has solidified the brewery’s reputation as one of the best in the state. Must-have brew: Paleo Ale Hog Haus Brewing Company 430 W. Dickson St., Fayetteville 479-521-2739 There has been a brewpub on this site for a long time—and for many of those years, Hog Haus (and Ozark Brewing Co. before it) was one of the only breweries in operation around Arkansas. Must-have brew: Ruby Red Ozark Beer Co. 1700 S. First St., Rogers 479-636-2337 Manufacturing brewery located in northwest Arkansas, producing handcrafted beers. Ozark beers have received national attention from the likes of Southern Living, and after tasting them it’s easy to see why. Must-have brew: Ozark Pale Ale Saddlebock Brewery 18244 Habberton Rd., Springdale 479-419-9969 A production brewery that makes, among others, a Dirty Blonde, a pale ale, a chocolate stout, an amber lager, a Hefeweizen, an Arkansas Farmhouse and a Fayettechill Farmhouse. Open for tours. Musthave brew: Arkansas Farmhouse

Tiny Tim’s Pizza and West Mountain Brewing Company 21 W. Mountain, Fayetteville 479-521-5551 This brewpub on the historic Fayetteville square has a wide selection of beer and pizza served in a casual, fun environment. This brewery sat dormant for many years, so it’s nice to celebrate its coming to life at last. Must-have brew: Brown Ale SOUTHWEST ARKANSAS Bubba Brew’s Sports Pub & Grill 8091 Airport Rd., Bonnerdale 870-356-4001 Bonnerdale isn’t a name familiar to many outside the Hot Springs area, but this joint has a lot going for it. State of the art brewing equipment and a huge restaurant area make it worth a drive out to the country to get a cold one. Must-have brew: Arkie Amber Superior Bathhouse Brewery and Distillery 329 Central Ave., Hot Springs The first brewery ever opened in a national park, Superior has taken over one of the historic bathhouses in the Spa City and turned it into a hotspot for food and beer. Must-have brew: Hitchcock Spring Kölsch

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D fo og r q ea ui r t ck hi re s p fe ag re e nc e!

FIND YOUR SOURCES All of the following are farms, farmers markets, CSA programs, grocers, restaurants, nonprofit organizatins and wineries from around the state that have signed up as members of Arkansas Grown. Don’t see your favorite listed? Sign up today at It’s free and easy.

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Holiday Island Bella Vista • Eureka Maynard • Corning • Piggott • Gravette • Gepp • • Viola Springs • Omaha • Bentonville • • Salem Greenway • Avoca Mountain Home Berryville • • Decatur Knobel • • Rogers • Hardy • Centerton Rector Cherokee Village • • •• • Pocahontas • • YellvilleCotter • • Gassville Green Forest • Harrison • Elm • • Lafe • • Everton • Springs• • Springdale Evening Shade • Bruno Western Grove • Harrison • Siloam SpringsFayetteville • Huntsville • • • Poughkeepsie • Walnut Ridge Kingston • Jasper Harriet Melbourne • • Sage Farmington • • • • Blytheville • Greenland Mount Pleasant • • Elkins • •Cave City•Smithville Parthenon • Brookland • Prairie • West Fork Leslie Grove • Mountain View Deer • • • • Jonesboro Swifton• • Evansville • Winslow Pettigrew• • Fallsville • Cash Batesville • Witt Spring • Dennard • Northwest Arkansas • Desha • Trumann • Shirley Cedarville Northeast Arkansas Newport Clinton • • • Rudy • Heber Springs • Mulberry Clarksville • Tyronza Alma • • • Lamar • Bee Branch • Ozark Cherry Valley Jerusalem • Bradford Cleveland • • • • Altus Bald Knob • • Fort Smith Dover • Center Ridge Judsonia • • Augusta London • • • Lavaca • Hattieville • Guy • Romance Charleston• • • McCrory Marion • Paris Russellville • • • Searcy • • Springfield • Wynne • Dardanelle • Atkins Booneville • • MorriltonConway Vilonia • McRae • El Paso Beebe • Colt Proctor • • • • • Huntington Perry • • Belleville Perryville Houston Ward • Forrest City • Cotton Plant • Palestine • • Rover • • •Bigelow • MayflowerCabot Jacksonville Des•Arc • • • Fargo • Waldron DeVall’s • Roland Sherwood • Lonoke Bluff • • Central Arkansas North Little Rock • Parks • Scott Little Rock • • Southeast Arkansas Jessieville Mabelvale • • Hot Springs Village • Benton • Mena • • Woodson • Mount Ida • • Hot Springs • Bauxite • Hensley Helena • Stuttgart • Royal Malvern • Bismarck •Prattsville •• Poyen • Altheimer • De Witt Sheridan • Grannis • Donaldson White Hall • • Pine Bluff • Dierks • Arkadelphia • • Grady • De Queen Rison • • Nashville • Dumas Prescott • Foreman • McGehee • Monticello • • Ashdown • Hope Southwest Arkansas Warren • • Camden • Hampton • Dermott • Texarkana Louann • Lake Village • • Fouke Magnolia Hamburg • • Crossett El Dorado Eudora • • • • Bradley • Junction City Gentry

Lowell Cave Springs


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• Bee Branch • • Mulberry• Ozark • Clarksville • • Lamar Jerusalem • • Cleveland Altus Bald Knob • Fort Smith Center Ridge • • Dover • Lavaca • • Judsonia London Guy • CENTRAL ARK ANSAS • • Hattieville • Charleston• Romance • • Paris Searcy Russellville • • • • Springfield • • Morrilton Dardanelle • Atkins Booneville • • • McRae • El Paso Beebe Conway Vilonia • • • • Huntington Belleville Perry • • Houston Ward Perryville • • MayflowerCabot • • Rover • • Des•A • Bigelow Jacksonville • • Waldron DeVall’s • Roland Sherwood Lonoke Bluf • • Central Arkansas Parks Little Rock • • North Scott Little Rock • • Jessieville • Mabelvale Hot Springs Village•• CENTRAL ARKANSAS • Mena Woodson • Benton • Mount Ida Bauxite • Hensley U-Pick Farms, Wholesale and On-Farm Sales, Hot Springs • • • • Farmers Markets, CSAs & Artisan Foods • Royal Malvern • Bismarck •Prattsville •• Poyen • Altheimer Sheridan • Grannis • Donaldson White Hall • • Pine Bluff • Dierks or•anything toxic used in growing or • Arkadelphia The Cabot Patch BAUXITE De Queen • Grady packaging. Wholesale Farm. 500 Mt. Carmel Rd., 501-605-1313 EG’s Funky Yard Bird BBQ Sauce • 490 Wisteria, 501-326-1176 • Rison BRYANT Pick yourself or find pre-picked Nashville Arkansas-made barbecue sauce. • Arkansas Fresh Bakery strawberries, peaches, okra, plums, Artisan Foods. Alma


1506 N. Prickett Rd., 501-847-6638 purple hull peas, tomatoes, cantaloupe Prescott and watermelons. 8 a.m.-6 p.m. 7 days, BEEBE Foreman A wholesale bakery that provides bread April-Aug. U-Pick. Bobby Weatherford and Skip Hope Monticello Ashdown to central Arkansas restaurants and sells Downing Warren Southwest Arkansas on Saturdays at the Argenta Farmers The Dragon’s 1351 U.S. Hwy. 64 W., 501-882-2802 Camden Hampton Market and Hillcrest Farmers Market. 85 Liberty Ln., Apt. A Sells hay for cattle, both Bermuda and Texarkana Operates a café and deli in Bryant. Makes local products including soap, mixed grass. On-Farm Sales. Louann body butter, lip balm, ointment, candles Artisan Foods. Lak Fouke and knitted goods. Wholesale Farm. SW Certified Beef CABOT Magnolia 488 Hwy. 64 W., 501-882-6182 Hambur Holland Bottom Farms CONWAY Ranch raises USDA-certified beef. Crossett El Dorado Produce Stand Bearfoot Hollow Farms Wholesale Farm. Bradley 1255 Hwy. 321, 501-843-7152 43 Winding Branch Ln., 501-908-9842 Junction City BENTON Pre-picked strawberries, squash, Sells free-range, brown chicken eggs Feast For All Catering cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, okra, and will have blue/green eggs available 2321 Silica Heights, 501-322-0939 purple hull peas, sweet corn, Vidaliasoon. Also grows seasonal organic Offers local honey. Wholesale Farm. type onions, Irish potatoes, sweet produce that includes yellow, butternut, potatoes, watermelons (including acorn, spaghetti and zucchini squash Unique Craft and Green House seedless), cantaloupe, blueberries, as well as cucumbers, okra, sweet corn 307 E. Sevier St., 501-776-0297 blackberries, peaches, plums, nectarines, and sweet onions. Check website for Sells a variety of house plants and peppers, pumpkins, turnip greens, local availability. On-Farm Sales. bedding plants. Part of the Stride honey and homemade jams. House Community Support Program, a On-Farm Sales. Caney Creek Berry Farm division of the Counseling Clinic, Inc. 2568 Little Creek Dr., 501-548-0475 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Mon.-Fri. Wholesale Farm. India Blue Farm U-pick berry farm. Call for availability. 12407 Davis Ranch Rd., 501-580-4212 U-Pick. BIGELOW Small family farm growing heirloom Arkansas’ Killer Bee and tomatoes and cut flowers. Also raises David Wilson Tomato Farm livestock. Wholesale Farm. 2568 Little Creek Dr., 501-548-0475 38 Fox Ln., 501-912-5819 Small u-pick and pre-picked berry sales Just Picked Vegetables to individuals or restaurants. Call ahead Bees, beeswax, honey creams and 4007 W. Cleland Rd., 501-988-1003 for availability. U-Pick. lotions, chickens, small orchard, kale, U-pick seasonal produce including spinach, turnips, collards, garlic, broccoli, bok choy, collard greens, kale Flying C Ranch sugar snap peas, herbs, green beans, and sugar snap peas. U-Pick. 725 Rocky Point Rd., 501-454-2667 purple hull peas, crowder peas, lady cream “zipper” peas, okra, yellow Mountain High Produce Cattle ranch that uses a portion of and white potatoes, red and yellow 1000 E. Justice Rd., 501-983-8881 its herd to produce grass-fed, grainonions, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, U-pick strawberries during season. Call finished cattle. Hay and straw also spaghetti squash and sugar baby for availability. U-Pick. available to the public. Wholesale Farm. watermelons. On-Farm Sales.

Food for Thought Farm 522 Breezewood Rd., 501-213-5561 Sustainable farm with gardens, orchards, pigs, goats, chickens and rabbits. No pesticides, herbicides, hormones, GMOs

North Pulaski Farms 13018 Ellen Cove, 501-240-4233 Certified organic vegetable farm located in the northernmost part of Pulaski County. CSA, Wholesale Farm.

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My Cookie Crumbs 245 Scenic Hill Rd., 501-470-0484 Arkansas made, baked and decorated cookies, cookie cakes, brownies and small cakes. Artisan Foods.

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Park Hill Home 1011 Oak St., 501-358-3537 The retail home of Park Hill Collection, which sells farm-inspired decorative and practical items. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.Sat. On-Farm Sales.

Natural Born Tillers 291 Kight Tr., 501-520-5836 Seasonal produce including tomatoes, beans, cucumbers, eggplant, squash, peppers, beets, lettuce, melons and herbs. Wholesale Farm.

DAMASCUS Maria Barbarotto 86 Batesville Mountain Rd., 501-472-1523 Makers of canned products, specializing in providing chemical-free products purchased from farmers within the county when possible. No use of corn syrup in any products. Small batches made for best rotation of product. Artisan Foods.

HOUSTON Farm Girl Meats 16 Short Farm Ln., 501-215-0419 Produces grass-fed meats, eggs and milk through sustainable, integrated farming techniques on 18 acres. Sells to Hillcrest Artisan Meats, Boulevard Bread and South on Main, and provides to and littlerock. Wholesale Farm.

GREENBRIER Daley Farm 435 Hwy. 225 E., 502-581-1957 Produces grass-fed beef, fresh eggs and seasonal produce. Wholesale Farm.

Hill Greenhouse Nursery 362 Copperas Gap Rd., 501-889-5260 Nursery offering trees, shrubs, plants, perennials, annuals, fruit trees and vegetable plants. On-Farm Sales.

The New Cheesecake Co. 287 S. Broadview St., 605-857-0243 Artisan cheesecakes. Artisan Foods.

Weal and Woe Farm 835 Stony Point Rd., 501-425-0602 Produces a diverse mix of fresh, seasonal vegetables and cut flowers using ecological practices. Wholesale Farm.

GUY Battles Cadron Crest Orchard 86 Mode Rd., 501-679-3243 Offers u-pick strawberries, peaches, apples, watermelons, cantaloupe and tomatoes throughout the season. Call in advance for availability, May-Sept. U-Pick. HEBER SPRINGS Karen Ott Mayer 3199 Wilburn Rd., 501-362-3253 Pasture-based hog and cattle farm. Practices sustainable and conservation practices and farms without chemicals, antibiotics, hormones or confinement. Wholesale Farm. HENSLEY Reeder’s Christmas Tree Farm 5610 E. Sardis Rd., 501-888-1216 Pick your own Christmas tree from a selection of Virginia pine, white pine, Leyland cypress, eastern red cedar or burkii cedar. On-Farm Sales. Vaughn and Vaden Goff 22728 N. Springlake Rd., 501-563-5924 Small garden with seasonal produce. Wholesale Farm. HOT SPRINGS Bennett’s Farm Fresh Eggs 211 Forest Heights Tr., 501-463-8284 Sells all-natural, farm-fresh eggs. 8 a.m.5 p.m. 7 days. On-Farm Sales. 36 | FOOD & FARM

JACKSONVILLE Goatroper Farms 13 S. Beryl Rd., 501-313-9296 Small family farm in central Arkansas that both rescues and breeds goats and chickens. On-Farm Sales. Jane Elaine’s Plants and Produce 4011 Hwy. 294, 501-765-3202 Grows seasonal produce including blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, figs, peaches, plums, peas, green beans, squash, onions, potatoes, okra, corn, eggplant and tomatoes. Wholesale Farm. Val Sviridov 5003 W. Republican Rd., 501-416-0730 Grows seasonal produce including apples and peaches. Wholesale Farm. JESSIEVILLE Jennifer Harper 200 Walter Adams Tr., 501-984-5095 Small family-owned garden that produces organic seasonal produce. Wholesale Farm. LITTLE ROCK Arkansas Local Food Network 509 Scott St., 501-291-2769 Year-round online farmers market. Products include grass-fed meats, organic and naturally grown fruits and vegetables, gourmet cheeses, artisan

breads, mushrooms, honey, nuts, garden supplies, jams, jellies, pickled products, and locally-produced bath & beauty products. Farmers Market. Arkansas Sustainability Network 509 Scott St., 501-291-2769 An online farmers market operated by the Arkansas Sustainability Network. Farmers Market. Arkansas Urban Gardening Educational Resource 1800 S. Chester St., 501-529-8520. Sells produce and fresh cut flowers. Farmers Market. Arkaponics 1906 Brownwood Rd., 501-231-9157 A new kind of urban farm that uses aquaponics (aquaculture and hydroponics) to grow fish and produce. Uses a recirculating system that uses 95-percent less water and grows plants faster than traditional farming/ gardening. Wholesale Farm. Bemis Honey Bee Farm 13206 Asher Rd., 501-897-4931 Offers on-farm sales of local honey. On-Farm Sales. Bemis Pumpkin Patch 13206 Asher Rd., 501-897-4931 U-pick pumpkin patch that offers hayrides, games and other family fun. Facilities available for birthday parties, weddings and educational programs. Call for hours and availability. U-Pick. Bemis Tree Farm 13206 Asher Rd., 501-897-4931 Grows, sells, and transplants shade trees and landscaping. Also provides stump removal. 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Sat. On-Farm Sales. Bernice Garden Farmers Market 1401 S. Main St., 501-617-2511 A Sunday market that only includes Arkansas growers and producers. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Sun. May-Oct. Farmers Market. Bhealthy Farmers Market 9601 Baptist Health Dr. Farmers market hosted by Baptist Health featuring fresh produce and health information. 7 a.m.-1 p.m. Tues. Farmers Market. Depriest Enterprises 7500 Earl Ln., 501-490-1973

Tomatoes, okra and peas available June through August. On-Farm Sales. Diva Bees 7325 Raines Tr., 501-455-2262 Hobby beekeeper offering raw honey. On-Farm Sales. Dunbar Garden Project 1800 S. Chester St., 501-529-8520 One of the first teaching gardens serves Gibbs International Magnet Elementary School and Dunbar Magnet Middle School and also hosts field trips and other visitors. Sells at farmers markets and to restaurants. Items available include eggs, vegetables, fruit, flowers, nuts and worm castings. On-Farm Sales. Erin Gildner 2600 West Markham St., 501-296-1810 Teacher_Association.html Offers an annual Christmas tree sale with all proceeds going to benefit the Arkansas School for the Deaf and Visually Impaired. Wholesale Farm. Garden Press 700 E. 9th St., 501-467-0466 Juicer that uses organic, locally grown produce. Artisan Foods. Geislers Holiday Forest Christmas Tree Farm 2406 Clapboard Hill Rd., 501-224-3797 Christmas tree farm featuring eastern white pine, Virginia pine, Leyland cypress, Carolina sapphire and native eastern red cedar. Cut your own, saws provided. On-Farm Sales. Hastings Bransford 32 Tallyho Ln., 501-225-8083 Grows tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, green beans, okra, peppers and wild flowers. Sells at Little Rock Farmers Market. Wholesale Farm. Hillcrest Artisan Meats 2807 Kavanaugh Blvd. Ste. B, 501-671-6328 A fancy charcuterie and butcher shop that is the first of its kind in Little Rock, offering cured and fresh meats from a veteran chef. Limited seating is available. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Mon.-Fri., 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat. Artisan Foods.

Virginia pine, eastern red cedar and Leyland cypress. Provides saws. On-Farm Sales.

Local distiller of whiskey, gin and rum that utilizes Arkansas grains whenever possible in its line-up of spirits. Distillery.

J.P. Reep 8900 South Heights Rd., 501-565-9577 Specializes in Arkansas Traveler tomatoes. Grows bell peppers, okra, muscadines and hot peppers as well. On-Farm Sales.

Shuffield Family Farm 10124 Garrison Rd., 501-285-5017 Offering organic salad greens, herbs, sprouts, tomatoes, squash, melons, beans, peas, wheat grass, cabbage and peppers. Wholesale Farm.

Katie Connally Confections 405 Brookpark Dr., 501-773-2762 Specializes in desserts with just a dash of spirits, including bourbon brownies, amaretto brownies, butter rum cakes and chocolate whiskey cakes. Also has a line of specialty breads and cornbread. Artisan Foods. Kent Walker Artisan Cheese 323 S. Cross St., 501-301-4963 Artisan cheese maker with a revolving list of handmade cheeses. Artisan Foods. Le Pops 5501 Kavanaugh Blvd. Ste. J, 501-313-9558 Gourmet ice lollies made using locally grown or produced products whenever possible. Noon-6 p.m. Sun. and Mon., noon-8 p.m. Tues.-Thurs., noon-9 p.m. Fri., Sat. Artisan Foods. Loblolly Creamery 1423 Main St., 501-396-9609 Small batch artisan ice cream and sweet treats company. Everything is made from scratch using local, fair-trade and organic ingredients. Operates a soda fountain inside The Green Corner Store. Artisan Foods. Market at Green Tree 9305 Rodney Parham Rd., 501-225-6303 Showcases fresh, locally grown produce and grocery items during the Arkansas growing season. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat. Farmers Market. Melissa Mencer 12300 Case Rd. Produces honey, beeswax and beeswax candles. Wholesale Farm.

Hillcrest Farmers Market 2200 Kavanaugh Blvd., 501-661-1129 Little Rock-area locally grown produce. Also offers jams, jellies, pastries, cut flowers and food trucks. Farmers Market.

River Market Farmers Market 400 President Clinton Ave., 501-375-2552 Open-air farmers market beneath the River Market Pavilions in Little Rock. Wide selection of produce, prepared food and crafts from around the state. Farmers Market.

Holiday Forest 2406 Clapboard Hill Rd., 501-224-3797 Christmas trees available, including

Rock Town Distillery 1216 E. Sixth St., 501-907-5244

St. Ambrose Apiary 7 Pinnacle Pt., 501-603-9650 Little Rock-area beekeeper with honey products available. Wholesale Farm. The Green Corner Store 1423 Main St., 501-374-1111 General store and gift shop focusing on Arkansas made and produced products. Houses a soda fountain serving locally made ice cream and beverages produced by Loblolly Creamery. Artisan Foods. WaterVeg 4608 Colvert Rd., 501-786-2126 Waterveg aquaponics is leading a new method for urban farming. Locally grown vegetables and herbs for commercial sales. Wholesale Farm. Westover Hills Farmers Market 6400 Kavanaugh Blvd., 501-420-4132 Selection of central Arkansas vendors of fruits, vegetables, and prepared products. 4 p.m.-7 p.m. Tues. Farmers Market. Wicked Mixes 2321 Cantrell Rd., 501-374-2244 A gourmet snack mix of almonds, cashews, pecans and other morsels and seven savory spices. Artisan Foods. Willow Springs Market Garden 4924 Willow Springs Rd., 501-247-5077 Sells tomato, lettuce, spinach, peas, peppers, pumpkins, strawberries, herbs and flowers. Available at Hillcrest Farmers Market and Bernice Garden Farmers Market in Little Rock. Wholesale Farm. LONOKE Barnhill Orchards 277 Sandhill Rd., 501-676-2305 Offers strawberries, blackberries, peaches, squash, cucumbers, sweet corn, cantaloupe, watermelons, okra, pumpkins, pecans and sweet potatoes. Wholesale Farm.

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SoMa Farmers Market at Bernice Gardens

Dean or Misty White 73 Humke Ln. Produces pecans for on-site pick-up. Call for availability. Noon-sundown daily, Nov. 1-Dec. 1. On-Farm Sales. DM Nuthouse and Orchard 333 Humke Ln., 501-676-2468 Produces pecans. Noon-sundown daily. On-Farm Sales. MABELVALE Bradbury Christmas Tree Farm 9427 Donna Ln., 501-602-2449 Cut your own tree from a selection of Virginia pines. Saws provided. Wreathes and other Christmas accessories also available. 9 a.m.-7 p.m. ThanksgivingChristmas. On-Farm Sales. Little Brick Oven 16001 Vimy Woods Rd., 501-847-3823 Small cottage industry that bakes bread, cookies and desserts. Weather permitting, goods are baked in an outdoor brick oven using wood-fired heat, with sustainable firewood coming from land owned by the bakery. Homegrown herbs and Arkansas wheat are used in some products, and Arkansas pecans and other ingredients are used when available. Available at the Bryant Midtown Farmers Market. Artisan Foods. Pratt Family Food Products 14811 Heinke Rd., 501-416-8547 Specialty dry spice mixes that can be added to fresh or canned tomatoes to produce a very fresh salsa product. No preservatives, gluten free. Available at Little Rock-area farmers markets. Artisan Foods. MAUMELLE Rick Jensen 10920 Maumelle Blvd., 501-517-2834 Picked fresh products including berries, peaches, melons, figs and grapes. Wholesale Farm. 38 | FOOD & FARM

Clark’s Pecan Grove 59 Jones Ln., 501-454-2667 A 30-acre orchard growing Papershell, Stuart, Desirable and Native pecan trees. Features 140 trees that are 30 to 40 years old. Open to the public in the latter part of October for picking. Customers can come pick pecans and are allowed to keep half of what they pick for free, but have the option to purchase more. U-Pick. H & R Farm 22 Donaghey Ln., 501-269-7627 Offers a variety of produce including peppers, basil, beans, beets, blackberries, broccoli, squash, cabbage, cantaloupe, tomatoes, greens, corn, cucumbers, flowers, kale, muscadine grapes, okra, peas, perennials, potatoes, watermelon and zucchini. On-Farm Sales. SalScilla Farms 845 Lollie Rd. Fresh produce, including tomatoes and greens. Wholesale Farm. Schaefers Collins Produce Farm 864 Lollie Rd., 501-470-0014 Seasonal produce including sweet corn, cranberry beans, purple hull peas, cucumbers, squash, tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, peppers, watermelons and cantaloupe. Fall decorations available including pumpkins, Indian corn, corn stalks and gourds. Pumpkin patch hayrides in autumn. On-Farm Sales. MT. IDA Evergreen Acres Farm 272 Evergreen Rd., 501-617-2928 Raises vegetables, chickens for fresh eggs and Nigerian Dwarf goats for fresh raw milk and for goat milk soap. Produces honey for sale and use in beauty products. Wholesale Farm.

Argenta Farmers Market 6th and Main St., 501-831-7881 Verified Arkansas farmers and artisans selling products grown or made only in Arkansas. Farmers Market. Foodshed Farms at St. Joseph Farm 6800 Camp Robinson Rd. A diversified sustainable agriculture enterprise that provides education, community outreach and hunger relief. Runs a community supported agriculture cooperative with farmers in the Arkansas Delta, maintains a food forest, community garden and hosts farm to table dinners. On-site farm stand open during the week. On-Farm Sales, CSA. Me and McGee Produce 10409 Hwy. 70, 501-454-6701 Grows several different types of tomatoes, peppers, beans, peas, cucumbers, okra, onions, peaches, strawberries, melons and corn. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Mon.-Sat. On-Farm Sales. North Little Rock Community Garden 2400 Lakeview Rd., 925-303-6344 Half-acre intensive school farm that raises vegetables and eggs for market in North Little Rock. Sells produce and eggs through a mobile farmers market, weekly farm stand and at local farmers markets. Also functions as an educational tool for the school district and is open to the public for tours, work days and to host events for the community. Farmers Market. Scott Staples 15205 Clinton Rd., 501-851-6014 Small hobby farm raising chickens and guineas. On-Farm Sales.

BEN E. KEITH For the past three years, food distributor Ben E. Keith has made the most of its membership in the Arkansas Grown program by building connections between farmers, restaurants and institutions across the state. The company understands that the desire for local products is at an all-time high, leading them to search for quality products grown inside Arkansas. “We want to be part of the conversation, listening to what growers are doing,” says Ben E. Keith produce and dairy manager Brad May. To this end, May and his colleagues have made a point to attend Arkansas Grown’s many “Local Conversations” events, keeping their ear to the ground about what farmers need to help sell their products—and what chefs want to serve in their restaurants. These events and conversations are important to Ben E. Keith, because as May admits, this is a relatively new path for both the distributor and many of the local farmers. But he expresses his excitement at bringing Arkansas Grown products to the public, mentioning that many times, the quality and cost of an Arkansas product has been in line with products from around the country. “We’re trying to build a network for people to shop for the best quality and price,” says May, adding that interested farmers should contact him at Ben E. Keith’s North Little Rock office. In conversations about local food, distributors are often left out in favor of chefs and farmers— Ben E. Keith has taken proactive steps to change this situation, all while bringing delicious local food to anyone who wants it. Ben E. Keith currently keeps several Arkansas Grown produce items in stock and has plans to add to this inventory weekly as the harvest progresses.

Nutritious can be delicious. Check out our lineup of fun and informative culinary classes at

1200 Pike Ave., North Little Rock. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-noon Sat. 501-978-5021.

FOOD & FARM | 39


Sow and Sow Gardens 1016 Yarrow Dr., 501-961-1178 Urban garden growing tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli, lettuce and beans. Wholesale Farm. Stevi Nelson 211 Steed Rd. Home gardener who sells surpluses at local farmers markets. Wholesale Farm. Stewart’s Apiary 14806 Cedar Heights Rd., 501-851-1746 Pure honey from soybean flowers. On-Farm Sales. Tammy Sue’s Critters 4 Cheyenne Tr., 501-920-1532 Small family farm that raises goats, bees, chickens and produces goat’s milk and beeswax products, including soap, lotion, body butter, lip balm, solid perfumes and laundry soap. Available at the Freckled Frog in Little Rock. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sun.Sat. Wholesale Farm. Tasty Acres 15612 Faulkner Lake Rd., 501-961-1476 Small family farm in the Scott area. Farms on approximately seven acres and seeks to broaden people’s culinary horizons by offering classic favorite vegetables in slightly different colors and shapes than the grocery store norm. On-Farm Sales. V.L. Cox 4210 Glenmere Rd., 501-786-1382 Different varieties of heirloom tomatoes available in season. Wholesale Farm. ONIA Honey Bird Soap 294 Wilson Springs Rd., 501-454-9839 Makes and sells cold-process lye soap using recycled cooking oils and lard rendered from feeder pigs raised on the farm. Soaps are processed with handpicked herbs and natural essential oils. Artisan Foods. PERRYVILLE Cole Farm 31 Bell Branch, 501-333-2204 Farm offering seasonal produce including squash, beans, okra, tomatoes, corn, sweet peppers, hot peppers, bell peppers and cabbage. Wholesale Farm. Crimmins Family Farm 11 Lexie Ln., 501-889-2138 Offering vegetables including green beans, beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, collards, kale, eggplant, lettuce, melons, spring peas, purple hull 40 | FOOD & FARM

peas, okra, peppers, potatoes, pumpkins, peanuts, radishes, spinach, summer squash, tomatoes, Swiss chard, winter squash and turnips. Assorted flowers and herbs available also. Wholesale Farm.

SHERWOOD Harvey’s Honey 48 Shoshoni Dr., 501-835-3428 Apiary that produces honey, beeswax and pollen. Wholesale Farm.

Farmer Brown’s Pigs 25 Calfneck Rd., 501-366-2818 Produces Berkshire Cross pigs. On-Farm Sales.

K-Bee Honey 12 Houston Dr., 501-833-0649 Apiary with honey for sale to the public. Wholesale Farm.

Gudahl Gardens 1616 Scenic Dr., 501-889-5369 Local farm offering blackberries, blueberries, corn, flowers, okra, squash, strawberries, tomatoes and other vegetables. Wholesale Farm.

Sherwood Farmers Market 2303 E. Lee, 501-835-4699 Arkansas-grown products from all around central Arkansas. Farmers Market.

ROLAND D and J Hall Farms 18025 Junebug Ln., 501-920-7422 Bermuda grass hay and vegetables. On-Farm Sales. Wye Mountain Flowers and Berries 20309 Hwy. 113, 501-330-1906 U-pick blackberries, blueberries and raspberries. U-Pick. SCOTT Kwanisai Produce 13803 Upper Steel Bend Rd., 501-6903317 Grows onions, blueberries, butternut squash, tomatoes, peas, apples, peaches, jalapeno peppers, yellow squash, green onions, potatoes, radishes, spinach, carrots, melons, cucumbers, beets and bell peppers. Sells at the River Market Farmers Market. Wholesale Farm. Lake in the Willows Apiary 11801 Willow Ln., 501-920-1381 Honey and bee sales on-site, at farmers markets and at special events. Also offers beeswax candles and beauty products. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat. Wholesale Farm. Scott Heritage Farm 15301 Alexander Rd., 501-831-7881 A 30-acre family farm and participant in the Arkansas Grown Farm to Table program. CSA, Wholesale Farm. Sue’s Garden 744 Walkers Corner Rd., 501-590-4904 Local producer of vegetables and fruit sold in Little Rock-area Kroger stores, on the farm or at local farmers markets. Wholesale Farm. Wayne Plantation 9217 Hwy. 161 S., 501-412-8102 Offers bottled sunflower and canola oils. Artisan Foods.

ST. JOE Mud Hollow Greenhouse 325 Mud Hollow Ln., 870-439-2531 Grows heirloom variety bedding plants and herbs all naturally. Wholesale Farm. VILONIA Eden Valley Farms 141 Southfork Rd., 501-796-3611 Wholesale nursery growing a wide variety of bedding plants, herbs, vegetables, hanging baskets, perennials and succulents. Delivery and on-site pick-up available. On-Farm Sales. Meurer Grass Fed Beef 37 Bayou Rd., 501-733-2855 Grass and hay fed beef with no hormones, steroids or antibiotics. Wholesale Farm. WARD Swiminn Farm 211 Foxwood Ln., 501-605-9328 Sells pasture-raised Duroc and Hampshire hogs, corn-fed wean to harvest. Call ahead for appointment. Wholesale Farm. WOODSON McMurray Farms 24123 Hwy. 65 S., 501-397-2606 All vegetables available except for fruit tree products. 6 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat. On-Farm Sales.

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Holiday Island Bella Vista • Eureka Gravette • Gepp • • Springs • Omaha • Bentonville • Avoca Mountain H Berryville • • Decatur • • • Centerton• • Rogers Ch Gassville • YellvilleCotter • • Green Forest • Harrison • Elm • • • Everton Bruno Springs• • Springdale • Huntsville Western Grove • • Siloam Springs • • • Har Kingston Jasper Fayetteville Melbour • Harriet Farmington • • • • Mount P • Greenland • • Parthenon • Elkins Prairie Fork Leslie Grove • West • •M • Deer • Evansville • Winslow Pettigrew• • Fallsville Witt Spring • • Dennard Northwest Arkansas • Shirley Cedarville Clinton • • Rudy • • Alma • • MulberryOzark • Clarksville Bee Branch • • Altus Lamar Jerusalem • • • Cleveland • • Fort Smith Dover • Center Ridge Lavaca London • • • Hattieville • Guy • Charleston U-Pick Farms, Wholesale and On-Farm Sales, • • Paris Russellville • • • • Springfield • R Farmers Markets, CSAs & Artisan Foods • Booneville Dardanelle • Atkins • MorriltonConway Vilon •E • • • Huntington Perry • • Belleville Perryville Houston Cabot Rover • • •Bigelow • • Mayflower Ja• Waldron • • • Roland Sherwo • Central Arkansas Parks North • • ScLi Little Rock • • Jessieville • Mabelvale Hot Springs Village•• • Mena Woods • Benton • Mount Ida Hot Springs • Bauxite •• Hensle • Royal BENTONVILLE ALMA •BERRYVILLE Berryville Farmers Market Anglin Beef Alma Farmers Market • Malvern • Poyen Bismarck Prattsville • Sheridan 601 Dr. Spurlin •Cr., 870-654-5589 5985 S.W. Anglin Rd., 479-795-2147 533 Fayetteville Ave., 479-632-4127 Grannis • • Donaldson • • Alma-area produce and prepared foods. • Dierks • Farmers-market • Arkadelphia Black Angus beef, hormone and Farmers Market. • De Queen Locally grown seasonal produce, flowers, antibiotic-free, grass- and grain-fed. eggs and baked goods. From Apr. 27-Oct. Delivery options available. Crabtree Farms and Produce • Rison • Nashville 31. 7:30 a.m.-noon Sat. Farmers Market. On-Farm Sales. 1434 Alma Dr., 479-632-6069 Gentry

Lowell Cave Springs


Cantaloupe and watermelon available in summer, approximately 100 pumpkins in the fall. On-Farm Sales.

Jerry Gill Farm 2004 Newtown Rd., 479-651-4733 Large round and small square bales of hay available. On-Farm Sales. ALTUS P.C.H. Farms 3243 S. Roseville St., 479-468-0070 Sells 1,100-pound round bales of hay. Wholesale Farm. ATKINS Bluebird Hill Berry Farm 3434 Bells Chapel Rd. E., 479-641-0987 Thornless blackberries, muscadines and seedless grapes. Seasonal vegetables available including sugar snap peas, sweet corn, okra, summer squash, hot peppers, eggplant, green beans, tomatoes and purple hull peas. Custom pea-shelling available. On-Farm Sales. Jerry Markham 3434 Bells Chapel Rd. E., 479-264-0197 Sells blackberries and blueberries in June, muscadines in September, seasonal vegetables and grass-fed beef and free-range eggs year-round through the network. On-Farm Sales.


• Farm Fiddlehead Bentonville Farmers Market • Foreman 993 CR 601, 105 N. Main St. (Bentonville Square) Hope Ashdown • Southwest870-423-4681 • Warren Arkansasseasonal vegetables Farm that produces 1101 SW Citizens Cr. (Bentonville Camden Hampton • • and cut flowers. Wholesale Farm. Community Center) • Texarkana 479-254-0254 • Fouke Razorback Koi Louann • 838 Hwy. 21 S., 501-772-2296 farmers-market • Magnolia A producer-only market that sells local El Dorado Koi and other goldfish species for• foods, produce, meats, along with arts Bradley • garden ponds. Wholesale Farm. • Junction City and crafts. With special programming such as chef demonstrations and live Waterfall Hollow Farm music, too. Two locations: Bentonville 5854 Hwy. 21 S., 870-423-2773 Square, 7:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Sat. Bentonville Community Center, 2:30 p.m.-7 p.m. Premium grass-finished beef from a Wed. Farmers Market. homegrown herd. Steaks, roasts and other cuts available. Appointment only. Doorganics Wholesale Farm. 703 SW 2nd St., 479-802-1624 BRUNO Online meal kit delivery service that Schot’s Slopes Farm supplies some ingredients from an 134 Keystone Ln., 870-449-4294 urban farm. Also sources from local farms and farmers markets. CSA. All-natural free-range chickens, turkeys, raw milk and eggs. Wholesale Farm. Matkins Flowers and Greenhouse 205 S.W. Third St., 479-273-7511 CAVE SPRINGS Retail and wholesale greenhouse Ewe Bet Farm growing seasonal vegetables and flowers. 1020 Wallis Rd., 479-903-5556 Wholesale Farm. Small diversified grass-pasture-based farm. On-Farm Sales. Ramo d’Olivo CEDARVILLE 217 S. Main St., 479-715-6053 Shop offering olive oils and vinegars. Artisan Foods. Prescott

FOOD & FARM | 41



Bentonville Farmers Market.

Hobbtown Grassfed 8800 Prater Ln., 479-650-1104 Multi-generational farm specializing in sustainable grass- and forage-based livestock production. Does not use hormones, antibiotics, insecticides or pesticides. Wholesale Farm. CENTER RIDGE Big D Beef 173 Miller Ln., 501-208-6120 Produces grass-fed, grain-finished beef. Wholesale Farm. CENTERTON A Twisted Bloom 112 Hailey Dr., 479-366-4420 Arkansas-grown plants, fresh flowers and herbs in antique and eclectic containers finished with Arkansas driftwood and planted in 100-year-old Ozark barn wood. Wholesale Farm. The Country Pumpkin 1325 Main St., 479-795-2563 Offers several varieties of pumpkins, decorative gourds and squash. Sells crafts in a small country store. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Thurs.-Sat., 1 p.m.-5 p.m. Sun. On-Farm Sales. CHARLESTON Pine Grove Christmas Tree Farm No. 1 2919 Yocum St., 479-965-2130 Pick your own Christmas tree from several types available. On-Farm Sales. CLARKSVILLE Cox Berry Farm 1081 Hwy. 818, 479-754-3707 Offers strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, tomatoes, peaches, apples, pumpkins and nursery plants. 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Mon.-Sat. U-Pick. 42 | FOOD & FARM

CLEVELAND Cedar Rock Acres 1171 Claude Schoolhouse Rd., 501-592-3367 Offers blackberries in June, blueberries and grapes in July, and fresh vegetables May through September. Sells at the Little Rock Farmers Market, Hillcrest Farmers Market and allows orders directly from the farm. On-Farm Sales. CLINTON Grass Roots Farmers Cooperative 314 Highway 65B, 479-310-0037 Farmer-owned and farmer-operated co-op. All members are raising livestock in Arkansas and are committed to the highest standards of agricultural sustainability. CSA. The Dirty Farmers Community Market 364 Main St., 501-253-4716 Farmers market features locally grown produce and the Greater Good Cafe, where you “eat what you need and pay what you can.” 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Tues.-Sat. Farmers Market. DARDANELLE Mike Baldwin Rt. 2, Box 1446, 501-229-4510 Hay available in square or round bales. Wholesale Farm. DECATUR Sabras Garden 9672 Mount Zion Rd., 479-233-0582 Small garden project from Decatur offering vegetables and flowers. Wholesale Farm. DEER Bean Mountain Farms HC 62, Box 665, 479-225-8179 Specializes in naturally grown heirloom and open-pollinated plants. On-site sales by appointment only. Wholesale Farm.

DENNARD Patrick and Judy Odle 607 Peyton Creek Rd., 501-745-6891 Farm offering chickens and milk. Wholesale Farm. DOVER Bates Hay Farm 2621 Old 7 Hwy., 501-331-3576 Bermuda grass hay available in round or square bales. On-Farm Sales. Drewry Farm and Orchards 267 Vaughn Cr., 479-331-2987 Features homemade fresh fudge and baked goods, seasonal vegetables, commercial greenhouse shrubs, plants, fruit trees, berry plants and bedding plants. Sells honey from bees raised on site. On-Farm Sales. ELKINS Tad Reed 21743 Mount Olive Rd., 479-643-3895 Family farm located just outside of Elkins that offers a variety of seasonal vegetables, flowers and herbs. On-Farm Sales. White River Creamery 11701 S. Hwy. 16, 479-310-0355 Dairy offering artisan cheeses from hormone- and antibiotic-free goat and cow’s milk. Cheeses include chevre, feta, fromage blanc and neufchatel. Available at the Green Fork Farmers Market (Fayetteville), Eureka Springs Farmers Market, Hillcrest Farmers Market (Little Rock), Post Winery (Altus), Hillcrest Artisan Meats (Little Rock), Eureka Market (Eureka Springs), Boulevard Bread (Little Rock) and Wellspring (Siloam Springs). Artisan Foods.


ELM SPRINGS Kyya Chocolate 337 N. Elm St., 479-268-1245 Single origin bean-to-bar chocolate manufacturer that produces a variety of bars, cocoa powder and single origin chocolate syrups. Artisan Foods. MelonJ Gardens 126 Water Ave., 479-601-3099 Offers a variety of gardening services, from simple tilling and soil preparation to full garden installation and maintenance throughout the growing season. Also offers an on-site and u-pick market. U-Pick. EUREKA SPRINGS Ashley’s Blueberries 245 CR 329, 501-253-8344 Sells organic high-bush blueberries. U-Pick. Blossom Nursery 216 CR 326, 501-253-7895 Regionally adapted, container-grown fruit and nut plants. On-Farm Sales. Eureka Springs Farmers Market 2075 E. Van Buren St., 507-413-2573 Produce, eggs, beef, pork, honey, flowers, fruit trees, planting vegetables, ornamental plants and baked goods. Free coffee. 7 a.m.-noon, 6 p.m.-9 p.m. Tues.-Thurs. (April-Nov.), 9 a.m.-noon Thurs. (Nov.-April). Farmers Market. Foundation Farm 10 Woolridge, 479-253-7461 Farm and school offering fresh local produce and free classes on how to farm. CSA. FALLSVILLE Marwood Inc. Hwys. 21 and 16, 870-428-5445 Family-owned company grows, harvests and sells wood products. Wholesale Farm. FARMINGTON Green Fork Farm 12848 Little Elm Rd. Raises livestock outdoors on-pasture and certified organic grains. Products include eggs, beef, chicken, pork, duck, vegetables, herbs, micro greens and salsa. Wholesale Farm. FAYETTEVILLE Ames Orchard 18292 Wildlife Rd., 501-443-0282 Grows a wide variety of apples and pears for the Fayetteville Farmers Market. Wholesale Farm. 44 | FOOD & FARM

Cobblestone Project P.O. Box 1242 Farm project established to help impoverished and food insecure people. CSA. Fayetteville Farmers Market 101 W. Mountain St. (Fayetteville Square), 479-236-2910 612 S. College Ave. (Jefferson Center) Arkansas’ largest farmers market, featuring certified local produce, meats and prepared foods. Two locations: Fayetteville Square, 7 a.m.-1 p.m. Tues., Thurs.; 7 a.m.-2 p.m. Sat.; Jefferson Center, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Sun. Farmers Market. Feed Fayetteville 221 S. Locust Ave., 479-387-5855 Operates the “Seed to Soup” project, which aims to support local farmers by purchasing produce from the Fayetteville Farmers Market, then processing it into Farmers’ Veggie Chili at the University of Arkansas Food Innovation Center. This product is sold to fund hunger relief projects, with a portion of the chili going directly to clients. Artisan Foods. Green Fork Farmers Market 205 W. Dickson St., 479-225-5075 Year-round farmers market sells vegetables, herbs, fruit, honey, eggs, mushrooms, chicken, duck, lamb, pork, beef, salsa, lacto-fermented kraut, baked goods, plants, herbal soaps, bath and beauty products. Indoor market, open rain or shine. Pre-order system available online to reserve products for pickup at the market. 4 p.m.-7 p.m. Wed. Farmers Market. Mason Creek Farm 15620 Black Oak Quarry Rd., 479-422-6000 Subscription farm offering delivery services of pastured poultry, eggs, organic herbs and heirloom vegetables. CSA, Wholesale Farm. Northwest Arkansas Local Harvest P.O. Box 2968, 479-251-1882 Community supported agriculture operator in northwest Arkansas. Offers four 8-week seasons. CSA. Reagan Berry Farm 241 E. 13th St., 479-601-2268 Family farm offering u-pick strawberries. U-Pick. Riverbend Gardens 5149 S. Shaeffer Rd., 479-283-5614 Cut flowers, vegetables and small fruits.

Flowers include daffodils, tulips, irises, peonies, dahlias, gladioli, tuberoses, bee balm, phlox and more in season. Wholesale Farm. Round Mountain Farm 18235 Wildlife Rd., 479-444-6075 Offers premium USDA-inspected lambs, by the cut. Sheep are all pasture-raised. Selling at the Fayetteville Farmers Market. Wholesale Farm. Sta-N-Step Farm 3104 Wildcat Creek Blvd., 479-361-2789 Pick your own blackberries, blueberries and raspberries. 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tues., Sat. U-Pick. Summer Kitchen Farm 3702 Wilson Hollow Rd., 479-263-9965 Partners with CSA and local markets to provide raw milk, eggs, pork, chicken and vegetables. Can buy directly from farm. CSA, Wholesale Farm. Sweet Freedom Creamery University of Arkansas Food Innovation Center, 479-466-6694 Produces artisan aged raw milk cheeses in small batches with milk sourced from local dairies in northwest Arkansas. Wholesale Farm. Tri Cycle Farms 1705 N. Garland Ave., 479-236-6816 Nonprofit community farm located in the center of Fayetteville. Teaches sustainable, chemical-free growing in an urban setting. Tri Cycle also operates the Crossroads Farmers’ Market with other local, chemical-free growers to offer our neighbors and community more options for healthy, locally grown foods. Wholesale Farm. Wren Thicket Market 1041 S. School Ave. Year-round, online pre-order farmers market with pick-up at Firefighters Association Building; also some produce available to those who didn’t order. SNAP/EBT, SFMNP coupons accepted. 9 a.m.-noon Sat. Farmers Market. FORT SMITH Downtown Fort Smith Farmers Market 201 Garrison Ave., 479-784-1001 Farmers market with verified growers and artisans. Fresh produce, crafts and prepared foods available, along with regular live music. 7 a.m.-noon Sat. Farmers Market.

GENTRY Gentry Farmers Market 500 E. Main St., 479-871-1052 GentryAR Located under the pavilion at the Chicken Coop (the old Farmers’ Co-op). Offers fresh food, quality arts and good music. Will accept EBT/debit cards. 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Thurs.-Sat. Farmers Market. Hamilton Farms 11309 N. Main St., 479-366-8155 Seasonal produce available. On-Farm Sales. Stephen Robins 12146 S. Robin Rd., Gentr479-228-1121 Homegrown Black Angus sired beef for sale. Quarters, halves and whole available. Wholesale Farm. GRAVETTE Fishback Apiaries 10750 Fishback Rd., 479-795-2021 Offers Arkansas honey. Call in advance for details. On-Farm Sales. Gravette Farmers Market 110 Park Dr., 479-787-5368 gravettefarmersmarket.html Market features fresh and locally grown produce, live folk music on market days. WIC and Senior Nutrition vouchers accepted. Farmers Market. GREEN FOREST A&A Orchards 2731 CR 645, 870-438-6749 Orchard that offers on-farm sales of apples, nectarines and peaches. On-Farm Sales. Green Forest Farmers Market Green Forest Public Square, 870-480-6071 Local farmers market trying to make fresh produce available to the public within the most economical means possible. 7 a.m.-noon Wed. March-Oct. Farmers Market. HARRIET Dogwood Hills Guest Farm 544 Cozahome Rd., 870-448-4870 A homestead guest farm that sells eggs, milk and herbs. On-Farm Sales. HARRISON Central Ozarks Farmers and Artisans Market Court Park Sq. Farmers market offering produce, crafts and flowers. 7 a.m.-noon Tues., Sat. June-Oct. Farmers Market.

Cline Berry Farm 224 S. Spruce St., 870-741-7121 Offers several varieties of blueberries during season. U-Pick. Garner Hill Farm 631 W. College Ave., 870-204-6495 Sells natural, pasture-raised pork, beef and lamb. USDA inspected. Limited delivery available. Wholesale Farm. Rhonda Mahler 5158 Hopewell Rd., 870-365-7925 Homemade jams, jelly and butter. Artisan Foods. HATTIEVILLE Kaufman Farms 122 Kaufman Ln., 501-354-1902 Several varieties of hay available in square or round bales. Wholesale Farm. HOLIDAY ISLAND Holiday Island Farmers Market 2 Holiday Island Dr. Heirloom vegetables, herbs, eggs, crafts. 8 a.m.-noon Fri. Farmers Market. Oak Hill Farm 327 CR 244, 479-253-5092 Certified organic, no-till vegetable production primarily for farmers markets. Available at Bentonville and Eureka Springs farmers markets. Wholesale Farm. HUNTSVILLE Dripping Springs Garden 1558 CR 548, 870-545-3658 One of Arkansas’ oldest organic farms, offering seasonal produce, cut flowers and educational outreach. CSA, Wholesale Farm. Marty Sokol 905 Madison 2349 Certified naturally grown farm located between Huntsville and Kingston. Most crops are seasonal and grown outside and include beans, beets, cucumbers, herbs, leeks, okra, peppers, radishes, squash, tomatoes, turnips and zucchini. Wholesale Farm. Wildfire Farm 4059 CR 516, 870-545-3120 Online farmers market serving Carroll County as well as shares in a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program. CSA, Wholesale Farm. JASPER Good Kind Food Cart HC 72 Box 403, 870-446-5841 Mobile farm-to-kitchen taco cart, dishing out fresh veggie gourmet tacos out of a 1968 retro-fitted trailer. Available for catering and events. At Jasper square 12 p.m.-2 p.m. Mon.-Thurs. Artisan Foods. Newton County Farmers Market 504 W. Court St., 870-446-2240 Produce and crafts from Newton County. WIC participant. 7 a.m.-noon Wed., 4 p.m.-6 p.m. Fri. May-November. Farmers Market. Ozark Wildflower Co. HC 70 Box 169, 870-446-5629 Nursery offering more than 200 native and ornamental perennials. Wholesale Farm. JERUSALEM Armstead Mountain Farm 14733 White Oak Mountain Rd., 501-745-5465 Sells melons, lettuce, onions, broccoli, peppers, cabbage, green beans, greens, squash, corn, tomatoes, celery, soybeans, cucumbers, turnips, radishes, beets, sweet potatoes, potatoes and cauliflower. Wholesale Farm. LAMAR Johnson County Farmers Market 400 Cabin Creek Rd., 479-885-6575 Market offering produce from Lamararea growers. Noon-4:30 p.m. Tues., Thurs., Sat. Farmers Market. Peach Pickin’ Paradise 1901 McGuire Rd., 479-754-2006 Mark Morgan’s farm grows peaches and nectarines. 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Mon.-Sat. June-Aug. U-Pick. LESLIE Falling Sky Farm 4154 Hwy. 254 E. Raises chickens, turkeys, pigs, cattle and grass. Cattle are 100-percent grass fed, and the poultry and pigs are supplemented with a custom-mixed GMO-free grain ration. Antibiotic-, steroid- and hormone-free meat. Wholesale Farm. Ozark Mountain Market Corner of Oak and Main St., 870-504-1034 A bimonthly produce and crafts market. Second and fourth Sat. April-Oct. Farmers Market. LONDON ABC Nature Greenhouse 509 CR 1750, 479-885-6575 Herbs, plants and medicinal products. Wholesale Farm. FOOD & FARM | 45


Pine Ridge Gardens 832 Sycamore Rd., 479-293-4359 Offers a wide variety of Arkansas native trees, shrubs, vines, grasses and wildflowers. Wholesale Farm. Renee’s Berry Garden 1265 Will Baker Rd., 479-293-3229 reneesberrygarden Pre-picked and u-pick blueberries. Call ahead for picking conditions. U-Pick. LOWELL Eliza Wood 15124 E. Hwy. 264, 501-756-5688 Farm offering seasonal vegetables and fresh flowers. Wholesale Farm. MORRILTON Conway County Farmers Market 117 S. Moose St., 501-354-2393 Locally grown, in-season fruits and vegetables. 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Sat. Farmers Market. Lewis Miller 195 Arrowhead Dr., 501-215-0808 Round bales of wrapped hay, 800-900 pounds. Wholesale Farm. MULBERRY Bluebird Song Farm 5260 Chastain Rd., 479-997-1996 Conventionally grown muscadine grapes and blueberries. U-pick fruit and blueberry bushes for sale. U-Pick. Eda-zen 532 Industrial Park Rd., 479-431-6018 First manufacturer in the United States that is dedicated to producing edamame (green soybeans). Artisan Foods. OMAHA Roberson Orchards Farm Market Hwy. 14 E., 877-504-9050 Peaches, vegetables in summer, apples in fall. Store carries a selection of dried fruits, nuts, honey, sorghum, jams, jellies, relishes and candies. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. daily Aug.-Feb. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. daily JuneSept. Farmers Market. OZARK Franklin County Farmers Market 300 W. Commercial St., 479-667-2525 Local produce and crafts from area growers. 7 a.m.-10 a.m. Sat. Farmers Market. PARIS Paris Farmers Market 25 W. Walnut, 707-502-5544 Farmers Market on the courthouse square in Paris. Vendors are all required 46 | FOOD & FARM

to be strictly Arkansas growers, producers, craftsmen and artisans. Farmers Market. Prestonrose Farm 201 St. Louis Valley Rd., 479-847-5174 Small, organic (certification in progress) farm producing heirloom vegetables and fruit, including herbs, beans, peanuts, potatoes, cotton, flowers, melons and squash. Wholesale Farm.

Souls Harbor NWA 1206 N. 2nd St., 615-927-2511 A transitional living facility for men that has launched a sustainable food program that includes a commercial kitchen and greenhouse. Products available on-site and at area farmers markets. Wholesale Farm. Sweet Joe’s Honey 1202 E. Walnut St., 479-925-0018 Locally produced and harvested honey. On-Farm Sales.

The Farmstead 2162 Short Mountain Rd., 479-963-9999 Offers lamb in late spring, goat kids in January and mid-summer, fresh eggs and goat milk. Grows some seasonal produce. On-Farm Sales.

The Blueberry Barn 650 Lippert Dr., 479-636-9640 U-pick blueberries. Call for picking conditions. U-Pick.

PARTHENON Rivendell Gardens HCR 72 Box 34, 870-446-5783 Certified organic fruits and vegetables, USDA-inspected meats. Wholesale Farm.

The Blueberry Patch 1201 Longview Dr., 479-631-2483. Offers pre-picked and u-pick blueberries. Buckets and bags furnished. 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Mon.-Sat. U-Pick.

PETTIGREW Lisa Judd 410 Madison 3175, 479-677-2382 Small farm grows seasonal vegetables, sells honey and potted plants. Available at the Huntsville Farmers Market. Wholesale Farm.

ROVER McCool Farms 10946 Hunts Cemetery Rd., 479-2649182. Producer of seasonal vegetables, including summer crops and a fall pumpkin patch. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri. On-Farm Sales.

PRAIRIE GROVE Fly Creek Valley Farm 15996 Greasy Valley Rd., 479-848-0137 Breeder of Dorper and Dorper-cross feeder lambs and commercial breeding stock. On-Farm Sales. Maple Gorge Farm 12601 Greasy Valley Rd., 479-846-4485 Sells registered Alpine and Saanen dairy goats, hardy-wool sheep, eggs, pork, fleeces, lambs, goats and raw goat milk. On-Farm Sales. ROGERS Joe LaRoche 1202 E. Walnut St., 479-925-0018 Honey for pick-up or local delivery in the Rogers area. On-Farm Sales. Neal Family Farm 1246 W. Laurel Ave., 479-659-1750 U-pick blueberries in season. U-Pick. Renegade Hens 1421 Feast Pl., 479-640-0936 Offers free-range eggs. Wholesale Farm. Rogers Farmers Market Corner of First and Walnut, 479-246-8383 Farm fresh produce and local crafts. 7 a.m.-1 p.m. Wed., Sat. April 27-Nov. Farmers Market.

RUDY Rudy Rebels Ranch 5020 N. Rudy Rd., 479-459-3380 Produces grass-fed beef products, eggs and sheep. 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-noon Sat. On-Farm Sales. RUSSELLVILLE Dowell Farms 103 Marina Rd., 501-680-8811 Sells mixed grass hay in 400-pound bales. On-Farm Sales. Pope County Farmers Market 2200 W. Main St., 479-747-5429 Arkansas produce sold directly by the grower. Farmers Market. Russellville Community Market 501 S. Phoenix Ave., 913-636-8193 Online market sells products farmed within 150 miles of Russellville yearround. Farmers Market. Tri Peaks Community Market West C St., 479-264-3682 tripeakscommunitymarket Downtown market featuring local farmers, crafters, artists, musicians and food vendors. 8 a.m. to noon Sat. Farmers Market.













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SILOAM SPRINGS Siloam Springs Farmers Market Corner of University and Mt. Olive, 479524-4556 Producer-only market offering fresh produce, garden and landscaping plants, fresh-cut flowers, seasonal vegetables, local raw honey, baked goods and crafts. 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Tues. and Sat. Apr. 20-Oct. 26. Farmers Market.

Springdale Farmers Market Corner of Hwy. 265 and E. Emma, 479466-1285 Fresh fruits and vegetables, herbs, honey, nuts, farm fresh eggs, frozen meat, flowers, plants, jams, jellies, baked goods, homemade soaps, wood furniture and crafts available. Accepts SNAP/ EBT and WIC. 7 a.m.-1 p.m. May-Oct. Farmers Market.

SOLGOHACHIA Voss Farm 70 Fryer Bridge Rd., 501-354-2021 Bermuda grass hay available in square or round bales. Wholesale Farm.

Tiffany Selvey 301 Michael St., 479-200-0588 Small urban garden in the heart of Springdale offering direct produce sales. On-Farm Sales.

SPRINGDALE Dickey Farms 14306 Wildcat Rd., 501-354-2021 or 479361-9975 Offers tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, lettuce, broccoli, cucumbers, squash, winter squash and pumpkins. 4 p.m.7:30 p.m. Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-7:30 p.m. Sat., 1 p.m.-7:30 p.m. Sun. On-Farm Sales.

SPRINGFIELD Heifer Creek Highlands 288 Heifer Creek Rd. Free-range, all-natural Scots Highland lean beef by the side or half-side. No hormones, antibiotics or steroids. USDA-butchered, custom cut and custom wrapped, then dry aged. Advance notice from 1 to 4 weeks for shipping. Wholesale Farm.

Farmland Adventures 5355 Parsons Rd., 479-799-5033 A u-pick pumpkin patch that features a corn maze, petting zoo, pony rides, a play area for kids, campfires, wagon rides and pig races. On-Farm Sales.

VAN BUREN Van Buren Farmers Market 1409 Main St., 479-218-2316 Offers a variety of seasonal vegetables, handmade crafts and artisan food products. Farmers Market.

Giraffe Gardens 2692 Powell St., 479-750-4141 Farm offering seasonal produce including onions, leeks, garlic, beans, corn, tomatoes, peppers, celery, bamboo shoots, beets, carrots, potatoes, flowers, herbs and raspberries. Wholesale Farm.

WALDRON Scott County Farmers Market 100 W. First St. (Scott County Courthouse), 479-207-1040 Tomatoes, potatoes, melons, peppers, fruits, berries and other produce. First Sat. of every month. Farmers Market.

McGuire Farms 2325 Reed Ave., 479-751-3352 Sells beets, blueberries, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, cantaloupe, Chinese cabbage, collards, cucumbers, dill, eggplant, figs, green beans, kale, kohlrabi, lettuce, mustard, okra, peaches, peanuts, peas, peppers, persimmons, poke salat and potatoes. Wholesale Farm.

WEST FORK David J. Dajani 12238 Sheehan Rd. Family farm producing okra, peppers and tomatoes. Wholesale Farm.

Ranalli Farms 2122 W. Henri De Tonti Blvd., 479-3614313 Seasonal vegetables, grapes and blueberries. On-Farm Sales. Songbird Gardens 301 Michael St., 479-966-3255 An urban farm selling CSA-style garden boxes. CSA. 48 | FOOD & FARM

Great Fermentations 15451 Jones Branch Rd., 479-200-1908 Produces lacto-fermented pickled vegetables at the UARK Arkansas Food Innovation Center. Available at local farmers markets and grocers. Products contain active cultures and probiotics. Artisan Foods. Terrell Spencer 320 Bullard Rd., 479-601-5390 Pasture-raised chickens for eggs and meat. Processed in a USDA-inspected facility. Wholesale Farm.

West Fork Farmers Market Corner of Hwy. 170 and Campbell Lp., 479-225-1611 Market offers USDA meats, organic vegetables and artwork. The growers are expanding to year-round production and working to implement a “Farm to School� program with the West Fork Schools. 7:30 a.m.-noon Sat., 3 p.m.-dusk Wed. Farmers Market. WINSLOW Black Sheep Ranch 15451 Jones Branch Rd., 530-587-2912 Specializes in antibiotic-, hormone-, pesticide- and herbicide-free grassfed lamb as well as probiotic-rich fermented (pickled) vegetables. OnFarm Sales. Debbie Brown 21199 Summer Hill Rd., 479-459-1340 Seasonal produce, herbs and native plants. Wholesale Farm. Greg Trimble 22431 U.S. Hwy. 71 N., 479-220-2514 Produces free-range, grass-fed beef and free-range pork. Wholesale Farm. Ozark Plant Farm 21199 Summers Hill Rd., 479-459-1340 Seasonal produce, including cabbage, celery, green beans, tomatoes, kale, Swiss chard and more. 7 a.m.-8 p.m. daily. On-Farm Sales. Windberry Farm 301 N. Railroad St., 479-521-4619 Has a mission to provide healthy food for the community without using synthetic fertilizers, herbicides or pesticides. Grows a variety of seasonal produce and animals that includes barley, chickens, muscadines, mustard greens, parsley, peppers, potatoes, raspberries, lettuce, squash, strawberries, sweet corn, sweet potatoes, Swiss chard, turnips, turnip greens, watermelons, yellow squash and zucchini. On-Farm Sales. Winslow Farmers Market Winslow Blvd. Features the on-site Winslow Garden that benefits Winslow Community Meals Inc. Garden is run by volunteers and the local 4-H Club. 9 a.m.-noon Sat. beginning in April. Farmers Market. WITTS SPRINGS Justine Griffis 189 Jackpot Rd., 870-496-2804 Produces composted horse manure that is heat treated to kill weed seed and

Fresh garden sorrel from Foothold Farms in Jasper is part of the diverse offerings at the Fayetteville Farmers Market.

pathogens, then sifted, weighed and bagged. Contains no wood products or rocks. Chemical and pesticide free. On-Farm Sales.

Yellville Farmers Market 105 N. Berry St., 501-650-2356 YellvilleFarmersMarket Growers-only open air market in conjunction with “Music on the Square.” Offers locally grown vegetables, fruits, eggs, bedding and garden plants, baked goods, jams and jellies, worm castings and Ozark crafts. 5:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Sat. Second week in April through second week in Sept. Farmers Market.


YELLVILLE Sadhana Lane Gardens 47 Sadhana Ln., 870-736-1758 Organically grown vegetables and herbs including tomatoes, cucumbers, basil, garlic, kale, collards, mustards and various greens. Pesto and pesto-baked products also for sale. Wholesale Farm.


Blackberries are an aggregate fruit. Each little orb on a berry, called a druplet, is technically a fruit. Blackberry vines grow over the span of two years. The first year, the vines are called primocanes, and they’ll reach out and spread to their full length. The second year, the vines are called floricanes, and their main vines don’t grow, but smaller lateral vines do and the plant creates fruit. Berries won’t propagate without adequate pollination, as each ovule that’s pollinated becomes a druplet. First- and second-year blackberry shoots develop prickles that can tear through denim and clothing, which makes picking wild blackberries difficult. A blackberry cultivar is a variety of the plant that came about due to some sort of breeding or genetic improvement. —Kat Robinson

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Corning Maynard Piggott Viola Gepp Salem Greenway Mountain Home Knobel Hardy Rector Cherokee Village Yellville Gassville Pocahontas Cotter Lafe no Evening Shade Harrison Poughkeepsie Walnut Ridge Sage Harriet Melbourne Smithville Blytheville Mount Pleasant Cave City Brookland Leslie Mountain View Jonesboro Swifton Cash ing Batesville Dennard Desha Trumann Shirley Northeast Arkansas Newport Clinton Heber Springs Tyronza Bee Branch Cherry Valley Bradford Cleveland Bald Knob Center Ridge Augusta Judsonia Guy ieville McCrory Romance Marion Searcy Springfield Wynne

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• • • • NORTHEAST ARKANSAS • • • •• • • U-Pick Farms, Wholesale and On-Farm Sales, • • • Morrilton McRae Farmers Markets, CSAs & Artisan Foods El Paso • • • Colt Proctor • Conway Vilonia Beebe • • • ouston Cabot • • Ward • Forrest City • Cotton Plant • Palestine Des•Arc •low • Mayflower Jacksonville • • Fargo DeVall’s • Roland Sherwood Lonoke Bluff • • • Little Rock • North Scott Little Rock • • Southeast Arkansas Small market farm whose mission is to BLYTHEVILLE AUGUSTA Mabelvale •Bryant take care of the land and work and to Spider’s Web Daylily Garden Ranch Woodson • Benton eat well from its harvest. 8 a.m.-8 p.m. 2926 Hwy. 150, 877-257-4063 1001 Woodruff 250, 870-347-5468 • Bauxite • • Registered • Hensleybeefmaster cattle Seven days by appointment. and hay. Helena • Stuttgart Wholesale Farm. Grows over 1,000 varieties of day lilies. On-Farm Sales. ern Poyen Garden tours offered during season. Call • Altheimer • De Witt ville •• Carter Farms for reservation. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. May 15Peebles Farms • Sheridan on White Hall 671 CR 336, 870-283-5081 July 1. Wholesale Farm. Hwy. 64, • 870-919-6162 • Pine Bluff Grady Sells red and yellow meat watermelons, BRADFORD Wholesale and retail •sales of along with cantaloupes. On-Farm Sales. CWC Farm watermelons, cantaloupe, sweet corn and Rison • 3480 Union Hill Rd., 870-307-4023 purple hull peas. Offers a fall 20-acre corn • Dumas CHEROKEE VILLAGE Grass-fed, antibiotic- and hormone-free maze, U-pick pumpkin patch and other


gourds and squash. Wholesale Farm.

Monticello BATESVILLE Warren Cherokee Farms Hampton


955 Oneal Rd., 870-793-7888 Dermott Lake Village Premium Angus and Wagyu beef. USDA inspected and processed, hormone-free Hamburg beef. Wholesale Farm.

• • Crossett Eudora • • El Dorado Fleetwood Farms City • Junction201 Ashley Dr., 870-793-5088

Operates a small apiary, selling honey by the gallon, quart, pint or smaller amounts. Pollen sold by weight. Wholesale Farm. Meacham Meat Packing 1651 White Dr., 870-793-7541 USDA-inspected meat-processing plant for beef, pork, sheep and goats. Custom butchering, wholesale and retail meat sales. 7 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.noon Sat. Wholesale Farm. Williams Berry Farm 350 Harmontown Rd., 870-793-2074 Grape crush July-Aug. Call ahead to make a reservation. On-Farm Sales.

50 | FOOD & FARM

lamb and goats. Delivery available to area processors. On-Farm Sales.

Five Acre Farms 630 Scoggins Rd., 501-412-0817 Sustainable farm located outside of Pleasant Plains. Grows a wide variety of vegetables in permanent, no-till beds. Uses no synthetic fertilizers, herbicides or pesticides. On-Farm Sales. BROOKLAND Nine Oaks Quality Beef 1044 CR 762, 870-273-2733 All-natural beef fed with special homemade grain mixture. On-Farm Sales. CASH Cache River Valley Seed Hwy. 226 E., 870-477-5427 Producer and processor of registered and certified seed including rice, soybeans, wheat, milo, corn and cotton. Wholesale Farm. CAVE CITY Brood Farm 1054 Cypress Ln., 870-834-5315

Spring River Farmers Market Cherokee Village Town Center, 870-8477286 Selling fresh produce and locally made crafts. 8 a.m.-11:30 p.m. Sat. Farmers Market.

CHERRY VALLEY Johnson Farm 581 CR 333, 870-588-4832 Sells seasonal sweet corn, peppers, tomatoes, green beans, peas, blackberries, cucumbers and squash. On-Farm Sales. Karen Lester 1911 Bay Village Rd., 870-588-4643 Farm raises beans, broccoli, cabbage, okra, peppers and tomatoes. On-Farm Sales. Riley’s Orchard 3964 Hwy. 364, 870-588-4335 Offering peaches and grapes. Grapes are u-pick. Peaches sold at Jonesboro Farmers Market. Call ahead for availability and picking conditions. U-Pick.

COLT Phyllis Fleming 4171 Hwy. 306 E., 870-633-3582 On-farm sales of seasonal produce. On-Farm Sales.

composting, hoop house construction, green house management, food safety, farm and business planning, farm management and community farm training. Wholesale Farm.

CORNING Bowers Plants 3450 Hwy. 135, 870-259-3437 Bedding plants, potted flowers and hanging baskets. Wholesale Farm.

GASSVILLE Gassville Farmers Market 204 S. School St., 870-435-6439 New market opened in 2014, offering produce from the Gassville area. Looking for vendors; call for information. Located next to the Gassville Branch Library. 7 a.m.-1 p.m. Sat. Farmers Market.

COTTER Isom and Sons White River Berry Farm 184 Hazel St., 901-299-4599 Offers blackberries for sale. Wholesale Farm. DES ARC Saul Fish Farm 8343 Hwy. 11 N., 866-728-5228 Wholesale shiners, fathead minnows and other fish bait. Wholesale Farm. DEVALL’S BLUFF Harry Saul Minnow Farm 7689 Hwy. 70 E., 870-998-2585 Raises minnows for wholesale bait distribution. Minnows are certified by the Arkansas State Plant Board to be free of disease and aquatic nuisance species. Wholesale Farm. EL PASO Armstrong Beefalo Farm 684 Ridge Rd., 501-351-4551 Grass-fed, hormone- and antibiotic-free beefalo. On-Farm Sales. Tom and Judy Riley 1943 Hwy. 64 W., 501-796-2298 Hormone- and antibiotic-free grainand grass-fed beef. On-Farm Sales. EVENING SHADE Piney Fork Berry Farm 163 Blueberry Ln., 870-368-5001 Highbush blueberries available during season. Call ahead for availability. U-Pick. FORREST CITY Kevin Vandiver 7596 Hwy. 284, 870-630-0607 Offers Christmas trees and seasonal produce. On-Farm Sales. Seven Harvest 393 SFC 320, 870-630-6161 Nonprofit grows affordable vegetables, including kale, chard and lettuce, and offers classes in soil building and

Ike and Sandy Yates 1101 Hwy. 126 N., 870-405-6038 Worms for fishing and worm castings for fertilizer. On-Farm Sales. JONESBORO ASU Regional Farmers Market N.E. corner of Stadium Ave. and Aggie Rd., 870-892-2087 Offers local produce from Jonesboro-area growers. 7 a.m.-11 a.m. Sat. Farmers Market. Herb & Root Apothecary 297 CR 726, 770-403-0882 Sells herbs and prepared herbal products. Artisan Foods. Mid-South Nursery and Greenhouses 3321 Dan Ave., 870-932-2036 Grows and sells all types of trees, shrubs, vines, flowers, vegetables, herbs. Largest wholesale and retail nursery and greenhouses in Jonesboro. 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Mon.-Sat., 1 p.m.-6 p.m. Sun. Wholesale Farm. JUDSONIA George Friedrich 291 Moccasin Bend Rd., 501-278-7177 Farm of several thousand acres with 200 acres devoted to specialty edible crops. Wholesale Farm. Gillam Farms 251 Hwy. 258, 501-729-0042 Grower of muscadines, grapes, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, asparagus, okra, peas, sweet potatoes and pumpkin. Latta and Josie’s Place store on farm operates year-round. Pumpkin festival in October. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat. April-Nov. On-Farm Sales. Wholly Cow Farms 615 Graham Rd., 501-593-2666 All-natural grass-fed beef. No antibiotics

or hormones, finished on grass. Wholesale Farm. KNOBEL Bambi Perez 220 Pine St., 870-259-3512 Crops include seasonal vegetables, herbs, flowers, potted plants and mushrooms. Wholesale Farm. Carter-Cox Seeds 3162 Hwy. 90, 870-259-3231 Seed producer offering soybeans, rice, wheat, corn and milo seed. Wholesale Farm. LAFE Donna Reinhart 35 Main St., 870-586-0685 Sells tomatoes and peppers. On-Farm Sales. MARION Palm Source 4069 N. Airport Rd., 901-672-3541 Offers perennials, palms and other landscaping plants. Wholesale Farm. MAYNARD Falling Star Farms 4068 Hwy. 166 N., 870-202-9595 Produces a line of jellies, preserves and fruit butters. Also sells farm fresh eggs and seasonal fruits and vegetables. 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Tues.-Sat. Artisan Foods. MCCRORY Charles Vondran 2733 Hwy. 17 N., 870-731-5653 Variety of vegetables and fruits, including muscadine grapes. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat. On-Farm Sales. Corner Market Corner of Hwy. 64 and Hwy. 775, 501-281-0893 Local farm offering seasonal produce including cucumbers, green beans, green onions, okra, peas, peppers, potatoes, radishes, squash and tomatoes. On-Farm Sales. MELBOURNE Cooper Farm 800 Dixon St., 870-368-4555 Bermuda and mixed grass hay. On-Farm Sales. Tate Brothers’ Farm HC 89 Box 240, 870-368-7489 Wholesale farmer specializing in peas and cantaloupe. Wholesale Farm.

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MOUNT PLEASANT Earth Art and Foods HC 89 Box 205, 479-715-8377 Shiitake mushrooms, soaps and woodworks. Visitors by reservation only. On-Farm Sales. MOUNT VERNON Chester Davis 104 Beverly Dr., 501-206-7177 Grows radishes, squash, beans, onions, cucumbers, okra, peas and tomatoes. Also features eggs from free-range hens and occasional sales of small and fullgrown chickens. On-Farm Sales. MOUNTAIN HOME Barren Creek Farm 1105 CR 618, 870-425-6359 Offers lumber gleaned from the forest and fields of a rehabilitated family farm, including eastern red cedar, white and red oak, hickory and walnut. Also offers ducks, duck eggs, fish, ornamentals and pork from a small-but-growing operation. By appointment only. On-Farm Sales. Mountain Home Berry Farm 693 CR 57, 870-425-7028 Offers asparagus, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and sweet onions. Holds a fall festival with pumpkins, gourds, hayrides and a corn maze. On-Farm Sales. Mountain Home Farmers Market 3296 Hwy. 201 S., 870-492-2303 Fresh local produce from area producers. 6 a.m.-noon Wed. and Sat. May-Sept. Farmers Market. Ozark Locally Grown U.S. Hwy. 62 W., 870-421-2203 Online farmers market covering northern Arkansas and southern Missouri. Farmers Market. MOUNTAIN VIEW Common Threads 17467 Hwy. 66, 870-269-6808 Small family farm that raises Jacob sheep, angora goats and dairy goats. On-Farm Sales. NEWPORT Bottomland Naturals 420 Beech St., 870-523-5611 Produces edible birdseed houses and other birdseed products. 5:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Mon.-Fri. Wholesale Farm. Downtown Newport Farmers Market Newport Lake, 870-664-0542 Farmers market selling local produce 52 | FOOD & FARM

and crafts from the Newport area. Wed., Sat. June-Oct. Farmers Market. Farmers Elevator and Warehouse 124 Beech St., 870-523-3195 Seed processor and chemical sales. Wholesale Farm. Shoffner Farm Research 6355 Hwy. 17 S., 870-744-8237 Rice, soybean and wheat seed in several varieties. Wholesale Farm. PIGGOTT Al Williams and Son Nursery 1167 E. Main St., 870-598-3357 Tree grower specializing in flowering and shade trees. Offers conifer and flowering shrubs for landscaping. 8 a.m.noon Mon.-Fri. Wholesale Farm. Pumpkin Hollow 671 CR 336, 870-598-3568 Pumpkins and gourds. Features a gourd trellis, farm animals, hay slides, pony, train and hay rides; cornfield mazes, pig scrambles and other special events. On-Farm Sales. POCAHONTAS Earth Sprung Grain 907 Amy Rd., 870-892-3249 Produces specialty grains, offering quality eco-grown aromatic rice. On-Farm Sales. PROCTOR Peace Bee Farm 37 Peace Farm Rd., 870-514-0105 Produces locally grown honey from cotton, soybean and other floral sources. Uses beeswax in the production of candles. On-Farm Sales. QUITMAN Pumpkin Rose Farm 11 Mortar Creek Rd., 501-339-6911 Grows produce, herbs and flowers. Jellies, jams and preserves also available. Wholesale Farm.

Mount Olive Pepper Company 755 AR 69B, 870-368-3091 Grows peppers as well as purchasing peppers from local growers to produce whole dried peppers and ground pepper products. 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Mon.-Fri. Artisan Foods. SALEM Warren Newman 2645 Greasy Creek Rd., 870-458-2523 Small family farm that grows seasonal produce for sale at Salem-area farmers markets. Wholesale Farm. SEARCY Bailey Cattle Co. 3 Ridgewood Ln. Heritage-breed turkeys, free-range chicken eggs and a wide array of vegetables. Raises heritage and rare breed stock upon request. Hormoneand antibiotic-free. On-Farm Sales. Little Rock Tomato 3720 E. Broadway, 501-945-0511 Wholesale warehouse supporting local farmers and products for over 30 years. Packs produce to ship all around the state. 6 a.m.-4 p.m. Mon.-Fri. Memorial Day-Labor Day. Wholesale Farm. ST. JOE Taylor Farms 1870 Silver Hill Rd. Santa Gertrudis, Angus and Red Angus, plus crossbreed Star 5 cattle. Sells at local sale barns. Wholesale Farm. SWIFTON Green Acres Hay Farm 151 Jackson Co. 632, 870-219-6237 Hybrid Bermuda hay. On-Farm Sales. TRUMANN Taylor Stuckey Inc. 10415 Stuckey Ln., 870-483-7625 Sells agricultural seeds, chemicals and fertilizers, specializing in cotton and grain. Wholesale Farm.

ROMANCE Honeysuckle Lane Cheese 1192 Hwy. 5, 501-556-4480 Arkansas’ only certified raw-milk cheese maker. Artisan Foods.

VIOLA Select Cuts 9085 Elizabeth Rd., 870-458-2291 All-natural grass-fed USDA-inspected cuts of beef. All animals are born and raised on the ranch. By appointment only. Wholesale Farm.

SAGE M M Landscape and Lawn 259 McAnally Dr., 870-368-5522 Landscaping and ornamental shrub retail. On-Farm Sales.

WALNUT RIDGE Beary Farms 486 U.S. Hwy. 412, 870-886-5515 Pumpkins and gourds. Call for availability. On-Farm Sales.

John and Mel Fender 1070 Lawrence 612 Rd., 870-759-2920 Longtime vegetable growers. On-Farm Sales. WYNNE April Muhammad 403 Church St. N., 870-636-0990 Makes three different pre-washed, pre-seasoned rice mixes ready-to-cook. Artisan Foods. Bassham Orchard 3422 Hwy. 284 E., 870-238-2153 Growing peaches, apples and nectarines. On-Farm Sales. Betty, Howard, and Jeremy Walker 2648 Hwy. 163 On-farm sales of corn, peas and tomatoes. On-Farm Sales. Caubble Orchards 296 U.S. Hwy. 64 B, 870-238-8627 Various varieties of fruit including 30 varieties of peaches, five varieties of nectarines, eight varieties of apples and two varieties of plums. On-Farm Sales. Cross County Farmers Market 705 E. Union Ave., 870-238-5745 Fresh fruit, vegetables and handmade crafts. 7 a.m.-10 a.m. Tues., Thurs., Sat. Farmers Market. Killough Farms 661 Highway 64B, 870-238-7038 Pick your own blueberries on-site. Daylight hours during season. U-Pick. Linda or Mike Stegall 729 Hwy 350, 870-238-2817 Farm offering varieties of beans and peas for sale. On-Farm Sales. Matthews Ridgeview Farms 2400 Bartlett Rd., 870-238-8828 Commercial sweet potato farm with year-round availability. Call for an appointment. Wholesale Farm.

Waste Not, Want Not Donate your excess produce to the Arkansas Gleaning Project. In 2014, the generosity of Arkansas growers meant 1.5 million pounds of produce went to Arkansas food banks, pantries, soup kitchens and shelters.

Get Involved this Season! Whether you’re an urban gardener or a GAP-certified operation, there’s a place for you in the Arkansas Gleaning Project. Yields are weighed and documented by tax receipts issued by the Arkansas Gleaning Project. Contact Jeremy Adams at about contributing your excess produce.

Visit for more information. /ARHungerAlliance @ARHungerRelief The Arkansas Gleaning Project is a program of the Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance

Matthews Sweet Potato Farm 18 CR 377, 870-238-0244 Arkansas-grown sweet potatoes available for pickup by appointment. Call for availability. On-Farm Sales.

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• Waldron • Parks


• Jack • Roland Sherwoo Litt • •North Scot Little Rock • • • Mabelvale Woodson • Benton • Bauxite •• Hensley


Central Arkansas

••Jessieville • • Mount Ida • Hot Springs • Royal Malvern Poyen Bismarck • • Prattsville •• • Sheridan • W • Grannis Donaldson • •P • Dierks Arkadelphia • • De Queen • Rison • Nashville Hot Springs Village


• Prescott • Foreman • Ashdown • Hope Southwest Arkansas


U-Pick Farms, Wholesale and On-Farm Sales, Farmers Markets, CSAs & Artisan Foods

ARKADELPHIA Clark County Farmers Market U.S. Hwy. 67/10th St., 870-246-1050 clarkcountyfarmersmarket Produce-only market featuring Clark County growers. 7 a.m.-noon Tues., Sat. Farmers Market. Desiree Barnes 1411 Evans St., 870-210-9700 A start-up company growing organic herb plants and table vegetables. Wholesale Farm. ASHDOWN Grannie's Bloomers 107 E. 7th St., 870-898-8515 Garden center and nursery. Some plants can be grown to order. Wholesale Farm. Joe Crews 217 Little River 142, 870-542-7220 Seasonal produce that you pick yourself. Call for availability. U-Pick. BISMARCK J V Farms 5754 Sycamore Dr., 501-865-2388 Offers free-range eggs, whole hog sausage, rabbits, pasture-raised lamb and seasonal produce. Wholesale Farm. DONALDSON

Bunn Farm 4892 Lucky Pine Rd., 501-580-5331 Pure sorghum syrup produced in the New DeRoche community of Hot Spring County. On-Farm Sales. McAlpine Christmas Tree Farm 197 Christmas Tree Ln., 501-865-3731 Sells Virginia Pine Christmas trees from 54 | FOOD & FARM

• Texarkana • Fouke


• Magnolia • Bradley

Thanksgiving through Christmas. On-Farm Sales. Ouachita River Valley Farm 4399 Midway Rd., 479-216-1991 Chemical free vegetables, fruits and herbs, available at the Hot Springs Farmers and Artisans Market, the Green Market of Hot Springs Village and Clark County Farmers Market in Arkadelphia. Wholesale Farm. EL DORADO Richland Creek Farm 1101 N.W. Ave., 870-875-1078 Sustainable-practice farm sells wide variety of vegetables, fruits and flowers to El Dorado and surrounding community. 7:15 a.m.-4 p.m. Tues., Fri. Wholesale Farm. FOREMAN York Pecans Co. 2919 Hwy. 32 W., 870-542-6196 Pecan farm also has commercial pecan-shelling plant with a 10-million pound capacity available for bulk pecan processing. Wholesale Farm. FOUKE Gladden Farms 390 MC 459, 903-824-0140 Seasonal produce including banana peppers, basil, snap beans, pole beans, green beans, beets, cantaloupe, cherry tomatoes, cilantro, cucumbers, tomatoes, cilantro, flowers, green beans, green onions, herbs, okra, parsley, potatoes, radishes, lettuce, squash, turnip greens, watermelon, yellow squash and zucchini. Wholesale Farm.


• Camden • Hampton •

• El Dorado • Junction City

GRANNIS Youngblood Grassfed Farm 173 Polk Rd. 252, 870-385-7302 Grass-fed farm raising Angus-cross beef, Katahdin lambs, black hogs, Spanish cross goats, Jersey cows. Meat featured at MeatWorks Butchery Online Market, The Fold Restaurant (Little Rock), Good Earth Natural Foods (Hot Springs), the Culinary District (Hot Springs), Park Island Market (Hot Springs), Flour Child Fine Foods (Texarkana) and Old Fashioned Foods (Fort Smith). Wholesale Farm. HAMPTON Hearnsberger’s Gourd Farm 436 Sixth St., 870-798-3610 Grows gourds, watermelons and cantaloupe. On-Farm Sales. HOPE Hope Farmers Market Third and Elm St., 870-703-8788 Home to some of the world's largest watermelons. Features farm-fresh produce straight from the back of the trucks. 7 a.m.-11 a.m. Tues., Sat. MaySept. Farmers Market. JUNCTION CITY Donald Ellison 614 E. State Line Rd., 870-924-4007 Produces peas, corn and tomatoes for sale. Wholesale Farm.

MAGNOLIA Double D Farms 920 Columbia Rd. 61, 870-234-6210 Fresh vegetables, including okra, squash and tomatoes. Wholesale Farm.

Howard County Farmers Market 110 S. Washington St., 870-557-2352 Produce grown within 50 miles of Nashville for sale by growers. Farmers Market.

Lake Sue Nursery and Farm Supply 1410 Columbia 36, 870-234-4477 Retail nursery and garden center. Also sells feed and farm supplies. Bedding and vegetable plants grown on-site. 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m Mon.-Sat., 1 p.m.-5:30 p.m. Sun., Sept.-June. On-Farm Sales.

Jamison Orchard 195 Orchard Rd., 870-845-4827 Third-generation peach farm, also grows plums and blackberries. Sold u-pick at the orchard, at farmers markets and wholesale to vendors and restaurants. U-Pick.

Pittman Nursery 700 Columbia 61, 870-234-1111 Container-grown nursery stock, ornamental and bedding plants, perennials, hardwoods, berries and fruit trees. Catalog available. 7 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat. Wholesale Farm.

Nashville Farmers Market 110 S. Washington St., 870-557-2352 A local-growers-only market in an open-air pavilion built by local volunteers with certified kitchen, small demonstration organic garden, gardening workshops and cooking demonstrations throughout most of season. Farmers Market.


Amy's 527 Mcbee St., 501-467-3278 Full-service florist offering Arkansasgrown flowers and plants plus a variety of gifts. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Sat. Wholesale Farm. Arkansas Natural Produce 20627 Hwy. 84, 501-865-1331 Grows fresh vegetables and herbs yearround in greenhouses. Pesticide-free herbs and lettuce. Wholesale Farm. MENA Farming Innovations 226 Polk Rd. 69, 479-437-3409 Chemical- and pesticide-free vegetables. On-Farm Sales. Old Dallas Ranch 3279 Polk 44, 479-234-0016 Specializes in grass-fed, hormone-free, antibiotic-free beef, Texas Longhorn or Longhorn-crossed breeds. Call ahead for availability and delivery options. Wholesale Farm. Polk County Farmers Market 524 Sherwood, 479-394-6018 Local crops, fruits, honey, homemade breads, goat milk cheeses, local crafts, jams and relishes. 7 a.m. until sold out (about 10 a.m.) Tues., Thurs., Sat. MayOct. Farmers Market. NASHVILLE Blue Bayou Orchard 601 W. Hempstead St., 870-845-2333 Peaches available, either pick yourself or buy by the pound. Call ahead for availability. U-Pick.

PRESCOTT Black Bean Farm 940 Nevada 48 S., 870-602-0239 Grows and sells squash, purple hull peas, okra and cabbage. 7 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat. On-Farm Sales. ROYAL Like Yo Mama's Handmade Pies 126 Caladium Lp., 501-844-7149 Handmade fried pies made from as much fresh product as possible. Includes Arkansas apple, peach, strawberry, blueberry and blackberry in homemade crust and fried in an iron skillet. Also makes several types of breads, including gluten-free pumpkin and banana nut. Artisan Foods. Sunshine Store 3719 Sunshine Rd., 501-767-4614 Offering local vegetables, homemade salsa and other products on Saturdays. Farmers Market.

SHERIDAN Laughing Stock Farm 7621 Hwy. 46 N., 870-866-3753 Certified organic fruit, vegetable and transplant operation. Offers potatoes, ginger, turmeric, tomatoes, herbs, garlic, flowers, beets, onions, lemongrass and other crops. Wholesale Farm. TEXARKANA Farmers Market of Texarkana 3004 Linden Ave., 870-772-4558 Farm with seasonal produce including corn, fruits, honey and other vegetables. Wholesale Farm. Gateway Farmers Market 3019 E. 9th St. 870-774-9171 Locally grown produce (within 75 miles) sold by the grower. Farmers Market. Jerry Peary 4801 Union Rd., 870-773-9955 Seasonal vegetables. Wholesale Farm.

39th Annual Hope Watermelon Festival 870-777-3640

Hope’s annual celebration of everything watermelon returns August 6-August 8 at the Hope Fair Park. Email Mark Keith at for details.

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FOOD & FARM | 55

Bald Knob • Center Ridge Judsonia • • Augusta • Hattieville • Guy • Romance • • McCrory Marion • • Searcy • • Springfield • Wynne ins Morrilton McRae Paso • ARK • SOUTHEAST • ElANSAS • Colt Proctor • • Conway • Vilonia • Beebe y • Houston Ward Cotton Plant Cabot • Forrest City • • • • •Bigelow Des•Arc • • Mayflower Jacksonville • Palestine • • Fargo DeVall’s • Roland Sherwood • Lonoke Bluff • •North Little Rock kansas • Little Rock • • Scott Southeast Arkansas eville • Mabelvale Benton • Bauxite • Woodson prings • • • Hensley Helena • Stuttgart • Malvern • Poyen • Altheimer • De Witt Prattsville • • Sheridan • White Hall Donaldson • Pine Bluff delphia • Grady Rison • • Dumas



• Camden •


Warren Hampton

• Monticello

• • Dermott Lake Village •

• • El Dorado • Junction City



U-Pick Farms, Wholesale and On-Farm Sales, Farmers Markets, CSAs & Artisan Foods

• Hamburg • Crossett Eudora •

ALTHEIMER Steph’s Farm 6711 Walker Rd., 870-273-4192 Seasonal produce. Wholesale Farm. CROSSETT Ashley County Farmers Market U.S. Hwy. 82 Area produce from Ashley County growers. Informal market; no set times. Farmers Market. Townley Tomato Farm 298 Ashley Rd. 13, 870-304-7495 Family owned and operated tomato farm. On-Farm Sales. DERMOTT Branch Family Produce 586 Hwy. 35 N., 870-538-3775 Offers okra, peas, watermelons and pumpkins. On-Farm Sales. DEWITT Flowers Haven Nursery 84 Dillion Ln., 870-946-2946 Nursery that grows vegetables, bedding plants and hanging plants. Also grows a spring and fall crop. On-Farm Sales. DUMAS Weston Esau 387 State Police Rd., 870-818-3237 Offers watermelons during season. On-Farm Sales. EUDORA Atkins Farms 253 Atkins Ln., 870-355-2211 Offers u-pick blueberries and blackberries during season. Also offers squash, cucumbers, eggplant, peppers, tomatoes, corn, string beans, butter beans, pink-eyed peas, zucchini and okra. U-Pick.

56 | FOOD & FARM

Selman’s Nursery 151 Gin Rd., 870-355-2370 Grows and sells flowers, tomatoes, eggplants, squash, cucumbers, cantaloupe, watermelons, zucchini and lettuce plants in 3-inch cups. Seed available all year. Garden accessories, fertilizer and soil available. 8 a.m-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat. Wholesale Farm. FARGO Lighthouse Produce Farms 484 Floyd Brown Dr., 501-944-1093 Offers a variety of seasonal vegetables. Wholesale Farm. Rickey Bone 484 Floyd Brown Dr., 501-223-8427 Fresh produce including squash, okra, purple hull peas, melons, cantaloupes, tomatoes, eggplant, lettuce, celery, onions, bell peppers and pumpkins. On-Farm Sales. FORDYCE Stanfields Farm 16740 Calhoun 76, 870-313-2685 Cabbage, squash, peppers, cantaloupe and watermelons during season. Wholesale Farm. GRADY Hardin Farms 1 Disaster Ridge Rd., 870-866-3753 Sells squash, melons, peppers, peas, beans, blackberries, corn, tomatoes, potatoes, pecans and wheat. Also raises goats. Wholesale Farm. HAMBURG Old Milo Tree Farms and Pumpkin Patch 604 Ashley Rd. 485, 870-853-2379 Fall pumpkin patch and Christmas trees

in December. By appointment only. On-Farm Sales. Triple M Farms of Ashley County 2383 Hwy. 189 N., 870-853-9285 Sells wholesale and retail u-pick tomatoes, peppers, watermelon, pumpkins and cantaloupe. U-Pick. LAKE VILLAGE Mel’s Farmers Market W. Main St., 870-265-5325 Farmers market offering fresh produce, nuts and eggs. Farmers Market. Sunrise Fisheries 2447 N. Lakeshore Dr., 870-265-1205 Lake Village fishery. On-Farm Sales. MCGEHEE Triple D Farms 516 Holly St., 870-501-1199 Offering peas, okra and greens seasonally; beef and pork all year. On-Farm Sales. MONTICELLO Jim A. Hall 251 U.S. Hwy. 425 N., 870-723-3724 Fifth-generation farm growing heirloom watermelons. On-Farm Sales. PINE BLUFF Christopher Doolittle 2205 N. University Dr., 870-413-0406 Offers purple hull peas in season. Wholesale Farm. D&S Produce 2205 N. University Dr., 870-413-0060 Offers broccoli, collard greens, kale, okra, peas, pecans, squash, turnip greens, turnips, watermelons and yellow squash. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Mon.-Sat. On-Farm Sales.

Pine Bluff Farmers Market Saracen Landing, Martha Mitchell Expy. Produce and crafts from Jefferson County. WIC participant. 6 a.m-1 p.m. Tues., Thurs., Sat. Farmers Market. POYEN Ken Landreth 706 W. 6th St., 501-844-6510 Seasonal produce available for wholesale or u-pick. U-Pick. PRATTSVILLE A&B Berry Farm 2929 Hwy. 190 S., 870-699-4792 Pick your own blueberries during season. U-Pick. RISON Joe Willis 10920 Hwy. 63, 870-357-2302 Offers tomatoes, peaches, squash, okra, cucumbers, cantaloupe and watermelon. Farmers Market. Richard Tanner 3820 Hwy. 63 S., 501-773-3891 Specializes in fruits, vegetables, eggs and cut flowers. Produce offered includes heirloom tomatoes and cherry tomatoes, blueberries, blackberries, peaches, plums, watermelon, cantaloupe, sweet corn, peppers, tomatoes, Swiss chard, kale, kohlrabi, okra, cucumbers and squash. On-Farm Sales.

Triple R Farms 1370 Hwy. 35 N., 870-325-6689 Raises and breeds Black Angus cattle. Offers breeding services and cattle for sale. Wholesale Farm. STUTTGART Harvey Edwards 55 D & J Rd., 870-830-6567 Soybean oil-based soaps made to order. Wholesale Farm. WARREN Chase Cox 122 Bradley 370, 903-330-2547 Family owned farm offering watermelons, tomatoes, peppers, squash and cantaloupe. On-Farm Sales. Deepwoods Farm 155 Bradley Rd. 26, 870-820-0702 Family owned farm with a 70-year history of growing Bradley County’s famous tomatoes. Offers several varieties of heirloom tomatoes, plus the Amelia hybrid tomato. Tomatoes are never picked green, gassed or dipped in chlorine. USDA GAP Certified and Food Safety Insured. On-Farm Sales.

Jim Parker 23210 U.S. 63 N., 870-357-2748 Sells u-pick tomatoes, blackberries and cantaloupe. U-Pick. King Farms 612 E. Cedar St., 870-226-5657 Seasonal vegetables and prepared jams, jellies and preserves. Wholesale Farm. WASHINGTON Old Washington Farmers Market 106 W. Carrol St., 870-703-4154 Farmers market in historic Washington offering seasonal produce and artisan prepared foods. Farmers Market. WHITE HALL Arkansas Culinary Herbs 1413 Stowe Rd., 870-247-1205 Specializes in culinary herbs including dill, basil, cilantro, rosemary, thyme and chives. Wholesale Farm. Stowe Market Garden and Nursery 1305 Stowe Rd., 870-247-1205 Organic farm growing vegetables, herbs and cut flowers. On-Farm Sales.



Bradley County pink tomatoes

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FOOD & FARM | 57




Hillcrest Artisan Meats in Little Rock.

packaged organic foods, earth-friendly home and personal care products, and a huge variety of supplements. Allen’s Food Market 60 Sugar Creek Ctr., Bella Vista Grocery store that specializes in organic, locally and regionally produced items. Producers, contact Steve Morrow at or 479-876-6190. Brookshire’s Food & Pharmacy Full-service grocery in various locations in southern Arkansas. City Market Grocery store with locations on 12th Street and Colonel Glenn in Little Rock, and Rose City in North Little Rock. Culinary District 510 Ouachita Ave., Hot Springs. 501-624-2665 Offers kitchen supplies, gourmet ingredients and a large selection of local meats and prepared products. Edward’s Food Giant Grocery store with locations in Little Rock, Bryant, Forrest City, Harrisburg and Marianna. Producers, contact Jeff Nosbisch at 501-850-6338 for produce or Bob Childers at 870-295-1000 for meat. Fresh Market Specialty grocer with locations in Little Rock and Rogers. Producers, contact Neal Augustine at 501-225-7700. Good Earth Natural Food 3955 Central Ave., Hot Springs 855-293-2784 Offers fresh organic local produce, 58 | FOOD & FARM

Greg & Jim’s Grocery & Grill 46 Old Military Rd., Colt 870-633-0541 Grocer that also serves breakfast and lunch six days a week and dinner two days. Full line of groceries and produce. Harps Foods Regional, employee-owned grocery store with dozens of locations in Arkansas. Hillcrest Artisan Meats 2807 Kavanaugh Blvd., Ste. B, Little Rock 501-671-6328 Butcher shop that carries local and regional meats. Also carries local artisan products and a limited selection of produce. Producers, ask for Brandon or Tara Brown. Hogg’s Meat Market 4520 Camp Robinson Rd., North Little Rock 501-758-7700 Butcher Shop and catering business in operation since 1961. Processes wild game. Kroger National grocery store with some 50 locations in Arkansas. Producers should contact produce managers at individual stores. Meat Works Butchery 816 De Queen St., Mena 479-394-2900 Grass-fed and finished beef, lamb, goat, pastured pork and chicken as well as eggs, breads, vegetables, fruits, specialty oils, sauces, honey and spices. Also delivers.

Natural Things 5407 Hwy. 5 N., Bryant 501-213-0034 Natural foods store that sells mostly grocery items. Olde Fashioned Foods 8434 Phoenix Ave., Fort Smith 479-649-8200 Offers local and organic foods, herbs, alternative medicine and health products. Ozark Natural Foods 1554 N. College Ave., Fayetteville 479-521-7558 Natural foods co-op owned by a community of more than 10,000 investors. Producers, contact produce manager Pauline Thiessen at 479-5217588 or Stratton’s Market 405 E. Third St., Little Rock 501-244-0542 Small grocery and liquor store attached to Dugan’s Pub in Little Rock. Terry’s Finer Foods 5018 Kavanaugh Blvd., Little Rock 501-663-4154 Gourmet neighborhood grocery. Walmart Bentonville (corporate office) 800-925-6278 The international discount chain has sold Arkansas produce in its store for 20 years. Local and organic produce available statewide. Whole Foods 501 Bowman, Little Rock.501-312-2326 National chain with location in Little Rock.


ALTUS Chateau Aux Arc Vineyards Winery 8045 Champagne Dr., 479-468-4400 One of the largest and oldest Chardonnay vineyards in the South. Features a tasting room with a variety of award-winning wines. Offers grapevine cuttings and grapes for sale. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat., noon-5 p.m. Sun. Mount Bethel Winery 5008 Mount Bethel Dr., 479-468-2444 One of Arkansas’ oldest wineries. Offers tours, tastings and on-site sales of wines and gift baskets. 9 a.m-7 p.m. Mon.-Sat., noon-5 p.m. Sun.

MORRILTON Movie House Winery 112 E. Commerce St., 501-215-4899 Winery with locally grown grapes and juices from around the world. Winemaking supplies and classes. Gift shop with locally grown products. 10 a.m-6 p.m. Mon.-Sat.

Post Familie Vineyards 1700 St. Mary’s Mountain Rd., 479-468-2741 Fresh grapes are available in season, grape juice and wine available yearround on-site and retail statewide. Aug.-Oct. Wiederkehr Wine Cellars Inc. 3324 Swiss Family Dr., 479-468-9463 Classic Swiss-style winery with tasting room, restaurant and shop. Open daily.

SPRINGDALE Sassafras Springs Vineyard 6461 E. Guy Terry Rd., 479-530-0912 Wedding venue and small batch vineyard offering tours.

EUREKA SPRINGS Keels Creek Winery 3185 E. Van Buren, 479-253-9463 Vineyard produces 14 wines from local grapes. Railway Winery 4937 Hwy 187, 479-253-5026 Eureka Springs winery ready to open a new tasting room after losing much of their old facilities in a flood. Tasting room available, including a deck overlooking the vineyard. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Wed.-Sat., 12 p.m.-5 p.m. Sun.

Go online to add your vineyard.

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FOOD & FARM | 59



M-TO-TABLE FAR Good Food by Ferneau in North Little Rock.

LITTLE ROCK 1620 Savoy 1620 Market St., 501-221-1620 Fine dining in a swank space, with a menu redone by the same owners of Cache downtown. The scallops are especially nice. 5 p.m-10 p.m. Mon.-Sat., 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Sun. Big Orange 17809 Chenal Pkwy., 501-821-1515. 207 N. University Ave., 501-379-8715 Gourmet burgers and salads are featured on a menu that uses local and seasonal produce whenever possible. 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Sun.-Thurs., 11 a.m.-11 p.m. Fri.-Sat. Boulevard Bread Co. 1417 Main St., 501-375-5100 1920 N. Grant St., 501-663-5951 4301 W. Markham St., 501-526-6661 Fresh bread, fresh pastries, wide selection of cheeses, meats and side dishes at the local chain’s catering and baking headquarters. Good coffee, too. Brave New Restaurant 2300 Cottondale Ln., 501-663-2677 Chef/owner Peter Brave was doing “farm to table” before most of us knew the term. His focus is on fresh, highquality ingredients prepared elegantly but simply. 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Mon.-Fri., 5 p.m.-9 p.m. Mon.-Thurs., 5 p.m.-10 p.m. Fri.-Sat.

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Cache Restaurant 425 President Clinton Ave., 501-850-0265 A stunning experience on the wellpresented plates and in terms of atmosphere, glitz and general feel. It doesn’t feel like anyplace else in Little Rock. 11 a.m.-close Mon.-Fri., 5 p.m.close Sat. Last seating at 9:45 p.m. each evening. Capital Bar and Grill 111 Markham St., 501-370-7013 Big hearty sandwiches, daily lunch specials and fine evening dining all rolled up into one at this landing spot downtown. 11 a.m.-11 p.m. Mon.-Thurs., 11 a.m.-midnight Fri.-Sat., 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Sun. Cheers in the Heights 2010 N. Van Buren, 501-663-5937 Good burgers and sandwiches, vegetarian offerings and salads at lunch, and fish specials and good steaks in the evening. 11 a.m.-9:30 p.m. Mon.-Sat. Ciao Baci 605 N. Beechwood St, 501-603-0238 The focus is on fine dining in this casually elegant Hillcrest bungalow, though excellent tapas are out of this world. The tree-shaded, light-strung deck is a popular destination. Copper Grill 300 E. Third St., 501-375-3333

Comfort food, burgers and more sophisticated fare including fresh salads. 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Mon.-Sat. Milford Track 10809 Executive Center Dr., 501-223-2257 Healthy and tasty are the key words at this deli/grill that serves breakfast and lunch. Bread is baked in-house, and there are several veggie options. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri., 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Sat. Mylo Coffee Co. 2715 Kavanaugh Blvd., 501-747-1880 Bakery with a vast assortment of handmade pastries, house-roasted coffee and an ice cream counter. Soups and sandwiches, too. 7 a.m.-9 p.m. Tues.Thurs., 7 a.m.-10 p.m. Fri.-Sat., 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sun. Natchez Restaurant 323 Center St., 501-372-1167 Smart, elegant takes on Southern classics. Dinner only, Fri. and Sat. So Restaurant 3610 Kavanaugh Blvd., 501-663-1464 Call it a French brasserie with a sleek, but not fussy American finish. The wine selection is broad and choice. The Fold Botanas Bar 3501 Old Cantrell Rd., 501-916-9706 Gourmet tacos and botanas, or small

plates. Try the cholula pescada taco. 11 a.m.-11 p.m. Sun.-Thurs., 11 a.m.-midnight Fri.-Sat. The Root Café 1500 S. Main St., 501-414-0423 Homey, local foods-focused cafe. With tasty burgers, homemade bratwurst, banh mi and a number of vegan and veggie options. Breakfast and Sunday brunch, too. 7 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Tues.-Fri., 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Sat., 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Sun. Trio’s 8201 Cantrell Rd., Ste. 100 501-221-3330 Fresh, creative and satisfying lunches; even better at night, when the chefs take flight. Best array of fresh desserts in town. 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m., 5:30-close Mon.-Sat., 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Sun. NORTH LITTLE ROCK Good Food by Ferneau 521 Main St., 501-725-4219 Healthy lunch options during the week with a weekend dinner service that lets chef Donnie Ferneau stretch his legs in the kitchen. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Mon.-Thurs., 10 a.m.-2 a.m. Fri., 6 p.m.-2 a.m.

Mugs Café 515 Main St., 501-379-9101 Quaint and casual breakfast and lunch spot located in the heart of North Little Rock’s Argenta district. Farm fresh sausage and eggs make up the backbone of a tasty menu beyond standard breakfast fare. 7 a.m.-6 p.m. Mon.-Sat. Ristorante Capeo 425 Main St. 501-376-3463 This excellent, authentic Italian restaurant was the trailblazer in the nowhot Argenta neighborhood of downtown North Little Rock. 5 p.m.-10 p.m. Mon.-Sat. BENTONVILLE The Hive 200 N.E. A St., 479-286-6575 The chef describes the menu as “Ozark High South,” with offerings like pimento cheese, an “Arkansas Trail Mix” of pecans, soybeans, black walnuts and cheddar straws, grits, etc. You must have the frisee, egg or no. The pork chop is great. Breakfast 6:30 a.m.-10 a.m. Mon.-Fri., 7 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Sat.-Sun.; lunch 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Mon.-Fri.; dinner 5 p.m.-9:30 p.m. Sun.-Thurs., 5 p.m.-10:30 p.m. Fri.-Sat.; Sunday brunch 11:30 a.m.-3 p.m.

Bar hours: 5 p.m.-11 p.m. Sun.-Thurs., 5 p.m.-11:30 p.m. Fri.-Sat. Tusk & Trotter 110 S.E. A St. Brasserie focused on locally-sourced ingredients. The dinner menu has everything from French fries (pommes frites) to burgers to duck confit. At lunch, find a lamb sandwich from local growers to hot dogs. Microbrews, too. 11 a.m.-9:30 p.m. Mon.-Thurs., 11 a.m.-11 p.m. Fri.-Sat., 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Sun. EUREKA SPRINGS Fresh 179 N. Main St., 479-253-9300 Farm to table full-service restaurant and market serves homemade breads and pastries, cured meats, gourmet cheeses, salads, homemade pasta and more, dine in or take out. 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Mon., 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Thurs.-Sat., 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Sun. The Garden Bistro 119 North Main St., 479-253-1281 Farm-to-table bistro featuring fresh vegetables and herbs from local producers. Seasonal menu featuring meats and produce available from the area.

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FAYETTEVILLE The Farmer’s Table Café 1079 S. School Ave., 479-966-4125 Locally-sourced café serving some of the best breakfast and lunch in the state. 6 a.m.-4 p.m. Tues.-Sun.; 5 p.m.-9 p.m. Fri.-Sat. Greenhouse Grill 481 S. School Ave., 479-444-8909 Menu created with local and organic products when possible, including herbs grown by the restaurant. Among the offerings: Sweden Creek Farm Organic Shiitake Mushroom Fries, Kale & Carrot Summer Rolls, Roasted Fennel and Apple Salad, and Cage Free Chicken & Apricot Marsala. Live music on occasion. 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Tues.-Thurs., 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Fri.-Sat., 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Sun. Hammontree’s 326 N. West Ave., 479-521-1669 Fancy grilled cheese with local ingredients and gourmet cheeses. Salads, turkey burgers and soups also available.

There’s outdoor seating along the front. 11 a.m.-9:30 p.m. Mon.-Thurs., 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Fri.-Sat. Ozark Natural Foods Café 1554 N. College Ave., 479-521-7558 Small cafe housed in Ozark Natural Foods grocery store offers locally-roasted coffee, muffins and scones for breakfast, salads and sandwiches, hot bar, vegan dishes, bakery items, local meats and produce when possible. Hot bar 11 a.m.-2 p.m. daily. JASPER Boardwalk Café 215 E. Court St., 870-446-5900 Specializes in organic food, made from locally grown and raised ingredients. Adjacent to the Arkansas House resort. 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Mon., Tues., Thurs., 11 a.m.-8 p.m. Fri.-Sat., 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Sun.

What’s listed below is just a sampling of the many nonprofits devoted to local food-and-farm-related projects. Know of one we should include? Contact Rebekah Hardin at Apple Seeds Partners with schools and community organizations to establish activities that serve students and their families such as gardening clubs, school garden education, farm field trips, student-run farmers markets and healthy snack classes. Arkansas Garden Corps Promotes school and community gardens to provide nutrition education and reduce childhood obesity. AmeriCorps members provide labor. Has more than a dozen service sites. Arkansas Gleaning Project 1400 W. Markham St., Little Rock 501-399-9999 62 | FOOD & FARM

ROGERS The Green Bean 5208 Village Pkwy., Ste. 11, 479-464-8355 or 479-381-2055 Organic, often local, luncheon fare; also at the Rogers Farmers Market on Saturdays. 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Mon.-Fri. SILOAM SPRINGS 28 Springs 100 E. University, 479-524-2828 Inn at the Mill’s Chef Miles James’ new restaurant features seasonal menu, locally sourced food, craft beers and hand-mixed cocktails. 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Mon.-Sat., bar open until last call.

HARRISON Prairie Market’s Tall Grass Deli 115 W. Industrial Park Rd., 870-743-3267 Health food restaurant in a health food store that also functions as farmers The Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance’s effort to source surplus locally grown food.


market, serves locally sourced food. 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat.

Delta Garden Study A $2 million research study, funded by the USDA’s Agriculture Research Service, designed to prevent childhood obesity and improve academic achievement in middle school children in central Arkansas and the Delta. Provides middle schools with a one-acre garden and greenhouse and access to healthy foods. Dunbar Garden 1800 S. Chester St., Little Rock A two-acre outdoor classroom adjacent to Dunbar Middle School and Gibbs Elementary in Little Rock. Supplies produce to local schools and restaurants as well as selling at area farmers markets. Feed Communities Works with individuals, organizations, schools, universities, government agencies and foundations to create sustainable partnerships for increasing access to healthy foods and improving healthy food choices. Feed Fayetteville is the organization’s pilot project. Food Corps Promotes sustainable community development, local food and farmer education projects in northwest Arkansas.

Heifer International: Seeds of Change A campaign to end poverty in the Arkansas delta and Appalachia by promoting locally produced food. Partner in the renovation and development of St. Joseph Farm in North Little Rock. Donate or learn more at NCAT FoodCorps Southeast Regional Office, Fayetteville FoodCorps Arkansas’ sustainable agriculture program ATTRA offers workshops, materials and technical assistance to farmers interested in sustainable or organic arms. Ozark Slow Food An organization devoted to promoting healthy foods and the relationship between consumers and sustainable farming. The People Tree Works with Vestal Urban Farming Project in North Little Rock. Also working to develop the Arkansas Food Resource Co-Op and regional and seasonal food guides for central Arkansas growers.

A Fresh Start to


Eat well.

. Keep On Amazing.

Baptist Health knows that part of living a healthy life is eating well. That’s what our new BHealthy Farmers Market is all about. Every week we provide our community with the ease and fun of purchasing fresh, local produce surrounded by cooking demos, healthy tips, special contests and frequent giveaways. It’s an environment that cultivates wellness through healthy eating and wholehearted happiness so you can keep on amazing. Come out to:

BHealthy Farmers Market

Baptist Health Medical Center-Little Rock Parking Deck Every Tuesday through September 7 AM – 1 PM

For all the ways Baptist Health can keep you amazing, or for a referral,visit

Conventional, Organic. Grass-fed, Grain-fed. Genetically enhanced, Non-engineered. Free-range, Barn-raised. Large scale, Small scale.

There are many types of farms in Arkansas. We work for them all.


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