Mature Arkansas novEMBER 24, 2011
yoga for every body Read how you can be healthier on page 8
ALSO in this issue
Arkansas’ Powers of Attorney Page 4
Y’all Get It Right Page 6
Techno Gifts for Grandkids page 14
novemBER 24, 2011
e d i tor i al
Mature Arkansas: Two for Two
Let the People Prevail
elcome back! You’re reading the second issue of Mature Arkansas—a new magazine for and about Arkansans over age 50. This week we’re focusing on health—healthy yoga for all ages, better healthcare brought to you by the Affordable Care Act, and where to find a healthy meal with the grandkids (they eat free—see page 13.) Arkansans over age 50 deserve a strong advocacy voice. Mature Arkansas is working to fill the void left when the 24-year-old Aging Arkansas closed its doors last month. Arkansas Times publishing house head Alan Leveritt has made a strong commitment to seniors and those who care for them. He says his new weekly will “celebrate the second half of life with good times, lots of opportunities to get more out of life and live the kind of retirement you want.” Mature Arkansas will also give you accurate and timely health and consumer information to help you stay healthy and independent. Mature Arkansas wants to hear from YOU because this is YOUR news magazine. Tell us what you think in an email, phone call or letter to the editor: or call at 375-2985, or write: Mature Arkansas, PO Box Tec Gra hno G PA ndkid ifts fo 34010, Little Rock, AR 72203-4010. gE r s 14 Tell us what issues you’re concerned about and what articles you’d like to see us cover. Know an interesting senior? Send me their contact information so we can feature them. And tell our advertisers you appreciate seeing them in Mature Arkansas and support them when you can—they make Mature Arkansas possible. —AHW
arMat no vE
24, 201 1
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Y’a Rig ll Get It PA ht gE 6 MA
Mature Arkansas Publisher Jim Gray Editor Anne Wasson Art Director Mike Spain Assistant to the Editor Paige Parham Account Executive Erin Holland Production Manager Weldon Wilson Production Assistant Tracy Whitaker ad Coordinators Roland Gladden, Kelly Schlachter
Graphic Artists Bryan Moats, Katie Cook Photographer Brian Chilson Controller Weldon Wilson Office Manager Angie Fambrough IT Director Robert Curfman Billing and Collections Linda Phillips Circulation Director Anitra Hickman
Mature Arkansas is published each week by Arkansas Times Limited Partnership, 201 East Markham Street, 200 Heritage Center West, P.O. Box 34010, Little Rock, Arkansas 72203, phone (501) 375-2985. Reproduction or use in whole or in part of the contents without the written consent of the publishers is prohibited. Manuscripts and artwork will not be returned or acknowledged unless sufficient return postage and a self-addressed stamped envelope are included. All materials are handled with due care, however, the publisher assumes no responsibility for care and safe return of unsolicited materials. All letters sent to Mature Arkansas will be treated as intended for publication and are subject to Mature Arkansas’ unrestricted right to edit or to comment editorially.
2 novemBER 24, 2011 MATURE ARKANSAS
By Anne Howard Wasson
he final legal showdown on two specific aspects of healthcare reform—the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA)—is now before the U.S. Supreme Court. Several recent national surveys indicate a tilting toward support of the ACA, even in Arkansas. The Obama Administration is feeling confident that the law is entirely constitutional. While this sounds like a sure thing, the high court decision in Bush V. Gore concerning the Florida vote taught us to be very wary of political-corporate manipulation. The high court will consider an appeal from the only court that has struck down the key mandate included in the law: Requiring people to purchase health insurance or pay a fine. At issue is whether the federal government has the constitutional power to require Americans to purchase health insurance. The Obama Administration says it does, under the constitutional powers to regulate commerce and collect taxes. The Supreme Court also agreed to rule on healthcare’s expansion of the Medicaid program—a state and federal program to provide healthcare for poor, disabled or elderly Americans. The law may be in legal limbo for a while, but older Arkansans continue to benefit from many aspects of the new law. Passed in 2010, in its first year the ACA made key health insurance reforms. These consumer-friendly strides are sorely needed by an industry that has forgotten its mission of service over the past 25 years. The ACA ended lifetime limits on insurance coverage; consumers were finally given an external appeals process when denied coverage; and the industry was prohibited from denying coverage based on heartless technicalities. The four million seniors who lost drug benefits when they hit the Part D coverage gap were sent rebates. Free preventive care and health screenings began, resulting in better health and lower overall Medicare spending this year. And the law ended the denial of coverage due to pre-existing conditions for their grandchildren under age 19. This year, seniors continue to save money and improve their health with more reforms: • Drug discounts for those who reach the prescription drug coverage gap and • more individualized preventive healthcare that’s free. • The Community Care Transitions Program will help hospitalized, high-risk seniors avoid unnecessary and expensive
The Supreme Court also agreed to rule on healthcare’s expansion of the Medicaid program—a state and federal
program to provide healthcare for poor, disabled or elderly Americans...
readmissions. Medicare saves by coordinating their care in the community and connecting them to community resources. • The First Choice Option increases access to home and community care, preventing more expensive institutional care in nursing homes and hospitals. • Ending the bonus (averaging $1,000 a year per person) Medicare Advantage (MA) plans have received will level the playing field between Original Medicare and the MA plans. • The industry is now required to spend at least 85% of premiums on actual healthcare; 80% on policies sold to individuals and small businesses. These reforms have extended the life of the Medicare Trust Fund by eight years. And more reforms are coming in the next two years, while we wait for full ACA implementation in 2014. Over the next two years, there will be fundamental changes in how Medicare pays for services. Hospitals and other healthcare providers will be working to
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...The law may be in legal limbo for a while, but older Arkansans
continue to benefit
from many aspects of the new law. improve the quality of patient care. Instead of paying a fee for each service provided, services will be bundled. Providers will receive a flat rate for an episode of care, thus pushing them to be efficient. The power of the dollar may finally be harnessed to begin delivering more efficient and effective healthcare. We can only hope the Supreme Court Justices understand what these important reforms have meant for seniors and how much the reforms have saved Medicare. Let the people enjoy reform.
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novemBER 24, 2011
el d er law e d itor i al
Arkansas’ Powers of Attorney By Jane Purtle, Ph.D.
everal months ago when I moved to Arkansas, I knew I needed to make a new will. I was thinking of also setting up a power of attorney so, if I was not able to manage my own affairs, I would have someone responsible to do that for me. Like most of us, I didn’t want to think about these issues, so I put it off. But after a family situation where a relative left no will, I realized how chaotic and divisive it can be for the family. I didn’t want that to happen again. Most of us know the importance of a will, but you may not realize the importance of setting up powers of attorney. Both a will and powers of attorney (POA) can be worked through at one time with an attorney. Your local Area Agency on Aging can help with this important task by referring you to an attorney with expertise in this area. Tamra Cochran, an Arkansas Volunteer Lawyer for the Elderly and an attorney specializing in this area, says, “In many ways, powers of attorney
In many ways,
up. It is also possible to restrict the use of the powers you give your agent. Before you visit an attorney, you will need to make some decisions. The first and most important decision is who will act in your behalf. This decision can be particularly challenging for seniors whose family doesn’t live close by. Ask yourself these kinds of questions: • Is this person totally trustworthy? • Do they have my best interests at heart? • Do they have a sense of responsibility to take care of my affairs and are they willing to give the time to do the job well? •Concerning healthcare, does this person have the same philosophy I have about medical care and end-of-life issues? • Will the person be willing and strong enough to carry out my choices such as do-not-resuscitate orders, feeding and hydration or use of life-saving procedures? If you make your choices clear in a living will, also known as an Advanced Directive in Arkansas, it is much easier for your medical power of attorney to follow your wishes if you become incapacitated. If you cannot identify someone to act in your behalf under a power of attorney, a caseworker at the Area Agency on Aging can help check the trustworthiness of an individual being considered. Once you’ve made the decision, the senior’s bank should be notified of the person who will act on her or her behalf for financial affairs and under what circumstances this power will take effect. If you qualify, volunteer attorneys will assist you in The Center for Arkansas Legal Services and Legal Aid of Arkansas can provide free legal help making simple with civil matters to those who qualify. wills and setting up powers of (for healthcare and for property management) are more important than attorneys at no charge. “Serving Our Seniors” a will because they take care of the client during his or her lifetime.” pro bono events are available in some areas of Cochran recommends you create a healthcare power of attorney, along the state each year. For more information about with a living will and a power of attorney for property management. free legal assistance available to seniors, call Often the agent for healthcare and the attorney-in-fact for property toll free 800-952-9243. management are the same person, but this is not always the case. For The Center for Arkansas Legal Services example, Cochran says one of her clients named his daughter, a nurse, and Legal Aid of Arkansas champion equal as his healthcare agent; his son, an accountant, was his attorney-in-fact. justice and can provide free legal help with A general power of attorney for healthcare or finances is easy to set civil matters to those who qualify.
powers of attorney are
more important than a will because they
take care of the client during his or her lifetime.
Before you visit an attorney, you will need to
decide who will act in your behalf.
4 novemBER 24, 2011 MATURE ARKANSAS
If you have Alzheimer’s
Medicare Man Answers Your Questions
The time is now...
Q. What is the difference between Medicare Advantage and Original or Traditional Medicare? A. Medicare Advantage (MA) is an insurance policy available from a private insurance company. The federal government provides Original Medicare. People enrolled in MA plans still pay their Medicare Part B premium and have copayments for medical and hospital services. MA must cover the same services Original Medicare covers but the out-of-pocket costs can differ. In addition, MA plans may offer vision, dental or hearing coverage not available in Original Medicare. Some MA plans include drug insurance and some do not. Some MA plans are HMOs (health maintenance organizations) or PPO (preferred-provider organizations) plans and require patients to use their network of doctors and hospitals. Q. Will next year’s Social Security raise be enough to cover the Medicare Part B premium increase? A. The Social Security Administration announced a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) of 3.6% in 2012. The COLA, for more than 60 million Americans, begins January 2012. Your Medicare Part B premium-$99.90 a month in 2012-- is withheld from your Social Security check. The Medicare Part B premium has to cover about 25% of Medicare’s full cost. The premium is an increase for some beneficiaries and a decrease for others. For those who started Medicare prior to 2009 the premium is an increase of $3.50; those who started in 2010 the premium is $14.10 less; and the premium is $19 less for those starting in 2011. Higher income people pay higher Part B premiums. For a full list of the 2012 premiums, deductibles and copayments, visit . Submit questions to Medicare Man via email insurance.shiip@arkansas. gov
Time For a Change?
By Sally Johnson
f you’ve been thinking about making changes to your Medicare Advantage plan or your Part D prescription drug plan, now’s the time to do it. The “open enrollment” period for making changes to these plans ends Dec. 7 this year. Because there are so many Medicare Advantage and Part D plans to choose from, it’s important to think about what kinds of medical services and choices are important to you. Medicare’s website has a program to help you narrow your choices by considering what is important to you ( For example, if you want to keep your healthcare expenses steady throughout the year, you should look at plans that have a low deductible. To choose a Part D plan, first gather a list of all your medications to compare your costs under each plan. Even if you are happy with your current plan, compare other plans anyway, just to make sure you’re still getting the best deal. Don’t let the number of choices overwhelm you. You can visit Medicare’s open enrollment website ( for more detailed information, or call Medicare toll free 800-633-4227 (choose“agent”from the list of options); Seniors Health Insurance and Information Program (SHIIP) toll free 800-224-6330.
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Mature arkansas novEMBER 17, 2011
Sam Taggar t, M.D., is also an au thor and athlete. Read about hi s life on page 6
novemBER 24, 2011
eentertai d itor i al nment
Y’all Get it Right By Bean Murray
et me begin with what should be a simple thing to grasp: “Y’all” is a plural word. Having lived in the South for more than 60 years and knowing this simple fact all my life, I just have to say something about non-Southerners who refuse to use it correctly. “Y’all” is a contraction for “you all,” meaning “all of you.” Anywhere it is proper to
ticians was a thinly veiled portrayal of Bill Clinton’s first presidential primary campaign. Klein caught the essence of our southern “characters” (and we do have our characters, highly cherished as integral parts of southern culture). But, for goodness sake, why didn’t he have a southerner make sure he correctly used southern grammar? A fast talking guy on the prowl calls a female reporter “y’all.” This is someone he is trying to get to come to his hotel room alone—she’s not part of a larger group of family or work colleagues. Klein let the presidential candidate’s “Mama” character use the never, never, never heard of ”y’alls.” As “Mama” enters a diner, she works the crowd on the way to her son’s table. ‘Lunch’s ON the HOUSE!’ she shouted. ‘Jack’s buyin’. Only kiddin’! Only kiddin’! Y’alls oughta buy Jack his meal, given the tourist business gonna be comin’ through here when he’s president of the United States.’ “ For pity sake. Who edited this book? Klein made a plural out of a plural. An equivalent mistake would be “Mices like cheese.” If something is already plural, you can’t make it more plural--plural squared, perhaps? This, however, is not to be confused with the possessive y’all’s. This is advanced “y’all” usage, but quite common. Using an apostrophe-s, as in “Hello, Mr. Smith. How are y’all doing and how is y’all’s dog?“ equals “Hello, Mr. Smith. How are you and the family and the family dog doing?” I know some Arkansans who make y’all possessive by saying “your-all’s.” This distinguishes the plural possessive from the truly plural possessive quite nicely. Are all of you keeping up?
Why doesn’t someone just ask a Southerner to do a quick “y’all check” before publishing? Maybe future computers could have “y’all-checkers.” say “all of you,” or you (meaning more than one of you), then y’all may be substituted. It is a southern economy of speech. I am always amazed at the movies, books and television shows whose writers are unable to use it correctly. Why doesn’t someone just ask a Southerner to do a quick “y’all check” before publishing, instead of assuming that, in the South, we routinely say things such as “Good morning, Mother. Are y’all driving all the way to Memphis by yourself?” In this example it is clear that the individual being addressed is just one person, therefore, using “y’all” is incorrect. It can get a little complicated. You might hear one of us say to what appears to be just one person, “Hi, how y’all doing?” This seems to be contrary to what I just explained. But no, when one of us is heard addressing an individual in such a way, what is meant is, “How are you and all of your family (or other group with which that person is affiliated) doing?” We all understand this and know more than one person is implied. Some of the worst offenses are found in the novel Primary Colors. Mr. Anonymous’ ( AKA Joe Klein), novel about fascinating poli-
One “y’all” construction I particuarly like is for the advanced Southerner, but confusing to outsiders. This is “all y’all” or ‘”all of y’all” which is expansively inclusive. I was in a group of conference-goers in Nashville, Tennessee, and, as we got on a bus to go to dinner, the friendly bus driver greeted us with, “Where are all a’ y’all from?” “Huh?” responded one of our party who didn’t understand “y’all,” much less this beautiful patois. As we marvel at the strange and confused accents wrought by many dialect coaches and the “y’alls” thrown all over the place, we can only wonder why can’t they do some easy research and get it right. Millions of us could explain if we were only asked. Maybe future computers could have “y’all-checkers.” Virginian and Arkansan Mary Janet (call me “Bean”) Murray lives in Little Rock with husband Paul.
how is y'all's dog? 6 novemBER 24, 2011 MATURE ARKANSAS
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The best part of Thanksgiving: Leftovers!
Keep Leftovers Safe By Rosemary Rodibaugh
f you’re like me, you look forward to the leftovers about as much as Thanksgiving dinner. Don’t let food poisoning ruin your holiday leftovers. Food-borne illness, what we used to call food-poisoning, can be serious for people with weakened immune systems, especially older adults and those with chronic illnesses. “I have heard many people say their mothers or grandmothers left food sitting out between lunch and dinner and they didn’t get sick, but times have changed,” says Joy Buffalo of Little Rock. “There are different types of microorganisms in our environment today than there were then.” Why take the chance? Most cases of food-borne illness can be prevented by following these simple tips: • Refrigerate leftover turkey immediately after your meal ends. The time between the turkey coming out of the oven and leftovers being refrigerated should be no longer than two hours. This goes for the turkey, stuffing, gravy and other perishable foods. Bacteria that cause food poisoning can multiply to dangerous levels after two hours at room temperature. • Cut the turkey off the bones right after the meal and store separately from stuffing and gravy. Divide large quantities into smaller portions and store in several small or shallow covered containers. • Eat leftovers quickly--leftover turkey will keep in the refrigerator for three to four days; casseroles and cooked vegetables within three days. Stuffing and gravy should be used within one or two days. Fruit and cream pies should be refrigerated and eaten within two to three days and cheesecake within seven days. • Reheat leftovers to 165 °F. Bring leftover gravy to a steady boil on the stove before serving it again. • Freeze for longer storage. Package turkey in freezer bags, freezer paper or heavy-duty aluminum foil; label and date. Frozen, cooked turkey should be used within four to six months. Stuffing and gravy should be used within one month. Ms. Rodibaugh is a nutrition specialist with the Univ. of AR Div. of Agriculture Research and Extension.
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novemBER 24, 2011
Any Body Can Do
Yoga “I
f you don’t move it, you lose it,” is an adage many
Improves Physical and Mental Health By Erica Sweeney n photography Brian Chilson
If we don’t address it, we’re going to get worse. Yoga yogis over 50 know to be true. Cliff Riggs, owner of is a gentle way to restore Yoga Studio of Little Rock, who is almost 74, not only lives by normal range of motion.” Breezy Osbornethis philosophy, he teaches it. “Yoga is continuing to explore Wingfield, owner of Little your body and not accepting the clichés of being old,” he says. Rock’s Barefoot Studios, says yoga may be chalKathleen Rea, certified yoga instructor lenging at first for beginners, but a consistent and owner of Regeneration Fitness in North practice will produce results. “Sometimes Little Rock, says yoga is adaptive and offers when the body’s been still for too long, it much flexibility (pun intended) for those isn’t sure what to do,” she says. “It may be over 50, and is beneficial to everyone, no uncomfortable at first, but once your muscles matter their level of fitness or flexibility, or start moving, your joints will become lubriespecially their age. cated and pain will decrease. ” “Anyone can begin whenever and find Many studies have shown both physical their own way to progress,” Rea says. “As we and mental health benefits of yoga, including age, we lose flexibility and muscle strength. help with back pain, depression and arthritis, 8 novemBER 24, 2011 MATURE ARKANSAS
lower blood pressure, better-quality sleep, better posture and overall improved sense of well-being. “The body is a self-correcting organism,” Riggs says. “Whatever you have, there’s a posture to balance it. A lot of people age with anger and angst. Taking a pill is not going to release that kind of stuff. Every tight section in your body is holding energy. Yoga releases that energy.” Diane Thomas-Holladay, 56, likes that yoga “brings awareness to your body.” She began doing yoga in the 1970s, but stopped for several years. About 10 years ago, she returned to yoga to help with body alignment issues. While yoga has helped with her pain relief, it also brings a “sense of unity.” Rea, 52, says, “yoga teaches mental
5 Tips for Beginners
oga is known to be highly beneficial to one’s health, both physically and mentally. Anyone can start at any age or fitness level. Beginning a practice may be intimidating for those who have never done yoga. Breezy Osborne-Wingfield, owner of Barefoot Studio in Little Rock, offers five tips for new yogis: • Yoga is for every body. You don’t have to be necessarily flexible. • Yoga is not about touching your toes; it’s about touching each other’s hearts. • Yoga teaches ways to incorporate breathing to alleviate stress and tension. • There should never be pain or discomfort in yoga, but you may feel stretches that you have never felt before or not felt in a long time. • It is highly suggested that yoga not be practiced on a full stomach.
health like no other exercise, by forcing you to slow down.” She says this is particularly important for those over 50 because many continue with such busy lives, even as retirement age approaches. In today’s economy, “many are facing working longer and have stresses that we didn’t deal with 10 or 20 years ago.” “There’s something about a yoga practice that pulls you inward,” Rea says. “You discover an inner calm. You forget where that is when life pulls you in different directions. But you can rediscover that inner calm and remember groundedness.” Jane Green, 56, began doing yoga about five years ago after feeling the desire to be fitter and “move a little freer.” “It helps put me in a better frame of mind,” she says. “I feel so much better. My shoulders feel a little looser, I stand a little taller and feel a sense of accomplishment.” Riggs teaches Iyengar yoga, which is particularly beneficial to yogis over 50. It emphasizes the use of props, such as bolsters, straps or blocks, to assist in performing a posture. Rea says props can be added to any yoga practice and are very helpful to beginners because they limit range of motion and make a posture a little easier to perform for the less flexible. “I thought I’d hate the props,” says ThomasHolladay, who studies with Riggs. “I find the use of props and staying in positions for longer periods to be safer and easier to find that type of balance. When you’re older, props really
Yogis Tricia Watkins (left to right), Tommy Farrell, Rebecca Hochradel and Sherry Williams in a class at Regeneration Fitness. allow you to get in position.” The props associated with yoga are a reminder that “you don’t have to be fit to do yoga,” says Green, who also practices at Riggs’ studio. “It’s a slower pace and concentrates on the pose.” Green also works out at Regeneration with Rea as her personal trainer. Yoga can even be done in a chair, says Osborne-Wingfield, 31, and “it doesn’t have to look like someone in a picture. You do what you can do.” She says that often people over 50 have the misconception that they are not flexible enough to even attend a beginner’s class, which are all levels and all ages, and request a class for just their age group. She reminds these yogis that yoga is for anyone at any age. Green credits yoga with making her stronger and generally healthier as she went through a bilateral mastectomy and reconstructive surgery after being diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010. She said the meditative and controlled breathing skills she learned in yoga helped her cope with the “moments of panic
associated with cancer.” A breast cancer diagnosis also brought Tricia Watkins, 59, to yoga in 2007. She was living in Dallas and attended her first class at Gilda’s Club, a support group for cancer patients named after comedian Gilda Radner. Like Green, she says it helped her through the emotions and anxiety of having cancer. “It helps you learn how to let go of the things that aren’t in the now,” she says. “As I get older, I’m more accepting of myself and yoga has helped with that. It’s a frame of mind, not just an exercise.” Watkins has fibromyalgia and fatigue due to radiation therapy and says yoga keeps her going. She practices daily, including a Monday afternoon one-on-one practice with Rea. “Kathleen is such a loving, sweet person. She motivates me,” Watkins says. Rea and Riggs urge students to listen to their bodies as they perform postures and not push themselves too far. “Everyone starts where they are,” Rea says. “A good instructor will show an
Yoga instructor Kathleen Rea (far right), who holds a PhD in biomedical engineering from Tulane University and a PhD in mechanics from SMU, works with students at her studio. MATURE ARKANSAS
novemBER 24, 2011
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individual how they can learn to participate and their version of a pose to fit their own body and still get the benefit of that pose. No matter how good you are, you can always get better.” Riggs calls yoga a “work in, not a work out” and slow, thoughtful and intelligent movement is the key to exploring yoga. “Moving for older people may hurt, but not moving will destroy,” he says. “If you keep your body in motion, in the long run, you’ll feel better,” says Osborne-Wingfield. “The less you move, especially in the cold weather, your bones start to ache.” Riggs says often people seek out yoga as an instant fix for a health issue. However, yoga is a life-long practice and some type of simple movement every day will result in changes to the body, he says. “Yoga gives you such insights and courage to keep moving and not accept the old stereotype of ‘what do you expect, I’m old?’” Riggs says. Rea has always exercised and been a runner but in her 40s she noticed her flexibility waning and started getting more aches and pains. At the time, while working on her PhD in biomedical engineering at Tulane University, she began taking the yoga classes offered at the university’s fitness center simply out of curiosity. Rea was “hooked” when she noticed improvements in flexibility and felt she could run like she was in her 20s again. Rea opened Regeneration Fitness about four years ago, and also offers personal training and yogalates, a combination of yoga and pilates. Riggs says he was “dragged” to yoga in his 50s by a friend who was tired of listening to him “moaning and groaning” about various aches and pains. He said he started going to yoga more often and began seeing little changes in his physical, mental and emotional health. Now, as an instructor he allows his students to “moan and groan, but not whine, because it’s a release.” In 2012, Yoga Studio of Little Rock celebrates its 25th year. Riggs says when the studio opened in 1987, yoga was not as well-known as it is today. “That was before Oprah started talking about it on TV,” he says. Now, he sees yoga’s popularity growing. A 2008 Yoga Journal study found that about 16 million Americans practice yoga, and about 18% of those are over age 55. Yoga’s popularity is expected to grow among baby boomers who are more concerned with staying active and healthy as they age than previous generations. There are about 78 million baby boomers, or 26% of the U.S. population. “No matter what your age, you need to be able to use your muscles,” Watkins says. “Everyone can feel better. Anyone can do yoga.” “Yoga is good for the soul and helps us age gracefully without injury or pain,” Green says.
Yoga is expected to
grow among baby boomers,
who are more concerned with staying active
and healthy as they age.
10 novemBER 24, 2011 MATURE ARKANSAS
givi ng back
Henry Bielefeld Would Rather Volunteer By Paige Parham
etired veteran Henry Bielefeld, 92, has earned a life of leisure. After serving 30 years in the military followed by a long career in civil service, he and his wife made the choice to retire in Little Rock. Never one to rest on his laurels, Bielefeld sought out Baptist Health Medical Center where he now volunteers. “I volunteer so I can keep moving. We get old and we’re prone to sit around and sleep. I’d rather have something to do.” Bielefeld became a Baptist volunteer after moving to Arkansas in 1993. He felt the need to get involved in the community and contacted Jim Gibbons, director of the Volunteer Services department. Gibbons sent him to the Critical Care waiting room to sit with and comfort families of patients. Bielefeld has been there twice a
Volunteer Opportunities
week for the past 17 years. “What we are looking for in volunteers is someone who is dependable, who can come regularly and at a scheduled time,” Gibbons says. “Some of our volunteers have been here over 20 years. Henry is a great example of a person who fulfills this requirement. I know if I go into that waiting room on Monday or Tuesday, I will find Henry there. If I don’t; there is something wrong.” Bielefeld says he loves his work at Baptist because of the appreciation of the people he sits with as well as a desire to stay active. “I really enjoy sitting with the families. The ICU does a fabulous job,” he explains. Dedicated, caring people like Bielefeld are the lifeblood of volunteer programs.
Share the Road
program has been in place for many St. Joseph’s Mercy years. Baptist is Hospital volunteers often work in waiting Health Center looking for dependrooms taking care of patients’ families. 300 Werner, Hot Springs. To volunable volunteers teer contact Susan Rima at 501- 622-0180 or email who will show up regularly and on time. • Patient and family services volunteers visit with There are over 300 active volunteers, donating patients and their families, water plants in hospital over 70,000 hours a year, at St. Joseph’s Mercy rooms, make beds, keep supplies stocked in rooms Health Center, the Senior Center on Woodbine and and help with patient transport. the McAuley Center at Hot Springs Village. • Office and clerical positions throughout the hospital • Hospital volunteers transport patients and keep use volunteers to answer phones, file, collate, make families informed in Surgery Waiting areas and in copies and other general office tasks. the Heart Center waiting rooms. • Guest relations volunteers are needed to greet people at • Shop volunteers staff the Gift Shop, Uniform Shop the front doors, escort patients and families to different and the thrift store, called Mercy Closet. sections of the hospital and work at the information • Clerical volunteers staff the desk at the Heart Center desk. This position is ideal for someone who likes socialinformation desk and the main lobby information desk. izing and doesn’t want to stay in one place all day. • Courier volunteers greet and transport newly • Miscellaneous volunteers are needed to perform admitted patients to their destinations and help transtasks such as inventory in central supply, deliver port discharged patients. supplies and assist with transportation. • Volunteer office workers deliver greetings for birthBaptist Health Medical Center days, emails from the hospital website (sent by patient Exit 7 Interstate 630, Little Rock. To volunteer, friends and family and delivered daily), deliver gifts contact Jim Gibbons at 501- 202-2847 or fill out an to the families with newborn babies. online application at http://www.baptist-health. com/give/volunteer/ If you would like to list your volunteer jobs, The Baptist Health Medical Center volunteer call 501-375-2985 and ask for Paige Parham.
For Cyclists Share the road Tips for SAFE cycling on the road.
• Bicycles are vehicles on the road, just like cars and motorcycles. Cyclists must obey all traffic laws. Arkansas Uniform Vehicle Code #27-49-111 • Cyclists must signal, ride on the right side of the road and yield to traffic normally. Bicycles are vehicles on the road, Code #27-51-301/403 just like must cars have andamotorcycles. • Bicycles white headlight and a red tail light visible fromall 500traffic feet and have a Cyclist should obey laws. bell or warning device for pedestrians. Arkansas Uniform Vehicle Code #27Code #27-36-220 49-111 • Make eye contact with motorists. Be visible. Be predictable. Head up, think ahead. Cyclists should signal, ride on the • On the Big Dam Bridge... go slow. right side Represent! of the road, and yield to traffic other • As younormally pass, say “Onlike yourany left... thankroad you.” • On the River vehicle. CodeTrail... #27-51-301/403 use a safe speed, don’t Share the Road intimidate or scare others. Watch for dogs Give 3 feet ofCyclists clear space when and For leashes.
Tips for PREVENTING injury or death.
For to moreacycling information... Tips for(up SAFE the road. passing $1000on fine!) Bicycle Advocacyonofthe Arkansas • Bicycles are vehicles road, just like Code #27-51-311
cars andLeague motorcycles. Cyclists must obey of American Bicyclists trafficby laws. Uniform Code Cyclist lawArkansas can not rideVehicle on the #27-49-111 sidewalk in some areas, some bikes • Cyclists must signal, ride on the right side can roads of theonly roadhandle and yieldsmooth to traffic normally. Code cracks, #27-51-301/403 (no potholes, trolley tracks). • Bicycles must have a white headlight and a LR Ord.#32-494
red tail light visible from 500 feet and have a
bell or warning devicewith for pedestrians. Make eye contact cyclists. Code #27-36-220
Drive • Makepredictably. eye contact with motorists. Be vis-
ible. Be predictable. Head up, think ahead.
Please ghost bikes. • On the prevent Big Dam Bridge... go slow. Represent!
• As you pass, say “On your left... thank you.” For more information: • On the River Trail... use a safe speed, don’t Bicycle Arkansas intimidate orAdvocacy scare others.ofWatch for dogs and For more information...
League American Bicyclists BicycleofAdvocacy of Arkansas League of American Bicyclists education
novemBER 24, 2011
he season of holiday lights and parades featuring Santa Claus is in full swing. It’s a great opportunity to make some memories with the grandchildren. Start with a free
meal before the drive at one of the many central Arkansas restaurants that offer free meals for kids, if accompanied by an adult—see the list on next page.
Arkansas’ Trail of Holiday Lights Follow the Beebe’s Sparkle Daniel AcrossPark on North Main St. for the lights; Christmas Parade on The Natural State Dec. 3 at 6:00 PM, from the public school to downtown.
Benton’s Hometown Christmas Parade is Dec. 5 at 6:00 PM. From 7:009:00 PM, Santa will host cookies and cocoa and local talent will perform at the Courthouse Gazebo. Jacksonville’s Holiday Lighting Ceremony is Dec. 1 at 6:30 PM at City Hall. Christmas Parade is Dec. 3 at 1:00 PM on Main Street.
Lights on the Landscape is Garvin Woodland Gardens in Hot Springs’ amazing holiday light show and you won’t be disappointed. Over 1.8 million lights are professionally arranged to maximize the Ohhs! and Ahhs! Open nightly 5:00-9:00 PM (except Christmas), now through December 31. Adults $6; $4 children ages 6-12; under 5, free. Golf carts rides are available for an additional $5 per person.
Safe Driving Learn defensive driving to save money and be a safer driver. If you complete AARP’s Driver Safety Program class you receive a certificate qualifying you for three years of auto insurance discounts. The course is designed for seniors and there are no written or driving tests. Two course lengths are offered—eight hours for first timers and a four-hour refresher course. Course is $12 for AARP members (bring your membership card) and $14 for non-members. Classes include: Dec. 2-North Little Rock Baptist Health, 8:30 AM; 501-227-8478 Dec. 6-Little Rock Baptist Health Room 20, 9:00 AM; 501-227-8478 Dec. 8-Hot Springs St Joseph’s MHC, 1:00 PM; 501-622-1033 Dec. 8- Hot Springs Village McAuley Center, 8:30 AM; 501-984-5594 Dec. 8-Bryant Park Place Baptist Church, 8:30 AM; 501-653-0088 Dec. 8-Hot Springs Village Sacred Heart Church, 12:30 PM; sign up at church.
Little Rock’s Big Jingle Jubilee Holiday Parade is Dec. 3 and ends at the State Capitol where Santa Claus will lead the annual Capitol Lighting Ceremony, including fireworks, music and kid’s activities. Capitol lights will be on nightly through Dec. 31. North Little Rock’s Burns Park will have holiday lights through Dec. 30, from 6:00-10:00 PM. Kicks off Dec. 3 from 4:00-7:00 PM. Cost is $5 per car; $10 for vans. Searcy’s Holiday of Lights Parade is December 3 at 6:00 PM on the courthouse square. It will include a live nativity scene and pageant. Sherwood’s Sherwood Forest will host a mile-long trail of lights nightly from 6:00-9:30 PM through Dec. 30. Free admission, donations accepted.
don’t mi ss ... See History Alive, an exhibition of art created by internees at the Rohwer Relocation Center in Desha County will be held Saturday, November 26, 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM, at Concordia Hall, Arkansas Studies Institute, 401 President Clinton Ave, Little Rock. The exhibition is free; for more information go to Butler or call 3205700. The Butler Center has created a multimedia exhibition of several hundred works of art created by US citizens of Japanese descent who were interned during World War II. Art teacher Jamie Vogel collected and saved her students’ art that depicted day-to-day life in the camp. 12 novemBER 24, 2011 MATURE ARKANSAS
Also at the Butler Center Galleries is “Thomas Harding, Pinhole Photography;” Reflections in Pastel, the Pastel Society’s 4th national exhibition; and “Leon Niehues: 21st Century Basketmaker,” through November 26; from 9:00 AM-6:00 PM. Community Theatre of Little Rock will present the Christmas classic, “It’s A Wonderful Life” at the Public Theatre, 616 Center Street, November 25-26 at 7:30 PM and November 27 at 2:00PM; tickets are $12-$14. Call 501-374-7529 for details.
Restaurant g u id e
Grandkids Eat FREE S
neakers in the corners, sippy cups in the sink…it must mean a visit from the grandkids. If you’re thinking of a night out as a family, try one of these local restaurants that offer kids-eat-free options for kids under 12, with purchase of an adult entrée (unless otherwise specified.)
CICI’S PIZZA Ages 3 and under eat free at buffet • Hot Springs: 3321 Central Avenue, 321-2400 • Jacksonville: 120 John Harden Dr, , 241-2224 • North Little Rock: 2815 Lakewood Village Dr, 753-1182 DENNY’S RESTAURANT 4:00-10:00 PM ages 10 and under • Benton: 16732 Interstate 30, 315-9367 • Little Rock: 4300 S University, 562-5651; 310 S Shackelford Rd., 224-8264 GOLDEN CORRAL Ages 3 and under eat free at buffet. Discounted prices for kids on Tuesday • North Little Rock: 5001 Warden Road, 771-4605 LARRY’S PIZZA Ages 4 and under • Bryant: 4500 Hwy. 5 North, 847-5003 • Little Rock: 12th & Center St., 372-6004; 12911 Cantrell Rd., 224-8804 SAN FRANCISCO BREAD COMPANY One FREE Kid’s Meal with the purchase of Adult Meal, after 5:00 PM • Hot Springs: 261 Cornerstone Blvd., 525-7322 ZAXBY’S 5:00 PM-close, dine-in only • Jacksonville: 209 Marshall Rd., 241-0546 • Maumelle: 104 Carnahan Dr., 851-9777 • Sherwood: 208 Brookswood Rd., 833-9777
CHEEBURGER CHEEBURGER Free half Best of Both Basket with purchase of two adult entrees. Little Rock: 11525 Cantrell Road, 490-2433 CHICK-FIL-A First and third Monday of each month • North Little Rock: 3929 McCain Blvd, 758-8497 SHORTY SMALL’S Up to two kids meals free per paying adult. • Little Rock: 1110 N. Rodney Parham, 224-3344 • North Little Rock: 4317 Warden Rd, 753-8111
ARKANSAS BURGER COMPANY One free kid’s meal per adult meal Dine-in only, 5:30-9:00 PM • Little Rock: 7410 Cantrell Road
BEEF O BRADY’S 4:00 PM-close • Maumelle:115 Audubon Dr., 803-3500
up to two kids get a small one topping pizza, drink, and $1 in tokens • Cabot: 2798 South Second Street, 843-7992
LONESTAR STEAKHOUSE 4:00 PM-close • Little Rock: 10901 Rodney Parham, 227-8898
WHOLE FOODS MARKET Free kids meal with purchase of $5.99 adult entree (child must be present) • Little Rock; 10700 N. Rodney Parham, 221-2331
PIZZA HUT 5:00-8:00 Dine in only • Little Rock: 11410 W. Markham St., 228-7000 JIM’S RAZORBACK PIZZA Kids 12 and under receive a FREE six-inch pizza with the purchase of an adult entree (Dine-in only) Tuesday and Wednesday • Little Rock: 16101 Cantrell Rd. • Maumelle: 20608 Hwy 365 North • Hot Springs: 4330 Central Ave. STROMBOLI’S One FREE Kid’s Meal (12 or under) per adult meal purchased at regular price. Kids may choose from the Kid’s Menu or Pizza By-theSlice with up to two toppings. Dine-in only. Cannot be combined with any other offer. • Conway: 605 Salem Rd., 327-3700 THE VILLA ITALIAN RESTAURANT • Little Rock: 1211 West Markham, 219-2244
WESTERN SIZZLIN’ One child easts Free with the purchase of an adult meal • Benton: 1916 Congo Rd., 778-9656
CAPTAIN D’s • Benton: 1419 Military Rd, 778-7909 • Hot Springs: 1906 Central St., 321-4288 • Jacksonville: 1109 West Main St., 982-3330 • Little Rock: 6301 Colonel Glen Rd., 568-6244 • North Little Rock: 5320 JFK Blvd., 758-5144 MEXICO CHIQUITO One FREE kid’s meal per adult entree for kids 12 and under (Dine-in only) • Jacksonville: 1524 W. Main St., 982-0533 • Little Rock: 13924 Cantrell, 217-0700; 102 S. Rodney Parham, 224-8600; 4511 Camp Robinson, 771-1604; 11406 W. Markham, 217-0647
TROPICAL SMOOTHIE CAFE Kids 12 or younger eat free with purchase of a Paradise Combo (dine-in only) • Jacksonville: 140 John Harden Dr, 241-2233 • Little Rock: 11900 Kanis Rd., 221-6773; 12911 Cantrell Rd., 224-1113 • North Little Rock: 12007 Maumelle Blvd, 851-9555
MOE’S SOUTHWEST GRILL 4:00 PM-close. One free kids meal with paid adult meal. • Bryant: 7409 Alcoa Rd., 778-3111 • Little Rock: 12312 Chenal Pkwy., 223-3378 • North Little Rock: 4834 North Hills Blvd., 812-5577
BOSTON’S GOURMET PIZZA RESTAURANT • Little Rock: 3201 Bankhead Dr., 235-2000
FAMOUS DAVE’S 4:00-close • Little Rock: 225 North Shackleford Road, 221-3283 FIREHOUSE SUBS • Bryant: 3108 Horizon St., 653-3700 • Little Rock: 12312 Chenal Pkwy., 228-5553; 10300 Rodney Parham, 225-2001 • Maumelle: 11617 Maumelle Blvd., 753-9898 • North Little Rock: 2811 Lakewood Village Dr., 812-5002 LARRY’S PIZZA 4:00-8:00 PM With purchase of one adult meal,
LUBY’S CAFETERIA • Little Rock: 12501 West Markham, 219-1567
CORKY’S 4:00 PM-close • Little Rock: 12005 Westhaven Dr., 954-7427 EL PORTON • North Little Rock: 5021 Warden Rd., 753-4630 If you would like to add your Kids Eat Free information to this list, contact Paige Parham at MATURE ARKANSAS, 501-375-2985. MATURE ARKANSAS
novemBER 24, 2011
Th e Ag e of T echnology n B y K elly F erguson
Techno Gifts for Grandkids A
s Black Friday sales and deals begin luring you to holiday shopping, you should know about the most popular techno gifts and gadgets for your grandchildren.
on this one and the price is about $22.
viewing were all designed with kids in mind. There’s even photo-editing software available for downloading. Parents or grandparents will need to help on that part.
3-7 Years
The Fisher-Price Kid-Tough Digital Camera, about $40, is really cool. up to 36 Months My 4-year-old loves hers and it LeapFrog products are amazing for the little even survived a dunking in the ones, including handheld readers that teach pool last summer. It’s tough sounds, reading skills and even things like enough for kids and comes in geography. My Pal Violet, a giant, fluffy music both pink and blue. It takes player and learning tool for toddlers, plays five real digital photos with 4x preloaded songs. It can connect to a computer zoom and a 1.4” color screen The New York Times Syndication so you can customize the music and personand storesSales moreCorporation than 2,000 500 Seventh Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10018 alize the learning with your child’s name and pictures. Sturdy, dual For Information Call: 1-800-972-3550 handfavorite food, animal and color. Ratings are high grips, big buttons and ForFor Release Wednesday, November 2011two-eye Release Friday, November 18,23, 2011
Over 6 Years
Edited by Will Shortz Across Swiss canton 1 Bologna is in it 4 at one’s 7 Good Look out for, say 11 job Pilot’s point? 8 Parthenon 14 Player of Duke dedicatee Santos in 14 Short time to “Ocean’s wait Eleven,” 1960 15 16 Mast What attachment may come 16 Brutalized between two friends? 17 The cross baby … and 17 was Co-writer 19 Places star of for patches “Bridesmaids” 20 summary 18 Brief Part of the formerthat U.A.R.: 21 Book might Abbr. birth contain 19 records Blocks of history 23 20 Homeboys One concerned with cross blocking 24 The stuck at 22 motorist More reasonable stoplight 24 a Caucus callwas … 25 Sports org. 29 Cooks, as some 26 vegetables Coal-rich valley 28 Doesn’t “Are yougive up for 32 up it?” 33 Group with 32 revolutionary One helping with filing, for short ideas 35 Author Momentary 36 of several disruption New Testament 37 epistles “Gotcha”
37 cross man 38 The Where to see who’d beenon the writing cloned was … the wall? 42 ___ wrote 41 Pistol A. J. who (Oklahoma “The Citadel” State‘s mascot) 42 Will of “Jeremiah 43 Amassed, Johnson” as debt 43 Lou Gehrig’s 44 People disease,onforit get offed short 47 Endless talker 44 Abnormally 52 The smallcross woman taking 46 her Littlebubble middle? bath 48 was Terre… Haute sch. 55 in aofbox 49 Item Cousin the with seven cassowary compartments, 51 Messing around say on TV? 56 Gettysburg 55 Melodious general 57 birdsong, Windows maybe 59 Composer operating Khachaturian system released in 2007 60 Peabody 58 Museum Drift off patron, 62 perhaps The cross aromatherapy 61 Wind patient was … instrument? 64 Abbr. Lacking in 63 after knowledge several 65 examples Exploit
66 Hendrix’s 64 Jimi Playwright who “___ Youa became Experienced?” president 67 Muslim palace 65 Big hits, for short divisions 66 whose 68 Artist English moniker is the churchyard trees 69 pronunciation Naval vessel of his inits.initials 67 Vice president fromDown Tennessee 1 Seizes unlawfully Down 2 Already-aired episodein the 1 Official 3 Clinton FreezingWhite point? 4 House “Now!” 5 ___ Object from(no 2 nullius Mars? land) man’s 6 Legs and such 3 about 25% 7 Like Milk carton of legal U.S. mascot 8 immigrants Whimsical 2001 film set in Paris 4 Gals across the 9 pond Currency unit in the 21-Across 5 N.Y.C. subway 10 inits. Big airport 11 “Rockaria!” 6 Father of short band, for 12 Harmonia, Just out in 13 myth Net surfer‘s 7 Distributor of annoyances 18 Nutrilite Grp. thatvitamins sends 8 things Sandy up shades 22 Once-divided 9 city City on Presque Isle Bay 25 Stare in shock 10 Iranian ___ party 26 coin 27 11 Adequately, It “isn’t what to it Li’l Abner used to be,” said 28 ___ modem Simone Signoret 30 12 Company So to speak acquired by 13 Verizon William ___, in 2006 1990s attorney 31 Piteous general 34 Big ___ 15 (German One side W.W. of theI cannon) Detroit River 35 a teacher 21 What Part of likes to U.S.C.: hear Abbr. from a pupil 23 1960s Hopperhippie 37 27 event Exclusively 38 James of jazz 29 New worker 39 Trader‘s option 30 Desktop Dear 40 item, 31 often “Vous ___ ici”
14 novemBER 24, 2011 MATURE ARKANSAS
4 5
5 6
23 22
32 28 34
43 46
55 60
64 63
67 65
Girls Over 6 Years
31 36
37 41
43 46
53 50
45 49
56 59
35 36
42 41
9 10
31 27
33 35
8 9
58 60
7 7
20 19
1019 No. 1014
48 47
PatrickMadison Berry and J.A.S.A. Class Puzzle by Caleb
41 might make 32 It Ozone you sweat for destroyers, shortletter 42 21st 33 Liking 45 2001 drama 34 whose Sound title system? is from 36 taken Env. alternative “Green Eggs and 39 Ham” Lassitude 40 Mounts 1968 Julie 46 Christie movie set some in Sanpolitical 48 Do damage Franciscocontrol
49 45 Guinea-___ Extract the (West African essence of by nation) boiling 50 Lets out, maybe 47 Cartoon villain 51 A&E policethe who sails drama set in Black Barnacle Florida, 50 South Filmmaker with “The” Louis 52 Impart Applause 53 pearls of accompanier wisdom to 53 More bloody, so 54 “Walk Away ___” to speak (1966 top 10 54 song) Big
Any grandparent knows this statistic is true: The average 4-year-old asks 437 questions a day. That’s why this little gift is perfect for boys or girls. The 20Q is the classic game of “20 Questions” in handheld toy form. The updated version has artificial intelligence that is a little spooky. There’s even an iPad application for this one, so look out. It is available now and is less than $20, depending on where you buy it.
57 of 55 Ones Easilyout imposed service? upon 58 56 “Everybody Mass gathering knows place that!” 59 Molecule 57 Tour de France involved in setting? protein synthesis 60 Source Boston Garden 58 of legend Bobby venanzite 61 The Diminutive 62 Stars may the Blues 63 play Unlovely bird in sound it, briefly
For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554. Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit for more information. Online subscriptions: Today‘s puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, ($39.95 a year). Share tips: Crosswords for young solvers:
Fijit Friends are strange little things marketed for girls over 6 and they are all the rage this toy season. Fijit Friends are electronic robots that talk, dance, move and respond to your voice and touch. Choose between four different Fijit Friends each with their own color and personality. There’s Serafina, Willa, Logan and Sage. The little robots have a soft, tactile skin that enables lifelike movements. They can recognize words, understand and respond to more than 30 verbal commands and respond with over 150 built-in phrases and jokes. Reviewers say the verbal recognition can be a problem for children who do not speak clearly. These weird little things can recognize different types of music and perform different dance moves. They cost about $50 and several stores are already restocking locally. Getting your hands on one might prove difficult. When Ms. Ferguson is not watching her 4-year-old enjoy techno toys that make repetitive, high-pitched noises, she is director of social media for Arkansas Times.
November 12
December 3
November 13
December 4
Trinity United Methodist Church
Cammack Village City Hall
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10am - 4pm
noon - 4pm
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noon - 4pm
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For more information, call 501.603.2273. Holiday cards and packages available for order from photographer.
For a $15 donation to CARE, you get a 5" x 7" professional photo.
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