play ball!
summer help
Find out where to go to keep your kids on track for school.
Organized sports offer many benefits for kids--on and off the field.
Special Needs Calendar of Events Kids Eat Free! Savvy Project Little Hero, Big Heart Savvy Family April 2012 april 2012 savvy kids
Spring into action and make some amazing discoveries. Looking for something entertaining, fun and educational? Dinosaur Discoveries: Ancient Fossils, New Ideas Ends April 15! Astronomy! It’s a Blast March 24-September 17 Explore black holes, celestial navigation, air rockets, the space shuttle and more Nano Days April 26-28 Nano technology is all about the little things, but it’s a big deal in science Coming Soon Extreme Deep: Mission to the Abyss April 28-July 29
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Ground BreakinG for Pathfinder Preschool 1’s new PlayGround speCiAl thAnk you to those who Attended the CereMony
Randy Lann Pathfinder Board MeMBer • Jane engLish HOuSe Of RePReSentAtiveS DiStRict 42 FrAnCennett herrerA LiAiSOn Of GOveRnOR Mike BeeBe’S Office Of exteRnAL AffAiRS Mike MCCreight Pathfinder director of oPerations • dusty MAxwell DiRectOR Of PAtHfinDeR icfDD bruCe FoutCh PAtHfinDeR DiRectOR Of cOntRAct SeRviceS debbie schaRboR DiRectOR Of PAtHfinDeR PReScHOOL 1 rAChel pArker, luCAs sMith, And Corey CAry PS1 ceRtifieD teAcHeRS pAthFinder stAFF And eMployees, ChAnnel 11, the JACksonville leAder, kid’s direCtory And sAvvy kids Anyone wishing to MAke A donAtion to the plAyground CAMpAign MAy do so by sending your tAx deduCtAble Contribution to: pAthFinder ps1, p.o. box 647, JACksonville, Ar 72078 More pictures of the ground breaking can be found at Adult trAining progrAMs • developMentAl therApy • MentAl heAlth serviCes eMployMent ContrACts • residentiAl serviCes • wAiver serviCes • trAnsportAtion
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Pathfinder is a private, non-profit, community based organization which provides an array of services for the disabled. Services are provided for those citizens, of Arkansas, with developmental disabilities. Our goal is for each participant to become a self-supporting, productive member of society. 2520 W. Main Street • Jacksonville • 501.982.0528 Certified by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitative Facilities Since 2003 april 2012 savvy kids
contents April 2012
Play Ball!
There is more to playing sports than just winning or losing.
Summer Help
Do your kids need a little help to keep them on track for school?
8 Savvy Family 10 Little Hero Big Heart 18 Summer Camp
& Activities Guide
32 Special Needs 52 Book of the Month
App of the Month Ask the Doctor
53 Savvy Arts 54 Kids Eat Free 56 Calendar of Events
70 Savvy Project ON THE COVER: Avvy Adkins & Madeline Duch Photographed by Studio 1 Photography (501-650-1806,
4 | savvy kids april 2012
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april 2012 savvy kids
publisher Heather Baker,
PUBLISHER’S NOTE editor Emily Griffin, editorial assistant Paige Hunter Parham, editorial art directors
Patrick Jones, Bryan Moats
e survived spring break, and getting back in gear to finish out the school year is proving to be a challenge, as I’m sure many of you have discovered! These last few weeks mean it’s the last chance for students to get their grades up before report cards are passed out. Many students dread the moment they receive them, but no one should have to. Starting on page 44, discover ways to help promote education year-round to make sure your kids are on track for the next school year. On page 24, read about the benefits of organized sports. You’ll find that sports can teach our children many life lessons both on and off the field. Be sure to check out our Summer Camps and Activities Guide on page 18. It’s not too late to plan an awesome summer! I would also like you to take the time to read a very special story in this issue. Flip to page 40 and read Emily Sundermeier’s story about living with scoliosis. Her strength is inspiring and her courage and desire to help other girls living with scoliosis will touch your heart. This 11-year-old is wise beyond her years!
account executives Emily Withem, Michelle Miller, michelle@arktimescom Tamara Adkins, advertising sales assistant Kelly Lyles, production manager Weldon Wilson advertising coordinators Roland Gladden, Kelly Schlachter, Tracy Whitaker, graphic artists Kai Caddy, Rafael Mendez, Bryan Moats, Patrick Jones, Mike Spain, Sandy Sarlo photographers Brian Chilson, Patrick Jones, Jay White, Nick Hillemann controller Weldon Wilson
Photo by Christy Hollingshead
As always, be sure to sign up for the Savvy Kids Club by visiting our website: Club members receive e-newsletters filled with upcoming events, the latest Savvy news, and, of course, the discounts and promotions from tons of central Arkansas retailers!
accounts payable Angie Fambrough it director Robert Curfman billing/collections
While you’re on our site, be sure to submit your kids’ upcoming events. Whether there is a birthday party in the near future, a team gathering, or a school fundraiser, we want to hear about it! Fill out the event form on our site and your kid’s event could be featured in the next issue of Savvy Kids! Follow us on Twitter
Linda Phillips circulation director Anitra Hickman
Become A Facebook Fan
On the Web has an array of videos ranging from simple math, algebra and calculus, through the natural sciences, social sciences and some humanities. Most of these videos are geared towards high school and college aged students, although the basic arithmetic section explains very elementary math suitable for young children. Many of the videos are designed to correspond to popular textbooks, and the site is well-designed and easily searchable. 6 | savvy kids april 2012 is a colorful, eye-catching site designed for young children. It features sections on spelling and vocabulary, history, science, math, sports, and even a section for homework help – which has links to an atlas, almanacs, encyclopedias, and more. This site is appropriate for Pre-K through middle school. has a library of over 3,000 videos which cover a wide range of math, science and humanities related topics. With an easy to use search function, and a valuable test prep section, this may be the only site your highschooler needs.
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Photography by Patrick Jones
Bryan and Becca Redditt By Emily Griffin Dad: Bryan Redditt, owner and manager of the Huntington Learning Center Mom: Becca Redditt, full-time mom and part-time tutor at the Huntington Learning Center Children: Allie Grace, 3 ½; and Conley, 18 months CURRENT ACTIVITIES: Most of our volunteer work is done through Huntington in the area of education. We read to elementary classes and, during the summer, we give school supplies to underprivileged students. We attend Fellowship Bible Church and are active in their Community and Bloom groups. Becca is a member of the Junior League of Little Rock and Bryan has recently joined the NLR Chamber Education Committee. PARENTING STYLE: We are devoted to our children and stay very active in their lives. We want to enjoy life as a family now but don’t want to lose sight of the long-term goal. We parent with the purpose of raising daughters who will be independent thinkers, tender hearted, and morally sound. We include them in every aspect of our daily lives to model friendship, love, and our faith. We accept the challenge of raising them in a household that is loving, nurturing, and encouraging because we realize they will seek what they are accustomed to in their adult life. LIFE LESSON LEARNED FROM PARENTHOOD: Enjoy learning and be inquisitive! It is refreshing to watch our girls learn about the world around them, not to be afraid to ask questions, and to see their faces light up when they catch on. KEEPING IT ORGANIZED: What did we do before smart phones? Although we have paper calendars of upcoming activities on our corkboard, we mainly rely on our iPhone calendars and texting reminders to each other. We don’t have it all together but have 8 | savvy kids april 2012
accepted with kids and self-employment, a certain amount of chaos is to be expected. We must communicate often and be flexible. We are in this crazy life together! FAVORITES: Book: Bryan–Just finished Tick Tock by James Patterson but enjoy any detective/mystery books. Becca–Grace Based Parenting by Dr. Tim Kimmel. We are reading Radical by David Platt as part of our study in Community Group. Music: Bryan–Top 40 and anything Jason Aldean! Becca–All genres. Place to shop for you: Bryan–With all the women in my life, I don’t shop much. Becca– Franchesca’s for clothes and Mason’s for shoes. Place to shop for kids: The Toggery Family Activity: We are fortunate to live near great parks and enjoy taking advantage of the area’s playgrounds and trails. The girls love to be pulled through the zoo in their red wagon. We enjoy cooking as a family and involve the girls as much as possible. They especially enjoy picnicking in our living room on a cold winter’s night, grilling hot dogs and s’mores over the fire. Restaurant: Ya Ya’s sans kiddos or Senor Tequila’s with the kids. Guilty pleasure: Bryan–BBQ, especially when I have time to fire up my 4-foot smoker! Becca-Anything chocolate. Who needs dinner when you have dessert? Place to go for date night: On our last date night out, we escaped to Ya Ya’s. They have a fun atmosphere and my wife’s favorite dessert–phyllo dough wrapped brownie with vanilla ice cream. We enjoy going out but more often spend quality time cooking with each other. It was our favorite date before kids and continues to be entertaining with a family too. Won’t leave home without: Bryan–Keys, money clip, and iPhone. Becca–iPhone, diapers, and wipes.
Your Life. Your Style. Come see what’s new for spring at The Promenade at Chenal. Browse a fabulous collection of stores filled with the latest fashions, hottest electronics, pampering services and more. Enjoy an array of restaurants and entertainment in one inviting location.
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april 2012 savvy kids
little hero
Big Heart The story of how one teen is helping to save babies. By Emily Griffin
Amanda Glover was recently named Miss Outstanding Teen Conway, and with good reason. The well-spoken 16-year-old has been working to raise awareness and help prevent the premature birth of babies alongside the March of Dimes of Arkansas. The March of Dimes was Amanda Glover visits with a family at established by President the UAMS NICU. Franklin D. Roosevelt to fight polio. With the original mission accomplished, the foundation turned its focus to preventing birth defects and infant mortality. The March of Dimes has led the way to discover the genetic causes of birth defects, to promote newborn screening, and to educate medical professionals and the public about best practices for healthy pregnancy. Amanda explained that the March of Dimes is an organization near to her heart because she lost a brother due to complications of premature birth. “I don’t want any other family to have to go through what my family had to,” she said of the emotional toll losing a child can have on a family. This year, Amanda has traveled to many elementary schools in central Arkansas to teach children about the March of Dimes, adopting healthy lifestyles and volunteering. “I want kids to know as small as they are they can still make a difference...they can help save babies’ lives,” she explained.
Photos by Brian Chilson
Her next March of Dimes project is to build a team for the upcoming March for Babies event (see detail on page 57). She is building her team with the elementary school aged children she’s spoken to about the March of Dimes. “We will be walking in honor of my brother,” she added.
Amanda Glover, pictured above during a recent visit to the UAMS Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, has set out on a mission to help prevent premature births by spreading awareness alongside the March of Dimes.
10 | savvy kids APRIL 2012
Amanda will also be singing the National Anthem during the event. “I’m excited! I was thrilled to be asked to sing,” she said, smiling from ear to ear. Amanda, a sophomore at Greenbrier High School, said she plans to continue working with the March of Dimes for the rest of her life and hopes to some day work as an intern for the organization. If you would like to help the March of Dimes, visit If you would like to participate in the March for Babies event on April 28 at the Clinton Presidential Library, call 501-663-3100.
april 2012 savvy kids
| 11
Room toGrow
The Little Rock School District gardens provide students a hands-on learning experience and teach them that every day is Earth Day. By Erica Sweeney
That’s most important.”
Students at Gibbs Magnet Elementary and Dunbar Middle School see their science lessons come to life at the Dunbar Community Garden, says Program Coordinator Damian Thompson. About 1,000 students in 30 classes visit the garden once a month and learn about growing vegetables, herbs and other plants, as well as tending to goats, chickens and honeybees. “Everything out here is a teaching tool,” he says.
After lessons at the Dunbar garden, students enjoy a snack from the garden, often one they planted themselves, says Thompson, who attended Dunbar as a youngster. This encourages them to taste different things, “so at least they know,” he says. “Knowing where food comes from really puts them in touch with nature.”
As part of the four-year Environmental Science program, about 250 students at J.A. Fair Magnet High School “get an outdoor experience” by working with a greenhouse, an organic Arkansas native vegetable garden, flower beds, wetlands and Fourche Creek, says Lead Environmental Science Instructor Frank Troutman. Students have learned to test soil and water quality, and how to take care of animals, such as rabbits, hamsters, snakes and tilapia. “We’ve really done some fun stuff,” he says. “Environmental Science is a hybrid of all other sciences.” The Fulbright Elementary garden started in November as a way for “kids to get back to the basics,” says parent and the school’s volunteer Gardens and Grounds Chair Debbie West. During lunch breaks, the school’s Junior Garden Club, made up of 30 mostly fourth and fifth graders, listens to speaker, often local gardening experts, while they eat and then work in the garden to apply what they learned. Students also go on field trips to learn about gardening. “This is about boys and girls learning and digging in the dirt and watching things grow,” West says. “They learn how to be responsible gardeners. 12 | savvy kids april 2012
Learning about food and nutrition is an important aspect of school gardens. Kids and teens who grow vegetables, tend to eat more of them, West says. “It lets them know vegetables don’t come out of a can or a frozen bag,” she says.
The gardens often depend on volunteers and fund-raisers. Dunbar sells produce and eggs to local restaurants and businesses, and have held concerts in the garden. Fulbright also has sold cabbage and kale to local restaurants, West says. J.A. Fair and Dunbar also hold plant sales. Troutman says each year J.A. Fair gets a grant from the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, and has served as a model for other school gardens. Keeping the gardens going during the summer when students aren’t around can be challenging. Thompson, Troutman and West say they work to keep things going year round, with the help of volunteers.
Troutman says the most valuable lessons students learn is the importance of hard work, and duty and service to the community, which can be “selfsatisfying.” He says last fall, students harvested 400 grocery bags of mustard and collard greens, which they donated to local community members and students’ families.
The gardens can bring up the whole school’s morale, says West. Dunbar photography classes have used the garden to perfect their skills, and even filmed the chickens, Thompson says. At J.A. Fair, the Family and Consumer Sciences classes often use vegetables to practice cooking and math classes have graphed corn growth, Troutman says.
West says gardening “bonds kids together and gives them something in common.” It also helps them “step up and be leaders” and promotes community ownership, she says.
“It gives students something positive to hold onto,” Troutman says. “It’s not just bringing home an A or B. They are actually bringing home something to the table.”
Students at Fulbright Elementary work on one of the school's gardens.
Photo by Brian Chilson
The nearly 30 gardens in the Little Rock School District reach kids from pre-K to 12th grade and “spread awareness and expose them to new activities while promoting healthy eating and physical activity,” says Katy Elliott, founder of Arkansas Sustainability Network, which compiles lists of community and school gardens.
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| 15
CAMP The Benefits of
By Shannon L. Caldwell, M.A.
“Why did you go to camp when you were a kid?” As a camping coordinator I appreciated someone asking me this question recently. It made me think about my campers and what they want from camp. So, I pose this question to you, the parent who might be deciding why you should send your child to camp: “Why did you go to camp when you were a kid?” I’m betting our answers are similar, at least fundamentally. I realized something about myself I had never known before. (Positive Identity) My first summer at Camp Wyldewood in Searcy 16 | savvy kids april 2012
was in the summer of 1980. For those who didn’t have the privilege of enjoying that summer, most sources site it as the 3rd hottest summer on record in Arkansas. Why do I remember it? I was at camp, a camp with no airconditioning - no electricity in the cabins at all. My group went on, what was lovingly called, the “Superman Hike.” I have no idea how long that hike was, but it felt like miles. I was 11 years old, had just completed the Superman Hike in 100 degree weather and I felt invincible. It was an “aha” moment. I realized I was stronger than I had ever known before.
Independence I am the oldest of 5 children. I loved my siblings, but at camp my identity wasn’t connected to being 1/5 of a set. I got to just be me.
Friends At camp, I met people from all over the country. I made lifelong friends at camp, including the current camp director for the very camp that I attended. Camp friends offered a broader look at the world. A look outside the smaller group of friends I had grown up with.
Unique Opportunities (Adventure/ Exploration) At camp, I took opportunities to do things like cooking outdoors, being in a talent show, riding horses, things I didn’t get to do at home. Camp offered a unique venue for trying activities that I might have never even considered at home.
Tradition (Feel Secure; Values) While I enjoyed camp for its new opportunities, I also returned to camp because some things would not change. I would see some of the same friends year after year. I knew we would sing songs like “Little Bunny Foo Foo.” We would have a camper/counselor softball game on our second Tuesday. We would have Otter Pops and a closing ceremony on our last evening. There was comfort in the familiarity of tradition even though there was excitement about new experiences. According to Dr. Barry Garst, Director of Research and Application for the American Camp Association (ACA), the reasons you and I went to camp are right in line with why camp is important for child development. Based on a survey conducted by ACA, campers identified their greatest gains from camp in Positive Identification, Making Friends, and Adventure/ Exploration. Parents surveyed identified Independence, Making Friends, and Adventure/Exploration as the greatest gains they saw in their children as a result of camp. Even though we see the reasons why we went to camp as fond memories, what they really are is an important part of what made us who we are today. Camp is more than just a fun diversion from the mundane summer break. It can be a very important and powerful part of your child’s development.
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For more information and resources about camp, check out this ACA site specifically geared toward parents Link to “10 Reasons Why Camp is Important for Child Development” presentations/ten_reasons_camp.pdf
Dr. Garst gives these 10 Reasons Why Camp is Important for Child Development Positive identity Independence Leadership Make friends Feel Secure Peer relations Adventure/exploration Environmental awareness Values/decisions Spirituality
Shannon L. Caldwell is the Arkansas 4-H State Camping Coordinator. She has a B. A. in Elementary Education and a M. A. in Rhetoric/Writing and Communication. Shannon has been part of a camp, every year, since 1977. She has done just about every job there is to do at a camp and still loves it. Find out more about camps through Arkansas 4-H at default.htm or join our facebook group “Arkansas 4-H Camps”. april 2012 savvy kids
| 17
to d rock climbing n a s e fir p m a c round amp! From lines are right a zing summer c d a a m e a d n n a r tio fo tra p is ver! s! But reg get signed u best summer e ny kid’s interest e a th r n fo It’s not too late to la p p m e a c tim a ow is the ce,there is will fill up fast! N s p music and dan m a c se e th many of the corner and
2 1 o 2
am By Paige Parh
4-H Camps C.A. Vines Arkansas 4-H Center Little Rock (501) 821-6884; Description: The Arkansas 4-H Center is host to a wide range of both overnight and day camps. This year’s theme is “Go Outside and Play,” and they will be spending lots of time outside playing. Activities include swimming, canoeing, archery, arts & crafts, a campfire program and much more. Date/Time: June and July, check website for dates and times Age: 5-13 years of age, depending on camp Cost: Varies
Abundant Life Ministries Day Camp A Ministry of Sylvan Hills First Baptist Church 9008 Hwy. 107 Sherwood (501) 835-2204 Description: Your child will be going on field trips to fun places like the zoo, parks, museums, swimming, skating, picnics, bowling, Vacation Bible School and more. Character building activities include Bible stories, crafts, singing, indoor/outdoor games, movies and more! Date/Time: June 4 – August 6, Monday – Friday, 6:30 a.m. – 6:00
p.m. Age: 5-12 (Child must have completed K5 by June 2012 to enroll) Cost: Daily rate is $20 for one child, $18 for each additional child.
ACCESS Schools ACCESS Adventure Summer Program 10618 Breckenridge Drive Little Rock (501) 217-8600 Description: ACCESS offers its same great curriculum during the month of June, with a half-day program that will allow your child to continue his routine and be ready when school starts back in August. Date/Time: June 4 – July 27 Age: K – High School
Date/Time: June - August Ages: Ages 7-13 Cost: Varies Broadway Performance 11610 Cantrell Road Little Rock (501) 804-3722 Description: Students will learn the fundamentals of acting, modeling, dance and voice while working toward an end project – a mock sitcom. The sitcom will be professionally filmed and edited and sent to various advertising companies for a casting call. Date/Time: Six one-week camps will be run on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays every week in June Age: 5 years and up Cost: $25 and up
Arkansas State Parks Day Camps Various State Parks calendar-events/ Description: From Adventure Day Camps to Natural Explorers Camps, the Arkansas State Parks are the place to be this summer! Park interpreters will teach your child about the animals, plants, habitats and waterways in the Natural State. Camps vary at the different State Parks – check the website for available themes and dates. Spaces fill up quickly so register early! Contact the park for a registration form and further details. All gear, materials, and some meals included in fee.
Burns Park Tennis Center 4000 Joe Poch Road, North Little Rock (501) 791-8585 Description: Burns Park Junior Summer Camps make huge improvements in your child’s tennis game, and they’re going to have a blast doing it! Daily instructional stations, team match play (singles and doubles) and skill building games. Teams will playoff for championship at conclusion at end of each session. Date/Time: June 4 – August 9, Monday – Thursday 8 a.m. – 11 a.m. Age: 4-18, all levels Cost: Varies by age Camp Subiaco 405 N. Subiaco Avenue Subiaco (479) 934-1001 Description: Camp Subiaco is a summer camp for boys between the ages of 9 and 13 inclusive. Since 1941 we have served boys with a proven program of recreational activities with life experiences that has satisfied thousands of boys of all races and creeds. Date/Time: Week 1 – June 17-23; Week 2 – June 24-30 Age: Boys 9-13 Cost: $425 per week Carolyn’s Keyboard Corner – Early Childhood Mini Music Camp 11121 N. Rodney Parham Road Little Rock (501) 681-7838 Description: This introduction to music theory helps students develop a solid foundation in basic music theory, which gives them an advantage in future musical endeavors. Date/Time: June 25-July 31st. One-hour lessons once a week on Monday or Tuesday, for six weeks. Ages: 5-7 Cost: $80 for six one-hour lessons, plus $20 for supplies Central Arkansas Library System Summer Reading Club
18 | savvy kids april 2012
Junior 2012
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april 2012 savvy kids
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All Branches – Little Rock, Maumelle, North Little Rock, Sherwood, Perryville, and Jacksonville. (501) 918-3000 aspx Description: Join the CALS crew for a summer full of reading fun with the Summer Reading Club! This seven-week program celebrates and encourages reading. Kids can find weekly activities at their local branch libraries, and there will be events and get-togethers throughout the summer. Date/Time: Registration begins May 31, Reading club starts June 13 Ages: All ages welcome! Cost: FREE Chateau Sante Teen Weight Loss Summer Camp 431 Bradley 23 Warren (870) 377-4190 Description: Make this the summer of change! At Chateau Sante, campers can expect a safe, nurturing and fun environment where they can learn about nutrition and making healthy food choices. Participants will lodge in shared rooms in the 12,000 square foot chateau that includes a recreation room with pool table, air hockey and ping pong table, lounging theater area, racquetball court and cardio fitness room. Campers will experience fun games and activities, strength training, yoga, Zumba and aerobic classes, water sports in the 25 meter pool, walking and jogging on one of the surrounding trails, and personalized instruction and coaching, as well as nutritional classes. Dates/Times: Girls camp: 2 week “Get it Started” program - June 2 – 15, 4 week “Make a Change” program – June 2 – 29; Boys camp: 2 week “Get it Started” program – July 7 – 20, 4 week “Make a Change” program – July 7 – August 3 Ages: 13-17 Cost: 2 week programs are $1,995, 4 week programs are $3,695 Children’s Center Kid Kamp Locations in Little Rock, Conway, Otter Creek (501) 224-2208 Little Rock, (501) 336-8881 Conway, (501) 455-2690 Otter Creek Description: Kid Kamp fills your child’s days with pure summer fun! Fieldtrips, outdoor play, movies, science and more will make them look forward to every day at camp. Date/Time: May 27 – August 17 Ages: K- 12 years Cost: Varies by location, call for prices Christ Lutheran Schools Summer Day Camp 315 S. Hughes St. Little Rock (501) 663-5212 summer-day-camp/ Description: Camp Falcon is a fun, safe and great educational alternative to staying at home all summer long. Weekly themes with educational activities and fun projects will keep the campers busy all
summer long. Morning and afternoon snacks will be provided. Dates/Times: June 6 – July 29 (closed July 4), 7 a.m. – 6 p.m. Age: Rising Pre-K 4 – 6th grade Cost: $100 per week College Boot Camp at Little Rock Christian Academy 19010 Cantrell Road Little Rock (501) 975-3441 Description: This 2 ½ day workshop is designed to help rising seniors prepare their college applications during the summer and have them ready to submit in early fall. Students will complete applications (including edited essays,) write and polish resumes, confer with college reps, engage in mock interviews with feedback from college personnel, compose “elevator speeches” and much more. Maximize the opportunities of senior year. Date/Time: Session 1 – June 26-28, Session 2 – July 10-12, Session 3 – July 24 – 26 Age: Rising senior Cost: $275 Culinary Camp at the Clinton Center 1200 President Clinton Avenue Little Rock (501) 748-0472 Description: Children will receive hands-on training where they will make their own nutritious lunch every day, learn exciting tips from distinguished speakers in the culinary field, and even start their own garden on-site at the Center. To wrap up the camp experience, campers will host a special reception for parents and guests to showcase their new cooking skills and earn their very own chef’s jacket! Date/Time: July 9-13 (rising 4th, 5th & 6th graders – first years); July 16-20 (rising 7th & 8th graders – first years) Age: Students entering 4th – 8th grade Cost: $200 nonmember, $175 member - Cost includes camp fees, snacks, lunch, and materials needed for the class. Each student will receive a paring knife, a 6” chef’s knife, a sharpening diamond steel, a cutting board, and a chef’s jacket. Darren McFadden Football ProCamp Description: Join Oakland Raiders Running Back and former Arkansas Razorback All-American Darren McFadden for football instruction and fun at the 2012 Darren McFadden Football ProCamp. Darren McFadden will give daily talks highlighting the finer points of the game of football and beyond. Parents and guests will be able to listen to camp guests in designated areas at each location. Each day, the campers will experience various stations, specializing in fundamental skills of football. Individual groups will be small to assure that each camper gets maximum instruction from the top football coaches in the Little Rock area. Date/Time: June 12th and 13th, 9:00 am - 12:30 pm Ages: Boys and Girls Ages 7 – 14 Cost: $99
Excel Gymnastics and Fitness Mini Summer Camp 15 Glenwood Drive Cabot (501) 843-9805 Description: Learn gymnastics, exercise, and much more! W Date/Time: Mondays , 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Ages: 4 and up Cost: $85 per month, one day a week First United Methodist Church of Little Rock Vacation Sensation 723 Center Street Little Rock (501) 372-2327 Description: This fun summer program for school-aged children begins in June and runs until school resumes in the fall. Vacation Sensation offers a wide variety of field trips and recreational and educational activities with a returning staff of professional counselors. Date/Time: June 4 – August Ages: K – 5th grade Cost: $160 Gideon Math & Reading Center Summer Programs 2316 Durwood Road Little Rock (501) 607-4808 Description: Gideon has several intensive programs including ACT Prep, Intensive Math and Writing Workshops, and College Coach Testing, to keep your child ahead of the curve this summer. You can tailor their classes to their individual needs, whether it’s catching up on elementary math skills or preparing for college interviews. Dates/Times: Summer Hours are 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. by appointment Ages: Pre-K – High School Cost: Varies Huff ‘N Puff 613 Stonewall Square Jacksonville (501) 985-1818 Description: This summer day camp program is full of activities including gymnastics, dance, indoor and outdoor play, swim outings, games, arts and crafts, guest speakers, animal visits, computers and more! Date/Time: June 4 – August 10, 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Age: 4-12 years, boys and girls Cost: Varies, call for more information IronKids and Lil’ Joey Camp Little Rock Athletic Club 4610 Sam Peck Road Little Rock (501) 225-3601 Description: Make plans for a summer of health, fitness and fun! Weekly fees include field trips, lunches and snacks. Lil’ Joey is an age-appropriate version of IronKids Camp geared towards preschoolers. They go on separate filed trips and participate in swimming, crafts, tumbling, music, Moomba Maze activities and more. Lil’ Joeys must be potty trained. Weekly themes include Bridges, Parks and a Trail, Museums of Arkansas, and Water, Sun and Fun. Date/Time: Weekly from May 29 – August 3, with the exception of the week of July 9 – 13 Age: IronKids Camp – 6-12 years, Lil’ Joey Camp – 3-5 years Cost: $140-$195 Little Rock Athletic Club Camps 4610 Sam Peck Road Little Rock (501) 225-3601 Description: Weekly camps focusing on soccer, basketball, sports and more. Campers will receive skills training, do fitness drills, and most of all – have fun! See the Athletic Club’s website for dates and themes. Date/Time: June and July, various weeks Age: 3-12 years old, depending on camp selected Cost: $160-195 Little Rock Christian Academy Summer Camps 19010 Cantrell Road
20 | savvy kids april 2012
June 17 - 23 June 24 - 30 A FUN CAMP FOR BOYS AGES 9-13
Old-fashioned fun!
Monday through Friday 8 am–noon
405 N. Subiaco Avenue Subiaco, Arkansas 72865
June 18–22
Tune up This summer WiTh Our music camps!
for rising 3rd & 4th graders
June 25-29
for rising 5th & 6th graders
Music lessons Guitar • Bass • Drums Voice• Piano rock star BirthDay Parties
200 East Third Street Little Rock, Arkansas A museum of the Department of Arkansas Heritage
Breckenridge Village 501.312.1800 april 2012 savvy kids
savvy kids pioneer day camp 2012.indd 1
2/21/2012 11:09:53 AM
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Little Rock (501) 868-9822 Description: From educational day camps for elementary students to athletic camps for athletes of all ages, LRCA has the camp you’re looking for! Theme weeks make the day camps a great way to spend the summer with friends, which sports camps help keep your head in the game while school’s out. Date/Time: May 30 – July 27, Various times Ages: Pre-K – 12th grade Cost: Varies depending on camp Little Rock Christian Academy Kanakuk Kamp Out 19010 Cantrell Road Little Rock (501) 868-9822 Description: This summer, for the first time ever, Kanakuk is partnering with Little Rock Christian Academy to offer Kampers one of the greatest weeks on earth. Kampers will be able to enjoy traditional Kanakuk activities such as water slides, climbing walls, ziplines, crafts, octa-ball, dodge ball, ultimate 4 square, field games, relays, archery and team sports. Date/Time: June 4-8, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Ages: Rising 1st – 6th graders Cost: $225 Little Rock Jams Camp Rock! 10301 Rodney Parham, Suite E5 Little Rock (501) 312-1800 Description: Camp Rock is open to beginning through advanced students. Learn how to play in a rock band this summer! Camp will include classes on music theory, song writing, band rehearsal, stage craft and more! All students must provide their own instrument and tuner.
Dates/Times: Full day sessions - June 25 – June 29 or July 23 – 27, from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.; Half day session – July 9 – 13, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Ages: 8 and up Cost: Full day sessions, $375; Half day sessions $190 Little Rock Jams Play Guitar! 10301 Rodney Parham, Suite E5 Little Rock (501) 312-1800 Description: This camp is for anyone who is interested in learning to play the guitar. No experience is required! Kids will have a fun time learning about the guitar, how to read music, tablature and chord diagrams, exploring different styles of music and playing! Dates/Times: June 18 – 22 and July 16-20, 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. Ages: 8 and up Cost: $130 Little Rock Jams Introduction to Music 10301 Rodney Parham, Suite E5 Little Rock (501) 312-1800 Description: Does your child sing all the time? Use mixing spoons to drum on the pots and pans? Play the best air guitar solos this side of the river? If so, this camp will introduce them to the wonderful world of music! Kids will get to learn about different instruments (guitar, bass, drums, piano, vocals), learn music fundamentals such as counting rhythms and reading music and more. Dates/Times: June 18 – 22 and July 16 – 20, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Ages: 8 and up Cost: $130 Museum of Discovery Day Camps 500 President Clinton Avenue Little Rock (501) 396-7061 Description: Campers will have a blast with the many day camps at the Museum of Discovery. Themes include Junior Vet, Dinosaur Adventures, Tinkering Academy, Science Sampler, and more! Date/Time: June 11-15, June 18-22, June 25-29, July 9-13, July 16-20, July 23-27 and July 30 – August 3. Age: 4-13 years Cost: Weekly all-day sessions are $225 for members, $250 for non-members, Half-day sessions are $125 for members and $150 for non-members. Multi-themed camps are $30 for a half-day session for members and $35 for non-members, and Monday Discovery Camps for 4-6 year olds are $30 per session for members and $35 for non-members, on select Mondays. Pathfinder Academy Summer Program 108 S. Oak Jacksonville (501) 982-0528 Description: The Pathfinder Summer School program is designed to help children with Autism prepare for the school year ahead. Participants will work on socialization skills, community projects, and take field trips. Date/Time: June-August Age: Students entering 6th – 8th grades Cost: Varies Pioneer Day Camp at Historic Arkansas Museum 200 East 3rd Street Little Rock (501) 324-9351 Description: Every day at HAM’s Pioneer Day Camp, campers do what most 19th century Arkansas pioneer
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kids did! They play on stilts, cook on an open hearth, explore a log house, see a blacksmith at work, do art projects and more! At week’s end, they host a frolic for their families to show off their pioneer dance steps and the crafts they’ve made. Date/Time: June 18 – 22 for kids entering 3rd and 4th grades; June 25-29 for kids entering 5th and 6th grades *MAXIMUM OF FIFTEEN CAMPERS PER SESSION* Age: 3rd – 6th graders Cost: $65 for museum members, $85 for non-members Razorback Football Camp University of Arkansas, Walker Pavilion Fayetteville (479) 575-3704 Description: Let your future Razorback put their skills to the test during the Razorback Football Camp! Date/Time: Senior High – June 10 – 12, Youth Camp – June 13, Jr. High Camp – June 14-16, Junior/Senior Prospect Camp – July 21 Age: Students entering 1st – 12th grades Cost: $50-$290 depending on camp Summer Arts Camp at Saline County Arts Project 4037 Boone Road Benton (501) 773-9723 Description: We’re combining Theater , Art, Music, Dance, and Creative Writing into one outstandingly fun summer experience like no other! Students will write, direct, and perform in their own production (with the help of our talented guest artists). This camp is open to ages 6-15, but don’t worry, students will be divided by age to participate in activities throughout the day that are appropriate for them. Date/Time: June 18-29, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Age: 6-15 Cost: $185 Summer Day Camps/Workshop s Saline County Arts Project 4037 Boone Road Benton (501) 773-9723 Description: These hour-long workshops let your child explore their creative side! Themes like Acting Up, Barbie Girl, Lego Land, and Create Your Own Comic Book will help every child find their muse and possibly uncover a hidden creative talent! Date/Time: June 11-15, 10 am – 11 am and 2 pm – 3 pm; July 9-13, 10 am – 11 am and 2 pm – 3 pm; July 16-20, 10 am – 11 am and 2 pm – 3 pm Age: 6-15 Cost: $25 Summer Fun Youth Enrichment Program at the Old State House Museum 300 W. Markham Little Rock (501) 324-9685 Description: Explore life between 1890-1980 from a child’s perspective. Participants will: Learn about play, work, school and families during this time. Experience music, movies and children’s literature of different time periods. Try their hand at children’s jobs from the past (including throwing papers, chopping cotton, and shoveling sawdust.) See how manners and table behavior have changed over time. Participate in storytelling and the oral tradition as practiced by former generations. Learn how games, toys and hobbies have changed over the years. Date/Time: July 9-13, 8 am – 12 pm Daily Age: Grades 5-10 rising Cost: $75 ZooFari Classes Little Rock Zoo 1 Jonesboro Dr. Little Rock (501) 666-2406 Description: Zoofari classes offer unique encounters with animals to teach children interesting information about zoology and wildlife conservation. Classes begin at 9 am and end at noon. Students will receive a t-shirt with registration! Themes vary – check website for available dates and classes! Date/Time: June 11-13, June 18-20, June 24-27, July 9-11, July 16-18, July 23-25 Age: 4 years – 6th grade Cost: $30 per class for members, $35 per class for non-members
At the LIttLe ROCK AthLetIC CLUB... weekly fees include
ironkids ages 6-12 7:30am-6pm
Bridges, parks & a Trail Water, sun & Fun easy summer Fun Discovery & exploration Fun W/ The arts museums Of arkansas summer Finale Fun
FItness Is A FAmILy AFFAIR! lil’ Joeys
FielD Trips, lunches & snacks musT Be pOTTy TraineD
ages 3-5 8:30am-3:30pm
ironkids And lil’ Joey suMMer cAMP May 29 - August 3
creAte your own night of fun with our 4 hour lock-ins! great For church & school groups Or Just a Bunch Of Friends ideal For ages 8-15 Games & Relays • Team Games • Contests
Explore life between 1890-1980 from a child’s perspective. Grades 5–10 (Rising), July 9–13, 8 am–12 pm Daily Cost: $75; Reservations required before June 18. For more information call 324-8643 or email
501-225-3600 • 4610 Sam Peck Rd • Little Rock •
The Old State House Museum is a museum of the Department of Arkansas Heritage.
Easter Egg Hunt Register online!
All-Day Camps!
Burns Park Pavilion #10 Saturday, April 7 9:30 am - 11:30 am 4 Egg Hunt Times
3 Summer Day Camps! Only $10 a week!
June 11-14th - Experience the Rock June 18-21st - Adventures in Art June 25-29th - VBS and Music Camp
9:40 am Special Needs 10 am Ages 1-3 with parents
10:30 am Ages 4-6 no parents 11 am Ages 7-9 no parents
Photos with The Easter Bunny Games • Activities Contests
For more information call 501-753-7307 april 2012 savvy kids
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P “Play ball!” Isn’t this one of the greatest sentences in the English language? This simple phrase is almost like a time machine that takes us back to a simpler time in our lives. A time when the smell of freshly cut grass and the cheer of a crowd meant it was baseball season in our community. While professional sports are enjoyable, there is something special and endearing about youth sports and the wonderful memories they provide – both for the spectators as well as the child participants. Participating in youth sports is perhaps the greatest training ground there is for children. Where else are children able to learn selfdiscipline, respect for authority, appropriate competitiveness, cooperation, selfconfidence, social skills and fitness all at the same time? Academic success is important, but the skills one can learn in team sports have a greater application to life than individual accomplishments in the classroom. According to the late Tom Landry, former coach of the Dallas Cowboys, “The greatest contribution that sports can make to young athletes is to build character. The greatest teacher of character is on the athletic field.” Recently, there have been more instances in which youth sports have not provided children with happy memories. Parents getting into fights in the stands or yelling at their child (or
l l a B ! y al
Youth sports offer more for children than winning and losing. By Duane Runyan, Ph.D., MBA
coaches) for making “stupid” mistakes; coaches losing control; and players exhibiting poor sportsmanship; take away from the positives of youth sports. Typically, these problems occur when the adults involved forget the purpose of youth sports. So how can we keep youth sports focused on the “good of the game?” Three simple things make a world of difference between having an “okay” or a “wonderful” season. These consist
...parents can use the experience of youth sports in teaching their children important lessons about life and character.
24 | savvy kids april 2012
of parents’ expectations, coaches’ expectations, and communication between the parents and coach. After all, the more all of the adults are in agreement about how to work together, the more likely the youth will have a positive experience. In the next three paragraphs, these three issues will be reviewed. First, what can the parent do to ensure a great experience for their child? A critical key to making the experience a rewarding one for both you and your child includes simply “making yourself available.” Your positive involvement is critical to your child’s enjoyment of sports. Parents need to prioritize their activities to make a reasonable effort to ensure their child is at practice as well as attend their child’s games whenever possible. Parents also need to model good sportsmanship and respect the authority of the coach. There have been many instances of parents fighting during their child’s games, screaming from behind the bench, or telling the coach how to coach. Coaches are volunteers who have made a significant commitment to their team with their time and energy. The parent’ role should consist of praising their child (as well as the rest of the team); supporting the authority of the coach and other adults (umpires/officials); and practicing with their child (occasionally taking your child to the batting cages or playing catch). Additionally, parents can use the experience of youth sports
in teaching their children important lessons about life and character. While appreciating that winning is more fun than losing, both are bound to happen in contests. Life lessons can be learned both from winning and losing. No one sets out to lose a competition; however, this is a hazard of playing sports. In fact, bouncing back after losing is one of the greatest lessons we can teach our children. Coaches are also a key element of a positive youth experience. Different coaches have different approaches towards the game. Most coaches tend to strive for “enjoyment of the sport” and “learning the fundamentals.” It is important for the coach to be clear, consistent, and positive in the management of the team. Since these are children developing skills, it is essential that the coach emphasize the many wonderful things that your child is doing to improve both in skill development and character development (e.g., good sport with winning and losing). At times, it is also important to provide constructive criticism that will improve skill development and character development. For example, in the event the child exhibits poor sportsmanship, it is reasonable for the coach to give him or her a warning prior to benching them. If the incident is particularly flagrant, the coach should bench the child immediately – regardless of the skill level of the child. This certainly will not be the most popular decision, but there are life lessons in such coaching actions. The last key ingredient to a great experience is the parent-coach communication. It is critical that both the parent and coach feel comfortable to discuss potentially challenging issues. Regardless of the specific issue, coaches need to be responsive to the parents’ concerns. In Youth Sports, it is essential that the coach ensure that all of the children to participate fully. Most importantly, the parents should provide support – even if they do not necessarily agree with the actions of the coach. If they do not agree, they need to schedule a time to discuss their concerns without the children being present. It is sometimes helpful to have a preseason meeting between the coach and parents to discuss the upcoming season. This communication will increase the likelihood of a constructive relationship between the coach and parents; and hopefully, keep the priority of youth sports as a positive experience for children. There are several issues that can be discussed during this meeting: clarifying the objective of youth sports; the coach’s philosophy about winning and losing (e.g., “win at all cost” versus “try your best”); motivation
strategies with players; how practice is handled; dealing with players who exhibit poor sportsmanship; consequences of missed practices; and game-play policies (for example, will each child play all the different positions during the season). This meeting also provides the coach an opportunity to explain policies and expectations of the parents’ behavior. (See sidebar for suggested rules from coaches to ensure good sportsmanship from parents at the games). With these three keys, the adults are in the position of creating an environment that can increase the enjoyment of youth sports for the children. Remember that youth sports are first and foremost a “play” activity. This underscores the need for programs to be child-centered and not adult-dominated. Somewhere along the way, youth sports evolve toward professional sports. With that transition, the goal of organized play changes to entertainment and making money. Clearly, some strategies that may be acceptable at the professional level have no place at the level of youth sports. If this difference is understood by the coaches and parents, there typically are no problems. When adults impose a professional model on youth sports, this almost always causes problems. So be active in your child’s life, communicate effectively with your child’s coach, and make playing sports a happy memory for your child – and you! Play ball!! Duane Runyan, Ph.D., MBA is the CEO/Managing Director of Rivendell Behavioral Health Services of Arkansas. To learn more, call 7-800-264-5640.
april 2012 savvy kids
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EvEry ChilD DEsErvEs Our BEst.
Let us help you find high quality child care. Better Beginnings is Arkansas’ quality rating system for child care and early education programs that have gone above and beyond the state licensing requirements.
Visit to Get Started. The Better Beginnings website makes it easy for parents to: • find Better Beginnings participating child care providers in their area • learn what to look for in a child care environment Get off to a good start by equipping yourself with the knowledge and information to choose a Better Beginning for your child!
Department of human services Division of Child Care and Early Childhood Education • 1-800-445-3316 April 22-28 is Children’s Week! In April, we CELEBRATE Arkansas Children’s Week – a time to reflect on the many outstanding early care professionals who are daily engaged with children and families. A time for families to celebrate the opportunities for their young children to learn, thrive and grow in the very best care and education possible. During Children’s Week, make time to read with your children. Visit our website to get your copy of “Making Reading Fun,” available in English and Spanish.
april 2012 savvy kids
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Hard Work Pays Off By Emily Griffin
If you’ve kept up with high school football, you’ve heard the name Hunter Henry. Hunter, the tight-end for Pulaski Academy’s football team, has made a name for himself both on and off the field. The athlete is a good student, and is active with his church, Fellowship Bible Church in Little Rock. Ranked as the #3 tight end in the country (scout. com), Hunter has received offers from 20 different schools around the country including Alabama, Arkansas, Auburn, Florida, Georgia, Harvard, and Virginia Tech. Hunter hasn’t make a decision as to which offer to accept yet. He was nominated for the Landers Award last fall and made All-Conference and All-State in both football and basketball.
A. Before every game our coach, Kevin Kelley, says he knows we are prepared because we as a team work very hard all year. So, he makes every one of us promise him that when we walk off the field that night we will be victorious. So each one of us says to him, “Yes sir, I promise I will,” and we go out and play hard. I love when he does that because it just gets me ready to go and play. It’s what drives us because we want to win and have all our efforts pay off. Q. What advice would you give to other young athletes to keep them on top of their game or
encourage them to keep working? A. Never give up and just keep working hard. Throughout life there are going to people that discourage you and put you down. They may tell you that you aren’t good enough. There are also going to be times that you feel like you just don’t have it in you to go that extra mile. You can’t ever let any of that defeat you. You have to let that drive you. Hard work is the key to everything. I wouldn’t be anywhere if I didn’t put time in and work hard. One of my favorite sayings ever is, “Hard work always beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard enough.” I use this to fuel me.
Savvy Kids stat down with Hunter recently to learn a litte more. Below is what he had to say.
Q. How long have you been playing sports? A. I have been playing sports since I was about 5 years old. I’ve played football, basketball and baseball.
Q. What is your favorite motivational phrase/speech Coach Kevin Kelley says to get your team ready for a game?
Hunter Henry in action.
Sports Nutrition for Kids Dance/Gymnastic – Calcium for strong bones – Suggested snacks: string cheese, skim or fat-free chocolate milk, yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese Soccer, baseball, football, & basketball – Hydration & carbohydrates for endurance – Suggested snacks: trail mix, raisins, peanut butter & Jelly sandwich, mini bagel with low-fat cream cheese, dry cereal, fruit or sliced 28 | savvy kids april 2012
veggies with low fat dip, baked tortilla chips with salsa or bean dip, and water! Side note: If your activity is going to last more than 90 minutes you’ll need a sports drink to replenish electrolytes and carbohydrates. Sources:,
Photo by Sheldon Smith
Q. What’s your favorite thing about playing sports, and why? A. Playing sports is my passion, and it is so fun for me. I love getting to go out and just do what I love. I’m a competitive person and love to compete. Playing sports allows me to do that.
Has This School Year Been Difficult? Poor reading skills? Below average grades and performance? Worried about being ready for first grade? Not prepared for the transition to middle school?
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Summer Camps at the Clinton Center Culinary Camp
Mike Selig and the culinary staff at the Clinton Center will lead this fun-filled day camp. Children will receive hands-on training where they will make their own nutritious lunch everyday, learn exciting tips from distinguished speakers in the culinary field, and even start their own garden on-site at the Center. To wrap up the camp experience, campers will host a special reception for family members and guests to showcase their new cooking skills and earn their very own chef’s jacket!
Cost: $200 non-member and $175 member Cost includes camp fees, snacks, lunch, and materials needed for the class. Each student will receive a paring knife, a 6” chef’s knife, a sharpening diamond steel, a cutting board, and a chef’s jacket.
Space is limited. June 18 – 22: Second Year Students (SOLD OUT!) July 9 – 13: Rising 4, 5 & 6 grades, first year students July 16 – 20: Rising 7 & 8 grades, first year students 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
For more information please contact Brian Allen at 501-758-0454 or 1200 President Clinton Avenue • Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 •
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The Proven Benefits of Small Classrooms At a time when some special education schools attempt to expand with larger classes, All Children’s Academy is striving to maintain its 1:5 ratios of small, intensive classroom environments led by certified teachers and Master level therapists. The Institute of Educational Sciences, the research arm of the U.S. Department of Education, concludes that class size reduction has been proven to increase student achievement. ACA educators know first-hand that this profound benefit applies even more for Learning Disabled and special needs children! Our therapeutically enhanced educational programs include The Dubard Association Method and Lindamood-Bell®. To find out how your child can benefit from our Christian based, intensive learning environment call today.*
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Academy/Clinic: 501-224-1418
*Due to demand and limited space, please call Pam at 501-224-1418 for more information. april 2012 savvy kids
| 31
What Parents Should Know About
Reading Instruction By Tammy Simmons, M.S., CCC-SLP
There are no easy answers or solutions for children who struggle with learning to read. An understanding of the reading process, however, assists parents in evaluating their children’s successes throughout the progression of learning to read. Effective reading instruction includes five areas of reading instruction that must be addressed by third grade to successfully teach children to read. Those five areas are: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Before children are ready to read, they must become aware of the sound system we use in spoken language. Phonemic awareness is the ability to notice, think about and work with the individual sounds used in spoken words. Children demonstrate phonemic awareness in a variety of ways: by recognizing words that rhyme, by recognizing which words have the same beginning letter or ending letter, by isolating the first or last sound in a word, by breaking apart a word into its individual parts or sounds, or by hearing the segments/sounds of a word and blending them together to form the whole word. Phonemic awareness instruction typically begins in preschool and continues into kindergarten and first grade. Phonemic awareness improves children’s ability to read words. Phonemic awareness also improves comprehension because of the increased accuracy in reading and its affect on the ability to focus on comprehension of the text being read. Good phonemic awareness skills also improve spelling. It helps children understand the individual sounds that make up words, break words into individual pieces and use letters and sounds to spell in a predictable manner. The lack of phonemic awareness by the age of 5 is the biggest indicator for reading failure. Solid phonemic awareness is essential for the next stages of reading development. If a student does not have this skill it is important to continue to work on and 32 | savvy kids april 2012
possibly consider consulting a professional to work on this skill. Many tests that predict reading success focus primarily on phonemic awareness. This cannot be overlooked. Solid phonemic awareness is essential for the next stages of reading development. If a student does not have this skill is it important to continue to work on and possibly consider consulting a professional to work on this skill. The goal of phonics instruction is to teach children the relationship between letters and the spoken language and letters and the written language. Knowing these relationships will help children break unfamiliar words down into smaller segments when reading. Sometimes this is called “breaking the code” or “decoding.” Phonics instruction includes a systematic approach to teaching the letter-sound relationships of consonants and vowels in words using a clearly defined sequence. A solid phonics approach improves word recognition and spelling, significantly improves reading comprehension, and is essential for children who are having difficulty with learning to read or who are at risk for developing future reading difficulties (children with articulation or language disorders, children who have not developed phonemic awareness by age 5). Phonics instruction is already a part of many kindergarten and first grade classrooms. Children will not have the building blocks required before proceeding to the next stages of reading instruction without good phonemic awareness and phonics. Children who only memorize their spelling words and do not use the skills discussed to spell and read words may be in need of more extensive work with the phonemic awareness and phonic systems. Parents should consult a professional if their children are not exhibiting solid phonemic awareness skills by the end of kindergarten and good decoding skills (phonics) by the end of first grade.
Good reading fluency is essential for reading comprehension. If a reader has to concentrate on sounding out the words, they have less energy to spend on the meaning of the text being read. Vocabulary plays an important role in learning to read. The vocabulary of a child at age 3 is a good indicator of reading comprehension of a child in third grade. Having a solid vocabulary is essential. Readers cannot understand what they are reading without knowing what most of the words that are found in text mean. Children learn most words indirectly, meaning that they are not “taught” but learned through everyday experiences, such as conversations or through reading material with new words. Some words are taught directly. Essentially, the more we read to or have children engaged in reading and the more experiences and conversation a child has, the more opportunities we have to teach new words. Comprehension is the ability to learn from text.
It is the ability to gain meaning from what is being read. Without comprehension, children are not really “reading.” Many children are able to read more complicated texts than they can actually comprehend. It is important to engage children in text they can read with fluency and comprehend, though; this means we must sometimes engage them in text that is easier to read so we can learn or gain new information from that text. Strategies to assist children with comprehension include: • Introduce new vocabulary found in text before reading and connect the text to children’s background knowledge or personal experiences. • Before reading, develop a list of questions to answer during the reading, which sets a purpose for reading and encourages children to monitor their comprehension. • Teach students to monitor their comprehension or understanding of text as they read and correct any mistakes while they are reading to improve their understanding. • Use graphic organizers such as charts, maps, webs and graphs to help focus on the main concepts of the text and how concepts are related. These are helpful tools to visually represent ideas and assist students with their written responses to reading. • Recognizing a story structure is helpful in retelling a story. A story structure includes the setting, characters, series of events in a story, and the outcomes of the story. Sometimes the structure includes a problem and solution. • Children can use illustrations to help tell the
Students of ACCESS Schools work on vocabulary exercises. april 2012 savvy kids
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Photo by Brian Chilson
Fluency is the ability to read accurately and quickly. To read fluently children must recognize words automatically. Fluent readers group words together quickly to gain meaning from what they read. They read aloud effortlessly and with expression. Readers who have not developed reading fluency read more slowly, often pausing to decode or sound out words. It is like they are reading the text word-by-word; it sounds choppy. Often readers with a poor phonemic awareness and phonic abilities are not fluent readers.
Techniques to assist children in becoming more fluent include: • Select a text to practice reading that students can read with few mistakes. (Educators call this 90 percent accuracy.) • Reread text several times, practicing to improve the speed of reading. • Have students listen to books being read by adults in a smooth manner and with expression and practice this skill to reduce choppiness. Parents can easily do this by modeling and continuing to read with their children as they get older.
Photo by Brian Chilson
Many methods can be used to help students improve their reading comprehension. The goal is to have children reading and writing well by the third grade.
story with pictures. Summarizing is the condensed version of the story that is described in text. When students summarize they are required to decide the most important aspects of the story and put it in their own words. Teaching summarizing helps students identify the main ideas, the connection between ideas, eliminate irrelevant information and remember what they have read. When children have poor vocabulary and comprehension difficulties, a speech and language evaluation, perhaps in addition to an academic evaluation, is warranted to rule out any areas that may need to be addressed with speech therapy. While there are no quick solutions for optimizing reading achievement, there is vast research that describes the most effective reading instruction including the five areas discussed above. In addition, many children need diagnostic teaching through direct instruction using a systematic, cumulative method that requires automaticity before moving up to the next level of instruction. At ACCESS, we recommend and use a variety of methods recognized by the International Dyslexia Association that we have found particularly helpful for remediation of reading disorders, including The DuBard Association Method速, Orton Gillingham and the Wilson Reading System. Others used in the community include The Spalding Method, The Barton Reading and Spelling System and Lindamood-Bell. No matter which method is used, the goal is to have children reading and writing well by third grade. The most intensive reading instruction occurs in kindergarten, first and second grade. If children are showing signs of struggling, DO NOT WAIT. Seek help immediately. Reading is essential for a good solid education, and waiting to react to decoding or comprehension difficulties until second or third grade can set up a child for years of academic struggles. Tammy Simmons, M.S., CCC-SLP, is executive director of ACCESS, a nonprofit offering evaluation services, full-time education, therapy, training and activities for individuals ages 0-35 with developmental delays and learning disabilities. Find more of her tips at 34 | savvy kids april 2012
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ACTS Jr. The system utilized in ACTS Jr. is progressive in nature, and focuses on the process rather than the product of creating a dramatic performance. It allows the performers to build on previously learned skills, while also gaining new ones. Sessions occur one time per week, and culminate in child-driven performances held in the fall and spring, highlighting their creativity and hard work. Open to children ages 7 -17. For more information contact Krista Tapp (krista_tapp@ April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 4-5 p.m. Fellowship Bible Church 1051 Hogan Lane, Conway
signed to challenge the students both physically and creatively. Physical and sensory stimulation is encouraged through an exploration of materials, such as finger-paints. Students are challenged to think outside of the box and afterwards they are encouraged to describe their work to the class. Kids get a chance to socialize with one another, and everyone gets a chance to view and compliment the works of others at the end of class. But most importantly, My Art is fun! For more information, contact Courtney Leach ( or 501-329-5459). April 3, 10, 17, 24 4 – 5 p.m. Faulkner County Library 1900 Tyler Street, Conway
Boot Scootin’ Bash and 5K Dash at Beyond Boundaries This fundraising event will feature a 5K walk/run, rider demonstrations, a silent auction, and lots of family fun! Registration for the Dash is $20 in advance or $25 the day of the event; all proceeds benefit Beyond Boundaries, An Equine Assisted Therapy Center. Contact Beyond Boundaries at (501) 941-1522 for more information. April 28 8 a.m. Beyond Boundaries Arena 2195 Peyton Street/Hwy. 319, Ward
Special Olympics Track Meet Team Kidsource will compete in several events at this area 10 track meet. Athletes will be competing in running, jumping, walking, throwing and wheelchair events. Kids ages 3 -18 participate with Team Kidsource, and they practice every Tuesday (until April 17) from 6 – 7 p.m. at the Benton High School Athletic Complex. All are welcome to join! For more information, contact Kidsource Therapy at (501) 315-4414. April 20 8:30 a.m. Bryant High School track 200 Northwest 4th Street, Bryant
Caring Bunny at McCain Mall This very special Easter Bunny visit is just for kids with special needs! These photo sessions will be uninterrupted by the usual lines and crowds. Photo prices vary, but it’s free to come see the bunny! For more information, please call (501) 758-6340. April 1 9-11 a.m. McCain Mall 3929 McCain Boulevard, North Little Rock
Therapeutic Recreation Kids Night Out – Arkansas Traveler’s Game at Dickey-Stephens Park Children with special needs ages 8 to 18 are invited to socialize with friends as they cheer on the Arkansas Travelers baseball team. Tickets are $25. Registration is required, call (501) 918-5359. April 6 7 p.m.
I CAN! Dance The goal for the class is to not only give these children the opportunity to perform on the stage with bright lights and fancy costumes, but to show to as many spectators as possible that these children CAN dance and have the same dreams and desires as other children. Open to children ages 4-17. Contact Tara Walls ( for more information on the Conway classes, Linda Bates ( for the Hot Springs classes, or Andrea Strube ( for the Sherwood classes. April 6, 13, 20, 27 5-5:45 p.m. Blackbird Academy 805 Monroe St., Conway
TOP Soccer TOP Soccer is an adapted soccer program for children with special needs, ages 3 and up. TOP Soccer provides children the opportunity to participate in an organized soccer program in a safe, positive environment. The program is designed to give everyone a chance to play, and to foster the values of teamwork, pride, and accomplishment within each player. Volunteers act as “buddies” for those who need assistance. Players are separated by age and ability to create an equal environment for everyone. Contact Derek Moser ( for more information. April 7, 14, 21, 28 9-11 a.m. UCA Pepsi Center 201 Donaghey Ave., Conway
April 4, 11, 18, 25 5:45 – 6:30 p.m. Center Stage Dance Studio 5710 Warden Road #7, Sherwood
April 7, 14, 21, 28 9-11 a.m. Murray Park 4301 Rebsamen Park Road, Little Rock
April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. DanceArts Studio 978 Airport Road, Hot Springs
Young Adults with Autism The Conway Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders Group exists to provide individuals aged 18-30 an opportunity to come together and socialize with people who are in a similar stage of life. The group meets at the Faulkner County Library on the first Saturday of the month from 2:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Any and all are invited. We would love to see you there! For more information, please contact Beka Conner ( or 501-766-1116). April 7 2:30 – 5 p.m. Faulkner County Library 1900 Tyler Street, Conway
My Art My Art is a free art class for children with special needs. This class allows children to explore their creativity in a positive, encouraging environment, while simultaneously allowing them to explore their senses in new and exciting ways. Each week students have the opportunity to explore a new artistic medium, including acrylic paint, watercolor, colored pencil, crayon, charcoal, and craft materials. Projects are de38 | savvy kids april 2012
A place where children with learning differences and developmental disabilities can grow and develop in an environment tailored to meet their unique needs.
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The Academy focuses on the basics of reading, writing, language and arithmetic for all age groups. We offer a full curriculum that includes science, social studies, history, and geography, incorporating art, social and life skills into the school day. Reading and math are studied in small groups based on students’ developmental level; other subjects are studied in their homerooms. A School & A Therapy Clinic Small Class Sizes (maximum of 8 children per class) Occupational, Physical & Speech Therapy Therapy is available on an outpatient basis. *Now taking applications for kindergarten. If your child has been diagnosed with a development disorder: Autism, Asperger syndrome, PDD, Down syndrome, Apraxia or other language disorders, or sensory integration issues, contact us today for more information or to schedule an evaluation for your child.
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| 39
My life with scoliosis By Emily Sundermeier, Age 11 ½
Last summer, I was diagnosed with scoliosis. Scoliosis is when someone’s spine is curved and crooked. I was shocked when I found out. I did not know anything about this condition, but, it turns out many people, mostly young girls, have scoliosis.
and about a doctor in Memphis that does it. This brace was pretty new, but had good results, and the best part was that I would not have to quit dance or bouncing on a trampoline or anything that I enjoyed doing.
At the beginning of the 2011-2012 school year, my back started to hurt whenever I ran in P.E. When I started coming to my mom’s office (she’s my school’s nurse) earlier in the year, it was the same old “lie down and rest for a while”. But this one special time, she told me to go in the bathroom and take my shirt off.
My mom called the doctor’s office a couple of weeks later. Later, my mom told me that in a few weeks, I would be fitted for the SpineCor Brace. Questions flowed through my head. How long will it take? Who is this doctor? Can I take my sister for comfort?
When she got there, she brought in a handheld tool called a scoliometer. A scoliometer measures the degree of the curve of your spine. My mom called my doctor to make an urgent appointment. The next day, she checked me out of school and we headed for the doctor. When my mom, my dad, and I got called back, the doctor pulled out a scoliometer, just like my mom’s! Later, she told my mom and dad that their x-ray machine was broken and they needed to take me to Arkansas Children’s Hospital, but we should not wait long to get an x-ray taken, and she recommended that we go straight to the hospital. In the car, I started to bawl. I told my mom, “It must be really bad. She (the doctor) sent us to Children’s. That’s where you go if you’re really sick.” Turns out, the lady that did the x-rays was really nice. I was really embarrassed to wear a hospital gown, but they felt like pajamas. After 10 minutes in the radiology room, (the x-ray room), my family drove me home. I could tell something was not right. Everyone was too quiet. I was scared. We found out from the doctor’s report that I had what is called a “double S curve.” That means I have two curves in my spine. The top curve measured at 33 degrees, and the bottom curve measured 28 degrees. Based on the amount of curve a person has, there are different options for treatment. The options are observation, bracing and surgery. My measurements required bracing. My parents talked with me about what bracing meant. Bracing usually means a hard plastic brace with some straps. It was also going to mean that I would probably have to give up dance. I wanted to know why this was happening to me. My parents did not want to make me wear a hard brace if there was any way around it. They didn’t want me to hurt, but they also didn’t want me to have to give up doing things I loved. My mom started researching scoliosis and talking to some people on Facebook. She remembered a girl who used to go to my school. She had scoliosis, too. My mom contacted the girls’ mom and found out what they were doing to deal with the scoliosis. The lady told my mom about a comfortable, soft back brace called SpineCor 40 | savvy kids april 2012
Then, the day came. We dropped my sister off at school before we went to Memphis. Of course, my mom brought my schoolwork. I had to wear large clothing, so the brace could fit underneath. Finally, my name was called. My family was brought to a large room, full of medical degrees and posters. Then, the doctor came in. At first, she asked me TONS of questions. Then, with a kind smile, she said, “Okay. Let me get the brace and I will be right back.” Within 5 minutes, she was back. In her arms, was a jungle of white straps, matching shorts, and a black Sharpie. First, she familiarized my mom and dad with the parts. Then, she wrote numbers on the straps and shorts. After lots of work, came fitting time! I am not going to lie, it was uncomfortable. With every adjustment of the straps or pull on the brace, I wanted to cry a little bit more. But I didn’t cry, because if I did then my parents would cry because I was hurting and I didn’t want to show them that I was. The doctor promised me that over time it would get a little looser Emily Sundermeier
Helping Hand
"I want other girls to know that scoliosis is something that you can live with and manage. Your life doesn’t have to change because of this."
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Photos by Brian Chilson
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and would feel normal in a day or two. I was told to wear the brace 20 hours a day, with two 2-hour breaks during the day. After I was fitted, the doctor brought me back to take two more x-rays: one with the brace on and one without. Once the x-rays came back, the doctor said that within 5 minutes of putting on the brace, my spine straightened a little! I was going to have to come back to Memphis every 3 months for regular check-ups from now on. At first, the brace was tight and made it difficult to breath or to sleep. When I got to my nana’s house to pick up my sister, she ran out of the door. It sort of hurt to hug her. Inside, everyone was hugging me. My Nana even gave me a gift card to my favorite store! My mom, my nana and I started to cry. I heard her say, “She’s so brave.” My Poppa even made my favorite dinner! When I was home, I did my usual bedtime routine. One of the biggest challenges with any scoliosis brace is wearing clothes. We have to buy clothes a size or two bigger than I would normally wear because of the brace. I can’t wear some clothes because they are just made too tight. But my parents have been awesome and taking me to the mall a lot to find great, cool clothes! At school the next day, hardly anyone noticed my brace. If people see it or ask about it, I’m not afraid to tell them. I’ve really started forgetting that I have it on. The best part was that I haven’t had to give anything up, like dance and gymnastics. I also ran for Student Council this year at school, and won! I’m also taking acting classes now. And P.E. doesn’t hurt like it did before!
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My family and friends have been super supportive. Whenever I have a visit coming up, my family and friends pray for me. Our most recent visit brought very good news, my spine curves lessened by eight degrees on top and seven degrees on the bottom! That made me feel like maybe we were doing the right thing, and the doctor said that I was improving so fast because of my dedication to wearing the brace the right way and the right amount of time each day! I want other girls to know that scoliosis is something that you can live with and manage. Your life doesn’t have to change because of this. I want to say thank you to the lady who recommended this brace to my mom. And I want to say thank you to my doctor, for introducing my family and I to SpineCor. I also want to say thank you to my family and friends for being there for support. I hope and pray that God keeps his hands on my back, no matter what.
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Summer Help Staying on track during the summer months By Emily Griffin
With spring break behind us, students are on the downhill slope to the freedom of summer. But for many students that means much of what they have learned in the past nine months goes out of their heads during summer’s “brain-drain.” According to Ron Fairchild with the Johns Hopkins University Center for Summer Learning, all students experience learning losses when they do not engage in educational activities during the
summer. On average, students lose approximately 2.6 months of grade level equivalency in mathematical computation skills during the summer break. Only about 10 percent of students nationwide participate in summer school or attend schools with non-traditional calendars, and, research shows that teachers typically spend between 4 to 6 weeks re-teaching material that students have forgotten over the summer. Take into account what your child’s teachers told you during recent parent/ teacher conferences. Is your child on track for academic success? How do you know when it’s time to start seeking extra help for your child’s education?
Hiring Help For a struggling student, hiring a tutor could be the first step in the right direction. Summer tutoring is open to integrating different teaching approaches in line with the lesson plan on the subject area the students are struggling in. All the tutor needs to know is to find out what the struggling 44 | savvy kids april 2012
students need help in, and he or she implements different teaching approaches to accommodate the students accordingly. The advantage of summer tutoring is that students can have the individual time with the tutor to assist them on personal academic weaknesses that the classroom teacher, throughout the school year, could not attend to. Having said that, however, the summer tutoring service is student-based and its challenging goal is to find what works best to teach each struggling student. One student may learn well via hands-on; the other student may learn well by listening. When looking for the right tutor or tutoring service, take your time. Hiring a tutor can be an overwhelming experience, especially if you have never done it before. Ask yourself these questions before you make a final decision: Do they have the ability to “connect” with your child? Does their teaching style match your child’s learning style? Are they patient when your child is truly struggling? Are they reliable and dependable? Do they have positive reviews from other parents and students?
Helping at Home During the summer months, be sure to keep your kids involved in activities where there is an opportunity to learn something new. For instance,
summer camps and activities can offer a new environment for children to grow and learn from their peers, guided workshops, and hands-on activities. (See a listing of local camps and activities starting on page 18.) In addition to community and private day camps, learn to love your local library (and librarian!). Promoting a love of reading is one of the greatest things a parent can do to help ensure academic success for their child. Exploring the library doesn’t cost a dime. Your child can browse hundreds of books with hundreds of topics to spark an appetite for knowledge. Plus, the librarian can suggest grade-level as well as pure recreational books that will keep your kid’s neurons clicking. Most local libraries also offer daily activities for children to participate in. Plan family outings and vacations where the opportunity to experience and learn something new is everywhere. Visit museums, nature centers, zoos, art galleries and more. Give your child the opportunity to ask questions, and answer them. Don’t be afraid to tell your child if you don’t know the answer. Go together to find the answer. By doing this you’re not only helping to educate your child, but also showing that you’re never too old to learn something new. Now is the time to take action for keeping the
brain stimulated, as well as the body moving, over the summer months. Keep it simple, fun and stimulating. Let the kids pick out the books to read and the sites to research on the Internet (only safe sites allowed!). Learning alone and informally or via a structured group for part of the day or part of the summer will help to prevent summer learning loss and help your child stay sharp for school next year.
thousands of students. Huntington’s highly trained tutors have given students the skills, confidence, and motivation needed to get back on the right track. (See ad on page 37) Pleasant Ridge Town Center 11525 Cantrell Rd., Ste 603, Little Rock 501-223-2299
Here are some local learning centers available to help your children succeed in their education:
LearningRx has developed the nation’s most powerful and effective brain training program. Our network of cognitive skills training providers—a team of concerned parents, educators, and business and medical professionals—are devoted to the idea that students simply do not need to be pigeon-holed by labels or held back by learning or reading disabilities. (See ad on page 29) 11825 Hinson Rd., Ste 102, Little Rock 501-223-9500
Gideon Math & Reading Center Gideon Math & Reading Center specializes in working with students who are stuggling academically or those who desire mastery education in math or reading. They also offer ACT PREP and research-based learning programs specially designed for students with learning differences such as ADD/ADHD, Dyslexia, or Autism. (See ad on page 41) I-30 at Reynolds Rd., Bryant 2316 Durwood Rd., Little Rock 501-607-4808
Huntington Learning Center Huntington has built its tutoring methods on scientifically based instructional methods coupled with more than 30 years of experience of tutoring
Bad Report
Sylvan Learning has this to say about dealing with a poor report card: Set expectations. Not every child will earn all A’s, but that doesn’t mean your child should strive for less. Talk with your child before the school year starts and explain that you won’t be upset if he doesn’t bring home all A’s, but that you will be upset if he doesn’t try his hardest and doesn’t ask for help. Communicate with your child. Don’t wait until report cards are issued to talk with your child about school and grades. Talk with her every night and every week about homework. Ask
how she is doing in school and what subjects she finds challenging. Discuss your child’s performance with his teacher and/ or guidance counselor. Your child’s teacher and/or guidance counselor is the best source for information about your child’s scholastic performance. Your child’s teacher can recommend ways to help your child or point out difficulties he is having. His guidance counselor can provide progress reports between reports cards or help set up additional parent-teacher conferences when necessary. Set goals for improvement with your child. If your child is currently a C student, then setting a goal of getting all A’s may not be reasonable. However, creating an improvement goal for each subject will help her work toward an attainable level for each class.
Learning RX
Sylvan Learning There is no one-size-fits-all approach with Sylvan. At Sylvan, your child’s program is custom-tailored to meet his or her academic goals and needs. (See ad on page 46) 11220 N. Rodney Parham Rd., Ste 4, Little Rock 501-791-9200
Establish a study plan with your child. Your child should keep a schedule of all classes, assignments and key dates (e.g., project deadlines, big exams, etc). As part of that schedule, she should include specific time for studying, projects and extracurricular activities. The more comprehensive the schedule, the more efficient your child will be in completing her homework and the better she’ll do in school. Seek outside help. Some children may need additional attention that can’t be provided in school. Speak with your child’s teacher about tutoring or supplemental education providers to help your child work towards better grades in school. Praise your child’s successes. Praise your child for what he is doing well, whether it’s a specific academic subject or an extracurricular activity. If your child is not doing well in English, but loves to read the latest Harry Potter book, show him the connection between the two. april 2012 savvy kids
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Reduce Test Stress! With proven tips, techniques and strategies from Sylvan, your child will be prepared for their test – and know how to take it with confidence. • Sylvan’s proven approach is customized to the skills needed for your child to succeed • Instruction focuses on reading, math, writing and study skills • With Sylvan’s help, your child’s test scores will accurately reflect his effort and knowledge
Sylvan of Little Rock 11220 N. Rodney Parham Rd., Ste 4 501-791-9200
Bring in this ad for $100 off the Sylvan Skills Assessment!
Offer expires June 1, 2012. Valid at Little Rock center only. May not be combined with other offers.
46 | savvy kids april 2012
Where Faith and Learning Grow Pre-school through 8th Grade Before and After Care Academic excellence + Individual achievement + Christ’s love + Camp Falcon Summer Camp (501) 663-5212 June 4-July 27 • 7am-6pm 315 S Hughes St • Little Rock
WHEN CORBIN CAME TO US, HE COULDN’T UNDERSTAND A SIMPLE STORY. NOW, HE READS THEM TO HIS PARENTS. Students join us for all kinds of reasons, whether they need speech, occupational or physical therapy. ACCESS uses innovative, multi-sensory teaching methods. We offer everything from speech and reading to feeding techniques and educational technology. Our services build a foundation for reading skills and future academic success so your child can hit milestones with his peers. 501-217-8600 · ACCESSGROUPINC.ORG · @ACCESSGROUPINC
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Cyber-Bullying: Strategies for Prevention and Damage Control By Lela Davidson
48 | savvy kids april 2012
Bullying is not new, but so-called cyber-bullying is forcing parents to address this age-old problem in a new way. In Bentonville, Arkansas three high school students were arrested in juvenile court early this year on a charge of harassing communications, a Class A misdemeanor. Their crime: publishing vulgar and derogatory rumors via the Twitter account @Burnbook10. Theirs is not an isolated case, and bullying that happens online can be especially vicious. Dawn Spragg, a licensed counselor working with teens and their families sees a lot of teens dealing with online bullying. She believes there are several things that make social media such a potent force for bullies, including the speed information is shared, the scale of communicating with so many people at once, and the ability to share photos and video—that may or may not even be real. Not only have the methods of bullying changed, Spragg says, but also the bullies themselves, and their targets. “No one is safe from this new approach to bullying. Popular or cool kids were not subjected to bullying in the past, but now anyone can pick on anyone from behind a computer screen. You don’t have to have to be able to back it up.” While social media can contribute to bullying, limiting access to electronics is not the answer, says Spragg. “Kids have access to computers and phones 24/7 in other places. If you take it away, they will go somewhere else.” Sharon Cindrich, author of Smart Girls Guide to the Internet and syndicated column, Plugged In Parent, agrees. “Limiting screen time? That’s like asking whether keeping kids from playing on the playground will stop them from being a bully.”
PREVENTION STRATEGIES Know Your Child - Protecting your kids is an inside job. Do whatever it takes to understand your child and the world they live in—whether that means eavesdropping, reading their texts, or lurking on their social media pages. Make it your job to be the first to know if your child is a bully, or a target. Knowing your child deeply will also help you identify when something has changed because there is not really a way to get ahead of the technology.
trail online that law enforcement and public safety officials can track easily. Make sure you keep records and print out any messages for future reference. According to Reed, the trend nationwide is take a more aggressive stance against bullying. “The days of ignoring bullying or down playing it as something that is not that serious or just what everyone (except the bully) must endure are long gone. We more fully understand the destructive nature of bullying now and the long-term damage that results from it.”
Keep Tabs - Adolescence is a difficult time and it’s very easy for middle school and high school age kids to get caught up in bullying without even knowing what they are doing. Cindrich says the best way to prevent kids from becoming bullies is monitoring and guidance—on the playground and off. “It has to start early, with supervision of emails and instant messages and online gaming, and then continue as parents monitor online Internet surfing, check kids’ texts and talk regularly to kids about friends and school.”
Report It - Spragg warns parents against trivializing what people say about their kids. What parents may think is not that big a deal may be devastating to a teen. “It’s important to validate the pain and embarrassment.” New laws and policies support prosecution of bullies, but only when it is reported. Reed agrees. “Bullying thrives on fear and secrecy, so parents should try to help children overcome the fear and bring these acts to everyone’s attention.”
Set the Example - “Parents have to model good neighbor behavior and be aware of the way they talk about friends, relatives, teachers, neighbors, politicians—everyone,” says Cindrich “A parent’s habits and social behavior has a strong impact on their child’s social learning, especially in the tween and teen years.”
Get Help - Spragg encourages counseling to help teens deal with the pain of being bullied and validate their feelings. “Being able to talk to someone about what happened to them or what is being said about them.” Spragg also suggests mediation with the bully. “If this is done well it can move victims to a place of healing.”
DAMAGE CONTROL STRATEGIES Keep Records - Cindrich says bullies often leave a
Lela Davidson is a freelance writer and the author of Blacklisted from the PTA, a collection of irreverent essays about motherhood and the modern family.
According to Brad Reed, Director of student services for Bentonville school district, where the girls were arrested for harassing other students, virtual bullying is more destructive because of the immense damage it does to a person’s self- concept, ego, and self- worth. “Today, cyberbullying can be broadcast not just down the hall but across an entire school, community, and even around the world in just seconds. What used to be an isolated act of humiliation, now intensifies that humiliation exponentially. Cyber bullying goes far beyond the physical damage of the past, it destroys the heart and mind of the victim, sometimes in ways that are irrevocable.” While social media may be driving up the number of bullying acts Reed says the response to those acts is far more aggressive than in the past. “There is far more accountability than ever before, so that is a positive looking to the future.” april 2012 savvy kids
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Easter Eggcitement! By Belinda J. Mooney The holiday of Easter is probably only second to Christmas in anticipation and popularity. Brightly colored eggs and the changing of the season to warmer days invite celebration. Coloring Easter eggs is a craft that all the family can participate in and enjoy.
dry before you place in the dye. After you have your eggs the color you want, remove them from the dye and let them dry overnight. When the eggs are dry carefully clean off the crayon wax or rubber cement and the pattern is now white.
The Origins of the Colored Easter Egg In pre-Christian cultures the egg was symbolic of the universe and the annual rebirth of the earth from the barren part of the year into the fruitful seasons. With the advent of Christianity the egg become symbolic of man’s rebirth when the Christians likened the egg to the rebirth of Christ.
Marbled Eggs Another great technique is to marble the coloring. To accomplish marbleing you dye the eggs in a traditional manner. When you remove the eggs from the dye immediately pat the egg dry with a papertowel creating a marbleing effect in the color of the eggs. You could also try rubberband eggs, before you dye your egg, wrap rubber bands around the egg to create patterns, dye your eggs and then dry it and remove the bands and you have white lines where the bands covered the egg. You can leave the egg patterned like this or dye it again and have two colored eggs.
The coloring of eggs comes to us from ancient times. Colored Easter eggs were common in medieval times and well documented in historical records. A famous example of an Easter egg are Faberge eggs, as the first Faberge was commissioned by the Czar Alexander of Russia as an Easter gift for his wife. The coloring of eggs is a timeless tradition for our families to continue. Batik Eggs One fun way to color your Easter eggs is to make Batik eggs. To do this you will need white crayons or rubber cement in addition to your eggs dyes. This technique will work with hardboiled or blown (punctured and contents blown out) eggs. Use the rubber cement or crayons to color patterns on the egg and then place the eggs in the dyes. If using rubber cement, let it 50 | savvy kids april 2012
Your Easter eggs are only limited by your imagination. So gather some supplies and your children and start an egg dyeing tradition. Easter eggs can be fun for the whole family.
Easter 2012
Don’t miss out on all the Easter fun! Below is a list of Easter events being held across central Arkansas. Through April 7: Come see the Easter Bunny at Park Plaza Mall! Visits with the bunny are free, and photo packages start at just $21. Hours are 10 a.m. – 9 p.m., Monday – Saturday; 12 p.m. – 6 p.m., Sunday. Through April 7: Come see the Easter Bunny at McCain Mall! It’s free to see the bunny, and photo packages vary. The bunny will be available until 8 p.m. Monday – Saturday, and 12:30 – 6 p.m. on Sunday. More information is available on the McCain Mall’s Facebook page by going to March 31: The Clinton Presidential Center presents its Seventh Annual Easter Family Festival and Arkansas’ Largest “Green” Egg Hunt! On Saturday, March 31, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., bring your whole family to Clinton Presidential Park at 1200 Presidential Avenue for free games, activities, and prizes! All eggs are made of 100% renewable content! For more information please visit or call (501) 374-4242. This is a FREE activity! In case of rain, the festival will move to Sunday, April 1 from 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. March 31: The Jacksonville Parks & Rec Department is hosting an Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, March 31 for children up to age 10. Walkers-age 3 will be held at 10:15 a.m. on field 2 of Excel Park, located at 1500 Ray Road in Jacksonville. Ages 4-5 will be hunting at 10:45 on field 2; Ages 6-7 will hunt at 10:30 a.m. on field 3; and Ages 8-10 will hunt at 11 a.m. on field 3. There will be a special appearance by the Easter Bunny and all activities are FREE! In case of rain, activities will move to the Jacksonville Community Center and begin at 10 a.m. Call 982-0818 for more information. March 31: Easter Extravaganza at the Amy Sanders Library begins at 10 a.m. and runs until 12 p.m. There will be Easter egg hunts and activities for kids of all ages! Call 835-7756 or visit to find out more! Sanders Library is located at 31 Shelby Road in Sherwood. April 1: Caring Bunny, a special Easter Bunny visit for children with Special Needs, will be at McCain Mall from 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. for uninterrupted photo sessions. Photo packages vary in price, but it’s absolutely free to visit with the bunny! Call 758-6340 or visit for more information. April 7: Eggstravaganza at First Assembly NLR – Free Easter fun for the whole family! There will be ongoing egg hunts for children 11 and under, games, prizes, rides, free photos with the Easter Bunny and more! Little ones will have their own egg hunts and special activities. The fun begins at 11 a.m. and ends at 2 p.m. The church is located at 4501 Burrow Drive, North Little Rock. Call 758-8553 or visit for more information. April 7: Burns Park is having its annual Easter Egg Hunt at Pavilion #10 in Burns Park. The Hunt begins at 9:30 a.m. and will end at 11:30 a.m., for children ages 1-9. There is also a separate hunt for special needs children. There will be games, activities, prize drawings, and photos with the Easter Bunny. For more information, please call 753-7307. April 7: Join the Easter Bunny for a full breakfast at the Little Rock Zoo! Guests will receive a photo with the Easter Bunny, meet some new animal friends, decorate an Easter cookie, make an egg basket and even pick out a surprise! Advanced reservations are required, so call now! Member tickets are $9.95 for children and $14.95 for adults; all non-members are $18.95. Call 661-7218 or visit www.littlerockzoo. com for more information. April 7: Trinity United Methodist Church hosts Peter Rabbit’s Midtown Community Eggstraordinary Easter Egg Hunt and Party from 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Trinity UMC is located at 1101 North Mississippi, in Little Rock. You can find out more about this egg hunt by calling 666-2813 or visiting April 8: Sherwood Forest is having its Easter Egg Hunt beginning at 2 p.m., featuring over 8,000 eggs. Children up to age 12 are welcome, and there will be prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place, as well as a grand prize! The Easter Bunny will be on hand for photos. Sherwood Forest is located at 1111 West Maryland Avenue in Sherwood. Call 835-8909 for more information.
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Fancy Nancy: Every Day is Earth Day by Jane O’Connor
Recommended by the William F. Laman Public Library Fancy Nancy is back and learning about being green. Nancy learns is school that “every day can be Earth Day” and she takes this lesson home to share. Her rhyming rules for going green encourages her family but Nancy takes things a little too far and some mishaps occur. Mom loses all her work on the computer when Nancy turns it off to save electricity! This early reader story brings a fresh look at eco friendliness by including using your common sense and balancing your green movements. The illustrations are lively and vibrant, just what we’ve come to expect from Fancy Nancy.
The Amazing Adventures of Eco Boy $1.99 Description: The Amazing Adventures of Eco Boy is a story of a boy who becomes a green superhero. Saddened by the rubbish all around him, Eco Boy transforms his town to save his beloved planet earth. The message of the book is to spread awareness about living a greener life amongst our children through teaching them how to reduce the amount of disposable items and how to make choices when purchasing. The book emphasizes the importance of the three Rs: Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling. The App offers a “Read” option and a “Listen” mode that was narrated by Lilian Charlton with the aim of enhancing the book’s experience.
ASK THE D CTOR Q. My 11-year-old daughter has been very moody lately. I’ve tried to chalk it up to middle school woes and becoming a teenager--it’s just part of growing up, right? A few days ago, I was telling my friend about how moody my daughter has been lately and she suggested my daughter might be about to start her period. Is she too young for that? I’m afraid if she has started her period, or has questions about it, that she might be too embarrassed to talk to me about it. I wasn’t prepared to have this talk with her yet. How should I approach this sensitive subject with my daughter? --Robyn W., Cabot
I think your concerns are similar to every other mother of a pre-teen or teenager. This is a very awkward age for most 11 year olds as they are neither children nor adults. It can be a really confusing time for them. This is a sensitive age for a young girl as she is undergoing turmoil in her life with regards to bridging the gap between childhood to adulthood, and this is the time when a lot 52 | savvy kids april 2012
Dr. Sowmya N. Patil is the Assistant Professorof General Pediatrics at Arkansas Children’s Hospital and UAMS. She specializesin General Pediatric Problems. If you have a question you would like to see answered in Savvy Kids, e-mail it to
of hormonal changes are taking place in her body which definitely affects her mood. It is a good idea to take her to your PCP and have them give her the “Teen Talk” as I call it. This is also a very important time for you to develop a good relationship with your daughter, and become her “new best friend,” while retaining your status as “Mother.” You must definitely introduce her to the concept of periods as it is better that she knows about it from you rather than get misinformation from her friends. It is recommended that she knows about her period before she has one. Some young girls are really scared when a period comes unknowingly. Your doctor can help you with explaining what happens if you are not comfortable. –Dr. Patil
My daughter started her period when she was 12, and she’s 14 now. My sister told me I should have started taking her for regular check-ups at the gynecologist back when she was 12, but I’ve always thought you were
supposed to start going to the gynecologist when you become sexually active. Which is it? --Monica R., Little Rock
The American College of Gynecology states that every girl between the ages of 13-15 years of age should establish a gynecologist relationship and have their first visit. The first visit is mainly for education regarding the menstrual cycles and any problems associated with it, sex education, contraception, etc. Your daughter may not have a complete gynecological exam on the first visit. It is advised to get the first Pap smear done at 21 years or 3 years after sexual activity begins, whichever comes first. –Dr. Patil The Savvy Kids ‘Ask the Doctor’ feature is for information purposes only and any advice given should not be taken as a diagnosis. If you have a medical concern regarding your child, contact your pediatrician or family physician.
The Mighty Pen CALS Teen Writing Workshops help budding writers work on their craft. By Erica Sweeney
Photos by Jay White
To complement this year’s all-ages summer reading club theme of Own the Night, Level 4 will hold fantasywriting workshops. A werewolf and vampire fan-fiction writing workshop, called Claw and Fang Fanfic, will be on June 12. And, July brings horror and ghost story writing workshops, with Scary Saturday, a roundrobin ghost story writing workshop, on the 14th, and Egyptian Epitaphs, including a lesson in hieroglyphics, and Tombstone Tales, which combines writing epitaphs and horror stories, on the 19th. The CALS Teen Writing Workshops provide instruction in all genres of writing including poetry, manga, fantasy and even anime.
The Central Arkansas Library System’s writing workshops let teens delve deeply into their imaginations and emotions, and even explore the fantastical world of vampires and werewolves. The workshops offered by the Main Library’s recently opened Level 4 Teen Center help budding writers “hone their skills and work on their craft,” says Jonathan Nichols, CALS Teen Programmer. Workshops provide an outlet for teens to express themselves in different genres of writing, including poetry, manga (Japanese-style comic books) and fantasy, and acquaint them with all the library’s offerings, Nichols says. A Youth Advisory Committee, comprised of all teens, chooses all programming for Level 4. “We want teens to express themselves in a free way,” he says. “It’s a base for creativity. Many teens think the
library is an imposing monolith of knowledge. But we want to show them that it’s not, and we are here to help them and it’s fun. Hopefully, it will encourage them to be readers and learners for life.” Nichols says the Level 4 poetry workshops are popular, averaging about 10-15 attendees, because of the enthusiastic teens who regularly attend, and their parents. On April 7, CALS will hold a Teen Poetry Slam featuring poets who have attended workshops. The winner will represent the library at the Arkansas Literary Festival’s Teen Poetry Competition on April 14. “I’m big on fostering creativity,” Nichols says, adding that Level 4 provides a “platform” for teens to show off their artwork, whether it’s writing or visual arts. The Afternoon Anime workshops, offered on Mondays in May, combine art forms: teens design and draw their own anime and write manga.
t s e y v v sa e h t f o t r be a pa family
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Nichols says a variety of methods are used in the workshops to boost creativity and give teens plenty of writing practice. Writing examples or suggested themes help teens get started; and, games and icebreakers generate ideas and make learning fun. And, Level 4 staff, largely made up of English majors, is always available to help with grammar, he says. The writing workshops show teens “another facet of the library and that we’re more than just books,” Nichols says. Teens may use the library’s laptops to write during workshops or may write the old pen-andpaper way, he says. “We’re moving more and more toward technology, which is good,” he says. “But we need to slow down a bit. Writing gives you the time to take a break and get lost in your imagination.” All CALS Level 4 writing workshops are free to ages 13-19 and preregistration is not necessary. For more details about these programs and others, visit
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Call 375-2985 for more information or email april 2012 savvy kids
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BEEF O BRADY’S 4 p.m.-close. • Maumelle:115 Audubon Dr., 803-3500
JJ’s Grill Free kid’s meal with the purchase of adult meal for kids 12 and under (all day). Conway: 1010 Main Street
LONESTAR STEAKHOUSE 4 p.m.-close. • Little Rock:10901 Rodney Parham, 227-8898
CICI’S PIZZA Ages 3 and under eat free at buffet. • Conway: 1250 Old Morrilton Hwy, 764-0600 • Hot Springs: 3321 Central Avenue, 321-2400 • Jacksonville: 120 John Harden Dr, Jacksonville, 241-2224 • North Little Rock: 2815 Lakewood Village Dr, 753-1182
PIZZA HUT 5-8 p.m.. Dine in only. • Little Rock: 11410 W. Markham St., 228-7000
March 10: The Hope Ball is an annual gala event hosted by DENNY’S RESTAURANT the 20th Century Club to raise funding for the continued 4-7 p.m. Ages 10 and under. operation of the 20th Century Club’s Lodge. The 2012 • Little Rock: 4300 S University, 562-5651 Ball, themed “Garden of Hope”, will be held in the Statehouse Convention Center, Wally Allen Ballroom. The GOLDEN CORRAL elegant evening will include both live and silent auctions, Ages 3 and under eat free at buffet. Discounted prices a delicious seated dinner, cocktails, and dancing until for kids onFor Tuesday. midnight. more information call 501-907-1760 or visit • North Little Rock: 5001 Warden Road, 771-4605 LARRY’S PIZZA Ages 4 and under. • Bryant: 4500 Hwy. 5 North, 847-5003 • Conway: 1068 Markham, 329-3131 • Little Rock: 12th & Center St., 372-6004; 12911 Cantrell Rd., 224-8804 San Francisco Bread Co. One FREE Kid’s Meal with the purchase of Adult Meal, after 5 p.m. • Hot Springs: 261 Cornerstone Blvd., 525-7322 ZAXBY’S 5 p.m.-close, dine-in only. • Jacksonville: 209 Marshall Rd., 241-0546 • Maumelle: 104 Carnahan Dr., 851-9777 • Sherwood: 208 Brookswood Rd., 833-9777
CHICK-FIL-A First and third Monday of each month. • North Little Rock: 3929 McCain Blvd, 945-1818 SHORTY SMALL’S Up to two kids meals free per paying adult. • Conway: 1475 Hogan Ln, 764-0604 • Little Rock: 1110 N. Rodney Parham, 224-3344 • North Little Rock: 4317 Warden Rd, 753-8111 TA MOLLY’S 5-9 p.m. • Bryant: 206 W. Commerce St., 653-2600
Arkansas Burger Company One free kid’s meal per adult meal. Dine-in only, 5:30-9 p.m. • Little Rock: 7410 Cantrell Road, 663-0600 54 | savvy kids april 2012
Below is a listing of locations and days in which kids, 12 and under, can eat free with a paid adult (unless otherwise noted).
DENNY’S RESTAURANT 4-7 p.m. Ages 10 and under. • Little Rock: 310 S. Shackleford Rd., 224-8264 JIM’S Razorback Pizza Kids 12 and under receive a FREE six inch pizza with the purchase of an adult entree (Dine-in only). • Little Rock: 16101 Cantrell Rd. • Maumelle: 20608 Hwy 365 North • Hot Springs: 4330 Central Ave. Stromboli’s One FREE Kid’s Meal (12 or under) per adult meal purchased at regular price. Kids may choose from the Kid’s Menu or Pizza By-the-Slice with up to two toppings. Dine-in only. Cannot be combined with any other offer. • Conway: 605 Salem Rd., 327-3700 THE VILLA ITALIAN RESTAURANT • Little Rock: 1211 West Markham, 219-2244 TROPICAL SMOOTHIE CAFE Kids 12 years of age or younger eat free with purchase of a Paradise Combo (dine-in only). • Conway: 705 Club Lane, 764-4800 and 790 Elsinger Blvd, 764-1500 • Jacksonville: 140 John Harden Dr, 241-2233 • Little Rock: 11900 Kanis Rd., 221-6773; 12911 Cantrell Rd., 224-1113 • North Little Rock: 12007 Maumelle Blvd, 851-9555
FAMOUS DAVE’S 4 p.m.-close. • Little Rock: 225 North Shackleford Road, 221-3283 FIREHOUSE SUBS • Bryant: 3108 Horizon St., 653-3700 • Little Rock: 12312 Chenal Pkwy., 228-5553; 10300 Rodney Parham, 225-2001 • Maumelle: 11617 Maumelle Blvd., 753-9898 • North Little Rock: 2811 Lakewood Village Dr., 812-5002 LARRY’S PIZZA 4-8 p.m. With purchase of one adult meal, up to two kids get a small one topping pizza, drink, and $1 in tokens. • Cabot: 2798 South Second Street, 843-7992
JIM’S Razorback Pizza Kids 12 and under receive a FREE six inch pizza with the purchase of an adult entree (Dine-in only). • Little Rock: 16101 Cantrell Rd. • Maumelle: 20608 Hwy 365 North • Hot Springs: 4330 Central Ave. Western Sizzlin Up to 2 children eat Free with the purchase of an adult meal. • Benton: 1916 Congo Rd., 778-9656
CAPTAIN D’s • Benton: 1419 Military Rd, 778-7909 • Hot Springs: 1906 Central St., 321-4288 • Jacksonville: 1109 West Main St., 982-3330 • Little Rock: 6301 Colonel Glen Rd., 568-6244 • North Little Rock: 5320 JFK Blvd., 758-5144 Mexico Chiquito One FREE kid's meal per adult entree for kids 12 and under (Dine-in only). • Conway: 1135 Skyline Dr., 205-1985 • Jacksonville: 1524 W. Main St., 982-0533 • Little Rock: 13924 Cantrell, 217-0700; 102 S. Rodney Parham, 224-8600; 4511 Camp Robinson, 771-1604; 11406 W. Markham, 217-0647 MOE’S SOUTHWEST GRILL 4 p.m.-close. One free kids meal with paid adult meal. • Bryant: 7409 Alcoa Rd., 778-3111 • Conway: 625 Salem Rd., 336-6500 • Little Rock: 12312 Chenal Pkwy., 223-3378 • North Little Rock: 4834 North Hills Blvd., 812-5577
BOSTON’S GOURMET PIZZA RESTAURANT • Little Rock: 3201 Bankhead Dr., 235-2000 LUBY’S CAFETERIA • Little Rock: 12501 West Markham, 219-1567
BOSTON’S GOURMET PIZZA RESTAURANT • Little Rock: 3201 Bankhead Dr., 235-2000 DENNY’S RESTAURANT 4-7 p.m. Ages 10 and under. • Little Rock: 310 S. Shackleford Rd., 224-8264 CORKY’S Kid's meals 1/2 off. 4 p.m.-close. • Little Rock: 12005 Westhaven Dr., 954-7427
If you would like to add your Kids Eat Free information to this list, contact us at 501-375-2985.
kids eat free! Thursdays
At Dine-In Locations
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Strawberry Smoothie By Emily Griffin
2 cheese dip $
Spring is in the air! Farmer’s Markets are opening across the state and this month, we wanted to get a recipe kids are sure to love: strawberry smoothies! Be sure to pick up some Arkansas grown strawberries at your local Farmer’s Market and whip up this tasty treat!
Ingredients: 8-10 strawberries, washed and cut 1/2 cup milk 1/2 cup yogurt, any flavor 3 tablespoons sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla extract ½ cup ice
Directions: In a blender combine strawberries, milk, yogurt, sugar and vanilla. Toss in the ice and blend until smooth and creamy. Pour into glasses and serve.
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april 2012 savvy kids
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APRIL ODYSSEY’S SHIPWRECK! PIRATES & TREASURES April 1 thru 30: Mid-America Science Museum is proud to host this exciting special exhibition in the spring & summer of 2012. This exhibit encompasses 8,000 sq. ft. and features more than 500 authentic artifacts recovered by Odyssey from various shipwrecks in the Atlantic Ocean, the English Channel & Mediterranean Sea. It takes visitors through the thrilling quest to discover the ocean’s greatest shipwreck stories & treasures. It fuses history, science & technology into an exciting educational experience through the use of interactive elements & real life treasure displays from some of the most extraordinary shipwrecks in the world! A fascinating behind-the-scenes look at the research & technology used to be involved in hands-on activities relating to shipwreck exploration. With the opportunity to participate in the pioneering exploration of shipwrecks, while learning about the cutting-edge technology, archaeology & fascinating stories of ships lost at sea over the centuries. To come on board with the Odyssey crew & explore the exciting world of deep-ocean exploration, science, technology & history as your journey through thousands of years of maritime travel. For more information and hours of operation call 501-767-3461 or visit www. THE FASHION EVENT April 5: The Easter Seals Fashion Event will be at the Chenal Country Club. Local professional models as well as Easter Seals children and adults will be showcasing Spring fashion from local boutiques. Tickets are $50 and available by calling 501227-3700. OPEN YOUR EARS AND MINDS TO MUSIC! April 6-7: Saline County Arts is excited about SALINE JAMS, a Master Fiddler Series Workshop & Concert Event that's coming to the Benton/Bryant area! On April 6, enjoy an acoustic concert at Royal Theatre in Downtown Benton featuring national champion musicians Junior Marriott and Jonathan Trawick (if it's music, they know it... country, bluegrass, swing, new grass and more!). Tickets 56 | savvy kids april 2012
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are $8 general admission/$5 students & seniors. On April 7, participate in a workshop event and private lessons at Saline County Arts Project. For more information, call 501-773-9723 or visit EGGSTRAVAGANZA AT FIRST NLR April 7: First Assembly of NLR will have ongoing egg hunts for kids 11 and under, games, rides, FREE photos with the Easter Bunny, plus special egg hunts and activities for little kids. Event time: 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. For more information call 501758-8553 or visit
“KING OF THE ICE CREAM MOUNTAIN” April 10: “King of the Ice Cream Mountain” is a play performed by UCA. In place of storytime children and their families are invited to see the UCA theatre performance of “King of the Ice Cream Mountain” in the Auditorium. Event time: 9:30 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. at William F. Laman Public Library (2801 Orange St., NLR). For more information call 501-758-1720 or visit BIG TOP FAMLY NIGHT April 10: Games will include: pin the nose on the clown, walking the tightrope, and more! Circus-themed stories, games and fun for the whole family. Event time: 6:45 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. at William F. Laman Public Library (2801 Orange St., NLR). For more information call 501-758-1720 or visit RAGIN’ CAJUN BASH April 12: Come experience the tastes of Louisiana at Ragin’ Cajun, located at the River Market Pavilions in downtown Little Rock from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Festivities include an all you can eat crawfish boil with all the Cajun trimmings, delicious drinks, an auction and great live music. Tickets are $30 in advance and $40 at the door. VIP tables seating 10 guests can be purchased for $650 and include a server for the entire evening. Don’t miss out on an evening filled with great food, music and friends, all for a good cause! For more information visit
JUMBO GUMBO COOK OFF April 13: The Allen School has enabled children with developmental disabilities to achieve their dreams, through treatment, nurturing, and education. In addition to fostering the aspirations of the kids in their care, the parents and the community as whole find fulfillment in countless ways from the services provided in this unique environment. Event place: River Market Pavilions. Event time: 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Admission: $15 in advance and $20 at the door. For more information visit www. PULASKI COUNTY CASA PEDAL CAR RACES April 14: This year’s 7th Annual CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) Cup Pedal Car Races will take place at the River Market Pavilions. Come join in on the fun to benefit a good cause! There will be games, music, and more. Event time: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. For more information call 501340-6946 or 501-340-6741 or visit WALK MS LITTLE ROCK April 14: With a goal to raise $85,000 for research and programs. Walk MS Little Rock will start at the River Market/Riverfest Amphitheatre. All participants will enjoy familyfriendly fun for people of all ages, as well as FREE food and beverages! Sonny Victory will also be joining us at the walk as our guest emcee! There is no cost to register, and online registration is currently open. Day-of-event registration begins at 10 a.m., followed by an 11 a.m. start time. There is no registration fee and no minimum pledge commitment; however, the average walker raises $100 to support research initiatives, programs and services of the National MS Society Arkansas. Individuals interested in joining or creating a team can sign up online with co-workers, friends, family or neighbors. For more information contact Lindsay Wiley at 501-6638104. 12TH ANNUAL CAR & TRUCK SHOW April 14: Goodsell Truck Accessories
is having its’ 12th Annual Car & Truck Show. All makes and models welcome. Entry fee is a donation to the Boys & Girls Club. Show starts at 9 a.m. There will be parking spaces for cars for sale and spaces for swap meet. Free dash plaques to first 100 entries. Awards to be presented: Sponsor’s Choice, Mayor’s Choice, Longest Distance Ladies’ Choice, Participants’ Choice, Participants’ Choice Car, Participants’ Choice Truck, and Participants’ Choice Tractor. For more information call Goodsell Truck Accessories at 501-982-2245. RHEA LANA’S IN HOT SPRINGS April 18 thru 21: Come shop for all your children’s needs in one spot. You’ll find clothing, toys, baby equipment, nursery furniture, maternity, and more. Sell your children’s items as a consignor and earn 70-80%. Volunteer and shop before the public to get the best deals first. Join our mailing list at www.rhealana. com. We’ve been clothing and connecting with families since 1997! This event will take place at the Garland County Fairgrounds. We have more than doubled our square footage this Spring! For more information call 501-499-0009 or via e-mail DUCK DUCK GOOSE CONSIGNMENT SALE April 19-21: Moms who shop Duck Duck Goose can find name brand, quality children's clothing such as Gymboree, Polo, Hilfiger, Gap, Limited Too, Children's Place, Baby LuLu, American Eagle, Old Navy, and more. The event will take place at the Conway Expo Center from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday Night's Half Price Sale will be April 20 from 6-8 p.m. and Saturday's Half Price Sale will be April 21 from 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Text DDGCWY to 90210 for a FREE ADMISSION PASS to the half-price sale! For more information visit GLOBAL YOUTH SERVICE DAY April 20: Global Youth Service Day (GYSD) is an annual campaign that celebrates and mobilizes millions of children and youth who improve their communities each day through service and servicelearning. Established in 1988, GYSD is the largest service event in the world and the only day of service
April 28: Join March for Babies and run to celebrate a baby in your life. Support the March of Dimes mission to give every baby a healthy start. Race fee is $20 by April 27 or $25 on race day. Registration for the run begins at 6 a.m. at William J. Clinton Presidential Center, followed by the race at 7:30 a.m. and an awards ceremony at 9 a.m. Walk registration will begin at 8 a.m., followed by the walk start at 9:30 a.m. and an after party at 10 a.m. There will be attractions for the whole family! For more information contact Natalie Hedrick at 501-663-3100 or visit
dedicated to children and youth. GYSD is celebrated each year in more than 100 countries and is a product of Youth Service America. The Clinton Center will celebrate GYSD by hosting a Service Learning Conference for area high school students in partnership with City Year Little Rock/North Little Rock and the Clinton Foundation. Central Arkansas high school students will attend the conference comprised of four service learning workshops focusing on living healthier lives, energy efficiency and the environment, international service, and the power to national service. The event will take place in the Great Hall at the Clinton Presidential Center from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. To sign up for GYSD, contact City Year Little Rock/North Little Rock by calling 501-707-1400. GREAT CLOTH DIAPER CHANGE April 21: Natural Bambino will be host to the Little Rock site of an international cloth diaper changing even, the day before Earth Day and during International Cloth Diaper Awareness Week. In its second year with over 208 sites in 11 countries, The Great Cloth Diaper Change event will attempt to break last year’s Guinness World Record of 5,026 cloth diapers changed simultaneously. “Each year billions of disposable diapers enter landfills where it takes hundreds of years for them to decompose, if ever,” says Heather McNamara, Executive Director of the Real Diaper Associa-
tion. The event will take place at 11a.m. at the Heifer International grounds, as part of the annual Earth Day Festival. In addition to the Great Cloth Diaper Change world-recording setting activity, there will also be a diaper swap, silent auction to benefit the Real Diaper Association, and many family activities, as well as the Earth Day Festival activities. For more information or to participate in The Great Cloth Diaper Change, please contact 501-676-1208 or visit www. GreatClothDiaperChange. PICNIC AND KITES April 21: Come play with kites, bubbles, and other wind related activities at the Amy Sanders Library. Patrons are welcome to being a picnic basket of their favorite snacks. Event time: 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. For more information call 501-835-7756. TRAIL WORK DAY April 21: Celebrate Earth Day by giving back to Mother Nature for all she does for you. Place your mark at Pinnacle Mountain State Park by helping to beautify your favorite central Arkansas green space. Meeting place: Visitor Center. Meeting time: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Contact the volunteer coordinator at the park for more information at 501-868-5806. SAFETY EXPO April 21: Lake Catherine State Park has teamed up with local sponsors and representations in both Hot
Springs and Garland Counties, featuring 20 booths, free lunch, and live safety/rescue scenarios on the banks of Lake Catherine. Families can expect a host of giveaways and information provided in a relaxing setting. Each exhibit will feature representatives to answer questions and provide entertaining site stops all over the campground. Bring your family out for learning and fun! Event time: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. For more information call 501-844-4176. “THIS IS YOUR BRAIN ON MUSIC” April 24: The Argenta Branch Library welcomes the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra Rockefeller Quartet. How does music make you feel? See and draw colors and shapes, feel how music can change your heartbeat, and interpret the music through motions. This interactive demo is FREE and will be located at the First Presbyterian Church (201 West 4th St., NLR, AR). Event time: 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. For more information call 501-687-1061. 10TH ANNUAL STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL April 28: This event will take place at the Veterans Park Community Center in Cabot. Junior Auxiliary of Cabot will be hosting this event. All proceeds fund projects for Cabot children. Carnival Rides begin Thursday, April 26th. Saturday events consist of the following: Beauty Pageant, Vendor Booths, Live Entertainment, Special Performances, Family Activities & Games, Carnival Rides, Kids’ Corner – Bounce House, Petting Zoo and More! For more
information visit BREAKFAST WITH THE GORILLAS April 28: Join the Little Rock Zoo for a delicious breakfast buffet in Café Africa and a unique keeper chat during out breakfast with animals series. The Zoo highlights several animals during our breakfast series and provides guests with a special up-close-and-personal look at some of our most interesting creatures! Maximum capacity is 40 guests per breakfast, unless noted. Seating is very limited and prior reservations are a must! Breakfast with Animals starts at 8 a.m. sharp! Please be on time. Admission: Member Adult $16.95, Member Child $12.95, NonMember Adult $16.95, and NonMember Child $16.95. Reservation require a Visa, Master Card, or Discover Card. Changes or cancellations are accepted through the Friday before the event by 2 p.m. For more information or to make reservations, contact 501-661-7218. 1-UP CINEMA April 28: Dead Poet’s Society rated (PG). Come watch this all inspiring movie on Level 4 at the Laman Library starting at 2 p.m. English professor John Keating inspires his students to a love of poetry and to seize the day. For more information call 501-918-3057. “WHEN IRIS EYES ARE SMILING” April 28: Central Arkansas Iris Society is having their 47th Annual Iris Show. Come view the beautiful flowers at the Grace Lutheran Church Family Life Center. Admission is FREE. Rain or shine the show will go on. Event time: 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. For more information visit www. or you can contact them via e-mail
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Going Bananas for Nutrition Fun Run
Photos by jay white
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The Arkansas Dietetic Association sponsored the Going Bananas for Nutrition Fun Run, encouraging children to get up and moving! After the run, there were inflatables to play on, food, health screenings, and “Pool Boy” from Alice 107.7 was there dressed as a banana, running with the kids! It was a great day to get out and run for a cause! Donations of gently used sporting equipment were accepted for children in need. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
Pool Boy from Alice 107.7FM Nycki Dortch Hadley Rusing Hudson & Lawson Taylor Presley & Payton Tolliver Eryn Branscum Tanner Finch Brooke Finch & Meredith Finkbeiner Natalya Fedotova Reece & Will Rushing Elliott Ross Samuel Atwood Rebecca Thomas
Recycle. Educate. Donate. Photos by Jay White
The Promenade at Chenal hosted an event in March to introduce the new residential recycling program, and invited families to come out and have a blast! Kids were delighted to meet the Cycler Robot, who taught them all about the importance of recycling household goods. There were games, giveaways, and fun for the whole family! Donations were accepted for the Goodwill store, to “recycle” clothing that has been outgrown. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Tesia Bush Matilda Louving Zoe Rykowski Subriya & Savitha Sithartha Sebastian Rykowski Anne Marie & Alexis Coy Bryce & Braeden Itckowitz Savitha Sithartha Lucas Boneti Kaylee Claunts & Tesia Bush
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Kamree DuSharm turns Three!
Photos by patrick jones
Kamree DuSharm celebrated her 3rd birthday with a princess extravaganza at First Assembly North Little Rock. Guests dressed in their very best royal clothing, complete with crowns for the boys and tiaras for the ladies. Awards were even given out for best dressed princesses and princes! Kamree’s cake, which featured Disney Princesses, was baked by Kristie DuSharm.
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Abby Tolliver Kate Saunders Mekhi Smith Kamree DuSharm Lexi DuSharm Reif DuSharm Lainey Wilson Luke Weaver Will Saunders Laila Winslow Cake by Kristie DuSharm Cooper WIlson Hope Weaver
Hope Ball Photos by patrick jones
The 2012 Hope Ball was held by the 20th Century Club of Little Rock in the Wally Allen Ball Room at the Statehouse Convention Center. This annual event raises funds for the 20th Century Club, which provides families of patients undergoing treatment for cancer with a place to stay, meals, & a community of support. The Hope Ball showcases the high-school junior girls who participate in the Angels of Hope program, which promotes an attitude of “Service Above Self.” These girls were honored for their service and volunteer work. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Ryann Mitchell & Jeani Clogston Paige Braune Gracie Erwin & Alexis Flaherty Page Whisnant Haven Crabtree & Chandler Watkins 6. Lindsey Hastings 7. Peyton Watts, Peyton McEwen, & Corinne deOrbegozo 8. Mollie Kate Maginn 9. Victoria Gean 10. Laura Price 60 | savvy kids APRIL 2012
Creating Excellence... in Pre -K education!
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Search: apricotgirlsboutique april 2012 savvy kids
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Skylar Stone turns six! Photos by patrick jones
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Skylar Stone recently celebrated her 6th birthday with a sweet Candy Land inspired party at Park View Baptist Church in North Little Rock. Skylar and her guests enjoyed board games, including a giant Candy Land DVD game displayed on a projector screen, treats made by Skylar’s mom, and a gorgeous Candy Land cake baked by Andrea Tucker. The kids got to make candy necklaces to take home and enjoyed a chocolate fountain, as well.
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Anna Battenfield Ellie Mayberry Selah Battenfield Madison Levingston Kylie Robinson Hannah Leslie Skylar Stone Lochlan Ford Emily Ivy Courtney Mayberry Abby Robinson Katie Mayberry
Neveah Johnson turns seven! Photos by patrick jones
Neveah Johnson celebrated her 7th birthday during a Spa Party at Apricot Girls Party Boutique in Sherwood. Neveah and her friends enjoyed manicures, pedicures, facials, face painting, and even had a runway show to strut their fancy stuff! Guests were treated to princess themed cupcakes from Sam’s Club Bakery in North Little Rock. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Neveah Johnson McKenna Johnson Madison Tucker Amanda Jett Zariah Bones Looking great! Olivia Waddell Ronya Blueford Jasmine Grant
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62 | savvy kids APRIL 2012
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april 2012 savvy kids
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Olivia Davidson turns three!
Photos by Kirby Tidwell
Olivia Davidson recently celebrated her 3rd birthday with a lavish Hello Kitty party at Skateworld in Little Rock. Olivia and her guests skated, danced, and enjoyed a Hello Kitty cake baked by Donna Jacks. Hello Kitty herself even made an appearance, courtesy of Jack and Jill Celebrations. 7
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Olivia Davidson with Hello Kitty Kyersean Farmer & Zhamir Ward Isreal & Olivia Davidson Braxton Moore Register & Nevaeh Fountain Olvia and Hello Kitty Anthony Brown Antwon Vernon Paris Smith
Emaelee Alverson turns four! Photos by patrick jones
Emaelee Claire Alverson celebrated her 4th birthday with a party at the North Little Rock Athletic Club. She and her guests climbed and played in the "Kid;s Galaxy" an indoor jungle gym and enjoyed the party room. Emaelee’s Little Mermaid cake was baked by Kroger. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Emaelee Alverson Addyson Kennedy Lindsay Alverson Cake by Kroger Aubrey Michaels Aulbree West 6
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64 | savvy kids APRIL 2012
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Saturday, april 28
Carnival Rides Begin Thursday, April 26! Saturday’s Events
Beauty Pageant • Vendor Booths Live Entertainment • Special Performances Family Activities & Games • Carnival Rides Kids Corner - Bounce House, Petting Zoo and more!
Local Strawberries!
Hosted by The Junior Auxillary of Cabot • All proceeds fund projects for the children of Cabot april 2012 savvy kids
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Snazzy Pizazzy Grand Re-Opening
Photos by Kirby Tidwell
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Trike-A-Thon at Abundant Life Photos by Nelson Chenault
Kindergarten students at Abundant Life School participated in a Trike-AThon to raise money for the children at St. Jude’s Research Hospital. For several weeks, the children collected pledges from family and friends, and on Monday, March 5, they rode their trikes and bikes in the spring sunshine. Each lap made around the track earned more money for the children at St. Jude’s. The kids were happy to be raising money for children, and enjoyed riding with all of their friends. Parents, friends, and siblings were on hand to cheer the little riders on as they worked towards their goals.
66 | savvy kids APRIL 2012
Snazzy Pizazzy celebrated their grand reopening at their new location at 117 W. South Street in Benton (located between Books and Baubles and Edward Jones Investments), with a huge dress-up and makeover party! Guests were treated to makeovers, hairstyles, manicures and more! There were finger food treats from Party Girl Catering and cupcakes from Harps’ Bakery. The kids had a great time dressing up in Snazzy Pizazzy’s huge selection of fancy clothes! Lizzie Bacon Caroline Loyd Alissa Nicholas Olivia Martin, Ashley Dunn & Haley McCormick 5. Olivia Wallace 6. Morgan Parker 7. Maggie Bacon 8. Ashley Parker 9. Cassady Fisher 10. Faith Wray 11. Elizabeth Baldwin
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BEST PARTY LOCATION april 2012 savvy kids
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Jenny and Flossy Premiere
Photos by Patrick Jones
Jenny and Flossy have noticed there is something strange going on in their neighborhood...and it has Bad News Benny written all over it. The duo bands together with Zack, Oswald, and the neighborhood kids to get to the bottom of the mystery. The world premiere of “The Adventures of Jenny and Flossy” took place on February 25 at the Riverdale Theater in Little Rock. This adorable film features local talents Natalie Hiatt as Jenny, Madison Tawell as Flossy and Daniel Hall as Zack. Stars and their friends were delighted to watch the movie for the first time and walk the red carpet like the celebrities they are! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Kaleigh Jones Madison Tawell Natalie Hiatt Daniel Hall Waiting for autographs Karson Phillips Cory Forester
Lana McCorkle turns EIGHT! Photos by Patrick Jones
Lana McCorkle celebrated her 8th birthday with a tail waggin’ party at the Little Rock Animal Village! Guests were able to visit with the dogs and cats, feed them treats, and even take the large dogs for some outdoor playtime. Lana and her friends brought donations from the Animal Village’s wish list, which included such items as toys, food and treats. The party wrapped up with a story time about animals, which everyone enjoyed. Lana’s cake was baked by the Blue Cake Company in Little Rock Lana McCorkle Samantha Paton Walking the Dog Conrad Spradling Animal Village resident cat wants a good home! 6. Emily Jefferson 7. Georgia Borg 8. Hannah Thomas 9. Emma Kelly Gray 10. Prrrrrr...
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1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
68 | savvy kids APRIL 2012
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Please contact your rep with approval or changes: Please contact your rep with approvalorRonda changes: Jennifer 590-2236 Laura 590-9140 590-3340 Jennifer 590-2236 Laura 590-9140 Ronda 590-3340 Sabra 590-6992 or fax changes to 501-975-6780 Sabra 590-6992 or fax changes to 501-975-6780
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april 2012 savvy kids
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T-Shirt Shopping Bags By Paige Hunter Parham
As a parent, I’m sure you have a stack of outgrown clothes set aside somewhere, just waiting to be donated or handed down. This month’s Savvy Project is a great way to keep your favorite children’s t-shirts around, as well as teach kids the importance of recycling and reusing our resources. With a few snips of the scissors and a simple stitch with a sewing machine or needle, you can transform a tee shirt into a cute and clever tote. What you will need: Old T-shirts, plain or with decorations Scissors Sewing machine or needle and thread Directions: Turn the tee shirt inside out and cut the sleeves off. Be sure to leave the seams intact; this will ensure that your tote is strong enough to carry items without ripping. Cut on the side of the seam closest to the arm hole. After you remove the sleeves, lay the shirt out flat and fold it in half lengthwise. Cut straight down next to the collar, taking the collar completely off, and continue cutting about 3” further down and make a squared off “U” shape. Open up the fold and make sure that the bag looks the way you’d like. It may be necessary to trim up some edges to make things even. Finally, fold the bottom hem of the shirt up about 1” and sew it closed. If you have a sewing machine, use a good thick stitch to give the bag strength. If you hand-sew it, make sure to go over your stitches several times. Turn the bag right-side-out and fill it with whatever you’d like! We thought it would be cute to use toddler- and baby-sized shirts as lunch totes for a fun family picnic, and larger, adultsized shirts would work well for grocery shopping. 70 | savvy kids april 2012
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Award Winning Care... Because We Care Pinnacle Pointe helps families learn to live calmer, happier, and more productive lives by providing high quality behavioral health treatment programs in the following settings: 2009 President’s Award for Outstanding Juvenile Programs 2008 ATRS Facility of the Year 2007 APA Residential Facility of the Year for Outstanding Service
Acute Inpatient • Residential Inpatient Outpatient • School-Based We are the state’s largest behavioral hospital for ages 5-17 and the only Tricare-certified residential program in Arkansas. Contact us for a free, confidential assessment by calling 1-800-880-3322.
Pinnacle Pointe Behavioral HealthCare System
11501 Financial Centre Parkway Little Rock, AR 72211 School-Based and Outpatient Services Offered Statewide. The Pointe Outpatient Behavioral Health Services offer the same quality care for all ages. When your family needs help, please contact a facility near you: Arkadelphia 870-403-0830 Batesville 870-793-6774 Benton/Bryant 501-847-0081 Cabot 501-843-9233 Clinton 501-745-4448 72 | savvy kids april 2012
Conway 501-336-0511 Fordyce 870-352-5122 Forrest City 870-633-8092 Hot Springs 501-321-1779 Helena 870-572-5005
Lakeside 501-262-2766 Little Rock-Pierce St. 501-603-2147 Little Rock-Patterson Rd. 501-6636771 Marion 870-735-3015
North Little Rock 501-223-8414 Pine Bluff 870-247-3588 Searcy 501-279-9220 Sheridan 870-917-2171 Stuttgart 870-673-9370