ISSUE 5 | SPECIAL SUMMER - Autumn 2017
Win a free balloon flight!
bristol and beyond
Exhibiting Creative Talent Bristol’s Balloon Heritage Climate Change: Planning for the Future Interview with Banksy
INTRODUCTION Boundless is about ‘Bristol and beyond’ – a city, like the world, that has many different sides, connections and ideas. In this edition you can find a pull-out programme for the International Balloon Fiesta and explore the fascinating history of hot air balloons. Alongside this you can find an article on the city’s iconic graffiti scene and an exclusive interview with its most famous artist: the reclusive Banksy. As with all previous editions, there is a dedicated feature on the environment. Bristol was European Green Capital in 2015 and with recent global developments it is important to look at the likely impacts of climate change in the next 50 years, which are even now beginning to be felt. Other content includes a gallery of creative work by local people from disadvantaged backgrounds, coverage on community-based organisations, and contributions from people across the city. If you would like to contribute to the next edition, or have any feedback on this one, please get in touch!
our vision We seek a world in union, where all people and communities – regardless of their creed, colour or background - can find common purpose to achieve their dreams. We want to help create a more open and accountable society, where people are not afraid to speak out; where injustice, corruption and oppression is exposed. At the same time, we aim to give a voice to marginalised groups, allowing alternative perspectives and fresh insights to be shared. Much of our content is contributed by people suffering some kind of exclusion. We actively give organisations that seek to improve their communities a platform. Boundless has a focus on the future, believing in the empowerment of young people, whilst advocating sustainable living. Your feedback as a reader is welcome. There are lots of opportunities to get involved, to become part of a growing social enterprise initiative, and, unlike other outlets that proclaim similar aims, we promise to always respond and to actively make a difference.
Boundless is sustainably printed by a local printer. Please recycle!
Boundless Fifth edition (special), published by Arkbound Editors Steve McNought Ella Perryman Ocean Sparks Designer Emily Jane Godwin Arkbound Backfields House Upper York Street Bristol BS2 8QJ Follow us @arkbounduk
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bristol’s balloon heritage - page 16 Plus... 10 | The Soapbox 11 | Bristol Berry Maze 12 | Views from Afar 14 | Bristol’s Secret Attractions
Banksy Interview - page 26
16 | The Story of Balloons 23 | Balloon Pilot Interview 24 | Graffiti Focus 28 | Saffron Space 29 | Hidden Voices 31 | Creative Writing
climate change - page 5
35 | Scam Spotlight 36 | Book Reviews 37 | Recipe 38 | Puzzles 39 | Competitions
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environmental feature Climate Change: Planning for the Future Climate change – you’ve heard it many times before. But in the coming years it will be more about seeing it in person than wondering when, or indeed if, it will happen. Across the world, steps have been taken in an attempt to mitigate climate change. In December 2015, nearly 200 nations met in Paris and entered into an ambitious agreement to reduce the Earth’s temperature increase to below 2 degrees Celsius. Whilst not legally binding, the agreement represented the first step towards addressing climate change on a global level. However, within six months of Donald Trump’s inauguration, the United States withdrew from the Paris Climate Agreement. The administration placed politics before science and with it, perhaps, the last hope of a united approach.
said that this generation is the first ‘Ittoisfeel the impacts of climate change – and the last to have any power of preventing things from getting worse.
Now, with the Paris Agreement crumbling and nations like the UK falling short of their carbon reduction targets, just what does the future hold in store? The World in 50 years “When I see a happy child these days I find myself being sad; not because of the
troubles and toils of life that they will later face, but because of the ravaged world that we are leaving them with. They will be the ones to feel the worse impacts of our recklessness and greed – we who have let the environment be sacrificed in the pursuit of artificial, temporary riches.” – Richard Myers
Source: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2017
It is said that this generation is the first to feel the impacts of climate change – and the last to have any power of preventing things from getting worse. But let’s be realistic here: things are not getting any better. Current projections put global emissions on a ‘business as usual’ trajectory – the worst option in climate change models. That will see a global mean temperature rise well above 4°С very likely verging into 4.5°С by 2050. We are also in danger of reaching a ‘tipping point’, where runaway changes like the loss of huge ice sheets cause exponential damage. TO ADVERTISE CONTACT BOUNDLESS@ARKBOUND.COM | 5
• There was a good reason why 2 degrees was set as the target limit in the Paris Agreement. Anything above this will see devastating and irreversible changes to our planet. The question arises that, rather than hoping for some technological miracle or mass-awakening from Governments (including the US), should we not be planning for the likely future?
Catastrophic changes to the ocean: including disturbance to the Gulf Stream and a potential loss of the Great Barrier Reef and other oceanic ecosystems due to higher water temperatures.
With current projections, this is what we can expect in just 50 years:•
Increased migration: Bangladesh, for example, suffers from extreme fluctuations in climate; forcing thousands to relocate. On a broader spectrum, the United Nations approximate that there will be 200 million such ‘environmental refugees’ by 2050 - more than the combined number of global migrants today.
Economic loss: a study published in Nature predicts that global warming could reduce the annual total value of goods and services by 23% per capita by 2100. It is predicted that the costs of global warming will be £12 trillion by 2050, under the ‘business as usual’ trajectory.
More frequent and intense storms: the warmer it is, the more destructive potential per storm. 2012’s ‘Superstorm Sandy’, the largest Atlantic hurricane on record, spread over 1,000 miles in diameter and was believed to be exacerbated by climate change. Future storms will make this one look comparatively minor. Prolonged droughts and heat waves: according to the European Environment Agency (there have been tens of thousands of deaths over the past decade alone, directly linked to heat waves. Knock-on effects include greater fire risks and water shortages, often in areas that are already having to deal with these problems. Sea levels: rising due to warmer temperature and loss of glaciers/permafrost - leading to flooding in low-lying and coastal areas, including
some of the world’s largest cities. Recently, a study published by the Climate Institute demonstrated that the rates of sea level rise in the 20th century was at its peak in 2800 years.
These same arguments are what prevented progress earlier. If we fall back on them, we might as well set the controls for the heart of the sun and laugh in folly at our short-lived and destructive existence as a species. What action is Bristol taking?
Food shortages: agriculture will struggle due to droughts. This will make natural habitats more vulnerable, as land and fresh water will be in demand to create more food. For example, the International Food Policy Research Institute has forecasted that by 2050 rice prices will increase by around 35%.
Bristol’s dedication to the mitigation of climate change is demonstrated by the ambition of the Bristol Green Capital Partnership for the city to become carbon neutral by 2050. Set up in 2007, the partnership comprises over 800 organisations and continues to establish projects aimed at building a higher quality of life for every resident. Bristol has also signed up to the ‘Compact of Mayors’, an international conglomerate of cities that have all pledged to honor and progress the Paris Agreement.
What’s the point? Given these predictions, some people might wonder why they should bother with trying to be environmentally responsible. It is easy to look at the scale of the problem and be disheartened. How can behavioural adjustments from one person make the slightest difference when a new coal factory is built in China every week? Why should countries like the UK, let alone the poorer ones, have to restrict their economic growth in order to reduce carbon emissions when the richest nation on Earth (the US) is playing by its own rules?
On a smaller scale, new council-led initiatives and annual events around are supporting this vision by focusing on air pollution. These initiatives could be finished by early 2018 and they include a feasibility study looking at reducing air pollution levels in the wider Bristol area. June 15th 2017 marked Bristol’s first ‘National Clean Air Day’, which Bristol’s NHS Foundation Trust supported in a bid to urge drivers to change TO ADVERTISE CONTACT BOUNDLESS@ARKBOUND.COM | 7
their driving habits. Nevertheless, as we reported in a previous edition of Boundless, Bristol is still one of the worst cities in the UK for traffic-induced air pollution. Mitigation So what kind of changes can we make to mitigate climate change? Here are some suggestions:•
• •
Transportation: use of public transport, electric vehicles, or walking and cycling, can reduce CO2 emissions.
A note about this article We do regular coverage on environmental issues in Boundless and in June 2017 we succeeded in raising £8,000 from a crowdfunding campaign to help this continue, as well as giving journalism placements to disadvantaged people across Bristol. Bristol Green Capital Partnership (BGCP) gave us £4,000 towards this project.
BGCP is a network of over 800 organisations who have committed to Recycle and Reuse: this will lower the working towards a sustainable Bristol with a amount of energy needed to make new high quality of life for all. The network products. enables collaboration across public, private, and third sectors, to help make Engage Activism: keep informing Bristol a thriving low-carbon city. and educating people about the global warming issues and individual action. If you would like to find out more about BGCP and to join as a member, visit: Go Green: more vegetation, big small, contributes to balancing ship the global carbon cycle. Every tree Advertisment absorbs, on average, around 2kg of CO2. Renewable Resources: wind, wave, geothermal and nuclear have the potential to meet the vast majority of our energy needs.
Whatever route we take, it is through small cumulative actions that great movements and huge changes are made. We can all play a part in healing the environment and reducing our carbon footprint. If everyone did this, right now, the dire projections outlined above could all be avoided. If not, there is one consolation. At least we can look into our children’s or grandchildren’s eyes when they ask us what we did to save the world 50 years’ ago… and answer honestly that we tried. Send us your thoughts: @arkbounduk @arkbound 8 | BOUNDLESS MAGAZINE | WWW.ARKBOUND.COM
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the soapbox Beyond Voting
By Pei Fang Chua
Boundless is politically neutral but believes that a vibrant democracy requires active political discussion. Politics is not something dirty, to be shunned or looked down upon, but an essential ingredient of citizenship. And, whether we like it or not, it shapes our everyday lives. In prior editions we ran a ‘rainbow rotation’ system – letting each party write about a political issue in a non-partisan way. Upon feedback from readers, we are changing that and giving the space over to a regular contribution from students at the University of Bristol Politics Society.
We live in a political world. I’m not merely referring to the likes of Trump’s America or the aftermath of Brexit; politics is all around us: in the relationships we forge, the societies we live in. The study of politics unveils the power dynamics behind decisions made— who makes the decisions which matter? Whose voices are silenced? The wage gap is a political issue. The decision by London Tube to scrap ‘Ladies and Gentlemen’ as an address is a political one; so are decisions for students to attend certain schools, and parents to name their children in a certain way. Grappling with issues such as power, justice and equality, politics is essentially a moral endeavour that involves all of us. Admittedly, in the excitement following Brexit, voter participation, especially of that in the youth, has increased as demonstrated in the general election. However, it shouldn’t take a political event the scale of a referendum to incite interest in politics. Participating in voting is the responsibility of every citizen in a representative democracy. While some may feel that a single vote will not impact the results, voting is the only time a citizen 10 | BOUNDLESS MAGAZINE | WWW.ARKBOUND.COM
has direct influence over policy makers. Furthermore, we cannot limit our concern of politics to realpolitik. The searing enthusiasm for politics cannot stop at elections and campaigns, but must go forward to include a wider range of subjects. As Aristotle argued, ‘Man is by nature a political animal’. We govern and organise ourselves with a sense of moral reasoning unique to our species. Considering the precipitation of political crises such as global inequality, climate change and decreasing real wages, there is a need to re-evaluate the dominant capitalist, neoliberal state model that we have religiously followed. We must, collectively, deliberate politics if we are to progress onward together. The University of Bristol Politics Society aims to provide an informed and balanced programme of events which express views from across the entire political spectrum. It was founded in 1960 and has over 150 members from a diverse range of backgrounds. If you have a political issue you want covered, let us know!
community spotlight The Bristol Berry Maze A south Bristol community is building a ‘berry maze’, the first of its type in the world. Open for everyone to forage and enjoy, the maze will be based in Malago Greenway, an area of Bristol that traditionally has high levels of deprivation. It will feature over 200 plants, 90 wooden posts, 5 planters, 2 benches and paintings done by local artists. Raluca McKett, the project founder, says: “There’s nothing that my children like better than foraging for berries, so the idea of the maze came naturally as an improvement to the park.” The project was voted by residents involved in a local litterpicking event and a competition was held at Parson Street School for the maze design. 9-year-old Harry Ward emerged as the lucky winner, with the maze being built around his artwork. “The most amazing bit about our project is the way the community has closed ranks around it,” Raluca says. “Victoria Park School and Parsons Street School will help
with the planting and maintenance of the maze; the Retired Gentlemen Woodworking Group has built the wooden planters; the Friends of Parson Street Railway Station have donated a fabulous mosaic, and lots of other people are chipping in.” It is expected the maze will be officially open in June 2018.
most amazing bit about our project ‘The is the way the community has closed ranks around it. ’ There are numerous green spaces across the UK, many of which have tremendous positive impact. Whether it is a nature reserve, tree planting initiative or small local park, they improve health, wellbeing, the environment and community cohesion. They are also helping to tackle the increasing loss of native flora and fauna, bringing people back into contact with nature. Despite all these benefits, the city council’s decision to cut the parks budget to zero – caused by Government-imposed cuts to local funding - will result in the loss of many urban trees and decline of parks across Bristol.
It will be up to local communities to prevent this from happening, and projects like the Malago Greenway Berry Maze can provide an inspiration to others. Why not start something similar in your area? TO ADVERTISE CONTACT BOUNDLESS@ARKBOUND.COM | 11
Windward The wind blows strong Through the trees it rushes on Over hilltops unwinding Singing out a rhythmic song Where magic and mystery still belong. To pause and catch a whisper Riding high on Earth’s breath; Sweeping in aerial ribbons, Chasing the sunrays and shadows Behind life’s invisible thread. Can you feel it a’blowing? Deep throbbing as arterial blood Within and without, ever-flowing Like a thought that falls abridge of Time Ungrasped, unbounded. It’s written on the water Golden fields flashing blue Deep as winter nights, whirled In satin resplendence Running on, Running on...
Views from Afar Photo by Sahil M Beg. Poem from Windward by Stephen Mason (available from TO ADVERTISE CONTACT BOUNDLESS@ARKBOUND.COM | 13
bristol’s Secret attractions
For more secret attractions, check out Bristol Doors Open Days between 7th-10th September. Visit for more information.
Bristol is full of things to do and attractions to see. Museums, historic ships, castles and parks – there is plenty to suit everyone, no matter what they are looking for. In this brief guide, we try to look at things that are a little off the beaten track. Even some residents don’t know about some of these attractions, so take a look!
The Leaning Tower of Temple Church Although just off busy Victoria Street, this green space is not visited often. The ruins of a former Knights Templar church can be found here, which also has a leaning tower – Bristol’s very own version of the one in Pisa, with just as much interesting history to it.
The Iron Age Fort in Leigh Woods
The Chaotic Pendulum in St Mary Redcliffe Church
The Museums
This fort is close to the Clifton Suspension Bridge and accessed via some beautiful National Trust walks. Leigh Woods itself is Bristol’s largest green space and has a maze of cycling tracks and walking trails that can take you through rich woodland – especially nice in Spring.
Another Church, but this one is not ruined – if you go inside you will find ‘The Chaotic Pendulum’, which is a testimony to how science and religion are not necessarily in opposition. St Mary Redcliffe’s spire can be seen from miles around.
Okay, they may not be ‘secret’ but no visit to Bristol is complete without exploring the many rooms and exhibits in Arnolfini, MShed and the Bristol Museum.
The River Boats
College Green History
Bristol’s Medieval Gateway
8 9 10
The best way to see The Matthew and SS Great Britain is to hop on a river ferry. But there are also other boats that take you further afield…
This whole area has several attractions: the Cathedral, Central Library and Council Hall. Venture inside each – they all have their own secrets, some more hidden than others!
Just at the bottom of Broad Street, this is the last remaining medieval gateway to Bristol. You can go into St John’s Church to find out more. On the same street, you can find the Palestinian Museum and the most expensive hotel in Bristol (as of writing!). St Pauls and Stokes Croft Graffiti Walk up Stokes Croft (Cheltenham Road) from ‘the bearpit’ roundabout (itself worth seeing) and you will soon find yourself surrounded by iconic graffiti, including some of Banksy’s most famous pieces. Take a right as you walk up and you’re in St Pauls – home to several green spaces, street murals and annual carnival events. The City Farms Get close to pigs, chickens, goats and other animals at St Werburghs City Farm or Windmill Hill City Farm in Bedminster. Both are free and great for young families. “The what festival?!” Bristol has so many festivals and some of them may sound a bit unusual, probably because they are! has most of the mainstream ones, but for more alternative options check out TO ADVERTISE CONTACT BOUNDLESS@ARKBOUND.COM | 15
bristol’s balloon heritage The Story of Balloons Balloons have a special place in Bristol. From fending off Nazi aerial attacks to being home to the world’s largest balloon builder, there is good reason why Bristol hosts Europe’s largest Balloon Fiesta. In this article we take a look at the history of balloons. Origins The origin of hot air balloons is shrouded in mystery. The Chinese certainly used them as unmanned airborne lanterns between 220-280AD, but it has also been theorised that they were used by the Nazca civilization in Peru as long ago as 500 BC. ‘For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards’ – Leonardo Da Vinci The first scientific writing about hot air balloons was by the English scholar, Roger Bacon, in the 13th Century. Bacon hypothesised about ‘gigantic globes’ that would be ‘filled with the thin air of the upper atmosphere, or with liquid fire, thus rising high into the heavens’. This hypothesis was an embryonic expression of the ‘lighter-than-air principle’, which underpins how hot air balloons work. Some 500 years later, a priest conceived some ‘flying machine’ designs, for which he received a royal award from the King of Portugal. However, such concepts were edging into dangerous territory: the idea that men could fly, even by means of technology, was frowned upon by the Church. Such a power was deemed to be for God alone to bestow.
The first balloon flight During the Enlightenment, relaxation of religious dogma saw scientists across Europe begin to perform more aviation experiments. One of the most dedicated was Joseph Montgolfier in France. He went on to build a model balloon, lifted by hot air, which his younger brother perfeced. On the morning of 5th June 1783, the two brothers attempted the first documented balloon flight. Their balloon was almost a perfect globe, made from cloth and lined with paper, measuring 110 feet wide. People flocked to see the Montgolfier’s contraption, many of whom were convinced it would end in disaster! As the balloon slowly inflated from a carefully lit fire beneath, men from the crowd rushed forward to stop it flying away. Joseph gave a signal, and they abruptly let it go – leaving everyone stunned as the balloon rose to a height of about six thousand feet. Caught by a gentle wind, it was carried south before finally drifting back to earth.
passenger airships go into decline, with later ones using the non-flammable gas of helium instead of hydrogen. During WWII, Britain deployed almost 3000 ‘barrage balloons’ as a defence against Nazi Germany. These balloons were tethered to the ground by steel cables so that low flying enemy aircraft and even V-1 missiles could be caught up an prevented from causing ground-level damage. Montgolfier balloon
News of the Montgolfier’s success spread. Within just two months, a larger balloon inflated from hydrogen flew above Paris. Thus marked the beginning of several flights, each using different models and techniques, until the first manned balloon flight on 21st November 1783 by scientist Pilatre de Rozier (followed shortly after by the Marquis d’Arlandes). Airships and bombs
Bristol and Record-Setting For Bristol, balloons have a special place in the city’s heart: the first modern one was called the ‘Bristol Belle’ (1967). Cameron Balloons - with its HQ in Bedminster - is the world’s largest balloon-building company. And, of course, the city’s annual Balloon Fiesta is renown globally and the largest of its kind in Europe, with over half a million people visiting every year.
Into the 19th Century a series of airships were built - essentially stream-lined balloons that could be manoeuvred by propellers. (Airships and balloons are two different craft: the latter are spherically shaped, powered solely by hot air and wind.) The outbreak of the Franco-Prussian and Napoleonic wars provided an opportunity to test the military capacity of both balloons and airships. Some were used by the French to spy on enemy troops, others were later modified to carry explosives. Balloons were also employed during the American Civil War, principally by the Union Army, as a means of signalling and reconnaissance. Before long, airships were developed to carry passengers and cargo, culminating in a series of models that were built by the German Count, Ferdinand von Zeppelin. But the 1937 Hindenburg disaster saw
‘What a treat to stroll through the veils of twilight, to float across the sky like a slowly forming thought. Flying an airplane, one usually travels the shortest distance between two points. Balloonists can dawdle, lollygag, cast their fate to the wind and become part of the ebb and flow of nature, part of the sky itself, held aloft like any bird, leaf or spore. In that silent realm, TO ADVERTISE CONTACT BOUNDLESS@ARKBOUND.COM | 17
far from the mischief and toil of society, all one hears is the urgent breathing of the wind and, now and then, an inspiring gasp of hot air.’ - Diane Ackerman People across the world have set some pretty amazing balloon records. The highest manned flight was made by Vijaypat Singhania in 2005, who reached just short of 70,000 feet (almost double that of a passenger flight). Before that, in 1991, Richard Branson famously completed the longest ever balloon flight – crossing over 4,767 miles from Japan to Canada. As to how fast balloons can travel, whilst the normal cruising speed is under 8 mph, those that fly high enough to hit the jet stream can exceed 245 mph. Such speeds can allow balloons to travel around the world in less than twelve days. The future We now rely upon balloons for a lot more than enjoyable flights and seeing adverts! They help us better predict the weather, and they continue to play an important role in military operations and scientific experiments alike. Balloons are already filling gaps in modern technology, with Google’s ‘Project Loon’ using high flying balloons to deliver internet
connectivity to remote areas around the world. They could also mark the beginning of a new horizon of discovery and adventure, with some balloons flying so high that they can take you to the edge of space. Scientists have even proposed using balloons as high-altitude power plants, collecting solar radiation and feeding it back down to Earth. For airships, companies like Amazon have raised the tantalising but somewhat scary idea of building ‘drone carriers’, which would be huge floating storage and refuelling platforms for drones that deliver goods to their customers. Whatever the future holds in store, the hot air balloon continues to develop and surprise!
The winds have welcomed you with softness, The sun has greeted you with it’s warm hands, You have flown so high and so well, That God has joined you in laughter, And set you back gently into The loving arms of Mother Earth. — Anon, known as ‘The Baloonists Prayer,’ believed to have been
adapted from an old Irish sailors’ prayer
The Riddler Returns You can see me in water, but I never get wet. What am I? (See page 38 for the answer!) 18 | BOUNDLESS MAGAZINE | WWW.ARKBOUND.COM
the bristol balloon fiesta 1
Balloon Fiesta?
Every year Bristol hosts the largest Balloon Fiesta in Europe. The event started in 1979 and plays host to twice-daily mass launche s at 6am and 6pm (subject to weather conditions), together with two popular ‘night glows’ when balloons are inflated and glow to music. Spectacular firework displays mark the beginning and end of the Fiesta. Originally dreamt up over a pint in a Bristol pub by balloon-maker Don Cameron, the Fiesta is now run by a private contractor under commission from Bristol City Council. Today balloons of all shapes and sizes can be seen taking off from the Fiesta ground in Ashton Court, whilsr a series of other activities are held to encoura ge all ages.
The Bristol 2017 Balloon Fies ta will take place from Thursday 10th to Sunday 13th August.
Advertisment Looking for quality local artwork
What’s On? THURSDAY 10TH AUGUST wed A Balloon Tethering opening, follo and w tglo nigh a ch, by a balloon laun firework finale. N 12:00: FIESTA OPENS BALLOO D FIEL NCH LAU – ING TETHER E 18:00: SPECIAL SHAPE AND RID NCH LAU BALLOONS 21:00: NIGHTGLOW AND FIREWORK FINALE
(Continued on page 22)
from someone who needs an extra hand? We link up a diverse range of local artists with buyers – whether you are looking for a nice hand-crafted gift or a commissioned painting. Check out page 33-34 to see some of the artists we work with. TO ADVERTISE CONTACT BOUNDLESS@ARKBOUND.COM | 19
Fiesta Site
(Enlarged Map)
Continued from page 19 FRIDAY 11TH AUGUST Two mass hot air balloon lifts are followed by Balloon Tethering. 06:00: FIESTA OPENS AND MASS HOT AIR BALLOON LIFT 08:00: MODEL HOT AIR BALLOON COMPETITIONS 12:00: HOT AIR BALLOON TETHERING 18:00: MASS HOT AIR BALLOON LIFT 20:30: FIESTA CLOSES
Mass hot air balloon lifts are followed by a nightglow and firework finale. 06:00: MASS HOT AIR BALLOON LIFT IN ASSOCIATION WITH CLASSIC FM
More mass hot air balloon lifts are followed by model hot air balloon
Night Glows and Fireworks Finale
The Nightglows and Firework Finales are iconic parts of the fiesta. A handful of balloons tether and light up to a specially commissioned soundtrack. A Firework Finale then begins. 22 | BOUNDLESS MAGAZINE | WWW.ARKBOUND.COM
Interview with Balloon Pilot
Steve Mcnought interviews Simon Askey from Cameron Balloons “I first started flying balloons when I was 15,” Simon says, as we sit in the front office of Cameron Balloons HQ in Bedminster, Bristol. It is the world’s largest balloon manufacturer and was founded in 1971. Simon Askey has been working at the company since 1980 and it has allowed him to continue his passion for balloon flying – something that many people only dream about doing. I asked him a bit about what it is like and how people can become a pilot. Simon’s first foray into ballooning was when, by chance, he met a balloon pilot in a local park, whose passengers had not turned up. “I helped him with the equipment, and in return he gave me a free flight. Then, after university, I managed to buy a second-hand advertising balloon.” “What appeals to you most about being a pilot?” “It is cool. Once you’re up in the air, it is like flying on a magic carpet – there’s no sound and your travelling gently along at about 1000 feet. You’re in charge, and it’s also a way of enjoying your hobby whilst being paid.” “So how does someone become a pilot?” “First you need to join the BBAC – British Balloon and Airship Club – then you get to know someone who owns a balloon. Flying a balloon is pretty similar to driving a car! It requires 16 hours training and 5 multiple-choice exams to get the Private Pilots License, then you can go on to do a Commercial Pilots License that lets you start charging for flights. The best place to study is Italy, where you can take an Accelerated Course for about £4000, because the weather is much better there.”
“Why is the weather so important?” “Balloons are essentially bags of hot air. You can’t take off if the wind is over 15 knots – that’s about as fast as you can run. Even if the wind isn’t a problem, you can still only fly in the early mornings and evenings because of the thermals that are created as the ground heats up – they would make flying very unpredictable and dangerous. But in the winter you can fly for longer hours in the day.” Simon then shows me around the factory and warehouse. In one room, women are sewing massive balloon canvasses; in another, huge baskets for carrying passengers are being carefully repaired. “A balloon is powered by propane gas under pressure,” Simon says, as I look upon a row of gleaming engine units. “It can generate a 20-foot flame, which keeps the air under the canvas hot enough so you can keep flying.” To land, he explains, balloons simply glide down as the air cools. As I leave the Cameron Balloons wareouse, I dream of one day flying in one of these giant envelopes of hot air. Who knows, maybe one day you’ll see an Arkbound logo floating in the sky! TO ADVERTISE CONTACT BOUNDLESS@ARKBOUND.COM | 23
Balloon Fiesta
Bristol - the home of urban graffiti
By Ella Perryman
Graffiti art has been prevalent in Bristol since the late 80s and still remains as an emblem of the city’s vibrant culture. There are over 200 street artists in Bristol whose work line the city walls, streets, underpasses and back-alleys with their explosive murals.
history In the late 1980s, hip-hop and electric music cultures started to emerge on the UK’s radio scenes. At the same time, Graffiti Art was starting to become popular and was often used as an advertisement tool. Graffiti has always been, and still remains, a controversial topic. Some view it as vandalism while others believe that Street Art is a medium for voices, social change, political expression and community desire. (*Block heading*) On 20th March 1989, in what was called ‘Operation Anderson’, the homes of 72 Graffiti artists were raided. These raids took place in Bristol, Bath, Exeter and Cardiff. Many of the artists were arrested and had their tools taken. Even to this day, Operation Anderson remains the largest anti-graffiti operation in the history of British policing.
BANKSY Banksy is a Bristol born Graffiti artist who is internationally known for his satirical art and subversive epigrams. He incorporates text and images, and his distinctive stencilling technique can be recognised 24 | BOUNDLESS MAGAZINE | WWW.ARKBOUND.COM
across the world. The messages he portrays are usually of dark humour, anti-war, anti-capitalist and anti-establishment. The subjects of his murals often include rats, policemen, soldiers, children and the elderly.
view it as vandalism while others ‘Some believe that Street Art is a medium for voices, social change, political expression and community desire.
The first known wall mural by Banksy and in Bristol was The Mild Mild West (see above). It was painted in 1999 and depicts a teddy bear throwing a Molotov cocktail at three riot policemen. This Street Art has been voted as the second most iconic image of Bristol after the Clifton Suspension Bridge.
has several elements of Bristol in it,’ the artist proclaims. The fairly ambiguous mural depicts animals, construction, children and the Suspension Bridge. ‘It’s up to the people to figure out the story themselves,’ Zase .Tours
stokes croft
The Mild Mild West can be found at Number 80 in Stokes Croft, with the best views being from the Jamaica Street Junction. This part of Bristol has often been regarded as an open-air gallery with brightly coloured Graffiti artwork adorning most of its streets and walls. Found opposite Banksy’s work is Cosmo Sarson’s Breakdancing Jesus. The 28ft mural was unveiled back in 2013 and hangs on the side of Hamilton House. This epic piece of Street Art took one week to complete and contains over 1kg of gold coloured glitter. Located just a minute away is Cheba’s Full Moon, an astrological masterpiece that covers the entire face of a hostel. The galactic mural is regarded as a landmark of the city, and is praised for drawing on the life and decay from around often forgotten parts of Bristol.
Graffiti Tours are available all over the city, and they provide insights into the life and work of many local Graffiti artists (see page 27). Whilst walking around, one will hear stories about many of the city’s impressive murals and street art culture, which make Bristol the Graffiti capital of the UK.
legalisation There has always been a tension between Graffiti artists and the local council. However, in January 2017 street artists agreed to cooperate with the authorities to establish a network of legal walls. The street artists have created a list of 52 walls across the city, in which they believe, should be legal to paint on. Street artist Decay stated that by coming to this agreement and knowing which walls were legal will enable street artists to make informed decisions. ‘Graffiti art is a huge part of the city’s culture,’ he said, ‘people come to Bristol for the art.’
Graffiti art from Phelgm and Stink Fish as well as the famous 15ft Donald Trump and Boris Johnson mural can also be found all along the main road of Stokes Croft.
st pauls Located on Franklyn Street in St Pauls is an impressive mural by Zase Design. ‘It TO ADVERTISE CONTACT BOUNDLESS@ARKBOUND.COM | 25
interview with banksy In this exclusive interview with the infamous graffiti artist Banksy, we get to learn what drives his artwork. Traditionally reclusive and secretive, this is a rare occasion where Banksy has engaged with the media. What do you think has most influenced your art? I was inspired by the work of Blek Le Rat (Xavier Prou) painting rat stencils all over France before he started doing things that I now do. Richard Hambleton is another; a graffiti artist who went round the world.
Why do you hide behind a mask? People tend to stay interested and listen more when you are wearing a mask. It’s like an element of the unknown that they watch and wait to finally be revealed but it never does. While I keep my mask, I also keep the mystery and attention. I choose to keep my identity hidden because often when you know the artist, you think you also know the art and I want to keep the mystery. As well as that, the most noticeable and breath-taking pieces of street art are created by anonymous talents.
What do you think is the most important influence in your art I try to concentrate on politics, culture and society. I like to take on things such as capitalism, war, poverty and the government to make people think about how higher powers can affect us. I like to keep it witty so that people will notice it and recognise that it’s me.
Why do people vandalise? Some people could vandalise because they want to make the world a better looking place. For me, it was a way of making people see a message that I wanted to say. I felt like I was actualy doing something right. Many consider you an activist, do you agree?
What do you consider more important: content or technique? Content because people value a strong voice. Uniqueness is often seen in the content. I make my art quickly; something noticeable so people will stop and look. There doesn’t need to be technique for people to see and appreciate it. 26 | BOUNDLESS MAGAZINE | WWW.ARKBOUND.COM
I will admit that I am trying to make people aware about problems, which could bring about change. But I wouldn’t consider myself an activist; I’m conveying a message through a medium you have not seen before. Why did you create Dismaland? I guess you could say it’s a theme park that’s not for little kids, with no Disney,
yet it is still an art show. I wanted to make something different, play with the things people have lived with, liked or used to show a deeper meaning. There’s always a deeper meaning, just one example is the paparazzi’s inability to show humanity and stop pestering. What does your art make you feel? It makes me feel accomplished. I don’t only do my projects to please my audience, but I also do them for myself because I enjoy creating art ruled by me. It makes me feel like my voice matters now. What is your opinion on graffiti? People say graffiti is ugly, irresponsible and childish. But that’s only if it’s done improperly. It makes you feel like you own a place. I can’t have a bad opinion because graffiti is what I do.
Where would you feel that art is heading? There’s no way to know, but one thing is for sure: art will always be art and I will keep coming up with new ways of showing that. Why agree to be interviewed by Boundless but not other media? Because you seem grassroots and genuine. Plus you’re not owned by some press baron or group of born rich twats! So, are you going to tell the world you are really Robert Del Naja from the Massive Attack band? No, because I’m not!
GRAFEETY Graffiti Advert
tours around Bristol Take in world famous graffiti then end the tour with a relaxing foot massage from a local therapist. Call Justin on 0117 4011 918 to book. TO ADVERTISE CONTACT BOUNDLESS@ARKBOUND.COM | 27
Saffron space Sponsored Article
Saffron Records has set up a new music and creative co-working space called ‘Saffron Space’ in the heart of Stokes Croft. They offer flexible occupancies that include co-working space and more flexible hot-desking.
With an ever-growing creative quarter, Bristol continues to attract people from all around the UK. It is therefore vital to build a robust network and space for these professionals to connect. Amongst the organisations who share the space are music booking agents (‘This Is Now Agency’), Music blog (‘Tap The Feed’), animators and graphic designers. On a wider level, Saffron work with young women across Bristol through their various music technology courses, education programs, and apprenticeships. With this in mind they wanted to create a space where men can support and be involved in this conversation too. Saffron Space has been decked out by upcoming Bristol lighting designer ‘Lumo Lights’, while beautiful plants and herbs create a healthy and inspiring atmosphere. With stalls created from disused office shelves, the office design is flexible, allowing people to feel at home. With Askew Architects fully backing the Space’s ethos and supporting Saffron from initiation through to implementation, Bristol continues to astound in its support for independent creative industries. Contact Sarah for a free trial: Visit for more information
Hidden voices Mental Illness: Can We All Be Carers? By Shaun Clarke
It hurts that I’ve had to accept that my brother - now in his late twenties - doesn’t respond to genuine help, presumably because he’s diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and psychosis. Capitalist culture determines that we look after number one: we must be healthy, even wealthy, to help others. But couldn’t we be doing more for loved ones who are labelled ill, and however possible help them achieve a form of independence? Living in supported secure housing, my brother was admitted into care from an early age. I was elsewhere in the world, juggling my own aspirations, and burdened with my own struggles. I wasn’t ready - but it was never about me.
Looking for answers I’d assumed that others could cope, helping him to overcome the situation somehow. It was about staying positive, but that simply wasn’t enough. In denial, I was unconvinced I could contribute - leaving his care to my aging father and sisters, a cousin, and institutions I never really trusted. The one family decision to move him closer to siblings did help, but was just a small step. Shamefully, after over 10 years of his early life in care, only now I come to reflect on this.
to me that to appease people ‘It occurred with drugs, effectively ignoring the problems, can’t be the way forward; without targets, reflection or being challenged; without being encouraged to face our demons, which don’t have to be too scary; without a plan.
Due to lack of progression I want to help him realize the potential that he’s never experienced. Deemed a danger to himself, and possibly the world, beyond supervision he knows no other adult life apart from that within confines, a life dependent on medication. Now, deeper involved, I’ve learned that perhaps his judgment and ability to deal with his predicament is being inhibited by the same meds that were prescribed by professionals to help. Shaun Clarke TO ADVERTISE CONTACT BOUNDLESS@ARKBOUND.COM | 29
Misdiagnosis These meds dull his enthusiasm, temporarily suppressing any issues and allowing them to fester. And it occurred to me that to appease people with drugs, effectively ignoring the problems, can’t be the way forward; without targets, reflection or being challenged; without being encouraged to face our demons, which don’t have to be too scary; without a plan.
Working as a unit, we don’t have to feel ‘alone, isolated, or forgotten. I’m curious about the possibilities, about how much impact we can make when we share the burden.
The psychologist has, in fact, disclosed doubts about the original diagnosis. And recently the doctors have been considering reducing his meds and looking at how other factors may have an effect, including his social and cultural environment. This is progress. And so is the fact that we admit that we have allowed him to socially isolate himself - that he needs extra support and encouragement to be socially active – and would benefit from
living amongst residents he has more in common with. Mindful tactics
So why not build on something that gives humans humanity, like a wave of kindness that could culturally feed a better future for all?
I feel empowered and believe our hope can turn into much more. We may all have in common some capacity to do something for others, especially a blood relative. Working as a unit, we don’t have to feel alone, isolated, or forgotten. I’m curious about the possibilities, about how much impact we can make when we share the burden. Mindfulness is only productive when well-informed, focused and relatively selfless. If I intervene and lose, then at least I tried to do the right thing. We have all appreciated an act of kindness now and then, so why not build on something that gives humans humanity, like a wave of kindness that could culturally feed a better future for all? My brother deserves a chance to get better and I could be the difference, so I’ll be there for him whenever possible, doing my bit, able to empathize to some degree, and not just at Christmas. A cross-research study by MIND found that one in four people have some form of mental illness. This is amongst the highest in the world, with numerous studies correlating rising levels of inequality in ‘capitalist economies’ with poor mental health. Yet people with mental illnesses continue to be stigmatised, silent and left with nowhere to go for help. If you are one of them, we want to hear your story! Or comment @arkbounduk @arkbound
Arkbound Printing Options Advert or Bristol City of Sport
creative writing
Liv Francis-Pape
Craving your youth is a feeling, like breathing on a window pane. Like craving sleep when it’s midday. Yearning for the wild, wicked and wry. In these years, blurred edges distinguish my day, as cotton-wool voices ask for tea or coffee. Air feels thick and clumpy as porridge condemned by steam. It’s too misty to see, you can only hear the rattle-trap clinks of the rubbish truck carrying half-dead men across a dozy London. I burn my finger on my fag, a cranky ember rebelling against my ageing skin. Maybe it’s trying to tell me something. Advertisment
Emmaus Advert
Helping Hands Shaun Clarke
Helping Hands - that’s the idea, On the other end of living in fear, Helping others everywhere Giving and taking a fairer share, No original business, but I think you understand, Locally, and in some far-off land, No commands, or outlandish demands, To be united with other brands, a business like Helping Hands – When possible, people, coming together, One for all, no matter the weather, For those who endeavour, emotionally clever, And for them diagnosed, at the end of their tether. No matter colour, shape or size The aim, to keep this vibe alive. We don’t employ demeaning lies. In my eyes, it’s only wise, Like have you heard of the PPP? A Peace and Prosperity Party, for you and me, To fight for the rights of everyone, With a time for work, and a time for fun, My gain should not be your demise We don’t employ demeaning lies, It’s a worthy franchise, For all to thrive… But you have to give, to receive Have to know – not just believe, Roll up, sign up, as soon as you can, It’s very welcome, a helping hand.
local artwork The Gallery - Showcasing local creative talent from people who suffer disadvantage -
Tom McCarthaigh About the artist: Tom McCarthaigh is a Bristol-based illustrator with autism, whose work revolves around fairy tales and horror-based narration. He tries to capture a sense of vulnerability in the characters and their place within a hostile world. Themes of being an outsider or a “freak� are also a recurring theme.
If you like a piece you see in Boundless and want to purchase the original, please contact (90% of each sale goes to the artist, we just take a 10% commission). TO ADVERTISE CONTACT BOUNDLESS@ARKBOUND.COM | 33
Victoria Clothier
Babs Ashokar
scam spotlight Technology: New Opportunities for Scammers In every edition of Boundless we try to help you avoid getting caught out by a scam, rogue trader, or otherwise losing your money through corporate malfeasance. In this issue we look at the latest spoofing techniques used by scammers. You may think that technology presents obstacles to scammers, yet it actually seems to be having the opposite effect – giving them a range of cunning methods to trick people in parting with their cash. You may well have heard of phishing – emails sent out to thousands of recipients, some purporting to be from banks, others from investors, all attempting to get people to give out their banking information. Very few work, yet the scammers persist and all it takes is that one person out of every thousand or so to get misled. Mobile devices are the new frontier for scammers, and a new form of phishing that some have termed ‘smishing’. This involves a scammer getting a text message to appear on a thread from a trusted number, such as a bank. It asks you to update your personal details via a link, and as soon as you click on it you are scammed. More
insidiously, scammers are setting up and gaining access to websites that offer some type of product or service – anything that requires you to enter an account name and password to login. Quite a few people tend to use the same login details for any site they use, so scammers are able to replicate these to hack into email accounts and more. To avoid being caught out, use different passwords and make the ones for your emails and other important accounts even stronger. It is also recommended that passwords be changed at least every 3 months. As for the text messages, think twice before clicking on a link sent by your ‘bank’! Been scammed? Help prevent the same thing happening to others! Write to
Roofless by Stuart Harvey ‘What does it mean to be without a home; to be living each day uncertain where you will be sleeping, in the shadow of near-constant abuse and danger?’ Most of us take having a home for granted, even if it’s just a house share or living with family, yet there are those who don’t have these essential things. Few books succeed in capturing the first-hand accounts of people who have experienced homeless, let alone managing to present these accounts in a way that is both gripping and demanding action. This is what makes Roofless special. Written and compiled by a group of homeless people, the book imparts insights and experiences that most of us can only barely imagine.
Super Sleuths by Ranjeet Singh Five children from different backgrounds unite to embark on an ambitious detective case: to solve why plants keep dissapearing from their school.
Throughout this intrepid journey, they learn about each other’s faiths and realise that they are more alike than different. This is a heart-warming story of children from different religions working and playing together - a book of fiction... but perhaps one day it will become a reality.
The Obsidian Path by Steph Minns The beauty of Steph Minns’s stories is that they are chilling and subtle rather than gratuitously gory or a mere slasher-fest. Their style conjures up memories of the traditional Christmas ghost story, the fireside chiller. The characters are believable and contemporary, and Steph is bold enough to set some of the tales in a different age, or in geographical locations other than the UK. What I particularly like about Steph’s style is that it is proper storytelling - dialogue and narrative that you can follow written in a pared back style that isn’t clouded or confused by totally unnecessary long words (I mean that as a compliment!). Steph has produced a book that tempts you back for more. I thoroughly enjoyed this and will definitely buy more of Steph’s work. (Review by Angela Carpenter)
‘Chilli Sin Carne’ Keeping it vegan Method 1. Heat a little oil in a pan. Finely dice the onion and add to pan. Season and allow to sweat for several minutes.
Last year, it was estimated that over 540,000 vegans lived in the UK. Veganism is one of the fastest growing social movements, and since 2006 the number of people on a Vegan diet has tripled. Making the decision to go Vegan can come down to a number of different reasons; ethical beliefs, environmental concerns and health impacts. The upsurge of Vegan and Vegetarian restaurants is making the lifestyle more accessible now than ever. Here is one vegan recipe you can make:Ingredients 1 onion 1 red pepper 1 yellow pepper 1 green pepper 1 box/can organic black beans 1 can chopped tomatoes Large handful of chopped flat leaf parsley 2 garlic cloves 1 scotch bonnet pepper 1 teaspoon cumin 1 teaspoon paprika 1/2 tsp chilli flakes 1 tsp sugar Salt and Pepper
2. Mince the garlic and add to pan along with the cumin, paprika and chilli flakes. Add a little more oil if it becomes too dry. Finely chop the scotch bonnet and add to pan. 3. Chop the peppers into large chunks. Add to pan and thoroughly stir so that the onion and spices lightly coat the peppers. Allow to gently soften before pouring in the tomatoes. Add the sugar and season. Fill the empty tomato can with water and some to pan. Thoroughly mix and simmer for 30mins topping up with water if again it becomes too dry. 4. Drain and rinse the beans, add to pan, top up with water and simmer for a further 10-15mins. 5. Taste, season if necessary. It shouldn’t need more spice but if you would like it spicier add a few splashes of Tabasco and/or chilli flakes. 6. Finely chop the parsley and add most to the chilli reserving a little for serving. Serve in bowls with folded tortillas and sprinkle with the remaining parsley.
Riddler’s Answer (From page 18)
Every year Arkbound runs a competition for aspiring writers, artists and journalists. This year’s competition is for creative writing. Best Short Story Theme: Time
competitions All prizes, including runner-ups, will also be accompanied by a special embossed certificate. Submission:
There is an entrance fee of £3 for each submission. We can sponsor people who are in financial hardship or Details: Time is the measure of change; a suffering disadvantage. You may send your seemingly inescapable facet of existence. But what if there was more to time than we entry by post (address on page 2) or to We accept can see? Does it hold deeper meanings? Your short story can reflect upon the nature payments by cheque, Paypal or bank transfer (please visit of time from the perspective of a central character, which could also be biographical, for details). or it may go into the realm of science Deadline: 1st November 2017. Entries fiction. Whatever you decide, the word will be judged by a panel of 3 independent count is 1000. judges, and the winners will be announced at an awards ceremony on 1st December Prizes: 1st Prize – £100 | 2nd Prize – £50 | 2017. Prizes will be given or sent out on the 3rd Prize – £25 | There are 3 runner-up same day. places, each of which will receive £10.
Magazine competition
All entries must be received by 1st November 2017.
What date was the first documented balloon flight attempted? The answer can be found inside send it over to First prize will get two free balloon flight tickets and the second prize is tickets for the ‘Free From Festival’ (see opposite).
Two free tickets
the Free From Festival Advert or balloon flight For competition taking place at The Passenger Shed on the 28th of October.
Free From Festival is UK’s first Food Festival that focuses on people that are living their life free from gluten, refined sugar or dairy. TO ADVERTISE CONTACT BOUNDLESS@ARKBOUND.COM | 39
From this From From thisthis
ToTo this To this this P uPbulbi Publishing g ga asasuausuccessful csuccessful bbobook ss nnot lsihs ihni n ccceessssf fuul lbook oookis k inot iis noot Publishing easy, but will e aesay, bu htwith krArkbound yyo oyou uuwill w iillll s y, b tu tw wi tiwith hAArArkbound kbboouunnddyou w easy, but receive all the suppor t you need r ere c ecievreceive ht hethe yyo o uuneed nneeeeto dd tto o iev ea lall ltall essusupport uppppoorrttyou to make make mm a kaeke i ti ta asititsuaaucsuccess. csuccess. ceessss. .
ooFounded in early 2015, based in Bristol. Founded in early early 2015, based Bristol. Founded in 2015, based ininBristol. • Founded in early 2015, based in ooCreated thethe ‘Zooker’ literary award. Created the ‘Zooker’ literary award. Created ‘Zooker’ literary award. Bristol. o Good links to regional and national Good links to regional regional andaward. national Good links and national • o Created the to ‘Zooker’ literary press. press.links to regional and national press. Good press. ooInnovative andand creative publishing Innovative creative publishing Innovative and creative publishing • methods. Innovative and creative publishing methods. methods. methods. ooWinner of Go Green sustainability award Winnerof ofGo GoGreen Greensustainability sustainabilityaward award Winner of Go Green sustainability • Winner award (2016). (2016). (2016). (2016). •
comprehensive proofreading From comprehensive proofreading FrFro o mm c oc m o ooffrre e aaddiinnand gg o mp pr erehheennssi vi vee pprro reviews to national distribution and a nadn dr and ere v iveireviews w e ws st otonto naatnational ti oi onnaal l ddidistribution issttrriibbuuttiioon effective promotion, we will ensure we will your a nadn deand fefe ceffective tcitvi ve eppr oropromotion, mmoot ti o f fe i onn, , wwee wwiillll book gets noticed bookfast. gets noticed fast. forforcustomer service, with top e nesnus ruensure erey oyou uryour Voted‘4*’ ‘4*’ customer service, with rbbooookkggeet tss nnoottiicceedd ffaasstt. • ooVoted Voted ‘4*’ ‘4*’ for customer service, with top Voted top reviews.for customer service, with top Find us on @arkbounduk
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reviews. reviews. reviews. w w m ww. w.aarrk b o u n d . coom