Architecture Portfolio

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ba ch e lor

o f

arc hit ect ur e


ar t

hi s t or y

perspective architect


michael doerneman

project [ three ]

oklahoma state university

f o u r t h y e a r. c o m p r e h e n s i v e s t u d i o

senior comprehensive project -

project [ two ]

oklahoma state university

f o u r t h y e a r. f i r s t s e m e s t e r

conceptual research -

project [ one ]

oklahoma state university

f o u r t h y e a r. f i r s t s e m e s t e r

urban wellness center

professional [ 1.0 ]

Valencia, Spain.

Menis Architects

international design competition

contents theatre for cultural dance

biomimetic analysis

oklahoma city wellness

anglo-american campus

creative [ final ]

creative works - finishing thoughts

project [ seven ]

oklahoma state university.

f o u r t h y e a r. f i r s t s e m e s t e r

constructive studies

relief concepts for haiti

health and aging concepts

nursing home and elementary school

project [ six ]

oklahoma state university

f o u r t h y e a r. s e c o n d s e m e s t e r

contest of ideas -

project [ five ]

oklahoma state university

f o u r t h y e a r. f i r s t s e m e s t e r

conceptual development -

intervention in urban res

universidad politechnica de valencia

f i f t h y e a r. i n t e r v e n t i o n s s t u d i o

project abroad -

project [ four ]

professional [ 1.0 ]

anglo-american campus

Competition work put together from one month of conceptual design work

and a final presentation of our proposal.

The project consisted of an intervention

and remodeling of five office buildings into one major office complex in downtown Johannesburg.

This project was the first of two design phases and strove to explain our

concept of creating a void space and central meeting area in the center of the campus.

urban facility m a y 2 0 11 menis architects location: johannesburg, south africa. type: contest conceptual phase direction: Fernando Menis

professional [ 1.0 ] concept visualizations digital image and model two renderings showing the concpet of creating a garden and void space within the central plaza of the office park which would act as a meeting point and connection for all the parts of the building.

project [ one ]

midtown oklahoma city wellness

A conceptual design project, we were asked to propose a new solution for a

facility that would promote wellness and the urban renewal of the Oklahoma City Midtown area. curtain walls.

My design featured a “dancing façadeâ€? with moving louvers and opening This studio was primarily focused on developing our computer graphics

skills and begging to introduce us to urban planning concepts.

urban facility fourth year. fir st semester oklahoma state university project location: oklahoma city, oklahoma. completed 2009 type: studio project professor: jerry stivers AIA

charette sketches pencil, marker, colored pencil quick sketches helping identify project goals done in less than 10 min to produce a varity of ideas.

final sketch pencil, marker, colored pencil final planning sketch organizing program elements into their final idea creating large fragmented zones that create vistas onto the city

project [ one ]

view of pool (closed)


digital rendering the glass screen of the pool is designed to move with hydrolic lifts and become a shade canopy during sunny days, this allows cross ventilation for the pool and comfortable swimming conditions.

view of pool (open) digital rendering an out door seating area acts as a community spcae next to the market.

project [ one ]

view of corner


digital rendering showing the corner condition of the building and how it responds to the small circle at the end of the site. the idea of creating a garden community is stressed.

< material development digital renderings exploring the material pallete and skin of the building and its construction.

project renderings digital renderings series of renderings that show the development of the digital model during conceptual phases.

project [ one ] layering space axonometric rendering drawing describing the different layers of function as the building gets taller. lighting determined function- running track at top basketball courts at bottom.

organic cafe


digital rendering creating a cafe offeres a space for the community to interact with the building, views into the building’s climbing wall create visual connections to other spaces.

project [ two ]

biomimetic research and analysis

A project whose goal was to help us get familiar with new computer technologies

combined with innovati ve architectural thinking.

This sk etch project encouraged us to

play with forms that we found in nature and create an architectural response.

conceptual research fourth year. fir st semester oklahoma state university completed 2009 type: conceptual studio sk etch project professor: jerry stivers AIA

fingerprint as architecture digital image a series of digital images were produced taking advantage of different possibilities of the form and patterning of finger prints.

project [ two ]

patterning typologies digital image showing a contingous grid warped and pulled and the variations that these patterns produce.

ordering typologies digital image a series of drawings testing the different ways to order a fingerprint as well as lighting effects with their form.

project [ three ]

theatre for cultural dance

A Theatre for Dance was our project for our “senior comprehensive design

p r o j e c t �, a s t u d i o t h a t f o c u s e s o n d e s i g n i n g a c o m p l e x b u i l d i n g t y p o l o g y w i t h d e s i g n c o n s i d e r a t i o n s f o r s t r u c t u r e s a n d m e c h a n i c a l i n s t a l l a t i o n s i n t e g r a t e d i n t o t h e p r o j e c t ’s proposal.

Organized as a semester long cour se, professor s from different back grounds

stress the various phases and integration processes architects deal with as a project moves from concept to schematic design phases.

conceptual research fourth year. second semester oklahoma state university project location: oklahoma city, oklahoma completed 2010 type: comprehensive studio project professor: tom spektor AIA

view from the canal digital rendering the most important relationship was to the canal that Oklahoma City has built through its historical center.

project [ three ]

site analysis digital rendering analysis and parti of major ideas that compose the idea of the building and how the building should function.

project renderings


digital renderings renderings showing the development of the digital model and how the digital model later develops as materials are selected and transform the massing of the building.

Establish Cor ner as a n i m p o rt a n t U r b a n N o d e

M aintain the Integ r i t y o f t h e U r b a n E d g e

Garden Corridor

T h e a tr e A c t s A s Fo c a l Po i n t


Impotant Landm ar k

M ove People Acr oss the Ur ban Landsc a p e Free Parking.


Social Venues

project [ three ]

sctructural model


digital rendering showing the various structural systems that would happen in different locations of the building. columns were sized and designed accordingly.

project [ three ]

presentation drawings > architectural drawings drawings showing the various elevations and section of the theatre that describes how the spaces are organized and used.

digital model


digital rendering after materials and connections and more technical modeled elements have been placed the rendering informs how the building is developing.

project [ three ]

interior rendering > digital rendering the main lobby of the theatre is focused on creating views of the canal outside- the indoors become outdoors and the play of light and space reflects this idea.

project renderings


digital rendering final renderings showing how the model fits into images of the site and how the building responds to the existing architecture of the location and how its contrast and material palette effects the location.

project [ three ]

conceptual rendering > digital rendering rendering showing the concept for a sewing studio and how lighting systems would be designed to improve lighting conditions in the sewing studio.

lighting calculations photometric calculations calculations made from modeling the space and calculating the lighting of various depths of the space.

ceiling plan architectural drawing organizing the various fixtures that will be installed within the ceiling and allow for HVAC of the space to work with lighting to provide optimal lighitng conditions.

project [ three ]

interior lighting concept > digital rendering because this building is designed for dance, the lighting conditions are different. Dance, and modern dance in particular, does not require darkness therefore the theatre becomes a place for flexible play with LED lighting.

walls with warmth


digital rendering backlighting the plastic panels with LED lights allows the lighting designer to change the color of the theatre into any color they desire, and this could change during performances creating a dynamic performance space.

project [ three ]

faรงade systems


axonometric rendering rendering showing the facade as a void space for collecting warm air at the top of the atrium. This air is then brought down to the mecanical room for recooling.

systems and structure


rendering created to explain the different systems that were being chosen to design the building.

project [ four ]

intervention in urban residential areas

A p r o j e c t c o m p l e t e d i n Va l e n c i a , S p a i n w h i l e s t u d y i n g a b r o a d .

The Spanish

h a v e a m a j o r p r o b l e m i n r e d e v e l o p i n g c o n s t r u c t i o n f r o m t h e e a r l y 19 8 0 ’s w h e n t h e architectural boom started in the country.

Buildings where built in the modernist

style and over the past 30 years have deteriorated into ghettos.

Our project strove

to reinvigorate these areas with a stronger sense of community and clearer sense of space.

urban intervention fifth year. fir st semester Po l y t e ch n i c o f Va l e n c i a l o c a t i o n : Po rt S e g u n t o , Va l e n c i a completed 2010 type: group proposal for intervention

historical photographs archival images images of the origional proposal and the design of the site and how the building was placed in the late 1970’s

project [ four ] existing urbanism > digital image a series of images communicating the different functions and parts of Port Segunto. The city is divided into two parts the east and west extentions, the central connecting fabric is industrial.

proposal with nodes > > digital image analysis of important parts of the site and how our project would respond to these critical points in the project.

project [ four ]

intervention/site relations v digital image the image below shows a model of the site and the various interventions our group proposed for the site.

rendering of site > digital image rendering of the developed plaza and how the space would be reinvigorated with a new community center and pool facility.

project [ four ]

density map and social spaces -

development of commertial zone -

(left) map of building height, (right) map of plazas

digital image

green blocks represent buildings with the most levels

rendering explaining how the development of a

and highest density, the plazas proposed connect

commertial area with the community functions as a

these fabrics and unify the area.

connection between intervention and existing fabric.

project [ four ]

intervention in living spaces > digital image the typologies of living spaces are diversified and facades include movable shades to accommodate individual’s needs.

demolition and new structures > map and section the map shows where bulidings will be removed, the existing structures will be reused and new construction will redefine a central spine.

project [ five ]

constructive studies

A group project designed to encourage team work and quick thinking to come

up with volumetric solutions from a formula.

This later developed into thinking with

programmatic elements of a project, twisting functions around each other to create space.

A formalistic project with a duration of one week.

conceptual research fourth year. fir st semester oklahoma state university location: n/a completed 2009 type: conceptual studio sk etch project professor: paolo sanza AIA

shadow studies digital image a series of renderings showing how light interacted with the various volumes. Combined together to show a series of relationships.

constructive studies digital rendering a series of volumes progressing in deconstruction and form. Seen above, shapes combined to create a composition.

presentation of material digital images a series of tiles explaining the development of our ideas and how each volume related to a equation.

project [ six ]

relief concepts for haiti

An ideas competition that focused on the use of recycled building material for

relief efforts in countries like Haiti, three buildings were proposed to accommodate three vital needs. space for children.

The fir st water, the second medicine, and the third a educational All proposals featured the reuse of shipping containers to create

“ready-made� buildings.

design competition fourth year. second semester oklahoma state university project location: Haiti completed 2010

provide educational facilities digital rendering over half the population of Haiti is uneducated, providing facilities to help facilite the development of children is vital in the relief efforts in both long and short term thinking.

project [ six ]

housing for dispaced children digital rendering a rendering showing the different materials, using only concrete blocks, recycled shipping containers, and reused wooden shipping pallate

water distribution facility digital rendering a facility to distribute water and food to the displaced families, can also function as a shower facility and communal kitchen.

project [ six ]



[ community development ] by


doe rnema n.

ok la homa

s t a te

univers it y.

[ D e s i g n

C o n s i d e ra t i o n s ]






c ommunit y


its elf?

[ Access to a Clean Water Source ] T h e fi r s t a n d m o r e i m p o r t a n t p a r t o f a c o m m u n i t y i s a c c e s s t o w a t e r . E s p e c i a l l y a ft e r a n a t u r a l d i s a s t e r, w a t e r h a s b e c o m e s c a r c e .

O ffe r i n g

a p l a c e f o r p e o p l e t o g a t h e r , c l e a n , a n d c o o k t o g e t h e r i s t h e fi r s t s t e p i n d e v e l o p i n g a c o m m u n i t y.

[ Educational Facilities ] T h e fi r s t a n d m o r e i m p o r t a n t p a r t o f a c o m m u n i t y i s a c c e s s t o w a t e r . E s p e c i a l l y a ft e r a n a t u r a l d i s a s t e r, w a t e r h a s b e c o m e s c a r c e .

O ffe r i n g

a p l a c e f o r p e o p l e t o g a t h e r , c l e a n , a n d c o o k t o g e t h e r i s t h e fi r s t s t e p i n d e v e l o p i n g a c o m m u n i t y.

[ Orphanage Facilities ] R a i s e d a b ove t h e o u t r e a ch fa c i l i t i e s t h e O r p h a n a g e i s p hys i c a l l y connected with the facilities.

Orphans could help during community

o u t r e a c h a c t i v i t i e s , a n d h a v e o p p o r t u n i t i e s t o e n g a g e t h e c o m m u n i t y.

[ Community Kitchen ]

[ Central Community Area ] For future use as a communit y Garden

[ Community Outreach Facilities ] A designed space for the distribution of food and living materials as well as a staging area for management of the site.

[ Health Outreach Facilities ] A d e s i g n e d s p a c e fo r v i s i t i n g h e a l t h p r o fe s s i o n a l s o ffe r i n g their ser vices for free to individuals in need.

Open air

allows it to be easily seen and accessed to the individuals o f t h e c o m m u n i t y.



designeddigital rendering brightly colored louvres make the buildings appear friendly and connectable, something that is often forgotten when thinking about relief concepts.

project [ seven ]

design concepts for aging

A project designed for us to start thinking about complex social problems and

how architecture can be used to facilitate developments in these areas.

This project

consisted of a massi ve program of an elementary school, a nur sing home, a research center, as well as a hotel within one block in a suburban context. to develop architectural solutions to problems in groups.

schematic design / conceptual thinking fourth year. fir st semester oklahoma state university project location: Italy completed 2009 type: conceptual studio project professor: Palo Sanza AIA

function activating site site diagram wrapping the functions of living around the outside edges of the site to create a space within.

The project aim was

plans and model planning concepts the functions are wrapped in a skin that creates a multi-level interior space. The skin is perferated for light.

project [ seven ] designed windows planning concepts windows and patios make the most impact on exterior skin, allows individuals to move mesh about to creat different light.

interior coutyard planning concepts interior facade is more visually powerful creating a building with an interior focus.

project [ seven ]

underground chapel planning concepts chaple underground, procession space happens in darkness, chapel is lit with natural light.

creative [ final ]

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