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David Benjamin
Built Cultural Heritage Researcher, practicing conservation and building Architect and research intermediary concerned with sustainable infrastructures for landscapes and waterscapes. I have an interdisciplinary PhD in Architecture/Archaeology from 1993, NTNU Norway, worked as a Postdoc at OSLOMet on sustainable innovation for Olso construction industry on their capability to renovate buildings to Passivhaus stnd and continue to publish and research in the above fields. Collaborated with Architect Inge Vestergaard, of the Aarhus Architecture School, Architect Vidar Vollan of Trondheim and Master Carpenter Håkon Gøthesen of Oslo on buildings conservation policy and survey/conservation work. I research and publish in the fields of material culture studies, architecture and archaeology from the ancient past to the present, focused on human settlements, craftspersons journeys and their relations to ecology. Many of my papers are at researchgate. Co-owner of better inc. and Photonica, Inc. USA, financing sustainable bldgs. and infrastructure, focus on water flows.