Master Builder WA Autumn 2018

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Women’s mentoring program launched


New ABCC Commissioner boosts industry confidence


Cutting edge residence wins Top WA Home


Safety law changes on the way


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On the Cover









WA’s Top Home: Coolbinia Residence A. Di Bucci & Son

Women’s mentoring program launched New ABC C Commis sioner boo sts indust Cutting edg ry confide e residence nce wins Top WA Home Safety law changes on the way

12 13 19 35

ROBERT SPADACCINI, RE-ELECTED PRESIDENT Australia’s best home builder re-elected Master Builders President..................................... 10

DIRECTOR MICHAEL MCLEAN ANNOUNCES RETIREMENT December 2018 marks the end of an era............................................................................. 14

CELEBRATING HOUSING EXCELLENCE 2018 Master Builders-Bankwest Housing Excellence Awards.............................................. 18

PICTURE PERFECT ESPERANCE WINNER WA’s Best Country Home - BD Partington Building Contractors..........................................20

APPRENTICES AWARDED FOR MASTERING TRADES A heartening sign for the industry’s future............................................................................ 24

MBAWA BOARD OF MANAGEMENT: President: Rob Spadaccini Vice President: David Crothers Treasurer: Grant Burgess Immediate Past President: John Ripp Board Members: Philip Kemp, Jason Kunkler, Steve McConkey, Isla McRobbie, Dan Perkins, Jack Pleiter, Robert Shaw, Michael Vermey, Michael Van Dongen SENIOR STAFF: Director: Michael McLean Legal Manager: Charles Anderson Construction Director: Kim Richardson Housing Director: Jason Robertson Business Director: Graeme Dix Communications: Sandra Peterson Marketing Manager: Kelly Dewar-Matusik Sales Manager: Wayne Tardrew Events Manager: Monique Milne Technical Advisor: Romina De Santis Training Manager: Jess Sethi Safety Manager: Michael Fitzgerald HEAD OFFICE: 35-37 Havelock Street, West Perth WA 6005 Post: PO Box 167, West Perth WA 6872 Phone: (08) 9476 9800 (Country) 1300 550 262 Fax: (08) 9476 9801 Email: Website: REGIONAL BRANCHES: Albany-Great Southern: Linda Gibbs Ph: (08) 9841 6232 Bunbury-South West: Geoff Bosustow Ph: (08) 9721 6547 Geraldton-North West: Dianne Gilleland Ph: (08) 9921 5061 Esperance: Doug Backhouse Ph: 0437 184 366





SUBSCRIPTION ENQUIRIES: Master Builder is available for subscription at a cost of $55/ year. Contact Master Builders’ reception via email at for further information.



In this issue FOREWORDS President’s File............................................................. 6 Director’s File............................................................... 8

REPORTS General News............................................................ 10

AWARDS Housing Excellence Awards...................................... 18 Apprentice Awards.................................................... 24 Ric New and Rising Star Awards............................... 25

UPDATES Health........................................................................ 27 Industrial Relations.................................................... 30


Insurance................................................................... 31 Legal.......................................................................... 32 Safety......................................................................... 34 Opinion: Innovation ................................................... 36 Training...................................................................... 37

MEMBERSHIP Members of the Year................................................. 38 New Members........................................................... 38 Pen Portrait: Hayley Van Grinsven............................. 39 Personal Pars............................................................ 40 Member Savings Scheme......................................... 42

SPECIAL PROMOTION BGC Residential is building innovative homes at affordable prices........................................................ 11



Is your Steel Fit for Use?............................................ 44 Concrete Additives vs Surface Waterproofing .......... 46

46 4

Published by: ark:media Phone: +61 7 5629 5310 Email: Web: Editor: Susan Guilfoyle Advertising Sales: Daniel Rutland, Rose Delosreyes Design Team: Andrew Crabb, Arlen Chidzey Advertising Manager: Yvonne Okseniuk

Master Builder is the official publication of The Master Builders Association of Western Australia. It is produced four times per year and published by ark:media. Master Builders Association of Western Australia was established in1898 and is the state’s oldest building industry organisation. The MBAWA is part of the Australia-wide Master Builder movement. Master Builder is produced to keep members informed of matters affecting them. Opinions and/or statements in any editorial and/or advertisements are not necessarily those of the publisher and/ or the MBAWA. The publisher reserves the right to reject any material deemed unsuitable for publication. Other than for the purposes of and subject to the conditions prescribed under the copyright Act 1968, no part of Master Builder may in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, microcopying, photocopying, recording or otherwise) be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted without prior written permission from the MBAWA or ark:media.



McGowan’s Chickens Coming Home to Roost

Robert Spadaccini President


Insurance Partner


It’s hard to believe that the McGowan government has been in office for a year already. In Opposition, the Labor Party was like a government in waiting so it was not surprising that it was out of the blocks quickly after its resounding victory in the March election.

• Establishing an independent Infrastructure WA body to determine the longer-term infrastructure priorities for the state. This would bring us inline with every other state and provide expertise and focus on our state’s future infrastructure needs.

Over the past 12 months, the McGowan government has been reviewing almost everything in support of its election mantra, “jobs and a fresh approach”. In the context of record high debt levels and difficulties in achieving a budget surplus, there are many challenges ahead and some tough decisions to be made.

Other reviews that are also under way include: • Waste avoidance and recycling. • Security of payment. • “Priority Start” apprentice engagement. • Local content requirements to maximise local jobs. • Non-conforming building products.

The outcome of most reviews should be known this year. The ones that impact most on our industry are: • Improving the planning approvals process and consistency across local government. This review is likely to have the most far-reaching benefits for builders and their clients. To create a more streamlined, efficient and transparent planning approvals regime would be welcomed by everyone and is long overdue. It certainly would stimulate much needed construction activity in our industry. Creating consistent building and planning requirements across all local councils also would be well received and beneficial. This has been a very frustrating and growing problem for builders for many years. It is not surprising that private certification has been recommended as a possible solution. • Establishing a more sustainable and equitable housing indemnity insurance system. As the housing industry improves, this issue will become more serious, so it needs urgent attention. Taxpayers should not be put in a position to underwrite this scheme and home-buyers should not have to pay ridiculously high premiums for this last resort insurance which is affecting housing affordability. • “Harmonising” our Occupational Health and Safety legislation. The biggest concerns with this review are what powers might be given to union officials and the range of penalties that could be imposed on employers, especially small businesses. • Reforming the state industrial relations system. Although this jurisdiction might apply only to sole traders and partnerships, there is the potential to extend the definition of “employee” which would then subject some subcontractors to the IR regime. Union right of entry to access workplaces for so-called safety purposes is also a risk from this review.

Each of these reviews is complex but important to the well-being of the WA economy and our industry. Master Builders is contributing to each one via a written submission and, for some, meeting with the review team. As this is my last year as Master Builders President, I am particularly keen to see some of these “big ticket” issues resolved and put behind us as soon as possible. I’m sure many members have experienced similar frustrations to my business in relation to planning approvals, dealing with different local governments and housing indemnity insurance. Mr McGowan campaigned successfully for WA needing “a fresh approach”. The outcome of these reviews will provide that opportunity but a productive building industry will be needed to get our economy moving again. It is therefore critical that obstacles in the form of additional red tape do not hinder our industry from getting on with the job. When the McGowan chickens come home to roost, we would prefer the home to be affordable, safe, built on time and within budget! I hope all Master Builder members have a year of good health, business prosperity and cherished memories.



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More Different Then or Now? Master Builders celebrates its 120th anniversary in March. This is a remarkable milestone which few organisations or businesses ever get to experience. I’ve only been involved for 35 of those momentous years. It is worth reflecting on what life might have been like in the colony of Western Australia in the lead up to the Association being founded. Several significant events occurred in the 1890s, the most notable being the discovery of gold in Kalgoorlie which attracted thousands of new settlers who were all trying to make their fortune in the golden west. (WA’s population grew from 40,000 in 1890 to 160,000 in 1898.) There were no fly in-fly out arrangements in those days, but people faced very similar skill shortages to those we experienced not so long ago during the resource construction boom. It was also at this time in the state’s history that trade unions were being formed and industrial disputes were widespread over better pay, working conditions and safety.

Michael McLean Executive Director


Insurance Partner


The colonial government was grappling with providing adequate infrastructure in the form of roads, hospitals, schools, police stations and prisons. There were more hotels in the Goldfields then than there are now. Can you believe it? Prospecting for gold obviously created a big thirst. Unfair contracts between builders and the colonial powers was probably the last straw that prompted 30-year-old builder Robert Law to organise a meeting in a Perth hotel to discuss the formation of a Builders and Contractors Association. Law became the first president of the Association in August 1898 and built several iconic buildings, including the Perth Mint, Perth Children’s Hospital and Guildford Grammar School before becoming the managing director of Metro Brick. A lot has changed since these early years such as: • The enactment of the Builders Registration Act in 1939. • Occupational health and safety laws in 1987 followed by mandatory safety inductions. • New standard form contract documents including security of payment obligations. • The growth of the subcontract system. • The advent of display homes. • A more stable industrial relations environment after years of disruption.

• The establishment of regional Master Builders’ offices in Geraldton, Bunbury, Albany and Esperance (covering Kalgoorlie). • The formation of labour hire companies and group training schemes. • The building of Construction House in West Perth in 1971-2 as Master Builders’ head office. • The establishment of industry superannuation (1984), portable long service leave (1987), and redundancy (1989) funds. • The move from centralised awards to enterprise agreements and minimum conditions of employment. • Modular and pre-fabricated building trends. • The establishment and popularity of housing and construction excellence awards in both metropolitan and regional areas. • The use of Building Information Modelling. • The advent of the internet and mobile phones which has enhanced knowledge and communications beyond belief. • The emergence of disruptive technology like 3D printing and robotics which has the potential to restructure the way buildings are built. Largely through the efforts of volunteers, especially honorary office bearers, and dedicated staff, Master Builders has been at the forefront of change in the industry for every one of those 120 years. Yes, we have a proud tradition, but we can never afford to become complacent because the building industry is changing rapidly and members expect the Association to keep them ahead of the game as tough as that might be. Without members there would not be a Master Builders Association. I would therefore like to thank all members for their contributions to the Association over our first 120 years. The positioning statement behind Master Builders’ logo is “building a better industry”. That is the goal which continues to drive us. Master Builders has achieved a culture of success through a commitment to remain vital, influential and truly representative of the whole building and construction industry. Master Builder members have played a vital role in building WA, thereby enhancing the economy and improving the standard of living of the state’s citizens. I hope all members will be able to participate in at least one of our functions this year to celebrate this remarkable achievement.




The Construction Training Fund (CTF) can reduce the costs of employing apprentices in WA’s building and construction industry for MBA members. The CTF has a range of incentives for eligible employers of apprentices in construction trades, with up to $19,000 in cash now available to help reduce the costs of adding a new apprentice to your business.

The first is paid after probation and six months of continuous employment; the second at the half-way point of the indenture and the final payment is made after successful completion of the qualification.

The minimum standard grant available to an eligible employer is $3,000 (for a 12 month traineeship), rising to a maximum of $10,000 for a 48 month apprenticeship in core construction trade areas.

MBA members will also receive the benefits of the grant from the CTF if hosting an apprentice through a group training organisation (GTO). The GTO claims the grant on your behalf and uses this funding to reduce the cost of employing and training the apprentice. This will result in a reduction in your net costs of hiring the apprentice through the GTO. Look for the note on the GTO’s invoice that shows your apprentice is being supported by the Construction Training Fund.

In addition to the standard grants, CTF can provide a bonus of up to $2,000 to an employer of an apprentice that has successfully completed a recognised Certificate II VET-in Schools or pre-apprenticeship qualification. CTF is also providing an extra bonus of up to $2,000 to eligible employers for the employment of women in non-traditional trades. Additional supplements for employment of indigenous and regional trainees/apprentices bring the maximum grant available to a total of $19,000.

Visit or call 9244 0100 for more information about the CTF’s apprenticeship grants and other support programs for the construction industry. It’s your training fund.

The grants are available to employers of trainees/apprentices registered with the Department of Training & Workforce Development on or after 1 July 2015. Direct indenture employers receive the grant in three equal instalments.

Receive up to $19,000 to help train an apprentice.

Apprentices bring leading edge skills to your business and they help strengthen the building and construction workforce. That’s why the Construction Training Fund provides up to $19,000 in grants for you to reduce the cost of training each apprentice you employ. For details on eligibility, visit or call 9244 0100.

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Australia’s best home builder re-elected Master Builders president Robert Spadaccini has been re-elected president of Master Builders WA for 2018. Mr Spadaccini is the managing director of Spadaccini Homes and a director of New Choice Homes and AMG Homes. Spadaccini Homes received the top home award at both Master Builders’ and HIA’s national awards in 2017 for two different homes – the first time that any builder has achieved this feat. Mr Spadaccini has been a Master Builders’ board member since 2008 and a long-serving member of the Association’s Housing Council. Mr Spadaccini said he was looking forward to his third and final year as president and helping to make the building and construction industry a better, safer and more attractive place in which to work. “Since the McGowan Government was elected last year, it has been reviewing everything,” he said. “This has kept our Association busy as we’re responding to a whole range of regulatory reforms. Next year will provide us with a better insight into the State Government’s direction and strategy to get our economy moving again. “On an industry level, the top priorities are to improve housing affordability, streamline the planning approvals process, maintain industrial relations stability and minimise additional red tape in carrying out business.”

The 2018 Master Builders’ board. Back row (l-r): Michael McLean, Michael Vermey, Grant Burgess, Robert Shaw, Dan Perkins, John Ripp, Philip Kemp, Jack Pleiter. Front row: Robert Spadaccini, David Crothers, Michael Van Dongen, Isla McRobbie, Stephen McConkey, Jason Kunkler.

Master Builders director Michael McLean said he was looking forward to continuing to work with Mr Spadaccini to improve the regulatory environment in which builders operated in WA. “The building and construction industry is a key barometer to the health of our economy and the wellbeing of our community, so the challenge is to keep the industry viable, affordable and attractive to young people choosing their career path,” Mr McLean said.

Other members of Master Builders’ 2018 board are immediate past president John Ripp (EMCO Building), vice president David Crothers (Crothers Construction), treasurer Grant Burgess (Ernst & Young), Dan Perkins (Perkins Builders), Jack Pleiter (Genesis Homes Master Builders), Jason Kunkler (PACT Construction), Robert Shaw (Daly & Shaw), Michael Van Dongen (Encon), Michael Vermey (Affordable Living Homes), Philip Kemp (Alliance Builders), Steve McConkey (Multiplex) and Isla McRobbie (Jackson McDonald).

Mr Spadaccini is the 55th President of Master Builders since the Association was formed in 1898 by a group of builders who recognised the need to have a reputable organisation to represent their interests before governments, statutory authorities, clients and unions.

Ms McRobbie is the first woman elected to the board. Mr McLean said Ms McRobbie, who is a former architect and now a construction lawyer, has the credentials and experience to make a first-class contribution to the board.

Industry veteran elected Master Builders’ national president Construction industry veteran Hedley Davis has been elected president of peak national building organisation, Master Builders Australia. Mr Davis is a consultant for a number of construction contractors and sits in non-executive director roles on several boards. His industry career spans more than 25 years, during which time he has held senior leadership roles with some of the Australia’s largest construction businesses, including Baulderstone Hornibrook (part of Lendlease) and Watpac Mr Davis has extensive experience across the commercial construction, civil infrastructure and mining construction sectors. He has overseen the construction of iconic buildings and civil infrastructure projects in the nation’s major cities, most notably in Melbourne where he oversaw the construction of CityLink and a number of other well-known major projects. 10

Mr Davis succeeds WA’s Dan Perkins, managing director of Perkins Builders. He said he intends to continue to advance the national board’s commitment to growing Master Builders Australia’s effectiveness as a national voice for its 32,000 members. Mr Davis has a long history of serving Master Builders. He is a past president and a current member of the board of the Master Builders Association of Victoria and has served on the Master Builders Australia board since 2012, most recently as deputy president. Master Builders Australia also elected a new deputy president and treasurer to support Mr Davis. Simon Butt and Craig Edmunds are the CEOs of commercial contractors Manteena and Fairbrother, based in Canberra and Tasmania respectively. MASTER BUILDER AUTUMN 2018


BGC Residential Building innovation at affordable prices With the needs of homeowners constantly evolving, homebuilders not only have to be at the forefront of current technologies and lifestyles, they also must build homes that can be adapted for the future and do it affordably. BGC Residential is meeting the challenge every day including installing Clipsal Iconic light switches, power outlets, electronic accessories and network connectivity into every home it builds. “Clipsal Iconic is the perfect choice for any home,” says BGC Residential’s Executive General Manager Michael Bartier. “It’s sleek, modern design complements any interior with clean looks and clever efficiency.” BGC Residential is including Clipsal Iconic switches and GPOs throughout all its homes and ControlLink cabling to all light points. The company also is future-proofing homes by providing three wire cabling allowing homeowners to upgrade to future technologies more affordably. Clipsal Iconic electrical accessories are designed to enhance functionality, aesthetic appeal and usability. WWW.MBAWA.COM

“We’ve taken the lead in WA by guaranteeing a 6-star energy rating because we recognise its significant impact on energy savings over the life of the home,” Mr Bartier said. “It’s projected that it requires about 24 per cent less energy to heat and cool an energy efficient home [in comparison to a 4 or 5-star home].” *

Features include changeable faceplate skins, switch illumination (making it easy to find switches in a dark room) and the ability to dim the brightness of every light. Clipsal Iconic also gives homeowners the ability to control lights using the Wise Room App on smart phones or tablets. This offers simple on/off control, setting of time delays and the ability to programme multiple 24/7 schedules. Another way BGC Residential is staying at the forefront of modern homebuilding is through energy efficiency and solar power. As part of its commitment to sustainably, the company is building homes to achieve a guaranteed 6-star NatHERS energy efficiency rating.

To complement the 6-star energy efficiency in every home, BGC Residential also offers solar PV systems as another way to help homeowners lower energy bills and reduce their carbon footprint. The company works closely with MySolar, a WA business with more than 10 years’ experience, to determine the most suitable solar solution to fit homeowners’ needs and budgets.

FURTHER INFORMATION: To find out more about how BGC Residential is staying at the forefront of innovation in home design and technology, visit

*As projected by the Sustainable Energy Association of Australia’s 2011 publication ‘Your 6-Star Guide to building an energy efficient home’, referenced by the Building Commission and Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety.



Future in good hands Master Builders has launched its Future Leaders Committee designed to give 25-35-year-olds within the membership a voice to contribute to the Association.

spirt of collaboration,” he said. “The committee will be outcomes driven, assisting Master Builders address head on, the challenges facing industry.”

blocks, extra strong tape, printed soil, green building certification, 3D printers for construction, photovoltaic glazing and the Tiny House Movement.

The Association’s Housing and Construction Councils addressed the idea during 2017 and agreed there was benefit in establishing a committee for “younger generation” industry practitioners. The focus would be on industry innovation and technology and on providing a pathway for talented individuals to serve on other Association committees and the Councils.

Innovation and technology together are one of the top three areas being addressed by the National Master Builders Residential Housing Council. The Future Leaders Committee will have a role in assisting Master Builders in this area.

Another agenda for the committee is to raise awareness of industry opportunities for women and to break down bias against them working in building. Several talented women have nominated to join the committee.

The Association board endorsed the concept and the Future Leaders Committee held its inaugural meeting towards the end of 2017.

Discussion at the committee’s inaugural meeting included innovations in construction such as CO2capturing concrete, affordable housing for low income families, self-healing bioconcrete, modular plastic

With a focus on future-proofing the industry, the committee also is looking at the apprentice system, training and what lies ahead for the second biggest employment sector in the State.

Master Builders housing director Jason Robertson says the membership’s talented young individuals will be able to make a significant contribution in developments in innovation and technology. “The other main aspect is in giving aspiring leaders an introduction to the Association’s governance matters,” he said. “The new committee will interface with our regional committees, the Training and Safety Committees and our Housing and Construction Councils. It will be a potential pathway to representation on the standing committees and Councils.” Association construction director Kim Richardson said the new committee has representatives from both the residential and commercial sectors. “Those on the committee immediately demonstrated what makes our industry great – passion, determination, a thirst for increasing knowledge, and a

The inaugural meeting of Master Builders’ Future Leaders Committee.

Women’s mentoring program launched Master Builders Australia’s first female CEO Denita Wawn has launched a national mentoring program to boost the number of women in the male dominated building industry.

future. Even when women are attracted to careers in building and construction, too many drop out of training or choose not to start jobs when they complete their training.

The Women Building Australia Mentoring Program is a big step in building on the efforts of Master Builders around the country to support more females to pursue careers in the industry.

Ms Wawn said the industry simply could not afford for this to continue. “We need to both train and retain women in the industry and see them develop and achieve so they can form part of our industry’s future workforce,” she said.

“We want to build on this change for the better,” Ms Wawn said. “There is so much opportunity for women to build careers in building and construction right now, but we need to support them when they make the choice to join our industry. “Women Building Australia will encourage and support women who are currently working in the building and construction industry and those who are on training pathways to careers in the industry. This is a hugely important initiative for the industry’s 12

Women currently comprise only 11 per cent of the industry’s total workforce and only one per cent of building trades. Master Builders Australia CEO Denita Wawn has launched the Women Building Australia Mentoring Program.

“There’s a long way to go. The number of women in our industry remains woefully low, both in building trades and para-professional and professional jobs,” Ms Wawn said. MASTER BUILDER AUTUMN 2018


Tennis anyone? The final 2017 Master Builders ‘Tennis Open’, sponsored by Butler-Settineri, was held at Royal Kings Park in November. A glorious day attracted 17 keen competitors, most of whom looked in peak condition but whose tennis prowess lacked that Roger Federer finesse. A record number of women and six debutants participated. So, who were the winners and who made up the numbers? Patrick Heenan (VPG) was the odd person out due to his tardy arrival and finished with 25 games to his credit. Patrick’s personality made him a popular choice to play with and he will be one to watch in 2018 with youth on his side. In 8th position were Chantelle Delpero (Pindan) and Tom Jacobs (Jackson McDonald) with 37 games. Tom drew some tough opponents while Chantelle was a bit rusty but will be better next time around. In 7th place, were Brian Martinovich (MBA Insurance Services) and Simon Greenlaw (Pindan Homes) with 38.5 games. This was an energetic and enthusiastic combination who just couldn’t find the chalk when it counted. More practice will no doubt help. Mathieu Paul (ROCG) and Karl Millard (Master Builders) compiled 39 games in some close encounters to finish 6th. Karl is a big improver following a dedicated lunchtime training regime and evening tennis. Mathieu would have been disappointed with his performance given his ranking but is one to watch in 2018. Fifth were Brett Nash (Blackwoods) and Robert Shaw (Daly & Shaw) with 42 games. Brett’s A-game peaked late into the tournament highlighting his ability on the

court. Robert’s agility was evident even though he had a few falls but closing out the big points let him down. Debutant Steve McConkey (Multiplex) teamed with one of the defending champions in Joe ‘the Italian Stallion’ Gangemi (Butler Settineri) to accrue 42.5 games and snare 4th spot. Joe’s good form continued despite no prior match practice while Steve adjusted beautifully to the Master Builders’ circuit and will improve with this experience behind him and possibly more coaching from his son. In 3rd place were David Coomblas (MBA Insurance Services) and Kendal Moss (Multiplex) with 47 games. David’s reach and athleticism complimented Kendal’s stroke making and experience perfectly. Second prize went to Emma Choulet (ROCG) and veteran Master Builders Director Michael McLean who surprised the punters with 55 games. Emma, with 30 games to her credit, was the best player on the day. Michael had some close encounters throughout the afternoon, losing with Tom Jacobs to Geoff Cohn and Brett Nash 6-4 in the game of the day. The bookies will note this score line and Emma’s performance when 2018 seedings are released. The winners of the Butler Settineri Slam with 57 games were Geoff Cohn (Burgess Rawson) and Kevin Skipworth (Perth Convention Bureau). This was a very steady and even combination who shared consistent success against lesser but keen opponents. Debilitating leg cramps nearly forced Kevin to default but his “never say die” attitude and Geoff’s experience at South Perth Tennis Club saw them through. Thanks to Joe Gangemi and Butler Settineri for sponsoring another enjoyable day at Next Generation, Kings Park. The next corporate tennis afternoon on 18 April.

Geraldton Expo Showcases Midwest As Master Builder was going to print, planning was well under way for Geraldton’s Building and Home Renovation Expo being held on 22 March.

available in the building and renovation market, including the latest tools and technology, without having to travel all the way to Perth,” she said.

The event has been planned to provide builders, suppliers, tradespeople, interior designers and landscapers with the opportunity to connect with the Midwest Region’s home buyers, renovators and property developers.

“It’s great for the local economy and beneficial for our community. Our aim is to help people network, connect and be inspired.”

Master Builders Regional Manager Dianne Gilleland says it has been a long time since an expol of this calibre has been run in Geraldton. “The Building and Home Renovation Expo provides a wonderful opportunity for local people to see what’s


Ms Gilleland said that if the expo was successful it would become an annual event to promote the best the Midwest has to offer.

FURTHER INFORMATION: Contact Dianne Gilleland on 9921 5061 or 0419 854 413.

New ABCC Commissioner Stephen McBurney.

New Commissioner boosts industry confidence Master Builders Australia has welcomed the appointment of Stephen McBurney as Commissioner of the Australian Building and Construction Commission. “The ABCC is an agency of great importance to the nation’s building and construction industry and the appointment of a permanent Commissioner is a boost to industry confidence,” Master Builders Australia CEO Denita Wawn CEO said. Ms Wawn also acknowledged and thanked Cathy Cato who had been Acting Commissioner. “The tireless and professional work of Ms Cato, particularly during a period of change involving the Building Code 2016, has ensured the ABCC remains effective and continues to bring about positive and lasting cultural change, something for which the entire industry is grateful,” she said. “The ABCC has a proven track record of tackling the ingrained and institutionalised toxic culture of the building unions and ensuring construction workplaces are lawful and operate like all other workplaces. “The community and all Australians benefit from the work of the ABCC. The illegal conduct of building unions and their belief they are above the law robs the community by driving up the cost of schools, hospitals, childcare centres and road, rail and other infrastructure by as much as 30 per cent. It cheats the community of more classrooms, more hospital beds and more childcare places.” Ms Wawn said Master Builders Associations around the nation looked forward to working with Commissioner McBurney to ensure the rule of law was maintained on building and construction sites. 13


Michael McLean announces retirement

BMW award to recognise outstanding contractors The Department of Finance has announced a new award for contractors demonstrating outstanding performance on Government projects. “The new award aims to recognise contractors who provide exceptional value and service on non- residential building projects for the WA community,” said Deputy Director General Phil Helberg of the Department’s Building Management and Works business. The award will be based on reports completed in accordance with BMW’s Contractor Performance Appraisal Framework introduced in July 2014 for projects valued at more than $500,000. The Framework is one of BMW’s performance management initiatives aiming to promote continuous improvement in the management of capital works projects and the strengthening of the WA building and construction industry.

Advocating for the building industry on Nine News is all in a day’s work for Michael McLean.

Master Builders Director Michael McLean has announced his intention to retire at the end of December. Mr McLean commenced his employment with Master Builders in August 1983 as its Industrial Relations Manager and was appointed Executive Director in September 1996 when his predecessor, the late Harvey McLeod, retired. Mr McLean said that Master Builders’ board members had been aware of his pending retirement, the culmination of a three-year exit strategy. “After 22 years as the head of WA’s peak building and construction industry association, it was time to hand over the baton to someone younger with new ideas to take Master Builders to the next level,” Mr McLean said. “It has been an absolute privilege to have served my Association for as long as I have because I have enjoyed every moment dealing with many different issues, lots of capable people and learnt so much about what makes the building and construction industry tick. 14

“I am leaving on my terms, in good health and hope to stay involved with Master Builders in a lesser capacity after the appointment of my successor, subject to the Board’s final approval.” Master Builders President Robert Spadaccini said Mr McLean’s contribution to the Association over the past 35 years was enormous and he would be missed by everyone who knows him. “Master Builders respects Michael’s decision to retire at a relatively young age and wishes him all the best in his future endeavours which include a lot more travel,” Mr Spadaccini said. “The process of recruiting a new Executive Director has commenced and we anticipate the transition to a new appointment will be a smooth one as Michael will still be around to pass on his knowledge and experience. “With so many challenging policy and structural issues confronting our industry, our Board is looking for a very competent and experienced person to lead the Association.”

Reports assess contractors against a range of criteria including occupational safety and health, cost management, time management, contract administration, quality of work, management of personnel and subcontractors, training and apprentices, and relationships with other parties and the community. The reports allow both exemplary and unsatisfactory performance to be recorded, communicated and acted on. To be announced in July each year, the award will be open to all prequalified builders active with BMW. The winner will be the contractor which has achieved the highest average overall rating from two or more performance reports and no infractions in the preceding two years. One or more runners- up also might be given a ‘highly commended’ certificate. The winner and runners-up will receive written congratulations and a certificate from the BMW Deputy Director General, accompanied by publicity on the Department’s website and other outlets.


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New centre building brighter careers The new Construction Futures Centre inside Belmont’s Construction Training Fund headquarters is a welcome and much-needed development for the building and construction industry.

tilt-up construction and industrial relations. Would-be apprentices shouldn’t be dissuaded by fears about technological advances and job automation putting them out of work, either.

Master Builders is confident that the Construction Futures Centre will encourage more employers to invest in training their staff to high standards.

“The Construction Futures Centre will help people deal with disruptive technologies and master their understanding of them so that they can become leaders in these fields,” Mr McLean said.

“The Construction Training Fund has played a significant role in enabling builders and specialist contractors to train more apprentices than any other industry in WA through generous subsidies,” Master Builders Director Michael McLean said. “The Fund has also helped businesses up-skill their workers in areas such as safety, demolition, first aid,

“Perfecting manual skills and understanding how things work from the ground up will always be important in our increasingly mechanised world. One of the major attractions of this Centre, of course, will be to raise awareness about career options in the building industry for parents, teachers and students.”

Grand opening day at the Construction Futures Centre in Belmont.

OzHelp aims to improve access to health services OzHelp is a not-for-profit organisation that seeks to improve the health and wellbeing of construction industry workers in WA. For the past 15 years, OzHelp has had a strong presence in the construction industry, with a long history of working with MBA ACT and MBA NT. “We hope that by increasing physical and mental health literacy and encouraging help-seeking behaviours, we are giving employees the resilience to access support for themselves and their colleagues,” OzHelp CEO Tony Holland said.

WTU is a leading health and wellbeing screening tool delivered online. Participants receive tailored results and recommendations, as well as ongoing support from the OzHelp wellbeing support team. The program is designed to help employees, while providing employers with a confidential snapshot of the overall health of their workforce to accurately inform, identify and evaluate wellbeing strategy activities. OzHelp was founded when a young building apprentice, David O’Bryan, took his own life when he was 23 years old. OzHelp focuses its efforts on at-risk

industries by promoting the concept of incorporating mental health and wellness as a crucial part of overall health awareness and education. For more information about OzHelp, visit or call 1300 694 57. Master Builders health alliance partner Mates in Construction is another invaluable resource to our industry. Visit or call their 24/7 helpline on 1300 642 111 for assistance and/or information.

To extend its the positive impact to more lives, OzHelp has introduced a web-based mental and physical health screening program; The Workplace Tune-Up (WTU). Designed in collaboration with the University of Wollongong School of Medicine, the evidence-based tool provides the opportunity to effectively access any workplace in Australia. 16


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Celebrating the Best in the West

From left to right: Master Builders Housing Director Jason Robertson, Hon. Peter Tinley, AM MLA – Minister for Housing, Nathan Jujnovich from Palazzo Homes and David Cramond, Director of Harvey Norman Commercial Division WA.

Crown’s Grand Ballroom decked out for the Housing Excellence Awards

Guests kicked up their Cuban heels in Old Havana style at the 2018 Master Builders-Bankwest Housing Excellence Awards. Crown’s Grand Ballroom was turned into a Cubaninspired oasis for the residential building industry’s night of nights – and the 750-plus guests were all dazzled from the moment they set foot inside the lavish venue. From the food to the entertainment and the complimentary fans on the tables, everything was beautifully themed. Once again, this prestigious awards night showcased some extraordinary residential housing projects that wowed judges and industry professionals alike. With Master Builders itself proudly celebrating its 120th year anniversary in 2018, it was befitting to acknowledge the achievements of this year’s talented finalists and winners. Every year, Master Builders’ awards program gives all builders the opportunity to benchmark themselves against their peers in the building industry. Every entry is inspected and judged by a panel of experienced master builders who focus purely on the quality of workmanship and craftsmanship of the project. 18

Even the entertainment was in keeping with the Cuban theme at the 2018 Master Builders-Bankwest Housing Excellence Awards.

From left to right: Hon. Peter Tinley, AM MLA – Minister for Housing, Alex and Mick Di Bucci from A. Di Bucci & Son, Richard Bator, general manager business and banking at Bankwest and chief judge Robert Shaw.

Winning an award means the builder and/or trades have outstanding skills that put them in a highly competitive league of WA’s best builders. Hundreds of properties, with a combined value of more than $271 million in the metropolitan area alone, were entered into the 2018 Housing Excellence Awards, making the competition especially fierce. Projects ranged from multi-million-dollar mansions right through to offerings for first-home buyers. The Awards also championed the importance of skilled trades, from bricklayers to cabinet makers. housing affordability front and centre for many, entering an elite club of the best of the best is one of life’s big achievements. To all our winners, finalists and entrants, Master Builders commends you for your efforts, enthusiasm and pursuit of excellence.

From left to right: Master Builders Housing Director Jason Robertson, Hon. Peter Tinley, AM MLA – Minister for Housing, Brett Partington from BD Partington Building Contractors and Jeff Concanen, WA State Manager of MBA



This Coolbinia mansion is WA’s Top Home for 2018.

A. Di Bucci & Son are Dream Weavers A cutting-edge Coolbinia residence built by multiaward-winning builder, A. Di Bucci & Son, took out the ultimate accolade at the 2018 Master BuildersBankwest Housing Excellence Awards – winning Top WA Home. The multi-level mansion, which has five bedrooms, five-bathrooms, three powder rooms, a 10-car garage with turntable and an outdoor entertaining area with a glass-walled swimming pool, bar and change room, won a swag of other prestigious prizes before receiving this year’s top title. They were Best Contract Home over $3 million, Excellence in Floor & Wall Tiling, Excellence in Cabinet Making, Excellence in Painting, Excellence in Ceilings, Excellence in Carpentry and The Silver Trowel Award. It’s the eighth time WA’s peak housing body has bestowed the top residential housing industry honour on this luxury home builder. Master Builders Housing Director Jason Roberston said it was a world-class project that will showcase Perth’s housing stock on the global map. “From the design by Yael K Designs right through to the fixtures and fittings, every aspect in this hi-tech home has been carefully conceived and executed to perfection,” Mr Robertson said. Chief judge Robert Shaw said it was a “truly special” dwelling which was privilege to judge. “The workmanship and incredible attention to detail in every single aspect of the home was phenomenal. This is exactly what the Master Builders awards are all about,” Mr Shaw said. WWW.MBAWA.COM



WA’s Best County City of Rockingham Home is in Esperance is Top of the Pops

L to R: Master Builders Business Director Graeme Dix, Mayor of Rockingham Barry Sammels, Katrina Mohsenin from the City of Rockingham and Troy Gorton, Executive General Manager of Now Living.

The best tradespeople in the region worked on this award-winning home.

WA’s builders say Rockingham City Council is the best in the West – and this high praise saw the Council win the 2018 Local Government Best Practice Award at Master Builders-Bankwest Housing Excellence Awards.

BD Partington Building Contractors built the picture-perfect Esperance residence that has was crowned WA’s Best Country Home at Master Builders-Bankwest Housing Excellence Awards 2018.

Housing Director Jason Robertson said the powerful endorsement came from myriad builders who had collectively built more than 4,000 residential and commercial building projects throughout the metropolitan area in the past year.

The majestic residence beat four other award-winning dwellings from the South West, Great Southern, Midwest and Kimberley-Pilbara to take out regional WA’s top housing industry honour.

“The City of Rockingham received outstanding endorsement and praise from a cross-section of builders,” Mr Robertson said.

Brett Partington, who owns BD Partington Contractors, paid tribute to the tradesmen who worked on the house and said they were some of the best craftsmen in the region. Their meticulous workmanship is evident in the extensive travertine floor tiling, the windows that frame the panoramic bay views and the vanishing-edge swimming pool. The aspirational abode also has two kitchens, a lift, smart wiring and private bathrooms attached to each bedroom. Master Builders Housing Director Jason Robertson said Brett Partington and his team should be commended for building at consistently high levels for their clients. “Competition in the housing industry is always extremely fierce and the fact that this Esperance home is a stand-out in the top end of the market is testament to BD Partington’s first-class skills and professionalism,” Mr Robertson said. “The builder’s dedication to achieve such an outstanding outcome makes it a worthy winner of Western Australia’s Best Country Home.” This home previously scooped the pool at last year’s Master Builders-Bankwest Building Excellence Awards for the Goldfields-Esperance region, winning Best Contract Home over $1 million, Excellence in Painting, Excellence in Floor & Wall Tiling, Excellence in Carpentry (Internal & External) and Excellence in Plasterboard Linings. 20

“Rockingham Council has set the standard for other Councils by consistently processing building applications in a very short time frame, a must for builders, with their staff clearly having a genuine customer service-focused culture.” Master Builders introduced the Local Government Best Practice Award in 2016 to benchmark standards across local Councils and encourage best practice across the board. “It’s a very unique award for local government as it’s judged by Master Builders’ members who work with the Councils on a regular basis. As such, the award is a direct reflection of their service and this year’s finalists have certainly displayed firstclass leadership qualities,” Mr Robertson said. The finalists for the 2018 Local Government Best Practice Award were: • City of Rockingham (winner). • City of Swan. • City of Wanneroo, which won the award in 2016 and 2017. The Local Government Best Practice Award assesses metropolitan local Councils that perform best in efficiency and responsiveness when dealing with building applications, demonstrate a customer service culture, provide consistently reliable advice and information and engage in honest and open communication with clients.




Sponsor: Bankwest Builder: A Di Bucci & Son Designer: Yael K Designs Location: Coolbinia


Sponsor: Home in WA Builder: A Di Bucci & Son Trade: International Cabinets Designer: Yael K Designs Location: Coolbinia BEST WATERWISE HOME

BEST MULTI UNIT DEVELOPMENT - 5-10 Units Builder: Exclusive Homes WA Location: Rivervale BEST MULTI UNIT DEVELOPMENT - 10-20 Units Builder: Daly & Shaw Building Pty Ltd Designer: Mikasa Designs Location: Mandurah

Sponsor: Automotive Holdings Group BEST COUNTRY HOME - Goldfields-Esperance

Sponsor: MBA Insurance Services Builder: BD Partington Building Contractors Designer: Concept Building Designs Location: Esperance

Builder: Nulook Homes in conjunction with Solar Dwellings & Step Beyond Designer: Solar Dwellings Location: West Leederville EXCELLENCE IN PAINTING


Sponsor: Midland Brick Builder: A Di Bucci & Son Trade: A & L Donatelli and S & M Giovannazi Designer: Yael K Designs Location: Coolbinia


Sponsor: Ark Media

Sponsor: Jackson McDonald

Builder: A Di Bucci & Son Trade: Sbrocco Painting Service and Jeff Wybenger Painter & Decorator Designer: Yael K Designs Location: Coolbinia


Sponsor: Harvey Norman Commercial


Sponsor: Cbus Super

Builder: Palazzo Exclusive Homes Location: Dalkeith

Sponsor: Advantage Air

Builder: Ventura iD Location: Morley

Builder: Exclusive Residence Designer: Korda Design Group Location: Kiara BEST DISPLAY HOME


Sponsor: Cockburn Cement Builder: Tony Tomizzi Builders Pty Ltd Trade: Lanza Plastering Designer: Paul Hofman Architect Location: City Beach

Builder: Mercedes Construction Pty Ltd Location: West Perth EXCELLENCE IN CEILINGS

Sponsor: Alinta Energy Builder: A Di Bucci & Son Trade: Tuart Hill Tiling Works and T&R&S Randazzo Tiling Works Designer: Yael K Designs Location: Coolbinia BEST STEEL BUILDING

Sponsor: Colorbond Builder: Tony Tomizzi Builders Pty Ltd Designer: Paul Hofman Architect Location: City Beach MOST LIVEABLE HOME

Sponsor: Keystart Builder: Luxus Homes Designer: Palassis Architects Location: Wembley

Builder: Celebration Homes



BEST NEW BUILDER Builder: Douglas Constructions

Builder: A Di Bucci & Son Trade: Mid-Ceil Moulding Supplies Designer: Yael K Designs Location: Coolbinia




Sponsor: Bankwest Builder: Right Homes

Builder: Nulook Homes in conjunction with Solar Dwellings & Step Beyond Designer: Solar Dwellings Location: West Leederville

Sponsor: Bankwest


Sponsor: Bankwest

Sponsor: MBA Insurance Services

Builder: Blueprint Homes

Builder: A Di Bucci & Son Trade: F & P Quaglio and AN & R Panetta and Panetta Enterprises Designer: Yael K Designs Location: Coolbinia



Sponsor: Bankwest Winner: Ford & Doonan Air Conditioning Systems

BEST MODULAR HOME Builder: Express Two Storey Living Location: Golden Bay


BEST ANCILLARY DWELLING Builder: Devrite Homes of Distinction Location: Mount Lawley



Sponsor: The Sunday Times

Winner: City of Rockingham

Sponsor: Cockburn Cement


Sponsor: BGC Residential

Sponsor: Keystart Builder: Mondo Exclusive Homes

Sponsor: Ford & Doonan Air Conditioning Systems Builder: Summit Homes Group

BEST MULTI UNIT DEVELOPMENT - 2-5 Units Builder: Weststyle Design & Development Location: Wembley Downs



Best Contract Home BEST CONTRACT HOME - Under $180,000 Builder: Q Scope Homes Langford BEST CONTRACT HOME - $180,000-$230,000 Builder: Gemmill Homes Mullaloo BEST CONTRACT HOME - $230,000-$280,000 Builder: New Generation Homes Wannanup BEST CONTRACT HOME - $280,000-$350,000 Builder: New Choice Homes Landsdale

Best Alterations & Additions

Best Display Home

BEST ALTERATIONS & ADDITIONS Under $150,000 Builder: One Design and Construct Location: Leeming

BEST DISPLAY HOME - Under $190,000 Builder: Commodore Homes Design: The Piedmont Location: Piara Waters

BEST ALTERATIONS & ADDITIONS $150,000-$200,000 Builder: Modern Home Improvers Location: Maylands

BEST DISPLAY HOME - $190,000-$210,000 Builder: Commodore Homes Design: The Montrose Location: Harrisdale

BEST ALTERATIONS & ADDITIONS $200,000-$250,000 Builder: Ryan Cole Location: Mount Lawley

BEST DISPLAY HOME - $210,000-$230,000 Builder: Celebration Homes Design: The Ellington Location: Midvale

BEST ALTERATIONS & ADDITIONS BEST CONTRACT HOME - $350,000-$400,000 Builder: Mondo Exclusive Homes Location: Pearsall

$250,000-$300,000 Builder: Green-Shore Builders Pty Ltd Location: Shenton Park

BEST DISPLAY HOME - $230,000-$260,000 Builder: New Generation Homes Design: Oak Ridge Location: Baldivis

BEST CONTRACT HOME - $400,000-$500,000 Builder: Dorrington Homes Location: Hillarys

BEST ALTERATIONS & ADDITIONS $300,000-$400,000 Builder: Exclusive Residence Location: Kiara

BEST DISPLAY HOME - $260,000-$280,000 Builder: GO Homes Design: The Tamworth Location: Byford

BEST ALTERATIONS & ADDITIONS $400,000-$500,000 Builder: Expand Constructions Location: Bicton

BEST DISPLAY HOME - $280,000-$350,000 Builder: New Choice Homes Design: The Marina Location: Jindalee

BEST ALTERATIONS & ADDITIONS $500,000-$750,000 Builder: Arklen Location: Gooseberry Hill

BEST DISPLAY HOME - $350,000-$450,000 Builder: Vision One Homes Design: Modus Location: Jindalee

BEST ALTERATIONS & ADDITIONS $750,000-$1,000,000 Builder: Modern Home Improvers Location: Trigg

BEST DISPLAY HOME - $450,000-$550,000 Builder: Redink Homes Metro Design: The Regal Location: Harrisdale

BEST ALTERATIONS & ADDITIONS Over $1,000,000 Builder: Trendsetter Homes Location: North Perth

BEST DISPLAY HOME - $550,000-$650,000 Builder: Novus Homes Design: Paragon Location: Iluka

BEST CONTRACT HOME - $500,000-$650,000 Builder: Arklen Designer: Rodney O’Bryne Designs Location: Beaconsfield BEST CONTRACT HOME - $650,000-$750,000 Builder: Barbaro Homes Designer: Anthony Razo Designs Location: Waterford BEST CONTRACT HOME - $750,000-$800,000 Builder: Atrium Homes (WA) Pty Ltd Location: Mount Pleasant BEST CONTRACT HOME - $800,000-$1,000,000 Builder: Capella Constructions Pty Ltd Designer: Spinafex Designs & Capella Constructions Location: Salter Point BEST CONTRACT HOME - $1,000,000-$1,500,000 Builder: Contour Projects Pty Ltd Designer: GHD (Craig Muir) Location: Fremantle BEST CONTRACT HOME - $1,500,000-$3,000,000 Builder: A Di Bucci & Son Designer: Peter Musuruca Designs Location: Mount Pleasant BEST CONTRACT HOME - Over $3,000,000 Builder: A Di Bucci & Son Designer: YAEL-K DESIGNS Location: Coolbinia


BEST DISPLAY HOME - Over $650,000 Builder: Palazzo Exclusive Homes Location: Dalkeith Principal Partner

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Apprentices awarded for mastering trades “We need more apprentices to learn the skills of those who are retiring,” Michael McLean Master Builders received a record number of entries into the 2017 Apprentice Awards, a heartening sign for the industry’s future. Master Builders Director, Michael McLean, said it was important to recognise the future leaders of the building industry through the Association’s annual apprentice awards, which were handed out during a gala ceremony at Perth Convention and Exhibition and Centre’s BelleVue Ballroom in November. Media personality and former West Coast Eagles footballer, Karl Langdon, was a popular MC on the night. Education and Training Minister Sue Ellery was a special guest at the important industry event. “Although the building industry is currently experiencing a down-turn in economic activity, it is pleasing that the quality of apprentices being trained is as good as ever,” Mr McLean said. “With the high cost of Higher Education Learning Program fees associated with tertiary education and the difficulty in finding graduate jobs, there are a lot of advantages in completing an apprenticeship to secure your career.” For the first time in the event’s history, an apprentice from regional WA received the top honour with South West cabinetmaker Nick Johnston winning Master Builders’ hotly contested Apprentice of the Year Award. Mr Johnston, who works for Studio Milton in Dardanup, beat nine other high-calibre. It was a big night for him, also taking out the Most Outstanding Regional Apprentice Award. His employer, Paul Milton, said Mr Johnston distinguished himself over his three-and-a-half-year apprenticeship by consistently submitting exceptionally wellcrafted work.

Apprentice of the Year Nick Johnston with James Moore (Cbus Super, left) and Master Builders Director Michael McLean.

Jessie Wilson was named Best Female Apprentice. She is pictured with Most Outstanding Indigenous Apprentice Beau Simpson.

Education and Training Minister Sue Ellery and Michael McLean.

Other finalists for the Master Builders Apprentice of the Year were: • Beau Simpson, bricklaying apprentice with BGC Residential. • Jamie Stewart, carpentry (Everthought Education). • Roan Spence, stonemason (Colgan Industries). • Robert Mantellato, electrical (Skill Hire WA). • Jessie Wilson, bricklaying (BGC Residential). • Luke Lammle, wall and floor tiling (Skill Hire WA). • Connor Duffy, electrical (E&M Electrical). • Ryan Billingham, plastering (Tom Irvine). • Terah-Jade Cross, painting and decorating (MPA Skills). Master Builders introduced two new categories in the 2017 program – Most Outstanding Indigenous Building and Construction Apprentice and Most Outstanding Electrotechnology (Electrical) Apprentice. The respective inaugural award winners were bricklaying apprentice Beau Simpson, of BGC Residential, and electrical apprentice Robert Mantellato (Skill Hire WA). “With more and more indigenous apprentices working in the building industry, it was great to see such a high calibre of nominations vying for our inaugural Indigenous Apprentice of the Year award,” Mr McLean said. “Beau Simpson is a very deserving winner of both this award and our Most Outstanding Brick and Blocklaying Apprentice (Direct Indenture) award.” Mr McLean said he hoped Mr Simpson’s success will inspire more indigenous youth to pursue a career in the building industry.

“We call it hitting the bullseye,” Mr Milton said. “He is highly motivated, intelligent and has superb analytical and communication skills. Nick has grown to be a keystone of our business and we are extremely proud of his achievements.” Mr McLean said Mr Johnston has a very bright future in the industry, which is changing rapidly through technology and innovation. “It’s a credit to Nick’s employer, Studio Milton, in harnessing his talents through such a nurturing apprenticeship,” Mr McLean said. 24



Bright future for Ric New winners Two young innovators with strong entrepreneurial spirits won Master Builders’ prestigious Ric New Medal for Excellence and Ric New Rising Star Award. Timothy March, the 34-year-old managing director of Beyond Bricklaying Pty Ltd and Beyond Building Supplies Pty Ltd, was the recipient of the 2017 Ric New Medal for Excellence, presented during the annual Master Builders Apprentice of the Year Awards ceremony in November.

Ric New Medal winner Timothy March (second from left) with Greg Smith (of award sponsor Midland Brick), Marylyn New and Michael McLean.

Mr March had a ute, mixer, wheelbarrow and a handful of other tools when he started in the industry. He has successfully grown his business to become one of Perth’s largest subcontract bricklaying companies with 40 brickies on the payroll, including apprentices. “Setting new standards” has been his motto as he has sought to fill the gap for reliable, competent bricklaying companies and get materials to site efficiently. Developing efficient operating systems to minimise building material wastage onsite and working closely with the Australian Brick and Blocklaying Training Foundation to provide handson work experience and opportunities for bricklayers are some of the other feathers in his cap. Master Builders Director Michael McLean said 2017 saw the strongest field of candidates vie for the Ric New Medal since the award was introduced in 2005. “It’s a privilege to be on the judging panel for the Ric New Medal as you get an insight into the future leaders and entrepreneurs in our industry,” Mr McLean said. “Tim March impressed us as a person who identified an opportunity to improve the delivery of bricklaying services to the building industry, developed a strategy to achieve his objectives and, through unrelenting perseverance, now provides a valuable service to his clients. “He was prepared to back his judgement and worked hard to create a better culture of bricklaying in his business, which has benefitted many builders.” Named in honour of the founder of Midland Brick, the Ric New Medal for Excellence celebrates the innovation, creativity and achievements of a person aged 35 or under in WA’s building and construction industry. Emphasis is given to the person’s practical, applied achievements in the context of their current and potential contribution to the industry. The five other finalists for the Ric New Medal for Excellence were: • Michael Vaz (35) Operations Manager of Genesis Homes. • Anthony Lumbaca (32) Project Manager of Buildcor Projects. • James Pollock (31) Contract Administrator at PACT Construction. • Ian Meachem (31) founding Director of Engenuity Engineering Pty Ltd, Managing Director of Constructive PD Pty Ltd and Managing Director of Timber Insight Pty Ltd. • Chris Dorrington (34) Director of Dorrington Homes. The future also looks bright for 25-year-old Matthew Wimmer, whose work as the WA Sales Manager for AUSSTAR Holdings saw him named the Ric New Rising Star. WWW.MBAWA.COM

Matthew Wimmer, Ric New Rising Star winner, with Marylyn New.

The award is open to young high achievers aged 25 or under who demonstrate outstanding potential, work ethic and commitment to the building industry. After finishing a trade certificate in glazing, Mr Wimmer successfully moved up through the industry to become the WA Sales Manager of a national business. He diversified the company’s product range and negotiated a large window agreement in China which is compliant with Australian Standards. He has completed a Diploma of Business and a Diploma of Management and currently is working towards a Diploma of Accounting. Mr McLean said Mr Wimmer was an extraordinarily high young achiever. “At a time when non-conforming building products attracted much media attention, Matthew has been successful in ensuring imported glass products for his company’s business were compliant with Australian Standards,” Mr McLean said. “He has relished the opportunity to take on significant managerial responsibilities at a relatively young age and was a stand-out candidate for our Rising Star Award.” The four other finalists for the Ric New Rising Star Award were: • Enes Cholich (23) Contract Administrator at PACT Construction. • Matthew Webster (23) Site Supervisor-Contracts Administrator at Lakeshore Group. • Simon Capozzi (25) Project Manager at Capozzi Building. • Bonnie Wheeler (22) Accounts Manager at Lakeshore Group. 25



Sponsor: Cbus Super Nick Johnston Employer: Studio Milton



Sponsor: WA Solid Plastering Association

Conor Duffy Employer: E&M Electrical

Stefan Cremasco Employer: Moda Plastering



Sponsor: WA Solid Plastering Association

Sponsor: Midland Brick

Luke Anticevic Employer: Silvana (Sandy) Crugnale

Timothy March Employer: Beyond Bricklaying RIC NEW RISING STAR

Sponsor: WA Solid Plastering Association

Sponsor: Midland Brick

Tristan Baily Employer: Kyle Penstone


Sponsor: WA Solid Plastering Association

Sponsor: BGC Residential Beau Simpson Employer: BGC Residential


Sponsor: Australian Brick & Blocklaying Training Foundation



Sponsor: Mark Allen Memorial Trust Fund

Beau Mettraux Employer: Skill Hire

Tyler Comery Employer: Skyline Carpentry

Sponsor: Skill Hire

Sponsor: Mark Allen Memorial Trust Fund

Sponsor: Australian Brick & Blocklaying Training Foundation


Sponsor: Cbus Super



Sponsor: Skill Hire





Luke Brooker Employer: Skill Hire

Sponsor: Civmec Engineering & Construction

Roan Spence Employer: Colgan Industries

Jessie Wilson Employer: BGC Residential


Sponsor: WA Solid Plastering Association

Sponsor: FXD (Globe International)

Sponsor: Pindan

Civmec Engineering

BEST PLASTERING TRAINER Maurizio Cremasco Employer: Moda Plastering


Sponsor: Skill Hire

Sponsor: The Apprenticeship Community MOST IMPROVED PLASTERING APPRENTICE

Matthew Wimmer Employer: AUSSTAR Holdings

Sponsor: Skill Hire


Sponsor: Skill Hire Beau Mettraux Employer: Luke Dixon MOST OUTSTANDING 3RD YEAR SKILL HIRE APPRENTICE - CARPENTRY

Sponsor: Skill Hire



BGC Residential

Matthew Ah Siu Employer: AAC



Sponsor: Department of Finance Building Management and Works

Sponsor: Skill Hire


Sponsor: WA Solid Plastering Association

Perkins Builders

Adrian Condo Employer: Gecko Electrical



Sponsor: WA Solid Plastering Association

Sponsor: Skill Hire

Ryan Billingham Employer: Tom Irvine

Brandon Yem Employer: Jacksons Roofing


Sponsor: MEGT Robert Mantellato Employer: Skill Hire

Ryan Billingham Employer: Tom Irvine



Image courtesy of QLD Health.

UV radiation

as dangerous as driving to work? Take a moment to stop and think where your priorities lie. We all are aware of the terrible impact of road trauma and how it can destroy families and communities. Consequently, we all wear a seatbelt, obey the road rules, make sure our cars are roadworthy and that we are fit to get behind the wheel. What if we placed the same level of importance on preventing skin cancer? Did you know that more people die from skin cancer each year than on WA roads? This fact doesn’t often make the news headlines. However, the impact skin cancer has on individuals and communities is equally heartbreaking. Putting skin cancer in perspective Skin cancer is by far the most common type of cancer in Australia. Just like road accidents, it has the potential to be fatal. You might be surprised to learn that melanoma (the most dangerous type of skin cancer) is the second most common cancer in West Aussies aged 15-39. The risk keeps increasing with age. WWW.MBAWA.COM

In addition, males are more likely to be diagnosed with skin cancer and more likely to die from it. In 2014 there were more than 87,000 Medicare treatments for skin cancer in WA. The sheer volume of skin cancers in this country makes it something we all need to be aware of and take seriously. The silent killer Many of us spend long hours in the sun when working outside. We might even think we’re doing the right things to protect our skin, but UV radiation can be sneaky. We can’t see or feel it. It’s different to heat, which is why UV levels still can be high even on cooler days. It also can reflect off surfaces and penetrate water.

Prevention is easier than you may think Skin cancer is one of the most preventable types of cancer. Before you start thinking “the damage has already been done”, keep in mind that it’s never too late to start protecting your skin to prevent further damage. The best way to protect yourself is by using a combination of measures. That means slipping on sun-protective clothing, slopping on SPF 30 or higher sunscreen, slapping on a broad-brimmed hat, seeking shade and wearing sunglasses.

The damage done to your skin might not always be obvious. Nevertheless, every time we overexpose our skin, damage happens behind the scenes. UV exposure adds up over the days, weeks, months and years. Your skin remembers UV damage, even if you don’t. Some of us are lucky enough to spot the warning signs and catch skin cancer early. It’s important to keep your eyes open and know your own skin. Don’t just leave your skin check to the once a year check-up with your GP. The sooner you spot something wrong, the better.

FURTHER INFORMATION: You keep yourself as safe as possible on the road, now it’s time to do the same to save your skin. Visit for more information. 27


Silica dust

the workplace cancer risk you cannot see According to a 2016 study, the majority of construction industry workers have been exposed to potentially cancer-causing agents (carcinogens). It was estimated that 96 per cent had a probable exposure to at least one carcinogen, while 53 per cent had a probable exposure to four or more carcinogens. One of these common carcinogens was silica dust. New estimates show that more than 230 preventable lung cancer cases in Australia each year are caused by exposure to silica dust at work. What is silica dust? Silica can be found in stone, rock, sand, soil, gravel, clay, bricks, tiles, concrete, grout, bitumen and some plastic materials. When these materials are broken, crushed, grinded or cut, silica is released as a dust. One of the most common tasks where construction workers are exposed to silica dust is mixing concrete or cement. Silica has been contained in common construction materials for decades, however, there has also been an increase in workers being exposed to silica dust in newer materials, such as artificial stone-top benchtops containing a very high percentage of silica. Workers are being exposed to the dust when the benchtops are cut and installed and when the dust is swept up afterwards. Silica dust and health Silica is only harmful when it’s airborne and can be breathed in to the lungs. It means the danger isn’t always visible. Silica dust is 100 times smaller than a grain of sand, so it can’t be seen and could be breathed in unknowingly. Breathing in high quantities of silica dust over a long period of time can lead to the development of lung cancer, silicosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and kidney disease.

In 2011 about 587,000 Australians were exposed to silica dust while working. It is estimated that 5758 of these workers will develop lung cancer over the course of their life.

Brick and concrete cutting is a source of silica dust.

Remember without adequate controls silica dust can cause cancer. No one wants to clock off at the end of the day and head home knowing that their risk of cancer has increased.

Protect yourself and workmates by keeping the dust out of the air Employers have a legal responsibility to provide a safe place to work. Likewise, those working with silica need to take responsibility for their future health and protect themselves. There are also workplace standards on exposure to silica dust and workplace screening for lung disease is mandatory for those at significant risk. Protection is more than just wearing a dust mask. A combination of control measures should be used to reduce risk: • Dust control: If working on silicacontaining materials using tools, use on-tool local exhaust ventilation and/or water suppression. • Use workshop ventilation: Have enclosures or hoods and local exhaust ventilation to remove the dust at the point it is produced. • Vehicles: Operate vehicles such as forklifts, excavators and utes with an enclosed cab and air conditioning. Avoid leaving the window to vehicles open when soil is being disturbed or during demolition of structures. • Respiratory protective equipment (RPE): It is important to use the correct RPE, but if it doesn’t fit, it doesn’t work. • Clean up correctly: Do not ‘clean up’ with compressed air or by dry sweeping. Dust should be removed using an industrial high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter vacuum, which should be cleaned and maintained regularly.

Silica dust exposure can be linked to demolition work.

For downloadable resources and more information on silica dust or other workplace cancer-causing agents visit or call 13 11 20.




The Orange Card Sideffect Australia recently conducted the single largest drug awareness program in WA and is now taking its substance abuse message to the building, construction and mining industry. Sideffect director David Hobbs says the rate of methamphetamine use in WA is among the highest in the world. “We have major issues with meth usage in Australia, but we also have increasing use with research chemical supply consumption use in all areas of construction,” Mr Hobbs said. “Whilst the current government concentrates on the continued problem with meth, research chemical drugs such as 25I-NBOMe, fentanyl and synthetic cannabis are increasing at an alarming rate. “These research products are deadly and must be exposed so we can warn and educate individuals about the effects when taking them. Don’t be fooled, they are in our marketplace and new products are being designed overseas on a weekly basis.” According to Sideffect, overseas manufacturers change the molecules to get around various government legislation, which changes the potency and make-up of the drug itself. “There’s no quality control and no consistency in the manufacturing process. You are playing Russian roulette with your life and others, especially in the workplace,” Mr Hobbs said. Sideffect trialled a new online drug awareness initiative called The Orange Card to educate workers about the dangers of illicit drugs in the workforce with a focus on meth and other synthetic substances. The primary aim of the Card is to educate people on the dangers of using illicit and synthetic drugs. The initiative was trialled with 150 apprentices at three separate WA TAFE colleges and, according to Sideffect, received fantastic feedback. “With awareness comes the ability to make better choices and spread the word to the wider community – early intervention and education are key,” Mr Hobbs said. “By the end of the course you will be well informed of the dangers of these drugs and you will realise you have ‘One Life One Choice’ hence, creating a safer workplace.” WWW.MBAWA.COM

Chris Waterman (left) with David Hobbs and Rodney Bridge with the Sideffect bus.

The team behind The Orange Card said they developed the nine-module course, which gets to each point quickly and clearly, to keep employers and employees protected. The areas covered in The Orange Card are: Methamphetamine, MDMA, Cocaine, Heroin, Marijuana, Research Chemicals, 25I-NBOMe, Synthetic Cannabis and Fentanyl. “These drugs are the strongest areas of concern for employers around Australia,” Mr Hobbs said. The Orange Card

“The Orange Card will continuously evolve as new synthetic drugs take a grip on Australian workforces and our team will endeavour to keep Australian employees and employers educated and aware. “This early intervention strategy is required to combat the current drug problems with particular focus on ICE which is currently costing the Australian economy $4.4 billion in absenteeism, crime and economic value. We are certain if we can get the building and construction industry behind this early intervention strategy that we’ll have a better chance of improving productivity, safety and absenteeism in the workplace.”

FURTHER INFORMATION: email What is Sideffect? Sideffect was established by Rodney Bridge whose 16-year-old son, Preston, died in 2013 after consuming a synthetic drug following his school ball after-party. Rodney has been supported in his anti-drugs campaign by former Eagles champion Chris Waterman and corporate businessman David Hobbs.



Employers must get redundancy consultation process right Master Builders is reminding employers that, to avoid exposure to potentially successful claims of unfair dismissal, they need to apply the required consultation process before making an employee redundant. Case law confirms an employer who makes an employee redundant for genuine redundancy reasons, but who has not followed the proper procedure, still can face being found to have unfairly dismissed the employee, despite the redundancy being legitimate. While this might seem unfair, the facts Master Builders Construction Director Kim Richardson. are the Federal and State industrial relations redundancy procedures always have contained a consultation procedure to be conducted before an employer makes an employee redundant. What has happened over the past decade or so is that the Industrial Relations Commission now is applying that standard when assessing unfair dismissal claims which involve redundancy. The importance of employers getting it right when making an employee redundant as opposed to getting it wrong, even unintentionally, can be expensive. For example, an IT company had to pay an employee genuinely made redundant $10,000 as the employer failed to first consult the employee about the impending redundancy. So what does the consultation provision mean? All Federal modern awards, Federal EBAs contain model consultation clauses requiring an employer introducing major change in the workplace which will have a significant effect on an employee, to consult with employees. This includes termination of employment for reasons of redundancy. Similar provisions apply under the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission Termination, Change and Redundancy General Order of 2005. In essence, when an employer makes a “definite decision” to make an employee redundant, the employer has to consult with the employee as soon as practicable about the impact of the decision. Consultation should include discussions about the reasons for the termination of employment, effect on the employee and possible options other than redundancy which might include, but which are not limited to, canvassing part-time employment, taking accrued annual leave, taking unpaid leave or a mix of these. Case law confirms there is no obligation on an employer to agree to any of these options; rather, the obligation is the need to consult with the affected employee and meaningfully consider any options put forward. Each case will depend on its own merits. Absent any consultation and an employer simply advising an employee he or she is redundant exposes the employer to claims of unfair dismissal. Federal modern awards also require the employer to advise the employee of the reasons for this consultation “in writing”. Ideally, this should occur when the consultation takes place. Approved employer enterprise bargaining agreements also might include extended consultation obligations to those contained in Federal modern awards or the State General Order. As a result, employer with EBAs need to be familiar with the content. 30

––––– Gossip Column ––––– Back to the future In December, the Victorina union movement tried to intimidate a new stevedoring outfit which has a non-union EBA. The MUA was barred by the courts from holding a picket at the dock but coincidently a “community” picket line, along with other unions suddenly appeared. The court found this unlawful with Victorian Police doing nothing despite the obvious injunction breach. The stevedore has now issued an $8 million damages claim against the MUA and CFMEU(V) saying it might rise to $100 million. Union misses the point The CFMEU recently blamed the Fair Work Act – shaped by former Labor IR Minister Julia Gillard, as the most union-friendly IR Act in decades – as one of the reasons why the union has lost much relevance in the local commercial sector. The union also calls for the right to strike, ignoring the FWAct allows “protected industrial action”. Until the union faces its own issues, blaming others for its troubles will not fix the situation it has got itself into. What were they thinking? Late last year, the WA Labor Party presented former assistant CFMEU secretary Joe McDonald with an award for service to the union movement – the same union official with a notorious track record for unlawful conduct costing the union, according to reports, more than $1 million in fines paid out of union member funds. Rewarding bad behavior makes little sense. Jail for not paying superannuation? The Federal Government, in an unexpected move, wants to jail for up to 12 months, employers who refuse to pay employee superannuation contributions. There has been no prior consultation about this move. Master Builders has been left asking why no similar penalty provision applies to union officials who repeatedly break Federal industrial relations laws leading to major fines being paid out of union member funds for deliberate, ongoing unlawful behavior. Unions facing tough times As the union movement grapples with membership falling to 10 per cent or less in the private sector workforce, and as it uses social media to drive its dwindling voice and pulls stunts to get its message out, employers are starting to respond in similarly novel ways. For example, an employer is pursuing a union in court over misleading SMO (social media outlet) material the union issued in a dispute with the employer. The NSW train drivers union faced the prospect of a $100 million class action by a law firm if it went ahead with the strike. In short, the unions are not the only ones looking at new strategies on the IR front. Banging hollow drum Over the past year, the ACTU has ramped up its attack on supposed at-risk employees, claiming there is rampant increasing casualisation of employees and labour hire employees. This ignores ABS data which shows casual employees number about 20 per cent of the workforce and have for about the last 20 years. Further, labour hire employee numbers have reduced from eight per cent to five per cent of the working population. Just where the ACTU gets the figures on which to base its claim is a mystery, but facts seem irrelevant to its cause. MASTER BUILDER AUTUMN 2018


Trade Credit more than just an insurance policy

MBA Insurance Services State Manager WA Jeff Concanen.

The increasing number of insolvencies is highlighting the need for trade credit insurance in the building and construction industry. According to ASIC data, there were 3634 insolvencies from January to May 2017. Construction topped the ladder with 625, followed by accommodation and food (358) and retail businesses (273). NSW accounted for approximately 32 per cent of these, followed by Victoria (30 per cent), Queenland (17 per cent) and WA unfortunately punching above its weight at 14 per cent.

This spike in insolvencies is reflected in the claims being paid out by credit insurers, with the construction sector accounting for 50 per cent of overall credit insurance claims paid last year as well as the year to date. Insolvencies also accounted for roughly 75 per cent of overall credit insurance claims paid – a slight decrease from last year’s 79 per cent, but likely to increase next year based on the corporate insolvencies being seen around the country. This is not a new phenomenon. Some would say it’s part of “the nature of our industry”. When you consider aspects such as property development and other major infrastructure works, there is always a squeeze on pricing due to competition. As such, when businesses take on and win large projects, being able to fund the works as they progress often can become difficult. If you look at residential construction, using the WA market as an example, the economy can turn fairly quickly, taking several victims along the way. A couple of years ago, businesses didn’t want to buy credit insurance because the economy was perceived by many as strong and, in many people’s minds, this type of cover was seen as unnecessary. Now, as things have worsened economically, businesses have been heavily impacted by this deterioration – and they’ve started to insure their credit again. Unfortunately, it’s now more expensive to buy insurance than it was two years ago.

This shows that businesses need to be looking at credit insurance long term and carry insurance through the good times for the bad. This ensures they will have appropriate cover in place when it is most needed and at the best price. From an investment perspective, trade credit insurance also can be used to build long-standing customer relationships. Builders also are exposed to losses following subcontractor default. MBA Insurance Services has developed an insurance solution, which is available to builders with turnovers exceeding $25 million per annum, that covers all costs associated with replacement of a subcontractor following evidence of default.

FURTHER INFORMATION: For advice on trade credit and other construction related insurance products, talk to our specialists at MBA Insurance services, phone 9476 9800. What is Trade Credit insurance? Trade Credit insurance provides peace of mind when you’re running a business because it protects cash-flow by covering losses following debtors becoming insolvent or defaulting on payment. The security insurance like this provides also might help to increase your borrowing capacity with your bank.


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Isla McRobbie

Tom Jacobs

How to manage the risks from combustible cladding NOW! The Grenfell Tower tragedy involved a 24-storey building that had recently been refurbished with flammable aluminium composite panels (ACPs) to improve how it looked. Following the tragedy, the WA Building Commission extended its audit of ACPs to include high-rise buildings with high-risk cladding. In a recent update, the Commission has found 214 buildings that need to have cladding checked. The Commission will soon tell owners if their buildings are being investigated. At best, owners might be asked to provide the Commission with building approval documents. At worst, owners might be ordered to remove the cladding or close their buildings. Currently, there is also a bill before the Senate to ban the importation into, and sale and use of some ACPs in, Australia. The stakes are high While the Commission investigates, the potential liabilities for developers, builders, suppliers, landlords and tenants continue to grow. If a building has combustible cladding, the risk of fire, loss of life and serious damage will remain until it is removed or other fire retardant solutions are put in place. Removing and replacing external cladding could be very expensive for owners (including strata owners) and builders. Replacing the cladding on Melbourne’s Lacrosse building reportedly cost more than $15 million. The retrofitting of alternate solutions could be disruptive and costly also. As a result, it might take years before disputed costs are agreed, if it doesn’t send builders into liquidation first. Unfortunately, insurance probably will not provide any comfort. This is because policies usually are triggered by an event (like a fire) not an order by a government body. If combustible cladding is found on 32

a building, insurance premiums also might escalate – some building residents have already seen their premiums quadruple. Strata companies are not free from risk either. There is the possibility that they will be included in claims to pay for the cost of replacing combustible cladding. Commercial property tenants also might try to use this issue to their advantage in lease negotiations. You can start to protect yourself There are several things that can be done to put in place protection and reduce risk now. The first is to put a robust crisis management plan in place to deal with issues quickly if there is a fire or damage to the property. Parties currently negotiating to sell or purchase property should: • Review design and construction documents carefully. • Make sure the contract gives protection if the building has combustible cladding (or any other building materials) that are not compliant. Be clear who is responsible for replacing materials and who is liable if there is damage. • Include a specific guarantee that the building or materials do not include combustible cladding. • Request access to the property and test any materials as part of the due diligence process. Parties currently negotiating a contract to construct a building or purchase materials should: • Make sure the building or product designs specify what materials will be used. • Include the right to approve any substitute products. • Be clear who is responsible for any materials provided. Under the NCC, builders must make sure the material is right to use but it is best to put this in the contract. • Include a specific guarantee that the building or materials do not include combustible cladding.

• Make sure products are approved by CodeMark Australia or tested by people certified by NATA. • Request samples and inspect them, even if the product previously has been purchased. Keep these samples to be tested in the future. • Have an independent fire engineer certify the designs and the final product. Building owners should: • Review all documents that outline the materials used in the building’s construction. Beware, even if combustible cladding isn’t mentioned it is possible it was used as a substitute. • Review building contracts and insurance policies to understand what the current risks might be. • If it is thought the building might have combustible cladding, report it to both the insurer and the Commission. Tenants should: • Review lease agreements to understand what their rights are if the building is damaged because of combustible cladding. • Check whether there is a right to stop paying rent if the landlord must replace any building materials.

FURTHER INFORMATION: For help reviewing contracts or documents or to find out more about protection against the risks of combustible cladding, contact Jackson McDonald partners Tom Jacobs (9426 6698 or Isla McRobbie (9426 6740 MASTER BUILDER AUTUMN 2018


Elizabeth Tylich

Carolyn Moss

Privacy Act changed: Mandatory notification of data breaches From 23 February, many Australian businesses have had an obligation to notify the government and affected clients of certain data breaches which affect personal information held by those businesses. Failure to do so can result in significant fines. Current privacy regime In 2014, the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) and a number of other important amendments to the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 came into effect and introduced more rigorous requirements for the management of personal information obtained about individuals. Hefty penalties were introduced for noncompliance.

Commissioner and affected individuals (if practicable) if the business has reasonable grounds to believe that there has been an eligible data breach. An eligible data breach is where: • There has been unauthorised access to, unauthorised disclosure of, or loss of, personal information held by an entity; and • The access, disclosure or loss is likely to result in serious harm to any of the individuals to whom the information relates. Personal information is defined very broadly and is information or an opinion about an identified individual (or an individual who is reasonably identifiable).

The changes governed ‘APP entities’ (as defined in the Act), including: • Individuals, companies, partnerships and unincorporated associations with an annual turnover of $3 million or more. • Agencies, for example, a Department of State or bodies established or appointed for a purpose under Commonwealth legislation.

When assessing whether the access to, or disclosure or loss of, the personal information is likely to result in serious harm, entities need to consider any possible physical, psychological, emotional, financial or reputational harm. The test is what a reasonable person would conclude.

The focus of the changes was to require these APP entities to be more open and transparent about their management of personal information. The new changes to the Privacy Act continue that focus.

There are limited exceptions where an entity has taken effective steps to remedy the breach, for confidentiality reasons related to law enforcement or where the Information Commissioner makes a declaration that notification is not required. Otherwise, entities need to notify once the threshold test is satisfied.

What are the changes? The new Notification Scheme Following many other countries around the world, Australia now will have a new mandatory breach notification scheme for eligible data breaches. The focus of the scheme is on cyberbreaches (such as where hackers obtain personal information from a business’s computer system) but includes access to, or loss of data by other means.

Does the Notification Scheme apply to my business? If a business currently is governed by the Privacy Act as an APP entity, the Notification Scheme applies. A business might not be an APP entity if it is a private sector organisation with less than $3 million annual revenue (the ‘small business’ exception).

Businesses governed by the Privacy Act will need to assess any data breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach and then notify the Information WWW.MBAWA.COM

However, a business or organisation still might be governed by the Privacy Act even if it has less than $3 million annual revenue if it falls within particular categories including:

• Businesses that are related to businesses covered by the Privacy Act; • Entities operating under government agency contracts. Businesses should seek advice on whether they are governed by the Act and the Notification Scheme. Consequences of failure to notify A contravention of the Notification Scheme potentially can result in a significant civil penalty of up to $2.1 million being imposed under the Privacy Act. What next? With the Notification Scheme having commenced, businesses and organisations should: • Assess data assets. • Ensure they have up-to-date privacy policies. • If necessary, upgrade security. • Create a data breach response plan. • Review and update (if necessary) existing arrangements with third parties, including insurance.

FURTHER INFORMATION: Jackson McDonald regularly provides advice about compliance with the Privacy Act and the Australian Privacy Principles. For more information about the Notification Scheme or the Privacy Act in general, contact Commercial team partner Elizabeth Tylich (9426 6700, or senior associate Carolyn Moss 9426 6726, 33


Master Builders salutes safety crusader Brett Mainwaring, from Crothers Construction, has won Master Builders’ inaugural Andy Peppercorn Safety Award.

efforts, said the Andy Peppercorn Safety Award was something he’d cherish forever, and he thanked Master Builders for introducing it.

The prestigious prize was named in honour of a former Master Builders’ board member and former chairman of the Association’s Safety Committee, the late Andy Peppercorn.

“Andy Peppercorn was an absolute stalwart in his role and passion towards safety and I am very humbled to have won this award named after him,” Mr Mainwaring said. “My condolences to his family, friends and mates. I’m sure you all miss him terribly. To the other finalists, all I can say is that you are all winners, as I know how difficult running and controlling safety is.”

Master Builders Director Michael McLean said Andy had been a true leader when it came to championing the importance of safety in the building and construction industry, and the recipient of the award needed to be a role model and mentor in setting an example for others to follow with respect to site safety. “Brett Mainwaring epitomises everything Andy Peppercorn wanted to achieve through this award,” Mr McLean said.

Mr Mainwaring’s journey with Crothers Construction started in 2004 when he was hired to be a site safety officer. He is now the company’s systems and plant manager. “My role takes me to places as far as Port Hedland, Mount Newman, Carnarvon and down to Perth and Albany,” Mr Mainwaring said. “Whether I’m in my plane, Shine Aviation’s plane, my car or our Mack Truck, the role of safety never stops.”

“With safety being an integral part of a successful construction project, it is fitting to recognise our champions through awards which in turn honour past pioneers. Each of our six finalists demonstrated a fierce commitment to creating a culture of safe work practices on their sites and within their management teams which have changed attitudes and behaviours in the workplace.”

Master Builders was impressed with the number of high-calibre candidates who vied for this award. Six short-listed candidates were interviewed by a panel comprising Master Builders’ Safety Committee chairman Michael Van Dongen, board member Steve McConkey and the Association’s construction director Kim Richardson.

Mr McLean said recognising best practice in the industry was far more important than focussing on financial penalties and ticking compliance boxes. Mr Mainwaring, who received a $1000 cheque from the Mark Allen Memorial Fund for his extraordinary

The other finalists for the inaugural Andy Peppercorn Safety Award were: Brian Pugsley (Broad Construction), Sarah Pettit (Georgiou), Andrew Moore (Pindan), Geoff Slocum (Focus Building) and Matthew Harris (EMCO Building).

Safety star: inaugural Andy Peppercorn Safety Award winner Brett Mainwaring flanked by Andy’s wife Denise Peppercorn and Master Builders’ Safety Committee Chairman Michael Van Dongen.




Safety law changes on the way Master Builders Safety Manager Mike Fitzgerald (left) hard at work.

WA employers will face a swathe of changes to the state’s safety laws in 2018 and 2019 making it essential to be aware of the new obligations that will apply.

this already exists in other state and territory safety laws. The penalty already is on the table, the WA Greens have unsuccessfully sought its introduction on two occasions.

Risk minimisation is the keystone of all businesses, with safety being one of the highrisk minimisation priorities. Master Builders can assist members to better understand, in a practical way, what the changes are and what employers need to know and do.

Master Builders will assess carefully the proposed changes to the safety laws in 2018 and 2019 as the work progresses and detail becomes known.

This year will see major increases in penalties under the Occupational, Safety and Health Act. The WA Government had signalled that, consistent with other states and territories, the new penalties were to align with the Federal Work Health and Safety laws. However, for unknown reasons, the Government added a 14 per cent CPI levy backdated to 2010 and then rounded up some penalties by as much as $8000.

In late 2017, the Premier acknowledged that about 90 per cent of WA employers fall into the small to medium employer (SME) category. Master Builders says this means the new laws should be shaped, not just with a focus on large national corporations making up the remaining 10 per cent of the state’s employers, but to provide SMEs with an equitable framework. The Association intends to keep reminding the Government of this proportion of SMEs to large employers, a proportion reflected in the building industry and a consideration which cannot be ignored.

Employer groups, including Master Builders, baulked at the loaded-up increases, arguing they did not mirror the Federal arrangements and opposing the move. The matter has been debated in Parliament with the Government needing to convince the Upper House cross bench of the merits of its position. This could prove difficult since Labor clearly is stepping away from the Federal WHS benchmark.

The concern is that this type of legislation traditionally is framed with large employers in mind, employers which have the capacity and sophistication to understand and implement what can be complex obligations. The same cannot be said about many SMEs, which should not be overlooked by the McGowan Government.

The Government also is progressing sweeping changes to WA’s safety legislative framework, looking to merge the OSH Act and Mines Safety Act in 2019 and incorporating many features of the Federal WHS laws. Master Builders anticipates the 2019 changes will include the introduction of an industrial manslaughter penalty as

FURTHER INFORMATION: Contact Master Builders Safety Manager Mike Fitzgerald for assistance and advice (email or call 9476 9800).




Innovation a brave new world?

Ethereum to BitCoin, it’s easy to get disoriented by the changes, even as we struggle to understand their impact. Just what will it be? Will it be positive or negative? The future is already here. 3D printing has been used to construct complex modern buildings. The creation of these same buildings by older methods would be a far greater undertaking. From office buildings in Dubai to homes in China, there are examples of this technology being applied. Our building industry is starting to feel the impact of the new technological age. Drones are being utilised more and more in making visual inspections of buildings, particularly during construction. This task normally would be carried out by human inspectors. However, with advances in digital technology, we are now able to benefit from receiving clearer images in real time and, at the same time, minimising risk, particularly in high rise construction. Jason Robertson

Master Builders Housing Director Jason Robertson takes a look into the future of the building and construction industry. Many of us have read novels such as Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World” or Yevgeny Zamayatin’s “We” – tales that highlight futuristic societies where advanced technology controls every aspect of human existence. In these, and other dystopian novels, the common theme seems to be one of caution – the underlying message being the danger we face as heedlessly, we race headlong towards creating and embracing fastpaced technological advances.

Augmented reality (slightly different to virtual reality) can be used to effectively map out digital data and identify issues on a construction site ahead of time. Artificial intelligence is more of a contentious issue. Having a machine ‘problem solve’ through algorithms brings up ethical issues. Concerns have been raised about driverless cars and the vehicle-to-vehicle technology which streams information from car to car, with no opportunity for human override. China has seen the first robot dentist perform work successfully and plans are to have the world’s first fully unmanned AI police station in a capital city.

We could be forgiven for wondering whether such cautionary tales are prophetic, a true depiction of where we are headed.

World headline news was made late last year when Sophia, a female AI robot officially was granted Saudi Arabian citizenship at a tech conference in Riyadh. She raised eyebrows recently when she said she wanted a baby.

Almost everywhere one turns today, there are articles or commentary, including dedicated reports by consultancy firms, on technological advances and the impacts they might have on us.

In the construction world, some experts predict AI will be able to collate and organise data for the planning of projects, from design right throughout construction, in a more proficient and accurate manner.

Our industry is no exception. Take, for example, the report from McKinsey & Company, Imagining construction’s digital future, pointing out that the building industry is “ripe for disruption”.

There have been examples of robots used to lay bricks, paint and perform other tasks required in construction of building structures. Some projects have seen tech solutions enabled where the robots have worked in synchronicity and under human supervision from another remote location.

The scope and pace of change is breath-taking. From 3D printing, drones, augmented reality, artificial intelligence and robotic components, as well as other ‘new’ technology, such as crypto-currencies from 36

Fastbrick Robotics, a WA company, broke through tech barriers, creating robots with the ability to greatly

improve the speed and accuracy of laying bricks, as well as reducing waste. They can lay1000 bricks per hour. An American firm, Construction Robotics, has similar technology, with its model ‘SAM’ having an estimate of laying around 3000 bricks per day. Increasingly, reports are circulating across the globe about tech disruption to the building sector. Some reports suggest that in areas such as bricklaying, there could be up to 75 per cent automation. Before we start thinking “I, Robot” or panic, we should pause for perspective. It has been predicted that by 2030 around 800 million jobs (all sectors) worldwide will be automated. Is this realistic? Should we be worried? So far, the reality is that even with robotics, disruption of mass labour hasn’t occurred as quickly as many predicted. There have been some cases – in China some factories have seen 25 per cent of workers replaced with robots – but this has occurred in structured environments. It would not be wholly applicable to our industry. For example, is it likely a robot would be able to perform adequately in engaging with a client seeking a home renovation for a new kitchen and bathroom, or restore intricate stonemasonry for a heritage project? There are, however, examples of new and emerging technologies, particularly with building materials. Nano technology was once confined to the realms of science fiction. Now research is underway for materials to use as a substitute for steel in concrete reinforcing. There also have been advances in what is being referred to as ‘self-healing’ concrete, where bacteria are used as the healing agent. Another idea comes from a university project for ‘digestive’ bricks. The aim is to have the ability for the bricks to extract resources from sunlight and even waste water. The list of new and emerging technology and what we are witnessing around the globe seems endless. The questions raised earlier are still valid. Is it realistic? Should we be worried? Visions of hover cars à la Blade Runner or humanoid robots, may well be some time away. But technology continues to evolve, and it will have an impact our industry. One thing can be said with absolute certainty about the building and construction industry. It will adapt. Throughout pivotal historical times, such as the Renaissance, advances were made in methodologies, materials and work tools. But trades and their allied occupations adapted. It will be the same today. Our industry continues to shine and showcase its immense talent and skills. It will embrace the future positively. MASTER BUILDER AUTUMN 2018


New thinking required for training system South Regional TAFE Trades Training Manager Anita Host with Dan Perkins and some of the students who participated in the introduction to construction course.

In 2015, the Master Builders Australia board approved the Towards 2020 Apprenticeship Policy including a raft of initiatives that Master Builders wanted to test in partnership with governments, TAFEs, private RTOs and schools to enhance apprenticeship training across the country. In November 2017, Master Builders Australia, Master Builders WA and South Regional TAFE trialled a short introductory course to the construction industry for 34 students from local Bunbury high schools. The course was funded under the Commonwealth’s Alternative Apprenticeship Delivery Initiative.

The aim of the program was essentially a “try before you buy” approach for both students and employers. The benefit for students was to experience work in the construction industry to determine whether they should embark on a pre-apprenticeship or apprenticeship, while the benefit for employers was to test students’ hand skills, numeracy and literacy skills, work-readiness, attitude and time-management prior to signing them up to apprenticeships.

Former Master Builders National President Dan Perkins launched the project to students and parents in October in association with South Regional TAFE CEO Duncan Anderson.

The course was not about doing more of the same – that its, allowing any student to undertake training. New approaches to industry-centred training must be about working with the most suitable students – those with the right attitude and aptitude – and supporting them on a pathway into industry. A selective training model ensuring employers and students get a better deal from the training system is required.

The introduction to construction course ran for 10 weeks, two days per week. The students were selected by their schools against Master Builders’ criteria to ensure that they had the right mindset, interest, attitude, literacy and numeracy skills and time management to be successful working in the construction industry.

The pilot participants ranged in age from about 15 to 18 (Years 10 to 12). They came from a variety of backgrounds and there was a good gender mix. This gave a broad demographic the chance to assess the suitability and viability of the course as a pathway to work (and further training) in the industry.


Students were divided into three classes – carpentry, bricklaying and painting and decorating. All but one of the 34 students completed the course. It was an excellent result that bolstered the students’ and trainers’ expectations, and demonstrated the need for improved entry pathway requirements, greater parental support and enhanced pre-employment programs. To get students ready for working in the industry, they were provided with a range of personal protective equipment including hard hats, clothing and boots and required to attend classes in their ‘uniform’ every day starting at 7.30 am. While still not industry starting times, it was about testing students’ ability to work longer hours when compared to shorter school hours. The students undertook three projects which included the design and building of a small amphitheatre on the grounds of the TAFE. They included the building of a curved brick wall, paving, building bench seating, painting the area and seats and landscaping. An independent evaluation of the project is currently being prepared which will feed into the review of the training policy and priorities for later this year. 37


Members of the Year

Master Builders welcomes new members Captain Electro Electrical Services

Wideglide Constructions

Gentech Enterprise

Midwest Diverse Contracting Pty Ltd

Infrastructure Development Builders Pty Ltd Jet Home Builders Pty Ltd Millennium Homes & Gardens Prime West Constructions Pty Ltd Red Earth Construction Resonate Homes RJ Milne Homes Tim Green Construction

Rob Spadaccini, Jason Kunkler and Lisa Hutchins

Tricon WA Pty Ltd

Charlie Baggetta, Jeff Concanen and Geoff Bosustow

Master Builders’ Board member and general manager of PACT Construction, Jason Kunkler, received our Member of the Year award during the Members EOY Sundowner at the Aloft hotel in Rivervale. Life member Charlie Baggetta was our Regional Member of the Year.

Verdi Building and Maintenance Palmer Civil Construction Terjesen Constructions Pty Ltd Powell Security Services Creations Homes Kinsmans Rural Constructions James Barker & Son Building Contractors

DNC Projects Pty Ltd Caledonia Scaffolding Australia Pty Ltd Pride in Pools JBE Construction Termsteel Pty Ltd S B Build Pty Ltd Allprime Cleaning & Maintenance Kilmore Fixing Pty Ltd National Reinforcing Concrete Modco Construction Metsel Pty Ltd Custom Electrics Shape Australia Vaughan Constructions Pty Ltd Dempsey Construction (WA) Pty Ltd


MATES HELPING MATES 24/7 1300 642 111 38



Master Builders’ Marketing Administrator Hayley Van Grinsven

Pen portrait: Hayley Van Grinsven Working as an event coordinator and office administrator in the medical and hospitality industries has given Master Builders’ Marketing Administrator Hayley Van Grinsven a great skillset to draw on. Hayley is a dedicated dynamo who gets every job done with aplomb. WHAT WERE YOU DOING BEFORE JOINING MASTER BUILDERS? I was studying a Bachelor of Business (Marketing), Organisational Communications and Public Relations in Albury Wodonga, NSW. While studying, I worked in both administration and event coordinating roles in the medical and hospitality industries. My degree helped me gain some invaluable hands-on experience in marketing for multiple not-for-profit organisations. HOW LONG HAVE YOU WORKED FOR MASTER BUILDERS? I joined the Master Builders’ team June 2017. WHAT’S ON THE HORIZON FOR YOU? I’m currently working on an overall marketing campaign schedule and mapping out Master Builders’ array of individual campaigns for the next 12 months. I also hope to gain a deeper understanding of the entirety of the products and services Master Builders has on offer.


WHEN YOU’RE NOT BUSY AT MASTER BUILDERS WHAT KEEPS YOU BUSY? Eating out, shopping and exploring what WA has to offer. HOW DO YOU FEEL YOU HAVE SETTLED INTO YOUR ROLE? Considering I have not worked in the building and construction industry before, I was surprised that I made the transition into this role quite smoothly. I feel lucky to have the help of a supportive team and a fabulous manager. They helped me find my feet and feel a sense of belonging straight away. WHAT ARE SOME OF THE THINGS YOU LIKE BEST ABOUT WORKING AT MASTER BUILDERS? Master Builders has a great work culture. The team environment means it’s a supportive and enjoyable place to come to work every day. I also enjoy the catering at team meetings. WHAT WOULD YOU SAY TO FEMALES WHO ARE THINKING ABOUT CAREERS IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY? You go, girl! What have you got to lose? If it’s an industry you’re passionate about or want to be a part of, nothing should stop you.



Congratulations to Master Builders Past President George Allingame, from Pindan, who was recognised in this year’s Australia Day Honours for significant service to WA’s building and construction industry, including championing occupational health and safety standards and professional associations. Mr Allingame becomes a Member (AM) in the General Division of the awards.

Bill Sullivan has retired and been replaced by Phil Helberg as Acting Deputy Director General of Building Management and Works with the Department of Finance.

Jodie Appleton has replaced Brie Fruhwirth as the Executive Assistant at Reddifund. Brie was with the fund for the past seven years and has decided to pursue a career as a flight engineer.


Frank Allen has retired from the WA Group Training Scheme after a 21-year stint, including as board Chairman. Eben Nickerson is the CEO.

Ken Frazer, the WA State Manager with McConnell Dowell Constructions, has been elected President of the Construction Contractors Association, replacing Rob Wallwork.

Emily Rowley, from Master Builders’ Albany Branch, and her partner, Jason, welcomed their son, Malik, into the world in December.

MATES in Construction has appointed academic, Graham Ditchburn, and Jackson McDonald Senior Associate, Shannon Walker, to its board

Condolences to Reddifund and MATES in Construction Chairman Colin Emmott on the death of his mother in October, aged 90.

Lisa Kazalac has resigned from REIWA to take up the Deputy Director role at the Committee for Perth. Andy Zell is REIWA’s new Advocacy and Policy Manager.

Shelter WA has appointed Cameron Poustie as its CEO. Mr Poustie previously was the Policy and Strategy Manager with the Aboriginal Health Council of WA.

Congratulations to MBANSW Executive Director Brian Seidler who celebrated 35 years of service to his Association, having commenced in 1982 as an Industrial Officer.

Dr Michael Fotheringham took over from Dr Ian Winter as Executive Director of the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute from mid-December. AHURI’s mission is to deliver high quality housing and urban research that influences policy development and improves outcomes for all Australians.

WorkSafe Commissioner Lex McCulloch has retired following Machinery of Government reforms to the senior public service. Master Builders wishes Mr McCulloch an enjoyable retirement and acknowledges his contribution to WorkSafe WA over many years.

Congratulations to Adrian Fini on winning the WA Business Leader of the Year Award at the 2017 West Business AIM Pinnacle Awards.

Michael Hopkins has been appointed Executive Director of Master Builders ACT, replacing Kirk Conningham.

Jackson McDonald Partner Basil Georgiou has written his first book, “The Order of Things”, which is on sale at most reputable book shops. The story is set in South Africa from 1930.

Hedley Davis has been elected National President of Master Builders Australia following Dan Perkins’ two-year term coming to an end in November.

Lindsay Albonico has relocated to Melbourne to take up a new role with John Holland, being responsible for Engineering, Technology and Innovation. Drew Gillespie has replaced Lindsay on Master Builders’ Construction Council.

Cam Dumesny has been appointed CEO of the Western Roads Federation, based in East Perth. This is a newly formed body which replaces the WA Road Transport Association. WRF has been formed to give a stronger unified voice for companies which use WA roads for commercial benefit.

Donald McKenzie has resigned as CEO of Skill Hire after a fiveyear period of service. Richard Keogh and Charlotte Sutton have taken over some of Mr McKenzie’s responsibilities.

Murray Simcock is now working for the Ballpoint Construction Group.

Congratulations to Rowson’s Plumbing Services on winning Master Plumbers’ Plumbing Business of the Year and Health and Safety Business of the Year. Phillip Best Plumbing won Regional Plumbing Business of the Year. Benchmark Hydraulics and Civil won the emerging plumbing business award.

Chris Rodwell has replaced Deidre Willmot as Chief Executive of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in WA. Mr Rodwell is a former Australian Trade Commissioner and Director of the Australian Industry Group in Queensland.

Robert Gough has resigned from Shelter WA after five years in the Strategy and Policy role to take up a position with LandCorp focussing on sustainability and innovation.

Congratulations to Perth Glory tragic Phil Faigen at All Points Building Consultants on becoming a septuagenarian in April.



Veronica hands over to Wayne Master Builders Membership Manager Veronica Mill has retired. Veronica’s career with the Association spanned 22 years during which time the membership grew threefold. One of her legacies is the Women in Building and Construction (WinBaC) program which she was instrumental in setting up. Master Builders wishes Veronica all the best in her retirement.

Grant Lovelock has taken over from Alan Edwards as the Federal Safety Commissioner. Mr Lovelock was previously employed as the Building Industry Policy Branch Manager with the Department of Employment in Canberra. Prior to July 2017, he had extensive experience in the vocational training policy and funding areas.

The Construction Training Fund has appointed Michelle Paxman as its coordinator for school and other visits to the Construction Futures Centre.

The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation presented four staff – Sarah McEvoy, Ken Raine, Simon Rodgers and Peter Taylor – with Australia Day Achievement Medallions to recognise their achievements in environment and water resource management. Recipients are selected by their employer as part of a national program run by the Australia Day Council.

Taking on membership management and additional responsibility for the products and services portfolio is Wayne Tardrew who started with the Association in January. Wayne has a corporate background in sales and also has run his own business.

Veronica Mill in fine form compering one of the many WinBaC functions she organised.

Master Builders’ new Sales Manager Wayne Tardrew.

Tania Sawyer has joined the Master Builders’ team as the Association’s new Training Compliance Coordinator. She brings a wealth of knowledge gained over 15 years working in the training sector.

Congratulations to Master Builders President Rob Spadaccini and Maria Nicotra on announcing their engagement in the Maldives earlier this year.

Richard Kendall has stepped down as chairman of the Jaxon board.

Congratulations to Mark Pownall and his team at WA Business News on celebrating their 25th anniversary.


Congratulations to Joe Gangemi who celebrates 30 years as a partner of Butler Settineri in 2018. Butler Settineri recently took over from RSM as the auditors of the Master Builders Association.

Congratulations to Rebecca Krieg (nee Evans) and her new husband Hayden. The happy couple tied the knot at Barrett Lane in the Swan Valley in November. Sad to say, Rebecca, who was Master Builders Training Administration Officer for more than three years, left the Association in February for a new position in the oil and gas industry.


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our growing Master Builders Member Savings Scheme.


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A 7% onmany normal fee leverage, benefit attractive now on 1800 150 888 to discuss your premiums a new or used car from AHG (*conditions guidance. A 7% guidance. reduction on A 7% normal reduction fee on normal fee now on 1800 150 from 888 nowtoon discuss 1800 150 your 888 premiums to discuss your premiums great deals on finance and insurance, 10% guidance. Aknowledgeable 7% reduction on normal fee now on 1800 150 888 toContact discussMBAIS your premiums will offer quick and initial to Master Builders members. schedules also applies for members. ongoing services of standard contracts, and needs. pricing and better policy terms for insurance your apply), and many greatinformation benefits. schedules also applies schedules forschedules members. alsoform applies members. and insurance needs. and insurance needs. For more on these offers, please also for applies for members. discount on servicing and other accessories, 4c and insurance needs. guidance. A 7% reduction on normal Forfee more information For on more these information offers, please on theseon offers, now on 1800 150 888 to discuss For more information theseplease offers, please insurance products and safety training and business and personal insurances. A strong your premiums visit per litre discount on fuel when you purchase schedules also applies for members. visit visit and insurance needs. visit Hotline: 1300 651 959 For more information on these offers, please auditing. When legal issues arise, the service Hotline: 1300 651Hotline: 959 1300 6511300 959 651 959 service is part of this broker’s commitment Hotline: a new or used car from AHG (*conditions visit will offer quickHotline: and knowledgeable to Master Builders members. Contact MBAIS 1300 651 959 initial apply), and many other great benefits. guidance. A 7% reduction on normal fee on 1800 150 to discuss your premiums

and insurance needs.

schedules also applies for members.

For more information on these offers, please visit Hotline: 1300 651 959 * Scheme participants will generally require proof of membership through our membership card or other verification. We remind members that all benefits are subject to terms and conditions

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Cladding and steel failures, and the senate nonconforming products enquiry have shone new light on materials compliance obligations in Australia. Product choice and compliance challenges Around 20 years ago, imported steels began arriving offering new and often financially attractive alternatives. But increased choice also brings challenges. Not all these steels meet AS/NZS Standards, and supply chains have become much more complex, making verification of product conformity much more difficult for any purchaser, builder or building surveyor. Steel is often purchased on the assumption that it must ‘meet the standard’. After all it comes with a test certificate! The facts however are increasingly different. As Executive Director of the Australasian Certification Authority for Reinforcing and Structural Steels (ACRS), Philip Sanders, points out, construction steels available in Australia today fall into three categories: those that meet AS/NZS Standards; those that meet other national Standards, but not necessarily AS/NZS Standards; and those that meet no standards at all. The last two categories mean products might not be fit for the purpose for which they are intended and, in extreme cases, using them can be dangerous. How do you know what you are getting?

The ACRS Scheme ACRS was formed as an independent, not for profit steel verification body with the assistance of major professional bodies, including Austroads, Engineers Australia, the Australian Institute of Building Surveyors, the Master Builders Association, and the Steel Reinforcement Institute of Australia. In 2005, ACRS certified three steel companies, at 23 manufacturing and processing sites, in three countries, to just one standard, AS/NZS 4671. Today, ACRS certifies steels from 66 manufacturing and processing companies, operating 160 facilities in 17 countries, to more than a dozen steel standards, responding to the demands from end-users for independent validation of compliance. ACRS certification currently covers over 65 per cent of construction steels supplied in Australia. Philip explains why.

“If you can’t be sure it’s right for the job, you’d be right to be concerned,” Philip said.

“The major difference between ACRS and the normally understood type of product certification system is that ACRS is a steel specialist on the EU model widely recognised as world best practice. As such, all ACRS certification personnel are metallurgists and engineers with direct experience in manufacture, processing, or design and construction of the steel materials we certify to AS/NZS standards, as well as qualified auditors. So, we know exactly what to look for.”

Product Conformity and your responsibilities Recent well-reported cases of materials failures, including flammable cladding, shattering glass, and failing steel mesh and hollow sections, clearly show there is a need for testing and certifying organisations which give designers, certifiers, and builders peace of mind that the materials used meet the standards and regulations. After all, regulations require building materials to be fit for purpose.

Independent verification to international best practice ACRS also operates a strictly verification-based system. “Where some certification systems accept the suppliers’ own quality management systems certification and test reporting without further checking, ACRS doesn’t,” Philip reported. “ACRS assessors independently select the samples for testing during the audit to prevent any chance of


‘cherry picking’ by the supplier. We then manage the subsequent verification process though independent qualified laboratories selected by ACRS, not the supplier. Then, we do conformity checking on the suppliers’ raw production data every threemonths. This provides a further level of confidence to the purchaser that matches the verification levels demanded in the EU and North America.”





“ACRS’s reputation rests on the quality of its auditors and ACRS’s clear independence from both the steel suppliers we audit and end-users who rely on our certification. We are independent, expert, entirely neutral, and operated solely for the benefit of endusers and safety of the public,” he said.





Rubbish in, rubbish out “Of course, the provision of materials is just one part of the complex process of building construction. But if you don’t have the right materials, every other decision made after that is based on a flawed assumption. This is where ACRS verification-based system comes into its own as a confidence-building measure for the building industry and for the public,” Philip explained. “As ACRS has found from more than 2500 audits at steel suppliers around the world, what you don’t actively check, at some point, you just won’t get. And it’s too late when it’s built. “It’s simple, really. We do the detailed checking now so you don’t have to worry later.”


ACRS - The Australasian Certification Authority for Reinforcing and Structural Steels Ltd

Delivering confidence in compliance of steel connectors.

Building on the success of its product certification scheme for structural and reinforcing steels, ACRS is now offering Certification for connecting elements such as structural steel bolts and reinforcing couplers, fixings, anchorages and inserts. This ACRS Certification Scheme provides a standardised approvals mechanism and a national framework for testing and assessment of these critical construction products. Ph: (02) 9965 7216 | E: ABN: 40 096 692 545 ACRS - Independent, Expert Third Party Certification & Verification of Reinforcing, Prestressing and Structural Steels for Compliance with Australian and New Zealand Standards



Concrete Additives Surface Waterproofing

Waterproofing is one of the most problematic issues when it comes to the building industry in Australia. An often-quoted statistic in the building industry is that waterproofing and water ingress issues are 1.8 percent of total construction cost but they account for 83 percent of building defect complaints. Basically there are two waterproofing systems: additives to concrete and surface treatments (waterproofing/tanking). Each system has advantages over the other as well as unique situations where the other will not be a suitable application.

Concrete additives The capillary crystalline waterproofing reacts in the presence of moisture to form a permanent, non-soluble crystalline structure that grows deep within a concrete mass filling its pores, hairline or micro cracks and capillary tracts to make it waterproof. In the absence of moisture, the crystalline components will lie dormant indefinitely. Should moisture become present at any time, the chemical reaction or healing process will start again and repeat automatically advancing even more deeply into the concrete and to the source of the water ingress.

Crystalline additives can be applied as a surface treatment as a remedial fix if the origins of leaks cannot be accessed. This has proven to be extremely cost effective and successful. A significant advantage of this product is that is makes it easy to create architectural off shutter concrete elements required in contemporary design such as thin floating slabs, polished roofs and suspended pools. However crystalline products will not bridge concrete cracks wider than 2mm.

It also saves time and labour as backfilling can begin immediately, eliminating the wait time and additional excavation associated with traditional surface ‘waterproofing’ products. 46


Are your showers ticking time bombs? Despite builders best efforts, leaking showers are consistently listed in the QBCC’s 10 most common defects. Sadly, sometimes this is due to sub-standard workmanship, but most of the time it is the design of the shower itself which is creating the potential for disaster. Most contractors are at a complete loss as to why, but detailed testing has shown how, by the action of expansion and contraction, water is “pumped” along glue cavities to escape the shower enclosure, no matter how well it is water-proofed. The best way to prevent the problem is to seal the screen directly to the membrane, and NOT to the tiles. Waterstop Streamline provides: •

Positive connection between screen and membrane

Maximises floor area

Provides a template for following trades

Ensures correct fall to waste

Complies with and exceeds AS3740

Modern, cost effective, one-piece design

20 different shapes and sizes

Minimum change for maximum benefits

My business has expanded rapidly since we star ted using th e Waterstop Streamline ho b and now I have tilers voluntarily recommending the Watersto system – an p d me – to othe r builders. Everyone that uses it loves it.

Mr Fred Medd ings Managing Direc tor, Watertight Austr

alia (Waterproo

By us ing W aterst the sh op Str ower w eamlin ill be It ha e I kn perfec s to b ow t ever e, bec design y tim ause t ed to e. h is d p ic of th roduct tate p e othe lacem is r comp ent o the c onent f all omplet s to m e show imposs ake up er. It ible t ’s virt o stuf ually f it u Mr p.

Glen W hitehe Manag ad ing Dir ector, BJM D e




Remove the doubt. Fit Waterstop Streamline ... and forget about leaking showers.

Water escapes shower enclosure


Screen ‘sealed’ to tiles with silicon Tile Water path


Hobbed shower


Water escapes shower enclosure


Waterstop Streamline Screen ‘sealed’ to tiles with silicon



Rebated or flow-through shower

Water path


Screen Screen sealed to membrane with silicone

Keyway to trap liquid membrane

Tile Tile height gauge

Tile Hob


Bathroom floor tile height optional Substrate


For more information, visit Phone 07 5426 3700 • Fax 07 5426 3711 • Email

Bed Membrane


Surface waterproofing These include bituminous (bitumen based) sheet membrane ‘torch on’ or ‘peel n stick’ butynol (rubber) sheet membrane, PVC sheet membranes, modified acrylic urethane membranes, polyurethane and bitumen liquid membrane systems, and cementitious (cement based) products. All these products have specific uses where they perform best.

A topcoat or wear coat for heavy traffic areas is still advisable. It is also recommended to apply a good primer on top of the concrete or compressed cement sheet. A full-blown epoxy as a primer will eliminate bubbling if there’s any moisture in the concrete, which gives it a better chance of adhesion. Always reinforce any cold or movement joint.

Bituminous (or more commonly called ‘torch on’) sheet membrane applications are best for external tanking, roof tops, garden beds ‘green’ roofs and planter boxes. With a mineral cap sheet they are UV stable and suitable for high traffic areas, but they do soften slightly on very hot days.

Butynol sheet membrane is one of the best membranes on the Australian market, and is often preferred because the manufacturer only sells it to installers who are qualified to install this particular product prior. Professional installers use it in bathrooms, rooftops and balconies because it is such a specialised product. It will cost a little bit more, but the results are incredible.

These products can be mechanically fixed down, allowing the under lying surface to breathe, or they can be torch-applied directly into the surface. When directly applying torch on into the surface in larger areas, it’s wise to install a vent to allow the surface under the membrane to breathe and prevent the membrane from delaminating. Modified acrylic urethane membranes are best for internal bathrooms and concrete roof or deck coverings as most of them on the market are UV stable. 48

Liquid bitumen is not regarded as a green building product since it is derived from crude oil and the fumes produced whilst it is being applied are harmful to the environment. As most liquid bitumen products are not UV stable they are more commonly used in below ground basements, retaining walls and planter boxes. Cementitious membrane applications are ideal for areas where there is no movement expected between the building materials that need to be waterproofed.

Cementitious based waterproofing is very easy to apply and polymer additives can be mixed in to add to its waterproofing capabilities. This system is widely used by tilers as it is part of a complete tiling system (screed, self-levelling compounds, membrane, tile adhesive) an acrylic additive is usually used as a primer to achieve better adhesion or bonding. The main disadvantage is that because these products are cement based, they do not have any degree of stretch and so may crack over time. Cementitious products are generally easy to maintain and repair but if additional leaks occur they are a bit more difficult to find. The design and installation of any waterproofing system is one of the most important things to consider when starting any project. For the best long-lasting results is essential that the membrane system selected is fit for the purpose, expertly applied and appropriately maintained.

FURTHER INFORMATION: Australian Waterproofing Company: MASTER BUILDER AUTUMN 2018





Grate lines.

The finest linear grate selection from the people who invented them. Designed and manufactured in Australia from marine grade stainless steel, Stormtech remains the gold standard for design, durability and sustainability. View our complete selection online, and match the perfect drain to your design.

Visit for tools + inspiration. | call 1300 653 403

Bathrooms Doortracks



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Special Needs Access

ArchitecturAl GrAteS + DrAinS

Stormtech linear drains for award winning designs Stormtech has been providing inspiring architectural drainage solutions for residential and commercial building industries for over a quarter of a century. Used in bathrooms, showers, thresholds, paved areas, driveways, pools and pool surrounds, Stormtech grates and drains are known for their sleek design, innovation and practicality. Linear drain systems play a vital role in ensuring adequate drainage in internal and external locations. The use of linear drains is very popular in shower recesses, especially in designs using frameless screens and no step downs or hob designs. For interior applications in the bathroom and other wet rooms linear stainless steel grates create an aesthetically pleasing solution to the traditional grated drain, as they are narrow profile and high efficiency drainage systems.

They are available as a modular system with stainless steel or PVC channel or as a made to length system that will be manufactured to specific lengths. All grates are manufactured from 316 marine grade stainless steel and available in seven different designs. The company works with regulators, legislators, end users, trades and distributors to develop problem solving products and welcomes any questions about product selection and compliance. All Stormtech products are Australian Made and WaterMarked certified. With a proud commitment to eco-friendly design, Stormtech offers the only linear drainage product in the world with Global GreenTag certification. Contact our WA agent, Civil and General Distributors.

The product range of Stormtech for residential and commercial applications includes: • Linear Drains • Tile Insert Drains • Square Drains • Threshold Drains • Vinyl Clamps • Special Assemblies • Slot Drains


For more information contact: Phone: 08 9249 4733 Email: Website:







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7784B Commercial Master Builder FA.indd 3

5/7/17 12:21 pm


Advertisers Index


Autumn 2018 ACRS................................................................................. 44, 45 Beams Software.......................................................................17

Onsite Drug & Alcohol Testing Specialists

Construction Training Fund....................................................... 9 Hanson Construction Materials................................................15


ISMART Building Group ........................................................... 1 MBA Insurance Services........................................................... 5 Mediscreen.............................................................................. 52 Midland Brick............................................................................. 7 Mitsubishi Motors.................................................................... 23 MyLeave.................................................................................. 31 Oldfields Scaffolding................................................................ 31


Progress Claim.......................................................................... 3






Synergy.................................................................................. IFC

t. 1300 79 70 40 e. w.


56x135_v8_outlines.indd 1

Stormtech Pty Ltd

2/02/2018 8:50:35 AM

Stormtech linear drains for award winning designs.

08 9249 4733

See our feature on page 50

Toyota Motor Corporation Australia Limited.........................OBC Waterstop Streamline...............................................................47 Wex Australia............................................................................17

BuildIT 2018 Beacon Lighting Commercial...................................................51 Stormtech.......................................................................... 50, 52




Renault builds more power into Trafic mid-size van Renault’s best mid-sized van offering for builders, plumbers and electricians just got a whole lot more powerful, with the entry model receiving a 29 percent power boost, and it is now priced from a highly competitive $34,490* drive-away for the 85kW model. “This new 85kW engine for the Trafic improves driveability and with its very attractive drive away price it’s now an even better option for a builder or tradie of any type looking for a mid-size van that’s easy, safe and fun to drive” said Lyndon Healey, Senior Model Line Manager for Renault LCV. “And like all our Trafic models, it’s comfortable, quiet and it has a very practical load-space and high payload, perfect for when your van is your tool box.” Lyndon said. This new engine replaces the previous entry-level turbo diesel engine, which was a solid performer in short wheelbase guise against petrol rivals from other brands, with a rich vein of torque delivering surprising mid-range performance. Now, the higher output version of the singleturbo engine delivers more power and 15 percent more torque (adding 40Nm for a peak of 300Nm, available from just 1500rpm), for enhanced driveability under load. Fuel consumption is 6.6 litres per 100km on the combined cycle and just 174g/km of CO2 is emitted by the Euro5 compliant engine. All other features and specifications remain unchanged from the previous entry model,

including the payload of 1,235kg in the 5.2m3 load area. Maximum towing capacity is unchanged at 2,000kg for a braked trailer. As with all Renault Trafic’s, the new 85kW version offers 12 monthly or 30,000km service intervals and a three-year/200,000km factory warranty, with the first three scheduled services capped at just $349 each. The more powerful 103kW twin turbo diesel engine continues to be available in both short and long wheelbase, offering peak torque of 340Nm at 1500rpm and all models are mated to a slick shifting six-speed manual transmission. “The short wheelbase 85kW version with its 300Nm of torque will provide builders and tradies in general with the ideal set of wheels with which to do business. And with our unbeatable drive-away deals, there’s never been a better time to test drive and buy a Renault Trafic,” Lyndon said. “The Trafic has been a huge success since it was launched in Australia just on two years ago. It has set new records for sales, underlining the incredible value it offers, not just with a sharp drive-away price, but its whole of life costs are well under control as well. And with the Renault reassurance packages, owning one is the least of any builder or tradies worries. “Over the long term, Trafic’s extended service intervals, capped price service costs, excellent reliability and strong resale values really make it the stand-out choice,” Lyndon said.


TFM2032 MBA WA 02/18 T2018-009163


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To find out more, visit your Toyota Fleet Specialist Dealer or call 1800 444 847 1. Excluding Special Edition models. Photo credit: The Gall Boys

Master Builders Association membership details required to redeem Gold Fleet Discounts.

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