A publication of the Motor Traders’ Association of NSW Issue 01 2019
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Contents Message from the CEO
Updates Driving Member value
Important changes to Motor Vehicle Tradesperson’s Certificate
IR Update
Features Australian Motor Body Repair Association ends big year united, determined, and with significant changes in sight
A challenging year of change – more to come!
Class Action: Takata airbag continues to deflate
MTAA Super and R U OK? launch new campaign
MTA NSW 2018 Recognition Dinner and Awards
The state of play - retail service stations
Business Partners Index
Industry News Cummins 6.7 Turbo Diesel unveiled
The most powerful street-legal Ford in history: Mustang Shelby GT500 20 2020 Toyota Supra makes world debut
Nissan TITAN XD flexes its beach bod as TITAN Surfcamp
New Road Vehicle Standards Act set to transform the Caravan Industry
Advertisers’ Index
We welcome reader’s comments. If you would like to provide feedback about our publication, please contact MTA NSW via E: journal@mtansw.com.au or P: (02) 9016 9000
Published by: ark:media Phone: +61 7 5629 5310 Email: marketing@arkmedia.net.au Web: www.arkmedia.net.au Managing Editor: Susan Guilfoyle Design Team: Andrew Crabb, Arlen Chidzey Advertising Sales: Paul Baird Advertising Manager: Yvonne Okseniuk
MTA Journal is the official publication of the Motor Traders’ Association of New South Wales (MTA NSW). It is produced six times per year and published by ark:media. Founded in 1910, the Motor Traders’ Association of New South Wales (MTA NSW) is an employers Association dedicated to representing owners and business principals in the NSW automotive industry. MTA NSW is a founding member of the MTAA. The MTA Journal is produced to keep members informed of matters affecting the automotive industry. Opinions and/or statements in any editorial and/or advertisements are not necessarily those of the publisher and/or the MTA NSW. The publisher reserves the right to reject any material deemed unsuitable for publication. Other than for the purposes of and subject to the conditions prescribed under the copyright Act 1968, no part of MTA Journal may in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, microcopying, photocopying, recording or otherwise) be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted without prior written permission from the MTA NSW or ark:media.
Official publication of the Motor Traders’ Association of New South Wales Level 1, 214 Parramatta Road, Burwood, NSW 2134 P: 02 9016 9000 ABN 63 000 008 088 PRESIDENT D. (David) Keats HONORARY TREASURER A. (Adrian) Carlson METROPOLITAN VICE-PRESIDENTS R. (Ray) Beekman, B. (Brian) Cowan, J. (John) Young COUNTRY VICE-PRESIDENTS M. (Mark) Beard, R. (Robert) Garland G. (Geoff) Lowe, L. (Lindsay) Vidler CEO Stavros Yallouridis
Message from the CEO Stavros Yallouridis Chief Executive Officer I would like to wish all of our Members a Happy New Year and the industry looks forward to your support once again in 2019. As an Association and the ‘voice of the motor industry’, your membership has assisted the MTA NSW to achieve so much over the past 12 months. Our Membership team has provided more presence and support on the ground with over 6,000 visits introducing MTA industry expertise to Members and industry representatives. With the groundwork now firmly established we are progressing into 2019 with a number of exciting initiatives, which will aim to address some of the ongoing challenges faced by the automotive industry. We recognise the importance of having current regulatory information on-hand and have therefore decided to offer our Employment Relations Information System (ERIS) - an interactive comprehensive employment relations hub - for FREE to all Members, as part of your membership. Within this issue, we look at how reviewing your mix of staff and employing an apprentice can be a positive move for your business. Please refer to the IR Update on all the things you need to know about engaging an apprentice.
At a national meeting held in Sydney in December 2018, AMBRA delegates and observers from all States and Territories discussed determining future actions and operations for 2019 as the industry strives for a safe, viable, sustainable and profitable motor body repair industry that serves and protects consumers.
Driving Member value The main priority for MTA NSW in 2018 was to continue the transformation of the Membership offering, to ensure that the Association remained focused on re-engaging with our Members so that they understood the value of the brand, our services and how it could benefit their business and operations.
ISSUE 01 2019
The Member feedback over the previous 12 months had been the need for more contact by the field staff; therefore in 2018 we undertook the enormous geographical challenge to visit as many Members as possible. By the end of 2018 we have conducted over 6,000 member visits. As a result, 2018 has been very active for the field team, visiting, assessing, supporting and collecting Members feedback on a number of relevant industry topics.
Much of the information has assisted MTA NSW to determine what we need to prioritise when engaging with the Government at both State and Federal levels and especially with Ministerial lobbying. Formal Member information nights have been well received; however, MTA NSW believes that the sessions can be improved upon with the effectiveness of: new formats; interactive discussions; new locations; change of frequency; and more relevant geographic centric topics.
The Takata airbag recall takes another sharp turn for the automotive dealer industry with seven car manufacturers now listed with consumer class actions, and claims seeking damages for selling cars with lethal airbags. This possibly has repercussions for the dealer industry as a whole with substantial risks and or liabilities if not managed by the vehicle manufacturers. NSW Fair Trading and MTA NSW are notifying automotive repair businesses regarding the need to ensure that Motor Vehicle Tradesperson’s Certificates (MVTC) are current. If you are in doubt, please contact your local MTA NSW Area Manager and they will be able to assist you with checking on the status of currency. The retail service station sector is continually evolving, and to assist Members in keeping up-to-date, we have summarised in an article, the key changes occurring within the petrol retailing industry. Over 220 Members and guests attended the very successful Motor Traders’ Association of NSW 2018 Recognition Dinner held on Saturday, 1 December 2018 at the magnificent Hyatt Regency Sydney Hotel. This entertaining evening celebrated the MTA NSW Apprentice of the Year Awards, recognised our long-standing Members from within the automotive industry and hosted a fun charity ‘fund raising auction’ in support of Father Chris Riley’s Youth Off The Streets. MTA NSW strongly encourages Members to renew their membership in order to take advantage of our services, benefits and receive the maximum value from your Association. For those Members who have already renewed, we would like to say thank you for your ongoing support! As always, the MTA NSW team is available to assist you with any queries, so please contact your respective Area or Divisional Manager with any questions in relation to the services provided by your Association. We hope you enjoy reading this edition of the MTA Journal and trust you will have a successful and profitable start to 2019.
In addition, the priority for the team has been to improve the overall Member experience. This was commenced with the investment and better utilisation of MTA’s own information technology, as well as providing more accessibility for our Members to industry subject matter experts and better-targeted communications. We rebuilt much of the team with handpicked industry experienced professionals, finally filling all vacancies in Divisional Management, Area Management and Office Support. These new team members have adapted quickly to their new roles and key responsibilities and are contributing positively to improving much of our internal processes, and focussed to deliver greater support and advice to our growing membership base. In addition to the many field visits and improving our internal processes, we have started to reach out, providing even greater support through our Divisional Management team, in an advisory and support capacity to assist those Members in navigating their daily operating challenges. While traditional support has always been provided through Training; Employment Relations Services; Stationery purchasing; Government lobbying; Compliance; and Divisional and Area Management support, we believe it was timely to add to our existing support capabilities, for the benefit of our Members in growing their businesses. This has meant that while we are responding to the many traditional Member issues, we now have more current industry skill and knowledge available for our Members to freely access and take advantage of, to benefit their business operations in 2019. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION please contact David Rodger, MTA NSW General Manager Operations, via M: 0431 284 990 or E: david.rodger@mtansw.com.au
Steven Tong, Mechanic Member since 2002
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AMBRA Delegates from across Australia gathered in Sydney at MTA NSW headquarters on 4 December 2018, to review key issues tackled in 2018 and to plan strategy and actions for 2019 for our united motor body repair industry. Back row (L to R): Peter Coupland (MTA WA BRD Chair); Brian Cowan (MTA NSW BRD Chair) Morry Corvace (VACC BRD Chair and AMBRA Deputy Chair); John Guest (VACC Division Manager). Middle Row (L to R): Richard Dudley (CEO MTAA); Peter Donovan (MTA NT CEO); Marie Donato (MTA WA Division Manager); Paul Back (MTA SA Division Manager); Brenton Daniel (MTA NSW Division Manager). Front Row (L to R): Jeff Williams (MTA SA BRD Chair and AMBRA Chair); Guido Merlo (MTA NT BRD Chair); Anthony Nazor (MTA ACT BRD Chair); Michael Burke (MTA ACT President).
Australian Motor Body Repair Association ends big year united, determined, and with significant changes in sight The Motor Trades Association of Australia Limited (MTAA) and the Australian Motor Body Repairers Association (AMBRA) has issued a warning to Motor Body Repair business owners to be vigilant when considering contracts offered by car insurance companies.
ISSUE 01 2019
At a national meeting in Sydney in December 2018, AMBRA delegates and observers from all states and territories discussed complaints received from some Members that they were being pressured to sign contracts, be they for short or longer terms, as a preferred repairer for an insurance company; or for the provision of vehicle repair work; or authority to undertake a repair. MTAA and AMBRA again urged motor body repair businesses to seek legal and financial advice on any contracts before signing to ensure legal and regulatory compliance, particularly in regard to regulations on unfair contract terms and conditions. MTAA and AMBRA said it was also important for motor body repair businesses to continue to familiarise themselves and, where appropriate, use the national voluntary smash repair and insurance industry Code of Conduct and requirements. The call follows examination of notified disputes including trending causes; disputes proceeding to mediation; and in particular the implications of two recent determinations provided in Victoria and NSW. The determinations, which in accordance with requirements of the Code of Conduct are binding, conclude two disputes that were raised under the dispute mediation and determination provisions of the Code. MTAA and AMBRA also resolved to investigate and implement additional support measures to assist highly stressed motor body repair business
owners following consideration of reports that business stress was translating into mental health concerns. MTAA and AMBRA will prepare additional communications to strengthen ‘R U OK’ initiatives and provide improved links to qualified assistance such as Lifeline, Beyond Blue and other services. AMBRA reviewed a busy 2018 including significant work by MTAA, State and Territory association Members and AMBRA on matters including reports and submissions to: the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry; the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission; and the Western Australia Parliamentary Inquiry into that State’s smash repair industry, which has led to MPs in WA calling for an Australian Competition and Consumer Commission inquiry into claims of “market abuse.” 2019 is shaping as a watershed year for the long term viability, sustainability and profitability of the motor vehicle repair industry with AMBRA, MTAA and State and Territory Association Members determining future actions and operations for 2019 as the industry strives for a safe, viable, sustainable, profitable, motor body repair industry that serves and protects consumers.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION please contact the MTAA Secretariat, via P: 02 5100 8239 or Brenton Daniel, MTA NSW Divisional Manager via M: 0419 171 212 or E: brenton.daniel@mtansw.com.au
Mighty Car Mods
Creators of Mighty Car Mods: Blair ‘Moog’ Joscelyne (left) and Marty Mulholland (right).
Mr Mulholland said they were surprised at how many Australian made products use raw and refined materials made in the very same plant that produces both household grade and fuel grade ethanol.
Recently ranked in the most influential digital stars on the globe, Australian car enthusiasts Blair ’Moog’ Joscelyne and Marty Mulholland count some 2.8 million YouTube subscribers and up to 4.2 million monthly views for their handy and humorous demonstrations of at-home automotive improvements.
“There is always a lot of talk about future technologies, where they will take us and how clean they are,” he said. “We’re excited about all of them, one thing about renewables such as ethanol is that they are here, right now – we can create it from scratch in Australia, put it in a vehicle, and go.
The pair first became fans of high-performance, ethanol-based fuels after nearly doubling the power of a 15-year-old Subaru by using E85 – a blend of 85 per cent ethanol and 15 per cent petrol.
“I’m a big fan of Australian-made and it’s great to add an Australian made product to imported petrol to increase octane and improve performance.”
Mr Mulholland said they picked up the stationwagon dubbed “Supergramps” for a couple of thousand dollars and “swapped the engine out for an EZ36, the biggest engine that Subaru make”.
One of ethanol’s biggest benefits in fuel is octane – with E10 (a blend of 10 per cent ethanol with 90 per cent petrol) exceeding a high-octane rating of 94.
“Problem was, it was super-high compression already and we were going to turbocharge it,” he said.
“The E85 we often use is labelled at 107 octane, which gives you an idea how powerful the fuel is,” said Mr Mulholland.
“By using E85, we could raise the tuning headroom; adding more ignition timing and boost pressure – resulting in almost double the factory power of the original car with its original engine.”
“We often push the limits with engines, and E85 gives us the opportunity to get more power and better performance in our cars, just by switching fuel.
It was in the regional Australian town of Nowra, NSW, where the pair discovered the full potential of sustainable ethanol being produced locally at the biggest distillery in South East Asia, part of Manildra Group’s world-class Shoalhaven Starches facility.
“Once you’ve sampled how good E85 is in your car, it’s hard to go back to normal 98 octane petrol.”
urbocharging an old stationwagon really drove home the value of ethanol-enhanced fuels for the duo behind Mighty Car Mods, the world’s most-watched DIY auto show online.
Mighty Car Mods is available through YouTube, Qantas in-flight entertainment, and regular events in major Australian cities.
Manildra Distillery
A challenging year of change more to come!
MTA NSW started 2018 in the hope that we would finally finish the current four-year review of modern awards. But alas no, we look like continuing on in 2019 – into the fifth year. There is some light now at the end of the tunnel though, as it is likely the new Vehicle Award and Clerks Awards will commence in 2019. MTA NSW will keep Members posted. Some other good news, is that on 5 December 2018 there was a legislative change to the Fair Work Act ending the process of further four yearly reviews and moving to reviews on an “as needs basis.” This is a fabulous result!
ISSUE 01 2019
The year of 2018 though has been very challenging with many Award changes occurring with the Fair Work Commission (FWC) moving to introduce changes to the current Awards ahead of the making of the new Awards.
In 2018 alone the following changes have been progressively introduced: • Minimum engagement for casuals now two hours under Vehicle Award – decision made in February but commenced on and from 1 October 2018 – refer to February, March and September 2018 Industrial News • Domestic Violence leave and Family Friendly Work Arrangements – decision in April and variations commenced with five days unpaid family and domestic violence leave commenced 1 August 2018 – refer to August 2018 Industrial News • Casual conversion clauses introduced to Clerks Award and other Awards – refer to September 2018 Industrial News • Penalty rate changes under the General Retail Award – refer to October 2018 Industrial News • Withholding notice payments limited to one week’s Award wages in a new Termination of employment clause commenced 1 November – refer to November 2018 Industrial News • New payment of wages clauses in Clerks and General Retail Awards – refer to November 2018 Industrial News • Changes to Flexible Working Arrangements – based on the earlier Family Friendly Work Arrangements decision in April with amendments introduced from 1 December 2018 requiring greater efforts to genuinely try to reach agreement about flexible work arrangements – refer to December 2018 Industrial News
The Full Federal Court also got into the act and made a decision in Workpac Pty Ltd v Skene on 16 August 2018 which has the potential to completely change how casuals are engaged and potentially such employees may be able to claim they are entitled to annual leave, sick leave and long service leave entitlements. In the September and October 2018 Industrial News we reported on this decision and will continue to monitor precedents to keep Members informed and, as far as is possible, protect Members. In essence, the Court has determined that if a casual has a regular and predictable pattern of work with an ongoing expectation of continued employment, then such employees are likely to actually be part time and full time employees and should have been paid accordingly. This has very serious implications for many of our Members. In fact, we have one Member with exactly this claim at the moment and we are helping that Member to try to resolve the matter. In a surprise but good move, the Federal Government had on 11 December 2018 advised that it will be recommending a Fair Work Regulation be made to “provide greater clarity of existing general law rights to offset payments when claims are made to pay for the same entitlements twice.” This will provide protection to the extent of the additional casual loading payments being used to offset against claims for underpayment on the basis that the employee is not a casual employee but rather a part time or full time employee. However, when the new term of Parliament commences the Senate could move to disallow the regulation. MTA NSW will monitor developments and keep Members informed. We can only expect a greater change in the future especially if the Federal Opposition is elected given that its agenda for changes to the Fair Work Act is becoming clearer including a push for industry wide negotiations and amendments to Enterprise Bargaining rules. If Members need any assistance with the Award changes detailed above or have concerns with the employment of casual workers, please contact MTA NSW. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION please contact MTA NSW Employment Relations via P: 02 9016 9000 or E: eradvice@mtansw.com.au
Class Action: Takata airbag continues to deflate The Takata airbag recall takes on another phase and possibly another sharp turn for the automotive dealer industry. A recent online article that appeared on the aftermarket.com.au website (Cameron McLachlan, November 18, 2018) raised some serious questions and possible repercussions that can leave the car dealer industry as a whole with substantial risks and/or liabilities if not managed by the vehicle manufacturers. This could put vehicle dealers further at risk. As an industry, we will need to be vigilant and proactive in educating and training what staff do and say when handling customers, so they are not put at risk. Where does this leave the dealer responsibility for retailing a defective product if they can effectively prove negligence by manufacturers? As reported in the online article, seven car manufacturers have now been listed with consumer class actions, with claims seeking damages for selling cars with lethal airbags.
Law firm, Quinn Emanuel Urquhart and Sullivan (Quinn Emanuel) reports it has expanded its class action to include a seventh car manufacturer. The current total number includes the following manufacturers: Volkswagen, Toyota, Mazda, Honda, Subaru, BMW, and Nissan.
before the safety of customers,” according to Quinn Emanuel Partner, Damien Scattini, “Car manufacturers have known about this problem for years and these airbags have to be off our roads.” The big issue is a global shortage of airbags. Many Australian drivers are only being offered a temporary fix with some manufacturers only offering like for like replacements meaning that airbags will have to be replaced in the future again. So effectively another recall. The concern is that many of these airbags still contain the same dangerous propellant (ammonium nitrate) used in the defective airbags which degrades overtime. “It’s about responsibility and accountability. Car manufacturers need to make good the harm they’ve done to their customers. No more, no less,” Mr Scattini said. Quinn Emanuel states that consumers subject to a Takata airbag recall may be entitled to participate in a class action proceeding and are not excluded from participating if they have already acted to have their airbag replaced.
Proceedings have already begun in the Supreme Court of NSW. Quinn Emanuel also stated they are expected to file against Ford and Audi shortly covering an expected 2.5 million Australian drivers who are currently driving cars with defective airbags.
As an industry, we need to ensure we are diligent and take the necessary action to not only protect the consumer but protect the industry. We would encourage any New and Used Dealers and/or repairers to constantly review processes around recalls and to review previous information that MTA NSW has supplied to our Members on our website: www.mtansw.com.au
As we are already aware, the defective air bags have been linked to 24 deaths globally, including one death in Sydney in 2017, as well as injuring hundreds of drivers.
Also, it is important to constantly visit the ACCC website tasked to the Takata airbag recall: www.productsafety.gov.au/recalls/compulsorytakata-airbag-recall
The claims will hinge around risk, as these airbags degrade with age and are affected by heat. The claim is that “manufacturers knew these airbags were dangerous, but kept using them in vehicles – putting profits
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION please contact Mark Jackson, MTA NSW Divisional Manager, via M: 0438 650 013 or E: mark.jackson@mtansw.com.au
MTAA Super and R U OK? launch new campaign to start life-changing conversations in the motor trades industry Source:
www.aftermarket.com.au website, Cameron McLachlan, November 18, 2018
ISSUE 01 2019
‘It takes a real workmate to ask R U OK?’
MTAA Super and R U OK? have developed a set of resources that encourage people in the motor industry to better support each other during life’s tough times.
“We don’t have to be experts to support a workmate who’s struggling. Listening and pointing people toward help-seeking pathways if it’s needed, can make a big difference.”
The new initiative comes as an analysis of insurance death claims by MTAA Super members over a six-year period found that claims relating to suicide made up 13.5 per cent of the total. The ‘It takes a real workmate to ask R U OK?’ campaign aims to help workmates get past what can feel like an awkward conversation when talking about emotions and life’s challenges. It also hopes to remove the barriers that might stop people from offering or asking for support. The new resources include a practical guide to asking R U OK? of workmates, designed to help people manage these conversations safely, sensitively and effectively. They also include free downloadable posters and digital assets.
The joint MTAA Super R U OK? campaign was launched in November 2018. The new online resources (posters, flyers, website) and helpseeking information can be accessed at www.ruok.org.au/motortrades
MTAA Super CEO Leeanne Turner said, “We spend a lot of time at work, so workmates are well placed to notice the signs and changes that could indicate someone’s doing it tough. This campaign better equips our members to notice when someone’s struggling and have the confidence to reach out and support them – long before they’re in crisis.” R U OK? CEO Brendan Maher said, “We believe the resources we have developed with MTAA Super will build an individual’s confidence to have regular conversations about life’s ups and downs.
What is R U OK?
• A national charity that aims to inspire and empower everyone to meaningfully connect with people around them and support anyone struggling with life • Its vision is a world where everyone is connected and is protected from suicide • Conversation tips and crisis numbers can be found at ruok.org.au • R U OK? Day is the second Thursday of September every year – it’s a national day of action and a reminder to regularly check in with family, friends and workmates
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MTA NSW 2018 Recognition Dinner An outstanding success
Over 220 Members and guests attended the Motor Traders’ Association of NSW 2018 Recognition Dinner held on Saturday, 1 December 2018 at the magnificent Hyatt Regency Sydney. This entertaining evening celebrated the MTA NSW Apprentice of the Year Awards, recognised our long-standing Members from within the automotive industry and hosted a fun charity ‘fund raising auction’ in support of Father Chris Riley’s Youth Off The Streets. The evening commenced with the Opening Address conducted by David Keats, President, MTA NSW and followed by the Welcome Address delivered by Stavros Yallouridis, CEO, MTA NSW. The Key Note speaker for the evening was the Hon. Matthew Kean, MP, Minister for Innovation and Better Regulation. Mark Twomey, Director Corporate Services, from Youth Off The Streets provided the guests with an understanding of the community services delivered by this youth focussed charity. The MTA NSW 2018 Apprentice of the Year winners were announced by Matthew Webster, Senior Manager, Training Policy and Strategy, MTA NSW and were presented by Hon. Matt Kean, MP and Leeanne Turner, CEO, MTAA Super.
Hon. Matthew Kean, MP, Minister for Innovation and Better Regulation
In recognition of an outstanding contribution to the New South Wales motor industry, MTA NSW inducted a new Life Member of the Association, Ray Beekman, which was presented by David Keats, President, MTA NSW.
ISSUE 01 2019
Long-term Members who have supported the Association over many decades were also deservingly recognised on the night via the MTA NSW 2018 Member Recognition awards presented by David Keats, President, MTA NSW and Stavros Yallouridis, CEO, MTA NSW. Both a silent and live auction were conducted to raise funds for Father Chris Riley’s Youth Off The Streets and one of the highlights on the night was the auction of the MTA NSW motorbike – Honda CD250U – which had been restored as part of a six month project working with Year 11 and 12 schools based automotive students from Trades Norwest Anglican Senior College. Guests were able to ‘dance the night away’ accompanied by the six piece jazz band, the Jive Bombers. Master of Ceremonies for the evening was well-known entertainer, Paul Martell and the auctioneer for the Live Auction was ‘Mr SOLD’, Scott Gibbons, from Fundraising Auctions. Mark Twomey, Director Corporate Services, from Youth Off The Streets
Presented by Hon. Matt Kean MP and Leeanne Turner, CEO, MTAA Super
MTA NSW 2018 Apprentice of the Year Award Winners Olivia Cozis 1st Year Employer: Campbelltown’s Best Under Car Centre Douglas Gillette High Commendation Employer: Geoff Richards Panel Beating Russell Hilliard 2nd Year Employer: Southern Sydney Mechanical Matthew Duffy Light Vehicle Employer: Payless Tyres and Brakes Craig Buntin Heavy Vehicle Employer: Truck Art Jack Sullivan Automotive Electrical Employer: Crown Equipment Mark Burns Automotive Paint (Refinishing) Employer: Cooma Crash Repairs Riley Sneddon Automotive Panel (Body Repair) Employer: Crashcorp Newcastle Caleb Applebee Automotive Sales (Parts Interpreting) Employer: Penske Power Systems
MTA NSW 2018 Apprentice of the Year winners (L-R): Matthew Duffy, Douglas Gillette, Craig Buntin, Russell Hilliard, Olivia Cozis , Jack Sullivan, Riley Sneddon, Mark Burns, Caleb Applebee
MTA NSW 2018 Member Recognition
Presented by David Keats, President, MTA NSW and Stavros Yallouridis, CEO, MTA NSW Long-term Members who have supported the Association over many decades were also deservingly recognised on the night. Hallidays Engineering / Wrights Clutch Service 73 Years Continuous Membership Member since 1945 Kloster Ford 81 years continuous membership Member since 1937 Aberlines Garage 82 years continuous membership Member since 1936 Boyd’s Garage & Tyre Service 82 years continuous membership Member since 1936 Hayes Toyota 88 years continuous membership Member since 1930
Lancaster Motor Group 94 years continuous membership Member since 1924
MTA NSW 2018 Member Recognition recipients
MTA NSW also wishes to acknowledge these Members who were unable to attend the Recognition Dinner: S M A Motors Pty Ltd 77 years continuous membership Member since 1941
F Gaukroger & Sons 81 years continuous membership Member since 1937
Sexton & Green 88 years continuous membership Member since 1930
J.R. Sealey Pty Ltd 89 years continuous membership Member since 1929
MTA NSW 2018 Life Member
Presented by David Keats, President, MTA NSW In recognition of an outstanding contribution to the New South Wales motor industry, MTA NSW inducted Ray Beekman as a Life Member of the Association. Ray has been a member of the Association for over 45 years, having actively participated in numerous committees over that time, and has served as a past President in 2004. He is a long serving Member of the MTA Governing Council and Metropolitan Vice-President of the Executive Board since 2014. Ray is also a current representative of the Authorised Inspection Scheme Committee of Review.
(L to R) Ray Beekman, Life Member and David Keats, President, MTA NSW
Motor Traders’ Association of NSW would like to acknowledge and thank the following: Business Partners:
MTAA Super, Capricorn, Commonwealth Bank
Sponsors, service providers and individuals:
ISSUE 01 2019
PMA Global, Hyatt Regency Sydney, Fundraising Auctions, Paul Martell, Jive Bombers, Pink Caviar Events, Norwest Trades Anglican Senior College Year 11 and 12 automotive students, Ikon Suspension, Emu Plains Smash Repairs, Elite Plating, Precision Coating Services and Blue Chrome.
(L to R): Hon. Matthew Kean, MP, Leeanne Turner, CEO, MTAA Super, Stavros Yallouridis, CEO, MTA NSW
Cummins 6.7 Turbo Diesel unveiled in new RAM Heavy Duty at NAIAS 2019
Cummins Inc. has unveiled its next generation 6.7L turbo diesel engine boasting a first-in-class 1,000 pound-feet of torque. From the introduction of Cummins 5.9L Turbo Diesel powered RAM trucks in 1989, to the latest 6.7L turbo diesel, Cummins has worked with RAM to provide drivers the toughest, most reliable engines on the road.
The Cummins under the hood of the new 2019 RAM HD pickup is a real showstopper in the RAM Trucks booth at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit, Michigan. This next-generation 6.7L Turbo Diesel provides the power for RAM HD pickups to deliver increased payload and towing while engineered to maintain Cummins proven reliability and dependability.
In the last 30 years, Cummins has produced almost three million turbo diesel engines installed in RAM trucks, earning the respect of truck customers everywhere. The blocks are machined and engines are assembled just outside of Cummins’ global headquarters in Columbus, Indiana.
Setting a new standard in the heavy-duty pickup market
Base engine improvements made to support the new higher output ratings of the next-generation 6.7L engine include a compacted graphite iron engine block that increases peak cylinder pressure capability, a new cast-iron cylinder head containing high-temperature capable exhaust valves actuated by all-new hydraulic lash adjusters in the block eliminating the need for valve train adjustment service intervals. The heart of the engine is a higher strength alloy crankshaft with a 10-bolt crank flange driving newly designed forged connecting rods and new bearings which transfer power from the low-friction ring wrapped pistons.
The Cummins 6.7L turbo diesel is offered in two variants; standard output 370
horsepower (850 pound-feet of torque) and high output 400 horsepower (record setting 1,000 pound-feet of torque). The highoutput (HO) rating is offered exclusively in the RAM 3500 equipped with the Aisin transmission option. The standard-output (SO) at 370 horsepower and 850 pound-feet of torque when matched with the 68RFE transmission option. “The Cummins name has been synonymous with technological innovation and reliability since 1919,” said Melina Kennedy, General Manager – Cummins Pickup segment. “We’re proud to introduce our most powerful 6.7-litre engine ever on the year of our centennial – setting the new standard in the heavy-duty pickup market.”
Celebrating a 30 year partnership
“Together, RAM and Cummins have accomplished many milestones and technological advances. From the time the first prototype truck was put together in the 1980s to now, breaking the 1,000 pound-feet barrier together, exemplifies the strength of our partnership.”
A new larger Cummins-Holset variable-geometry turbocharger optimized with heavy duty bearings, and a new compressor-side housing is a key ingredient in the new ratings pumping 33 pounds per square inch (psi) of fresh air into the engine. The new fuel-delivery system includes a new 29,000 psi (2,000 bar) fuel pump and fuel rail with Cummins Filtration “filter in filter” NanoNet® technology.
About Cummins Inc.
Cummins is a global power leader that designs, manufactures, sells and services diesel and alternative fuel engines from 2.8 to 95 litres, diesel and alternative-fueled electrical generator sets from 2.5 to 3,500 kW, as well as related components and technology. Cummins serves its customers through its network of 600 company-owned and independent distributor facilities and more than 7,200 dealer locations in over 190 countries and territories.
“In addition to celebrating 100 years of diesel engine production, we are also celebrating 30 years of powering RAM trucks,” stated Srikanth Padmanabhan, Vice President - Cummins Engine Business.
Featuring the latest in Cummins technology
The state of play retail service stations
The retail service station sector continues to change and this article summarises some of the major changes in recent months. Caltex
Caltex has indicated that the majority of its network franchise service station sites will change to company operation by 2020-1. In addition, Caltex is implementing its The Foodary concept to its convenience stores at the service stations and plans to open a standalone The Foodary outlet with no petrol offering at all. With more than 1,900 service stations, Caltex is Australia’s largest fuel network.
Coles Express
Coles Express indicates it is willing to exit the market, telling the Australian Financial Review (Sue Mitchell, 2018). New Coles Managing Director, Steven Cain, says he is willing to exit the $35 billion retail fuel market (710 Coles Express convenience stores) at the right price to end a deal that has saddled the retailer with Australia’s highest petrol prices and led to a one-third slump in sales volumes over the past two years. Mr Cain said that Coles, (which has since demerged from Wesfarmers), is experimenting with a convenience store format that sells on-the-go foods such as sandwiches and snacks and a range of grocery staples, but crucially does not sell fuel. Asked if Coles, like Woolworths, would consider exiting the low-margin fuel business, Mr Cain said: “Our approach going forward will be like the Wesfarmers one – if someone comes along and offers the right price for the business clearly we’d look at it.” However, he also said Coles Express, which accounts for 18 per cent of the retail fuel market, was “something of a powerhouse” and was a business that had further upside. Coles’ pump prices are routinely several cents higher than those at rivals such as Woolworths and Caltex, BP and 7-Eleven, and it is rapidly losing market share due to an uncompetitive fuel supply agreement with the recently listed Viva Energy, which took over the Coles contract in 2014 after buying Shell’s retail fuel and refinery businesses. Coles Express comparable fuel volumes slumped 15.9 per cent in the September quarter.
ISSUE 01 2019
Wesfarmers sells Coles
Retail World (Editor, 2018) reported that Wesfarmers shareholders voted overwhelmingly to demerge Coles into a $20 billion standalone business. Wesfarmers bought Coles in 2007. Subject to regulatory approval, the ASX will list Coles’ shares and it looks set to become a top-30 ASX-listed company to rival Woolworths (according to news.com.au). Wesfarmers Chair, Michael Chaney, said: “As shareholders, we will end up with separate interests in two businesses – a standalone Coles (includes Coles Express service stations and Coles Supermarket stores), and Wesfarmers without Coles (includes Bunnings, Target, K Mart, Officeworks and 15 per cent in the standalone Coles). Having already disposed of the Bunnings UK business, widely seen as a disastrous venture, Wesfarmers says the demerging of Coles will help shift investment towards businesses with higher potential for earnings growth in the future.
New payment technology
BPme smartphone app allows a customer to pay for their fuel from their car. Open the app in car before filling; select pump and payment method; then refuel and go. FuelPay® is a new feature at Caltex. The App lets you pay for fuel without the need to pay in store. Simply refuel your vehicle, open the app and enter your pump, and tap ‘Pay now.’
Woolworths sold its 540 Woolworths service stations to the British company EG group (a brand new Australian retail player) for $1.72 billion as reported in the Sydney Morning Herald (Patrick Hash, 2018). The sale follows an earlier deal worth $1.8 billion between Woolworths and BP falling through after it was blocked by the ACCC. EG operates more than 4700 service stations in Europe and North America, including under the Euro Garages and Esso brands. Woolworths said it had entered a 15-year agreement with EG that will maintain its 4¢ a litre fuel discount shopper dockets across the network, and enable Woolworths Rewards points to be earned on fuel transactions across its network. Woolworths will also sell wholesale food and groceries to the chain of service stations under the agreement. The proceeds of the sale could provide valuable ammunition for Woolworths to either cut grocery prices or invest more in its supermarkets. Woolworths said it would consider a “range of options” for what to do with the $1.7 billion windfall, including paying it as dividends to shareholders. “This transaction is a positive for our customers, our team and our shareholders,” said Woolworths CEO Brad Banducci. The deal needs approval from the Foreign Investment Review Board, and is expected to be completed early 2019. EG founder and co-CEO Mohsin Issa said Woolworths’ service stations offered a “fantastic opportunity” to grow its international footprint. “We are committed to investing in the site network, introducing leading retail brands, developing the alliance with Woolworths and working with the exceptional management team,” Mr Issa said. EG mostly runs large-format petrol stations, selling fuel, and housing retailers and fast-food restaurants. Fuel major Caltex will retain its longterm petrol supply deal for the Woolworths sites. Woolworths’ finalising a sale of its petrol stations follows a tortured attempt to offload them to BP, which agreed to buy them almost two years ago. The ACCC blocked the deal in August 2017 over concerns it would reduce competition and result in motorists paying more for petrol despite BP offering to sell a large number of its stores where there was geographical overlap. BP eventually pulled the pin on the deal in July 2018, saying the concessions that would have been required to satisfy the ACCC would make the deal commercially unviable.
There has been a change in the Government Department which has coverage of Oilcode dispute resolution. For a number of years, an Oilcode Dispute Resolution Advisor (legal firm appointed by the Federal Government) advised service stations on the resolution of disputes under the Oilcode (part of the Department of Environment and Energy). Now, the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman assistance team can help businesses to resolve disputes that fall under the Franchising and Oil Codes of Conduct. These mandatory industry codes, prescribed under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010, help participants in these industries understand their rights and responsibilities. Each of the codes includes dispute resolution processes. The Oil Code of Conduct is a mandatory code that regulates the conduct of wholesalers and fuel resellers who are involved in the sale, supply or purchase of declared petroleum products such as unleaded petrol and diesel. The Ombudsman Assistance Team can provide you information on the Code and access to mediation services. The Code states that parties must act in good faith. This means parties must act honestly, and not arbitrarily, with each other and cooperate to resolve the dispute.
BP and electric cars
The Sydney Morning Herald (Cole Latimer, 2018) reported that BP remains focused on its petrol stations but is in no rush to start integrating electric vehicle charging. BP had agreed to buy 543 Woolworths fuel and convenience stores around Australia but it was knocked back by the ACCC. BP’s Vice President for Global Strategic Planning, Dominic Emery, told Fairfax Media. “We won’t be rushing it in Australia. We’re continuing to look to grow organically but we have no decision on how we progress on this,” Mr Emery said.
Oilcode dispute resolution
This slower organic growth includes electric vehicle integration at its service stations. “We’ve had a successful retail business in Australia for some time now. Electric vehicles are a penetrable market for us but there are no incentives or subsidies to ramp it up in Australia,” Mr Emery said. “I think for electric vehicles we’ll look overseas and learn from what others are doing and that will be applied in Australia.” This stance is similar to BP’s rival Caltex, which sees electric vehicles as inevitability for the sector but also has no short-term plans to integrate the technology.
Under the Code, the dispute resolution scheme applies to disputes arising: 1. Where a wholesale supplier fails to supply a declared petroleum product to a customer 2. Between the parties to a fuel re-selling agreement 3. In relation to other provisions under the Oil Code.
If help is needed to resolve an oil code dispute, lodge an online form and a case manager will get back to you within 24 hours. The relevant contacts are as follows: Phone: 1300 650 460 Email: info@asbfeo.gov.au Website: www.asbfeo. gov.au/industrycodes/oilcode
please contact Colin Long, MTA NSW Senior Divisional Manager – Service Stations, via M: 0428 667 822 or E: colin.long@mtansw.com.au
1. 2. 3. 4.
Australian Financial Review, Sue Mitchell, 15 October 2018. Retail World, Editor, 16 November 2018 Sydney Morning Herald, Patrick Hash, 9 November 2018 Sydney Morning Herald, Cole Latimer, 4 September 2018 UPDATES
Important changes to Motor Vehicle Tradesperson’s Certificate (MVTC) Important changes have been made to the law for Motor Vehicle Tradesperson’s Certificates (MVTC) that may affect automotive repair businesses. If a tradesperson holds a certificate (MVTC) that has NEVER BEEN RENEWED, it still remains current provided you renew by your allocated expiry date.
Example 2: if a MVTC was originally granted on 17 April 1990, renewal must be lodged by 16 April 2019 Example 3: if a MVTC was originally granted on 30 June 2010, renewal must be lodged by 29 June 2019 If a MVTC is not renewed by the due date it will expire. If your MVTC does expire you can make an application to renew within three months
This may become an issue for some MVTC holders as this process was originally staggered as follows: 1980 – 1987 to be renewed in 2018; 1988 – 2008 to be renewed in 2019 and 2009 – 2014 to be renewed in 2020. If you fall into the last scenario you NEED to be aware that your renewal is this year - 2019. NSW Fair Trading are sending out letters to workshops with several renewal forms in them but if you don’t receive one please contact your local MTA NSW Area Manager and they will be able to assist. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
Example 1: if a MVTC was originally granted on 23 August 1985, renewal must be lodged by 22 August 2019
of the expiry date. If you are not sure if your MVTC is current you can check your status at www.onegov.nsw.gov.au/publicregister and select the “Motor” category if the expiry date is shown as 2015, 2016 or 2017. You have until the same date in 2019 to renew your certificate to keep your MVTC current.
please contact Gary O’Sullivan, MTA NSW Divisional Manager, via M: 0423 582 183 or E: gary.osullivan@mtansw.com.au
IR Update
Employing Apprentices Employing an apprentice directly
If you employ the apprentice directly, this will also enable you to access government grants and incentives. The following link takes you to the incentive schemes: www.australianapprenticeships.gov.au/publications/summary-australiangovernment-australian-apprenticeships-incentives-programme However, you will also be subject to unfair dismissal laws, other legal actions and possible investigation by the Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO) based on complaints received from the apprentice on a range of matters, including underpayment of wages. As an MTA NSW Member, we would encourage you to use one of the following Network Providers to establish the apprenticeship with your employee: MEGT 13MEGT(6348) aasninfo@megt.com.au
VERTO 1300 4 VERTO(83786) info@verto.org.au
Apprenticeship Support Australia (formerly ABL) 1300 363 831 info@apprenticeshipsupport.com.au
Sarina Russo 1300 178 776
To employ an apprentice directly, you should prepare a Letter of Appointment/Contract of Employment (examples are available from the MTA NSW Employment Relations Department or via the ERIS website for subscribers). A Letter of Appointment or a simple Contract of Employment sets out the basic terms and conditions of employment. It should be signed by both the employer and the apprentice (and the parent or guardian if aged under 18), and the signatures should be witnessed. The Letter of Appointment/Contract of Employment should state that it is a contract to employ an apprentice on a maximum term contract of employment for the term of the apprenticeship by using words such as: “Your employment with (employer) is maintained whilst you are undertaking the formal training arrangements. Your employment ceases when the formal training ends.” This means that upon completion of the apprenticeship the contract comes to an end. You are then under no obligation to continue to employ the apprentice as a tradesperson.
ISSUE 01 2019
You should also ensure that you complete an application for apprenticeship and that the application, together with the training contract and a training plan, is lodged with your chosen Network Provider within 28 days after the date on which you employ a person as an apprentice. Your Network Provider will assist you both in the preparation of the training contract and the training plan.
All apprenticeship training contracts have a probationary period. The probationary period is generally three months. The date on which the probationary period ends is specified in the approval letters sent to you and the apprentice by State Training Services (STS), a directorate of the NSW Department of Industry, which administers and monitors apprenticeships throughout NSW. The probationary period can be extended by up to three months upon application by you, the apprentice, or both, provided that the extension request is lodged with STS before the original probation period expires. While the apprentice is ‘on probation’, you or the apprentice can withdraw from the training contract simply by giving the appropriate period of notice, as per the award to the other party. As the employer you must notify STS within 14 days of withdrawal.
Once the probationary period has elapsed, the training contract becomes binding on both parties. It can only be changed, cancelled or transferred by mutual consent, or where there is no agreement, by means of an application lodged with STS. Upon approval of the apprenticeship, STS will send you and the apprentice an approval letter. The date that the training contract becomes binding will be specified in this letter. MTA NSW is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) and can offer training across a wide range of automotive traineeships and apprenticeships that are nationally recognised. Check with MTA NSW Training Services via P: (02) 9016 9000 to ascertain the MTA services available in your region. There are various government incentives payable to employers who employ apprentices. Please contact your Network Provider for further information. Also, the Continuing Apprentices Placement Service (CAPS) is a handy service that provides employers with existing apprentices who have been terminated by their employer at no fault of their own (e.g. the company they were working for became insolvent). There are great incentives involved if you hire an apprentice through CAPS. You can contact the Service on 02 9266 8735.
Employing an apprentice can be a positive move for your business
As we are in the New Year you should be reviewing your mix of staff and consider engaging apprentices to commence in 2019. In this IR Update we are focusing on all things you need to know about engaging an apprentice. If you decide to employ an apprentice, you will need to determine whether you wish to use a Group Training Organisation (GTO), essentially on a labour hire basis, or employ the apprentice directly as an employee of your business, and have an Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (Network Provider) manage their paperwork. In the case of a GTO, it is the direct employer of the apprentice who is then employed under a training contract with the GTO. The GTO places the apprentice with a host employer (e.g. the MTA member). Because the apprentice is not technically your employee, the apprentice cannot commence unfair dismissal or underpayment of wages proceedings against you. If you use a GTO as the host employer, you will not be eligible for government incentives as you are not then the main employer.
Removal of apprenticeship fees
Since July 2018 the NSW Government has announced that it is investing an additional $285 million over six years to fund the qualification fees for 100,000 new apprentices commencing from 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2024. The removal of apprenticeship fees under Smart and Skilled is aimed at encouraging more people to take up an apprenticeship and motivate employers to hire more apprentices. It is anticipated the move will increase apprenticeship training commencements under Smart and Skilled over the next six years from 75,000 to 100,000 and boost the overall take-up of apprenticeships.
What does this mean?
Any apprenticeship that commences after the 1 July 2018 will be exempt of the Student Tuition Fee. This fee would usually be $2,000. Students will not be invoiced for the fee. Employers will not have to reimburse the student fee, which is an Award requirement. This initiative is set to last for six years from 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2024. This is excellent news and will assist employers with the costs related to employing apprentices. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
please contact MTA NSW Training via P: (02) 9016 9000.
For ease of reference, please see current rates of pay for apprentices: Year or Stage
Has Not Completed Year 12
Has Completed Year 12
Adult Rate
Tool Allowance
(if apprentice is 21+ when starting apprenticeship with you)
*Rates are applicable from 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019 and are gross, based on a 38 hour week
Young people in the workplace
Employing young people in the workplace provides employers with an opportunity to make a difference to the whole industry. The young people you employ and train today are the future tradespersons and leaders of the vehicle repair, services and retail industry.
Juniors are generally considered to be employees who are not on a training contract and are below the age of 21. There is no minimum legal age limit for starting work in NSW. The juniors’ parent/guardian just needs to approve the work arrangement. Under the Vehicle Manufacturing Repair, Services and Retail Award 2010 (the Award) employers are permitted to employ juniors, providing the following restrictions are complied with: • Employees under 18 cannot work unsupervised between 7pm and 9pm and must not be employed between 9pm and 6.30am. • Employees under 16 cannot work afternoon or night shifts. • Employees under 21 cannot be employed to do any trade work (except for the work of parts interpreter), unless they are a junior that is qualified. • Employees under 16 cannot engage in any hazardous work including contact with oil or gas burners or fires used for heating of small articles, or using electric arc or oxy acetylene blow pipes. • Employees under 18 cannot be employed as a furnace person or assistant, or operator of a power-driven guillotine or perform diesetting work on a power press.
Apprentices and trainees
Apprenticeships are generally three to four years long and are a fundamental part of the motor industry. There are two forms of apprenticeships: • Standard apprenticeship The apprentice may be a junior (under 21 years of age when commencing the apprenticeship) or an adult (21+ years of age when commencing the apprenticeship). • School based apprenticeship The apprenticeship is commenced on a part-time basis while the apprentice is completing year 11 or 12.
Apprentices and trainees can complete their training of the job at a Registered Training Organisation (RTO). Alternatively, they are able to complete their course through on-the-job training. This is where a trainer comes to your workshop or site and trains the apprentice or trainee. MTA Training offers this service.
Traditionally, employers hire apprentices and trainees themselves, and then sign them up through a Network Provider. Alternatively, if an employer is having difficulty in finding a suitable apprentice or trainee, the following contacts may assist: • ‘Find an Apprentice’ MTA NSW online directory (www.mtansw.com.au) As an MTA NSW member, you now have access to the members’ only ‘Find an Apprentice’ online directory which allows members to post details of current apprenticeship opportunities online for potential apprentices to view. If your business is looking for an apprentice to work within the auto electrical, heavy vehicle, light vehicle, paint or panel automotive industry, simply submit your business details by clicking on ‘Advertise Apprenticeship’. MTA NSW will be encouraging current and potential apprentices to list their interest on our directory with the objective to make it easier for you to source your next apprentice. • The Continuing Apprenticeships Placement Service (CAPS) (www.training.nsw.gov.au/programs_services/funded_other/caps/) CAPS is a government body that provides a free job matching service for employers and apprentices/trainees on the National Skills Needs List. CAPS has a database of apprentices and trainees that have been terminated from a previous employer through no fault of their own (e.g. made redundant). If you hire a trainee/apprentice through CAPS, you are the employer.
Industrial News – November / December 2018 Editions We remind Members to download the November and December 2018 NSW Industrial News which deal with the following important topics at this time of year: • Working in Hot Conditions • Community Service Leave – Emergency Workers • Changes to Flexible Working Arrangements • Rostered Days Off and Public Holidays • MTA NSW Board approves update for Single Touch Payroll To download the Industrial News, use the following link: https://www. mtansw.com.au/membership-and-benefits/employment-relations/ industrial-news.aspx You will be redirected to the MTA NSW website, where you will be asked to login. If you have trouble accessing the website, please contact MTA NSW Employment Relations on P: (02) 9016 9000 or E: eradvice@mtansw.com.au
Methods of training
How to find apprentices and trainees
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION please contact MTA NSW Training via P: (02) 9016 9000.
Installing Shock Absorbers Free from Distortion When a vehicle’s shocks or dampers need to be changed, it’s essential for the part to be installed free of distortion. Improper assembly can lead to warping, resulting in a reduction in service life of shock absorbers, as well as serious component damage. For best practice, ZF Aftermarket has described what to pay attention to during inspection and installation of shock absorbers, and explained the causes as well as effects on the chassis component technology and suggests preventative solutions.
Short stopping distances are only possible with functional shock absorbers, as defective shocks will reduce the brake force due to insufficient traction. Depending on speed, vehicle systems and road surfaces, the stopping distance can increase by up to 20 per cent, which can be as far as six metres for speeds up to 80 kilometres an hour. If the shock absorbers no longer prevent the car body from pitching and vibrating, then it becomes more difficult to control the vehicle during evasive manoeuvers, its cornering ability generally becomes unstable and the car is then prone to aquaplaning.
If the shock absorber has been installed with a distortion, this may affect the vehicle’s performance. When a drop in performance is reported, workshop should check for worn-down seals.
Furthermore, worn shock absorbers will adversely affect other components in the vehicle, with tyre and chassis parts, such tie rod ends and steering devices, exposed to greater wear.
Due to the distortion, one side of the chromium plating on the piston rod surface will press against the guide and sealing unit with each stroke ultimately wearing through. This results in strong wear on the seals and piston rod guide, mostly ending in a loss of oil and, thus, performance of the shock absorber.
An oil leak is a clear indication of a defective shock absorber; however, the shock absorber may be defective, even if no oil spills are visible. A professional inspection at a specialised workshop is therefore essential.
If shocks are installed under tension or a fastening nut is tightened too firmly, the pin joint can tear out.
ISSUE 01 2019
The more electronic safety systems installed in the car, the more the performance of the shock absorbers comes into play.
According to ZF Aftermarket, there are two main reasons for shock absorber distortion: • The shock absorbers’ mounting points are displaced, meaning they are no longer flush. This can also cause the piston rod to bend. • A lack of care during the installation process.
To prevent these distortions and defects, workshops should ensure to not tighten the shock absorbers firmly when the axle is suspended. Only tighten them when the vehicle stands on its wheels, or when the wheels are pressed upwards with tools such as hydraulic jacks.
assistance systems, such as ESP and ABS require good contact of the wheels with the road to be able to function to their full potential.
To prevent this, and overall material overexpansion due to excessive tightening torques, always ensure that impact wrenches are not used when performing this work and that the specified tightening torque is observed.
If a customer’s vehicle does present with worn or defective shocks, below are some communication tips we recommend: • Make your position the “expert” - you are only stating an issue with the vehicle • Reiterate to the customer the safety concerns that can arise from faulty or worn shock absorbers • Be consistent. If you recommend something was replaced last service, make sure you note it again. • When they book the car in, remind them that the shocks may need replacing • It may take another couple of services until the customer is ready to have shocks replaced.
SACHS Shock Absorbers - Safely on the road with SACHS
For vehicles with either worn or defective shock absorbers, or with an electronically adjustable chassis, safety can be severely compromised.
Available through ZF Aftermarket, SACHS shock absorbers distinguish themselves through original equipment quality and innovative technology. They provide performance and dynamics, ensuring perfect road grip and cornering behaviour, no matter what challenges the road presents.
A vehicle’s stopping distances become longer if the contact with the road is no longer optimally ensured. Many electronic advanced driver
For more detailed information, go to: www.zf.com/sachs. For more installation tips, go to: www.zf.com/serviceinformation
The risk of worn or defective shock absorbers
qualityforparts EVERYONE SACHS Shock Absorbers are always state-of-the-art, which means a safer, more comfortable drive. They provide performance and dynamics, ensuring perfect road grip and cornering behaviour, no matter what challenges the road presents. With over 2,500 shock absorber references, SACHS offers the most comprehensive range for the Australian market. ASK FOR SACHS PARTS TODAY. www.aftermarket.zf.com/au
Most Powerful Street-Legal Ford in History: All-New Shelby GT500 is the Most Advanced Mustang Ever for Street, Track or Drag Strip
ISSUE 01 2019
Arriving later this year, all-new 2020 Mustang Shelby GT500 is the most powerful street-legal Ford ever with a supercharged 5.2-liter V8 producing more than 700 horsepower
Capable of mid-three-second 0-60 mph and sub-11-second quarter-mile scores, Shelby GT500 features the best Mustang track times, the best cornering and the largest brakes of any domestic sports coupe thanks to tech transfer from Ford GT and Mustang GT4 racing programs; this includes a segment-first dual-clutch transmission
“Carroll was always working on the next faster Shelby, I think he would love this Mustang more than any other,” said Jim Farley, Ford president, global markets. “A takedown artist, the new Shelby GT500 will surprise supercar owners with its Ford Performance racing tech, supercharged engine and visceral swagger.”
Shelby GT500’s aero-led design increases downforce and thermal management, while Ford Performance race-tuned active chassis drive modes make this the most advanced performance Mustang to date
Arriving this fall to join its Shelby GT350 stable mate, Shelby GT500 is engineered to attack on all fronts. On the drag strip, a projected 700plus horsepower delivers blistering straight-line performance via its firstin-class dual-clutch transmission. At the track, performance improves even more thanks to its race-bred chassis, custom Michelin tires and the largest front brake rotors ever available on an American sports coupe. On the street, its menacing aerodynamic design and Ford Performance driver control technologies make every moment behind the wheel even more exhilarating.
The all-new Shelby GT500 – the pinnacle of any pony car ever engineered by Ford Performance – delivers on its heritage with more than 700 horsepower for the quickest street-legal acceleration and most high-performance technology to date ever offered in a Ford Mustang.
Most powerful Ford production car ever
In the process of making the all-new Shelby GT500 the quickest streetlegal Mustang ever, Ford Performance created an exclusive powertrain to deliver new levels of power and torque. “With its supercar-level powertrain, the all-new Shelby GT500 takes the sixth-generation Mustang to a performance level once reserved only for exotics,” said Hermann Salenbauch, global director, Ford Performance vehicle programs. “As a Mustang, it has to be attainable and punch above its weight. To that end, we’ve set a new standard among American performance cars with our most powerful street-legal V8 engine to date, plus the quickest-shifting transmission ever in a Mustang for all-out precision and speed.” Shelby GT500 starts with a supercharged 5.2-liter aluminum alloy engine built by hand. To keep the intake air cooler and deliver a lower center of gravity, the team inverted a 2.65-liter roots-type supercharger with air-to-liquid intercooler tucked neatly in the V8 engine valley.
To channel power and torque to the unique carbon fiber driveshaft, Ford Performance leveraged learnings from the tuning of its Ford GT supercar’s dual-clutch transmission. The team selected a TREMEC® 7-speed dual-clutch transmission, which is capable of shifts in under 100 milliseconds – markedly faster than any manual gearbox. This dual-clutch transmission is designed for a number of drive modes, including normal, weather, sport, drag and track, and activates features like line-lock and launch control through selectable Track Apps.
Like Shelby GT350, the aluminum alloy block features weight-saving wire-arc cylinder liners and high-flow aluminum cylinder heads, plus larger forged connecting rods, improved lubrication and cooling passages. Beneath that, a structural oil pan adds strength, reduces vibration, and features a patented active baffle system to keep oil where it’s needed.
Next-evolution Mustang performance bred from Ford GT and Mustang GT4
A functional, menacing design tuned with Ford Performance know-how
Shelby GT500 takes advantage of revised suspension geometry, a new electronic power steering unit and lighter-weight coil springs front and rear. Next-generation active MagneRide™ suspension is baked-in, along with the latest in advanced drive mode technologies from Ford Performance. The payoff is the highest-ever lateral acceleration from a Mustang for greater track performance and driver control.
“With a double front grille opening and 50 percent more cooling pack airflow versus the Shelby GT350, along with the most advanced aero components and downforce we’ve ever offered, every millimeter of Shelby GT500’s fastback design is aimed at improving performance,” said Melvin Betancourt, Ford design manager. For news releases, related materials and high-resolution photos and video, visit www.media.ford.com.
ISSUE 01 2019
To harness the power and torque of the most powerful Mustang ever made for the street requires cutting-edge active chassis technology, track-bred Michelin tires and Brembo® brakes – all dialed in by Ford Performance.
Thanks to a cross-functional team of designers, Ford Performance engineers and motorsports collaborators, the 2020 Shelby GT500 has functional track-hero looks to match its performance capabilities.
Putting all this chassis hardware to the pavement, custom Ford Performance-spec Michelin Pilot Sport 4S tires and more aggressive Pilot Sport Cup 2 tires feature unique compounds and tread. To provide trackready stopping power, massive 16-5-inch (420-millimeter) two-piece rotors are added – the largest of any domestic sports coupe – plus larger, stiffer Brembo six-piston calipers. With 20 percent more swept area than the Shelby GT350’s, these brakes have more than 30 percent additional thermal mass in the front corners.
Those large angular grille openings and muscular hood combine for a menacing, aerodynamic-led design inspired by modern fighter jet aircraft. The car’s wider front fenders and stance housing Shelby GT500-specific 20x11-inch wheels proportionally align to its rear fenders that hug up to 20x11.5-inch wheels. A standard new rear spoiler and updated composite materials in the rear diffuser result in added thermal management.
Two handling packages with increasing levels capability are offered for the all-new Shelby GT500. An available Handling Package includes adjustable strut top mounts and spoiler with Gurney flap. For the truly hardcore, an available Carbon Fiber Track Package features exposed 20-inch carbon fiber wheels with 0.5-inch-wider rear wheels (11.5-inch), custom Michelin Pilot Sport Cup 2 tires, adjustable exposed carbon fiber GT4 track wing and splitter wickers with integrated dive plane. The rear seat is deleted to reduce weight.
The team leveraged Ford’s motorsports technical center in North Carolina and its windshear rolling wind tunnel – where top-tier racing teams test – to perfect the design of the Shelby GT500. Front fascia openings are more than doubled versus the Shelby GT350, while six heat exchangers are stuffed in to increase cooling pack airflow by more than 50 percent. A massive 31 x 28-inch louvered hood vent features a removable aluminum rain tray for better air extraction and increased downforce.
More craftsmanship, technology and driver comfort
Shelby GT500’s purpose-built cockpit boasts race-inspired premium materials and unique finishes worthy of its world-class power. Premium touchpoints include an available exposed carbon fiber instrument panel appliqué and new door panel inserts in Dark Slate Miko® suede with accent stitching. Available Recaro racing seats with firm side bolstering and pass-throughs for safety harnesses offer the highest level of performance. For those looking for even greater comfort, power-adjustable seating with Miko suede inserts is offered. The all-new Shelby GT500 picks up a 12-inch full-color LCD instrument cluster, while a high-performance custom-tuned 12-speaker B&O® Play premium audio system is available. All of this is controlled via an 8-inch SYNC® 3 touch screen featuring SiriusXM and FordPass Connect™. New colors for 2020 include Red Hot, Twister Orange and Iconic Silver. Painted stripes are available for the all-new Shelby GT500 too.
Building on the legacy of Shelby performance
Carroll Shelby called the original Shelby GT500 “the first real car I’m really proud of.” Today, that legacy continues with the thirdgeneration 2020 Mustang Shelby GT500 – the most powerful and most advanced Mustang ever.
With a reputation for transforming Ford Mustang into dominant road racing machines, Carroll Shelby, American racer and entrepreneur, took his legendary Mustang GT350 model further in 1967 to craft the first-generation Shelby GT500 with a modified 428-cubic-inch V8 inspired by his team’s 1-2-3 finish at Le Mans.
A legend returns:
2020 Toyota Supra makes world debut 2020 Toyota Supra reveal
In July 2018, in view of tens of thousands of spectators at England’s world-renowned Goodwood Festival of Speed, a low, long-hood sports car wearing full-body camouflage with mysterious “A90” markings blasted up the narrow, curvy hill-climb circuit. For Toyota enthusiasts, “A90” was the giveaway: the A40, A60, A70 and A80 that came before were Supras.
The Toyota Supra was coming back!
ISSUE 01 2019
In January 2019, the fifth-generation GR Supra, the first global Toyota GAZOO Racing model, makes its undisguised world debut at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit, ending years of anticipation and speculation among sports car enthusiasts around the world. Behind the new Supra is a 50+ year lineage of unique Toyota sports and GT cars. Ahead of it awaits the world’s great driving roads, some of which were used to develop this all-new expression of Toyota pure sports car performance.
The 2020 Supra goes on sale in summer of 2019 and will be available in two grades – 3.0 and 3.0 Premium, as well as a Launch Edition which will be based on the 3.0 Premium grade. Driving enthusiasts can look forward to an exhilarating blend of power, precision and agility thanks to a rear-wheel drive design that honors Toyota sports car heritage with its low center of gravity and optimal weight balance. There is a strong connection to Toyota’s 1967 2000 GT and 1993-2002 Supra in both design and mechanical configuration.
Yet, the 2020 Supra is a fully forward-looking sports car, brimming with a cutting-edge powertrain, chassis and multimedia technology. Like the pinnacle of the previous Supra series, the 2020 model will be powered by a turbocharged inline six-cylinder engine. The new Supra’s 3.0-liter twin-scroll turbo six will produce 335 hp and 365 lb-ft of torque and will be teamed with a quickshifting 8-speed automatic transmission with paddle shifters. Toyota projects 0-60 mph acceleration in 4.1 seconds, which makes this the quickest toyota-branded production vehicle to date. By defining specific performance and handling targets early in development, Toyota GAZOO Racing in Japan, with much input from Toyota Motor North America and Toyota Motor Europe, imbued the Supra with its own driving characteristics. While posting the kind of performance numbers that excite enthusiasts, the 2020 Supra will reward drivers of all skill levels with a thrilling sports car feel, even in everyday driving. Toyota President and Master Driver Akio Toyoda tested the Supra on the Nürburgring and other racing venues to give his personal feedback as a Master Driver to ensure this new model would exceed the expectations of Supra fans across the globe. Supra devotees have waited a long time for the next-generation model. They’ll find the 2020 Supra worth the wait.
Shaped by emotion … and racing
The 2020 Supra embodies its rich lineage at first glance, with a design that shows a particular kinship with the fourth-generation Supra built from 1993-2002, as well as the landmark 1967 Toyota 2000 GT. The resemblance is more than skin deep: the new-generation Supra also shares with those notable models the common traits of a short wheelbase, sophisticated chassis, and high-performance inline-sixcylinder engine. Toyota offered a glimpse of the new Supra’s design theme in 2014 with the dramatic FT-1 concept car that emerged from Toyota’s Calty design center in California. Supra’s striking exterior design was inspired by the FT-1’s expressive form. Optimization of the FT-1 design onto the efficient, high-performance packaging of Supra was achieved by condensing the forms, reducing unnecessary elements and further enhancing the dynamic and powerful character. It focuses on core Supra attributes, such as its inline sixcylinder engine and rear drive layout, while enhancing other features, such as stretching the hood to highlight the engine, creating a taut, but spacious two-seat cabin that helps accentuate an ultra-wide stance. The result is a look unique to Supra internally referred to as “Condensed Extreme.” Functional by Design The Supra design delivers a 50:50 weight balance while optimizing front-to-rear aerodynamic balance. Toyota sports car heritage is evident throughout. The double-bubble roof design, for example, recalls the Toyota 2000 GT and it reduces drag by shaving the roof center to reduce the projected frontal area without sacrificing occupant headroom.
The six-lens LED headlights integrate both daytime running lamps and turn signal functions to create a distinctive lighting signature for the new Supra. The rear combination lamps feature a simple structure with the turn, tail, and stop functions integrated into the distinctive main ring shape. The backup lamps are LEDs located in the center of the lower bumper.
Expressive colors accentuate the emotional connection drivers feel with a high-performance sports car, which is why the 2020 Supra’s paint palette will include bold Renaissance Red 2.0, Nitro Yellow and Downshift Blue. The available Phantom Matte Gray adds a sense of drama to the Supra’s tautly curved surfaces by combining a matte finish and a hint of blue to create a metal-like texture. Other available colors include Absolute Zero White, Tungsten Silver, Turbulence Gray and Nocturnal Black. Fun fact: In the new version of the famous Supra logotype, the “S” was inspired by a racetrack s-bend.
Cockpit concept: wrapping the driver
The 2020 Supra cockpit deftly blends traditional GT elements with ultra-modern functionality. The low, narrow-section dash gives the driver expansive forward visibility, ideal for precisely placing the car in corners. A high-definition color display forms the instrument panel, projecting a large-diameter, three-dimensional meter dial that seems to float over it. The single-meter design consolidates information necessary for performance driving, such as the tachometer and shift-timing indicator, enabling the driver to easily focus on critical control information through the small-diameter steering wheel. The display’s easy-to-read layout puts multimedia information, including audio and available navigation, on the right side. An available full-color Head-Up Display projects vital driving and navigation information ahead of the driver. Toyota designers took a fresh approach to designing the center console, giving it an asymmetrical shape that tightly envelops the driver, with a padded pillar that serves as a right leg bolster. The passenger’s side of the console, meanwhile, is open for a roomy feel, yet also features kneepads for bolstering in corners. The center console tightly groups controls for sports driving. The climate control panel protrudes from the center dash, easing operation without averting eyes from the road.
The front fascia was inspired by the fourth-generation Supra, yet is even more expressive, with a prominent central grille section flanked by large air intakes. In the rear, the prominent, arching rear integrated spoiler, which helps to suppress aerodynamic lift, pays homage to the tall rear wing that was available on the fourth-gen Supra Turbo. The trapezoidal rear bumper shape conveys a dynamic sense of movement toward the tires.
Details matter
Racing-Inspired Seats
Toyota designed the 2020 Supra to be both an everyday sports car and an occasional track car. To that end, its sport seats, featuring integrated head restraints, were inspired by racing. The seats use a narrow main section combined with the shoulder bolsters to firmly hold the driver and passenger. The 3.0 Premium grade will feature heated, leather-trimmed seats, while the 3.0 will come with Alcantara power seats with memory. Supra’s smartly trimmed luggage area, accessed via a lightweight composite hatch, offers capacity for two people to pack for a weekend getaway. The compartment is shaped to accommodate long items, such as a track day toolkit.
The 2020 Supra performance story
The 2020 Supra will feature a 3.0-liter turbocharged inline six that will produce 335 hp and 365 lb-ft of torque. The torque comes on strong from very low engine speeds, thanks to a combination of a twin-scroll turbocharger, direct fuel injection and continuously variable timing on both the intake and exhaust camshafts. Engine response is further enhanced thanks to the inline six’s variable intake valve lift system that adjusts intake valve timing and duration. The 8-speed automatic transmission delivers quick up- and downshifts and features paddle shifters for manual control when desired. Short ratios for the lower gears and a Launch Control function enable powerful acceleration with maximum traction. Toyota estimates 0-60 mph acceleration in 4.1 seconds. Top track speed will be electronically limited to 155 mph.
ISSUE 01 2019
The 2020 Supra will offer two driving modes, Normal and Sport. Sport Mode provides track-driving capability by reducing intervention of the traction and stability control functions as well as sharpening throttle response, increasing steering weight, improving transmission shift crispness, more aggressive active differential tuning and amplifying exhaust sound.
For performance driving enthusiasts, the Supra will have an active differential that uses an electric motor and multi-plate clutches to control lateral torque. The active differential precisely controls torque distribution between the rear wheels, with stepless variable locking from 0-100 percent. The differential can control torque distribution between the rear wheels when cornering under both acceleration and braking, enabling greater momentum through a corner. The active differential is also effective at ensuring neutral handling by reducing both understeer and oversteer.
Chassis: lessons from the track
Toyota GAZOO Racing had a specific vision when developing Supra. High structural rigidity, a low center of gravity and 50:50 weight distribution were paramount to Toyota’s goal of achieving neutral cornering balance. For example, Toyota identified nine areas of the vehicle’s rear structure to be reinforced to increase rigidity. Toyota also specified spring and shock absorber tuning for the new double-joint spring strut front suspension and multi-link rear suspension. Likewise, Toyota set specific parameters for the Supra’s stability control system performance. The front suspension subframe and control arm mounting points are extremely rigid to yield precise cornering characteristics. Aluminum control arms reduce unsprung weight, resulting in superior agility and efficiency. High-performance wheel hubs feature increased stiffness and optimized kinematics. For precise handling, Supra features a variable assist and variable ratio sport-tuned electric power steering. The multi-link rear suspension with a five-arm construction consists of lightweight aluminum to reduce weight while steel is employed in key areas for added strength and durability. The rigid rear subframe, and the bracing that connects it to the body structure, helps ensure extremely precise wheel control. Supra will come standard with 19-inch forged alloy wheels. The rear wheels and tires are wider than on the front (rear tires: 275/35R19; front tires: 255/35R19) to enhance grip, and performance Michelin Pilot Super Sport tires are fitted. Brakes are large at all four corners, highlighted by 13.7-in. front rotors held by 4-piston Brembo calipers. Standard on all Supras is Adaptive Variable Suspension. Adaptive Variable Suspension system instantly adjusts damping force in response to driver input and road conditions. Two settings for the suspension are available - Normal and Sport. Road and track development took place in France, Austria, Italy (including many winding roads through the Alps), Germany (including the Nürburgring track), Sweden (ice and snow road testing), the U.K., Japan, Australia, and the U.S. A global citizen, the new Supra will be assembled at Magna Steyr in Graz, Austria.
GT comfort, maximum multimedia
Like its 1990s predecessor, the 2020 Supra will be equipped as a premium GT, with a deft balance of function and premium comfort and convenience features. Keyless Smart Entry, dual automatic climate control, auto-dimming rearview mirrors, rear camera, rain sensor windshield wipers, garage door opener, power folding mirrors, and a leather-wrapped steering wheel will be standard. Standard active safety features include forward collision warning, automatic emergency braking with pedestrian detection, lane departure warning with steering assist, automatic high beam and road sign assist. Additional active safety and convenience features available are adaptive full speed cruise control, blind spot monitor, rear cross traffic alert and rear end collision warning. The new-generation Supra will of course deliver a state-of-the-art multimedia and connectivity experience. The 3.0 grade features a 6.5inch display that can be operated by the rotary controller on the console, as well as Bluetooth and iPod capability. The 3.0 Premium grade will get an 8.8-inch touchscreen display with navigation, rotary touch controller, Supra Connect telematics services, wireless Apple CarPlay, a premium 12-speaker JBL audio system, and wireless phone charging. The JBL audio system and navigation will be an available option on the 3.0 grade.
50+ years of Toyota sports car heritage
The 2020 Toyota Supra traces a 50+ year lineage to Toyota’s first sports car, the 1965 Sports 800. This sleek but tiny (140-in. long) coupe offered a little over 40 horsepower from an air-cooled, two-cylinder boxer engine. The Sports 800 weighed just 1,300 pounds and could reach 100 mph in racing trim. It was successful in long distance races where reliability and fuel economy worked to its advantage. Here’s one for car trivia buffs: The 800 Sports was the first production sports car to have a lift-out aluminum roof panel.
2000 GT
In 1967, Toyota stunned the sports car establishment with the limitedproduction, hand-built 2000 GT. This six-cylinder, two-seat coupe smashed three world records and set 13 new international records for speed and endurance. Just 351 of the 2000 GTs were made, about 60 of those left-hand-drive for export to the U.S. Nevertheless, many Americans saw the 2000 GT when a specially built roadster version was the automotive star in that year’s James Bond film, You Only Live Twice. Today, 2000 GTs can approach $1 million in collector-car auctions. Age of the Supra
With the debut of the third-generation model for 1986 (A70), the Supra became its own distinct car. The following year, the Mk. III, as Supra aficionados call it, debuted a Turbo upgrade model with 230 horsepower.
The Mk. IV Supra left Toyota’s U.S. lineup after 1998 but was produced until 2002. It went on to become famous for new generations in video games and in the Fast and Furious film series, stoking an intensely loyal following that helped spur Toyota to develop the all-new, fifth-generation Supra for 2020.
Toyota GAZOO racing
The 2020 GR Supra is the first global model developed by Toyota GAZOO Racing, the international umbrella for Toyota’s global motorsport program. In just the past year GR won the Le Mans 24 Hours race and the FIA World Rally Champions. Its work is based on three pillars: developing people through taking part in motorsport; creating fans through the excitement of motorsport and producing fun-to-drive cars; and making ever-better cars by applying the knowledge gained from motorsport competition. This ethos has been fully embraced by both Kiichiro Toyoda, founder of Toyota, and Akio Toyoda, Toyota Motor Corporation president, for its goal of “making ever-better cars.” Starting with this Supra, Toyota GAZOO Racing will transfer technical learnings from the race track or rally stage to the development of not just new generations of Toyota’s sports-focused GR models, but also to its wider range of vehicles, driven by tens of millions of people around the world. With the 2020 Supra, Toyota is seeking to ignite automotive enthusiasts with fond memories of the Supra, as well as spark a new wave of sports car fans around the world. 2020 SUPRA PRELIMINARY SPECIFICATIONS Wheelbase
97.2 in.
Overall Length
172.5 in.
Overall Width
73.0 in.
Overall Height
50.9 in.
Track Width Front
62.8 in.
Track Width Rear
62.6 in.
Curb Weight
3,397 lbs.
0-60 mph
4.1 seconds
In 1978, Toyota introduced the first Supra (A40) as a premium, sixcylinder version of the popular Celica sports coupe. Four years later, Toyota began to separate the Supra from the Celica, with the second generation (A60) featuring a completely different front-end design and a striking Performance model with wider wheels and fender flares.
Then came the icon: the fourth-generation Supra (A80, or “Mk. IV” to Supra buffs) arrived in 1993 and upended the global sports car / GT hierarchy. The Supra Turbo used twin sequential turbochargers to extract 320 horsepower from its 3.0-liter inline six. This utterly unique sports GT could accelerate from zero-to-60 mph in under 5 seconds, trouncing direct competitors, as well as some European models costing 2-3 times as much.
Latest Nissan lifestyle concept out of California
Nissan TITAN XD flexes its beach bod as TITAN Surfcamp Sand under tyres, sun setting on the Atlantic Ocean, Nissan today dropped the towel on the ultimate beach-inspired show vehicle – TITAN Surfcamp.
ISSUE 01 2019
From its off-road tyres to the rooftop tent, TITAN Surfcamp is an allinclusive beach cruiser featuring surfboards, paddleboards, fishing rods, a solar-powered shower and more. It is the latest in the TITAN Adventure series of lifestyle-themed project builds from Nissan.” In the summer, beach parking lots are full of trucks hauling surfboards, fishing rods, boats and campers as people crave the sun and sand,” said Fred DePerez, vice president, Nissan North America LCV Business Unit. “Inspired by the vintage beach trucks of the 1960s, TITAN Surfcamp is a celebration of the beach truck tradition with all the modern technologies TITAN customers want when they head out to surf, shore fish and camp-out by the water.”
TITAN Surfcamp began as a stock TITAN XD Diesel Midnight Edition Crew Cab – straight off the factory floor in Canton, Mississippi. With a heavy-duty commercial-grade ladder frame, Cummins® 5.0-L V8 Turbo Diesel engine, innovative bed features and roomy five-passenger interior, TITAN XD provides a stout baseline for this beach cruiser. The transformation into TITAN Surfcamp began with the addition of a factory-authorised ICON suspension lift kit, available through Nissan dealers. Perfect for clawing through loose sand, TITAN Surfcamp then
TITAN Surfcamp is a 2018 TITAN XD Midnight Edition transformed into an all inclusive beach oasis added ICON Alpha wheels wrapped in Nitto Ridge Grappler tyres. Body armor to protect it from the elements comes via a Fab Four Vengeance Series front bumper. Matched to the exterior paint of a 1967 Nissan Patrol, the exterior wrap offers a retro color scheme reminiscent of 1960s and 1970s surf culture. A Hot Wheels® 1971 Datsun Bluebird Wagon nicknamed “JNC Surf Patrol” – a vintage beach cruiser deep-rooted in Nissan heritage – also inspired the wrap. The interior of TITAN Surfcamp is ready for sandy passengers with wetsuit-inspired seat covers and heavy-duty rubber floor mats. Utilising the TITAN Utili-track® Bed Channel System, Surfcamp creates storage for fishing tackle, wetsuits and other supplies with the Decked bed drawer storage system. Additional storage is available on top with a Leitner Design cargo rack and Rhino-Rack USA cab roof rack. TITAN Surfcamp also features a surfboard and stand-up paddleboard rack. Fishing rods can be stored along the roof rack while en route to the
beach and once lines are cast, integrated rod holders in the bumper are there to help. To wash off the salt and sand, a Road Shower rack mounted solar shower and teak wood deck is incorporated. A Rhino-Rack Batwing awning provides much needed shade and a Yeti 125-quart cooler will keep your catch and favorite beverage cold. As the sun sets, lighting from KC, Rigid and Baja Designs illuminate the path ahead, and when the stars come out, a hard-sided roof-mount Freespirit Recreation Elite Series Automatic Tent offers the perfect spot to rest.
The TITAN Surfcamp project vehicle is the latest in the TITAN Adventure series of lifestyle themed project builds from Nissan. Beginning with the TITAN Project Basecamp for the overland camping lifestyle, followed by the skiing-themed Armada Snow Patrol, the BBQ themed Smokin’ TITAN and the family adventure-themed Armada Mountain Patrol, these lifestyle project trucks have started a meaningful conversation with customers connecting their passions with their trucks.
Inspired by the vintage beach trucks of the 1960s and 1970s, TITAN Surfcamp features a retro color scheme with roots in Nissan’s heritage
Nissan’s latest lifestyle-inspired show vehicle made its first public appearance at the International Convention of Allied Sportfishing Trades (ICAST) in Orlando, Florida last year.
“With TITAN Surfcamp, it’s never been easier to hit the beach,” says DePerez. “I hope this amazing show truck inspires surfers, fisherman and beach lovers to add TITAN to their weekend adventures.”
TITAN Surfcamp project vehicle is the ultimate collection of modern beach toys for any fishing, surfing and summer adventure in the sand
2018 Nissan TITAN Surfcamp Build Sheet Exterior Vehicle Wrap
IF Signs; inspired by Hot Wheels 1971 Datsun Bluebird Wagon nicknamed “JNC Surf Patrol”
ICON Alloy Alpha Wheels
Nitto Ridge Grapplers 35/12.50/17
Front Bumper
Fab Four Vengeance Series
Lift Kit
ICON Stage 5, 3-inch lift
Auxiliary Lighting
• KC Hilites Pro 6 Lights • Rigid Industries E-Series LED Light Bar • Baja Designs XL9s Gear Storage
Bed Rack
Leitner Designs Cargo Rack
Roof Rack
Rhino-Rack Cab Roof Rack
Storage Drawers
Decked bed drawer system Recovery
Rhino-Rack Interior
Seat Covers
Wetskinz neoprene
Floor Mats
Fishing Gear Fishing Rod Holders
Custom surf rod mounts Surf Gear
Paddle Board
Surf Boards
Chris Birch custom surf boards
ISSUE 01 2019
Protection from the Elements
Freespirit Recreation Elite Series Automatic
Rhino-Rack Batwing Awning Convenience
Yeti 125 Hard Cooler
Road Shower 4 Solar
New Road Vehicle Standards Act set to transform the Caravan Industry
Caravan Industry Association of Australia warmly welcomed the Road Vehicle Standards Act (RVSA) navigating its final hurdle through the Senate in late November last year. The Association’s CEO, Stuart Lamont, commented that this legislation will see safer caravanning products for Australians, and provide better conditions for industry businesses currently burdened with competing with cheap imported product which in many cases do not meet the tough Australian Standards and Design Rules designed to cater for Australian caravanning conditions.
“Australians will be better protected through the strengthening of the laws governing all vehicles, including trailers in the Australian market through the Act. Increased powers for the Government to bring penalty on businesses doing the wrong thing are also welcomed.”
“There were over 57 million nights spent caravanning and camping last year and when the RVSA takes effect those purchasing caravanning product can have even greater confidence in terms of safety, environmental and anti-theft performance of all vehicles (including trailers) entering the Australian market for the first time – whether new or used.” Mr Lamont said.
“The RVSA will provide much safer and compliant caravans and campers (as well as other light trailers), while maintaining consumer choice of both products manufactured locally as well as those sourced overseas.”
The new legislation will also see better identification of caravanning product and a consistent approach to both locally manufactured and imported product.
“I therefore congratulate the Federal Government and Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack, in particular, on all their hard work, to ensure that the 1989 Motor Vehicle Standards Act has been brought into the modern age. We also appreciate the work undertaken by Minister Fletcher previously in advancing this legislation for the benefit of all those who go caravanning and camping.”
Importantly it will also see improved enforcement provisions surrounding what is already one of the toughest compliance standards globally within the industry. The CEO further remarked that “the increasing demand for the caravanning and camping lifestyle in Australia, which has an estimated annual value of $20.4 billion to the Australian economy, is built around consumer confidence in the product and having the highest safety standards.” “One caravan accident is one caravan accident too many, and the more steps we can put in place to provide better outcomes for Australian caravanners the better. Industry businesses who consistently ignore their obligations under Australian Design Rules should not be supplying product to the market, and they are put on notice of increased scrutiny against any such practices.” Mr Lamont said. The passing of the bill is after five years of strong and active Federal lobbying by Caravan Industry Association of Australia for better outcomes for the caravanning industry. “As an industry we are committed to being heavily involved in the RVSA roll out, and are participating in the four consultation groups, formed by the government to provide feedback on all aspects of the proposed methods of implementation. A caravan is one of the most rewarding investments that you will make in your lifetime and it is important that we collectively work hard to ensure that Australians receive the safe and compliant product that they deserve.” “Caravan Industry Association of Australia therefore looks forward to continuing to work closely with the Government and Industry throughout the implementation of the reforms.” Mr Lamont concluded.
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Inside Front Cover
What does this mean for industry businesses?
• All manufacturers and importers (over four units annually) will be required to obtain an approval from the Federal Government to supply RV product under 4.5 tonne to the market; • All products manufactured or imported (first supplied to market – new or used and above four units annually) within three weight ranges will be required to be covered by a model approval; • All products supplied to market (below four units per made) will be required to be physically inspected by a Government approved facility against Federal compliance; • All RV products manufactured or imported will be required to be logged onto a Register of Approved Vehicles (an electronic database) prior to being eligible for registration through a state or territory-based registration authority. This database will be able to be searchable by Government authorities and consumers alike; • The Federal Department will have increased powers which include removing approval to supply to market, fines, or the issuing of a recall (which includes for non-safety related matters); • The rules and logistics which sit below the legislation are still being worked out through consultative groups, which Caravan Industry Association of Australia is an active participant within; and • The Bill will be fully operational from 10 December 2019 Caravan Industry Association of Australia will work with state associations and industry businesses to ensure that industry is both fully aware of their obligations and are compliant by the time the law comes into effect. It will also continue to provide information as it comes to hand of the rules which sit below the legislation passed in November 2018. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION If anyone has any questions please do not hesitate to contact info@caravanindustry.com.au
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ISSUE 01 2019
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