MTA NSW Journal Issue 2 2019

Page 20


Member Spotlight:

Resto Pros Lucas Sanders and Natasha Keoller are owner operators of Resto Pros, an automotive restoration and custom fabrication workshop situated in Hanwood, NSW. Resto Pros provide dedicated specialist services for complete end-toend restoration of vintage and classic vehicles, and have been an MTA NSW Member since 2018.

ISSUE 02 2019

Natasha and Lucas opened their restoration garage in May 2016. Initially, it was only Lucas and Natasha on the tools but within six months they had hired an additional full-time employee and a part time mechanic. Within two years, Natasha and Lucas have grown their business substantially, providing end to end restoration services encompassing mechanical, body work, paint work and interiors (trim).


In early 2018, Resto Pros upgraded their business and began development planning for the expansion of their premises, set to increase their workspace four-fold. The building was completed in December 2018 and by this time, Resto Pros’ employed six full time workers, plus casual contractors across disciplines including metal fabrication and engineering, panel beaters, spray painters, mechanics and upholsterers, and are looking to expand their workforce yet again. Their schedule is and has always been extremely demanding, taking restoration bookings up to 12 to 18 months in advance. Resto Pros currently have twelve jobs underway, four of which are ‘Resto Rescues©’ - a title Natasha uses to reference vehicles that have had attempted restoration work done on them and are then taken to Resto Pros to be corrected and completed.

To date they have repaired and restored (part or full) over 50 vehicles that have come from various locations across the country, and produced by Australian, American, English, German, French, and Japanese manufacturers. Resto Pros have a reputation for being experts in their field and MTA NSW support them in their continued business growth, excellence and success.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION E: or visit their Facebook page @resotprosonthego

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