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DESIGN WORKSHOP Reflective Journal Yakun Li 798554


A1 Models of Designing, Design Thinking, Design Agendas and Designers' Frames of Reference

A1 Models of Designing, Design Thinking, Design Agendas and Designers' Frames of Reference

Lecture & Reflection

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MODELS OF THE DESIGN PROCESS: THEORY & EXPERIENCE • Inspiration (1%) & Perspiration (99%) •Linear, Feedback & Cyclic Refinement Models •Pre-Design > Sketch Design > developed Design > Documentation •Preparation > Incubation > Illumination > Verification •Generation > Exploration > Evaluation of Ideas

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Project design ambitions = Brief (from client) + Design Agenda (responding to that Brief) + Designer’s Agenda (your ongoing, evolving designer’s interests across all projects you do) DESIGNING A CHAIR EXERCISE This exercise is about design a chair with a design agenda. I have prepared a design agenda which respond to a brief – comfortable chair. These two chairs could make me feel relax. Actually I think this exercise is more like to design a chair with Designer’s Agenda which the self-set design brief is similar with my interests. This chair is designed by the French architect and designer – Charlotte Perriand who gave birth to truly modern sensitivity towards everyday life. I like her because we have the similar designer’s agenda.

THE MOST IMPORTANT LESSON • Never immediately try to do or to design the best or the most ‌ • Always, try to tease out what is possible (even if it looks very strange at first). I do not like the “strangeâ€? mostly, maybe I should try more in the future. • Then choose

A1 Models of Designing, Design Thinking, Design Agendas and Designers' Frames of Reference

Lecture & Reflection Make a list of the ways in which you get yourself started Make a list of the ways in which you try to get people designing. who would live or work in or visit your designs to have particular experiences. 1. Read the design brief 2. Search the context I think the most effective way may be the feedback parts. 3. Do the pre-design Because you have to seel your design as a designer. The client is the most important person for your design. You have to get the opinions from them to get what they really Make a list of the ways in which you try to get people want. who would live or work in or visit your designs to have particular experiences. Do you think you are task-focused or outcome-focused? 1. Read the design brief 2. Do the client context searching I think I am the out-come focused. No matter what 3. Talk with clients happened during the design process, the final result for 4. Do the pre-design and sketch design me would be good. 5. Get some feedback from client 6. Develop the design 7. Get feedback again Any thoughts on your own Designer’s Agenda? 8. Do the final design I am a little bit conservative person, maybe I have to try more different possible to get more possible direction in design.

A1 Models of Designing, Design Thinking, Design Agendas and Designers' Frames of Reference

Homework & Reflection Ted Talk - Tim Brown on Creativity and Play

This ted talk video talked about lots kind of games like drawing the person who sat next to them quickly. This video told me that do not be embarrassed about showing ideas to others. This may conserve my thinking. After that, it should be back together to find a solution and develop the solution. It is quick to get interesting thinking from watching ted talks, the words are not difficult to understand like many readings. Thought the depth of thinking may not as deep as those difficult papers.

The 30 circle test game I did with the video

A1 Models of Designing, Design Thinking, Design Agendas and Designers' Frames of Reference

Reading Reflection Engineering Design Methods Strategies for Product Design Nigel Cross I have read the chapter 3 of “Engineering Design Methods Strategies for Product Design” which written by Nigel Cross. It talked about “The Design Procedures” which include three parts “Descriptive Model”, “Prescriptive Models” and “An Integrative Model”. There are many design process diagram we could learn in this article. Whatever there are how many kinds of design process, the main point is to solve the problem. This is also what we should do in our design.

A1 Models of Designing, Design Thinking, Design Agendas and Designers' Frames of Reference

Weekly Reflection This is the first model I made for earth studio. The brief of this is to do a model to show point line plane. I used cardboard to cut and fold. It is organic and geometric. I read the design brief clear and I do some research from the Pinterest. The pre design were done in class which was inspired me as well.

A1 Models of Designing, Design Thinking, Design Agendas and Designers' Frames of Reference

Workshop Exercises & Reflection We were told to choose three possible place to build a train station. I am in the poetry group which has to design a journey to each potential site. We could write + use diagrams + storyboard. In each journey we should focus in a particular sense (e.g. sight, touch). And the example of architecture storyboards is useful. This is one of the sites we choose to build the train station which is under the MSD building. It is an impractical idea after I thought over again which we can not build a underground station with multiple railways under a built architecture. Though, this idea represents our wish that we could go to school as convenient as we can.

A2 Design Sprints

A2 Design Sprints Lecture & Reflection There are huge lecture notes which are valuable. Although if I copy all of them it would be repetitive with the slides. The images are the crazy nine exercise I did during the lecture.

A space with 3 enclosing walls

An opening window on the wall

A roof structure

As a designer, we not only need have enough knowledge and creativity to create wonderful product, but also need to schedule our design step by step. Therefore, we could design the product as efficient as we wish.

A2 Design Sprints Homework & Reflection Video: Google Venture’s Design Sprints Prep Portfolios for Future Builds

The design sprint is a quick 5-day process where you can get any term ready to understand the customers. It could build something really fast and get feedback. It is a sort of compressed version of a user- centered design cycle that run with comparies all over. Mon – learning everything about business Tue – sketching as many design as they can Wed – decide which one to test Thu – build like a swapper high fidelity Fri – show to real customers This process work could know which are mistakes and which could work well really fast. It could help us know how these things could work specifically contextual with the information that we are putting in a right and appropriate way.

A2 Design Sprints Reading Reflection The Product Design Sprint Galen Frechette

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I have felt a little bit bored to read this similar reading about this shadowy knowledge. It is useful knowledge though the theory is simple to understand. I thought I understand it which is a little bit hard for me to get more information. Yes, it is good, I will do design follow this steps in the future.

A2 Design Sprints Reading Reflection Five design decision styles Jared M. Spool

Linus TAN (


Design Characteristics

Unintended ●

There are five design decision styles be concluded in the article. They are Unintended Design Style, Self Design Style, Genius Design Style, Activity-Focused Design Style, and User-Focused Design Style. As we could see, these five design styles go forward one by one. In other word, it considers about the context and users more and more. Is this a good thing? I believe so. If your design just bases on what you think, there may be less possible to be successful. After all, we need to sell our design to customers to support more design we do after. But we still need to encourage the “stupid” design decision style, all existence has its reason.

Module B2 Design Sprints Lesson Plan

Poetry ­ Design Decisions


● ● ●


Activity Focused

● ● ●

● ● ●

User Focused

● ● ●

Development and deployment without any consideration of outcome “This bad product needs to change”

As unintended design and... Design decision is to improve the designers’ personal situation

Built Environment

● ● ●

Generic call for design intervention Design a project and hope visitors will go to it and users will use it

● ● ●

Design idea Design a project such that designers can use it as they want to

● ● ●

Precedent study Design a project after analysing similar projects that were successful

“I will change this product to suit my needs”

As self design and... Design decision based on experience “I’ve encountered a better product before! I’ll change this product to be similar to that one I experienced”

As genius design, with emphasis on… Research into the mechanics and interface of the product “How do the product components work? How is it used?”

As activity focused design and... Research into the product goal “Why do users want to use this?”

● ● ● ●

● ● ● ● ●

Application of a design without knowledge and comprehension of the project

Application of idea into design is based on personal (and often biased) knowledge and comprehension of the project

Application of idea into design is based on personal (and often biased) knowledge and comprehension of the project Idea is also applied with reference to other projects of different context

Site research Design a project after analysing site information Application of idea into design is based on collection and comprehension of site information Design idea responds to opportunities discovered in analysis

User research Design a project after analysing site and user information Application of idea into design is based on collection and comprehension of site information Ideas are also formulated based site users and other unobservable site qualities (qualitative characteristics) Design idea responds to opportunities discovered in analysis of both observable and site characteristics

Concluding Remarks These design decisions are a buildup of product study, starting from unintended design to user focused design. The product success rate is also dependent on the design decisions made, with unintended design decisions being very risky (they may or may not work) and user focused design decisions being least risky (decisions have been justified with detailed research into the project). In the design of our built environment, should we aim to make user focused design decisions as we are designing for users and the community? However, we also need to make self design decisions such that our concepts are translated into our projects. In doing so, should we compromise our designs just to deliver a project of little risk?

ABPL20050: Design Workshop

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A2 Design Sprints Weekly Reflection I went to NGV this week. There are chairs exhibition for Melbourne Design week.

Porky Hefer designer and maker South Africa 1968Fiona Blackfish 2015 designed, 2016 manufactured leather steel, sheepskin

The theme of this chair is belong to “individualism”. It could say, the design decision style of this chair is not user-focused. There is no specific user of this chair. I think it is between genius design and activity-focused design. Firstly, this is not the first chair design by Porky Hefer, therefore, he has his own experiences of chair design. In the other hand, it is activity-focus design, he worked with local craftsmen, he used some experiences from these craftsmen to create this chair in a unique way. This design reflects me about the chairs we saw in the A1 lecture. This chair was made by consider about materials. The studio’s distinctive designs stemmed from Connell’s prodigious drawing practice and the partners’ fascination with new materials in 1990s. with the technological advancement, the new materials would be followed fast. It would be more interesting design which build with new materials.

Chris Connell designer Australia 1955Merchants of Australian Products Pty. Ltd, Melbourne manufacturer Australia est, 1992 Pepe, chair 1992 designed, 2016 reupholstered wool, polyurethane foam, polyurethane, steel, rubber

A2 Design Sprints Workshop Exercises & Reflection

We did a “Hotel for the artist” project during class. The amenity group leaded whole class mention “How” “Who” “Where” after we read the project brief. After that, our poetry group and the technology group develop the ideas and finish a journey at the end of the class. Although, there was too much thinking, I don’t think we did a wonderful work in class. Therefore, I did my own work after class.

A3 Communicating Design Ideas

A3 Communicating Design Ideas Lecture & Reflection Designers: People who externalize what they’re thinking about and wrestle with the representations: models, drawings, diagrams + texts. Diagrams: Tools for thinking with, for having a conversation with a design … Record what your present understanding is and their form suggests bases for further exploration. We should use diagram when: • Capturing ideas + giving them form (organization, UX, geometry, siting, context, blocking & stacking, etc.) • Consolidating diverse data as one possibility • Exploring options • Consolidating diverse outcomes as one project • Explaining your design

We learned lots of diagram types in this lecture. It is a tool to help us. Therefore, we used diagram for our Digital PVC Plumbing Hose Press cla Design and Fabrication project when we are doing material testing. It helped us to find the result directly. Thin Cotton String PVC Plumbing Hose Press class PVC Pipe Reinforced Pressure Hose Thick Cotton String Thin Cotton String Steel Wire Thick Cotton String Steel Wire Not Work Not Work Work


A3 Communicating Design Ideas Homework & Reflection Video: The beauty of Data Visualisation Mccandless

Visualizing information could help us see the patterns and connections that matter and then design that information so it makes more sense. It tells stories and allows us to only focus on the information which is important. Mccandless told some examples by using visual way that could help the journalist to explain the information easier. The sense of sight is the fastest sense. Hence, absolute figures are not significant as the pictures. They are not as true as they could be design. Picture could solve problems in elegant solutions. Information design should solve information problems, visualizing information could solve problem quickly.

A3 Communicating Design Ideas Reading Reflection Using Design Visuals to Communicate Ideas Jeff Parks

A lot of the visualization tools empowers people to communicate ideas more clearly, without having to use words. – Ken Hope

The text-based slide were not always understood with audiences with limited English. Although, visualization tools could work beyond the laguage. Diagram could help audiences to understand the concepts and engage in the process quickly. It could not be understood with excessive documents, reports and processes in words. Visual ways would be much easy. The short version is that intentional choices are more powerful than arbitrary choices. Group works is important to be sucessful. Especially if the people have different backgrounds with different skills.

A3 Communicating Design Ideas Reading Reflection Communicating Design Ideas Ideo

T h i s c o l o u r f u l r e a d i n g t a l k e d a b o u t “ Ty p e s o f Communication”, “Forms of Communication”, “Sketching Types”, “Orthographic Projection”, “Drawing Techniques”, “Computer-Aided Design”, “Concurrent Engineering”, and “3D Printing”. This reading helps us to understand more ways to explain information without only text. The article is easy to read with not only text just like what it wants to tell in the article. Sketching types: Isometric sketching Perspective sketching Orthographic projection

One of the communication type - Hand signals and sounds

A3 Communicating Design Ideas Weekly Reflection

I went to an interesting concert this week. It is a musical salon which I never joined before. There was a round table like the Chinese restaurant or tea house. There is a changeable form based on concept of Fibonacci sequences. It reflective on the shape of the unfolding music. It is unbelievable to design some form for the intangible music. It created the sense of hearing to the sense of sight which is kind of diagram for music. Though, if there was only visual sense, it would not be a concert. Equally, we could not say diagram is good which we only use it for our design.

A3 Communicating Design Ideas Workshop Exercises & Reflection

We created exercise for others and did exercise designed from other this week. It is one good way to broaden our perspective how others think. The expectation from the question designer and the answer from others may be different. It is one soft way to get the thinking collisions which would get more than the answers of the questions. It is decent for me who like work individually.

Topic B: Developing Design Ideas


B1 CINEMA + ARCHITECTURE This lecture talked about translating architecture to moving images. There are one sentense impressed me in the lecture which is "I don't make a film if I don't find the appropriate place, the appropriate building." Architects of films & architecture and cities in movies.Mostly, all the films create architectures to represent the world of the film.

Lecture & Reflection

B1 CINEMA + ARCHITECTURE Lecture & Reflection Mostly, all the films create architectures to represent the world of the film. There are some images which I saw in films impressed me. Most incredible architectures could not be built in the real world. Though they still could be the enlightening work for our design.

Alice Through the Looking Glass (2016)

Back to the Future Part II (1989)

Howl's Moving Castle (2004)

Doctor Strange (2016)

B1 CINEMA + ARCHITECTURE Lecture & Reflection Windows in films always represent open and close or inside and outside. Montage could be defined as using different images with the same guy will represent different meanings. There are different functions in a building which create different meaning. The good example of montage is MSD building which combines old and new. Commonalities - Movement - Time - Spatial Articulation - Scale - Peripheral Vision - Extra Dimensions : Sound and‌

B1 CINEMA + ARCHITECTURE Lecture & Reflection Montage is not only useful in films, but also helpful in our daily study. For example,I had made a collage for designing environment. It looks naive today. I found some implicational collages which would let me do better next time. Marianne Brandt ( filter/hungary/TheFantastic-for-GrownUps)

Alexander Rodchenko (https:// aleksandr-rodchenkos-warof-the-future-1930-and-thelingering-memory-of-chemicalwarfare/)

Hannah Hรถch (https://denisgeorgeart. Collage I made last semester for Designing Environment

B1 CINEMA + ARCHITECTURE Homework & Reflection Design a facade based on the spaces of film[s]/filmmakers you like.

This is from the Japanese cartoon “Castle in the Sky�. It is a castle in the sky though I build a tower with the tree on the top. It may be impossible to plant a such huge tree on the top of the tower in real. But as just the image, I like this.

B1 CINEMA + ARCHITECTURE Homework & Reflection 1.Make a short film about an architectural element. 2.Design an architectural element that provides an atmosphere similar to the experiences you depicted in your film.

The film I did is about the lounge of my apartment. The style is relaxing which is the feeling I come back home. It just like the feeling a soft bed gives me. When you are tired, you could find comfortable feeling here. When you are strained, you could feel calm from this bed.

B1 CINEMA + ARCHITECTURE Reading Reflection Reading Perspective and Architecture through the Film "In the Mood for Love" Simone Shu-Yeng Chung "In the Mood for Love" is one of my favourite Hong Kong films. I like the director Wong Kar-Wai, the starring Maggie Cheung and Tony Leung. I have watched it when I was in high school which I could not understand the affection between Su Li-zhen (Mrs. Chan) and Chow Mowan. Although I could feel the restraint by the director’s creating. The colour of the film is Wong Kar-Wai’s style, the lenses is Wong’s, the music of the film is also Wong’s. The layers of lenses are interesting. For example, in this image, there are three layers. The camera is positioned outside a window. The background layer is Mr. Chow, the middle layer is Su Li-zhen and the frame of the window layer in the front of the image. The window frame creates a stress notion of confinement reverse the Usual feeling which the window is for views to the outside.

B1 CINEMA + ARCHITECTURE Reading Reflection Reading Perspective and Architecture through the Film "In the Mood for Love" Simone Shu-Yeng Chung

A thick dividing wall between Su Li-zhen and Chow Mowan creates a balance Composition. They sit in their respective kitchen doorways which means the nonconsummation of their relationship.

My MUSE of Cheongsam - Su Li-zhen

This article provides some Plotting movement of camera in the film which would give me another angle to understand this movie.

B1 CINEMA + ARCHITECTURE Weekly Reflection I have drawn the image for the earth studio. It is a drawing about MASS. The idea came from the water flow underground which create an organic space. I made some photocopies of my drawing and did some collages during the classes. It created new products which gave different inspiration for my other design in the future.

B1 CINEMA + ARCHITECTURE For this design brief, my classmates made 7 drafts.

B1 CINEMA + ARCHITECTURE There are some models we did and the final model whole class made in the end. It is intersting that the whole class did one project at same time. Although I think the better way to do the more effective is working in many different small group. It would get more useful results than one large group in same time.

Workshop Exercises & Reflection

B2 Design Decisions

B2 Design Decisions Lecture & Reflection



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We have learned Design Decision in this lecture. I did this diagram for “What�, “How�, and “Outcome� for design decision.

B2 Design Decisions Lecture & Reflection

There are types of decisions, diagram could help the main points be shown clearly.

B2 Design Decisions Lecture & Reflection There are some fabulous design journals I saw online which could inspire me for further design.

Drawing skill is important for hand writing journal which really need to be improved for me. Also the weight of images and words should be considered rationally. gallery/5552802/Classic-ArchitectureStudies

B2 Design Decisions Homework & Reflection Attempt to create a list of 20 questions to ask yourself during your design project. 1. What is the design brief? 2. What is the concept of the design? 3. What is the context of the design? 4. Is there any precedent could be used for the design? 5. How to manage the designer agenda of the design? 6. What is the scale of the design? 7. What material is rational for the design? 8. What the sketch of the design would look like? 9. What material systems could be used for the design? 10. What software could be used for the digital model making?

11. What would the digital model look like? 12. What material could be used for the physical model making? 13. What would the physical model would look like? 14. Who could be asked for some feedback? 15. Is there anything could be changed from the first feedback? 16. How many rounds of proposal would be necessary for the design? 17. Are all the suggestions helpful for the design? 18. How to present the final design? 19. Is the final design achieved the design brief? 20. Is there anything not been accomplished for the final design?

It is motivating to ask yourself expressly twenty questions once. If I could ask myself these many questions when I did design every time, I could improve quickly.

B2 Design Decisions Reading Reflection The reflective practitioner: How professionals think in action Schon, D.A.

I have read the book review of “The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action.” by Briggs, Richard and MacDonald, H. Malcolm. It told the approach to understanding the acquisition and use of practical knowledge by “practitioners”. The reasons of the difference between these two types of knowledge as problematic are: 1. there has been a large expansion in the number of professions and practitioners since the Second World War, sophisticated occupational skills and great advances in technology were demanded more. 2. The professionals’ status had grown while the dependence of this group had been greater. 3. It is urgent for the practitioner to solve problems without prolonged scientific study.

Reading the book review could get the main points of the book quickly you would miss huge of information of the book. The directly missing information is the samples. The book review would only tell you the author of the book wrote some examples. Maybe it would describe few of them, though it still would not be portrayed clearly.

B2 Design Decisions Reading Reflection What computers still can't do Dreyfus, H. L. In my study now, I have already found that there are some techniques that computers could not do. For example, I am studying Digital Design and Fabrication this semester. I am making the model with skin and bone system. The techniques with computer like laser cut or 3D print did not suit for our model. We are using the plastic pipes to build the bone of the structure and the cotton string for the skin part. Thus, we need to perforate the holes. 3D print technique has nothing to do with this. Laser cut could perforate the holes though it only could work on the limited flat materials in recent situation. Therefore, the only way for our physical model making is hand making.

I have read several book review of “What computers still can't do�. I have found that different audiences would get different information they need. Design student and science student would write different book reviews. Even the writers of the book review were studying the same course, they would give the different opinion. Thus, it is still necessary to read the original book.

B2 Design Decisions Weekly Reflection

I designed this model for this week’s earth studio. It is FRAME & INFILL structure. There are two concepts I believed when I designed this. The first one is “less is more”, the second one is one Chinese word “ 和而不同 ” which means harmony without uniformity. I create the geometric frame and curving infill. I put the frame in line but the distances of the gaps between the frame are different. I painted the frame in white though the material is different with the infill. The model is stable whereas it could change the shape random. I think this design achieved the design brief as well as my personal designer agenda.

B2 Design Decisions Workshop Exercises & Reflection We were asked to write the design process and some questions to ask ourselves. Our group's work.

These are common design process we thought, although I think different design would have different process individually. Moreover, different people would do different processes for same design brief. This is why design is an attractive work. Neighbour group's work.

B3 What to do when stuck

B3 What to do when stuck Lecture & Reflection There are exercises in the lecture time: 1.Design a Perfect Room (3 mins) 2.Design the most Beautiful Space you can imagine (3 mins) 3.Now, take 5 mins and jot down three points for each on why these tasks were so difficult

1. Time is limited to design someting "perfect". 2. The design brief is unclear. What is the function of the room? Who will be design for? ‌ 3. The context of this design is unidentified. What scale should be for this room? ‌

B3 What to do when stuck Lecture & Reflection Take a Break

Changing Designer’s Frame of Reference

Arbitrary Time periods


Kinaesthetic – body smart Logical – number smart

Naturalistic – nature smart Changing Medium of Working

Arbitrary Exercises

Changing When You Work

I used diagrams to note the main points from lecture. The first one is for what to do when getting unstuck. The second one is the Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligences.

Musical – music smart


Intrapersonal – myself smart

Visual/Spatial – picture smart

Interpersonal – people smart Linguistic – word smart

B3 What to do when stuck Lecture & Reflection

There are six kinds of blocks from lecture.







B3 What to do when stuck Lecture & Reflection PERCEPTUAL BLOCKS is the block which cannot see problem or useful information. This example of perceptual blocks is The Le Grand Large Hotel which located in Sanhe, Hebei China. It is 41.6-metre-high which was recorded the largest pictographic building in the Guinness World Record in 2011. For me, it not even could be seen as an architecture. There is no aesthetical value for this building. The internal rooms have been limited in strange shapes as well. It did not consider the environment around the building. The only information I got from this building is that the property developers is rich and rustic.

B3 What to do when stuck Reading Reflection Chapter 8, Conceptual Blockbusing: A Guide to better Ideas Adams

29 Ways to Stay Creative TO-FU

The article talked about few methods that could be consciously applied to solve problem. Such as questioning attitude which is common when I was a child. I always asked my father why why why. Growth with age, I even hate to ask questions for a period of time. Now I understand more that laying my ignorance out in the open that involving an emotional block. It would be rapidly disappeared since the low degree of omniscience be presented. Others like fluency and flexibility thinking, thinking aids, checklist for new ideas, understanding the problem, devising a plan, carring out the plan, examining the solution obtained unconscious blockbusting, and fantasy analogy are all useful.

There are 29 ways to stay creative that be shown in the video. I list some that I have not tried before. 1. Take risks 2. Break the rules 3. Don’t force it The ninth way of it is listen to new music. I have listened a new song list which called “what I am listening while I am thinking” during I am writing this journal. Here is part of the songs I have listened.

B3 What to do when stuck Reading Reflection Can architecture make us more creative? Molloy

The article pointed some spaces which are the most creative spaces in the world. Such as MIT’s Building 20, the Ancient Greek Agora, 18th Century British teahouses, and early 20th century Parisian cafés. They make people interact, let people tinker and don’t overplan. Therefore, Architecture foster a culture of creativity by active people to have interaction within it. The drawing video in this page is really interesting and intelligent.

B3 What to do when stuck Weekly Reflection The 17th of "29 ways to stay creative" is "go somewhere new". I went to Grampians national park during the break. We (actually most did by my friend) shot the milk way by near a small unnamed pool. The reflection makes the photo be fabulous which enlighten me for model making by using reflection to get interesting view. We also saw the brim silo art there. It was painted by Guido van Helten during 2015-2016. It is really ingenious which I never thought before. I went to Melbourne Museum and NGV with my friend from Sydney. He said that Melbourne is an art city. I saw some good example of storyboard in Melbourne Museum which could learn the skill in the after drawing. I posed like the painting in NGV, it is really funny.

B3 What to do when stuck Workshop Exercises & Reflection We were told to design three exercise for Amenity Technology and Poetry in this class. I created three question which are: 1. List 5 points about the bedroom design characters. (Think about function, how, where, who ‌) 2. Do a sketch about the bedroom design in your personal style. 3. Design one of the furniture which is necessary in bedroom in 3 ways. Although there was no one been told to do the exercise I did in somehow. There is the exercise which I got from my classmate in class. Introduction This exercise is to allow an individual to experience each of the design thinking processes: amenity, poetry and technology. The exercise is expected to take anywhere from 40 minutes to 1 hour. Each exercise is interlinked with the amenity exercise coming first, then poetry and lastly, technology. Amenity There is a space with the dimensions of 8 by 8 metres. The space is to match the theme of the given image. The amenity designer is tasked to create a mind map of the following: who and what the space can be used for [1 mind map for who + 1 mind map for what the space is]. Poetry Following on from the amenity designer, the poetry designer is then tasked to create the form of the space continuing on from the chosen: who and what by the amenity designer. The design process that the poetry designer is expected to undertake is undergo a crazy nine exercise. After completing the crazy nine exercises, the poetry designer is expected to choose one design that they want to refine. Once they have chosen, one, they area expected to under take another crazy nine exercise, trying to refine and develop the chosen idea.

B3 What to do when stuck Workshop Exercises & Reflection Technology Once the form has been completed, the technology designer is then tasked to choose the finishes for the building/ shelter whilst incorporating the final form designed by the poetry designer. The technology designer is also expected to include furniture if required for the space.

I have finished the first exercise and half of the second exercise with the limited time in class. The exercise said I have to create two mind maps. Though after I discussed with the exercise designer, we found it is enough for only build one mind map in fact. For this exercise, the more I thought is about painting, gallery and something that is close to these. Although, the designer of the exercise thought more about kindergarten or something like it. It surprised me that maybe I need to think much deeper to oppose the fear of overthinking.


C1 Developing DESIGN Ideas

C1 Developing DESIGN Ideas Lecture & Reflection There are three overall strategic matters: Key determinants of design outcomes Designers’ frames of reference Scales of consideration Key determinants of design outcomes would be seen as the Venn diagram in the right. Designers’ frames of reference include a grid of possible approaches/ foci/ starting points/ emphases. Scales of consideration comprises one way to develop a design idea is to deal with additional scales.

The site

The task

Wider issues

You, The designer, Your discipline

Developing design ideas include “Tactics: scamper�, and “Strategies: for developing design ideas� which are shown in the diagram below.

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C1 Developing DESIGN Ideas Lecture & Reflection This lecture talked about developing design ideas. The lector talked about the samples about Chinese gardens. It is very proud that the architecture from my country could be the examples in the university of Melbourne lecture. I saw the images from the Chinese garden which remind me the study before. From B1 CINEMA + ARCHITECTURE, we analysed the image’s layer. Therefore, there are four layers in this image. The top layer is the interior room, there are typical Chinese furniture like round table. It is clean and shows the information about the interior room clearly. The second layer is the wall of doors. The hollowed-out doors build a Partition wall to separate the interior space and exterior space while the light could still go inside. Even I could feel the air flow between interior and exterior. A lady was walking outside

the door makes the third layer. The elevation. It could image that how colour of this layer is colourful which comfortable if I could live in this is different with inner. Moreover, the garden especially in high summer. bottom layer is the pavilion in the distance. It is discrete by the river in the garden and built on the higher

C1 Developing DESIGN Ideas Homework & Reflection Largest Scale




What will the real

Is there any different

Is there any different

materials be for this design? (Nature materials within the island)

design for the real building which did not show in the model?

looking for the real building? (The infill may be different because of the materials)

(The doors and windows and interior design are not show in model) Middle Scale

What materials are useful for the physical model? (MDF & Polypropylene)

What function should this design include? (All function should be

How could the designer agenda be achieved? (I keep my own concept

achieved could be found in the 和而不同 for whole work) design brief) Smallest Scale

How should I do the construction and structure design for this project? (Rectangle frame & wave infill)

Who is the user of this design? (All the visitors on Herring island)

What would the design look like? (Idea from the three exercise we did before)

C1 Developing DESIGN Ideas Homework & Reflection Here are the images of my studio earth work. I think I did think from the Scales of Consideratio to finish this work. It is a usful way to develop the design thinkings step by step. I would keep using this way for the future design. CLONING DESIGN IDEAS is useful for my work. The rectangle frame is the repetition. It is the series of constraint with variations. I am also using PLAYING WITH DESIGN IDEAS. My concept of this work is " 和而不同 "which is also one kind of Yin and Yang. ELABORATING & EMBELLISHING DESIGN IDEAS could been found in this design, the theme of this design is “crush of a girl”.

C1 Developing DESIGN Ideas Reading Reflection Disjunction, Architecture and Disjunction Bernard Tschumi

I have read the “Disjunction, Architecture and Disjunction� which was written by Bernard Tschumi. It talked about seven parts about disjunction which are disjunction and culture, dis-structuring, order, strategies of disjunction, limits, notation, disjunction and the Avant-grade. This article links with my work of studio earth that we did the model making steps disjunction. After reading this article, I am thinking whether I could rebuild another model with the disjunction of this model. It will get a new form which may be surely stimulating.

C1 Developing DESIGN Ideas Weekly Reflection

I was studying Digital Design and Fabrication this semester. This is the model making process of M3. We used the human model at first. Though, after we putted the model on human body, the model became different. It is like the “scales of consideration” from this week’s lecture. The scale and shape would be different between expectation and real.

C1 Developing DESIGN Ideas Workshop Exercises & Reflection We did the exercise about boutique retail pop-up store design in Melbourne centre this week. We started from amenity first, thought about the client types. After that we discussed a room design and used the basic shape to design some furniture. After class, I design my own boutique plan which have the cloth around, the counter in the centre of the room with the jewel sell. Two models are set near the door.

C2 Evaluating and Selecting between Ideas

C2 Evaluating and Selecting between Ideas Lecture & Reflection


Bases of Choice

Delphi Method

TradeOff Games

Decision Matrices

CRITICISM Attoe’s Model

The Critic’s Intent

C2 is about Evaluating and Selecting between Ideas. Before I listened the lecture, I thought criticism only exist after you finish you work. But actually, critic’s focus is before the work, on the work itself, and after work. It reminds me that mostly I never read the rubric before I start the work. Thus, the assessment should keep doing as well as the work processing. The criticism should not only by client (for us is tutor), but also by ourselves. The evaluation and decision making have five points. The criticism has four points which are told in the lecture. The more detail of criticism for this week would be found in weekly reflection later.

The Critic’s Focus

The Critical Situation

C2 Evaluating and Selecting between Ideas Homework & Reflection This is my work from designing environment before. I set out the criteria to assess it. The full mark of each part is 10. If I could do this before, I think I could re do something to get better mark from myself and my tutor.


Visual Interest







C2 Evaluating and Selecting between Ideas Homework & Reflection

The marks of these three my favourite buildings for these criticism is high. It is not implausible. After all, they are all my favourite buildings. Once I could do this high level design, I could be written in the architecture history book. Concept Visual Interest Functionality Environment-friendly Suzhou Museum





MSD building





Beijing National Aquatics Center 10




C2 Evaluating and Selecting between Ideas Homework & Reflection Suzhou Museum is designed by one of my favourite architect I. M. Pei which combine old and new, Chinese and western. It is harmonious with the city of Suzhou, the modern architectures provide the feeling of ancient Chinese drawing. It is the favourite concept of architecture. I do love the Chinese culture as a Chinese. I do love the modern architecture as an architecture student. What I would like to do for the real work in the future is to design the modern Chinese architecture like I. M. Pei. Not do some fake ancient Chinese architecture, not do some modern architecture without Chinese culture. MSD building is the building I study every day in university. The function of this building is fantastic. Also it is a environment friendly architecture. For example, the water for toilet in MSD building is rainwater. It is a new building which include an old faรงade. It is good to keep the relic. Although I think the visual of the building is not that attracted for me. Beijing National Aquatics Center is an interesting new technique building in Beijing. It looks fabulous, the concept of the building is remarkable, the functions of it is fantastic, also it is environment friendly building. All of stuffs for this building is amazing for me. If there is something need further, I think the culture elements are not that enough for this building.

C2 Evaluating and Selecting between Ideas Reading Reflection Missingham, Greg, 1984, Cooking Seidler, Transition 4 (1), October/ November, pp. 3-4. [Editorial]. Like the introduction of this article said “This Editorial from an old Transition magazine has been included for the particularly curious. It outlines what I thought at the time (and still do) to be a very odd sequence of interpretation, criticism, justification and counter-claims about architecture that might amuse some of you. One trusts that, though I wouldn't bet on it, the law has improved since that time.” After I finished this article’s reading (really hard to read), I thought this may be the reading for law students. Though, it is a good example for us to think about criticism. Sometimes, something looks like useless, but you still could learn something from it. It even could say, everything from this world would teach you something.

C2 Evaluating and Selecting between Ideas Weekly Reflection

I have done this conceptacle model for the earth studio. The idea of this model came from the PLP model and frame & infill model I did before. I used the methods we learned from C1, Decomposing and Grafting. After this week’s learning, I did some criticism from my friends, tutors and myself. I have already know what could I change for the final presentation.

C2 Evaluating and Selecting between Ideas Workshop Exercises & Reflection We did some design about NYC AQUARIUM this week in class. We started from “who” “where” “how”, used the brief to analyse from amenity. Then, we designed a logo for the aquarium which is a blue fish. My English name is Arkun, and the other group member is Aliya. Thus, we named our group as A-studio. We also designed a logo for our A-studio. It is better to work in group which could do criticism while we are designing. It would be much more effective.


C3 DESIGN COMMUNICATION Lecture & Reflection There are nine points for presentation and communication: 0. what is your design position? 1. narrative: a form of story telling 2. knowing your concept 3. use of precedent 4. three levels of communication 5. presentation techniques _ 2d, 3d + graphics 6. the observer - how the EYE works 7. laying out the page 8. talking to your pages

This lecture told us how to do a good presentation which could sell our design better. It is a difficult step for me indeed. I thought it is because the language weakness before. Thought after I listened this lecture, I thought I had lost some logic for presentation. How could ours understand my work in only 5-7 mins especially someone never see it before. I do need improve my English present skill, not only how I present what I want to tell others, but also how I present interestedly which let the audience would like to listen my presentation. The more important thing for me is how to manage the most important information in the presentation. I always only put the stuffs which are requisite on the presentation board. Although, why I choose this view of section, what this drawing will tell others. I never thought about this before.

C3 DESIGN COMMUNICATION Homework & Reflection + Weekly Reflection + Workshop Exercises & Reflection The final presentation board had been done this week.

Crush of A Girl

Crush of A Girl

Inspired Design

Design Process

Frame & Infill

Maybe tutors know final is coming, there are no reading for C3 and we did same work for homework and in class exercise. I did a pre plan for my earth presentation board in class. It is just the first thinking of this presentation board which could be inspired for the final one .

Plan & Section B Technical Room



A Small Store

https://www.dezeen. com/2015/03/02/winter-stationstoronto-frozen-beaches-convertedlifeguard-towers-pavilionsinstallations-swings/

Lockable Store



Site Analysis

1:100 Section A

1:100 Floor Plan

1:100 Section B

Exterior Views & Interior View

Herrig Island is the only island located on the Yarra River which is hidden just 3km from the city. There are nature landscape and art sculptures which could be accessed only by boat. To maintain the tranquil environment in the island, the new design should use the natural materials like the sculptures in the island now. It was a basalt quarry in the last century which was filled with silt dredged from the river. The Herring Island created a shortcut created to lessen the likelihood of flooding.The levee banks around the island were rebuilt and trees were replanted in 1935 after the island been submerged in November 1934. The site I choose is overgrown with weeds. There is no tall tree growing on the site. Though tall trees are planted on the margin of the site. The secret could be hidden naturally with the environment. The elevation near the pavilion is higher than the ground where the pavilion would be built. It also could help the secret hiding. 1:1000 Site Plan

There are still some details need to be improved for this presentation board. If I could do it again, I would improve the quality of each of the images. The information from the section would be more reasonable. The layout of the first page is better than the second page. I think this presentation board only worth 60 mark if my physical model is 80 mark.

As the last page for whole journal, I would like to say, this is all reflection I could though. I am really not good at talking my thought especially for this metaphysical knowledge. I have tried my best to do this. All the best!

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