Group c module 2

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783990, 813267, 798105, 798554 Siavish Malek + Group C

SKIN AND BONE - PERSONALSPACE - SECOND SKIN This is a simple brief of this project with our understanding. Skin and bone structure is a cooperating system that skin and bone both have their functions, but while they working together, it is more ef ciency and results in more than one plus one equals two. Second skin can be clothes which cover human’s body and protect people from unexpected touch from others, also hide private secrets. The second skin we made not only used to cover, protect or hide, but also create the boundary of personal space with showing their personal characteristics. Personal space is the room that we think people need to act and breath and people will think it is belonging to them and they feel disturbed when others go into their private space. Personal space could be different for different people, such as they may willing to share part of their space with friends and family but feel unhappy when touched by strangers in public areas. Thus, when we recognised that we should design for a target group after we nished module 1, we narrow down the people range, which is aim to feel the world by hearing and touching more instead of looking. We spent lots of time to make decisions because we wanted to explain all good ideas in models, which obviously hard and nearly fail, but after we picked the key points, the structure of model become much clear. Finally, we focus on reducing visual ability but developing the auditory sense. Hearing the wonderful sounds to feel the world in a different way.

PERSONAL SPACE MEASUREMENT Differences of personal space for most of people and low vision people. For most of people, the personal space in front of face is relatively big, because people are used to see and understand the world by eyes. Therefore, the eyes is the part which is open to the outside world and information most. To the contrast, the lackness of eyesight will narrow the demand of personal space around the face area will be smaller than others. Because of they cannot see much things from his eyes which affect the ability of receiving the information from the environment surround him. They might afraid to be disturbed suddenly in his personal space. Oppositely, the reduce of eyesight can cause the other senses become stronger than normal person. Especially for the auditory sense. The hearing tending to become more sensitive because the most information they get are from the ears.

Sketch Design Development The sketch idea comes from against invensions from others, so it is designed to has hard boundary and pointed angles that can make people keep away from users. It provides strong, hard bones to support whole structure and uses clear, thin string to connect and cover frames instead of fabric. Strings are better than whole covering because it is super light, will not block eyesight, allow wind and sunlight to go through.

The inspiration is the paper fan, and the idea is to use the arrangement of the steel blade. It’s a half-opened structure wraps around the shoulder to afford protection. This structure on the neck area which is most sensitive and needs a protection It’s a very clearly skin and bone structure, bone and skin can only work together. Bone can support the skin; meanwhile, skin can use for strength. The whole structure is very exible and retractable. People can quickly wear and get off.

Re ned Sketch Model

This sketch model was inspired by the module 1’s research. Through the way of study the structure of umbrella, I found that the repeating a kind of regular pattern of pin joints would allow the structure have ability to create multiple surfaces. The structure could expand and fold in the many different forms. It could be at, also could become a 3 dimensional structure. For some part of the structure, you can stretch it wider or shorter, higher or lower. Therefore, the structure could become any form you want. The skin would xed this movable form. Different material and area could form each grid of the structure differently. Therefore, the skin and bone work together as whole to achieve the skin and bone structure, which is the main spirit of skin and bone structure. This structure could continue to built to achieve the aim of second skin project to become a complete structure.

2nd Skin proposed design V.1

This model is made of triangles, but there are not sharp angles because it is not designed to be aggressive and harmful, except the one at back and also near right arm. The left side are protected by the frame and almost covered, and most people use right hand more often, the angle at right side is aim to remind people to keep away. Triangle shape will be stable for the whole structure, and the skin is planned to be string among frames which can give good tension. Using string to build a skin is also benefit to reduce the weight of second skin, the lighter the better.

The element which in front of face is function based, it is foldable, can change the cover as the same material as sunglass which protect user’s’ eyes. Also, the top part of

This diagram is show-

whole structure which located above head can covered

ing the personal space

by sunproof and rainproof material to face the climate

created by model.


2nd Skin proposed design V.2

The idea also came from the umbrella. The folding silk looks like the closed umbrella which could be opened and closed like the umbrella. The meaning of it is when the person be scared, you can open your armor to be a weapon to bit others. The idea of changing could be used in the future design. Though the silk skin and hard born may not be helpful.

The hard bone is limited to create shapes. The silky skin is circumscribed as well. This boundedness is adversely with the changeable characteristic of the bone and skin construction. Also, this primary design did not consider the force. It may be impossible to hold on the human body. The comfortability of the second skin should be expected as one of the most important condition as the design brief. The thinking about the personal space is also primitive. Not everyone needs to protect themselves and ght with others all the time.

Precedent Research Name of precedent and designer Winde Rienstra’s “11:11�Collection

What is the concept of the precedent? [Maximum 5 key words] Tension, exploring, tangible garments

Using the timber frames to shape the string and build a beautiful curly surface which looks like flat but actually is three dimensional shape. It is attractive and interesting to audiences.

Descrip on of precedent Winde explored human energy to the tangible garments to show the tension between people and the wearing. The material of these designs are mainly timber frames and white, thin string. They have good comparison between color, texture, weight, density. Although string can build great density for surface by arrangement, it just creates a net, not a solid item. However, they work together well.

Precedent applied to design Tension, exploring, tangible garments

If the frame is not as hard as timber,

The surface created by string is rela-

the tension provided by string translate

tively soft, so it can be wear on com-

into the compression of bones, which

fortably, string reduce the weight

make the bone deformation, could

and breathe free for people which

String can offer a tension to shape structure and also create sur-

be both good and bad effects.

makes the design more practical.

face while people arranging it carefully. The visible crosses of string

How can you use this precedent to inuence your design ?

may not really crossed on the same layer.

Design development - Version #1 Through processing our idea, we have been trapped with the term “personal space”. We have always think about how to de ne the word “personal space” and decided whether it should be protecting ourselves or welcome other people. We trapped ourselves in a very board concept and do not really know how to move on. After review the week 4 lecture recording which inspired us a lot. The lecture mentioned that we could play with sense. For instance, auditory sense, tactile sense, Smelling or visual sense. We could both increase or reduce a kind of sense. Moreover, from the lecture, it said that we should narrow down to one speci c person with one speci c condition to make our design more valuable and meaningful. Therefore, we coming up an idea that what we thinking about a low vision people. Think about his feeling of this world. He could barely see the world, what he can see is only dim and unclear point of light. Although, we are not blind, we could feel the feeling when we close our eyes and stay at the outside. Your feeling is totally different to the feeling when you open your eyes. You will be afraid to walk because you may fall or knock to the wall or something. However, when you lost your visual sense, your other sense of the body will become far more sensitive. Through my feeling, the strongest sense is the auditory sense, and then is your tactile sense and the smell sense.

Design development - Version #1

So thay, we decided to create a 2nd skin model to show and express the how this 5 years old boy’s personal space is different from the normal people’s personal space. And also create the feeling of this 5 year old boy when people wearing this model. After a simple sketch, the rst deign idea is formed by a structure that cover people’s head and leave big hole at the area of ear. The skin will use the material is not transparent. People could barely see the light go through. And the opening structure for the ear would enhance the auditory sense. However, through processing this idea. Our group found this idea is great, but this design is hard to achieve and hard to nd proper material to use. Furthermore, the ear structure is too normal and boring. Everyone will think the same structure when we talk about how to decrease the auditory sense.

Design development - Version #2

In this development design, we keep using the core idea from previous one, that is, narrows down the vision. However In this design, we emphasis the tactile sensation rather than vision. Because tactile sensation can be directly shown out. We envisage the whole bone part is still made of different pipe such as PVC pipe, poly pipe, plumbing hose. Pipes are very exible and easy to create forms we want. Additionally, I want to put the hole ring on the pipe, and then the woollen yarn can easily connect to pipes.

Design development - Version #2

According to the lecture, we are trying to using the technique of both skin and bone to explain a feeling. After reached, human mind constantly depends on the object which is taken from 83% of visual, 11% of auditory, 3.5% of olfactory, 1% of gustatory and 1.5% of tactile means (Source: Harvard University). Low-vision-people have a keen touch; they can better nd obstacle rather than those people who have the better vision. However, when they in a room with the high density of objects, accuracy reduced (source: www. Therefore, even though those group people have the keen sense and the can often recognise objects by feeling/ touching them, they still will easily get hurt in daily life. Based on that, we try to do the second skin which can help those people limit the damage. They can work, shopping, or study like people who have better vision.

Prototype To build a model of ideal personal space, we considered many problem, so we followed tutor’s instruction to test materials. The left example is one of the lightest one we made, it made of transparent straws and black thin string which usually used to sew. The geometric bone can fold to close and open when force apply. String used to tie and connect straws, provide a tension to hold the shape. Also, the crossing string contributes to built a curly surface. However, the straw is too weak which means the strength of this model is poor and it is not long-lasting. The same problem found when we made the right-bottom model. The model made of white water pipe create the most exible frame that we made, but the material of string still need to adjust. Though the wire has good texture, it hard to be shaped to straight by hand, black cotton string works better at this stage.


To summarize, the nal prototype consists of 3 different types of pies, 3 different types of cotton string, 3 types of screw eyes and 2 different types of joints consist. With the obvious color and texture contrast to show a personal space with less vision and expanded audition. To be more criticized, we could explore more on how to reduce the auditory sense rather than just keep it open. During the processing, we tried many different kinds of form for the ear structure, but it does not satis ed our requirements. In the future, we will keep exploring and trying our best to create best structure for ear to express the goal of reducing the auditory sense.


We are still focus on the idea that creating the feeling of low-vision person. The whole structure was painted in to the black which shows the sense of heavy. Dark is rational to express the feeling of this person who is living in the dark and suffering from it. The above structure was constructed with high density of cotton string to reduce the visual sense and stimulate the feeling of unclear sight. Moreover, this structure could express the fears of feeling and touching the outside world by shadows we created to hide. However, there is no cover near the left ears and the colourful cotton string are held at the right ear side. It represents the strong sense of hearing and the vivid information from the beautiful world. At the rst stage, we have tested in many different kinds of materials and size for pipes, screws and joints. And we nally decided to use those materials to create the best effects for our design. Those materials are 13mm White PVC Washing Machine And Dishwasher Plumbing Hose, 15mm Press Class PVC Pipe and 16mm Reinforced Pressure Hose. The White PVC Washing Machine And Dishwasher Plumbing Hose is very flexible which is easy to create many kinds of shapes we want. It is relatively easy to pin the screw eyes on the pipes which would let cotton string tie up neatly. Moreover, in order to support the structure above the head, we need to utilize hard holding. Press Class PVC Pipe has high quality to act as load bearing of the small structure.

Prototype Although it is extremely rigid to cut into the size and form requisite. Furthermore, Reinforced Pressure Hose is one kind of transparent pipe which is a little bit harder than White PVC Washing Machine And Dishwasher Plumbing Hose which could help the above structure be more stable to hold itself. And we used two different types of joints which are Press 50mm 45 deg PVC Elbow and 15mm Press PVC Plain Tee. Press 45 deg PVC Elbows provide more variable shapes of the structure and Press PVC Plain Tees create T shapes that could connect separate parts as a whole structure. We choose 3 different sized screw eyes which are 30mm 17mm 15mm. We used the smallest size for the surface which will cover the face with huge numbers of cotton string. It would offer the effect of reducing the visual sense maximally. Thirdly, the smallest thickness of cotton string was used to cooperate with the smallest size of screw eyes to create the surface in front of eyes. And the normal thickness of cotton string was used to tie the structures near shoulder strongly. It could keep the best site of the structure on the shoulder. The colourful cotton string to connect the ear part which could be contrasted with the all black model. The open personal space next to the ear part receives the information of the world friendly and enthusiastically.

Testing Effects

We tested the effects of the second skin through prototyping. We realized that the ruled surface work very well to reducing the visual sights and have a really good quality to penetrate the light go through from the outside. Moreover, the above structure is really close to your face and cooperate with the high density of the lines will give you more pressure to your facial part. To the contrast, the open space at the ear part will force you to pay more attention to the auditory sense, which will successfully achieve the aim that improving the auditory sense. The whole structure is relatively light, stable and comfortable to sit on the shoulder.

Testing Effects



To summarize, the nal prototype consists of 3 different types of pies, 3 different types of cotton string, 3 types of screw eyes and 2 different types of joints consist. With the obvious color and texture contrast to show a personal space with less vision and expanded audition. To be more criticized, we could explore more on how to reduce the auditory sense rather than just keep it open. During the processing, we tried many different kinds of form for the ear structure, but it does not satis ed our requirements. In the future, we will keep exploring and trying our best to create best structure for ear to express the goal of reducing the auditory sense.



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