Module 4 yakun li 798554

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(798554) Siavish Malek + Group C

Contents 0.0 Introduction

1.0 Ideation 1.1 Object: 1.2 Object + System Analysis 1.2 Volume 1.3 Sketch design proposal 1.4 Reflection for M1 2.0 Design 2.1 Design development intro 2.2 Digitization + Design proposal v.1 2.3 Precedent research 2.4 Design proposal v.2 2.5 Prototype v.1+ Testing Effects 2.6 Reflection for M2

3.0 Fabrication 3.1 Fabrication intro 3.2 Design development & Fabrication of prototype v2 3.3 Design development & Fabrication of prototype v3 3.4 Final Prototype development + optimisation 3.5 Final Digital model 3.6 Fabrication sequence 3.7 Assembly Drawing 3.8 Completed 2nd Skin 3.9 Reflection for M3 4.0 Reflection. 5.0 Appendix: 5.1 Credit: 5.2 Bibliography

0.0 Introduction Hi, I am Rainbow Hoop, the project from Skin and Bone system. In this journal, we will tell the whole story of me. This model is designed for the wearers to try the feeling when the visual sense be reduced. Other sense like touching and hearing will be increased since the visual sense is decreased.


Umbrella Skin and Bone

1.1 Object: Umbrella The measured drawings show the exact appearance of the umbrella. At first, the distances of the details were measured by tape measure. Then, the umbrella was held straight which could receive the plan view and elevation view. Used the photos of different views to trace the drawing. Finally, change the scale with the measures. Afterward finished the hand drawing, the distances of every detail of the umbrella are clear, the form of the umbrella is clear. It is easy to do the digital model after that. In the end, followed the details from drawing to finish the digital model in Rhino step by step.










1.2 Object + System Analysis

This umbrella is the obvious sample of the skin and bone structure. The umbrella fabric link with the umbrella stands by the thread. They work together that without any of them would be rickety. Skin is not just the cover of the bone, it works for the structure. At the same time, the volume of the umbrella could be changed when the umbrella is opened and closed. This is one of the advantages of the skin and bone structure that the skin could be folded and the bone also could be adjusted. The joints of the umbrella are pin joints mostly. It is no need to link the whole skin with the bone.



1.2 Volume

We are told to use the umbrella to build a new model. I created a model by the umbrella which keeps the skin and bone system immediately. I cut the umbrella silk and separated the umbrella stand and stem. After that, I linked different stands by the rag. With this special structure, the model could change the shape optionally. The photos show the model be held in various ways.

1.3 Sketch design proposal

Changing angles

The line could help the bones near it to change the angle.

The design is based on the skin and bone system. The bone could change the angles like the umbrella. The skin part also could be changed with the bone changing. It could be built more repeatedly. It is like an armour to protect the person self when you face other in the front.

Fold silk

Head loop

The idea also came from the umbrella. The folding silk looks like the closed umbrella. The front view and the back view are same. Even it could be built near the arms to be symmetrical. It also could be opened like the umbrella. The meaning of it is when the person is scared, you can open your armour to be a weapon to bit others.

The bone twines around the head, the skin only links one side with the bone. There are also supporting bones which could hold the model on the shoulder. For the further design, the skin could be built longer. It is the third realm that you can hide your own to live yourself do not mind others.

1.4 Reflection for M1

The works for Module 1 had been done is not that clear what should I do in fact. I had not understood skin and bone system exactly. The sketch designs are just some simple thinking without deep-delved. They were the images of mine with no practicality merely. If I did some digital design to get the 3D model in Rhino, I could know how could my design work or not work quickly. The reading for M1 talked about many skills for Rhino. Though it is not enough for only reading the books, the best way to improve the Rhino using proficiency is to use it more and more. It would take a long time in the beginning. It must take the process to practice that success turns on the effort. The volume of Module 1 is not effective. I heard that we only could use the umbrella as the materials to finish this work. Other classmates in my tutorial used the materials they chose to explain the systems. If I did it again, I believe I could do much better and understand the system much deeper. Sometimes, the thinking would be limited if there are too many frames. Although, the design brief is the frame of the design which we have to observe. Try the hard would get better.

2.0 Design

Baolin Qiu Bowen Liu Yakun Li Yixuan Huang

2.1 Design development intro We had started our group work since Module 2. After times of group meeting, we started to design something new. The idea to explain the personal space for our group has some common with my third sketch design - head loop. Decrease the sense of visual would be interesting for our second skin design. Also, the circle is chosen to be the shape of our bone which is similar to my work from M1.

Second skin could be clothes which cover human’s body and protect people from an unexpected touch from others, also hide private secrets. The second skin we made not only used to cover, protect or hide, but also create the boundary of personal space with showing their personal characteristics. Personal space is the room that we think people need to act and breath and people will think it is belonging to them and they feel disturbed when others go into their private space. Personal space could be different for different people, such as they may be willing to share part of their space with friends and family but feel unhappy when touched by strangers in public areas. Thus, when we recognised that we should design for a target group after we finished module 1, we narrow down the people range, which is aimed to feel the world by hearing and touching more instead of looking. We spent lots of time to make decisions because we wanted to explain all good ideas in models, which obviously hard and nearly fail, but after we picked

the key points, the structure of model become much clear. Finally, we focus on reducing visual ability but developing the auditory sense. Hearing the wonderful sounds to feel the world in a different way. Differences of personal space for most of the people and low vision people. For most of the people, the personal space in front of the face is relatively big, because people are used to see and understand the world by eyes. Therefore, the eyes are the part which is open to the outside world and information most. To the contrast, the lackness of eyesight will narrow the demand of personal space around the face area will be smaller than others. Because of they cannot see much things from his eyes which affect the ability to receive the information from the environment surrounding him. They might afraid to be disturbed suddenly in his personal space. Oppositely, the reduce of eyesight can cause the other senses become stronger than the normal person. Especially for the auditory sense. The hearing tending to become more sensitive because the most information they get is from the ears.

2.2 Digitization + Design proposal v.1

The idea came from the umbrella. The folding silk looks like the closed umbrella which could be opened and closed like the umbrella. The meaning of it is when the person is scared, you can open your armour to be a weapon to beat others. The idea of changing could be used in the future design which is one of the benefits of the skin and bone system. Though the silk skin and hard bone may not be helpful. The hard bone is limited to create shapes. The silky skin is circumscribed as well. This boundedness is adverse with the changeable characteristic of the bone and skin construction. Also, this primary design did not consider the force. It may be impossible to hold on the human body. The comfortability of the second skin should be expected as one of the most important conditions as the design brief. The thinking about the personal space is also primitive. Not everyone needs to protect themselves and fight with others all the time.

2.3 Precedent research

Using the timber frames to shape the string and build a beautiful curly surface which looks like flat but is the three-dimensional shape in fact. It is attractive and interesting to audiences.

Winde explored human energy to the tangible garments to show the tension between people and the wearing. The material of these designs is mainly timber frames and white, thin string. They have the good comparison between colour, texture, weight, density. Although string can build great density for surface by arrangement, it just creates a net, not a solid item. However, they work together well. Winde Rienstra’s “11:11�Collection

If the frame is not as hard as timber, the

The surface created by string is relatively soft,

The string can offer a tension to shape the

tension provided by string translate into the

so it can be wear on comfortably, string re-

structure and create surface while people ar-

compression of bones, which make the bone

duce the weight and breathe free for people

ranging it carefully. The visible crosses of the

deformation, could be both good and bad

which makes the design more practical.

string may not really cross on the same layer.


2.4 Design proposal v.2

According to the lecture, we are trying to use the technique of both skin and bone to explain a feeling. After reaching, human mind constantly depends on the object which is taken from 83% of visual, 11% of auditory, 3.5% of olfactory, 1% of gustatory and 1.5% of tactile means (Source: Harvard University). Low-vision-people have a keen touch; they can better find obstacle rather than those people who have the better vision. However, when they in a room with the high density of objects, accuracy reduced (source: Therefore, even though those group people have the keen sense and the can often recognise objects by feeling/ touching them, they still will easily get hurt in daily life. Based on that, we try to do the second skin which can help those people limit the damage. They can work, shopping, or study like people who have better vision.

In this development design, we keep using the core idea from previous one, that is, narrows down the vision. However, in this design, we emphasise the tactile sensation rather than vision. Because tactile sensation can be directly shown out. We envisage the whole bone part is still made of different pipe such as PVC pipe, poly pipe, plumbing hose. Pipes are very flexible and easy to create forms we want. Additionally, I want to put the hole ring on the pipe, and then the cotton string can easily connect to pipes.

2.5 Prototype v.1+ Testing Effects To summarise, the final prototype consists of 3 different types of pies, 3 different types of cotton string, 3 types of screw eyes and 2 different types of joints consist. With the obvious colour and texture contrast to show a personal space with less vision and expanded audition. To be more criticized, we could explore more on how to reduce the auditory sense rather than just keep it open. During the processing, we tried many kinds of form for the ear structure, but it does not satisfy our requirements. In the future, we will keep exploring and trying our best to create the best structure for the ear to express the goal of reducing the auditory sense. To build a model of ideal personal space, we considered many problems, so we followed tutor’s instruction to test materials. The left example is one of the lightest we made, it made of transparent straws and black thin string which usually used to sew. The geometric bone can fold to close and open when force

applies. String used to tie and connect straws, provide a tension to hold the shape. Also, the to building a curly surface. However, the straw is too weak which means the strength of this long-lasting. The same problem found when we made the right-bottom model. The model made of white water pipe create the most flexible frame that we made, but the to adjust. Though the wire has good texture, it hard to be shaped to straight by hand, black at this stage.

Although it is extremely rigid to cut into the size and form requisite. Furthermore, Reinforced of transparent pipe which is a little bit harder than White PVC Washing Machine and Dishwa could help the above structure be more stable to hold itself. And we used two different type 50mm 45 deg PVC Elbow and 15mm Press PVC Plain Tee. Press 45 deg PVC Elbows provide m structure and Press PVC Plain Tees create T shapes that could connect separate parts as a w We choose 3 different sized screw eyes which are 30mm 17mm 15mm. We used the smallest will cover the face with huge numbers of cotton string. It would offer the effect of reducing th Thirdly, the smallest thickness of cotton string was used to cooperate with the smallest size of surface in front of eyes. And the normal thickness of cotton string was used to tie the structu It could keep the best site of the structure on the shoulder. The colourful cotton string to co could be contrasted with the all black model. The open personal space next to the ear part r the world friendly and enthusiastically.

We are still focused on the idea that creating the feeling of the low-vision person. The whol the black which shows the sense of heavy. Dark is rational to express the feeling of this perso and suffering from it. The above structure was constructed with the high density of cotton sense and stimulate the feeling of unclear sight. Moreover, this structure could express the fea the outside world by shadows we created to hide. However, there is no cover near the l cotton string is held at the right ear side. It represents the strong sense of hearing and the beautiful world. At the first stage, we have tested in many different kinds of materials and size for pipes, sc finally decided to use those materials to create the best effects for our design. Those materials are 13mm White PVC Washing Machine and Dishwasher Plumbing Hose, 15 and 16mm Reinforced Pressure Hose. The White PVC Washing Machine and Dishwasher Plum which is easy to create many kinds of shapes we want. It is relatively easy to pin the screw would let cotton string tie up neatly. Moreover, to support the structure above the head holding. Press Class PVC Pipe has high quality to act as load bearing of the small structure.

e crossing string contributes model is poor and it is not

material of string still need k cotton string works better

d Pressure Hose is one kind asher Plumbing Hose which es of joints which are Press more variable shapes of the whole structure. t size for the surface which he visual sense maximally. f screw eyes to create the ures near shoulder strongly. onnect the ear part which receives the information of

le structure was painted in on who is living in the dark string to reduce the visual ars of feeling and touching eft ears and the colourful vivid information from the

crews, and joints. And we

5mm Press Class PVC Pipe mbing Hose is very flexible w eyes on the pipes which d, we need to utilize hard

To summarise, the final prototype consists of 3 different types of pies, 3 different types of cotton string, 3 types of screw eyes and 2 different types of joints consist. With the obvious color and texture contrast to show a personal space with less vision and expanded audition. To be more criticized, we could explore more on how to reduce the auditory sense rather than just keep it open. During the processing, we tried many different kinds of form for the ear structure, but it does not satisfy our requirements. In the future, we will keep exploring and trying our best to create the best structure for the ear to express the goal of reducing the auditory sense. We tested the effects of the second skin through prototyping. We realized that the ruled surface work very well to reducing the visual sights and have a really good quality to penetrate the light go through from the outside. Moreover, the above structure is really close to your face and cooperate with the high density of the lines will give you more pressure to your facial part. To the contrast, the open space at the ear part will force you to pay more attention to the auditory sense, which will successfully achieve the aim that improving the auditory sense. The whole structure is relatively light, stable and comfortable to sit on the shoulder.

2.6 Reflection for M2

The most effective sketch design from Module 1 chosen by my tutor is the second one -Fold silk. Therefore, I did the digital model in Rhino for it. The digital model could show the 3D views which let me understand that my sketch design did not work. Rhino is useful in designing especially for the people who are not good at drawing like me. My group had decided the basic form of our design while the material test. It is hard to find the appropriate materials for our skin and bone system. I went to Bunnings with my groupmates several times. We even have the cooperative problem with one of our groupmates for this. It took a long period to finish it. I did the digital model making for the prototype and a little bit work of physical model making. The journal had some issues at the end of the day before presentation. Thus, I helped to rewrite the journal for the whole night. The working for M2 let me not only learn the knowledge from our design but also how to fix the problem in a short time. The analysis of our skin and born system seem still not clear in M2.

3.0 Fabrication

Baolin Qiu Bowen Liu Yakun Li Yixuan Huang

3.1 Fabrication intro Our Module 2 confirmed our form of skin and born system which is using string for the skin and pipe for the bone. Though there are still problems we have not solved. The most important one is that the skin did not work sufficiently in structure. The skin did not have enough tension to hold the bone system. If we cut the strings, the pipe would still keep in the same place. The cotton string in the prototype works more like only the cover to explain our personal space idea.

3.2 Design development & Fabrication of prototype v2

M2 model recap and analysis. Two parts are consisting the M2 model. The one part is supporting part, which located at the both shoulder and one pipe standing at the back. This part doesn't present the value of the skin and bone structure. Because of the pipes was cut into different length and the joints and glue completely fix its shape. The strings within it don't provide any function. One continuous pipe makes the above part, and the strings hold its form. However, once the above part sitting on the supporting part on the shoulder, the supporting part fixed the form of the above part and replaced the role of strings, which result in the whole model lost its skin and bone structure.

Initial Response Therefore, to avoid the supporting structure ruined the sense of skin and bone structure, we decided to transfer the load bearing point from the shoulder to head. The model will sit on the head and use its self-weight to stretch out the whole structure, which means we will transfer our enemy "weight" as the energy of our skin and bone structure. Secondly, testing more material of tubes relate to its weight and flexibility to figure out the best material to fit the different part of the model. Furthermore, testing more different way of strings connection in relates to its different function and its different expression.

String Patterns Testing And Analysis

Through the process of testing patterns, we have been tried numbers of different patterns in the different form and bone material.

Rhombus Pattern 1. Strong tension 2. Fixed at 4 points result in the transform of the plastic circle.

Squire Pattern 1. Strong tension 2. Repetition and rotation of the squire pattern resulting in the great ability to form the circular for of the bone structure.

Using pipe as the bone structure to form the open and close structure. Four circles fixed one joint and using its self-weight to let the structure open and close. Using straw as the bone structure and cut it into different size, put the strings in to the staw and through the way of connecting to form the ruled surface. 1. Beautiful Patterns with hign desnsity. 2. Good in tenstion.

Tension Pattern 1. Great in tension 2. Especially for two component which having a heavier weight.

Tension Patterns is performing good in tension. However, the material of 6mm clear vinyl tubing is too light to achieve tension by using its self-weight.

Ruled Surface Pattern have a really good perform to form a beautiful and complex surface on the tube.

Moreover, ruled surface is also a great way of connecting in the position where having the cross of pipes.

Testing string patterns effect on the 6mm Clear Vinyl Tubing. After the test, we found that the string pattern will not perform well at 6mm clear vinyl tubing because it is too light and not enough self-weight to keep the string fully in tension. Therefore, we decided to use the pipe which have more weight.

Tension Patterns is performing good in tension, however, with the restriction of the self-weight of the tube, the tension patterns only work well in the space of one bent tube. And have good ability to hold its curve.

3.3 Design development & Fabrication of prototype v3

In the design of the prototype V.2, we came up the form of many regular circles, and there is no joints between each circle and the strings act as the joints and hold the whole structure as a whole. And we will use different strings patterns in different part to show its different function. The whole structure sits on the head and uses its self-weight to expand. However, as the images show that some of the strings were still very loose.We have to use hand to stretch to keep the tension of the strings. After analysis the model, we found that because the type of pipe we used is too soft and light. Therefore, the weight is not enough to expand its structure. The other reason that makes the tension of the strings not enough is that the some of the areas is not evenly stressed. Secondly, because of its softness, the pipes can not keep its circular form after being stretched in the different orientation.

3.4 Final Prototype development + optimisation Bone Material Testing

We tested the acrylic board as the bone structure, and laser cuts it into form and cutting holes on the acrylic board. Then put the strings on it. Through the processing, we found that the acrylic board is too easy to broke. As the picture shown below. Because of our project is using the self-weight as the energy to keep the string fully intension. Therefore, the weight may break the bone structure and also the material of acrylic is relatively light weight.

Therefore, we focus back on the pipes. We have been tested many kinds of pipes since the beginning of the M2. First of all, through the experience of using the 10 mm white water pipes, we found that the weight of the pipe is satisfying. However, the strength of the pipe is relatively strong. Therefore, it is hard to drill the hole on it by using the hole punch. Furthermore, because of its strength, it is also hard to form the shape we desired. From the images at the left, The way of shaping the pipe is that we cut it into different length and using the glue and joints to fixed.

We also tested the 10 mm black water pipe. Same as the 10 mm white water pipe, the strength of the pipe is strong and hard to drill the hole over it. And it is hard to form the shape we desired. Moreover, the weight of 10 mm black water pipe too heavy as well as to take the advantages of the lightness of skin and bone structure. As well as the black color shows the sense of heaviness that we do not put it into our design.

Finally, we decided to choose the reinforced transparent water pipe as the material of bone structure in our design. Because the reinforced transparent water pipe's weight is satisfying our design's need. Moreover, its strength is perfect to form the shape of our design and also not too strong to drill the hole over it by using the hole punch.Furthermore, the transparent color of the water pipes gives the sense of lightness which conforms to our design.

String Art

Through the test of strings patterns, we chose 4 of these ways of connection which are tension patterns, cross patterns, ruled surface patterns and square patterns.

We used the cross patterns on the surface over the head. For a reason is that the cross patterns could provide the most evenly force distribution. Which is the most comfortable way for people to wear?

Based on different functions of different connect patterns, we allocate different patterns into the different position in our design to give it best chance to show its advantage. We used different colors of strings to demonstrate its different functions. Because of the tension pattern's super ability to hold two components which have heavier weight. Therefore, we used tension patterns to act as the load-bearing elements to hold and carry the structure up to the position we want. All these load-bearing elements in tension patterns are in the color of purpose

Moreover, we also used this pattern as the eye cover surface. Because that this is the best way to create the most density surface in a single surface.

The square pattern can hold the circular form of the pipe while remaining in good tension. Therefore, the reason we use the square pattern in this area is that we what to keep this semicircle remain its curve to satisfy the shape we design in the 3d model. This pattern is the another version of square patterns. This shape is a triangle pattern; we transfer the square patterns to triangular to allow this patterns to hold the semi-circle shape rather than a circle shape. All this triangle pattern are in the color of green.

Moreover, we also used this pattern as the eye cover surface. Because that this is the best way to create the most density surface in a single surface. The ruled surface pattern have the advantages to create a beautiful and intricate surface. Meanwhile, it is also a great way of connecting two pipes cross to each other. Therefore, we decided to use this pattern to some the place where the pipe cross. We used yellow strings to express this. Moreover, we also used red strings in the ruled surface. However, the red string is not used to connecting two pipes cross to each but is for holding the curve form of the pipe while creating beautiful patterns.

3.5 Final Digital model

3.6 Fabrication sequence

According to the 3D model and measuring the distance between each connection points. And drill the pipe by using the hole punch.

Measure and drill the pipe

Cut The Pipe

According to the 3D model, measure the length of each component and cut the pipe into different length.

Form the pipe into the circle and Lable it Using the 6mm Clear Vinyl Tubing as the joints to connect the 8mm reinforced transparent pipe. And label each circle.

Using tape and timber batten to fix each component in the position we desired.

Fixation Tention

Start to put on the strings

Eye Cover

Line Arts

Final Adjust

3.7 Assembly Drawing

C4: 1470mm

C1: 1130mm

C3: 1580mm C2: 1380mm C5: 1380mm

3.8 Completed 2nd Skin

3.9 Reflection for M3

Module 3 is the most complicated design I ever did. We tried amount of time to complete the structure function of our string skin. It is quite hard to keep the strings always tight. Mostly, when we tied one side string tight, the other side we finished before became loose. After several weeks, we understood the interaction force on our model by design it first. We did the material test before with no overall form design. We only did what we thought when we got new materials. This experience of fighting with strings made me recognize the significant of finished sketch design absolutely. Although, even we tried this hard, the strings on the model still not all tight entirely. We went through the missing of materials and prototype in Fablab. It wasted our time while taught us to keep our materials and work carefully in the end. The high technique in Fablab is not quite useful for our group. We tried the laser cut once though we thought it would be common that most student would use Perspex for skin and bone system. We used pipes for bone which is novel though the hand making process for drilling the pipe is time-consuming and not as precise as the machine works. If I could do it again, if I still choose this pipe form, I would try 3D print to get clear shapes. Although, our pipe is flexible which the 3D print material would not achieve. For me, I think it would not be the disadvantages that the fixable bone would change the shape while our string skin is tied. The inflexible bone would keep the shape as the designers want which most students did I saw. It could say, we had another way to change our design after M2.

4.0 Reflection

The learning with Digital Design and Fabri responsible for digital model making, physic

Before this semester, I believed that the mo is not the most effective, the hard working group, I did more and more which did get

I tried my best to do the prototype almost irresponsible of the group members someti we did right is not what we were told to ac quickly. On the one side, it is operative for u

What would I do if I did this project again? early. We did the digital model late mostly. fabrication skills. It is my regret that I have n would be different. I understand the advic Tutors asked us for the reason for colour cho

Certainly, there is no these if. I am proud of

ication had finished recently. It is the first time I did one continued design for the whole semester. I did everything step by step. Even in the group work, I was cal model making, and journal writing. It is a valuable subject that I did learn a lot from this.

ost unmissable part for a design is to have a genius idea. Although, I understand design is not that simple and talent necessarily. Even you choose one way which g would lead you to success as well with a long time though. To be honest, I did not pay 100% endeavour for M1. With the time pass and the responsibility for the the better grade than M1. Though, I did not get the mark I wished for M3 that told me that group work is not only one person could finish.

t every week. Though it still not adequate. Because of the lack of the efficiency of our prototype, my group learned slowly from all these steps. Except lazy and imes, the language deficiency is one considerable reason. Sometimes we thought we understand what the tutor wants for next week, though what we thought chieve. The absence of English skill also made our presentation were not as good as we want. As a four Chinese students group, we could understand each other us to work together. On the other side, we missed another thing method with other culture backgrounds.

? Firstly, I would set the rules with my group members in the beginning. It would decrease the possible for accident happen. The digital model design would start . It need be changed while the physical model making, though it would be instructional before physical model making. I would try another material with modern not tried most fabrication technique this semester. I think if we try the 3D print to get the inflexible bone, our work would look more professional. The colour chosen ce from our tutor to use different colours to represent different functions is good. Even though I still want to try other colours design with only for attractive looking. osen. While I thought there is not everything with reason, something is only existing for good-looking.

f what I did for this semester truly. Especially after the catwalk activity, the photos I took looks quite fantastic. I am glad to have all of these in my university life.

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5.0 Appendix



5.1 Credit Model Fabrication


Model Assembly


Photography xx xx xx x

Writing x

x x

x x x x



x xxx

x xxx

x x

x x


xx xx x x

x x x x x

x xx x x x x x

x x x x xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

x xx xx x xx xx xxx

x x x x x

xxx xx xx

xxx xx xx

xxx xxx x

x x x x x

xx xxx xxx xxx

xx xxx xxx xxx

xxx xxx xxx xxx

x x x x


x x

x x


x x x x

xxx x x x Baolin Qiu Bowen Liu Yakun Li Yixuan Huang

Graphic Design x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

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Model Fabrication

Model Assembly



Graphic Design

x xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx

x x x x x

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

5.2 Bibliography

Architecture in the Digital Age - Design and Manufacturing/Branko Kolarevic. Spon Press, London, c2003. Cheng, R. 2008. Inside Rhinoceros 4 / Ron K.C. Cheng. Clifton Park, NY: Thomson/Delmar Learning, c2008. Digital Fabrications:architectural and material techniques/Lisa Iwamoto. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, c2009. Heath, A., Heath, D., & Jensen, A. (2000). 300 years of industrial design : function, form, technique, 1700-2000 / Adrian Heath, Ditte Heath, Aage Lund Jensen. New York : Watson-Guptill.

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