With over 30 years’ experience, board-certified plastic surgeon and esteemed cosmetic enhancement expert, Dr. Nakamura believes in providing natural-looking results for his patients, understanding that the best results come from fully-informed decisions and an open, comfortable surgeon/patient relationship.
If you’re considering plastic surgery, you want to trust your procedure to an experienced, a c c r e d i t e d , a n d b o a r d- c e r t i f i e d p l a s t i c surgeon with thousands of successful plastic su rger ie s to h is cred it . If you l ive i n t he Arlington/Mansfield area, you’re in luck. Dr. Y. Anthony Nakamura has over 30 years of experience, an impeccable reputation, and a bedside manner than will put you at ease. A s a recog nized plastic surger y and body contouring expert, he’s provided excellent care with a personal approach to thousands of men and women seeking to make changes to their body or breasts. Board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surger y, Dr. Nakamura is af f iliated w ith the A mer ican Medical A ssociation, A mer ican Societ y of Plast ic Surgeons, A mer ic a n Societ y of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, and Texas Medical Association and is a fellow of the American College of Surgeons.
cosmetic procedures to innovative aesthetic treatments, the Accent on You team tailors care to meet each patient’s cosmetic needs and wishes, always keeping the accent where it belongs—on YOU.
So, what are your aesthetic goals? Do you dream of making subtle changes? Or are you ready for a dramatic transformation? Patients t r avel t o D r. Na k a mu r a f rom a rou nd t he state—and beyond—bringing their aesthetic goals to Accent on You Plastic Surger y and Medi Spa. Once there, they enjoy a highlypersonalized approach and comprehensive range of ser v ices. From life-chang ing
HIGHLY PERSONALIZED CARE Accent on You Cosmetic Surger y Center is fully-accredited by the American Association for Accred it at ion of A mbu lator y Su rger y Fa c i l it i e s . D r. Na k a mu r a t a ke s h i s t i me , getting to know each patient, their lifestyle, their concerns, and their objectives. Together w i t h h i s s e a s o n e d s t a f f, h e w a l k s e a c h patient through treatment options, including l i ke l y o ut c om e s a n d a ny p ot e nt i a l r i s k s or complications of surger y, encourag ing pat ient s to t a ke t heir t ime a nd c a ref u l ly consider t heir options, so t hey k now t he decisions they make are the right ones for them.
W i t h o ve r 3 0 ye a r s ’ e x p e r i e n c e , b o a r dc e r t i f i e d p l a s t i c s u r ge o n a n d e s t e e m e d cosmetic enhancement expert, Dr. Nakamura believes in providing natural-looking results for his patients, understanding that the best results come from fully-informed decisions and an open, comfortable surgeon/patient relationship. W hether you’re interested in breast aug ment ation, a t ummy t uck, or a complete mommy makeover, Dr. Nakamura
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november 2021
can help you achieve the outcome of your dreams with a procedure tailored just for you.
HIGHLY QUALIFIED AND EXPERIENCED D r. N a k a mu r a c omp l e t e d m e d s c h o o l at Un i ver sit y of Tex a s Me d ic a l Br a nch , h i s inter nship and residency training at LSU School of Medicine, Charity Hospital New Orleans and residency training in plastic surger y at UTMB Galveston. Dr. Nakamura and his dynamic team are now accepting new patients at Accent on You Plastic Surgery and Medi Spa. Find out more and schedule an initial consultation to discuss your personal aesthetic goals at
(817) 417-7200 • ACCENTONYOU.COM
november 2021