MANSFIELD FAMILY DENTISTRY The Bauer family realizes the importance of educating their patients, so they can be their own best oral health advocates. It’s not just about the health of their teeth but their overall health. “More and more is being discovered about the affect your oral health has on the rest of your body and on your chances of developing conditions such as heart disease, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s, and diabetes.
at their dental home, including cosmetic procedures such as tooth whitening, porcelain veneers, inlays, onlays, and Invisalign clear braces, for healthy teeth and a gorgeous smile.”
W hen g iven the chance to select the best family dental practice i n t he M a n sf ield a re a , L iv i n g M a ga z i ne re ader s were qu ick t o respond—Mansfield Family Dentistr y. After all, this family-owned and operated practice has been the dental home for generations of Mansfield residents for more than 40 years. The father and son dental team of Drs. John and Cody Bauer are joined by wife/mom Terri who keeps the office running smoothly and fosters the homey vibe patients have come to love.
YOUR DENTAL HOME Care at Mansf ield Family Dentistr y beg ins as soon as a child is ready to sit in the chair for routine cleaning. From there, the Bauer fa m i ly is h appy t o prov ide M a nsf ield fa m i l ie s w it h ever y t h i ng they need for healthy teeth and optimum oral health throughout their lives. For the past four decades, Mansfield Family Dentistr y has been there for ever ything from a simple cleaning or filling to cosmetic procedures—including teeth straightening and full-mouth makeovers—delivered with integrity and compassion from a family Mansfield has learned to trust. And now children Dr. John treated, while they were g row ing up, are br ing ing their ow n children to him and Dr. Cody.
The Bauer family realizes the importance of educating their patients, so they can be their own best oral health advocates. It’s not just about the health of their teeth but their overall health. “More and more is being discovered about the affect your oral health has on the rest of your body and on your chances of developing conditions such as heart disease, osteoporosis, A lzheimer’s, and diabetes,” Dr. Cody said. “It’s our job to provide each patient with the tools they need for a lifetime of v ibrant oral health then par tner ing with them on that journey.”
FROM THEIR FAMILY TO YOURS Family is the most important thing for us,” Dr. John said. “Cody, Ter r i, a nd I a long w it h ou r dy n a m ic te a m wa nt ever y pat ient who comes through our door to feel like a member of the family. There’s nothing more rewarding to us than building relationships with our patients and being able to watch them grow, from before they lose their baby teeth to that day when they bring their own kids to see us.” If you’re searching for a family dent a l of f ice, f ind out more at MansfieldDentistr
ONE-STOP-SHOP The Drs. Bauer are committed to providing their family of patients e ve r y t h i n g t h e y n e e d u n d e r o n e r o o f, w h e r e t h e y ’ r e a l r e a d y comfor t able. “ W hen we rea lize, dur ing a routine check-up, for inst ance, that a patient needs a root canal, tooth extraction, or dental implant or when they inquire about a cosmetic procedure, the last thing they want is to be referred out to a strange dental practice,” Dr. John said. “We’re happy to offer everything they need
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november 2021
BEST FAMILY DENTIST ( 8 1 7 ) 4 7 3 - 0 2 9 1 • M A N S F I E L D D E N T I S T R Y. C O M