Living Magazine November 2021

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JOE HALL ROOFING, INC. Our longevity in this industry and continuous growth is a product of our commitment to our customers and our passion for the business”, Brett said. We enjoy what we do and go to great lengths to ensure each job is done to the best of our ability. We want to exceed our customers’ expectations.

Joe Hall Roofing, Inc. opened its doors over 30 years ago with an intent to serve customers w ith a level of integ r it y, uncompromising customer service, and quality craftsmanship that still r ings tr ue today. Ser v icing both residential and commercial roofing (as well as commercial general contracting) has helped to develop strong relationships with great clients over the years. Second-generation owners, Brett and Tina Hall, who were joined in the business this year by their son, Jackson, pr ide themselves on hav ing built lifelong customers and attribute their success to a solid, dedicated team of employees who are committed to every project they undertake. They believe the family-like atmosphere at their office has kept turnover low – over half of the employees have been with them for over ten years and several for over twenty. “Our longevity in this industry and continuous growth is a product of our commitment to our customers and our passion for the business”, Brett said. “We enjoy what we do and go to great leng ths to ensure each job is done to the best of our ability. We want to exceed our customers’ expectations.” T he team has ear ned a 5-st ar reput ation with the Better Business Bureau, voted 2021 Neighborhood Favorite in 17 neighborhoods on Nex t Door, accred ited member of T he Good Contractor’s List for 10 years, and is

proud to be Living Magazine’s “Best of ” in the roofing category for the second year in a row.

homeow ner du r ing t he orga n i zat ion’s “Community Powered Revitalization”.

A few highlights of reviews are, “wonderful job in one only one day”, “my salesman was professional f rom the moment he ar r ived a nd t h roug hout t he proces s”, “my ent i re experience with Joe Hall Roofing renewed my belief that there are good contractors out there”, and “there are few honest companies around these days, and Joe Hall Roofing is the most honest company in the DFW area”. Another raving customer says “Three words describe them – Professionalism, Integrity and Quality!! You can tr y but you won’t do better than these g uys and this company.” There are innumerable reviews like these to read on both Google and NextDoor.

A s t he mot t o t he ent i re st a f f at Jo e Ha l l Roofing created together states – “There for you in the past, here for you today, ser ving you in the f uture”. Based in the A rling ton area for five generations, you can count on the Hall family and their team to be a reliable resource for all your roofing needs.

The team is committed to community service, both corporately and personally, serving on numerous boards and committees of local organizations and school-related ser v ice. Some of t hei r favor ite project s t h is ye a r were the Arling ton Heroes Run (sponsored by Joe Hall Roofing, led by volunteer director, Heather K ipker, COO of Joe Hall Roof ing, and severa l employees and their families p a r t i c i p a t e d i n t h e r u n) . T h i s f a l l t h e y partnered with 6 Stones, a local philanthropic orga n i zat ion, to don ate a roof as wel l as wor k i n g a s a t e a m on s i t e t o h e l p m a ke nece s s a r y home repa i r s for a st r ug g l i ng

1 9 2 5 W P I O N E E R PA R K W AY, A R L I N G T O N , T E X A S 76 0 1 3


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november 2021



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