February is Heart Month. And heart disease is the leading cause of death in our community and across the country. So, let’s do something about it, together. Every week during Heart Month we’ll be sharing heart healthy tips, from early warning signs to recipes and exercise ideas. Caring for the heart health of our friends and neighbors. That’s community and why so many people Trust Methodist.
Sign up for Heart Month emails with tips, recipes, exercise ideas, info on events, and more at:
Texas law prohibits hospitals from practicing medicine. The physicians on the Methodist Health System medical sta are independent practitioners who are not employees or agents of Methodist Health System. Methodist Health System compiles with applicable federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.C o l o n c a n c e r c a n m a n i f e s t i t s e l f i n t h e f o r m o f p o l y p s . T h e s e p o l y p s c a n b e r e m o v e d , w h i c h r e d u c e s y o u r r i s k o f d y i n g o f c a n c e r b y 9 0 % . Y o u r p e r s o n a l r i s k a n d p r e v e n t i o n s t e p s c a n b e d e t e r m i n e d a t a s c r e e n i n g w i t h y o u r l o c a l G I
A l l i a n c e g a s t r o e n t e r o l o g i s t
We recommend regular screening beginning at the age of 45 in order to detect cancer early. If colon cancer runs in your family, then we suggest receiving a colonoscopy at a GI Alliance location near you as soon as you can.
T r e a t m e n t f o r c o l o n c a n c e r c a n v a r y d e p e n d i n g o n t h e s t a g e o f t h e c a n c e r E v e r y c a s e i s u n i q u e , b u t t h e b e s t t h i n g y o u c a n d o f o r c o l o n c a n c e r i s t o c o m p l e t e l y p r e v e n t i t . T o s c h e d u l e a c o l o n o s c o p y , c o n t a c t G I A l l i a n c e t o d a y .
E a r l y d e t e c t i o n o f c o l o n c a n c e r r e s u l t s i n v e r y h i g h s u r v i v a l r a t e s !
C o l o n c a n c e r i s a u n i q u e t y p e o f c a n c e r b e c a u s e i t i s p r e v e n t a b l e !
As seen on:
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation: old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”
2 Corinthians 5: 17
Happy New Year from all of us at Living Magazine! This new year brings opportunity for new beginnings and renewal in our life and relationships. But let’s not forget the one relationship that can truly make all things new. Our relationship with our Heavenly Father, the One who promises, “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)
I always try to begin each year with the goal of throwing out the old and becoming my best self. In 2023, I’m praying to extend grace to everyone I encounter and to live the life God created me to live. To live life with purpose, to remember that Colossians 3:23 exhorts, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for man.”
God has extended so much grace to me. My goal for 2023 is to extend that same grace to my family, my friends, and my fellow man and to revel in that new life 1 Peter 1:3 promises, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.”
The New Year has come, and the City of Mansfield is on a forward trajectory of economic and civic vibrancy. This year is already shaping up to be one for the record books as we continue to grow and welcome new partners in business, restaurants, retail, and fun things to do around town.
Keep an eye out for more details on the State of the City address happening this month. We will discuss the accomplishments that happened in our city and our vision and goals for this new year. To help you get off to a good start, if you have sensitive documents that need to be discarded, do it securely and bring them to our “Shred Day” on January 7th. This is for Mansfield residents only; no businesses will be allowed. Please bring your documents to the Environmental Collection Center located at 616 S. Wisteria St., Mansfield, TX 76063. Proof of residency will be required. You can also recycle your live Christmas tree for free every day until January 20th
As we enter 2023, we anticipate an epic year. To get you ready for it, The Epic Arts, Fitness and Recreation Center offers great membership rates for residents who want to stay in shape using the latest in fitness equipment, training and classes at only $29 a month for an adult resident. All the details can be found at jointheepic.com/memberships or by calling 972-339-3742.
Also in EpicCentral, and opening this spring, are five restaurants: Loop 9 BBQ; Vidorra Cocina de Mexico; an American modern artisanal concept tentatively called The Finch; Serious Pizza, Sliders and Shakes; and a new breakfast/brunch concept called Poach’d. The city is entertaining options for the sixth restaurant space. This is all going near Chicken N Pickle. We will also debut a water and light show in EpicCentral.
and help us make mulch to give away in the spring. The drop-off site will be at The Home Depot, located at 1725 North US 287, Mansfield, TX. There will be a self-service trailer next to the garden center where trees may be unloaded. Flocked and artificial trees cannot be mulched and will not be accepted.
Looking for things to do in town? Enjoy our ever-expanding walking trails and experience our pristine parks located throughout our city. Visit, the Man House Museum, located at 604 W. Broad Street. If you have a taste for good food, we gotcha. Mansfield has new restaurants opening every month that will help satisfy your tastebuds.
My State of the City presentation and dinner is March 9, hosted by the Grand Prairie Chamber of Commerce as one of its primary fund raisers. If you are interested in tickets, call the Chamber at 972-264-1558. We will make a video tape of my remarks available after the event for free on our website.
The Big Event is planned for March 25 and registration for volunteers and job requests is open at gptx.org/bigevent until March 1. The Big Event is a one-day, city-wide day we celebrate commUNITY by matching volunteers with service projects, neighbors helping neighbors. All Big Event jobs are outdoors, do not required the use of power tools and can be completed within a few hours.
Let’s have a great 2023!
Happy 2023! Hope your holidays were full of family and fun. As we start this new year, I find myself reflecting on the people, businesses, and organizations that make the American Dream City so great. Without a doubt one of those organizations is The Arlington Tomorrow Foundation which just celebrated 15 years of making a difference in the lives of Arlington families. Since 2007, they have invested in the arts, our parks, and in human-service organizations across our community.
They’ve helped to build museums and theaters, community centers and shelters for families in transition and animals in distress. Their grants have assisted in the expansion of programs designed to address mental healthcare, social-service programming, education, and food insecurity. They’ve come alongside local nonprofits and City
of Arlington departments with $42 million in underwriting for more than 500 programs and truly made a different in the lives of many of our citizens. To all who’ve worked tirelessly, over the past 15 years, I want to extend a hearty and heartfelt “thank you”.
Mark your calendars for Saturday, January 28th for Texas Rangers Fan Fest 2023. The fest will take place from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the Globe Life Field and will include autograph sessions with current Rangers players and alumni, photo ops, on-field activities including running the bases, wiffle ball home run derby, bullpen fast pitch, inflatables, and more. Hope to see many of you there!
Come and enjoy food, live music, family fun, Hosted by approximately 40 vendors at the market ranging from artisan foods to arts and crafts. Market hours are 5pm-9pm. Binions, 208 N. West St.
Adorable adoptable pets looking for new homes will be available at the mobile adoption unit for immediate adoption! Visit with adoptable cats available inside PetSmart! Adoptions will be at the Petsmart® in South Arlington, 203 E. I-20 (Arlington Highlands) 10:00am-3:30pm. Scheduled events are subject to cancellation without notice due to weather conditions (heat, cold, storms, etc.) for the safety and protection of adoptable pets, volunteers, and staff.
Arlington Parks and Recreation
Let us bring the fun to you! Come together with friends, neighbors and the staff at Dottie Lynn for interactive games, sports and other engaging activities. It’s time to play! All ages. 1am-2pm. Free. Visit our website to register.
january 9 - 13
Arlington Parks and Recreation
Interested trying out new fitness classes? Join us for Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi, Qigong, Silver Strength, Zumba and Boot Camp. FREE! Ages 18+. Dottie Lynn Rec Center, 3200 Norwood Lane.
Arlington Parks and Recreation
Enjoy a night out while we have some fun! A great opportunity for youth to hang out after school playing games, crafting and more. 6pm-8:30pm. Ages 5-12. Cost is $15/ child. East Rec Center, 1817 New York. Visit our website to register.
Arlington Parks and Recreation
Calling all art enthusiasts, parents looking for a date night and Bob Ross lovers. Come out to our themed parent night out, where we provide childcare and activity for your date. We will have refreshments for you to snack on while we follow a guided painting lesson. Ages 18+. $20/couple. Childcare $15/ child. Childcare separate (ages 5-12). Visit our website for registration for painting lesson and childcare.
Many animals are active at night while we are sleeping. Learn about those animals hiking through the forest searching for wildlife Take an up close look at specimens throughout the hike. All ages. 6pm-7:30pm. Elmer W. Oliver Nature Park, 1650 Matlock Rd. Visit our website to register.
Presented by Arlington Music Hall, enjoy Great Britain’s most famous comedy Illusionists Young & Strange come to Arlington for one night of spectacular stage illusions, sleight of hand magic and hilarious comedy perfect for the entire family. Ticket prices from $32. 6pm-8pm. Arlington Music Hall, 224 N. Center St. Visit our website to purchase tickets.
Arlington Parks and Recreation
25 cent kisses and puppy wishes! Make your and our Arlington Animal Shelter’s residents dreams come true. Come out to this family Valentine’s event where we’ll have photo and adoption opportunities, as well as snacks and crafts. Ages 5-12 11am-1pm.
$6/child. East Rec Center, 1817 New York. Visit our website to register.
see more events in your area on LIVINGMAGAZINE.NET
Otto tells the story of Otto Anderson (Tom Hanks), a grump who no longer sees purpose in his life following the loss of his wife. When a lively young family moves in next door, he meets his match in quick-witted Marisol (Mariana Treviño.) She challenges him to see life differently, leading to an unlikely friendship that turns his world around. A heartwarming and funny story about love, loss, and life, A Man Called Otto shows that family can sometimes be found in the most unexpected places.
Nobody could have imagined the impact that Vianne would make when she arrived in a tranquil, old-fashioned French town. After opening her unique chocolate shop, she immediately causes a stir, both romantically and societally, among the uptight townsfolk. Nominated for five academy awards, including best picture, Chocolat is the perfect rainy-day romantic film.
Grounded in current research, accessible science, and practical recommendations, The Fun Habit explains how you can build having fun into an actionable and effortless habit and why doing so will help you become healthier, more joyful, and more productive. In the vein of Year of Yes, 10% Happier, and Atomic Habits, The Fun Habit is an inspiring and motivational guidebook you will want to share with everyone in your life.
Frances Ridley Havergal (1836-1879) was a popular English poet and hymnist. Many of her poems and hymns emphasized devotional closeness to Christ and dedicated service to Him. Those were primary emphases Frances sought to cultivate in her own life and to promote to other believers. Such consecration is clearly seen in her best-known hymn, “Take My Life and Let It Be,” as well as in some of her other well-known hymns which are still sung today: “Lord, Speak to Me,” “I Gave My Life for Thee” and “Who Is on the Lord’s Side?”
Each New Year’s Day, Frances reconsecrated herself to living for Jesus. As a result, she wrote several New Year’s hymns, “Another Year Is Dawning” being the most popular of those. She composed this particular poem near the end of 1873 as a prayer for New Year’s 1874. She had it printed on a greeting card to be sent to friends. The card’s caption read, “A Happy New Year! Ever Such May It Be!”
As circumstances turned out, Frances herself ended up needing this prayer, for just a few days later, she experienced a stunning setback. She was looking forward to being launched as an author in America, and her agent in New York had made reassuring promises. Then a letter came which she thought would bring a royalty check, perhaps the first of many. She anticipated receiving a royalty payment of thirty-five British pounds, equaling 175 American dollars (worth 4,550 dollars today). Instead, the letter brought the intelligence that her publisher had gone bankrupt in the Stock Market crash of 1873.
Frances had only recently entrusted all her affairs to the Lord. As a result, she was able to bear this sudden reversal of her prospects with peace. She wrote of this to a friend:
“I have just had such a blessing in the shape of what would have been only two months ago a really bitter blow to me. … I was expecting a letter from America, enclosing thirtyfive pounds now due me, and possibly news that [my book] was going on like steam. The letter has come, and instead of all this, my publisher has failed in the universal crash. He holds my written promise to publish only with him as the condition of his launching me, so this is not simply a little loss, but an end of all my American prospects. … I really had not expected that God would do for me so much above all I asked, as not merely to help me to acquiesce in this, but positively not to feel it at all. And only to rejoice in it as a clear test of the reality of victorious faith, which I do find brightening almost daily. Two months ago, this would have been a real trial to me, for I had built a good
deal on my American prospects; now ‘Thy will be done’ is not a sigh but only a song.”
By God’s grace working in her life, on this occasion, Frances certainly lived up to the sincere consecrated sentiments she had not long before penned in “Another Year Is Dawning.”
Whether or not you are familiar with this hymn, I would encourage you to spend a few minutes contemplating and perhaps even singing it. (It is set to the tune of another well-known hymn, “The Church’s One Foundation.”) May the Lord help all of us to live lives that are characterized by deep trust and devotion to Him in the coming year.
1. Another year is dawning: Dear Father, let it be, In working or in waiting, Another year with Thee; Another year of Progress, Another year of praise, Another year of proving Thy presence all the days.
2. Another year of mercies, Of faithfulness and grace; Another year of gladness In the shining of Thy face; Another year of leaning Upon Thy loving breast; Another year of trusting, Of quiet, happy rest.
3. Another year of service, Of witness for Thy love; Another year of training For holier work above Another year is dawning: Dear Father, let it be, On earth or else in heaven, Another year for Thee.
Some of the information in this article was gleaned from Robert Morgan’s uplifting book Then Sings My Soul, 150 of the World’s Greatest Hymn Stories (Thomas Nelson, 2003). Vance Christie is an author and speaker who specializes in the field of historical Christian biography. www.vancechristie.com
© 2022 by Vance E. Christie
Dr. Matthew McCabe is all about family— from his own wife and kids to his family of patients and the Mansfield community he’s so blessed to call home. As a fellowship-trained surgeon and podiatrist, Dr. McCabe spends his days returning quality of life to men, women, and children offering everything from treatment for ingrown toenails to total ankle replacement surgery. Judging from his dozens of fivestar online reviews his dedication hasn’t gone unnoticed. One fervent reviewer had this to say,
“Dr. McCabe sat down and actually listened to my concerns and fears at every single visit. I had to have surgery and he was confident and reassuring through the entire process and follow-up visits. It takes a lot for me to feel safe in a surgeon’s hands, but I never had any doubts while in his care. He was patient, caring, and professional. I would definitely recommend Dr. McCabe.”
Another five-star reviewer agreed, “Everything went great and was impressed with the entire process and surgery. I had a plethora of questions, but Dr. McCabe was very informative, patient, and thoroughly answered everything to make sure I was comfortable. All around great practice that does phenomenal work.”
Although, Dr. McCabe is specially trained in limb salvage, reconstruction, and orthoplastics and is, in fact, the only doctor in the area that’s fellowship trained in limb salvage and reconstruction, he believes in exhausting every viable conservative treatment before considering surgery. For Dr. McCabe surgery is always the last resort. Another happy reviewer bore that out when they wrote, “Office staff and assistants very nice, friendly, knowledgeable, and helpful. Dr Mc Cabe also kind, knowledgeable and diagnosed me in no time and spent time to educate me, including treatment options starting with conservative measures.”
Happy online reviewers can’t say enough about Dr. McCabe and his team’s emphasis on personalized care and attention. “The feedback I receive most is about the time I take to really listen to my patients,” he said. “Medicine is about balancing what the patient wants with what the patient needs. If I really listen, they’ll tell me what they want. Then, we work together to determine what they need and what will offer them the best treatment outcomes.”
Dr. McCabe is pioneering ankle replacement surgery that’s paving the way for others in
his field and returning quality of life to his patients with chronic ankle problems. “My team and I can handle cases as complicated at total ankle replacement with astounding success or as simple as hammertoe,” Dr. McCabe said. “If it has to do with the foot and ankle, my team and I want to help.”
“I work with Dr. Van Dyke, an endocrinologist, and other practitioners in the area with a focus on prevention related to diabetes and diabetic foot ulcerations.”
Dr. McCabe places an emphasis in patient education and empowerment. “It’s important to educate patients on available options— both conservative and surgical—to review expected outcomes of each option based on the needs of the patient and to allow patients to collaborate with us to find the right plan for them,” he said. “Nobody cares about your foot and ankle health as much as you do. I want to help you become your own best healthcare advocate and I want to be your partner in that process, as we get you back to the robust quality of life you enjoy.”
At Water Oak Foot and Ankle, Dr. McCabe offers diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of conditions and injuries that affect the foot and ankle including:
• Heel Pain
• Ankle Pain
• Foot Pain
• Ankle and Foot Deformity
• Fractures
• Arthritis
• Wounds
• Bunions
• Hammer Toe
• Plantar Fasciitis
• Achilles Tendonitis
• Diabetic Foot Conditions
• Neuroma
• Ingrown Toenails
• Total Ankle Replacement
• And more
One of the things Dr. McCabe enjoys about his chosen career is its varying nature. “Although I’m focused on the foot and ankle, I see diabetic patients, patients with deformities, patients with arthritis, fractures, and more,” he said. “Between clinic days and surgery days, no two days are ever the same for me.”
When not on the job, he enjoys time outdoors with his family. “I love to hunt and fish,” he said. “I joke that, during duck season, work is what I do between duck hunts. I do want to give a big ‘thanks’ to my wife, Brooke. Without her, I wouldn’t be the person I am today.”
One reviewer summed up their experience at Water Oak Foot and Ankle like this:
“Dr. McCabe genuinely cares about his patients. He doesn’t treat you like a number. He treats you with compassion and makes sure you are well cared for. No rushing you for the next appointment. He explains all your treatment options and makes sure you are part of the decisions being made.”
What more could you want in a foot and ankle doctor. Find out more and read other enthusiastic reviews at WaterOakFootandAnkle.com.
• 28 BONES
2270 Matlock Road, Suite 104 Mansfield, Texas 76063 (325) 480-2063
LUCKILY COREY BERLIN DIDN’T LISTEN WHEN EVERYONE TOLD HIM TO TAKE HIS TIME. After completing his very fi rst marathon in 2020 (The Cowtown in Fort Worth) he qualifi ed for the prestigious Boston Marathon!
It all started in 2019 when his coworkers at Baylor Scott & White Orthopedic and Spine Hospital in Arlington challenged him to do something “out of the box” before his 40th birthday. They couldn’t have guessed that after agreeing to train with them for an upcoming half marathon, he would fall in love with the sport and keep on running.
“I knew Boston was the “holy grail” of marathons, so I went all in to qualify,” refl ects Corey. “Only when I was actually there, did I realize what a big deal it is. It was very
emotional.” It also prepared him for the Chicago marathon, where in October 2021 he had the best race of his life, fi nishing at 2 hours and 51 minutes.
Corey knows marathoning is really a team sport. He’s grateful for the support of his two neighbors, Jeff Baker, and David Adjei, who push him on their morning runs. “I wouldn’t be where I am without them,” he says.
Corey is also grateful for “Coach” Richard Garcia, a good friend who has run over 20 marathons in as many years. Richard took Corey under his wing and has him run 60-70 miles a week80% easy runs and 20% speed work. As a physical therapist and director of rehabilitation, Corey is keenly aware of the need to listen to your body and cautions not to try running a marathon unless you can train properly.
Corey considers himself fortunate to live in Mansfi eld, where there are so many great areas to exercise. On a typical morning he’s running by 5:30 and home by 6:45, ready to pack lunches and get his boys off to school before starting work at 7:45.
With Boston and Chicago behind him, Corey looks forward to running the other four world marathon majors –New York, London, Berlin, and Tokyo. He acknowledges that besides the time commitment, his newfound passion comes with significant financial hurdles: even the mere 1% of marathoners who qualify for Boston can’t all afford to participate.
When he’s not running or working, Corey cherishes family time. His wife Stacie is definitely his biggest fan, screaming her support along each marathon course. His oldest son Bryce is in his school’s run club and recently ran his first 5K in just 23 minutespretty impressive for a nine-year-old. Seven-year-old twins Colby and Caleb love soccer now, but who knows, maybe before they turn 40, they’ll discover the joy of running.
To join the club, visit LivingMagazine.net/pet-club
Send your pet’s name, your name, your address, and a clear photo of your pet. They might just turn up in a future issue of Living!
an people really be right-brained or leftbrained? Maybe you’ve taken an online test to determine your dominant side. Those tests may be fun, but they’re not factual. Science says it’s a myth for people to be right-brained or left-brained, and brain-imaging technology hasn’t found any evidence of right or left-brain dominance. However, science does show that the right and left sides of the brain specialize in different tasks. The left side of the brain helps you understand things like language and math, while the right side of the brain is responsible for things like memory and attention. People who are considered left-brain thinkers may be more analytical and objective, while right-brain thinkers are usually more creative and artistic. Understanding how the right and left sides of the brain work together can help you play to your strengths and improve your learning. The human brain isn’t fully formed until around age 25 (as parents well know), and its storage capacity is virtually unlimited. So, whether you want to go after a personal or professional goal or help your kids reach their full potential, knowing how the brain works can help you learn faster and remember more. Here, we share a few ways to tap into both the right and left sides of the brain to boost your brainpower.
Training the left side of your brain may feel like you’re back in school. That’s because activities like reading, writing, and solving puzzles awaken the brain’s more logical left side. To improve your brain’s left-side functioning, try learning a new language. Neuroscientists at Iowa State University found that learning a new language causes extensive neuroplasticity in the brain. (Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to rewire itself and form new neural connections.) When you learn a new language, you help rearrange your brain and develop new pathways. Some other ideas to exercise your brain’s left side include playing board games, tackling sudoku puzzles, and spending time every day reading or writing.
You can stimulate the brain’s right side by seeking creative pursuits. Try activities like gardening, painting, or knitting. Some other ideas include singing or learning to play a new instrument. Science has shown that musical training can positively improve the brain’s structure and function. It can also lead to better brain development for people who start at a young age. A University of Montreal study revealed that musicians tend to be more mentally alert. Whether you strum a guitar or sit down at the piano, you’ll be doing your brain good.
Whether you’re performing a creative or logical task, the two sides of your brain are always working together. In fact, neuroscientists have found that the brain works best when both sides are engaged at the same time. So, instead of labeling yourself as a right-brainer or left-brainer, know that the whole brain works as one, and you have the power to make it stronger.
Modern wearable devices (wearables) have come a long way from the concepts many of us grew up with. Some, like the Get Smart shoe phone, never made it into the mainstream, while others, like The Jetson’s video watch, likely inspired devices such as the smartwatches we see today.
The wearable tech market includes exciting trends you can enjoy now and keep an eye on as they evolve. Here are a few of our favorites.
Are couch potato gamers becoming a thing of the past? Advanced gaming devices with enhanced virtual and augmented reality, like Meta Quest 2 , encourage activity and physical participation while offering a completely immersive, dynamic experience. Transported to virtual worlds, players move their bodies in the real world, increasing their physical activity level and boosting
coordination and balance. Plus, with cloud-based gaming capabilities, gamers can play from nearly anywhere they have a stable internet connection.
Q, the tech gadget creator in the James Bond movies, has new competition from an unlikely source — Ray-Ban. Yes, the people who make sunglasses. Ray-Ban partnered with Meta (formerly known as Facebook) to offer ultracool shades that enable the wearer to capture and share videos and photos and listen to music with a single touch or a voice command. While they aren’t the only wearable eyewear option, fashion-forward Ray-Ban Stories glasses are available in a few different styles, including the iconic Wayfarer. The price points are surprisingly affordable, the technology is discreet, and the Facebook View app is used to share content to your social accounts.
Advanced wearable technology has
evolved beyond smartwatches and wristband fitness trackers to include stylish jewelry. One in-demand application focuses on personal safety, with modern “panic buttons” masquerading as rings, bracelets, and pendant necklaces. InvisaWear smart jewelry, for example, even connects to a name-brand subscription service that locates you via GPS and connects you to 911 assistance. Smart jewelry is also designed to track menstrual cycles, monitor your sleep ( Oura Ring ), for medical emergency alerts, and can be used for contactless payment systems at the point of sale. Are you battling menopausal hot flashes? Embr Wave , which comes in rose gold and black color options, uses exclusive technology to combat hot flashes. Worn with the device face turned to your inner wrist, it provides relief by cooling this area of sensitive skin. The Embr Wave 2 app allows you to customize control of your hot flashes, including while you sleep.
IF YOU’RE SUFFERING FROM CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE, LUNG CANCER, OR ESOPHAGEAL CANCER, FINDING THE RIGHT CARDIOTHORACIC SURGEON MAY FEEL LIKE AN OVERWHELMING TASK, ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU ARE NEWLY DIAGNOSED Yet choosing the best surgeon to meet your needs doesn’t have to be a daunting task. There are several key factors to look for when choosing a surgeon. In conjunction with your cardiologist, oncologist, or pulmonologist, your cardiothoracic surgeon will be a part of your medical team, assisting you through a difficult time in life. Choosing the best surgeon can make a critical difference to your overall health and recovery.
“A good surgeon should offer advanced treatment ot their patients and do so in a way that minimizes pain, rists, and recovery time. You should experience improved quality of life. With that in mind, find a surgeon who will work closely with you and your physician to tailor a treatments program designed specifically for you.”
Darien Bradford, MD CARDIOTHORACIC SURGEONA cardiothoracic surgeon operates on a wide range of conditions and diseases. These generally involve the heart, lungs, and other organs of the chest cavity. Following General Surgery residency, they complete an additional two- or threeyear residency program in cardiothoracic surgery. Some cardiothoracic surgeons are fellowship trained, giving them additional experience in their fi eld.
Education and experience are critical when choosing the right cardiothoracic surgeon. This surgeon is highly trained in surgeries necessary for coronary artery disease, aortic valve disease, mitral valve disease, lung cancer, esophageal cancer, and atrial or ventricular septal defects. Because
you will most likely be referred to your surgeon by your cardiologist, oncologist, or pulmonologist, the relationship between your physician and your cardiothoracic surgeon is critical.
Before meeting with your surgeon, it’s helpful if you ask your cardiologist, oncologist, or pulmonologist what questions you should ask the surgeon based on the specifics of your case. What can you do to best prepare for surgery? How long will you be in the hospital following your surgery? What should you expect as far as recovery time, and what limitations should you be prepared for in your recovery?
Once your meet with your surgeon, they should complete a thorough exam and help you to feel comfortable about the upcoming procedure. It’s also important that your surgeon answers your questions fully and understands your concerns leading up to your surgery. The right surgeon will not only provide clear solutions for your medical problem, but will explain those solutions with details you need and will make sure you are comfortable with your choices regarding surgery. Understanding your procedure and what you need to know before going under the knife can help properly set your expectations for recovery and can help you heal faster.
A surgeon who best explains your options, outcomes, and recovery period can be the best fi t for you. When your surgeon has the expertise, experience, and empathy to treat you as an individual and not just a patient, you know you’ve found the right surgeon for you and your future. If you are faced with the difficult prospect of a major surgery, it’s comforting to know that you are in the most experienced hands possible, and that the surgeon is a good fit. Knowing what to ask and developing a relationship with your surgeon can move you that much closer to a speedy recovery.
Dr. Bradford specializes in minimally invasive surgery, offering patients a successful alternative to traditional open heart and open chest surgery. Providing the advanced heart care our friends and neighbors depend on. That’s community and why so many people Trust Methodist.
NOBODY WANTS TO UNDERGO SURGERY. But suppose your doctor has exhausted all non-surgical options, and you still need relief from a condition such as a hernia, appendicitis, hemorrhoids, thyroid or parathyroid disease, breast cancer, gallbladder, Crohn’s disease, or other debilitating conditions. In that case, surgery may be your best option. Time to do some homework to find the most qualified and experienced surgeon for your needs. General surgeons are educated and trained in diagnosis and preoperative, operative, and postoperative patient care management. Some surgeons put in the extra time required to offer state-of-the-art robotic surgery to provide greater precision and more favorable outcomes.
“Take your time. Do your research. Know why you’re going to see a surgeon and ask questions. If you don’t understand the answer, ask the question again. Have a good dialogue. Remember that you are the patient.”
Gary K. Alexander, MD, FACS SURGICAL ASSOCIATES OF MANSFIELDBegin your search by asking your primary care doctor for references. You may also ask family, friends, and other healthcare providers for recommendations. Research the credentials and experience of the surgeons they recommend on sites such as Healthgrades.com. Look for boardcertifi ed surgeons. Board certifi cation is a voluntary process that demonstrates a surgeon’s commitment to professionalism, lifelong learning, and quality patient care. Board-certified surgeons have completed at least fi ve years of residency training following medical school, met all American Board of Surgery training requirements, and successfully completed a rigorous examination process.
As you narrow your list, call each surgeon’s office, and ask for a consult appointment to meet and interview the doctor. When you do, inquire about their experience with the
condition you have or the procedure you need. How many patients they’ve treated with your condition? Ask about potential complications you may have and what your risk factors may be.
Ask which hospital or outpatient center they use, then research that facility. Your surgeon’s hospital is your hospital, and patients at top-rated hospitals have fewer complications and better survival rates. Consider whether the hospital’s location is important to you. Frequent trips to the general surgeon’s offi ce or hospital may mean you need a convenient location to make treatment manageable.
Evaluate each surgeon’s communication style. Are you comfortable talking to them about what can be very personal topics? Do they welcome your questions and answer them in ways you understand? Do they show an interest in getting to know you? Are they receptive to your treatment preferences? Do they include your input in decisions related to your care?
Peruse some patient satisfaction surveys. Patient satisfaction surveys typically ask people about their experience with scheduling appointments, wait times, office environment, and office staff friendliness. Reading what other people have to say about a doctor can provide insight into how they practice medicine, as well as how their medical practice is operated. You can learn about how well patients trust them, how much time they spend with their patients, and how well they answer questions.
Find out what your insurance covers. To receive the most insurance benefits and pay the least out-of-pocket, you may need to choose a general surgeon who participates in your plan. But you should still consider credentials, experience, outcomes, and hospital quality as you select a general surgeon from that plan.
WHAT’S YOUR FIRST THOUGHT WHEN YOU WAKE UP EACH DAY? For one in three Americans, their first-morning thought is how much pain they’re in and how much they’re likely to endure that day. If this sounds all too familiar, it may be due to fibromyalgia, arthritis, cancer treatments, injury, or any number of other conditions. Finding the right pain management team can be a game changer. A pain management center or professional specializes in the diagnosis and management of chronic (ongoing) pain. Some practices specialize, focusing their efforts on specific diagnoses or pain of a particular region of the body. Others offer comprehensive pain management.
“Your pain doctor should take time to hear your story, evaluate you completely, review with you all the available imaging, and explain your diagnosis and the plan in words that you understand. They should work with you to develop a multi-disciplinary treatment plan that is customized to you, to achieve your individual goal.”
Dr. Jason Butler REGENCY PAIN & THERAPY INSTITUTEA great place to start your search is with your primary care physician. Ask them to recommend a pain management team or clinic. You may also ask family, friends, and other healthcare workers you trust. You want to fi nd someone who practices a multidisciplinary approach, not someone who considers pharmaceuticals the end-allbe-all, but who treats the entire person, not just their pain. You want someone who will spend time educating you, so you can take an active role in managing your own pain. There are also websites that can recommend facilities and practitioners in your area, including the National Pain Foundation at NationalPainFoundation.org, The American Academy of Pain Management at AAPainManage.org, and the American Board of Pain Medicine at ABPM.org. Once
Ask them how involved they want you to be in your treatment. Will they work cooperatively with your spouse, caregiver, or family members? These healthcare professionals will become a part of your life and your family’s life.
Do they place emphasis on patient empowerment and education? Do they respect your opinions and ask for your input on your treatment plan? Do they advocate natural remedies or just pharmaceuticals? Consider the short-term and long-term effects of working with each type of medical approach and choose the one that makes you most comfortable.
If pain has eroded your quality of life, it may well be time to partner with a pain management practice or professional. The one you ultimately choose can become an invaluable asset to you, your teacher, your advocate, and your cheerleader. Look for someone who respects you and shares your goal of regaining function and improving your quality of life.
We provide a full range of treatment options and services for patients suffering from chronic and acute pain. From conservative treatments to the most advanced minimally invasive procedures our caring providers can get you back to everyday life as quickly as possible and without long term reliance on medications.
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Dr. Ng is now accepting new patients.
Parkway Mansfield, TX 76063
MORE THAN A THIRD OF ADULTS IN THE UNITED STATES SUFFER FROM OBESITY, ACCORDING TO THE CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL. Another 32% per the National Institutes of Health, are overweight. With statistics like these, it’s clear that our country has tipped the scales to a national health crisis. It puts people at increased risk of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and certain types of cancer, among other things. As the obesity rate has increased, so has the multi-billion-dollar diet industry, yet millions of Americans struggle to lose weight and keep it off. Fortunately, bariatric surgery, also called weight loss surgery, offers another option.
“Once you’ve decided bariatric surgery is the next step in our weight loss journey, finding the right bariatric surgeon is essential in helping you reach your goal. As with any surgery, you want to find a professional with a record of good outcomes and positive patient experiences. But bariatric surgery is different from most surgeries because patients follow up with their bariatric surgeon for 18 to 24 months after their procedure – and sometimes for life. Look for a surgeon who listens to you and takes time to understand your goals.”
Jeremy Parcells, MD SURGICAL ASSOCIATES OF MANSFIELDIf you’ve tried dieting time and again without reaching or maintaining your goal, don’t give up. Instead, fi nd out if weight loss surgery may be right for you. Start by researching weight loss surgery programs in your area. Check out websites and social media groups. Attend free informational seminars in person (often led by a weight loss surgeon) where you can listen, ask questions, and gather detailed information on a specific program.
Since there are several types of weight loss surgery options, including sleeve gastrectomy, gastric band surgery, gastric bypass surgery, and duodenal switch, consider bariatric surgeons who offer more than one procedure. Once you meet with a surgeon, they can help you select the surgery that best fits your weight loss goals versus trying to force a solution that may not be optimal for you. Easy-to-use
online tools may help you learn more about each procedure while also assisting you in gathering information about local weight loss surgeons.
Other things to consider when selecting a potential surgeon include their experience and credentials. These days, bariatric surgeons are often fellowship-trained, although many excellent surgeons with a proven track record and extensive experience began their practice before these fellowships were generally available. Also, evaluate their staff because you will likely interface more with the team than with the surgeon for ongoing support, questions, and general follow-up. Facility accreditation further helps ensure the quality of care. The Metabolic Bariatric Surgery and Quality Improvement Program (MBSAQIP), the gold standard in accreditation, recognizes facilities that implement defined standards of care, document their outcomes, and participate in regular rigorous reviews to evaluate their bariatric surgical programs.
Finally, don’t overlook the ancillary and follow-up services provided by the program a bariatric surgeon is associated with. Weight loss surgery is only a tool — one piece of an intricate puzzle. During your weight loss journey, you will likely benefi t from emotional support and encouragement, exercise and healthful living guidance, nutrition information, and making the right food choices. A comprehensive surgical weight loss program will offer these things and possibly more.
Ultimately, your success depends on your commitment to making permanent lifestyle changes that support weight loss and maintenance. Choosing a surgeon and program that’s a good fit for you will help you achieve this, and your weight loss goals.
Surgical Associates of Mansfield is committed to helping you achieve your goals. Led by a team of board-certified bariatric surgeons, we specialize in weight-loss surgeries, including Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, duodenal switch and revision surgery, and are trained in using minimally invasive robotic techniques that can reduce pain and recovery time.
“THESE BOOTS ARE MADE FOR WALKING, AND THAT’S JUST WHAT THEY’LL DO,” UNLESS THE FEET INSIDE ARE SUFFERING — THEN THE BOOTS EITHER STAY IN THE CLOSET OR MOVE SLOWLY IN SHORT STRIDES. Painful, uncomfortable, irritated feet are problematic and require immediate attention. In some cases, minor foot pain can be addressed by a primary care physician. Other times, a foot specialist, known as a podiatrist, is required. While selecting a podiatrist may initially seem straightforward, many specialties and sub-specialties exist. In most cases, your primary care physician will assess your need and steer you in the right direction, but it doesn’t hurt to be well-informed during the process.
“Our feet can directly affect our overall health and lead to serious problems. If you are experiencing foot and ankle, contact a podiatrist who is dedicated to treating the root cause of your problemsnot just the symptoms.”
According to the American Podiatric Medical Association, “Feet are complex anatomical structures, all-in-one stabilizers, shock absorbers, and propulsion engines that are instrumental to overall health and well-being.” Since feet require the care of specialists specifically trained to treat them, you should make sure you look for a highly qualified Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM). DPMs have completed years of study and foot and ankle training through podiatric medical school and training via residency. In choosing a podiatrist, understand there are those who focus on sports injuries, age-related degeneration, conditions affected by diabetes, work injuries, and others. Is your issue something minor in need of a short-term solution, or will your situation require repeat visits or perhaps even physical therapy?
Foot and ankle problems can stem from a variety of root causes, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and vein disease. Make sure to understand what’s actually happening with your feet and ankles and find a specialist who understands the cause and doesn’t just treat the symptom. Other issues include arthritis, injuries, skin disorders, nerve damage, muscle and tendon issues, toe or toenail problems, and joint conditions. Ask questions and do your best to get a complete picture of your particular affl iction. Don’t hesitate to do your own research.
Once you’ve narrowed down your options for a podiatrist that fits your needs, look at online reviews and check the American Podiatric Medical Association website (APMA.org) for more information. Your feet need to last a lifetime, so preventative care is important as well. Choose properly fi tting shoes and avoid those that don’t offer stability and comfort. If pedicures are among your must-haves, select a place that is known for its cleanliness, one that uses disposable liners in the foot wash. If you have children, be aware their feet can grow a half size in just a few short months, so frequently check their shoe fit.
Don’t wear closed-toe, tight-fitting shoes without socks, and make sure to keep shoes clean and adequately aired out.
Your feet are your foundation, and while it may be easy to overlook them, make it a priority to include routine care and maintenance before they demand it. And if you fi nd yourself in need of a podiatrist, many excellent resources are available to help in your selection. Use the tips above to get started, and you’ll be on your way to successful treatment.
OUR MOTHERS AND GRANDMOTHERS KNEW THE BENEFIT OF SLIPPING AWAY TO THE DAY SPA TO DESTRESS AND REJUVENATE. Today, we have medical spas (med spas) that blend traditional relaxation services with medical technology to rejuvenate skin, hair, nails, and other areas while easing the mind, body, and spirit. Typically operated under the supervision of a medical doctor, med spas offer a range of services such as acupuncture, hair and tattoo removal, facials, injections, fillers, chemical peels, weight loss, skin tightening, and skin rejuvenation. But it’s important to thoroughly vet potential medical spas to ensure they’re safe and able to deliver the results you want.
“We love helping you to look and feel your best with innovative aesthetic treatments tailored to each patient’s needs and wishes.”
Y.Begin by considering your goals. Then do some research to see who in your area offers the specific treatments you want and need. Gather names of potential spas from friends, the Internet, and local advertising. Once you have some candidates, read a few online reviews while looking for an overall pattern of satisfaction from their clients, especially those who’ve had the same procedures you’re considering.
Book an initial consultation at a few locations to get a fi rsthand impression. Inquire about who’ll be performing your procedure and how much experience they have with that treatment. How long have they been doing it, and how many do they perform each month? What are their
credentials? You want your procedure performed by someone with the proper training, licensing, background, and experience. Ask for a few referrals and to see some before and after photos. Do staff members seem knowledgeable? Professional? You want to feel comfortable with the entire practice, not just the person performing your procedure. The spa should outline the procedure for you and let you know what you can expect. They should ask about your goals for the treatment. While there, assess the cleanliness of the facility. Ask about any technology used for your procedure.
Look for a med spa that keeps up with advancing technology and one that’s passionate about continuing education. Take notes on the technology they use, especially any that will be implemented in your procedure, then do some research to see if this is the most up-to-date and least-invasive technology available.
Ask how many treatments it should take to see the results you want, keeping in mind that individuals differ. Some clients may see results after one treatment, while others need several to achieve the results they desire. But they should be able to give you an average. You should not feel pressured into purchasing additional services.
To recap, begin by identifying your problem or concern and considering the results you hope to achieve. Investigate which med spas in your area offer those services. Then use the above criteria to determine who stacks up and where you feel most comfortable and welcome. Once you fi nd the med spa that’s perfect for you, you’re on the road to a better, less stressful life.
GETTING THE RIGHT INSURANCE COVERAGE THAT MEETS YOUR NEEDS INVOLVES MORE THAN PURCHASING THE RIGHT POLICY. It’s also a matter of choosing the right insurance agent, one who is knowledgeable about various forms of insurance coverage and has a genuine interest in providing you with the right amount of coverage rather than someone wanting to collect a large commission by selling you more coverage than you may need. Hopefully, our five suggestions will help you make the choice that’s best for you.
“Careful consideration needs to be applied when selecting your insurance. What coverage do you need for your protection? Understand what is covered in the policy contract so you don’t have a huge unexpected out of pocket expense on a claim. Is there a professional who will educate and review ooptions and be there in your time of need? The consequences can be huge.”
Al Clark STATE FARM INSURANCEFirst, know the difference between an independent agent and a company agent (sometimes called a captive agent). An independent agent sells policies from several different companies, while a company agent is employed by a large national company and sells only that company’s insurance products.
With an independent agent, you’ll have a choice of several different insurance companies, and if a company is competitive with its rates one year but not the next, the agent can quote other carriers. On the other hand, you may prefer a company agent as they can bundle all your policies — such as home, auto, and life — with their company and give you a substantial rate discount.
Second, in your search, ask someone you trust for referrals, and it shouldn’t be a referral based on superfi cial issues such as who sends the nicest birthday cards.
In getting referrals, if you’re a person who prefers face-to-face appointments, you might give your most serious consideration to local agents who are active members of your community.
Third, interview at least two or three prospective agents. Though it may be a little time-consuming, talk to each candidate about your insurance needs and see which ones seem to give you the best advice on your prospective coverage. You don’t want to be paying for an excessive amount of coverage, but on the other hand, there are few things worse than having a claim and fi nding out that it’s not covered by your policy. And if your intuition tells you the agent is mainly interested in making the sale and collecting a commission, it might be better to look elsewhere.
In the process of interviewing, consider asking for references, which most agents should be happy to provide. If you’re uncomfortable doing that, go online and read reviews written by the agent’s current or past clients.
Fourth, don’t overlook the benefits of experience and expertise. An experienced agent will keep a watchful eye on your changing insurance needs over the years, and they’ll also be able to make a strong case to the claims department if there’s a dispute about the payment of a claim. Indicators of experience and expertise are professional credentials such as Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU), Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU), or Accredited Adviser in Insurance (AAI). Designations like these indicate an agent’s dedication to education and current knowledge.
Fifth, check an agent’s background to see if there are any serious complaints or violations on their record. In Texas, the appropriate website is TDI.Texas.gov. Remember that the ultimate goal is to fi nd an agent who is knowledgeable and experienced, has a good track record, and puts your interests fi rst — so you can rest easy knowing that in the case of an incident, you won’t be left in a bad situation.
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IF MOTHER NATURE DIDN’T BLESS YOU WILL A GREAT SMILE, TODAY’S COSMETIC DENTISTRY COULD GIVE YOU A SMILE YOU’VE ALWAYS WANTED. Cosmetic dentists can reshape worn teeth, straighten crooked smiles, and replace teeth that are missing, which can have an enormous impact. Beyond improving your appearance, cosmetic dentistry can benefit you in numerous other ways. Smiling without embarrassment helps build your self-confidence, putting you at ease at work and in social situations. But first, you’ve got to find the right dentist for the job.
DAVID BUICE“If you don’t have the smile you desire, you may benefit from dental implants, crowns, or porcelain veneers. Contact a cosmetic dentist who has years of experience and a gallery of before and after photos so you can see for yourself what a difference a smile can make.”
Dr. John Bauer MANSFIELD FAMILY DENTISTRYAsk for referrals. If you have a relative or friend who’s had cosmetic dental work, ask how satisfied they are with the result. If you already go to or know a dentist who doesn’t perform cosmetic procedures, ask them for recommendations. Depending on your situation, they might also recommend other specialists before you undergo cosmetic treatment.
Look at online reviews and local publications. Patient reviews and testimonials can tell you a lot about dental procedure success and the overall office atmosphere. A simple search can yield a wealth of information from past patients on the cosmetic dentist you’re considering. Look at before and after photos and verify that the practice has the technology required to perform procedures you might be interested in. One excellent way to validate the credentials of a cosmetic dentist is to find out if they’re
a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD). Members of the AACD receive extensive training beyond dental school on the latest advances and techniques in cosmetic dentistry. They’re also required to pass rigorous written and oral exams and take regular continuing education classes to keep abreast of the latest developments in cosmetic dentistry. You can also check the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners, which has licensee information available online.
Consider their location. This might seem trivial, but cosmetic procedures can sometimes require multiple offi ce visits, and you probably want a dentist who is reasonably close to your home or work. You may also consider in-office comforts such as various types of sedation, headphones, or less intrusive x-ray technology and 3D scanning.
Ask about payment options. Talk to your insurance company to see what sorts of services it covers and confi rm with the practice that they will accept the type of payment you’d prefer — or if they offer payment options that will make the cost of service reasonable for your budget. Schedule an initial consultation. When done correctly, cosmetic dentistry is safe, effective, and long-lasting. But done incorrectly, it can lead to long-term problems. During the consultation, explain your desired outcome and listen carefully to the proposed treatment options and the expected result. And don’t hesitate to ask questions about any lingering doubts you may have.
Finally, as you’re considering your options, remember that a beautiful smile can build your self-confidence and open doors you never knew existed — while it can sometimes come with an investment of time and money, the dividends can be worth it.
REMODELING YOUR HOUSE IS NOT ONLY AN INVESTMENT THAT CAN INCREASE YOUR HOME’S VALUE, BUT AN IMPROVEMENT IN ITS LIVABILITY AND FUNCTIONALITY. It can also enhance your quality of life. While it’s fun to dream about remodeling, it may also be intimidating. We’ve all heard about home remodeling projects gone wrong, but keep in mind that this represents a minority of home remodels. At the same time, this doesn’t mean you don’t need to do your homework before choosing a professional remodeler. Some diligence on your part will help ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience from start to finish.
“Of course, when hiring a contractor, you want to do all the right things like interview the contractor, check their references, look at pictures of their work, make sure they use licensed trades, and verify insurance. These things are all important but equally important is that you MUST like your contractor and TRUST your contractor. You are entering into a partnership and will work very closely with this person inside your home on a daily basis, so it is important that the chemistry and trust is there.”
Tiffany Young TIFFANY YOUNG & CREWBegin by developing an idea of what you want to do with your remodel, including the scope and your available budget. Then prioritize your list of your needs and wants. As you compile a list of the reputable home remodelers in your area, ask real estate agents and others for referrals. Look at the remodeler’s longevity in the marketplace versus being wooed by offers such as a $7,000 kitchen makeover. Consider their reputation as well. A remodeler dedicated to maintaining the highest integrity and standards is a good way to ensure your project’s success.
Additionally, given the scope of your project — a new bathroom, an addition, a whole home renovation, an upgraded kitchen — look for contractors who focus on the kind of remodeling you want. For example, a remodeler that primarily offers quick, inexpensive kitchen and bathroom
remodels may not have the depth and breadth required to adequately perform a whole home renovation.
Once you’ve narrowed your choices down to around three home remodelers, schedule an in-home consultation with each. During the consult, make note of whether the remodeler listens to you and appears willing to collaborate and offer insightful and creative ideas. You must feel that you can “work” with your chosen remodeler. Are they a good listener, upfront, honest, communicative, and knowledgeable? Were your questions answered to your satisfaction? Do you trust them to pay attention to the big picture as well as the little details?
Next, get an estimate from each home remodeler and compare quotes. Go through them in detail to make sure they are apples to apples. Then ask to see a few of their projects that were similar in scope and budget. Many remodelers have pictures available on their website and in portfolio books.
You may also be able to talk with homeowners about their experience with the remodeler. Ask if the project was completed on time, how change orders were handled, the quality of craftsmanship, and how the remodeler addressed issues because, in most cases, something unforeseen is bound to come up during a project.
When you have chosen a home remodeler, remember that any contract or legally binding document you intend to sign should first be reviewed by an attorney well-versed in construction law. Consider items such as a workmanship warranty, lien releases, and recourse if your project is not completed on time or does not pass inspections. Your peace of mind is worth it.
ARE YOU READY TO IMPROVE WHAT MOTHER NATURE GAVE YOU? Do you want to restore your body after having children or losing weight, rock a slimmer, smoother figure, or turn back the years on your facial appearance? If so, now comes the next step — selecting a plastic surgeon. With so many to choose from, it is natural to feel a bit overwhelmed, but fortunately, it’s easier than you think. Resist the urge to buy into the hype and follow a few simple steps that can help you choose a plastic surgeon that’s right for you.
“Patient safety, comfort, and satisfaction are of the utmost importance as well as getting to know each patient and taking time to listen and answer their questions and concerns. Understanding that each patient’s cosmetic and health goals are as unique as they are.”
Y. Anthony Nakamura, MD, FACS, PA ACCENT ON YOUFirst, remember that there is no substitute for credentials, reputation, and experience when choosing a plastic surgeon. Any licensed physician can say they perform appearance-improving surgery, but there’s one easy way to determine if they are qualified to call themselves a plastic surgeon. Physicians who specialize in plastic surgery have completed a general surgery residency followed by a plastic surgery residency or an integrated residency that includes both. Some plastic surgeons opt to then complete a fellowship in a subspecialty, such as aesthetic surgery. If you’re uncertain about a surgeon’s credentials and training, ask, then validate. A surgeon who hesitates to answer should throw up the red fl ag.
Board certification is another way to determine if a plastic surgeon has the training and focus you are seeking. Look
for surgeons who are board certified in the correct fi eld of expertise. Keep in mind that only physicians board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery can call legitimately themselves plastic surgeons. It’s important to note that physicians such as maxillofacial surgeons and otolaryngologists (ENTs) may perform facial cosmetic surgery. Many of these medical specialists have completed a postresidency fellowship focused on plastic, reconstructive, or cosmetic surgery. For example, an ENT can complete a fellowship in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery. Just as you would ask a plastic surgeon about credentials and board certification, ask these physicians as well, then verify. Next, schedule consultations with at least three plastic surgeons so you can compare. Develop a list of questions and bring them to your consultation. You should feel your surgeon has genuinely listened to your goals and concerns and has answered your questions to your satisfaction without making you feel rushed or pressured into making a decision. Note whether or not options and recommendations are provided and compared based on your unique needs, budget, and time available for recovery. Before you leave, ask to see before and after pictures of actual patients. Also, notice the staff and how they treat you. Before and after surgery, you will often interact with them. Lastly, ask for patient references and contact them. These will be people who have agreed to be used as references in accordance with HIPAA guidelines. They can provide insight and opinions that are honest and real compared to online reviews with unverifi able ratings.
If you still can’t determine which plastic surgeon to choose, keep looking. Go on more consultations. A decision as important as this shouldn’t be rushed.
AN ESTIMATED 30 TO 60% OF ADULTS SUFFER FROM LEG SWELLING AND DISCOMFORT FROM VEIN DISEASE, ESPECIALLY VARICOSE VEINS, OR SPIDER VEINS. When these appear as swollen, twisted clusters near the surface of the skin, they are often thought of as a cosmetic affliction. But they may be far more than that. Not only are they embarrassing and painful, but they may also signal serious health issues such as dangerous blood clots. Only a vascular specialist can properly diagnose the source of your symptoms and determine the treatment that will most effectively correct your problems.
Varicose and spider veins arise from venous disease, a complex condition that a highly trained and experienced vein specialist should treat. Choosing the right provider will ensure that your situation is properly diagnosed and treated, and we offer the following guidelines to help you fi nd the right specialist.
First, treating vein disease should be the physician’s area of specialty. Any doctor can offer vein treatment, but that doesn’t mean this treatment is their specialty. A vein specialist must be a physician, either a medical doctor (MD) or a doctor of osteopathy (DO). Both have a bachelor’s degree followed by four years of medical school and then a residency lasting four to seven years. Some specialists also secure fellowships that provide an extended period of additional training in the treatment of vein disease.
Along with specialized training, board certification is also crucial. Board certification from a professional organization such as the American Board of Surgery indicates that the physician you choose is committed to the highest standards of care and ongoing education in the field. Much of this information can be found online, and physicians will usually have their professional certificates on display. And along with the physician’s qualifi cations, you might want to ask if they use registered vascular technicians (RVTs) to assist with treatment.
The physician’s equipment is another factor in your choice. The vein specialist you choose should have state-of-the-art equipment that diagnoses and treats a wide range of vascular conditions in the least invasive way possible. Ultrasound equipment is commonly used to diagnose vein conditions, and laser and radiofrequency technology are often the treatment options for either varicose or spider veins. Both minimize discomfort and downtime. A variety of treatment options ensures that the specialist can tailor treatment to your specifi c needs.
You might also seek out references and referrals. Comments and recommendations from past patients are readily available online, though be careful not to let the complaints of one dissatisfied patient influence your choice. Remember that no matter your fi eld, you’ll never satisfy everyone. You can also ask your primary care physician which vein specialist they would choose for treatment of their own vein conditions.
Don’t overlook insurance coverage. Your vein specialist can tell you if your treatment is considered medically necessary or cosmetic, and the physician’s staff should be willing to contact your insurer to ask if your procedure will be covered.
Finally, qualifications aren’t everything. You and your doctor should be a good match in personality, which helps signifi cantly with both effective communication and treatment.
“If you are experiencing leg pain, night cramps, restless legs, or skin changes on your legs, it’s very possible you could have a vein problem. Contact a vein specialist who can help get you back to a better quality of life.”
Thomas E. Eidson, DO ATLAS VEIN CARE
SMILING IS POWERFUL. IT CAN INSTANTLY IMPROVE YOUR MOOD, REDUCE STRESS, AND EVEN RETRAIN YOUR BRAIN TO ENCOURAGE POSITIVE-THINKING PATTERNS. Unfortunately, those who don’t like the way their teeth look try to hide their smile. The truth is that many beautiful smiles are the result of spectacular orthodontic work, not good genetics. Orthodontic treatment is a complex process that involves changes in jaw bones, facial bones, and soft tissue. Orthodontic treatment also helps reduce the development of tooth decay and gum diseases caused by overcrowded teeth, decreases problems with grinding teeth, and aligns protruding teeth or jaws. By choosing a good orthodontist, you can solve many issues at once. So how do you find the right one?
Start by asking for recommendations. Orthodontic work is so common that it is likely that several of your friends, family members, and co-workers have had it done. Ask them who they like and why. Your dentist is also a great reference point. When researching orthodontists, verify that they are university trained. It is not uncommon for dentists to perform some orthodontic work without making it their specialty. You want someone who has not only graduated from a dental school, but who has also successfully completed an advanced study in orthodontics at an accredited orthodontic residency program. An easy way to verify this information is to confirm they are members of the American Association
of Orthodontists by visiting their website. Only university-trained orthodontists who have completed a specialty training program in orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics after graduating from dental school can be a member of the American Association of Orthodontists. For a doctor who goes the extra mile, check to see if they are board certified by the American Board of Orthodontics.
Once you create a list of orthodontists in your area, schedule an initial appointment. Take this time to make sure their offi ce is up to date with the latest technology. For the best in equipment, look for a 3D scanner that makes electronic molds of teeth. If you are worried about radiation, look for an offi ce that uses a digital x-ray and a cone beam x-ray machine. Digital x-rays use half the radiation of traditional fi lm x-rays, while the cone beam is like the medical CAT scan except it exposes patients to much less radiation.
During the consultation, make sure you ask questions about the scope, length, and cost of treatment. It is important to know how long the treatment plan will take and what type of post-treatment is necessary. Ask about the processes and tools they use that are specific to the procedures you’re planning to undergo and get a sense of what will be required to achieve the best result. Compare costs and payment plan options with other orthodontic practices. If you are not 100% satisfied with your initial consultation, it never hurts to get a second opinion. You will have the chance to compare pricing and treatment plans before making your final decision. By considering the right things and getting the best information, you’ll be confi dent that you’re making the best choice.
“With Invisalign for Kids I have seen amazing results on my own children (Kai 8, Liv 6) creating room for the larger adult teeth and avoiding expanders and early metal braces.”
DERMATOLOGISTS DIAGNOSE AND TREAT OVER 3,000 CONDITIONS AND DISEASES OF THE SKIN, HAIR, NAILS, AND MUCOUS MEMBRANES. A few health issues that can be improved with dermatologic care include acne, eczema, psoriasis, hair loss, rosacea, varicose veins, and signs of aging. There is also a key preventive role of these doctors through annual skin checks. Using professional strategies and equipment, dermatologists can find issues with the skin that may not be immediately apparent. Early detection of cancer concerns is vital, and treatment of melanoma can result in a cure in many cases.
loved ones. Call each doctor and set up an initial consultation, in which you can ask the doctor additional questions.
Confi rm that the dermatologist is focused on treating you rather than promoting products or services that will not directly help your condition. The doctor should view you as a patient, not a consumer. Verify that appointments will never feel rushed. Your dermatologist should provide time to explain everything thoroughly, including tests and treatments.
Ask the doctor about their experience treating your condition. If a dermatologist has subspecialty training in nail and hair disorders or skin cancer surgery, that tells you they have invaluable knowledge related to your diagnosis. Ask what their experience is with your disease.
“Choosing the right dermatologist team is so imperative. A good dermatologist will look you over from head to toe, scanning your skin for potential cancers. Early detection is essential. For cosmetic procedures, it is very important to find a dermatologist who listens and understands your goals. Choose a team with experience and the expertise to carry out the procedures in a safe manner with exceptional outcomes.”
Dr. Jeannine Hoang UNITED DERMATOLOGY ASSOCIATESWhile it is generally important to see a dermatologist, it is also critical to fi nd one who is credible and can best meet your needs. Several considerations can help in your selection process.
First, verify that the dermatologist is board certifi ed. Board certifi cation will ensure that the doctor has completed a medical degree, an internship, and a residency approved by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education. You also know that they have passed an exam by the American Osteopathic Board of Dermatology or the American Board of Dermatology.
Ask your primary care physician for a dermatologist referral. You can also get recommendations from other doctors or
Check about modes of contact outside business hours. If you receive a treatment and start to have an adverse response, you will want to be able to reach the doctor right away. Rather than fi nding out that the person you chose to trust with your skin is unavailable after-hours, ask about evening and weekend contact upfront. Make sure you can connect. While the criteria for professional relationships differ from personal ones, you still want to feel that you can communicate. As you ask the dermatologist questions in your initial appointment, be sure they answer you in plain language and are focused on your comfort.
By following the steps above, you can be confident that you have done your due diligence to fi nd a physician who will be a good fit for you.
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IF YOU’VE EVER SAT FOR HOURS IN A HOSPITAL’S EMERGENCY ROOM SURROUNDED BY FAR SICKER OR MORE BADLY INJURED PEOPLE, YOU PROBABLY FELT EQUAL PARTS THANKFUL THAT YOUR “EMERGENCY” WASN’T DIRE ENOUGH TO MOVE YOU TO THE TOP OF THE LIST AND FRUSTRATED WHEN YOU REALIZE YOU’D BE THERE FOR A WHILE. That scenario led to the creation of urgent care facilities. Urgent cares are same-day clinics that can handle a variety of conditions that aren’t life-threatening but require immediate attention. Urgent care is a great option for times when your doctor’s office is closed or can’t accommodate you with a timely appointment.
MIMI GREENWOOD KNIGHT“When choosing an urgent care facility, find out how long it’s been in operation and how long the providers have been practicing there. Longevity means they are familiar with you and your family. Also, a facility that has two providers per shift allows them to spend more time with you and offers the patients more choices, such as a male or female provider.”
The fi rst thing to decide is whether your emergency is a candidate for urgent care or whether it warrants a trip to the emergency room. Most urgent care clinics are well equipped to handle conditions such as fever without a rash, minor trauma, a common sprain, certain types of broken bones (usually on the limbs), painful urination, persistent diarrhea, severe sore throat, or vomiting. If you’re unsure whether your condition is life-threatening or not, it’s always a good idea to opt for an emergency facility and let the experts be the judge. The moment you need care isn’t necessarily the best time to shop for an urgent care facility. It’s far better to evaluate the options in your area now and decide which one
you’ll visit when the time comes. Begin with facilities that are reasonably close to your home. While an earache, rash, muscle sprain, or minor abrasion isn’t life-threatening, someone suffering from them won’t feel like traveling all over the city looking for treatment.
Look online for facilities in your area and visit their websites to see what level of care they provide, their hours of operation, and what insurance plans they accept. Some facilities offer 24/7 care. Some don’t. If you don’t have insurance or they, don’t take yours, but you decide to go there anyway, most facilities will accept your credit card or check and may even allow you to arrange a payment plan over time. But that’s another decision it’s best to make ahead of time.
If you live in an urban or suburban area, you probably have several options close to you. And if your medical condition isn’t something they treat, any of them should be able to stabilize you and then help you get transported to an emergency facility. If you have kids, look for a facility with a doctor qualified to offer pediatric care and a kid-friendly bedside manner. Ask other parents about their experiences.
Also, see what services they offer in addition to traditional urgent care. Many centers provide preventive care such as sports physicals and immunizations or can assist you in managing chronic problems such as diabetes, saving you all that time waiting in the doctor or hospital waiting rooms. Do remember that if you have a life-threatening emergency, it’s always a good idea to head to an emergency room or call an ambulance to get you there as quickly as possible.
SOONER OR LATER, MOST OF US WILL NEED THE ASSISTANCE OF A GOOD ATTORNEY TO HELP WITH AN ISSUE. It might be to draw up a will, create a trust, purchase property, or renegotiate a loan. Perhaps you’re going through a divorce, being sued, or thinking of bringing a legal suit. In a worst-case scenario, you might need a defense attorney. With about 1.3 million practicing attorneys in the United States, you have no shortage of choices. Here are a few suggestions for choosing an attorney that best meets your legal needs.
“When selecting a family law attorney it is important to select a firm that is committed to obtaining the best collaborative, “families first” solution, but has the experience to aggressively advocate on your behalf if all other alternate dispute resolution forms fail.”
Donna J. Smiedt, Board Certified Family Law Attorney/Mediator DONNA SMIEDT LAWYou can start with your employer, as some companies have an employee assistance program (EAP). This could be a way of getting a basic legal document, such as a will or power of attorney, done at a reasonable cost. Through an EAP, you might also get a free initial consultation to help you determine whether declaring bankruptcy might make sense or if you have a valid legal claim to fi le a lawsuit before looking for a more specialized attorney to help you handle such matters.
Whether or not your employer has an EAP, you should consider asking family members, friends, and work associates for recommendations. Lawyers that they know can be helpful in your search, even if they specialize in another area of legal practice. Lawyers tend to know other lawyers, most importantly those who are reputable.
Consider doing some personal research. Several online resources offer listings of attorneys by state and specialty, and many are used by attorneys themselves when looking for legal talent. You can also find lawyer and law firm ratings based on peer reviews, and these may be helpful in choosing between two equally qualified candidates.
Once a consultation is arranged, prepare a list of questions in advance. These could include the following.
“Who will I be working with?” You don’t want to settle on an attorney only to fi nd they’re passing your case off to a junior associate or a paralegal.
“How will you be paid?” Are they charging a fl at fee, an hourly rate, or working on a contingency basis? It’s essential to know how payment and costs will work upfront.
“How much experience do you have dealing with situations like mine?” And don’t be shy about asking about credentials. If you’re creating a trust, for example, you might want an attorney who has earned the designation of AEP (Accredited Estate Planner).
“Do you have questions for me?” A good attorney should be focused on you and your needs and should have some questions of their own to ask you.
It’s also a good idea to check the Texas Bar website to see if any of your prospects have been subject to any disciplinary action. If you notice something, allow your attorney a chance to explain.
Finally, consider the personal chemistry you have with the lawyer. Whatever their experience or credentials, you want to work with someone you like and trust, so don’t overlook the importance of personality and personal chemistry.
Donna J. Smiedt and Desaray Muma have been collaboratively trained to provide our clients with a private and less stressful way to resolve their family law disputes than in a courtroom. We are proud to work with a team of highly specialized professionals to address the entire family’s needs as we assist our clients in developing a new family dynamic, post-divorce, which includes providing tools to problem solve and co-parent for the best interest of their children.
POOR POSTURE, STRENUOUS EXERCISE, AND UNNATURAL MOVEMENTS MAY STRESS THE SPINE AND RESULT IN DETERIORATION. You may experience injuries or wear-and-tear that must be addressed by spine surgery. If your spine becomes damaged, it can be excruciatingly painful and restrict your movement, preventing you from being able to participate in your favorite activities and severely impacting your quality of life. Beyond pain relief and mobility, benefits of spine surgery include a reduction in prescription drugs, the ability to return to work, improved productivity, better fitness, stronger movement, and heightened mood.
“My goal as your orthopedic surgeon is to restore your mobility and improve your quality of life. I take great pride in watching my patients return to their favorite activities and/or sports. It is extremely gratifying to be able to relieve people’s pain. That’s why I chose this profession and love what I do.”
Nicholas E. Martin, MD THE ORTHOPEDIC AND SPORTS MEDICINE INSTITUTEA strong outcome from a spinal operation relies on selecting the right doctor. You can follow a few simple steps to fi nd a surgeon you can trust with your back.
Clarify if the doctor is an orthopedic surgeon or neurosurgeon. Both types of surgeons have the expertise to perform most spinal operations (although the former typically addresses tumors, the latter usually treats deformity).
Verify how much of the practice is spine operations. Doctors who center their work on the spine will tend to use more innovative methods and have greater expertise. One way to check how much surgery a doctor performs is to see if they belong to the North American Spine Society since anyone joining that association must confi rm that half or more of their practice is committed
to the spine. Another important number to know is how many spinal surgeries the doctor performs annually.
Confirm the credibility and education of the surgeon by checking that they are boardcertified. You can check certification with the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) by calling (866) ASK-ABMS. Make sure that the surgeon has neurological or orthopedic surgery certifi cation or is at least board eligible in those fields. It is also a good idea to verify how much training the surgeon has received.
When you meet with the surgeon, think about whether they make you feel comfortable and are helpful in addressing your concerns. The doctor should be clear in their responses. Select a doctor who is focused on informing you and helping you determine if the operation is the right choice. The surgeon should explain the challenges involved, along with a balanced view of benefits and risks.
Speak with other patients. Ask if they thought the surgeon was highly skilled and if they would seek additional treatment from them. Verify that the doctor didn’t rush through explanations and treatment and that it was not difficult to reach them, particularly following the operation. Check that the surgeon’s staff was friendly and helpful.
Speak with other doctors too. It can be helpful to ask other physicians for their perspectives.
Spinal surgery can improve your mobility, alleviate pain, and allow you to return to work. While picking out the right doctor is fundamental, you can meet with a happy outcome by putting suffi cient care into the selection process.
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G. TODD MOORE, D.O. G. TODD MOORE, D.O. NICHOLAS E. MARTIN, MD NICHOLAS E. MARTIN, MDHORMONES CONTROL THE MAJORITY OF YOUR BODY’S BASIC FUNCTIONS. They work as your cell-to-cell communication system, coordinating things like mood, appetite, desire, growth, immune function, and energy levels. If your hormones become even slightly imbalanced, it can have a huge negative impact on your physical and mental health. When we age, hormone levels decline, which results in an array of unsettling symptoms. Unexplained weight gain? Low energy? No sex drive? Brain fog? Increasingly, people are turning to hormone replacement therapies (HRT) to greatly reduce or eliminate symptoms. Choosing a qualified hormone therapy center can help you reclaim your youthful self.
“Not all providers are equally knowledgeable about hormone therapy. It is important to find the experts in the field to help provide you with the most individualized plan of care possible. Hormones are not “one-size-fits-all”- providers must focus on unique treatment plans for YOU, to make sure your personal needs are met.”
You don’t have to live with mood swings, weight gain, decreased libido, and loss of vitality caused by declining hormone levels. In recent years, hormone therapies and their overall availability have advanced significantly. These treatments have become very popular due to their success in helping men and women enjoy a more youthful level of health and vitality. Maybe you’ve seen one or more hormone therapy centers open up in your neighborhood or near your work. How do you choose a center that’s right for you?
The fi rst step involves a little investigative work. Search for hormone therapy centers in your area and take a look at two or three of them. If you go to the staff pages of local therapy center websites, you can see the names of the physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and
BY SAMANTHA GLUCKother professional staff. A reputable center will be headed up by either a medical doctor (MD) or nurse practitioner (FNPC) and may or may not have several other healthcare staff members to assist.
Look at the services offered and make sure they include a variety of hormone replacement therapies. Most will provide HRT for women and for men, but some stick to one or the other. So, it’s important to check that out before showing up at the front desk. You should also fi nd out what type of therapy is offered — there are many different vehicles for therapy, from tablets to patches to creams to subcutaneous pellets.
Next, it’s time to do a little leg work. Reach out to the practice you are considering to ask questions. Even though you haven’t made an appointment, the staff should welcome you and take time to answer your questions. Some questions you might ask include: What are the benefits of bioidentical hormone therapy for men and women? Do you offer prescriptive vitamin supplements to support wellness and nutrition? What types of tests will you require to determine what therapies I need? What does hormone replacement therapy typically cost? If the staff members answer your questions professionally and to your satisfaction, that’s a great sign.
Also, glance around the facility itself. Take home some brochures or any other materials they’re able to provide. One consideration still worth mentioning is location. Choose a treatment center that meets the other criteria but is also convenient for you. Certain hormone replacement therapies may require more frequent visits. You don’t want to have to drive more than necessary to get the help you need to live your best life.
We listen to you, even when you have found that no one else will We can help you work through your symptoms and figure out the root cause, not just cover it up with medications You know when you don’t feel like yourself & we can help
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MANY OF THE DECISIONS YOU MAKE AS A PARENT IMPACT YOUR CHILDREN’S OVERALL SUCCESS IN LIFE. The schools they attend are very important considerations. Because of this, a growing number of parents are considering private schools. Studies indicate that better discipline, a better learning environment, smaller class sizes, and improved student safety are some of the top reasons parents send their children to private schools, as well as higher standardized test scores. Other factors include special needs, religious curriculums, programs that further develop a child’s natural talents, and environments that support the development of emotional and interpersonal social skills.
“Once you have a list of schools you are interested in for your child, take the time to visit the schools on the top of your list. A visit during school hours is invaluable to see the learning environment and community. In many cases, you will know what school is right for your family by what you see, what you hear, and how the school makes you feel. Can you see your child belonging to this school?”
Dr. Sarah Schecter HEAD OF LOWER SCHOOL AT THE OAKRIDGE SCHOOLStart by considering your child’s needs along with your own desires as you begin your quest to fi nd the right private school. Make two lists of questions — ones to ask yourself and ones for the schools you tour. Ask yourself what type of student your child is and answer honestly. Then think about the general characteristics of a school where you believe they will be most successful. Ask what some of the challenges are that your child struggles with — socially, academically, or from a learning ability perspective. How will your child benefit from small class sizes? How important are athletics or a robust fi ne arts program for your child? What kind of school-sponsored extracurricular activities is your child interested in? Other important criteria include the tuition you
can afford and if fi nancial aid programs are available if the tuition is out of reach.
If you have more than one child who will be attending a private school and want to keep them in the same school, then you need to consider the traits, skills, and abilities of all of your children. Since they may vary, be prepared to look for a school that can generally benefit all of them.
Once you’ve done this, start doing some research and create a list of the best prospects. As you search, prepare a list of questions for each school you will be touring. For example, what are the school’s philosophy and vision, and how do they apply it in the classroom and on the campus? What is the current student-toteacher ratio in each specific grade level, and what are the school’s accreditations? Ask about the teachers’ qualifications, the school’s co-curricular activities, and how technology is integrated into the classroom and curriculum. Inquire about college matriculation, available AP classes, and even travel-abroad and community service programs. Ask what type of student the school is looking for in general because you want your child to thrive and feel comfortable as opposed to leaving them feeling out of place or unwanted.
When visiting schools, take your time and observe the students, teachers, and parents. If it helps, take notes. Do the students and teachers appear engaged? Do students seem attentive? Can you envision your child being successful at this school?
Lastly, get your child’s input on the schools they’ve visited. Listen with an open mind. If your child is staunchly opposed to a particular school, get to the bottom of these feelings before making a fi nal decision.
The best way to experience the Oakridge Family and to learn about all that we have to offer is to visit our beautiful campus.
ARE YOU EXPERIENCING CHRONIC MUSCLE PAIN? Have you noticed that you are wearing out your shoes differently? Maybe you suffer from regular headaches, or you’ve recently been in an accident. There are many reasons to visit a chiropractor for an adjustment — these are just a few of the more common complaints chiropractors tend to hear from their patients daily. Whatever the reason for scheduling an appointment, you want to make sure you are selecting the right chiropractor for your specific needs and symptoms. So how do you do that?
“If you have been suffering from back pain, don’t wait another second to begin your road to recovery. Chiropractic techniques can assist patients with the rediscovery of health and wellness that had been previously known but long lost. For others, the chiropractic journey may offer a new sense of balance and wellness that one has never before experienced.”
Michael C. Bank, DC BACK 2 WELLNESS CHIROPRACTICChiropractic treatment is a physical procedure — experts say consideration should be given to doctor-patient rapport and joint manipulation style. You’ll want to ask your current healthcare providers for recommendations. You want to select someone competent and trustworthy. You can also ask friends and co-workers for advice but remember that one person’s defi nition of the “best chiropractor” may look entirely different than the next. The goal is to find the best fit for your individual chiropractic needs. Multiple referrals for the same chiropractor are usually a good sign and probably something worth checking out. You’ll probably want to fi nd out who takes your insurance.
Before selecting a chiropractor and beginning treatment, either “interview” the potential chiropractic candidates over the phone or (ideally) schedule an in-office
consultation. This will allow you to learn more about the chiropractor, the practice, and the techniques or treatment methods used, which can vary widely. You may also want to consider office waiting times, ease of scheduling, and location, as these may affect your overall experience. Because of the nature of chiropractic treatment, you will want to feel very comfortable with the chiropractic clinic you select.
Is the chiropractor friendly and courteous? Do you feel comfortable talking to them? Do they fully answer all your questions? How many years do they have in practice? Do they have a specific undergraduate or postgraduate specialty? (Not a requirement, but some chiropractors decide to pursue postgraduate programs in related specialties that could be useful in treating your issue.) Have they treated many patients with conditions like yours? You’ll want to ask about treatment plans and costs. Some chiropractors perform joint manipulation with their hands only, while others use instruments. Some treat using quick and fi rm manipulation, while others employ a lighter touch. Treatment is largely derived from the individual preferences of both the healthcare provider and the patient, so make sure to choose someone who listens to your concerns and considers your wishes. You may need to do additional research on any techniques the chiropractor says will be used before making up your mind.
Check with your state’s Chiropractic Regulation and Licensing Board — to verify potential chiropractic candidates are in good standing and without disciplinary action. Selecting any healthcare professional is a big deal. Don’t feel like you must choose the very first chiropractor you meet with. Feel free to interview many candidates before making your decision. The chiropractor’s role is to make treatment recommendations. Ultimately, you choose whether to accept.
As a Chiropractor who cares about utilizing the most advanced chiropractic techniques, Dr Michael Bank has years of experience in helping patients get pain relief for back pain, neck pain, headaches, and other related conditions. Dr. Bank has an extensive medical background and training in sports medicine earning a bachelors and master's degree, as well as his doctorate in chiropractic. He earned his post graduate certification in brain tramatology and whiplash injuries..
A UROLOGIST IS A PHYSICIAN WHO SPECIALIZES IN TREATING, BOTH MEDICALLY AND SURGICALLY, PROBLEMS RELATED TO THE URINARY TRACT, INCLUDING THE BLADDER, KIDNEYS, AND URETHRA. Urologists treat men and women for urinary diseases, and they treat men for infertility and sexual dysfunction. Kidney stones, prostate cancer, and stress urinary incontinence are also among the diseases and disorders that urologists often treat. Some urologists specialize further in the fields of infertility and sexual dysfunction, a subspecialty that includes the use of prosthetics and implants. If you’re dealing with any of these situations, a urologist is probably the specialist you need to see.
“Choosing a doctor to trust with your medical issues can sometimes feel like a daunting task, especially when it comes to more sensitive topics, which can often be the case with urologic problems. I always strive to make my patients feel at ease, and take the time to explain things thoroughly and review all of their concerns. I work alongside my patients to offer them the very best treatment options for their issue, and utilize a variety of minimally invasive options and advanced techniques when able.”
Dr. James Kelley TEXAS CENTER FOR UROLOGYIf you’re looking for a urologist, chances are that your primary care physician has recommended that you see one. A urologist will guide you through many decisions related to protecting your urinary tract health or treating a urinary tract disease, disorder, or condition. We offer some considerations to keep in mind to assist you in your search.
Begin by seeking referrals, fi rst from your primary care physician. You can also ask family, friends, and work colleagues for their recommendations.
Take the time to research the doctor’s credentials and experience online, including medical school, training hospital, and board certification. Once you have narrowed your list, schedule an appointment with the urologist who appears best qualifi ed to help you.
In the office, don’t be afraid to ask questions. For example, if you know you’re going to need a specific procedure, ask the urologist how many of these they have performed and find out about the risk of complications. Experienced urologists are best able to prevent surgical complications or recognize and treat them if they occur.
Gender is another consideration, both theirs and yours. It’s important to feel comfortable with your urologist, as you will need to discuss some very personal information. Urologists may specialize in male and female-related urologic conditions. Your questions should include their recent training and experience specifically related to your situation.
As you ask questions, note their communication style. When you first meet, ask questions, and see how they respond. Do they welcome your questions and answer in ways you can understand? Find a urologist who shows an interest in getting to know you and will consider your treatment preferences and respect your decisions.
Suppose your condition requires surgery outside the urologist’s office, research hospital quality. Your doctor’s hospital will now be your hospital and hospital quality matters. Patients at top-rated hospitals have fewer complications and better survival rates. Also, consider how convenient the hospital is to you, especially if you will have to return for frequent treatment or tests.
Review patient surveys online, but don’t be unduly influenced by one or two disgruntled patients. Used judiciously, you can learn a lot from these, especially things like wait time, office environment, and friendliness. Finally, don’t overlook insurance. To minimize your out-of-pocket expenses, you want a urologist who participates in your plan, keeping in mind their credentials and experience and the quality of the hospital care you may need.
INSTALLING A NEW ROOF IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT HOME IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS YOU’LL RUN INTO AS A HOMEOWNER, AND AN EXPENSIVE ONE. While several variables go into determining the cost, a replacement roof routinely runs into the tens of thousands. The average lifespan of a roof in the Lone Star State — depending on the material type and workmanship — is 15 to more than 30 years. Well-maintained stone, tile, and metal roofs can last longer. Considering the cost and value of a new roof, it’s important to follow a few basic rules when searching for a roofing contractor.
Once you’ve narrowed your selection down to two or three contractors, get estimates. During this process, the roofer should discuss different types of roofing materials with you and provide good, better, best estimates. Inquire if the estimates include removing the old roof and all trash material associated with the project. Ask about the cost of plywood if a rotten roof or soft roof decking is discovered and how the contractor will protect the job in progress in inclement weather.
First, be aware there aren’t any offi cial licensing requirements for roofing contractors in the state of Texas. Anyone wanting to call themselves a roofer or roofing company can do so and start taking on projects. Your best bet is to look for local roofi ng companies with a good reputation and longevity in the business. Cheap roofing deals may be tempting, but buyers beware.
Before obtaining written estimates, ask a few questions to steer you in the right direction. Insurance is a must. Make sure a contractor has valid, unexpired worker’s compensation and liability insurance. (Workman’s compensation covers the employees on your property, while general liability insurance covers your actual property.) Don’t take their word for it. Ask to see proof of insurance for both.
Always take time to get a description of the manufacturer’s warranty from the contractor, then get it in writing, read it, and understand the inclusions and exclusions. Do they match what the contractor explained to you? Some of the best cover material, labor, and roof removal costs. Manufacturer warranties cover a material defect that caused the roof failure, but they don’t cover an improperly installed roof. Reputable roofi ng contractors often offer a workmanship warranty in addition to the manufacturers’ warranty because they trust the quality of their installations. Ask your contractor what they offer.
Before you sign on the dotted line, check your city to determine if your project needs a permit. If so, it should be pulled by the contractor, not you, the homeowner. If the contractor balks at this, keep looking. Also, ask the contractor for references from customers who have the same type of roofing system installed that you’re considering. Contact them to see if the contractor completed the job satisfactorily.
Being confi dent you’ve selected the right roofing contractor will help you feel comfortable and sure that you have a quality roof overhead — and that your hard-earned money has been wisely spent.
“Homeowners should be aware of the new law which began in September of 2020 that says that homeowners must pay their own deductibles. It is against the law to use a contractor that covers deductibles.”
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First things fi rst: We will not call these New Year’s resolutions because we all know they are usually made to be broken, often by February. Instead, these suggestions are intended to be habit-forming in a good way. And to be a part of the change to a healthier lifestyle.
Adopting new habits doesn’t mean going from zero to sixty on the fi rst day. It is a process that should be done over time. This will improve the chances that the changes are permanent.
We also don’t want to concentrate on one element of a healthy lifestyle. Many people vow to either lose weight or exercise more when we ring in the new year. But adopting a healthier lifestyle means doing both as well as focusing on your mindset. It’s not something you have to do but something you want to do.
Take a hike. The phrase typically has a negative connotation, but in this case, we suggest you go for a walk. You do not have to work out as if you are trying to make the U.S. Olympic team. Instead, take a 30-minute walk at a comfortable pace but a little faster than a stroll. Try doing this three days a week and build up to fi ve days or every other day. Driving to the mall or grocery store? Instead of circling the parking lot until you fi nd a space close to the entrance, park far away and walk.
Be your own best friend. You can walk with a friend or family member or talk on your smartphone to pass the time, but some alone time is good, too. While walking or simply fi nding a quiet place to sit and think, turn off the phone and outside distractions. Don’t be afraid to be alone with your thoughts. It can give you clarity and direction about things going on in your life.
Get more sleep. It may be diffi cult but going to bed a little earlier when you must get up for work or school will help you feel more refreshed and alert during the day, and you will not
find your eyes closing mid-afternoon. Remember, the key to restful sleep is to avoid eating before bedtime and drinking anything but water. This also means resisting the urge to scroll through your email or text messages just before plopping your head on the pillow.
I’ll drink to that. Try to drink water more often. You don’t have to give up having a glass of wine, coffee, or even a soda now and then. Just add more water to your beverage mix. It can be sparkling water, sugar-free fl avored water, or plain water. Staying hydrated is important and helps cleanse the body.
You are what you eat. Developing better eating habits does not mean becoming a vegan. You do not have to eliminate having treats either but have them as an occasional reward for adding more vegetables, fruit, and nuts to your diet. If you are a meat-lover, scale back and add fi sh and poultry to the menu. Healthy eating shouldn’t be about denial but incorporating nutritional food with those occasional guilty pleasures. Developing healthier habits shouldn’t be a punishment but a reward.
Did you ever go grocery shopping without a list and come home with things you did not intend to buy while forgetting a couple of items you needed?
Avoid the frustration and stress and make a list, not just for grocery shopping but for chores and other things you must do during the day.
Mental health is as important as physical well-being. So, make some time to meditate during the day, but don’t become a recluse either. Interact with people, whether it is a friend, neighbor, or calling a relative living in another city or state.
Stimulate your mind by learning something new every day. That is when surfing the Internet or watching educational TV is a good thing.
Do a good deed. Donate your time to a worthy cause. Complement someone on their achievement or simply how nice they look. It will be a feel-good moment for you as well.
Forgive and forget. Carrying a grudge will hurt you more than the object of your scorn. And try not to get angry about every little injustice in the world. Start by turning off those news alerts you get on your phone every five minutes.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly half of all American adults have high blood pressure or hypertension. About 75% don’t have it under control, and many may not even realize they have it unless they experience other complications.
High blood pressure is a leading cause and controllable risk factor for heart disease and stroke, as well as other issues such as kidney failure and vision loss. However, the American Heart Association recommends taking these simple steps to help control your levels and manage risks.
In most cases, normal blood pressure is 120/80 mm HG or less. Readings consistently higher than 130/80 are considered high blood pressure. Have your blood pressure measured at least once a year by a health care professional and regularly monitor it at home with a validated
Robert Kent Smitherman, M.D., F.A.C.P. Kamilah Tawakoni Jones, APRN, FNP-C
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monitor, then discuss the readings with your doctor. Getting accurate readings can help ensure the most appropriate treatment should any problems arise.
If you’re overweight or obese, you’re at increased risk of high blood pressure. Losing just 3 to 5% of your body weight can help improve your numbers. There are plans and programs available that can assist with weight loss and taking positive steps with a friend or family member may help with motivation.
To maximize health benefits and help keep blood pressure in the normal range, the American Heart Association recommends adults get at least 150 minutes per week of moderate activity, 75 minutes of vigorous activity, or a combination of the two. Try activities like brisk walking, swimming, bicycling, or dancing.
Making small, simple changes to your eating habits can go a long
way toward keeping you and your family healthy. Eating fruits and vegetables like mangos, avocados, and blueberries can lower blood pressure over time. Other smart choices include nuts, seeds, whole grains, lean proteins, and fi sh.
Smoking compounds risk factors for heart disease and the chemicals in tobacco smoke can harm your heart and blood vessels. Similarly, consuming alcohol excessively is associated with high blood pressure and certain types of alcohol are not permitted. Limiting alcohol consumption and stopping smoking — or avoiding secondhand smoke — can help reduce your risk.
If you develop high blood pressure, work with a healthcare professional to manage it, and visit heart.org/ hbpcontrol to find local blood pressure resources, step-by-step selfmonitoring videos, and more.
Knowing how to check your blood pressure correctly is essential, especially if your doctor recommends regular self-monitoring at home.
Be still. Don’t smoke, drink caffeine, or exercise during the 30 minutes before measuring your blood pressure. Empty your bladder and take at least five minutes of quiet rest time before measuring.
Sit correctly . Sit with your back straight and supported. Keep your feet flat on the floor and your legs uncrossed. Support your arm on a flat surface, such as a table, with your bicep at heart level. Place the bottom of the cuff directly above the bend of your elbow. Never take measurements over sleeves or other clothing.
Measure at the same time every day. For the greatest consistency, take readings at the same time daily, such as a set time in the morning and evening.
Take multiple readings and record the results. Each time you measure, take two to three readings approximately one minute apart and record the results to share with your doctor.
American Heart Association, Family Features, Getty ImagesMedical-grade facial peels are an effective way to rejuvenate your skin. Applied topically, they exfoliate, brighten, and refine your complexion, minimizing wrinkles, pores, dullness, scarring, and discoloration.
There are different types of peels with varying degrees of strength. Some are light, leaving your skin refreshed and glowing with little to no recovery time required. Deeper, stronger peels that stimulate the production of new collagen can deliver dramatic results. Below we explore a few different types of peels, but there are many more. Often, a combination of active ingredients is used in today’s customized designer peels.
Alpha-hydroxy (AHA), beta-hydroxy (BHA), and polyhydroxy (PHA) peels are typically milder exfoliants and can be applied to your face without the use of a numbing agent unless you’re getting a deep peel.
PHA peels are generally less irritating and are recommended for sensitive skin. AHA peels include enzyme and glycolic, lactic, and citric acid products. Glycolic acid, derived from sugar cane, is the reigning gold standard in peels. They come in mild, medium, and deep strengths based on the percentage of glycolic acid in the formula. “Natural” fruit enzyme peels are gaining popularity, with enzymes derived from pumpkin (yes, pumpkin is a fruit), papaya, pomegranate, pineapple, and fi gs that break down dead skin.
BHA peels tend to penetrate deeper into the skin than AHA peels. They include ingredients like salicylic acid, which helps remove surface oil, unclog pores, and evening out skin tone. Salicylic peels can be a good choice for acne-prone skin.
TCA (trichloracetic acid) chemical peels exfoliate and renew the skin, addressing hyperpigmentation, acne scars, fi ne lines and wrinkles, and sun damage. This type of peel is customized by applying more layers. Commonly used in a medium strength, there’s going to be some associated downtime, but you’ll love the healthier, smoother, brighter skin revealed once healing occurs.
A phenol peel can drastically improve skin tone, texture, and pigmentation. It’s an aggressive peel, penetrating deep into the skin, affecting the epidermis and the dermis. This type of peel usually requires a sedative and/or IV anesthesia during the procedure and an anesthetic cream to numb the face. Since a deep peel like this involves a more prolonged healing period, expect at least two weeks of downtime.
If you’re new to medical-grade peels, it’s a good idea to start with a lighter peel and see how it works for you and how your skin responds before trying a deeper peel. An experienced licensed aesthetician or dermatologist will evaluate your skin and recommend a peel that’s right for you.
BY AMY LAWRENCEIn 2023 design trends are moving towards transitional palettes of black and white and neutrals. One of the great things about “transitional design” is that it not only incorporates traditional elements with modern touches but it has shifted to styles that don’t become dated. This philosophy allows you to create a clean palette with your base design and pop in pieces with color and pattern through artwork, textiles, and even wallpapers, making it easier to update your decor without reinventing the wheel. Black and white elements are a favorite of mine. They never trend out, so they will look fabulous no matter what color or pattern you layer with them.
The home on this page was a complete remodel, so designing the kitchen in a black and white palette allowed us to pull in blue hues for the client’s sofa. We also used fun patterned chairs to add interest to the layout.
This living room used to be dark and heavy, so we painted the walls a bright white and the ceiling grid and built-in cabinet black creating the bold statement we wanted. The furnishings stayed neutral, and we layered in green pillows and ottomans and even added some orange to the coffee table. The coordinating art in the breakfast area pulls it all together.
We wanted to use the existing stone on the island countertop for this kitchen, and a black and white backdrop was the answer. Interest and contrast were added by incorporating oversized pendants and colorful decor.
This primary bathroom went from dark tones to light and bright with gorgeous high impact. The Schumacher “Queen of Spain” wallpaper is the showstopper in this space.
Amy is originally from Flower Mound and has planted her roots in the Rockwall area with her two daughters for the last 10 years. Today she leads the design committee for the Meals on Wheels Senior Service of Rockwall County and loves to travel and be with her girls.
he new year is a perfect time to start a new tradition. Instead of rolling out a laundry list of resolutions, try the practice of manifesting. Sometimes called the law of attraction, manifesting is the concept of creating your reality by visualizing it. When you manifest something, you are simply focusing your thoughts on your desired outcome. In other words, if you think it, it will come.
Manifesting has been around for centuries. The ancient Greek philosopher, Plato, observed as early as 391 BC that “like attracts like.” This means that people or things with the same vibrational frequency are drawn to each other. If you’re feeling stressed, you’ll probably attract more stress. And when you’re happy, you’ll attract more happiness.
Sound a little too woo-woo for you? There’s science behind manifestation. When you repeatedly visualize or verbalize something, your brain creates new neural pathways that will help you boost your ability to succeed with your intentions. So, the more you envision your best life, the more you begin to manifest it.
Get specific . What do you want — what do you really, really want? Get crystal clear on your goal. For example, instead of saying, “I want to get fit this year,” you might create a detailed picture of what you want to look like and be able to do in six months or a year from now. Maybe you want to fit into a certain size or play with your grandkids without getting winded.
Create a vision board. The subconscious mind speaks in images, which is why a vision board is one of the best tools to help you manifest your dream life. Collect images that inspire you and gather them together on a physical or digital board. Look at it daily and let your mind wander. Bonus tip: View your vision board right before bedtime. This can help keep your vision at the forefront of your mind.
Practice gratitude. When you focus on what you are thankful for, you begin to shift your mentality to one of abundance. Try spending a few minutes each day with a gratitude journal. This can help reduce your stress because when you focus on people or things that enhance your life, you create room for more joy. Start your day with positive affirmations. Saying statements like “I’m making the life I want” or “wealth and abundance flow to me” can help you change your beliefs on a subliminal level. Be sure to say these affirmations as though you have already obtained or achieved what you are manifesting. When you do so regularly, your brain begins to accept the statements as facts.
Can I manifest anything?
You could manifest better health, improved relationships, more money, increased business opportunities, a dream vacation — or anything else that matters to you.
Is learning to manifest difficult?
Manifesting your dream life isn’t hard, but it requires patience, consistency, and a positive outlook. It isn’t magic or instantaneous — it is being intentional and clear about what you want. Try writing about what you want every day and making it a morning or evening ritual. How do I know if manifesting is working?
While everyone is different, you might begin to feel hopeful or excited about the future. You can also listen to your intuition. For example, how do you feel when you think about what you are trying to manifest? Do you feel at ease and relaxed, or do your shoulders hunch and your stomach begins to churn? If you feel good, your manifestation may be in the works.
What if what I’m manifesting doesn’t happen?
What you’re dreaming of may not happen according to your timeline, but don’t give up. Be patient and stick with your intention. Some things simply take time.
With deep roots in Texas history, the rodeo is a cultural tradition and exhibition of skill where participants spur bucking horses, rope and wrestle cattle, and race around the arena for prize money and bragging rights across Texas.
Hand in hand with stockyards, many modern rodeos include extra enticements to attend, including barbecue competitions, carnivals, live music, shopping, and petting zoos. And because rodeo history is also tied to Spanish and Mexican culture — the word rodeo comes from the Spanish word rodear, or to surround — many of the big-city rodeos include a charreada — a Mexican rodeo, as a part of the popular, family-friendly past-time of a modern rodeo.
Here are our top fi ve picks from the many rodeos available in the state.
Boasting an “oldest continuously operating rodeo” title, this 1896-founded tradition springs to life each year and will be held from January 13 through February 4, 2023. The Southwestern Exposition and Livestock Show, better known as the Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo, includes a dazzling pro rodeo
competition and real-life ranch hands in Best of the West Rodeo. The Cowboys of Color night on January 16th highlights African American, Hispanic, and Native American contributions to rural western traditions.
The Texas Champions Challenge gathers the cream of the crop riders from across the Lone Star State, and the Best of Mexico Celebration showcases traditional charreada events with escaramuzas, mariachis, and charros in distinctive embroidered suits. Hear a concert in the Bud Light Roadhouse, and while you’re in town, don’t miss the cattle drive on East Exchange Avenue in the Stockyards National Historic District — a historically accurate blast from the past.
Location: 3400 Burnett Tandy Drive
Fort Worth, Texas 76107
Tickets: $39+ FWSSR.com
Rodeo Austin’s history stretches back to a small parade of 20 calves in the 1940 Baby Beef Show. Today, the event has grown into a nonprofit scholarship fund generating a two-week exhibition of jaw-dropping pro rodeo competitions, livestock education, concerts, carnival rides, and more in mid-March. Watch cowboys execute extreme bareback riding, bull riding, and other ranch hand stunts, then cheer cowgirls barrel racing at breakneck speed in a cloverleaf pattern. Kids join in astride sheep for the mutton bustin’ competition. Check out the furry and feathered baby chicks in the chick hatchery, and then enjoy The Gold Stirrup Show, featuring riders with special needs. The event runs from March 10 to 25, 2023.
Location: 9100 Decker Lake Road
Austin, Texas 78724
Tickets: $30+ RodeoAustin.com
Throw a chuck wagon race into the playbill of rodeo events in an enormous stadium in Texas’ largest city, and you get the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. No modern-day horse girl worth her salt would miss what the Houston Rodeo calls “one of the most prestigious horse shows in the world,” and certainly, no animal lover could skip the baby
Rodeo Austinanimals birthing center, petting zoo, or pony rides. Check out the calendar of events for neurodivergent-friendly accommodations such as Sensory Friendly Day when, according to the website, “there will be minimal lights and sounds permitted in the carnival.” Also, enjoy a mariachi band competition and charro events on Go Tejano Day and more. The rodeo, established in 1931, runs from February 28 to March 19 this year.
Location: NRG Parkway
Houston, Texas 77054
Tickets: $25+ RodeoHouston.com
The San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo ropes from February 9 through 26 this year and includes a charreada event that transports viewers to old-time Mexico. Only six ranches are invited to participate in the Ranch Rodeo, a different kind of competition that features teams of cowboys from working ranches. They compete against each other in events like what they do every day, such as steer loading, calf branding, roping, and tying. Concerts, fairgrounds, and vendors make this a well-rounded event for the family, and of course, the nearby Riverwalk is a wonderful place to stop while you’re in town.
Location: 723 AT&T Center Parkway
San Antonio, Texas 78219
Tickets: $15+ SARodeo.com
Kicking off the rodeo with a free parade, the West of Pecos Rodeo is our pick for the best outside-the-city and off-thebeaten-path rodeo. After all, rodeos are a showcase of life away from the metropolis. Visit the Old Timers Reunion to hear the elders chew the cud and regale visitors with stories of ranch times long past. Or bring your boots to two-step at the Sheriff’s Posse Nightly Dance. You’ve only got four days in June, from the 21st to the 24th, to enjoy this classic rodeo under the big West Texas sky.
Location: 1556 S Cedar Street
Pecos, Texas 79772
Tickets: $10+ PecosRodeo.com
INGREDIENTS: 1 cup cashew milk | 1 cup spinach | ½ of an avocado | 1 cup pineapple chunks, frozen | 1 cup mango chunks, frozen | 1 Tbsp. chia seeds | 1 Tbsp. honey
DIRECTIONS: PLACE cashew milk and spinach in a blender and blend until smooth, 1 to 2 minutes. ADD avocado, pineapple, mango, chia seeds, and honey, and blend until smooth. POUR into a large glass and top with fresh fruit.
Recipe by Melissa Tate
INGREDIENTS: ½ cup creamy peanut butter | 1/3 cup honey | 1 tsp. vanilla extract | 1 cup raw oats | ½ cup sweetened shredded coconut | ½ cup fl axseed meal | 6 Tbsp. mini chocolate chips
DIRECTIONS: STIR peanut butter, honey, and vanilla extract in a medium mixing bowl, until combined. ADD oats, coconut, flaxseed meal, and chocolate chips. MIX until combined. SHAPE into 1-inch balls. STORE in an airtight container in the refrigerator until ready to serve.
Recipe by Culinary.net
INGREDIENTS: 2/3 cup peanut or almond butter | ½ cup honey | 1 Tbsp. coconut oil | ¼ tsp. salt | ½ tsp. cinnamon | 2 cups quick oats | ½ cup almond slivers | 1/3 cup unsweetened shredded coconut (toppings) | 1 Tbsp. mini chocolate chips | 1 Tbsp. pepitas | 2 Tbsp. dried cranberries | 2 Tbsp. whole almonds
DIRECTIONS: MELT peanut butter, honey, and coconut oil in a large pot over medium heat until smooth and beginning to boil. REMOVE from heat and add salt and cinnamon. FOLD in oats, coconut, and almond slivers. TRANSFER the mixture to an 8”x8” pan lined with parchment paper. PRESS mixture into pan evenly. SPRINKLE toppings onto the mixture and use a metal spatula to press into the mixture and pack firmly. PLACE in refrigerator until set, approximately one hour. REMOVE from refrigerator, pull the mixture out of the pan with parchment paper and cut into bars. KEEP at room temperature for up to 10 days and in the fridge for up to 14 days.
Recipe by Melissa TateFor campers aged 4 to 11, we have options varying from our classic day camp experience, to our half-day sunshine programs for our youngest.
Afternoon and evening camp fun for older campers from the 6 th to the 9 th grade. Experience camp with added challenges and competitions.
Designed for high schools students, our CT Servant Leadership program is our newest camp for future staff members.
Planning some travel in the Cincha’s Travel to your airport essentials. This chic accessory neatly secures your personal bag to your carry-on or checked luggage handle so that you can maneuver the terminal
Perfect for everything from a night out on the town to a workout at the gym, Pixie Woo hair clips are the ideal balance between trendsetting design and a product that can hold up all day. Their durable yet chic claw clips are made of cellulose acetate and come with a six-month manufacturer defect warranty effective on the delivery date.
Make baking a breeze with the EvolutionX Cordless Rechargeable Hand Mixer Easily recharged with a USB cord, it features five-speeds and heavyduty beaters that make quick work of prep tasks, from whipping cream and beating eggs to mixing batters.